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Sample file ALP-CS05: Cerulean Seas BeBeastsasts of the Boundless Blue SampleRole Playing Game Supplement file An Undersea Bestiary Compendium for use with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Written by Sam G. Hing, Emily Kubisz, Jeffrey Turner & Matthew Cicci ! Credits ! Lead Designer: Emily E. Kubisz, Artistic Director & Layout: Tim Adams Authors: Sam G. Hing, Emily Kubisz, Jeffrey Turner & Matthew Cicci Editing and Development: Ben Welsby, Jeffrey Turner & Steven O'Neal, Legal Consultant: Marcia McCarthy Cover Artist: Forrest Imel; Interior Artists: Tim Adams, Stefano Azzalin, Ian Barker, Joseph Barker, Michael Beaudry, Kevin Bedan, Caren Billings, Lane Brown, Adam Burnier, Juan Calle, F. Drew Chandra, Lauren Clark, Nicholas Cloister (of www.MonstersByEmail.com), Roy Cokenour, M. S. Corley, Vincent Coviello, Collette Curran, Alex Dedy, Nancy Disiro, Drachenmagier, Thomas Duffy, Edyta Felcyn, Dennis Fröhlich, Diego Gómez, Sandeson N. Gonzaga, Mary Graham, Michael Habiger, Mika Harju, John Harrison, Jim Healy, Roman Ilin, Forrest Imel, Derik Iron-fox, Eugene Jaworski, Cornelia Jolitz, Markus Juuso, Eoghan Kerrigan, Mathias Kollros, Anna Kowalczewska, Emily Ember Kubisz, Caroline Lahaise, Setiawan Lee, Philip Lindberg, Dez Lon, Chan Tuck Lueng, Dmitriy Mad-Hatman, Jorge Mantilla, David Melvin, Chenthooran Nambiarooran, Juan Novelletto, Bobbie Jean Pentecost, Mera Pierson, Fabio Porfidia, Randall Powell, Edward Pun, Andreas Rabenstein, Ryan Rhodes, Marissa Rivera, Molly Rodman, Emmanuel Bou Roldán, Markus Röncke, Javier Ruiz, Cesar Sampedro, Tyler Sowles, Dean Spencer, Dawne Stantien, Colby Stevenson, Candis Swain, Lotta Tjernström, Arna Tornwolf, Eliina Uibu, Justinas Vitkus, Sam Yang, Seoro Zgul, Daryl Toh Liem Zhan, Vasilis Zikos Special Thanks to Our Kickstarter Contributors: Adam Windsor, Andrew (ZenDragon), Andrew J. Hayford, Andrew Maizels, Ben Lash, Bill Birchler, Bob Runnicles, Brian Guerrero, Carl Hatfield, Annette B, Chris Kenney, Chris Michael Jahn, Craig Johnston (flash_cxxi), Curtis Edwards, Daniel Craig, Daniel P. Shaefer, Daniyel Mills, Dark Mistress, David Corcoran, Jr., Davin Perry, Dawn Fischer, Dean M. Perez, Douglas Limmer, Douglas Snyder, Ed Courtroul, Ed McLean, Endzeitgeist, Francois Michel, Frank Dyck, Franz Georg Roesel, GLNS, Henry Wong, Herman Duyker, James "Jimbojones" Robertson, James Wood, Jason "Hierax" Verbitsky, Jason "Mikaze" Garrett, Jeremy Wildie, Jon Moore, Joseph "UserClone" Le May, Julien A. 0Féraud, Karen J. Grant, Karl The Good, Kevin Mayz, Kyle Bentley, Lewis Crown, Mark Moreland, Matthew Parker Winn, Michael D. Blanchard, Mike Shannon, Nate Swalve, Niall Sullivan, Nicholas Fascitelli, Noble Hays, Paul Cavanaugh, Paul Ryan, Paul Woods, Peter Duchak, Purple Duck Games, R. A. Mc Reynolds, Rod Davidson, SAGA (Southern Arizona Gamers Association), Scott Sutherland, Sebastian Dietz, Shana Rosenfeld, Shane O'Connor, Stephen Horsley, Stephen Hutchison, Steven Vanderburg, Tetsubo, Tom Ladegard, Z. Daniel Esgate, & Zakharov "Zaksquatch" Sawyer Additional Thanks: Team Draconis & Ofelia Jean Kubisz Cerulean Seas Beasts of the Boundless Blue © 2013 Alluria Publishing. All rights reserved. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license. OPEN GAME LICENSE v 1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. SYSTEM REFERENCE DOCUMENT. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. PATHFINDER RPG CORE RULEBOOK™, PATHFINDER RPG BESTIARY ™, PATHFINDER RPG BESTIARY 2 ™, PATHFINDER RPG BESTIARY 3 ™, PATHFINDER RPG ADVANCED PLAYER’S GUIDE ™, PATHFINDER RPG BONUS BESTIARY™, PATHFINDER RPG GAMEMASTERY GUIDE™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE MAGIC™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE COMBAT™, PATHFINDER RPG ADVANCED RACE GUIDE™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE EQUIPMENT™. Copyright 2009-2012 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook and Skip Williams. THE BOOK OF EXPERIMENTAL MIGHT. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. THE DEEP. Copyright 2003, Mystic Eye Games, LLC; Authors: Becky Glenn, Stefon Mears, Susannah Redelfs and Robin Wise. CREEPY CREATURES, FEY FOLIO: CLANBOOK OF THE FEY, REMARKABLE RACES, CERULEAN SEAS CAMPAIGN SETTING, WAVES OF THOUGHT, INDIGO ICE, & AZURE ABYSS. Copyright 2009-2013, Alluria Publishing. All rights reserved. PSIONICS UNLEASHED. Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press.; Authors: Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rönnqvist and Philip Leco II. TOME OF HORRORS. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Alluria Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work otherSample than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without writtenfile permission. 2 Contents INTRODUCTION 5 APPENDIX 5: AQUATIC ARMS & ARMOR 250 N ON-CERULEAN SEAS CAMPAIGNS 6 APPENDIX 6: AQUATIC FEATS 252 C REATURE GLYPHS AND TOME T RACKERS 7 APPENDIX 7: AQUATIC SPELLS & POWERS 260 MONSTERS A TO Z 8 APPENDIX 8: MONSTERS BY CR 280 APPENDIX 1: ARTIST INDEX 243 APPENDIX 9: MONSTERS BY TERRAIN 282 APPENDIX 2: GLOSSARY 247 APPENDIX 10: MONSTERS BY TYPE 285 APPENDIX 3: PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 248 APPENDIX 11: ANIMAL COMPANIONS 287 APPENDIX 4: AQUATIC MATERIALS 249 CLOSING POEM 291 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS Abyssal phoenix 172 Cacophony (song) dragon 56-57 Dire lamprey 133 Abyssal rusalka 180 Caiman familiar 100 Dire merlion (sea cat) 182 Abyssal titan (sea titan) 192 Calcified skeleton 38 Dire otter 169 Aegaeon 8 Capricorn 31 Dire seal 188 Agloolik 9 Carchardian (trueform shark) 228 Dire stingray 215 Amethyst cave jelly 32 Cerebral crab 40 Dire viperfish 232 Amphian 12 Cerulean dragonfly nymph 82 Dire whale 236 Amphibian anumus 14 Cetus 34 Domesticated frogs 105 Amsinganoi 13 Chant (song) dragon 58-59 Douseling 55 Apsara 17 Choral (song) dragon 60-61 Dread pirate 85 Aquatic lycanthropes (general) 137 Cihuateotl 35 Drong-foi 86 Aquatic obitu 162 Cindarian 36 Dunkleosteus (placoderm) 175 Aquatic template 242 Coelacanth 37 Dwarf battle woggart 106 Architeuthian 18 Coral shepherd 39 Echenis demon 46 Asterak 21 Crab familiar 100 Echinn 89 Atshen ningen 154 Crescendo (song) dragon 62-63 Echinotee (sea cow) 184 Austorian dwarf 88 Crinus demon 45 Edestus shark 202 Avenging apsar 16 Crustaceamid devil 50 Eischlange 92 Barracuda 22 Cryoviathan 42 Elbst 93 Battle toad 105 Cryptoclidus (dinosaur) 52 Elephant seal 188 Battle woggart 106 Crystolix 43 Estrel (trueform starfish) 229 Beachcomber 23 Cuttlefish familiar 100 Fantail seal 190 Benthic naga 152 Dakuwaqa 44 Fish familiar 101 Beryl cave jelly 32 Death shell jellyfish 122 Fiskheim akhlut 10 Bogger 26 Deep drow 87 Free-mind melusine 143 Boil crab 41 Deep-sea template 242 Frog familiar 101 Brain coral 38 Deepwater nixie 158 Frogodile 107 Brill frog 104 Delphin (trueform dolphin) 223 Genai 108 Brother of frost 27 Din(song) dragon 64-65 Giant hagfish 115 Bubbler 28 Diplocaulus 54 Giant hermit crab 41 Bulonakula 29 Dire barracuda 22 Giant leatherback turtle 230 Byakko 30 Dire electric eel 91 Giant lobster 136 Sample file 3 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS (CONTINUED) Giant piranha 174 Muskrat familiar 102 Shonisaurus (dinosaur) 53 Goblin shark 202 Nanoqaluk bear 24 Sinkfish 206 Goggayya 109 Nightmare eel 90 Sinklings 207 Goliath jellyfish 123 Nommo 160 Slurg 208 Grandfather worm 112 Occylathon 164 Snag 210 Greater carchardian (trueform dire shark) 222 Oceanari 165 Snail familiar 102 Grotto hulk 113 Orchestra(song) dragon 72-73 Snell 211 Guardcat (sea cat) 182 Orcoth 168 Soak bug 212 Gurrangath 114 Overmind melusine 145 Solenosiren 185 Hagfish swarm 115 Paratriopsid 170 Sound elemental 94-95 Halbokian kappa 127 Pelagiarctos 190 Source-mind obitu 163 Harmony (song) dragon 66-67 Phantasmal frogfish 171 Sperm whale 236 Helicoprion shark 203 Phantom lobster 136 Squawk 213 Henodus (dinosaur) 52 Pigeon toad 105 Squibbon (trueform octopus) 225 Hippocantes 117 Piranha bear 25 Squid imp 120 Hush (song) dragon 68-69 Piscean 173 Starfish familiar 103 Hydrarchos 118 Plesioan 176 Steam elemental 96-97 Hydrurgan (trueform leopard seal) 227 Plumed serpent 177 Steam titan (sea titan) 196 Ice elf 98 Polar kraken 131 Steller