Eat on the Street @HK Kong & Mobile Hawkers

Vivian Chan | University of Washington | CEP Senior Project | 2019 | Research Question:

How can mobile hawkers and street food be explored and pass down? The Process Step 3: Deliverables - *Final Written Report 85% - Presentation (6-in-5 & SPN) - Scrapbook - Booklets Step 2: - Food Samples Research 100% - Gather Data - Analyze Data - Synthesize Results - Communicate Results Step 1: Project Proposal 100% - Develop Question - Define Project Scope - Write Abstract - Define the Methodology Methodology

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages: - Make use of their advantages - Use a balance between different methods Research Models : Walked up to individuals on Interviews the street and interviewed the hawkers Sent the survey out in a HK Survey culture FB group

Videos + Books Watched/Read and analyzed + Blogs non-academic resources

Research Read and analyzed Blue = Hardcopy Papers academic resources Green = Online Red = Face to face 1950s The BIRTH of MOBILE HAWKERS & STREET FOOD Using simple tools to build up the business and make a living. Timeline of HK SUPPLY and DEMAND 1960s Mobile Hawkers More & more customers. Street food become popular in HK! (Literature Review) 1970s The BEGINNING of the NIGHTMARE The Hong Kong Government aimed to eliminate all hawkers. DAMAGING IMPACT 1990s Based of the influence of globalization and the actions of the HK Government, the # of mobile hawkers plummeted from 2844 to 874. 2000s The CALM BEFORE the STORM More voices begin to reject and disagree with the policy. MOVEMENTS & SUGGESTIONS 2010s The conflicts caused various movements. Individuals take action to show SINCE 1950 that we care about the core values of HK. - Steamed Rice Roll - Three Stuffed Treasure

- Spicy & Fish Siu Mai The (Literature Review)

Delicious! - Cart SINCE 1950 - Clay Pot Pudding - Egg Puff Findings

- The Causes / Challenges - The Public Will - The Situation (Under Revision)

Researches Interviews Survey (3 Hawkers) (60 Responses) - Policy Aspect - People’s Livelihood - No Street Food, - Environmental Changed No Life Nuisance - Foreign Cultures - Pay attention to - Replacement by food quality market stalls/ - Keep the Culture restaurants All Deliverables

Written Report Scrapbook LittleWritten Booklet Report Food Sample Assessment

- Promotes HK street food and itinerant hawkers to the community. - Introduces the street food and mobile hawkers in a professional but also creative format. Conclusion

IMPORTANT If the street food disappears in HK… … the are losing their identities

LOCAL It is a culture of … … Eating on street, drinking on street, HK hanging out on street STREET FOOD Is what bring us together… We should share it to the world Next Steps

Final Goal: Complete the Final Written Report

Accuracy Content Edit Report - Data - Interesting - Grammar - Work on it - Information - Significant - Sentence - Graphs - Plentiful structure - Paragraphs What Did I Learn?

- The history and current situation of mobile food trucks and hawkers

- The relationship between street food, hawkers, and residents

- The secret recipe of HK street food

- How to work under pressure

- Problem Solving

- Handicraft & design skills Reference

1. Addams, Nik. TimeOut. 25 05 2016. 14 02 2019. 2. Anonymous. BBC News. 09 02 2016. 26 03 2019. . 3. Bourdain, Anthony, Nguyen Qui Duc. "Asia's Famous Street Food is Disappearing Off its Streets." 01 05 2017. The Business Times. 23 10 2018. . 4. Davis, Hana. Is the end of the road near for Hong Kong street hawkers? - As legislation restricts their activities, street hawkers and vendors claim their trade could vanish in 50 years. 05 08 2017. South Morning Post. 23 10 2018. 5. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. Control. 20 02 2018. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 23 10 2018. . 6. " scheme hard to stomach after glory days of Hong Kong's street hawkers - City's dai were forced out over the years and now we are left with a monumental hash." City (2017): 2. 23 10 2018. . 7. Hawker Control. 20 02 2018. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 23 10 2018. . 8. Hong Kong Heritage Museum. "Hong Kong's Food Culture." 2 12 1999. Hong Kong Heritage Museum. 23 10 2018. . 9. "Hong Kong government's refusal to order inquiry into riot - what it means for city - The government's refusal to order an independent inquiry into the 2016 Mong Kok riot is an ominous sign of things to come." PostMagazine (2018): 7. 23 10 2018. . 10. HygieneFoodSafetyandEnvironmental. licensed hawkers. Agenda. Hygiene Food Safety and Environmental. Hong Kong: Legislative Council, 2001. 12 02 2019. . 11. Lam, Chi Shing. Traditional Hong Kong , RIP Tem Han Sen. Hong Kong, 10 9 2010. 02 03 2019. . 12. Liang, Yanling. Cultural Studies. 13 07 2017. 30 10 2018. . 13. "Linking Hong Kong food trucks to ordinary people's lives should make for a tasty exercise - Latest move reflects need for officials to ensure people know why grand ideas matter to them." City (2017): 2. 23 10 2018. . 14. Lionel. Weekend Notes. 30 09 2012. 24 02 2019. . “15. Made in Hong Kong: bringing back the good old days - Hongkongers' relationship with the city's past can be seen in almost all facets of daily life, from local restaurants to corner shops, art exhibitions and design to architecture." City (2017): 1. 23 10 2018. . 16. Moss, Stephen. The Guardian. 09 02 2016. 02 11 2019. . 17. Napack, Jonathan. "Food for Thought: A of Old Hong Kong - Streetside Food Stalls Fall Victim to Affluence; A Cultural Hub Is Lost." Asian Wall Street Journal (2000): 5. 22 10 2018. 18. Ng, Hao. 飲食香江. Hong Kong: 喜閱文化, 2001. 13 02 2019. 19. Ngo, Jennifer. Closing time: How Hong Kong’s hawkers face a struggle to survive. Ed. Suzanne Sataline and Adam Renton. 23 11 2011. . 23 10 2018. . 20. Pai, Sung Chi. 香港「街頭小食」與香港文化認同. 09 2007. 12 02 2019. . 21. TheUrbanCouncil. Licenses of mobile hawker. Hong Kong: Legislative Council, 2001. 31 01 2019. . 22. Tsang, Denise. South China Morning Post. 27 09 2018. 06 04 201. . T h a n k Y o u

Working on an induvial project is more complex than I thought and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. None of this would have been possible without my boyfriend, family, friends, classmates, mentor, and instructors. And YOU! Q & A

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