Hindu Temple of Lubbock TX

Class 24 July 23 , 2017 The Bhakti Movement

• ……….continued from last class….. • Nirguna- focuses on knowledge (Gyanashrayi) • It is the ancient form of hindusim, Brahman, the three God heads • Saguna- focuses on Love (Premashrayi) • People worship forms such as , , and other incarnations of the supreme Gods • Alvar Saints • Nayanar Saints • Ramanuja • Ramananda • Kabir • Nanak • Chaitanya Maha Prabhu • Vallabhacharya • Mirabai • Raidas (Ravidas) Alvar Saints

• They were 12 total. All of them were devotees • Tamil Poet saints • 6th and 9th Centuries • They are strictly associated with Lord Vishnu Nayanars

• 63 Saints, strictly devotees of Lord only • Between 5th and 10th centuries • Tamil Saints • Alvars (12) and Nayanars (63) together are called the 75 apostles of Bhakti Movement • They also started Vaishnavism and Shaivism

• Ramanuja was from the South but carried the message of his Guru to North. He taught in the common language of the local people • Ramananda was the first saint of North India. He preached in hindi. He had 12 disciples. Kabir was one among them but he later became a separate saint

• Kabir – was unique. His views were very different. He was very practical in approach and deep phiolosophy . He is famous for “two line poems”, couplets or “doha”. Kabirdas dohas are very popular even now !!

• Nanak- founded Sikhism to unite Hindu and Islam • Chaitanya Maha Prabhu- One of the greatest devotees of Lord Krishna . He was from West Bengal. He popularized the Krishna Love story and created a different form of dance for Lord Krishna

• Chaitanya’s greatest follower was Srila Prabhpada (Founder of ISKCON), the Hare Krishna movement, all over the world • Vallabhacharya- was from , Telugu. He was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He composed many songs on Krishna. His was the concept of Atma and paramatma (soul and supreme soul)

• Vallabacharya had 8 disciples, known as “Ashtachhap”. Surdas was considered as the greatest of all 8. He was a blind poet, singer saint and devotee of lord Krishna

• Raidas or Ravidas- was a great disciple of Ramananda. Nirguna concept


• …….Greatest of all devotees of Krishna. A total rebel of her times (This is a homework for all. Read about her and we will discuss in class on Sunday 08/06/17)

Rishi Kashyap

• Whose son was he? • He is one of the Saptarishis (Seven Sages)- true or False • Why is he very important of all? • Kashyap married two sisters Vinita and Kadru. Both were daughters of Prajapati • These two sisters were jealous of each other • offered them boons

• Kadru wanted to give birth to 1000 snakes. She started the race of serpents

chose to have two sons who would be superior in strength and will control Kadru’s children • Vinata laid two eggs. She gave the eggs to her maids and protected them day and night.

• 500 years passed. The eggs did not hatch. She grew impatient because Kadru already got her 1000 snake children • She broke one of the egg. It was not fully developed. Only the upper half was formed. The child got angry and cursed the mother

• “You almost killed me. You will become a slave for the rest of your life. If you wait patiently for another 500 years, my brother will be fully developed and he will liberate you from the curse” • Vinata and Kadru, once enterd into an argument

• “what was the color of the divine horse Ucchaishravas ?” • Vinata said it was totally white. Kadru said it was white all over except the tail which was black. • The argument turned into a “bet”

• Both of them decided ---- “If you are right, I shall become your slave. If I am right, you must become my slave instead." • Vinata was confident that she would win

• Kadru knew that the horse was fully white, including the tail. So she thought of a plan. • She called her sons and said “Go forth and entangle around his tail and give it a black appearance. I must win this bet” • Even thought the snakes did not want to be a part of this, they did so to please their mother

• The blackest of them, entangled the horse’s tail. When the two sisters arrived, they saw that the horse was white with a totally black tail !! • As per the deal, Vinata became the slave of Kadru

• she started serving Kadru and also her 1000 sons. • Years passed. At the right time, the second egg hatched. Vinata’s son emerged. He was radiant like the Sun and full of strength

• The Gods saw this bright light and became blind suddenly

asked - who is this second fire? Looks like the world will end now • Agni replied- He is , the son of Kashyap and Vinata. He has been created to be the King of all birds. • As per his mother’s wish he will be superior to all living creatures in the world • The demi-Gods started praising and singing his glory and asked him to reduce his brightness • Garuda reduced his brightness 1000 fold. Everybody could see him now

• Because of his mother, Garuda also became a slave of Kadru and her sons

• ………to continue next class…..