Star Trek of Oleg Novitsky Not Only His Relatives, but His Friends, Classmates, Teachers and Acquaintances Awaited the Moment with Bated Breath

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Star Trek of Oleg Novitsky Not Only His Relatives, but His Friends, Classmates, Teachers and Acquaintances Awaited the Moment with Bated Breath 2 FOCUS The Minsk Times Thursday, November 1, 2012 Star trek of Oleg Novitsky Not only his relatives, but his friends, classmates, teachers and acquaintances awaited the moment with bated breath. Along with members of the international crew, they counted down to the launch, watching in awe as the rocket finally ascended into orbit. Breathing once more with relief, we’ve seen that nothing is impossible for our people. Oleg is one in a long line of Oleg Novitsky of Belarusian origin Belarusians in space. On October 25th, Oleg’s rock- child, he was afraid of the dark, ing space exploration. Before our country, demon- et docked with the International so would make himself gaze at Oleg Novitsky, Belarusians Piotr strating our ultra- Space Station. Over five months, the star-filled sky to overcome Klimuk and Vladimir Kovalenok modern technologies he’ll be working with Russian his fear. Perhaps, his childhood visited the cosmos and the first and showing that Yevgeny Tarelkin and American dream was born from those mo- female astronaut, Valentina Ter- Belarus is among Kevin Ford, conducting over 50 ments, which must have inspired eshkova, had Belarusian origins. the prestigious space scientific experiments relating a yearning to see what lay among Our country aims to actively ex- powers,” emphasises to medicine, industry and educa- those twinkling stars. Before plore the universe, having recently the Director of the tion. In their free time, the crew launch, he told us, “I’m sure that launched its own satellite; in late Centre of Informa- REUTERS plans to photograph and film the many unforgettable feelings lie August, the Information Process- tion Technologies of Launch at Baikonur Earth’s surface and hopes to cre- ahead; it’s frightening to imagine ing Centre received its first pic- the Belarusian State ate an Internet blog. being at the very top of this huge tures. Belarus now has an inde- University, Yuri Vorotnitsky. of the National Academy of Sci- During a press conference and powerful rocket!” pendent system of remote Earth Belarus is preparing its na- ences. Space communications are with the main crew of the MKS- Belarusians have a special at- sensing. “The launch of the Be- tional space programme for a priority of the new document. 33/34, Oleg admitted that, as a titude and long tradition regard- larusian satellite is wonderful for 2013-2017, led by the Presidium Continued on page 6. Truly satisfied by the Long-term prospects for countryman’s success applying genetic Piotr Klimuk, pilot cosmonaut and twice Hero of the Soviet Union: When I learnt that Bela- it’s a worthy symbol to orbit are honorary citizens of the knowledge rusian Oleg Novitsky would the Earth and will make a city. Th ey are enjoying sur- be going into space, I was good exhibit for a museum prisingly clear, sunny and delighted: our ranks have in Belarus one day. warm days, with only light swollen! Before meeting Oleg and I agreed that frosts at night, so it’s a real him, I followed his profes- Russia and Belarus are spectacle to see the sky cut sional success with interest, working hard to make life by the rapid launch of a as he is my countryman. In more comfortable for those rocket. our sphere, news spreads on Earth, using space tech- It’s always a personal fast. It was nice to hear that nology. Recently, Minsk choice to become an astro- someone from Belarus is joined the ‘space club’, naut. You need passion, since held in such high regard, launching its own BKA it’s a dangerous occupation. Over 400 scientists attend forum in Minsk with trust placed in him. spacecraft for remote Earth You also need to train hard By Veronika Yulianova wards personalised medicine. From the earliest, I couldn’t sensing. More than a month to make your dream come A DNA bank is being cre- help feeling that he’d go far. has passed since its launch true. Society’s attitude in- About a hundred ated, forming a genetic portrait Star City bid farewell to itual meeting but a pleasant from Baikonur and it’s now fl uences our young people’s leading experts in the of the modern Belarusian pop- Oleg Novitsky as he set off professional and personal fully operational, transmit- dreams and ideals, making fi eld of genetics and ulation. Particularly, the DNA to Baikonur. Alongside the conversation between two ting photos of the Earth’s them unafraid of diffi cul- biotechnology — from of athletes from 12 national military attaché, I wished like-minded individuals. It surface and changes to the ties and more eager to seek Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, teams has been taken, with 20 him good luck on behalf was also an opportunity to atmosphere. out challenging paths. Boys Kazakhstan, Poland, Latvia genes studied to discover mus- of all Belarusians and on give a symbolic gift to my It’s a pity that I didn’t need icons like Chkalov, Ko- and elsewhere — recently culoskeletal characteristics, behalf of the Belarusian countryman: a small Bela- manage to fl y to Baikonur rolev and Gagarin to aspire gathered in Minsk for alongside genes which may be diplomatic mission in Mos- rusian fl ag. Oleg promised this time. My colleague to; they are good models of the international forum, responsible for endurance and cow. It wasn’t just a spir- to take it with him. I think Vladimir Kovalenok and I determination and courage. discussing problems and speed. prospects in their sphere Genetic studies also aim Vladimir Kovalenok, for the coming century to raise crop yields and quality, pilot cosmonaut and twice Hero of the Soviet Union: Although genetics is tra- via effi cient selection (includ- I’ve been waiting for Two weeks ago, a large ternational Space Station. ditionally considered to be a ing transgenic). It is a global this event for a long time: team of experts travelled They rehearsed various fundamental science, it has trend which is ignored at our finally, a third Belarusian to Baikonur. Every flight possible scenarios which inspired application in many peril. Belarusian scientists have has entered space! To tell into space is an exam for may be encountered in industries, explains the Direc- already created seeds which the truth, I wanted to be hundreds of scientists, en- space — such as the ‘man- tor of the Institute of Genet- show resistance to disease and at Baikonur and watch the gineers, technicians, doc- ual’ coupling of the space- ics and Cytology, Alexander insects (including the Colorado launch of the Soyuz TMA- tors and all those involved. ship to the International Kilchevsky — a corresponding potato beetle). Potatoes, rape 06M, which carried Oleg It is the final stage of pre- Space Station. member of the National Acad- seed, cranberries and clover Novitsky and his colleagues launch for cosmonauts and I met Oleg not long ago emy of Sciences. have been modifi ed, with work to the International Space astronauts. For special- and our chat dispelled any In recent years, close col- continuing. Station. I was eager to wave ists this is the detachment doubts I may have had: our laboration with doctors has “We want our work to re- them farewell, holding of the Soyuz TMA-06M boy is a real Belarusian! allowed DNA markers to diag- fl ect global demand, so we’re my breath in anticipation with the Soyuz-FG carrier He’d reach the stars if it nose our aptitude to suff er from carrying out various projects before feeling the breath rocket while this is an ac- meant hacking through various diseases: cardiovascu- jointly with agricultural and expelled from my lungs quaintance with the ship in thorns; he’ll succeed in lar, diabetes, bronchial asthma medical institutions, notes Mr. in a shout of ‘Let’s go!’. I normal mode for the crew everything. and, even, individual reactions Kilchevsky, who is keen to see watched from Moscow, as I (testing its communication I’m so pleased that there glass for Belarus and space to drugs. Already, more than 60 ideas put into practice. By 2020, didn’t manage to fly to the and navigation devices and are now three of us: Bela- when there are three of us. genes have been ‘mastered’ and an impressive $500m of bio- cosmodrome; urgent offi- the location of cargo which rusian astronauts. It’s bet- The future is growing be- more than 6,000 people have technological products should cial matters called me. is to be delivered to the In- ter to go fishing and raise a fore our eyes! been diagnosed. It is a step to- be produced..
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