Objection from

The Barge Inn Honeystreet Community Action Group Reference

The Barge Inn,

Honeystreet, , , SN9 5PS.

The Barge Inn

This report was compiled as a result of a public meeting held on the 7th November 2017, at the Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes. This report was also publicly advertised on the Community Action Group page on Facebook, from the 15th November 2017. Members in favour of this report have agreed to have their names included with this report. The Barge Inn Community Action Group 22/11/2017 To Mr Horton, Senior Planning Officer. Ref: Planning Application:17/09659/FUL &17/10361/LBC. The Barge Inn, Honeystreet, Pewsey, Wilts SN9 5PS. 1 With reference to the above Planning Applications, it is requested that the above applications are refused. The comments below outline the reasons why. 1. Conversion Of Incomplete Barn To Habitable Space. The current freeholder bought the property in Feb this year from the previous freeholder owner, who owned it for a few years & had previously submitted the planning application for the new barn in 2010. The barn adjoining the pub was approved in 2010, however, it wasn’t entirely built correctly to the approved drawings externally & only partially completed internally, the function room on the ground floor being the main area that was completely finished. For information purposes the barn was listed as an Asset of Community Value in July 2017 & the hand painted mural ceiling in the old pool room in the pub was also recently been included in the listing with Historic . It is stated in the Design & Access Statement submitted in 2010 that the multi-function room “will support current operations & provide additional revenue opportunities…The multi-function space has been designed to be as adaptable as possible, with the area capable of being divided into smaller units as required. Revenue can be generated from the hire of the space (s), organise events & from the food & drink sales in the pub generated from these activities” The function room was fully completed, not as shown on the original approved drawings or as shown on the submitted existing drawings. It was positioned as one ‘long’ room facing the present gated parking area, where the proposed 2beds/bathroom are shown, on the ground floor. An exhibition of paintings was held there by the previous freeholder on 15/10/2015. Also, in summer of 2016 the function room was used as an ‘office’ for the collecting of camp-site rents, by the previous freeholder. The current freeholder also allowed an exhibition of Crop Circles this August 2017, therefore the function room has in effect been ‘established’. Video / photographic dated evidence is available of these two exhibitions. The approved 2010 drawings showed that the scheme was to have included a disabled toilet on the ground floor for the use of clients from the public house as well as the function room. This facility is still an important requirement of any public concern & therefore should be still be incorporated into the scheme. Also, on the submitted proposed drawings on the 1st floor, there is an area that has no designation as to its use. This area did, at one point form part of the pub drinking/dining area, but the opening was closed up last year before being sold. The current submission appears to have been re-designed to be more of an ‘individual dwelling’, than an area to be associated with the pub providing possible revenue from the B&B & function/meeting rooms. In the Design & Access statement of 2010 it stated that “The provision of 2 bedrooms will provide opportunities for either B&B accommodation or good quality staff accommodation, given that the pub is in an isolated rural area with high staffing levels”. The current submission shows an increase to 3 bedrooms, within the barn area, with associated accommodation. This is not necessary as there is plenty of accommodation over the pub at 1st floor level, to provide staff accommodation: 4 double bedrooms, with associated rooms: office, bathroom etc. There are also 3 potential bedrooms within the top floor roof space after admittedly, a lot of refurbishment.


2. Subtle Re-Routing of Byway to Canal The submitted dwrg no: PC-6945-07, shows & states “the approximate location of generally accepted path of byway”. This byway has been in existence since the pub was built & has served the pub & canal community extremely well over all these years. It is on the ‘Rights of Way’ web- site numbered Alto 19, & has the classification of being able to take cars/horse drawn carriages. The proposal is to ‘subtly’ re-locate it to a new position alongside the eastern timber fenced boundary line, see photograph below. The new proposal appears to be of adequate width, however, where it joins the towpath on the canal, it appears to not allow enough space for a ‘turning space’ for cars, to be able to unload any goods for the canal boat users. Disabled access also needs to be considered.

View of Eastern Boundary

There are no ‘passing areas’ either so any cars would have to reverse back down, which obviously is not acceptable. The new location would also reduce the number of parking spaces on site for the pub – see below ref car parking. It would be helpful if dimensions could be put on the drawings indicating widths especially at the tow path end. No indication of surface treatment has been indicated either, so disabled access could be difficult. The new ‘entry’ point, off the current road to this new location might also reduce visibility. Consideration also needs to be given to delivery vehicles & tourism coaches turning up, and importantly emergency vehicles. This re- routing also reduces the grassed area, used for external eating/drinking which is very popular, & might also potentially reduce revenue for the pub. The owner states that “the byway space is used as a public space when it’s in his ownership.” Previous freeholders/ owners/tenants over the past 25 years or so have never had a problem with this, as they recognised that the byway is for the community & used by the community, especially the boating community. They also recognised that the byway was/is integral to the life of the boating community, acting as a lifeline to enable them to work whilst living aboard their boats. They would sometimes have to leave their cars in the carpark, during the day/or overnight, but they would always support the pub with their very regular attendance after work for a pint or 3. This situation was agreeable to all of the pub’s previous freeholders/owners/tenants. The byway has been in existence for approximately 700 years, originally a ‘drove road’ , in its current location & there used be a ‘floating bridge’ across the canal. With reference to the remark about camper vans staying for more than a day, yes, people have stayed overnight – but also with the current owners’ permission.

3 View of grassed area to front of pub

3. Car Parking Parking in general. Parking has always been an issue with this pub, due to its popularity especially in the summer months. For information purposes, the campsite that has been running for at least 25yrs & has been closed by the new owners this summer of 2017 has caused a lot of upset, not only locally but to others who live further afield. However, it is understood there will be a planning application submitted in due course for a change of use. What worked very well in the past, when the pub & campsite were both open, was that in very busy times, like on a Saturday night with music in the pub, people were able to utilise the campsite as an overflow car park, if the car park was full. In the spring of 2016 the previous freeholder decided to erect new timber fences as shown in the photographs. This created a ‘gated area’ between the campsite & the main car parking area. Originally the pubs clientele was able to park in the main pub carpark & also where this ‘gated’ area now exists. The submitted drawings do not show the positions of these two fences & gates. In 2016 this area was not generally allowed to be used by the pubs clientele, therefore reducing the amount of parking available for the pub. This did cause problems in the busy summer months, especially on Saturday nights when people could not park, therefore some left, so losing revenue for the pub. Also in the spring/summer of 2016 the previous freeholder decided to separate the running of the campsite from the tenanted pub & run the campsite himself, for a season. The current situation, regarding this gated area, is that the pubs clientele is generally not allowed to park in this area, & the gate is generally closed all the time, so not allowing access to the public. However, there have been odd ‘occasions' on a Saturday night, when patrons have been allowed to park there.

View from entrance

View of entrance to Barge & car park

4 Entrance area

On the application form it states that the existing number of parking spaces is 20 & the proposed number is also 20, & it is felt that they have not been adequately indicated on the plans where the existing & proposed are. The photos show that the existing parking is on either side of the ‘assumed’ current byway location. Therefore, the location of the new byway, could possibly reduce the number of parking considerably, for the pub’s clientele. Last year new planting areas were incorporated, around the barn, however, although pleasant this in effect reduced the number of spaces again, therefore also reducing potential revenue.

View of ‘gated’ area

Covered car ports. Drawing no PC-694-05 shows a new covered structure for 5 parking spaces. This in itself is not a bad idea, however, it does not state whether is for public use or private use. Also, the roof seems rather high for a car port & it is unclear whether there is a ‘loft’ area over these carports or not. There is also indicated a ‘roof light’ on the car port section which is not shown on the elevations. It is stated in the application form that there will be 10 equivalent full & part time staff, it is not indicated clearly where staff parking is located, or how much has been allocated. No consideration has also been given for parking for the barn’s function room & associated activities.


4. Covered Gazebo To Rear Of Pub. This in principle is agreeable, however, it was stated in previous approvals that any ‘permanent structure’ must not be located in front of the stone built pub. Again, it’s not been stated whether this is for private use or public use, as there is no indication on the submitted information.

Rear View

5. Trees. It states that there are to be no trees removed, however, there are 2 in the front garden, both walnut trees. It is possible that they will remain, however, they are not indicated on the drawing.

6. Fencing to Tow path. On drawing no PC-694-06 indicates new ‘post & rail’ fencing, (timber or steel?) located along the proposed new byway location & also along the towpath ‘boundary’ to the pub, & appears to continue down the slope to the campsite. It is not clearly indicated where this fence ends. It should be noted that an area in front of the ‘gable end’ of the pub, is possibly owned by the Canal & River Trust, therefore the new fence might possibly be on their land. The rear door from the pub is also a Fire Escape route & access should not be impeded, which this new fence possibly would do. This new fence might also not be in keeping with a Grade II listed building. On the previous photograph of the rear of the pub, it can be seen that there is a yellow coloured ‘Defibrillator’ box fixed to the rear wall of the pub. This was purchased by the local community for health & safety issues for the local towpath users. The monies were raised by local fund-raising, & by the pub. This new line of fencing might block access in an emergency, which is obviously not acceptable. Also, there appears to be no ‘gate’ indicated in this particular line of fence along the towpath, so how are people supposed to enter the pub from the towpath?

6 View of towpath looking eastwards

7. Other Items In the submitted Design & Access statement, ref paragraph 3.0, it states “The rebuilt barn is an integral part of the overall plan for the community to secure the future of the pub. It would be used to generate additional revenue in the low season when the pub’s income drops off dramatically through, the likes of activity courses, craft workshops & art & literary events. These are not mass attendance functions & will not cause any parking problems” Also “The replacement barn was to have activities that were to be ancillary to the inn. The barn has never been finished & has sat half built for approximately 3yrs”. Whilst it is partly true about being unfinished, the function room area was finished & had a tiled floor & plaster/paint on the walls, with a metal finish to the ceiling. Therefore, the use of this ‘function area’ has been technically established. Events would have been organised more by the community, however, as the previous freeholder resided in another county he was not always available. The function room has not really had a chance to be used along with the B&B bedrooms. Also, the fact that disabled toilets has not been addressed in the current application is concerning, & a solution must be found. With reference to Core Policy 49 : Protection of rural services & community facilities ‘Proposals involving the loss of a community service or facility will only be supported where it can be demonstrated that the site/building is no longer economically viable for an alternative use. Preference will be given to retaining the existing use, then for an alternative community use’. It is felt that the above policy should be considered, even though it has been stated by the owners that the barn remains ancillary to the pub. The function room has good revenue potential if marketed well, & made available to the local community, as was originally intended.

The Barge has been a traditional country pub, with the menu reflecting local tastes, & has been successful over the years. Also, the closing of the campsite will obviously impact greatly on the revenue, which as is well known is integral to the profit margin of the pub, as in the winter months, custom is very low. It has been also noted that upon taking over the pub, the new owners decided to reduce the number of seats & tables in the pub. This is concerning as with the numbers of covers being reduced for diners, then revenue may be lowered.

7 It is also stated in the Design & Access statement that …..”the car park is inadequate & insecure. The clientele of the Barge are often unable to park”…the relocating of the byway will not make the car park any less vulnerable to break-ins/damage & also possibly make parking worse.

Conclusion It is felt that this application is not acceptable as the alterations to the byway will cause needless upset to an already ‘working layout’ that has been in existence for many, many years & possibly reduce parking. The new access to the towpath & canal will be restricted for the canal boating community, who rely on good access to be able to unload any heavy items. This is the only place for five miles. The proposed layout of the barn resembles a ‘single family dwelling’ even though they have stated that it will still “remain ancillary to the main building”. It has not really necessary to alter the barn layout as the function room could remain where it is & be accessed from a external door only, for ease of access & the 2 bedrooms could remain on the first floor. The barn was originally built to be associated with the pub & both are as such an asset to the community & should remain so.

Addendum 20/11/17 Further to the submitted reports from Consultees In the recently submitted detailed & thorough report from the Conservation Officer, amongst other things, it is stated that “it is unlikely that that a large structure would have been given permission solely to house the licensee, given that there are substantial living apartments within the historic building itself.” And, “The loss of this substantial building as a public facility & in support of the viability of the public house use is regrettable” The barn was built to provide community facilities which would create additional revenue for the pub. The current proposed scheme for the barn has currently no areas creating revenue for the pub. The use of the barn for a family of 2 or 3 people, with 2 lounges in the barn, makes the whole scheme completely under developed, considering the potential of the available square meterage of the barn. Further to Statement by Applicant 17/11/17 It is reassuring that the applicant wishes to include an exhibition area, & it is recommended that an area be allocated perhaps within the barn itself, with ground floor access (for disabled people), of suitable size & perhaps in consultation with the Planning Department. This then would be available for the community to use for functions, exhibitions, & perhaps sessions of for example, yoga, or anything else that is requested by the community. Parking is of extreme importance, & consideration must be given to the amount required for not only the patrons of the pub, but for the full / part - time staff, owners, & also parking for when bands turn up to play. More importantly the expected ‘hundreds’ of people for the exhibitions, will obviously require parking. The present ‘gated’ area, generally not used, could perhaps be more available. If, as stated, this is all to happen, then parking will be of utmost importance to accommodate the public, therefore the relocation of the byway, may reduce this parking.

8 At the end of the day everyone wants The Barge Inn to be successful for many years to come. However, it is felt that revenue creating ventures would help enormously for this to happen, & local people would obviously support these ventures & non-local when able to.

Names and addresses, boat names or email addresses of members who support this objection

Louise webb 26a shaftesbury road, southsea, hants. Po5 3jr Sharyn Jarvis. C/o post office, North Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire, Sn9 5et Colin Wicks. C/o post office, North Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire,Sn9 5et Karen Arnold. Saddlestones, Beechingstoke, Pewsey, sn9 6hq Keith Coomber. Saddlestones, Beechingstoke, Pewsey sn9 6hq Kait Lee. 1 church walk, Stanton St Bernard, sn8 4ll Catherine Genever. 1 Limberstone, Beechingstoke, Pewsey, sn96hh Emma Keyworth. 19, almond avenue, Heighington, Lincoln, ln4 1jw Phil Brady. Bromsgrove farm, Pewsey, Wiltshire sn9 5le Catherine Bramwell. 9 Colston Road, , SN10 2BL Sarah Crean. Manor farm house, stanton st Bernard, Wiltshire sn8 4lp Paul Putman. Nb rannah melody, the old builders wharf, Honeystreet, SN9 5PS Nicky Moore. 15 burwood close, Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire sp47qll Lesley Long. 35a, the cresent, pewsey, Wiltshire Sn9 5dr Steve Mcculloch. 35a, the cresent, pewsey, Wiltshire Sn9 dr Louise Smith. C/o post office, North Street Pewsey Wiltshire Sn9 5et Jane East. C/o post office North Street Pewsey Wiltshire Sn9 5et 9 Graham Gardener. 3 Clarence house Clarence Street Dartmouth devon tq6 9np Roxanne Daniels 17 rectory close alton Barnes pewsey. Wiltshire sn8 4le Chloe Daniels 17 rectory close alton Barnes pewsey Wiltshire sn84le Laurence Handyside c/o 17 rectory close alton Barnes pewsey sn8 4le Bethan Englefield. little owl Netheravon sp4 9pj Peter Dequidt, c/o 14 tower Road Melksham Wiltshire. Sn12 7jg Sharon Daniels. 45 Willenhall Road. Bilston wv14 6nw Phil Comley. 74 broardleas park Devizes Wiltshire sn10 5jg Nicholas Cox, 106 Hightown gardens Ringwood bh24 3ej Starr Norcliffe 21 high street Potterne Devizes Wiltshire Miles Podesta. 21 high street Potterne Wiltshire Kirsty Price 3 chapel bungalows west Overton Wiltshire sn8 4ex Steve Grist 3 chapel bungalows West overton Wiltshire sn8 4ex Michelle Bryant 6 Gould close Ludgershall Andover sp11 9tw Amber Nicolle 14 keel close Winterslow sp5 1bf Julian Boyd. 14 millins close wells Somerset ba5 2ex Ben Pope 10 parkfields Devizes sn10 2eb Adam Pope 10 parkfields Devizes sn10 2eb J m D'Oyly-John 17 rectory close alton Barnes pewsey sn8 4le Adrienne Davis 6 Manor road Worthing West Sussex. Bn11 3rt Emma Whitcombe. Nb owls church cottage church Road Northampton ip22 2lp Michael Walsh 154 elgar road reading rg2 0bn Christopher Hawkeye houlihan 42 firnbank Road. Charminster Dorset bh9 1el Samantha Allen 42 Firnbank Road Charminster Dorset bh9 1el Mark house 65 Berryfield park Melksham sn12 6ee Belinda House 65 berryfield park Melksham sn12 6ee Chessette Morris c/o rectory close Alton Barnes pewsey sn8 4le Paul Turner 1 church view. Etchilhampton Devizes sn10 3jl Mandie Fielder 19 Edgars close Steeple Langford. Sp3 4ne Karen Gaw 90 Northumberland Road harrow middlesex ha27 7re Holly king nb Heather c/o post office North Street Pewsey Wiltshire Sn9 5et Debbie Woodstock nb zena c/o the bungalow Hollybush lane Pewsey sn9 5bb Lee Woodstock nb zena c/o the bungalow Hollybush Lane Pewsey sn9 5bb Neil Lewis. Nb pips orchard

10 John parker nb moontan 16 Hungerford Road east Grafton Barney giplin 57 the mount paulner Ringwood bh24 1xy Toby Duckett 29 the new severalls Milton Lilbourne pewsey sn9 5ll Natasha Rooney 1 the green. Snailwell Newmarket. Suffolk. Cb8 7lt Paul Human. 1 the green Snailwell Newmarket Suffolk cb8 7lt Ben Dobson 1 the green Snailwell Newmarket Suffolk cb8 7lt Mel Hayworth. 32 Bulkington. Nr Devizes. Sn10 1sl Sylvia Melis 7 staple close Walsham lewillows Suffolk ip31 3db Julia Nuttall 161 randalls croft road Wilton Salisbury Wiltshire sp2 0ez Sara Jeal c/p 18a the hollows Wilton Salisbury. Sp2 0jp Sidney Camps the grange farm Abington Cambridge cb21 6bw Karen rosier 46 Brynheulog Rhayader Powys ld6 5eg Steve wild 528 Wortley road Kimberworth Rotherham south Yorkshire s61 1jj Leslie martin 10 coronation road Wroughton Swindon Cathy francis 8 Goodwood court. Dennys close Selsey west Sussex po20 0rx Steve Benson. 3 Upperchase Road. Malvern Worcestershire wr14 2bt Karen Benson 3 Upperchase Road Malvern Worcestershire wr14 2bt Sarah Huggins c/o Post Restante, Pewsey Post Office SN9 5ET Julian Huggins c/o 1 Pikesfield Colston, Westbury BA13 4P Agathe Capponi 11 rue de la division Leclerc 67000 Strasbourg France Anne Wahl 35, rue de Champagne 86000 Poitiers France Armelle Goulet 43 rue Georges Méliès. 31130 BALMA France Bernard Melie 2 rue de Longchamp 69100 VILLEURBANNE France Christine HUGUET 44 Boulevard Michel ZUNINO 83130 LA GARDE France Christine Tétréault 312 rue Françoise-Loranger Lévis Canada Claudine Gauthier 31 chemin des alizés . 97419 La Possession La réunion Cosima Escofier 210 Chemin Brown J0BIL0 Compton QU Canada Daniel Jaffrelo Grande rue 30840 Meynes France Danielle Giraud Horizon 360 Bt E .652 rue des mouettes. 83700 SAINT RAPHAËL France Danielle Guyomar 107 rue Orléanaise 45730 St Benoit sur Loire France Esther Tuzza 36, rue des Moutonnées 38120 - Saint Egrève France Faustine Escofier 210 chemin Brown J0BIL0 Compton QU Canada Henriette Besse La durance, Rue de la Mairie 04700 LURS France 11 Julie Abbadie 3 rue du Temple 94470 BOISSY-SAINT-LEGER France Linda Michelin 16 avenue de sianes 40 000 Mont de Marsan France Lionel Hugel 19 Rue Ampère 77100 Meaux France Marc Capponi 23 rue Sévigné 24100 BERGERAC France Marie-Noëlle Lopez 196 rue des Cordiers 71000 MACON France Martine Genre 44, rue de la République - Bat B 93230 Romainville France Monique Melie 2 rue de Longchamp 69100 VILLEURBANNE France Nicole Escofier 210 chemin Brown J0BIL0 Compton QU Canada Pascale Moons 46 esplanade L-9227 Diekirch Luxembourg Patricia Thevenin 8, Chaussée de Sellières 10100 Romilly-sur-Seine France Philippe Weber 13 rue Saint Joseph 47700Casteljaloux France Pierre Louvat 354 chemin du sous bois 73190 Challes les eaux France Sandrine Gaziano 37 rue de Versailles 92410 Ville d'Avray France Thibault Pougeoise 16 avenue de sianes 40 000 Mont de Marsan France

Véronique Auffret 33, chemin du fonds des Vaugirard 78160 MARLY LE ROI France Véronique Lilia 292 Lot. Doré - Route de Redoute 97200 Fort-De-France Martinique Andy grant 9 eskway rise park, romford, rm1 4ya Bee ballantyne 22compton street, chelmsford cm1 3gp Anne sunderland 41 chalford walk, woodford, ig8 8pj Juliette slater 22tynant caerphilly, cf83 2kn Mark davies rosella, bucknell shropshire, sy7 0as Kieth mcgowan 7 thompson close, haughley, ip14 3px Lyndsey kindred 8 pound lane, sutton, cambridgeshire cb2 2pr Ben sharp 31a upminster road hornchurch, essex, rm11 3ux Rachel wedding 31a upminster road, hornchurch essex, rm11 3ux Karen taylor 38 quartly drive, bishops hull, taunton, somerset, ta1 5bf Peter phillips nb: brockall Erica pownell nb:mickle-a-muuckle Elspeth varley nb:leveller Jazzy woods nb:orca Neil russell nb:dipper Eli bulger David benton nb:mayo-kate

12 Dawn teaside 52 downside park,trowbridge, ba14 7nn Steve holder the bell inn 103, walcot street bath ba1 5bw Phillippa michaelson c/o assembly rooms bennett street bath ba1 2qh Catharine reed 45 brooklyn road larkhall bath, ba1 6tf Tony dibb nb:beatrix Philip hatfield 17, herman close, abbeymead swindon sn25 4zw Carol krebs 4, hillview stockley sn11 0nr Andy soulsbury 8 alexandra road st leonards on sea east sussex, tn37 6ld Christopher heapy 11 brigmerston cottages church road, brigmerston sp4 8ja M croft 31 highbury avenue salisbury, sp2 7ex Sandra evans 67 manor house road, glastonbury, ba6 9dg Amanda chapman nb:splashy fen Savannah norcliffe c/o post office north street pewsey sn9 5et Paul campy c/o post office north street pewsey sn9 5et Aaron prince 162 rodbourne road swindon sn2 2ay Paul o'brien middle malt house 11 farm lane great bedwyn sn8 3lu Mollie o'sullivan 13 quakers road, quakers walk devizes sn10 2fh Terri manning 19 glocester road trowbridge ba14 0aa Michael ratcliff 2 fordwich place, sandwich ct13 0qr Frances leithes 1 southview, horton devizes sn10 3na Jon sawdon smith 46 henley road reading Lenn sainsbury 16 sandfield west lavington sn10 4hl dave rhodes 24 three acre road newbury rg14 7aw Susan kearney 27 jubilee road newbury rg14 7nn Debby muir 44 station road royal wootton bassett sn4 7ed Eric muir 44 station road royal wootton bassett sn4 7ed Glyn chorley tyffnnon penyrhed ponly pool np4 5xq Aarom wells tyffnnon penyrhed ponly pool np4 5xq Sue jones 88 spring grove green meadow cwmbran np44 5eb Micheala summerhayes c/o post office north street pewsey sn9 5et Paul summer hayes c/o post office north street pewsey sn9 5et Carey-anne wheeler 13 ixworth close swindon sn5 5yh Carla boardman 19 franklyn road devizes sn10 2fe Danielle hornburgen 47 cossor road pewsey sn9 5hx

13 Kara dhyan c/o post office north street pewsey sn9 5et John o'hara 1 church lane east kennett sn8 4ey Alexia lane 22 rectory close alton barnes sn8 4 le Adrian potts 70 victoria road devizes sn10 1eu June potts 70 victoria road devizes sn10 1eu John trowbridge honeystreet farm honeystreet sn9 5ps Paul king old turkey farm woodbrough sn9 5pr

The Barge Inn Honeystreet Community Action Group 22nd November 2017.