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Inside ServingServing Inside FairfaxFairfax AreasAreas ofof BurkeBurke PetPet ConnectionConnection Swim Coach Brittany Henry of Fairfax facilitates a playdate between ferrets Steve and Skippy and Samson the dog. Follow on Twitter: @ffxconnection on Twitter: Follow Classified, Page 14 Classified, ❖ Sports, Page 12 ❖ Ferreting Entertainment, Page 9 for Fun Pet Connection, Pages 1-8 Express Lanes, Rapid-Bus Transit Planned for I-66 News, Page 3 Apartments, Retail Planned: Kamp Washington Triangle News, Page 10 Photo by Kim Henry www.ConnectionNewspapers.comJuly 24-30, 2014 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comFairfax Connection ❖ July 24-30, 2014 ❖ 1 Congratulations to all of the Outstanding Principals listed below. They have been rated highest by our memberships in those schools Fairfax County Federation of Teachers Teachers Care! ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: MIDDLE SCHOOL: HIGH SCHOOLS: Bonnie Glazewski Penny Gros (Glascow) Teresa Johnson (Oak View) (Chantilly) Jesse Kraft Nardos King (Providence) (Mt. Vernon) Michael Macrina Michael Yohe (Island Creek) (Falls Church) Suzanne Montgomery Jeff Yost (Laurel Hill) (Woodson) Lindsay Trout (Terraset) THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS WHO RETURNED THE SURVEY 2 ❖ Fairfax Connection ❖ July 24-30, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Express Lanes, Transit Planned for I-66 toll on time of day and congestion. Improvements “I have been a longtime advo- cate for an ‘Express Lanes’ like so- will be made lution for I-66 which would open this corridor up to reliable time from Capital advantaged mass transit and carpooling, extend a growing net- Beltway to work of lanes dedicated to mass transit and carpools, and ease con- Haymarket. gestion on I-66 and surrounding roads like Route 50, Route 29 and By Janelle Germanos Braddock Road,” Herrity said. “I The Connection want to thank Transportation Sec- retary Layne for continuing to xpress lanes and rapid- keep this project a priority for the bus transit could be- Commonwealth of Virginia.” coming to Interstate 66, Officials announced the plan at E a meeting at VDOT’s Fairfax office Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced on July 17. on July 17. “Interstate 66 is broken. Com- “Over the last couple of months muters are stuck in traffic, limited the Virginia Department of Trans- in the travel choices they can make portation has worked closely with and unable to predict how long the Department of Rail and Public their trip will take on any given Transportation, the Office of day,” McAuliffe said. “Giving Vir- Photo Courtesy of VDOT Transportation Public-Private Part- ginians more choices and a better, This map demonstrates the area where express lanes and other improvements will be nerships and Fairfax and Prince safer travel experience on I-66 is made along Interstate 66. William counties to devise a plan one of my top priorities, and to- that will reduce congestion on I- day I am proud to announce the 66 by increasing capacity and giv- beginning of that effort.” ing travelers more choices. Today The plan, which includes three we kick off 17 months of rigorous regular and two express lanes in environmental study and robust each direction, bus service, and community involvement. By the improved commuter parking, end of 2016 our plan is to com- would be implemented from the plete environmental work, identify Capital Beltway to Haymarket funding sources, receive federal “Today’s announcement that we approval, and move forward on a could be starting construction by plan to turn I-66 into the efficient, 2017 on Express lanes like solu- multi-modal corridor that tion to I-66 congestion is outstand- Virginia’s economy needs,” said ing news. I-66 is our most con- Virginia Secretary of Transporta- gested corridor and this gives me tion Aubrey Layne. great hope that we can improve Express lanes on Interstate the quality of life for all Northern 95, which will run from Virginians,” said Supervisor Pat Stafford County near Herrity (R-Springfield.) Garrisonville Road up to 395 The project, which spans 25 near Edsall Road, are expected miles, will cost an estimated two to open in early 2015. All driv- to three billion dollars. The ex- ers will be required to purchase press lanes would operate similar E-ZPass or E-ZPass Flex in or- to those on Interstate 495 and Photo by Janelle Germanos/The Connection der to use the lanes, and only those being constructed on Inter- The proposed express lanes for Interstate 66 would be similar to those on Interstate vehicles with three or more state 95, which base the cost of the 495 and those being constructed on Interstate 95 in Springfield, pictured here. passengers can ride toll free. Bulletin Board Send notes to the Connection at Genealogy Help Desk. 2-3 p.m. City of Fairfax MONDAY/JULY 28 Lorton. Practice your English conversation [email protected] or call 703- Regional Library, 10360 North Street, Fairfax. Library eBook Tech Help. 11 a.m. City of skills. 703-339-7385. 778-9416. The deadline for submissions is the Bring your family history stumpers to Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North Street, English Conversation Group. 7-8:30 p.m. Friday prior to publication. Dated announce- genealogists and library staff. 703-293-6227. Fairfax. Learn to use the library’s eBook City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North ments should be submitted at least two weeks collection and compatible devices with a library Street, Fairfax. Practice speaking English prior to the event. staff member; please bring your library card, with others and improve your skills. 703- SATURDAY/JULY 26 eBook reader and laptop. 703-293-6227. 293-6227. Genealogy Help Desk. 2-3 p.m. City of Fairfax Red Cross Blood Donation. 1:30-7 p.m. Truro FRIDAY/JULY 25 Regional Library, 10360 North Street, Fairfax. Anglican Church, 10520 Main Street, Fairfax. WEDNESDAY/JULY 30 English Conversation Group. 10 a.m.-12 Bring your family history stumpers to The American Red Cross encourages all eligible p.m. Kings Park Library, 9000 Burke Lake genealogists and library staff. 703-293-6227. blood donors to make an appointment to donate English Conversation. 10:15-11:30 a.m. Road, Burke. Practice your English blood soon to help prevent a shortage. To make Kingstowne Library, 6500 Landsdowne conversation skills. 703-978-5600. an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org or call Centre, Alexandria. Conversation group for Basic Computer Skills Training. 1-2 p.m. SUNDAY/JULY 27 1-800-RED CROSS. people learning English. 703-339-4610. Kings Park Library, 9000 Burke Lake Road, Neighborhood Plant Clinic. 1-4 p.m. Pohick English Conversation Group. 10:30 a.m. Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North Burke. Learn basic computer skills with our TUESDAY/JULY 29 one-on-one technology volunteers. Register Burke. The Fairfax County Master Gardeners Street, Fairfax. Practice speaking English at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/library/ Association gives tips and advice. 703-644- English Conversation Group. 5:15-6:15 p.m. with others and improve your skills. 703- branches/kp/ under “Events.” 7333. Lorton Library, 9520 Richmond Highway, 293-6227. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection ❖ July 24-30, 2014 ❖ 3 Bathroom Remodel Special $6,850 News Photo Contributed Regular Celebrating 15 Years in Business! volunteers Jack TWO POOR TEACHERS Murphy and Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Gene Barksdale Select your products Handyman Services help process from our Mobile Showroom medical and Design Center Available: supplies at Call 703-999-2928 the Brother’s Brother Fully Insured & Foundation Class A Licensed warehouse. Free Estimates Est. 1999 703-969-1179 Visit our website: www.twopoorteachers.com Brother’s Brother Celebrates Anniversary ment is new weight capacities for Charity uses U.S. hospitals. This type of equip- ment is great for Brother’s Brother. local resources, “For example they could give a wheelchair to us because it could volunteers to hold 200 pounds but now they need to be able to handle a larger reach overseas. person, but it’s not worn out, it just By Alexis Hosticka doesn’t have the right capacity,” The Connection Hingson said. To collect, sort, organize, and ith a mission to pack the equipment from various serve overseas, locations, Brother’s Brother uses W Brother’s Brother the help of many volunteers. Foundation is uti- “We need lots of volunteers,” lizing Fairfax and the D.C. area as a Baucom said. “We often get mixed second home-base for its operations. supplies from hospitals. We have Brother’s Brother Foundation is a big truck and it will all be mixed originally based in Pittsburgh and up and our volunteers will go opened its Fairfax location in May through these boxes of supplies 2013. On July 26 from noon-2 and rebox them with like items.” p.m., they are celebrating over a Much of what Brother’s Brother year of success with an open house receives is operating room packs. at the warehouse featuring a key- These packs often come with note speaker, a cake cutting and pieces missing or with pieces not heavy hors d’oeuvres compiled and hundreds of items According to Debbie Baucom, must be sorted through. Ruth National Capital Area Office Co- Anderson, National Capital Area Director, the event is open to the Office Co-Director, said there are public and she invites anyone in- also volunteer opportunities in a terested in finding out more about more managerial way. or getting involved in the work “There are people who help with that Brother’s Brother does. publicity and management and Brother’s Brother is non-profit event planning,” Anderson said. organization founded in 1958 that “We love when volunteers join our sends medical and educational event planning teams.