October | 1–31

FOCUS: Federal Ministers • Treasurer The Hon. MP Thank • Minister for Finance Senator The Hon. Mathias Cormann • Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator The Hon. you • Minister for Health The Hon. MP • Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Senator for your The Hon. prayers! • Minister for Education The Hon. Daniel Tehan MP

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for Greg Hunt, Minister for Health, as he continues to Dear Friend of ACL, lead ’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your prayers make a powerful difference in making way Pray for the families of Australia’s federal ministers, that for God’s truth in our nation! they would be sustained in periods of stress, and that they As Romans 12:2 says: would honour the privilege of public service. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you Pray that Australia’s federal ministers would listen with may discern what is the will of God, what is good and humility to the opinions and guidance of experts, and weigh acceptable and perfect.” – ESV the information they have carefully before making decisions. Please join me in praying that God’s truth would transform the minds of our nation’s leaders, so that Pray for Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade, Tourism Australia may be transformed too. and Investment, as he leads Australia’s relationships with other nations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray God bless you, that his efforts would bolster our economy and provide Prayer jobs and stability to many.

Pray that the federal ministers would avoid foolish strife and disputes, and instead seek to represent the best of Martyn Iles Diary Australia in their words and actions. Managing Director August - October 2020

Lachlan Macquarie Institute: Pray that God would protect the minds of impressionable young people, and help them to cling to His truth as their foundation. ACL National Office ABN 40 075 120 517 Human Rights Law Alliance, John Steenhof: Pray for those Eternity House who are facing legal action for living out their faith, that 4 Campion Street, Deakin ACT 2600 this would not deter them from boldly standing up for Phone (02) 6175 0200 what they believe. Email [email protected] acl.org.au

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! Authorised by Martyn Iles, Eternity House, 4 Campion Street, Deakin ACT 2600 Printed by Emerald Press Pty Ltd, 13/4 Anella Ave, Castle Hill NSW 2154 INNER

August | 1–31 September | 1–30 My Personal FOCUS: FOCUS: National Cabinet ACL Team Prayers • Prime Minister The Hon. MP • NSW Premier The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP • QLD Premier The Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP • WA Premier The Hon. Mark McGowan MP • SA Premier The Hon. Steven Marshall MP • NT Chief Minister The Hon. Michael Gunner MLA I give thanks and praise for ... Martyn Iles Dan Flynn Wendy Francis • ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr MLA Managing Director Chief Political Officer QLD & NT Director • VIC Premier The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP • TAS Premier The Hon. Peter Gutwein MP

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for our Prime Minister Scott Morrison, as he seeks to lead Australia with Christian faith despite the many Peter Abetz Christopher Brohier Jasmine Yuen WA Director SA & TAS Director Acting VIC Director pressures that come from his largely non-Christian peers.

Pray for the National Cabinet as they continue to make PRAYER POINTS: tough decisions and guide Australia through the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray particularly for Premier Daniel Andrews and Pray for Martyn Iles as he speaks God’s truth to his My prayer needs ... his team as they manage the lockdown of communities. peers, most of whom do not share the same views. Pray that he would stand firm as a witness of God’s goodness to younger Australians in particular. Pray for unity between the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers as they seek to wisely govern their respective jurisdictions. Pray that Australia would be a Pray for ACL staff members, especially those in Victoria nation free from division and controversy. dealing with the COVID-19 lockdown conditions. Pray that God would give them confidence and tenacity even when the task ahead is difficult. Pray that the National Cabinet would protect and promote the rights of churches to gather as soon as is safe, and prioritise this for the sake of Australia’s spiritual health. Pray that God would guide Wendy Francis as she leads ACL in Queensland in the lead-up to the state election.

Pray for a safe and fair election in the Northern Territory. Pray for Dan Flynn as he engages with politicians and Please return this prayer form to the address below. Pray that Territorians will have wisdom as they vote for leaders who seek to support family values and protect the seeks to articulate God’s truth to them. ACL National Office most vulnerable. Eternity House, 4 Campion Street Deakin ACT 2600 PRAISE: PRAISE: Praise God for the numerous ACL volunteers who give Praise God that, despite the increase in COVID-19 cases, so generously of their time to support the staff and Thank you for allowing us to partner nothing can separate us from His love and He is sovereign raise a voice for truth. with you in prayer! over all things.