SIC2SIC 1st Monitoring- 12 months Period: 31 October 2017 – 01 December 2018

December 2018



1. Objectives and milestones in the first 12 months of the project

2. Results of project macro-activities with respect to the plans

3. Activities’ performances through synthetic monitoring indicators

4. Some critical issues emerged

2 1. Objectives and milestones of the project in the first 12 months

This document has been realized 12 months after the start of the project to assess the realization of that set of main activities and crucial steps (milestones) for a proper continuation of the project and the achievement of its objectives.

On this assumption, the monitoring analysis will be primarily aimed at verifying 5 activities: a) The development of the communication plan b) The development of the communication campaign in its creative content (visual and copy) and the production of BTL materials to support the campaign and events c) The production of videos/ spots d) Development, implementation and monitoring of the website and social channels e) The organization and implementation of national and regional event-related activities f) The design of the routes, the organization of the stages and the technical set-up g) Land mapping and identification of interest categories for the project: schools, businesses, trade unions and business representatives, local newspapers, journalists, bloggers and influencers, institutional actors h) The implementation of the first 3 regional routes and awareness-raising activities planned along the different stages

2. Results of project macro-activities with respect to the plans a) The development of the communication plan

As planned, the elaboration of the communication plan was the first activity realized. The purpose was to give executive form to the many activities that had been planned. In this document, as shown in the figure, the campaign was designed in all its elements: from the declination of the objectives and expected results, to the target and strategy, to the products and channels chosen to convey the campaign. Obviously in doing so, the working group was also included together with a time schedule of all the activities to be carried out. b) The development of the communication campaign in its creative content (visual and copy) and the production of BTL materials to support the campaign and events In the first 3 months of the project, after drafting the communication plan, the campaign was built in its creativity. This creative line would be conveyed in all the channels activated: traditional(i.e. events), not conventional (i.e. cycling tours) and digital social-web. Below please find a presentation of the results through a bouquet of images.

3 The communication campaign: visual and copy choices

BTL materials supporting the campaign and the events FOLDER CERTIFICATE










The campaign materials described in the images above are often used in letterpress mode to be distributed during scheduled events. For this activity, as foreseen by the project, a public call for tenders was announced to identify the technical subject able to provide the service at the best price/ quality ratio. c) The production of the video/ spot The new media communication campaign rests on an important part of the video product. In this first year of the project, 4 videos were made:

NATIONAL VIDEO SPOT: Sic2Sic – 2000 Natura Network– The environment moves ahead - Duration: 0:16 - Made to promote the social project on a broad national target - Spot treatment of video shootings carried out within the project. - Shooting, editing, motion graphics, music synchronization.

NATIONAL VIDEO SPOT: Sic2Sic starts from Friuli on 2018 May, 29th - Duration: 0:57 - Made for a web disclosure in view of the launch of the first stages - Realization of ad hoc shots with some of the ISPRA cyclists involved. - Shooting, editing, motion graphics, music synchronization.

REGIONAL VIDEO SPOT: Sic2Sic - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Duration: 0:3 - Made to promote the stages of the region of reference (Friuli) geolocalizing on the social dissemination. - Adaptation of the composition to the Instagram formats (1080x1080) and youtube (1920x1080)

7 - Re-elaboration of the spot with an addition of information inserts in motion graphics referring to the region in question. - Shooting, editing, motion graphics, music synchronization

REGIONAL VIDEO SPOT: Life Sic2Sic – Cycling through the Italian 2000 Natura Network - Durata: 0:43 - Made for the conference to launch the project at the headquarters of the European Space Commission and Parliament on March 20, 2018. - The video was produced by editing some stock-footage and processing parts in motion graphics

VIDEO: Life Sic2Sic – description of the stages in Friuli Venezia Giulia - Durata: 7:40 - About the stages of the region of reference (Friuli) - The video was produced by editing some stock-footage and processing parts in motion graphics d) Development, implementation and monitoring of the mobile website and social channels In this project the digital web-social channel takes on a very significant value. For this reason, particular attention has been paid to the development of the web-mobile site in its technological architecture and content, as well as the opening of all the social pages on which the SIC2SIC campaign is conveyed through both an editorial activity and ADV actions. It should be noted that, in agreement with our LIFE reference contacts, the APP tool was substituted by a responsive web site. As for the social channels, after a careful analysis of the rapid technological developments and interest of the multiple channels available, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE and TWITTER pages were activated

HTTPS://LIFESIC2SIC.EU/ Tecnhical Features Hosting management on LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). Domain name resolution Implementation and management of the CMS (Content Management system) Wordpress 4.9.8 Acquisition of licenses, customization, management and updates of the following plug-ins and main themes: - Tema Jupiter Version 6.1.5

8 - WP Google Maps - Pro Add-on: management and implementation of a GIS2Web interface for processing georeferenced routes - Yoast SEO: interface for the analysis and optimization of SEO content - CM Tooltip Glossary: creation and management of a personalized glossary - The Events Calendar Category Colours: interface for the management and scheduling of events

Graphic design and structure of the portal

To date, the site consists of approximately 161 pages, 281 images (photographs and graphics). In its final version it is expected to reach about 500 pages. Overall, as reported by the Google Analytics tab, in the period that goes from the on site (March 2018) to November 2018 date of closure of this monitoring report on the first 12

9 months of the project, the SIC2SIC portal has obtained the following results:

SOCIAL PAGES The main results of the ADV and editorial activity on the social channels in the period March- November 2018

Pagina FACEBOOK Pagina TWITTER • Post 168 • Tweet 117 • Like 2167 • Single visualizations 76.296, where 17.833 through • Follower 2197 advertising (events promotion) * • Follower 101 Pagina INSTAGRAM • Visits of the profile 619 - Follower 106 • Mentions 42 - Post 58 Twitter advertising campaign: • Campaign 1 - 5.754 • Campaign 2 - 5.403 • Campaign 3 - 3.813 • Campaign 4 - 2.864 • Total: 17.833 visualizations

Campaign Google ad/YouTube

ADV Video Friuli-Venezia Giulia: • Impression: 23.495 • Visualizations: 8.763

Facebook + Instagram Campaigns

Impression / Campaign Coverage (people) visualizations FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 1 “Page promotion” 14.000 16.256 2 “video advertising” 4.785 4.932 3 “Web site promotion” 15.192 23.051

10 4 “video sponsorizzato” 4.969 6.242 5 “Page promotion” 7.884 10.762 6 “post promotion” 1.709 1.905 7 “post promotion” 1159 1213 8 “event advertising” 3.813 7.511 9 “post promotion” 1.438 1.572 10 “post promotion” 438 461 TOTAL 10 CAMPAIGN 55.387 73.905 LAZIO/UMBRIA Post advertising 79.436 92.712 Post promotion 13.584 20.959 Traffic 10.860 33.489 event advertising:69 answers 13.120 33.132 Evento sponsorizzato:198 answers 9.890 15.870 event advertising:83 answers 9.730 18.784 event advertising:191 answers 7.684 12.986 Post advertising 4.092 3.670 Post advertising 2.629 2.719 Post advertising 2.082 2.146 Post advertising 1.467 1.548 Post advertising 1.345 1.537 Post advertising 1.319 1.493 Post advertising 1.207 1.301 Post advertising 990 1.025 TOTAL 15 CAMPAIGN 159.435 243.371 Post advertising 3578 4088 On routes post advertising 58.799 114.955 Page promotion: +413 Like 25.682 35.647 event advertising: 174 answers 18.532 35.748 event advertising: 146 answers 18.719 35.302 event advertising: 91 risposte 27.561 44.715 event advertising: 110 answers 23.399 40.245 TOTAL 7 CAMPAIGN 176.270 310.700 VIDEO PROMOTION Friuli-Venezia Giulia 93.372 121.129

TOTAL 484.464 749.105

e) The organization and implementation of national and regional event-related activities


11 On March 20 at the headquarters of the European Space of the Commission and the European Parliament, located in Via IV Novembre 149 in Rome, the conference was held to launch the project "Cycling throughSic2SicProgramma_7_3_sic2cart_16_11 the Natura 07/03/18 12:48 2000 Pagina 2 network: Sic2Sic".


Presentazione Progetto LIFE16 GIE/IT/000700 In bici attraverso la Rete Natura 2000 -Sic2Sic 20 marzo 2018, ore 9.00 -13.30. Sala conferenze Spazio Europa (Uficio d’informazione per l’Italia del Parlamento europeo e dalla Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea) Via Quattro Novembre, 149 Roma

Il Progetto Life Sic2Sic ha come obiettivi principali: • La sensibilizzazione dei cittadini sul significato e sull’importanza della Rete Natura 2000 • La promozione di comportamenti ecosostenibili nella fruizione del territorio (itinerari ciclistici e turismo sostenibile) • La formazione di una cittadinanza attiva nella conoscenza e nel monitoraggio dell’ambiente • L’attivazione di un modello collaborativo tra tutti i soggetti che compongono la governance territoriale, come modello di azione di policy per moltiplicare i benefici economici e sociali dei Siti della Rete

PROGRAMMA PROVVISORIO 9.00 Registrazione 9.30 Apertura e saluti: Beatrice Covassi capo della Rappresentanza della Commissione europea in Italia e Lorenzo Ciccarese, responsabile dell'Area per la conservazione e la gestione della flora, della vegetazione e delle foreste, degli habitat e degli ecosistemi dei suoli e per l'uso sostenibile delle risorse agroforestali, ISPRA

Modera Matteo Lener, ISPRA, coordinatore progetto Life Sic2Sic

10.00 Maria Cecilia Natalia, ISPRA: il progetto Life Sic2Sic e la Rete Natura 2000 10.20 Mauro Di Giacomo, Ares 2.0: la comunicazione per l’ambiente: tra interventi sul campo e strategia social 10.40 Lorenzo Lener, Enne 3 Incubatore Università Piemonte Orientale: Il territorio economico, l'impresa ed il suo ambiente 11.00 Francesco Baroncini, FIAB: La bicicletta e la Rete Natura 2000: valorizziamo una visita consapevole 11.20 Laura Pettiti, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare: Rete Natura 2000: stato dell’arte e nuovo Piano d’azione europeo 11.40 Lucilla Carnevali, ISPRA: Life ASAP: il coinvolgimento dei cittadini nel contrasto alle specie invasive 12.00 Discussione 12.30 Chiusura lavori

A seguire uscita esplorativa in bicicletta nella ZSC di Villa Borghese e Villa Pamphili.

Contatti: [email protected]


NATURA 2000 NETWORK EUROPEAN DAY The national project promotion activity did not end in the launch conference alone. In fact, on 21 May 2018, SIC2SIC had a second moment of promotion of its activities within the framework of the EUROPEAN NATURA 2000 DAY organized at the “Tenuta di Castelporziano” with the aim of discussing the issue of safeguarding species and biodiversity and promoting routes, even by bike, on the sites of the Natura 2000 network. The occasion was particularly important also to activate a first moment of synergy with other LIFE projects. In fact, the conference involved the representatives of 14 projects funded by the EU.


13 WORKSHOP Sic2SicProgrammaSardegna_30_10_sic2cart_16_11 07/12/18 10:30 Pagina 1


Progetto LIFE16 GIE/IT/000700 - Sic2Sic - In bici attraverso la Rete Natura 2000 Workshop Sala Anfiteatro, via Roma 253, Cagliari 16 novembre 2018, ore 9.00 - 14.00

Incontro di fine tour in Sardegna tra istituzioni e cittadini per discutere di: mobilità e turismo sostenibile, importanza delle aree protette e valorizzazione della Rete Natura 2000.

PROGRAMMA 9.00 Registrazione 9.20 Paola Zinzula, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Direttore generale della Difesa dell'ambiente Modera Matteo Lener, ISPRA, coordinatore del progetto Life Sic2Sic 9.40 Maria Cecila Natalia, ISPRA, Lorenzo Lener, Enne 3 Incubatore Università Piemonte Orientale, Virgilio Scanu, Coordinatore regionale FIAB: prime impressioni alla fine del tour in Sardegna 10.20 Marianna Mossa, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna: Rete Natura 2000: stato dell’arte 10.40 Giovanni Satta, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna: Il Progetto Master Adapt 11.00 Massimiliano Ponti, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Italo Meloni, Università di Cagliari: Lo sviluppo della rete ciclabile della Sardegna: linee guida, indirizzi tecnici e buone pratiche 11.30 Francesco Ghirra, Comune di Cagliari, Assessore alla Pianificazione strategica e Urbanistica: Casi di buone pratiche per lo sviluppo della mobilità sostenibile 12.00 Discussione aperta su mobilità e turismo sostenibile, importanza delle aree protette e valorizzazione della Rete Natura 2000

13.30 Chiusura lavori

Contatti: [email protected]

In collaborazione con

14 f) The design of the routes, the organization of their stages and the technical set-up As planned, cycling is the basis of a dense communication activity. It has the task of promoting the Natura 2000 sites and informing/ raising people's awareness on sustainability and biodiversity. Within the many activities, the bicycle tour is the unconventional form of communication that not only allows to gain the attention of the population but allows also to gain their activation as main actors . In this perspective, a 20-week route has been planned, divided into two annual courses, consisting of 100 daily stages, divided into 80 long stages (Tuesday-Friday, 70 km each) and 20 short (Saturday, 20 km, easily usable from a large audience), for a total of 6.000 km. Obviously, this tour requires an extraordinary organizational effort and technical equipment, as well as support services for cyclists. A public call for proposals identified a specialized subject able to offer the best technical equipment for the characteristics of the tour. As regards the definition of the routes, in these first 12 months of project activities, those of FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA, UMBRIA AND LAZIO, SARDINIA were designed. Without repeating in this section what is available as information on the routes in section h of this chapter, below some data that allow to represent the activity of construction of the routes carried out.

N. Number of Km of the Municipalities N. Natura 2000 sites Region stages in the route involved in the involved in the route route route Friuli-Venezia 10 609 92 40 Giulia Lazio - Umbria 20 1.026 112 60 Sardinia 11 546 62 46 g) Land mapping and identification of interest categories for the project: schools, businesses, trade unions and business representatives, local newspapers, journalists, bloggers and influencers, institutional actors As reported on the communication plan, in view of the direct activation of local players, a preliminary mapping activity is particularly relevant. It allows identifying in a timely manner those recipients that make up the category of economic operators, policy makers of the territory and schools that will be contacted and informed on the aims of the project, on the modalities of action, and on the contribution that will be requested within the project. Below is a summary of the results of the mapping activity by category Categories N. contact people FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Companies and for profit organizations 300 Schools 90 Newspapers, journalists, bloggers, 56 influencers Institutional actors and governance 206

15 LAZIO - UMBRIA Companies and for profit organizations 1400 Schools 25 Newspapers, journalists, bloggers, 57 influencers Institutional actors and governance 294 SARDEGNA Companies and for profit organizations 300 Schools 89 Newspapers, journalists, bloggers, 49 influencers Institutional actors and governance 124 * 7 are innovative companies, the circular economy and the bike industry; 30 are subject to tourist accommodation. h) The implementation of the first 4 regional routes and awareness-raising activities planned along the different stages

Regional route FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Activities: meetings with institutions, Date Cycling route: all stages schools, businesses and citizens

1st meeting President of the Julian Alps 27/05/18 Park (Venzona) 2nd presence in ParkFest (Venzona) 3rd Meeting and visit to the Doc Natura exhibition (Udine) 4th Meeting with representatives of the region De Colle and Zanchetta, experts in the Life Natura2000 region, and Arpa 28/05/18 FVG Sara Petrillo (Udine) 5th Meeting Environment Councilor of Tarvisio 6 Meeting and walking session with the project manager Life at Lake Fusine STAGE 1: length of the route 77 km 1st Meeting "Dante Alighieri" school: IV and V grade (40 children). From the Departure stage: Tarvisio. school departure stage (Tarvisio -UD) Municipalities crossed: Tarvisio, 2nd Meeting with mayor Sergio Chinese 29/05/18 Malborghetto Valbruna, Pontebba, and managers of the Park at Giulie Alps Dogna, Chiusaforte, Resiutta, Park(Prato di Resia - UD) Moggio Udinese, Resia 3rd meeting with Walkers in the Julian Alps accompanied by Park Guide STAGE 2: length of the route 74,5 km

16 Departure stage: Prato di Resia. 1st meeting with Mayor and Municipalities crossed: Resia, Environment Councilor (San Daniele) Resiutta, Moggio Udinese, Venzone, 30/05/18 Amaro, Bordano, Gemona del Friuli, 2nd Meeting with Councilor Armando Trasaghis, Osoppo, Forgaria nel Spagnolo and with the mayor Enrico Friuli, San Daniele del Friuli, Majano, Sarcinelli (Municipality of Spilimbergo) Ragogna, Dignano, Spilimbergo STAGE 3: length of the route 41,2 km 1st meeting "Erto" school: multi-class with 7 children, delivery of the Notice board f stage 3. The meeting was also Departure stage: Erto. attended by the School manager (Erto e 31/05/18 Municipalities crossed: Erto, Casso, Casso - PN) Cimolais, Claut, Barcis 2nd Meeting with mayor Romero Alzetta and deputy mayor (Andreis - PN) Radio interview

STAGE 4: length of the route 71,1 km 1st meeting "Dante Alighieri" school: two classes from the III grade (38 children); From the school departure stage; Departure stage: Maniago. Delivered Notice board stage 4 (Maniago Municipalities crossed: Maniago, PN) Vajont, Montereale Valcellina, San 2nd Meeting with Mayor Andrea Carli 01/06/18 Quirino, Budoia, Polcenigo, Caneva, and Councilor at the Town Hall; Fontanafredda, Roveredo in Piano, Delivered Notice board stage 4 (Maniago Porcia, Pordenone PN) 3rd Meeting with Councilor Amirante at City Hall, delivery of Notice Board stage 5 and 6 (Pordenone) STAGE 5: length of the route 31 km 02/06/18 Departure stage: Pordenone Municipalities crossed: Pordenone, 1st meeting Vento and Fiab Venice 03/06/18 Cordenons, San Quirino, Fiume 04/06/18 Veneto, Zoppola STAGE 6: length of the route 82 km Departure stage: Pordenone Municipalities crossed: Pordenone, Azzano Decimo, Fiume Veneto, 1st meeting of the school "G. Narvesa: V 05/06/18 Zoppola, Casarsa della Delizia, San (24 children). From the school departure Vito al Tagliamento, Codroipo, stage (Pordenone) Varano, Rivignano Teor, Talmassons, Bertiolo, Codroipo STAGE 7: length of the route 82 km

17 Departure stage: Codroipo 1st meeting "G.B. Candotti" school: two Municipalities crossed: Codroipo, classes (40 children). From the school Varmo, Ronchis, (San Michele al departure stage (Codroipo - UD) Tagliamento), Latisana, Precenicco, 2nd meeting Mayor of Castions di Strada, 06/06/18 Palazzolo dello Stella, Muzzana del manager Selvote Swamp Turgnano, Carlino, San Giorgio di Nogaro, Porpetto, Castions di Strada, Gonars, Torviscosa, Bagnaria Arsa, Palmanova STAGE 8: length of the route 73 km 1st primary school meeting in via Dante: Departure stage: Palmanova two classes from III grade (48 children). Municipalities crossed: Palmanova, From the school departure stage Visco, Bagnaria Arsa, Cervignano del 07/06/18 (Palmanova - UD) Friuli, Renda, Terzo d’Aquileia, 2nd Meeting with mayor Francesco Aquileia, Grado, San Canzian Martines of the municipality of d’Isonzo, Staranzano, Monfalcone Palmanova at the town hall STAGE 9: length of the route 59 km Departure stage: Monfalcone 1st meeting "Battisti" school: two classes Municipalities crossed: Monfalcone, from the IV grades (32 pupils). From the Ronchi dei Legionari, San Pier school departure stage (Monfalcone - 08/06/18 d’Isonzo, Fogliano Redipuglia, GO) Sagrado, Savogna d’Isonzo, Doberdò 2nd meeting/ Workshop at Palazzo del Lago, Duino-Aurisina, Sgonico, Gopcevich, Sala Bobi Bazlen, via Trieste Gioacchino Rossini 4 (Trieste) STAGE 10: length of the route 18 km Departure stage Trieste 09/06/18 Municipalities crossed: Trieste, San Dorligo della Valle-Dolina

Regional route UMBRIA-LAZIO Activities: meetings with institutions, Date Cycling route: all stages schools, businesses and citizens STAGE 11: length of the route 65,4 km Meeting with the Elementary school 18/4/2018 Roma Graziosi Via Greve 105, 00146 (30 children) Departure stage Roma, 1st SIC2SIC meeting with the direction of Municipalities crossed: the Park Bracciano 18/9/2018 Anguillara Sabazia, Campagnano di Roma, Formello, Bracciano. 2nd meeting with the Mayor of Bracciano STAGE 12: length of the route 68,4 km Departure stage Bracciano. SIC2SIC meeting with the hosts from Ais 19/9/2018 Municipalities crossed: Monte Centre onlus Romano, Vejano, Tolfa, Blera,

18 Allumiere, Canale Monterano, Manziana, Tarquinia. STAGE 13: length of the route 47,1 km 1st meeting at Saline di Tarquinia with Forest department and Unitus Departure stage Tarquinia. 20/9/2018 2nd meeting with local association Municipalities crossed: Tuscania promoting local culture and tourism of Tuscania STAGE 14: length of the route 44,1 km Departure stage Tuscania. 21/9/2018 Municipalities crossed: Monte Romano, Viterbo, Vetralla STAGE 15: length of the route 39,4 km 1st meeting with the City planner assessor Departure stage Viterbo. Claudio Ubertini 22/9/2018 Municipalities crossed: Soriano 2nd meeting at La faggeta vetusta of nel Cimino, Vitorchiano, Canepi Cimino Mountain, attended by Fabio Menicacci, Mayor of Soriano nel Cimino 1st meeting at Viterbo with Giulio Curti from the regional incubator and with local 24/9/2018 tourism and cultural enterprises 2nd meeting with the Mayor of Orvieto Giuseppe Germani STAGE 16: length of the route 50 km Departure stage Orte Municipalities crossed: Graffignano, Alviano, Attigliano, 25/9/2018 Baschi, Giove, Guardea, lugnano in teverina, Montecchio, Penne in Teverina, Bomarzo, Orvieto. STAGE 17: length of the route 70 km 1st meeting with Andrea Vincenti Departure stage: Orvieto (assessor of mobility and tourism) and Municipalities crossed: Allerona, Roberta Cotigni (assessor of economic Cetona, Chiusi, Città della Pieve, development) at Council Chamber, of the 26/9/2018 Castel Viscardo, Fabro, Ficulle, Municipality of Orvieto, Via Garibaldi 8 - Monteleone d’Orvieto, 05018 Orvieto (TR) Castiglione del Lago 2nd meeting with the company NOVAMONT STAGE 18: length of the route 60,4 km Partenza Departure stage: 1st meeting at Castiglione del Lago with Castiglione del Lago the vice Mayor Romeo Pippi at Municipalities crossed: Cortona, Municipality of Castiglione del Lago, piazza 27/9/2018 Lisciano Niccone, Tuoro sul Gramsci 1 - Castiglione del Lago Trasimeno, Umbertide, Città di 2nd Meeting at Città di Castello about Castello environmental topics with the mayor

19 Luciano Bacchetta, assessors and other subjects at Comune piazza V. Gabriotti 1 - 06012 Città di Castello (PG) 3th meeting at Città di Castello among Municipality and cyclists. STAGE 19: length of the route 63,7 km 1st meeting with the School "Alberto Burri", via Lambruschini 7/A - 06018 Departure stage: Città di Castello Trestina, Città di Castello (PG) class from 28/9/2018 Municipalities crossed: the V grade, 33 children. Umberide, Montone, Perugia 2nd meeting at the school with the Mayor, assessors and other subjects. STAGE 20: length of the route 18,6 km Departure stage: Perugia 1st meeting with the vice mayor of Perugia 29/9/2018 Municipalities crossed: Torgiano Urbano Barelli STAGE 21: length of the route 71,0 km Departure stage: Assisi Municipalities crossed: Foligno, 1st meeting at Assisi with Cristina Foiano Montefalco, Spello, Spoleto, 3/10/2018 responsible for School and Sport Office, Trevi, Bastia Umbra, Bevagna, Piazza del Comune 10 - 06081 Assisi (PG) Campello sul Clitunno, Cannara, Spoleto. STAGE 22: length of the route 51 km 1st meeting Primary shool "XX Settembre", piazza XX Settembre 8 - 06049 Spoleto (PG), 5th grade 20 children. Departure stage: Spoleto Municipalities crossed: 2nd meeting with the mayor of Spoleto 4/10/2018 ant’Anatolia di Narco, Scheggino, Umberto De Augustinis, Cultural assessor Ferentillo, Montefrando, Arrone, Ada Spadoni Urbani and Tourism Assessor Terni. 3th meeting with cyclists and local association promoting local culture and tourism (Via IV Novembre 7 - Piediluco) STAGE 23: length of the route 33,4 km Departure stage: Piedilunga Municipalities crossed: Terni, 1st meeting the Mayor of Leonessa Paolo 5/10/2018 Arrone, Monte Reatino, Rivo Trancassini D’Utri, Polino, Leonessa STAGE 24: length of the route 47,9 km Departure stage: Leonessa Municipalities crossed: 6/10/2018 Antrodoco, Borbona, Borgo Velino, Cantalice, Castel

20 Sant’Angelo, Cittaducale, Micigliano, Posta, Rieti

STAGE 25: length of the route 38,2 km Departure stage: Borgo Velino. Municipalities crossed: Castel 7/10/2018 Sant’Angelo, Cittaducale, Micigliano, Rieti STAGE 26: length of the route 61,7 km 1st meeting with primary school “Flora Barchiesi", vicolo Schiavi snc - 00034 Departure stage: Colleferro Colleferro (RM). 20 chilren, I, IV, V grades Municipalities crossed: Segni, 2nd meeting with the assessor to the 9/10/2018 Carpineto Romano, Montelanico, environment D. Calamita from the Maenza, Proverno, Roccagorga, municipality of Colleferro Roccasecca dei Volsci, Sonnino 3rd meeting with Luciano De Angelis, Mayor of Sonnino STAGE 27: length of the route 47,5 km Departure stage: Sonnino Meeting at the national park of Circeo with 10/10/2018 Municipalities crossed: Monte D. Ester Del Bove San Biagio, Terracina, Sabaudia. STAGE 28: length of the route 61,7 km 1st meeting with Pangea onlus (guides at Circeo Park) 2nd meeting School Giulio Cesare of Departure stage: Sabaudia Sabaudia 11/10/2018 Municipalities crossed: Latina, 3th meeting with the mayor of Latina and Terracina, San Felice Circeo. representatives of Carabinieri and biodiversity Office-UCTB 4th meeting with SIKH community STAGE 29: length of the route 93,5 km 1st meeting with Fondazione Caetani at Oasi di Ninfa Departure stage: Sabaudia 2nd meeting with Stefano Cresta, resp. for Municipalities crossed: Sezze, Enviornmental Area of the regional park Sermoneta, Priverno, Pontinia, Castelli Romani Norma, Cori, Cisterna di latina, 12/10/2018 3rd meeting school “Istituto comprensivo Bassiano, Nemi, Marino, C.Chiominto “Cori (LT) Lanuvio, Genzano di Roma, 4th meeting with Mauro Primio De Lillis, Artena, Ariccia, Albano Laziale, mayor of Cori Lariano, Velletri, Castel Gandolfo 5th meeting Carpineti organic winery and farm STAGE 30: length of the route 41,1 km 1st meeting with mayor of Rome Luca 13/10/2018 Departure stage: Castel Gandolfo Montuori

21 Municipalities crossed: Marino, 2nd meeting the assessor of the first Grottaferrata, Ariccia, Albano municipio Jacopo Scattà Laziale, Rocca di Papa, Ciampino, Roma

Regional route SARDINIA Attività: gli incontri con istituzioni, Data percorso ciclistico: tutte le tappe scuole, imprese e cittadinanza STAGE 31: length of the route 69,70 km 1st meeting Primary School “Borgona”, via Principe di Piemonte 29 - 07046 Porto Torres Departure stage: Porto Torres. 06/11/2018 (SS) - IV and V grades, about 40 Municipalities crossed: Sassari; Alghero children 2nd meeting with mayor of Porto Torres Sean Christian Wheeler STAGE 32 length of the route 45,50 km 1st Meeting with Ornella Piras, Economic Development and productive activities of the municipality of Alghero 2nd Meeting with Luigi Mastino, Departure stage: Alghero. Municipalities mayor of 07/11/2018 crossed: Villanova Monteleone, Bosa 3rd Meeting with the network of the life Sic2sic programme and the project lifeundergriffonwings, project aiming to improve the conservation of the Sardinian griffon. TAPPA 33: length of the route 67,60 km Departure stage: Bosa. Municipalities 1st Meeting with the school in crossed: , , , Bosa, via Canonico Puggioni - 08/11/2018 , , Sindia, 08013 Bosa (OR) Macomer, Borore, , Soddì, 2nd Meeting mayor of Ghilza . STAGE 34: length of the route 42,50 km Departure stage: Ghilarza. Municipalities 1st Meeting primary school 09/11/2018 crossed: , , , "Ghilarza", via Matteotti - 09074 , , Ghilarza (OR) STAGE 35: length of the route 16,60 km 1st Meeting Giuseppe Pinna, head of the territorial development Departure stage: Oristano. 10/11/2018 sector and the one of public works Municipalities crossed: Cabras of Municipality of Oristano; Gianfranco Licheri. Assessor of

22 Environment, agriculture, Igiene of the city of the municipality of Oristano STAGE 36: length of the route 18,30 km 1st Meeting Conferenza stampa Departure stage: Nuoro. Municipalities with Andrea Soddu, sindaco di 11/11/2018 crossed: Nuoro Nuoro, e Rachele Piras, assessore Turismo e Monte Ortobene STAGE 37 length of the route 70,50 km Departure stage: Oristano. Comuni attraversat Municipalities crossed i: 1st Meeting with INDICIT Project , , , Uras, presso Località Sa Mardini – 09072 12/11/2018 , , , Torregrande-Oristano (OR) – Baressa, , Turri, Tuili, Las Sardegna. Plassas, Barumini STAGE 38: length of the route 51,50 km 1st Meeting Primaria Barumini, viale San Francesco 7 - 09021 Departure stage: Bariumini. Barumini (SU) - Dalla I alla V, 45 Municipalities crossed: Las Plassas, 13/11/2018 bimbi. Villanovafranca, Villamar, Sanluri, 2nd Meeting Rappresentate del Sardara, Pabillonis, Guspini Sindaco di Barumini

STAGE 39: length of the route 69,80 km 1st Meeting scuola Primaria "G. Deledda", via Giacomo Matteotti 1 Departure stage: Guspini. Municipalities - 09036 Guspini (VS) - II e III, circa 14/11/2018 crossed: Arbus, Fluminimaggiore, 40 bimbi Buggerru, Gonnesa, Iglesias 2nd Meeting with il sindaco di Guspini Giuseppe De Fanti STAGE 40: length of the route 69,90 km Departure stage: Iglesias. Municipalities 1st Meeting School IPIA "Galileo crossed: Domusnovas, Villamassargia, 15/11/2018 Ferraris", via Canepa - 09016 Siliqua, Villaspeciosa, Uta, Assemini, Iglesias (CI) Elmas, Cagliari STAGE 41: length of the route 24,10 km Regional workshop (Sala 16/11/2018 Anfiteatro, Autonomous Region of Sardinia, via Roma 253 – Cagliari) Departure stage: Cagliari Municipalities

17/11/2018 crossed: Quartu Sant’Elena, Quarticciu,

Selargius, Monserrato

I. Activities carried out with the economic system

23 Company were involved focusing on the following key sectors: tourism chain, innovative services, Sustainable Mobility, and good practices in companies for environmental impact reduction policies. The involvement process has been prepared upstream with the identification of the reference universe of companies that have been searched by retrieving contacts from: 1) Tourism and reception chain, through the database of the innovative Start Up at Enne3 Easyholydays srl which has mapped all tourist accommodation companies in and Europe 2) Start Up Sector, with the special Register of Innovative Start Up of the Ministry of Economic Development 3) Sustainable Mobility Sector Companies gathered through web search with keywords related to the theme of bicycles and sustainable mobility 4) Good practices in Business Chain. Looking for direct contacts through interviews and communication with the Territorial Associations of Industrialists and Chambers of Commerce. Overall, for the four Regions, more than 2,000 contacts were implemented with companies (mainly in the tourist reception sector) reached via e-mail in two different ways: Easyholydays portal (tourism sector); for the other targets by sending a contact email from the Director of Enne3 Lorenzo Lener. This work was carried out on all the points of departure and arrival of the first 40 stages covered with a medium dialogue (telephone and e-mail) for an average of 5 structures per stage and therefore an "a priori" dialogue with about 200 entrepreneurs of the tourist reception. For Target Innovation we contacted the Industrial Associations of the Provinces involved, we wrote directly to the registered companies on the list of Start Up Innovative and we contacted the certified Incubators in the area. Here too the work was mainly at a distance, with a verification of the coherences between the company's innovation and project objectives (mainly on the themes of innovative services to tourism, the circular economy and "saving" technologies for the environment). Regarding good practices in business chains, the discussion has been more complex because access to medium/ large companies is less easy and they are located in industrial areas more distant from nature routes. The activity was concentrated in 2018 on relations with the circular economy and the Bioplastics and the processing and transformation of organic material in Mater-BI of Novamont were analyzed by visiting the plants of Terni (Umbria) and Porto Torres (Sardinia).

3. The performance of the activities through synthetic monitoring indicators Total number of participants in cycling routes or citizens involved through Approximately 2.100 sensitized and informed meetings and distribution of materials citizens during the various stages Number of schools, students and 20 schools; 542 trained students; about 3.000 teachers/ school representatives involved sensitized students; 81 teachers/ school in the start events of the cycling stages representatives with training sessions

24 108 of which about 30% were very interested Number of institutional subjects, and in an exchange of good practices for the enlarged governance involved in the development of low impact tourism activities stages and events in protected areas Number of economic operators contacted 55 and met Number of newspapers, journalists, bloggers, influencers activated and 31 newspapers for over 150.000 estimated involved in the project through the press users office 4.672 users (citizens and students) trained Number of visitors to the website and 26.501 sensitized through the pages of the sic2sic website Number of social contacts through adv 848.896 of which 2.200 activated through the and editorial activities with the public/ sic2sic social platform target

4. Some critical issues emerged

Overall, all the activities planned in the first 12 months of the project, even with some slippage in time, have been realized. We can therefore state that after a start-up phase that has imposed some changes with respect to the dates initially proposed, the project proceeds in an optimally. Despite this positive general assessment, some critical issues have appeared. It is useful to highlight them in order to intervene with the necessary organizational changes, but also to consider them in planned outputs and deliverables in order to guarantee a more effective continuation of the project. Entering into the details, we should consider the involvement of the generalist target of citizens at the local level. In particular, during the 2.200 km travelled through 215 municipalities public showed a visible interest in the SIC2SIC topics, but in some cases also showed a difficulty in joining the event by bike. This audience showed interested in the learning path, but not to the cycling activity. To overcome this problem, we introduced new moments to involve people. It involved the creation of sic2sic spaces, i.e. moments of discussion with Ispra in public places where rollups, bicycles and information wall. It represents a second level of Learning that completes and integrates the programmed Learning by cycling. With this decision, the sic2sic project expects to significantly expand the citizens involved in non-conventional communication activities at the local level. Within this new perspective, there is also the need to make a change in the methodology for the collection of information among citizens involved in cycling activities. A survey methodology that imposes high levels of formality also of an organizational nature, is not the best option in informal recreational occasion such as that of cycling with experts, or meeting in a public place. For this reason, also as suggested by people involved, information was collected through open questions launched during the Learning sessions. Answers became the basis on which to process the planned information materials. In other words, more coherently

25 with the situation, we proceeded with a seemingly informal approach to open questions, creating a condition of focus well suited to the objective entrusted to this collection of data. Always with the aim of strengthening the impact of raising awareness activities among citizens and students, the partnership decided to provide additional resources to extend the website beyond the project regions. In other words, the mapping activity of the Natura 2000 sites and the information supplied with the same sites will also be carried out for the other 13 regions not included in the project's cycling tours. This activity will start in January 2019 and will continue until the project expires. This decision is also based on the extraordinary results of the website, which compared to the ability to educate people on the value of Natura 2000 sites. Currently, the website has been attended by almost 5.000 people for a total of about 27.000 pages consulted. This investment is also linked to the decision to transport sic2sic outside the perimeter of the events of the 7 regions by providing an agreement with the Fiab system to bring the value of Natura 2000 sites within all the excursions that will be organized by the association. It should be recalled in this regard that Fiab is the leading association of amateur cyclists with 18.000 members.