The Apostolic Succession Of: the Most Rev'd Dr
The Apostolic Succession Of: The Most Rev’d Dr. RICARDO LORITE DE LIMA (Archiepiscopus Brasilia) Installed Archbishop Primate of The Anglican Chuch of Brazil and Archbishop of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide for Brazil in 15th January 2006 Consecrated as Bishop in 15th January 2006 Consecrator: The Rt. Rev’d. Barry Frank Peachey CJ Metropolitan Chanceler of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide Co-consecrators: The Most Rev’d. Dr. Norman Sydney Dutton CJ – “in absentia” Metropolitan Archbishop of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide The Most Rev’d. Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas) Metropolitan Primate Archbishop of The Latin Episcopal Church of Brazil PETRINE LINE (Roman Catholic Succession) (1) St. Peter, 38; (2) St. Linus, 67; (3) St. Ancletus {Cletus}, 76; (4) St. Clement, 88; (5) St. Evaristus, 97; (6) St. Alexander I, 105; (7) St. Sixtus I, 115; (8) St. Telesphorus, 125; (9) St. Hygimus, 136; (10) St. Pius I, 140; (11) St. Anicetus, 155; (12) St. Soter, 166; (13) St. Eleutherius, 175; (14) St. Victor I, 189; (15) St. Zephyrinus, 199; 1 (16) St. Callistus I, 217; (17) St. Urban I, 222; (18) St. Pontian, 230; (19) St. Anterus, 235; (20) St. Fabian, 236; (21) St. Cornelius, 251; (22) St. Lucius I, 253; (23) St. Stephen I, 254; (24) St. Sixtus II, 257; (25) St. Dionysius, 259; (26) St. Felix I, 269; (27) St. Eutychian, 275; (28) St. Caius, 283; (29) St. Marcellinus, 296; (30) St. Marcellus I, 308; (31) St. Eucebius, 309; (32) St. Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311; (33) St. Sylvester I, 314; (34) St. Marcus, 336; (35) St.
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