Performing Urban Landscapes for creating physically and mentally sustainable cities A test case in Limassol, Cyprus D. van de Berkt & V. Francis Performing Urban Landscapes for creating physically and mentally sustainable cities A test case in Limassol, Cyprus D. van de Berkt & V. Francis Colophon D. (Dianne) van de Berkt Supervisor:
[email protected] Dr. Ir. Ingrid Duchhart V. (Vivien) Francis Assistent Professor Landscape architecture
[email protected] Wageningen University All rights reserved. No part of this publicati on may be reproduced, stored in Examiner: a retrieval system, or transmitt ed, in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, Prof. Dr. Ir. Adri van den Brink photocopying, recording or otherwise, Chair Landscape Architecture without the prior writt en permission of Wageningen University either the authors or the Wageningen University Landscape Architecture Chairgroup. This publicati on is writt en as a Examiner: fi nal master thesis in landscape architecture by order of the chairgroup of landscape Ir. Renée de Waal architecture at Wageningen University. Promovendus Wageningen University Chairgroup landscape architecture Phone: +31 317 484 056 Fax: +31 317 482 166 E-mail: offi
[email protected] Post address Postbus 47 6700 AA, Wageningen The Netherlands Visiti ng address Gaia (building no. 101) Droevendaalsesteeg 3 6708 BP, Wageningen Printed by Digigrafi B.V., Veenendaal This research was made possible through © Wageningen University, 2014 the generous funding of Sti chti ng NH Bos Preface This thesis, as part of the MSc program of Landscape Architecture, shows the work of its researchers Dianne van de Berkt and Vivien Francis.