How to manage Events ⤎ Home

Introduction to Events

Events are created to run workshops. A workshop, seminar, or class in Cognise is known as a Session. A session has ‘Types’ which can be: In-person, Online, and now an In-person & online option. System and Creator Admins can create an Event. All admins, including Schedulers can create and manage sessions, and use messaging.

This ‘how to’ guide is for HR, Learning & Development, and Cognise Admins and outlines for how to: set up an event; set up sessions; register people; send messages; track and report.

We’ll cover: key features for admins managing sessions of an event creating an event creating a message from an event editing an event creating a message from a session how to access event features managing received messages from a session creating an in person session instructors & trainers receiving event and session messages creating an online session tracking attendance how to edit a session event learning report how to access more session features event sessions report how to manage session enrolments user experience for accessing events key features of live remote sessions user experience for registering interest session registrations enrolling people user experience for accessing in-person classroom sessions event sessions schedule user experience for accessing online webinars ⤎ Home

Features for Admins Events

System, and Creator Admins can utilise all of the following features. (Note: Scheduler admins can do all except create/edit events): • create events - and then add unlimited sessions of any of three types: in person; online (live remote class, microsoft teams event, third party online event); and a combo of in-person with online (people can attend in person or remote). • use the live remote class with streaming video to present webinars - presenters deliver online direct from Cognise. • allocate a lead trainer, as well as add additional trainers - auto notified with .ics to add to their calendar, and also on any updates. • register people - they are auto notified with .ics to add the appointment to their calendar. • use extensive reporting metrics - drill down on: room capacity/occupancy, attendance, enrolled, and unenrolled. Admins can also … • segment & send targeted communications to individuals and groups. • choose to receive attendee messages (immediately, hourly, daily) when anyone emails from a session. • use a sign in sheet - to mark attendance, mark digitally, or allow self-marking of attendance. • use the Azure AD Microsoft Teams Events integration – and create Microsoft Teams Events based sessions. • add URLs to 3rd party online events - Zoom, WebEx. ⤎ Home

Creating an Event

Steps to creating an Event 1. On the main , go to the ‘Learning’ , click the plus, select Event as the Learning Type. 2. Give the Event a Name. 3. Add a Description. 4. Cover in bullet point format ‘What You’ll Learn’. 5. Choose Duration. This will be the time displayed to users. 6. Choose a Topic. 7. Select an Instructor (logged in admin will be automatically selected). 8. Use the set default Catalog or choose another you have setup. 9. Decide whether to check: Allow Users to Mark Attendance, Allow Waitlisting is auto set on session creation, Users can enrol in more than one session, so can register and attend multiple sessions within the same event, unchecked means only one session registration per event. 10. When ready, click ‘Create Draft Event’. ⤎ Home

How to edit an Event

Once created, an event displays a left panel which has three tabs: Overview, Filter and Edit.

Under Edit • Name. • Description. • What You’ll Learn.

Under Show Advanced Fields is: • Duration - the length of the event seen by users. Each session can be any length. • Topic - the category selected for the event. • Instructor - the designated overall course instructor, presenter, or person leading the event • Set a Valid Completion Period – the default is empty meaning completion is perpetual. If you place a number like 365, it means post completion there are 365 days until renewal. Users are auto notified prior.

Panel edit field explanations continue on the next slide. ⤎ Home

How to edit an Event

Event Editing - continued from previous slide.

Under Show Advanced Fields are also: • Require Approval to Enrol - this triggers an approval for everyone. • This restriction can be reduced by adding pre-approved users: in a group, has a meta value, or is a manager. Once ‘Require Approval to Enrol’ is selected and saved, we will see ‘Pre Approvals’ at the top of the panel. • There is also an option to also have ‘Managers Should Approve’. This means the request will automatically go to the manager of the person. • Approval Requests also appears as a tab on the main event page. • When ‘Allow Waitlisting by Default’ is checked all sessions on creation inherit this setting. It can be changed on a session. • When checked ‘Users can enrol in more than one session’ - this allows multiple session registrations and/or multiple session waitlists by an individual in the event. Unchecked means a user can only register or waitlist once for a single session. • When ‘Allow Users to Mark Attendance’ is checked a link will display to users to self mark attendance. • Checked ‘Send Completion Notification’ - once completed people receive a notification. • If admins need to Unpublish an event - click Unpublish. This removes the event from the user library. (Users no longer can see the event). It does not affect any sessions (future or past) with registrations. ⤎ Home

How to access Event Features

Once an event has been created at the header level of the page (called the ‘Hero’) we see tabs Enrolments and Sessions. If Approval is required, also shown is ‘Approval Requests’. On the event page, under the Sessions tab click the plus to add new sessions.

Under the right side ellipsis when clicked, we see several options. The following display for an Event:

• Send a Message – creates a message for the session. • View Messages navigates to the messaging hub, and filters to display any messages relating to the event. • Learning Report - takes admin to the event report which displays all enrolments in the event. • Event Sessions Report - takes admin to a report. summarising stats for all sessions of the event. • Waitlist Requests Report navigates directly to the requests report filtering on all Waitlists. Outstanding can be actioned here too. • Assign to Users - the event is assigned to individuals. • Add to Catalog - select a catalog to add the event too. • Share - let people know about this event. ⤎ Home

Creating an In Person Session

For All admins, to add an In Person Session: From the Event click the right side plus. This brings up a modal with these fields: 1. Type - select In Person Session. 2. Select Start Date / Time. End Date / Time is automatically updated based on the duration set at the event e.g. 1hr. The field is modifiable. 3. Select Venue. This will auto populate Max Seats which can be adjusted at anytime. (Venues are setup by system admins in config). 4. Trainer. Select a person as a lead trainer, add any Additional Trainers. 5. Session Outline is optional. If populated it is only for this session and will be in the email received by registrants. 6. Publish Session (default) allows for users to see and register. Admins can enrol people in draft sessions – no enrolment email is triggered. 7. Allow Users to Mark Attendance. Or, have the presenter mark. 8. Allow Waitlisting. This allows waitlisting when this session is full. 9. *Allow Users to Attend Remotely people can also attend online. 10. Save. On Save, by default the session is Published. Once the Session has been added, admins have the option to add further sessions, as well as after closing the . ⤎ Home

Creating an Online Session

For All admins - to add an Online Session: From the Event click the right side plus. This brings up a modal with these fields: 1. Type select Live Remote Class. Other remote options are: Microsoft Teams Event (when using our Azure AD Teams integration), and Third Party Online Event (e.g. Zoom URL pasted in), . 2. Select Start Date / Time. End Date / Time is automatically updated based on the duration set at the event e.g. 1hr. The field is modifiable. 3. Time zone. Automatically selected from the logged in user’s profile. 4. Trainer. Select a person as a Presenter, and add any additional. 5. Max Seats. For our live remote session we have currently set the Max Seats to 95 allowing an additional 5 presenters. Cognise can go up to 250 remote attendees if required. 6. Session Outline (optional). 7. Allow Users to Mark Attendance. Or, you can have the presenter marks attendance. 8. Allow Waitlisting for this session. If set at event it is auto enabled. 9. Save. On Save, by default the session is Published. ⤎ Home

How to edit a Session

Once created, all session types display a left panel. This displays three tabs Overview, Filter and Edit. Illustrating here with an In-person session, under the Edit tab we see: • Start Date / Time. Editing for a session occurring in the future will send an update email. • End Date / Time. If edited, same as above – notification email is triggered. • Timezone. (*Online sessions only - not shown). If edited, a notification email is triggered. This represents the time and zone of the session itself. • Venue. (In-person only - shown). If changed, a notification email is triggered. The time zone is based off the venue’s physical location. • Max Seats. Inherited from the Venue (setup by System Admin in Config). Handy if a session needs restricted seats will alert once reached. Max Seats can be changed here. • Trainer. This represents the lead trainer. If changed each trainer receives an email, the former and the new trainer. • Additional Trainers. Important when other presenters who also need a calendar invite. They are not ‘registered’ in the course. They also receive invites, and any updates or changes. • Session Outline (Optional). If populated it is for this session only. The outline goes into the body of the email which is received by trainers and registrants. • Allow Users to Attend Remotely. This allows anyone who is registered to attend the in-person session to attend remotely. A link is created and the trainer can present in-person (classroom attendees) as well as to others remotely (or, even present to all remotely). • Allow Users to Mark Attendance. Very helpful especially if people are attending online. • New Feature: Allow Waitlisting. This enables waitlisting for this session. ⤎ Home

How to access more Session Features

Messages • Shown in the image below, next to the Session Registrations tab is the Messages tab. All messages relating to the session can be filtered here and new ones created.

Filter On the left panel the ‘Filter’ tab allows admins and trainers to: • Under Search on people. • Under Show displays the current enrolment status – Active, Downloads Absent, etc. • A Sign In Sheet can be Downloaded by clicking the arrow as shown. • Clicking Cancelled • Clicking the same arrow, All Registrations can be Exported as .CSV. will displayed all Locked Session cancelled registrations. • Any Session ‘in the past’ will be locked for editing. As shown above, click the info bar, or the left panel to unlock to edit, and mark attendance. ⤎ Home

How to Manage Session Enrolments

Registrations All people registered for a session are displayed on the main body of the session page.

• Active Sessions will display a vertical ellipsis on each row allowing admins to change the registration status. • If a registration row is clicked, a will open (as shown for the registration of Audrey Hepburn.

This window includes: • Information on any Related Sessions means any other sessions of the same event the person enrolled. In this case it displays one session where Audrey was Absent. • The Reschedule allows admins to cancel and move someone out of one session into another available session if one exists. ⤎ Home

Key Features of Live Remote Sessions

From any event, admins can quickly setup a live stream session and register people, or have people self- register. Registrants can launch and participate inside of Cognise. No other software is required. • Stream live video directly from within Cognise. • Fully Secure. • 16 Video Feeds. • Up to 250 Participants. • Screen share. • Presenters can share resources directly from Cognise. • Full chat facility – add links. • Access on desktop, laptop, mobile. • Switch different layout modes – Tiles and Presentation ⤎ Home

Session Registrations Enrolling People

All admins can register people, reschedule, and cancel registrations. Steps to registering from a session are: 1. Go to the Event > Session. 2. If the session is in the future, admins will see the plus to add registrations. (as shown).

If an alert displays ‘Session Full’ admins can over ride at the session under Edit > Max Seats and allocate more seats. ⤎ Home

Events Sessions Schedule

Sitting under the main Learning tab Learning > Sessions the Schedule displays all sessions for all events. • The sessions are sorted from future at the top to past sessions scrolling down. • A session row shows the Day, Date, Year and Start Time (Time zone). The 2nd line displays the Event name and lead trainer. • A Tag is displayed when a session has an online component (online, or in person & online). Multiple filters (on the left panel on the schedules page - not shown here) can be applied including date range, session type (in-person, remote), event, trainers, venues. • Admins can navigate to the Event Sessions Report where all sessions for all events display, and various filters can be applied. ⤎ Home

Managing Sessions of an Event

For Filtering Sessions in an Event there are a number of filters that can be applied. On the Event, left side of the screen select the Filter tab: • Date Range - select a date from and to to filter. • Show - filter for different options e.g. Current with Spaces.. • Type - filter for In Person Session, Live Remote Class, Teams Event, Third Party Online Event. • Trainers - filter for a lead or supporting trainer. • Venues - filter venues for In-person sessions • Session ID - all sessions have a Session ID, session on an ID. ⤎ Home

Creating a Message from an Event

Communications are an effective way to send targeted email messages from an event. On the event page, an admin can select Messages from the ellipsis on the right side header. This navigates to the communications hub and filters for any of the event’s messages. Creating a message coming from an Event will populate the ‘Related To’ field in the message with the name of the event.

Admins can select various options including Enrolment Status in the event. In addition to Completed, or Credited, there are 5 more options:

• Unenrolled - means anyone in the system who has not enrolled in any of the sessions of the event.

• Assigned - people who have been assigned the event and have not started it (i.e. have not registered in any session).

• In Progress, or Retaking - registered for a session in the event, or previously completed the event & are now retaking. (e.g. yearly renewal).

• Interested – there are no sessions and people have registered interest. • Failed - someone who did not show up to a session (and marked absent) and subsequently marked as Failed for the event enrolment. ⤎ Home

Creating a Message from a Session

Communications are a very effective way to filter for existing, and also send targeted email messages directly from Sessions.

• In the session, on the Messages tab, click the plus to create the session message.

• Once the message is created, under Recipients admins can select various filter options including Enrolment Status in the session.

• A session will usually have registered people Scheduled to Attend who are still to attend

• A session may also have people who Attended the session. • A session may have completed and there were people marked Absent.

The other message tabs and filter options for a session email are:

• People - this displays all people and any person or everyone can be selected.

• Groups - any group can be selected. • Meta Groups - options from defined meta fields appear. ⤎ Home

Managing received Messages from a Session

When someone replies to a session message an admin can open the unread message, quickly review. They can also navigate to the event or session by clicking links at the top of the message window. • If someone has cancelled out of a session (as illustrated) but might wish to attend another session in the same event, the admin can click Event to navigate directly to the event and then find a suitable session, and register the person into a new session.

• If the email received was more indicating a reschedule to another session, the admin can click on the session link (displaying date and time) to go directly to the session to review the registration, and reschedule directly from the session. ⤎ Home

Instructors & Trainers receiving Event & Session Messages

Events • When someone replies to a message from an event and the admin listed as instructor for the event has set to be notified immediately, hourly or daily they will receive a copy of that email. Sessions • When someone replies to a session message and the session trainer has set to be notified immediately, hourly, or daily they will receive a copy of that email. • If someone replies directly to a session invite email, the trainer of the session will receive also copy.

Setting up to receive trainer related notifications This is done by each user, in their user view under Edit > Profile > Notifications tab. ⤎ Home

Tracking Attendance

Admins can download a Course Sign in sheet to mark attendance.

Admins can digitally mark attendance.

Participants can self-mark attendance. (set by admins). ⤎ Home

Event Learning Report

A Learning Report displays the Learning Status (progress) in the learning itself which in this case is an Event.

• From the Event - select Learning Report. • Report on Learning Status e.g. Completed the event by having attended at least one session. And also track Session Status of the enrolment e.g. Registered, Attended, Absent. • Detailed stats, filtered information, smart data grid.

• Export PDF or .CSV.

• In the data grid, if the Event was assigned with a target or fixed due then the Due Date would be populated.

• In the data grid, a completed Event which has a ‘Valid Completion Period’ set ‘Days Until Expiry’ will display a number.

• Easily extend & export data to integrate with an analytics tool like Microsoft Power BI. ⤎ Home

Event Sessions Report

An Event Sessions Report displays information on all sessions belonging to the event.

• From the Event – select Event Sessions Report. • The data grid rows will display the Event Name and each column will cover information relevant to a session and includes: Date; Start Time; End Time; Max Spaces; % Full; Number Enrolled; Lead Trainer; Status of the Session e.g. Published; Venue (will be populated if in-person session type); Capacity allocated to the session. Waitlisting Requests.

• Report filters provide additional help in narrowing the data set. • Reports can be exported as PDF, and .CSV. ⤎ Home

User Experience for Accessing Events

In user view a person can filter on Type and select Events. This will filter will display Events only. The user then can hover on a panel and click ‘View Sessions’. (as shown on the right). This will take the person to the event and display available sessions, as well as any they are registered. On an Event page the user can: • Choose to Enrol into a single session. A user can enrol in multiple (if enabled) • Reschedule to a new, or Cancel from an existing to another session. • If Waitlist is enabled when a session is full a user can waitlist. The user can waitlist in multiple is permitted to register in multiple sessions of the event. Otherwise only a single registration or waitlist is permitted. The user view is fully responsive, so the same detail displays on a mobile device along with the same functionality. ⤎ Home

User Experience for Showing Interest

In user view when an event no longer has any published sessions a user can register interest and they can also remove it. Registering Interest and removing it can be done by a User at the: • event panel • event page The user view is fully responsive, so the same detail displays on a mobile device along with the same functionality. ⤎ Home

User Experience for In-person Classroom Sessions

Once a person has registered for a session of an event, they will receive a notification email outlining all details of the session. In Cognise an end user can: • View details of the session. • Choose to Reschedule or Cancel. Reschedule will present any available sessions with spaces. Any reschedule will trigger a cancel and a new registration email. Selecting cancel will remove the registration and trigger an cancel email. • If the session is an in-person session a map will display in the session along with venue details. • If the in-person session has a remote component this will be in the email as well as displayed on the session itself. • For those intending to attend remotely, 15 minutes prior to the session time the map image on the screen changes to a display a solid colour with a launch button. (a link to the map still displays). ⤎ Home

User Experience for Online Webinars

Key end-user features. People can: • Self-enrol into an online session. • Click to Launch Online Event and then Join Session. • Fully participate and with or without video/audio, use chat and learn J • Reschedule to any other future session of the same event. • Cancel from an existing session registration. • Access via mobile, laptop, or desktop.

Other key aspects: • No plugins or 3rd party software. Launch and participate from within Cognise. • Receive Outlook (or Gmail) appointment with .ics for every session or any change e.g. time.