Music Festival Will Be Local Competitions Today Journalists To

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Music Festival Will Be Local Competitions Today Journalists To Open Forum Cerritos Music Festival Makes Debut In Pictures (See Page 8) (See Page 2) CERRITOS COLLEGE VOL. XII, NO. 23 IIIIO Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, California FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 196?- Music Festival Will Be (fill \ i Local Competitions Today r - ~ - > I The western regional competition for With approximately 200 finalists in being the only junior college in the \ /' i ' t the National Intercollegiate Music 1967, the contest has grown until this United States .to sponsor a regional Festival gets under way today at this year it will include not only the jazz contest. It's hoped that it will continue college with local high school competi­ and big band sounds of previous contests to be one of the best. tion, followed by full-scale competition but also folk, pop, rock and vocal music Judging for both phases of the com­ between more than 40 colleges from the in an attempt to encompass all facets petition will be done by a select Western United States. of today's music: group of well-known personalities and Competition begins at 8:30 a.m. in Today's contest marks the third con­ authorities in the music field, including: Burnight Center and the Student Center. secutive year that Cerritos College has Stan Kenton, Dick Hyde, Carol Kay, The cafeteria will be closed. Competi­ hosted the finest collegiate musical Don Rader, Dave Wells, Bernie ••hut tion will conclude at 5 p.m., and a competition on the West Coast. Cerritos Fleischer, Bob Edmondson and Al . t special awards concert will be held at has the unique distinction and honor of Clausen. j * r 8 p.m. in. Burnight Center Theater. : t General admission for today's contest !s $1, and 50' cents for children and SENATE REPORT * r r s if M military personnel. This includes en­ * i trance to both competition areas and •lit HIE ,4 M the evening concert. Speech Area Defeated SiiniilSiBlilHiHH The Saturday competition will begin WKSm at 8:30 a.m. with the big bands and con­ i jfrv ft ri clude at 5 p.m. Performers will include •11M ft* * selections in the big band category as well as jazz, pop, folk music and vocal. As Discussions Go On BailfS General admission to the two com­ IIHli petition areas on Saturday will be $1/ Taking action toward filling several from both sides of the argument before with the special 50-cent rate to children of the vacancies, the ASCC Senate the Senate finally voted the recom­ and military personnel. However, a se­ WINNING STYLE—The San Fernando State College Stage traveled on to the National Inter-collegiate Festival Finals- voted in recent sessions to approve mendation down. parate ticket will be needed for the In other action the Senate recom­ Band performs during the 1967 Music Festival awards held that year in Miami Beach, Florida, three presidential appointments. Saturday night awards concerts. Gen­ mended" that library hours be extended concert. Winning top honors, the San Fernando Stage Band •••:.. eral admission will be $2, with children Those appointed recently are Bob during Easter vacation to allow stu­ and military admitted at $1 each. Ingersol), Wesley Gufey and Keith Land- dents to do additional studying. The history of the intercollegiate gren. Charles Hatifeld was also ap­ Various steps to beautify the cam­ festival is an interesting one. The first proved to a position on the ASCC Court. pus have also been taken as the Senate competition was held in Miami Beach Ron Ericson, already a member of the recommended that missing letters in Journalists To Compete on May 4-6, 1967. It was the climax of court, was approved to the position of the signs on buildings ' around campus a national contest in which some 700 Chief Justice. be replaced. The providing of book- colleges and universities competed. The One of the major issues discussed racks for restrooms and the sanding finalist cames from the cream of the in the Senate has been the free speech of the benches in the Quad was also crop of five regional competitions. area proposal. There was much debate advised. At '69 JAJC Convention More than 50 colleges with over 500 special assistant to the L.A. Times A dance will also take place featuring delegates will gather this weekend for publisher. the "Department." Roadrunner car? Sue Carpenter Is Miss Shamrock the annual convention of the Journalism Starting later in the evening and con­ toons will also be continuously showing Association of Junior Colleges (JAJC) tinuing into the wee hours, a hootenany throughout the evening, ;ti Anaheim. Sue Carpenter,, a 5'10"> co-;d,v>>*.-*s • Delegates from Cerritos representing if** selected "Miss Shamrock" at the annual The 1969 convention^ to be held at the the journalism department will be TM Sigma Phi St. Patrick's Dance held Fri­ Disneyland Hotel, will feature competi­ members George Woodworth, Darryl »*» V<'Hv/" day March 14 in the Student Center. tion in on-the-spot reporting and photo­ Jackman, Randy Henderson, Bob Har­ Each person who attended the dance graphy. Mail-in competition winners will din, Bower, Keith Nordine, Bob was given a ballot and voted for one be announced. There will be a student Schneider, Bonnie' Schleinitz (Cerritos' MHH of the three candidates whose pictures workshop and panel discussion on JAJC candidate), and William Lucas, were posted above the cloak room. "Where Is the Press in Open Court­ adviser. Each of the delegates will be rooms?" Competitions in headline writ­ entering various categories of the com­ iii A graduate of'Downey High, Sue is ! I jl'illi ing and page one layouts will also be petition hoping to bring an award back majoring in dental assisting and intends held. JAJC President. Mike Bower of to Cerritos. ' to work in a dentist office. MM Cerritos will preside.' At 10:30 p.m. when she was named iihhi Mm A new event for the convention will be KM queen she was presented with a dozen Sensitivity Sessions yellow roses. "I was very happy and the election of a JAJC queen. A ban­ H t glad to have been chosen," she said. quet, to be held in the Embassy Room, mi • s Sue also reveals an interest in will present (he candidates and feature Continue as Needed 11 ceramics and hopes to take a few Edwin A. Weagar, managing editor, classes in ceramics for her own interest. Orange Co. L.A. Times, as the after- The Cerritos counseling staff has un­ dinner speaker. Sigma Phi recently elected Sue as iii dertaken one of its most ambitious and their Sweetheart of the Month. Conducted'by L.A. Valley College, stimulating projects with the implemen­ the national journalism organization, mm tation of sensitivity sessions on campus. ill ifc i i Beta Phi Gamma, will be initiating new ilSIllll members for the coming year. Students and faculty were concerned After final entries are submitted BONITA SCHLEINITZ with creating a different type of rela­ March 28 Dance Saturday morning, delegates will have JAJC Queen Candidate tionship between school staff and stu­ the afternoon to enjoy Disneyland facili­ dents. Sensitivity sessions, it is hoped, can bring all participants closer together ties or recreation provided at the hotel. of, by and for journalists will be held. Hi i through the discussion of their personal Can Help Assist Saturday night will mark the corona­ Highlighting this sing-out will be Judy and common concerns. tion of Miss JAJC and the announcement Mikkelsen, Bower and Jim Howard from ^HflBI of the award-winning journalists. Speak­ Cerritos, better known as the "Congre­ In the first session, held March 13, er for the evening will be Dan Moore, gation.'.' students found themselves communicat­ lillSlilillllsiliill ' HI Norwalk Citizen ing for the first time. For some there lilPBIillsiliiiiilf i m were tears, for others insight when the 1 For the past month Lambda Alpha 1 session was completed. All participants l^HlHli ;!!! i i Epsilon fraternity of Cerritos College were grateful for their experience. * has been rendering valuable assistance to a citizen of Norwalk. Not only have With the success of this first group, an thev contributed their time and talents the Counseling Office is interested in to his aid. but now they are organizing organizing other groups of students.for a dance and show in the Student Center this type of therapy session. Sessions iniBiii on March 28 to aid their financial con­ ill iii ii I will run approximately one and one-half tribution. hours and continue on an as-needed A Norwalk resident for a number of basis. years, Fred Roblero is now in County X i MISS SHAMROCK—Sue Carpenter was chosen Miss Shamrock at the annual General Hospital in critical need of a Students interested in participating Sigma Phi St. Patrick's Day Dance' last Friday. kidney transplant. Both of Roblero's can sign up at the reception desk in the kidneys stopped functioning a few months Counseling Office. Groups will be start­ ago, and he has been receiving diaosis ing in the immediate future. treatments ever since. This very expen­ Are you ready to know yourself? ;! sive process consists of washing the im­ purities from his blood twice a week, Aviation Team Will News Briefs Roblero must have the use of a kidney machine within the next month or so or he will not live long. During .+ .31".* Answer All Questions this time his relatives will be "screened" The expansion of naval aviation has CAFETERIA CLOSED TODAY because of the Intercollegiate Music Festival. The to find one who might become his donor. necessitated the development of several Coffee Shop will remain open to all students and faculty.
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    AID P U.S. POSTAGE ONPROFIT ORG. N PERMIT NO. 1260 PERMIT NO. LONG BEACH, CA. LONG BEACH, LIVE IN CONCERT! Maynard Ferguson and his Big Bop Box 8038 Nouveau Band plus O. Long Beach, CA 90808-0038 The Los Angeles Jazz Institute Angeles Jazz The Los P. over 50 years of M.F. Alumni featured in 18 concerts, 3 film showings and 8 panel discussions September 30-October 3, 2004 ★ Four Points Sheraton-LAX t is with great pleasure that the Los Angeles Jazz Institute presents: “Stratospheric”, celebrating the illustrious career of Maynard Ferguson Festival Facts and the multitude of composers, arrangers and instrumentalists DATES who have worked with him. September 30-October 3, 2004 From his earliest days in Canada to his work as a sideman and featured Featuring soloist, on to leading his own ensembles he has had a major impact on PLACE I the jazz world . an impact that carries on at the beginning of the I 21st century. MAYNARD FERGUSON The Four Points & BIG BOP NOUVEAU Sheraton at LAX ABOUT THE The concept of “Stratospheric” is to celebrate Maynard’s entire career and 50 years of 9750 Airport Blvd., LOS ANGELES from the late 1940s to the present. There are 18 concerts, 3 film Los Angeles, CA 90045 showings and 8 panel discussions featuring a wide array of alumni. Alumni including: The special convention rate JAZZ INSTITUTE Some concerts feature MF alumni leading their own groups and there is $79 and $89 per night. Slide Hampton The Los Angeles Jazz Institute are also a number of all-star bands playing the original arrangements Bill Holman Hotel stay not included houses and maintains one of in registration fee.
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