


King Arthur and the of the


A Note About These Stories 4 A Picture Dictionary 6 The People in These Stories 7 1 The Coming of Arthur 9 e Ston e th n i d Swor e 2 Th 15 3 19 4 Queen 22 u Nim d an n 5 Merli 27 t Knigh n Gree e th d an n Gawai 6r Si 32 7 The 39 t Iseul d an m 8 Tristra 46 9 Percivale and 56 10 The 62 11 The Quest for the 66 e Tabl d Roun e th f o g Breakin 1e 2 Th 70 13 The Passing of Arthur 77 Points for Understanding 81 Glossary 84 Exercises 89 A Note About These Stories began to tell the stories in English. In these stories, a young man called Arthur became King of Britain. Arthur called the best warriors to his court5 at Castle . The warriors, or s year d thousan a n tha e mor e ar r Arthu g Kin f o s storie e Th . castle e th f o l hal e th n i e tabl d roun a t a t sa , knights s record y histor , But . history t no e ar y the ; stories e ar y The . old . land e th e rul o t r Arthu d helpe n Merli d name magician A 6 r yea e th d aroun d live o wh Artorius r leade r wa a f o e nam e th d an e Tabl d Roun e th f o s e th t abou e ar s storie e Thes 500 AD. Perhaps the name 'Artorius' became 'Arthur' in the their adventures. The stories describe how a good knight must . Arthur g Kin f o s storie behave. A good knight was chivalrous and polite. He was a 0 41 d an D A 3 4 n betwee n Britai d rule s Roman e Th warrior and a powerful member of society7 . A knight supported e on r longe o n s wa e ther , left s Roman e th r afte , Then . AD his king and fought for honour, truth and justice8. He also government in the country. . Fodragon a r r centurieso y enem , n thera l ekil wero t e e manhav t y migh e H . quests n o t wen 9 e wer s kingdom e thes f o s ruler e Th . Britain n i s kingdom l smal o t e hav t migh e h r O . woman g youn a e sav o t d ha e h s Perhap invaders t fough s leader h Britis e Thes . leaders r wa r o warriors find something that was holy or valuable. When he had done 2 1 who came from the countries across the North Sea and the first these things, his quest was completed. stories of date from about this time. But the most Stories about Arthur have been retold many times. They famous stories came from a later period. are the subject of books, plays, films, operas and poems. In . AD 0 40 r yea e th r afte k wea e becam 3 Empire n Roma e Th , Tolkien . R . R . J y b Hobbit The d an Rings the of Lord The s acros d move e peopl t differen y man , century t nex e th g Durin e th n I . Magician e th n Merli n o d base s i d Wizar e th f Gandal Europe from east to west. People from northern Germany and Star Wars films, the Jedi Knights are based on the Knights of e peopl h Britis e th e drov d an n Britai d invade , Scandinavia the Round Table. - Anglo e Thes . Britain f o s land n norther d an n wester e th o int The most important story about King Arthur is The Quest . England r o , Angleland y countr e th d name s invader n Saxo e th t a d use s wa h whic p cu e th s wa l Grai e Th Grail. Holy the for Many years later, theye becamTh . edied ths e EnglisJesu t h peoplprophe e th e e and theibefor , r Jerusalem n i r Suppe t Las language became English. modern novel, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, is also about For two hundred years after this, Vikings from Scandinavia the Holy Grail. attacked the coast of Britain. They also invaded France and 4 mixed with Celts and . In France, the Vikings were called Normans - north men. Soon, these people no longer spoke German or Scandinavian. They spoke French and in 1066 AD, the Normans invaded Britain. Over a century later, French poets and storytellers told the stories of King Arthur. They told the stories in the French s storyteller d an s poet , century h 14t e th n i , Then . language

4 5 A Picture Dictionary Stories These in People The

knight Name stories the in Role helmet shield the Magician a powerful wizard, guardian of Arthur armour n Pendrago r Uthe King of Gorlo s King of Igrayne Queen of Cornwall Morgana Le Fey a sorceress, half-sister of Arthur and mother of of King Igrayne, Arthu and r Pendragon Uther of son Britain castle Ector an old knight, foster father of Arthur tower Kay son of Ector the oldest knight of the Round Table Lancelot the bravest knight and Champion of Camelot, of father and Guinevere Queen of lover also knight greatest the Arthur of Guineverwife and e Leodogran of daughter Leodogran King of Cameliard Nimu a sorceress and companion of Morgana t Knigh n Gree e Th Chapel Green the of r Maste sword Tristram Champion of King , lover of axe the Fair blade The of guardian e afterwards knight, purest the Grail Chapel achieves who GalahaLancelot, of d son knight, perfect the The Quest For The Holy Grail sheath Meliot knight wounded the Gilbert the Black knight t Gilber y Lad called also sorceress, a spear of Maid Fair the Iseult the Fair daughter of the King and Queen of Ireland, wife of King Mark and lover of Tristram Mark King of Cornwall Gurman Ireland of King 6 7 Stories These in People The 1 Name Role in the stories Arthur of Coming The Isaud Ireland of Queen Marhault Champion of Ireland Brangwain Fair the Iseult of servant Pendragon Uther King and n Magicia the Merlin s Hand e Whit e th f o t Iseul wifed an g of Tristramfightin h muc s wa e Ther . Britain n i r wa f o e tim a s wa t d an n Britai n i s kingdom l smal y man e wer e Ther . I killing Kurwenal Tristram of servant Camelot of Knight a each kingdom had its own king. But no king was strong enough Naciens the holy hermit of Carbonek to rule all the land. There was no peace in Britain and the mother of Blanchefleumother and r Pelles King of daughter . suffered e peopl Percivale of wife afterwards Galahad, Merlin the Magician spoke to the people. 'One king will s Pelle g Kin Knight Grail old the king, d wounded An the . kingdom e on e becom l wil d lan e th l 'Al . said e h ' come, Camelot of knight a one king will rule in one land. There will be peace at last.' Agravaine Camelot of knight a But who was this king? Perhaps it was , the Morgana Mordreand d Arthur of son knight, . evil the army e larg a h wit g kin g stron a s wa r Uthe . Winchester f o g Kin Fey Le He ruled most of southern Britain. Only the land of Cornwall, Loherangrin f o g son Kin of e PercivaleTh . andUther s Blanchefleur,a l powerfu alsos a g kin a d ha , west r fa e th o t Knight Swan the or called Cornwall was named Gorlo s. King Uther spoke to Merlin the Magician. 'I will go to Cornwall,' said Uther. 'I will make peace with King Gorlo s. I n The . son a e hav l wil e w d an s daughter s hi f o e on y marr l wil our son will be King of all Britain.' s wa r Uthe . Uther g Kin t a d looke e H . silent s wa n Merli k blac s a e wer s eye d an r hai s Hi . body g stron a d ha e h t bu t shor as the feathers of a raven10. Uther spoke loudly and roughly. r Uthe . angry s alway s wa e h e becaus m hi f o d afrai e wer n Me d coul e H . sword y heav a d carrie e h d an e warhors t grea a e rod . sword s hi f o 1 1 blow e on h wit n ma a l kil Merlin was the opposite of Uther. Merlin was tall, but he was not strong. He did not carry a sword. Merlin's hair was as . man d ol n a t no s wa e h t bu , 12 swan a f o s feather e th s a e whit

8 9 The Coming of Arthur The Coming of Arthur t tha d sai n me e Som . from e cam n Merli e wher w kne e on o N 'Tell me, lady,' said Uther to Igrayne. 'How many children Merlin came out of the west, from across the sea. do you have?' e everyon t Bu . words w fe d sai d an y quietl e spok n Merli 'Three,' answered Queen Igrayne. 'My two older daughters listened to him when he spoke, because Merlin was wise and are married. My youngest daughter is three years old. Her name clever. is Morgana.' e th o int k loo u yo n 'Ca . Uther d sai ' magician, , me l 'Tel Uther drank more wine. 'I can give you a son,' he said. future? Can you tell me - will my son be King of all Britain?' When King Gorlo s heard these words, he stood up and Merlin was silent. Hie s eyehous y s werm e e thLeav e ! colour of thPendragon er clear'Uthe blu. e sword s hi n o d han s hi t pu sky. He did not look at the king; he looked far away. And there now,' he shouted, 'and never return!' was sadness in Merlin's eyes when he spoke. Uther stood up slowly. 'I will leave,' he said to Gorlo s, 'but 'Yes, Sire ,' said the magician softly. 'Your son will be King I will return with an army.' 13 s i s o Gorl g Kin f o r daughte d unmarrie e th t Bu . Britain l al f o And, so, King Uther made war against King Gorlo s. In ' child. a y onl s i e Sh . young y ver October, Uther's army attacked Castle. But Uther Uther Pendragon's face became bright with joy. 'Bring could not take the castle - it was too strong. ' Cornwall. o t e rid l wil e 'W . men s hi o t d shoute e h ' horses! Igrayne — Queen of Cornwall Gorlo s - King of Cornwall t wan I ' . Merlin o t d sai r Uthe ' Castle, l Tintage t wan t no o d I ' After many days, King Uther came to the land of Cornwall. Queen Igrayne. She will be my wife! Winter is coming and my He rode to . , wherWinchester e o Kint k g Gorlbac y o arm s e liveth e d wittak l h hiwil sI . food e littl e hav n me n o d stoo d an e ston k blac f o t buil s wa e castl e Th . Igrayne , wife But first, I must have Igrayne. Help me, Merlin. And I will do a high cliff above a dark sea. ' say. u yo t tha g anythin 'King Uther, you are welcome!' said Gorlo s. 'Eat and drink. 'Tell your men to leave,' Merlin said. 'Tell them to move We will be friends.' . far o g o t t no m the l tel t Bu . Winchester s toward k bac , east So Uther and Gorlo s sat in the castle hall and ate and They must wait in the woods. King Gorlo s will see that your drank. King Gorlo s was an old, grey-haired man, but his wife, men are leaving. He will come out of the castle and follow your r colou e th s wa r hai r He . beautiful y ver d an g youn s wa , Igrayne ' Igrayne. t visi d an e castl e th e insid o g l wil u yo n The . army of gold. . Uther d sai ' me, l kil l wil s guard e castl e 'Th As soon as Uther saw Igraynel wil I ,. he lookemagic e us d l at wil n oI ' on. e elseMerlin .d sai ' you, protect l wil I ' 4 1 He drank more and more wine and his face became red. He cast a spell and I will change you. For one night, I will give 15 stared at Queen Igrayneg .thin Bue on t sho d e t woulmus u d yo no t t looBu . s k o at UtherGorl f o y . bod d an e fac e th u yo She lowered her eyes. King Gorlo s looked angrily at his me.r fo ' guest. 'What do you want?' asked Uther Pendragon.

10 11 Arthur of Coming The Arthur of Coming The

Uther Pentagon's promise to Merlin The birth of Arthur t tha e giv l wil u 'Yo . Merlin d sai ' child, a e hav l wil e 'Igrayn Uther stayed at Tintagel until the middle of the next year. On 7 1 child to me.' d di e sh t Bu . son a o t birth e gav e Igrayn , Day s Midsummer' 'Yes,' said Uther. 'I will give you the child.' . name a n so r he e giv t no e th m fro y awa e 'Mov : men s hi o t s order e gav r Uthe o S e Igrayn d an r Uthe . castle e th o t e cam n Merli , night t Tha ' woods. e th o t k bac e Mov . castle were holding their newborn son. Igrayne's daughter, Morgana, . Winchester s toward k bac , east e th o t y awa d walke n me e Th was with them. But they did not go far. Before night came, Uther's men stopped. Merlin did not speak to Uther and Igrayne. He took the . woods e th n i d waite y The . said e h ' Arthur, , you e nam I ' . him t a d looke d an y bo y bab n i d hi n Merli d an e H . men s hi h wit o g t no d di r Uthe t Bu d remembere r Uthe t Bu . cried e Igrayn ' son! y m e m e 'Giv n magicia e th d an g kin e Th . waited d an s stone l tal f o e circl a his promise and did not stop the magician. Merlin took the watched the gates of the castle. At last, the gates opened. King boy and went away. s Uther' d followe y the d an n me s hi h wit t ou e cam s o Gorl Igrayne wept all night and all day. Slowly her sadness and army. pain made her go mad. She ran to the western walls of the Merlin spoke words of magic. He cast a spell. sea . Slowlye th o ,int thf e hersel w thre d an e castl shape of Uther's face and body changed until he looked like an old, grey-haired man. Uther had become Gorlo s! Morgana Le Fey and the death of Uther Uther rode his horse to the gates of Tintagel Castle. 'Open ' Queen. e th o t o g l wil I ' . guards e th d ordere e h ' gates! e th Uther and his men left the castle. He took Igrayne's daughter, Morgana, with him. When he reached the town of Uther Pendragon went to the bedchamber of Queen8 1 Igrayne. And that nightr o ,— thern e wawome y s ahol , great There storm. walls . Thh ehig winh wit d nunnery a d foun e h . castle e th f o s wall k blac e th t li g lightnin d an a se e th m fro w ble nuns — lived and never went outside. e wer e battl f o s sound e th t bu , loud s wa r thunde f o d soun e Th 'Morgana will be a nun,' Uther said. 'She will stay inside louder. The armies of Uther ' and Gorlagain. e o fac s r werhe e e se fightin l shal gn witma o h N . walls y nunner e th . slept e sh s a t ou d crie e Igrayn . axes d an s sword n i g kin w no s wa e H . Winchester o t d returne r Uthe n The In the morning, Uthe, r time wa a sr gonefo d . Igraynlan e th n ei wene t peac to s thewa eastere Ther n . Britain f o h sout e th t Bu . returning y arm s husband' r he w sa d an e castl e th f o s wall . enemies y man d ha r Uthe t bu King Uther's men were behink d wor tho t e t army servan o fa Gorlt sen o, s annorth d e theth yn i d live o wh , enemy e On were carrying her husband's body on a shield. King Gorlo s in the king's kitchen at Winchester. The servant put poison s wa y bod s hi d an e battl e th n i d kille n bee d ha e H . dead s wa e th t a d die d an e win e th k dran r Uthe . wine s Uther' g Kin o int . wounds y man m fro d bloo n i d covere table in the great hall of his castle. 16 Then Uther entered Tintagel Castle as himself and Igrayne . wife s hi e becam

12 13 The Coming of Arthur

Merlin promises a New King 2 h sout e th n i g kin o n s wa e ther , winters d an s summer n fiftee r Fo and the people suffered because there was no order in the land. Stone the in Sword The t wen e H . Winchester o t y secretl e cam n Merli , night e on , Then d an - n tow e th n i h churc t grea e th - l Cathedra r Wincheste o t spoke to the archbishop19. The contest at Winchester 'Tell all the people to come to the cathedral on Sunday,' the knights of Britain came to gather at Winchester. he said. They put their tents in the fields near the cathedral. It e cam r Wincheste f o e peopl e th d an s knight e th , Sunday n O . warm p kee o t s fire t li n me e th o s d col y ver d an r winte s wa to the cathedral. They prayed for peace and a good king. And was an old, brave and honest knight. He came e outsid c musi e lik d soun a d hear y the , praying e wer y the e whil to Winchester with his two sons - Kay and Arthur. The three the cathedral. s Year' w Ne s wa t I . cathedral e th s toward s horse r thei e rod n me The people went outside. In the field by the church, they Day and they were going to the gathering of the knights. saw a large stone. The stone was half as big as a man. A bright, Kay was eighteen years old and ready to become a knight. e se d coul e peopl e Th . stone e th n i g standin s wa d swor l meta o n s wa e ther d An . title s thi n ma a e giv n ca g kin a y onl t Bu . sword e th f o e handl e th y onl king in the land. The archbishop looked at the stone and the sword. Words Arthur was nearly sixteen years old. He did not look like : letters d gol n i e ston e th n o n writte e wer , hair r fai d ha r Arthu t Bu . dark-haired s wa y Ka . Kay , brother s hi which was almost the colour of gold. Arthur was taller and THE MAN WHO PULLS THIS SWORD FROM stronger than his older brother. L AL F O G KIN E TRU E TH S I E STON E TH Kay stopped his horse. Then he put his hand on his sheath e hav BRITAIN I ' . empty . s wa h sheat e th t Bu . sword s hi r fo t fel d an forgotten my sword,' he said to Arthur. 'I helped Father to Then one by one, they m me n i n d triedswor ton pulow ly thm et sworpu o t dt fromforgo I th t e bu r armou s hi n o t pu . failed l al y the t bu , tried r Wincheste f o s knight e th l Al . stone sheath.' The sword did not move. e ar s knight e 'Th . Arthur d sai ' tent, r ou o t k bac e rid l wil I ' I ' . archbishop e th d sai ' today, e her t no s i g kin e tru e 'Th gathering near the cathedral. Go there. I will fetch your sword will send messengers through all the lands of Britain. Soon, and bring it to you.' everyone will know about this sword. Anyone who wants to 'Ride quickly,' said Kay. pull the sword out of the stone th e n musi , t comThen . e herfield e e th a ts Christmasacros k bac .e hors s hi e rod r Arthu o S On New Year's Day, t we wilbrigh e l havTh . e a contestsword e th d . Wan e e wilston le seth e w whsa oe h , field e th f o e middl can draw the sword from the stone.' sunshine shone on the sword.

14 15 the Stone the in Sword The

'No one is using this sword,' Arthur thought. 'I will borrow it for my brother Kay.' Then the young man pulled the sword . brother s hi o t t i k too d an e ston e th m fro

Arthur takes the Sword Arthur did not know why the sword was in the stone. But Kay knew about the sword and the other knights knew too. They . Arthur d an y Ka d aroun d gathere l al u yo e ar t 'Wha . knight a d aske ' sword? s thi u yo e gav o 'Wh ' it? h wit g doin 'Arthur, this sword does not belong to you,' said Sir Ector. 'Put the sword back in the stone. The sword belongs to the ' king. e tru o int k bac d swor e th t pu r Arthu s a d watche s knight e th l Al the stone. 'Kay,' said Sir Ector. 'Draw the sword from the stone.' So Kay put this hand around the handle of the sword and pulled. But the sword did not move. Then all the other knights tried to pull the sword out of the stone. Many strong men tried to take the sword, but it still did not move. ' stone. e th m fro d swor e th w 'dra , Ector r Si d sai ' 'Arthur, Arthur put his hand on the sword and drew the sword from the stone easily. Then he raised the sword above his head and the metal flashed brightly in the sunlight. Everyone could see that Arthur held the sword. s it m fro d swor n ow s hi w dre e H . horse s hi f of t go r Ecto r Si sheath and knelt down on the ground. He lowered his head . Arthur s toward d swor s hi f o e handl e th d hel d an 'Arthur,' said Ector. 'You are the true king of all the land ' servant. r you m a I d an e h ' away, d swor r you t pu , 'Father . 20 astonished s wa r Arthu said. He touched the hilt of Sir Ector's sword. Ector kissed the sword and put it back in its sheath. of king true the are 'You Ector, said 'Arthur,' 16 all the land and I am your servant.' Stone the in Sword The

'Arthur, Sire. You must know the truth,' said Sir Ector. 'I 3 e m o t u yo t brough n Magicia e th n Merli . father r you t no m a more than fifteen summers ago when you were only a few days old. "Take this child into your home," Merlin told me. "The Excalibur boy's name is Arthur. Take care of him. Arthur and Kay will be brothers.'" A new sword Arthur is crowned King t figh l wil u yo , 'Sire . Arthur o t e cam n Magicia e th n erli many battles,' he said. 'You will need a new sword.' r Arthu . down t knel e everyon , words e thes d hear y the n Whe 'But I have a sword,' Arthur replied. was astonished and could not speak. Then the archbishop led 'The sword that came from the stone is not for fighting,' said

Arthur to the cathedral. The archbishop took the sword and Merlin. 'That sword is a sign that you are king. It is the Sword 1

laid it on the altar. Then Arthur knelt in front of the altar and of Right. Now you need a swor2 d for battle. Your new sword will prayed. be the Sword of Might. It will be a powerful, fighting sword. . church t grea e th n i d praye r Arthu , night a d an y da a r Fo t mus u Yo . angry e ar u yo e becaus d swor s thi e us t no t mus u Yo He asked God to help him. He wanted to be a good and just use it to do good. You must defend the weak against the strong. king. You must fight against evil and defend your land. Three months passed. At the beginning of spring, Arthur was crowned king in Winchester Cathedral. When thewest the to journey A archbishop put the crown on Arthur's head, all the people shouted, 'LONG LIVd E THEtravelle KING! y The . ' west e th n i s land e th o t r Arthu k too n Merli for many days. They went through great forests and passed the o ont e rod y The . born s wa r Arthu e wher l Tintage t a e castl k dar high, bare hills and came near to the sea. From the top of these hills, Arthur saw a valley and a lake. In the far west, past the lake, he saw a plain of sand. Beyond the plain of sand, he saw the sea. And, on the horizon, he could see a group of islands. rode down the hills and into the valley d stoo y the , There . lake e th f o e edg e th o t e cam y the l unti together and looked at the water. Clouds moved across the sky and the colour of the water changed from blue to green t mis e whit , soft a , sky e th n i r lowe t wen n su e th s A . grey o t came across the water. And then a boat came out of the mist.

18 19 Excalibur Excalibur s wa e Ther . oars r o s sail o n d ha t i d an , empty s wa t boa e Th Arthur fought six battles. He carried the sword Excalibur no wind, but the boato t moven ra s d slowlinvader y e acrosTh . s the wateenemies s hi r d until itdefeate d an e battl h eac o int stopped at Arthur's feet. Then Arthur stepped inside. The boat their ships and went back across the sea. . lake e th f o e middl e th s toward e mov o t n bega r thei o t d returne e peopl e th , gone d ha s invader e th n Whe villages. At last there was peace in the southern and eastern Lake the of Lady The lands. x si t fough e h e Ther . north e th o t d turne r Arthu , Next A hand and arm rose out of the water. The arm was covered in battles against the wild men of the northern lands and won a fine white cloth. The hand held a great sword. Arthur reached great battle at Badon Hill. After this, there was peace in the out and took the sword in his own hand. As he held the sword, northern lands too. The northern people made Arthur their m ar e th n The ' 'EXCALIBUR! , name e th d whispere e voic a king. disappeared under the water. Arthur had been fighting for six long years. Arthur looked at the sword. It was made of fine steel and , UP E M E TAK , words e Th . blade e th n o g writin s wa e ther The Kingdom of e th f o e sid r othe e th n O . blade e th f o e sid e on n o n writte e wer . AWAY E M T CAS : words e th e wer , blade Arthur named all his lands The Kingdom of Logres. And, at The boat moved f o bac e k tim t oa s thewa t shorI . e whercountry e on Merli g nrulin wag skin e on s wa e ther , last waiting. peace and plenty22 and the people were happy. The sword, Excalibur, is a gift from the ,' ' her. o t k bac t i e giv t mus u yo , day e 'On . said n Merli Camelot and the Round Table 'How shall I know that day?' asked Arthur. 'You will know thae th t dad y whename ne yoH . u comriver ea toe thisabov lak l ehil again,a n o 'e castl a t buil r Arthu ' battle. r fo e tim s i t i , 'Now . answered n Merli d an e ston e whit f o e mad s wa t Camelo e Castl . Camelot e castl . towers y man d ha t i battle o Int t sa d an t Camelo o t e cam s Logre f o s knight t braves e Th with Arthur in his great hall. In the centre of the hall there So Arthur returned to Wincheste. r andMerlin gatherey b e dmad hin s knightsbee d ha h . whic e tabl d roun a s wa . them d tol e h ' north, e th o t d an t eas e th o t o g l shal e 'W . table d roun s thi t a k dran d an e at d an t sa s knight y Man 'We shall fight the invaders who attack the coast of our land. Camelot became the home of King Arthur and the Knights of ' north. e th f o n me d wil e th t agains t figh l shal e w d An . Table d Roun e th s invader e th t fough d an t eas e th o t n me s hi d le r Arthu n The d an s home r thei t lef d ha t eas e th n i s villager e Th . sea e th m fro were hiding in the western lands. The villages were empty.

20 21 Queen Guinevere

4 other enemies - robbers, ogres24, and evil magicians. Arthur's knights guarded and supported their king. They also protected the poor and weak. Guinevere Queen During this time, Arthur rode west with Sir Gawain and Merlin until they came to the land of Cameliard. The King of Cameliard was called Leodogran. The most famous Knights Arthur, Merlin and Gawain stopped at King Leodogran's any knights joined King Arthur at Camelot. Three of castle. Leodogran welcomed them and took them into his M those knights - Sir Bedivere, Sir Lancelot du Lac and hall. Sir Gawain - would always be remembered. 'You are welcome,' he said. 'Please eat, drink and rest in my Sir Bedivere was the first and most faithful knight. Sir castle.' Lancelot du Lac was the bravest, the strongest and the most King Leodogran was a tall man. He had a handsome and handsome knight. And Sir Gawain was often called the honest face and he smiled often. His daughter came into the Greatest Knight because Gawain was polite and chivalrous hall and she smiled at the guests. and he did great deeds23. . Leodogran g Kin d sai ' Guinevere, , daughter y m s i s 'Thi As time passed, more knights came to Camelot. They, too, Guinevere was tall, and her face was very beautiful. Her did many great and good deeds. All the knights sat in special hair was the colour of gold. Men said that she was the fairest seats at the Round Table. The seats were also called 'sieges'. and most lovely woman in the land. She came into the hall Each knight's name was written on their siege in letters of and sat on the left side of her father. gold. But one seat at the table was always empty. There was no As soon as Arthur saw Guinevere, he looked at no one else. name written on it. But Arthur did not behave like Uther Pendragon, his father. When Guinevere lowered her eyes, Arthur lowered his eyes too. Perilous Siege The King Leodogran looked at them both and smiled. Arthur spoke quietly to Merlin. 'I want to marry,' he said. 'The empty seat is called the Siege Perilous,' said Merlin. 'Only 'The Kingdom of Logres must have both a king and a queen. one man may sit in this place. The man will be pure - a man And the kingdom must have an heir25. I must have a son who t bu , name s hi w kno t no o d I . deed l evi y an e don r neve s ha o wh will be king after me. I choose Guinevere to be my Queen.' r othe o n , Meanwhile . day e on t Camelo o t e com l wil n ma e th man may sit on the Siege Perilous. If they do, they will die. Then great trouble will come to Logres.' Merlin looks into the future Merlin looked at Arthur. The young king was tall and strong Leodogran - the Kinge of Cameliardhandsom a d ha r Arthu . gold f o r colou e th s wa r hai s hi d an The Knights of the Round Table travelled through all the face and clear eyes. When people looked at him, they thought land. There were no battles to fight now, but they fought of a lion. The king's voice was soft and when he spoke, men

22 23 Queen Guinevere Queen Guinevere t hones d an e polit s wa e h e becaus r Arthu d love n Me . listened And so the kings made an agreement. 'I shall marry and wise. They respected him because he was a great warrior Guinevere in the spring,' Arthur said to Leodogran. 'Our and had won many battles. Arthur had brought peace to wedding day will be on the holy festival which the English call Logres. t knigh t braves y m d sen l shal I , day t tha e befor , And . Whitsun 'Merlin,' said Arthur. 'Can you look into the future? Use to you. He will bring your daughter to Camelot. He will come o t e marriag y m l Wil . question s thi r answe d an c magi r you ' Easter. f o l festiva y hol e th t a , April n i u yo o t ' Logres? f o d Lan e th o t y plent d an e peac g brin e Guinever 'We shall wait for him at Castle,' Leodogran said. Merlin did not . reply castle immediatelye favourit y .m s Hi et I . lookeUsk r d farRive e awath e y besid s stand n 'Caerleo towards the sea. His eyes were pale blue — the colour of the I will give Caerleon Castle to you and to my daughter as a y The . changed s eye s hi f o r colou e th y Suddenl . sky r summe wedding gift.' . storm a g durin y sk e th f o r colou e th - y gre k dar e becam That night there was a great feast in the castle. Leodogran There was sadnessg in Merlin'Kin f o h s voichealt e wheth o t n hk e spokedrin s u . t He'Le sai : d said d an p cu a d raise d an e peac w kno l wil s Logre f o d Lan e th , Arthur , 'Yes : quietly Arthur and Queen Guinevere.' And all the knights and people plenty for a time. But all things must pass and all men must shouted: 'Long live King Arthur and Queen Guinevere!' pass with them. Your kingdom will live in memory. Your story will last as long as men tell stories. But you shall pass away and Nimu Lady The I shall pass away and your kingdom shall pass away.' y marr l shal I ' . Arthur d sai ' world, e th f o y wa e th s i s 'Thi o t n Gawai d an n Merli h wit e rod d an d Cameliar t lef r Arthu e car l shal I d An . her p kee d an r he e lov l shal I d an e Guinever the South-west. Merlin led the way. At last, they came to a ' live. I s a g lon s a d lan e th r fo . lakes f o d lan e futur e th o int d looke e hav I t tha u yo l tel t mus I w 'No 'Why have we come this way?' asked Arthur. for the last time,' said Merlint .no 'Mo d yI ' power. s Merlin ard e growinreplie ' g weakhere, e m .r fo g waitin s i e 'Someon My own future is dark, and, soon, I will pass away into the know who the person is, but, when I looked into the future, I darkness. You will have to rule without my help. You are King saw this place.' Arthur and your queen shall be Guinevere. Rule the Land of Nearby, they heard the sound of people fighting. Two Logres with justice. Make it a peaceful place.' knights were fighting beside the road. They fought with swords and shields. Two squires26 held the knights' horses and watched Arthur asks Guinevere to be his wife the fight. A lady was standing between the two squires. 'Sirs! Why are you fighting?' Gawain called out to the Arthur went and spoke to King Leodogran. 'I wish to marry knights. . said e h ' daughter, r you 'We are fighting for the lady,' one of the knights replied. . smiled e sh d an , Guinevere , daughter s hi t a d looke n Leodogra 'You may not have her!' 'I am happy,' said Leodogran. 'You are a great king. It will be a As he said this, the knight lifted his sword and ran towards ' too. y happ s i r daughte y m t tha e se I d An . marriage d goo Gawain. Gawain raised his shield and drew his own sword

24 25 Queen Guinevere t i t brough d an d swor s hi g swun t knigh e Th . sheath s it m fro 5 e th f of g cuttin , warhorse s Gawain' f o k nec e th o ont n dow horse's head. The horse dropped and Gawain was thrown to the ground. Merlin and Nimu 'Knight!' shouted Gawain. 'Defend yourself!' e th s toward n ra d an , sword n ow s hi d raise , up d jumpe e H knight. The knight lifted his shield, but Gawain was too strong. Glastonbury and Morgana Le Fey s hi g swun n Gawai n The . shield s knight' e th e brok d swor s Hi rhur and Gawain rode along a narrow road across the sword at the knight's helmet and broke open his head. The A watery land. Merlin followed them, carrying Nimu on . died d an n dow l fel t knigh d use y The . together s alway e wer u Nim d an n Merli . horse s hi Then Gawain turnee lov d tn oi ths e wa othe n r knightMerli . , buwords tt the othewithou r r did togethe k spea o t c magi not wish to fight. with Nimu and he told her many secrets. 'I was defending the lads y fromstand h this manwhic y , who is ouGlastonbur f r o enemy, n tow 'e th o t e cam p grou e Th the other knight said. 'Her name is Lady Nimu of . on an island in that watery land. A high hill rose behind the She is waiting for a messengee ther , it ro t fro t m Nex Kin . g Arthur'chapel l s smal court. a d ' stoo l hil t tha n o d an n tow k too n Gawai . forward s horse r thei e rod n Merli d an r Arthu stood a nunnery with high walls. the dead knight's horse. Merlin and Nimu climbed the hill. At the top they met a . lady e th d aske r Arthu ' for? g waitin u yo e ar o 'Wh d hea r He . nun a f o s clothe k blac e th g wearin s wa o wh n woma Lady Nimu smiled and said nothing. She looked at Merlin, was covered so that no man could see her face. The woman . u Nim t a d looke n Merli d an seemed to be waiting for them. h eac o t e spok n Merli d an u Nim t bu , nothing d sai y The 'This lady is Morgana,' said Nimu to Merlin. 'I have learnt other without words. Nimu was like Merlin. She had magical magic from you. Now, Morgana will learn from you too.' powers. She was a sorceress27d .di e H . weaker g becomin e wer s power l magica s Merlin' . mind s magician' e th g controllin s wa u Nim t bu , it w kno t no Merlin did not look at Morgana, because he only thought about e th - y Fe e L a Morgan s wa n nu e th t tha e se t no d di e H . u Nim d di n Merli d An . Cornwall f o e Igrayn d an s o Gorl f o r daughte . half-sister s Arthur' s wa a Morgan t tha r remembe t no 28 t learn - a Morgan d an u Nim - s sorceresse o tw e th o s d An s magician' e th f o e mor d an e mor k too y The . secrets s Merlin' power and Merlin gradually became old and weak.

26 27 Merlin and Nimu Merlin and Nimu

Grail Holy The the knights of the round table. He always wore shining armour. w no I . knight t braves y m e ar u 'Yo . said r Arthu ' 'Lancelot, Arthur and Gawain left the nunnery and went to Glastonbury make you my Champion Knight. You will guard and defend 29 Abbey . Inside the, abbeybride ,y therM . e wasCastle an well of Caerleo hol o t y e waterRid . . Thelove I t tha g everythin abbess - the woman in charge of the nunnery - showed the Guinevere of Cameliard, is waiting there. Bring Guinevere holy well to Arthur and Gawain. to Camelot. She and I will be married at Whitsun. Then 30 ' brought the Holy Grail to this land,' Guinevere will be crowned Queen.' said the abbess. 'He put the Grail into this well. The water Lancelot smiled and bowed towards the king. 'Yes, Sire,' he 31 from this well can heald dresse th s e sickwa h . Thwhic e, Grail, itselfwarhorse t , grea ca s nhi heao lont t go e h n The . said the land. It can stop troubles and bring. peaceaway e . Burod e t h th d e an Grai , l cloth e whit d an d re n i y Onl . somewhere n hidde s i t i ; lost t no s i t I . us m fro n take s wa the purest knight can find the Grail. He will find the Grail ' land. e th n i r dange t grea s i e ther n whe Lancelot meets Guinevere Lancelot's journey to Caerleon took many days. At last he Merlin speaks to Arthur for the last time came to the castle where Guinevere was waiting. Arthur, Gawain and Merlin rode back towards Camelot with When he met Guinevere, he saw that she was the fairest . Arthur o t e spok n Merli . Fey e L a Morgan d an u Nim woman in the land. And Guinevere saw that Lancelot was the I ' . magician e th d sai ' Camelot, o t n retur t no l shal I , 'Sire fairest man. am going away with Nimg u andtalkin , Morganatogether . t You areCamelo o kingt e , rod an e d Guinever d an t Lancelo ' help. y m t withou e rul t mus u Yo . queen s i e Guinever and laughing. Behind them rode twenty of Leodogran's finest e se r neve I l 'Shal . words s Merlin' y b d trouble s wa r Arthu knights. Each knight wore fine armour and fine clothes. . asked r Arthu ' again? u yo It was the month of May and white flowers fell from the 'You will never see me in this life again,' answered Merlin. trees onto the road. The travellers stopped and rested at a 'But we shall both return, one day. Remember, you are the Once chapel where many flowers grew. Lancelot took a red rose and and Future King. Nown o t , i goodbye e wor d . an I shaly lil le see whit you a rk weddingtoo e , andGuinever . hair s hi n i t i t pu ' leave. l shal I n the her dress. Merlin's words made Arthue serv s r sad.alway l Butshal I a s. he rodservant r e oyou n m toa I ' . Lancelot d sai ' 'Lady, r thei t abou y deepl k thin t no d di e h , Gawain h wit t Camelo you and no other.' meaning. The marriage of Arthur and Guinevere Camelot of Champion becomes Lancelot They came to Camelot and saw that there were many tents in Shortly before the holy week of Easter, Arthur sent for Sir the fields. Knights had come to Camelot from many parts of Lancelot. Sir Lancelot was the strongest and most handsome of Logres. Each day, the knights competed in jousts32. They rode

28 29 Merlin and Nimu Merlin and Nimu

their warhorses and fought with swords, shields and spears. The passing of Merlin . stories d tol d an k dran , ate s knight e th , evening h eac d An At Whitsun, Arthue r marriebecom d ha d e GuinevereH . tent s hi . t Whelef n n he Merli place , d morning t nex e th y Earl t grea a e gav e peopl d an s knight e th , head r he n upo n crow a an old man. He was so ill and weak that Nimu and Morgana y the ' Guinevere! n Quee d an r Arthu g Kin e Liv g 'Lon . cry n magicia e th d le y the n The . horse s hi o ont m hi p hel o t d ha away from Camelot, towards the north. shouted. 'Merlin, I know a place where you will be young again,' said e ther u yo e tak l wil e W . forest a n i e plac t secre a s i t 'I . u Nim Morgana Le Fey plots the destruction of Camelot and you can rest.' That night, Merlin lay in , his him tent o t .e Witspok ho himwh e werse t e no Nim d di ue h t andBu . Merlin d sai ' yes, , 'Yes Morgana. or what was near him. He did not see the trees of the great w sa e H . weak s wa t sigh s hi d an d cloude s wa d min s Merlin' forest around him. He did not see how they had come to a . smile e th behind e se t no d di e h t bu e smil s Morgana' secret place in the forest where a circle of tall stones stood , father s hi e becaus , Arthur , half-brother r he d hate a Morgan around a low hill. On the top of the hill, there was a great e Becaus . nunnery a n i a Morgan t pu d ha , Pendragon r Uthe a , Then . tree e th o t n Merli d le a Morgan d an u Nim . tree k oa d ha e Igrayn , Igrayne m fro y awa r Arthu n take d ha n Merli doorway opened in the trunk of the tree. A light was burning thrown herself into the sea. Morgana hated Merlin as well. inside. While Merlin slept, Morgana cast two spells. The first 'Step inside the tree, Merlin,' said Nimu . 'Here you will n ow r he n i p slee e Guinever e mad t I . Guinevere r fo s wa l spel find rest. You are old and tired. Soon you will feel young again. e sh , spell d secon e th h Wit . Lancelot f o m drea d an r bedchambe e th f o m drea d an s centurie y man h throug p slee y ma u yo e Her s Arthur' o t t wen e sh n The . Guinevere e lik k loo f hersel e mad world outside. Rest here - until the day when you shall wake f o g dreamin s wa e H . sleeping s wa r Arthu e wher r bedchambe and return to the land again.' . Excalibur , sword s hi t los e h t tha t dream e H . wounds d an e battl Merlin stepped into the oak tree and the door closed behind He dreamt that nothing grew on the land. Then Morgana came him. There, inside the oak, he slept and dreamed of the world . him h wit y la d an d be s Arthur' o t outside. As the sorceress lay wit. h u the kingNim o t ,a bright Morgan lightnin d sai ' g flasheagain, e dfac s hi e se l shal n ma o 'N d whispere e sh , Arthur t lef a Morgan n whe d An . sky e th n i t Bu . again n Magicia e th n Merli w sa e on o n , day t tha m Fro e b l wil e 'H . said e sh ' son, a e hav l wil I ' . half-brother r he o t s storie n childre r thei d tol d an e nam s hi e spok n ofte e peopl e th like your father, Uther Pendragon. Sleep well, brother.' And about him. Arthur slept and forgot his dreams. f o t cour e th o t s sadnes d an l evi t brough a Morgan o s d An Camelot. Though, many long years passed before anyone knew that this had happened.

30 31 Knight Green the and Gawain Sir

6 king of this land?' he asked in a loud voice. 'I will speak with ' man. r othe o n d an g kin e th The guests at the feast were astonished. No one had ever Sir Gawain and the seen such a knight. He was the colour of new grass and leaves in spring. And he had ridden his horse into the hall! Christmas court 'Sir knight, you are welcome,' said Arthur. 'Will you join us at the feast?' t was a time of peace in the Kingdom of Logres. King Arthur 'I do not come to eat and drink,' said the Green Knight. 'I I and Queen Guinever' e rulecourt. dr wiselyou t a y s and wellknight s . Manfamou yd gooan e d brav e th e se o t e com and noble33 knights visited Camelot and the Round Table. 'Sir, there are many good knights here,' said Arthur. 'And , Lancelot f o — e ther s knight s famou f o d tol e wer s storie y Man ' joust. o t d an t figh o t y read e ar m the f o y man

Gawain, Tristram, Percivale and Galahad. And their stories are still told today. The Green Knight challenges the34 knights of Camelot e th d gathere r Arthu g Kin , Day s Christma n o , year y Ever 'I come from my castle in the north,' said the Green Knight. 'I r fo d celebrate e Everyon . Camelot n i t cour s hi t a s knight s I ? axe n ow y m h wit e m e strik l wil o Wh . challenge s thi e mak d foo d goo e at e Everyon . feast t grea a s wa e Ther . days e twelv any knight brave enough?' and drank wine. They danced and listened to stories. He held the heavy green axe above his head. The knights Then, one year, on the twelfth day of Christmas, a strange . silent e wer d an t i t a d looke t Camelo f o knight rode into the court. He was the strangest knight that 'Come, any man,' said the Green Knight. 'Take my axe. anyone had seen. He was tall and broad, like the trunk of a l wil I . head y m f of t cu y ma u Yo . blow t firs e th e strik y ma u Yo tree. His great warhorse had fierce, red eyes. The knight was strike the second blow. That is my only request.' not wearing armour, but he and his horse were both dressed in No one spoke. The Green Knight laughed. 'Are there no green cloth. brave knights here? Do you all fear me? I speak truthfully. You e wer e hors s hi d an t knigh e th h bot , strangely e mor n Eve may strike the first blow and I shall strike the second.' green. The skin of the horse was green and the skin of the 'If no man will take your challenge,' said Arthur, 'I shall knight was green. The knight's hair and beard were green too. strike the blow myself. But you do not bring honour to my The Green Knight did not carry a sword. He held a huge green court. Your challenge is not honourable. Go in peace and do and gold axe in his right hand. ' battle. f o y da a t no , day t feas a s i s Thi . return t no The knight rode his horse through the gates of Camelot Castle. He rode into the great hall and stopped in front of the Sir Gawain takes the challenge t importan t mos e th n i t sa s knight t bes e th , Here . Table d Roun seats. Only one seat t still canno remaine u yo t dtha empt r fea y u at th'Yo e. tableagain . Thid s walaughe st Knigh n Gree e Th the Siege Perilous. kill me with one blow from my axe,' he shouted. 'You fear that The Green Knight looked around the hall. 'Where is the I will kill you. Is this what you brave men of Camelot think?'

32 33 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Then Gawain stood up. 'I am Gawain, son of ,' he said. 'I will strike you with your axe. I will cut off your head.' 'Do it,' said the Green Knight. 'Then, after this day, twelve months and one day will pass. At that time, you shall come to e ax y m h wit u yo e strik l shal I e Ther . north e th n i e castl y m and I will cut off your head. This will he our bargain35.' . bargain r you t accep I ' . Gawain d sai ' axe, e th e m e 'Giv I wil t l Bu strike onl wilu y yo oncl neved ean r strike youn ow r ' today. e di l wil u yo r o , peace n i o G . stroke The Green Knight laughed. He got down from his horse and gave his axe to Gawain. Then he knelt down on the floor. 'Strike my neck, knight,' he said. 'Strike well. Remember our bargain.' d an e ax y heav a s wa t I . axe n gree e th k too n Gawai r Si Gawain held it in both hands. 'I am a Knight of the Round Table,' he said. 'I do not break my word; but I give you a last chance to change your mind and leave in peace.' g waitin u yo e ar t 'Wha . Knight n Gree e th d shoute ' 'Strike! for? Arc you afraid? Strike me with my axe and cut off my head.' n Gree e th k struc d an s hand h bot n i e ax e th d raise n Gawai . floor e th o ont d rolle d hea s Knight' n Gree e Th . neck s Knight'

dead not is Knight Green The Then the knights and ladies of Gamelot watched with astonishment. The Green Knight stood up. Then he picked up his head and held it by the hair. The eyes in the head looked at Gawain and the mouth moved and it spoke these words: 'I am e com l wil u Yo . north e th n i l Chape n Gree e th f o t Knigh e th t cu l wil I n The . day e on d an r yea e on n i l Chape n Gree e th o t off your head.' t Knigh n Gree e th , hand s hi n i d hea s hi g holdin , Then e Castl f o t ou d an l hal e th f o t ou e rod e H . horse s hi o ont t go Camelot. 'Who will strike me with my own axe?' 35 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Everyone was silent. The feast was ended. 'Gawain has Gawain sat by the warm fire. 'I thank you, sir,' he said. Then made a terrible bargain,. ' thoughhim e gav t e the castl Knight e th f o sd oflor the eth t Rountha d d foo d goo e th e at e h Table. 'He has just agreedd tosai hi ' s own death.Knight, n ' Gree e th d an l Chape n Gree e th k see I ' . eating d finishe d ha e h n whe , Gawain north journeys Gawain Sir l wil u 'Yo . lord e th d replie ' here, r nea s i l Chape n Gree e 'Th l crue a s i t Knigh n Gree e th t Bu . valley s thi f o d en e th t a t i d fin , month h twelft e th f o y da t firs e th n O . quickly d passe r yea e Th man. Do not seek him. He will kill you.' Arthur and his courtiers d were replie a ' t CaerleonKnight, n . ThGree e knighte th h s wit sai n d bargai a e mad e hav I ' goodbye to Gawain. Gawain. 'And I must keep this promise. I am a Knight of the s hi o ont t go e H . sword s hi d an r armou s hi n o t pu n Gawai ' promise. y m k brea t canno I . Table d Roun y m n begi l wil I ' . shield s hi n Gawai e gav e squir A . warhorse 'Very well,' said the lord of the castle. 'Rest here and you I . Chapel n Gree e th r fo k loo d an o g l wil I ' . Gawain d sai ' quest, ' tomorrow. l Chape Green e th d fin l wil do this for the honour of Camelot and the glory of Logres.' h nort e rod e H . dangerous d an g lon s wa y journe s Gawain' The lady of the castle gives Gawain a green ribbon h wit e battl d di e H . lived s creature k dar e wher s forest e th o int robbers and ogres. He crossed rocky hills of stone and snow The lady of the castle took Gawain to a bedchamber. The room r midwinte p dee s wa t I . broke e ic e th e wher s stream d col d an was warm and the bed was soft. The lady brought hot wine y ever t a d stoppe e H . remember d coul n ma y an n tha r colde d an . easily d laughe d an y softl e spok e Sh . smiled d an n Gawai o t . Chapel Green e th d fin d coul e h e wher d aske d an e villag Gawain saw that she was very beautiful. At last, Gawain came. to a night dee d pcol valleya s i t 'I .. A widelady e th stread sai ' m ran knight, e handsom a e ar u 'Yo in the bottom of this valley.' On you? th t e othevisi o t re sidecastl oe f th th f eo 6 stream3 , maiden a e lik u yo d Woul . green s wa s gras e th , Here . ground e th n o w sno o n s wa e ther e th d an d foo e th r fo u yo k than I ' . Gawain d sai ' lady, , 'No . hill a n o e castl a s wa e ther , valley e th f o e sid r othe e th n O fire. But I am on a quest. I will not bring honour to you or your Gawain went into the valley and rode through the stream. lord if I spend time with your maidens.' Then he went up to the castle and knocked on the gate. 'You are a good and honorable knight,' said the lady. 'I have 'I am Gawain, froe mTh . th37 e courribbon tn of Kingree f o g e Arthur!piec a - ' g he thin shouted l smal a . s i t I . you r fo t gif a 'I am seeking the Green Chapel.' hair. r ' you n i t i r wea t mus u Yo . you t protec l wil n ribbo A servant opened the castle h n e gateThe . . 'Mhair y s lorhi d n sayi n s thatribbo yo n u argree e e th d tie n Gawai o S ' rest. d an e castl e th o int e com e 'Pleas . man e th d sai ' welcome, slept. o t e hors s hi k too t servan e Th . castle e th o int t wen n Gawai the stables. Then he led Gawain into the castle hall. Chapel Green The e pal , thin a d ha o wh n ma l tal a s wa e castl e th f o d lor e Th face. 'Welcome, Sir Gawain,' said the lord. 'It is Christmas - a Early the next morning, Gawain rode out of the castle and time of peace and celebration. Will you stay with us and rest?' rode along the valley until he saw the Green Chapel. Outside

36 37 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight s hi n o k bac s wa d hea s Hi . Knight n Gree e th t sa l chape e th 7 shoulders and his green face was angry. . axe s hi f o e blad e th g sharpenin s wa t Knigh n Gree e Th 'You have come a long way, Sir Gawain,' said the Green Perilous Chapel The ' die. o t y journe g lon a e mad e hav u Yo . surprised m a I ' . Knight r Si d answere ' promise, a u yo e mad I e becaus e her m a I ' adventure seeks Lancelot Sir I d an t Camelo t a e Tabl d Roun e th f o t Knigh a m a I ' . Gawain ' promises. y m k brea t no o d f o h searc n i t Camelo f o t ou e rod c La u d t Lancelo r i e prepar t mus u yo n 'The . Knight n Gree e th d sai ' well, y 'Ver S adventure. He rode for many days until he found a forest full to die.' h throug s path y man e wer e Ther . sun e th d hi t tha s tree l tal f o Sir Gawain watched an. d waitetake o t de ason thh e Greewhic w n Knighkno t no td camdi t e Lancelo t bu , trees e th close and swung his axe. Gawaie Th . n heartrees e dth thf o e t sounou e d ofcam thg e do blad g e huntin e whit a y Suddenl as it went through . the airpaths . e Buth f t o Gawain' e on g s heaalon n dra did d an no d t fall groun fro e mth o t e nos s it t pu g do his neck. Something else t fell to though th ' e groundmaster, s . it It o wat se thm e d greelea nl wil g do e th s 'Perhap ribbon - the gift from the . ladypath oe f th th g e castlealon g . do e th d followe t Lancelo o S . Lancelot Lancelot looked at the ground and saw that there was a Sir Gawain keeps his promise trail of blood on the path. The dog was following the trail of s it g turnin t kep g do e Th . dog e th d followe t Lancelo d an d bloo Suddenly the face of the Green Knight changed. His skin was head to look at Lancelot. . green r longe o n e wer d bear d an r hai s Hi . green r longe o n The dog led Lancelot out of the forest. They went over s wa e H . face n thi , pale a h wit n ma l tal a e becam e h d Instea , house e th o int n ra g do e th n Whe . house e larg a o t e bridg a y lad s hi n The . rested d ha n Gawai e wher e castl e th f o d lor e th Lancelot got off his horse. He went into the house and saw a e Sh . lord r he e besid d stoo d an l Chape n Gree e th f o t ou e cam g wearin s wa t knigh e Th . hall e th f o r floo e th n o g lyin t knigh smiled at Gawain. black armour. Blood ran from many wounds on the knight's s i t 'I . said e sh ' husband, y m o t n sig a s wa n ribbo n gree e 'Th body. He was dead. a sign that you are a man oe f honour.outsid t ' wen e H . house e th e outsid d soun a d hear t Lancelo 'Sir Gawain, yos u haveye r ehe proveg d coverin tha e t yower s u arhand e r a He goo . d angarden de th n i y lad a w sa d an t mus u yo w 'No . castle e th f o d lor e th d sai ' knight, e honorabl and she was crying. return to Camelot and tell this story. From this day forward, men will say: "Sir Gawain did not break his promise to the The curse of Lady Gilbert Green Knight.'" 'What has happened?' Lancelot asked. The lady took her hands d ha e sh t tha w sa t Lancelo . head r he d raise d an e fac r he m fro . face r he n o k mar d re y ugl n a

38 39 The Chapel Perilous The Chapel Perilous

'Sir Meliot came here,' ' answerealive, d d threturne e d ladyan s . 'He foughPerilou l t mChape yo int e gon s ha n ma o 'N husband and killed him. But Sir Meliot was wounded in the said the lady. 'The chapel is in the middle of the forest. The ' die. l wil t Melio r Si d an l hea r neve l wil d woun e Th . fight knights who guard it are really dead but they still seem alive. 'I know Sir Meliot,' said' Lancelotpowers. c . 'Hemagi s is a KnighGilbert' y t oLad f y thb ed controlle e ar y The Round Table at Camelot. He is a good and honorable knight.' 'I do not fear any knights - living or dead,' said Lancelot. The lady looked angrilh y apat t a Lancelot o t d . 'Gpointe oe bacSh . k tolady Camelot!e th d sai ' ' path, s thi w follo n 'The she cried. 'I am Lady Gilbert. My husband, Sir Gilbert, is the through the forest. 'The path is too narrow for your horse. You w No . Meliot r Si d curse e hav I . magic e mak n ca 1 . knight d dea must walk. But Chapel Perilous is not far. Take my dog. The his wound will never heal. Go! ... or I will curse you too!' dog will guide you.' s wa g do g huntin e whit e Th . house e th t lef y quickl t Lancelo Lancelot walked along the path until he came to the middle . path a g alon n ra d an d barke g do e Th . outside m hi r fo g waitin k dar f o e mad s wa t tha l chape l smal a w sa e h , Here . forest e th f o o int k bac e rod e H . followed d an e hors s hi o ont t go t Lancelo e tre a n o g hangin e wer s knight y man f o s shield e Th . stones the dark forest. s wa h whic , down e upsid e wer s shield e Thes . chapel e th e outsid s wa y lad r Anothe . house e larg r anothe o t e cam y the n Soo a sign that the knights were dead. e sh s a n soo s a t bu , crying s wa , too e Sh . garden e th n i g sittin saw Lancelot she dried her eyes. The dog went to the lady and The dead knights licked her hand. The knights were standing near their shields. They did not Sir Meliot has a woundn i s thatsword d willhel y notthe d healan k dar d an d ol s wa r armou r Thei . move . them o t r close d steppe t Lancelo . hands r thei 'I know you,' said the ladyw , 'Yosa e uH ar. e Sir LanceloLancelot t a d t dulooke Lacd an . Yoy u slowl d turne s knight e Th ' Meliot. r Si , brother y m w kno their faces and knew that the knights were dead men. These 'Did Sir Meliot fight with Sir Gilbert today?' asked were the knights who had entered Chapel Perilous. The Lancelot. knights opened their mouths but they could not speak. They 'Yes, he did,' answered Sir Meliot's sister. 'Lad. yeyes Gilbery empt t ih s anwit t Lancelo t a d looke evil sorceress. She has usee dH magic . . Shknights e th ha s s put atoward cursn ra ed onan Sid r swor s hi w dre t Lancelo ' heal. t no l wil d woun s hi d an d wounde s i e H . Meliot e th f o s bodie e th h throug t straigh d passe t i t bu , sword s hi g swun g lyin t Melio r Si d foun d an e hous e th o int t wen t Lancelo r thei h wit t Lancelo e strik t no d coul s knight e th d An . knights e sid t lef e th n o d woun g bleedin a d ha t knigh e Th . hall e th n i swords. The knights who guarded the chapel were ghosts. of his body. ' brother, y m l hea l wil s Perilou l Chape m fro h clot a y 'Onl Sir Lancelot enters the Chapel Perilous said Sir Meliot's sister. 'That is what Lady Gilbert told me.' 'Then I will go to Chapel Perilous and find this cloth,' said So Sir Lancelot entered the Chapel Perilous. There were no Lancelot. windows in the walls, but many lamps hung from the ceiling.

40 41 Perilous Chapel The The Chapel Perilous

Strange shadows moved on the walls. At the end of the chapel, Perilous to Sir Meliot's sister. She smiled. 'Thank you,' she there was a large, flat stone. The body of a knight was lying said. Then she led Lancelot to her brother. on this stone. Lancelot went to the body and saw that it was 'The Lady Gilbert is dead,' said Sir Lancelot. 'I have brought covered with a silk cloth. He cut a piece of the cloth with his a cloth from the Chapel Perilous to heal your wound.' . hand s hi n i t i d hel d an d swor Sir Meliot's skin was pale and he was near to death. Blood Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder. Then the floor flowed from the wound in his side but as soon as the cloth moved. Lancelot walked back to the doorway and went touched his wound, the blood stopped flowing. Then Sir e h d an t Lancelo f o t fron n i d stoo s knight d dea e Th . outside Meliot opened his eyes. could not pass. The ghosts s did sorceres no l t evi mov n a es theiwa t r mouthsGilber y , bu'Lad . t said e h ' healed, m a I ' Lancelot heard theif ro terribl8 3 e voicescompanion .a s wa e Sh . Hellawes s wa e nam l rea e whos 'Knight! Do not take the cloth from the chapel,' they said. Morgana Le Fey. The power of Hellawes is broken now. But 'If you take the cloth, you will die. And you will never see she cast a spell on another lady who lives near this forest. And Guinevere again.' ' broken. e b t no y ma l spel t tha 'Ghosts! You have no power over me,' said Lancelot. 'Let 'I will return to Camelot,' said Lancelot. 'And I will tell the me pass.' story of Hellawes the Sorceress and Chapel Perilous.' d coul e h t Bu . knights d dea e th t a d swor s hi g swun t Lancelo Sir Meliot and his sister thanked Lancelot. not fight them. The knights did not have bodies like living 'Farewell,' said Lancelot. 'Sir Meliot, we will meet again, at men. Instead, they pushed against Sir Lancelot like the thick the Round Table in Camelot.' smoke of a fire. Lancelot swung his sword, but he could not fight smoke. The Fair Maid of Astolat t tha s shield e th w sa t Lancelo , light e th o int p u g lookin , Then hung on chains above the entrance to the chapel. Lancelot Lancelot rode through forests until he came to a river that runs , one y b e on s A . fall o t n bega s shield e th d an s chain e th t a t cu e th n i d islan n a n o d stoo r towe y gre l tal A . Camelot o t n dow each shield fell, one by one, a dead knight fell to the ground. river. The island was called the Isle of Astolat. Elaine, the Fair s knight e th l al , shields e th l al n dow t cu d ha t Lancelo n Whe Maid of Astolat, lived in the tall tower. t Gilber y Lad e Th . cry t grea a d hear t Lancelo n The . fallen d ha No man had seen Elaine. She lived in the highest room of was standing at the entrance to the Chapel Perilous. She put the tower. The room's walls had no windows, but it was bright her hand to the red mark on her face and then she too sank to because light came through windows in the ceiling. There the ground. were many mirrors on the walls that reflected this light. Elaine looked at the mirrors and she saw the world outside her tower. Meliot Sir to cloth the takes Lancelot Sir Lancelot walked back to the house of Sir Meliot. The sun was l Chape m fro h clot e th e gav t Lancelo . sang s bird d an t brigh

42 43 Perilous Chapel The Perilous Chapel The

The tower of minors d an r towe r he f o s stair e th n dow d walke y slowl e sh n The went outside into the sunlight for the first and last time in her Years before, when the sorceress Hellawes gaine. d heriver r e evith lo t d walke e Sh . life r Afte . mark d re y ugl n a h wit t spoil n bee d ha e fac r he , powers w sa d an d hear e H . Camelot s toward n o e rod t Lancelo r Si that, Hellawes hated all beautiful women. none of these things on the Isle of Astolat. He thought only h wis n me l al t 'Bu . said e sh ' face, y m e se o t s wishe n ma o 'N of Camelot. Castle Camelot was near and he wanted to see e curs a t pu l wil I o S . Astolat f o d Mai r Fai e th f o e fac e th e se o t Guinevere again. He thought of telling stories at the Round ' die. l wil e sh , man y an t a s look e Elain f I . her n o Table. Elaine knew that she could not look at the world outside her tower. And, so, she watched the world with her mirrors and she used coloured silk threads to make a tapestry39. The Elaine of death The . world e th f o s picture d showe y tapestr That day, there was a feast in Camelot. All the courtiers, e th , forest e th f o t ou g ridin e cam t Lancelo r Si n Whe r Arthu g Kin . hall t grea e th n i k dran d an e at s ladie d an s knight e th w sa e Elain . armour t brigh s knight' e th n o d flashe t sunligh s Lancelot' r Si f o s storie o t d listene e Guinever n Quee d an e rod e h s a t knigh e th d watche e Sh . mirror r he n i h flas t brigh n sudde a s wa e ther , feast e th f o e middl e th n i , But . adventures closer to her towerd . an Lancelot silen t t wawen s s not wearincourtier d an gs a helmetladie , , sknights o e Th . outside m stor . clearly e fac s hi w sa e Elain , silence e th n i d An . music r thei g playin d stoppe s musician e th d ha e sh t bu , mirror r he n i d reflecte n me n see d ha e Elain they heard someone singing a sad song. The music came from never met a man. And she had. neveriver r e seeth f no a n man as directio handsom e th m fro e , castle e th e outsid o t t Lancelo f o n reflectio e th t wan t no d di e Sh . Lancelot s a e th m fro t ou d looke d an s window e th o t t wen e Everyon . mirror r he m fro r disappea n I . river e th g alon g floatin t boa a w sa y The . Camelot f o s tower p to e th o t m roo r he m fro n ra e Elain , curse e th g Forgettin the boat sat a fair maiden who was singing the sad song. Before e th t a n dow d looke d an r doo e th d opene e Sh . tower e th f o . died d an n dow y la n maide e th , Camelot d reache t boa e th knight's handsome face. But Lancelot did not see Elaine. All the people left the castle and went down to the river. The boat was dressed with brightly-coloured cloth and the The curse maiden lay on soft, silk cushions. Her body was covered with . threads k sil d coloure m fro e mad s picture h wit y tapestr g lon a Suddenly the roome th an t o thn e topwritte oe f thwer e, tower becamASTOLAT F O e D darkMAI . E TH , words e Th e ther e onc t a d an s mirror e th o ont e shon r longe o n t Sunligh boat. s wa r floo e th d an n broke d ha s mirror e Th . noise t grea a s wa l beautifu a s ha e 'Sh . maiden d dea e th t a d looke t Lancelo covered with broken glass. . said e h ' face, Elaine fell to the floor. 'The curse has come to Astolat!' she cried.

44 45 Tristram and Iseult

t fough d 8Irelan d an l Cornwal f o s armie e Th . Isaud n Quee d an each other and Cornwall was defeated. 'Isaud's brother, Marhault, was a fierce warrior. He was the Iseult and Tristram l crue , hair k blac d ha t Marhaul . champion s Ireland' f o g Kin eyes and strong hands. He left Ireland and went to Cornwall. 40 He spoke to King Mark. A minstrel comes to Camelot '"The people and the land of Cornwall belong to King ing Arthur sat at the Round Table and Lancelot and Gurman of Ireland now," said Marhault. "You must send a gift KGawain sat opposite him. But the seat between Lancelot to Ireland. You must send fifteen boys and fifteen girls to be and Gawain, the Siege Perilous, was still empty. servants in Ireland.'" 'No man has ever sat in the Siege Perilous,' said Arthur. 'Merlin told us many years ago that only the purest knight The gift ' be? t knigh t tha l wil o wh t Bu . place s thi n i t si d woul o t e com t ye t no s ha o wh t knigh a e b l wil t i s 'Perhap " gift. s thi d sen t no l wil I ! "No : replied k Mar g Kin t 'Bu Camelot,' said Gawain. o t t Marhaul d sai " me, t figh o t n champio r you l tel n '"The 'Sire,' said Lancelot. 'A minstrel has come to Camelot who Mark. "I am the Champion of King Gurman of Ireland and I plays a harp41 ane dth telld ssen storiesr o e m . t He figh har s travelleeithe t mus d u to Yo Irelan . here d n ma y an l kil n ca and knows many stories. Perhaps he can tell us the name of a gift to Ireland." famous knight whom we. do not know.Marhault t 'figh o t d forwar d steppe t knigh o n t firs t 'A So Arthur called the minstrel to the great hall. All the But then a young man named Tristram stood up. "I will fight l tel o t l minstre e th r fo d waite d an t sa s ladie r thei d an s knight Marhault and bring honour to my king," he said. a story. 'So Marhault laughed and drew his sword. "It will take only The minstrel was tall and he had a fair face. . Busaid e th hi" s clotheboy, s thi s l kil o t t momen a were poor and his shoesg werlon ea oldt . Hfough e heln dme ao hartw e p iTh n . histoo hand d . swor s hi w dre m Tristra e mad t i d an s finger s hi h wit p har e th f o s string e th d touche e H o t w blo e terribl a k struc t Marhaul , time a r Afte . fight d har d an a sweet sound. Tristram's leg. Then Tristram struck a blow to Marhault's head. . wounded y badl e wer n me h Bot " poisoned! s i d swor y "M . ground e th o t l fel t 'Marhaul The story of Tristraml wil u Yo . heal t no l wil d woun r "You . Tristram o t d shoute e h 'I will tell the story of Tristram,' the minstrel said in a clear die."' voice. 'Tristram is a knight of - a land in the far west. The minstrel was silent for a moment. Everyone in the hall King Mark of Cornwall is Sir Tristram's uncle. of Camelot was enjoying this story. 'Before Arthur became king, there was war between 'Please continue,' said King Arthur. Cornwall and Ireland. The. rulerstory ss ohi f Ireland d wercontinue d e Kinan g g Gurmakin e th o t n d bowe l minstre e Th

46 47 and Iseult and Tristram Tristram and Iseult

Tristram's wound 'After he became well, Tristram stayed in Ireland. He played ' court. e th t a g san d an p har e th y the d an p shi s hi o t r maste r thei d carrie n me s Marhault' o 'S sailed to Ireland. Marhault's sister, Queen Isaud, was a skilful n Quee n eve d an d ba y ver e wer s wound s Marhault' t Bu . healer Fair the Iseult . died e h n soo d An . him e sav t no d coul d Isau 'Gurman and Isaud had one child - a daughter. The girl's name e on o N . Tintagel t a e castl e th n i y la m Tristra , 'Meanwhile was Iseult and all men called her Iseult the Fair. . wound s hi l hea d coul t wan I " . daughter s hi h teac o t m Tristra d aske n Gurma g 'Kin '"Queen Isaud of Ireland is the most powerful healer in the e b e "Pleas . king e th d sai " harp, e th y pla o t d an g sin o t t Iseul n Quee y "Onl . court s Mark' g Kin f o n me e wis e th d sai " world, her teacher." Isaud can heal this young man's wound. But Isaud is the enemy m Tristra . Iseult t taugh d an d Irelan n i d staye m Tristra o 'S of Cornwall.'" s hi f o e on o n d tol e h t bu , Iseult e lov o t n bega y quickl When they heard this, some of the ladies of King Arthur's feelings. court began to cry. 'After a time, Tristram left Ireland and returned to Cornwall. The minstrel held up his hand. 'My story has not ended,' g Kin f o t cour e th n i d happene d ha t wha k Mar g Kin d tol e H he said. g Kin o t e spok n ma e wis a n The . Isaud n Quee d an n Gurma Mark. King Gurman and Queend an l Isaud Cornwal n betwee r wa e th d en o t y wa a s i e ther , '"Sire 'Tristram went to Ireland. He could not walk because of the Ireland," he said. "If you marry Iseult the Fair, there will be f o t cour e th o t m hi d carrie s servant o Tw . leg s hi n o d woun peace." e h d an l minstre a f o s clothe e th e wor m Tristra . Gurman g Kin e th t Iseul f o d hear e hav I " . carefully t though k Mar g 'Kin m hi d aske n Gurma g Kin t tha l wel o s g san m Tristra . songs g san Fair," he said. "All men speak of her beauty. I will marry her to sing in the hall of his castle. and bring peace to Cornwall and Ireland. But will Gurman and '"How did you receive your wound?" asked King Gurman. ' agree?" d Isau . replied m Tristra " Ireland, o t p shi a n o g travellin s wa I '" e h n The . sad s wa e fac s Hi . moment a d pause l minstre e Th s pirate e Th . wounded s wa I d an p shi e th d attacke "Pirates continued his story. 2 4 killed all the other men on the ship, but they did not kill me. o s g san d an p har e th d playe I e becaus e liv e m t le s pirate e Th Ireland of 43 Dragon The well." 'Queen Isaud believed Tristram's story. "I will heal your 'At that time, there was a dragon that lived in Ireland. This e wher m roo a o t l minstre e th k too e sh d An . said e sh " wound, huge, terrible creature breathed fire from its mouth. It used d heale d an m hi r fo d care d Isau n Quee . days y man r fo d staye e h that fire to destroy many villages. It killed hundreds of men, his wound. women and children.

48 49 Tristram and Iseult Iseult and Tristram g Kin " daughter, y m y marr n ca n drago e th s kill r '"Whoeve . story s thi g enjoyin e wer e Tabl d Roun e th f o s Knight e Th y m f o f hal e hav l shal e h d "An . knights s hi d tol n Gurma . smiled d an d laughe y The kingdom as a wedding gift." s hi n o t pu e H . promise s Gurman' g Kin d hear m Tristra Mark King for Iseult claims Tristram t no d di e H . Ireland o t d returne e h d an , armour s hi d an d swor t wen e H . Isaud n Quee d an n Gurma g Kin f o t cour e th o t o g . story s hi d continue d an d han s hi p u d hel l minstre e Th straight to the place wherg e thKin e o dragot t i k n livedtoo d . an d hea s dragon' e th f of t cu m Tristra 'The dragon's homn e Quee wa d s sai a " cave, whicbefore, t h cour wa s s thi insid o t n e abee hill e . hav u "Yo . Gurman e Th . rocks k blac y b d surrounde s wa e cav e th f o e entranc e Th e th y pla o t r daughte y m t taugh u Yo . minstrel a e ar u "Yo . Isaud rocks were black because flames had come from the dragon's harp. Are you also a knight?" e th l kil o t d trie d ha s knight y Man . them d burne d an h mout Tristram answered in a clear voice. "Yes," he replied. He dragon, but they " had failedLyonesse, .f o Thei m r boneTristra r sSi lam ya oI " n . the grounGurman g d Kin s toward d turne outside the cave. he said. "I am the Champion of King Mark of Cornwall. I have Tristram watche. d the cavdaughter r e froyou y m thmarr e n toca p k of aMar hillg . Kin H ew sawNo . dragon e th d kille d an s sword d carrie y The . cave e th s toward g ridin s knight e thre e H . Ireland t agains r wa e mak o t s want r longe o n g kin y M shields and spears. wants peace between our two countries." Then smoke and flamer "Si s . camIsaud e fron m Quee th eo t cave e . spok Tristra d an md turne n Gurma g 'Kin . fighting f o s sound e th d an n me f o s crie e th d hear Tristram is a good and honest knight," he said. "The marriage Tristram got on his horse and rode towards the cave. The between King Mark and our daughter will bring honour to e Th . knights d dea e th f o s bodie e th y b g standin s wa n drago both our countries." dragon's back was covered in hard, green and blue skin. It had '"Prepare my ship," said King Gurman. "Sir Tristram will e whit d an p shar e wer h teet s It . feet s it n o 4 4 claws p shar , long take our daughter Iseult to Cornwall. There, she will marry . mouth its m fro e cam e smok d an King Mark." Tristram lifted his spear and rode his horse straight towards That night, Queen Isaud spoke secretly to her daughter's . knight e th n bur o t h mout s it d opene n drago e Th . dragon e th e "Th . him d tol e sh " , 45 potion e lov a e mad e hav I " . servant Tristram's spear went into the dragon's mouth and down its potion is in this bottle of wine. You must take the bottle to throat. Cornwall. There, King Mark and my daughter Iseult must 'The dragon roaree dlov loudlym the e . Themak nl it wil struc t I . k itday s g claws intweddin r o ththei e n o e win e th k drin body of Tristram's hors" e anwine. d e killeth k d itdrin . e Tristraels e m waanyon t s le throw t no o n D t o. forever r othe h eac the ground, but he got up quickly. Then Tristram and Iseult left Ireland. The wind was 'The dragon was badly wounded. Tristram's spear was in its fresh. The ship sailed swiftly like a white bird. Tristram and n ra m Tristra , ground e th o t l fel y finall n drago e th n Whe . throat Iseult talked and laughed in the spring sunlight. Tristram was h stomac soft s dragon' e th o int d swor s hi e drov e H . it s toward sailing home. Soon Iseult began to fall in love with the young and killed it.' knight.'

50 51 Tristram and Iseult Iseult and Tristram

potion love The 'Minstrel, how do you know this sad story?' asked King ' story? e tru a t i s i d 'An . Arthur 'Iseult's servant did not liks ei thy e seastor e . th Sh t e feltha tw ill, kno sI o' sh. e lay dowminstrel e nth d answere ' Sire, , 'Yes and slept. And while she slept, Tristram saw the bottle of wine. true because I am Tristram of Lyonesse.' "Let us drink and be happy,s i e " he sai'Ther . d to IseultArthur d .sai ' Lyonesse, f o m Tristra r Si , 'Welcome Tristram and Iseult drank the love potion. Already they a seat for you here at the Round Table.' loved one another and the potion made their love stronger. Now they loved one another until the ending of the world, and they loved with a love greater than any in the world. Sir Tristram becomes a Knight of the Round Table 'The ship reached Cornwall and King Mark welcomed So, Tristram stayed in Camelot and became a Knight of the Tristram. "You aren i m y greateshappil d t knighlive d t an an s d mydeed champion,d goo y "man said di d e H . Table d Roun King Mark. "And Iseult is the fairest maiden in the world. We Camelot. But he never forgot Iseult the Fair and he wanted to shall be married immediately." see her again. 'So, King Mark marries dwa e Iseulnam t s the wife' Fair s .Hi Bu. t later Iseul s t year love l d severa , married m Tristra Tristram and after her wedding to King Mark, Queen Iseult met also Iseult - but she was called Iseult of the White Hands. Sir Tristram in secret. They met in forests and places where no Tristram was a kind and good husband, but he did not love his one saw them. Bute peoplth f o t e sooIseul n, begawife s n tHi o . talkFair aboue th t t IseulIseul d t thlove e m Tristra r Si . wife Fair and the king's champion. The other knights spoke to King White Hands, knew this and she was jealous. Even after King Mark. "Your wife e anth dt theIseul Champio h wit e b nt arno ed untrucoul e to youLyoness . f Theo m y Tristra , died k Mar are lovers," said the knights.. Hands ' e Whit e th f o t Iseul o t d marrie s wa e h e becaus r Fai

parted are Iseult and Tristram Iseult for sends Tristram 'When King Markn i hear g d ridin thi s s newswa e h , e he wawhil sm angry.Tristra "Id f this attacke is n ma a , day e On true, then Tristramn musma e t th die, t "Bu h. e saidhim d . "Ankille d d an Iseul n ma t shale th t l live fough i nm Tristra . Lyonesse a nunnery so that no man may see her face again." had a poisoned spear which wounded Tristram in the thigh. d an t Iseul d love e H . man l crue a t no s wa k Mar g Kin t 'Bu 'I am going to die,' Tristram said to his servant, Kurwenal. remembered the bravt eIseul deedy sOnl o. f hisheal t championcanno t i ,d Sian r, Tristramwound e . th n i n poiso s i e 'Ther r neve d an m kingdo y m e "Leav : Tristram o t e spok k Mar g 'Kin . mother r he e lik , healer t grea a s i e Sh . me e sav n ca r Fai e th return," he said. "You will neve' r see IseulIseult. r tFai the eth Faih r again."fetc d an l ' Tintage o t p shi a e Tak Here, the minstrel ended his story. Then Tristram spoke to Kurwenal again. 'I may die before y onl s wa e Ther . Camelot f o l hal t grea e th n i e spok e on o N Fair Iseult arrives,' he said. 'Or she may not come at all. So, I one sound - the sound of someone crying. Tears were falling beg you, make me this promise: if Iseult the Fair comes, raise a from Lancelot's eyes. white sail on your ship. If she will not come, raise a black sail.

52 53 Tristram and Iseult Tristram and Iseult

If I see a white saile , I nobl wil e lth live e untibesid d l Faidie d r Iseulan n t comedow y la sr to Fai hea e th l t Iseul t tha g stron me.' Tristram. Iseult of the White Hands heard these words and there Tristram and Iseult were buried46 together in one grave47. r fo e leav l Kurwena d watche e sh s a t hear r he n i y jealous s wa Iseult of the White Hands planted two rose bushes on their Tintagel. But she looked after her husband and did not speak grave. One bush was of red roses and the other bush was of of her feelings. e becam d an r togethe w gre s bushe o tw e th d An . roses e whit one. sail white the and sail black The Kurwenal sailed to Tintagel and spoke to Queen Iseult the Fair. p hel u yo s unles e di l wil e 'H . said e h ' wounded, s i m Tristra r 'Si ' Lyonesse. o t e m h wit e com o t u yo s ask e H . him So Iseult the Fair left Tintagel to help Tristram. She sailed with Kurwenal towards Lyonesse. Kurwenal remembered his promise to Tristram. He raised a . ship e th n o l sai e whit . coast e th n o e castl s Tristram' r Si o t r nea e cam y the , last t A Tristram was very ill. He could not rise from his bed. He was dying. 'Is Kurwenal returning? Is his ship near?' he asked his wife, Iseult of the White Hands. 'Do you see the sail? What colour is the sail?' e Sh . window e th f o t ou d looke s Hand e Whit e th f o t Iseul saw a ship with a white sail on the sea. But there was jealousy . said e sh ' sail, k blac a e se I ' . heart r he n i

The death of Tristram and Iseult Then Tristram's great heart broke. 'I will never see Iseult the Fair again!' he said softly. He turned his face from the window and died. And when Iseult the Fair came to Tristram, she found that he was dead. She knelt beside her lover and wept. But Tristram and Iseult could not be parted by death. Their love was so

54 55 Percivale and Lancelot

9 best knight here.' Then he took the cup from 's hand, left the hall and rode away. d aske ' Knight? d Re e th m fro p cu d gol y m h fetc l wil o 'Wh Percivale and Lancelot Arthur. 'I will go!' shouted all the knights at once. 8 4 Percivale goes to Caerleond roun e th f o t knigh a f o unworthy s i t Knigh d Re s 'Thi ' cup. y m h fetc o t e squir a d 'Sen . said r Arthu ' table, ercivale grew up in the e landsimpl wese th g t of Caerleonwearin s wa .e IH t . was a wilforward d steppe e Percival n The P and empty land and few travellers went there. Percivale clothes of a goat-herd. 'I will fetch your cup,' he said. . goats s family' s hi r afte d looke Sir Kay laughed. 'What can a goat-herd do against a w sa d an d lan d wil e th h throug e rod t Lancelo r Si , day e On knight?' r fai h wit n ma g youn g stron d an l tal a s wa e Percival . Percivale 'I want to be a knight,' said Percivale. . roadway e th r nea s goat r afte g lookin s wa e H . hair Sir Kay laughed again, but Arthur spoke gently. 'Young 'You are a fine young man,' said Lancelot lightly. 'You will man,' he said, 'you have an honest face. If you can bring me y sa d an n Caerleo o t o G . court s king' e th t a e squir d goo a e mak a e tak y ma u yo , Now . knight a u yo e mak l wil I , cup d gol e th that Sir Lancelot sent you.' ' Knight. d Re e th w follo d an e hors I ' . seriously d listene e Percival t bu , lightly e spok t Lancelo . Knight d Re e th r afte e rod d an e hors a d mounte e Percival ' knights, e thes e se d an n Caerleo t a t cour s king' e th o t o g l wil Arthur spoke to Sir Gawain and Sir Gareth. 'Ride after him. Percivale told his mother. 'I do not want to look after goats all Look after him and make sure that he comes to no harm.' And my life.' so Gawain and Gareth rode after the young Percivale. t no o d u Yo . innocent d an g youn e ar u 'Yo , said r mothe s Hi . Knight d Re e th d foun n soo d an y quickl e rod e Percival know the ways of the world. Do not go to Caerleon.' 'That gold cup is not yours,' he called out. But Percivale went t. o CaerleoPercivale n o tt o d see thturne ed king'an e s courthors s hi . d He stoppe t Knigh d Re e Th e h d an g feastin e wer s knight e th e wher e castl e th o int d walke e h ' knight? a t agains o d u yo e lik y bo g youn a n ca t 'Wha saw King Arthur. asked. 'I will fight you,' said Percivale, 'because you are an unworthy The ' knight. e untru d an 'Then I will have to kill you,' said the Red Knight. He n i p cu n golde a g holdin s wa e H . Kay r Si o t g talkin s wa r Arthu s wa e Percival t Bu . Percivale t a e rod d an e lanc s hi d pointe his hand. It was s the cupKnight' frod mRe e whicth d h alpulle l knightd an e s dranhors s hi k am t thfro ed jumpe e H . quick Round Table. spear from his hand. Then the Red Knight turned and drew Suddenly, a strangr spea e e knighth e t camdrov d ean intt o thknigh e e hallth t .a Thn ra e e knight Percival t Bu . sword s hi was wearing red armour. into the knight's throat. The Red Knight fell from his horse e th o t k drin l wil I ' . Knight d Re e th d sai ' cup, t tha e m e 'Giv . cup n golde e th p u d picke e Percival d an

56 57 Percivale and Lancelot Percivale and Lancelot s Percivale' n i p cu e th w sa h Garet r Si d an n Gawai r Si e th d an s sword r thei h wit k loc n iro e th k struc e Percival d an k too y The . ground e th n o t knigh d dea e th w sa y the d an , hand . opened r doo Percivale back to Caerleot n tha an l d spokspel e th e te o thbrok e kingo als .y the , door e th e brok y the n Whe 'This young man killed the Red Knight and took the cup,' kept the lady prisoner. The lady of the tower spoke to the e b o t h enoug y worth d an h enoug e brav s i e 'H . him d tol y the r prisone a s wa I . Blanchefleur y Lad e th m a I ' , said d an s knight a knight.' of Queen Morgana Le Fey. She is an enemy of my father. Now, e Percival t taugh t Lancelo r Si . knight a e becam e Percival o S r fathe y M . you k than y ma e h t tha o s r fathe y m o t e com u yo l wil to use a sword and they rode to Camelot together. ' Carbonek. e Castl n i s live

Naciens the hermit49 Pelles King o t e cam s Nacien d calle t hermi y hol a , time r Easte t a , Then The knights and lady Blanchefleur rode across a waste land Camelot. 'I come to ask for help,' he said to King Arthur. 'I to an old castle. Here, two squires met them and took their know a lady who i. s imprisonehall e castl de ith n o a towerint s . Onlknight e y th a d bravle s e andsquire e th n The . horses pure knight can save her. She is being kept prisoner by an evil An old king lay on a bed in the hall. 'I am King Pelles,' he sorceress.' l wil d woun t Tha . thigh e th n i d wounde s wa I o ag s Tear . said 'Sire,' Lancelotg said, 'Irescuin wilr fo l rescuu yo k e ththan e I lady . . bed Ans dthi I m wilfro l e takris et canno I . heal t no ' me. h wit e Percival r Si my daughter. I ask you to stay here and rest.' d Roun e th t a d looke d an t hermi e th d sai ' you, k than I ' ' there? s sit o Wh . seat y empt n a s i e ther e se I ' . Table The first vision50 of the Holy Grail 'No man sits in the Siege Perilous,' Arthur answered. 'Many t knigh y worth t mos , purest e th y onl t tha d sai n Merli , ago s year n i e at y The . castle e th n i d reste e Percival d an t Lancelo o S ' there. t si o t e com y da e on d woul the great hall. And while they were eating, they heard the Naciens the hermit looked at the Siege Perilous and nodded sound of music. A bright light shone from high above. Then his head. Then he led Sir Lancelot and Sir Percivale out of three women came into the hall. They were dressed in white Camelot. After an long woma journey t firs e , Th the . y camcloth e e towhit an i dard k hillsidcovere e e wer s face r thei d an . hill e th f o p to e th n o r towe k blac a h wit e th d An . dish a d carrie n woma d secon e Th . spear a d carrie a s i y lad e Th . hermit e th d sai ' Tower, s Dolorou e th s i t 'Tha e thre e Th . light h wit d fille s wa t tha p cu a d carrie n woma d thir prisoner in that tower.' women looked at Percivale and Lancelot. Then, the light . disappeared n wome e th d an d fade y slowl The Dolorous Tower Lancelot and Percivale wondered at this sight. 'What does . Lancelot d aske ' mean? s thi s wa r doo e Th . tower e th o t p u e rod e Percival d an t Lancelo o S 'It is a vision of the Holy Grail,' King Pelles said. 'It is a made of wood ans d thi wa e s se fastene u yo n d witwhe hd anAn iro. n lockCamelot . Lanceloo t e tcom l wil t tha n visio

58 59 Percivale and Lancelot

vision, the knights of Camelot will quest for the Holy Grail.' 'But why do we see the vision here and now?' asked Lancelot. m a I ' . Pelles g Kin d sai ' vision, s thi f o 1 5 guardian e th m a I ' o t l Grai e th t brough o wh a Arimathe f o h Josep m fro d descende I h thoug — n reaso a r fo e castl s thi o t e com e hav u Yo . land s thi do not know why.' s thi f o g meanin e th w kno t no d di e Percival d an t Lancelo vision. Percivale spent much time in prayer and wondered about the meaning of the Holy Grail. Lancelot spent much e lov n i l fel r Blanchefleu d an r Blanchefleu y Lad e th h wit e tim with him.

Lancelot lies with Blanchefleur 'I must return to Camelot,' Lancelot said to Blanchefleur. But Blanchefleur was sad and did not want to let him go. They stayed together all that day and all that night. f o w kno t no d di e h h thoug - n so a r Blanchefleu e gav t Lancelo . years y man r fo s thi Lancelot and Percivale returned to Camelot and told their stories. Lancelot talked and laughed with Guinevere. But he never spoke of Blanchefleur and their secret love, and soon he forgot about her.

'It is a vision of the Holy Grail,' King Pelles said. 61 The Siege Perilous

. 10Lancelot e lik d looke e H . face n ope d an r fai a d ha d Galaha But Lancelot was worldly and proud. Galahad looked more like a priest than a knight - a quiet young man with a bright They b t SiegeLancelo f o Perilous n so e th s wa d Galaha . smile l peacefu d an Blanchefleur of Carbonek — though no one knew this secret. . forward d steppe , hidden s wa e fac e whos , nun e th n The Table Round the at seats Empty 'I am Morgana of Glastonbury,' she said to Arthur. 'I bring a t Camelo o t e com d ha s knight w Ne . passed d ha s year y an e nam s Hi . knight a e becom l wil e h e hop I . court r you o t e squir s quest n i d die s knight e Som . died d ha s knight Md ol d an is Mordred.' e th t a s seat y empt w no e wer e Ther . battle n i d die s other d an f o y bod e th d ha e H . broad d an k dar d an t shor s wa d Mordre . Table d Roun a bear and a friendly smile — a smile that masked his evil mind. Sir Bedivere anf do Sim r Borthe d s sat onreminde Arthur'e h t tha s rightd sai .y To The hi . s lefonce tt a m hi d like n Me sat Kay and Gareth. Opposite him sat Lancelot and Percivale King Arthur. and Gawain. But there was an empty seat on either side of Arthur had never known his father. He did not know that . Bors r Si e besid t sea y empt n a d an n Gawai w kno t no d di e h d An . Pendragon r Uthe e lik d looke d Mordre 'Who shall sit in these empty places?' asked Arthur. And that Mordred was his own son by Morgana. Also, he did not he looked at the Siege Perilous which had been empty for know that Morgana of Glastonbury was his own half-sister. twenty four years. No man had ever dared to sit on the Siege Perilous because of Merlin's warning - 'He who sits on this chair Morgana Le Fey brings evil to Camelot will die.' Morgana Le Fey knew most of Merlin's secrets. She was the wisest woman in the world. But her magic had no power over Mordred and Galahad Arthur. While Arthur wore the sword Excalibur, Morgana At Whitsun, the holy hermit Naciens returned to Camelot. could not touch him with her magic. But Morgana still had He brought a young man who was nearly. sixteecourt e n th year n i se old. troubl e mak o t r powe e th . Camelot o t n ma g youn a t brough o als y Fe e L a Morgan The Knights of the Round Table stood up and welcomed Morgana wore the clothes of a holy woman. Her head was Galahad and Mordred. 'We need young men,' said Bors. covered so that no man could see her face. 'Welcome to Camelot.' f o s Nacien m a I ' . Arthur o t e spok t hermi e th s Nacien All the knights and ladies walked and talked in the hall. e becom l wil e h e hop I . court r you o t e squir a g brin I . Carbonek Then it was time for the feast. 'Be seated, knights and ladies,' n ow y m s a m hi d raise e hav I . Galahad s i e nam s Hi . knight a said Arthur. 'And let our new squires take a seat at the Round son. I do not know his father and mother. Kin' g Pelleplaces. y s sentempt hio mtw e ar e Ther . Table ' old. s day w fe a s wa e h n whe e m o t e Th . confusion f o c magi r he d worke a Morgan n The h wit g laughin d an g talkin , places r thei k too s ladie d an s knight

62 63 The Siege Perilous Perilous Siege The

joy. They paid no attention to the new squires Mordred and The vision faded and all the men and women in the hall Galahad. were silent and astonished. They looked at King Arthur. n o e plac y empt n a s i e 'Ther . Galahad o t e spok d Mordre s Gawain' r Si n o t si e 'Pleas . said e h ' Gawain, r Si f o e sid r eithe The quest right and I will sit on his left.' 'You are verye th kind, s i s ' saiThi . d Galahadasked e h ' . 'I thanGrail? e th k k you.see l ' Anwil o d 'Wh . spoke r Arthu . smile l evi n a d smile d Mordre highest and holiest quest that has come to Camelot. Perhaps it e th r fo l Grai e th k See . knights y man f o t ques l fina e th e b l wil honour of Logres and the Glory of God.' Galahad sits on the Siege Perilous All the knights and ladies sat down at the table. And only then did Arthur see that something was wrong. There were no o t d dare d ha n ma o N . table e th t a m hi e opposit s place y empt d Galaha w no t Bu . years r twenty-fou r fo s Perilou e Sieg e th n i t si sat in the chair and it was no longer empty.

Grail Holy the of vision second The As Arthur saw this, there came the sound of a great bell , above h hig m fro , came c musi n The . earth e th e abov m fro d fille s wa l hal e Th . singing s voice f o d soun e th h wit r togethe r anothe e on t a d looke s ladie d an s knight e th d an t ligh h wit y The . hall e th o int e cam s ladie e thre n The . astonishment n i were dressed in white and their faces were covered with white cloth. The first woman carried a spear. The second woman carried a dish. And the third woman carried a cup that was filled with light. d coul s ladie d an s knight e th t tha t brigh o s s wa t ligh e Th y The . peace d an y jo h wit d fille e wer y the t Bu . cup e th e se t no looked at the cup in wonder. Only Mordred hid his eyes in his hands. He could not look upon the holy cup and he wept. Mordred was unworthy. e th y Onl . Grail e th k 'See . clearly d an y softl e spok e voic A purest knights can find the Grail.'

64 65 Holy Grail Holy the for Quest The

11 Sir Bedivere was silent. He guarded King Arthur and watched and waited.

The Quest for the Holy Grail The Grail Chapel in the Wild Wood Meanwhile, after many adventures, five knights came together Bedivere and Mordred remain in Camelot in the Wild Wood near the Castle of Carbonek. Gawain and e 'W . Camelot t lef e Tabl d Roun e th f o s Knight e th o s d n y b d joine e wer y the d an e Percival d an d Galaha t me s Bor d an g Kin r ou f o r honou e th r fo , Grail y Hol e th k see l wil Lancelot. . declared y the ' God, thf o e y Glor t ou m the o t e cam , Carbonek f o t hermi y hol e th , Naciens Arthur stayed at Camelot with Bedivere and Mordred. All of the Wild Wood. y Hol e th k see o t t ou t se e Tabl d Roun e th f o s Knight r othe e th s i l Grai e th f o l Chape e Th . near s i t ques e th f o d en e 'Th Grail. hidden in the Wild Wood,' he said. 'Take King Pelles from his . hand e on y onl f o e us e th d ha d an d wounde s wa e Bediver l Grai e th d fin l wil u yo d an d woo e th h throug m hi y Carr . castle So Mordred offered to care for him and to serve the king at Chapel.' court. The five knights went to Castle Carbonek where King e H . palace e th n i s room e th l al t abou t learn n soo d Mordre . Pelles g Kin d sai ' pain, t grea n i m a I ' . bed s hi n o y la s Pelle knew all the passageo t se anm dy gardencarr t smus anu d Yo hallways . painful . s Hi el talkehea t dno l to wil t tha d woun e 'Th o t d talke e H . gossip r thei l al d hear d an t cour e th f o s ladie e th ' Grail. e th f o l Chape e th . palace e th f o s secret e th l al d learne d an s servant e th The five knights carried King Pelles on their shields. They Months passed. Knights returned to Camelot with news and went into the Wild Wood and followed a narrow path. The then set out again in search of the Holy Grail. They searched Lady Blanchefleur walked behind them, but she did not speak the Kingdom of Logres for news or for signs of the holy cup. to Lancelot or Galahad. h throug l Grai e th t sough y The . returned r neve s knight e Som dark forests and across wild hills and in deep valleys. They Only worthy knights may enter the Grail Chapel h wit t los e wer d an l fel s Knight . ogres d an s wolve h wit t fough . story r thei l tel o t e on o n Night fell. The knights walked through the Wild Wood and 'Camelot is empty,d ' woo Mordre e th n i ds saidnoise toe Kinwer e g ArthurTher . . 'We musmoonlight y tb y wa r thei d foun not lose the traditions s knight of e Camelotth t las t . A W . e needshapes youny gghostl knight d an s s light e strang d an who can serve the King, the Round Table and the Kingdom of came to a place where the trees did not grow. A white chapel Logres. We need more young knights.' appeared in the moonlight. t Bu . knights w ne e mad d an d Mordre o t d listene r Arthu d heale e b l wil I ' . Pelles g Kin d sai ' chapel, e th o int e m y 'Carr the young knights quickly became loyal52 to Mordred and there.' not to Arthur. The knights carried him to the chapel door but they could

66 67 Grail Holy the for Quest The The Quest for the Holy Grail t bu r doo e th t a d pushe s Bor d an n Gawai , Lancelot . enter t no world this from passes and Grail the from drinks Galahad it did not open. Then Galahad and Percivale put their hands . lips s hi o t t i d raise d an r alta e th m fro l Grai e th k too d Galaha . opened r doo e th d an r doo e th n o He drank from the cup and the light grew brighter. The roof e th o int g kin d wounde e th d carrie d Galaha d an e Percival of the chapel opened and the light of heaven shone down. . them h wit l chape e th d entere r Blanchefleu y Lad e Th . chapel Galahad looked upwards and put his hands together in prayer. e th m fro h watc y onl d coul s Bor d an n Gawai , Lancelot t Bu Then, as the others watched, Galahad rose up into the light. doorway. They could not enter because they were not worthy Those who saw this sight were filled with peace and joy. or pure enough. s knight e th , ended c musi e th d an d fade t ligh e th n whe , Then took the body of King Pelles outside. They buried the king at Grail Holy the of vision third The . Chapel l Grai e th f o r doo e th d an e Percival . brighter w gre l chape e th e insid t ligh e Th Galahad carried the wounded king to the altar. Chapel Grail the of guardians The s angel f o c musi e th s wa t I . above m fro d hear e b d coul c Musi Percivale did not return to Camelot. He married Blanchefleur e th n i d appeare , white n i d dresse , women e thre n The . singing and became King of Carbonek. Percivale and Blanchefleur n woma d secon e Th . spear a d carrie n woma t firs e Th . chapel guarded the Chapel of the Grail and some time later, they had s wa t tha p cu a d carrie n woma d thir e th d An . dish a d carrie a son called Lohengrin. filled with light. They carried the spear, the dish and the cup Lancelot, Gawain and Bors returned to Camelot and told to the altar. y b y jo h wit d fille s wa r Arthu g Kin . court e th o t y stor r thei Galahad went to the altar. He took the spear and handed it r ou f o t achievemen t greates e th s i s 'Thi . Grail e th f o y stor e th . said e h ' spear, s thi h wit d woun s king' e th l 'Hea . Percivale o t knights,' he said. 'This story will be told for as long as men Percivale took the spear and touched it to the thigh of King tell stories. And while men tell this story, Camelot will never Pelles. The wound was healed at last. end.' l Grai e th f o n Guardia e th n bee e hav I ' . sighed s Pelle g Kin e h t tha y sa d di e H . story e th l al l tel t no d di t Lancelo t Bu for many years,' he said. 'Now my wound is healed and my task could not enter the Grail Chapel. He did not say that he was r fo e car o t u yo k as I . Percivale , you o t k tas s thi d han I . ended s i unworthy. Mordred smiled an evil smile and looked at Lancelot. the chapel and my daughter. Now I will rest.' Lancelot turned his eyes to Guinevere. e wak t no d di d an p slee p dee a o int l fel s Pelle g Kin n The d an d han s Blanchefleur' k too e Percival . world s thi n i n agai . Galahad t a d looke y the

68 69 Table Round the of Breaking The

12 the garden so that fall asleep. When s hi t tha m hi w sho d an r Arthu h fetc l wil u yo , asleep e ar y the wife and his champion knight are lovers.' The Breaking d ofan t the RoundLancelo w sa e TableH . waited d an d watche d Mordre Guinevere ride out of Camelot. It was the month of May and e th d an t knigh e Th . flowers e whit h wit d covere s wa d roa e th Mordred's knights d atan Camelotn garde t secre e th o t e cam y The . wood e th o int e rod n quee any knights dit d fel no y t returthe y n to Suddenl Camelot . .flowers The e th y g wereamon loss t gras e th n o n dow t sa M in the Quest for the Hol. y Grailside y b .e Younsid g g knightlyin - p s camaslee e e twer o y the n soo d an d tire Camelot and soon there was a division in the court. The old knights surrounded King Arthur, The youngarden g knightsecret the s in gathere d Guinevere and Lancelot . Mordred d aroun e h ' 'Sire, . King e th o t t wen d an t Camelo o t k bac e rod d Mordre . old s i r Arthu g 'Kin , knights g youn e th o t d sai d Mordre s rider o n d ha s horse e Th . wood e th n i s horse o tw w sa I ' , said Soon there will be changes in Camelot. We will have a new and they are the horses of Sir Lancelot and Our Lady Queen. ' different. e b l wil s thing y man d an g kin ' ... d happene s ha t acciden e som r o n falle e hav y the s Perhap Mordred watched Lancelot and Guinevere closely. He saw e th o t m hi d le d Mordre . wood e th o int e rod r Arthu o S them ride together and followed them when they rode into secret garden. There Arthur saw Lancelot and Guinevere the forest. He watched while they hunted deer together. He s arm r thei d ha y The . flowers e th g amon s gras e th n o p aslee r he o t n tha t Lancelo o t r close s i e 'Guinever , friends s hi d tol . other h eac d aroun husband King Arthur.' As Arthur drew his sword Excalibur, Mordred smiled an Arthur had heard the rumours, but he refused to believe evil smile. 'I will kill this false knight,' said Arthur. Then, as s wa r Arthu . Logres f o m Kingdo e th n i e peac s wa e Ther . them he raised his sword to kill Sir Lancelot, Merlin's words came happy to rule wisely and well. He ate and drank at the Round . mind s hi o int t bu , stories r thei d hear d an s knight y man d welcome e H . Table 'You will not draw the sword Excalibur in anger. You will draw d ha r hai s Hi . adventure f o h searc n i t ou e rod r longe o n e h good for fight you while And, right. the defend to only sword that turned from the colour of gold to the colour of silver. you protect will sword The battle. in fall cannot you evil, against Mordred spoke to his mother, Morgana Le Fey. 'How can land.' the defend will you and e ar e Guinever d an t Lancelo t tha e believ r Arthu e mak e w 3 5 r Si o t t nex d groun e th o int d swor e th e drov r Arthu . asked e h ' him? o t unfaithful Lancelot's head. Then he turned away and rode back to Camelot. Mordred went with him and told everyone what had Mordred plots againstt LancelotLancelo t tha w andkne t Guineverecour e th l al n Soo . wood e th n i d happene . Fey e L a Morgan d sai ' woods, e th n i n garde t secre a s i e 'Ther and Guinevere had been unfaithful to their lord the King. n o l spel c magi a t pu l wil I . there t mee e Guinever d an t 'Lancelo

70 71 The Breaking of the Round Table Table Round the of Breaking The

from Camelot from escape Guinevere and Lancelot We will fight the old knights and there will be a new beginning ' land. s thi n i Soon Lancelot and Guinevere th e awoksinc e e tim it n thfirs ee th secre r fo td gardenlan e th .n i r wa s wa e ther o s d An They saw the sword Excalibur and cried out in terror. 'Arthur!' Hill. Mordred and the young knights attacked ' hide? e w l shal e Wher ? do e w l shal t 'Wha . cried e Guinever Camelot. Sir Gawain and Sir Bors led the old knights out of r eve s ha n ma o 'N . Lancelot d sai ' Excalibur, d swor e th e 'Tak the castle and they battled with Mordred on the banks of the g Kin e th l unti t i p kee d an t i e Tak . Arthur t excep t i d touche river. needs it for battle.' 'Where is Arthur?' Mordred called. 'Is he afraid to fight e 'W . west e th o int y awa e Guinever k too t Lancelo n The us?' have sinned badly,' he said. 'We have been unfaithful to our 54 Arthur sat in his great hall. He sat at the Round Table with lord the King. Now we must part forever. We cannot go back his faithful knight Sir Bedivere. 'The Round Table is broken,' to Camelot and we cannot go forward together.' he said. 'We shall never see such a gathering of noble knights again.' nunnery a enters Guinevere Gawain and Bors pushed Mordred's men back to the river. Morgana Le Fey helped her son by sending confusion among Lancelot took Guineverd an l e twel o s tha en nunnerme s y at Mordred' Amesbur d yconfuse l in thspel ee th t Bu . knights e th West Country. Guinevere carried the sword Excalibu. r back wit m h hethe l r cal o t d ha d Mordre o int n quee e th k too n wome e th e Ther . need t grea s King' e th r fo h hig d behin e m t 'Shu . nun a e becam e sh d an y nunner r thei walls,' she said, 'so that no man may see my sin anBors d shame.and ' Gawain of death The And so she lived in a simple room and spent her days in prayer. Bors fell on the bridge across the river. Many men died on that But she kept the sword Excalibur hidden in her room. It was bridge. They fell into the river and their bodies floated to the . husband d an g kin r he o t e servic t las r he sea. Before he left the battlefield, Mordred rode behind Gawain hermit a becomes Lancelot who fought alone. Mordred swung his black war axe and split Gawain's helmet. Gawain fell from his horse and died in a field Lancelot rode into the west. He left his armour and sword at a close to Camelot. d an s wood e th n i e alon d live e H . hermit a e becam d an h churc Mordred took his men and destroyed the lands to the west. never spoke to anyonn e againwome , . men y man d kille e H . villages d an s town e th d burne e H , men s hi d promise e H . larger w gre y arm s hi d An . children d an Mordred makes war against Arthur 'You can keep what you can take.' And his men robbed and . him d aroun s knight g youn e th d gathere d Mordre , Meanwhile m fro s invader e th e lik e wer y The . countryside e th d burne 'Arthur has lost his power,' he said. 'It is time we had a new across the sea who came before Arthur's time. . powerless d an d ol s i e Tabl d Roun e Th . king g youn a - g kin Then Morgana, his mother, spoke and said, 'Arthur has lost

72 73 The Breaking of the Round Table Table Round the of Breaking The

the sword Excaliburt . Hshor e a wilr fo l looe k wok fon r it iMerli n , the Weswood t t Countrygrea e th f o .e middl e th n i , away I know where the sword came from. We will go to the place time from his long sleep. And Merlin's voice came to Arthur and wait. It is a plac. e oLake f e powerth f o .y I wilLad le bth e d stronan r g there. Excalibu Arthuf o e r spok d an m drea a n i will come. We willr fightArthu himd An , an. d said tha d tha wil e h l ,' be her Arthur' to sback end.it ' give must you day e On ' Arthur gathered all his men and rode after Sir Mordred. had asked: 'How shall I know that day?' 'You will know that day d move y the y Slowl . followed r Arthu d an t wes d move d Mordre when you come to this lake again,' Merlin had answered. 'Now, ever further west. Winter came and still they moved ever more it is time for battle.' . sunset e th f o d lan e th s toward y slowl And Merlin came to Morgana in her sleep. 'Remember the o t s spell r he d prepare d an e ros a Morgan o S . said e h ' dragon, Guinevere gives Excalibur to Arthur . brother r he t agains n so r he d defen And Merlin also came to Lancelot in his sleep. 'Take your s nun e Th . Amesbury t a e hous y hol e th o t t nigh t a e cam r Arthu sword and go to your king,' he said. So Lancelot rose and took k spea t no d coul e Guinever . cell s Guinevere' o t m hi d admitte . west e th o int e rod d an h churc e th m fro d swor s hi h beneat m fro r Excalibu d swor e th k too e Sh . Arthur t a k loo r o her simple bed and handed it to the king. West the in battle last The . Arthur d sai ' sword, s thi h touc o t n perso y onl e th e ar u 'Yo r othe o n , Lake e th f o y Lad e th m fro t i k too I e tim e th e 'Sinc Arthur rose and prepared for battle. He prepared to fight n i n agai t mee e w y ma d an , me r Remembe . it d hel s ha n perso Mordred on the plain of sand. Then a strange mist came over e th r fo r othe h eac w kno l shal e w , pray I , Then . life r anothe y da d col a s wa t I . year d ol e th f o y da t las e th s wa t I . sand e th ' time. t firs o n d an d san e th d covere t mis e th n Soo . dim s wa n su e th d an And so he left the nunnery and Guinevere remained. She man could see the sun. lived out her days as a nuf no ant dou nevem fro r t spokmis ee againth d . calle e Sh . magic r he d use a Morgan y da l Al . knights e th g amon n confusio t sen e sh d an , lake e th d coul n Me . confused s wa r Arthu n eve d an t fough y the g lon his sleep his in Arthur to comes Merlin t agains t fough y The . mist e th n i y clearl r othe h eac e se t no Arthur pushed Sir Mordred back to. the land'enemies s a end l . wel The s a ys passefriend d d kille d an s shadow o t e cam y The . shone y barel n su e th e wher s forest p dee h throug a d an t mis e th h throug e brok t sunligh r winte e th n The . grew g nothin d an d live n ma o n e wher s hill e bar knight appeared. His sword shone in the gleam of sunlight. It r fa e th n i e lak a d an y valle a w sa r Arthu , hills e thes m Fro was Lancelot. He charged at Mordred's men and drove them west. Beyond the lakt e laymomen aa plair fo nd of sandcleare t . Beyonmis e Th d . the plaishore n n ofocea e th s toward k bac n su e th e wher s island t distan , off r fa , and n ocea e th y la d san . forward d charge n me s Arthur' d an r Arthu d an e h d an r furthe o n o g d coul d Mordre , Here . sets Morgana saw that Lancelot was winning the battle. She . battle l fina r thei r fo d prepare spoke words of great power. It was the most powerful spell she Arthur rested thaf o t h nightbreat besid e th r e thhe ee colgav d t antha d l mistspel ye laketh s . Fawa t rI . spoken r eve d ha

74 75 Table Round the of Breaking The

the dragon. She breathed in the face of Arthur's men, even as 13 Lancelot prepared to kill Mordred. Lancelot was driven backwards by the breath of the dragon. Mordred leapt forward and swung his black war axe. Lancelot The Passing of Arthur n me m hi d aroun l al d An . sand f o n plai e th n o d die d an l fel fought on in the mist. Arthur returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake e Sh . Morgana r fo l powerfu o to s wa l spel n drago e th t Bu s wa d an d groun e th o t l fel e Sh . her d burne t i d an e fir d breathe ir Bedivere carried King Arthur to a chapel that stood on covered with fire. All her evie l th burne n o d d an i ne thlak e e firth e y anla de shsid ee diedon n . O . land f o p stri w Snarro a other lay the ocean. The moon was full. The Death of Mordredy m e Tak . Arthur g Kin d sai ' morning, e th e befor e di l shal I ' ' lake. e th o int t i w thro d an r Excalibu d swor The mist cleared. The field was filled with dead knights. Sir Bedivere took the sword, sadly, and walked to the lake. Arthur stood alone with Sir Bedivere. Bedivere could not fight He looked at the sword and saw that it was beautiful. 'It is too because of his wounded swor d e handth d .hi Ale h l tho s e d otheAn . r Knightthought se h o f' the away, w thro o t d goo Round Table were dead. And all the enemies of Arthur were in the grass beside the lake and walked back to the wounded dead except for Mordred. king. Mordred walked across the bloody field towards King 'What did you see?' Arthur whispered. e th d hel r Arthu d an e ax r wa k blac s hi d carrie e H . Arthur . Bedivere r Si d sai ' 'Nothing, sword Excalibur. 'Go again and do as I told you,' said King Arthur. Arthur and Mordredt a fough d t looke a sd than ee sutim n d sank secon loa we inlak e thth e o t t wen e Bediver r Si west. And Arthur d drovswor e s histhi sworn whe d r ExcalibuArthu g r intKin r o the bodremembe yl ofwil o 'Wh . sword e th Mordred and killed him. But, before he fell, Mordred swung is lost?' he thought. And so he hid the sword a second time. . head e th n o r Arthu g Kin k struc d an e ax r wa k blac s hi s wa e voic s Hi . whispered r Arthu ' see? u yo d di t 'Wha . weaker g becomin 'Nothing,' said Sir Bedivere. Then Arthur was angry. 'Does no one obey a dying king?' he asked. 'Now, on your honour, go and do what I told you. This is my last request and final command.' Then Bedivere went quickly to the lake. He took the sword and closed his eyes and threw Excalibur into the middle of the lake. When he looked, he saw the sword flash in the moonlight and fall towards the water. But the sword did not sink into the n i d covere s wa d han e Th . water e th m fro e ros d han A . lake

76 77 Arthur of Passing The

white cloth. The hand caught the sword and waved it three h beneat d swor e th d pulle e Lak e th f o y Lad e th n The . times the water. Bedivere ran back to the wounded king. Arthur looked at Bedivere's face. 'I know that you have done what I commanded,' he said. 'Now carry me to the ocean shore, but be quick. I fear that I shall die.'

Avalon to Arthur carry queens Three d appeare t boa A . shore n ocea e th o t r Arthu d carrie e Bediver e Thre . oars r o s sail , wind t withou d move t I . moonlight e th n i . cloth d re h ric h wit d decorate s wa t I . boat e th n i d stoo s queen e thre e Th . cushions d re h ric f o d be a n o r Arthu d lai e Bediver . wept s queen 'Where will you go?' Sir Bedivere asked. Arthur answered slowly. 'I am going a long way with these women. I am going to the island valley of Avalon. It is an isle of rest where winter never comes. There I will be healed of my wound and will rest and wait. And one day I shall come again, for Merlin called me .' 'And where shall I go?' asked Sir Bedivere. l shal u 'Yo . Arthur d sai ' world, e th h throug l trave l shal u 'Yo tell of what you saw and what you heard - the stories of the e th l unti d tol e b l shal s storie e Th . Table d Roun e th f o s Knight ending of the world.' Then the three queens sang a sad song as the boat moved away from the shore. The boat gleamed in the moonlight.

The last of the Knights Bedivere walked back to the cold bare hills. From the hills t bu l smal s wa t I . boat e th w sa e H . water e th s acros d looke e h bright. The boat moved slowly towards the islands in the west. 'The stories shall be told until the ending of the world.' 78 The Passing of Arthur

The islands were lost in the darkness of night. But the boat Points For Understanding gleamed in the last light of the frosty moon. Bedivere watched for a long time. The moon faded. Behind t boa s Arthur' f o m glea t las e th w sa e Bediver . broke n daw , him 1 , voices y man f o t shou t grea a d hear e H . day f o t ligh t firs e th n i . gone s wa m glea e th n the d an 1 The army of Uther attacked Tintagel Castle. What did the army of The hills were bare but bright as Bedivere began to walk ? exactly o d r Uthe ? Castle l Tintage r ente o t e abl r Uthe s wa w Ho 2 . day w ne a n o e ros n su e th d An . east e th s toward 2

1 Who were Arthur's parents and why did he live with Sir Ector? 2 How did Arthur become King of Britain? 3

1 What was the difference between the Sword of Right and the Sword of Might? 2 How will Arthur know when to return Excalibur to the lake? 4

e th n Explai . Camelot f o t Knigh n Champio e th s wa t Lancelo 1 meaning of the word 'champion' in the story. 2 Merlin and Nimu spoke to each other without words. How did they speak to each other? 5

1 What did Nimu and Morgana want from Merlin? ? Arthur o t s thi y sa n Merli d di y Wh ' help. y m t withou e rul t mus u 'Yo 2

80 81 6 12

? chapter s thi n i t importan s thing e thes e ar y Wh 1 e th n i n garde t secre e th n o l spel a t pu y Fe e L a Morgan d di y Wh 1 n ribbo n gree a ) (c n bargai a ) (b e ax n a ) (a forest? 2 Where did Arthur fight his last battle? 7 ? die a Morgan d di w Ho 3

1 What curse did the sorceress put on Sir Meliot? 13 ? Elaine n o t pu s sorceres e th d di e curs t Wha 2 1 Why did Sir Bedivere not want to cast Excalibur into the lake? 8 ? go r Arthu d di e Wher 2

1 Explain the importance of the love potion in this story. 2 'I see a black sail,' said Iseult of the White Hands. Why did she say this? 9

1 Why did Sir Kay laugh at Sir Percivale? 2 What was the Holy Grail? 10

1 What was the Siege Perilous? ? Why . Perilous e Sieg e th n o t si o t d Galaha d wante d Mordre 2 ? cup y hol e th t a k loo t no d Mordre d coul y Wh 3


1 Why did Mordred not go on the quest? 2 Why could Lancelot not enter the Grail Chapel?

82 83 ) 9 e (pag swan 2 1 Glossary a large white bird with a long neck that lives near water. ) 10 e (pag Sire 3 1 s word f o t lo a e ar e Ther . king a o t g talkin r fo d use d wor d ol n a 1 warrior (page 4) used before people's names in this book. Sir is used before the name . soldier a r fo d wor d ol n a of a man who is a knight. Lord is used before the name of a man 2 invader - to invade (page 4) who has a high rank in the highest British social class. Lady is used if you invade a country you take or send an army into it in order to as a title for some women who have important social or official invaders. d calle e ar s thi o d o wh e peopl e Th . it f o l contro t ge positions. ) 4 e (pag empire 3 14 protect (page 11) . government r o n perso e on y b ruled e ar t tha s countrie f o r numbe a to keep someone or something safe. ) 4 e (pag attack to - attacked 4 15 spell (page 11) to use violence against a person or place. words or actions that are believed to make magic things happen. 5 court (page 5) o t n happe g somethin e mak o t c magi e us u yo spell, a t cos u yo f I the place where a king or queen lives and works. Someone who has someone, or to seem to do this. If you break a spell, you end it. Spells an official position at the court of a king or queen, or who spends can make good or bad things happen. If you curse someone, you use courtier. a s i , there e tim d ba e Thes . someone o t n happe s thing d ba e mak o t s power c magi 6 magician (page 5) things are called a curse. n ma A . happen s thing e impossibl e mak o t c magi s use o wh e someon 16 wound (page 12) in stories who has magic powers is also called a wizard. A woman an injury in which your skin or flesh is seriously damaged. Someone sorceress. a d calle s i s storie n i c magi o d o t s spirit l evi s use o wh wounded. s i d injure y seriousl s i o wh 7 chivalrous (page 5) 17 gave birth — to give birth (to someone) (page 13) . women s toward n me y b r behaviou d kin d an e polit to produce a baby from inside your body. A baby that is recently 8 honour, truth and justice (page 5) newborn. s i n bor These were the things that the knights believed in. Honour is the 18 nunnery (page 13) g somethin s achieve o wh e someon r fo e hav e peopl t tha t respec . together e liv - s nun r o - n wome s religiou e wher e plac a great, is very powerful, or behaves in a way that is morally right. ) 14 e (pag archbishop 9 1 Truth is the quality of being true, and someon. e whchurches on says whaChristia te is som n i k ran t highes e th f o t pries a true and does not lie speaks truthfully. Justice is treatment of people 20 astonished (page 16) y morall d an r fai s i o wh e someon d an , right y morall d an r fai s i t tha . surprised y ver right is just. 21 sign (page 19) 9 quest (page 5) a piece of evidence that something exists or is happening. a long difficult search ) 21 e (pag plenty 2 2 ) 9 e (pag raven 0 1 a situation in which large supplies of something are available, a large bird with shiny black feathers. especially food. 11 blow (page 9) 23 deed (page 22) someone, e strik u yo f I . object n a r o d han s someone' m fro t hi d har a . does e someon t tha g somethin g meanin d wor y literar a you hit someone or something with your hand, a tool, or a weapon. ) 23 e (pag ogre 4 2 You can also say strike (someone) a blow. A hit made with someone's a cruel frightening person. hand, a stick, or another object is also called a stroke.

84 85 ) 23 e (pag heir 5 2 ) 43 e (pag companion 8 3 r anothe n whe e titl a r o , property , money e receiv l wil o wh e someon . with e tim f o t lo a d spen u yo o wh r o u yo h wit s i o wh e someon person dies. ) 44 e (pag tapestry 9 3 26 squire (page 25) a thick heavy cloth that has pictures or patterns woven into it. a young man in the Middle Ages who worked for a knight and ) 46 e (pag minstrel 0 4 . knights e becom o t d wante s Squire . shield s hi d carrie a singer or musician who travelled and performed at the time of ) 26 e (pag sorceress 7 2 King Arthur. a woman who uses evil spirits to do magic in stories. ) 46 e (pag harp 1 4 ) 27 e (pag half-sister 8 2 r ove d stretche s string f o w ro a f o s consist t tha t instrumen l musica a a sister who has either the same mother or the same father as you a large upright frame. 42 pirate (page 48) have. 29 Abbey (page 28) someone who steals things from ships while they are sailing. a large church with buildings connected to it for monks or nuns ) 49 e (pag dragon 3 4 a ( t conven a f o e charg n i s i o wh n woma a s i s abbes n A . in e liv o t in stories, an imaginary large animal that breathes out fire. religious community of women). 44 claws (page 50) ) 28 e (pag Arimathea of Joseph 0 3 one of the sharp curved claw nails that some birds and animals have in the Christian bible, a rich man who was a supporter of Jesus. on their feet. ) 51 e (pag potion 5 4 ) 28 e (pag heal 1 3 if an injury heals, or if someone heals it, the skin or bone grows a drink that is believed to be magic, poisonous, or useful as a e cur n ca o wh e Someon . again y health s become d an r togethe k bac medicine. A love potion is believed to make the person who drinks it t no o d e peopl r othe t tha s power l specia g usin , ill e ar o wh e peopl fall in love. understand is called a healer. 46 buried — to bury (page 55) ) 29 e (pag joust 2 3 to put something in the ground and cover it with earth. y b t figh y The . horses g ridin e peopl o tw n betwee n competitio a 47 grave (page 55) g lon a h wit r othe h eac t hi o t g tryin d an r othe h eac s toward g ridin the place where a dead person is buried in a deep hole under the ground. stick called a lance. 48 unworthy (page 57) 33 noble (page 32) behaving in a brave and honest way that other people admire. a worthy person has qualities that make people respect them. An ) 33 e (pag challenge 4 3 unworthy person lacks these qualities. if you challenge someone, you invite them to compete or fight. This 49 hermit (page 58) invitation is called a challenge. someone who chooses to live alone, or someone who spends most of ) 35 e (pag bargain 5 3 . alone e tim r thei an agreement in which each person or group promises something. 50 vision (page 59) 36 maiden (page 37) something that someone sees in a dream or as a religious experience. an old word meaning a girl or young woman who is not married. ) 61 e (pag guardian 1 5 Maid has the same meaning. a person who protects something. ) 37 e (pag ribbon 7 3 52 loyal (page 66) r fo d use s i t tha r pape r o h clot d coloure f o e piec w narro g lon a . organisation r o n perso a t suppor o t s continue l loya s i o wh e someon decorating or tying things.

86 87 Exercises

) 70 e (pag unfaithful 3 5 Vocabulary: words in the story having a sexual relationship with someone who is not your . partner l usua r o e wif , husband . sentences g followin e th n i d wor t bes e th e Choos 54 sin - to sin (page 72) s religiou o t g accordin g wron s i t tha g somethin o d u yo , sin u yo f i laws. You commit a sin.

. shore / d pon / y sk / a se e blu r clea e th f o r colou e th e wer s eye s Hi 1 ' food. / d swor / h mout / t fee e littl e hav n me y m d an g comin s i r 'Winte 2 3 Uther promised / ordered / told / remembered to give the child, Arthur, to Merlin. e th l pul n ca o wh e se o t r praye / e battl / t contes / t feas a e hav l wil e 'W 4 sword from the stone.' 5 The people attacked / invaded / played / suffered because there was no . land e th n i r orde

' holder, / r containe / h sheat / x bo s it n i k bac d swor r you t pu , 'Father 6 Arthur said. u yo t tha d wor / e notic / g warnin / n sig a s i e ston e th m fro d swor e Th 7 are king.

s hi d invade / d defeate / t los / n wo d an s battle x si t fough r Arthu 8 enemies. e th d an y prett / y poetr / y part / y plent d an e peac f o e tim a s wa t I 9 . happy e wer e peopl ' Perilous, h Benc / e Sieg / l Stoo / r Chai e th d calle s i t sea y empt e 'Th 0 1 said Merlin. 11 You may strike the first go / axe / sword / blow and I will strike the second. t though ' permit. / e choic / k brea / n bargai e terribl a e mad s ha n 'Gawai 2 1 the Knights. 13 It is Christmas - a time of peace and party / luck / celebration / feast.

88 89 n Gree e th d an l Chape n Gree e th k see / t ques / h searc / k loo I ' 4 1 Writing: rewrite sentences Knight,' said Gawain. Use words from the box to rewrite these sentences. You may need to f o e squir / t gues / n ribbo / n maide a e lik u yo d Woul . night d col a s i t 'I 5 1 make some changes, such as verb tenses. There are two extra words. the castle to visit you?' t protec l wil n ribbo e Th . ribbon n gree f o e piec a — u yo r fo t gif a e hav I ' 6 1 / warm / thank / present you.' 17 Sir Gawain did not keep / make / break / take his promise to the Green Knight. 18 'I have cursed Sir Meliot. Now his wound will never better / heal / bleed / mark.' n i / e onc t a d returne d an s Perilou l Chape e th o int e gon s ha n ma o N 9 1 . snow f o r colou e th s wa r hai s Merlin' 1 . alive / e arriv / e tim r hai s Merlin' r you n o t shee / l sai / n sig / g fla e whit a e rais , comes r Fai e th t Iseul f 'I 0 2 . supplies w fe e hav n me y m d an g comin s i r Winte 2 ship.' Winter is coming / d blin / y ugl s wa e h e becaus p cu y hol e th t a k loo t no d coul d Mordre 1 2 . unworthy / t shor 3 'I will keep you safe,' said Merlin. 22 The words on the sword were TAKE ME UP and throw / pull / draw / I will . AWAY E M t cas . weapons h wit t fough s o Gorl d an r Uthe f o s armie e Th 4 The armies of 5 His body was covered in blood from many cuts. His body was ' Britain. f o s land e th l al h throug s message h wit e peopl d sen l wil I ' 6 I will send 7 He lifted the sword above his head and the metal flashed brightly in the sunlight.

8 Excalibur is a present from the Lady of the Lake. Excalibur is a . armies n betwee s fight y man t figh l wil u Yo 9 You will

90 91 10 The knights of Camelot did many great and good actions. Grammar: comparisons with as ... as ... The knights r simila e mak u yo n Ca . example e th t a k Loo . box e th n i s word e th e Us . horses ' knights e th d hel s knight e b o t g goin e wer o wh n me g youn o Tw 1 1 comparisons? Two 12 Uther put Morgana into a place where holy women live. a Morgan t pu r Uthe . drink e lov e th k dran t Iseul d an m Tristra 3 1

Tristram and Iseult 1 Uther Pendragon was strong. . Camelot f o t Knigh t Firs e th s wa t Lancelo 4 1

Lancelot was . green s wa d bear s knight' e strang e Th 2 15 Percivale looked after his family's goats.

Percivale 3 Arthur's eyes were blue. 16 The knights of Camelot will go and look for the Holy Grail.

The knights red. s wa e ros s Lancelot' 4 . Pelles g Kin d sai ' Grail, e th r afte s look o wh n perso e th m a I ' 7 1

e th m a I . hard s wa s hill e th n o e ic e Th 5 . river e th s acros e bridg e th n o e battl n i d kille s wa s Bor 8 1

Bors 6 The smoke was black. . Mordred f o y bod e th o int d har d swor s hi d pushe r Arthu 9 1

Arthur 7 The light was bright.

. pale s wa t Melio r Si 8

92 93 Grammar & Vocabulary: just . time t shor y ver a n i y read e b l wil t I 7 r Arthu g Kin . justice d an r honou , truth r fo t figh t Camelo f o s knight e Th is a noble and just king. But you will often hear the word JUST in 8 I was only wondering if you'd like to go. . meaning t differen a h wit h Englis n spoke

NOUN ADJECTIVE of justice ADVERB 9 I found you barely in time. JUSTICE JUST JUST treatment of people good and fair 1. a short time ago that is fair and right 2. only, simply Vocabulary choice: words which are related in meaning

Is the word JUST used as an adjectivo t y tr n e othe r e an adverexampl be ith n t a th ek followinLoo ? g related y closel t mos s i d wor h Whic sentences? . rest e th h matc ADJ ADV 1 Bedivere was a just and honest man.

2 Lancelot arrived just in time during the battle. 1 gold ancient colour bear jewel 3 There were just a few knights left in Camelot 2 besiege surround defend attend descend during the quest. 3 spell time place wisdom magic . king e honourabl d an t jus a t no s wa n Pendrago r Uthe 4 4 poison medicine healthy murder fish 5 cathedral castle palace church minstrel Can you use the adverb just in the following sentences? Look at the examples. 6 astonished amazed bored successful founded 7 might worth weakness volume power 8 deeds laws arms exercises actions 9 perilous safe possible dangerous attractive

10 stroke hit fire meat boat 11 quest answer search host reply . SEND d marke n butto e th s pres y simpl u Yo 5 12 celebration festival decoration occasional assembly

13 ribbon band clothing metal wood 6 There are three buttons, but you only press the button marked SEND. 14 curse speal k wel evi k l spea say prayery badl sk tal 15 maid done girl cook taken

94 95