Europäisches Patentamt *EP000901400B1* (19) European Patent Office

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 901 400 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: A62B 7/04 of the grant of the patent: 26.11.2003 Bulletin 2003/48 (86) International application number: PCT/US97/04027 (21) Application number: 97915960.5 (87) International publication number: (22) Date of filing: 15.03.1997 WO 97/033651 (18.09.1997 Gazette 1997/40)


(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Garraffa, Dean R. DE FR GB IT Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (US)

(30) Priority: 15.03.1996 US 616223 (74) Representative: W.P. Thompson & Co. Coopers Building, (43) Date of publication of application: Church Street 17.03.1999 Bulletin 1999/11 Liverpool L1 3AB (GB)

(73) Proprietor: Garraffa, Dean R. (56) References cited: Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (US) US-A- 5 222 490 US-A- 5 265 596

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 901 400 B1

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 901 400 B1 2

Description trolled free flow of air forcing the scuba diver to manually stop the flow of air by blocking the mouthpiece exit with FIELD OF THE INVENTION his finger or glove. [0005] In response to this disadvantage of an other- [0001] The present invention relates generally to 5 wise advantageous concept, prior art patents have ad- regulation and self-contained breathing sys- dressed various ways of altering venturi action in the tems such as those used in equipment and regulator automatically during the breathing cycle. more specifically, to a new improved means for auto- Thus, for example Patent No. 4,214,580 to Pedersen matically altering the breathing characteristics of a de- discloses a breathing apparatus of the venturi action mand-type regulator by automatic adjustment of the 10 regulator-type hereinabove discussed which utilizes an venturi action in the regulator in accordance with depth additional moving baffle to alter the venturi effect after during diving. initially inhales. While such modification to the [0002] Pressure regulators such as those employed venturi action is accomplished automatically, it does not in underwater breathing apparatus, utilize the pressure appear to be responsive to ambient water pressure var- differential on opposite sides of a flexible diaphragm to 15 iation with depth. operate an air valve which supplies air to a breathing [0006] Another prior art patent which addresses man- chamber from which the diver breathes. Typically, such ual control aspect of venturi-type demand regulators is a flexible diaphragm is mounted to cover an opening in disclosed in Patent No. 4,147,176 to Christianson. This the wall of the breathing chamber whereby expansion patent discloses the concept of using a conical platform of the diaphragm actuates the air valve. More specifi- 20 in conjunction with a diaphragm wherein the diaphragm cally, when the diver inhales while the air inlet valve is gradually flattens down against the platform to reduce closed, the pressure in the breathing chamber is re- the effect of sensing area during the breathing cycle. duced causing the diaphragm to bow inwards inside the One embodiment is disclosed which has an adjustable breathing chamber and thereby allowing an air inlet aspirator which permits the diver to externally change valve to open. When the diver exhales, pressure in the 25 the aspiration effect during the dive. Unfortunately, there chamber increases causing the diaphragm to move out is an inherent disadvantage in the manner in which the to its original condition thereby closing the air inlet valve. diaphragm and conical platform interact to control the [0003] Recent prior art includes disclosure of various venturi assist during the breathing cycle which makes structures which provide a reduction the performance of the regulator substantially non-uni- in the effort required by the diver to breathe from such 30 form during the breathing cycle. As a result, the diver regulators. More specifically, regulators have been de- may adjust the regulator characteristics to provide him signed so that a portion of the inlet air travels into the with an advantageous operation for one aspect of the breathing mouthpiece area in the form of a stream of air breathing cycle only to find that during another portion which produces a venturi effect. This venturi effect fur- of the breathing cycle the adjustment is unsuitable. ther reduces the in the breathing chamber so 35 [0007] U.S. Patent No. 3,526,241 to Veit is directed that in effect the diver is not necessarily doing all the to an -air diluter for breathing apparatus employ- work required to sufficiently reduce the breathing cham- ing an altitude controlled Venturi mixing mechanism. ber pressure to pull in and retain the diaphragm and Referring to FIG. 1, the diluter apparatus is shown in its cracking effort setting whereby to open the air inlet low altitude configuration with conically shaped valve valve. Thus. the venturi effect makes its easier for the 40 member 24 sealing conical valve seat 18. Referring to diver to inhale air from the regulator. Breathing regula- FIG. 2, the diluter is shown in a high altitude configura- tors which employ such venturi-type action to assist in tion. Here, bellows 47 has expanded due to the lower responding to the breathing demand of the diver are air pressure exposed through aperture 49. Through the highly advantageous. Unfortunately, they are not always interaction of the associated elements, conically shaped optimally configured for the breathing requirements for 45 valve member 24 is drawn away from conical valve seat each diver or for particular diving depths where ambient 18. thereby permitting oxygen to enter Venturi throat pressure increases as a function of depth thereby portion 22 from inlet 12. changing the parameters for the diver's degree of [0008] U.S. Patent No. 4,796,618 to Garrafffa, which breathing difficulty and breathing requirements. contains the features of the preamble of independent [0004] In most scuba diving situations, the require- 50 claim 1, is directed to a breathing regulator apparatus ment for the second stage regulator can change. On the having a manually adjusted Venturi valve. Referring to surface, the regulator must be stable. The second stage FIG. 2, flow vane 22 is adjusted so that all or virtually all should not accidentally flow air without stopping on its of the air stream 28 emanating from the air inlet valve own. Unfortunately, when a scuba regulator is tuned for 18 is directed into the mouthpiece tube 19. Referring to stable surface operation (no venturi), the performance 55 FIG. 3 , the position of flow vane 22 has the effect of under deeper diving conditions can suffer. And if the reg- splitting the air stream 28 into two components, namely, ulator second stage is adjusted for , the sur- a first component 30 which is directed towards the dia- face performance can be too sensitive causing uncon- phragm 16 and a second component 32 which is direct-

2 3 EP 0 901 400 B1 4 ed through the mouthpiece tube 19. the fingers. Also, divers that wear a thermally protecting [0009] U.S. Patent No. 3,308,817 to Seeler is directed glove cannot locate these manual switches. Sometimes to a reduction regulator valve for a scuba system having the adjustment is so difficult to locate, the entire second an automatic depth controlled mixing adjustment sys- stage must be removed from the mouth so the diver can tem. Referring to the Drawings, when a diver descends 5 see where the exact tuning position is with respect to into deeper water, the pressure exerted by the water incremental notching or indicator numbers. This is within the end cap 25 on the bellows 49 will contract the deemed an unsafe procedure. A better non-manual flow bellows, which in turn will permit the coil spring 57 to control is needed. extend, thereby lessening the pressure on the dia- [0014] There is, therefore, a need to provide a regu- phragm 54, permitting the valve 36 to close under the 10 lator which is of the breathing demand-type, which uti- action of the valve spring 37. The reduction of the pres- lizes venturi assist to control the degree of air inlet open- sure exerted on the diaphragm 54 and the closing of the ing, which provides the user with an automatic adjust- valve 36 reduces the pressure exerted on the housing ment for varying the venturi effect during the dive and side of the diaphragm 63, permitting the spring 61 to which, most importantly, provides either a constant or a press against the diaphragm 63 and urge the rod 64 15 smooth changing level of performance during the entire against the valve 41, opening the passageway 65 to the breathing cycle by adjustment for depth of the diver dur- tank containing a mixture of and oxygen to admit ing the dive. same to the outlet port 23 into the mouthpiece 73. Note, however, that this reference does not employ a Venturi SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION action. 20 [0010] U.S. Patent No. 5,368,020 to Beux is directed [0015] The present invention comprises an inhalation to a depth controlled automatic mixing system for demand breathing regulator which solves the aforemen- breathing apparatus. FIG. 7 shows a type B reducer tioned need. More specifically, the present invention which increases the flow of gas with increasing environ- comprises a breathing regulator in which an automati- mental pressure. This reducer comprises a body 200, a 25 cally adjustable flow deflector or flow vane is utilized to diaphragm 201 cooperating with a disk 202 which, by create a diversion of high velocity air to direct it at the means of a mechanical connection member 203, coop- mouthpiece area of the regulator housing whereby to erates with a further disk 204 associated with a dia- provide an automatic means for increasing the vacuum phragm 205 which, by means of the disk 206 and the assist in demand regulators. When the flow vane is with- mechanical connection element 207, cooperates with a 30 drawn, the air stream is redirected back into the housing, plug 208. Stress is placed on the diaphragm 201 by en- thus balancing the low pressure area behind the dia- vironmental pressure, that is to say, by water pressure, phragm which prevents a free flow condition and allows which acts directly on the surface of the diaphragm 201 the demand regulator to be less sensitive to ambient wa- through the bore 209, providing the calibration thrust ter conditions. The automatic flow control, or A.F.C., is which varies according to environmental pressure. 35 used in scuba second stages to auto- Through the flow restriction nozzle 212, the gas enters matically regulate the venturi or aspirated flow of air to the tube 213 which sends it to the inspiration bag. the diver at different depths. A.F.C. allows the regulator [0011] Many scuba manufacturers solve the surface second stage to be stable on the surface (no venturi) free flow problem by positioning a blade or vane near and yet provides excellent performance at depth (max- the air exit point of the second stage. The result is that 40 imum venturi) automatically freeing the diver of making air that travels out of the valve mechanism (located in- any needed manual adjustments to the second stage side second stage) is blocked or re-routed back inside under water. Unlike the prior art, the present invention the second stage case before its velocity can create a does not depend upon the relative position of a dia- venturi or free flow condition of the second stage. phragm and for example, a conical platform which rela- [0012] These blades or vanes can also be manually 45 tionship varies non-linearly during a breathing cycle. repositioned to allow rapid unobstructed air passa ge The effect of the present invention is a venturi assisted through the second stage causing the second stage to demand regulator which is less complex in structure, venturi assist (free flow). This venturi assist will increase more reliable and more predictable in performance and the regulator performance by lowering the mechanical which varies automatically with depth increasing the effort (or diver inhalation effort) required to breath the 50 venturi effect or assist level as the diver descends and second stage. reducing the venturi effect or assist level as the diver [0013] A disadvantage of the manual design is that ascends. the scuba regulator second stage is located in the mouth and held by the teeth by means of a rubber mouthpiece. OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION Locating the manual switch is difficult and confusing. 55 This adjustment is made by feel not sight when the reg- [0016] It is therefore a principal object of the present ulator is in the mouth. These manual switches tend to invention to provide an improved venturi assisted de- be small and located in difficult locations to reach with mand-type breathing regulator primarily for use in diving

3 5 EP 0 901 400 B1 6 and which entirely overcomes or at least substantially an air inlet tube 13 which will be connected to a suitable reduces the deficiencies of the prior art. source of pressurized air supply in a well-known man- [0017] It is an additional object of the present inven- ner. Apparatus 10 also comprises a diaphragm 16 co- tion to provide a venturi assisted demand-type breathing operating with a lever 20 to selectively actuate the air regulator primarily for use by scuba divers wherein the 5 inlet demand valve 12 in response to the breather's in- extent to which the venturi action affects the air flow is halation requirements. Lever 20 unseats a poppet 22 automatically varied during the dive in accordance with from an orifice 14 to open valve 12. Apparatus 10 also the depth of the diver. provides a mouthpiece tube 28 connected to a mouth- [0018] It is still an additional object of the present in- piece (not shown) which is normally retained within the vention to provide a venturi assisted demand breathing 10 mouth of the user permitting access to incoming air from regulator utilizing a deflector vane which, depending up- air passage 26. Apparatus 10 also provides a piston- on the position of the vane determined by ambient water controlled deflector or flow vane 30 which comprises the pressure, increasingly deflects a portion of the air critical component of the present invention as is herein- stream toward the mouthpiece thus increasing the ven- after discussed. Apparatus 10 also comprises exhaust turi effect thereby allowing the demand regulator to be 15 ports and an exhaust valve (not shown) which in com- responsive to ambient water conditions. bination, provide means for exhausting the exhalation [0019] It is still an additional object of the present in- gas of the user through the regulator 10. vention to provide an automatically adjustable venturi [0022] The position of diaphragm 16 is determined by assisted demand breathing regulator particularly advan- the relative pressure differential on opposing sides of tageous for scuba diving wherein depth of the diver au- 20 the diaphragm within the diaphragm cover 18 and hous- tomatically adjusts a device for interfering with the air ing 19. The center of the diaphragm is provided with a stream emanating from the inlet valve into the housing bearing surface which bears against the lever 20 the po- whereby the degree to which the venturi effect aids the sition of which determines whether the air inlet valve 12 diver's breathing may be automatically varied so that the is opened or closed. breathing effort is compensated in accordance with the 25 [0023] When the user begins to inhale through the diver's depth. mouthpiece tube 28, the air pressure in the interior of the regulator is reduced. This reduction in the air pres- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS sure causes the central portion of diaphragm 16 to be sucked in towards the mouthpiece tube and compress- [0020] The aforementioned objects and advantages 30 es lever 20 and opens the air inlet valve 12. When the of the present invention as well as additional objects and air inlet valve is opened, a stream of air is generated advantages thereof will be more fully understood here- and flows through air exit 24 in the general direction of inafter as a result of a detailed description of a preferred the mouthpiece tube 28 through the mouthpiece tube embodiment of the invention when taken in conjunction passage 26 thereby responding to the user's inhalation with the following drawings in which: 35 requirements, but also creating a venturi effect gener- ated by the high velocity air emanating from the air inlet FIG. 1 is a top cross-sectional view of the breathing valve 12. This high velocity air pulls the still air inside regulator of the present invention configured for op- the regulator along with it, causing a secondary pres- eration at the surface; sure drop or a vacuum to exist inside the interior of the 40 regulator. FIG. 2 is a similar top cross-sectional view of the [0024] The initial inhalation effort required to open the invention illustrating the manner in which the inven- air inlet valve 12 is commonly referred to as the cracking tion automatically adjusts venturi effect for depth; effort. The extent of inhalation effort required after the cracking effort level has been reached depends on the FIG. 3 is a side cross-sectional view of the breathing 45 extent to which the level of venturi assist is utilized dur- regulator illustrating air flow with automatic adjust- ing the remainder of the breathing cycle. In those prior ment for surface operation; and art regulator devices in which virtually no further breath- ing effort is required, the user may incur a disadvanta- FIG. 4 is a similar side cross-sectional view of the geous condition in which the air inlet valve remains open breathing regulator illustrating air flow with automat- 50 due to the venturi effect thus creating a condition of free ic adjustment for operation at or near maximum flow which in effect air into the user's lungs. Such depth. a condition may be desirable for the experienced diver under certain deep dive or other difficult breathing con- DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT ditions. However, the less experienced diver may find 55 such a free flow condition to be frightening or otherwise [0021] Referring first to FIG. 1 it will be seen that the disadvantageous. For example, such free flow condi- improved breathing regulator apparatus 10 of the tions occurring when the regulator is out of the mouth of present invention comprises a demand valve 12 having the user can create a pani cky environment for the diver

4 7 EP 0 901 400 B1 8 who feels great concern over the loss of air from his ond stage becomes stable once again. The O-rings 40 tanks. and 41 assure pressure integrity of chamber 36 and cav- [0025] In any case, as previously noted, the relevant ity 38 and retaining cap 42 secures return spring 34 and prior art has already disclosed means for manually the piston. changing the venturi assist effect whereby to overcome 5 [0029] Thus it will be understood that the present in- the noted disadvantages of those regulators which have vention provides a novel second stage scuba diving employed full venturi assist configurations. The present breathing regulator having automatic flow control invention however provides a novel means for automat- wherein a venturi assist effect is automatically adjusted ically varying the venturi assist as a function of depth. with depth to provide no venturi effect at the surface and More specifically, FIGs. 1 and 2 illustrate two different 10 an increasing venturi effect as the diver descends. automatic adjustment configurations of the flow deflec- [0030] Those having skill in the art to which the tor tip or vane 30 of the present invention. present invention pertains, will now, as a result of the disclosure herein, perceive various modifications which AUTOMATIC FLOW CONTROL AT SURFACE may be made to the invention. By way of example, the OPERATION (SEE FIGs. 1 and 3) 15 precise location and structure of the flow control mech- anism may be altered while still achieving the novel ob- [0026] Air from the first stage is passed through an air jective of automatic flow control with depth of the diver pressure hose to the orifice 14. As the diver demands as the variable parameter. Furthermore, the deflector tip air, the inhalation diaphragm 16 bows inward and forces of the invention may be configured to travel in either di- the demand lever 20 down moving the poppet 22 away 20 rection with increasing depth and thus alter air flow ei- from the orifice 14. Air travels past the poppet and exits ther proportional to depth or inversely proportional to from the air exit 24 and into the mouthpiece tube 28. depth. The latter configuration can be used to increase Due to the position of the air exit, the exiting air cannot vacuum assist with increasing depth by altering the di- build up enough velocity to sustain a free flow venturi rection of the nominal air flow to provide more deflection effect. The position of the deflector tip 30 is retracted in 25 away from the mouthpiece tube with increasing exten- its surface resting position. A piston comprising piston sion of the deflector tip at shallower depths. This would head 33 and piston rod 32 remains static by a low am- constitute a reversal of the disclosed embodiment while bient pressure in a pressure cavity 38 which merely bal- achieving the same result. Accordingly, all such modifi- ances the pressure in a sealed pressure chamber 36. cations are deemed to be within the scope of the inven- Spring 34 assures retraction of the flow vane and the 30 tion which is to be limited only by the appended claims surface performance is stable due to no venturi, free and their equivalents. flow. [0027] As shown in FIG. 3, when the deflector tip 30 is in the retracted position at or near the surface or zero Claims depth, the air stream bypasses the deflector tip. A sig- 35 nificant portion of the air flow from air exit 24 is redirect- 1. A second stage breathing regulator (10) for divers, ed toward the diaphragm after deflecting off of the top the regulator having a demand valve (12) to be con- portion of the mouthpiece tube 28. nected to a source of pressurized air and a pres- sure-activated device (16, 20, 22) for opening the AUTOMATIC FLOW CONTROL AT DEPTH 40 demand valve (12) to direct air into the regulator OPERATION ( SEE FIGs. 2 and 4) (10) and to a mouthpiece tube (28) to be held in the mouth by a diver, the regulator of the type wherein [0028] As the diver descends under water, ambient changes in the direction of air flow out of an air exit water pressure increases in the ambient water pressure (24) within the regulator (10) produces a variation cavity 38 and presses the piston head 33 and rod 32 45 in venturi effect from small to large to progressively forward, compressing the return spring 34 and increas- reduce the breathing effort required to keep open ing the pressure in the sealed pressure chamber 36. The the demand valve (12); deflector tip 30 now straightens the air leaving the air a deflector member (30) located within said exit 24 thus creating a venturi effect and increasing reg- regulator (10) for movement relative to said air exit ulator performance. As shown in FIG. 4, at significant 50 (24) for redirecting said air flow relative to said depths, the deflector tip 30 enters the air stream deflect- mouthpiece tube (28) to change said venturi effect ing a major portion toward the mouthpiece tube 28 and characterised by through the passage 26. This deflected flow creates a an ambient water pressure responsive con- vacuum assist to bow the diaphragm 16 inwardly and trolling means for controlling the movement of said lower the effort required to sustain flow. As the diver as- 55 deflector member (30) in response to the ambient cends back to the surface, the pressure is relieved from water pressure surrounding said regulator (10). the ambient water pressure cavity 38 and the deflector tip 30 returns to its surface resting position and the sec- 2. A second stage breathing regulator according to

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claim 1 wherein said movement controlling means 9. A second stage breathing regulator according to comprises a piston having a piston head (33) and a claim 7 further comprising at least one O-ring (40) piston rod (32), the piston head (33) separating two for isolating said first chamber (38) from said sec- respectively isolated chambers including a first ond chamber (36). chamber (38) having ambient water pressure there- 5 in and a second chamber (36) having surface water 10. A second stage breathing regulator according to pressure therein; the relative difference in the pres- claim 7 further comprising at least one O-ring (41) sures in said first and second chambers (36, 38) de- for isolating said second chamber (36) from said de- termining the position of said piston. flector member (30). 10 3. A second stage breathing regulator according to claim 2 wherein said deflector member (30) com- Patentansprüche prises a distal end of said piston rod (32). 1. Atmungsregler (10) der zweiten Stufe für Taucher, 4. A second stage breathing regulator according to 15 wobei der Regler ein Bedarfsventil (12), das an eine claim 2 wherein said movement controlling means Druckluftquelle anzuschließen ist, und eine druck- further comprises a compression spring (34) locat- aktivierte Einrichtung (16, 20, 22) zum Öffnen des ed for resisting the movement of said piston rod (32) Bedarfsventils (12) aufweist, um Luft in den Regler toward said air exit (24). (10) und zu einem im Mund eines Tauchers zu hal- 20 tenden Mündstückrohr (28) zu leiten, wobei der 5. A second stage breathing regulator according to Regler von dem Typ ist, bei dem Änderungen in der claim 2 further comprising an O-ring (40) positioned Richtung des Luftstroms aus einem Luftaustritt (24) annularly around said piston head (33) for isolating innerhalb des Reglers (10) eine Variation im Ventu- the first and second chambers (36, 38) from one an- rieffekt von klein zu groß erzeugt, um zunehmend other. 25 die Atmungsleistung zu verringern, die zum Offen- halten des Bedarfsventils (12) erforderlich ist; 6. A second stage breathing regulator according to wobei ein Ablenkelement (30) innerhalb des ge- claim 1 wherein said movement controlling means nannten Reglers (10) für Bewegung in bezug zu comprises a piston having a rod portion (32) and a dem genannten Luftaustritt (24) zum Umleiten des head portion (33); the head portion (33) providing a 30 genannten Luftstroms in bezug zu dem Mundstück- movable sealing surface between a first chamber rohr (28) angeordnet ist, um den genannten Ventu- (38) at ambient water pressure and a second cham- rieffekt zu ändern, gekennzeichnet durch ber (36) at a selected constant water pressure, said ein auf Umgebungswasserdruck reagieren- rod portion (32) having a distal end terminating in des Steuermittel zum Steuern der Bewegung des said deflector member (30), whereby increasing 35 genannten Ablenkelements (30) als Reaktion auf ambient water pressure forces said piston to move den genannten Regler (10) umschließenden Umge- said deflector member (30) toward said air exit (24). bungswasserdruck.

7. A second stage breathing regulator according to 2. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 1, claim 1, said regulator (10) having a first chamber 40 bei dem das genannte Bewegungssteuermittel ei- (38) open to ambient water pressure and a second nen Kolben mit einem Kolbenkopf (33) und einer chamber (36) having an initially selected pressure Kolbenstange (32) aufweist, wobei der Kolbenkopf therein, said means comprising a piston having a (33) zwei jeweils isolierte Kammern trennt, die eine sealing head (33) separating said first and second erste Kammer (38) mit Umgebungswasserdruck chambers (36, 38) and said piston also having a rod 45 darin und eine zweite Kammer (36) mit Oberflä- (32) terminating in said deflector member (30), said chenwasserdruck darin umfasst; wobei die relative piston being forced to move in accordance with the Differenz in den Drucken in den genannten ersten pressure difference between said first and second und zweiten Kammer (36, 38) die Position des ge- chambers (36, 38). nannten Kolbens bestimmen. 50 8. A second stage breathing regulator according to 3. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 2, claim 7 further comprises a spring (34) positioned bei dem das genannte Ablenkelement (30) ein di- relative to said piston rod (32) to add resistance to stales Ende der genannten Kolbenstange (32) auf- movement of said deflector member (30) toward weist. said air exit (24) whereby tending to return said de- 55 flector member (30) to a stable position of minimum 4. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 2, venturi effect. bei dem das genannte Bewegungssteuermittel fer- ner eine Druckfeder (34) aufweist, die angeordnet

6 11 EP 0 901 400 B1 12

ist, um der Bewegung der genannten Kolbenstange Revendications (32) in Richtung auf den genannten Luftaustritt (24) Widerstand entgegenzusetzen. 1. Régulateur de de deuxième étage (10) pour plongeurs, le régulateur ayant une vanne de 5. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 2, 5 demande (12) destinée à être connectée à une der ferner einen O-Ring (40) aufweist, der ringför- source d'air pressurisé et un dispositif actionné par mig um den genannten Kolbenkopf (33) herum zum pression (16, 20, 22) pour ouvrir la vanne de de- Isolieren der ersten und zweiten Kammer (36, 38) mande (12) afin de diriger de l'air dans le régulateur voneinander angeordnet ist. (10) et jusqu'à un tube buccal (28) qu'un plongeur 10 tient dans la bouche, le régulateur étant du type où 6. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 1, des changements de sens du flux d'air hors d'une bei dem das genannte Bewegungssteuermittel ei- sortie d'air (24) dans le régulateur (10) produit une nen Kolben mit einem Stangenteil (32) und einem variation d'un petit effet venturi à un grand effet ven- Kopfteil (33) aufweist, wobei der Kopfteil (33) eine turi afin de réduire progressivement l'effort de res- bewegbare Dichtungsfläche zwischen einer ersten 15 piration requis pour maintenir ouverte la vanne de Kammer (38) auf Umgebungswasserdruck und ei- demande (12) ; ner zweiten Kammer (36) auf einem ausgewählten un élément déflecteur (30) situé dans ledit ré- konstanten Wasserdruck aufweist, und der Stan- gulateur (10) destiné à se déplacer par rapport à genteil (32) ein distales Ende aufweist, das in dem ladite sortie d'air (24) pour rediriger ledit flux d'air genannten Ablenkelement (30) endet, wodurch zu- 20 par rapport audit tube buccal (28) afin de changer nehmender Umgebungswasserdruck den genann- ledit effet venturi, caractérisé par ten Kolben zwingt, das genannte Ablenkelement un moyen de commande sensible à la pres- (30) in Richtung auf den Luftaustritt (24) zu bewe- sion d'eau ambiante pour commander le déplace- gen. ment dudit élément déflecteur (30) en réponse à la 25 pression d'eau ambiante entourant ledit régulateur 7. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 1, (10). wobei der genannte Regler (10) eine erste Kammer (38) aufweist, die offen für Umgebungswasserdruck 2. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon ist, und eine zweite Kammer (36) mit einem zu Be- la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit moyen de com- ginn ausgewählten Druck darin umfasst, wobei das 30 mande de déplacement comprend un piston ayant genannte Mittel einen Kolben mit einem Dichtungs- une tête de piston (33) et une tige de piston (32), la kopf (33) aufweist, der die genannte erste und zwei- tête de piston (33) séparant deux chambres respec- te Kammer (36, 38) voneinander trennt, und der ge- tivement isolées comportant une première chambre nannte Kolben ferner eine Stange (32) aufweist, die (38) ayant à l'intérieur la pression d'eau ambiante in dem genannten Ablenkelement (30) endet, wobei 35 et une deuxième chambre (36) ayant à l'intérieur la der Kolben entsprechend der Druckdifferenz zwi- pression d'eau de surface ; la différence relative schen der genannten ersten und zweiten Kammer des pressions dans lesdites première et deuxième (36, 38) zu Bewegung gezwungen wird. chambres (36, 38) déterminant la position dudit pis- ton. 8. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 7, 40 der ferner eine Feder (34) aufweist, welche in bezug 3. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon zu der genannten Kolbenstange (32) positioniert ist, la revendication 2, dans lequel ledit élément déflec- um der Bewegung des genannten Ablenkelements teur (30) comprend une extrémité distale de ladite (30) in Richtung auf den Luftaustritt (24) Widerstand tige de piston (32). hinzufügen, wodurch die Tendenz besteht, das Ab- 45 lenkelement (30) in eine stabile Position mit mini- 4. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon malem Venturieffekt zurückzuführen. la revendication 2, dans lequel ledit moyen de com- mande de déplacement comprend en outre un res- 9. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 7, sort de compression (34) placé pour résister au dé- der ferner wenigstens einen O-Ring (40) zum Iso- 50 placement de ladite tige de piston (32) vers ladite lieren der genannten ersten Kammer (38) von der sortie d'air (24). genannten zweiten Kammer (36) aufweist. 5. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon 10. Atmungsregler der zweiten Stufe nach Anspruch 7, la revendication 2, comprenant en outre un joint to- der ferner wenigstens einen O-Ring (41) zum Iso- 55 rique (40) positionné annulairement autour de ladite lieren der genannten zweiten Kammer (36) von dem tête de piston (33) pour isoler les première et genannten Ablenkelement (30) aufweist. deuxième chambres (36, 38) l'une de l'autre.

7 13 EP 0 901 400 B1 14

6. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit moyen de com- mande de déplacement comprend un piston ayant une partie de tige (32) et une partie de tête (33), la partie de tête (33) fournissant une surface d'étan- 5 chéité mobile entre une première chambre (38) à la pression d'eau ambiante et une deuxième chambre (36) à une pression d'eau constante sélectionnée, ladite partie de tige (32) ayant une extrémité distale se terminant dans ledit élément déflecteur (30), par 10 lequel la pression d'eau ambiante croissante force ledit piston à déplacer ledit élément déflecteur (30) vers ladite sortie d'air (24).

7. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon 15 la revendication 1, ledit régulateur (10) ayant une première chambre (38) ouverte à la pression d'eau ambiante et une deuxième chambre (36) ayant à l'intérieur une pression initialement sélectionnée, ledit moyen comprenant un piston ayant une tête 20 d'étanchéité (33) séparant lesdites première et deuxième chambres (36, 38) et ledit piston ayant aussi une tige (32) se terminant dans ledit élément déflecteur (30), ledit piston étant forcé de se dépla- cer conformément à la différence de pression entre 25 lesdites première et deuxième chambres (36, 38).

8. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon la revendication 7, comprenant en outre un ressort (34) positionné par rapport à ladite tige de piston 30 (32) pour accroître la résistance au déplacement dudit élément déflecteur (30) vers ladite sortie d'air (24), tendant ainsi à ramener ledit élément déflec- teur (30) à une position stable d'effet venturi mini- mum. 35

9. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon la revendication 7, comprenant en outre au moins un joint torique (40) pour isoler ladite première chambre (38) de ladite deuxième chambre (36). 40

10. Régulateur de respiration de deuxième étage selon la revendication 7, comprenant en outre au moins un joint torique (41) pour isoler ladite deuxième chambre (36) dudit élément déflecteur (30). 45



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