A meeting of Dearham Parish Council was held in the village hall Dearham on Wednesday 24th August 2016 at 7.30 pm.

PRESENT: Councillors G Scott (Chairman); R Bailiff, G Brown, J Colhoun, J Dunstan, R Jackson, D Peggs, P Scott and G Stamper. ABSENT: Councillors G Bell, F Dempster, L Maguire. ALSO PRESENT: K Rogers

Councillor G Scott in the chair

2941. APOLOGIES RECEIVED – Apologies from councillors G Bell (prior engagement), L Maguire (family matter) and tendered for F Dempster Apologies were also received from the police

2942. MINUTES RESOLVED - That the chairman sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 27th July 2016.

2943. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (a) Police Matters The clerk recalled the contents of an email received from the police which included incidents of antisocial behaviour and minor road traffic collisions. (b) Members of the public None (c) County council matters None


2945. REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION (a) Clerk to report on requests received None (b) Council to receive requests for dispensations None

2946. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Bailiff declared an interest in agenda item 11 as he was related to one of the parishioners who had declared an interest in being co-opted to the parish council.

2947. CORRESPONDENCE The correspondence schedule is at Appendix A to these minutes.

2948. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT The chairman signed the bank statement for July/August to indicate that the current account balance agrees with the financial statement AGREED – That the accounts listed in the schedule at Appendix B be authorised for payment.

2949. PLANNING The planning schedule is at Appendix C to these minutes.

2950. MATTERS RELATING TO ’S RETURNING OFFICER (i) Information relating to a councils number of councillors A letter received failed to adequately address council’s concerns and so clarification was sought. (ii) reply to notification of vacancy on council A reply from Allerdale’s Returning Officer (Andrew Seekings) had yet to be received.

- 1 -

2951. VACANCIES ON THE PARISH COUNCIL As the clerk had not received notification from Allerdale’s Returning Officer to enable them to proceed with the co-option process this matter would be carried forward.

2952. EMAIL RELATING TO THE NAMING OF WILSON FARM DEVELOPMENT AGREED – To accept the suggestion of Allerdale’s Building Control Officer (Adrian Potts) of the name Wilson Farm Close.

2953. POTTERY PARK PLAY AREA Council heard a report from cllr Peggs covering the financial aspect of the project, cllr P Scott on the plans that a number of companies had submitted and cllr Jackson on the progress being made for public consultation to be held in the village hall on the 8th and 9th September. AGREED – That the committee would go ahead with a funding application to WREN with the clerk (K Rogers), the chairman of the parish council (G Scott ) and the chairman of the play area committee (D Peggs) possible signatories.

2954. PLANNING FOR EMERGENCIES This would be discussed at the September meeting.

2955. GARDEN COMPETITION The clerk related to council a suggestion from cllr Bell that this year prize winners should receive a calendar the cost of which would be offset by a £5 reduction in prize money. AGREED – To adopt the councillor’s suggestion.

2956. 2017 CALENDARS Council heard that the 2017 calendars would be produced in two sizes, A5 and A4 and would soon be available. AGREED – That they would be sold for £3.50 and £4.50 respectively.

2957. NEWSLETTERS Cllr Jackson informed council that hopefully when the three vacancies on the council were filled distribution of the newsletter would be more evenly spread.

2958. CHRISTMAS MARKET Cllr Jackson informed the council that arrangements for the market were progressing, that the cost of it would be in the region of £150 which would be recouped by the sale of mince pies, mulled wine and holding a raffle. Any profit would be directed towards the community.

2959. POTTERY PARK FOOTBALL PITCH It was felt that not cutting the pitch out of season left the area looking neglected. The clerk would write to the football club suggesting that in future they give the pitch a light trim with the mower’s blades set high.

2960. FACEBOOK There were two notable matters raised, that of dog fouling and a petition to County Council regarding perceived highways issues in Dearham.

2961. LARGE VEHICLES USING SHINEY LONNING An email together with photographs had been received from a resident of Row Brow pertaining to large vehicles delivering to Dearham Hall Farm and in so doing mounting the pavement. In addition the matter had been drawn to the attention of County Councillor Alan Clark and Cumbria Highways. AGREED – The clerk would write to Alan Clark asking to be kept informed of any developments.

2962. PARISH STEWARD It was suggested that he trim back overgrown trees on the path from Newlands Park to The Went.

2963. MEMBERS’ QUERIES Container located in Green Lane (PS) no longer an issue Scarecrow competition (GBr) to be considered in the New Year Condition of ghyll footpath the clerk would investigate the matter and action accordingly

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2964. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Overgrown road sign in The Went Dog fouling

2965. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next council meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th September 2016

The meeting closed at 9.45pm




No Dated Subject Matter Execution 1 10.08.16 Email re naming Wilson Farm development Council to consider Agenda item 12 2 Various Emails S Walkinshaw lorries using Shiney Lonning Council to consider Agenda item 21 3 ACT Community Emergency Planning Circulated prior to meeting 4 Email Police incidents in Dearham Clerk to read details to meeting 5 27.07.16 Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust funding request For information1 6 03.08.16 Email Calc delay in National Grid’s N W Coast Connections “ 7 03.08.16 Email Calc elections to Calc Executive Committee “ 8 04.08.16 Children’s Foundation funding request “ 9 10.08.16 Sue Hayman acknowledgement of receipt of broadband “ connectivity 10 11.08.16 SOB acknowledgement of letter of support “ 11 16.08.16 Email Highways repair and maintenance current plans “ 12 19.08.16 Reply to letter requesting criteria applied to council size “ 13 03.08.16 Meeting with A Watson (ISS) re grass cutting For information 14 03.08.16 Telephone Orian to carry out inspection of v/hall extinguishers “ 15 Email HMRC Employer Bulletin For clerk’s information 16 03.08.16 Acknowledgement of notice of vacancy “ 17 Various Emails DP “

1 Item in correspondence folder circulated at meeting if you wish to read


No Dated Subject Matter Recipient 1 28.07.16 Confirmation of loss of seat on parish council A Penn 2 28.07.16 Notification of vacancy on council A Seekings (ABC) 3 28.07.16 Request for information on number of councillors A Seekings (ABC) 4 28.07.16 Pottery Park Play area details I Frost CEO (ABC) 5 28.07.16 Pottery Park Play area details Fields in Trust 6 29.07.16 Email re co-option decision Potential co-optees (4) 7 04.08.16 Cheques S Cooper, ISS, ABC 8 04.08.16 Village hall update K Middleton 9 04.08.16 Acceptance of tender ANSA Plant 10 04.08.16 Letter of support SOB campaign 11 16.08.16 Village hall invoices S Hayman, K Middleton, N Jarvis, V Moody, B Reay, C Bell


Financial Statement

Deposit Account Balance at 12.04.16 £10,410.60 - 3 -

Credit to Deposit Account £ 12.05.16 HSBC Interest 0.60 12.06.16 HSBC Interest 0.62 12.07.16 HSBC Interest 0.60

Deposit Account Balance at 12.07.16 £10,412.42

Current Account Balance Brought Forward 12.07.16 £22,443.56 Credit to Current Account £ 15.07.16 Allerdale B C 105.00 20.07.16 EDF Refund village hall electricity 49.79 28.07.16 Building Society Newsletter advertising 100.00 01.08.16 J Hetherington Village hall rent - cash 33.60

Accounts paid on Current Account 19.07.16 npower Village hall gas 43.41 201055-065 Accounts settled As detailed in Appendix B on 27.07.16 1,657.22 Presented cheques from 22.06.16 201043 Post Office Ltd Income tax & NI 100.20 201049 FCC Env Services (UK) Ltd Empty bins and reline 39.60 201050 FCC Env Services (UK) Ltd Empty bins and reline 39.60 Unpresented cheques from 27.07.16 201056 Post Office Ltd Income tax & NI 104.00 201060 Cooper & Patterson Village hall works 30.00 201061 Cooper & Patterson Service boiler & gas safety inspection 66.00 Outstanding cheque from 22.06.16 201048 Dearham Commercial FC Grass cutting 350.00 Void cheques Nil 0.00

Current Account Balance at 12.08.16 £21,051.92

Accounts to pay 24.08.16 £ 201066-069 Payments to staff & HMRC 1238.72 201070 ISS Facility Services Grass cutting (July) 363.59 201071 YPO Village hall materials 55.88 201072 Orian Inspection of village hall fire extinguishers 59.88 201073 K Rogers Refund steward's fuel 12.33 201074 K Rogers Refund engraving garden competition shield 6.00 1736.40

Current Account Balance 19,315.52



(a) Applications

Reference Number Details Recommendation 2/2016/0499 Proposed side and rear extension to Wedgewood Villa, Pottery Lane No objections for Mr S Cooper 2/2016/0525 Proposed erection of detached garage and carport at Pow Hall, Mid No objections Town for Mr & Mrs Oglanby

(b) Decisions

Reference Number Proposal Outcome 2/2016/0321 Variation of condition 2 of application 2/2015/0389 Approved

(c) Notice of Appeal / Development Panel Meeting None

Signed Chairman - 4 -