Towards an Italian Learner in Universal Dependencies

Elisa Di Nuovo Cristina Bosco Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Alessandro Mazzei Straniere e Culture Moderne Manuela Sanguinetti University of Turin Dipartimento di Informatica [email protected] University of Turin {bosco,mazzei,msanguin}

Abstract and Paquot, 2015; Malmasi, 2016), Grammatical- Error Detection and Correction (Leacock et al., In this paper we describe the preliminary 2015; Ng et al., 2014), and Automated Essay Scor- work on a novel treebank which includes ing (Higgins et al., 2015). texts written by learners of Italian drawn In this paper we describe the development of a from the VALICO corpus. Data pro- novel learner Italian treebank, i.e. VALICO-UD, cessing mostly involved the application of in which Universal Dependencies (UD) formal- Universal Dependencies formalism and er- ism is tied to error annotation. The considerations ror annotation. First, we parsed the texts of the annotation process, carried out on a set of on UDPipe trained on the existent Ital- one hundred sentences selected from a subcorpus ian UD , then we manually cor- of VALICO1 (see Table 1) (Corino and Marello, rected them. The particular focus of this 2017), allowed us to test a pilot scheme which pin- paper is on a one-hundred-sentence sam- points some of the features of L2 Italian. ple of the collection, used as a case study This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 to define an annotation scheme for identi- we provide an overview of LC, focusing on Ital- fying the linguistic phenomena character- ian resources in particular; in Section 3 we present izing learners’ interlanguage. the data and the error annotation of VALICO-UD; in Section 4 we offer some examples of how we 1 Introduction applied literal annotation to the learner sentences (LS) and, finally, in Section 6 we present conclu- The increasing interest in Learner Corpora (hence- sion and future work. forth LC) is twofold motivated. On the one hand, LC are an especially valuable source of knowl- 2 Related work edge for interlanguage varieties. They allow in- depth comparisons of non-native varieties, help- LC, also called interlanguage or L2 corpora, are ing to elucidate the properties of the interlan- collections of data produced by foreign or sec- guage developed by learners with different mother ond language learners (Granger, 2008). Most LC tongues and learning levels. For this reason, LC projects were launched in the nineties and focused are important resources enabling data-driven stud- mainly on learner English (Tono, 2003), but re- ies exploited within several research areas, such cently we have witnessed an increasing interest as Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Lan- in LC for other target languages. This has con- guage Teaching, Contrastive Interlanguage Anal- tributed to the establishment of learner corpus re- ysis, Computer-aided Error Analysis, Computer- search (Tono, 2003). Assisted Language Learning and L2 Lexicogra- LC can be enriched with Part of Speech (PoS) phy (e.g. (Pravec, 2002; Granger, 2008; McEnery tagging, syntactic, semantic, discourse structure and Xiao, 2011)). On the other hand, LC have and error-tagging (with explicit or implicit target 2 raised considerable computational interest, which hypotheses ) annotation (Garside et al., 1997). To is closely related to their usefulness in tasks provide linguistic annotation, NLP tools are of- such as Native Language Identification (Jarvis ten used (Huang et al., 2018) and combined with Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use 1 permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 2A reconstructed LS on which error identification is based International (CC BY 4.0). (Reznicek et al., 2013). human post-editing in order to overcome issues collection of non-native Italian texts elicited by arising from the failures of the automatic analy- comic strips proposed to the learners. It consists of sis (Geertzen et al., 2013; Granger et al., 2009; a selection of narrative and descriptive texts pro- Dahlmeier et al., 2013). viding a large variety of structures beyond simple Among the 14 learner Italian corpora registered presentative/existential constructions. in the Learner Corpora around the World list3, The portion of VALICO that we selected for the the majority are in the form of plain texts, or they treebank is made up of 237 texts (2,261 LS) orga- only annotate PoS (COLI, LOCCLI and CAIL24, nized in four sections as shown in Table 1. and VALICO), while only MERLIN (Boyd et al., 2014) annotates syntax and errors (with explicit L1 # Texts # LS Tokens target hypotheses). English (EN) 60 8,285 Although MERLIN contains 816 texts written French (FR) 59 7,301 in non-native Italian (Boyd et al., 2014), they are German (DE) 58 7,417 not balanced for learners’ mother tongue and are Spanish (ES) 60 7,365 not annotated using a standard annotation for syn- EN+FR+DE+ES 237 30,368 tax, which would allow comparisons with other re- sources. To fill this gap, we decided to develop Table 1: VALICO-UD in figures – LS section. VALICO-UD, a L1-balanced resource developed within the UD formalism, thus providing a greater potential for contrastive analysis. Indeed, a UD- Although the unpredictability and variation of annotated LC can be compared with other LC a learner product, in terms of vocabulary, mor- (therefore different interlanguages) or also with phology and syntax, makes a LC an espe- native corpora of the L1 involved. For all these cially challenging task (Corino and Russo, 2016; reasons, we decided to develop this new learner D´ıaz-Negrillo et al., 2010), it is highly recom- Italian treebank within the UD formalism. Refer- mendable for smoothly retrieving interlanguage ences were the English and Chinese experiences, features. Due to this peculiarity of interlanguage, respectively the English Second Language (ESL) keeping separated the LS from its specifically built (Berzak et al., 2016) and the Chinese Foreign Lan- target hypothesis (TH) is highly recommended guage (CFL) (Lee et al., 2017) treebanks. (Ludeling¨ et al., 2005). The scholars involved in the annotation of the Our annotation scheme for learner Italian uses ESL and CFL treebanks decided to follow a well- the inventory of the Italian UD PoS tags and de- established line of work, for which learner lan- pendency relations (Bosco et al., 2013; Bosco et guage analysis is centered upon morpho-syntactic al., 2014) and the related guidelines. In addition, surface evidence. This is motivated by various we tried to follow as much as possible the ESL studies, e.g. (D´ıaz-Negrillo et al., 2010; Ragheb treebank to have comparable resources. and Dickinson, 2012), in which the difference First, we trained UDPipe (Straka et al., 2016) between morphological and distributional PoS is on the Italian UD corpora, which include stan- stressed. We decided to follow this line of research dard texts, ISDT (Bosco et al., 2014), and Twitter annotating discrepancies between morphological posts, POSTWITA-UD (Sanguinetti et al., 2018). and distributional PoS, as described in the next Second, we automatically parsed VALICO-UD. sections. However, in lieu of carrying out manual Third, we manually corrected the treebank. This annotation from scratch, such as in the ESL, we step is currently ongoing and we envision the tree- combined automatic annotation and manual post- bank to be released in the UD repository in a few editing (as shown in the next section). months. For each sentence in VALICO-UD we provide 3 Data and annotation two distinct versions both annotated in UD and The data of VALICO-UD are drawn from the tied to an error encoding system (see Section 3.1): VALICO corpus (Corino and Marello, 2017), a one version for the LS and the other for its TH. The latter will differ from the former only when 3 some errors occur. As a trial for this scheme, we institutes/ilc/cecl/learner-corpora-around-the-world.html. 4COLI, LOCCLI and CAIL2 are developed at Universita` selected one hundred sentences (i.e. sample set) per Stranieri di Perugia and coordinated by Stefania Spina. containing each at least one error to be annotated. # sent id = NameSurname00135LS # sent id = NameSurname00135TH # text = Puo` essere un rubadore perche ha la cara chiusa e minacciata. # text = Puo` essere un rubatore perche´ ha la faccia chiusa e minacciosa. # err = Puo` essere un hRNihiirubadoreh/iihcirubatoreh/cih/RNi # err = Puo` essere un hRNihiirubadoreh/iihcirubatoreh/cih/RNi hMIihiipercheh/iihciperche´h/cih/MIi ha la hFNLihiicarah/ii hMIihiipercheh/iihciperche´h/cih/MIi ha la hFNLihiicarah/ii hcifacciah/cih/FNLi chiusa e hDJihiiminacciatah/ii hcifacciah/cih/FNLi chiusa e hDJihiiminacciatah/ii hciminacciosah/cih/DJi. hciminacciosah/cih/DJi. # segment = # segment = # typo = 8 ADJ, 11 VERB # typo = 8 ADJ, 11 VERB # foreign = 8 NOUN # foreign = 8 NOUN # context = 4 NOUN # context = 4 NOUN 1 Puo` potere AUX VM 4 aux 1 Puo` potere AUX VM 4 aux 2 essere essere AUX V 4 cop 2 essere essere AUX V 4 cop 3 un uno DET RI 4 det 3 un uno DET RI 4 det 4 rubadore rubadore NOUN S 0 root 4 rubatore rubatore NOUN S 0 root 5 perche perche´ SCONJ CS 6 mark 5 perche´ perche´ SCONJ CS 6 mark 6 ha avere VERB V 4 advcl 6 ha avere VERB V 4 advcl 7 la il DET RD 8 det 7 la il DET RD 8 det 8 cara caro NOUN S 6 obj 8 faccia faccia NOUN S 6 obj 9 chiusa chiuso ADJ A 8 amod 9 chiusa chiuso ADJ A 8 amod 10 e e CCONJ CC 11 cc 10 e e CCONJ CC 11 cc 11 minacciata minacciato ADJ A 9 conj 11 minacciosa minaccioso ADJ A 9 conj 12 . . PUNCT FS 4 punct 12 . . PUNCT FS 4 punct

Figure 1: Example of two CoNLL-U trees of the LS (left) and TH (right) number #35: He-can to-be a thief because he-has the face closed and threaten PP.

3.1 Error Annotation sents the general type of error (e.g. wrong form, In writing the TH we decided to adhere as much as omission), while the second letter identifies the possible to the LS and to focus on linguistic cor- class of the required word”. rectness (e.g. grammaticality) rather than linguis- To provide a finer-grained description of errors, tic appropriateness (e.g. register) (Reznicek et al., we used a large variety of letters in the first and 5 2013) . For this reason, sometimes we sacrificed second position (e.g. I: inflection, X: auxiliary) naturalness for the sake of adherence to the LS. and a third letter which encodes information about This principle was applied also to lexical errors re- some grammatical features (e.g. T: tense, M: quiring replacement. For instance, in Figure 1, the mood, G: gender) (Simone, 2008, pp. 303–346) term “rubadore” in the LS was replaced with “ru- and other phenomena involved (e.g. capitaliza- batore” and not with its more common synonym tion, language transfer and government). Finally, 6 “ladro”, thief. With this principle in mind, we de- Nicholls included a catch-all code (CE: complex cided to correct if they are not present nei- error) to cover complex, multiple errors. In our 7 ther in the VINCA corpus (the reference corpus sample set, we did not use it because we managed specifically compiled for VALICO and containing to describe all errors encountered using nested texts based on the same comic strips but written by XML tags. However, we do not exclude that, ap- Italian native speakers) nor in our reference dictio- plying the error codes to the whole corpus, we nary, Il Nuovo Vocabolario di Base della Lingua might find particularly complex errors which need Italiana (De Mauro, 2016). In fact, the VINCA to be marked using this code. corpus is quite small and the language used sounds Figure 1 shows an annotation example of a LS quite unnatural though being produced by speak- along with its corresponding TH in the typical ers whose mother tongue is namely Italian (see CoNLL-U format and with the resource-specific Corino and Marello (2017, p. 12)). fields used to encode the error information. The Once the target hypotheses are written, we ap- sent id field contains the identification code of plied to them a coding system based on Nicholls the sentence: in the example, NameSurname001 (2003), which was used also in the NUCLE (anonymized here) indicates the unique identifier (Dahlmeier et al., 2013) and FCE (Yannakoudakis of the text and refers to the transcribers name and et al., 2011) corpora. Our system follows surname; the following two-digit number, 35 in Nicholls’s same principle: “the first letter repre- the example, indicates the position of the sentence 5In the future we plan to provide a second TH, focusing in the text; finally, LS or TH indicates learner sen- on linguistic appropriateness. tence and target hypothesis, respectively. The text 6 Although “rubadore” is reported and marked as obsolete field contains the uncoded sentence (which can be in the Italian Dictionary Olivetti, “rubatore” is the variant re- ported in De Mauro (2016), our reference dictionary. the learner sentence or the target hypothesis). The 7 err field contains the error annotation based on Figure 2: LS #10.

Figure 3: Error-annotated sentence #10. the coding scheme introduced above. The foreign German word adapted to Italian and meaning lug- field includes the index and the PoS of the words gages); thus, we have a cascade hIDG#i h/IDG#i which are considered errors due to language trans- tag which embeds a hFNLi h/FNLi tag (Form fer. The context field contains the index and the Noun Language transfer). The next three PoS of the words which need replacement due to tags, hMARi h/MARi, hSARi h/SARi and wrong context-bound lexical choices8. Finally, in hSVi h/SVi, indicate Missing pronoun (A) Rel- line with the ESL, we used the segment field when ative (“che”, that), Spelling pronoun Relative a sentence was wrongly divided and the typo field (“ce” instead of “che”) and Spelling Verb errors to indicate PoS distributional-morphological dis- (“qurda” instead of “guarda”, look), respectively. crepancies. There is, finally, another example of nested tag In the error-annotated sentence (the “err” field involving an Inflection Determiner Gender and an mentioned above), we report the wrong form(s) Unneccessary preposiTion errors; this has been inside the hii h/ii tag and the corrected form(s) used to indicate the multiple-step shift from the inside the hci h/ci tag. Figure 3 shows three ex- LS “sulle” (on the Fem Pl) to its TH counterpart amples of nested tag and two examples of cascade “i” (the Masc Pl): the shift involved a change errors (i.e. an error which is due to the correction in the gender of the article (from feminine to of another token) (Andorno and Rastelli, 2009, masculine) and the drop of the preposition “su” p. 52). The hMAXi h/MAXi tag at the beginning (on), mistakenly used in the LS. of the sentence, for example, indicates a missing In order to ensure consistency across different existential-construction pronoun, i.e. “Sono” annotators, the error annotation guidelines pro- (are) instead of “Ci sono” (there are). After vide a hierarchical order to be applied when deal- the insertion of the missing pronoun “Ci”, the ing with nested tags. We organized the errors capital “S” in “Sono” needs to be changed into in a pyramid with at the bottom mechanical er- a lowercase “s”: this is a case in which we have rors (i.e. tokenization, capitalization, spelling and a cascade capitalization error and we mark it punctuation) and, proceeding towards the apex, adding a hashtag after the normal error code, as morphological (derivation and inflection), lexical in hSVS#i h/SVS#i. Another cascade error is (form and replace), and syntactic (missing, un- found in the next nested tag: we have an Inflection necessary and word order) errors. For example, Determiner Gender error which is caused by following this hierarchical order, mechanical er- the correction of the expression “tanti cofferi”, rors should be corrected before a syntactic error. involving a determiner and a noun (“cofferi” is a However, cascade errors make an exception and change the correction order, as we seen in Figure 8Only those choices in which there is no mismatch be- tween distributional and morphological PoS are registered in 3 in which we have a cascade capitalization error this field. (SVS#) caused by a missing pronoun error (MAX) Figure 4: LS #88.

Figure 5: TH #88. and a cascade inflection error (IDG#) due to a lex- much as possible to the literal reading of the ical error (FNL). learner sentence, thereby creating a treebank in In the LS sample set, containing 1,860 tokens, line with the two existing learner treebanks in the we marked 496 errors (which represent 26,66% of UD framework (ESL and CFL). the LS sample set tokens) distributed as shown in Argument Structure: When some extraneous or Table 2. unnecessary prepositions occur, we annotate the dependencies accordingly. Figure 2 shows a LS in Error category Tag # occ % tot which the verb “guardare”, look, is used as an in- Derivation D 24 4.84% transitive verb, thus we annotate its direct object Form F 71 14.31% as an oblique9. Inflection I 72 14.51% Missing or Unnecessary Words: We annotate Spelling S 92 18.55% literally when there are missing or unnecessary Word segmentation T 16 3.22% words. In the example in Figure 2 the clitic pro- Word order W 15 3.02% noun “ci” is missing , thus we treated “sono” as a Missing word M 76 15.32% copular verb. There are other cases in which the Unnecessary word U 55 11.09% clitic pronoun “ci” is mistakenly combined with Replace word R 75 15.12% the verb to be forming an existential clause, and consequently causing a distributional mismatch Total – 496 – (e.g. LS: “[...] non ci era pericoloso o violento”, 10 Table 2: Error categories as encoded in the first TH: “[...] non era pericoloso o violento” ). In letter (general error type) and their distribution in these cases we mark in the “typo” field the mor- the sample set. phological PoS and in the PoS column the distri- butional PoS, cf. Figure 1. Extraneous Word Forms: When the learner mis- 4 From VALICO to VALICO-UD uses existent word forms, we annotate them lit- erally. In Figure 4, the learner used a gerund, In this Section we describe how we applied literal “leggendo” (reading), instead of the infinitive “ a annotation to the (morpho-)syntactic structure of the LS in particular, relying on the Universal De- 9In all the examples SE stands for spelling error, REFL pendencies scheme. for reflexive pronoun, PP for past participle, GE for gerund and Impf for imperfect tense. Literal Annotation 10LS: “[...] not there it-be Impf dargerous or violent”, TH: We annotated UD PoS and relations sticking as “[...] not it-be Impf dangerous or violent”. leggere” (to read). We then labeled it as an ad- cerning the LS section) both LS and TH sec- verbial clause in the LS (Figure 4) and as an open tions were annotated by two independent anno- clausal complement in the TH (Figure 5). tators. The inter-annotator agreement was then Exceptions to Literal Annotation computed, considering two measures in partic- Spelling: Some examples of spelling errors are ular: UAS (Unlabeled Attachment Score) and presented in Figure 2. We lemmatize and PoS- LAS (Labeled Attachment Score) for the assign- tag them referring to their correct versions, sim- ment of both parent node and dependency relation, ilarly to Andorno and Rastelli (2009, p. 58). Thus, and the Cohen’s kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1960) “ce” was treated as “che”, which,11, and “qurda” for dependency relations only (similarly to Lynn as “guarda” look. (2016)). UAS and LAS were computed with the Word Formation: We do not treat literally valid script provided in the second CoNLL shared task words that are contextually implausible. We con- on multilingual parsing (Zeman et al., 2018)16. sider them differently depending on the PoS of the The results are reported in Table 3, and though intended word: if the intended word has the same showing slightly higher results for the TH set, PoS we signal it in the “context” field (e.g. LS: overall they are very close across the sets. Espe- “[...] salvando una ragazza indefessa”, TH: “[...] cially as regards the LS section, this is evidence of salvando una ragazza indifesa”12), if it is different the guidelines clarity and of the annotators’ con- in the “typo” field (cf. Figure 1). sistency, even when dealing with non-canonical Nonexistent Words: In cases in which the learner syntactic structures. wrote a word which does not exist in Italian and it is arguably a foreign word, we signal it in the set UAS LAS kappa 13 “foreign” field . In the example in Figure 1 the LS 92.11% 88.63% 0.8988 word “cara” (i.e. an adjective translatable into TH 92.47% 88.88% 0.9068 beloved) is arguably a transfer from the Spanish noun meaning face. In this case we lemmatize it Table 3: Agreement results on the sample set of with the correct lemma of “cara”. In addition, in both LS and TH. the “typo” field we mark the occurring mismatch between distributional and morphological PoS. Word Tokenization: If one word is mistakenly 6 Conclusion and future work segmented into two, we use the “goeswith” rela- 14 In this paper we introduced VALICO-UD and pro- tion, as germane to UD annotation guidelines . If posed an annotation scheme suitable for texts of two words are mistakenly segmented into one, we learner Italian encompassing both UD and error use X as PoS and decide the relation on a case- annotation. Our scheme follows the principle of by-case basis. For example in LS: “[...] butta tutto 15 “literal annotation” and takes PoS and dependency perterra”, TH: “[...] butta tutto per terra” we as- morphological-distributional mismatches into ac- signed to “perterra” PoS ‘X’ and dependency rela- count. Our error tag set seems adequate to book- tion ‘obl’. mark errors, providing also a fine-grained descrip- tion of some of them. 5 Inter-Annotator Agreement There are a number of possible applications for As stated above, the complete manual revision of the monolingual parallel treebank proposed in this the treebank is still in progress; however, with paper. In the near future, we plan to apply the tree the aim of assessing the annotation quality of this edit distance to LS and TH to measure linguistic preliminary sample set, as well as the quality of competence. 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