Consultation Document Section 3

Your Views

Other Issues of Concern

ID Comment Tier 1 Local community engagement in developing excellent 2 services 2 The negative effects of disruptive behaviour in the classroom. 2 E.g. the progress of children who want to learn being impeded by disruptions from pupils who do not want to learn. 3 Supply teachers are used far too often. Good teachers should 3 teach and not hand over to supply for the slightest reason,. 4 I feel it is important to keep schools as small as possible, as 3 each pupil receives more individual help and attention. 6 Schools remaining as part of the local community 3 9 Results used to measure success only reflect academy 3 achievement not personal + social concerns. 11 Why has it taken so long to realise that 3 tier schools 2 means more cost (ie) 3 schools in a child’s education career compared to 2 and also children in middle schools are unlikely to be to priority at KS2 as they are not at top of school, therefore results are poorer. 16 I have taught in both 2 tier and 3 tier systems and find 2 tier 3 much better particularly for 11-14 year old with a much sounder foundation for G.C.S.E. courses after 3 years in senior school. 24 Having experienced two-tier system as a pupil and as a 3 teacher for 10 yrs and now working in a 3-tier system I strongly believe 2-tier system is better for primary aged children. They are too young to be in a secondary setting. Giving pupils the best start in life. 2/3 33 36 I am totally in support of a 3-tier system. I could tick 3+ boxes 3 above but I am still in favour of the 3-tier system for Suffolk. 41 I feel that there is a flaw in the premise which puts so much 2 weight on changes of school. [Cambridgeshire school] children change school at ages 7, 11 and 16, but their results are good. 42 An appropriate education system not based on the historical 3 model. 43 Teacher workload. 3 Recruitment – particularly Headteachers. 44 The key issue is probably how to create good schools that 2 allow children/students to flourish and achieve high attainments. This is rarely about size or patterns of organisation. 45 Enabling young people to become valuable/valued members 2 of society. Allowing young people to develop intellectually and fulfil their potential.


46 Feel it very confusing at present with East, West and North 2 areas all different. Feel strongly we should have 1 system for whole county. 49 This pamphlet is incredibly biased and asks leading questions 3 which lead people to 2 tiers. 53 By support – I mean helping parents to be better parents – 3 especially of young children – not providing childcare and thus undermining family time and close family units 54 To manage the points of change in the three tier system more 3 logically to minimise disruption to students during SATs years whilst keeping a system with great merit. 55 That the whole child has a broad and balanced curriculum 3 with specialist teachers wherever possible. 61 The huge difficulties of reorganisation without funding. 3 63 Middle schools provide a supportive ‘mid-education’ point – 3 smaller like primaries, but with specialist teachers like upper schools in a protective nurturing environment. I do not want to see this change because of SATs/GCSE results. 64 Good discipline in schools, generally, across the U.K. No tier Provision of books and equipment without the need to have entered schools fund-raising or collecting coupons from supermarkets etc etc. 67 Pupil + Staff safety within school – Bullying. 3 Letting younger pupils (below 14) retain their childhood free from ‘older pupil’ influences. 68 First year at middle school should have a primary school 3 curriculum and approach to ease transition. 69 Good individual support encouragement for children. 3 Confidence nurtured and achievement encouraged through personal development. 70 For a number of years I ran after school clubs at a number of 2 schools. I was just excluded without any reason and the club ceased to exist. Why! 71 Children are not being taught at home to show respect – both 2 to adults and their peers. 72 Choice of provision focused on the learner. 2 73 As a parent I feel that most children are unable to cope with 3 the secondary system at nine years old. This is made worse by the middle schools attitude to parents. 74 Renewing the work ethic in secondary schools 2/3 75 Special needs students at colleges. 2 Colleges not providing up to date training for these students. What happens when course finishes? 76 -Back to basics teaching of reading, writing and maths for 11 2 year olds to improve. -Stretching + giving extra opportunities for gifted and talented students of all ages (esp. taking extra GCSE’s or early) 77 It would be good if Year 6’s moved onto High Schools after 2 SATs/summer term half term. 78 Age 9 is too young to be faced with the change – for many the 3 logistics of getting kids safely to 2 schools is stressful. 79 At present, our middle schools are run rather like secondary 3 schools. Where has the good primary practice gone from Yrs


5-6 with specialisation only in art, music and PE? 81 Continuity on student progression through the school system. 3 Children in middle schools seem to be at least a term behind those in a Junior/Secondary system. 90 • Teacher Redundancy 3 • Continuation of government money • Realistic building program 93 Avoid changing schools midway through Keystages, 3 disrupting curriculum learning + possible achievements. 94 I feel children in 3 tier schools may not have the advantage of 3 the new initiatives that the 2 tier model gives. 96 When the changes happen (or if) what the effect will be on the 3 children involved in the changes. This will be both of mine. 100 We have a 15 yr old (High school) 13 yr old (Middle) + 5 yr old 3 (1st School). We think the 5 yr old would miss out if stayed until 11 in 1 school and miss out specialist teaching/facilities eg science labs, music tuition etc all provided so well at Stow Middle. 102 [Middle School Name] Middle is an excellent school. I would 3 much rather my children spend year 5-6 at SMS, rather than a primary school. They will have so many more opportunities. 103 Attention to childs individual needs supervised transport to 3 schools for younger children. 110 Safe + happy environment – comfortable and teachers know 3 the students personally – they are not numbers or too intimidated to speak, less problems with bullying – smaller school and age range less bullying. 114 Concerns when younger children such as year 7 – to be Tier not mixed with year groups up to 18 yrs bad influence. Keep the entered. village schools and the innocence of young children and behaviour in control. 117 Two-tier/Three-tier issue. 3 126 Success criteria is only based on academic results not Tier not personal + social development entered. Keeping good schools going. If its not broken why fix it. 3 132 Reorganisation costs a lot of money. It needs to be an improvement. 134 I was educated in the 3 tier system and it would be a shame to 3 lose it. Having a smaller age gap is less daunting for children. 137 Having taught in two + three tier systems I find the transfer in 2 a three tier system is smoother. 141 Smaller high schools 2 143 1. Avoiding very large schools at secondary level. 3 2. Enabling KS3 children to develop without too much pressure from role models of older teenagers. 148 Too bigger age range in 1 school 3 152 Sixth form provision for children who live outside of Ipswich. 2 154 For many years my children have lived in a two tier system. 3 But I truly believe that the three tier system has created a vastly more socially minded children. 156 Concerned that we are using the 3 tier system as the 3 scapegoat for poor results and failing schools – in our local pyramid which is 3 tier our results are high but then we have good schools with good discipline.


157 Years 5 & 6 at Middle school should have access to primary 3 practice. As a parent, my two children like the 3-tier system & we prefer our 10 year old to not be in with 16 year olds! We’d also like to respond as parents. 159 I have 4 children in the 3 tier system and definitely think it 3 should be kept. It allows smaller village primary schools to be retained, gives an easy transition to excellent middle schools with social development and academic [CONTINUED OVER 161 My experience of working in both 2 tier and 3 tier systems is 2 that young people are noticeably held back academically, socially & behaviourally in 3 tier system. Splitting KS3 is irrational. 165 POINTED QUESTIONS: 3 tier better 3 167 Middle schools keep students immature. They take most of yr 3 9 to grow up & seem very childish and irresponsible, see themselves as primary. 169 I am very concerned about the low achievement of 11 year 3 olds in Suffolk. The 3 tier system seems to be costly and not giving value for money. 170 Keep village schools Tier not Keep schools small entered. -villages not cities 179 Job security/change of job descriptions. 3 183 Three tier system gives children opportunity to use more 3 sophisticated equipment at age 9 instead of waiting till age 11. 185 There is no substitute for small family schools within the 3 community that provide a caring and secure foundation for small children. 202 Middle school make children more confident for high schools. 3 Teachers nor parents can not cope with all new houses + no more schools, middle schools have to stay.

Middle schools are too much like upper schools. Young 3 208 children need the nurture & care provided by primary schools till they are at least 11 years old. This also shows in attainment results. 213 Children are ready for greater independence + responsibility 3 at 9. Middle schools give them a chance to grow up & pick up anything not taught well at primary schools. At middle school still slightly protected from bad, or worldly wise behaviour of older children. 223 I am deeply concerned that the booklet leans towards the 2 3 tier system. Could it be that you have already made your minds up???!!! 224 Children grow up far too quickly and benefit from staying in an 3 environment where they want to learn. 225 If we switch to a two tier system how will existing/new 3 secondary schools be adequately funded and staffed to cope with the increased student intake. 227 1. Costs of changing a well established and successful 3 system 2. Disruption to pupil education, staff employment during changeovers


229 That the system will change from 3 tier to 2 tier purely for 2 financial reasons 231 Healthy meals and snacks. 2 More exercise, access to swimming. 233 I feel that the information presented was extremely biased 3 against the three tier system. The emphasis is on academic achievement rather than what is best for the pupils social and emotional needs (which I believe are best supported by the 3 tier system). 244 I feel that 13 yr is too old to still be in a school where 9 yr olds 3 are they start to teach the younger ’s bad habits earlier on in life. 245 Disruption caused by mass changes. 3 Staff/pupil uncertainty. School closures (especially village primary) 248 Long term bullying (two tier) 3 Children learning to mix with new friends (personal and social development) 252 Education is relevant to all abilities especially children with 2 lower educational skills. Too much emphasis on A & O levels & university places and not allowing children of a lower ability to achieve to their full potential. 253 I believe children should automatically stay on at school until 2 they are 18 yrs old. If all schools had the same chances of everything their would be no changing catchment schools. 254 Provision for Special Needs – Inclusion. Tier not entered.

255 Providing every opportunity to every pupil/student that attends 2 each school. Not having schools that are low achievers & that parents do not wish their children to attend. 256 A good working relationship between High Schools and their 2 cluster primaries. Up to date equipment e.g. smart boards funded (not fundraised for!) 257 How it will affect choices of schools out of catchment area. 3 Also losing good schools for S E N children. 258 I am concerned at the constant ‘push’ for all children with SEN 3 to be included in mainstream with what appears to be little regard for one individual child. 259 Children with special needs or behavioural problems need 3 separate facilities within any school. They are a huge distraction on the majority. 260 Working as a supply teacher in many 3 tier schools, I think 2 you need to look at what materials the teachers are working with. There are a lot of children out there who do not want to learn, whose behaviour is continually disruptive making it difficult for those who do want to learn to get on, and difficult for the teacher to teach. Nothing to do with teacher effort or organisation of schools. T.A’s cannot replace QUALIFIED supply teachers. 261 I found my child was ready for a change at nine years old. 3 New rules and more discipline + awards for good work and behaviour. I think the change would be too late at 13/14 in a


two tier structure. 262 I think that special care should be taken when new subjects 2 are introduced into schools, so that the subjects are equally as good and stable as any other subject, and that the teaching is good enough so that they will last. The subjects shouldn’t be introduced simply because they are new or different, they must be good and stable. 264 Special schools should stay as they are. 3 265 Most parents carefully consider out of school activities eg 3 breakfast and out of school clubs in addiction to core performance. It’s a great way to promote learning and raise more funding. 266 A proper career structure and rewards for Teaching 2 Assistants. 267 The present 3 entrance dates for Reception children puts a 2 huge disadvantage on the Easter entrants. One term of Reception education is totally inadequate before year 1. Entrance for all in Sept or at the most – Sept. and Christmas. 268 Too many children of U.S. personnel in key stage 1 – no room 3 for my own children on moving to area because of this. 269 Teach moral philosophy in secondary schools instead of 2 religious education or in addition to.

2 270 Much of my work is with students in Cambs. Who have been ‘thrown out’ of school, - often as a result of having had inadequate support at primary level, and of being forced to follow an unsuitable curriculum. 271 Keeping access to school safe – E.g. in 1974 pupils at 3 [Primary School and Middle School] had 2 lollipop crossings. Today – 2006 increased pupil and car numbers – there is no safe crossing or patrol. 272 Choice of schools at all ages. 3 273 These questions are loaded towards two tier. This 3 questionnaire does not address directly the retention of the three tier vs two tier but they are hidden behind these questions. I like a new two tier 4-13 13-18. 276 It concerns me greatly that the trend seems to be that parents 2 no longer have to look after their own children & that more & more social responsibility is falling on schools. 280 Results @ key stage 2 in three tier schools 3 283 My 4th issue is fewer changes of school 3 286 Huge duplication of effort by Governing bodies. This could be 3 rationalised and streamlined as part of any change, subject to legal requirements. 287 Stop making changes all the time – try and concentrate on 3 teaching children the basics of education. Continual change is a cost none of us can afford. 289 It is necessary to remember that schools are for education not 2 for ‘child-minding’. 290 Middle schools give much more pastoral care. Also children 3 with S.E.N. are better cared for in middle schools. 291 Two tier system does not offer 9-11 year olds sufficient 3 challenges.


293 • Environmental sustainability – including considerations 2 relating to school travel, green build, CO2 emissions from schools • Health schools – all schools should actively promote + engender healthy living amongst pupils and staff. 299 I feel the 3 tier system has too much disruption for a child and 2 its good for older children to be separate from the much younger ones. 300 If two tier system is put into operation I am concerned how this 3 will affect all children during the changeover. The last changeover had a detrimental effect for sometime afterwards. 302 KS2 overall results need improvement in the Suffolk area. 2 303 It is imperative that the system is standardised in Suffolk. A 2 ‘middle tier’ is so costly and unnecessary. 305 The importance of a middle school in its unique ability to help 3 pupils emotionally, intellectually, socially progress smoothly from primary to secondary levels; this needs proper debate. 311 Keeping rationalisation on school size i.e. smaller is more 3 manageable and safer. 312 Apportioning of funds so that needs of disadvantaged pupils & 3 ESL pupils are appropriately met. 315 There will be an enormous expense and disruption to the 3 school life for many years. 319 Not increasing sizes of secondary schools 3 321 Without massive changes + investment in small primary 3 schools, they cannot provide the range + depth of curriculum that middle schools can. Middle schools provide excellent care + education for that age group that existing primaries can’t. 334 Fed up living in an area where can either leave to go to middle 2/3 school or stay on until 11. Terrible parental pressure – are you doing the right thing? 335 Ensuring that children with disabilities can access mainstream 2 school when appropriate and without barriers being put in the way by the mainstream school such as funding or league tables. 341 Encouraging & valuing non-academic achievers e.g. 3 promotion of craft skills on a par with academic, not a second rate achievement! 346 I think the 2 tier – 4/13 – 14/19 structure will work better for 3 Suffolk. Also need to build sense of community identity. 351 Child welfare, comfort & security to achieve & develop 2 emotionally, physically, mentally & socially, etc. 360 Something less academic more skills centred for some 16+ 3 students – like the old technical colleges. 361 It appears to be very difficult to balance the principle of 2 inclusion (esp with disruptive children) with the interests of achievement for the majority – more support is needed. 364 The increase of Racism in schools in Suffolk. Mainly in areas 3 that have the 2 tier system. 365 • Issues faced by children & students in rural areas e.g. 2 access to post 16 education & training, transport, etc. • Extended schools:- costs, transports, access to wide choice, qualified adults for before & after school activities.


366 I am very concerned at the demand for PRU places. I think 2 pupil behaviour and placing disaflicted/troubled pupils in right school is a priority which will benefit everyone. 368 They’re all important. 2 369 Community issues re: closing schools. 3 Fewer changes in school/home area. Gentle, slow steps in development of individual. 370 Children do not prosper when they have to travel for long 3 distances morning & night. The community feel of a village school is important as is a well rounded education.

371 I am concerned that children with complex social needs may 3 miss out on specialist help in poorly resourced middle schools. 372 To keep children up to age 11 at village schools would require 3 a lot more expenditure (teachers/buildings/facilities) RURAL AREAS have massive problems of expenditure. 373 Quality of teaching and therefore of their training has to be the 3 most important factor of all. 375 In the ‘good old days’ of Primary + Grammar + Secondary 3 more people came out of schools able to read and write. Sadly a lot cannot do this to a reasonable level to even calculate simple matters. Ah well……. 379 LOCAL CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO ATTEND LOCAL 2 SCHOOLS (at present families that move house close to a school may not be able to send their children to that school because classes are full up. Perhaps extra TA to class for extra 1 or 2 pupils rather than bussing pupils. 382 The schools in villages will not be large enough to cope with 3 the expansion in SUDBURY area (housing). 383 The difficulty of finding headteachers in this stage of 3 uncertainty- it should not be prolonged, but reorganised promptly if needed. 384 The current system of three intakes per year to primary 2 schools disadvantages summer born children, many struggle to catch up and few succeed. Is it not time that this LEA went to a 2 intake system, as in many other authorities to prevent this? 387 Changing schools is sometimes a step backwards. Two 3 changes would continue the current trend. One change at 11 or 12 would be better. 389 I have a son & a daughter in Australia where Middle Schools Tier not are being established widely- granddaughter at a new one in entered. Queensland, grandson in NSW, happy & successful. 390 1. Access to new technology where it is the most 3 effective ‘teacher’ 2. Government support for teachers 3. Keeping schools a manageable size 391 There are too many students staying on after 16 leading to 2 disillusionment at the opportunities then available. 392 As a Governor I am concerned that the system is constantly 3 changing to the detriment of focusing on teaching and learning. 395 To transport very young children over long distances to larger 3 lower schools, is an unbalanced risk. To immerse very young


children into environments & on buses with much older children would be an increased risk & overwhelming. 396 I would like to point out that this should be judged on personal 2 achievement not SAT’s or league tables led! 399 Better provision at all stages for Gypsy/Traveller children. 2 401 Keeping class numbers below 20 for all ages. Children should 3 not have to travel over 4 miles to school when 4-13 years old. Pre-school and after school clubs available free. 402 School qualifications (GCSES, A Levels, Baccalaureat) need 2 to be valued and trusted by employers. A child’s education needs to lead to a fulfilling job life. 403 Change MUST only be made if it can be shown to be in the 2 educational interests of all children in Suffolk and NOT for political expediency. 405 Increase supervision of pupils outside the classroom. 2 All ages. Provide supervision on school transport buses to reduce anti- social behaviour and bullying. 406 I feel too much emphasis is placed on SATs results which 3 takes valuable time and effort away from the ‘ground roots’ of teaching. 409 Please see attached letter. 3 410 Retaining viable 6th Forms, with all subjects & Latin/Greek 3 modern languages, possibly of European Baccalaureat, no lowering of academic, or other subjects. 411 Inflexibility of current system; school years & ages, not 3 allowing for children to re-do a year, if they would clearly benefit from this, consolidating ‘missed’ information, to allow better progression in future school years (plugging ‘gaps’ in knowledge before building on) 412 Ensuring 16-19 year olds are given the correct 3 information/advice as regards university, careers, correct courses to meet job availability, on completion. 417 The three tier system gives access to science + technology 3 facilities + language teaching – two years earlier than two tier system. 419 Collaboration between Pri + Sec education ease of transfer for 3 pupils. 425 Pupils that disrupt classes, should be dealt with more 3 efficiently. 426 A two tier system would have a major impact on the infrastructure. 427 Better school meals – educate them on healthy eating. 3 Providing meals to give them the energy to work & achieve. 429 Accessibility of schools in rural areas must be a concern – ok 3 if you have transport, but difficult if you don’t. 431 As a parent of 3 children who have been through the 3 tier 3 system I praise it wholeheartedly. League tables are a superficial farce & do not address other important factors. 432 Village schools are an important part of the community & 2 country life. Through my own experience children in village schools tend to do better than their counterparts in a town school. Ages 4-11.


436 My main concern as a mother of a child who attended an SLD 2 school is that there is no mention at all of children with disabilities. In an ideal world, I should like to see purpose built SLD schools on a shared site as ordinary schools in an all ages setting. This would then allow for managed integration. 438 I think with the amount of new building in the Carlton Colville 3 South Lowestoft area a two tier system with a new high school in South Lowestoft would improve the education system. 440 Provide more vocational opportunities for non-academic 2 pupils, with much better links to businesses locally and nationally. 444 As a parent I would not want my child in primary school at 11 3 (nor a 5 yr old in school with 11 yr olds) I would not want an 11 yr old in high school. (facilities in middle schools are great!). 447 The obvious commitment of primary staff to the ‘whole child’ is 2 missing in Middle Schools. High schools are geared up as specialists to prepare for GCSEs & A Levels. Middle schools no longer meet needs of our children. 448 Keeping sustainable village schools based on village size and 3 population – e.g. larger villages. 49 It is important that Teachers (heads included) have time to 2 ‘Teach’ and are not pressured by too much paperwork. 453 Consideration should be given to providing education for 16- 2 18 age group in schools where this currently doesn’t exist – especially in areas of population growth. 457 If our schools (which are principally places of learning) can 2 turn out pupils who have achieved to their own maximum, who are socially minded and have confidence then they will have served the County well. 458 I am concerned that putting young children into schools at the 3 age of 9 & 11 with 15/16 year olds, opens them up to possible bullying & loss of childhood too early. 461 Services for Looked After Children and for children with 2 Special Education Needs. 464 Schools with good values having greater access to and 3 influences on pupils to offset negative home/lifestyle effects, eg, by longer school day/care. 465 I do not like the age mix of a 2 tier system. I think that putting 3 11 year olds in the same school as 15 & 16 year olds is asking for trouble as there is such a huge developmental gap between these ages – I prefer 4-8, 9-13. 13-18 as my opinion these peer groups work better together. 469 Middle schools were a splendid development initially, offering 3 a test-free banquet of subjects. The advent of SATs has changed all that; these tests come at very awkward stages in 3 tier schools. 473 I feel that young children are growing up too quick as it is, and 3 they do not need to be around older children who could influence their behaviour (for both areas in 4-11 and 11-16) I feel age gaps will be too wide. 474 Overspending on new schools, it we change, leading to loss of 3 currently good staff/equipment/services. Too much ‘tinkering’ – change for change’s sake.

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475 Over heavy SCC management of costs where money needed 3 in school so pupil can achieve. Almost nothing else matters if pupils can not get to the best of their individual potential. 477 The limitations to selecting the choice above as they are all 3 important issues. 478 If there are problems with sat results being below average in 3 some places then money would be better spent pouring it into these areas for improvements. 479 Less course work in secondary schools 3 483 Middle Schools give children a safe & secure environment to 3 mature & develop – emotionally & academically. I would not support a change to a 2 tier system 484 Fewer changes & new initiatives, schools are on a perpetual 3 merry-go-round. 485 Discipline. Respect taught for Children’s living environment & 3 other people. 486 There is so much bullying already which can not be controlled 3 in a three tier system I think a two tier system would make bullying a whole lot worse especially in the middle schools. 489 Too many ‘tests’ and ‘targets’. I have fears that children are 3 being taught how to pass tests in some cases; and are not having enough time to learn how to study in depth. 495 This is a pretty poor effort at consultation. It is clear from this 3 document that the decision has already been made to scrap the 3 tier system. Based on our experience and that of our children, this would be a sad mistake. 498 • Personal and social development 2 • Review of curriculum for KS3 and esp. KS4- providing alternative to trad. academic diet if appropriate, and academic rigour for academically able. Also review of approach so that different types of intelligence, achievement really celebrated properly in school, for those who are not academic. 499 1. Any educational changes should not have a negative 3 impact on pastoral care. 2. Any educational changes must be properly funded. 3. The damage educational changes cause must be considered and allowed for.

501 Redeployment of staff. Best use of existing school buildings 3 and implications for new school building if we move to a two tier system. 505 By having 3-ties you do not get a large age range – less 3 bullying. 506 I believe that personal and social development is improved 3 when children have to adapt to move changes in cohorts and pupil achievement can be improved by better liaison with pyramids. 512 I think that fewer changes of school also keeping village 3 schools will always be at the heart of any community. 515 There should be automatic place at any school for siblings – 3 (madness to accept one child and refuse the younger sibling +

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impossible in rural area). 523 The poor quality of secondary education in [area]. Structural 2 change will have little or no benefit. Should focus on quality of management + teaching. 524 I feel that the middle school system where the primary school 3 loses pupils at 9 is not good as primary schools lose ‘leadership’. In 1974, I remember a primary head telling me that ‘the heart and leadership of his school had been badly affected’. 528 We’ve changed the method of teaching so many times, please 2 do not change the way schools are organised too many times. Try and get it right first time and stick with it!! 530 I think children growing up in Rural Suffolk (especially villages) 3 benefit from going to a local small village school and then gradually spreading their wings to middle and upper. I firmly believe a lot would be swamped going straight to large first school. 531 A lot of money has been ring fenced for this, why not make 3 improvements to the existing schools by giving the money directly to them to make the relevant changes. Using it to change infrastructure is costly and will not directly benefit pupil attainment. Pupil attitudes are more positive in middle schools. 532 Why change when system is working well. Why have change 3 for the sake of change? 534 Fair spread of resources, ie: maybe some small village 2 schools could become 4-11yrs + others close-freeing resources for other areas. As a jun/middle trained teacher who has worked in both 8-12 +5-9 schools + 4-11 schools when becoming a parent my choice was definitely for 4-11, 11-18 system. 540 More support needed with the cost of transport to schools in 2 rural areas. 544 My experience is that the 3 tier system is very disruptive to 2 learning paths. If Suffolk moved to 3 tier I would consider relocation. The evidence you quote in theme 1 is incontrovertible. 547 Children that do not have academic achievement skills are 2 give help with their futures and CAREERS and do not feel alienated.

551 Travel issues, although we live in a 3 tier system we had 2 previously lived in a 3 tier system and I feel 9 is far too young for children to be bussed possibly up to 20 miles, getting on a bus at 7.30 and arriving home at 5.30. Also it is less disruptive for children if they move house, my children had started and then had to intern to a primary school. 552 There is a lot of talk about review, improvement, change etc 2 but real children and real teachers will be affected by the final decision and I’m concerned about the level of real consultation. 555 Having gone to a 2 tier system and now having 3 children in a 3 3 tier system, I would very much support the latter.

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Emotionally children are better able to cope with the transfer at 13 rather than at 11. 556 I live in a town that operates 2 tier system but I send my 3 children to 3 tier system as above. The system in my town does ok until y6 but seems to fail at secondary school. I would hate this to happen in Suffolk too. Something goes wrong at high school. The results of the 2 high schools are shocking. 566 Help teachers to manage behavioural problems in class. 2 568 Concerned that the huge amount of money which would need 3 to be spent could be put to better use. Money needs to go to existing school to improve facilities/opportunities for children. 569 Integration of special needs children and funding of special 3 schools. 573 The total lack of any incentive in our area to have any kind of 3 education because your chances of getting any type of fulfilling job (or any job) at all is virtually zero! 585 Helping people who are on income support, with school 2 uniform it costs lots of money. They have stopped it now. 594 This questionnaire has been completed based on the opinions 3 and experiences of my own children, now both in high school. 601 SEN development & facilities- special schools for remedial 3 problem children – more choice. 604 For smaller, village schools – more facilities and opportunities 2 keeping class numbers at a lower level. Keeping smaller schools up-to-date – i.e. resources course. 605 If change top two tier or all-age schools don’t have, 3 necessarily, to be large, unwieldy, + anonymous. They could all be small + more of them. Let teachers teach. Whatever, the county region should be consistent. Don’t encourage children to be at school from 8am to 6pm every day. 607 Suffolk needs a decent university to act as a hub and focus for 2 academic achievement. I am also very concerned about the position of special schools.

608 As a parent who lives out of area but with a child in 3 tier 2 system I would be very sorry to see middle schools go. We have (see over) 611 I have been particularly pleased with the 3-tier system + the 3 way it has supported my family. I find these tick box choices rather biased, they assume that a change in the system of organisation i.e. getting rid of middles would lead to these outcomes. I believe there are other ways of achieving these goals. 615 I think the findings of your research under ‘Theme 1’ speak for 2 themselves. It seems ridiculous for one Local Authority to have to manage 2 very different systems. 616 Minimising unnecessary changes in schools for the sake of 3 change. 618 Better responses from Head (Head Teachers) to parents with 3 respect to bullying, loss of students work, complaints of teachers. 619 If clubs and activities are to be provided outside of school 2 hours then school bus times will need to cater for this so children can get home.

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623 Lack of respect towards the teachers (from pupils & parents). 3 Big class numbers. 624 Our village has grown, the primary school no longer can take 2 in catchment children, the other primaries are also filling up. 625 Without good personal and social development their can be 3 no learning. The pastoral system in large schools is not as good as in smaller schools – a two tier system creates bigger less personal schools. 627 I would like to see the summer 5 wk break kept because I 2 think children need time to be children to learn through play and other activities in summer. 630 Disruption that any change or proposed change in the school 3 system will have on staff & pupils and the uncertainty that may be felt by parents, esp in rural areas of whether schools will still be open. 632 • Very small children from small rural primaries going on 3 buses to huge secondaries miles away – especially in winter when it is dark. • Many middle school teachers are brilliant and choose to teach this age range specifically – not wiping noses at primary or teaching to the test at secondary. 633 I want my children to achieve well and attain their full 3 potential, but also to be educated in an environment which supports that. 637 Try to keep schools from getting too big – particularly primary 2 where children need more attention & familiar environment. Keep small rural schools so children don’t have to travel miles to school. Environmental sustainability important. 643 Non-academic students aren’t given the opportunity to study 2 subjects that will appeal to them and help them in a career. Eg: construction, engineering, childcare, office work – with national shortages of those occupations we are missing a great opportunity. 645 That my child now at 5 yrs does not have to undertake 2 stressful formal tests at age 10. These are not a measure of how ‘good’ a school is. 651 Schools today are constantly concerned with league tables, 3 exam results and pupils staying on at school. It is all about numbers and they do not concentrate on the individual needs of children, no matter of what level of achievement they attain. 660 Less change is good for children. Need more support in 2 school. More helpers. 30 children in 2 class need more than 1 teacher. 662 1. Small class sizes are essential 3 2. Individual needs help for dyslexic (etc.) children 3. Streaming by ability in certain subjects is essential 665 Whilst my main interest is as a parent, I do work in a school. 2 Schools need to modernise far more in the way of computerisation to reduce admin costs. E.g. computerised registration, lunch payments etc. 670 The three tier systems split key stage 3 between middle & 3 high school which I do not think is satisfactory. 673 Travel - I am concerned that removal of village schools will 3 mean travelling further distances!

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Choice- This will also become limited. 674 That any change will be well funded and resourced. 3 679 Not wasting all the money & time spent on the current 3-tier 3 system. It is also important children have access to open spaces at school. Ie) playing fields & worry these will disappear + reorganisation. Probably to housing. 681 A university for Suffolk and more college options for our rural 2 students at 16+ 684 Daughter currently in yr3. If there are any changes she will be 3 at the end of first year of middle school. 685 Just because a 3 tier system is the minority system in the 3 country doesn’t mean to say it is wrong, or should be changed. Most parents I speak to believe the 3 tier system has been of great benefit to their children. 686 Middle schools have specialist teachers, rooms, equipment, 3 facilities. Plus our high school is bursting at the seams already. 688 Reduce the ‘school run’ by car, encourage walking& cycling, 2 will help alleviate child obesity, but you need the home office to stop releasing all the paedos first.

693 We used to live in a two-tier area. I do not believe a two-tier 3 system is best for children, staying in a primary school to the age of 11 and then taking the huge leap to an upper school is worrying & unfair for children. 3-tiers breaks this down into smaller, less scary, more manageable sections. 695 Children having too many teachers when they are still 3 developing basic numeracy & & literacy skills (i.e. 9-11 years old). 696 Schools should concentrate on educations & not be distracted 2 by providing unnecessary services, constant financial pressure + teacher retention. 699 As my child travels on school bus to primary school (ages) I 3 would not like to see her travel any further, & as a two tier system I feel this would happen as it would mean closures. 700 Not satisfied with supply teachers being used so much and 3 not knowing anything to do with subject covering. 705 Worried about the vast difference in standards in local 3 schools. My daughter has to leave a good primary school, and alas the middle school is VERY poor, and only 1 secondary school in [area] is acceptable (to me). 706 As a child, I was one of the 1st generation to attend Middle 3 school in Yorkshire. Our teachers noticed a huge discrepancy in standards at 13. Caught up ok but the worst effect was on social development. My kids have not been happy in III tier. 710 The 4th major area of concern is keeping schools local 3 (nearby) accessible. Living in a rural area it is important the daily journey to school for the child is not tiring or lengthy. 711 As a 12 year old I moved from Essex 3 tier (infants/junior + 3 seniors) into Suffolk 3 tier which I much preferred (see over). 712 I believe that schools should all run one intake policy, as I feel 3 children who go in on the third intake, never catch up. 714 I have taught in both two and three tier system schools & I 3

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strongly feel that pupils have a more productive learning environment in a three tier school. 715 a) Changing 3 tier to 2 tier would inevitably involve 2 considerable costs in changing or adding to buildings b) The proliferation of ‘small’ sixth forms – eg many [area high schools] reduced 16+ choice no small sixth forms cannot offer the range of courses that large ones can. c) Changing seems like yet another educational example of ‘it ain’t broke but we’re gonna fix it anyway’ 718 Constant changes, in my opinion, are counter productive and 2 disorientate and undermine good teachers. 719 Too much emphasis on target setting and the degree to which 3 young children are routinely tested.

722 School is only part of a child’s education. Educate parents on 3 the Importance of school. Let parents know what children should be expected to learn at each key stage level. Bullying has a dramatic effect on character development – all age schools would surely exasperate this situation. 723 All inclusive school (all abilities in schools, lack of specialist 3 school for special children). 724 More funding available for schools – especially for ‘fabric’ up 3 keep of Upper Schools. Very poor buildings/facilities [college name]! 725 Travel – for pupils – can involve parents – too many cars on 3 road – or buses – big bullying issues – long days for younger children who have to wait for buses 726 Opportunities for pupils in rural areas are maintained. 2 731 Messing up an excellent 3 System we have In Stowmarket. 732 Reducing the effect of bullying in schools. Four year old 3 children do not have to mix with 12 year olds. The 1st schools enjoy a small community family school environment. Middle schools benefit from extra funding & prevent bullying as they reach 13 and believe they are too big for middle school they are moved up into Upper school and have their eyes opened to a stronger more academic system available to themselves. 738 Middle schools were, like the Warnock Report (‘I think I 3 probably got it wrong’) fashionable touchstones of the educational establishment of West Suffolk. This blinkered outlook caused much of the problems we now face. 746 Change of school after GCSEs 2 Pupils not maximising their potential post 16 Facilities for special educational needs at both ends of the spectrum 749 Making sure that the transition process from school is effective 2/3 – whichever system so that children do - not repeat work or time (years) are lost. 751 As a supply teacher, I have noticed that behaviour can 3 deteriorate sharply for children changing from primary to middle schools. Year 8 children in middle schools can also become seriously disaffected. They are in ‘no man’s land’.

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755 Middle schools lose focus & momentum after KS2, impacting 3 outcomes later. 3 tier system is unpopular leading to less of pupils to Essex and Cambs. Models proposed pay little attention to village schools. 758 Have heard that middle schools are generally felt to be run 3 along the lines of small secondary schools with mostly subject teachers who don’t know our children – not good enough for my children! Would at least like their names to be known.

759 I attended primary, middle and high school in Stowmarket, 3 don’t even remember changing to Middle & certainly had no traumatic memories of changing twice. Most children are very resilient and settle quickly into new routines/surroundings – those that are unsettled by changing will be whether 2 tier or 3 tier. 762 Maintaining discipline in schools. School transport (too many 3 pupils travelling by car – what about a bus service for those living nearer to school) 763 Lack of adequate support for children with behavioural issues 3 and are in mainstream schools. 764 Although basically happy with my own children’s education in 2 Suffolk, I have never been able to reconcile there being two different school systems within one county. This definitely needs to be addressed before the government introduces any changes to the tiers of local government. 766 Teaching of lifeskills ie managing debt, having bank loans, 3 credit cards; how to cook a basic meal etc 769 Suffolk should go to a two tier system, teachers should be the 3 best we can get and be paid a good wage, if schools are not performing well they should be sorted out ASAP. 770 Keeping children in their own community 3 772 (Behaviour) 2 (Family life of students) (Affects progress/welfare) (Professionalism of staff) 774 A good Head Teacher is essential this is where the 3 funding/efforts should go. 780 Inclusion of Special Needs into mainstream – affecting the 2 learning of other children. Providing adequate provision for (one to one). 781 Children nurtured and happy at primary with 1 teacher then 3 flung into big school with lots of teachers at only 9 – how can they do this make them do their best? 784 Personal and social development is also very important. 3 786 There has to be a priority to invest in B.S.F. for primary 3 schools. This should not be secondary to high schools. Children’s first schools influence the rest of their education and this must not be left till the last stage of investment. 788 Better funding and provision of community education and its 2 promotion. 793 A more equitable distribution of students through the whole 2 ability range. 794 Better careers advice for all pupils not just the high achievers 3 796 Will new schools be built? 3 What will happen too the middle schools?

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Fewer teaching posts.

797 You will lose some excellent teachers if you get rid of middle 2 schools. I want to teach in a middle school and have no intention of re-training to teach in a system I don’t believe in. 800 The amount of travelling that young children would undertake 3 if small village schools closed through reorganisation. 801 I am also concerned that GCSE pupils are being ‘spoon-fed’ 2 information to raise pupil ‘achievement’ and school profile without any real educational benefit. 802 Resources and facilities required for years 5+6. 3 Lack of 6th form college in Lowestoft. 805 We have experience of both 2 & 3 tier system, moving from 3 Essex. Our eldest didn’t go to Middle school until age 11 but has always said he wishes he had gone at 9 yrs. The 3 tier system has suited them v. well but you can’t argue with the facts if educational achievements are lower, then change is inevitable. 806 Parental choice of schools. 2 807 We moved from East London where my children attended a 3 two tier schooling but since moving into three tier I believe my children’s education has improved. 815 My son would not cope being a 5 year old in a school of 3 children aged up to 11 or 12. The existing system is fine why change – it works!!! 819 Key stage 3 SATs results reflect the excellent work done in 3 Middle Schools – I think you should be targeting improvements in first schools. The pastoral benefits of the Middle system far exceed those in the 11-18 schools, particularly in yrs 7/8. Having experienced both - Consistent approach across Suffolk. 2 824 CHILD PROTECTION – of great concern, especially where 3 extended community use of schools is involved. 827 I am concerned about young children being driven distances 3 to school also there is such an enormous difference in the personal development of a 4 year old and a 12 year old. 828 Making sure the facilities are available in the schools 3 831 If middle schools taken away how will this affect the village 3 primary schools. 832 Living on the Suffolk/Cambs border, I have witnessed an 3 ‘exodus’ to the two tier Cambs. System – predominantly high achievers! 833 Ensuring the facilities of Middle Schools are explored as much 3 as in the other two tiers. Use specialist teachers with greater focus and impact. Attract more new NQT into Middle – Not Enough! 842 As you are aware, many families in this area ‘vote with their 3 feet’ by sending children out of the country into Cambridgeshire + Essex, where schools are considered more successful 843 I also feel that getting and keeping good teachers is very 3 important as is more students staying on after 16.

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845 There is not room in small schools for the extra children, as 3 most schools only have 2 or 3 rooms & 3 or 4 toilets. 849 Quality of their education. 3 Dealing with age range within one school at some of the more vulnerable ages.

850 If we have a 2 tier system our school in Acton would not be 3 bigger enough meaning school buses at the cost of the parent again. 855 The rural nature of Suffolk. Would more students spend/waste 3 time on travel to fewer schools and would County waste money on transport which is better spent on education. 861 Not relevant to myself at moment but I think it is important to 2 keep village schools. 863 Why ask us, you will do what you want anyway. So do it. No tier entered. 864 Building the right schools for the future. 3 866 In the area I live, houses are being built on all spare landand 2 no school’s are being built to help with accommodating new pupils to the area. 868 Special Needs Support with Qualified Teachers, not teacher 3 assistants. 869 Special Needs Support 3 875 It must be manageable and realistic. As a parent I don’t want 2 to be promised something that cannot be delivered and as a teacher we must be wary of piling initiatives on initiatives. 876 Ability to move to other areas of country with same system. 3 881 Ensuring children are ready and qualified to enter into full time 3 employment. 882 Behaviour Tier not entered. 883 Coming from a two tier system in Essex I feel my daughter 3 has benefited from going to middle school as her confidence significantly increased. 885 The huge difficulties of reorganisation without sufficient 3 funding. 887 Classroom sizes to big, to give adequate education to every 3 child. 888 [High school name] desperately needs a 6th form, please look 2 in to providing this to save our children a change in schools and 10+ mile journey. 891 Special education for autistic spectrum disorder children. 3 Bullying. 895 Village schools meet Suffolk’s need well. 3 Less schools = more journeys in car. This goes against walk to schools schemes etc. Where will the capital cost come from? 896 I went to a primary + secondary. It was very daunting, as an 3 11 year old, to suddenly be in a school with 1000 pupils, aged 11-18. 3 tier system means smaller age group + easier change from one school to the next. 897 There is a serious need for improved school-led provision 14- 2 19 on this side of Ipswich to increase participation post-16 and to broaden the options available to young people.

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898 Use of stats: You don’t appear to have taken account of other 2 factors impacting pupil achievement, such as catchment. 899 Governor at Special Needs school and parent of child with 2 special needs. 903 More teachers needed + smaller classes, my child only gets to 2 read to teacher one a month out of a class of 35! (Age 9). 905 The physical changes – will the schools be totally re-built to 3 house all the extra pupils or will existing schools have to have more dreadful portacabins as classrooms? 911 Would prefer an escorted school bus from outlying areas to 3 prevent problems such as bullying, etc. 915 What extra provision will be made to deal with Gifted & 2 Talented children – I have 2 but neither receives what I would consider as enough beneficial & extra work. 916 Our catchment high school at [area] does not have a sixth 2 form and I think that many children may leave education who would otherwise stay on. 919 If the system did change, it would mean a terrible disruption 3 for the children caught in the middle of it. Why can’t the system stay as it is? It works well in our area, + pupils as achieve well here. 925 Any schools that are performing particularly well should 3 remain and not be forced to close. 926 After issues 1 and 5 I was hard pushed to choose between 3 issue number 10 and 12 (village schools). My concern is that going from a small village school to a big secondary would be very intimidating for many children, but feel it important we keep local (community) schools. 932 All of the teachers at our school would lose their jobs and 3 where would we go? Imagine trying to cram 500+ pupils in our hall, how? 933 Education is an important part of life and I feel that having a 3 three tier system helps the pupils to learn, having a smaller school and in an environment where the younger students do not feel so threatened by older, bigger students! 934 Why did you change from the 3 tier system to the 2 tier 3 system in the first place? How are you going to achieve this without disrupting a large group of children’s education possibly for three years. My child could end up going to 3 different schools in 3 years, is this fair on any child? My child has autism and would find this very difficult. The schools could all end up much larger, this is not always best for the children. Have you really taken special educational needs into consideration, at the moment the provision is very poor. No school wants these children because now all that matters is SATs and GCSE results. 935 My concern is that I have to choose just three issues that 3 matter most to me! All of the issues are important and form a well rounded education for everyone. 936 Better SEN facilities. 3 Better discipline. 937 All of the above are extremely important! I have first 3 highlighted 4! The 3 tier in our pyramid work extremely well.

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[School name] is an excellent school. 944 Who pay teachers for Extended Schools, hours spent on clubs 2 etc (I’m NOT a babysitter). Choice is a myth ALL schools need support, this is especially true in rural areas. 954 It takes pupils under 14 a year to settle into a new school. 3 955 I don’t like the two tier system as I don’t think a child should be 3 graded at 11 yrs. Suffolk schools have improved beyond measure in the last 15 yrs. 958 Excessive emphasis on continuing assessment of pupils – this 2 creates neuroses in pupils, parents and teachers. 960 A good education is not just quantifiable by statistics and 2 reports. We need to consider other factors before saying 3 tier system is failing. 962 I think that it is important for children to attend school in their 2 own community. It provides security + therefore confidence and enables parents to be activity involved in their child’s school, for example by helping in class with reading etc. 963 *Lack of specialist teaching in first schools by subject 3 specialists *Bussing of pupils 10 miles to Beccles because of historical boundaries. + Poor planning of space despite population data. 964 The amount of trade/commerce within Suffolk means the 2 county should seriously think about giving all its children a competitive edge (not just specialist schools) by making it a ‘language’ county with some schools doing major, and other schools minor languages (Scandinavian, E. Europe etc). It should enthuse the government and get government funds for this. It will also help teaching of English. 966 Class sizes not becoming too big. 3 969 Better provision for those who do not conform to norms – ie 2 less able, more able, socially disadvantaged etc. 970 Distances travelled in rural areas + the time taken out of each 2 child’s day – this is why I favour village schools. 972 Education SHOULD NOT be about results, not every child 2 should be made to take 9-10 GCSEs. Education should be for the whole child. 973 It is very difficult to choose 3 from these very important issues. 3 975 The unique needs of rural communities need to be met. Small 3 village schools are an essential part of the community.

976 The village school is one of the focal points of the village. It 3 has significant impact of people choosing to live here. The school also provides a variety of social functions & clubs for children who live far from amenities. 977 3 term admission of rising 5s. It is time to look at annual 3 admissions in September. 994 Lack of REAL choices for 14-19 year olds. 2 Total lack of understanding of 14/15 making choices when they have no idea what they want to do or what they could do in reality. 995 • Being able to develop a sense of community in 2 secondary schools – more difficult in the upper school

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with entry at 13. • All the above issues matter too. 999 1. Suffolk could utilise an important resource of early 2 retired people if they compressed the years training into 3 months! These people have been training/mentoring already so could take the intensivity! 2. Suffolk must chuck out French, a minor language, and because of the importance of commerce offer a range of major languages. 1005 Better continuity for children 3 1008 The funding gap between Y6 + Y7 and its impact on pupil 2 achievement. The value for money of v. small village schools. 1011 We should be given more for our achievements. People 3 who are naughty should be kicked out of school. 1012 I have witnessed middle schools first hand as both a 3 parent + employee. It is a huge leap for 11 yr olds to go to a High school. I have no doubts for the personal well-being and ultimately their achievement Middle schools are best. 1013 How will church funded schools and their catchments be 2 affected by these changes. 1016 Greater stability after making major changes. No always 2 change for sake of change. 1017 Supporting local schools so good pupils don’t go out of 3 catchment. 1018 Pupil behaviour 2 1019 Transition between schools in a 3 tier area children have 3 at least 2 transitions and there is a well documented educational dip. Also use of schools as a hub of the community is more achievable in a 2 tier system. 1022 How many Suffolk students go to 6th forms in/around 3 Cambridge and Norwich? This been allowed for in statistics? 1023 Availability of playing fields and gymnasia. 3 1024 Transport & yr 7 overwhelmed by sizes schools 3 1029 Fitting in with the education pattern of the rest of the 2 country in a time when families/ pupils often have to move for employment etc. 1032 Special Educational Needs, need to be made better in 3 every school Whether there on a 2 tier or 3 tier system. 1033 FINANCE:- If reorganisation means less funding per pupil 3 don’t do it. If class size has to increase don’t do it. 1036 As a teacher in a middle school, I do have to voice a 3 strong concern that change in a key stage is detrimental. It feels illogical to have the ‘odd’ one year of KS3 in high school. 1041 Opportunities for non-academic skills needed. 3 1045 The most important factor should be children’s welfare and 2 ability to succeed. I watch children in the two tier system flounder in massive impersonal schools. Especially during KS3. Using Middle schools for KS3 would solve this. 1047 4th issue better choice for 14-19 year olds. 2 1048 Provision for vulnerable/disengaged students. 2 Supporting sustainable communities cost-effectively.

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Promoting continuity through coherent structures & collaborations. Recruitment and retention is key to success. 1051 Providing an education for all children which means that 2 they are happy and well-motivated and have minimal travel time. (It would have been helpful if the list above contained ‘other’ and one could put them in rank order) 1052 Disinclination of local schools 11-18 to really seek 2 involvement of community; disinclination of said schools to take any responsibility for their pupils in and around the community (term time). Disinclination of said schools to foster loyalty of sense of purpose in pupils. 1054 Use of resources, SEN. 2 1056 Providing after school ‘clubs’ so parents are able to work 2 instead of staying at home because they cannot get after school childcare. 1058 Making best use of existing buildings/facilities 3 1062 Moral standards of children ie more thought about others 2 rather than selfishness. 1063 The present buildings are in desperate need of focused 3 investment to enable students to work in an encouraging environment. 1064 After school clubs and detention and study sessions would 2 fail if children had to travel a long way to get to school in a 3 tier system. 1068 Schools desperately need more stability with fewer 3 changes of school for pupils and an improved career structure and support for teachers. All schools need stronger discipline. 1072 Autistic children have a lot of difficulty moving from primary 3 to middle but would have considerably more difficulty moving to high school in yr 7 – similarly other less confident and SEN pupils. As a pupil my bright yr 4 daughter was ready for middle. 1079 I am concerned that the reasons why other authorities 3 have moved from a 3 tier system have little to do with education! – more with finance. 1081 Future reorganisation and redeployment of school staff – 3 sensitive management appropriate staffing of schools. 1084 Bullying issues – I cannot see that this will improve by 3 putting children of greater age range together. 1086 The amount of money spent keeping small village schools 2 going. Centralise making large primary schools, bus children in, easier to recruit staff, cost effective, you could address all issues in theme 3. 1088 Parity with independent sector – closer links with two 2 sectors; better quality of provision as well as choice; administrative streamlining with new institutions. 1092 Larger schools with lower ability children need to be 2 smaller 600 max. Y7 children pick up bad habits from older children schools need separate play areas. 1094 It is very important to keep village schools because they 2 are the heart of the community. 1095 Making sure every child is developed to the best of their 3

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potential, through provision of appropriate resources across abilities not just the extremes. Continuation of attention given to personal & social development beyond primary – there seems to be a distinct attitude shift towards older children at the moment. 1097 -Age at which pupils travel long distances to school 3 -Whole curriculum/broad and balanced. 1101 The distance children have to travel to get to a school 3 would be an issue for us in the rural areas. 1105 Hoping primary schools don’t close, making less choice. 3 Hoping school sizes do not increase too much. 1107 New TLRs and overloading job descriptions in small 2 schools. 1111 The options given here seem to favour the two-tier system. 2 What about subject specialist teaching from a young age? The concern should be the curriculum and resources rather than the system. 1113 As a head of a village school who has only been in post for 2 3 years I would welcome a dramatic change in how schools are managed/lead in the future. The present arrangement + workload is not sustainable. 1117 Problem of KS3 assessment only having students in final 3 year (Yr 7 + 8 in middle school) After teaching in London + Essex, I feel Suffolk are catching 1118 up a bit on some issues. E.g. appointment of Heads + 2 induction. 1121 I am concerned that the achievement is measured only in 3 academic terms. To prepare people for life is a much wider picture and what else is on offer should be seriously taken into account. 1123 Being able to develop flexible learning pathways and 3 assessment points to individualize all learning for all pupils. 1125 Better opportunities for gifted + talented 3 1128 I maybe talking myself out of a job but I strongly feel that 2 excluding children from school is a v. bad idea :- 1) they feel rejected, lonely and unhappy 2) They need the discipline/structure of a school day 3) It creates tensions within the home 4) They have too much free and wasted time. Special units within schools for pupils with learning/behavioural problems would ensure continuous appropriate education for all. 1129 Less governing body reports which re-invent the wheel with 2 every new manager in his/her post, clogging up the system and wasting headteachers/governors time. More funds/pupil for Suffolk. 1130 In the middle schools children develop into young adults with 3 role models of 13 year olds. This give them a balanced childhood. 1133 More money for hardware (ICT) to create a modern education 2 system. 1137 Catchment still determines quality of education to some 2 degree. 1138 Whilst we have a ‘2-tier’ system in theory. In fact, as the local 2 high school has no 6th form we have a 3 tier arrangement.

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This is not desirable & funding should be used to provide 6th forms at all secondary schools 1139 I feel the three tier is not value for money when looking at 2 results and pupil achievement. Children should be educatied in their locality. 1141 Smaller schools help pupils keep identity. Harder for staff to 3 know all individuals in larger schools. Builds confidence as progress through to top of school. 1144 Addressing needs of disadvantaged children. 2 1145 Funding for pupils in disadvantaged areas. 2 1147 More funding specifically targeted at pupils with SEN in 2 secondary schools to secure appropriate specialist teaching. 1148 I am very concerned about the proposal to stop provision 3 under the 3 tier system. I believe that small schools provide the best education and support for children and families our pupils do very well in their yr 8 optional SATs. Our middle school has very good PTO 1149 How Haverhill will recruit + keep subject experts and afford 3 them? 1153 • Personal and social development 3 • How far children go to school 1154 Children at 11 are not ready to integrate with 18 year olds they 3 find this very daunting. Middle schools provide a gentle transition & by the time they leave middle school they have gone through puberty are they are more mature & ready to handle high school. 1157 Better differentiation in schools at both ends of the spectrum 3 Improving literacy across the board especially in Primary schools. Better discipline & respect for all involved in Education. 1158 That current school buildings will not be able to accommodate 3 new students & staff (already struggling with space at the moment). 1160 I think that the middle school system works extremely well. 3 The children develop enormously in these middle schools both personally & academically so they are more able to cope when they arrive at upper school & less likely to be influenced by poor examples etc. 1162 My concern is for Christian/Catholic education in the town 3 (see over). 1170 Appropriate funding for schools in disadvantaged areas. 2 1174 My children all loved their time at Middle School. I love 3 teaching in one. As half the pupils of Suffolk are in this system I would like proof that the pupils in two tier system do significantly better. I haven’t seen this. 1176 Easier to focus on financial needs of individual schools 2 1177 The funding of S.E.N. places - + how funding is organised to 2 follow children (or not) who need it! 1178 Keeping the three-tier system 3 1179 22 years ago I came to Suffolk from Wales. I chose this LEA 3 because of the Middle School system. 22 years teaching experienced in the Western area has convinced me that this was the right decision. I am secondary trained, but value my job in a smaller school very highly. My skills with the middle

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age range are very highly developed. I am proud of the progress made by the pupils in all three of the middle schools I have taught in. 1181 A middle school gives years 5+6 more subject breadth + 3 specialist teaching. It also allows years 7+8 to get a really good start on KS3 by giving them a non-threatening environment to work in. 1188 Lack of funding for extended schools provision. 2/3 1190 Curriculum based on children’s needs. 3 Better support for schools with challenging pupils. 1191 With the prospects of structure change in local government, it 3 seems rash to consider this project until the future of SCC is obvious. 1196 TLR restructuring. 2 1197 Class sizes are of great importance especially in areas where 2 there is large class sizes, as these are disruptive. A max of 28 per class should be what we are aiming for. 1198 Teachers and school staff ability to manage difficult behaviour 2 – This is not necessarily an area of concern but I feel it is very important. 1201 How far we have to travel to school 3 1202 Continuity of teaching to the end of key stage two in one 3 primary school overview of both key stage 1 & 2 in one school. 1203 Keep the pupils in school longer with fewer holidays and days Tier not off, so that there is less chance of their getting into anti-social entered. activities and annoying us oldies. 1208 Reducing the size/numbers of pupils in a class. 3 1212 Very young children should be able to access quality 2 education locally, and not have to journey long distances to get to school. 1213 £30,000 annual salary for parents is the cut off age for 6th 2 formers to receive assistance. My husband & I earn slightly more & we still struggle with a family mortgage. Therefore my 16 year old will have to work weekends for extra money whereas some of his friends will not. 1216 Successfulness is measured only by academic results + not 3 the personal + social development of pupils. 1221 The current system has worked well for over 30 years – ‘if it 3 ain’t broke, don’t fix it!’ Too much will be wasted! 1227 Changing at 11 pupils more able to cope with change and 2 senior schools grouped in age bands 11-13, 13-16, 16-18. 1229 SATs are ludicrous, that measure how a child performs on a 2 certain day. The authority is concerned with SATs scores it rarely celebrates all its other great things that go on in school & the achievement pupils make in other areas of the curriculum. 1235 Having seen my own children and the children with whom I 3 work ‘mark time’ on their transfer to middle school and again at upper school when previous school … appear to be ignored) I have lost confidence in the 3 tier system. 1236 Schools are an important part of the community, not just exam 3 factories. There are many good existing teachers that would

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benefit more support not scrutiny from the government. 1237 • Huge job changes for teachers (possibly) 3 • Building and re-doing the schools that we have now. • Broad and balanced curriculum in middle schools not an overemphasis in time in primary SATs. 1238 The smaller, village schools are equally as good as Primary 3 town schools. The I have proven with my son, who went through the system & was one of the first to begin the 3 tier, finalising with 3 years at college, where he obtained an Honours Degree (nothing wrong with village schools). But they could be used much more by Evening Classes for adults instead of wasting all that central heating at night. 1239 Pupil achievement is of course an important factor also, but 3 this should come with less disruption in only changing schools once. 1246 Lack of support and respect for adults from pupils who have 3 low self esteem + poor family structure. 1250 The use to what current middle schools, e.g. Lothingland, in 3 our area will be a pub. 1251 Pupil development in a three tier system is enhanced as 9-13 2 year olds can flourish in a restricted age group school. I am concerned about pupils underperforming in a two tier system through early key stage 2. 1253 In a 3 tier system there isn’t any opportunity for students to 3 settle in/develop before they embark on national tests and GCSEs. 1256 I gave up my governorship at 2 middle schools because of my 3 concern the changes these children experienced and the effect it had on their education – a disaster. 1259 In the two tier system is there more cases of Bullying because 3 of the Bigger age gap Between pupils. 1262 If the county changes overall to a two tier system (which I 2 favour) I assume the Middle school buildings will become smaller high schools – i.e. Saxmundham/Framlingham. 1264 Discipline in the classroom & continuity is important. 2 1272 Further choices of courses eg, mechanics, electrics, cookery, 2 plumbing, media studies, animation etc. 1273 In the 3 tier system, I feel there is a pressure on KS2 children 3 in the primary schools to work at a level to prepare them for middle school. I wonder whether this has an impact on their PTO- 1280 The overall curriculum becoming more narrowed down & 3 educational process treated more & more like that of a factory. ‘Education’ derives from the Latin educere, meaning ‘to draw out of’ – not ‘to hammer in!’ 1289 The behaviour of teenagers in the area – does the curriculum 3 address this need? 1292 Main difficulties lie in 3 tier system when transfers take place 3 in middle of key stages. Schools of 7 (infant), 8-11 (junior), 12-16 should be considered. 1293 1. A three tier system allows a gentle transition for 2 children. It allows schools to cater specifically for 9-13. Less pressure to ‘grow up’ too quick.

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2. Too many newly qualified teachers in the system. It is important to retain experienced staff even if they are expensive. 1294 Making the transition easier for families who move into 3 Suffolk from other areas of the country. 1304 Better transition systems in place between schools 3 Best qualified and suitable staff to run ‘the business’. 1306 There is much more to a good education than key stage 2 3 SATs results. Middle schools provide a good transition, allowing children the chance the develop responsibility before upper school. 1309 It should be top priority that all youngsters get the best 2 education in ALL subjects. They should not be let down by bad teaching methods. 1310 Discipline!!! 3 1312 Redeployment of middle school teachers who are subject 2 based at KS2 but have no experience of high school teaching if asked to teach at a high school. 1319 Proper & efficient policies to address behaviour/discipline 3 & bullying – i.e. support for pupils being bullied. Protection for teaching staff. 1326 Fewer changes, time to evaluate the effect of each change 2 brought in by government. More effective use of data in schools to guide curriculum choices for all pupils. 1328 Distance young children would have to travel to school. 3 That on a 2 tier system the schools would be too big and potentially frightening. 1329 Travelling distances to schools leads to less personal 3 contact for parents. 1332 Please see over page – we really need to work on 2 improving school – community – family link – see over. 1341 Matching schools with keystages (i.e. don’t move between 3 schools during a keystage). 1347 Church schools are allowed to stay as church schools. 3 1352 Concerns about ‘mixed year’ groups/classes especially if 2 more than 2 year groups in one class. 1354 Overcrowded schools, classrooms too small for class 2 sizes. School rolls inappropriate for physical capacity of school buildings. 1355 Flexible access to school to suit individual child’s needs 2 e.g. part-time. 1357 Such a ranking is extremely hard + possibly quite crude. A 3 large number of the issues are interlinked – however, I feel social/emotional well being + development are the bedrock of progress. 1358 More special schools. 2 1359 Modernisation of school buildings i.e. classrooms right 2 size, modern kitchen/dining halls. Better toilet/changing facilities. Indoor sports facilities. 1362 Behaviour/Anti-social affecting communities and lack of 2 discipline carried out which results in ‘excluded’ children being passed around pyramid schools. 1366 There should be a curriculum after the age of 11 i.e. at the 2 start of high school for the less academic. 14 is too late, as

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children have had to wait for 3 years for a different curriculum. 3 years to become disaffected with the system, and want to leave school. 1377 Distance young children have to travel. 3 1379 I think we place far too much importance on higher 2 education after 16, and would do better to concentrate on work experience and apprenticeships for ‘average’ achieving pupils. 1383 Developing a more rounded individual with less emphasis 2 on grades @ GCSE 1385 Schools are too few and too big. Smaller and more 3 numerous schools would greatly improve ALL the issues above. 1395 Pupil behaviour in schools 3 1401 Why change a system that has worked very well for so 3 long. Please keep it as it is. 1404 Consistency – large families ask to send all children to this 3 school, so education is consistent and home-school relationships promoted to advantage of pupils. 1407 School sizes will not be big enough to convert easily to the 3 2 tier system. Where will the money come from to enable expansion? 1414 Don’t allow mobile phones in schools. 3 1418 Spending limited resources in the right way. Budgets are short 3 but need to be well managed. – sometimes money seems to flow into projects – but they really benefit the majority of pupils/ 1420 Lack of vocational guidance + experience in schools. More 2 tasters would be helpful. 1422 Too many changes in teachers – even within the school year. 3 – under very exceptional circumstances should teachers change roles mid-year. 1424 It is going to be very difficult to reorganise the current system 3 with the cost + numbers of pupils involved – any changes need to be specific to a locality. 1428 Lack of control by teaching staff and not helping the ones that 3 want to learn too much time wasted by pupils who do not want to learn. 1433 Higher standards and better results for all children. 3 Raise your aspirations as a county you are in the dark ages. 1434 Reduce the distance children have to travel. To ensure the 3 best education for children with special needs we need to inject enough funds to support their needs i.e. speech, physio, equipment etc. Not just look to integrate them mainstream. 1436 I don’t think its good in this day & age to let a 9 year old child 3 on a bus on their own to go to a middle school in another town – its far too young. 1448 Reduce the distance children have to travel to get to school. 3 1456 Aim to keep village primary schools – excellent start in child’s 2 education. Rural schools are important. 1457 Speech therapy is not considered a special need, yet 2 problems with speech can hold back reading and writing, we should not have to pay for this no top of our taxes. 1462 Whilst I live in a 5 - 11, 11 - 16, 16 - 18 catchment area – [High 3

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School Name] does not have a 6th form – I chose to send my children into a 3 tier system because I think the change at 16 is difficult + subjects children to a very long day – leaving home at 7.20 for example. 1465 Change for change sake rather than making what we’ve got 3 better. 1469 Extended schools – as a teacher I like to work before + after 3 school without children around. If extended schools become a reality where are the teachers going to work? Children should be with their families before + after school not in an extended baby sitting service. 1470 Foreigners who cannot speak English take up the time of 3 teachers who should be teaching those who can speak English and this does cause problems. Our country has allowed too many in which is part of the problem. 1475 Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that many parents do 3 not send their children to the local primary school specifically because they wish to avoid the ‘3-tier system’. This is highly undesirable for many reasons. 1478 1) Individual support for children who do not fit in the 3 ‘norm’. 2) Children are happy and confident at school 3) Bullying (does this happen more or less in the 2 or 3 tier system?) 1487 Special needs – physical. 3 Some schools cannot cater. 1494 With these in place you should also see a rise in pupil Tier not achievement – as child will have a good teacher, support and entered. security and will blossom. 1504 I favour the three tier system, as it allows pupils to 3 accommodate changes slowly. 1508 Allowing 9-11 year olds to have specialist teachers and have 3 the use of labs in science which they rarely get in the 2 tier system. 1509 I don’t see how changes can be implemented in my area 3 without pupils having to travel much greater distances. 1511 I feel the less changeovers in schools the more settled a child 3 should be, a two tier system would be less invasive than a three tier. A child gets familiar with the layout of the school, its routine and teachers. Having a child in a school that accommodates them until 18 is a big bonus they feel at ease in a familiar environment. 1514 Younger children being exposed too early to older habits ie 3 bullying, smoking, swearing etc. 1516 Keeping schools out of special measures by monitoring 3 constantly. More inspections more often. 1517 The number of children per class, my son is in a class of 27 2 but some schools have 30. I would like to see a lower number of pupils per class. 1519 Size of classes. i.e. my child in year 4 is in a class of 35 2 children. 1521 Ensuring that school years are the ‘best years of their life’ for 2 children, including personal achievement, personal & social development.

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1524 High schools becoming too large. 3 1535 Of course we want the best. 3 Keep middle schools. My children have achieved highly and gone on to upper school to achieve excellent A Level results. So what is the problem? 1536 Nearly all of the above are loaded questions presumably to 3 get you in the end the answer you want. What matters are KEEPING GOOD SCHOOLS not ridiculous organisational change just for the sake of it. Changing structures do not lead to good schools. Middle schools in Bury are excellent. One of my sons went to primary/middle (excellent)/secondary, now at Oxford so the idea that children achieve better in a 2 tier system is rubbish – there are plenty of DREADFUL 11-16/18 schools. 1537 Two-tier is the ideal but I am very… at the cost implications – I 3 (question imagine many sm… will need extensions while some middle naire or primary… could be abandoned torn) 1546 Coming from an area where ‘SATs’ are taken in yr 2 + yr 6 + 3 then at secondary level, I was surprised to find that children were sitting them in yr 2, yr 3, yr 4 + yr 6 – so much for optional!! Too much unnecessary stress!! 1549 In my view middle schools encourage children to ‘grow up’ 3 faster than if stay at Primary. There is already too much pressure & influence on our youngsters. 1552 If village schools go then in a lot of villages/communities it is 3 the last nail in the coffin. Often the school is the only thing pulling the community together – shops have gone, pubs have gone. 1553 Keeping special schools – total integration is bad idea. 3 1555 Environmental factors if more children have to travel to school 2 at the age of 9 + (box 12) Boxes 1 & 5 are so closely linked it is hard to select either/or. 1556 Having 2 or 3 tier system in 1 county can not be efficient. 3 When I moved to senior school it was a major upheaval + took me many months to settle in to the new school. 1560 Glad to see improving vocational provision but am very 2 concerned about lack of 6th form provision for more academic students in south of Ipswich – from where we are they travel to Northgate or Colchester 6th Form college – both of which can be a two hour journey! Also, smaller schools with no 6th form may find it harder to attract good teachers than those from 6th form. 1567 9 is too young to rip a child from the safe cocoon of primary 3 school & plonk them on a bus with older/streetwise children. This is the point at which my own children took a step back or ‘trod water’ in their education. 1568 Sometimes my daughter brings homework that has never 3 been explained to her, expecting us to know how to complete. I left school in 1975 and a lot of this modern teaching is beyond us. 1572 Middle schools cater better for whole development of child – 3 smaller environment – feel more confident.

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1573 A considered strategy which is adhered to for say 10 years 2 that is not continually being tampered with by brainless government ‘initiatives’. 1574 Truancy- if children are not happy they don’t always go. 2 School sizes – I don’t like the idea of schools with over 1200 pupils. 1586 The compulsory school leaving age should be reduced to 14 2 and dimmer children encouraged to learn a trade. 1587 Too much emphasis on reaching targets – from education 3 staff who get distracted instead of being permitted to do what they trained for. TEACH – not just expect students to copy from books – or internet. 1595 In other areas a move to a two tier system has led to the 3 growth of sixth form colleges – this would be detrimental to many childrens’ education. I feel v. strongly that high schools should keep their sixth forms, otherwise children face another change at a crucial stage. 1597 Personal and social development would be lost if an 11 year 3 old mixed with 1500 plus children! The middle and high school already have large numbers of pupils – how would primary schools + high schools cope with the extra pupils? I have a child in middle + high school + am more than pleased with this system! If middle schools were abolished PTO 1599 Concern over the fact of 4 year olds in same area as children 3 of a higher age. 1600 - Lack of progress of more academic pupils – a lot of 3 funding goes to children with S.E.N. but very little on able pupils. - Need to do much more in schools to stop the ethos that it is not ‘cool’ to achieve. 1603 • Emotionally and socially 11 is not a good age for 3 young people to change school • Pupils aged 14-19 should be together. 1604 Nurturing the whole child. Working closely together with the 3 community. Parents to help support. All stakeholders having a view. 1607 As in the 21st century there are more parents separated than 3 married I feel activities/cards for mothers/fathers day should stop, all it does is make our children the odd ones out when they don’t have both parents! 1608 Pupil behaviour & lack of support for teachers will wish to instil 2 discipline. 1613 Suffolk needs to address the amount of money wasted on 2 county education advisors. We are one of the few LEAs that still have them and most of them are out of touch. 1620 I attended school in a two-tier area and still remember how the 3 change from primary to secondary school was so distinct. Went from a lovely school to a very big school where PTO. 1622 A well-balanced, sociable and responsible member of society 3 has to be the most important concern of any school/home. Yes, its great if a child is a high achiever, but better if they all achieve their full potential and have a high self-esteem, no matter what their ability.

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1628 A two tier system is less disruptive for pupils. Without a 3 ‘middle school’ savings could be spent on improving primary/secondary with better facilities. 1629 How confident + comfortable the children feel in their 3 environment. Would like to tick box 10 as well. 1631 Primary schools could not provide the facilities for years 5 + 6 3 that middle schools provide. 1634 Attitudes of students to school. 3 Appropriateness of environment for pupils of all ages. 1636 Living in an ever expanding town being pushed out of 3 catchment schools and put into others further away and not so good. 1638 I also feel my choices are crucial to the 5 outcomes. It is 2 clearly important to be able to manage population changes but village schools are very important for children to have a sense of belonging to their local community & then go further away to High school. Good teaching is crucial – they are a huge influence are up to 16 years of a child’s life… in special & mainstream. 1640 To me the school system in this country is archaic, it’s a one 2 size fits all approach. What about something more flexible like online learning. Do children really learn best between 9 and 3 behind a desk. 1642 Complicated funding system which wastes school effort. 3 Changes appear to be made for the sake of change (often in the name of modernisation or efficiency) without being worked through. 1644 The current system is working very well for the children. It 3 would be a pity to change it 1651 More importance based upon social manners etc 3 1653 As families are forced to move away from areas where there 2 is no affordable housing putting pressure on areas where schools are at bursting point, need to work closely with local planning authorities to keep local people in the area and help smaller schools to survive. 1658 Changes of organisation usually just result in money being 2 wasted. Eg. High schools need sixth forms! 1660 Teachers having no power to deal with badly-behaved, 2 disruptive children. 1662 I feel a 3 tier system works very well. Both my children are 3 being educated in this system and I am very satisfied. I also work in a primary school and feel very strongly that middle and upper schools should be kept. 1666 I feel if a two-tier system is used, even fewer 16+ will stay on 3 to 6th form. Instead will go to 6th form colleges, may be out of catchment of county. 1668 We would not want changes to the system to disrupt children’s 3 education, as was such a disaster when the education system went comprehensive in 1974 in Suffolk. 1669 Pupil achievement at Middle school level in [area] is excellent. 3 1672 Village schools need the same amount of money for 2 resources as town schools. Fixing funding every 2 yrs for SLD children needs to change to every year as 1 yr in a child’s education is a long time to miss out on the help that is needed

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in the PTO. 1674 It is important to keep village schools open and I think primary 3 school children should attend the school in the village they live in if they have one. Also keep our middle schools! 1676 Places to be available for siblings of out of area schools NOT 2 to be separated. 1677 I help in primary school. Children age 8-11 could achieve far 2 more from their day if teachers moved on quicker from each task. So much time wasted with trivia. Children are capable of so much more than teachers give them credit for. 1681 Better education earlier. As a qualified (not practising) science 3 teacher having to undo mistakes by non-specialist primary teachers is difficult. As the parent of a 10 yr old I find he is excited about specialist teaching esp. science & technology. 1694 1) Class sizes in primary schools – far too big. My year 4 2 son has 34 in his class, and 30 in my yr 2 son’s class. Not good enough at all. 2) More help for those at top end ability range. 1696 Student welfare should come first. Ask them what they want. 3 1697 Children in year 5 & 6 in middle schools do not usually receive 2 an appropriate cross curricular curriculum experience. 1700 As a governor of a small rural school I would be very sorry to 3 see significant changes to these early education establishments as they provide close knit… 1701 I have had 2 children (now aged 17 and 15) attend 3 tier 3 schools, and another, now 4 ½ , just starting. In my opinion this has been a great system, and they have performed much better than my friends’ children. Please don’t change it!! 1702 Better management of the 2nd stage of the 3 tier system e.g. 3 realising the full potential of the middle school. 1711 Retention of village schools 3 1712 SPORTS. i.e. Sports Day. I understand kids are not being 3 encouraged ‘to WIN’. Sports was my only good subject at school. I don’t think this is a good idea. As each child has P.T.O. 1717 Modernisation does not necessarily mean changing an 3 effective system in Suffolk. The separate identity for 9-11 years old will be lost – which is a great shame and a significant loss. 1718 Ensuring resources are available to develop resources in 3 schools. Ensuring high quality teachers. 1724 Keeping distance travelled to schools as low as possible. 3 1725 To ensure that pupils can study to their ability and that they 3 are not governed by learning to a class ability. To enable them to get involved with non-curriculum clubs to support academic learning – which is at present so good in Middle schools. 1733 All children should be able to walk safely to school. IF we 3 have to attend middle school we will drive as we have heard bad reports about school buses & it is too far & unsafe to walk. This all adds to the pollution of the environment & obesity in children problems. This system encourages the problems. 1736 Smaller classes and high schools. 2 1743 *Class sizes regulated to ensure good teacher/pupil 2

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mentoring. *Good citizenship + strong appreciation of our country’s history and democracy. *Encourage children to feel safe ‘outdoors’. Due to high profile incidents parents restrict children’s independence and outdoor play. 1747 The current school accommodation would not allow a 3 seamless transition to a new age-intake of children. 1748 The 3 tier schools unsettle children at crucial stages i.e. 13/14 3 too near GCSE choices. 1750 Aiming to give pupils a grounding in ‘emotional intelligence’. 3 1753 My concern is that so many children with additional needs are Tier not included in mainstream education at the expense of average entered. and above average children achievement. 1759 Student opinion should count. 3 Pastoral care is important but does not depend upon structure. 1762 Moving to a two tier system would inevitably lead to closure of 3 many village schools, resulting in more young children being transported longer distances, it would also mean losing a valuable village service. 1769 Why are you pushing for 6 form & university for more 3 youngsters when I think there should be more apprenticeships. Not every child is brain of Britain. 1772 We have very good village schools which small children need. 3 If we go to a two tier area what would happen to them. 1776 I am concerned that most of these options ‘lean’ toward 3 encouraging the two tier system! Extended schools is a ‘baby- sitting’ service – there is no demand for a ‘service’ for clubs etc. But there is for looking after children! 1777 Teachers need to have the right to punish a naughty child 2/3 without fear of comeback & parents need to side with the teachers more, more children are running riot because they know no-one can do anything. 1788 I have ticket pupil achievement, but I think pupil progress is 3 more important. I am more concerned about how my children’s needs are being met rather than the achievement statistics of the school. 1792 Maintaining an overall identity for this (9-11) age range, other 3 than being absorbed into a larger school. Results in our area with Middle Schools have been above County & Nat. averages. 1793 Bullying, the school my son is going to next year seems to 3 have trouble with Bullying. [Middle School name]. 1796 In the past I lived in Bury St. Edmunds, so with my 5 children, 2 have had experience of both a two and a three tier system. The two tier system makes for happier, more settled kids, who tend to achieve more in any given year. 1797 Too many ‘poor’ teachers in the profession & absenteeism 2 covered by inadequate supply teachers. Weak Headteachers. Not enough teacher-parent liaison. 1798 Avoiding v. large schools, long distances of travel for rural 3 pupils. 1799 Need to encourage children and parents to stop using cars as 3

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a means for getting children to school. If safety is the key concern of parents the innovative ideas must be sort to alay parents’ concerns. 1802 Our daughter has struggled with exposure to increased bad 3 language and with its sexual reference in her first year at Middle School, so maybe staying at primary would have been better. But, she has enjoyed the increased variety of the curriculum – could this be provided at a primary? 1807 To keep children in local areas not having to travel too far to 3 get to school. 1809 Provision for special educational needs. More schools for 2 children with Sen, as they struggle at mainstream. 1814 We are concerned at the suggestion of greater choices to be 2 made at age 14 – resulting in pigeon-holing, & the nature of suggested courses – trendy sports & lesuire etc, rather than important base subjects such as physics & chem. Which further reduce the county/country’s skill base. 1815 If changed to 2 tier system. Children in rural areas attending 3 village schools will spend 2 extra years with few facilities, mixed age classes. 1818 Small primary schools are a necessity to village life, enabling 3 a stronger start for children who live in the country. 1820 We need to look more at teaching children of primary school 3 age other languages. Also more emphasis on teaching sport in primary schools. Unfortunately too late for my child. 1832 I think it important that all children feel safe & welcome within 3 their school environment. 1833 I’m very concerned that the booklet is not balanced giving a 3 full and fair reflection of research and that it is masking a hidden agenda. 1837 I feel very strongly that abolishing the 3 tier system will further 2 advance the loss of village schools and village communities. I went through PTO. 1846 1. Raising the importance of learning Modern Foreign 3 Languages. 2. Teaching ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1847 South Lowestoft needs another high school. 3 1849 Lack of thought for rural children’s opportunities. Wrongly 2 encouraging students into 6th form when it is clearly unsuitable & setting them up for failure!! 1851 Having a disabled child doing well in his new school – if they 2/3 can achieve results why can’t others – schools push them out because of achievement tables. 1856 *Consistency in extended school provision within the county 3 *Lack of childcare in rural areas. *Need for VIth form colleges in rural clusters. 1860 The best school for each pupil taking account of individual 3 needs. Do not ignore EBD, MLD. GAT. Vocational. Academic breadth. 1861 Difficulty of recruiting suitably qualified and experienced 3 teachers and staff into specialist schools. 1868 I think our education is good but not enough teachers and 3 overcrowded school one the problem in our area. 1870 The most important thing is that children are treated as 2

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individuals and are able to make choices, with support and guidance, that are appropriate to them, not encouraged to fit into government-shaped boxes to meet their targets. 1871 These so called bullying policies, why when children have 3 fights at school do we have to phone the polices. The school hands are tied + police can’t do anything to minors. We need more discipline. 1872 I am less interested in choice, and more interested in the local 2 school being good for all children. 1876 Don’t waste money on changing the system, spend the money 3 on existing schools and teachers. 1877 Property + HR issues associated with move from 3 tier – two 3 tier schools. 1879 I believe the three tier system works, children are made to 3 become more independent from an earlier age and are ready to progress into upper school at higher level/more confident at 13. 1884 Also personal and social development. Tier not entered. 1888 Lack of funding for schools. I think everyone deserves top 2 quality free education. 1890 Reduction of bureaucracy, form filling, and systems imposed 3 by central government. Letting teachers teach. 1891 1. From 4-10 class sizes of max 20. 3 2. Opportunity to hold back younger children by 1 year (our children are in year by 2 weeks). 1892 Schools ought to be concerned with education, not acting as 2 an arm of social services, with less political correctness and an emphasis on good teaching correlating with good results and problem special needs children removed to special schools where they should receive the help and assistance they require. 1893 Smaller class sizes. 3 1894 I am concerned about schools being too big; smaller, local 3 schools should be encouraged, so that pupils and their families can identify more closely with ‘their school’, and walking to/from school can be almost universal. 1901 I just want it left alone. 3 I don’t care how well school sats are, only how my child learns. PTO. 1911 Although 3 options have been chosen all 12 issues are 3 equally important for a good all round education. 1912 As a mother of a 10 yr old & 9 month old living in a village 3 without personal transport I would like to know how a 2 tier system would affect the location of schools. I e.g. Would Thurston keep its lower school! 1913 *School diaries! Are ok. But some of the things put in them are 3 pathetic ie:- Parents not signing detention if you haven’t signed for reading homework!! *Bring back discipline + zero tolerance in classrooms. *The way maths is taught today – seems/is a lot more complicated, ie:- division and multiplication bring back the old system. * Relief teachers – long term sick of permanent staff – loss of valuable learning time, especially 6th form.

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1914 Teaching methods i.e. Ofsted research identified that pupils 2 understanding of mathematical concepts was very poor (70%). Success in G.C.S.E, etc through memorising. Discussion of creativity should be encouraged more - 1915 My main concern is the losing of local children in the 3 school 3 system to the 2 school system, all or most of the possible high achievers leave us to go to 2 tier systems. 1916 Keep the high academic standard of Middle schools with 3 specific teachers for each subject in comparison to the very low standard of teaching by only one class teacher in primary schools. 1920 As you say ‘Every Child Matters.’ Each area should be looked 3 at separately – even each individual school because reports shown on an average it doesn’t always mean all schools – 3 tier pupils are not achieving as well as 2 tier pupils!! 1930 The ramifications of this change are far reaching. This form 3 does not tell the whole story with questions worded in such a way to achieve statistics you require – what about transport issues – how? 1934 Improve discipline 3 Reorganise to accommodate Special Schools & remove inclusion which is not working. 1936 The Middle School system keeps our children as children for 3 longer. They are allowed to have the ‘childhood’ that we had + they deserve. 1938 The quality of teaching and parental attitude are what dictate 3 the overall level of student performance! No rocket science involved here!! I find the whole booklet has a strong bias towards the two-tier system. 1940 The pastoral care which is provided in middle schools is 3 continued. 1945 Personal & social development 2 Keeping village schools More help for special needs children. 1947 Charge is challenging for children and adults alike and family 2 relocation can mean a new home and a new school. Keep changes of school to a minimum. 1952 I am concerned [Middle School] will be closed down, our 3 children have been extended there. I am not convinced Primary Schools would benefit from expansion (WHAT ABOUT PRE-SCHOOL PLACES?) 1954 Enlarging village primary schools improves the schools, 3 enhances the community and provides more to pupils in their formative years. 1965 My 5 year old daughter would be in the same school as 11 3 year olds and would find this daunting. It is wrong. 1970 The way when the ofsted come round the schools make sure 3 everything is ok but the rest of the time they struggle to make things work. 1976 The way this document is put together sounds like you’ve 3 already decided what you think is best as an education authority. There’s nothing wrong with holding onto traditional teaching methods if they work. What’s so great about a modern

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education system if it doesn’t teach kids the basics! 1977 Having personally had children going into two tier from the 3 three tier system has shown how influential 18+ year are on our 11 year olds! Not always for the best. 1979 I have put four but many of the above are very important and 3 not limited to three. 1981 One on one support for Special Needs children in mainstream 3 school, I fell they have been let down or are dismissed and so parents only take responsibility in making sure they can achieve their potential. 1989 Support for those children who do not have SEN but have 3 additional needs in school – borderline SEN cases. I feel not adequately covered at present. 1992 Infrastructure in many towns can’t cope with rising nos of 2 children. How are schools to cope with new housing estates? 1994 I think middle schools should stay because I don’t think year 3 7’s should be put in the same school as year 11’s because I feel its too intimidating. 1995 Potential amalgamation of Infant/Juniors? 2 1996 I would like all secondary schools to have their own sixth form. 2 1997 We would also consider the All Age School as an option for 3 the future of our sons. Also a university in Suffolk would be great. 1999 A lost generation if you change from middle schools. I think Lives middle schools are EXCELLENT I have experience of other & outside come out of county deliberately. county. 2001 Learning support. 3 2002 I’m extremely concerned with the level of bias and angle 3 which this “CONSULTATION” brochure is projecting, trying to yet again pull the wool over people’s eyes (P.T.O) 2004 More money needs to be invested in our education system as 3 a whole. Middle schools are vital to our children’s personal development and education. 2007 Fewer changes of school. 3 2010 My son is 3 1/2 now but I’ve been told he can not start school 3 until January 2008 when he hits 5. I thought that he could start school sooner? My phone number is [number]. I’d appreciate a call re this. 2011 Instability with change for children 3 Decline of village communities Waste of resources & money 2015 My daughter goes to a Suffolk school. My son to a 3 school. There is a marked difference between the 2 counties. The 2 tier out performs the 3 tier any day! 2019 Smaller classes especially for first schools 3 Discipline (or lack of) Stability of curriculum/Stability of staff 2025 Being able to choose which secondary school my child can 2 attend. 2028 That operations and decisions are open, honest and 3 transparent. Then pupils/students/adults with SEN or learning disabilities or mental health issues are catered for as well. 2030 I do not want to see a 4 year old having to miss the 3 opportunity of start their education in a small caring village

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school. 2042 Keep in line with other counties that follow the 4-11, 11-18. I 2 also feel that one gets a better spread of academic availability from teachers over the wider age range. 2044 -Class sizes 2 -teaching to pass SATs -Failing brighter pupils 2045 How would village schools cope with a two-tier system – 3 would they close? Should they extend to become bigger to cope with higher age group (say 9-11)? 2047 Q1 Will the sale of redundant schools and real estate be 3 reinvested in local schooling? 2 I believe that the value of 3 tiered schools is crucial in our children’s personal and social development taking into account the rural location that we live in, and I feel this outweighs achievement figures. 2051 I think there need to be far more male teachers especially in 2 primary schools and I think more thought needs to be given to how boys are taught as I think present ways of teaching are biased towards girls. 2053 The quality of teachers employed (experience) 3 Funding to the school to have experienced staff. The larger the school the more likely bullying etc will go undetected. 2058 Having experienced both systems, the three tier system is in 3 my opinion the best. I allows our children to have a childhood and gradually grow as they move through each tier. Improve but don’t change what is already a super system. 2059 After moving into an area with 2 tier system, I feel that 4-11yr 2 old is too large an age gap. 4-9 yr is ideal for village school, but children outgrow them by last year. 2061 I am very concerned that middle schools will be closed down, 3 as our children have flourished at [middle school]. 2067 1.Having read your leaflet I am slightly alarmed that you think 2 its important for students to remain students after age 16, when what this county needs is skilled labourers. Why not encourage more apprenticeships? 2. See overleaf. 2073 Young children (KS2) imitating bad KS3 behaviour too soon. 9 3 year olds influenced by 12 year olds in middle schools. 2075 Parental choice – some children achieve well in a 3 tier 2 system. 2076 The children will be disrupted when the changes are made 3 especially those due to go from middle to high school when the new school is a new challenge in itself. Although I do know children who are doing well in a 2 tier system. 2077 Spend money on great teachers and equipment or new 3 schools catering to 3 tier. Also keep village schools running they are so important. 2080 I like village primary schools due to low numbers. Pupils are 3 more confident and learn better in a calmer atmosphere. 2082 Behaviour with schools 2 Keeping Special Schools, or providing enough support for mainstream schools. 2085 A 2-tier system may mean closing some excellent small 3

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village schools – lets keep them – Suffolk kids do really well lets not spoil it! 2086 I don’t want my children going to a MASSIVE upper school – 3 Thurston is big enough with 300+ in each year group – add 2 more year groups & it would be unmanageable. 2093 During the past term we have been forced to remove one of 3 our children from school + have had to resort to home- schooling. This was due to severe bullying. 2094 I want my children to enjoy school and feel valued as an 3 important member of the school community. 2095 That my children are not used as guinea pigs for government 2 change for the sake of change! 2096 I am concerned about the numbers of pupils in school 2 becoming unwieldy. However, a well-organised school (like my children’s primary) can be large but not fell large & impersonal, if the transitional phases are well-managed. 2098 Village schools are very important and we should do our best 3 to keep them no matter how small they are, changing the system would definitely put more pressure on smaller schools. 2103 Still feel there is a big adjustment for children leaving primary 2 & first year at high school. More effort can be made in final year at primary in all areas. 2105 Concerns over how any changes are managed – it needs to 3 be properly funded and transparent so that teachers know where they stand. 2108 Special schools need to remain as an option for pupils and 2 parents who want them. 2112 The amount of pupils per classroom. 3 Poor discipline. 2113 Having different systems in different areas reduces choice of 2 school. 2115 If you go to a two tier then I believe that some of the older 3 children will force the younger children to peer pressure which would be a bad thing. Also we would have empty schools which would be empty for years. 2118 My son will be in year 4 in Sept 2006. 3 When are changes going to take place? What about the children lives that will be disrupted in the interim period. 2121 I strongly don’t agree. With three tier schools affecting 3 children’s performances. I believe after having four children at school it is down to poor quality of teaching. 2126 Numbers in school (classes) 2 Further education Exams. 2133 Also having 2 children 2 years apart, both being at the same 3 school is an obvious advantage from a parents point of view re taking/collecting. Would schools close or have fewer pupils in school year if changed to a 2 tier system? 2136 Variety of teachers and specialised equipment. Rather do 3 SATs end of year 8 or keep 9 at Middle school. 2137 Middle schools are nice they help you grow up before going to 3 high school. 2139 Do not think 4 year olds should be in the same school as 14 3 year olds.

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2145 Always blaming teachers for all problems in families or No tier society. There is a wrong mentality. Teachers should teach & stated. pupils learn. 2147 Not big schools, too impersonal, teachers don’t get to know 3 children. 2153 Children need to feel comfortable at school, not forced to go to 3 large senior schools before they are emotionally ready/educationally ready. Smaller age groupings allow fo this. Keep 3 Tier! 2157 I am strongly in favour of the 3 tier system, and moved back to 3 Suffolk so my children could be educated in it. I think a desire to change to the 2 tier system is PTO. 2159 A change of school in the middle of a keystage. 3 2160 Small school max pupils 500-600 which 3 tier provides, not 3 massive schools which pupils can disappear in the system. 2162 Changes to systems as proposed at time my child should 3 attend middle school. That consultations with parents will be ignored. 2167 If in 2 tier area would the classes of pupils be any bigger? 3 Than 3 tier area. This would be my only concern. 2176 The current concern to encourage more pupils to stay on in 3 education post 16 is not necessarily to the individual or society’s benefit. We need to encourage industry to once again provide good apprenticeships. Many pupils are not academic and do not benefit from ‘pseudo’ qualifications which do not lead to employment. 2177 Community services in schools is also a matter very important 3 to me, but I would put my choices I have ticked before this. 2178 I think they should just have two schools to go to. They all 3 should go swimming too: every school and all classes, to learn how to swim. 2179 Providing homes in towns where families can use the village 3 schools. 2182 I feel that, once again, valuable funds are being spent on 3 unnecessary re-organisation. 2184 My concerns would be about primary schools located out of 3 villages and young children having to bus in and whether any long term changes would be adequately financed. 2194 Main concern of all is altering a system which has 3 weaknesses in its middle section, which is potentially damaging to the bottom end – (see over) 2198 See attached letter. 3 2199 See letter from Govs. 3 2203 Support for teachers seems to be increasingly needed for the 3 problems they have no face caused by disruptive and sometimes aggressive behaviour. 2210 I don’t think ‘choice’ should come into this, we should be 2 working towards all school teaching at the same standard. 2218 Pupils should remain within walking distance of their schools. 3 These options bias towards the 2 tier system. What about having a school/community of appropriate size of pupils age? 2219 More boys orientated-especially primary schools. Teaching 3 methods and activities favour girls. Read – ‘Raising boys’ by Stephen Biddulph.

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2220 Reducing the influence of older children on younger ones. 3 2221 A lack of well-read, knowledgeable, inspirational teachers who 2 have enthusiasm and conviction about the subject matter they teach to open up students’ minds. Poor, mechanistic teaching from pre-fabricated worksheets. Too much exam focus. 2237 Nursery schools attached to schools provides much smoother 3 transition into school. We need to address early education. 2238 If the changes do come in how soon would it be and would the 3 changes be phased in or would it all take effect at the same time? 2243 Schools that become too large have more difficulty managing 2 bullying and there is more chance of individuals with problems being missed. 2246 I just want my children to have a happy education, to feel safe 3 at school, to have a wide choice of opportunities and to have a good rapport with the teachers. 2248 On leaving school and going on to college, then after 2 years, 3 (age 18) being able to get jobs, apprenticeships easier, getting the qualifications, but no experience, college don’t seem cared enough, no advice given. 2251 I have a song of 13 and a daughter of 11. I am worried the 3 effect the upheaval and change would have on their education at this important stage of development. I’ve been through a 2 tier system and believe my children have benefited from 3 tier. 2255 The larger the school and class size the more impersonal the 3 school experience becomes for the child. 2260 Facilities for sport, science & play within 2 tier system are 2 poor. Most children do not receive adequate facilities until age 11 at high school. If we go to 2 tier middle school facilities are required at primary level. 2267 Putting children in an environment which is stressful should be 3 avoided. 2269 More sports orientated time set aside for all children during 2 school hours – promotes team spirit AND fights obesity. 2275 Concerned about possible loss of individual attention within a 3 much larger school environment. 2277 Strongly oppose an all age school and two tier – taking into 3 consideration the emotional stability of younger children. 2278 Church schools perform very well – A strong school ethic & 2 discipline in all schools would help to mirror their success which could be endorsed at county level. 2279 I think the change would be positive but I have very strong 3 concerns as to how it would be undertaken without disruption or upset to my children’s education. 2287 The population/housing growth in and around Haverhill does 3 not include plans for new schools, where are the children going for their education? Two tier schools would be great if village schools could accommodate them. 2290 The possibility that staff may have to teach at more than one 2 site. 2294 THIS IS THE BEST system of schools (I know I have been to 3 a lot of others which are nowhere near as good) 2295 Children of huge age ranges shouldn’t need to be included 3 together e.g. 3&4 year olds and eleven, and eleven and

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eighteens, socially they would be better off in a more restricted age group. 2297 Do NOT want my 11 year olds mixing with 16-18 year olds – 3 so middle schools must stay. 2306 These choices are geared towards getting me to say I want 3 the schools system to change which I don’t. Middle schools should definitely stay. 2310 I feel that the middle schools are in fact just that. They do 3 neither the nurturing and pastoral care needed fo r9-10 year olds well and (see continuation sheet). 2315 -Attending sixth form without having to travel long distance. 2 -Haemorrhaging of high ability pupils from schools seen as poor – which keeps them poor. 2317 Need what is best for the children’s education and what will 3 provide the best results in exams. Looks like moving at age 11 is FAR better than a change at age 13. 2318 Smooth transition to junior and onto high schools. 2 2319 Support for children with sensory disability at all ages in Tier not mainstream schools. entered. 2323 This questionnaire arrived very late, and I feel that the SCC 3 cabinet need to allow more time for decision making and to strongly consider the 3 tier benefits (as mentioned) i.e. if a child is happy in school then they will perform to a standard? 2326 Changes within the Haverhill Pyramid of Schools are a 3 concern to future students if radical plans are implemented. A sixth form centre is only needed within this pyramid in my opinion. 2327 I am also a keen supporter of keeping village schools as my 2 own children have benefited enormously from going to one! 2331 We moved to Sudbury specifically to put the children through 3 a 3 tier system 10-11 yr olds shouldn’t have to go to school with 4-5 year olds. Mine have done extremely well in middle school. 2332 I think the SEN should receive more funds in order to give 3 more support to students with special needs. 2340 Stability – not changing systems during my children’s 2 educational life (upset/ruin their education for the sake of government whim/cost saving exercise). 2341 Our school is not big enough to take older children and unless 3 grants are going to become available then building would not be affordable. 2343 Our three children attend all three levels of the three tier 3 school system in Bury St. Edmunds, and our experience is very positive in terms of achievement, social development and happiness. 2345 Having had 4 children in the primary, middle & upper school 3 system it seems year 4 & 8 are wasted years as the children have out grown the school & what it can offer. 2347 Distance to be travelled to attend a good secondary ‘catholic’ 3 school. 2352 Greater assistance with special needs support. Current lack of 3 practical skills teaching hence ‘less’ engineers, craftsmen, Joiners, Plumbers, Electricians, skilled builders! 2355 My concerns are that from ages 11-18 schools will have to 3

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increase dramatically in size together with pupil Nos. 2359 I want my child to be happy and content at school, as he is 3 now, I don’t think change does children any good, as they have to adapt. 2360 Would like further exploration regarding? Need for help with 3 self esteem + self confidence building in children who attend 2 tier schooling. Also concerned about increase in bullying in this environment. 2370 You state that 6th form performance is an issue. Students in 2 this area are expected to travel a fair distance to transform options. There don’t seem to be many 6th forms at secondary schools. 2374 Children being unsettled and having to change schools, and 3 being split from friends already made at primary school, only to have to change again. 2376 Children attending a large population school at too young an 3 age, there is no room for individuals in this situation; young children need to feel that they are each important & ‘noticed’ as individuals. 2382 Too much emphasis on coursework – not a true reflection of 2 pupils’ ability. Too many pupils being directed towards ‘A’ levels who are not suitable candidates. Vocational courses involve too much writing – little allocation of marks for practical work. 2387 Learning support. 3 2391 Equity of provision 3 2392 Reduce the environmental impact. Make schools greener e.g. 2 Veg gardens and solar power. Encourage children to take care of the environment. Not let schools be too overcrowded. 2397 SEN funding for schools 2 Inclusion. 2398 My daughter is due to go to a High School in Sept when she 2 reaches 16 any further education she wants to do will mean travelling some distance. There is no six form in her school. 2399 More outside lectures or representatives to speak about 2 bullying in schools. More support for single parents. 2400 Better integration of SEN pupils, particularly those with 2 physical disabilities, so they can participate in ALL school activities and visits (without a parent present!) 2405 Distance travelled by children in rural areas. 3 2406 My main concern with the system at the moment is that middle 3 school teachers are of very variable quality – too many bad ones, and not enough good. 2416 I think the age range is too big in the two tier system. It is 3 daunting enough for a 4 year old starting school, without having to mix with 11 year olds. 2422 Rights like going to toilet and getting a drink when wanted! 3 And a lot better lunch. 2424 Children who are developed educationally + socially into 3 happy, healthy learners. 2425 If & when change back to two-tier, the ‘major’ upheaval will 3 definitely affect children in the system at the moment, my education severely effected in 1970s! 2427 Existing primary schools becoming too large for the villages 2

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they occupy. Money being wasted on unnecessary changes. 2430 Teachers allow you to speak your minds and to go to the Tier not toilets. stated. 2432 Rights such as going to the toilet and having a drink. Lunch 3 must be better value. 2434 How are children with special needs in mainstream schools 3 going to be accommodated, when schools seems to be struggling already to provide the support outlined in statements due to the way the LEA funds statements. 2441 I believe the three tier system means the ages of pupils are 3 appropriately split for example primary school 11 year olds are more than ready for middle schools. 2442 Both of my children ‘floundered’ at middle school – also, at 3 first they found the bus journey to school daunting. Talk of ‘educational villages’/centres, embracing all ages sounds crazy. 2444 Schools within local vicinity and in a ‘good’ area within the 3 neighbourhood. 2447 Rights to go to toilet and have a drink and have better lunch 3 value. 2449 I’m concerned that this review is purely due to monetary 3 issues, i.e. if we don’t change we won’t get huge amounts of money from the government to build new schools, and not for educational issues. If it was for educational issues, it would be shown that middle schools are doing an excellent job! 2450 We have chosen to send our children to the above schools 2 though they are out-of-catchment. Both are excellent and we would not like them to change. 2452 I have a great concern over the disservice the present 3 tier 3 system has on social and emotional development of children. This must be addressed if academic standards are to improve. 2453 The lack of educational progress and learner development if 3 changed to a 2-tier schooling. Not meeting the learners’ needs! 2460 I feel one school for 4-18 year olds is totally unsuitable. 3 2463 There has been sexual assaults on 5 year olds in a [primary 3 school] can you imagine what will happen to the youngest ones of a 2-tier system, where there are even older children. 2465 Some areas, like Bury St, Edmunds, offer good education 3 choice + results and don’t need to be changed for the sake of change. 2469 The cost of changing a 3 tier to a 2 tier system – the money 2 could be better directed to the existing school systems. 2477 Teenagers achieve better when formal learning (maths/eng) 2 begins at age 7. See Scandinavian studies. The younger the pupil, more risk of burn-out. 2480 We need to do more to ensure there is a good pool of 2 headteachers who can provide good learning. 2481 Opportunities for pupils in schools. Middle schools can give 3 such a wide range of opportunities to 9-13 year olds that they don’t get until 11 years old in a 2 tier system. This develops the whole child not just for SAT tests. 2482 PTO. 3 DON’T SCRAP MIDDLE SCHOOLS ON HIDDEN AGENDAS.

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Has every household had this form yet? I don’t think so. 2483 I feel that keeping a 3 tier system is important. The years 9-13 3 are a key development stage socially + physically it’s the government that has decided to test children at age 11 although individual pupil achievement is important it shouldn’t all be about ‘government figures!’ we should change the system just for this reason. 2484 In the area I live our local school cannot accommodate all the 2 local children that will occur in the new houses built in area. 2485 We have serious concerns that our catchment school is very 2 oversubscribed. We moved here to be in this catchment and feel annoyed that there are plans to build more houses in this catchment. Why should our children suffer as a result. We want the best for them! 2486 Effectively deal with disruptive pupils so that those that want 2 to learn can! 2490 Classroom assistants are taking on a larger roll than they 3 should be. Teachers should have the responsibility for pupils for their education and discipline not the other way round, which I know does happen in my child’s school! 2492 It would be a great shame to lose the community spirit you get 3 from village schools. I live in a town but my children attend a village school. It’s a great asset for the village. 2497 The three tier system supports the social emotional 3 development of children & young people but feel their progress is slightly hindered (esp. Lit +Num) by transitions mid-key stages. Perhaps better communication between schools could improve? 2499 Making the transfer between schools as easy as possible for 3 the pupils by extending amount of liaisons in the final months before their transfer. 2500 Making the transfer between schools as easy as possible for 3 the pupils by extending amount of liaisons in the final months before their transfer. 2505 I feel that mixed age group classes in primary schools may 3 contribute +be the start to the poor performance of 11 year olds in 3 tier school areas. (e.g. my son is currently in a large year 3+4 class at primary school), with huge differences in ability. 2510 Children of nine are ready for change and need to move on to 3 a middle school. 4-11 years is too large an age gap in one school. Likewise 11-18. 2514 I am happy for things to stay as they are i.e. for my son to 2 school at primary until he is 11 and go on to high school until 16 or use sixth form until 18. Its about good quality of teaching. 2520 Free school transport to [Middle school name]! Or a middle 3 school built on Moreton Hall to cater for big building developments! 2525 3-tier schools – I feel pupils in middle School are being asked 3 to grow up too quickly & lose a lot of personal and social skills. 2529 Let’s get back to enjoyment. Take full advantage of recent 3 research into the development of the brain. 2531 How are teachers’ careers going to be altered? Are we going 3

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to see the disappearance of village schools. If middle schools are to be retained a more academic - 2532 Would like to see more 3-tier. I feel the middle school is a 2 valuable stepping stone to the world of high school. 2533 My children came from international schools in Asia where 3 children are geared to complete university education at the very least. I am sometimes concerned about students here who don’t even want to take their A-levels. What can be done to encourage them to? 2534 The 3 tier system suited my 2 sons well (they are now adults) 3 moving to Middle school enabled a smoother less traumatic jump on to Upper School. 2537 As the mother of high performing 8 year old twins in a three 3 tier system: 1. I am concerned about low performance at age 11 in Suffolk. Why is this? (I have to say my twins’ high performance is not being tracked, or particularly encouraged) 2. Also, why do higher performing students achieve more in a two-tier education system? 2543 1. Keeping village schools enables communities to remain 3 whole. 2. Getting & keeping good teachers. 3. Students continuing education after age 16. 2545 More help and one-one assistance is needed for lower 3 performing students when they move onto Middle & Upper/secondary school. 2547 Better choice 14/19 year old 3 Better support for children & families. Keeping village schools. 2548 I think there is too much emphasis on learning how to pass 3 exams, too much pressure and experimentation on children + teachers by governments who want to change educational system to fit their ideology & whims. A lot could be learnt from good ‘home education’. 2556 As a product of the 3 tier system myself, I firmly believe it is 3 important to keep schools smaller up to the age of 14. It helps greatly with personal identity and social development. Continued overleaf. 2558 Funding:- if our schools are reorganised how much will it cost 3 & will money needed to deliver education be lost to delivering re-organisation. 2560 Less government interference & more discipline plus more 3 help for children who knuckle down & behave. 2562 That decisions are considered firstly due to pupil achievement 3 which has meant that children of 6 years old are formally tested which then sets an unrealistic standard for the other schools to keep up with which can suggest a slump at Y6. 2564 Stop the red tape, and teach self discipline and respect as 3 well as the academic subjects!! 2568 After 16 free education. 3 Children keeping within age appropriate groups. 2577 Pernicious influence of so-called Faith schools, especially 3 those promoting an evangelical Christian agenda, and the desire of Roman Catholic run schools to promote religious

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dogma and ethics. 2579 Would like to be able to choose any school in any area (not 3 just my catchment) without needing to give a reason! 2581 Smaller secondary schools. At present our local high school 3 covers far too wide an area and is too large to deal with children as individuals. A two tier system would make it even bigger! 2582 Avoiding a post-code lottery – providing an equal opportunity 3 for all. 2583 I believe that most listed are very important and further 3 education is a must with guidance and support. 2600 The diversity and experiences that are available at an earlier 3 age in 3 tier system. The children have outgrown the primary school – are not stimulated. 2608 I am concerned about failure to achieve potential at both 11 3 and post 16 – complex reasons for such failure but must be tackled by all political groups. A two tier system will opportunity to renew teaching approaches, examine parent/school partnerships and identify areas where better use of resources would be cost effective. 2609 Children able to speak there views is important and should be 3 considered more often. 2613 Schools after 16 years old e.g. college funding. 3 2616 To ensure my children receive the best possible education. 2 2627 More schools and trained staff to deal with those children with 3 Special Educational Needs – more choices for parents of those children. 2629 Special support for children with Special needs. 3 2631 All the above are important issues and cannot be ignored. 3 2636 If the findings are accurately based, and children are suffering 3 under a 3 tier system, then now is the time for change. We need to concentrate on keeping our teachers, attracting new ones. 2638 Support of both Teachers Support staff needs to be improved 2 along with extra training around social, emotional & behavioural issues & the problems children & their families face – which will enable staff (all levels) to best meet the children’s needs! 2639 To promote confidence in young people & take time to 2 discover what they really enjoy doing so that the right planning for a suitable career can be adopted (those are too many adults in jobs they do not enjoy). 2640 More social places to go for teenagers. 2 2643 Timescale – need to happen quickly and with minimum No tier disruption to children. stated. What will happen to ‘outstanding’ small primaries? 2644 It’s a worry when children move from small first schools 3 straight to the enormous 2nd school – the 3 tier system gives a buffer zone. 2645 A broader experience of school and socializing must be 3 retained by keeping middle schools. More important than the number of 4+’s at KS2?! 2646 A ‘one size fits all’ policy would not work well in a county such 2 as Suffolk which has very different needs in its rural and urban

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areas. 2652 Transport to school 3 The statistical evidence against 3-tier appears weak & moves to 2 tier appear mainly to be cost cutting. 2656 The happiness and confidence of our children – achieved very 3 well in our village school. 2662 Help for children to achieve their full potential, & this means 3 help for children if they fall behind with their work. 2663 In this area the present system works well. Efforts are made to 3 keep on improving. Change is not desirable. 2668 Better mix of male & female teachers especially in primary 2 schools. Better sports facilities & specialist trainers. Identify bright students and extend them. 2671 I would worry that you might close a brilliant school like 3 [Middle School] & enlarge a ‘rough’ school like [Upper School]. I certainly don’t want my children going there at age 11yrs. Its bad enough that they’ll have to go at age 14 yrs. 2679 Our catholic 3 tier system in Bury St. Edmunds works very 3 well. If its not broken, don’t mend it. Leave it as it is. 2681 Three intakes per school year are not preferable. In the early 3 years at school this leads to ever changing class sizes as intake numbers are unpredictable. 2682 For my children the end target is to have happy, well balanced 2 educated young people who are taught by individuals who enjoy, are valued and are good teachers. 2683 -provisionings for pupils with special education needs. 2 2684 Drugs. Bullying. 3 They come into village from other villages and start youngsters on drugs. The division of 3 tier school is bussing from one area to another. They are bullied on buses a lot. 2686 Changing the system will not improve things, except that 3 children will attend a larger impersonal school. My child has received an excellent education at her Middle School, why change? 2689 That there are minimal disruptions while any changes take 3 place. These are the issues you have chosen to list in order to get a specific answer. 2690 Mixing such big age groups which always causes bullying, + 3 keeping the excellent standards our schools already have! Small schools, where everyone knows each other + cares! 2648 Should more children have the opportunity to do an 2 International Baccalaureate? More should be done to remove poor teachers. It is not possible to choose 3, as some choices are interdependent. If children don’t have stability, trust in their teachers and support they can’t achieve as well. They need to feel listened to and be treated as individuals. 2649 That our village schools will be put under pressure, and that 3 these will end up being of a lower standard and not in a small community. 2650 Keeping close monitor for bullies especially for the new 3 comers. 2697 It is too easy to only focus on achievement – education is a 3 rounder subject than that. Don’t throw the baby out with the

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bath water. 2698 Most of the primary teachers I have met over the last 13 years 2 of teaching feel motivated, and valued by their colleagues, pupils and often by parents too. This does not seem to be the case for as many high school teachers I have met. 2699 I feel the 3 tier system works well in this area, why waste our 3 money changing things that are not broken!! 2703 My main concern is that which system of learning children are 3 in that the Government & Education authority continue to focus on the core subjects that benefit children in Future life. 2704 Should not modernise way children learn but optimise 2 conditions to support their learning. Early years education needs to be fully recognised. 2707 Maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum. Providing a 3 safe environment where children can thrive & develop without pressure from much older pupils. 2708 Children are happier + much better educated in smaller 3 schools with less of an age group, our schools are brilliant. 2712 The break up of community structures currently enjoyed by 3 local schools which facilitate local community initiates & foster local community relationships. 2714 The delay in receiving this document significantly decreases 3 the consultation period. 2716 SATs should be abolished – cause too much pressure to all, 3 don’t do anything a good teacher can’t tell you! & a waster of time! Middle Schools provide a more secure, less stressful environment. However, the dip in achievement needs to be addressed. 2720 I am strongly against the three tier system and I do not feel it 3 benefits pupils. 2727 Schools need to have a small population of 500 or so in order 3 to work Middle schools are more successful in terms of pupils behaviour and the uniform is kept because they are smaller. 2723 My son is 6 years old – whatever is decided, I would like the 3 least disruption to his schooling as possible, as I believe it would have a detrimental effect upon him. 2727 My daughter has just had her first year at high school, and I 2 am surprised how difficult it is to communicate in an effective way with the school. I rely on notes to her teacher + phone calls, the school is far too big to be able to get to know her abilities properly. 2728 Segregation of pupils by behaviour. My son is a normal well- 3 behaved boy who is constantly disrupted by pupils who badly misbehave. But is also harshly dealt with using the same zero tolerance system as those mentioned before. [Middle School Name]. 2730 Excessive costs involved in adapting existing primary & high 3 schools if 2 tier system is adopted. 2731 The move at 8 years for many from small rural schools, has a 3 positive effect, as children mix in larger groups & travel to & from school & home, helping to widen horizons & improve social skills but the educational dip is worrying. 2732 Concern over implementation of two tier system, some 3 primary schools are not large enough to cope with increased

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age range & feel closure of middle schools a loss of resources. 2743 I am concerned about the children at a Middle School if these 3 changes go ahead. Surely Middle School teachers will want to leave to find secure jobs & vacancies will not be filled during the years of changeover. Therefore the pupils will receive a very patchy education over 4 years. 2747 I feel strongly that it is not ideal 11 year olds leaving a small 3 primary and having to go to a large school mixing with 16-18 years. Having experienced a two tier PTO. 2748 As a parent of children currently in years 2 + 5 at [School 3 Name] + [School Name] (both extremely high performing schools) my major desire is for as little disruption to their education – even though I am not a supporter of a secondary based education for 9 + 10 year olds. 2749 After reading this booklet, I feel that all schools in Suffolk 2 should be part of the two tier system. 2752 Any changes that would effect our children in a detrimental 3 way, as they complete their education. 2753 More support for children with SEN’s/low performing pupils. 2 Providing funding for full time TA/LSA’s in every classroom would greatly benefit all children not just those with SEN’s. 2758 All children should begin reception in the September of the 2 school year in which they are five, rather than having a staggered entry as currently exists. 2759 My children are both in the 3 tier system now and very happy 3 – I am begging you not to sacrifice them for the future. 2762 Improving discipline + reducing numbers of disruptive pupils. 3 2764 - Activity, nutrition and sports are essential I believe. 3 - Good understanding of our own heritage and culture is also important. 2767 Smaller class sizes 3 Stop bullying Don’t mix children who can’t speak English. 2770 Lack of motivation of pupils especially girls after Middle 3 School – Need to focus on girls in Science and Maths Year 9 onwards similar to reading for young boys. 2771 One of my sons has Special Needs. He attends [School 3 Name] until July 2006 + then Sept 2006 will attend another school. The other school, he will only stay until 9 yrs old. Then will then have to attend a middle school. Its pointless. 2775 Children having the same teacher and not as many changes 3 especially in their early years of school life. 2777 I believe [School Name] is doing an excellent job & would like 3 to see other schools brought up to its standards of care, pupil involvement & achievement. 2779 Keep smaller classes. Don’t change it if it isn’t broken. 3 2782 Lowestoft needs a single good sixth form. Hopefully re- 3 organisation can lead to a sixth form college to be proud of, like the East Norfolk Sixth Form College at Gorleston, Norfolk, an excellent learning environment. 2788 Children have too much change and are not able to build 3 lasting relationships at a school. 2790 If this was to change presumably the primary schools would 3

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close, so my tow youngest would end up travelling on buses instead of a 2 minute walk. 2793 All of the above are concerns - 3 2798 I would not let my 7 year old go out and play with 9-16 year 3 olds. So I would not like him to be at school with that age group. It’s bad enough when groups of children that age walk past you on the way home from school. 2799 Rural community schooling is important. Reducing the need 2 for ‘car travel’ to school is also v. important. Children should be education in their community wherever possible. 2805 Special needs in smaller middle schools are very needed in 3 schools. And this I feel is very helpful in middle schools. Which I am taking experience of. 2806 Parents living in villages in Essex and Cambridge will not 2 consider Haverhill because of the middle/upper system. 2807 Keeping systems that work – the middle school system in our 3 area works very well and any other may mean loss of local primary schools and more travel at a younger age. 2808 Children seem to be taught to the lower or average levels of 2 pupils but those who excel have to do so on their own/with parents there are not enough challenges for them. 2811 Funding should follow SEN pupils. Funding should be based 2 on classes not per child in order to avoid mixed age classes. 2812 All the issues above are important, and to choose 3 is 3 impossible. 2816 I believe the current education system within my local area 2 does not provide the best value for money. Services provided seem to be tailored to certain academic groups. Every pupil’s abilities should be valued and extended. 2817 Achievement does not mean comparing ourselves with others 3 – it’s the best ‘we’ can do. 2818 Small classes; individual school designed for age range it 2 covers. 2820 VI form post 16 – their choice to stay in school – it is vital this 3 is retained. 2824 If [Middle School name] were to change. It would be better to 3 make it into a high school – not close it – less travelling for children and no overcrowding at high schools. 2826 Keeping travel to a minimum in a rural county. 3 Making sure that schools + pupils feel part of local community + giving 1st class education in that context. 2828 Discipline – A tough, no-nonsense policy is of the utmost 2 importance. No pupil or staff member should suffer physical or verbal abuse within the school environment. 2838 There is a little or no evidence that children in 2 tier systems 3 achieve better at GCSE/A level than those in 3-tier. You should put your energies into improving the quality of education in upper schools and leave the excellent primary/middle sectors alone. 2839 I moved my two children from a two-tier system to the three. I 3 know that if I had not of had this choice my children would not be so well education & bright as they are today! 2859 The amount of travelling (distances & time) pupils are asked 2 to do.

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2870 Keeping young ones young is o importance to me so they 2 don’t grow up too quick, seeing too many older ones! 2871 Transport issues if village schools close. 3 2874 We need an education system which doesn’t just concentrate 2 on academic achievement, important though that is, but also produces well rounded, balanced individuals who will be useful members of the community. 2875 Supporting special needs children in a mainstream setting. 2 2877 Catchment areas for primary schools. Houses closest to 2 school are not currently in its catchment – this is ridiculous. 2878 The extraordinary low standards of both [area] High Schools. 3 Students who go to 6th form in Ipswich all say how different the aspirations are of teachers and pupils. 2887 Equality of schools – catchment area schools should all meet 3 same standards so driving/transport becomes less of an issue. Local schools for local people. 2888 In our middle we have a good attendance perhaps, instead of 3 just looking at Eng/Maths/Science attendance should be looked at. 2889 The influence of older children on the much younger could be 3 a problem though. 2892 The practicalities of re-structure. Many of our village schools 3 would not have space to extend 4-11 years. Does a move to Two-Tier involved bussing children to less local schools? 2893 Children would benefit more by starting school at beginning of 2 the school year in which they become five, rather than in the term of rising five. 2897 Size of schools should be kept small. 3 2899 Despite the political lure of huge future capital savings the 3 local education authority, its current officers and advisors should not (except to their eternal shame) forget that they have taken considerable pride in middle schools with a mission statement to parents teachers and governors alike that middle schools offer children a wider range of educational opportunities, experiences and pastoral support than the consequently less attractive 2 tier system prevalent (over) 2901 Too many new initiatives without adequate review of existing 2 ones. 2902 Leave alone – It works well so why change it 3 2906 I feel the schools system should be the same over the whole 2 country, as it is easier for teachers (training etc) and allowing teachers to move between schools. 2910 Effective management at top level in schools whose Heads 2 should receive proper training in ‘people’ skills. 2911 Do more about bullying. 3 2912 Provision for special education needs 3 Flexibility of provision for pupils of different ability. Possibility of taking GCSEs in year 12 or 13 where appropriate – or earlier where appropriate. 2915 Too many new initiatives without adequate review of existing 2 practices. 2916 Give more support to the children who need it and less time to 2 the troublemakers in the school who disrupt teaching. 2917 The overcrowding in primary schools, due to new housing 3

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being built before a thought is given to new schools being built. 2918 Too much emphasis and pressure is put on today’s children. 3 They come out of school stressed and exhausted. They finish school with fantastic results but no social or life skills. 2919 Despite the political lure of huge future capital savings the 3 local education authority, its current officers and advisors should not (except to their eternal shame) forget that they have taken considerable pride in middle schools with a mission statement for parents, teachers and governors alike that middle schools offer children a wider range of educational opportunities, experiences and pastoral support than the consequently less (over) 2922 Proper integration with FE and schools/sixth forms. 3 2926 How changing to a 2-tier system would affect current children 3 aged between 5 and 11 years olds. 2927 Environmental concerns – i.e. too many pupils live too far from 2 their schools to walk or cycle. Also safety issues linked with walking to school i.e. lack of pavements. 2931 More to offer and stretch top set students. 3 Ensure class sizes are not ridiculously large! 2932 More help needed for children who struggle at school but 2 because they don’t fit neatly into the ‘little tick boxes’ don’t get recognised for special educational needs! 2936 I don’t want it to change from 3-tier to 2-tier. 3 2938 Small village schools make an enormous contribution to the 3 life of village and should be kept at all costs despite fluctuating numbers. 2944 Children needing a stable base before making choices of 3 subjects for exams and future training/employment. Raising educational standards. 2946 A 3 tier system keeps age ranges in more suitable groups, 3 provides for a ‘fresh start’ (twice) and enables children to become more responsible for personal management at an appropriate stage in their development. If each change in school is managed well then pupils achievement should not be affected by tier numbers. 2947 When they start school instead of 3 staggered intakes all start 3 in September together then they all get a full 5 years at primary + the same head start. 2950 I do not wish to see primary schools being merged into large 3 schools as this would have a detrimental effect on social development. 2951 Child safety issues, safety of young children if all age groups 3 in one school, quality of teaching and education will fall. 2954 Disruption to the children. 3 2955 I want to keep the 3-tier system as I feel it works extremely 3 well in our area. Why not spend the money improving what we have. 2960 1. Standards of behaviour expected of children in schools 3 e.g. not dropping litter, not pushing through doorways. 2. Prioritisation of resources e.g. why does my children’s school have computerised white boards but shabby, dirty toilets?

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2962 Smaller classes. 3 2963 The interests of the individual child are what is important, not 3 statistics. 3 tier system gives the child everything they need both socially and academically. 2967 The amount of constant change in Education generally. 2 2968 We moved from Essex due to building – the three tier system 3 with regard to catholic schools has helped my daughters confidence and academically. 2969 The system works. Why change? Initially I didn’t like the three 3 tier system, because I had grown up with two, but it really is effective and breaks children in Easter to each new level. 2972 Maybe children should have a say on this also, I’m sure you 3 would find most are happy with the 3 tier system after all ‘every child matters’ surely its them we’re doing it for. 2974 Please use achieving middle schools as a model to improve 3 those that need help (not start from scratch!!) 2976 Pupil individuality and pupil individual recognition. 3 Over-crowding of schools if changed. 2979 Student teachers tend to be trained in 4-11 and 11-18 age 2 groups, and would probably prefer to teach in these age groups, rather than 3 tier schools. 2983 Extra out of school activities. 3 Using school premises at weekends – extra curricular activities. 2984 Teachers need to have appropriate training in dealing with 2 special needs children. My autistic child has a very difficult school life. 2986 That children do not have to travel vast distances by bus – 3 winter in rural areas can be difficult & even frightening for very young children. 2988 Size of classes. 3 Standard of teaching, limiting charges of staff which seem to occur frequently in this area. 2990 I am concerned about the provision for pupils with special 2 educational needs. I hope that any second stage of consultation would seek views on the role of special schools and specialist support centres. 2991 Making drastic changes when the current buildings and the 3 logistics may be impossible to manage. Tweak the system to increase accountability. 2992 In the current system of primary-middle-high there is a greater 2 stability, the transition is smoother and expectations of pupil behaviour are higher in primary + middle schools. 2993 The ideal is to have a continuity based centre in villages and 3 urban areas with minimum 5/6 teachers primary schools (teachers to each year group with adequate playing fields for football and assembly halls for community use for meetings, leisure and internet connections in a secure area. 2994 Every tick box here justifies your one sided argument for a two 3 tier system. Very, very one sided and is presented as a ‘done deal’. 2997 Keeping the school population to a manageable number in 3 order to deal with pupil behaviour and achievement. 3011 • Only concern regarding year 4 – seems to be a waster 3

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year at primary school • Each new school in 3 tier systems brings new opportunities 3015 Provision for pupils with SEN now that there are no ASC 2 (SSC) places for them when they transfer to high school. There is now a very stark choice – [Special School name] or mainstream high school. 3017 2 tier system in rural areas could lead to ‘super’ size high 3 schools which would negate the benefits of the 2 tier system. 3018 If a young eleven year old goes to a secondary school we will 3 be mixing with boys + girls up to the age of nineteen who will be smoking, drug taking, having sex etc – let them keep their innocence for as long as possible. 3019 As Bury St. Edmunds keeps getting bigger, I feel the three tier 3 system needs to stay with money going towards them to expand. 3031 I also feel fewer changes of school at key stages can only be 3 a good thing. Being in a school longer before subject choices need to be made will allow teachers/pupils to know and understand better of each other. 3034 I suspect that this review has been driven by cost 3 considerations. Please put pupil achievement at the top of the priority list. Wholesale change may not be the answer to the results at 11 and after 16. 3037 I feel that these options are all biased towards change in the 3 current system. Equal opportunities for free access to secondary & further education. Students at A level in the Halesworth area have to travel & have to pay for this travel. 3038 Environmental impact of additional travel (if two tier) change in 3 small communities caused by cuilding disposal impact on families caused by increased travel and overall school day length being increased. 3039 A good quality education for 9-13 year olds and an 2 environment which nurtures and enriches children’s experiences. 3042 I do not want to see money being spent on making changes 3 when the current system works well. Why not give extra money to existing schools. 3043 We moved to Suffolk 3 years ago because of the 3 tier 3 system/village schools from Essex. We believe strongly that our children should be brought up in smaller schools where they are run as a community. 3049 Pupil achievement is also very important but I think that this 3 can only be obtained with good teachers, good parental support in local schools. 3050 Things need to change in our high schools in the [area name] 2 area, I’m sure my daughter would be better if there was discipline in the classes and respect. If I could afford to send my children to private school I would have no hesitation. It appears P.T.O. 3051 Size of secondary schools if a 2 tier system is brought in. For 3 timid children these schools are too large, too impersonal. The 3 tier system breaks them in gently for senior school. 3052 There are two levels of education in our area. 2 tier schools 3

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that have better key stage 2 results and then 3 tier schools that because of the split key stage have pathetic results. Each school can pass the buck. 3056 That lumping young children with older children does not 2 expose them over-early to drugs, alcohol &sex… if research shows this doesn’t happen I’m ok with it. 3060 I feel it would cost a vast amount of money to change existing 2 systems. The money would be better spent improving what is already in place. + less disruptive to pupils + staff. 3065 3 tier system – lost year 4 3 2 tier system – breeds inefficient teachers ie children have them for longer. This system also promotes peer system including bullying. 3067 Making changing schools easier for the child by letting them 2 visit the new school a number of times before starting, making it less stressful. 3075 There is too much emphasis on results of exams and league 3 tables. More focus should be on social issues and producing responsible, capable people. 3076 Keeping high teaching standards 2 Higher teacher to child ratio in classes. 3077 As we are a rural area, I would hate to see young children 3 being ‘bussed’ in to school each day. We have a very good 3 tier system in place. In my opinion it caters for now and in the future. 3078 It concerns me that pupil achievement is only assessed on 3 3 subjects. Middle schools offer a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop independently and enable them to be free of the influences of 16 and 17 year olds during their early teens. I know PTO. 3082 Reaching 13 years of age is a step towards adulthood. This 3 seems an ideal time to change schools so children can experience a more ‘grown up’ environment you wouldn’t want 11 year olds to be exposed to. 3085 Giving better support for people on low income or benefits? 3 3086 I feel that the middle school system allow the development of 3 pupils personality and responsibility much better and a dedicated middle school staff can do so much more with this age range. 3089 Behaviour, Safety. 2 3090 Too much money is spent on these types of consultation and 2 not enough where its needed. 3096 Of course figures show 2 tier looks better – there are 3 statistically more to skew the measurement against a 3 tier system. All I know is that a school for 9-13 year olds has worked wonders for that age group & allowed them to mature in a measured way. 3097 I don’t want my children to face the disruption that a change of 3 school system would bring – I’d prefer to keep the current system. 3100 The demise of schools with sixth forms – all schools should 2 have one – it improves behaviour and social skills. 3101 How could you accommodate a two-tier system without 3 substantial additional cost and educational upheaval?

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3102 The middle school system three tier I feel has proven the best 3 for my four children having moved from a two tier area, I feel there is less trouble. 3108 Special needs (in all schools) 2 More one to one teaching in these cases. Dyslexia etc etc. 3113 Keeping school sizes down & avoiding huge numbers in one 3 school is important, so the individual child is not lost sight of. 3118 I am concerned about the amount of travelling that is 2 necessary and would strongly object to anything forcing primary children to have longer days and travel further. 3121 We believe that these 3 aims are consistent with the retention 3 of the 3 tier system in our area. 3122 Better co-ordination of services for those on school 2 action/action plus + statements as some schools let them down due to resources. 3123 Very much against companies/organisations running schools 2 – LEA accountable – keep that! 3124 I would like the 3 tier system as I believe it works better and 3 the children feel more stable without older children to be put up against e.g. smoking etc. 3125 Changing schools halfway through a key stage (3). 3 3127 Changing schools halfway through a key stage (3). 3 3130 Bring back middle schools, so that present high schools are 2 not so large. Also forget about catchment areas, allow people the choice of schools, surely this will show the favourites. 3132 I have taught in both a two-tier and three-tier system. There is 3 only one winner i.e. two tier. Results are far better and the one change of school is certainly beneficial. The sooner this area I,e, Halesworth/Bungay changes the better. 3136 Special educational needs 3 Maintained nursery places. 3140 Teachers – there are some bad teachers. Other teachers are 2 aware of these bad teachers yet nothing is done. 3145 Your opening statement on pupil achievement is illogical the 3 wasted money on change should be spent on improving 6th forms if you wish to improve A level results. 3149 Our main concern with changing to two tier is how it will affect 3 our children as the re-structuring will mean upheaval for the cohorts of children in the primary system now - 3150 I think that there is too much paperwork. I also think that 2 naughty children should not get a label that gives them the right to disturb a class. It’s a shame as half of them only need a little discipline. 3156 I as many parents like village schools, especially primary, they 3 are the first point of contact of the education system and is very important that small village scools get more funding. 3157 Middle school gives children a chance to mature & have 3 specialised teaching. It also enables primary school children to feel less ‘threatened’ as there are fewer big children. 3160 Transportation and liaison with parents – North Suffolk needs 3 to raise educational aspiration in the community. 3161 All the above. 3 3167 Lack of male teachers in primary education to role model for 2 young boys.

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3168 Lack of ‘good’ teachers 2 School discipline Lack of motivated children to achieve. 3170 The three tier system works well because facilities in the 3 primary schools suit children to the age of 9 by which time they move to middle schools which have fantastic facilities as they used to be senior schools. After 4 years the children are ready to move on the upper schools. Just because the three tier system does not fit in with KS years should not determine the need to change to two tier. The results from GCSE not KS should be examined and compared with 2 tier systems. If the government had not introduced KS testing the review of three tier/two tier would not be happening. 3179 If the school system is changed from 3 tier system to 2 tier 3 there has been no major problems with the 3 tier system so keep it that way and keep the 3 schools. 3183 Our daughter has excelled at Middle school; it is an ideal 3 stepping stone from primary in preparation for upper school. Why change a system that works so well? 3186 Respect, discipline and a sense of pride seems to have 2 disappeared. Stricter school uniforms should be reintroduced & daily school assemblies. 3187 I myself as an 11 year old student at [Middle School] thinks 2 that it is good to have middle schools to gradually get pupils ready for high school. 3189 Age ranges – the possibility of a child of 5 being in the same 3 school as a child of 11 when social and academic needs will be different. 3197 I am concerned that the ‘facts’ presented in this leaflet fail to 2 recognise centres of excellence such as [Middle School names]. 3202 Pressure of achieving good position/results in league tables to 3 detriment of pupil achievement and other subjects. 3203 Your research shows overwhelmingly that children achieve 3 better in a two tier system. Nearly every other area of the county has a two tier system. The sooner we change the better! 3206 All these issues are important in differing ways. This is an 3 extremely poor question. 3212 I feel the 3 tier system is less traumatic change for young 3 children. To go from a primary/secondary at age 11 into a school with young adults is socially difficult. 3217 An all round, balanced and caring education for children. 3 3219 I believe that if the system is changed from three-tier in my 3 area, special needs pupils will have to be more closely monitored to ensure they do not slip through the net. 3222 School size kept manageable, having moved from North 3 London we appreciate the closeness and ‘family’ feel of smaller schools. 3223 Improve pupil behaviour. 3 3227 I have a gifted and talented 11 year old son – who I think 3 needs a lot more support than he currently gets. I also believe middle schools should be scrapped. Years 7 & 8 are a waste for child development & the change to upper school another

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stress. 3233 Continuity & a more ‘gentle’ route for children. 3 3240 My biggest concern is how any of these changes will affect the 3 education of the children caught up in the transition – and what reassurance can be offered about the proposed changes. 3245 As a granny in North Suffolk we should have parity with 3 Norfolk who now have a 2 tier system. I was amazed to note the absence of Beccles on your map. Most of our local children go to the school! 3248 Lack of sport in our primary schools. 2 3248 Lack of sport in our primary schools. 2 3259 Being able to choose which school your child attends rather 2 than being restricted to catchment area. 3261 I feel the age of 12-14 can be difficult enough developmentally 3 and emotionally especially having to change schools/friends within this period. I feel at age 11 children are more flexible to cope with change, and by the age of PTO 3262 The three tier system is definitely the best schooling for my 3 children – two of my children have left and have achieved very good grades – this comes from very good education at [Middle school] and progressed through to upper school. 3263 Village schools can offer the right start but it is only the long 3 journey to keep children in education to university or vocational schools. 3269 Above all, I wish to see children enjoying their time at school. 3 If you don’t enjoy you don’t achieve. 3276 An improvement in vocational qualifications would be 2 welcomed. The focus on academic achievement disadvantages those who are vocationally inclined. 3277 I believe the 3 tier system protects the innocence of young 3 people, as they are not exposed to smoking, drugs and underage sex until year 9. If key stage 3 is tested at year 8 the value & results of middle schools would be reflected. 3284 The effect a change in system will have on the pupils currently 3 at school. 3285 Better help and support for children that are high achievers. 3 3286 What would happen to existing schools? 3 3290 Suppose needs to be given to those middle schools not 3 achieving as opposed to doing away with all of them. 3293 These questions are biased towards 2-tier system. 3 3297 Cutting travel, keeping communities together. 3 Don’t lose the good, listen to what the teachers need, not cut costs. 3299 Help for children with learning difficulties. More flexible dress 3 code – uniforms often very expensive, lower incomes find it hard to pay. Better/cheaper transport. 3300 I think that teacher attendance is a big issue. With many 3 supply teachers going into the schools the quality of teaching has dropped. Also the non-issue of relevant homework. 3301 *My son fell back in his education each time he moved school 3 so I feel very very strongly that the 2 tier system (as I attended) was better (only 1 lot of stress & worry rather than 2!!!)

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3305 I would like to see more parental choice. We have not 2 received our first choice of primary or high school for our child. 3309 Bullying; for it to be taken seriously by teachers and not just 3 lip-service, but action, not just in primary schools, but until a child leaves school. I have found that teachers can be very keen to turn a blind eye to suffering, especially in high schools. 3310 Normal ones – term times/holidays, lack of school trips at 3 primary level, retention of staff, core subjects!! 3311 If you put young children in with older bullying will occur more. 3 3313 All these issues are important as each other. Most people 3 might indicate 3 (as pupil achievement, better value of rmoney etc) which might bend the statistics towards what you want! The 3 we have chosen are better saved in three tier system. 3317 Children with Special Educational Needs would be more likely 3 to be swallowed up and lost to society in schools with larger numbers of pupils. Not good for anybody. 3320 It appears Suffolk C.C. have made their mind up and are 3 endorsing this fact by the way they are carrying out the consultation i.e. casually? With bias? 3321 Getting rid of Middle schools means that the 9-13 year olds 3 are mixing socially & academically with the wrong age groups & pressure. 3326 Disruption of a child’s education for unnecessary change with 3 potentially very detrimental results for their social and educational needs. 3328 If system changes, I am concerned about (i) loss of village 3 primary schools (ii) disruption to pupils during transition period (iii) buildings in wrong locations – pupils may have to travel further. 3335 1. Church should not have influence at all in schools. VA 2 and VC schools should be abolished and returned to County Council control. 2. I have always thought the middle school system is very good and the ages that children change schools is much more sensible than 2 tier system. 3337 If buildings need to be updated spend the money on improving 3 them. We don’t need a different system. 3339 I feel if you switch from 3 tier to 2 tier there will be more 3 bullying – the age gap from oldest to youngest will be too big. 3341 Why change a system that will obviously cost more money! 3 3343 Comment – I went to a 2 tier school system and I feel I had a 3 better education than I am seeing my child have. 3355 I feel three-tier schools work really well, it stops bullies getting 3 a strong hold…. Change school’s that more often. 3357 I went to school in a two tier system and I fell the three tier 3 system has benefited my children. 3358 Concerns that change will be rushed through and that a 3 change in government will result in futher changes and uncertainty in the education system. 3360 It concerns me that in Bury St. Edmunds 3 does not run full-time A Level courses. 3365 As a parent of children who have no difficulties & one who has 2 several & is in mainstream education I would like to see

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teachers better trained in special needs – their ignorance is greater than my child’s. 3367 I have a bright 11 year old (year 6). He has benefited 3 immensely from the wider opportunities that the middle school offers in yr 5+6 compared to a 2 tier system. 3368 The child in my care is my stepson. I would like the 3 tier 3 system to continue as it worked for my 2 children now aged 29 & 27. 3369 Middle school allows access to specialists teachers + facilities 3 earlier than 2 tier system. Children can be challenged with a greater variety of experiences to ensure they do not become bored + restricted with the same teacher + room as in a primary school. At the top end of a middle school the pupils still have enthusiasm for school as middle school is often more personal than high school at 12+13 years of age. 3370 Middle school as a greater variety of experiences to provide 3 pupils at Yrs 5 + 6 than a primary school. There are more cost effective ways, through partnership schemes, support etc. to raise attainment if necessary at KS3. A middle school enables children to have a more personalised education at yr 7 + 8 as often they are smaller than high schools far fewer influences for yr 7 + 8 at middle school enable them to concentrate on their education. 3371 Keeping (retaining) staff is of utmost importance from a 2 teaching point of view – a stable school is more likely to succeed. 3378 Middle school allows children to have access to specialist 3 teachers + facilities earlier than a two tier system. A more challenging routine in middle school benefits children who potentially become bored in a primary style routine (same class/teacher etc). There are more cost effective ways through partnerships between clusters of schools to provide support, reorganising the curriculum between them without changing the whole system. Tow tier system could mean young children travelling further or a lot of costly building to create space that doesn’t exist as primary schools have to accommodate 2 extra years. 3381 Travelling distance to school, especially for sixth form. 2 3382 Would welcome consultation re special needs – esp those 2 with severe learning difficulties – needs are so VERY different of mainstream. 3387 Having experienced ‘re-organisation’ when I was 13 I am 3 totally against disrupting any child’s education for the sake of some very vague P.T.O. 3388 I am a strong believer in supporting local (i.e. catchment) 2 schools. I think the current trend for choice leads many parents to send their children to ‘better’ schools outside their catchment area. This leads to a ‘ghetto-isation’ of the PTO. 3389 Having a nephew in a two tier system, and only 7 weeks older 3 than my child, he has achieved a much higher grade and has progressed far more than my son. This is a personal observation, I am not happy with many things at my son’s school, the discipline is a joke, if something is stolen, they won’t do anything about it. The teachers 60%

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just can’t be bothered. So maybe it is time for a change and hopefully for the better. 3393 Large class sizes – 30 in a class is too many. 2 3396 I am concerned schools are getting too big. New schools 3 needed in [areas]. 3398 Choice of schools. Abolish catchment areas where possible. 3 Often the nearest school isn’t the best. 3401 Over prescribed curriculum which is ultimately boring for 3 students/ not allowing freedom for exploration and real critical thinking. All of the above are important – v. difficult to pick three over the rest. 3408 Money should be spent on the good schools we have 3 throughout the whole area. This then would keep the schools in good order. 3411 Students leaving high school with poor exam results & no idea 3 for the future – we live in a town that has low expectations for these young people – if they don’t get to university there’s nothing for them. 3415 I am training as a middle school teacher in September, at the 3 . I chose this course because I believe that the three tier system i.e. good for children and I want employment in a middle school. 3416 11 yrs old is too young for children to be mixing and being 3 influenced by children as old as 16-18 yrs. 3418 The management of transition from one system to another. 3 3420 I think children need to know where they stand at school. I 3 was involved at school when Suffolk changed some areas to the three tier system. It upset a lot of children’s schooling, I don’t want that for my children. 3422 I don’t think that 16 year olds and above will want to be stuck 3 with 11 year olds and the same with 11 year olds and 4 year olds! 3428 I have serious concerns about 2 tier system. 4-19 schools are 3 an abysmal idea. I also have very serious concerns about the too early pressure for formal learning. 3429 Helping children with learning difficulties when they start No tier school from day one, not waiting until they have been in stated. school for a whole year. 3432 Having to make wear school uniform. 2 3438 School uniform. 2 3442 Modernising our schools for the future, not just for today. 2 Admit that bullying still goes on in our schools. Stop teacher training days – seems like a poor excuse for a day off! 3444 I strongly feel that village schools should remain. Living in 3 rural communities it is important that families have local schools to take their children instead of adding to already difficult ‘ferrying’ of children to various schools. 3446 Ensure schools have sports facilities to promote health and 2 physical fitness to enable sports achievements as well as academic success (think 2012). 3452 Quality of sport in school. 2 Provision for special needs. Provision for gifted children.

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3453 We live in a rural community & lose the schools and you will 3 kill the villages. More emphasis on vocational training not all children want/need to go to university. Improve present buildings & spend money on specialist teaching but keep the 3 tiers. 3454 I want the present system to remain. I would like the 3 government to stop interfering in the education system. Our children don’t need more upheaval. 3459 I think pupil achievement is important but in the context of 3 reaching their own level, not just achieving results to satisfy statistics. 3460 Strong police links with all schools under safer neighbourhood 2/3 teams as they develop. Police education programme to continue to cover services for years 4 to 9. 3470 I expect you have already decided what you are gong to do, 2 this is just a publicity stunt! It would be a good time to review the whole system and make it fairer for summer born children. In some areas they only get one term of reception. Changing to two tier will cause much disruption to many children. 3471 *More emphasis on knowledge of basic reading, writing, 2 spelling and maths skills at primary school level. These skills underpin all subjects later on at school and all through life. Pupils struggling with these skills should be given more time to focus on these subjects at secondary level, in place of learning things such as languages, streaming needs to occur at secondary level so this can work. 3472 Are all the other schools/counties happy that they are 2 tier or 3 do they wish they had stayed 3 tier on reflection? 3473 The potential loss of Middle schools – 2 of my children attend 3 [Middle school] in Bury St. Edmunds which has an extremely dedicated staff and has a caring family environment which I am worried would be lost if my children transferred to a school with 1000+ pupils. 3475 How can these changes be considered without an 3 assessment of cost? It is like asking someone if they want a new car without telling them the costs and specification. 3476 Parents are given a choice for their preferred secondary 2 school for their children. Shouldn’t just be down to the area one lives. 3477 The booklet seems very biased towards abolition of the 3 tier 3 system & highlights no advantages of the status quo on p 8. 3478 Catastrophic effect any change may have on the workload of 3 teachers, resources available to children still in middle school system with run down of middle schools and the effect on excellent upper schools in Bury. 3480 Lack of special schools for pupils with special needs. I think 3 ‘inclusion’ has a bad effect on learning support and too much manpower has to be used up in controlling bad behaviour in mainstream schools. 3484 It gives young children far more confidence to attend a smaller 3 school where they know everyone and all the staff know them before they move to a larger school.

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3491 Support for families & children are important but also personal 3 & social development as my child is autistic & the least amount of changes possible would benefit him. 3493 The 3 tier system is a disadvantage for the upper schools 1. 2 KS3 SATS prep. + exams soon after arriving at the schools 2. No settling period for students. Yr. 9 SATS, Yr 10, GCSE science + coursework 7 yr 11 coursework + GCSEs – pupils often appear burnt out by the end of yr 11. 3494 [Getting and keeping good teachers] which will be achieved by 3 maintaining a 3 tier system, in my opinion. 3496 That children receive a good education throughout their 3 school life. 3497 The need to remove ever-increasing numbers of disruptive 3 pupils from schools and provide alternative facilities for them! 3500 Behaviour and uniforms in school. 3 3502 Homework is given to young children around yrs 1-4 & 3 reception it is too much, they are tired and need to relax after school! This burns them out too quickly!! 3503 If you change to a 2-tier system whats going to happen to all 3 the middle school buildings, all the fund raising etc to improve local middle schools etc will be wasted. 3510 It seems to me that you have already made up your minds on 3 this one, so it doesn’t matter what anyone put’s down. But I feel it would be a great mistake to go into a two tier system. 3519 Middle school provides an important stepping stone from 3 parental escort to and from school and mixing with young children, to mixing with an older pre-teen group, before moving on to upper school with teenagers. 3526 Middle schools are able to give children more support at time 3 when emotionally often unable to cope with SATs etc (Uplands school excellent at this. 3531 Managing the growing numbers of pupils with English ‘not as 2 first language’ – providing for them without compromising existing education for current pupils. 3534 Teachers/schools should be given more powers to install good 3 behaviour in children. 3537 Care, support & guidance – Ofsted recognised an outstanding 3 standard of care, support & guidance in middle schools. They also recognise that middle schools put the individual child at the centre of learning. 3539 Primary school education is so important. The children learn 3 so much there. Do not change the quality of our present primary schools and the brilliant teachers there. 3543 I am concerned that losing village schools would eliminate a 3 vital part of community you only have to compare to lack of community spirit in most towns. 3544 Care support & guidance: Ofsted recognise this as a major 3 strength of middle schools. They also recognise that middle schools put the individual child at the centre of learning. 3546 The unfairness faced by severely disadvantaged SEN pupils 2 (e.g. those c/w v. sever Downs) being forced into ‘inclusive’ education & thus being failed by the system. 3548 A more extensive, thorough-going consultation exercise is 2 needed.

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3550 Middle schools provide opportunities earlier in life for their 3 pupils. If according to the current maxim ‘Every Child Matters’ then disrupting over half of the county’s children for a period of 10+ years is a backward step. 3551 The way children are taught. Subjects should be presented in 2 interesting way to build the child’s interest in subjects so that the interest is like this [picture of triangle]. 3554 Keeping successful middle schools. 3 3556 In 2 tier schooling children as young as 11 years old would be 3 mixing with 18 year olds (if 6th form at school). Any changes would disrupt children’s education if they are at the school years affected. 3557 By maintaining local village schools, the community is 3 sustained, families are known to each other and hence supported. Parents involved with their children will enhance their children’s opportunities, and spur them on as well. 3558 Need to keep good achieving ‘small’ schools. 3 Long distance travel a concern for young children. Exposure of young children to older child bad behaviour. Provide assistance so ‘small’ schools can provide 8am-6pm supervisions as promised by the government. 3560 *Due to the age of my children (aged 3 & 6) I don’t want them 3 to be in the middle of all of ‘this’. I do hope that through the possibility of change that their education and personal and social development does not suffer as a consequence. This needs to be a major consideration. 3561 HADLEIGH HIGH has a large intake, its fed by 3 primaries, its 2 facilities are too small, the computer equipment is out of date and limited. We need more space, modern equipment. A 6th form would be a welcomed bonus for our year 11s. 3563 Sustainability and environmentally friendly options e.g. the 2 village schools. 3565 Transition to another school to be carried out ensuring pupils 3 are not overwhelmed by complete change. 3 tier does ensure this! 3570 Results, league tables, being seen as too important criteria for 2 Suffolk assessing personal + social progress/issues, why children leave 6th form (dropout). 3571 Middle school has enabled me to have specialist teachers and 3 facilities earlier than in two tier. At the middle school I have developed my confidence which wouldn’t have been possible if in two tier. 3574 I would like to see a dress code for teachers at the moment it Tier not is difficult to know who are teachers or pupils. stated. 3576 Secondary school age range is very diverse. To an 11 year 3 old, a 16 year old is a grown up and can be scary. Also, teachers who can focus on the needs of 14+ would be good at exam time. 3577 The closure of the smaller schools as small schools will not be 3 able to deliver adequate 4-11 education. Recruitment of teachers will suffer and the dedicated staff who have worked hard to raise standards in our schools are likely to become demoralised. 3578 Three tier systems force a move at a very young 3

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impressionable age at 9, but forces 13’s to move too late. It also exposes youngsters to inappropriate behaviour & attitudes at an age of vulnerability. 3587 The statistics prove what you want them to – our kids already 3 do well at [school name + [school name] no need to change!! 3588 Giving 9 to 13 year olds time to mature and develop in a 3 sphere both protective and stimulating i.e. the middle school environment. 3589 Pupil achievement, but I didn’t tick it as I think nos 3, 10 and 3 12 (which I did tick) ought to enable children to achieve their potential. 3591 All these issues are important. THE most important issue is 3 that schools are staffed by the best teachers we can attract and the schools are equipped with the teacher materials the teachers need to teach with. House prices are very high so maybe staff need help with housing before re-building schools – ‘key worker’ funding for house building should apply to Suffolk. 3592 The 3 tier system is a better system for high ability pupils – 3 pupils that are often forgotten in the system generally. 3594 Stop tinkering with systems and let schools get on with 3 teaching. 3598 My daughter will be starting upper school in September and 3 the last thing she needs is upheaval and changes and she starts her GCSEs if not when she is doing GCSEs then it could be A levels. 3600 KEEP THE THREE TIER SYSTEM GOING! 3 It allows children to develop slowly and naturally – statistical good numbers doesn’t mean good, nice rounded young adults! 3605 I believe that middle schools assist with the transition into 3 young adulthood. I am 13 and I just left Beyton Middle school yesterday. 3606 The cost of conversion. 3 Support for pre-adolescents. 3607 I feel that whichever three of the above I choose this could be 3 used statistically against my support of the three tier system. E.g. If I tick 5, then you could say what is under sustainability’ on page 4 of the booklet but getting & keeping good teachers is fundamental whatever system. 3610 Having newly moved to the area we were keen to use the 2 local village school (at the 96 children, 4 mixed age classes) we found the small no of staff struggled to provide a good variety of skills to provide a good all round education & extra curricular activities (we have moved our son to a bigger school as a result of this). 3616 I am extremely concerned about the impact of changing from 3 3 to 2 tier system on the pupils who will be severely affected if they are involved in the change. 3617 Suffolk is lucky. Most schools are good. Concentrate on 2 improving the few poor schools + don’t waste money on reorganisation. 3620 Ensuring further education keeps up with modern business 2 practice. Young people need local schools for ease of

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transport & forming their social groups. 3626 I feel that stopping the three tier system would be a very 2 detrimental step. It allows 9+ children to develop in an environment where they have access to specialist teachers without feeling intimidated by older children. 3628 Size of school. 3 A ‘family’ atmosphere. Knowing students individually. 3632 *even before reading this booklet! 3 3633 I live in Norfolk in a two tier system, I choose to send my 2 children out of area to a three tier system in Suffolk as it is to my mind a much better system. 3635 Children take too many tests/exams. They need more 3 personal space –free from targets. So do teachers. 3638 I am very concerned about the increasing disruption of 3 everyone’s education by a significant minority of unruly pupils and the apparent lack of power to deal with them. 3641 Allowing teachers to teach creatively to inspire children & 3 improve their self-worth/identity, effort motivations and qualifications will naturally follow. 3642 Follow on education at college/university. 2 Subsequent career opportunities and support from the education system. 3646 3 tier system best for complete development of child both 3 social and educational you must take notice majority in Suffolk want this to remain, it is a modern educational system. 3648 That the decision to abolish 3 tier schools has already been 3 made and we are now just ‘going through the motions’ of a consultation process. 3653 We have more choice in schools like what we do and stuff. 2 3654 The lack of church of voluntary controlled middle 3 schools in Suffolk. The wishy washy community primary schools ethos. 3655 Bigger age range in 2 tier causes problems influences with 3 older children. Our middle schools doing excellent job – no need to change. 3659 What concerns me is, my child has been bullied at primary 3 school, if we were a 2 tier area (due to the bullying he’s now a really sensitive child’ how would be feel being at a school with a lot older & bigger children while he is so young. 3661 Its great to walk or bike to school, do we want more cars on 3 the road parking/pollution. If we have to travel further will lose community spirit. 3662 [School] is a lovely small village primary school so I am 3 obviously concerned about its future. I have taught in primary & middle schools so have seen the benefits of activities & equipment for yrs 5 + 6 in a middle school. However, some children do adopt more inappropriate behaviour with older children in this environment. 3664 I believe the 3 tier system is an excellent education and have 3 moved to Suffolk to ensure our children received and continue to receive this system of education. It’s been successful why change! 3666 Different schooling options for different areas seem to work 3

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fine at the moment. If parents do not want to change then why change? If pupils are happy and well adjusted whats wrong with the current system? 3670 Personal and social development are important as I have an 3 autistic child in mainstream school. 3674 I feel very strongly that 3 tier system ‘nurtures’ children better 3 than 2 tier. Not least by protecting 11 year olds from 16 year olds influences. 3675 I feel so strongly about this matter that I may be forced to 3 move to a 2 tier area for the best educational opportunities for my children. However my daughter would then be out of catchment for a special school for which she is intended . Having seen + experienced the 2/3 tier systems in operation I am strongly of the opinion that children learn much more with the ‘right’ teacher. A change in schools will inevitably mean this – and their enthusiasm can make or break the potential success in that subject + possibly a career – all this increased stress is unnecessary when natural changes are rife + hormones are mixed up, the child is not yet ready for change. 3676 The review document has not been distributed to all 3 households in Suffolk, nor was it available from my library. My governor’s copy failed to arrive through the post. Parents have only recently received a copy via schools – leaving very little time to respond before the holiday season is upon us. Why is this I wonder? The document is one-sided in favour of the 2- tier system. It completely ignores the excellent work taking place in the middle schools. 3677 My children age 10+12 are doing exceptionally well in a 3 middle school. They have far more opportunities in middle school than they would have if they were still in a primary school. 3680 Children currently in years 3-9 will suffer disruption through 2 the change from 3 tier to 2 tier system. Will this also cost the education system – paying to extend primary and upper schools and equip them appropriately (science .labs) when the facilities already exist elsewhere. 3682 Bullying is of a big concern, and I am of the opinion that larger 3 gaps would produce an increase in bullying. I think that having pre-teens and 18+ is not a good environment for learning, equally 3-11. 3686 There will be a few years of uncertainty during which middle 3 schools will not be able to retain + recruit the best teachers. 3694 There is something missing from your analysis of results. The 3 results from my area 3 tier schools are amongst the best in Suffolk. 3698 Lack of support for above abled children. 3 3702 In your assessment of performance in the 2 & 3 tier systems, 3 have you controlled for other factors that affect it, such as family income, parents’ education level, etc? 3703 I have concerns about the three tier system, in that you will 3 just abolish the three tier system. When I believe it should stay and is the best. 3707 Children from playgroup & Nursery mixing with children up to 3 11 years. The bullying aspect worries me and also the

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development of the children of these ages. 3710 We should have a modern education system regardless of 2 any of the above. 3711 I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my young children being at 3 school with 13 year olds. 3716 We don’t particularly want a lot of choice of schools, so much 3 as good local schools. Suffolk is a rural county and there may only be one local school. I don’t care what type of ‘college’ it is I just want a good school. 3717 Why are all these questions so skewed in one direction? Is it 3 impossible to offer us a balanced view? 3724 No bullying from older children. 3 3726 I would hate to see village schools disappear. 3 3727 The middle school system has helped both my children benefit 3 from a caring & stimulating environment. Changing to high school in yr 9 helps them refocus. 3728 Number of pupils in schools. Ratio of pupils to teacher. 3 3738 I am concerned that for many years education has been a 2 political plaything being changed for the sake of change alone. In depth research followed by a LONG TERM plan & action alone will be of any use – plus improving pupils’ motivation. 3739 I think it would be more affordable for parents if we had a two 3 tier system(not so long to afford the bus, only two sets of uniform). Speaking as someone who had a two tier schooling you are more comfortable and secure in yourself at age 13/14. 3741 1. Pressure placed on 11 yr olds for SATs unacceptable 2 and worse in 2006! 2. Difficult to get into 6th form desire if B+ grades necessary. ( 3 yrs study necessary for good A level marks + understanding). 3742 Fewer changes of school also important but they only allowed 3 to choose 3. 3747 Continue with a three-tier system for Suffolk. 3 3754 You could go on and on with your ‘selected’ questions and 3 each one would point to one saying ‘well there you are, heavily loaded in favour of 2-tier! All these questions benefit S.C.C. in bring about change to 2-tier and saving money! Keep the 3 tier system!!! 3758 More places for some of the S.E.N. children who just can’t 3 cope with mainstream school. 3760 Spending vast time & monies dismantling a perfectly good 3 system & at the same time disrupting teaching staff & pupils work & learning facilities etc. 3762 Being taught by specialists means that the education on offer 3 is broader and of a higher standard in all subjects. By year 5 many pupils are ready to move on from primary school. 3764 Considering the principles of every child matters and looking 2 at education the whole person I feel a lot of preparation is in years 7 + 8 for pupils, at a point when it was a real meaning to them about moving into an environment which was 14-18 year olds and all the social issues which are party of that. This could not be done in years 5 + 6. 3773 Maintaining good school-parent communication. 3 3775 I am extremely concerned regarding the inevitable disruption 3

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to my children’s education this unnecessary change would bring. Also the effect on [primary school] in the reorganisation. 3776 All 3 of my children have enjoyed middle school. They feel 3 they have had better opportunities at earlier ages, and their personal development has been great. Also do not have to meet up with 16 year olds at age of 11. 3781 Size of classes – children not given enough attention if keep 3 having maximum in classes – especially primary schools. Also primary schools where children are sent to different middle schools depending on where they live. 3782 From a personal point of view – teachers thankfully have 3 benefited from a programme, over the last few years, that has improved conditions – if schools go to 2 tier I fear how teachers will be treated + the effect change will have on the affected cohorts of children. 3785 My concern is 11 year olds mixing in an environment with 14- 3 18 year olds + 11 year olds affected in the wake of year 6 SATs. 3790 Most of the issues above affect one another e.g. without 2 getting & keeping good teachers you won’t raise aspirations & achievements. 3791 Our local High school in [area] does not have a ‘6th form’ so in 2 effect we have a 3 tier system already. The choice of a local place to study A levels rather than long travels e.g. Colchester from rural villages would be an advantage. 3793 Whilst pupil achievement is important personal development 3 should also be ranked highly, changing from a small primary to a large secondary is more of a shock than a 3 tier system. 3796 To have schools for 4-13 year olds is too big an age 3 difference, both mentally & physically. 3801 I moved my son from a 3 tier to a 2 tier school at age 13. He 3 was considerably below achievement levels of the other boys in the 2 tier school. Although he is of just above average ability. 3804 There should not be change for change’s sake. Population 2 rise + fall in schools should be accepted without detriment to the children. 3805 I believe that consistency across the UK is important. I don’t 3 understand how a ‘national’ curriculum can be successful, if different counties operate completely different structures. 3808 I was educated 5-13 in [area], and under the 3 tier system was 2 then sent to [area] – which was a disaster for me. Under 2 tier system I would have stayed in [area] with children with similar aspirations, and I am sure we would ALL have done better. I am a supporter of 2 tier system and am fortunate to now live in 2 tier area + my children are doing very well as a result. 3813 Lack of sixth forms at secondary schools dissuades good 2 secondary teachers from applying to teach at these schools. 3816 The 3 tier system works in our village and our children benefit 3 from it. 3819 [Keeping village schools] – number 4. 2 • Entry to stay catchment area based. • More decision making at a local level & parent/governor involvement.

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• More power given to each school as an individual unit to meet local needs and lead change. 3823 9 year old children should not be schooling with 15 year old 3 children. This would happen in a 2 tier system, and why I disagree with this system. 3825 Children of age 11 mixing with 18 year olds. Having moved 3 from a 2 tier education area, I find three tier a big advantage for children, allowing them to be children without peer- pressure for longer, please do not change it! 3827 The other issues in the list are also important they are keeping 3 village schools, more students staying on also keeping the system the same. 3828 Multiple methods of assessment for children’s skills; 2 More emphasis on PRACTICAL SKILLS for all –ACADEMICS alone do not make a well rounded human being… 3835 Discipline – I kept looking for it above, & it wasn’t there! I 3 believe discipline isn’t always instilled at home, resulting in the problems we experience today. 3839 I feel the three tier system works well, children first going to 3 school only have pupils up to age 9 to mix with, similarly at middle schools they are in a small age range and I feel the needs for this age are better met in a smaller school. 3840 With so many new initiatives in schools I believe keeping the 3 existing two-tier system is essential. If the system does need changing it should be changed gradually over a long period of time. 3841 Disadvantage through good teachers being in short supply, 2 especially maths. Plus lack of teacher control in class means that there is so much disruption nothing is learnt, in certain subjects. Suffolk needs to attract good teaching staff. 3848 The 3 tier system is doing a good job + is worth maintaining – 3 I suggest the money due to be spent on reorganisation would be better spent supporting the present system effectively. Emerging research on schools for the future suggests that children do better in the security of small to medium sized schools, just what the 3 tier system offers. 3857 Happy children full of self confidence and courses more 2 tailored to employment needs. 3858 I wouldn’t like the all age school because this would 3 encourage bullying and also problems with drugs i.e. younger children getting hold of. 3860 Put the money in problem areas & leave successful schools 3 alone. Our village school simply couldn’t accommodate the needs of years 5 & 6. My daughter year 6 has received excellent specialist teachers at [Middle School]. 3861 Teachers’ dress code should be applied. Pupils are told off 3 over school uniform by teachers dressed casually & wearing jewellery – shouldn’t teachers be practising what they preach? 3862 I feel both my children have benefited from 3 tier system and 3 an excellent middle school. Gradual transition esp. suited my son who has SEN. 3866 Middle schools offer children a unique opportunity to receive 3 specialist teaching at an early age. Is this being compromised purely to satisfy financial gain?

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3867 The amalgamations of sixth forms which do not work as well 3 as those within individual schools. 3868 Raising expectations of parents in some deprived areas. 3 3869 Suffolk is a rural county and the needs of people in rural 3 communities need to be considered. A switch to a 2-tier system would be a disaster on many fronts: distance travelled, lower quality of life, reduced community involvement environmental impact, less personal care, etc. etc. etc. 3873 Change for change sake. 3 Numerous organisation go through re-structuring. Keep things as they are. 3874 If a child does not settle into a school under the three tier 3 system there is the possibility of moving on and making a fresh start. Children out grow schools and the changes prepare them. 3876 -Ending knee-jerk reactions to government initiatives. 3 -Stability in teaching + learning through fewer changes. 3879 More encouragement at sixth form not so many academic 2 subjects more choice in vocational subjects. 3880 I am concerned about change for change’s sake and high 3 schools becoming even more enormous if a change to the two tier system happens. 3883 In order to give a real choice of secondary schools transport 3 for children in rural areas to the school of their choice should be considered to make it fair + accessible to all. 3884 The process by which change is managed. Setting & enabling 3 high achievers in upper schools. Keeping middle schools. 3889 Specialist units for children on autistic spectrum, with high 3 academic ability but impaired social skills. 3893 My 5 children go to local Catholic schools, ALL of which 3 perform ABOVE the national averages. All our schools locally are well attended and achieve good results. My children have enjoyed their schools and 3897 - Over-sized classes – option to give up languages at 13 3 (disagree with this) - Attempts at integrating children with SEN where there is inadequate support for teachers. 3900 That the education of my children should not be disrupted by 3 needless change. 3903 I am concerned about the so called super school at 2 Felixstowe, I much prefer the current schools, which at least gives parents a choice, a ‘super school;’ would be too large. 3907 You cannot continue with a two tier system and three tier 2 system, it is not helpful to parents or pupils. 3909 It is important to keep schools in rural areas so children do not 2 have to get up so early to travel long distances – especially young primary children. 3910 Our school in [area] is a really good school with good caring 2 teachers offering a good range and standard of education. 3912 I am concerned that the implementation of changes to the 3 system could detrimentally affect the education of children within the system during the period of change. 3914 (9) Better support for children and families would be achieved 3 by (10) personal and social development.

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3921 Yr 7/8 pupils being exposed to the influence of some yr 10 3 and especially yr 11 pupils. 3923 Our village school has a terrible reputation and parents are 2 removing their children from the school to other schools in Woodbridge. Is anything being done to improve [school name]? Or is the long term aim to close [school name]? 3925 Social inclusion and the impact on community, and on 3 families, of closing small village primary schools. 3933 If some village schools are unable to expand to take the extra 2 two year groups (5+6) what will happen to these primary schools in the 3 tier system? Will they be closed and the middle school that they feed now become a large primary school? Local primary schools SHOULD BE for the local area and not for children who live miles away. Parents choice for out of catchment places seriously needs reviewing. 3937 -selling off playing fields to build house on 3 -filling in school swimming pools. 3941 [Middle school name] has been excellent for my children both 3 academically and socially. I would be sorry to lose the 3 tier system. 3947 Our local school would not cope if children had to stay until 3 age 11. Our children have benefited from the specialist knowledge in the middle school – but not too big a jump to the high school. 3949 I feel that the decisions have already been made & this 2 consultation is for PR. Have you looked at changing the entry year in to Middle schools? PTO. 3952 Staying on after 16 should mean schools/colleges providing 2 both academic + vocational courses. 3959 More emphasis on reading, spelling & handwriting. 3 Less emphasis on test results. Less restrictive curriculum. More individuality. 3963 Better facilities for primary age children. 3 Environmental impact and efficiency of school. 3964 The two most important issues to me are: 3 1) the QUALITY of the teaching 2) the ethos of the school 3966 There are obviously more than 3 areas + areas are often 3 mutually beneficial. I would also like to ‘tick’ personal and social development + better choice for 14-19 giving them the same ‘weight’ as the 3 choices ticked! 3967 I have financial concerns that a move to two-tier system will 3 release substantial capital assets (through sale of school buildings and land) but that such money will not be ring fenced to remain in education budget and will go elsewhere to pay for other SCC expenditure. 3968 Instead of changing systems and constantly reorganising 3 plough resources and staffing into making existing systems work better. 3971 I find it difficult to believe that you are prepared to face 3 massive upheaval + expense simply to avoid one slight dip in pupils’ achievements at age 13/14. The money would be better spent on dealing with ‘dips’ directly with the school departments involved.

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3974 If a decision is taken to change, this will have to be managed 3 very carefully in order to minimise disruption and also to retain the excellent schools and teachers we have. 3975 More support for the more able/intelligent pupils (not just the 2 very bright, but the bright too). 3976 The disruption to the education of my children if a change is 3 made. If a change is made I would be very concerned we do not lose the good things in our middle school system. 3977 Environmental issues re transport, buildings etc. 3 3978 While in school I enjoyed the three tier system I was in. It gave 3 a better sense of adaptation and freedom than a two or even one tier area and I think this is vital for children to experience. 3982 Class sizes. Bullying would be more prevalent in larger 2 tier 3 schools. 3983 Class size. 3 3985 In 1974 we moved away from a two tier system into a three 3 tier one. It now seems that there are plans to reverse this. Why do we keep experimenting with our children’s education? 3987 Our child goes to [school] and the level there are above No tier average don’t change good schools! stated. 3994 Better sports facilities. 3 More emphasis on practical subjects. 3995 Better sports facilities and allowing the local communities to 3 assist in running and benefiting from them. 4002 Vocational provision for 14-16 year olds who are not 3 benefiting from being in a traditional academic schooling system. 4003 Despite what Government may think, school is more than a 3 conveyor belt of examination + assessment, it is there for social development + guidance. The structure + format of 3 tier system is tried + trusted process that is definitely fit for purpose. 4004 Council tax payers – the evidence on attainment is not strong 3 enough to change half of our schools at huge expense. 4006 Size of classes. Individual help for pupils. 3 Consistent teachers. Discipline in school. Mix in classroom. 4007 This will eventually lead to bigger classes + the disruption to 3 present children will be great. 4008 Schools offering specialised courses such as business, sport, 2 leisure, engineering and construction is just competing with the technical colleges that have been providing courses for years and have the expertise, facilities and links with the business community. This is wrong - there should be co- ordination not competition if education standards are not to fall. PTO - 4011 I was taught at school using the 2 tier system and find this a 3 much better system. It must be very difficult for children to adapt to changing schools three times instead of only twice and quite emotional as well. Especially at a crucial learning age of 13 years. 4015 Making sure disruptive pupils do not interfere with the lessons, 2 so those who want to learn are not affected. 4016 My children enjoyed Middle school. They did well at age 11 – 3

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but were forgotten for the following two years (no homework). Middle school was a gentle stepping stone to secondary school. No peer pressure either. 4017 Our children grow up too quickly today – two tier can & does 3 work, but children should be allowed to develop & grow in our current village primary schools & not be forced to grow up prematurely. 4025 Middle schools were like the Warnock Report (‘I think I 3 probably got it wrong’) fashionable touchstones of the Educational establishment of West Suffolk. This blinkered outlook caused much of the problems we now face. 4028 Please see my attached views. 3 4031 Personal and social development of our children (both in the 3 home and at school) is very important. 4032 Personal and social development is also very important. Any 3 system needs to incorporate all of these issues. 4034 Suitable education for children. No tier Enabling children to enjoy education. stated. Making the children feel worthwhile. 4035 BULLYING, TAXATION, COUNCIL GETTING THEIR OWN 3 WAY! 4037 Pupils may be bullied by older pupils. 3 4038 I think all schools should stay how they are now 2 tiers should 3 stay 2 tiers and 3 tiers should stay with 3 tiers (although I prefer 3 tiers make more sense). 4039 Bullying. 3 4040 The Catholic system achieves very good results. Why not 3 analyse why the achieve well. There needs to be adequate provision for Catholic schools in the school system which works well. 4041 I also think it is important to keep village schools going 3 wherever possible as they are often the hub of the village which all add to helping children & personal & social development. 4042 Loss of jobs of current school staff. 3 More money/time not spent on Special Educational Needs. Larger classes. 4043 The current system’s finding it difficult to cope, for many 3 reasons, within main stream education with pupils who have learning and behaviour difficulties. 4047 Village schools need to be maintained otherwise the heart will 3 be ripped out of rural life. If pupils stayed until 11 at village schools pupils would have less travelling (better for environment) and they could be children a little longer instead of growing up at a specialist teachers could share village schools for subjects such as science, P.E., Art, Music & Drama. 4048 Provision should be made for Catholic schools in the re- 3 structure. Will primary schools be upgraded to include all the facilities that middle schools offer our year 5s and year 6 children now? i.e. science labs, better P.E. facilities and so on. 4056 I think we should keep middle schools because 11 year olds 3 shouldn’t be mixing with 18 year olds.

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4057 Of course it would have been easy to tick all categories 3 because who is going to argue with any of the above (i.e. other than point 3?) 4058 Security and safety. 3 4059 Emotional stability and happiness of the children. 3 Upheaval of moving from school to school + adjusting to new rules + policies. 4063 My primary concern is keeping local village schools. 3 4064 Workload of teaching staff and too much target setting for staff 3 and students. 4066 Enhanced GCSE profiles. 3 4068 The children our age (12) and younger kids might be 3 influenced by the older children and start to copy them. 4069 If schools are changed to 2 tier when they move up to upper 3 school they won’t like being around older people. 4070 Trying to encourage more staff not just teachers. 3 4071 I think it is important for the child not to worry about going up 3 into a two-tier school, and not to worry about being with older people. 4072 It will stop bullying to the younger ones by older ones. 3 4073 It’s daunting for younger children to go up to a school with 3 older children. It could encourage people to smoke if they hang around with older people that do. 4076 At my school there are a couple of teachers who have no 2 control over their classes, should they stay because the other teachers like them? No!! All teachers should be checked to see if they have any control! 4079 There should be compulsory SRE in all schools as part of the 2 PSHE curriculum. Mandatory training of SRE for teachers. 4082 Special needs, including gifted & talented. 3 Most of the above list! 4086 We live in a three tier system catchment but the consensus in 3 the village is for a two tier system, as proved that many opt to take children to a two tier area. 4087 How much this will cost if there is change and how this will 3 ‘take away’ from the students’ education. 4090 Too much testing. 3 Schools should be valued on the whole person not just core subject testing. 4092 Village schools are at the heart of rural communities. Loss of 3 such schools would have far reaching consequences and be to the detriment of all. 4099 I feel that this brochure is heavily biased toward a 2 tier 3 system it does not give a balance view. My children are 3 and 1, so not yet at school, but I would like them to be in smaller schools with PTO 4101 3 issues were not enough to tick. Middle schools do a 3 wonderful job – allowing pupils to experience ‘specialist teaching before high school. 4103 In my view these 2 points are linked. 3 1. The majority of children have to put up with awful behaviour & disruption (& violence in some cases)

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from a smaller minority. 2. In some cases social inclusion policy and a ridiculous lack of P.R.U. places mean that children are included in mainstream schools where it is inappropriate for them and their peers. 4106 Support for pupils if the completing GCSE assignments from 3 home is removed. Ensuring parents are aware of education changes. 4119 Too many foreigners being allowed into our countries – we 2 should be more firm like France + Germany our country can not cope and is being ruined!! 4121 I have extensive knowledge of dyslexia & its effects as it is in 3 my family & my other is a specialist head teacher. I am very frustrated at how schools do not a) pick upon this as soon as they should b) are ignorant of appropriate ways of how to tackle it c) allow a problem to escalate until it is very late to intervene. 20% of the population is dyslexic and are being failed by the state PTO 4128 Better staff management – fewer chiefs + more Indians with 3 some common sense not just degrees. More support for new parents + staff promoting Steve Biddulph’s ‘Happy Children’ Theories. 4130 1) Teachers’ time being devoted to non-English speaking 2 pupils. 2) Property developers not having to contribute much towards education or road safety/ traffic calming measures, to meet extra burden. 4131 The need for continuity of care and assistance for children 3 with special educational needs, for each change of schools. 4132 If Suffolk were to keep middle schools, consideration should 3 be given to SATs being taken at the end of year 8 rather than year 9. 4133 Vocational qualifications available 3 4134 I feel that age nine is too young to leave the primary setting. 3 Age 11 would be better. 4135 [Parish Council] feel very strongly that village (primary) 2 schools are vital to children in rural areas, they do not need to be transported miles to large urban schools. 4137 Safety & security. 3 4141 As a catholic parent I am concerned that piecemeal change 3 brought about by budget restraints may damage voluntary aided schools whose pyramids cover a wide geographical area. 4142 One tier system would be awful. I think certain headteachers 3 wish to have too much control. I am very against this proposal. The catholic system is very successful. 4144 Primary schools and upper schools work well in Bury but 3 Middle schools seem to lack focus/direction and should be strengthened e.g. peripatetic specialist teachers for science, French etc. 4146 So few primary teachers we know have subject degress 3 relating to national curriculum a huge concern. Staff + parent morale is low with such uncertainty. 4152 It is more important to keep certain ages of children apart than 3 force them together – they are ‘growing up’ too quickly already

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& learning bad habits! 4157 I am concerned that the authorities have already decided to 3 close middle schools following consultation based on poor research and biased questionnaires. 4167 Pupils are likely to get bullied in a 2-tier system. 3 4169 Secondary schools can get more bullies. Don’t have to go to 3 three and just two middle: easier to teach all around the same level. 4170 Children may be bullied by older children as it is more likely to 3 happen in a bigger school with more and older children. 4171 I think we should have middle schools because you would get 2 bullied more together. 4175 People getting bullied. 3 4178 Lack of investment in schools. 3 4179 Class size/school size – there should be no more than 25 2 pupils/class & no more than 2 year groups/class in primary school. Max school size primary 350/ secondary 750. 4180 As a mother of three children all at different stages of their 3 education, I only have praise for the schools in my area – they do a fantastic job and see no need to change anything. 4182 The apparent freedom of schools to completely opt out of 2 providing any after-school activities and to refuse permission for an after school provider to use school premises. It makes a mockery of the term ‘community primary school’ when the communities are unable to benefit in any way outside of school hours. 4188 The 3 tier system is doing a good job & is worth maintaining – 3 put the money towards supporting the present system effectively – not changing it. Children do better in the security of small to medium sized schools, just what the 3 tier system offers. 4189 I think some children would be stressed going straight from a 3 primary to a big secondary! Too big schools surely can’t provide as personal help + support to every single child. Teachers knowing every child in a school has to be good & in big schools this would not be possible! 4191 Village schools are very important for building communities, 3 enabling children to make local friends, this is particularly important in rural areas, it is also sustainable. 4209 Most of the above issues matter to me most. 3 4210 Children are allowed to be themselves at small primary 3 schools. 4214 Smaller classes, where teachers can really get to know the Tier not pupils, show a genuine interest in them. Improved stated. communication with parents/carers about their child. A serious review of support staff- HLTA SHOULD NOT BE TEACHING OR MINDING OUR CHILDREN! 4219 My biggest concern is the age difference in the 2 tier system. 3 At present, middle schools are well equipped and understand the needs in early adolescence. I don’t think these would be met if changed. 4221 With my three choices, no 4 would apply automatically as 3 would no 9. I am most concerned that, whatever the initial

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decision, the eventual outcomes do not lose those things at schools which are doing very well for the children in the current set up. 4223 The fact that some small village schools appear quaint but 2 badly managed. I have mixed feelings of whether a village school can cope will the needs, for children up to 11 years. I hope this exercise is not all about money. 4227 I feel very strongly that the 9-13 age served by Middle Schools 3 has a very positive effect on the personal, social & emotional development of the child, giving them the ability to cope with the next (exam) phase of education. Please leave well alone! 4228 I am very concerned that all the options seem to have been 3 chosen to support a change from 3- to 2-tier education. The issues which matter to me are small schools, close (i.e. walking distance) to a child’s home (especially for 5-8 year olds), and to start some specialisation once a child reaches 9 (as in middle school). I note that 3 moves between schools is supposed to damage a child’s education, but education is not simply about tests – we live in a rapidly changing world, and if we learn to cope with change as children, then we have a valuable life-skill. It has been argued that middle schools will no longer attract quality staff, as the system is not common, but I think it is more likely that you would attract excellent staff who want to work with children of that age group & are unable to elsewhere. I note that since this document was written that Bedfordshire has decided to keep its middle schools. I am concerned that a great deal of money might be spent pushing for a 2-tier system in Suffolk, only to find that parents here also fight to keep their middle schools. Obviously, I can only describe what I know, and this may not be the case throughout Suffolk, but here we seem to have thriving primary schools, and an excellent middle school, in which considerable investment has been made, both by the council and by parents. What would happen to such a middle school? Would it be closed? Would it become a primary school & lose all the specialisation which is simply not appropriate for children of 5- 8? This seems a terrible, terrible loss of a valuable resource which has built up over many years. What would happen to the teachers – presumably they love teaching 9-12 yr olds – would we lose them all to Bedford?!! Please leave things the way they are – we like it! 4233 Some schools are outstanding. I feel each school should be 3 assessed on its own merits rather than implementing across the board changes. 4234 I have lived in an inner city two tier system and moved have to 3 give my children protection from age related peer pressure to mix with their age group has done wonders for them – 3 tier is best! 4239 If Suffolk County decide to change [area] from 3 tier to a 2 tier 3 system then [Middle school] will almost certainly be closed + massive disruption will be caused to the education system for

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our children not to mention the considerable cost to the tax payer!! 4241 [Middle school name] is an excellent middle school which 3 should be allowed to continue to operate. 4242 Behaviour in our middle + high schools. 3 Parental involvement in schools. Poor culture around academic effort/success. Bus transport, schools being far from home. 4243 It concerns me that some of our secondary schools are simply 2 too big. My own observation would be that the smaller schools have higher achieving pupils. I also don’t feel that it is very satisfactory to have only 3 lessons each day. It does not allow for continuity in lessons – particularly languages where I believe that pupils need more than one lesson each week. My daughter has moved from a secondary school in Hertfordshire with a 5 lesson a day timetable which is much more satisfactory. 4245 Schools need a long period of stability. Too many changes 2 affect staff morale and hence education. We have to remember children only get the chance – it must be the best. 4246 Choice regarding where children can go to school:- provision 3 of pre- and after- school clubs to make choices practical (for working parents). 4247 Maintaining the currently successful 3-tier system which 3 operates in the Sudbury area. 4253 Having experienced the middle school system first hand I 3 found the transition very unsettling at a time when you are concerning yourself with the future. I feel it is an unnecessary upheaval. My son is 5 at school I hope it is sorted by the time he is 11, or I will consider private education. 4255 • Holistic education considering each child as an 2 individual • Well trained, enthusiastic, appropriately paid teachers • I would pay higher taxes to get the best education, in smaller classes, for my children and grandchildren. 4257 Keeping open special needs for children with disabilities who 2 would find inclusion difficult &supply them with financial support. 4258 Personal and social development: if pupils attend smaller 3 schools they will have ‘an identity’ as staff can get to know each child better and what they need to do to reach their potential socially + academically. 4260 A middle school is an ideal stepping stone from a small 3 primary school prior to joining a huge upper school. If Suffolk do decide to change what will be the effect on the children currently in the system whilst the transition takes place!? 4265 I found this leaflet incredibly biased and as my children are 3 going through the three tier system feel you have generalised to your own benefit. Please keep 3 tier system it is very good. 4266 Bring back the ability for school to discipline children and not 3 just by words. The cane and slipper were an option in my school day although very few children got it. Our children are jobs and bullies and this must change. 4267 With a current improvement + building programme in schools 3

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– how will S.C.C. ensure any new arrangements will fully utilise these new facilities i.e. New sports hall at [Middle school]? 4268 Also keeping village schools and the distance to travel to 3 middle + upper schools. In my case all my 3 children will go to a village school, the next middle catchment school is much further than our nearest middle school which is out of our catchment area. At some point I will have each child going to a different school all in different directions. I don’t think the waiting/travelling time at each end of the day is beneficial to the children in anyway. 4268 And to keep village schools. 3 4270 [Middle school name] should stream more children, and give 2 them much more homework 1 hour a week is no good at all. The class is only as good as the slowest. 4273 This kind of tick box questionnaire is designed to avoid issues 3 rather than address them. Different issues matter at different times. 4279 My biggest concern is about my oldest son starting a local 3 ‘village’ primary school in Sept & my youngest in 2008 – what is the future of this lovely, small, friendly school? 4281 Coming from a 2 tier system in Cambs the Suffolk 3 tier is 3 more ‘sympathetic’ to the development needs of my children. 4283 A vast improvement of respect towards others and better use 3 of the English language rather than slang need to be enforced, also bullying to be zero tolerance. 4284 If there are changes I have concern over planning & 3 implementation. Heads and teachers are the real experts to listen to and will be in the front line. Concern that the children on the ‘changeover period’ are given the same standard of education. How are we going to expand physically some schools? I think the best way is to phase over number of years starting with new schools. If it is to happen it must not be a rushed job. 4286 The increasing peer pressure C21 teenagers are under 3 because of the media (massive changes in communication therefore stronger advertising pressures and the acceptability of lower age sex. I strongly feel middle schools keep our children away from the influences of older teenage peer pressure whilst they develop into teenagers themselves. It is a smaller, safer environment for them. This is a strong argument in today’s society. 4288 [Middle schools in a certain area] achieve results higher than 2/3 national average consistently. Children in first year at [college name] tread water & don’t progress. They need to liaise with successful middle schools + set children according to ability so that children can continue excellent standards set by middle schools. 4296 Prefer the 3 tier systems because children settle better and 3 there is not such a large spectrum of ages, which makes children feel intimidated. 4297 In larger schools there is less provision for students who need 3 a bit of extra help but are not behind enough to be on a record of support.

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4299 The turmoil involved if changeover happens. 3 4315 My main concern is that while children with special needs get 3 extra support – understandably - the more gifted pupils get very little extra encouragement and mostly are left to get on without recognising their abilities. 4317 I do feel that schools need to help parents feel included. Also I No tier believe that there should be more ‘active’ teaching. Still too stated. much talk n’ chalk. 4319 Pupil achievement is not necessarily getting high grades but 3 each individual reaching their full potential – they need to be in a happy, encouraging environment & I feel this is more effectively achieved in smaller schools with a less wide age range. 4320 Our daughter attends the wonderful [Primary School Name] I 3 the school year 2008/9 she will be in yr 4 and therefore her final year before moving to middle school. We totally agree that moving at age 9 is very disruptive and has always been a concern. If the system changed to a 2-tier one, how could a small village school, like [school name], find the space to keep children on until age 11? How will ensure that the children directly affected by changes to the system won’t be disrupted even more? E.g. our daughter moves to middle school before a new system is implemented. Would she have to move again? 4328 More special schools. 2 Senior schools are failing – due to children with SEN (autism, ADHD etc) having to go to mainstream schools. Teachers are not specialists. 4329 Proposed restructure risks undermining currently successful 3 structures research which is broadly valid fails to acknowledge variation within 3-tier system which is working well at our local schools. 4330 The effect on the education of the area caused by disruption, 3 school closures, longer bus journeys to fewer schools, + more difficulties at transition at age 11 because of emotional impact – 9-12 middle schools mean an easier, more supported transition to ‘adult’ school. 4332 I have experienced both 2 & 3 tier systems. I strongly believe 3 that middle schools give children more of an opportunity to develop personally and socially. 4336 The way in which any potential change is handled, and the 3 effect that this may have on children already in the system. 4345 Sense of community 2 4348 The current middle school system could still function well with 3 a change of attitude that supported the yr 5 & 6s better as children & not young secondary pupils. 4350 Children at 9 having to ‘grow up’ so quickly. More 3 opportunities for children in Middle school setting academically, but more often than not, not mature enough to appreciate it. 4352 Children having to take public transport to and from school at 3 8-9 years old. 4357 Less schools, more children using transport, compromise of 3 education.

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4362 Longevity of current system given government’s current focus. 3 4364 Stability for children currently in primary/middle schools. 3 4365 Disruption caused by changing from 3 tier to 2 tier system. 3 4373 Maintain village school culture. 3 4376 I think the money required to make the changes would be 3 better spent on improving current provision. I would worry about children disrupted by any changes. 4377 Middle schools offer new learning experiences for example 3 D.T., French, Music, sport, science, which the children are definitely ready for. I think it would be a great shame to lose this. 4379 How can our high school teachers really help pupils choose 3 options for GCSEs when they have only known them a few months? 4381 Helping pupils with special ed. Needs and sourcing teacher for 3 them, and no using teachers who are unable to understand a child with SEN. 4382 It takes a long time to implement changes, I worry about the 3 changes upsetting, children & teachers alike, also the mountains of paperwork, things that will go wrong, & the time it takes for adjustment. 4387 My basic concern centres around the mixing of children 3 between the ages of 11-18 and the problems it may cause (i.e. bullying etc). The 3-tier system allows for better consideration of these issues. 4389 A safe & well resourced environment. 3 4391 Cost, if change occurs where are the options – need to see 3 how alternatives would be organised. 4393 Special Educational Needs – I feel there is a lack of 2 resources, it has a low priority feel, as the parent of a child who needs extra help there is a distinct lack of understanding and support. 4394 All of these are of concern, I’m glad you have not included 3 SATS results in this list because they are definitely not a major concern. 4396 Consistent standard of education in all schools of the pyramid. 3 4402 The positives of the 9-13 school in terms of pupil 3 development/responsibility will be lost in a two tier system. My 2 (now graduate) children both benefited from M.S. education. 4404 1. School bullying 2 2. Lack of financial support for over 16’s (EMA too little) 3. School Transport (County council makes it very difficult for pupils to attend the school of their choice). 4405 How are staff + teachers checked for their history before 2 being employed by a school? It seems to be an increasing problem that inappropriate people are employed. 4407 I like my school. I have learnt a lot of reading and writing and 3 maths. Age 8 years. 4408 Top quality learning resources. 3 Top quality environment. 4409 As least disruption as possible if changes are made from 3-tier 3 to 2.

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4413 Would want to ensure small village schools remain unable & 3 networked to other schools by changing to 4-11 years. 4417 We must keep small local schools 3 4419 Happiness of child. Just because under perform at middle 3 school – sort transition from primary to middle. End of school (i.e. GCSE, ‘A’ level) results are good and this is what matters along with good social development. 4422 I have heard rumours of ‘super schools’ being considered 3 where 4-18 year olds are on one campus –this would really concern me. I definitely think primary + secondary should be separate. 4423 With three tier systems, on each change/move to next school, 3 there is pressure between performance of school and child staying in same school as friends. 4434 Trendy teaching methods failing children. Return to ‘old 3 fashioned’ standards such as reciting tables daily English, history etc would improve children’s knowledge. 4437 Very happy with [Middle school name] because it provides a 3 secure atmosphere at a very important/vulnerable age/ range i.e.: aged 11-12. Only the uncertainty regarding these changes upsets an otherwise perfect arrangement. 4438 At the age of 11 children are mixing with 16-18 year olds if the 3 2 tier system comes into effect. This could be quite a worry for them as these students are so much bigger. 4440 1. My experience is that village schools offer a very high level 3 of support, choice & opportunity which is not available to children in bigger schools by sheer force of numbers. I would argue that this early input is crucial cont… 4443 Please keep my school. 3 4449 I am concerned that every area needs to adopt the same 3 system. Why? In the [pyramid name] the 3-tier system works very well. I am concerned that an awful lot of money will be wasted, and questions over funding & staffing levels will be more stress for teachers. Concerned that children with SEN will lose out. 4450 Logistics – would there be completely new schools or would 3 existing schools be used making them over-crowded? 4457 A more equitable distribution of resources to ensure that all 3 children have access to a good education on a ‘level playing field’ IN RURAL AREAS. (Too much skewing for deprivation of other sorts). 4458 Supposed additional central govt funding appears to be 3 diluted in its effect. Primarily due to spiralling costs at Dof E & general costs related to provision of target data & reporting back to DofE – LEAs should have final funding responsibilities. 4461 Schools are too focussed on targets at the expense of good 3 all round education. 4462 Size of school – keeping to smaller schools, smaller personal 3 level teaching. Secondary/upper schools to be no more than 750 pupils. 4464 SIZE OF SCHOOL – which you do NOT SAY how they might 3 change. CATCHMENT AREAS –which again you do NOT MENTION.

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4465 I like the 2 tier system. 2 Although I have been very happy with my childrens’ school, I feel there could be a greater emphasis on homework. I would like to hear more about levels then effort. The effort grades can be misleading… 4473 I attended a 2 tier system and I believe the 3 tier is serving my 3 children much better. I do not think Suffolk should remove middle schools but concentrate on obtaining/retaining good teachers. 4478 We need to keep our three tier system, as children benefit 3 from a village school, where numbers are smaller. My catchment area is a town school, but I choose to send my child to a village school, which he has thrived at! 4479 I was fortunate to attend a small village primary school (now 3 closed) & really enjoyed it, and my priority is that my daughter has that opportunity too. I also feel village schools are very important to fastening good communities. 4481 Schools are nor should be childminders. Staff are under 2 enough pressure, staff should be allowed to discipline without the fear of being sued. Staff should be able to comfort a child too. 4482 Issues such as retention, particularly post16, and the 3 development of the 14-19 curriculum, suggest that for many students success is achieved outside the school system. 4483 Village schools should form part of the community. 3 Children benefit from smaller primary schools. Our middle schools provide effective progression to larger upper schools. 4487 I have spoken to pupils & they feel (as I do) that a 3-tier 3 system is much better for a rural area. It means the retention of village schools & the change from middle to High is less intimidating at 13 than 11. My elder son was in the first year of 3-tier. 4488 With one child about to start Yr 2, and one starting school in 3 Jan ’07, it would worry me to think they could be starting school with 12-13 year olds. I feel this could be very intimidating + scary for 4 year olds. 4489 - impact on rural communities of any closures. 2 4492 Concerns over supply teachers being used due to staff 2 shortages (especially long term cover) that are not performing at the same standards expected of permanent staff or able to cope with modern pupil behaviour. Less lesson time should be given to subjects like R.E. and more time to subjects preparing young people for the real world. 4494 Middle schools do not serve our children well – attainment at 3 KS2 is poor; the quality of leadership in many middle schools is also poor. 4495 I would like Saxmundham (area of population growth) to have 3 both primary & secondary schools. I am concerned on the poor funding which may impact teaching quality. Differences between tiers is worrying. 4496 Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7. Not stated. 4499 That future decisions made will be finance driven rather than 3 living. The value that every child matters and recognising their

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wider development needs. 4502 Bullying is more of an issue in the two-tier system. 11-18 is 3 too big an age range. Schools become too large and impersonal, pupils become just another number in the system, teachers don’t get to know parents/pupils. 4506 At age 9 when a child moves to middle school they are often 3 not ready to cope with or mature enough to manage a very large upper school. Middle school helps them develop and mature in preparation for high school. 4510 How is the county council going to attract teachers into the 3 area in existing middle schools who have many posts to fill while the debate about continuity of middle schools goes on and how are the middle schools going to attract headteachers. This is happening at my son’s school. They need a new Head and at least 4 new staff. What effects will that have on the pupils. 4513 1. Implementation of this major change would block 3 actual improvements in education – i.e. meeting the key objectives. 2. Impact on village life of cancelling some schools and expanding others. 4514 Reduce paperwork/bureaucracy. 2 Ensuring schools/education is part of the overall development plan for the county when looking at future building. Population trends etc. + that schools work a county education plan, not changing just because there is a change of government policy but doing what is best for Suffolk children. 4515 The year five and six groups will miss out on specialist 3 teaching & facilities if put into a two tier system. The quality of this experience is not reflected in statistics. 4520 I cannot see the need for 3 tiers. I am Scottish & the system 3 has never been in place in Scotland, even in rural areas. 4521 Get rid of scats. Tier not stated. 4523 Pupils feeling secure in school and community. 3 4524 This section is biased – it fails to recognise good aspects of 3 the current system and implies improvements are required. 4526 Young children having to travel longer distances to school. 2 Some comprehensives are becoming too large – some children must slip through the net and feel lost. 4527 Travel out of villages at the age of 9 broadens children’s 3 outlook + experience. 4529 The possibility of increased numbers of very young primary 3 aged children being bussed to schools. Weakening or loss of parental interest and care in a school out of their locality. 4533 More flexible arrangements for getting ‘bus’ children home as 3 lack of transport constrains children’s out of school ours activities. 4537 Not receiving information regarding the school process i.e. 2 applying for nurseries, receptions, catchment areas etc. 4538 I would be concerned re the future of small village schools 3 under the two tier system, but have had negative experiences of my own children adjusting to new schools twice under the

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current 3-tier system. I believe it does affect their progress, taking children a year to fully settle at a new school. 4539 I believe all the above are important. I have marked those I 3 consider are most so. 4547 We consider that village schools are an integral part of village 3 life and would not want to see them threatened in any way. 4548 … Education and consideration for children with special needs 3 forced into main stream education … pastoral considerations and academic considerations … neglected. The excuse lack of money and time. 4556 I do believe that a three-tier system has its merits based on 3 the personal and social development of pupils. However, in this ever-competitive world our priority should be academic achievement of pupils and offer courses relevant to today’s work needs. 4558 My foster daughter has received fantastic support from school 3 which I feel may not have been available in a larger school. Also an opportunity to change schools offers a fresh start to children who are struggling i.e. despondent dyslexic. 4563 Raising expectation of parents, teachers, heads, governors 2 and PUPILS. 4566 [School name] is part of the catholic schools pyramid: 3 (1) We are concerned that catholic education remains available to all. (2) Since we are not part of the Haverhill pyramids we are concerned that our good school could be sidelined. 4576 I genuinely believe many pupils in year 6 are not equipped to 3 move to a huge high school. In a middle school they have the opportunity (continued on sheet) to build their confidence and self esteem in a smaller environment by taking responsibilities that I’m sure wouldn’t be offered to so many in a large high school. Rather than spending such a huge amount of money on reorganisation, more money should be spent on supporting, monitoring and evaluating transfer. Perhaps standards are higher in South Suffolk but look now at what has happened. The teacher centres have been closed in Lowestoft and Bury so teachers in those areas aren’t going to have such easy access to resources, courses etc to enable them to develop. Standards will be higher in Ipswich! I agree that we want to reduce the distance some children have to travel to school but at the moment can reorganisation guarantee that? Greater thought should be given to inclusion. Has it work? I don’t think so. More time is spent with a handful of pupils whose behaviour is very challenging. Standards aren’t going to rise if this is how so many teachers are having to spend their time. The learning of the majority has been affected; the atmosphere in classrooms and around schools has been affected. Staff should be able to concentrate on teaching rather than diffusing for pupils with behavioural difficulties would be a far better way of raising standards in both the two and three tier system. I often wonder about how my education would have been affected if I’d had challenging pupils in my

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classes, day in, day out. I’m sure I’d have been pretty fed up. I genuinely hope any final decisions about reorganisation haven’t already been made. I doubt few middle school teachers would support a change to a two-tier system. Many feel they are in the right school with the right age group where pupils are able to make a positive contribution to school life and thrive. I’m sure many would be filled with dear at the prospect of transferring to such large schools at the age of 11 when there are so many opportunities for them to thrive in year 7 and 8 at a middle school. 4577 -split classes – a real concern for me – having a split class is a 3 way to take in more children, but retain less teachers! Doesn’t manage population changes. 4578 The negative argument: against middle schools I was 3 concerned that M.S. were not given the positive/creative picture + SUCCESSFUL slant that they deserve. 4580 Ensuring pupils are cared for and look after, pupils achieve 3 greater support and individual attention in the 3 tier system. 4581 Opportunities for students who are not university candidates 3 to pursue other directions which fulfil their potential and are useful to society. 4584 I moved from a secondary school in Surrey at age 12 to a 3 middle school in Suffolk. It was like going backwards in every way. I think it’s good for younger children to mix earlier with the older ones, socially and educationally. 4586 Concerns that children will lose the support through ages 9-13 3 if 2 tier system. 9-10 year olds will not experience the fantastic facilities that a middle school has to offer. 4592 The educational needs of children concern me most. 3 4595 Implementation of ‘Every Child Matters’ principles. Tier not *NOT SATs/league tables – pupils’ sense of own stated. achievement. 4599 • Choice and flexibility 2 • Raising standards • Risk-taking and Innovation 4601 Middle schools have specialist teachers and rooms which 2 maximise pupils’ potential. By retaining three tier system, village schools will not have to be closed. 4602 Closing village schools due to falling admissions. Emphasis 2 on languages to be directed at primary age pupils. Music to become a core subject at primary school. 4608 I believe that the 3 tier system ensures that children remain in 3 smaller age range groups ensuring that younger children are not adversely affected by older pupils. 4610 There is an ever increasing need for parental courses. Stop 2 the continual changes in curriculum and inspection criteria and the importance puton league tables. 4611 I think the 3 school system enables children to adjust to 3 change better. 9-13 year mix, intimidating enough, 11-16 (18) very scary. Person’s needs/problems etc can be easily over looked in school of 1000 pupils, easier to spot in 400. 4614 My child is bright and able. I want her to be well supported by 3 EXCELLENT teachers & remove the dross who should have

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been pensioned off before they lost interest. 4617 That the consultation document implies that the positive aims 3 above would be better achieved by moving to a 2-tier system; we disagree! And your evidence base for claiming this is shaky and unsubstantial. 4619 I feel that the questions in this form are strongly loaded 3 towards the two tier system. 4621 Suffolk cutting out middle schools. Why? The 9-13 phases is 2 so important it helps children to become more confident. 4624 I firmly believe these smaller changes and progressions best 3 suit most children. The 3 tier system allows pupils to grow steadily throughout the schooling. 4626 Peer pressure from the age group if it changes – too big a 3 difference. 4629 A major issue is traffic through the village including school No tier drop-offs and pick ups at our 2 local schools. Changes to stated. school population could have a significant impact. 4635 Whilst I am the mother of three children who will all be at 3 middle school in 2008, your statistics on achievement levels between the two different tier systems does cause me concern. However, having said that, I believe the middle school two of my three children are currently at, is well lead and a very good school. My children are happy and well motivated to learn. Personally I would not want to see it close. If change were to be decided on it should be phased in, to avoid prejudicing child’s education, by too many moves. 4636 There is more to education than government determined 3 levels in English, Maths and Science! Middle schools have specialist teachers in many subjects and moves away from pupils having same teacher for everything. 4642 -The children are at primary schools for 5 years (3 tier system) 3 and are ready to move onto middle school for y5. The facilities middle schools offer are superb and are a good step towards upper schools. 4643 The aim should be to keep and improve all existing schools. I 3 would like to see some of your statistics that suggest pupils under perform at middle schools as I have taught yr 8s who could have sat their GCSEs then and excelled! 4646 There seems to be an implication that the 3 tier system is 3 failing due to underperformance at middle school level. This is not correct. There is fresh evidence to indicate that middle schools are performing well. First school performance after KS1 needs investigating. 4649 I think any changes in Bury St. Edmunds, particularly [middle 3 school names] would be disastrous. The children achieve very high goals, the teaching is excellent. Why must everything be changed down. Those middle schools not achieving should PTO. 4651 Note: When we moved to Suffolk 10 years ago we were so 3 pleased that we were moving to a 3 tier system. All my sons have progressed more rapidly through this system than their friends who remained in a two tier system. 4653 Why shut middle schools when they are proven to be 3 excellent in most cases. The three tier system is far superior.

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My 4 children thrived & statistics show that children made excellent progress. 4654 I do not wish to answer this question. I feel that it is an 2 impossible task to choose just three issues – I believe that nearly all of the above are important. 4657 Quality of SMT in some schools. Lack of quality/expectation of 2 teaching post SATs (y4 & y6) in some schools & some staff. Size of schools some highs too large. Lack of personal identity for staff and students. 4658 Eco-friendly schools – improve old schools & build schools for 2 the future. 4659 The current 3-tier system enables schools to more closely 3 follow the physical and emotional development of children, provides better pastoral care, protects children from influences of much older children and, with good teacher and parental support, will results in better academic results – DO NOT CHANGE!! 4660 The three tier system provides better pastoral care and as 3 good if not better academic results. It is the timing of the SATs that needs to change to reflect the 3 tier system and not the other way round. 4661 My 3 children have all benefited from the 3 tier system in 3 terms of personal and social development& the facilities offered by a community school. 4664 All of Suffolk should be 3 tier 3 Minimise commuting time for children Local after school + pre-school activities. 4669 Need for sixth form college. Tier not stated. 4671 It is so important to keep the system as it is because its slow 3 transition to senior education is less traumatic to the child. 4673 You should keep middle schools as I have been through one 3 and I believe they are a good inbetween link. 4675 Cost of change 3 Wastage of buildings. 4676 Having a broad, balanced, high quality education which 3 produces caring citizens. 4677 There is no child care provision within the school system in 3 Halesworth for mothers what want to work & work. There are no holiday play schemes or activity continued over - 4678 Children should be treated as children and listened too! 3 Instead they are told to be quiet and get on with things. Too much energy is spent on worrying about targets instead of the children. 4679 Our children should be educated to higher standards in basic 3 subjects. Too much wasted on unnecessary subjects like RE, PSHE & DT. Children need to remember manners and be confident. 4686 Giving children as long as possible to be children i.e. don’t 2 force 11 year olds into a teenage environment where they have to confront smoking and drugs. Smaller schools would be more sustainable for transport and more family like & disciplined environment for zero tolerance to smoking, drugs, drink.

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4690 I believe young people grow and develop as individuals both 3 academically and socially within the safe/supportive environment of a middle school without the pressures and influences of much older children. 4693 Schools should not be too large. 3 4694 Senior schools age 11-18 years pressurise younger children Tier not into growing up too soon and expose them to issues beyond stated. their stage of development. 4696 Children develop more rapidly between 9-13 years both 3 physically & psychologically I feel the 3 tier system supports this far better, keep our middle schools. 4700 Effect on children going from a small village school straight to 3 a senior school with the massive change in size. Having come through the 2 tier system, I believe the 3 tier system * 4701 I am very concerned that the council are biased against the 3 3 tier system. I feel that the documents sent to parents is not evenly balanced and that its timing (directly before the summer holidays) (PTO). 4702 Better provision for non-statemented children with SEN in 3 mainstream. 4711 Bullying is less likely to occur in a 3-tier system as the age 3 group of the pupils is tighter. 4712 One of the most valuable elements of 3 tier is that socially, 3 children are not with children socially too old for them e.g. no 11 year olds with 4 year olds and no 15-16s influencing 12-13 year olds. 4714 I have concerns regarding loss of parental choice should 2/3 schools merge e.g. High schools. 4716 I don’t feel small primary schools can give as much 3 opportunity to children as middle schools. They have more specialised teachers & facilities i.e. science labs. I feel the needs of 9-13 year olds are better catered for in middle schools. Please don’t change. 4717 Too much focus on academic targets prevents a child’s 2 creativity and feelings of acceptance as a complete person. Academic studies can go on for life a child’s personal development is time-limited. 4721 Our primary school could never have offered the facilities that 3 [Middle school name] has in all areas of learning in a two tier system they would not have access to these facilities and miss out. 4722 Large classes in middle schools. 3 Lack of guidance during early puberty. 4726 Please see attached letter. 2 4730 The middle school system was effective in its time – that time 2 has long past. Despite the grossly imbalanced funding they receive (being deemed as Secondary) they do not match the outcomes achieved by pupils in the 4-11 primary schools. 4732 This is a personal viewpoint and does not necessarily math Tier not the views of Governors or Staff. stated 4733 I see the pupil achievements as being independent for 2 vulnerable children on personal and social development – the two are inextricably linked I believe. I think the PRUs need to

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be restructured as well. 4739 Better support for schools in quickly, access effective and help 2 for childrens families. 4740 These are the collective views of the head teachers of the Tier not special schools in Suffolk. There were concerns that within stated. option 4 above any schools should not be too large because they run the risk of becoming impersonal and children can get ‘lost’ within the organisation. There was also a concern about the role of special schools within any reorganisation – what options may be being considered? In addition, the heads were anxious to know how the now agreed County Vision for Special Education fits into any plans for reorganising the structure of schools. The headteachers were also concerned about moves to create unitary authorities in Ipswich , and possibly Lowestoft, and the impact this could have on any planned organisation. 4741 I felt the information booklet about school organisation was Tier not confusing and misleading. In the Southern area 3 tier would stated. indicated infant, junior. There are still some of us around! The booklet referred to First and Middle schools almost exclusively but this was not clear. 4742 For Felixstowe we need 4-12 and 13-19, but with keystage 4 2 starting in year 9. 4744 Too bigger jump with 2 tier system, middle school provides 3 specialist teachers for subjects which we would lose. 4745 No account is taken of the issue of children’s emotional and 3 social development – research? Suffolk has not consulted teachers to ascertain the level of ‘dip’ from year 2 to year 4. This dwarfs the alleged ‘dip’ on transfer according to my data. 4747 Please see attached letter. 3

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Consultation Document Section 4

If you think Suffolk should change, which option would you like?

Other Comments

ID Comment Tier 1 The age ranges of schools presents a red herring. What is 2 needed is clearer accountability at each school for the achievement, safety + success of their pupils, coupled with appropriate support + reward. Schools, regardless of age range must learn to collaborate effectively to deliver far better value than they do presently. Finally- the local authority must take its role as commissioner seriously to ensure competition + diversity. A real challenge in a widespread authority. 2 I would choose the option which attracts good quality teachers, 2 delivering the best education to pupils of all abilities. Cost effectiveness should be considered but should not be the overriding consideration. 3 Change all schools to 3 tier. 3 5 As a governor of Wenhaston School I am impressed by the 3 procedures put in place by and the plans of the Bungay Pyramid. I am convinced that this is a form of ‘all age schools’ for an area containing a number of v. small primary schools in villages – these are facilities that must be retained. This scheme would be best for our communities and providing others. 6 Possible: 4-11 and 11-16 and 16-18 + 3 8 Research does show that 2 tier options probably produce the 3 best results but this isn’t the only things schools are about. Certainly at Stoke you have a highly successful middle school both in its academic results as well as its care for pupils, parents and the community it serves. To change the area the school serves into a 2 tier system would cause untold disruption to a system which already works well. Leave well alone! 11 All age schools would be an ideal but entirely cost prohibitive. 2 Therefore with best achievement being from the 4-11 & 11-18 two tier model (your stats prove this) + cost benefit that must flow (or it would in a private business) then this has to be the way forward. 12 It is good that children change school periodically as at 3 present. Is this change for change’s sake? 15 It does not matter which system is used but the teaching and 3 management of schools needs to be better. Don’t waste money continually changing! Spend it on the schools!!! 17 [Schools for age 4-11 and 11-18] but ideally with separately 2 identified 6th form ‘colleges’. 19 I am strongly in favour of the current 3 tier system. Primary 3 schools are invariably the ‘hub’ of village life. Our school has strong links with the playgroup, church, ‘Silver Ash’ (OAP group) the village hall committee, the local Art Group and numerous other groups + individuals. The majority of our

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pupils walk to school. Questionnaires show that pupils & parents are really happy with current arrangements & I think the smaller age range in each school helps to create a ‘safer’ environment and greatly assists with pupils’ social development. I think that if there is a ‘dip’ as suggested in recent documentation – it may be because pupils in years 5 & 6 are treated more like senior school pupils. I feel it would be much better for those year groups to be kept mainly in one class so that one teacher can keep an eye on progress in all areas of the curriculum rather than have many different teachers. 22 Having worked in and experienced both systems I feel the two 3 tier system has many advantages providing there is partnership working between schools, external agencies, colleges and training providers to ensure a broad choice of options is available within the system to meet individual learner needs and not disadvantage those in rural areas. 23 As present. 3 30 A separate VI form college could be an excellent option for 3 those ready to change at 16. 36 I do not believe there should be a change. 3 38 4-11 11-16 16-18 2 Age 9 is far too young to change schools. 16-18 year olds are young adults and should be treated as such. Cambridge has some of the top post 16 schools in the country this is the system they use. My children went happily through this system and were not as traumatized changing school at 11 as the children I teach are at 9. 42 Schools that reflect the need of the local area as well as taking 3 into consideration less transfer – e.g. 3-13 schools of no more than 2 form entry – or all age schools with services campus built. Dependent on area. 46 I have chosen this option because I fell really strongly that this 2 will be the best option for all children and staff. 49 You will lose a lot of top quality teachers who joined the 3 profession because of the 3 tier system. It is truly brilliant and the Middle schools are a joy to teach in. I won’t be so much angry as upset & sincerely full of despair if we go to a two-tier system. Do be careful please! 51 1. 100% discipline plus respect must return to all schools 3 (age 4 to 18) 2. School uniform a must. 53 4-8 3 9-18 (or 9-16 & 6th form college) 54 Primary Age 4-10 (yrs 1-6) 3 Middle Age 11-14 (yrs 7,8,9) High Age 14 –18 (yrs 10-6th form) 55 Why change something that works? 3 60 The whole parish council made up of 9 members aged 3 between 40-80 wish for our school system to stay as it. Thankyou. 61 See previous question. 3 64 Middle schools allow 9 to 13 years old to develop without the No tier

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pressure and 6th form orientated world of upper schools. The stated. main weakness of middle schools was the failure BY HIGH SCHOOLS AND UPPER SCHOOLS to accept progressive co- operation with the middle schools in the final year of middle schools. This has been caused by ‘academic superiority’ attitudes by HIGH/UPPER schools. There are glowing exceptions! 65 I like the current system and also am keen to keep separate 2 infant and junior schools. 66 Although probably not necessary for all schools to go up to 18, 2 could have some in each area which specialised in 6th form. 68 We prefer the 3 tier system, as it is. 3 70 First choice would be all age schools. But I do not think that is 2 practical or possible with the present infrastructure. 72 4-11 – 11-16 16-19 2 73 Options 3 and 4 would be like taking the school system back to 3 pre war days. 74 But am interested in the All Age concept but afraid little ones 2/3 would be overwhelmed that our lovely, safe village schools would disappear and little ones would have to travel relatively long distances. Also like idea of 4-13 &14-19 schools but the 4-13 schools might lose out on academic calibre of teachers. 75 Although my children went through 2 tier I think children who 2 go through 3 tier do achieve better. They are not thrown from Juniors – High school. 76 More sixth forms at secondary schools to support huge jump in 2 work between GCSEs + A level. 80 As at present 3 tier system. 2/3 My 3rd child is currently attending Stoke by Nayland middle – best performing middle school in the county. Achieves excellent results, well above the national average. Children receive a broad education from day one in year 5, taught by specialist teachers in a range of subjects. 81 Infant/Primary up to yr 3 Junior/Middle yrs 4-7 (age 8/9 – 3 11/12) Secondary/Upper yr 8 (age 12/13) Year 7 children are sometimes too ‘young’ to cope with secondary school Year 8 children are too ‘old’ for middle school. Middle schools curriculum is not in line with 2 tier schools. 89 I feel the disruption that will entail will greatly outweigh any 3 perceived advantages. 92 Undecided, but would like to see how an all age school works 3 and also the 4-13 and 14-19. I would also be interested in teachers’ views who have taught in both 2 and 3 tier system. My main issue for concern is considering the rural area we live in, that children should be within walking distance of their starting school – I do not want children to have to use a bus at such a young age to get to school, which would also not be environmentally friendly, therefore NO change should be made. 94 From my observations with my own children I found they 3 responded better to new regimes at 11. By the time they were

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14 there were becoming more easily influenced by peer pressure and less receptive to the idea of learning. I had 5 children so speak from experience of both 2& 3 tier. I would recommend 2 tier every time. 96 My second choice would be 4-11 and 11-18. I went to both 3 types of school and got on better at the three tier school. My eldest is at middle school and doing very well. I feel at age 11 the social skills are important and peer pressure important. 97 I think the change to be made should be in not going into 3 separate subjects at 9. The primary system of class teachers should apply to such young children. 101 If you change Suffolk schools from 3 to 2, schools would be 3 totally cramped, teachers & staff at the middle schools would be out of a job! Bury St. Edmunds is getting larger and I personally think the schools here would not be able to cope with the volume of children i.e primary schools have at my school 200 children. Middle school has 400 children – put these together far too much for our younger children! 103 I do not think that the age group is the most important factor 3 but how each school is run and managed. 106 4-10 10-16 16-18 sixth form colleges to suit different needs, 3 skills based or academic. 108 I moved my children from a 2 tier system to a 3 tier system 3 and have been very pleased with their achievements, which I am certain wouldn’t have happened if I left them where they were. 113 Stay as they are now. 3 121 Possibly with separate sixth form colleges like the Cambridge 3 system. 123 All areas of the county of Suffolk should have the same system 3 of education. 130 I am extremely happy with the 3 tier system. I think that going 3 to middle school at age9-10 has hugely given my eldest daughter opportunities that she definitely would not have had at primary school. 138 I support Middle Schools. 3 141 4-11 and 11-16 and separate 6th form centre/college provision 2 for 16+ 148 Keep the 3 tier system. I has worked with 3 boys! 3 159 [CONTINUED….] opportunities not available in primaries, and 3 makes pupils more aware and mature when moving on to upper schools. From a personal & social development angle, the double move is an advantage, not a problem. Comparisons of academic achievement are less important than the fact that our children are happy, secure and confident in their schools. The argument from age 11 statistics seems to me seriously flawed. IF Suffolk results are below natural averages at age 11 yet comparable by age 16 then our middle & upper schools are OUT-performing other 11-16 schools. So we should be spreading the 3 tier system to other counties, not abolishing it! There is no reason why seeking to improve 6th form results should radically change the educations system for 5-11 year olds. That is nothing to do with primary/middle schools. I was school in a 2-tier system (Norfolk) and think 3 tier is

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much better. Wholesale changes would be chaotic and confusing for current children, hugely expensive to implement and has no proven benefit. 162 I feel that it is not a safe environment for learning with all ages 2 mixed together i.e. All age schools. 165 Keep it as it is. 3 166 Keep three tier 3 169 In my view the decision should be made and implemented 3 asap before parents and carers begin to lose confidence in Suffolk County Council. 170 No change. No tier entered 171 Two tier system + then a central VI form college. 2 172 Like Suffolk have the same type of schooling. 9-13 year old 3 have it hard with changes of their bodies may be best if only changing 2 times, and letting high schools know the pupils before main exams. Only 2 ½ year is not good for pupils and teachers. 175 Am very happy with the three tier system, my three children 3 have enjoyed & achieved a lot during these years. They develop socially, emotionally & intellectually & the step up to middle school helps prepare them for the bigger & sometimes daunting step to high school. 196 Recommend infant and junior schools are merged; renew 2 buildings then 4-18 on same site would be beneficial though in different schools. Also support 14-19 strategy for centres offering more vocational at 14-16. 205 Suffolk schools are on the whole managed very well – no No tier change is needed. Less changes of school for children is less entered disruptive to their education. 208 All age schools would be a second choice as long as they 3 were not too big. 210 A vision is needed for the future, We cannot rely upon the past 2 systems. A serious rethink is essential. Suffolk YP deserve a system which will help them fully for the future. The 14-19 initiatives need to be related to area need, not political considerations. Areas very different & what is relevant for one (e.g. Ipswich) is not relevant for some of Suffolk’s outlying areas. Even in this day & age pupils need resources in their locality not travelling excessive distances. I want a system that supports my children and grandchildren & does not force them out of the county! 217 The middle schools give pupils the chance to experience 3 specialist teaching and facilities which are not available in primary schools. 219 Need more 6th form centres. Live at Shotley & nearest is 10 2 miles away. Have read in paper, one might be built at Copdock. This is much needed. 239 My children moved from 2 tier to 3 tier schooling. This system 2 has given an enormous self confidence within the child and I personally believe is at a very good age. His progress at the middle school has been excellent, and support met in all areas. It is a v. good introduction to ‘growing up’ and I would

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never send to 2 tier if I could ever help it. 250 My children attended Stoke by Nayland Middle School and 3 achieved a high standard in all subjects. My youngest is at Stoke-by-Nayland Primary – again an excellent school. KEEP OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL!! PLEASE & OUR PRIMARY SCHOOl! 260 My eldest son has been in 7 schools before he went to the 2 primary school in our village – this was because his father was in the RAF. He then went through the 3 tier system and now has a Masters Degree. Both my other 2 children went through the 3 tier system and have good degrees. All 3 children had access to the specialist facilities from the age of 9 rather than 11, which helped them considerably. 262 I am currently moving to a school which has a 6th form, from a 2 school that doesn’t. I believe that all nigh schools should be from 11-16 and then a separate 6th form, so that it is specialised and the students have to make their own decisions of where to go and move to the separate 6th form. 263 [Schools for ages 4-13 and 14-16] Only up to 19 yrs old if 2 staying on for further education. 265 We did consider 4 to 13 but felt it may cause problems in 3 settling and GCSEs. Other issues to consider are: -older child the more able to deal with bullying, peer pressure, smoking etc. -commuting distance to schools and that effect on community. -smaller schools give a more personal approach 267 Philosophically I prefer a 3 tier system but results show a 2 tier 2 is best. However we must sort out entrance at reception level. We are condemning our Easter entrants to permanently ‘catching up’ for year 1/2 . I have taught for many years in many parts of the country and it is definitely the worst option (3 entrance dates). I notice a huge difference in reception children I’m teaching here, who came in during Sept. and those who came in at Easter – its not fair on them. 270 I used to run an all through school for 6-16 yr olds. It had a 2 number of advantages – children could refer back to favourite teachers for help – but it did need careful organisation. With the age and number of existing buildings, ‘all through schools’ have many advantages but they are not practical except in a new development/new town. With existing facilities, I think the practical and economic answer is what the authority now does – a mixture of 2/3 tier schools – possibly moving to a 3 tier system in rural areas. 273 Re change schools organised – the three tier system need to 3 address more funding for primary education. A child should continue to be taught in a class room environment on entering middle school up to KS2. Reduces number of changes to child. Change to topic based teaching after KS2. Keep primary school classes grouped together from same primary school. Minimises disruption. More familiar environment. 275 The budget system needs to be looked at – it is not practical to 2 use the 2 year system introduced. It’s a paperwork exercise that is unrealistic at local level particularly where schools have any changes in pupil numbers.

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285 Suffolk NEEDS a system which is comparable with the rest of 3 the UK for personal pupil development and financial reasons. Would not like to see All age school option. Big schools do not favour the vulnerable i.e. young, poor, special needs, low achievers. Definitely less personal which is bad for young children. 298 We should keep the 3 tier (middle school) system in place. I 3 believe children of 9-13 achieve more than if they were in the 2 tier system. 300 I am also concerned as to how this will effect schools such as 3 Emswell as school will be overstretched in the next few years due to the amount of new houses being built. 301 All age schools can give children a better & settled life – worth 3 looking at working examples to see how they fare. 302 Two tier to reduce the number of times children change 2 schools. I’m sure the impact of change and the settling in period have an adverse effect on the learning process. 304 If the system works and the pupils are happy leave things 3 alone. 305 Combining the two upper schools in Haverhill would give them 3 a much stronger base to attract pupils especially in 16+ area. 311 But keep school sizes down. 3 315 Not information to give a reasonable view. Consultation 3 document very biased for 2 tier system. Really so important you should re-design consultation papers. 319 [Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] However this is subject to 3 the proviso that the secondary schools would not simply increase in numbers due to the additional two years. I feel more secondary schools should be built otherwise I would strongly prefer that the existing arrangements continue. 324 I do feel that the cost of restructuring the school sites to 3 provide a two tier system would be enormous as well as the practical implications. 325 The national agenda KS groups are built it seems around a 3 strategy of schools for children up to 11 and 11-18. Pupil attainment results seem to favour this model as the beast to achieve optimum results for our children so the council should move forward with this as an executive solution, instead of procrastinating. I suspect that SCC will not modify its two tier areas to become three tier, so based on best practice in other countries we should move to the system which offers the best for our children. 331 [Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] but with t16-18 sixth form 2 colleges when the secondary schools are too small to provide a sufficient choice of subjects for 16-18. 332 If its not broke, don’t fix it!!! 3 348 As above but with closer federation between the two tiers 3 within the pyramid and stronger collaboration between cluster schools. 349 Schools for ages 4-7 = using village schools 3 8-11 11-18 351 All schools as two tier 4-11 & 11-16 2 352 Maintaining primary schools in small communities for pupils 3

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aged 4-11 is essential. I believe for their well being and for the fabric of rural life. 355 Middle schools are blamed for pupil under achievement, 2 however, it appears that years 3-4 in the three tier system are lull years where the children are not pushed forward with their learning. 361 I prefer the idea of a later transition between first and 2 secondary school, I think the ‘teenage years’ would be better handled if pupils experience them in an environment they are familiar with. 364 Keep the 3 tier system in Waveney. When the system is 3 change, a certain age group suffers. They lose out on something they can never replace. I have had formal experience of this. In my family my children and my grandchildren as well as the governors at my school believe in the 3 tier system. 366 Building availability has to be considered – in the areas where 2 there are 3 schools how can existing buildings be adjusted to accommodate the 2 tier system. I do not agree with knocking down and rebuilding just to achieve the same schooling structure across the county. 368 The two tier system in the Ipswich, Woodbridge, Framlingham 2 etc area should stay. Elsewhere , I think it is for the people in those areas to decide whether to change to two-tier. I don’t feel it would be appropriate to me to give an opinion (I live near Felixstowe). 373 I think it is important that pupils do not change schools during 3 a key stage. Is there any guarantee that the government will not change the key stage structure within the National Curriculum? 377 I would like to know more about all age schools we should 2 move towards larger school complexes with a wider range of facilities. 383 While SAT’s are set for Yr 6 we have to give our children the 3 best possible chance to do their best – school change at 9 does not do this. 384 Again to re-iterate we should also look at decreasing to 2 2 intakes per year in primary schools Sept. and Jan. to stop disadvantaging summer born children. 386 I like the old system. I’m from a 2 tier area and except how I 3 went to school. I think a chance for a change of pupil’s, teacher’s and systems is good for children, I think the system in Suffolk works well. Both my children have had good experiences. 390 Education as a Life Process – a continual flow from birth. Size 3 matters! Community centres are ideal for socialisation & education. Libraries + laptops – but like so much the quality of teachers their training & support has greatest influence on success. Buildings must not limit change. Ideally only one major school change (at 11 probably). More pre-school support for parents. Where possible, children should get themselves to school! BACK ON BIKES! 393 Education is more than exam results – social development is 3 also important – middle schools help in this to a great amount.

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Middle schools provide opportunity for a wider range of activities than primary schools. The 3 tier system is a good way to ensure children develop to the best of their ability. 395 This issue should more carefully review cluster conditions & 3 not the whole county – the Waveney cluster of Bungay/Beccles should also not be grouped with Lowestoft for data review, as this is a totally different social area. 396 This is a personal opinion based on my experience with 3 boys 2 going through: the last now in yr 6 and ready for a move, the eldest in yr 12 was thankful not to have had a move this year. As a governor your research would seem to have compelling information as to achievement and with exam systems as they are I would guess it takes more than a year to settle into a high school and be ready for the challenge of GCSEs. 397 Schools 4-11 and 11-16 with a central 6th form as at 2 Colchester. Middle School achievement at KS2 SATs are BELOW primary achievement. They take up a disproportionate amount of budget compared with primaries. They do not fit into the school organisation of the rest of the country. 398 I am not sure what all age school are. But like the concept, 3 second option 4-13. I want small local schools which support child development and community schools which reflect the community and social diversity of its location. Impowered teachers (and children) to be able to deal with those who wish to learn and those who do not. 399 As a teacher with experience of both two-tier (Norfolk) three 2 tier 9-13 (Northumberland) three tier 8-12 (Surrey and Norfolk again) I would urge that whatever changes you make to make sure they do last well into the 21st century. In the last 30 years education has suffered from far too much change. My experience of 8-12 Middle, when the ethos at the top end was secondary (regardless of being officially viewed as primary) was extremely positive. Unfortunately the pupils were then horrified at how little was expected of them in their first year high school. 402 Moving school at 16 is not good news, too many don’t do it. 2 404 While standards of attainment remain a priority for the 3 government (and most parents) I’m not sure there is a choice. The benefits of the middle school however great will struggle to overcome the disappointing levels of attainment at KS2. There is a question around whether the middle schools should spend more time on English, Maths + Science – coaching pupils to achieve the levels gained by similar pupils at KS2 in 2 tier system. Narrowing the curriculum to achieve desired outcomes?? Why do Middle Schools achieve such a good impact on the KS3 SATs results? 2x transfer = significant issue. 410 Possibility of charter schools for agricultural farming/art/sport 3 academic ability. 418 Personally I like the idea of the 3 tier system. 3 419 I feel all age schooling would give better value for money, 3 greater spending power + more joined up approach to

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education from an early age. 423 Having taught in Middle schools + my own children being part 3 of this system, I am convinced that the advantages. The differences in pupil achievement are not significant enough alone to warrant a change to a 2 tier system. 427 Should be a 3 tier system with reduced class sizes i.e. – no 3 more than 28 in a class. 428 At the very least every high school campus should offer a full 2 post 16 provision to ensure continuity and confidence when considering post GCSE education. 430 Option above would means less changes & give high school in Tier not the 3 tier system the opportunity to focus on two crucial key entered. stages, 4 & 5. 433 Stay as they are. 3 4-11 at primary level is too long for children with high sporting levels & restricts the type of sport they can take part in. I believe the 3 tier system works well & prevents young children mixing with teenagers too soon in the playground. 435 All of Suffolk the same. 2 436 I like the all age option as it stops any fear and worries that 2 many children have changing schools and these should include provision for SLD children as well. 444 No change 3 447 There is a need for area sixth forms in rural areas so that a full 2 range of subjects can be offered. 448 Comment: To change schools at 14 would be detrimental to 3 GCSE achievement. 458 If there is a change, & I do not necessarily agree there should 3 be, then option 4 allows for youngsters to make the transition from childhood to teenhood & maturity at an easier pace. Also what will happen to the empty middle school buildings, & where does the money come from to extend the high school buildings. 461 Inclusion of children with special needs all special schools on a 2 mainstream sites. 464 Special Needs, especially EBD and significant mental 3 difficulties, youngsters being educated separately from average and bright ones, eg, in a specialist unit in an all-age school, they take up a proportionate amount of resources relative to average pupils. Special schools or units should not be at a distance from their homes, however, as long bus journeys are wasteful of resources too, and difficult for pupils. 474 Losing the excellent standard achieved by small community 3 schools (primary 4-8) would erode the start I have seen in our son, you become just another number in larger schools. 475 Although there is good merit in 6th form colleges you have not 2 mentioned it. It offers that all secondaries suffer at 6th form through lack of funding to provide wide changing options I have to send out to Suffolk college and other places. 6th for college capable to taking all students in Ipswich & surrounding area I believe to be a must for your encouraging 16 year olds to stay on to further education. 477 We are happy with a 3 tier system and feel that the children 3

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here are much more challenged than many other junior school children at ages 9-11 years. Your studies mainly include Maths, English & Science but what about the children of 9-11 years at middle schools who have learnt a second language, learnt to play a musical instrument, can do woodwork/metalwork etc and have resources to perform science experiments far greater than at primary school. It would be a great pity for you to take this away from them. 481 Academic evidence plus structure of education in rest of 3 county supports this. 483 We have lived in an authority operating options 1& 2 & have 3 found them unsettling & unsupportive of children at critical ages. Option 4 seems far too large an age range to control for the benefit of all pupils. Retaining middle schools is the best option. 489 Please – No 6th form colleges separated from upper and 3 secondary schools. I have many grandchildren in other areas, and remain interested in education and schools. 495 We are very happy with the existing 3-tier system. Our local 3 middle school (Clare) offers a rich and stimulating environment in which our daughter has flourished. She is less intimidated by the older children as Year 8 is the top year. 496 I do like the 3 tier system in my area (Thurston pyramid) & our 3 children learnt well and are happy with 3 schools. New 2-tier maybe even better. 497 Keep the three tier system. My main concern is pupil numbers 3 in a class, too many differing levels in a class, higher numbers within a school can be intimidating to a child. Smaller schools, more personal. Children feel more relaxed & happy, thus will learn better. 498 Socially I feel middle school system good for 11-13 year olds, 2 but accept changes can be disruptive. Also see benefits post 16 of 6th form colleges in some areas, although feel students may get better deliver/care in school 6th forms. 499 After attending one of the LEA School Organisation Reviews 3 (22 May ’06), it is clear that the questions asked in this form are too shallow and do not fully cover what is a most complex problem. 503 Keep the three tier system, this has suited both my children 3 very well. 505 No need to change – 3 Its working well now. 510 I don’t have strong feelings but the 2 tier structure seems 2 prevalent in most of the country and is generally understood. Until that changes I believe it should be used here. Without experience of other systems, it is difficult to recommend their use. 524 The (4-11)(11-18) system will restore leadership to primary 3 schools, help pupils transfer to “high school” at an age where they can cope more easily with change and reduce costs and the number of headteachers required (at a time when it is difficult to recruit headteachers). 527 I think that Suffolk should stay with Primary, Middle and High 3

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school. 528 Agree to the change to meet the current teaching methods but 2 do not make changes for changes sake, over and over again. 530 As explained early all of these would be disastrous to children 3 having to travel to larger 1st schools. 531 If change must happen to improve KS2 results, option4 could 3 be considered. It allows for pupils to continue in a primary ethos with specialist teaching. It is a good introduction to secondary system but also enables Yr 8 pupils, who could be influenced by older pupils, to flourish rather than flounder. 532 What is the cost of changing the system as High schools 3 would have to expand to take in years 7+8. 535 I am strongly opposed to the idea of a 6th form college. The 2 creation of a large, new centre, probably on a green-fields site, and the increase in pupil miles travelling to and from such a centre will be costly, wasteful & against all government guidelines on improving the environment. 547 If they are sure this will lead to the improvements that are 2 sought. Retaining food teachers is essential what is the best way of doing this, I’m not experienced enough to know. A structure is needed that children feel they have a future even though they cannot achieve at school. Children able to achieve must be encouraged to reach their limit. Other personal issues lead to children achieving this, confidence, respect for themselves. 551 Please, also involve the young people in this decision. Is 2 anyone asking them? Especially those that have experience of both 2 and 3 tier systems. 552 If things have to change, 4-11 & 11-18 would be in line with 2 most other schools, but I feel good middle schools will be sacrificed because they are outnumbered by poorer Middles, as well as the pressure to improve 14-19 results at Upper Schools. 553 The middle school phase is essential for protection of the child 3 at a time of physical/emotional change offering stability & familiarity at a critical time. There is then a greater sense of ‘new beginning’ for the child just before KS4 begins which should act as a positive galvanising force. 556 Currently very happy with 3 tier system but if 2 tier system 3 proves to be better overall then would be prepared to change. Would be very concerned that standards may fall during any changeover + wouldn’t want one of my children to suffer because of this. 560 I would like to keep the three tier schooling system. 3 563 Discussed with my 11 year old who is in a 3 tier system & she 3 would prefer the 2 tier indicated above. 565 I think the 3 tier system worked for me and still works today for 3 my children. At age 8/9 children are ready for new challenges, their primary school starts to bare them and it is difficult spending time amongst young children of only 4/5 years of age. 566 Help teachers to manage behavioural problems in class. 2 569 With the exception of special schools. 3 570 As this option – 3 tier for all, but with more schools having a 3

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nursery facility and the problem of the currently wasted Yr9 addressed by shortening KS3 to 2 years + taking KS3 in middle schools. 573 The over development of local areas leading to over populated 3 schools is not helping. It just makes common sense that the smaller the school the more attention given to the child. Our first and middle schools are excellent the high schools are so over populated that I have a daughter who went right through high school with numerous teachers not even knowing her name. More smaller high schools possibly attached to middle schools would make a child feel more comfortable and safe. But I speak as a normal down to earth parent who has watched 5 children go through the education system 2 tier + 3 tier what would I know!!! 581 I believe all age schools are the way forward how you 2 undertake this and persuade the general public would need a lot of work!! 585 Or 4-11 then 11-16 year olds. But they learn better in 2 tier 2 schools. 596 As parents we think Suffolk schools are very good. We live in 2 Essex and choose to travel to East Bergholt each day. I have found all the dealings I have had with Suffolk County Council very helpful + constructive. Your open, consultative approach is much appreciated. 601 MORE CHOICE!!!!!!! 3 This has not come soon enough but will it amount to anything? The education system as a whole needs a dam good shake up. 605 Smaller + more schools. 3 608 (from previous page) strongly supported Middle Schools both 2 at Suffolk & on the Isle of Wight where we moved from. 611 The middle school system provides smaller schools with 3 increased personal attention for pupils. Making a change at age 9 encourages pupils to mature + take on responsibilities earlier. My family in the Midlands use the 2 tier system and I’ve noted a less independent attitude of children aged 9,10 + 11 than those children in the 3 tier system. 615 I believe that if children need to change schools it should be 2 when they are 11 yrs old. However, I am very supportive of the idea re 14-19 centres where 14-19 yr olds can access more specialist courses to interest & stimulate them, prepare them for work and encourage them to stay on ‘at school’. 617 I would like to see specialist early years centres for the under 3 5’s and schools 5-13 and 14-19. The sixth form college in Garleston, Norforlk, just over the border from here is in the top 10 of the country – the same advantages are not available for youngsters in the ‘Lowestoft Sixth’ which doesn’t work. 625 The information given in the booklet doesn’t reflect the fact that 3 middle schools Bury St. Edmunds are performing better than in other areas. 631 4-11, 11-16, 16+ (6th form college) 3 633 Currently most concerned about the disengagement from 3 education that I can see as the children pass into their teens and would like to see more attempts to halt & reverse that, to

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make schooling relevant etc and to reduce level of peer pressure evident. I think the needs of the system are more about that than the age of changes. 634 Secondary schools should be smaller – perhaps more 2 resources could be targeted at developing new secondary schools. I think smaller secondary schools help with school inclusion & fostering stronger school communities. 639 Until Newmarket College can improve, I think it should stay 3 3 tier. My daughter loved going to St. Felix but really does not like the college. They don’t seem to be able to keep any decent teachers & the pupils have no pride in the school. Mr. Dart is useless! 641 This form is very guided towards moving to two tier – I expect 3 the decision has already been made!! I do not believe that this change will improve the education of my children. The schools in this area have a very good reputation and moving from one school to another has many advantages socially, plus moving away from clashes with teachers and class members can be healthy too. 646 If the three tier schools are to continue then SATs should not 3 be at 7 & 11, when pupils move schools at 9 & 13. 660 Also I think children should be able to attend school full time at 2 the age of 4 ½ etc in the North (Liverpool) the term before 5 is too late, they need to start learning early as some children need it. Also the youngest in their school year etc birthdays in July + Aug should be kept a close eye on – more help. 668 Stowmarket has an 3 Excellent system Don’t mess it up! 676 The middle school system works extremely well – don’t even No tier think about changing it. stated. 682 The 3 tier system is highly effective here in Bury St. Edmunds. 3 The vast majority of pupils leaving school are well rounded, highly motivated & successful human beings! Middle schools provide the perfect environment for early adolescents to flourish & deal with many personal issues. It would be a travesty to move several steps backward! 688 The current system in Suffolk does seem a bit of a hotch-potch 2 & no doubt results from some ‘blue sky thinker’ in the past trying to keep up with the Jones’ or the rest of the country. I don’t see the point in change for changes sake, but if change is inevitable, let’s get it right. I notice St. Joseph’s school in Ipswich operate an all age school from 2-18, so if its good enough for the private sector? Also, has anybody looked abroad, rather than just in the UK? There’s a school of thought in parts of Eastern Europe that schooling for 4-7 year olds should emphasise play & personal & social development, rather than SATs & targets. 689 My family and I live in West Sussex, our schools have been re- 2 organised and are now all primary (4-11) + secondary (11-18). We are currently selling our house and hoping to relocate to Suffolk this summer. Our 2 children will be 8 years & 11 years old, so this is very relevant to us.

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692 The three tier system does not work so you need to change it. 3 It is failing my child and can’t be changed soon enough. The middle school in my area is rubbish & I don’t feel that I am really being listened to. 702 I went through the 3 tier system and found it excellent. Primary 3 & middle schools valued, respected and nurtured children. I believe the development of the whole child is very important and feel our 3 tier system does this very well. 704 More special schools. 3 708 Suffolk needs to increase provision at existing 11-16 schools 2 so that children have the option of staying at the same school till 18. I am surprised that the options you have consulted on do not refer to this. 710 I would prefer two tier but as@ 1. 4-9 2. 9-18. 3 Or maintain current three tier. 711 At 11/12 years old I felt much too young to be mixed in with 3 16-18 year olds. I think the current Suffolk 3 tier system groups the children much better age wise. Over how long would the 2 tier system need to be oiled out over? The current first schools would need extending? 712 St. Mary’s has one intake and friends children who are the 3 youngest of the year, started at the same time as the oldest in the year, and after a couple of years the youngest students had really come along. My son goes to a 3 tier school with 3 intakes, his birthday is late in the school year so he went into school in the 3rd intake and was very behind, he is now in Year 2 and is still very much behind and I’m having to send him to a private tutor to help him catch up. 722 Performance suggests two tier schools for academic 3 achievement, but large schools could mean more travel for the children more funding for new buildings wider age groups, less specialised teachers for age groups. Three tier schools allow personal development at key ages. Society over the past decades has shown a general disintergration of social behaviour, reflected by the disinterest young people have in how our health, education and approach to work is governed. Suffolk has the lowest crime rate in England. Greater research into education and its impact on society would be very beneficial. 725 First I’d like to know why pupils from the 3 tier system are 3 disadvantaged & why we have only very recently recognised it – can’t we save a small fortune from not adjusting our system & correct the faults? Is it possible? 726 My preference would be for a common system through the 2 county, although I’m attracted by ‘All-Age’ schools. I’m not sure how they would serve the rural areas of the county. 732 Please leave Suffolk with 1st, Middle & Upper school options. 3 The children benefit from were qualified teachers teaching at Middle school & better funding. At Upper school, those that can & will learn are given the opportunity to learn with teachers specialising in their field of academia. Those who have no interests increase truancy %’s but this would not change from

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any secondary or upper school. Has there ever been a study done for people who attended a 3 tier system in comparison to 2 tier & what they preferred? 736 I have taught in Haverhill for 31 years. I have been convinced 3 for a long time that transfer of students at 13 years in the middle of KS3 is the wrong time to move students. I personally am in favour of 2 11-16 schools in Haverhill with a Haverhill sixth form college. I need to see an all through (3-18) school to be convinced. I also think Suffolk village communities depend on the village school. E.g. Thurlow Primary was a great starting school fo rmy own 2 children. Sixth forms should be developed on site where appropriate eg 2 . Pupils attain well at GCSE but post GCSE there is a drop off in attainment. Also all schools should develop vocational options. 749 If there is two tier then less disruption for pupils only one 3 transition but younger less organised boys find moving to such big schools difficult they get lost! However with Three tier systems two transitions therefore more disruptions. Again younger, less mature boys find rotating round classes in middle school difficult however the middle schools are smaller! – could middle schools operate a more primary ‘Teacher’ based rather than subject based system? 750 This is similar to the private sector, which has a very strong 2 track record. A break of 4-6, 7-13 & 14-19 might be also worth a consideration but with the 2 lower age groups linked. 751 I have noticed that children are more stable (and therefore less 3 disruptive) and settled in in the upper stages of primary schools where they stay till age 11. They need the security of have one main teacher to relate to in the classroom and not have to cope with trundling round a big building to different classes and different teachers as they do in a middle school. I feel this very strongly after doing supply in both types of school for the past 3 years. 752 I think that whatever system is in place it should be staffed well 3 with slightly smaller classes to give all pupils the best possible chance. 756 Schools for ages 3 5-8 8-11 11-18 759 Our middle school system (3 tier) works well. The children 3 have a lot more opportunities offered to them in Year 5 at Middle than they would if they were in an extended primary (2 tier). I.E. Learning to play instruments, numerous clubs, specialised teachers, technology: woodwork, cooking etc, languages and residential trips to name but a few. My son settled into year 5 at middle very quickly and thoroughly enjoys it as I am sure my daughter will in a couple of years’ time. Also, changing systems could only be disruptive for those children caught in the middle of the changeover. 760 The 3 tier system is appropriate in rural areas I think 2 tier is 2 appropriate in Ipswich but worry that smaller 6th forms can’t

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offer wide choices. Why not have fewer 6th form/vocational centres providing AS/A courses 16-18 and supporting 14-18 vocational work. 765 Happy with the 2 tier system. However, its not the system that 2 is important it’s the quality of staff, governance and resourcing that are important. 766 Teachers can work more with years 7&8 and see 3 advancement in years 9,10,11. Otherwise relying on others to have put the basics in place which may not always happen due to staff shortages. School priorities etc etc. 771 Sixth form colleges for Ipswich etc. 2 772 Education in Suffolk MUST change if progress is to be made. 2 A huge alteration is needed. 774 In my opinion children perform better in small schools with 3 focused tuition. Funding should be directed at teachers and headteachers. Parents prefer small primary schools to build the children’s confidence in their early years. 775 3 tier, primary=until school year 6 (keystage 1 & 2) 2 Middle=keystage 3 – school year 7-11 Upper = Keystage 4 (GCSEs) & 6th form – years 10-13 This gives the same age range as 2 tier primary, and splits up the 2 tier secondary. 776 I appreciate that I have picked the present 2 tier system in the 2 Southern area – however I believe the 4-13 & 14-19 to be the ultimate goal. 783 I think the 2 tier system is the best of a bad bunch. The 2 social/emotional jump for some young people is first too much at aged 11 though – especially those who are already experiencing problems at school. 784 I have 4 children who have been through the 3 tier system. I 3 think in many ways, especially from the social aspects, it is an excellent system. I have been less happy with the choices for GCSE & A level. It has depended on the teacher and their attitude to the pupils. I am sure that things are improving and continue to do so. I have seen greater choice at 16+ in recent years & think this is crucial. Having a local school in the village for young children is a priority for me too. 797 Why get ride of middle schools where pupils get access to 2 specialist teachers + subject curriculum whereas two tier systems only give opportunity for schools to collapse time tables, focus on 3 subjects and narrow children’s views. 801 I firmly believe the grammar school system should be re- 2 introduced. It was a system which enabled pupils to find their ‘niche’ and to learn within their abilities. 805 4-11. 11-16: then sixth form colleges offering varied choice & 3 vocational qualifications. 813 Maybe the national curriculum stages should be matched by 3 the school systems, which is not a 2 tier system. But primary funding must be increased for 8-11 year olds, to provide equivalent facilities as middle schools provide. 815 Stay exactly as they are. 3 816 I can see the benefits of all the systems & I’ve also taught in all 2 systems. As a SENCo I feel it would be beneficial to vulnerable

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pupils & SEN pupils, to maintain support. A plan for the future using the new system 4-13 & 14-19. Children find the transition to High school difficult. The 3 tiered system means that children move more. 819 Cont. Systems I would choose the current Suffolk system over 2 Essex (where I live) any time – generally the quality of Education provided in W. Suffolk is far superior to that offered in Colchester (for example). Many of my peers who live there envy people who live in Suffolk for that reason 0 it would be a very negative act to change. 823 This is the usual pattern throughout the country and fits in with 2 the national curriculum. 829 I think this is a fantastic idea with less stress being put upon 2 the child when having to change schools. It can be a very traumatic time for some children – the transition from primary school to secondary school, from a small place to a much larger place can intimidate some youngsters. 831 If the system changes I feel it would be best to go with the 3 ‘normal’ 2 tier system used across the rest of the country. Personally I was educated in the 3 tier system in Hampshire during 80’s + 90’s and went onto study science at degree level – so the pupil achievement part is not solely based on type of schools attended. 833 I feel middle schools offer huge support for the social + 3 emotional development of young people and a stepping stone towards the rigorous academic involvements of upper school. 834 PRO 2 All age schools – would mean better facilities for all age groups. Sharing of knowledge eg – teaching of Music/P.E./ Foreign Languages. Able to use specialist teachers in these areas where most primary schools struggle. CON Mean primary children travel further. May mean a spread of schools – so secondary children don’t travel as far (e.g. our area – school in Leiston + Saxmundham. Close of village schools + redundancies. May need sixth form colleges as in some areas (though I am personally not so keen on this). 840 This questionnaire is written to encourage people to put they 3 want schools to change – thus opting for the new two tier system of only two schools. I believe the best way for pupils is [3 tier]. 842 Radical change such as ‘All age schools’ may indeed be 3 successful in Scandinavia, but considerable research + discussion needs to be adopted in Suffolk. Let’s not be another experiment and our children ‘guinea pigs!’ 843 I want the 3 tier system to remain. Going to a large school with 3 young people up to the age of 18 at the age of 11 is too daunting. 849 THREE TIER SUITS AGE-RELATED ISSUES (i.e. an age 3 range only ever 3 years, when they are younger) I object to 11 year olds in an environment with 15-18 year old students. 892 I find in local schools such as Roman Hill Middle School and 3 Harris Middle School, teachers are giving up on children too

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quickly. Just because a little cheek from the children they send them straight home. When I was at school teachers would send students to back of the class in a corner or to the library to do work quietly with an afternoon detention so work missed can be given. This is quite a regular solution in these schools, parents have to work or study too. 896 If it had to change, this would mean the least disruption. 3 897 Some members of the Steering group favoured all age 2 schools, but too few had experience of this for us to recommend that. 903 Please do not waste money reorganising! I work for NHS, they 2 have wasted money on reorganisation + are far worse off than ever! If teachers do not love teaching, pupils will not love learning! Teachers used to like their jobs, not anymore. Why? More paperwork, more ‘red tape’, not enough books/facilities etc. Not allowed to punish children for bad behaviour, poor pay. No discipline. Money should be put back into Schools not reorganisation. 910 My preference is for 3 tier schools throughout the country, but 2 am concerned by the research findings outlined in this document, suggesting poorer performance in 3-tiers. If this is accurate, then All age schools would be preferable. For cost purposes, these might need to be one all age school but on more than one site. (e.g. the 2 schools in Debenham becoming one school but on the two existing sites, at least in the short term. 913 Although I believe that option 4 would, be the best option it is 2 important to maintain the specialist infant provision currently available in infant schools. 917 4-10 after SATs – 18. 2 919 If it had to change, then 4-8. 9-13. 13-18. 3 926 I think a lot more research needs to be done. 3 933 It should stay as it is. 3 934 All age school would be far too large. 3 Can you really cater for 4 year olds in the same environment for 16 year olds. 935 I have two daughters – one at Stowmarket Middle School who 3 continues to achieve and one currently at Nursery who I hope will have the privilege of gaining all the benefits, opportunities and expert teaching from Stowmarket Middle School that my older daughter is receiving and their other members of my family and friends have received. Those have gone on to High School and have continued to do extremely well with no ill effects suffered from the middle school system. When a system is working well with good results being achieved at a high standard and more importantly, the pupils are happy and being given excellent opportunities, why waste time and money changing a good system that benefits all in Stowmarket. 937 Why change what is good practise? 3 My experience of a large comprehensive as a vertically structured school and as 1 of 6 Heads of Houses – is that Pastoral care is of the utmost importance. If a child is ‘happy’

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they will prosper! Dysfunctional families need help! Children can be ‘turned off’ some of our educational plans & policies. 938 Probably the best arrangement would be 3 3-6, 6-14 and 14-19 See enclosed comments. The 6-14 schools could easily be created in 3-tier areas by merging adjacent Primary and Middle schools, thus largely using existing buildings. 940 Our 3 tier system works very well. 3 944 JOINT SIXTH FORMS ARE A VERY BAD IDEA. How can 14- 2 19 be seamless if AS + A levels are at different sites. 947 As a parent of two children both of them go to an Independent 2 school as I did not agree with such huge class sizes within state schools. As a childminder picking up children from state schools there is such an incredible difference in what state & independent are teaching. I really feel that bringing down class sizes in schools would have such a beneficial effect on pupils learning! 953 Should a 2 tier system be introduced across Suffolk I believe 2 that the PRU provision should be changed to reflect the 4-11 + 11-16 phases. 954 Schools 4-11 and 11-16 3 6th form college for 16-18. 960 CHANGE OF SCHOOL IS GOOD FOR CHILDREN – it 2 challenges them emotionally and intellectually. From 16 onwards pupils should move from formal education setting. I would like to see 4-9, 9-26, 16-19 as a model. I oppose school federations – a school should save its community + have its own identity. 963 Small secondary schools might offer a poor range of choices 3 for exam subjects through lack of size. Big secondary schools are impersonal and hard to manage in a humane manner. *No where else, - factory, office or prison are people put so closely together and expected to ‘get on’ without conflict. Schools do a fantastic job in bring on the adults of our future. Schools deserve decent buildings with space, facilities and sports areas to achieve this. 965 The three tier system works very well as I would like to see our 3 special schools included in that division. 966 I would like to see good pre-schools & nurseries up to age 5 as 3 I feel children are pushed into curriculum too early in this country. 969 I hope the need to reform one sector will not be allowed dictate 2 the reform of all facilities in view of the need to embrace extended schools, the strain on headteachers (especially primary) the better provision of post 16 and whatever the white paper brings. Not to mention boundary changes. 970 With school ages 4-13 and 14-19 as a very close 2nd. 2 972 If more 3 tier schools are introduced it would mean that more 2 children in rural areas will have to travel. Existing schools may well have to close leaving some villages without their schools. We find children at 11 are anxious enough at the thought of moving on to do it earlier would be more traumatic.

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976 However closing village primary schools would have HUGE 3 socio-economic implications on the areas involved and to that end increasing the existing primaries by 2 years & the same at secondary level would be my chosen option. This option requires less movement for children, fewer transportation costs, maintains the sense of community longer & maintains continuity. 977 Possibly Foundation/KS1 schools and then 7-16/18. Get the 3 foundations right and you will reap the rewards later on. The early years are crucial and are often overlooked in 5-11 and 11-18 schools. 979 OR infant/junior/college 3 4-7 7-11 11-16 982 Having never worked in a 13-18 school before joining 3 Stowmarket High, I am now convinced of advantages this system gives to students. I suggest the council change to it, rather than from it. 991 If we must change and I rather get the impression you’ve 3 already decided we will do so, then 4-11, 11-18 would be best. 996 Properly organised all age school or two tier. 2 1002 I think that the structure of certain areas dictates what system 3 is best – especially in rural areas. BHS for example provides excellent value for money both academically and socially. 1003 Education is important at all levels. 3 1005 For the majority of children at St. Mary’s they already adopt the 3 two tier system and move onto Notre Dam in Norwich. For the children who at year seven opt out + enter into local middle schools move in halfway through. This is difficult for them as friendship have already been established. The two tier system locally would make transition much easier and give children/parents better choice. 1007 NO church schools. All schools should be community based. 2 Any schools presenting other parties result in prejudicial education. 1017 For children aged 11-16 Based on research. Tier not entered. 1024 One of my concerns is the amount of travelling done by pupils 3 in rural areas and the length of their school day. If all through schools then 5 year olds travelling to Haverhill (for example) would mean 8.30 – 3.45 day. Costs? Extra adults on transport to support/supervise. Our rural feeders are too small to take years 5 and 6, with no room for expansion (especially Hundon, Cavendish, Wickhambrook, Glemsford). Concern re small primaries moving to large secondary (as happens in Essex 50/60 pupils in primary, 1500 in secondary, year 7 gets drowned, lots of concern from pupils and parents). This is especially relevant in rural areas. Middle schools better suited to rural areas. 1026 Suffolk children deserve the best possible education, parents, 2 governors, councillors etc are not qualified to tell you what form of school organisation will deliver that, therefore I very much hope you will ignore all the responses to this consultation. 1031 A two tier system with 16-19 provision provided primarily by Tier not

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schools individually and in local consortia. entered. 1035 I think children’s personal, social & emotional development is 3 the key to so many other areas and feel that this is better fostered in the 3 tier system. 1040 From my experience this [two tier system] helps pupil 3 achievement in all areas. In my opinion middle schools are not suitable, inadequate to meet the needs of children aged 9-11 years. They operate as secondary schools too early for pupils. 1045 There is scope for improving the current system. Unfortunately 2 the main concern appears to be ‘cost’ based and not child based. Rushing any decision now to gain funding would be foolish in the extreme. Children in this area need a high level of pastoral support. They need more personalised intervention and smaller schools are better at providing this. If we – for cost reasons – change the current system to supersize schools we will be failing the children of Beccles. 1047 In some areas it might be more effective to have 4-11, 11-16 & 2 sixth form college where there is not a strong enough base for VIth form. 1048 We also need to consider how we address rurality and 2 sustaining services (including schools) in a community while developing cost effective + coherent collaborations/federations that maintain community identity but promote continuity 3-19. The coherence of different kinds of collaborative work, particularly in rural communities, is important if the practice & process is to be realistically manageable. 1051 Option for All Age schools would be ok IF they were in most 2 villages and travel is minimized. Reducing travel for most pupils is paramount. 1052 But largely for better fostering pupil respect, behaviour our 2 attitudes – and sense of belonging: and often the really susceptible pupils, aged 11-13 are badly influenced – and influenced too early, by those above them 1072 Keep things as they are with more input into the lower end of 3 KS2 to ensure primary children make necessary progress before moving to middles; also make better use of data transfer and liaison between schools. 1076 It does appear that the 3 tier system isn’t as effective as 2 tier. 2 The other options are difficult to judge on information given 1077 4-11, 11-16, 14-19 offering vocational course from 14 and all 2 post 16 education. 1082 I could not make an assessment from this package. Too many 2 broad statements not enough facts. No information regarding special needs or gifted and talented. It is in these areas that I think schools fail the children the most. 1084 3 tier system allows children to develop more in line with 3 ‘natural’ stages in life, and gives them the chance to start again at both middle and upper schools – i.e. no preconception follows them as it would with a single school. 2 tier system will certainly have negative effect on small rural primary schools currently in 3-tier areas. 1088 Quality of post 16 provision: not just quantity. High quality post 2

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14 vocational options of a high status level to fill the skill shortages. 1090 4-11, 11-19 Keeping village schools. 3 1092 So many small 6th forms has made smaller choice in some 2 schools for pupils. Less 6th form centres have wider choice, 3 in 1982, 8+in 2006. 1095 Insufficient information provided for other than the current two 3 tier system to base a valid judgement. Would like to hear more about all age schools and 4-13 & 14-19 (benefits, experience from elsewhere etc). Whichever option is selected, it needs to be the same throughout to achieve optimum system efficiency. 1096 I favour a tiered system because I think children benefit from 2 being in a smaller learning environment, close to their community in the early years. Whether they should move on at 9, 11 or 13, I’m not sure which is best. I’ll need to see more research on the issue. Having said all that, I also find the concept of all-age schools, on one site, attractive, but I don’t think they would work well in a rural environment as is much of Suffolk (too much transport, for a start). 1102 If research predominantly shows that 2 tier is better for 2 children overall then surely this should be top priority. 1104 There is a need to make schools smaller and more personal. 3 Large high schools do not cater for the personal & social care children need nowadays. 1105 Happy with 3 tier system at present child at primary Y3 – 3 happy with middle & high school system. 1109 Second preference would be 4-13 and 14-19 or 4-11 and 11- 3 18. 1111 I think your focus is misplaced. Re-organising education in 2 Suffolk would be costly and unnecessary. In my opinion we should improve what we have got. Schools should work together to create interesting and dynamic schemes of work. The county should be trying to attract and keep good teachers. As longs as the lessons are good and the children are able to develop a sense of mutual respect and community, it does not matter if they are in a two or three tier system. 1117 Changing at 13, it is much harder to teach new skills & 3 encourage an interest in new areas. Much easier when students transfer after year 6 (Experience in Cambs). 1118 Although people in 3 tier systems have strong views for them – 2 the fact is the National Curriculum + agenda of test does not fit 3 tier system, and until it changes – Suffolk will be criticised about its results. Even when I taught many years ago in London, Suffolk had a reputation. I want the best for children in Suffolk like we all do. 1119 I feel the local population should have the chance to choose 2 their local style (not necessarily countywide). What is right for one area is not necessarily right for another – you need the hearts and minds of the consumers. Are these questionnaires going to students too? I hope so. 1123 There is no doubt in my mind having worked in all options that 3 4-11/11-18 allows flexibility of provision to suit pupils and favours their socio-personal development best.

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1129 This must not threaten village schools as they are a vital part 2 of the community and village life. This must not be at the expense of funds for teaching pupils, as in the end their education is the priority and children adapt to whatever they are facing, and it is quality of the teaching and education which is more important not whether Suffolk changes to a 2 tier or a 3 tier system. 1130 16+ can be taught in separate F.E. type establishments. 3 1133 Do not have enough knowledge to make a decision but would 2 like to look into 4 – 4-13 and 14-19 – (more college focus?!) 1134 I also think we should try the 6 weeks on/ 2 weeks off term 2 structure. I think the current haphazard term structure lead to over-tired, inefficient and underachieving pupils and staff. 1138 Ideally we should have preschool through to 6th form but not at 2 the expense of village schools so pre school – 11 & 11 – 18 is probably the best solution. 1142 What happened to Suffolk works – why change it?” 3 1148 From pto value added compared to primary schools in the 2 3 tier system. Our 10+ and 12+ tests are always above county average. I believe it is the small scale of the school and the focus on the specific age group which makes us so successful. Every child in the school is known by every teacher. 1149 At meeting on tue 6th June there was no mention of two-tier 3 system! Why is DfES visit not including any primaries? Seems like some minds/decisions have already been made, just need to get everyone on the same side! 1152 Schools with 4-11 year olds should have the capability of 3 having infants on Juniors separate so that the infants are safer. 1157 Why don’t you ask your thousands of employees their ideas on 3 how education could be improved & put some of them into action. Our team at B.H.S. has some very talented and dedicated L.S.A.s who would love to enlighten you!! I would love to see schools as more of an integral part of the community – use in the holidays, evenings, weekends running course in subjects that children desperately need i.e. life skills, cooking, bike maintenance or drama clubs, film making etc. Each school should have a particular theme – i.e. helping a school in Africa & a certain percentage of curriculum time spent working on tier chosen project, raising money, researching it etc. Reading should be much higher on everyone’s list as literacy is vital to every other subject. More charity work + helping the community should be part of school life + parents should be encouraged to have much closer links & get involved more. Less money spent on wasteful I.T. gadgets more on the CHILDREN. 1160 To change a system that works so well would be a criminal 3 waste of money & resources. 1162 I would see the need for a new 11-16 Catholic/Christian school 3 to be built! This would complement the present ‘St. Felix’ Primary school which at the moment is 4-9 and feeds into the catholic system in Bury St. Edmunds. This would enable the ‘St. Felix’ school to become a 4-11 primary school. At sixteen pupils could transfer to a sixth form of their choice.

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1163 East Bergholt has a 2 tier system that seems to work well. In 2 theory a 3 tier may seem better but as your survey shows better success rate with 2 tier, why change? 1167 4-11; 1-16; 16-19 (6th form college) 2 Ipswich would benefit from one large 6th form college rather than west Ipswich have a joint college, while Copleston, Northgate, St. Albans and Kesgrave keep their sixth forms. 1179 I have been involved with OFSTED inspections in all 3 schools 3 and each one has been above satisfactory. Each year the value added is increased. My current school is a vibrant and successful place, so much so that it has the only Middle school training school status. We have actively contributed to the training of some 1,400 new teachers to the profession through our links with Cambridge University. We have been involved with training nearly 200 TAs in a range of skills including SEN, classroom management, ICT etc… The Bury St. Edmunds Middles are flagships for the LEA I know that St. Felix , for example, is also gaining a reputation for offering a range of training opportunities for Cambridge trainees. These trainees are attracted to the key stage 2-3 course and take jobs in Suffolk because it has a 3 tier system. I am currently considering NPQH – maybe there will be no middle schools to pursue a career in. Maybe I should rethink my profession. 1180 Schools for ages 4-11 (to keep KS1 and 2 in the same school) 3 and 11 –16, them 6th form colleges for students that really want to study and participate in further education. 1181 Keep Middle schools + introduce them to the parts of Suffolk 3 without them. 1187 It would be the best option to have a single school till 16 years 3 and a separate thereafter but the school should have well segregated divisions. 1190 All age schools would give pupils the best chance of education 3 for their needs because specialist teachers of all levels would be present. 1191 No change as current system works very well for 3 Bacton/Stowupland. 1192 My children have thoroughly enjoyed going to infant then junior 3 schools. There is a very different focus in an infant to junior. I myself have taught in all types primary + infant junior. I think the infant to junior ties in well with their development and learning. 1197 I think the way Northgate High School is organised is the best 2 approach with a Lower + Higher within the school. Also, all schools should operate the same to make transistions when families move less of a problem. 1200 The whole community the old as well as the young, help others 2 by all means, but with putting and being fair to all, that will make a better feeling towards people who need help and go a long way to make better relationship and excepting others way of living. 1206 The 3 tier schools work well where we are. 3 1207 Vocational schools for the less academic and needing practical 2 work, rather than forcing GCSE subjects which are

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unattainable – we are too concerned with every child reaching a certain level – some are unable to do this and would rather train in a vocational setting. 1210 Having taught in two systems mentioned, the two tier system No tier seem better to serve the needs of children. For instance stated. children of 11+ seemed ready for more specialised teach at a secondary school. In the area where I used to live, the two tier system proved to be more economical and better value for money. In the district where I now live, there are two similar schools on the same road, within 800 yards of each other. This situation would not seem to be good economics. However, I am of the opinion, that if a 4-11 school is to be successful, that the person appointed to be in overall charge of the school, should have an interest in and be a specialist teacher for, the 7-11 years age group. 1212 Suffolk should consolidate the education it provides to make it 2 uniform across the county. 1213 Two tier schools have a good cut off age of 11. At this age 2 children are ready to move on, they have reached a mature age & need the challenge. In my experience of secondary school (including 6th form) the children are kept quite separate to other year groups & mix mainly with their own age. Any problems seem to occur within the year group. I.e. Bullying, peer pressure. 1223 Or id 2 tier system remained ages to range 4-7 – 8 –12 and 12 3 onwards. This would enable basics – 3Rs – to be concentrated at 4-7 and at 8-12 more topics introduced leading to the finest stages from 12 onwards. 1229 Listen to those at the coalface! 2 1238 I do not believe young 4 year olds should start school life by 3 travelling to nearby towns when they live in a rural area. It would be the beginning of disliking school. Much better to go from playschool to real school in the same building and near home, every longer than 8 years. Environment counts and so should the rural districts! Parents choose to live in the county because they wish to give their children space to learn, instead of crowding together in one large town school. 1243 Bring these in, + develop extended school services. Or keep 3 the 3 tier system. Focus on making the best use of existing provision esp. the larger middle school buildings. Concentrate on recruiting and retaining staff, plan ahead for changing demography. Develop a cohesive long lasting system which isn’t changing continually and a curriculum which is relevant & stable with higher standards & attainment levels – bring up to the standards of most European countries where 80% of pupils have A levels (5 or more) we are so far behind. 1251 9-13 with KS3 restricted to year 7+8 allowing greater flexibility 2 of curriculum for pupils aged 14-19. 1256 If for convenience a 3 tier system of 4-8 + 9-12 + 13-18 MIGHT 3 just be better. Middle school teachers coming for interview are difficult to find. Those who have been trained for Junior age are considered by Middle School Heads as not suitable as

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they have no senior school experience. So young children or 9+ are disadvantaged, the middle school suffers because senior trained teachers are not keen on Middle Schools. Finally children starting their GCSE courses in Middle Schools are @ a V. SERIOUS disadvantage. Changing schools in mid course is mad. 1262 Please see previous comments re use of redundant middle 2 schools if two tier system is favoured. 1264 4-11, 11-16, 17-19. The latter can be on the same site as 11- 2 16 but should be for academic courses only. ‘Vocational’ courses should be at the colleges of F. Ed. 1267 Schools for ages 4-11 2 “ “ 11-16 Colleges for ages 16-18 1268 If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. 3 1269 Whichever option is chosen it should be consistent across the 3 country. 1270 Reinstate the old grammar schools. 3 1271 I think Suffolk should retain middle schools. I teach in a KS3 2 KS4 school & students get bored after KS3 as they know the system & nothing is fresh anymore. 1273 Attainment at the age of 11 – whether learning is too formal at 3 too early an age and children’s disposition to learning has changed. If schools were able to adopt a similar curriculum to that of the Foundation Stage until the end of yr 2, and primary schools had responsibility for children until the age of 11. I wonder whether children would be better equipped with the skills and knowledge to enable them to view learning as a positive experience for longer. That is not to say that children in the primary school where I work have a negative attitude to learning, far from it, but I can’t help wondering whether children, by the time they reach the age of 11, have ‘peaked’. 1280 I worked for 37 years as a secondary/high school teacher in 3 Lowestoft & have serious reservations about middle schools, largely because they do not encourage pre-teens (especially boys!) to grow up & take responsibility for themselves. 1288 It is not as simple as ticking a box. There are plus’s and 3 minus’s either way. I worry about what would happen to the access yrs 5 & 6 have to sports & science if you revert to a 2 tier system from a 3. I cannot see village primary schools having access to sports equipment & a variety of sports available and to science labs. Of course the problem with the drop in attainment at 11 needs to be addressed in the 3 tier system. Both of my children did very well in the 3 tier system. 1289 [Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] or separate infant (inc. 3 nursery) and junior schools. 1292 4-7 8-11 12-16 sixth form college. 3 Possible 4-11 then 12-16 16+. 1293 The 3 tier system is excellent for children. There is far too 2 much pressure on children to grow up quickly. Missing out important stages of development leads to dysfunctional children. I feel this is the problem with 11-18 schools. Younger children (11-13) can feel out of their depth, especially if discipline is an issue for 14-16 year olds.

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1301 The key driver has to be results, all round results. Which 2 system provides the best education for our children. 1306 The idea of ‘All Age’ schools is disturbing. As a parent I would 3 not like to see young children and teenagers on the same site. I think a change of site as a child develops is a positive thing. Smaller schools seem to suit younger children. When we have a Scandinavian type society then perhaps it will be time to adopt a Scandinavian education system (with a later start to formal education!) 1310 Revert to old system. Pupils should have the choice of 3 academic or vocational routes around year 9 (replacing having to choose GCSEs. 2 tier system. Middle school buildings could be used as technical high schools teaching vocational courses. It is unrealistic to expect every pupil to do academic qualifications once this is done more pupils will have a choice & are likely to stay in school. 1319 The only change I would like to see ( as grandparent & a tutor) 3 is school size. Huge schools are impersonal, frightening & provide environments for bullying & violence. Small schools should be conserved, large schools should, maybe, have sensible, relevant divisions or sections. 1328 Would a new 3 tier system, in line with the 3 key stages, be 3 better and fairer? 1329 One system will never suit every child unfortunately. 3 1331 In principle the 3 tier system offers security & seems better 2 from a social + personal development perspective due to smaller schools but the performance does seem to be affected I would be interested to see how the all age schools work too. 1332 I notice from reading the booklet that little emphasis is placed 2 on improving the link between school and home environment and parental/guardian input. I believe this to be a vital area because whatever you try to do in school, if you do not have the support of the family unit then there is every chance the child might fail to reach their potential and I know from first hand experience that this only increases the pressure/stress on the child. Difficult to correct I know but what are we trying to do in this area?????? 1337 The three tier system is working well, don’t change it. 3 1352 To have ‘sixth form’ education available4 at all secondary/high 2 schools – to encourage pupils to stay on at schools, not have to change to go to sixth form colleges. 1364 At a gut level, I recently had the opportunity to choose 2 between 3 tier/2 tier as a place to live & wouldn’t consider moving into 3 tier. 1365 These work very well in London, it’s a great shame that Suffolk No tier and Norfolk can’t get used to being in the 21st century. entered. 1377 We have two 4-8 schools here, Raydon and Southwold. The 3 children then have to travel to Halesworth- too far for young children and intimidating to be on buses with older children. You should revert to the system that used to pertain here, having an infants school and – perhaps Southwold – catering for the 4 –8 year olds and Raydon accommodating the 8/9 to 13 year olds. If a similar system was replicated across the area Halesworth Middle could become a secondary catering for the

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12 year olds and upwards. 1385 We need more schools. 3 1386 LEAVE IT AS IT IS!! IT IS WORKING VERY WELL. 3 1392 Moving from a small primary to a large secondary is very 2 daunting for a young child. Resources at Middle Schools + their size really bridge transition in a positive way. Too much of this consultation is wound up in pupil achievement. There is very little difference between the systems in the long run. Change is not always for the best. 1393 Make sure you speak to pupils who started in a big impersonal 3 high school and then moved in yr 7 or 8 into a middle school, … that alone will tell you what needs to be done if we really have got the best interests of the children at heart. 1418 Only change if necessary – presumably this must not just be 3 done on a cost cutting basis – pupils will be disrupted if changes go ahead – this issue really needs looking at – the pupils within any reorganisation you feel will only be the worse off – but if it is well managed should be okay if the whole project is worthwhile. 1420 My son was disadvantaged when I moved from Cambridge 2 and he left village college to go to a Middle school – it felt like going back to junior school. I am very much in favour of the two tier system. 1428 Keep the smaller children away from the older children so they 3 are not so easily lead. 1433 All children to aim for A-C grades in English/Maths/Languages 3 /Chemistry/Physics/Biology. All subjects to be taught well by qualified and competent teachers. All children to be up to be up to standard before they leave first school. Sixth forms to be successful and to teach worthwhile subjects. It would be nice if the state and its employees started to do a job of work and stopped wasting peoples’ money, and the children’s time! 1435 A 4-13 school would mean an internal school split or lower and 2 higher age groups thereby losing the continuity set out to achieve in the first instance. 1445 I think education is not just about league tables and SATs No tier results. It is about developing and enriching the whole stated. community. How are mega 2,000 plus comprehensives going to serve the individual child, let alone reinforce/develop the wider community? Are we going for an Asda ‘price’ education pile them high and pocket the difference? I don’t want that for my children or anyone else’s!! 1448 Stay as we are. Three-tier. 3 1469 Given the size of the school buildings in Mildenhall, even if a 3 two-tier system is chosen, the children will still have to move from an infant school to a junior school, then to secondary school. Therefore, essentially still a three tier system, so why spend a fortune changing the system we already have? 1470 I feel the 3 tier system works well but many years ago the 2 3 tier system did too. No one listens to the Newmarket townspeople (i.e. car parking and Newmarket hospital) as the 2 tier system is no doubt going ahead as Newmarket Upper

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school has already change to Newmarket College. The foreigners in towns seem to benefit more than tax payers! 3 tier systems work well in Newmarket so why change it? 1476 4-13 and 14-19 is an excellent idea. I’ve always felt it is very 3 stressful for 11 year olds to be in a primary school and then suddenly in a much more adult environment. 14 years is a much easier time to cope with change. The 3 school system is not advantageous for children. I think all schools for high school pupils should have an A level system. There are still schools where pupils have to change at 16 and this is extremely disruptive and upsetting when they are unable to continue their education with children they have been with since the age of 5. Also children are not always able to go to the school of choice or convenience if, the school does not have the subjects they need to study. 1477 Standardise on the 4-11 and 11-18 model across the county. 2 1478 Keep the 3 tier system. Academic results are not the biggest 3 part of school life. Attainment is only one part. Schools need to look at the holistic development of the children who attend their schools. 1487 Smaller 13-18 schools – more of them – choice. 3 1500 I would prefer Suffolk to stay 3 tier but if this is not possible I 3 would then like my choice. 1508 If they had to change the 4-11 and 11-18 or 16 as is the case 3 in most Suffolk schools would be my 3rd choice – I would not like 11 year olds still mixing with 4 year olds or 11 year olds mixing with 16/18 year olds with all the emotional problems they often have. 1511 I was educated in a comprehensive school 10-16, prior to that 3 a primary school 5-10 years. At 16 college was twenty miles from my home, I had no means of transport and my parents could not afford to support me for 2 years so I had to get a job to earn an income. I worked 12 years in a bank then 15 years as a registered childminder (outstanding grading in all areas). Having subsidised, flexible training in childcare has enabled me to achieve level 2 maths Feb ’06, NVQ level 3 + level 4 equivalent in childcare 2002, kitemark status 2005. 1533 What about special schools – these are not mentioned. 2 1535 Keep middle schools. Church middle schools in Bury St. 3 Edmunds are excellent with a strong ethos to which parents attach great value. We do not want large impersonal schools to replace these. If you go ahead with this middle schools such as these will be fully justified in using the new education act to opt for self governing trust status. 1536 NO CHANGE (I note that you have missed out the obvious 3 change – 6th Form College as in Cambs – Hills Rd etc) I knew of absolutely no pressure from parents to change – this is all coming from unelected local government officials who in general do not have a good reputation for getting anything right. If you push this through excellent middle schools such as St. James, St. Louis etc will be fully justified in going for self governing TRUST STATUS free of LEA control. 1543 i.e. 3 tier system spread to rest of Suffolk. 3 1550 Strongly in favour of keeping 3-tier system in Stowmarket area. 3

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1552 In this area a lot of work is happening to help the dip when 3 children move schools this should be given longer to show results. 1556 Attracting + retaining the best teachers + head teachers is the 3 critical issue for better schooling experience for the children + better academic achievement. 1560 Middle schools involve too many changes, which is too 2 disruptive – all age schools would be too large. 1568 I wholly approve of the 3-tier system in place. 3 1581 Having had two children go through middle school I strongly 3 recommend it. Growth in confidence + self esteem is evident with this system. I went to a 11-18 high school + feel the age spread is too much. You are a very little fish in a huge pond, open to too much social and personal development at one time. 1586 Too many children have very long journeys to secondary 2 schools. 1590 Three tier system:- primary schools ~ reception – year 3 3 - middle schools ~ year 4 – 7 -secondary schools ~ year 8 + 1595 My children went to Woolpit primary, Beyton Middle, + 3 progressed to Stowmarket High. They have flourished at all of them + achieved v. good results. It would be a great shame to see successful village schools like Woolpit, Middle schools like Beyton + sixth forms like Stowmarket lose the support of the county. I am worried by the tone of this leaflet – it seems that minds have already been made up. 1597 My children have attended both 2-tier + 3-tier areas & the 3-tier 3 definitely has more benefits e.g. more available resources – (IT, sports facilities, smaller class sizes, manageable catering etc). If school sizes increased each child would lose the unique identity the 3-tier system offers- and good teachers!! Middle schools do an excellent job with value-added results. In 3 1602 Bury St. Edmunds area the schools achieve high standards and so there is no need to change an excellent system. The facilities and specialist teaching available for KS2 pupils ensures a broad and balanced education is available and not a ‘hot house’ KS2 SATs atmosphere. Boys in particular benefit from an extended time in a smaller school with strong pastoral care before going to upper school. 1606 4-11, 11-16, sixth f colleges 3 1607 Like I said previous, if schools can’t teach certain things 3 because of different races. Then we shouldn’t have our children made to feel the odd one out by not being able to make mothers/fathers day items. Please please stop to think about the feelings of our kiddies. 1610 This is strongly disagree to removal of middle schools. I would 2 like to reintroduce them throughout the country. Pupils take more personal responsibility in middle schools & have an earlier opportunity for proper specialist teaching (esp. in Maths & English). No pupil learns in a straight line & the relatively minor underperformance at KS2 is more than compensated for at KS3 – the relatively low take up of further education would I

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assume have more to do with the rural areas Suffolk cover. 1613 Don’t hammer the schools, cut down on the people at county 2 hall and give more to the schools regardless of what system is in place. 1620 (from previous page) New rules were strict and pupils had no 3 identity. Secondary schools can be so big to an 11 year old – 13 seems a much better age to move up. 1621 I feel each area of the county needs to be considered. I cannot 2 see why a school has to change if the children are thriving whether they are a small village school or a large town school. I feel more emphasis should be developing children socially, with extra curricular activities and practical subjects to give them more of an ‘all round’ education. Too much emphasis is on results. This gives the chance for less academic children to excel, using their skills to contribute to society in a positive way instead of feeling a failure. 1622 If middle schools are to remain I would like the children to be 3 assessed at the end of year 8 (rather than year 6). I feel they pressurise children to achieve by the end of year 6 (because of SATs) and then are left to coast in years 7 & 8 because the schools are not accountable after year 6. This is not necessarily a fault of middle schools but a fault of the system which makes schools accountable at the end of year 6. 1629 If it was to be the same throughout the county do not like 3 options 3 and 4. 1636 Really don’t know. I like 3 tier system and feel pupils only learn 3 if they are taught no matter how big the school if the teachers are not good the children can’t learn. The school can only attract good teachers if it’s a good school. Some might say then the smaller the better (3 tier). 1637 Keep 3 tier system. 3 1638 In spite of the research outcomes I have heard good 2 social/emot. arguments for middle schools. It maybe that some of the achievement issues could be addressed by improved transition arrangements over learning/academic issues. I have voted for the first option because that is what is in my area. Where middle schools exist I might feel differently in spite of the research findings. 1640 + options such as college courses (vocational) and online 2 learning offered sooner. Why does every child need to obtain 10 GCSEs – what about gratified plumbers, electricians etc. 1642 Reintroduce grammar schools (or equivalent) plus ‘vocational 3 schools – comprehensives try to meet a one size fits all brief and are unable to achieve sufficiently satisfactory standards of education. 1647 + development of a sixth form college. 2 1652 I would like the system to stay as it is, having worked at both 3 systems I much prefer our current 3 tier system. 1657 Ages 4-11 11-14 14-18 3 1667 The world has changed – children themselves, and the way 2 they are raised, have changed too, since I joined the teaching profession in the 1960s. My career experience convinces me that the old infant/junior divide is now irrelevant, and that the three tier system is also out of step with the demands of a

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modern education system. It will be expensive, yes, but I think countywide uniformity is clearly desirable now, with all the complications that it will bring. It will be worth it in the end! Maintain the current system, pupils greatly benefit from the 3 1669 new opportunities offered by middle schools. 1672 Classroom i.e. getting a T.A. 2 It is a personal choice some children suit the 3 tier some will not. If you have schools keeping children until 18 or 19 years what will happen to the FE colleges? Eg Otley college? You need to provide for all as some students need a change of environment & subjects to achieve a qualification. Because perhaps they have not achieved well in conventional education systems. 1684 Would like middle schools if not schools 4-13 & 14 –19 might 2 work really well. 1689 Very hard to choose, on available knowledge, between all age 3 + 4-13: 14-19, both have much to commend them, in terms of continuity & opportunity to develop a long term school ethos for the pupils. 1693 I disagree with 3 tier schools. They are too young at 9 to travel 3 on a school bus where there are older children that may bully the younger ones. The Haverhill school bus to Parkway is shocking with older children spitting on younger ones. 1696 It [the three tier system] worked well for me. 3 1697 Some schools, eg: East Bergholt or Hadleigh High, would not 2 be able to offer sufficient choice for 16-19 year olds – who’d rather be in town anyway! 1700 School communities are able to develop children’s confidence 3 & self esteem fully. Changing schools less often is beneficial but so are small primary schools. 1702 I don’t think it should change systems, but manage middle 3 school with more conviction. I think it gets left out. 1703 I think box 1, primary school then high school, fewer changes 2 the better then it will not upset children of all changes. 1704 I went through 3 tier system & felt it did me a lot of good 3 especially for my confidence & social skills. I dislike all these tests & think it is equally important to work on personal & social development. P.S. I also did very academically. Please don’t cause a big change that will adversely affect children who are in the middle i.e. last of a 3 tier system & 1st of a 2 tier system. 1712 I THINK THE THREE TIER SYSTEM WORKS VERY WELL. 3 Continued from other page… A subject they are good at. You wouldn’t expect a child to not do well in English, Maths etc. In the event of other children getting upset, so I don’t think this should apply to sports. 1718 Unless middle schools are willing to change to develop a more 3 primary orientated KS2, they will be better as a two-tier system, with the proviso that both primary and secondary should be small schools, local to the communities they serve. 1719 Suffolk should keep the 3 tier system but middle schools must 3 provide a consistent number of teachers teaching children in years, have specialists only for maths and music. In year 6 have core subject specialists. In years 7 & 8 go to the

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secondary specialist teaching. This way a teacher will to know the children first. Schools need to be small and local. 1738 A choice of either age group 3 I prefer option no 4 but feel option 1 would also be beneficial. 1743 As a former three tier pupil, I experienced greater 2 achievement, happiness and satisfaction in smaller primary and junior schools. The quality of high schools did not improve, despite their alleged economies of scale or efficiencies!! 1747 Options 1,3,4 have implications for current small 3 schools/village schools where extra classroom space is unavailable – the knock on consequences are huge, costly, complex. 1759 4-13/14-19 was my second choice. 3 1762 *I feel there are others far more pressing issues for the council 3 to be concerned about including poor discipline and large mixed ability classes which hinder pupil achievement far more than any structural issues. Smaller classes in the present structure would be far more sensible and cost effective than the massive disruption a change will view. 1765 I feel that should the systems change rural schools will be 3 forced to close as they do not have the space or the facilities to keep children until aged 11, this then will have a huge impact on the in town schools and will raise the already high class numbers which will have a detrimental effect on all children’s education. This will also have a knock on effect on the environment as children will have to be transported further to schools. 1772 Just improve the middle schools 3 1777 Although my children are at a great school (2 tier) I think 2/3 putting 4 year olds with 11 year olds is a big age gap. 1788 I understand that changing schools may be linked to slower 3 progress initially, but if the schools work closely together, this should be a temporary setback. I think younger children benefit from being kept separate from teenagers for as long as possible. 1793 Don’t feel happy that my son is going from a village school with 3 80 pupils to Riverside middle school in Mildenhall were there are over 500 pupils. And the school seems to have trouble with dealing with bullying, which is not good, but we haven’t got a choice. Why do they have to go to town schools? 1796 Possibly, make it uniform across the whole county, but please 2 don’t change IP12 to the 3 tier system! And don’t make changes for changes sake. 1797 One system, less financial + administrative organisation 2 needed, plus better results. 1802 Our daughter’s first year at Beyton has been surprising in the 3 fact she has had less homework than at her primary school – maybe 1 piece a week. If this is similar to other schools could this be a major factor in their abilities dropping in year 5?? 1810 By putting years 6+7 with years 9-11 they are forced to grow 3 up quicker, resulting in more teenage problems & pregnancies. Let years 6-7 have more fun + less pressure. No wonder pupils do not stay on they are sick of homework + pressure.

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1814 I believe that it is hard to say what will benefit one student over 2 another. I went through the 3 tier system, but cannot say I would have done any better in 2 tier your arguments would appear compelling but can we be sure that the facts are accurately presented in a fully balanced way. This document does appear weighted towards two-tier. 1818 Schools in Suffolk should remain as Bures school is the best in 3 England. If the system should change it should all move to the 3 tier ticked above. 1820 Current system for my area is three tier already and it works 3 well. However, not opposed to option 4 if the middle school in my area could be used for 14-19, as this would reduce travelling distance. Also the 4-13 for the 1st tier may mean that the teachers for languages and sport could be used more effectively for the younger children. It would mean more and better facilities in one school rather than having to be split between two. 1821 My children go to a school in a 3 tier system, and I work in a 3 school in a 2 tier system. I think the 3 tier system is best for social development – the children seem more confident. However, the fact that final achievements are higher and grades for 11 year olds are better in the two tier system also concerns me. I think the bullying problems are more of a problem in 2 tier schools, which is another more of a problem in 2 tier schools, which is another big issue. I just want what is best for my children – I do not envy your task! 1823 The present systems in Suffolk should be left as they are and 3 the council should concentrate on getting what we have right. Why have we only received this consultation in mid July, it looks like the decision has been made for us! 1832 I would like to see a system which provides uniform education 3 across the country not just the county. 1833 4-12 12-19 3 1834 4-11 11-16 6th form college. 2 1836 I am very happy with the three tier system and very much want 3 to keep middle schools. Having a child in middle school and hearing some fo the language she is exposed tom I would certainly not want my 7 year old hearing. Primary age children should be kept separate to older children for many reasons – bad language is my main concern. 1837 The 3 tier system myself + I feel it means children can remain 2 children for longer + not be put under pressure by older issues with year 9 as they are the youngest in an upper school. I think upper schools are able to focus better on the 14-19 curriculum – this will be more beneficial for more vocational courses. As a teacher, y9 are the most difficult + can be ‘lost’ in an 11-18 school. In an upper school, there seems more purpose to their studies, and they are ‘fresher’ and more engaged even in the subjects they do not wish to continue to GCSE. Behaviour, engagement and achievement all go hand-in-hand. Village primaries instil a sense of place and community – ‘ownership’ for the area children live in. This is vital for better citizenship if I had children, I would not want my 5 year old child to have to get a bus 3+ miles to school.

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I went to Boxford Primary, Stoke by Nayland middle and Great Cornard Upper school. I had to travel by bus to middle + upper. I enjoyed the change of schools as I grew up – the system grew with me. The needs of pupils in urban areas are different to those in rural areas. As Suffolk has both, 2 systems are necessary. 1846 To re-establish professional schools, using community 3 industrial resources, that lead to apprenticeships + pride in acquiring/learning a speciality skill. 1849 If equally funded in rural areas with access to equipment, 2 services + support not just towns!! SCC needs to support all children not just those in areas of dense population! There is poverty in the country too! 1851 Suffolk has both and parents can choose to suit each child, 2/3 why take this away. 1855 Either 4-11 and 11-18 or 4-13 and 14-19 (would be my 2 preference) for the Felixstowe area, but not knowing the whole area geographically it would be unfair to comment. 1856 Ideally I feel that there should be another option (infant, junior, 3 senior) that reflects key stages as transition points – 4-7, 7-11, 11-16 and then sixth form college provision. 1860 Keep what we have. It does work. It is not broke it does not 3 need fixing. The data is inconclusive. My children-well served by 3 tier. I went to 2 tier –I had problems Y7 Y8. I taught in 2 tier – many had problems. Many did very well. There is no best way. Abolition of SATs would help schools focus better. Abolition of league tables would also help. Let schools provide the best education for their pupils by not disrupting the existing system. 1861 Individual education programmes are key to the success of 3 pupils in a school for children with severe learning difficulties. Hillside School is ideally placed with its close geographical location to all phases of schooling helps to ensure the success of inclusion links by both oval placements and the sharing of specialist facilities providing both in reach and out reach opportunities. 1869 High schools (11-16 years old) 2 Primary schools in castle hill area are fine, but the few high schools let it down. 1872 All age schools, but kept much smaller than current high 2 schools. 1874 Keep three tier, we moved from two tier to three tier area 3 because we believe it is far better for children. 1876 Leave the system as it is, it works. 3 1879 I think the 3 tier system should stay the same I have first hand 3 experience of seeing it work. I don’t believe it should change. 1884 In this area we have a successful middle school, which I would No tier be loathe to lose. We also have village schools, which are a entered. key part of the community. I would like to see a more developed yr 5 & 6, which is taught more as in the primary system with a teacher taking pastoral + teaching responsibility for a class of children, and only a few subjects taught separately.

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1885 We need local schools in rural communities. Middle schools 3 across the county would be better if they worked more like primary schools in years 5 & 6. 1899 As a governor of an infant school I feel strongly that separate 2 infant schools should remain. They are an ideal way for children to being their education, being smaller than primary schools and seeming much friendlier to very small children. I know of some children who when starting at a primary school at age 4 found the much older children very intimidating. 1901 NONE. 3 Stay as it is. As parents we never get SAT results anyway. 1908 I chose the village we now live because we were looking 3 specifically for the ‘little village school’. I hope my 3 year old will be able to go there too. 1912 It is difficult to choose a system as I have a child already in the 3 3 tier system and am very happy with his education. I would like to see details of how & which schools would be used for which age groups. Living in a rural village, I would not want or expect to travel by bus or car to take a 5 year old to school. I feel unable to make a definite decision without knowing how it would affect me personally & the school in my village. 1914 Review school holidays i.e. children do not need weeks off 2 during the summer, 4-5 weeks’s plenty.

-Future Business/employers need creative approaches/managers etc Inclusion Good for pupils with learning difficulties (assign teaching assistants) but I’m afraid does not work for the ones with social/behavioural problems (holds back majority which want to work hard). Definitely needs to be addressed. Organising (time) during school. Statistics highlighted % of time in managing pupils is far too high & not enough in LEARNING/TEACHING. 1915 In the perfect world, a Steiner school system would be nice, 3 with no SATs tests and more schope for individuality in our children. 1916 Please consider to change the school system in other 3 counties, because three tier system works wonders on academic achievements. 1919 I have very much liked the middle school system, and think it 3 should remain in place, only if, improvement can be made in pupils achievements if it is seen to be falling behind national average. 1922 I believe the 2 tier system does not benefit the child the 3 tier 3 system makes school, not so frightening I have a cousin who’s children are in the 2 tier system and she is envious of our 3 tier system. Also I have a child who is struggling with his reading, I believe if he was in a 2 tier system he would get lost within the educational system and his needs not being met. We should keep our village schools + instead of closing them down, supporting them + the children within them. 1928 The two tier system has worked for years. Historically I grew 3

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up in 2 tier system It is less hassle. Less stress for children. 1933 The middle school was where all three of my children grew ‘a 3 head taller’ – cognitively, socially & emotionally. Transitions were good between all of the three schools which was essential for smooth settling in. Communications between student/teacher, teachers/parents were better in the middle school than primary or upper. Middle schools nuture – standards are high in this area – league tables are not everything. 1934 The government retracking on inclusion classing it was LEA 3 decisions to close special school. Now Suffolk has a chance to address these problems & improve discipline. 1938 We definitely don’t agree with the introduction of a two-tier 3 system into three tier areas. Personally and socially, 11 year olds shouldn’t be mixing with 18 year olds! (same argument for 4 year olds with 11 year olds). Many years ago, children were leaving school at 16, even 14, years of age. Therefore the two-tier was more acceptable, but not nowadays. Ideally the three-tier system should be divided by national curriculum stages- 4-8 up to and including stage 1 9-13 stages 2 and 3 14-18 GCSE and ‘A’ Levels. 1945 Or 4-11 & 11-18. 2 1947 All age schools mirror family and society make-ups. Mixing 2 older and younger children can benefit both groups and prepares children for the wider world. 1955 I strongly believe that the middle school system enables 11-13 2 year olds to maintain better focus before being distracted away into social ‘high school’ groups. Their behaviour stays better for longer, and they don’t ‘learn’ from older children about disruptive behaviour etc. I think middle schools work very well to keep school sizes down, while maintaining this approach. I would favour this approach, all over Suffolk, speaking as a parent and a teacher. Alternatively the next best thing for this would be a revised two tier system – option 4 above. 1957 I would hate to see the closure of primary schools, they have 3 so much to offer children, it would be heart breaking to have sent my children to these so called, SUPER SCHOOLS. 1964 My daughter sailed through 3 tier system. My son could have 3 done with 2 more years as a primary pupil I feel changing school in year 5 has stopped the flow in his learning – a wasted year. 1965 I think the council should leave the schools as they are. 3 1971 I think both two & three tier systems work, its all down to the 2 quality of the teachers and the atmosphere in school. All schools need more Art, Drama, Sport, trips and things to make young people want to be part of their school, and make them aware of the wider world. Don’t waste money changing schools, concentrate on improving the ones you have! 1972 Changing the organisation of education can only come second 2 to a change in parental attitudes to reflect support of teachers and a greater respect for those in authority in the existing schools. When a more disciplined learning has been achieved,

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then look at whether more changes need to be made. There have always been population growth & decline – look at the future growth of the area before deciding on cuts to our services. 1973 I think school leavers should become level to stay until they 2 reach 18 years – also work with parents to get them to go onto further education – with more bonus to the child to encourage them to go as far as they can. Excuse hand writing, due to broken wrist. 1976 Don’t change it! Look at the end of products – i.e. GCSEs + A 3 levels not SATs. It’s these that get our children their jobs + college places. Middle schools keep our 11, 12 + 13 year olds just as 11, 12, 13 year olds should be. It’s a GREAT system. I was educated in 2 tier system – I’d have preferred the 3 tier system. 1979 Again I feel one option is not enough choice. I strongly think 3 that three-tier should go. 1981 The two tier system works as you have the data to say that 3 they generally achieve better, the things that should be changed is childrens views and attitudes towards education and learning, we should concentrate on quicker punishment, quick rewards, making learning fun and interesting, encouraging and nurturing our children to fulfil their potentials so they themselves can feel satisfied and proud. For teenage children there should be more places to go outside of school with carers and support to advise and relax children, to keep them off our streets, off drugs and away from boredom and nowhere to go. 1992 Don’t let schools fill up with so many out of catchment children, 2 not good for schools! 1999 Except Ipswich can stay as it is 4-11 11-18. I don’t think money Out of should be spent on this. county. 2002 This, in a nutshell, is simply another attempt to save money, at 3 the expense of a child’s social development. Do we really want all our children to become robots, being able to quote the curriculum but not able to interact because they’ve been rushed through a system which is totally geared towards: a) Getting/achieving outstanding results at b) the best value possible? If the answer is yes then I can’t wait for my children to be spouting out terms such as ‘bench marking’ ‘best value’ and ‘efficiency’. 2014 Although I think option 4 would work equally well. 2 2028 This keeps young children in their local community at primary 3 age. 2035 I think the three tier system in Bury St. Edmunds has served 3 my children well. To reduce the quantity of moves, possibly amalgamate the lower and middle schools but leave the upper schools with their own sixth forms. 2040 I would prefer to keep small village schools. They are a very 3 nurturing start to school life. 2047 Comments:- 3 • The change from school to school was embraced by my children and their development was not affected.

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The keystages were gradual from KS2 – KS3. • The educational process needs to take into account grant aid to rural families , due to distances needed to travel etc. The economic process does not take into considerations the limitations of our children’s choices and they would have more opportunities to go to university if it was accessible. 2051 I feel that children of all ages should be given more 2 opportunities to mix with children from different age groups. Older children helping younger ones would give them insight into being parents. 2067 Possibly- sounds like middle school areas are failing, but the 2 whole system is not failing so no need for a major costly overhaul. Optios 3& 4 may work very well. Option 1 is in place and works in my neighbourhood (Northgate catchment). Any change would be costly (hugely so) and if it ain’t broke…

Concerns cont 2. What is this government obsession with ‘modern’. What are the benefits of computers in primary schools, for example? – See article attached. They are costly and ineffective at raising standards. Paper & pencil may be boring but if it works – just look at the success of the Kumor maths programme! 2068 As long as pupils are taught well. 2 Definitely not all age schools. I would favour a scheme where there are separate VI form centres. 2077 I think the 3 tier system works brilliantly. Why waste money 3 changing something so good! It’s work for over 40 years. Children appreciate having piers near their own age and 4-11 and 11-18 is a big gap. We want our kids to feel happy and being a really small fish in a ginormous pond is not really make them feel happy! 2080 We should not look at ‘Suffolk’ we should be looking at ‘what’s 3 working’! What works for Ipswich may not work for Lowestoft. Before decisions can be made we need more information regarding how a 2 tier system would work in a 3 tier area - are much larger schools being built? – if so where and with what money. If not, are the current high schools going to house more pupils? If not, will they have to be educated in more than one building – travelling during school hours? Does anyone know these answers? 2082 Is it rather a waste of money, why not use money to improve 2 what we already have. 2090 It costs more money to change things who will pay for that. 3 Taxes going up again. 2091 I think to change from a 3 tier to a 2 tier system would not 3 academically make any difference and it is far better not to have such a big age difference between the youngest and oldest children. 2093 Despite our negative experience, having experienced the two 3 tier system in Essex, we would strongly agree that the current three tier system remains.

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2095 *to have 4 year olds and 13 year olds together is crazy. 2 2096 If SCC has already agreed a plan for 14-19 education it may 2 make sense for the age category of the secondary school to fall into line with this. It would also reduce the size of some of the secondary schools. However, this does have infrastructure and cost implications, when the money might be better spent improving existing facilities, the service offered and keeping & retaining good teachers, rather than building bigger primary schools just to accommodate the increasing numbers. 2097 My children have experience of both systems. Having lived in No tier Ipswich and then Bury St. Edmunds the three tier schooling stated. benefited our children far more than the two tier system. Please, please retain the three tier system. 2100 We would hope that Castle Hill Infants and Castle Hill Junior No tier Schools would remain separate for the time being. entered. 2103 Should go back to basics at primary schools. One teacher who 2 teachers tier class 5 days each week. Abolish teaching assistants. Use money for encouraging good committed teachers. High school system in Kesgrave is fantastic, now even better with sixth form. 2105 I would be against the abolition of 6th forms as this would mean 3 another move to college for the children. I think it is important for the whole county to have the same system, rather than having lots of different ones. 2109 I live in a three tier school area of Suffolk and strongly believe 3 that a three tier school system is the best system for the children. 2111 Leave them alone, they are fine how they are currently in our 3 area. 2114 Would like to remain in current 3 tier. 3 2118 Standards need to be set for all schools so if a child moves 3 school it’s a more straightforward process in the classroom. 2126 4-10 +11-16 levae school at 16 not 18 because when your 18 2 you want to be doing things with your life as an adult. 2127 No change please 3 2133 I think pupils progress further in a subject if they like they 3 teacher & this is considered when choosing options at age 13. i.e. geography might be loved and do very well at one school but not at another. So effects results in GCSEs (speaking from experience!!) But then changing schools at age 11 causes other problems with under-achievement. Pros + Cons. Not sure which is best really. Possibly have same result in the end? All age schools I feel could provide the best education & achieve better results. 2136 Prefer specialist teachers and specialist areas. 3 Keep small village schools. 4-8, 9-14, 14-18. Key st 3 Sats. 2138 4-11 and 11-16 and sixth form college. 2 2142 More support for students doing their A Levels. 3 2146 I strongly feel middle schools to go on to upper school works 3 very well in Bury St. Edmunds and that it would be in the best interests for children to keep a system that seems to function

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very well. 2147 I think the country system should be the same, change for 3 change is pointless. 2153 The future funding should be spent on improving the weaker 3 schools, investing in teachers, inspiring our kids to learn. New buildings mean nothing without the teachers. Great teachers, such as at parkway middle school should not be lost through unnecessary restructuring. 2155 Quite like option 4 (4-13 +14-19) however several primary 2 schools only have 7 classrooms so this may be an issue. 2157 I think the existing 3 tier system is by far the best option. 3

Your Views cont:- more about SCC making/saving money, and your estates department being able to sell off ‘redundant’ schools than what is best for Suffolk’s children. 2158 Different systems in different parts of the county. 3 2161 We have had 3 children go through the West Suffolk school 3 system, and are highly satisfied. Each tier has its benefits – primary operates like an educational family environment, middle encourages independence and stretches the Y5 and Y6 children much more than in a R to Y6 primary (it has greater specialist expertise and far superior resources), and the upper school operates rather like a college, and encourages a maturity and responsibility in the child as well as offering a high standard of education. 2165 Please change to two tier option- makes more sense, through 3 my professional role – seen how successful this and the greater confidence young people given from further planning for one move later in school career. 2171 Both my children attend a village school which both myself and 2 my husband are very happy with: I would not have been so happy for them to attend a bigger town school. Both are doing very well. 2171 All age schools sound crazy for Suffolk. 2 2174 I feel strongly that we should keep the 3-tier system in schools. 3 2178 There should be more colleges for those who want to stay on. I 3 think they all should stay on at school and all get some sort of A Levels. 2180 Would welcome further discussion with regard to this model [4- 2 13 14-19] 12/7 – Governors Steering group meeting. 2194 (from previously) The first schools in the system consistently 3 achieve very highly (e.g. Banningham) in comparison to other primaries up to 11, this system needs change in parts. I think an educational rather than a political/pragmatic approach is the answer: e.g. address the ‘dip’ at middle school entry, by investigating teaching style/methods etc, having a 5/6 yr and 7/8 yr programme so the switch from primary to secondary style occurs within the middle school. 2197 Children would do a lot better if they didn’t have to change 3 schools so often. Have a school for age 5-16 and DON’T let children start school until they have turned 5, why does a 4 year old need to go to school? Also ban playgroups/pre- schools and give the money to schools.

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Playgroups/pre-schools are just for lazy mothers. Also limit the number of children people can have to 2 at the most, why do people have 3, 4, 5 + kids when our country is overpopulated – if they break the rules imprison the mothers, that will teach them! 2200 The option I have selected would definitely provide the benefits 3 stated earlier. In addition I believe it would help both tiers retain the best teachers by offering a wide age range to teach. This would be particularly beneficial at high school where the opportunity to teach A level is essential for attracting staff. 2202 I would like to save the middle school but if there were to have 3 to be a change then I do think it is a much better system to keep the younger children together so I would consider a change to two tier but 4-13 and 14-19. I have two children one that has gone through the middle sch/high and my son is about to go to middle school in September so I am most concerned about changes. 2204 Please keep middle schools both my children have thrived in 3 this system – it gives a caring start to a larger school, after primary. Of all my schools my best days were at middle school! 2207 I feel the school systems should be 3 tier as high schools are 3 so large in area, this could be daunting to an 11 year old. Having been through 3 tier myself I feel very strongly this is the correct way of schooling. 2216 I think getting used to change is important for children as it will 3 happen in adult life. A 3 tier system allows specialist knowledge for the age groups. 2218 How can you judge people’s opinions when you don’t make 3 the choices clear? Why do we not have data indicating pupil social development in the 2 systems? Wouldn’t attendance levels, a questionnaire of pupils in both systems give something for people to look at? It appears you have made little effort to represent the benefits of 3 tier schools. 2220 I do not think the arguments put forward in you review 3 conclusively prove: 2 tier is better than 3. Therefore feel that the major changes required to the schools in Bury St. Edmunds for a two tier system can not be justified, particularly the disruption to the schooling of the pupils caught up in the changes. 2221 Is there a dimension to this of realising real-estate values on 2 sites of closed middle schools? i.e. valuable property development assets? *More young male teachers are needed in primary schools as role models for boys – esp. for those with only mothers at home. Easier to achieve in the 11-18 school model. The first prerequisite to being an educator is to be educated yourself. Too many young teachers today are encouraged to be mere operatives, teaching mechanistically and constrained from being intellectually adventurous, rigorous and imaginative. Student’s true abilities are negated by dumbed down expectations and a lack of practical work. Work is too desk- based for non-academic students who have ideas and energy ,

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but are endlessly frustrated. The academically interested are fobbed off with low level tasks. There needs to be more jobs & delight in education. 2227 I think there are many different options all of which are 3 interesting but children should have as few changes as practical to avoid the dip. 2231 Our local middle schools have a reputation for under- 3 achievements and bullying. I wonder how this would be tackled in a school for 4-13 year olds? 2233 I feel very strongly that years 5 and 6 should have a primary 3 curriculum/education, not the secondary based one they have at the moment in some middle schools. 2236 As headteacher of a village primary, concerns about villages 2 being 4-11 but Haverhill being all age. Can a village 11-18 school (e.g. in Clare) be considered. 2237 If middle schools followed more of the nurturing ethos of 3 primary schools, there would be less disruption. Middle schools tend to try to be a secondary school, teach in a ‘chalk and talk’ manner and herd children around the school. It would be possible to still offer specialist teaching while remembering the pupils are only 9! 2238 Definitely do not agree with all age schools. Too intimidating 3 for youngsters. 2243 I prefer the three tier system as this means individual schools 2 don’t become too big. My problem with ‘All Age Schools’ would be size of school being off putting to 4 year olds on starting school. 2246 I think that the three tier system should remain and that the 3 middle schools should have more resources ploughed into them to ensure the results are achieved – i.e. quality teaching, safety, the resources to learn and good management of the teachers. The primary school achieves very high results so why is the middle school not achieving the same result? If change is inevitable and I do worry as I experienced at first hand the change from grammar to comprehensive when I was 12 (a horrendous experience) serious thought, planning and resources have to be utilised. I do not want my children to be the guinea pigs to a disaster. If the status quo is not kept I would opt for the option 4 –schools for 4-13 & 14-19. 2249 Leave them alone, they are fine how they currently are in our 3 area. 2250 Stay as three tier system. 3 2251 I don’t want the schools to change from 3 tier system. I believe 3 the current system has served both my children exceptionally well. I believe the additional funding should be used to encourage teachers to stay in the profession and continual professional development. I also feel funding should be used to address/improve areas that are failing along with underlying causes of poverty/deprivation. 2252 The case for change has not been made. 2 2272 As a mother who is very involved in the local village primary 3 school, I feel this sort of school has been the best start for my

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children and would be very concerned if this small school were to close if the system changes. 2278 If anything the jump at 11 is v. early – I assume this is why 2 middle schools continued. 12 is more appropriate perhaps a delay by a year. What happens in the rest of the EU? They don’t even start school until they are 6 & perform much better than us. 2282 Keep primary and secondary schools in place. 3 2283 My child has blossomed after her first year at Middle School. 3 The variety of teachers is an excellent idea as teachers are enthusiastic about their own subjects, making lessons enjoyable. Her year 4 at primary was a struggle as the class was mixed with Year 3’s. 2287 It would be advantageous to local villages if these schools 3 could accommodate children to age 11 which would help with local issues, such as transport, parking, school buses, local support for after school clubs. 2297 Stoke by Nayland Middle School is hugely successful and it 3 would be disastrous if it were to be closed down. Feeder primary schools to Stoke Middle School do not have enough grounds to cope with any major extensions. 2304 If all age schools cannot be achieved I would prefer 4-11/11- 2 18. 2306 Teaching is much better for 10-14 year olds in middle schools 3 as they are taught by specialist teachers with good facilities. Key stage 2 SATs are geared towards children in a 2 tier system. What does it matter if results in the 3 tier system aren’t as good at this stage if they catch up and exceed the rest of the country by GCSE. That only proves how good our system is. Our schools are the envy of much of the rest of the country – why change without proven need? 2308 Or keep it as it is, I don’t believe the very young pupils should 3 be mixed with the older ones. 2311 Lowestoft urgently needs a dedicated sixth-form college. Sixth 3 form teaching overall is poor & subject choices are so limited that many 16-19s attend East Norfolk sixth-form where teaching is excellent. 2315 With specific input to keep level of challenge up at top end of 2 each school. 2317 To move a child at age 13 is the worst possible time. Children 3 need to be properly established in a school before adolescence kicks in. All age schools would be disastrous – Children need to perceive we are allowing them to grow up and acknowledge this – keep them at the same school all their life would be like forcing a 16 year old to wear school shorts. 2325 The three-tier system should be kept as it is. Children cope 3 better at school mentally when they are mixing with a smaller age range. The two tier system is far too much pressure on a child, can effect their self-esteem & confidence. (speaking from experience). 2326 4-8, 9-13, 13-16, 16-18 3 Dedicated sixth form centre required in Haverhill. Mixing both talents from Castle Manor and Samuel Ward. In my opinion no other changes required in the three-tier system. Worked well

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for me. 2327 I live in an area where my children could have gone to either a 2 two or three tier system. I chose and much prefer the two tier system. 2337 We have 2 children in education, both have very different 3 abilities and both have done well under the 2 tier system. In particular our child who suffers from dyslexia has benefited from the continuity which a 2 tier system can provide. 2338 I do not think that the children should keep changing schools. 3 It is unsettling for them, at a time that they should be concentrating on education and not trying to settle into a new school, new social life, and general upheaval. 2343 Our local and personal experience would support strongly the 3 retention of the three tier system as it functions in and around Bury St. Edmunds. We believe our children have greatly benefited from smaller schools and the family like atmosphere created. 2346 Or 4-13 then 14-19. 2 2352 We understand this week another nearby county has opted to 3 stick with the three tier system. Change should not be made to happen, just because those upper schools are tempted with big money to encourage this change. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. 2354 Stay as it is to suit the area served. 3 2355 6th forms obviously have to be improved + a wider choice of 3 courses made available. This also applies to Bury + Ipswich college. There should be more courses for boys to learn a trade such as plumbing, electrics, tiling etc. 2358 I am originally from Chesire in the North of England. I moved 3 here 7 years ago when my eldest of 3 was 10. She would have gone to secondary school at 11 in the North but found the move at 10 to a middle school fairly difficult. She was in a small village primary and suddenly found herself in middle school with lots more pupils up to age 13. I feel 2 tier system is far better and pupils do better in the long term. 2359 I strongly disagree with a two tier system, as children grow in 3 school in stages with the 3 tier system, there isn’t so much of an age gap. I went to a two tier system school, and found senior school overwhelming as it was too big, too many pupils and such a big age difference, and hated every minute of it, my child is in a 3 tier system school that keep the age bracket similar, and he seems very happy, and schools are much smaller, so are the pupil numbers, why change a way that is working. 2360 Keep the same it worked for me. 3 2363 It is a lot less stressful for a child as they move up slowly and it 3 is not so daunting for them. 2367 I am minded to say that change for change’s sake will not 3 assist achievement levels. Any change will prove disruptive + disquieting for a period + will have repercussions on results – a change would need to be proved to be advantageous to the students! 2373 Will be very unhappy if 3 tier system is changed to 2 tier!! 3

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2376 Strongly feel numbers in schools have to be kept down – this 3 is best achieved by more schools!! If we do change to 2 tier, many more schools could be required. A widespread of schools is also necessary in rural areas, or children spend a huge amount of time travelling – never a pleasant experience on a school bus for most children. 2380 Your evidence appears to favour this organisation to obtain 3 better results. Fewer changes of school seem preferable. Slightly larger secondaries may give better value. 2382 More nurseries attached to schools with the same lengths of 2 days – some additional transportation and more convenient for working parents. 2390 Two tier school, as in Essex, where I originally lived and found 3 very beneficial. This 3 tier system seems – 9 year olds are too young to go onto the second school – can be very upsetting. Moving to larger schools – no individual help available as these schools are too large to cope, need more teachers and helpers per classroom. To get good results from the pupils (they are very large classes) This is the feedback I am getting from parents and children. Most teachers don’t know the pupils names!!! Even after a year. 2391 The best possible option for our children and young people 3 based on a careful analysis of future needs. 2397 We desperately need pre-school and post 7 language units. 2 2400 *All high schools should have a 6th form, so they don’t have to 2 change school to complete A Levels. 2401 I think the current two-tier system works well but students 2 should be encouraged to stay on after 16. 2406 I don’t believe children should change school at 16 for A 3 Levels. Its too disruptive. 2407 It should be the same system throughout Suffolk. 2 Keep all separate 4-11 11-16 16-18 It is important, in the transition from school to work/university that children get the opportunity to increase independence & be treated more like adults than school children. Separate 6th form encourages this. 2412 I would like to see three tier school system kept. 3 I consider myself very lucky to have been able to attend in my school years;- Keydon Infant Southwold Primary Reydon High Comprehensive Ipswich (Suffolk) College 2420 This consultation period only lasts about 3 weeks, i.e. until the 3 end of term. Not very long to debate! I think the 3 tier school system including middle schools is fantastic. I went through the two tier system & my son gains access to far more facilities & knowledge than I ever did. 2422 Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-16. 3 Thank you. 2425 Your info says the performance of GCSE & A levels affected 3 by three-tier, the results adjusted (as for summer-born

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children) to reflect this inequality?! I suggest this subject be addressed immediately. 2433 I firmly believe that the 3 tier system produces superior results 3 & more rounded social development than 2 tier and some of my children have experienced both. Having first schools to 9 offers children an enhanced security which builds greater confidence. 2434 Unsure – being a parent of a child on the autistic spectrum in 3 mainstream school, I am concerned that changing to a two tier system would make schools very large, therefore creating further environmental issues for those with special needs. I have personally had to move my child to a smaller school so that he could cope with a mainstream environment, and already have concerns about local provision when he has to change school after a year. 2439 I think Suffolk Schools should operate the same as Norfolk so 2 Summer children start the same time as Autumn children in September. But only half time to begin with, so the Summer children don’t get behind in the reception year. Like what has happened to my daughter. As this has happened she is not up to standard for her year! 2442 *But not to educational villages (all age schools). 3 2443 Schools should stay as 3 tiered. 3 2664 *There needs to be much better liaison across the pyramid – 3 certainly at Mildenhall where I teach – the middle school students could make use of our facilities – esp. years 7 & 8. Also information between middle + upper schools needs to be better, more frequent, more consistent. 2450 I do not think it should change from the Middle School System. 2 Our village primary schools and Stoke by Nayland Middle School are all achieving high standards. The small village primary schools provide a secure and pleasant environment to young children. 2452 But in this possibly organise Infant – KS 1 Junior – KS 2 3 Secondary KS 3+4 Sixth form colleges therefore making best use of the schools teaching staff and resources. 2453 My children changed from a 2 tier system to a 3 tier system 3 and I have been greatly impressed by the 3 tier system. They would have missed out on a lot of education if they had stayed in the 2-tier system. My children have benefited from 3-tier system because it meets their learning needs more thoroughly. 2462 3-tier system is preferable. 3 2463 We think this is just a crafty way of cutting down on schools + 3 increasing class sizes!! 2472 I strongly feel that middle schools and the three tier system is 3 for the best. It works and should not be changed. Pupils benefit greatly from the 3 tier system. Keep Middle Schools! 2480 In our area we really do need sixth form provision so young 2 people do not need to travel to Ipswich or Colchester to do A levels. 2482 The three tier system offers primary school age children the 3 opportunity of specialist teaching in a middle school. Because of subject specialism it gives higher quality teaching & exposes

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children to winder information. Surely we are not expecting teachers to teach pupils for KS2 SATs results only but to give them a broad base to springboard up from specialism allows specialist days e.g. science day. Don’t primaries get their results up by focussing solely on maths, English & science. What about the whole child, eh specialist P.E. teaching in yr 5 & 6? 2490 Teachers should be selected appropriately for the right age 3 group for teaching. What I mean is at the primary my child goes to, a couple of teachers have said they come from previous middle schools and they expect too much from the younger age group and are at times too disciplined with the children, expecting more maturity from them and common sense for their age! 2499 I don’t think it is appropriate for 4 year olds to be educated with 3 13 year olds due to their advanced social development.

Please note – these booklets were only received by our school in July, some 2 months into the stage one, making it more difficult to access further information. 2500 I don’t think it is appropriate for 4 year olds to be educated with 3 13 year olds due to their advanced social development.

Please note – these booklets were only received by our school in July, some 2 months into the stage one, making it more difficult to access further information. 2502 I think that the 3 tier schooling does not work, my four children 3 have experienced this and each one of them changed in Middle School, they lost all confidence and respect for teachers didn’t care about school anymore. I think in middle school the children and teachers don’t seem to know whether they are in primary or high its in between and they all seem a bit lost. Big mistake bringing in the 3 tier schooling I think the two tier schooling works really well. 2509 Big change will cost huge amounts of money to implement, 3 better to invest in what we have now to address any inadequacies, shortcomings rather than see the solution being wholesale change. Transition from one stage of life to another i.e. school change is part of life – we need to manage it well + give our students/children skills & coping strategies to manage it that they can take into their future lives – not necessarily reduce school changes. 2515 Why has this only now been received 10 July? 3 2517 In particular, we do not like the idea of leaving primary schools 2 at age 9, nor do we like the idea of staying at them until age 13. 2519 I agree there should be only a 2 tier schools. 2 2521 Suffolk contains very different community and residential 2 patterns with very different school catchment areas. One option is unlikely to be equally appropriate throughout the county. 2524 Stay as we are. 3 2529 The reason for my choice is that putting sometimes 1000+ 13- 3

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18 year olds was never a good idea. Having younger children in the mix created a more family atmosphere . 1000+ teenagers! Whoever dreamt up that one? Although I have taught for 32 years in the comprehensive system, I am not a fan of it. Putting all abilities together has lowered the common denominator – despite the appearance of current exam results – but that’s another story. However – don’t change the organisation – that’s money. Do change the attitude and approach of Middle schools – far too formal now. 2531 Approach needs to be introduced. You may have plenty of 3 money thrown at Middle schools for equipment, designated subject areas and specialist staff but in the end it is academic standards aimed for and expected from the children that will make the difference in results gained. This ethos can only come from the Head + S.M.T. and maintained by them. It is not always necessary to jump on every educational band wagon that comes along!! 2532 My sister’s children are at a 9-13 school. It helps bring on their 2 confidence and they feel a part of the school fabric. Not so overwhelmed as if they were thrown in high school. Helps to create a sense of belonging + good for the community in the long run. 2543 All age schools – where the best middle schools are the 3 central point of education, feeding out to other primary schools, and upper schools, NB:- NO CLOSING OF VILLAGE PRIMARY SCHOOLS. Instead these buildings to be used within the new system for study days. I.e.:- sixth form groups work off site. 2547 We need more information on federation of schools. 3 2548 It might make sense to make them all the same – pref. All the 3 3 tier or 2 tier if 4-13 and 14-19. As a child I went to a secondary comprehensive school at age 11 and found it very scary to be so small amongst the 16 year old ‘giants’. I think the middle school system is gentler whilst introducing some responsibility to 9 year olds. However, a 4-13 and 14-19 system might be even better as it reduces the number of times children would change school. All age schools might work in Scandinavia, but I’m not convinced for Britain. There are major differences between us. PLEASE SCRAP SCHOOL UNIFORM WHILE YOU’RE AT IT – I bet they don’t have school uniform in Scandinavia!!! *I hope you have sent/will send these booklets to every household or enough booklets to every school and pre-school in Suffolk so that every child takes one home. I picked one up at the pre-school. Its not a fair consultation if every parent doesn’t the chance to put their view if they want to. 2552 4-10, 10-16, sixth form college. 3 2556 Providing a greater choice to students after the age of 14 is 3 extremely important. I left school at 16 precisely because of this reason. I want my children to have the same high standard of education I did and I think the 3 tier system provides this in a much better all round way, especially in the rural areas which Suffolk has, by preserving a strong sense of the local

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community. Better grades will naturally follow if students are happy in their working environment. 2562 My son has loved middle school and has learnt particularly 3 Maths, English & Science to a level that certainly does not suggest a fall in performance. This system has also given him a chance to mature & take on responsibilities in a safe environment before mixing with teenagers in Y9. 2564 Don’t change what isn’t broke! 3 Address the bullying problem in schools! 3 out of our 5 children have so far been subjected to such behaviour, to which the police have had to intervene, and we live in a relatively nice area. We feel very let down of this government’s handling of our education system, given that we are stung so heavily of taxes!! 2568 I was raised in 3 tier, my 3 children were in 2 tier in Yorkshire 3 & moved to 3-tier here. I prefer as do my children, 3 tier. They get treated according to their age group & do not grow up too fast as I feel the 2 tier does. Plus bullying & social problems are less in 3 tier as 11 year old mixing with 16 year olds tends to put more pressure & not so good examples as it does when they remain in a closer age group giving them better chance to concentrate on education. I do not believe children should leave school at 16 as very few are mature or know what they want to do career wise at such a young age (16) and few can go onto further education therefore get jobs they may not have wished purely for financial reasons. 2572 To keep 3-tier schools. 3 2579 A decent school without supply teachers! (unlike now!) where 3 my child can get the education she deserves. 2581 Keep our middle schools but create a smaller high school – 3 perhaps a 6th form centre separate. 2582 I was educated in a two tier system which worked well. I am 3 worried about my children going through the current system. People don’t like change but the argument for this is compelling. 2597 I think this is the best time for children to move school. They 2 have outgrown primary school but have had long enough there to feel secure and confident to move on. I think Suffolk should have just the two tier system. I would welcome more choices for children at 16. 2600 Although grades are important – it is not the be all, life 3 experience & diversity are important & stimulating interest. 2608 I believe that any investment made in school infrastructure 3 should encompass all-age learning and, where possible, multi- purpose use, especially in village and small-town areas. There is a need for the education authority to work in partnership with primary call trusts, voluntary organisations and local industry in identifying individual responses to local need when briefing and designing improved educational buildings and services. 2609 Don’t mind as long as children are happy and learn to full 3 potential. 2616 Staying as we are means only 1 change of school and then the 2 11-18 bracket means key stage 3&4 are at 1 school. 2617 I think that schools are organised. 2

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My children love their school, and enjoy being there it’s a good school, teachers, lessons, and leave it, it is needed, for support of my children. 2629 As my child has autism and PDA I think a 2 tier system of 3 schools is better, less change more continuity. 2631 At this stage I do not have enough information (particularly on 3 options 3 & 4) to make an informed decision. I believe strongly that Suffolk needs change based on the research evidence I have seen into pupil achievement as it is now. 2632 Schools should remain the same and not change. 3 2636 We hear every year how much money the government puts 3 into education, where exactly does all the money go? It should towards the school, teachers, equipment etc. But still we hear the education system is failing its pupils. Why? 2637 The current three tier system means young people change 3 schools midway through a key stage. Nine year olds are thrown into a secondary school system (which is effectively how middle schools are run) and for some this is too stressful and too early an age. They lose the close contact/relationship with a form teacher and with their community. Academically it does not work either. 2644 This document is so weighted to the 2 tier system it is like you 3 have made your minds up already – Although I have completed it I feel it’s a waste of time - 2653 I think they should just change the schools to nicer Tier not environments and punish naughty children with more thought stated. so they actually listen. As I have been bullied before and because I told on them it got worse. Also so the teachers actually listen to us, because we do have a view and ideas. 2668 Why not consider 5 term year for all schools. 2 Develop schools identities, school uniform compulsory. Develop winners and not good losers. 2671 Leave things alone & stop meddling. If you must interfere 3 maybe you could try & improve Newmarket Upper School. The primary & middle schools in Newmarket are fantastic already. 2676 I would also support all age schools. 2 2682 Currently I only have experience of the two tier system. 2 2689 After reading the leaflet I can only interpret that you have 3 already decided to make changes into a two tier system – all the factors listed are weighted towards change. Just because Suffolk is a county doesn’t mean that the same system should work throughout – Bury St. Edmunds 3 tier results are good – as are the schools. 2648 Perhaps leaving age should be raised to 17 and optional 2 thereafter to 20? 2697 Our middle schools have great facilities and these should not 3 be lost to children of 9-13; this is a good age-grouping educationally and socially. 2698 The data you quote on pg 6 of this leaflet seems to suggest 2 that middle schools should be phased out in favour of the two tier system. I feel that a uniform system across the county would be better than the current mixed system depending on which part of the county you are in. I think that allowing the local community to decide on different systems in different

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parts of the county would be a bad idea. 2703 Both of my sons attend a middle school at present and we are 3 very happy with their progress. I feel that at 9 they were ready to move on to the next stage of their education and prepare for the secondary education without the major transition into High school at 11 years old. We have lived in areas of the county where two tier & three tier have been in place. The three tier system appears to be the most beneficial. 2704 Pre-school 3-5 yrs, 6-11, 11-18. 2 2707 There is no need for a ‘one size fits all’ model – schools should 3 be looked at individually. The 2 tier system is found in a range of catchments – is it valid to present data about ‘achievement’ which lumps them all together? Has more detailed analysis been done? The majority do very well – why change the system for the sake of it? The low staying on rate probably has more to do with the culture & aspirations of people in Suffolk rather than the structure of schools. 2712 I think the 3 tier structure is better for the children’s social 3 development as they are not ‘exposed’ to some of the more ‘adult’ behaviour of the oldest age group until they are more emotionally able to deal with it. 2714 The 3 tier system appears best – having experienced a two tier 3 system myself. 2716 There are excellent teachers out there but they’re leaving 3 teaching – this needs to be stopped & quickly! It indicates the standard of teaching at middle school is poorer than high school. This is what needs to be addressed not totally disrupting a whole system. Middle school should be a gentle transition from Primary – high school. Yrs 5 & 6 should be mainly taught by one teacher + the odd specialist then through 7 – 8. More subject teaching be introduced! No disrespect to middle school teachers but you feel you end up with the people who don’t wish to teach big teenagers or ugly young children so they opt for the middle school regardless of training & with the shortage of good teachers you end up with what we have! 2717 Don’t just do it because there is money available to. As a 3 teacher I don’t feel the system is so bad at present. Money could be spent enhancing what we have in Suffolk. KS3 is messy though! 2718 (My child is in a two-tier system which I like) 2 I feel two tier systems are best. 2721 Schools are too large to work effectively & this causes a 3 proportion of pupils to lose any sense of belonging. Then the discipline fails and along with that a positive work ethic. This creates a bad atmosphere for pupils who do want to learn. 2731 I think the 3 tier system works in rural Suffolk, money would be 3 better spent improving existing middle & high schools with bigger budgets so as to attract & keep good teachers & offer a modern education system, with great facilities. The three tier works really well on an emotional & social level but academically we need more money spent.

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2732 More vocational opportunities available for 14+ 3 2735 More help for children with special needs i.e. trained teachers 3 in the area. 2747 System myself and my niece (12) transferred to a two tier 3 school at 11 years, I feel it puts the child under a huge amount of stress. My middle daughter is midway through middle school, and feels safe and comfortable, and has benefited from the gradual transition from small primary to large upper via a middle school, both my elder child has just completed yr 9 at Thurston Upper and is more confident at 14 to cope with the school size and mixing with others of 16-18 yrs old. I feel having to be thrown from a primary to upper school is too large a leap from a personal development point. Both girls agree. 2748 I feel that where pyramids are succeeding – such as the 3 Cornard pyramid – they should be allowed to continue within the 3 tier system as the change will cause disruption to the children within the system. However, if there are areas where the change to 2 tier can be achieved without losing local primary schools (I am very opposed to increasing bussing of children at a young age) in rural areas and the upper schools can take children early then I would back the council in this. 2751 As a parent I am interested in the all through system but I feel 3 this should be still using our existing schools and improving joint resources. I really wouldn’t want my 7 yr old going to the same school as 16 yr old there is a vast social difference but I do feel the schools would work better together. 2753 Schools for ages 4-13 & 4-19 is theoretically a good idea, 2 however, I believe it best for a single system to be in operation nationwide. All children should be educated in the same way. As a compromise high schools (11-18 years) could be divided up so that 11-13 year olds are taught separately from the 14- 18 year olds in a similar way to primary schools having separate infant and junior units. This could provide the benefits of middle school without having to actually move schools. 2761 We believe changing from a 3 tier to a 2 tier system be a 3 complete waste of money and detrimental to the education of the children, we have two children currently in a 3 tier system and are very happy with the results. 2766 I think the 2 tier system works & should be implemented 2 universally. 2769 I don’t have a preferred system; I think the important issue is 3 not disrupting children’s education too much – ensure any change is smoothly done and for the benefit of children. 2770 Not enough information to be able to comment a bit like asking 3 if I would like to keep the skirt I have or an undefined other one. Suffolk needs to give us more hard facts at any reorganisation to ensure an informed choice i.e. more information is required. I presume this is deliberate. Plans are either secret and therefore subject to controversy or simply nonexistent. 2771 I agree with two tier, cut out middle schools. It’s more change 3

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for a child to go through, then to have to attend upper school, later on. Just primary & secondary schools are the best. 2775 Change interrupts pupils. Keep the system but improve it 3 especially the schools that have had a bad reputation by being doomed by Ofsted reports. Too large schools in the early years are very frightening especially for the children attending from small villages where the local schools have been closed. 2782 Schools 4-11, 11-16, and 16+ (sixth form college). 3 2788 Not just catchment, but on pupil abilities for further education. 3 2790 I did exactly the same 3 tier route my children are now doing, 3 each school is good at accommodating each age & I would not want this to change. 2793 We are very happy with the 3 tier system & are looking forward 3 to our 2nd child attending there this year. We would hope that our 3rd child would have the same opportunities. 2800 I strongly believe that the three tier system is the best all 3 round. 2801 Each individual councillor will be returning a form with their 3 own response. 2807 Should stay the same with different systems for highly & less 3 populated areas. Question 1) what is the proposed overall timetable? 2) Will the community be properly consulted about their views before decisions are made. 2808 - Grammar schools or high achieving state schools 11- 2 18. My children are in two tier but I went to three tier schooling – I think older children influence younger ones before they are ready – attitudes then form which would not have been considered otherwise. Many people in our area pull children out of primary at year 5 to either go to private schools permanently or to hope that it will be achieved to get the best state grammar schools in Essex. 2812 I would prefer the three tier system to continue as I can see 3 fantastic achievements that are made here. It is important to look at the whole picture and that children in the 3 tier system are so much more able in regards to technology, sciences, and second languages, than children in primary schools at the age of 10 & 11 years. 2817 Keeping open ‘special needs schools.’ 3 2820 3 tier system works v well – have taught in both & think this is 3 better for pupils & staff quality and retention. 2824 All age schools are a good option if kept local. Small children 3 cannot be bussed (primary age). 2826 As a child I went through a 3 tier system in Leeds and 3 experienced many of the drawbacks you outline but I think that these can be addressed and managed and that they are being addressed by many 2 tier schools in Suffolk. I also believe that a lot of your data is skewed because many grammar and private schools have only ever been 2 tier. 2829 I think things should stay the same. Tier not stated. 2836 I think at age 11, to go to high school is too young, we don’t 2

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want youngsters growing up too quickly. 2840 Change may be necessary for all sorts of reasons. Politics, 3 money, changing population, teacher availability etc. The most important thing to consider is the child and it’s education. Change for change’s sake is never a reason to change. Change for the benefit of the majority may be acceptable but it must be as smooth as possible. I would move my children out of any system that disrupted their education. 2841 [Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] with sixth form colleges give 3 broad choice for A levels & other courses & give good life experience prior to university or job. 2845 I am concerned that changing the system will be more 3 disruptive than the system you will use. 2853 I do not think a school should have 4 year olds and 13 year 3 olds – there is too much age range and there will be too much chance of 12/13 year old behaviour being observed by children under 10 and being mimicked. I would suggest the county focus on schools with the poorest performance of 11-13 year olds to improve their learning first. 2854 I strongly believe in the three tier system as being the best 3 system I have experienced. 2859 I had heard sixth form centres were being considered- 2 shouldn’t this be part of the review. 2874 I don’t know enough about all age schools to comment on that. 2 It does sound an interesting idea, but I wonder if resources would be spread too thinly to get a broad range of subject expertise in all schools. 2878 Why are you suggesting 11-18 and 13-18 and then 14-19? Are 3 you suggesting the current provision patterns a and b cannot be adopted to 19? Are you designing the questionnaire to obtain distorted responses due to your wish to change? Or is the questionnaire just badly designed and worded? Why are the consultation paragraphs not aligned with the questionnaire? 2882 Without closing village primary schools. 3 2883 Either of the above [having ticked both 1 and 3]. 3 2887 To change the system would destroy small village schools 3 which undoubtedly give the best start. To expand them to middle schools would be geographically/physically impossible. 2888 Three tier system. Its worked well for my boy & got good 3 standards as well as moral standards. 2899 In much of Suffolk and with no greater examination demands! 3 2903 LEAVE ALONE 3 2913 Middle schools seem to work very well in Bury St. Edmunds 3 and the children seem to like the system of middle school then upper school. I strongly feel the three tier system should stay as it is. 2914 Both my daughters have been very happy in the 3-tier system 3 & my elder daughter certainly feels its much easier to join a middle school at 9 than a secondary school at 11 when a child would have to face co-existing with very large 16 year olds. 2917 All emphasis seems to be put on ‘higher achievement’ all the 3 time. What about ‘social achievement’ sometimes. I would not like to think an 11 year old of mine is going to the same school

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as an 18 year old. The age difference is too vast. 2919 Attractive 2 tier system prevalent in much of Suffolk and with 3 no greater examination demands! 2930 A 3 tier system offers smaller schools where children can be 3 nurtured and spurred to ensure they fulfil their maximum potential. Bigger schools do not automatically mean better teachers. Good schools attract better teachers. 2931 With ever increasing pressure and class sizes too big! So 3 anything that ensures class size not more than 20-25 would be good. 2944 As a parent I prefer option 1 or 3. 3 As a governor option 2 would best suit local needs. 2950 If change is inevitable extend the existing primary schools and 3 move the 6th form to separate schools i.e. the facilities used by the middle schools at the moment. 2955 Please don’t mess up our children’s education. Improvement 3 not change is what the majority of parents and children want. 2961 Should keep the current 3 tier system as this enables the 3 children’s personal + social development to progress without having a detrimental effect as would happen when there are large age differences. This also enables the schools to be relatively small in pupil numbers which encourages learning. 2972 I personally think children cope better going on from a primary 3 to a middle & then on to High, as its not such a big step. From personal experience, I went from a primary to a high school and hated every minute of it, where as my daughter went from a primary to a middle and doing very well, socially and academically. 2973 11 seems a young age to be mixing with 16+ age group – but if 2 changing school is upsetting for some children (I like 3 tier schooling) then maybe extending primary school to age 13 seems a very good idea. 2974 Our existing three-tier system is best for the ‘whole’ child – 3 they aren’t purely a commodity that produce exam results!! Use the money to improve staff and resources and implement more respect and discipline from all angles – please. Inject some fun back into class and give teachers more opportunities to teach creatively. 2975 My three children currently attend schools within the three-tier 3 system and this has proved to be an excellent way of dividing the age groups up otherwise I feel the age span is too great within a 2-tier system. 2976 It should not change! 3 2979 Or, since education is compulsory only to 16, 2 4-11, 11-16 and sixth form colleges for those students who wish to stay in education & training. 2986 NB 3 Very much in favour of 3 tier system which worked so well for my children in this rural area. 2987 I would like the holidays to be phased differently rather than 3 the standard 3 terms. 2989 Organise ‘schools within schools’ to avoid 11-13 year olds 2 getting lost within a big 11-18 school, so have 11-13 grouped and 14-16 grouped & fairly separate.

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2990 All age schools may help to overcome ‘dips’ in pupil 2 performance on transition. I would favour departments or mini schools within the school which reflect child/youth development. These could be for 3-8; 9-13; 14-19 years old. The school could have a common ethos and mission statement, but the children/youths would be taught in areas that suited their intellectual, emotional, social and physical development. Transition from one department to another would play a major role in preparing pupils/students for their next learning stage. Personalised learning would also be something that could be promoted throughout the school. 2991 In the Waveney (Lowestoft Area) make first schools 3 accountable and responsible for key stages 1 & 2, (up to 11 year olds); but total responsibility and accountability for key stage 3 to middle schools (11-14 year olds) and high schools for key stages 4 & 5 and the 14-19 curriculum. This should improve liaison work, reliability of transfer documentation and address some of the concerns currently in education. Encourage jointly held all age governing body groups to improve continuity of philosophy and standards. 2992 Middle schools should be retained in the areas where they 2 already are. 2993 Two tier would be more practical initially as a number of 3 schools could be created as primary schools from middle schools. Teachers from middle schools will need to be absorbed in secondary schools to protect their salary status. 2994 This document is very one sided and it appears that you have 3 decided to scrap the 3 tier system. The distribution has been so bad it can only have been intentional. The closing date of 4th August appears to have been chosen to ensure the smallest number of responses. Why is this? Do you appreciate this stinks of hidden agenda?? I would like to know if you measure a school just by league tables or from the fantastic rural settings our children. School is much more than a set of results – the last thing I want for my children is to learn to take tests and nothing else. They are not exam robots! Just because all other regions have adopted two tier doesn’t mean we have to follow suit. Maybe they have the backbone to do the best thing for them? Also I don’t see how this ties in with government targets for greenhouse emissions. Closing rural schools will increase traffic + congestion, so isn’t this a contradiction? It seems to me that this is instigated by central government to close rural schools and re-use the land for development. No thanks- I don’t want this and I don’t appreciate being bounced into something by a consultation that would look at home in a banana republic! 2996 Undecided about which option is best for Suffolk, if it would 3 benefit pupils and the local community to change then so be it. I like the 3-tier system and feel that it is possible to develop children’s education in the system. 2997 The size of a school should be an important factor – too many 3 pupils get ‘lost’ in the big 11-18 pr 13-18 schools. 2999 Alternatively consider 11-16 for secondary followed by a 6th 3 Form College. The most significant issue, however, is to

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maintain the existing village schools (see previous page) as they make a significant contribution to village life and increase sustainability of rural communities. 3002 I think that Suffolk should adopt the system as in outher 2 countries where all children start school (i.e. reception class or ‘full time’ school) in September – not the term that they are 5 in. 3003 The current school accommodation would not be able to 3 support a 2-tier system easily. If village children were split into infants and juniors + transported to different buildings/places as a results it would be of NO benefit to change at all. 3006 I do feel that it is important that number 4 is chosen, rather 3 than other options, to keep younger children together. 3014 Evidence presented in a biased way- should access possible Tier not differences between rural + more urban – what if further stated. evidence supports 3 tier for all urban and/or rural. V. important to support existing schools and staff. 3018 Make no changes. 3 3030 I think that Suffolk Middle Schools are very effective as they 3 are. I don’t think exam results are always the most important factor, and feel Middle schools play an important role in the maturing and support of children in a key stage of their overall development. I also feel the extra change of school gives them confidence and self belief. 3031 Unable to decide which may be best for Suffolk schools, 3 Option 1: hope schools can cope with such a large age group and personnel difference between 4 yr olds and 11 yr olds. 3032 I think the 3 tier works very well & if each school is well staffed 3 & has good class sizes children will benefit from a 2 or 3 tier regardless. 3035 Ref dividing 4-13 & 14-19. It was noticeable that year 6 pupils 2 in primary schools lose interest + concentration they need to move on. Teachers who choose to work with young primary pupils are not always the best qualified to teach more specialist subjects required at ages 11-13. 3036 Plus infants & juniors for 4-11 year olds. 2 4-7 8-11 3037 Tick boxes do not necessarily reflect true opinion as there is 3 no room for clarification. I believe that the most important thing is to give all children access to local education. If the system must be changed, rural communities must be given the consideration. By removing schools you will remove families from these areas & create retirement/holiday areas. Communities like Halesworth will die. 3042 If they had to change (and I don’t think they should) I like the 3 3 tier system as my children are with others of similar ages (reduces bullying etc) so I think Suffolk should use that system for all schools. 3043 Stay as we are, 3 3046 Feel strongly that the current structure should remain in place. 3 It works very well, why change it to a less beneficial structure. Keep the three tier system it is a great improvement on the alternative.

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3047 My children started school life in a two tier system and are now 3 in the three tier system. I prefer the three tier system because I feel it provides better development within the age groups and is so much more beneifical to the children. Keep the three tier system. Please. 3050 That when the children go to high school its downhill from then 2 on. My daughter goes to Orwell High. 3053 If the money is available for change, then the money is there to 3 improve within the system that works well. I have lived in areas where both systems have operated, and the schools in Suffolk three tier has benefited my children far better. If change does happen more would need to be put into primary schools especially at years 5 + 6 for maths +_science subjects + gifted children. 3056 I believe we have a very good 3 tier system in Suffolk, the 3 funds you would need to reorganise the whole system could be better spent in enhancing + improving our existing system, I then believe ‘the results’ would be as good as if not better than the two tier system, and would cause less disruption to those pupils in ‘the system’ throughout your proposed changes. 3059 The middle school caters for an age range which ought to be 3 considered distinct to any other age grouping. I firmly believe the three tier system is by far the best. Changing it will not improve on results for middle school 11 year olds. Our middle school demonstrates how well results are. 3065 I went through 2 tier system and from my experience 3 compared to my children’s, the 3 tier system works more to pupils’ advantage/ All schools in Suffolk should become 3 tier. 3068 I do not believe there could be improvements to change the 3 current organisations – ‘The middle years’ at school are the more settling (and enjoyable for pupils) a time at school where there is more educational achievement and teachers are more committed. 3075 As someone who has experience of both 3 and 2 tier systems I 3 must say how much happier I was in the 3 tier system. Education is not all about results but producing happy, well- balanced, socialised individuals who can cope with our changing world. The 3 tier system splits the children at more appropriate developmental stages and I think going into a high school situation at 11 years old is too big a change, especially for children going from small rural primaries to high schools of a 1000 or more children. 3078 Cont: many families move to this area to take advantage of the 3 3 tier system. Both my children were educated very successfully in this system and indeed my family also moved to this area as a results of considering the middle school system one that we felt would best allow children to develop steadily as well-balanced individuals. 3079 Strongly feel that the current three tier structure remains. The 3 benefits far outweigh any downsides. I believe middle schools should remain, it is a far better system than the two tier.

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3082 I think a year of ‘bedding-in’ between 13-14 is essential before 3 you choose examination subjects, Changing at 14 would not let you get a feel for the school/subjects before you choose. 3093 I like the 3 tier system, but prefer the way it is organised in 2 Leicestershire with high schools operating for ages 14-18, so middle schools finish at the end of KS3! 3102 The independent school system is 3-tier and works 3 exceptionally well with children achieving good results. 3103 Although I am used to the 2 tier education system, I see few 3 problems with the system my children are in. 3112 All of Suffolk should have the same 3 tier schooling as 3 indicated above not just certain towns in the county its catered well for many generations in our town and should continue to do. 3113 The present middle school management works very well 3 offering children a gradual transition from primary school to the academic demands of upper school. 3117 I still want the 3-tier system. 3 3118 I believe that 4-11, 11-16 and 16-18 is ideal the break at 16 3 helps children make choices, i.e. academic or vocational. 3120 The current 3 tier system. 4-9, 9-13, 14-19/18. I think this 3 because children, after all, they must be priority in this, need to have a range of social experiences, so they can mould into adults. By having 2 schools, they are thrown in at the deep end, and also it makes organisation of educational methods more complex. You can’t teach an 11 year old like you teach a 7 or 14 year old. And if you say educations methods won’t change, why change to a two tier system in the 1st place. 3121 Please see attached document. 3 3122 I’m glad my son’s have 3 tier schooling as the primary school 2 didn’t help with confidence/self esteem towards the end so by going to middle school it’s a new start. 3123 I think you’ll follow the national herd & go for 2 tier 4-13 & 14- 2 19 anyway but I’ve gone for 4-8, 9-13, 13-18 because I think some kind of separate/specialist provision should be made for very small children (ideally 4-7). They don’t need an overwhelming number of (very much) older children above them in the same school – I don’t think it would help their confidence or personal development. I do think 13 or 14 is a good time to break schools. My schooling in Leicestershire was 4-7, 8-11, 11-14, 14-18 the break at 14 enabled me to break away from some otherwise destructive peer groups, which were starting to become apparent at that age. I’m not sure it is always wise to keep children at school after 16 if they don’t want to stay – why encourage everyone to go to university, when a lot of kids would prefer jobs instead? (won’t descend any further into old-fort-dom – but do want to emphasise importance of specialist infant provision above all!) 3124 If the school stayed 3 tier children learn more as the teachers 3 can give them more time, pupils will feel safer in a small community/school and so be happier which in turn will benefit them learning lots of children don’t like crowds of people/older

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children as they get scared so this will in turn stop them learning. 3129 * I think West Suffolk schools structure should stay the same 3 because we already have excellent schools with very good results providing a broad curriculum with caring staff. It would be a complete waste of money to change a system which is working so well. The middle schools give specialised teaching in a caring environment. My 2 children have flourished academically and in extra curricular activities in both middle and upper schools. Keep the current excellent structure. 3135 Option 4 would give the younger children the stability needed 3 to learn the basics and allow for a more academically focused environment for the older children. 3136 The three tier system works brilliantly allowing children from 3 very small schools a run into the secondary system without the big shock Bacton Middle has been fabulous, good results and a real sense of community and aids confidence. Why change what works and screw up the children already in the system, added to this is the massive cost involved in changing a good system just for the sake of it! 3138 Some pupils will be better suited to 3 tier than 2 tier + visa 3 versa. As long as excellent teachers are in place with a first class head teacher with exceptional leadership skills either system should achieve the high results (both academically and socially) we all would like for our children. 3141 Primary schools from 4 to 11 followed by secondary schools 3 from 11 to 16 and (most important) colleges (6th form or tertiary) from 16 to 19 – with International Baccalaureate* option. 16-19 provision in schools is too narrow. Colleges offer better provision and offer a mature environment (good preparation for H.E. or adult life) *AS/A2 are not broad enough – current system narrows the mind. 3145 I would suggest more careful analysis of middle school pupils Tier not at high schools before the county council wastes a lot of stated. money. 3149 - second concern is how this will affect catchment areas. 3 3157 Looking at the National Curriculum & how inefficient that is, 3 working hours of teachers class sizes & behaviour management might be a better start! Teachers are disillusioned, both with the system & planning not to mention the lack of respect. This has a knock on to the pupils, which results in low achievement. Teachers are so busy giving lessons & fitting it all in that they have no time to teach those who really need to be taught. The current system is only good for the more able. 3159 Other areas should be using our middle school system as an 3 example to follow! Do away with it at your peril! If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it! 3160 Not sure about moving at 11 or 13 not an expert in this area – 3 but better collaboration working with FE colleges for 14-18/19 provision. 3162 Three tier has always worked well in Mid-Suffolk. 4 year olds 3 struggle to cope sharing a playground with 9 years +. Too wide

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age group leads to bullying in the playgrounds. 3179 There would be a too bigger age difference and therefore 3 should stick to 3 tier system. 3183 What a waste of council taxpayers money going through this 3 process. Money that could be spent improving the existing schools throughout Suffolk, paying for extra teachers & equipment. Its just change for ‘changes sake’, in the hope I would assume of cutting costs as usual. 3188 I have 3 children that have all been well educated in the 3 Suffolk 3 tier system. They have been successful academically and just importantly have developed well personally. To focus on just KS2 and KS3 SATs fails to understand the benefits that middle schools provide in a broad and balanced curriculum. Our rural location makes a change to 2 tier almost impossible and I would personally prefer to see a ‘Federation’ or ‘Academy’ of schools within the same pyramid working together to address any issues in examination results and pupil performance. 3197 The present arrangements in Bury St. Edmunds are more than 2 satisfactory. Schools such as St. James Middle schools are excellent and should not be disposed of on the basis of wanting to achieve uniformity across the county. Many children find the move from primary to secondary at age 11 yrs too great a step to cope with. Middle schools ease the transition in a much more sensitive way. 3200 This [4-11,11-18] is the kind of schooling I had and think it is 3 the best way for children. 3206 This review is a shallow sham and heavily biased. 3

Please note:- This document was received on 19th July 06 for a consultation period that ends 4th August. Totally unsatisfactory. We need good schools and good teachers/staff. There is no magic in 2 tier or 3 tier. Reinstate schools for SEN pupils, provide vocational training for less academic 14-18 year olds and cut out the bureaucracy and meddling. Provide the funding that the government claims. 3217 At one of the meetings I attended it was stated that more 3 parents from the 3 tier system had responded compared to the 2 tier. This must show that parents in the 3 tier system feel strongly about keeping middle schools whereas the others do not have a particular preference. Middle schools do work for children on a personal level that may not be measured by SATs + GCSEs. 3228 After reading how well pupils do in Suffolk section. It seems 3 that your mind is already made up and that the three tier schools will change into a two tier system! 3233 I would like to see a continuation of the 3 tier system. I believe 3 it gives children an opportunity to develop personally & socially at their own pace in a nurturing & mainly non-threatening environment. Please don’t change it. 3240 4-11 (primary) 3 11-16 (secondary) 16-18 (sixth form centres). 3243 As a teacher I have taught in many schools in Norfolk and 2

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Suffolk. As a parent I have two children in different schools. The middle school system that Suffolk presently has, in my view, gives the children the best all round education they can have. My daughter is attending a good primary school in Norfolk but I wish she was attending our middle school in Suffolk. The teachers are very good and the system works well. Please do not change a system which works so well. Fine tuning our present system would be far more cost effective and potential less damaging. 3245 Keep existing primary schools in villages age 4-9 or 8. 3 Secondary schools age should be 8 or 9 – 16 16+ should be students at colleges. They are too old to be in school with 9 year olds. Primary schools are doing an excellent job. Problems occur in early secondary school years. 3262 *cont – 12-14 would be hopefully settled in a familiar 3 environment and better able to deal with their many other adolescent issues and developments. 3263 BRING BACK GRAMMAR SCHOOLS!! 3 THERE MUST BE A SYSTEM TO MOTIVATE, SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE OUR BRIGHTEST CHILDREN. 3270 I feel its important that children don’t have to change schools 2 too much. I do think to develop options for students 14-19 strategy is excellent idea. 3284 I am happy with the 3-tier system in West Suffolk. 3 3288 KEEP THE SAME 3 TIER 3 NO NEED FOR CHANGE- PUT THE MONEY INTO IMPROVING WHAT YOU’VE GOT!! 3291 Make sure you do what’s right for our children not Suffolk’s 3 council’s overflated egos. 3292 Keep the middle schools, they provide the best education 3 situation for that age group. 3294 We took our daughter out of a two tier Norfolk system to a 2/3 three tier system in Suffolk. In every way it has benefited her, both educationally and socially. She is happier, achieving better grades and her confidence has increased enormously. 3299 Extended facilities for over 16s with learning difficulties – more 3 scholarships, further education opportunities and help to find work or placements i.e. for stage school or apprenticeships. 3320 Why not keep present system as its in place but have more 3 primary based curriculum in yrs 5 & 6 at middle school? 3321 Keep the 3 school system, it works! 3 3326 This leaflet has a clear bias in the way the information has 3 been produced and is certainly not in line with figures supplied from schools with regard to success in National Tests: which in the case of the school attended by my children is consistently performing above the national average. 3327 If its not broke don’t fix it! The current system works. 4 year 3 olds don’t need to start school with 11 year olds. 11 year olds should receive the same level of education nationwide regardless of the ages of other children in the school building. Changing to a two tier system won’t improve results for 11 year olds, only improved teaching methods will do that.

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Likewise with 16 years plus. What would happen to existing school buildings if we change now? 3328 It is odd to operate 2 different systems in one county, but the 3 disruption caused by changing would outweigh any benefits. Middle schools provide children with enhanced facilities (science, music, design + technology) at a younger age than in the 2 tier system. 3337 WE DO NOT WANT ANY CHANGE IT WILL DISRUPT OUR 3 CHILDREN’S EDUCATION!! 3340 The 3 tier system makes the transition from small village 3 schools to larger ones much less traumatic. Middle schools encourage the children to be much more organised at an earlier age, + gives them the opportunity to learn a wider range of subjects than are available at a lot of primary schools. To lose middle schools would be a great loss to education in Suffolk. 3341 STOP TRYING TO KEEP LABOUR HAPPY – STOP 3 LOOKING AT PAPER FIGURES & LISTEN TO HEAD TEACHERS – ITS CLEAR AT THE MOMENT YOU DON’T. 3345 Because I moved up to middle school at 9 I had more 3 responsibility. We have proper science labs and started French and cooking/textiles/woodwork. This was 2 years earlier than it would have happened if I moved to high school at 11. 3352 I think you should keep the middle schools and possibly add 3 more where they are in the two tier system, so the whole of Suffolk is the same. 3353 *I would like to see village primary schools retained. I would 3 not want Hundon School to be a satellite of Haverhill. Why not use Clare as a Secondary school? 3354 I strongly believe that children perform better in smaller age 3 range groups. 3358 I believe there needs to be consistency across the country; 3 that standards are high & maintained; but the need for change is proven & that there is clear evidence to support the new model; that the new model is implemented in a clearly structured way. I came through a 3 tier system and still believe it is better for the welfare of young people but I am also aware of the differences in achievement. *A two tier system with a ‘lower school’ and ‘upper school’ division in the secondary school might be a way of marrying both systems. 3372 I need more data. 2 Smaller primary secondary/high schools – more personal etc. 3374 4-11, 11-16, 16-19 (with 14-19 college to support high school). 2 3376 I am completely happy with our 3 tier system, as I believe it is 3 very important to keep similar ages together. We have excellent schools in this area and I would like to keep them!! 3379 I think a 2 tier system is possibly better for a child’s academic 3 performance, but, as many children live in very rural areas, it can be socially beneficial for them to have a 3 tier system where their personal development is enhanced due to mixing with different age groups and peers.

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3386 My daughter is in the primary system, due to go to middle 3 school shortly. I could not ask for a better start for her than she has had in a nurturing village school. The next step to Middle school is an easier adjustment than straight to a high school at 11. It works. Why change it? 3387 Continued from overleaf. 3 Statistics. Give all the money it costs to re-organise to a 2 tier system to the existing schools & I’m sure standards will improve. Smaller classes would be the way forward & looking at best practice in the private sector would be a start. 3388 Local school. Also, ‘out of catchment’ pupils are then driven to 2 school so increasing traffic congestion & pollution. 3389 Changing schools is traumatic so a two tier would I feel benefit 3 children. Having had 4 children, the downfall was middle school in 2 of them, Head teachers should focus on pupils not the reputation of the school. 3401 This document appears to be biased against the three tier 3 system, making it difficult to answer the above question. So our answer is ‘don’t know yet’. 3405 I feel younger children would stay younger for longer instead of 3 going to middle school and being treated as an adult. Children need to be children and the longer they are children the better, some middle school children like they’re in their late teens. Also children would feel more comfortable not moving schools every few years. 3407 Schools should tie in with key stages. Tier not All age schools would be disastrous – you can’t expect 4 year stated. olds to get on a bus to travel to the nearest school. Villages would die without their school. One change (at 11) is good for you. 3410 I think it is confusing for parts of the county to have the two tier 2 system & other parts the 3 tier system, a two tier system would bring it into line with the majority of the country. 3412 My son has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and I feel strongly 3 that children with ASD would not cope in a large school at an earlier age. Therefore I do not agree with 2 tier system. 3416 To remain as they are. 3 3418 A system whereby the pupils have to travel as short a distance 3 as possible would be best. However, timings of the school day are also important & these are not discussed in your report i.e. children starting earlier & not having such long lunch breaks (vital for teachers preparation but means children are often outside at the hottest point of the day for long periods with very little protection or in the cold for a long time). 3425 Our area has excellent schools with excellent results all pupils 3 are happy and enjoying their education. The 3 tiered system works well for us. 3428 Preferably not school age 4!! 3 Schools also need much stronger and more consistent anti- bullying work, social community building(between pupils of different ages), more outside & free play, more parent involvement (i.e. a real welcome for parents views, not discussing them as ‘meddling parents’ during LEA governors courses). Moving back to the UK & Suffolk is like moving to the

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Dark Ages in education and attitudes to children and families. 3431 Strongly believe 4-13 and 14-19 is best option, but suspect it 2 will not get much support because parents will not have read up on it. 3434 I think we should do more about bullying. 2 3436 Stop bullying. 2 3439 Don’t know. No tier stated. 3440 None of them (more money into schools). 2 3445 Middle school system is excellent. 2 3452 Children need to change school at 11 and no later. 2 3454 I think that this is a very poorly put together questionnaire. The 3 timing of this is also of concern. 3459 I went to school in Suffolk, and attended a middle school. My 3 son is just about to start middle school – I think they provide a great education, and children achieve well in a specific setting. I think it would be a huge mistake to change the current system. The upheaval to the current pupils would be a far bigger effect on results, than the perceived v long term gain of any change. Please leave well alone. 3473 Can’t comment because my children only know the system 3 which works very well for them. 3477 The current 3 tier system is a nurturing environment where all 3 of my children thrive. As a teacher I am deeply committed to the continuation of middle schools & I do not feel the consultation process has been managed fairly. 3478 This is a biased and flawed document. The KS 2+3 targets are 3 government driven and pointless. GCSEs and A levels & NVQ provision is excellent in both 2 + 3 tier school areas in Suffolk there is no need to change other than to pander to government targets & self-opinionated educationalists. This change is putting the social & educational development of our children at risk and should be resisted at all costs. 3484 The three tier system is invaluable for pupil development & 3 confidence and the cost of change would not be reflected in the benefit to the children. 3486 As with any research it is very generalised. I don’t think Suffolk 3 should be looked at as a whole. Rather than changing the system as a whole each lower performing area, in whichever system, should be taking note of how other schools/areas achieve better results. I don’t believe there is one definite right or wrong system. It would be very unfair to disrupt a system which is performing very well in a particular area just to bring every school in line. 3494 Possibly absorb year 9 in to middle schools too – at least that 3 would help make high schools smaller and easier to manage – son long as middles did not get too big. I know you will pay no attention to this and that the result of this ‘review’ is a foregone conclusion, but I feel that I have to protest at what I see as blatant bias (and misinformation) in the phrasing of this document. We certainly have no difficulty appointing and retaining good staff at our middle school. This is more than you can say for a lot of high schools. You may lose these people if you abolish middle schools.

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3495 The three tier system works extremely well although I’m sure 3 you’ll do as you please anyway. 3502 Post 16+ education to upper schools (6th form). 3 3512 Don’t change a thing! 3 3517 I believe primary schools are very important to children starting 3 in education & should be fun as they are at present whilst still learning. I think it would be a terrible shame to mix children of 4& 11, it is very important that children enjoy school & not feel pressured. Leave the schools as they are please! 3518 Leave the schools as they are – primary schools are very 3 important to the start of a child’s education I would not like my 5 year old attending school with 11 year olds. 3526 My older children got on well in 3 tier system. I want younger 3 child to have same opportunity to learn in school where staff put children first. Any changes now may affect my son’s education. Why can’t good things just be left as they are? Why waste money changing things? 3540 Our catchment is a two tier school and this is what I prefer so 2 for us personally, I don’t want it to change. Obviously I can’t speak for others in a three-tier system. 3541 Bring back grammar schools, failing this, the first option. 2 3545 I don’t believe that small village schools are always able to … 2 the wider agenda as the children get older e.g. limited friendships, same members of staff, teaching for 4 years. Children in the same room. No hall classroom used as dining area. Poor sports facilities. 3548 Key principles come before structure – 2 • Improve achievement • Accountability for each key stage • Fewer points of transfer • Seamless transfer These could be achieved by more than one structure – need to apply to the reality of the infra-structure in South Lowestoft – e.g. school sites available. 3552 The 3 tier system is the best. Don’t change it! 3 3553 The 3-tier system works for pupils. They look forward to the 3 new challenges ahead when they change schools. 3555 I think all 3 of my children benefited from 3-tier, changing 3 school at 9 gave them new challenges & ideas, without having ‘young adults’ to contend with similarly at 13/14 they were ready to be treated as ‘young adults’, acting more mature. I really believe 3-tier is excellent for personal & social development & hopefully the educational results that are the best that they are able to produce. 3557 NB Now speaking as chair of Bungay High – Waveney & Blyth 3 cluster. In our locality the existing structure is working and developing – where this is happening – change may be detrimental to progress. NB. I actually favour successful existing structures being allowed to continue to develop. 3558 Ticked this one [schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] if change is 3 absolutely necessary but 3-tier (Bungay/Beccles) works well and should be left alone.

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3570 2 or 4 are only options. 3 is a long way off. 2 3578 A system with infant & juniors on same site but in different 3 areas of the school, with a second tier for seniors on another site (infant 5-8, juniors 9-12, senior 12-18). This would especially be of benefit to village people as exposure to new children & attitudes would be at a less formative age. It would also group more appropriate ages in terms of development (i.e. educationally, socially, psychologically & physically). Transport costs would also be greatly reduced & it would be a better use of all resources. Keeping children locally would also benefit community dynamic. 3587 Don’t destroy the upper schools in favour of 6th form colleges 3 keep the current… which is best for the kids’ social development. They all do fantastically well at the upper schools & West Suffolk College just got an ‘outstanding’ from OFSTED. This is all about cost cutting not about our kids’ education!! 3588 No change - parents do not want ht sudden clash of 11 year 3 olds where (before they are ready) they face a school dominated by much older children esp. 6th formers. 3589 NB The cost, both financial, and in personal development to 3 children and teaching start, would be prohibitive. I went to school in a three tier system as it was forced to go two tier, and teachers were too distracted to teach properly, and teenage children of all abilities including ‘high ability’ at grammar schools fell through the net in droves, leaving school with little self-confidence. I think money could be far better spent bolstering teachers and children through the transition from middle to upper. I feel this very strongly. 3591 • Changing for changing’s sake would be very disruptive. 3 If an area NEEDS to change – then do it, either to primary/high or maybe to primary/middle/upper. • Concentrate on providing the sort of VIth form provision that the 16-18 year olds want and can get to • Village primary schools are party of a sustainable community – DON’T ROCK THIS VALUABLE INGREDIENT with fear of closures. Young people are hugely influenced by their peers. If the authority is able to identify geographical areas where performance is poor then it is probably due to the culture of the neighbourhood. The Communications Team should then get to work in exploring what the social aspirations of the area are & if they are poorly focused then the whole community needs to be encouraged into being more ambitious. DO NOT INVEST IN BUILDINGS DO INVEST IN PEOPLE. 3593 I would like to see a 2 tier system in my area, as I have always 3 thought it strange to have key stages over different schools. I feel they pass the buck to the next school with yrs 4 & 8 being ‘lost’. Also 2 changes of school is unnecessary, when 1 is possible. I see middle schools as pointless. 3600 Again, weighted in favour of your preferred option. This is not 3 an unbiased questionnaire. KEEP THE THREE TIER SYSTEM!

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3603 I have been happy with the 3 tier structure for my eldest 2 Tier not children (yrs 5+7). They were both ready to move on at age 9 stated. and enjoyed the initial challenge of middle school. However, my son (Yr 7) now seems to be kicking his heels. I wonder if a 2 tier structure would be stretching him more now. It would mean boosting provision for able students in the primary sector, that I believe this would be the best way of educating our children. 3605 I prefer the three tier system to the two tier system because 3 the age gap is too big and the younger pupils would experience situations they are not ready for. 3607 This is the worst bit of the form – how can I support the three 3 tier system here? You’ve said ‘Suffolk’ so should I say box 5 because I think those people in ‘Suffolk’ should all be three tier? Or do I say box 1 because I like the three tier system and don’t want it to change for my area of ‘Suffolk’ then the next bit should only be filled in if you want change. Anyway I like the three tier system because like most things it’s worked for my family, and I don’t like change for change’s sake. I would argue that children need to grow gradually and the three tier system offers this. Read page 3 Annex 4 of pupils performing – its all about the school, not the structure and I’m sure two tier folk would agree! 3610 Have ticked above- as the information you have supplied 2 indicates pupils achieve better in a 2 tier system. However I am all for ‘6th form colleges’ as they can concentrate their resources on this age group & provide more ‘mature’ approach – in my experience! 3613 Go back to the four tier system (primary, junior, middle & high 3 schools). 3615 I think bring back the 11+ & secondary moderns & grammar 3 schools. 3616 I strongly believe that we should continue with the middle 3 school system in Bury St. Edmunds our children are very happy at school and we are very happy with the education provided for them in the three tier system. 3626 If change has to happen the next preferred option would be 4 2 Comment The range of ages and needs of children between 11-18 is too great. By having a three tier system 9+ children can be nurtured and educated in an environment specifically geared to their needs. The 13+ children thrive in an environment which covers for young adults and not for children. The move to high school is anticipated with excitement as it is seen as part of the journey to adulthood. 3628 I like the 3 tier system. I like the fact that young children are 3 not mixing with much older ones as happens in 2 tier systems as I think this can have a detrimental effect on the younger students. Also having a 3 tier system means the schools, especially the primary & middle school are usually smaller, which I think is beneficial to younger students. 3630 I don’t think there is the right amount of support for after school 3 clubs and their staff.

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3632 *’Don’t Mind’ I do mind very much, but have yet to be 3 convinced of the need for ‘change’. Shortly after WWII school structures were changed. In secondary education ‘modern/central/grammar’ schools were developed. As a result many children were misplaced with subsequent negative effects on their development. Comprehensives were the next answer; now schools dedicated to specific excellences. Surely an alternative would be to harness groups of schools & further education resources & to organise them to promote education throughout – not loose affiliations based only on good will, but purpose- dedicated, collaborative & focused groups with agreed ideals & targets. This would help to avoid the disruption of mass re- locations, closure & time consuming, money wasting reorganisation. 3635 Why not consider raising the school starting age to bring us 3 into line with the rest of Europe. This would bring considerable social benefits and save costs. Perhaps children do not stay on after 16 because they have been in school from the age of 4 with a repetitive and creatively stifling curriculum. 3641 Leave the schools as they are, strengthen any weaknesses by 3 targeting resources, my own children & foster children have all benefited by the current system because of the proposals for change are driven by the need for economies to budgets and not by any need to improve standards. I believe that upper schools as they are now can only become even bigger or become split on two sites. I didn’t think this document was very even-handed with a clear bias to change to 2 tier, whatever anyone else thinks. I was a poor consultation document. 3642 The option marked provides for the correct learning tree as 2 infant/junior and then onto high where facilities available are considerably different and relevant to the age ranges specified. Our experience has been good at whitehouse (leading on to Westbourne – or in our case Stoke High.). 3644 I really like my middle school because I got to meet new 3 people and its given me lots of new opportunities, such as playing in an orchestra, competing in a sport tournament etc. 3645 Having myself been educated in a two tier system (N.E. 3 England) I have always found it surprising that pupils in a three tier system are expected to change schools shortly before commencing the crucial ‘exam years’. Adding the stress of a new environment and unfamiliar teachers to an already challenging time. 3646 Whole of Suffolk come in line to 3 tier system, both as parent 3 and teacher seen it as a great system promoting well rounded individuals who can hold heads high in our society. Don’t be pushed by government ‘blackmailing’ you to get more money!! Listen to the people of West Suffolk. Extend this to all areas of Suffolk. 3653 Make are school much better & have more fun things to do. 2 3654 With separate infant and junior schools or departments as 3 there is a great deal of difference between a four year old and

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eleven year old. 3660 How can I make any recommendations for change if we don’t 3 know what the fully impact will be on existing schools and communities, isn’t phase 2 too late? If not, at this stage it is only to find out if change is needed then why choose an option now, why be so specific? 3662 I would like to hear/see further debate before a decision is 3 finalised. There are many deep seated issues involved. 3664 Leave Suffolk education as it is. I’ve seen with my own eyes 3 this system works for both sexes and the parents/governors/friends and family I’ve spoken to strongly agree with this too. Also, being a teacher’s daughter and wife to a teacher, as well as being a mum + aunt to children in the 3 tier system now I feel strongly that this is a good method of teaching but hope you ensure upper schools are helped to encourage 6th formers to stay. 3665 I think in theory the two tier system seems the best way to go, 3 but my concern is for the students during the transitional period. I strongly disagree with a all age school, can not think of any positives at all. 3667 I think 3 tier system should continue & be extended throughout 3 the county. It works well. 3668 What will happen to village schools? Children should not have 3 to go a bus at an early age. 3675 At 9 children are generally not mentally, emotionally or 3 physically ready or confident for ‘big school’ and all it incubs. E.g. bus ride to a big school can be daunting, the familiar, protecting atmosphere of stability is lost to an impersonal regime where the child is forced to become more independent or streetwise i.e. grow up before they are ready. Independent and sound knowledge of mature rights and wrongs can be taught at the same school too! Possibly without vulnerability factor leading to anti-social behaviour… This has occurred locally to me causing a move by many parents. Behaviour such as bullying, especially on school buses and a lack of interest by the school to take action – support for children with extra need is always mentioned as a trait to middle schools, as already said a change of teachers is unnecessary + potentially disastrous all within a time when minds and bodies are developing and changing causing hormonal imbalance – A need for stability + stress reduction. A 3 tier should be replaced by a 2 tier ASAP. Research all over the country has shown that 2 tier children are way ahead in their studies and we are one of the few areas left not addressing the situation with reality as a consequence our children’s results will affect their choice of higher education and career? Please ensure that the results of your extensive + thorough research are widely known (more…) most people I have spoken to are unaware of this and have therefore voted for the status quo – this is not informed decision making. The private school system of all age has also proved itself beneficial + is interesting. This should not hopefully mean the loss of village schools but that they are taught in a familiar environment to an age/state of maturity, ready for school change.

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3676 I think the 3 tier system works well in this rural area. Village 3 primary schools are central to community life + offer a caring and nurturing environment, often in a beautiful setting. Middle schools can offer children the opportunity to gain greater confidence + independence whilst benefiting from specialist subject teaching + a wider range of resources (e.g. science labs, ADT rooms). My two older children attend Beyton Middle School and we have been very happy with the education they receive there. I am concerned that if schools are re-organised (at huge expense) thousands of pupils will have their education severely disrupted and many schools will be left in limbo for a long period of time whilst they await their fate. How will they be able to plan for the future in the meantime? Schools are much more than a mass of statistics, The schools in this area are thriving – so why destroy something that is good. Ultimately would the education children receive be any better? 3677 The middle school system has worked very well in Suffolk for 3 many years. Don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken! 3686 I believe the fewer changes of schools the better. 3 Also 9 year olds are very vulnerable when mixing with 13 year olds (they are too young. I have had experience both as a ‘dinner lady’ at a middle school and have run the local youth club for 18 months. To expect 13 year olds to adapt to another new school sometime separated from their peers who go to other schools and thrown in to do GCSE courses with different teachers, is too much and therefore the children will suffer. 3687 Although your leaflet says that nationally 2 tier schools perform 2 better, Nottingham Authority is the WORST in the country. I believe that keeping year 7s away from 10 + 11 for longer is better. How many smaller children are bullied? 3703 I believe the 3 tier system should be employed throughout the 3 country as I believe this is the best; but it needs to be done quickly & swiftly. As not knowing where we are going harms everyone especially children. 3706 This system should be adopted throughout the county. 3 It has served my own children well – with both now graduates. 3711 I was educated through three tier schooling and I would prefer 3 the same for my children. 3721 I feel the 3 tier system works very well & should not be 3 changed. 3728 My main concern would be the number of pupils in larger 3 schools – teacher to pupil ratio. 3731 I was so impressed with the current schooling system, I moved 3 my child back from the Republic of Ireland (2 tier system where her education was substandard to what is available in Suffolk). My eldest daughter excelled the current system with six A*s at G.C.S.E. & 4 As at G.C.S.E. level She gained 4 A levels and is now studying medicine at Manchester after being asked to sit the Oxbridge exams. Do not change this winning formula. Also girls especially go through so many changes between 11& 13 both emotionally and physically do not take

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away the three tier buffer schools. 3733 Stay the same. 3 3738 Smaller schools with mixed ages. 2 3741 As a mature student I studied GCSE French for 2 years and 2 got A*. I found the AS level began assuming I knew far more than the GCSE curriculum at the end of my year study I feel ill equipped with the language and unable to do A2 without repeating AS. The smooth transition should be investigated as I think there is a gap in the study plan. Again, A levels are harder and need 3 years to complete. 3742 The only change I would like to see is the resurrection of the 3 grammar school. 3747 NO CHANGE THANK YOU 3 3750 Having worked in both types of tiering system, the postive 3 impact of middle schools on child development has been so evident to me. 3752 1 is the option closest to our system of choice which would be 2 4-11, 11-16, 6th form college. 3754 SCC should keep the 2 tier system and leave the system well 3 alone. You have said it works well up until now – so why change it? Obviously money, so don’t tell me it is not…! Why was it not sent out sooner? 3756 Spend the monies available on improving facilities & teaching 3 ability. Keep class sizes below 25. 3760 Maintain & enhance current 2 & 3 tier systems in respective 3 Suffolk areas. 3762 + splitting KS2 is not a problem if there is good liaison between 3 primary + middle schools to ensure continuity of curriculum. What results are being used to judge levels of attainment? If it is purely optional SATs and KS2 SATs then they only provide a snapshot in time. The overall development of children should always come first, not whether they have achieved the best SATs results. 3763 They are already organised in a different way, in different 3 areas, so neither an unqualified yes nor no is possible. 3766 Look after the excellent schools you already have! 3 3771 Having experienced middle school myself and with a daughter 3 ¾ of the way through, we both agree that they are an excellent environment in which to develop – both socially and educationally. I cannot argue with statistics which show better achievements from a two tier system, however, I do know from experience that the middle school years were the best I had in my education (5-18 years old) and gave me excellent grounding. 3773 I strongly disagree with the concept of 2 all through schools in 3 Haverhill because of their size – lack of parental choice and the loss of home/school communication. I am also very concerned about the lack of consideration being given to faith needs (all faiths) and moral and social development of students. 3781 CLASSES SHOULD BE SMALLER!! 3 3782 As a teacher who taught 7 years in a N. Suff Middle school – 3

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the benefits are as follows: Children receive high school funding + specialist teaching at 9 instead of 13 whilst still being supported socially by form tutors who care for the children’s personal needs. I no teach yr 4’s in a 3 tier primary & I fell reassured that my class will now have specialist teaching as no primary teacher can be an expert on every subject & leaving that change till 11 may be too late for many children. Middle schools also prevent High schools being too big as, from experience, the larger the school the harder it is to keep discipline + social care. 3796 I think there should be a 3 tier system based on the ‘key 3 stages’, key stage 1 (4,5,6 years) + key stage 3, 11 years plus. 3803 I think that we should keep the three tier system but 3 amalgamate the village primary schools thus centralising the teaching a administrative costs. This would release more money into school structures & provide improved conditions for pupils, teachers & support staff. There is a cost to all the accountability that schools have to endure to County + the DfES. (It’s at the expense of our future generations). 3804 We strongly feel schools in Suffolk are good. More important to 2 get good teachers and keep discipline in any school system. 3808 Please see my comments on previous page. 2 Two tier would allow more children to attend ‘local’ high schools rather than bus them miles to the nearest school as was my experience as a child. 3819 A mixed system individualised according to area needs of a 2 two tier/all age school system. Maintaining village schools. 1. School age nursery + 4-11 2. 11-19 / All age school + sixth form (inc. nursery). 3825 Three tier is working well. 3 Why change it. (It would take money to change it, and for what?) 3827 We have not been given enough time to fill this in also there is 3 not enough information to go on, e.g. what would happen to local schools. 3828 I’m interested in a state funded Steiner-Methods school in the 2 WOODBRIDGE AREA that I’ve heard about, which will be all ages. Thanks + good luck. 3830 Consultation: 15/5/06 – 04/08/06 3 School received forms: July 06! Consultation period reduced now to 4 weeks one can only pray that any reorganisation is don’t a bit better. If forms can’t be sent out in time one doesn’t hold out much hope for a whole education system. 3831 I worry that ‘modernisation’ will be very disruptive & potential 3 improvements might not be achieved. What if the lower than average achievement in Suffolk is not due to the 3 tier schooling? 3832 3 tier system works, changes are not needed. 3 3837 I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I only 3 received this form 1 week before the school broke up for the

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holidays. 4 weeks consultation instead of 3 months! The school only received the forms on or about 3rd July!!! Hope any reorganisation will be better than this. 3839 I feel this consultation document is pretty feeble. Where is the 3 space to put the case for middle schools properly with any reasoned discussion? 3845 Village schools are extremely important in rural areas and No tier should remain at all cost, and small children not transported to stated. large schools and travelling long distances. 3847 I cannot strongly agree or disagree without further evidence 3 and statistics that we should change to a two tier system. The affect on children changing schools twice is a major concern. I would like further information regarding this. 3850 Remain the same 3 As it is now. 3853 I am strongly in favour of ‘middle schools’ I went to one myself 3 & one of the reasons we moved back to Stowmarket after living in a 2 school area was because of the middle school system. It is not so much of a jump up for the children & given the rapid growth of the population in this area we need as many schools as possible. 3857 I grew up in the 3 tier system and think it works very well in 2 encouraging self confidence. Also you can develop quicker i.e. not enough older equipment available at primary school level. But for 9-11 year olds they can progress without being held back at a younger level. 3860 I was at school in Sudbury when we changed from 2 to 3 tier 3 system. It was a huge disruption which continued until our O level year and our results were very disappointing. Personal and social development is particularly well catered for in the middle schools, and to lose all the benefits of the system for the sake of 1 GCSE grade is just madness/ 3861 By all age school I don’t mean all pupils should be on one site 3 but rather, one headteacher manages the 2 or 3 tier system, the pyramid of schools share resources/staff and a ‘one school’ ethos is adopted. This will create a whole school responsibility from 4-19. In this way, problems, identified early are the problems of the whole school, not just the tier. A shared ethos and consistency in application of behaviour & learning support across the age range are needed. 3865 Keep 3 tier 3 3866 As a parent and teacher I have seen many children, including 3 my own, blossom through the three tier system. The consultation process has, at times, seemed to have been engineered in such a way that it makes it very difficult for stake holders to express their views in a meaningful way. Suffolk schools offer children a unique learning experience and it should be protected. We are supposed to be producing healthy, happy individuals who will be able to contribute in a modern world. The test of that cannot purely be judged on examination results. 3869 The existing 3 tier system works very well on a number of 3 levels. I would go as far to say that our village would be

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decimated by the closure of our primary (4-9) school. My children have developed very well at this school thanks to small class numbers and more personal attention. All would be missing with an all out change to 2 tier system. Due to large rural areas in the county it may be that dual systems are the most appropriate way forward. 3874 For the changes, and dealing with them, that happen 3 throughout their lives, the three tier system helps them to cope with change and gives them confidence to deal with changes of school, location of schools, & teachers. Keep the system as it is. Personal and social development gained in dealing with new schools is an important life skill counterbalances any small blip in a child’s standard of education at the time of change over from primary to secondary & then on to high. 3877 I have just moved my two children from Norfolk to Suffolk and 3 both children are now in a middle school. I think the middle schools are quite a good idea and my children like it but for the majority of children there are a lot of changes to deal with and the children don’t get to know 1 individual teacher as they do in a primary school up to 11 years of age. I would like to see more support from the older children when the younger children come up to middle school. 3878 We live in a 2-tier area which suits our rural situation. I don’t 2 mind if 3-tiuer schools remain elsewhere. 3893 KEEP SAME (WHO’S GOING TO PAY FOR CHANGE? How 3 will it effect the children who will be mixed up in any ‘change’ – THEIR results will suffer!) [From other side] have flourished in a 3 tier system. Changing schools at 9 and then 13 gives them more opportunities than the 2 tier system we left. It helps them mature and encourages them to mix and make more new friends. It stops boredom setting in from same surroundings and teachers. Even if some children do leave at 16, why is that so bad? We need tradesmen as well as academics. Bury St. Edmunds 3 tier system WORKS – WHY CHANGE A GOOD THING. 3894 It would seem of utmost importance that the 14-19 age group 3 cater for those wishing to train for trade/crafts etc. 3901 General comment: 3 Never before have I come across a more biased document – the information was not equally balanced and I strongly believe the council has its direction set and the outcome of this consultation will confirm this – regardless of our opinions. 3907 Why have you not mentioned special schools – they have 2 rights too. 3912 Different options may suit different parts of the country better 3 than others – maybe what is best in a rural area would be different from that in a large town? 3913 The three-tier system fails not because of students but by the 3 level of teaching supplied, input more funds into staffing and the problems are likely to be solved. The 3 tier pyramid in which my children fall is not failing so why do others. In my industry we use the phrase ‘garbage in garbage out’, improve the quality of teaching and learning resources in primary and middle schools rather than spend millions on changing a

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system that is proven can work. Having been involved in school assessing the feasibility of changing to a 5-11 school we find it can be done but no-one can fund it, if that is the case then no changes CAN be made. 3914 Governors felt very strongly that Village schools should 3 remain, as they are a vital part of the community. 3922 I would like a 3 tier system but joining high school at the age of 2 12 to give students more of an idea before having to choose subjects for exams. 3923 My child attends St. Mary’s school which provides a good level 2 of education my youngest child will also start in September 08. The current part-time system utilised disadvantages the younger pupils in the year as they receive less hours of education in their first year at school. Their older peers receive more due to where their birthday fails. Surely the younger, less developed children require more input than the older children. This is grossly unfair and could be considered as AGE DISCRIMINATION. 3925 The selected option must be appropriate to the area, the 3 population, the community and the child. I do not put overwhelming confidence in SATs as an indication of the development of the child. Nor would I advocate change for changes sake in pursuit of ‘a modern system’. The aim of ‘value for money’ can be an attempt to find savings. We must treasure education for future generations. 3927 I would be happy with 4-11, 11-16 and sixth form centres to 3 enable greater subject selection. 3928 If you look at Private Education they usually have schools for 3 the 4-13 age range then 14-19. Suffolk needs to invest more time and energy in ensuring that the transfer process within the 4-13 age range is efficient where data is passed on and used through tracking & monitoring. Private schools do this & their results are very good. By keeping these age groups apart you are allowing for improved social development (is this why Suffolk has the lowest crime rate?) and interpersonal/intrapersonal skills. 3934 I think that it is important that my child attends a local school. It 2 is good exercise & builds community to be able to walk to school. 3937 A lot of benefits to the middle school system. 3 3939 I believe the 3 tier system in West Suffolk is great, and I would 3 like it to continue. I have children in all 3 tiers. It means each school caters for a more specific age group than a 2 tier system. 3943 I strongly support the three tier system. My son moved to 3 middle school two years ago and academically has made huge improvements. 3944 I think there are advantages to the 3-tier system but can see 3 that to perpetuate this when the rest of the country doesn’t is not helpful if people move county or for nationwide education policies. I change to a 2 tier is required I suggest we move to 4-11/11-18 it would seem strange to change to a system that is non-standard. 3945 To look at admissions for foundation stage. Intakes – 3-11 3

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schools – primary first schools extended for pre-school – less transfer issue. 3949 (contd.) could attainment in middle schools be improved if 2 change occurred in Yr. 4 not Yr 5. Will it really be practical to change the way ½ the county works? I have chosen option 1, as my children attend an outstanding school – my knowledge of the three tier system is very limited & I think it unfair to take opinions that are by their nature very unobjective. Has any consideration been given to single sex schools? As teaching esp. for boys would be better geared to individuals. 3952 I like the idea of all age schools if they were relatively small 2 (perhaps 2 choices per year) but I would need more information to have a properly informed opinion. 3953 The system has worked so far for my children – why change 3 things? 3961 What about 5-7, 7-11, 11-8? Tier not stated. 3962 Invest the money in the schools we’ve got, concentrating on 3 specialist subjects, maybe, open a centre for this purpose i.e. sports, arts etc. 3963 As a parent, I am greatly concerned at the notion of all age 3 schools. I want my child taught in a smaller, caring environment, where the ethos is specific to her age range. 3964 [Schools for ages 4-11 and 11-18] only if small village schools 3 are extended to physically accommodate larger numbers and more teachers are imploed to meet the widely differing needs of the pupils. 3966 Strongly disagree for my particular area – the all age schools + 3 schools for 4-13, 14-19 sound interesting but can’t see them working in the rural areas. 3967 As the old saying goes ‘… if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it.’ Two of 3 the schools currently attended by my children have had excellent Ofsted reports in last 9 months, with on (Nayland Primary) being described as ‘outstanding’. A move to two-tier would threaten one or both schools as mergers would inevitably results (the other school being Stoke-By-Nayland Middle). I fail to understand how such an arrangement would improve the current excellent educational opportunities being already provided by SCC for my children. 3968 I feel that education is being constantly restructured and that 3 instead time and money should not be wasted on reorganisation but instead ploughed into making existing systems work better. Change is not always better. 3 tier & 2 tier systems both have advantages and disadvantages. We can only strive to improve the weaker areas of both systems. 3971 The boxes I have ticked might appear to contradict because of 3 the way you are wording this survey. Suffolk has two systems, it seems, so you can prove exactly what you want by these statistics – I am in favour of the 3-tier system because those age-groups are more ‘sympathetic’ to each other than, for example, 11-18 year olds in one building. Remember the reasons we changed to the three tier system in the first place! They also offer

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parents more choice (which everyone regards as supremely important these days.) I don’t expect my views to have any impact on decisions, quite possibly, already taken. SICH. 3975 Choice of single sex schools would be welcome. 2 A return to grammar schools would be good. 3976 The results of pupils at each school depend more on the 3 calibre of teaching and standards of each school than which system you are in. Newmarket has very good middle schools and in this town I am not convinced that losing them would not be detrimental to the standards achieved. If anything the effort should be put into investigating how the upper school can further improve on this particularly by better behaviour control in lessons. I don’t think that 2 tier schools are necessarily better it depends on the school. I do think 6th form provision in Newmarket is important. 3977 Federations of schools where time + resources are given to 3 allow teachers to liaise properly with other schools/agencies or with each other. 3979 Time + resources given to allow good liaison between staff in 3 schools/between schools/between schools & support agencies. 3981 I have 3 children who have been/are going through middle 3 school, I have found yr 7 + 8 for both my elder boys to be of very poor quality – numerous supply teachers, lack of motivation, no homework in Yr 8, lack of control of classes, poor behaviour, not encouraging or giving increasing responsibility – compared to friends who have kids in 2 tier system – obviously difficulties in yr 7 when they move but they are well rounded & motivated by yr 8 – please either get rid of 3 tier system or encourage pupils’ motivation + teaching for yr 7+8. 3982 I was brought up in the 3 tier system and I felt it benefited me. 3 3983 If things are not broken, don’t try and fix them! Channel money 3 into improving the present systems (old buildings, better teacher training. 3968 Keeping schooling in one building for all ages would produce 3 unity and stability for pupils and teachers and would also be easier for teachers to back-reference any problem areas for individual pupils. 3989 The three-tier system suits the small more rural communities 3 and allows children to manage change in a more gradual way. 3992 All-through schools where possible, mixed with 4-13/14-19 as 3 appropriate. 3995 In our area of Suffolk I believe that the current 3 tier school 3 system suits the needs and requirements of all who live in the locale. Village primary schools should be kept as they are to minimise the travel and length of day for our younger children. 4002 4-11, 11-13 and 14-19+ 3 or 4-8, 9-13, 14-19 2. above? 4003 I do feel that the 3 tier system is best and that Ipswich area 3 should change over. 4004 ADDITIONAL COMMENT: All age schools sound attractive on 3 the surface but conflict at 14-19, which is easier to deliver when there are more pupils of this age in an institution I also

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think younger children benefit from smaller schools. 4006 Standard of classrooms. 3 Allocate cash for learning, competitive sport. Return to basics. 4007 Why don’t we just improve the good system we already have & 3 just make the change from primary to middle school a bit easier for children. 4008 -keep the schools + sixth form for those who want to continue 2 their academic studies and the technical colleges for those learning a trade. 4010 This is a totally unfair questionnaire which is biased towards a 2 two tier system. We are residents in a two tier area, but moved our children at year 5 into the three tier system as they were more than ready at the age of 9 to move from a small village school with few facilities to a larger, well equipped middle school. Mixing with older children at this stage is important in their development. The 3 tier system is a good system that has worked well in Suffolk for many years. Why change it? 4011 Surely children going to a different school at the age of 13 are 3 too set in their ways of doing things and therefore it must make lives very difficult for teachers to try and teach there in the way of achieving high exam grades, I strongly believe in the 2 tier system. 4016 Primary (4-11) and Secondary (11-18) schools are fine as long 3 as they aren’t too big and impersonal. A child could be overwhelmed by a huge school. I went to small Roman Catholic schools & a Grammar school for girls sixth form. In fact small single sex secondary schools would be ideal – a two-tier system would work really well. 4017 Smaller communities can provide greater & better quality 3 support & integration for our children at a rate of development suited to them with more empathy and understanding. Extended schools & other services are far more effective in ‘manageable’ numbers. 4022 No specific age group. 3 Just to keep up with modern world. 4025 The middle school approach was bound to fail unless adopted 3 nationally with a specifically trained staff rather than the mish- mash of secondary teachers with a leavening of primary trained staff who rarely had any leadership role. 4029 Spend resources finding out what is best practice from 3 developed nations. Don’t be afraid of radical change if its proven to work. 4032 The current system works well. It would be very damaging to 3 children in the system if it is changed. Improve provision for non-academic students at 14+. 4034 I have chosen to work in the 3 tier system as I feel that it is the No tier most effective at caring for the children. Discussion with stated. children has shown they appreciate the stable caring environment of a middle school. They feel it helps them develop in a positive manner without the doubtful influence of some older students. They do not want to see a change. 4040 I wish politicians and educationalists would stop mucking 3

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about with our children’s education. The current system works well and it would be too disruptive to the children in the system to change. It will only put more people off sending their children to school in Haverhill. Just changing a system will not necessarily deliver better results – social-economic factors have a lot of bearing on children’s success. There needs to be greater opportunities for non-academic students. 4041 Keep the 3 tier system in use. 3 4043 My husband attended the ‘Sudbury Road Show’ and from the 3 information he gained we would like the money directed to both systems. We have two children within the three-tier system and would NOT like it to change. 4047 The three-tier system leads to too many changes for pupils. At 3 GCSE pupils only have two terms before they choose options. Pupils can take up to a year to settle a new school. 4048 The three tier system works well. My children are all very 3 happy in this system and they would not like it to change. 4049 We have wonderful teachers in our area, how many would we 3 lose if you changed the system. Put the money into the current school system and not waste it changing buildings and bussing small children from one village to another! 4054 Or maintain present structure. 3 4057 Why is there no option for ‘Keep things the way they are’ i.e. I 3 work with a colleague with children in 2 tier school (Ipswich) – she wants to keep that just as much as we wish to keep our 3 tier school. [Strongly disagree to schools organised] However, this is a loaded comment. All schools could, presumably, benefit from some organisational change without the major change implied by certain of the options i.e. 3 tiers to 2 tiers and vice versa. Why can you not put a ‘business plan’ together to access funds to improve the existing, split, systems? Having been to the Sudbury Upper [recent] meeting? 4059 I think Suffolk schools should look at options where the 3 tier 3 schools are governed by a central body – there by keeping the local sites but having access to other specialised facilities, by having one governing body the transfer between schools would be less disturbing. 4070 None because that would be unfair to people that have already 3 got used to two tier. 4071 All the children in my schools are happy but feel more mature 3 in two-tier schools. 4082 4-11, 11-16, 16-18. 3 Because of mobility of population the fewer changes the betters & 4-11 & 11-18 or 4-11, 11-16 + 16+ would fit in with most of the rest of the country. However, where the middle schools are working well why change them, particularly if they are important to the local community? Sax is a very deprived area and Sax Middle goes a very long way to meet the needs of the children & community, however, it would make a good 11-16. Suffolk seems to be doing a good job why mess about with it? Concentrate on making poor schools better whatever the organisation.

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4083 Need to create more choice after 16 – i.e. 6th form colleges, or 3 specialised colleges in order to encourage students to continue education/training, as currently the choice in this area is limited. 4088 After my husband, daughter and I discussed your pamphlet on 2 education, we then became so interested in the subject we combined forces to complete the questionnaire. We can be contacted on [Telephone number] if you want more information. 4089 I currently live in a three tier system and would strongly 3 advocate NO change in mid Suffolk & would urge S.C.C. to consider expanding/extending this to other areas in Suffolk. When I was 12 I moved to Suffolk & attended Needham Market Middle school which I thought was a brilliant stepping stone. My opinion has not changed having had two daughters attend Combs Middle + a third daughter hoping to attend in the next year. The middle school has provided them with the opportunity to explore & develop without being swarmed by a huge school & population. 4090 Since moving to Suffolk and putting my children through the 3 three tier system, I have become convinced that it is a better system. This form is heavily weighted against 3-tier systems and gives v. little space on which to comment, but introducing children to foundation subjects earlier as does the 3 tier system has been of such importance to my children. 4092 If village schools cannot be retained for the option selected I 3 would NOT be in favour of any other alteration to the current system. 4098 I feel a lot of the small village/church schools would not offer 3 enough curriculum/facilities for children up to 11 years. e.g. daughter taken clarinet, attends many sports clubs after school all from age 9 (at Ixworth Middle). 4099 CTD a smaller age range where they will have social 3 interaction with children of a similar age. There is a huge difference between a 4 year old and an 11 year old, and I’m not sure if I’m keen on the influence an 11 year old might have on very young children. I have also heard that these changes are being considered because it will better suit the lower achieving children. I don’t yet know where my children will fit on this spectrum, but I feel strongly that higher achievers should not be compromised to suit the lower achievers. Give the lower achievers the more focused attention they require without bringing the whole standard down to meet them. 4102 With three children progressing through a 3 tier system, I feel 3 strongly that the current educational set-up provides for each pupil’s personal development. As a teacher, I am aware of the problems in teaching a National Curriculum within a middle and high school, but I believe that the personal development of pupils within the three stages is excellent, and without this personal development, effective learning is much more difficult to achieve. 4103 We have three children going through Suffolk schools two of 3 whom attend Beccles Middle.

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This is an excellent school with fantastic staff which provides a superb environment for our children to learn and grow. They see children through an important developmental stage in a safe and supportive way getting to know them well. In a high school with 1600+ pupils they would not receive, in my view, such a high quality of teaching or pastoral care. 4104 I feel that better liaison between schools and a more coherent 3 approach within pyramids would help prevent the ‘dip’ that occurs & when children change schools. I also think smaller schools and a smaller age range of children within these schools would help to achieve the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda. 4108 The three tier system allows for better development of 11-13 3 year olds without the immense pressure of older children and undue influences. Progression through the 3-tier system is rewarding and I personally think the children are better achievers. 4112 The money that would have to be spent changing to a two tier 3 system could be better used now to better the education the present children are getting and the future children. 4121 System. Unless there is strong family support & know how 3 they will struggle a lot so affecting self-esteem & the knock on effects this has. Also there is very little out let for non- academic pupils. I.e. sport, practical subjects that lead to vocational skills training i.e. apprenticeships. We are desperately short of skilled people in this county & have too many young people with fashionable degrees of little use who are let down when their expectations are not met. 4122 Having been taught for 19 years, and teaching for some 30 2 years in the 2-tier system, I thought I could well be biased in favour of that system. However, in the past two months I have discussed this review at some considerable length with youngster involved in both 2 & 3-tier backgrounds. Their opinions and comments have only confirmed my original views leaning to the 2-tier system. They, as I, believe the 3-tier system is unwieldy, too frequently changing in direction, where children of the age of 9 are not ready, either mentally or physically, to move at that time. They felt that system to be disruptive and, to some, positively frightening at a time in their lives when they needed extensive measuring support from teachers who they knew well and trusted. They also felt that they, personally were far more confident and competent to tackle secondary education, particularly in so far as their personal aspirations and interests had developed during the 2 years under review between 1 & 2 tiers. They considered the years, moving on at 11 years, gave them more time to adjust to the later years, i.e. 15-18, and to gain more satisfaction from their personal input into school life and their adult life. 4128 We no longer want to see empty buildings in a state of ruin + 3 crammed housing developments! Come on! Please let’s look at the good in what we have already + spend the money improving resources at existing schools,

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maintaining properties, re-training staff and increasing staff + parent morale. Fewer clipboards + less paperwork. School improvement plans. Don’t include children’s confidence & development – only material things. 4129 I feel that the children are not ready at 9 years old for change. 3 They are not mature enough to cope with the demands of a middle school set up. I have however heard so many positive things about Bacton Middle that I am not as concerned about my children transferring there. But I would prefer them to be at primary school with year 6 so they are old enough to cope with change and the demanding curriculum. In Leceistershire they used to have a middle school system but the children went to it at Y7 – Y9. This is still in operation but from Y6. I had a very positive experience of this as a child and with this system it would fit in with the key stages. Moving to a new school at the right time is crucial. 4137 Keep 3 tier system as it is. 3 4142 It is good that years 5 & 6 currently enjoy all the benefits of 3 secondary education. Most primary schools cannot provide for the needs of pupils in years 5 & 6. I think it would be bad for them to hold them back in primary school. 4143 An alternative to the above would be 6th forms colleges. 2 4144 Schools for ages 4-13 could be good if they could be kept 3 small i.e. 400 max. Any change in Suffolk would be far too costly and impractical. If children are underachieving, send more specialist teachers to middle schools and raise expectations. 4146 Our children achieved better results in smaller 3-tier schools 3 where they were well known + made to feel special my grandchildren head at St. James Middle B S E needs a special mention – children’s SATs results exceeded all targets by far. Go + experience the ethos + discipline there. Come on councillors – visit our schools – lots of good things are happening – our grandchildren are doing well – have you looked at the results of SATs in relation to working parents + those still in good marriages! 4148 I think the current mix of 2-tier and 3-tier schools should be 3 maintained. 4157 Why change a system if it works? I have taught in the 3 tier 3 system and my children are currently in the 3 tier system. It is fine as it is. Please continue to invest in the current system. 4172 Keep 3 tier system 3 4178 No I love the three tier system. Please leave it alone, my 3 village school was fantastic, my middle school, small, caring + personal and my upper school high achieving but lacking in investment. Please invest in the current system rather than spending vast sums on consultation which appears one-sided anyway. 4179 More critical in decision making is class & school size – do not 2 make them unwieldy. No head/teacher can look after persons he has no relationship with – this is absolutely critical. 4180 I feel a change in the holidays would be a good idea. I feel that 3 the children would benefit from more regular breaks, perhaps 6 weeks at school and then two weeks off, and in light of a

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particular hot summer – why do we still insist on our children going outside at the very hottest time of the day? 4182 Pupil achievement needs to be balanced against personal and 2 social development – the lack of any non-academic activities, regardless of individual pupils’ underlying academic ability, is a cause for concern. Even the academically gifted need ‘time off’.

Please note the enclosed comments are based solely on our experience of one local primary school. 4186 Will my child leave primary school to go to middle to have to 3 then return to primary later, before going straight to upper? Will I have to buy an expensive set of uniform. I’ll struggle to afford for Beyton Middle for a single year before having to buy larger primary uniform, then Thurston Upper uniform the year after? WHO PAYS THE PRICE both emotionally and financially? 4190 Prefer two-tier system, would probably be better if countwide 2 had one system, would like more choice for 16-plus. 4191 I am opposed to changing the current 3 tier system as this 3 would be very disruptive to my children’s education. My children are currently at Lavenham P.S. and Stoke by Nayland Middle, these are both excellent schools providing first class education and excellent academic results. 4192 Would not want to see change in our two-tier system. Village 2 primary schools are important. 4196 Primary 4-9 3 Middle 9-13 High 13-18

4209 I was educated in Essex under the two tier system and feel 3 that only having to change schools once was an advantage over the Suffolk three tier system. 4210 This system is working for my children, it doesn’t need to be 3 changed. 4214 Within the 4-13 tier I believe the early years bracket (4-8) Tier not should be very much based around exploration, investigation & stated. developing children’s interests & motivation. It should not be expected to run to a timetable of school assemblies, P.E. etc. long periods of time allow children to become deeply involved in their learning, opportunities to continue self-initiated projects. Not about reaching schemes & SAT results. A play based, child centred curriculum is what young children need, this can only happen if there is a high ratio of skilled, highly trained, early years professionals, moving it into a profession which will attract male & females, currently the status & pay is v. poor. 4215 I feel middle schools are a vital part of a child’s education. 3 They break children in to a more grown up world. Mixing with older children, too soon, will have no benefit. 4217 As a couple, we were both educated in Suffolk, 1 of us through 3 a 2 tier system + 1 of us through a 3 tier system – we are both advocates of ‘our own’ system! 4220 My children all agree they prefer the 3 tier system as they were 3 becoming bored before moving on. The move from a very

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small primary (35 pupils) to middle school was a challenge. My son took a while to settle in, I think mainly because he did not have a friendship group to move up with (the 2 other boys from the primary school went elsewhere). The move to the high school was much easier for him. I see the advantages of middle school system as: teachers geared to the needs of their age group; the stimulation of a new school for the bolshy age – 14, 15. 4221 Currently, using the information I have gathered within the 3 original consultation period, I favour maintaining the current schools but amalgamating them ‘vertically’ into all-through establishments, minimising ‘changeover blues’ for the young people, maintaining staff career opportunities and as a better use of resources. Apart from other considerations, I cannot convince myself that the money will be available for a blue skies approach. I think a far sighted plan would fully envisage phased improvements to facilities and resources within the verticals to utilise the financial support that is on offer. 4222 A three-tier school will enable schools to focus on the ages 2 they are educating. 4223 I live in a 2 tier area + have opted at yr 5 to enter the 3 tier 2 system (out of catchment). My child has thrived on it and I am counting on my 2nd child to do the same in 2007. They have both attended a small village school which up to the age of 7 was very good but they could/can not compete with the facilities and social development of a larger middle school. 4224 Schools 4-11 and 11-16 3 Sixth form or college from 16 onwards. 4226 4-11, 11-16, 16-19 3 In effect pupils already choose post-16 some choosing sixth form college, others to stay on at school, others to go to FE and for too many not doing anything because they do not know about the choices on offer and think it’s school or nothing. 4227 Whatever is decided please consider size of school, journeys 3 require + improve what is there rather than cause upheaval for a generation of kids driving vital years. SATs results are not the only measure of progress – personal & emotional development will stand a child in good shape for their future & I believe (as I have seen thro’ my 3 children , 4th is still in school) the middle school years provide this in the way they nurture e.g. music, drama development. 4230 Retain 3-tier system. It works WHY CHANGE. 3 4233 Each area to have some autonomy so good schools can be 3 kept as they are, less good ones changed for the better. 4238 I feel that a three-tier system is best because it allows scope 3 for personal development as each child meets and adapts to a new network of colleagues at each school change. This gives the child important life skills and also provides opportunities which may be denied if they are stuck with the same group throughout their school life. 4239 We do not think Suffolk should be closing any middle schools. 3 to lose the benefits of our present 3 tier system would be detrimental to the education of our 9-13 year olds. Moving to a 2-tier system will not bring improvements – it will

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only satisfy the government in more cost-cutting measures at the expense of our superb Bacton middle school, & the Tax payer i.e. You! & Me! 4245 Like all communications of this type – the design of questions 2 leaves a lot to be desired. A complex question answer cannot be express in a few ticks. 4246 Any system preferable other than three-tier (too many 3 changes/ difficult get quality teaching). 4252 Why change a system which seems to work so well? 3 4255 • Pupils are ready to move at 11 years old. 2 • Primaries do not have specialist equipment/rooms (science) or specialist teachers to teach at an appropriate level for year 7 up. • As a parent and grandparent of children at school in Ipswich I would NOT want to see them have to change schools more than once – it is too stressful for the child. As a teacher and HoY in charge of primary liaison at Orwell High school I understand the need to change due to a falling roll but also recognise the effect on behaviour large class sizes make, so ideally would prefer to keep the system we currently have. For all parents to play a part in full consultation this needs full page spread advertisement in local newspapers. 4258 If managed carefully the three tier system would be successful 3 in Suffolk. This means smaller schools where each child can be given the best education, care for and feel a valued member of their school community. Once this has been established pupils will do well in their exams. 4259 I have disagreed because I don’t understand or can’t see how 3 this will benefit the children. 4262 Attended school with years in Scotland. Older children had too No tier much influence on the younger kids. Very inappropriate stated. behaviour developed in the younger years. 4264 I am going through the 3 tier school at the moment and moving 3 up to the high school. I feel ready and prepared to move but at the end of year 6 I wouldn’t. Why should we change something that works well. And I don’t believe that we should change because it would cause havoc and a lot of money to make the high school and primary schools bigger. It’s a lot of money just for some new houses. You don’t care about our education at all, you just care about your lives at the moment. 4267 The council must ensure that the education of those children 3 who will be affect by the changes during the transition period, is not compromised. 4272 Have not received this leaflet as provided in our area 3 (Halesworth). Had to pick one up from education office. Do not feel the consultation will be fair if many areas have not had opportunity to reply!! 4273 The costs of any change of structure are likely to outweigh the 3 benefits. 4277 I’m undecided – currently don’t like that my 9 year old (who is 3 naïve and young) is with 13 year olds but am not sure I like very impressionable 11 year olds with 15 & 16 year olds.

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Also the education at the upper school in Mildenhall has not been impressive to me (& others since many of my friends send their children to Bury) so what would happen if 11-18 year olds attend? Do you then lose the better education your children would have received at Riverside over the next 2 years? (11-13 year olds). 4278 KEEP AS IT IS! 3 4279 I can’t answer these two questions as I do not know the 3 consequences of change – you have not give any details of what change could mean to individual schools/areas. I need more details i.e. ‘will my local school close or extend if there is change’ ‘when would change happen + how will it happen’ ‘what happens to teachers if their school closes?’ P.S. There is actually very little room to put a point across on this form & the questions are poor. 4285 Please see attached letter. 3 4286 It would cost vast amounts of money to change the middle 3 school system which I think would be a total waste. I am unsure of the ‘results’ implied by this leaflet as middle schools in my area are performing above the national average with only a slight dip in key stage 3 (upper schools). Money should be put to improving this not changing whole system. We moved to Suffolk 6 years ago with 3 sons and were impressed with the schools here – particularly the choice of upper schools. This leaflet fails to point out that many schools in the 2 tier system i.e. 4-11, 11-18 do not in fact go up to age 18 as was the case in our area in London (Richmond-Upon- Thames). Most pupils in our London area did not perform as well as they might in a smaller school environment. Here in Suffolk, with the upper school system pupils have the choice to leave at 16 and go to sixth form college or stay on at school which is good. Please do not waste government money on unnecessary changes! 4288 Please keep 3 tier but investigate thoroughly the integration of 2/3 pupils into Newmarket college and other upper schools. Also encourage upper schools to focus on all ability groups not just the lower & middle ability. Actively encourage high achievers to aim for excellence too instead of allowing them to coast through with average grades. 4290 Currently SEN is poorly provided for across the county – all 2 age schools + social school attracted would almost certainly meet a greater number of students needs. Such a system would provide greater flexibility & I believe, meet parents’ needs better. Further. It would probably be more efficient & cost effective. 4291 I don’t have enough information to answer these questions. 3 Change is disruptive (always – and no matter how well it is planned). This change should only be contemplated if the new system is going to give a step improvement in the education of our children – the disruption of change is not worth it for only a possible marginal improvement. I have not seen the conclusive evidence (yet) which convinces me that a change would be worthwhile – but I look forward to reading the comprehensive

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paper on the topic which has to produce that conclusive evidence to justify change. 4297 If you mix younger children with older ones they pick up more 3 bad language, sexual behaviour and anti-social behaviour. Having a 2 tier system will increase the sizes of the schools we have which makes behaviour & control difficult. We all know that a small crowd is easier to control than a larger one & people become anonymous. 4319 My own feeling, knowing children + families from both two-tier 3 & three-tier systems is that children from three-tier system are happier & have better personal and social development with better attitudes, values and personal qualities - & this is our main priority – not getting more A* grades. 4322 4-11, 11-16, 16-18. 2 4329 Improve the third tier where more progress is needed. 3 4337 [all age schools] no way!! Big mistake!! 3 4339 All age schools sound absolutely awful. 3 4346 I grew up with a 3 tier system in Worcestershire my middle 3 school years were the happiest of my school career. I feel they allowed me to blossom and mature and instilled me with a confidence to cope with the pressures of high school. I went on to be a high achiever at GCSE & A level and obtained a 2.1 degree in law at Oxford. 4347 I very strongly feel that the three tier system works extremely 3 well for children. Local schools provide close to home education in environments that are no overwhelming. I do not like the idea of an 11 year old turning up at their only change of school in their life to be 1 of 2000 pupils with the vast majority being older, up to 7 years older. Very traumatic and overwhelming. 4349 Gipping Valley project. 3 4351 That the 3 tier system continues to positively focus on 3 maturing the child, building confidence before 13 years & GCSEs; and that more resources are put into High schools to maintain standard 13-18 years. 4354 Although teachers argue for two tier systems, I feel that the 2 wider range of teachers and their subjects children are exposed to, the better, their overall education and the more able they are to deal with the world they will meet when they eventually leave full time education be it at 16 or 19. So I think a three tier system, far from disrupting a child’s education, enhances it. 4362 As above but an assumption that 4-11 year old schools clearly 3 segment ages 4-7/7-11 as infants & juniors. Likewise that 11- 18 schools segment their younger and older pupils (e.g. lower and upper). This will go a long way to overcoming parental concerns about younger children mixing with far older children (which is on of the overriding objections for moving from a 3 tier to a 2 tier system). 4364 If the change to a two tier system can be done without 3 disrupting a generation of school children then it should be. My concern is that it will be initially very expensive – and will have to be if we get the correct resources, and that in the next few weeks children in those schools that will be closed or change

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roles will suffer significantly. 4367 I am concerned, from my own experience, that children ‘switch 2 off’ after the move to senior school at 11. The 11-13 age is so important as it determines success at 16. If it would help 11- 13’s to stay in the stable environment of their primary school for longer I would support it –however the change at 11 seems to confer status and ‘pre-adulthood’ for some children which is perhaps equally important to stability. It would be good to have access to more research of the 4-13/14-19 option. 4369 [Schools for ages 4-8, 9-13 and 13-18] This is how the schools 3 are arranged and this is the system of schooling I went through and I feel I have benefited from it being this way. Mainly socially. It gave me time to grow up and find myself. 4383 Mix of systems dependant on local area – parents/community 3 to decide – current 3 tier system works very well in the Bungay pyramid but might not be suitable for more urban areas and larger towns. Middle school provides very good bridge socially, educationally and logistically between primary & high school in rural areas. 4385 I think the middle part of Suffolk should change to the 3 tier 2 system. I live in a 2-tier area but have chosen a middle school, better sports, science and technology. Also maths and English are streamed. 4387 [Do you think Suffolk should change the way schools are 3 organised?] * LOADED QUESTION – the 3-tier system here works the statistics quoted (findings) may be flawed and are clearly liased. * From a social + behavioural viewpoint children may take advantage of others (younger) and the age ranges are wide the 3 tier system alleviates this issue. 4389 My children are being educated in a three-tier system and 3 have & are receiving a well rounded education of a high standard, which is delivered in a safe and caring environment. The high standard of education is reflected in Ofsted reports, SAT & exam results especially in the core subjects. I am concerned for children caught up in any change & adverse effect it may have on their education. Why change a system that is working in this area. Invest in their future ensuring that the high standards are maintained. 4393 I would opt for option 1, however, the huge sizes of some 2 secondary schools are detrimental to a proportion of pupils, as a parent they are intimidating! 4394 COMMENTS: 3 I have taught in 11+ secondary schools & I much prefer the middle school system. Many children of all abilities find the huge leap from tiny primary school to huge comprehensive quite traumatic & middle schools offer a more gradual change. I have friends who moved to Dorset & found that leaving primary school at 9 greatly benefited their very able younger children whilst their 13 year old with special needs blossomed at upper school having completely failed to cope with his age 11 transfer in another county. Another friend on the Dorset – Hampshire border has on child in a Hampshire junior school &

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another in a Dorset middle, purely because the different systems suit each of her very able children. The real reason that Suffolk want to scrap middle schools is just to ‘fit in’ with the timing of National Curriculum tests, SATs & results are not the only indicator of a successful child, school or system & they are certainly not the most important. 4396 The current system does not correspond to the key stage 3 testing system. Transfer in the middle of the key stage can affect the results in the test, because of the trauma of change. If the new 2 tier system is to be adopted, standards that are high and consistent need to be enforced. 4399 We have lived in 2 other areas of the country and have been 3 more happy with the Suffolk system. The middle schools are excellent for the social development of young people building confidence prior to upper school. 4400 Please see enclosed letter. 3 All schools to change to three tier (2). 4404 We have now decided to remove our children from the school 2 system altogether, and to home educate instead! 4407 I would like my schools to stay the same because small 3 schools are nice to make friends and older children sometimes are rough and noisy. All the teachers know us and help. All schools should be primary and middle and upper. Please don’t change my school. 4409 Our children are very much enjoying the middle school system. 3 4416 Keep the status quo. Why change for change’s sake! 3 4422 I am undecided about what changes should be made as I only 3 have a child in primary school + have not experienced the 3 tier system fully yet, but I definitely do not agree with options 3&4. 4427 Leave the organisation & use money to update buildings, 3 reduce class sizes & resources. 4439 I have lived in 2-tier & 3-tier regions of Suffolk, have children in 2 2-tier system and nephews in 3-tier. I experienced both while I was at school (in 70s). All this experience has always led me to believe the 2 tier with fewer changes is better for the pupils. That said, with good, committed teachers and sufficient funds, the number of tiers would be a secondary issue. 4440 However, I would like to see much more available in the areas 3 of music & performing arts – the ideal would be a system where children & young people can, past 13, build up a personal programme of learning accessing resources from 1 or more places, as necessary. ------…cont. from overleaf to a ‘good start’ in life, and that it would not be available in a bigger & non-vocal school. The impact on villages of the loss of village schools must also be a consideration. 2. I would be concerned about size/travel time & cost/lack of sustainable relationships if children are obliged to attend larger, more distant schools. 3. I think that a three tier system is of especial benefit to girls – a transition at the point of puberty is not helpful – as I can well recall!

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4. Small schools can be restrictive for over 9s – limited outlook etc, & transition at 9 is preferable – i.e. not later. 4443 Leave Beccles Middle alone! 3 4444 I realise this is late but was only sent home from school on the 3 last week of term (w/e 21st July). 4449 I think each pyramid should be looked on as individuals seeing 3 what they’ve achieved. What works in big towns such as Ipswich & Bury St. Edmunds & Lowestoft may not work in Beccles, Halesworth or Stowmarket for example. 4453 Please do not change the three tier system. We are fortunate 3 to have wonderful happy high achieving schools in Bury St. Edmunds. Do not meddle with our children’s opportunity of a first class education. Let them have nurturing primary & challenging middle & upper schools giving them time to mature at each age & stage of their very important lives. 4457 As the Head of an 11-16 school, I am concerned this is not 3 even listed as an option: In my view there is much to commend 11-16 schools + sixth form centres. Its omission as an option reinforces the fact that 11-16, RURAL schools are marginalised in Suffolk. 4465 I think it would be disruptive for pupils to change schools more 2 than once. The change at age 11 is one that my children felt ready for – but it was a major change. The above notwithstanding, the 4-13 and 14-19 idea is an interesting one. 14 seems to be a crucial age & change might be advantageous? *Not sure about the picture countywide. 4469 I would not like to have 4 year olds in the same school as 11 No tier year olds, the same as 11 years mixing with 16/18 year olds. stated. Children can grow up too fast already, and don’t always gain by mixing with older students. 4478 Stay how it is, primary children need to be in a smaller 3 environment not big schools, and keep village schools. 4482 I am reluctant to support any change which, in my area, 3 encourages underperforming sixth forms in high schools where I believe the problem lies, not within the middle schools. Therefore on balance I favour the maintenance of the status quo and a strong review of the effectiveness and implementation of the 14-16/19 curriculum to ensure that the widest possible opportunities are made available to all. 4483 Give schools time to see effectiveness of improved liaison. 3 Why waste money on surveys & more buildings – improve what we’ve got. 4487 Please retain as now – far more suitable for a rural area. 3 This sheet torn from WDC full council agenda. 4489 Please see attached letter. 2 4492 Would like Saxmundham to have schools for ages 4-11 and 3 11-18 rather than children having to travel to Leiston. 4493 ALL children should be encouraged to stay on at school until 2 they are 18 and there must be enough spaces available for this to happen. 4496 There is a maxim – ‘Don’t fix unless it is broken’ should hold No tier true with an additional proviso – modify it with definitive, stated.

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proven improvements for ‘every child matters’. For 20 years in Suffolk, I have never been consulted, informed or made to feel a part of the ‘whole story’ about education for our children – our future, our country’s future! Lack of provision of information and consultation with communities makes it difficult to provide an input in light of information. Doing it in absence of information is like ‘a blind leading a partially uncertain agency’ which does not add up to much! This points strongly to a much needed, better consultation with all communities!!! 4499 Condensed KS3 – middle schools 3 Post KS3 – Upper schools with more emphasis on vocational options. 4500 Condensed KS3 – middle schools 3 Post KS3 – Upper schools with more emphasis on vocational options as well as GCSEs. 4502 Keep the 3 tier system. It introduces children to school life in a 3 more manageable way. Not so daunting – much friendlier, less bullying. I attended a 2-tier system – all my 4 children have/are attending the 3 tier. They are much happier than I ever was. Their attitude to school is good – and I’m happy that my children are in an environment that makes them feel safe and happy, and it’s reflected in their work and general attitude. PLEASE KEEP OUR 3 TIER SYSTEM!!! 4507 I like the 3 tier system. I think children are children for a little 3 longer than if they are mixing with 16-17 year olds. 4510 Stay 3 tier system as and put money that would have spent on 3 change into workshops, training progs, new SATs literature for children taking KS2 SATS plus gifted + talented programme (to get grades raised). Middle schools are great buffers for the kids before going on to upper schools. Please don’t take them away. What will happen in the interim + while debating. The children who go to these schools will + are already suffering with teachers + heads leaving – don’t take their education away from them. 4513 Suffolk should not change. 3 4514 If achievement is the main purpose then the money spent 2 reorganising/building should be spent supporting underachieving pupils/schools with additional help and improving good schools. There is more to a child’s education than statistics and certificates. More should be spent and achieved giving 14+ students worthwhile courses and options, not just GCSE/A level route, which would benefit the county as well as improving life for disaffected youngsters. Improve/increase provision for children/young people with special needs. 4516 As parent of R & Y1 children I feel that their educational future 3 will be damaged by the transition process from 3 to a 2 tier system. 4520 This makes any move from one area of the country to another 3 easier transition for child. 4524 I think the schools should remain as they are. The current age 3 groupings are excellent for children’s social development.

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Younger children cannot be easily influenced or bullied by older children. Learning to manage change is an important life skill. The structure of our schools has a big impact on society as a whole, as we have such a low crime rate in BSE – surely this shows that schools are doing a good job to educate our young people and help them to make good choices about their behaviour. 4526 11 is a good changing point and seems to provide better 2 results than 3 tier. 4529 Please see attached letter dated 12 August, 2006. 3 4532 I don’t think Suffolk should change its school the current 3 system works brilliantly. 4537 I feel the current system is fine although the option of 4-13 and 2 14-19 may help more learners achieve but may have an impact on 13 year olds still being with 4 year olds! 4538 However, support would have to be given to the smaller 3 ‘primary’ schools re provision of science (labs etc.) and languages which children currently benefit from from the age of 9 at ‘middle schools’. 4539 If all age schools are not possible, would support option 1. 3 Please note detailed views attached. 4540 I feel strongly that village schools should not be closed. Close 3 links between parents and schools are very important for primary-age children and bussing does not facilitate this. If a two-tier system is adopted countywide would benefits outweigh the upheaval of change? I doubt it, especially if existence of very small schools is threatened in the process. 4545 Parents and local communities should be allowed a say in 2 what happens in their area but this should not result in a diversion of resources from one area to another. Resourcing is tight enough without unnecessary change causing further problems. 4546 4-8, 9-16, 16-18. I would like to see more 6th form colleges in 3 Suffolk. This I feel would be able to offer a far greater number of course to suit 16-18 year olds. Less time spent travelling between schools as in the current set up in Lowestoft. 4571 I moved here from London and I feel my children are happier 3 and more settled in smaller schools where there is more community involvement. 4577 Theme 2 – Reduce the distance children have to travel to 3 school – will you be re-defining catchments? 4593 Plus equity of access to reception class, i.e. same age across 3 all areas. Some have one intake (sept) some have two (e.g. sept and Christmas) some have three (sept, Christmas, Jan). 4595 I would say ‘All age schools’ because I believe it would foster a No tier sense of responsibility and community between the age stated. ranges – however how can we do this with the buildings we have now? – Can’t see how it can be done with value-for- money in mind. SO prefer less disruption i.e. two tier over three tier 4-11, 11- 18. 4597 County should look at having one system in place rather than 3 all the different ones that are there at present.

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The three tier system allows the children to develop socially and morally before being exposed to the ‘temptations’ of the high school. A secure beginning is their period of adolescence. 4601 Ages 9-14. SATS to be undertaken in middle schools to allow 2 greater choice in upper schools with particular status or strengths. 4611 I don’t feel this consultation document allowed any room to 3 express own views on why one or other system is preferred for my child. (I feel it sounds as if the decision has already been made!) 4614 I find it very hard to understand why Suffolk is not consistent 3 as a county. This is my major worry! As a parent in the 3 tier system, I fully support it, believing that it offers more options & choice. Also it cushions the blow of going to a large secondary school. There are opportunities available that my daughter would not have experienced in primary school, such as music rooms and drama studio. I want all of my children to be supported by a school system that shares with parents not excludes them. 4621 Would like to see more middle schools. Unfortunately Suffolk 2 wants to get rid of these because it costs more money than a two tier system. We want children to be children for longer without the pressures of high school at 11! 4622 Please keep middle schools! It seems to be an excellent way 3 to organise children’s learning – in a well resourced environment with an individual approach to each child. Bigger schools mean less attention for the individuals and their education will suffer. The disruption to the children in the system at the moment must also be considered. 4625 These were the majority views of the council. Most were 2 unanimous. 4628 Having come from a two tier school system I am impressed by 3 the three tier schools. I feel there are better opportunities e.g. music + foreign languages are taught at 9 years. I am surprised by research which shared children at 3 tier do not perform as well. Also from a child’s point of view, middle school is not as intimidating as a high where they were mixing with 16 year olds. 4630 The three tier system provides a broad and balanced 3 education. Pupils in the rural areas attend local primary schools and gain access to specialist teaching at middle school. Re-organisation may result in the closure of village schools thus reducing the quality of rural life. 4634 Developing personalised learning. 2 4643 I think that getting rid of middle schools would be a huge and 3 costly mistake. At 11 pupils are still very young and the 9-13 middle school system (3 tier) gives pupils of that age the closer knit community they deserve plus year 7+8 are given much more responsibility in a middle school (as the elder ones) than they would be at a high school. Any difference in results or achievement is probably down to staff at both secondary + primary schools or the child’s basic inherited ability. I can list hundreds of pupils who went through the middle school system

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and gained A grades at GCSE and A Level, middle schools are an advantage to Suffolk, I speak as a teacher, parent & ex middle school pupil myself. 4644 Three tier system needs to be strengthened through closer 3 working relationships between the tiers. Any other solution could not be justified on a value-for-money basis and would be massively disruptive and costly. 4648 I have liked the three tier schooling for my children but can see 3 the benefits of only changing once. However I feel 11-18 is too big an age group. Education achievements may suffer from … schools frequently but confidence and social skills are enhanced. 4649 Be helped to improve. The [area] middles prove how good it 3 can be. Any changes would be prohibitively expensive. How are you going to build large school sights? By green land? Mixing 4 year olds with 18 year olds? No thanks. As long as there is good contact between the 3 tier schools the changes come at ages which are good from an education point of view. The schools are smaller and more intimate. Younger ones are not influences by those much older. My child has flourished under this system and my younger one looks set to do the same – he is the one who will suffer terribly if you agree to change the system. 4651 I strongly support the 3 tier system. In my opinion it has been a 3 major factor in pupils achieving a good basis of knowledge in particular by the introduction to specialist teachers at middle school. The manner in which this so called study/consultation has been handled together with the leakage of information has been very poorly handled. It would appear that the hidden agenda to do away with middle schools is a foregone conclusion. This is such a shame as they have so many advantages. The underperforming of schools (2 and 3 tier) is more down to the area (deprivation etc) than down to the tier system. 4653 NONE. 3 tier system to stay as it is. 3 4654 The option I wish to tich is not given please see (1) below. 2 Please see (2) below. (1) I wish [High school name] to stay as 2 tier but I feel that if communities have a successful 3 tier system they should be allowed to keep it, or if they wish, change any above workable system. (2) I do not feel that Suffolk as a whole needs to change. Please see attached letter. 4655 Comments Change from a 3 tier to 2 tier system in Bradford 3 highlighted 1) poorer results at key stage 3 2) children grew up faster as they mixed with much older children & took on older children’s habits 3) younger children experienced ‘culture shock’ being introduced into a huger environment. On a positive note, teachers have become more specialised in

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their teaching area. In the 3 tier system, entry policy at 4 years should be reviewed. Improved nursery education can mean children are ready earlier than term rising 5 years to start reception class. Interestingly many people feel that the change to the 2 tier system will proceed anyway regardless of this review – hence perhaps the low response rate. 4657 All ages on same site (campus) but in separate schools where 2 possible – allows pupils & staff exchange & sharing of facilities e.g. sport security. Large high schools – lower/middle/upper as Northgate allowing pupils to interact with peer group & have some identity. 4658 The students are keen to know more about 0-19 schools and 2 how they work & did not entirely dismiss this option. 4659 Stop concentrating on money, and think what is best for 3 children, society and local communities. DO NOT change from three tier system. Other progressive countries (e.g. Australia) are changing to a 3 tier system. 4665 The disruption caused and the subsequent damage done to 2 people’s trust and belief in education would not be offset against improvements. Suffolk is a diverse county. One system is not necessarily the best for every area. Each area should be considered separately. One blanket decision must not demand that good and successful schools must close or be reorganised. Would a reorganisation necessarily result in better schools? Suffolk should look to the future and build on its existing strengths to produce socially well balanced and academically rounded young people. 4667 WE DO NOT WANT CHANGE. 3 4671 I would not like to see any change in the way the system is 3 organised. 4675 If it ain’t broke why mend it? 3 Broad, balanced areas of learning – better in 3 tier system. 4676 I live in an area well served by the three-tier system. Perhaps 3 some visits to the local schools would show you that a major reorganisation isn’t necessary? 4677 (*continued from previous page) groups during the holidays in 3 this area. The nearest being Holton on a part-time limited basis. This government stresses & encourages mothers to work but there is a marine scramble for childcare during school holidays & working hours. Childminders have limited spaces. Please more childcare provision linked to school during holidays & working hours i.e. After school clubs – its needed at affordable prices & for mothers who work. Many local authorities have this provision linked to schools where is ours? It is Needed Now.* 4678 Instead of ploughing money into changing school tier systems, 3 more should be done to concentrate on improving the schools that exist already to make sure they are educating our children correctly. They should treat children with respect and not as another statistic for a target. 4679 Listen more to what the children have to say as this affects 3

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them more than anyone else. They are little people of the future and what they think counts. 4684 Clearly there is an opportunity for Suffolk to get a slice of the 2 large cake the government has. The most important aspect of the review should be pupil achievement and if it can be demonstrated robustly that change will improve achievement then SCC should consider reorganisation. 4692 Any loss of achievement by GCSE (and possibly key stage 2 3 and key stage 3) could, I feel sure, be remedied by: Improved liaison and flexibility between schools in the pyramid More and better differentiation and access to external initiatives Better means of providing the most appropriate education for children with special needs and behavioural problems.

Advantages in retaining middle schools include: Easier transfer between primary and middle and middle and upper due to size of schools and size/age of pupils. Children in rural areas often come from small schools and small communities

Children in years 5 and 6 experience a wider range of curriculum subjects than those in most primary schools with year 5 and 6 classes.

Should avoid very long bus journeys for young children

More suited to dealing with the personal development of children in years 7 and 8

More opportunities for children to experience being in the top year of a school

On a more general note, this seems the wrong time to be involving schools, teachers and most importantly children and young people in a major upheaval, which must initially at least be very costly, when so much of education for the future is under discussion, e.g. review of SATs, 14-19 education and e- learning. 4700 * Continued. 3 Offers children more opportunity in the key years served by middle schools rather than being at primary & secondary schools. This has certainly been the case with my own 3 children who have benefited from the excellent 3 tier system. 4701 (continued from previous page) will mean that many parents 3 will fail to take action either way. I moved from a 2 tier system 5 years ago and my children have greatly benefited from the additional curriculum that they would not have experienced for another 2 years had they remained in the 2 tier system. 4702 I feel very strongly 4-11/11-18 offers the best set up. Change 3 @ 13 is disruptive at a bad time. I am disappointed we moved into a 3-tier area and would consider moving away just to avoid the change at 13. 4708 Schools should be kept exactly as they are – money & 3

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resources should be aimed at improving pupil achievement within the schools, rather than building new ones or moving pupils around. We currently live in a 3-tier system. If a 2-tier system were implemented, this would involved either • expanding our village school to take yrs 5 & 6 which would result in these children having vastly reduced facilities & opportunities then they currently get at their excellent middle school. or • sending all children 4-11 to a bigger primary school, which would result in losing our wonderfully small primary school which has small class sizes + provides an excellent start to our children’s education. Either of these outcomes is HIGHLY UNDESIRABLE. 4711 While pupil achievement is important, so is personal and social 3 development which is best delivered through a 3-tier system. 4712 There are many positive aspects to the 3 tier system. 3 However, for it to be more successful, I’d like to see y5/6 of middles being taught in a primary style. There obviously are dips in attainment at points of transfer but I have seen no evidence to convince me that students in years 11 & 13 fair any worse students & if anything they seem most confident + independent compared to 2 tier colleagues (here I speak as a parent). 4719 Please do not take down the existing system. 3 4721 Please do not change the system, three schools system is 3 working very well. Why change it? Please make the other schools come and look at how [Middle school] is run and take that blueprint back to their schools to implement. My children would have missed out on so much if they were still at primary school. Why waste the money? Make the other schools as good as [middle school name] and you won’t have a problem. 4724 I would prefer to retain 3 tier system but if we have to change I 3 would prefer to change to 2 tier 4-11/11-18. I would be very strongly opposed to going to all age schools. 4725 I feel strongly that we should keep the 3 tier system in place. 3