Published Weekly In the Interest of military and clvl­ llan personne l of WSPG for a better­ CIRCULATION ment o f understanding between the Military Services and Federal Em ­ OVER 4.500 p loyees, and a greater Guided Missile P rogram for peace and in time of war.

Vol. IV, No. 3 LAS CRUCES, NEW M E XICO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1953 PUBLICATION OFFICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 114 So. Chur ch St., Las Cruces. N. M. WSPG Raises $t803 for .81 Per Cent of Goal 1n• Red Cross Drive ·Post Chairman 'Missile Away' to Be Presented at Service Club April 22 Is 'Gratified ' * * * ...... • ,. Original Drama Based r Many Desert Soldiers With Results On Life of Soldiers The 1953 Red Cross Fund Sew on New Stripes Ca mpaign n e tted a total of At WS Proving Ground something over $1,803.92, or Following Promotions more than 81 per cent of White"' "Missile A way ," an original S ands P roving Ground's $2,200 comedy-drama depicting life Promotions were in order again goal, Maj . L ~· G. Ewalt, chair­ of soldiers at W.S.P.G., will be last m onth, and March 31st w as a happy day for m any of the WSPG man of t he dri'-"!, announced this p r esented at 8 p.m., Wednes­ desert soldiers. At the time this week, ... - day, April 22, at the EM Serv­ was written, however, t he promo­ As of last Saturday, the total 1 stood at th at figure with a few ice Club. tion list for those making Pfc. was not yet released, and t her e­ more rep orts from unit represent­ The show, written by Cpl. Bob t . ativ es still to come in, Maj. Ewalt Hirschkron and Cpl. John Posey ' fore this announcement is not complete. said. (now discharged), follows an as­ In Detachment 1, 9393 TSU, U. !'\. A1my Photo In last year's campaign, the piring "Private US,'' played by former Sfc. George W. Jackson Li. James C. Robinson post cont ributed some $1,901, an'l Pvt. Martin Wilner, from his ar­ became the Detachment's newest • • • this y ear's goal was set at $299 rival at the Proving Ground to Master Sergeant. more. But in view of circum­ his frantic rush to a missile firing Those m oving up from Sgt. to stances this year, the chairman where he is to be the key figure. Sfc. in Det. 1 are William F. and other m embers of his general With in the five scenes, Pvt. US Lt. James C. Robinson Chapman J r ., James T. Clyatt, campaign committee reported is seen in the Orderly Room, the Joseph Frigault, Fred P. Gal­ they w er e satisfied with the final Assignment Office, the Barracks, lagher, Bryon L. Harrington, New C.O. of 137th Ord. results and not disappointed that the Dispensary, and at work. Frank P. Huffman, W illiam C. the post did n ot go over the top. Some in Dual Roles Lt. J ames C. Robinson, who Kier, Henry M. Landon, Frank J. "Results Gratifying" In order to alleviate the prob­ was assigned t o White Sands Lucia, James G. Lucy, Daniel lems which arise when a large Proving Ground last December, "Although the quota was not McDonald, Kenneth S. Menchey, became th e n ew Commanding Of­ reached," Maj. Ewalt said, "it is cast is involved in a show of this Orville E. Pace, Robert J . Surse­ nature, several cast members are f icl:!r of the 137th Ordnance Com­ felt that, following on the heels ly, John A. Swiney, Donnie pany on Thursday, March 26. handlin g two roles. of other fund campaigns and also Thompson and Kazuo C. Uch ima. He r eplaced Capt. James E. Pfc. Donald Capstick will ap­ coming during the month when Eight New Corporals Beckett, who was transferred to pear as an aspiring corporal in Uncle Sam takes his annual bite Gaining their first rocker in one of the P rovin g Ground's mis­ one scene, and as an efficient out of incomes, the results were Det. 1 are August A. Allen, Fran­ sile projects as an Assistant Pr oj­ medic in another . Pfc. Jack Hein­ gratifying." cis K. Crehan, Henry T . Rymk o, ect Officer. He pointed ou t that the total rich will h andle the role of a William F. Smith, Gustave P. half-blind eye doctor as well as The new C.O. is a former resi­ was obtained entirely from con­ Schunk Jr., Harold J . Torries and dent of Patchoque, New York, tributions. There were no benefit that of an Inspecting Officer. Pfc. J ohn Whitten. I I Dick Hagan will be seen as the where he was born in August, programs or other special events The Detachment also saw eight 1928. He was graduated from in beh alf of the drive, and no Assignment Officer, and Pfc. men sew on their second stripes. John Papa will appear as a young Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute compulsory donations. (Continued on Back Page) 2nd lieutenant, attache to the with a Bachelor of Chemical En­ The chairman issued a public A. 0. gineering Degree in 1949, and expression of appreciation to the Others in the cast include Pfc. went on to gain his Master's De­ members of his committee, to the Tom Shaw, Cpl. Bob Hirschkron. - u . s. Army Photo ,, M-Sgt. Bruno Paulino gree in 1950. unit representatives, to the other Pvt. John Rawlings, P vt. Al L an ­ In this scene from "Missile Away.'' an original comedy-farce, an embarrassing situation arises L f N Du In college, he was active in drive workers and to all persons ders, and Pvt. Tom Scanlon. The when the Inspecting Officer enters and the corporaL played by Pfc. Donald Capstick:. fails to eaves or ew ty sports, winning two letters in who contributed during the cam­ notice him. From left: Pvt. Martin Wilner, who plays the part of "Pvt. US" in the show; Pfc. play's Business Manager, Pvt. track and one letter in the gruel­ paign. He commended th com­ Dick Hagan, an Assignment Officer ; Pfc. Capstick; Pfc. Jack Heinrich. as the Inspecting Officer, mittee members and unit repre­ Dick Symes, stat ed last week that and Pfc. John Papa as Lieutenant Boywundre. The show will be presented by W.S.P.G. personnel M/ Sgt. Bruno G. Paulino, staff ing cross country race. Still a the names of other cast members on April 22 at the Service Club. member of the Wind & Sand, left sportsman, h e loves to hunt and sentatives for their diligent eficrts in behalf of the drive. have n ot as yet been released, but • • • * * .. • • • last week for a new assignment fish. were to be announced this week. at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. He credited them for the result In civilian life, Lieutenant that the post finally obtained Partial Preview Given Sgt. P aulino was assigned to Robinson instructed in Chemical 'Missile Away' Cast more than 81 per cent of the goal Managing the "props" will be the Public Information Office Engineering at the Arizona State in spite of the fact that the cam­ Pfc. Lew Byrd, Pfc. Art Pozner, h ere in September of 1952, and College in Tempe, Arizona. He paign slowed down considerably Pfc. Matt Brigida and Pvt. Harl­ Entertains Lions Club while assigned to WSPG com­ was commissioned on the 24th of during the last t wo weeks of the eston Hall. pleted the Advanced Administra­ November, 1951, after completing "In paradise" Tuesday evening, month-long drive. The play has been p artially re­ March 31st, were members of the tion Course of the Adjutant Gen­ an OCS course at Fort Riley, vised and rewritten by P rivates forthcomin g EM show produc­ eral's School in Fort Benjamin Kansas. Still Time to J oin Dick Symes and Harleston H all. tion, "Missile Away,'' and the Harrison, Ind. The Commanding Officer's The campaign got off to a good Pvt. Dargan E. Montgomery is thi! "Boondock Four" q uartet, who The amiable sergeant, a veteran wife, Mrs. Eleanor M. Robinson, start on Feb. 28 and continued director of the show. Misses Mar­ were guest entertainers at the of 24 years of Regular Army serv­ is presently serving as a nurse in through March 31. But the effects garet Stearns and Patricia Pierce, 25th An niversary Dinner of the ice, was born in Trieste, Italy, Beaumont Hospital, Fort Bliss, of income tax payments and other Service Club Directors, are pro- Las Cruces Lions Club. and was associated with the Gan­ Texas. His mother, Mrs. Audrey fund campaigns this year preced­ ( Continued on Back Page) The dinner, which was held in n ett Syndicate before entering L. Robinson, lives in Brookhaven, ing that of the Red Cross were Milton Hall on New Mexico A&M t he service. A lingu ist who speaks New York. felt around March 15, and it be- campu s, was attended by well and writes five languages fluent­ came apparent then that the total over 250 "Lions" and local digni­ ly, Paulino also holds the distinc­ m ight not go over $2,000. New Uniform Payment taries. tion of having been the AU-Army Army Will Close Six Individual contributions ranged Introduced by Lion Chairman Chess Ch ampion at one t ime. Camps. Save Huge Sum from less than $1 to as high as $10. Regulations Approved Tom Graham, the "Boondock In addition to his regular duties Many $10 don ations wer e receiv­ Four" mad e u p of first tenor Ed on the post newspaper, the serge­ WASHINGT ON (AFPS) - The ed. WASHINGTON, (AF PS ) Soeffing, second tenor S tan Read, ant has been responsible for the Army will in activate six installa­ Maj. Ewalt pointed out that any­ Regulations concerning the pay­ baritone John King and bass Dar­ preparation of many of the radio tions by J une 1. T he closings are one who may have been over­ ment of allowances for uniforms gan Montgomery, started off th e scripts broadcast from station expected t o net the Army about looked during the campaign can to Reserve officers h ave been ap­ variety show with smoothly KOBE in Las Cruces on Monday six m illion dollars per year . still turn in his or her contribu­ proved by Secretary of Defense blen ded renditions of "Foggy, n ights on the "Public Service The following ar e scheduled to tion. Those still desiring to get in Charles E. Wilson. They are de­ Foggy Dew" and "Coney Island Hour." WSPG presents a brief, be closed: Ft. Hancock, N. J .; DA on the 1953 Red Cross roll call Baby." signed to equalize as n early as - U. S. Army Photo informative sketch of highlights Transmitter Station, A lex andria, should contact their unit repre­ p ossible the payments t o officers T'he quartet was followed by a Pvt. Martin Wilner, center, as "Pvt. US.'' finds himself in of the h istory and f unctions of Va.; Ft. C uster , Mich.; Ft. Hua­ sentatives or Maj. Ewalt or Ar­ premier presentation of two of all Reserve components. somewhat of a dither as the medic, played by Pfc. Donald Cap­ the Proving Ground during the chuca, A riz.; Ft. Worden , Wash., thur T. Carney, WSPG Red Cross scenes: "Doctor s Don't Tell" and P rior to enactment of the Arm­ siick, left, takes his pulse. and the doctor, Pfc. Jack Heinrich. ~0-minute weekly program. and F t. Flagler, Wash. (Continued on Back P age) ed Forces Reserve Act (July 9, "As s~gnment Office," from "Mis­ examines his fie which, in his half-blind way the doctor thinks A naturalized citizen of the 1952) , certain Reserve officers sile Away." A lthough playing to is a tongue. The scene is one of five from "Missile Away." U.S., M/ Sgt. Paulino has served of the Army, Navy, Air Force an audience that was unfamiliar in Italy, France, Germ any and and Marine Corps were paid un­ with such Army terms as "MOS," Trieste during his 24-year Army Congratulations. iform allowances u nder varying Don Capstick, Dick Hagan, J ack Ohio, Pennsylvania Men career. He is a former managing statutes and in varying amounts. Heinrich, J ohn Papa and Martin editor of the U.S. Army news­ Wilner proved that good Ameri­ In general, th e new regulations paper at Heidelberg, German;r. p rovide for payment of the fol­ can corn has a universal appeal. Newton Tschaeche of the Navy and also served on the staff of lowing allowances: Lead New WSPG Arrivals the service paper in Trieste. Initial Uniform Allowance of gave a piano recital, playing two of his own compositions, "Fan­ The Buckeye and Keyston e states, Ohio and Penn sylvania, While stationed at WSPG, a n amount not to exceed $200 to M/ Sgt. Paulino and his wife, Ter­ be paid after Jan. 1, 1953 under tasy" and "Mou se on the Piano vied for t op representation among t h e 23 newcomers to WSPG Keys." H is sonorous "Fantasy," esa, and two sons, Pancho and specified conditions su ch as first last week, assign ed t o Detachment 1, 9393 T S U. Bobby, made their home in the reporting for active duty in a which contrasts the moods of Pvt. E rnest G . Fields arrived from Richwood , Ohio. A Bellemah Addition, Las Cruces. p eriod in excess of 90 days, and war and peace, contained several u pon completion of certain p eri­ brilliant chord ideas, which were gr a duate of R ich wood H igh Sch ool, he worked for the Marion ods of active and inactive duty. well received. Engineer Depot b efore donning khaki. His wi~, Thelma, is Lew Bar:ton Orchestra A ctive Duty Allowance of an Climaxing the program, Dar­ Iiving in Las Cru ces. • · a mount not to exceed $100 to of­ gan Montgomery succeeded in . FOR GOOD MEASURE •• • At N.C.O. Mess Friday capturing the Lion s by his com­ F W t Oh ficers entering on active duty rom oos e~, io, came SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich.. One of the outstanding events (Contin ued on Back Page) posed m anner and r ich bass Pvt. John R. F isher. He was (AFPS)- The train t hat smacked voice as h e sang "I Got P lenty of for the NCO Open Mess during a stu dent at the U n iversity of James Ermatinger's car h it it Nothin!" and "The Song of the the month of April will be the Open Road." Ohio b efore indu ct ion. twice for good measure. It hit it return of Lew Barton and his or­ Still Another Moore • • • first on the left side, spun it To conclu de, the group joined Pvt. Charles F . Konceny, of chestra to the club t omorrow It would seem that the around and th en smashed it on nie-ht, Fr iday, April 10th. Wind & Sand reporter who in a chorus thanking the Lions Bryan , Ohio, graduated from Bry­ for a wonderful meal. the right side. Mr. Ermatinger Barton and his talented musi­ wrote the article concerning an High School and was employ­ suffered only m inor injuries. ed as a gas welder for the New cians have gained the whole­ the two company commanders, hearted approval of all WSPG HUMANS HEAVY EATERS York Central Railroad before Capt. W. A. Moore and Lt. J . W. M.O.D. GETS SHOT IN ABM personnel who have heard the Moore, for last week's edition DAVIS, Calif. (AFPS) _ An stepping across the Army line. PEPPERELL AB, Newfound­ versatile band on previous occa­ did not know that there were Animal Husbandman at the Uni- Pvt. David W. Miller arrived land (AFPS) - The fight against sions. more Moores at WSPG. versity of California has come h ere from Chillicothe, Ohio, Infantile Paralysis got a shot in The additional Moore, who M/ Sgt. David Johns, NCO-in­ up with an unusual statement. where he was a gradu ate of th e the arm from the personnel of charge of the club, stated also -U. S. Army Photo makes more than two Moores­ Carroll E. Howell claims that a Chillicothe High School the Northeast Air Command. Lt. Col. Mac D. Hendricks, Comman ding Officer of the Troops to mak e things more confus­ that the month of May will be human for his size eats more High School Lettermen Latest figures from all bases in & Training Division, left, congratulates Cpl. Edward L. Secon ing-is Lt. Robert K . Moore, studded with featur ed entertain­ than a ' horse would in a year. A Hailin g . Cincinn~ti, Pvt. the command, with still more to ers for the enjoyment of the upon his successful completion of the 4D-Hour Discussion Leaders commanding officer of the hard working horse e at s only John C. ~mith is the. winner of come, showed that a total of $29,- Course held recently under the direction of the WSPG Informa­ 9577th Technical Service Unit, Open Mess m embers and their eight or nine times his weight Itwo varsity .letters m football 500.01 was collected in the 1953 guests. Announcement of the tion & Education Office. Cpl. James E. Bush. I&E instructor and White Sands Signal Corps each y ear, while a human eats from Elder High. He was attend - supervisor of the course, looks on (center) as Cpl. Secon accepts drive for funds for t he March of pending events will be published Agency. 16 times his w eight in one y ear. (Continued on Back Page) his certificate of completion. In all there were 35 WSPG students • Dimes. in Wind & Sand at a later date. completing the prescribed studies. ..-----·------... .------. T

2 WilfD Alf]) SAKI> Thursday, April 9, 1853 Serv i~e • Five Days Club THURSDAY, 9 APRIL-2000 Ballroom Dancing Class labor FRIDAY, 10 APRIL-2000 By Rose IJiai Lewis Decor ate for Dance Published weekly as a civilian enterprise In the Interest of the Military and Civilian GI Party Recuperation, personnel of White Sands Proving Ground, Las Cruces, New Mexico, by the Las Cruces Art Dittmar raised a question Refreshmen ts Citizen of Las Cruces, New Mexico, In conformity with SR-355-20-1, dated 17 October, Safety-Paze 1949, and all changes thereto. regarding the deletion of "Five SATURDAY, 11 APRIL-1300 Policies and statements reflected In the news and editorial columns represent the In Europe, visitors will find Days Labor'' in the Wind & Sand. Decor ate for Dance views of the individual writers and under no circumstances are to be considered those SUNDAY, 12 APRIL-1500 of the Department of the Army. Advertisements In this publication do not constitute most of the countries have a un­ No, Art, the Printer did not run an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. iform system of road signs. The out of "Question Marks," "Ex­ "April in Paris" Tea Dance All news matter for publication should be sent to the Publlc Information omcer, descriptive symbols on the mark­ planation Points" and etc.! !!;?? MONDAY, 13 APRIL-2000 White Sands Proving Ground, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Telephone 4203 or 5203. ers will not vary, regardless of • • • EM Show Shop This newspaper receives Armed Forces Press Service, reproduction of which Is not TUESDAY, 14 APRIL-2000 permitted without spec!f!c permission of the Armed Forces Press Service. boundaries. Illustrated booklets Spring has SPRUNG-Dot and This paper Is not an official or seml-of!lclal Department of Defense publlcallon. are distributed with instructions Bingo Bob Zimmerman were among the WEDNESDAY, 15 AP RIL-2000 All pictures are by White Sands Proving Ground photographers unless otherwise and explan ations printed in sev­ first to take their vacation. They stated. Bridge, Pool T'ournament eral different languages includ­ "' .A.rn1y i'u oto flipped a coin and by the strangest Advertising copy should be sent to: Las Cruces Citizen, P. 0. Box 270, U4 S. Church ing English. Consequently, ig­ EM Show Shop Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Phones 10, 11. Subscription 01! Post $3.00 per year; First. Lt. George E. Elmore Jr., Commanding Officer of :lhe coincidence it just happened to $1.00 for three months. Distribution on the Post free. norance of languages does not THURSDAY, 16 APRIL-2000 138th Ordnance Company. congra:tula:les three men of his com· land on ARKANSAS... Ballr oom Dancing Class prove a handicap when touring pany w ho recently completed Army Courses in CBR Warfare Stella and Ray Saathoff spent the continent. and Auto Mechanics. From left: Lt. Elmore: Lt. Robert G. Barker, the Easter Holidays in Arizona We as a nation, have road who graduated as top h onor man in a CBR class of fifty officers: wit h Stella's folks. DAFFINITIONS markings and no language bar­ CpL John P. McElligott, also a graduate of :lhe CBR Warfare EDITORIAL Julie Stueve is spending a few Woman: A thing of beauty and riers, but we do not have a uni­ class at For:t Sam Houston. Texas: and Pfc. Stanley J. Skozolek, days back home in KANSAS. . . who recently completed a USAFI Course in Auto Mechanics here a jaw for ever. form vehicle code. There has Speaking of States - We are New Traffic Laws, Strict Observance been steady progress in recent at W. S. P. G. Reform School: Brat trap...... happy to welcome Dor othy Cates Egotist : One who brags more years toward nation-wide adop­ into FDL. Dorothy is a fellow tion of model traffic ordinances, than you do. TEXAN!! ! from Lubbock. Hypochondriac: A person with • Needed to Make Highways More Safe and standards for traffic signs, THREE MEMBERS OF 138th ORD. WIN Also, we would like to wel­ signals, markings and islands, but a sick sense. \A In defense of the motorist and the pedestrian, not all of come Sgt. Nachreiner into FDL. much remains to be done. -----W' the blame for poor observance of traffic regulations can be DISTINCTION IN COURSES OF STUDY s·gt. Nachreiner is the Adminis­ • • • trative Assistant for the Electrical placed on their shoulders. Many old regulations do not meet The public must he taught to Three members of the 138th the top honor officer in a group Measurements Branch. He claims . vour>. CHILDREN ARE Ordnance Company rebaseball fans are attend­ rules and regulations to lag far behind our development of motor mounting toll of traffic victims. ing the game between the Cubs vehicles. Thoughtless and rude actions are evidenced daily by driv­ Whether we like it or not, so­ and Browns in El P aso. It's a ers of all intellectual levels. ciety will undoubtedly become more strict as to the granting and lovely day for it. And unless the present situati.on can •be improved, our highways It Seems this Easter Sunday retention of the driving privi­ and streets will continue to become more and more and more dan­ that nearly all of E . U. are going lege. t o the bull fights in Juar ez, the gerous. Harking back to the uniform other half to the rodeo in Truth (In this connection, see "Safety-Faze" column in this issue.) vehicle code and the need there­ for, the legislator of tomorrow, or Consequences. .. .. * better trained, and born to the Winona Waldon won't have to automobile rather than to the k eep her feet on the ground much CONGRATULATIONS--FOR ACHANGE horse-and-buggy age, w i 11 be better able to solve society's leg­ lon ger! Because of the very nature of their work, and because it islative problems dealing with Mary Alice Newman has final­ is virtually impossible to please everybody all the time-­ the proper use of the highways. ly gotten over her two-weeks leave and is back to her own especially where tastes in food are concerned-most mess normal self. officers, mess sergeants and other permanent mess hall per­ All Personnel Given M!rs. Lola Green, our Civil sonnel are used to "taking it on the chin." Service Secretary, is looking for­ Opportunity :to Join ward to a visit from her grand­ When the food is good- tasty and excellently prepared children. and served- it usually is taken for granted. But when it is bad Concer:t Association Hope everyone h ad a nice Eas­ the mess personnel can count on hearing plenty about it. ter and that all you men enjoyed The La s Cruces Community the Easter bonqets! There have been instances where mess personnel have had to Concert Association has announc­ suffer considerable abuse-sometimes probably for conditions over ed that it is giving White Sands which they had no control and at other times no doubt justified to a per sonnel the opportunity to sub­ certain extent. And if for these reasons some of them have acquired scribe for the 1953-54 concert attitudes of being constantly on the defensive, maybe we can't blame season before the ticket rush be­ OFFICERS' them. gins. If a subsciption to the concert But at any rate, the usual procedure was reversed at WSPG last series is obtained before April 8, CLUB week, and we believe it is worthy of notice. Many patrons of the the suscriber will be entitled to FRIDAY, 17 APRIL-2000 Consolidated Mess, which feeds a large number of enlisted men, attend the last 1952-53 concert Duplicate Bridge. offered verbal congratulations to Consolidated Mess personnel for free. The last concert artist will SATURDAY, 18 APRIL-2100 definite improvement noted in their efficiency and in the quality be Samuel Sorin, pianist, on Ap­ Informal Dance (Phone 3190 of service. ril 8. Mr. Sorin will appear at for reservations.) Several comments on the increased speed of service and the in­ the Union High School Auditor­ TUESDAY, 21 APRIL-2015 terest shown by the cooks were heard. And it stands to reason that ium on North Alameda. Bingo. the food must have tasted all right, because thos.e other things would Receipts may be obtained at not have made such an impression if it had not. door •befor e the concert ·begi~s As we said, we believe this is noteworthy. And we wish to join on April 8, after which time MERLE NORMAN those Consolidated Mess patrons in offering hearty congratulations those not picked up will be mail­ COSMETIC STUDIO to the mess personnel responsible. eo the members. -FREE DEMONSTRATION- Subscriptions to the concert 132 N. Church St.-Lu Cruces 3-Pc All-Steel lawn Group Phone 856-J cation card; approximate time series are $6 each for adults. Two Reports Necessary Further information may be Mon. thru Thurs.-9 am to 6 pm at the Low, LOW PRICE of and date badge was lost ; approx ­ Fri-Sa:t.-9 am :lo 8 pm If Badge, ID Card Lost imate place where badge was obtained from Mrs. N. Pozinsky, The perfect: seU:ing for an afternoon in the lost; circumstances leading to loss telephone WSPG 2-4195. sun! For your porch. paf:ion. or lawn. • Loss of badges and/or identi­ of badge; to whom loss of badge a fication cards must immediately was reported at time found miss­ All-metal rocker, chair and cocktail table. be reported verbally to the in g, and what efforts wer e made Baked-on enamel finishes. Now ••• WSP G Security Office. However, to r ecover the missing badge or action on the part of the indivi­ identification card. dual or individuals involved does The abov e r eport will be in­ $2.00 DOWN DELIVERS not end there. dorsed by the commanding offi­ FRESH MEATI FREE DELIVERY NO CARRYING CHARGE! A written report will be ini­ cer or the division chief con­ tiated through the organization cerned and br ought to the office or detachment commanders or of the Chief, Intelligence and Se­ WHOLESALE and RETAIL division chiefs giving the follow­ curity Division, Room 235, Head­ ing information: quarters Building. Name of person losing badge or identification card; number and Are you Cost Conscious? If not, d escription of badge or identifi- why not? By Carcass or by CUTS WSPG GROUP HOSPITAL AND SURGICAL INSURANCE Best Prices in Town! e NO AGE LIMIT e NO WAITING PERIOD SEE SAMMY KAYE with BMA Las Cruces Meat Co. W. S. P. G .. Phone 3252 Residence. Las Cruces 1171 HIWAY 80 WEST PHONE 485 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS\$ WIND AND SAND 3 Up to Date The 'April in Paris' Dance Thursday, April 9, 1953 "As the mountain came to Mo­ Miss S tearns. "Everything will be SCAnner hammed, so will Paris pay a call provided to transform t he des­ on the 138th By Art Pozner at White Sands Proving Ground ert to a tree- lined boulevard and ·%S%% 0 %i%SiS%%&%S%%%\%i> the Service Club porch to a side­ A considerable amount of ma­ Sunday, April 12," Miss Mar garet walk cafe. By Frank C. Tillman Stearns, EM Service Club Direc­ terial in this and previous col­ PROTESTANT SERVICES: "Just stroll up t he boulevard tor, announced this week. We were greatly h onored last umns has been furnished by the Sunday School-1000 in Class A's or your Sunday best Worship Service-1100 "T he occasion will be an 'April week when Lt. Barker and Cpl. SCAnner's good friend Ed Rob­ on April 12th and lets meet un­ Choir P ractice-Wednesday, in Paris' Tea Dance," the director der the Eiffel Tower!" McElligott came back from C.B.R. ison. Our thanks to you and to school at Fort Sam Houston . The 1830 added. "T he dance will start at reason th at it is an honor is be­ Al Pietrasanta, who suggested CATHOLIC SERVICES: 1445 (2:45 p.m.) at the Service the -column's present title. Club." cause out of 50 officers from the Mass-Sunday , 0800 and 0900 ~ulmet ~morinl 4th Army Ar ea, L t. Barker placed A close perusal of the teeth The m ademoiselles attending marks in a pair of khakis will Catechism Class- Sunday, 1000 first-which just goes to show th e dance will be co-eds from suffice to document the canine Rosary and Confession- ~orlu~ New Mex ico A&M college. Music 1492 North Main once more that the 138th is the troubles th a t those illustrious Saturday, 1600 best. Daily Rosary- Monday will be provided by Bill (Pepe) •• . Coll Los Cruces 1200 mailmen Jack Wise and F rancis Mead and his Blue Notes, who We are also proud to note that Jones are having. throunh Friday, 1620 Pfc. "Scotty" Skozolek has com­ Choir Pn.ctice-Tuesday, 1800 ar e well remembered for the ex­ pleted the USAF! course on Auto * * cellent dance music rendered as Automotive ge\lius Ben Nead * .. the "Smiling Irishmen" at the Mechanics. The course he took was overheard screaming, "Wait, H OLY COMMUNION will ·be St. Patrk k's Day dance in t he was Number 3, wh ich pertains to wait, wait!" in the latrine last celebrated at the 1100 Worship club. Photostat automotive electricity. Good luck weekend. Seems that the wash­ Service on Sunday, 12 Apr il, in­ "Apertifs a n d hors d'euvres from the 138th, Scotty. ing machine got the best of him ; stead of the r eg ular Sunday. will be served to pacify the hun­ • * * Service a moment's inattention on his MGTHERS NOTICE: It is re­ gry Frenchmen presen t," sa i d There has been quite a bit of is offered by th e part and the wringer gra:bbed quested that mothers sendin g moving in the barracks since last the hose with superhuman their little ones to Sunday School LAS CRUCES ABSTRACT week as far as bunks, footlockers str ength. When yelling "Wait!" for the first time p lease pin a Keep in the Pink-at & TITLE COMPANY and wall lockers goes. It seems failed to halt the greedy monster, little note to their coats with th e Las Cruces Roller Rink 129 ¥2 S. Main St.- Las Cruce& to be quite a bit better than the we suppose Ben managed to turn -U. S. Army Photo name, age and address of the 100 Block E. Willoughby original plan, and it has quelled it off by more con ventional m e­ Pvt.-2 William E. Castilo, lefl, is interviewed by Cpl. James E. child written thereon. Th is will Kee!J an exact copy or your a few bitter remarks. Let's hope thods - but not before a good­ Bush, of the Troop Information & Education Branch at White OPEN EVERY NIGHT be a great help to the teacher in 7:30 to 10:30 important documents. it turns out all right. ly section of hose was thorough­ Sands Proving Ground. Pvt. Castilo was the 500th soldier to be enrolling them. The Company had a little party ly flattened. Try saying whoa interviewed by Tl&E personnel during the month of March, L ast S unday was the last one last week and are planning a lar­ to your Plymouth someday, Ben when a total of nearly 800 men were given l&E interviews. and see what happens...... that t he Ch urch Nursery will be ger one for the future. It is a very * * open. The opening of the nur­ good way to boost morale, and in • • * Recommended reading: K elly's ser y on Sunday m ornings was an this isolated part of the country NEARLY 800 SOLDIERS INTERVIEWED experiment, but so few people morale really needs to be boosted. Korner, usually found at the tail end of Cpl. Ray Lucky's excel­ made use of it that it was deemed A very good time was had by all unnecessary to keep it open any at the party. lent column, "The Open Wire BY Tl&E PERSONNEL DURING MONTH * • • From the 169th." The Korner will lon ger. George Turner is really getting be conducted, and I quote, by Cpl. Pvt.-2 William E. Castilo, 9577th •newly initiated at the Proving * * * tc be a business man with his J a m es Kelley, "the pride of TSU, WSSCA, White Sands Prov- Ground this year . With 10 m onths EASTER SERVICES: Chaplain little black book. Of course, they something or other of the 169th ing Ground, was the 500th soldier yet to serve on his cur rent enlist­ (1st Lt.) A. N. Phillips of Biggs FOR THE say he gets his excess amounts by Mess Hall." Air Force Base was with us for to be interviewed by the staff of ment, Castilo say s he w ill "take Easter Services at the 1100 Wor­ not buying cigarettes. Any truth Speaking of the Mess Hall, it seems that most of us feel free Troop Information and Education advantage of every course pos­ ship Service last Sunday. in that, George? Branch, Army Education Center, sible while he is at WSPG." The Company is getting new to moan loudly when a certain BEST during March. subscriptions for magazines every m eal does not meet the high stan­ Concerning future p lans, he is YOU'VE READ and HEARD dards of -cuisine that the Mess Castillo became the 500th man IN month now. This month they are indefinite but thinks h e may take SO MUCH ABOUT ITI usually presents. All well and on March 23. The recorded inter­ planning on getting the Post, Look good - but by the same token , views reached nearly 800 by the on another "hit ch." Meanwhile, he NUTRILITE and Argosy. It won't be lon g and when the chow is exceptional, end of the month. is making his military service pay The FOOD SUPPLEMENT COMMERCIAL we'll be able to get rid of some of don't always go through the lin e Every soldier assigned to White off in educational adv antages for For Your Supply our old magazines, I hope. with head down and lips sealed ; Sands Proving Ground is given a the future, whether in the Army Phone PRospect 2-1561 or ...... write P .0. Box 5206, El Paso BUILDING occasionally express apprecia- personal interview by I&E per­ or on the "outside." The Company was lucky enough tion to the cooks. Despite some sonnel, within a few days of his last week to receive nine new rumors to the contrary, th ose arrival, and is advised of the edu­ men. Of the nine, one is a Sgt., guys are human and a good word cational benefits available to him two are Cpl's, one Pfc. and five every now and then will be well during his tour of duty here. Each Pvt's. received. End of sermon. man is impressed with the fact SCHNEIDER The list of Pvts. includes a cele- * * that the classes are entirely volun­ brity by the name of J ohn Frisch What's this we hear about the tary and his choice is up to him. Jr., of Long Island, who lays Field First getting the First out Castilo, a former radio engineer ELECTRIC & NEON CO. claim of being related to the great of the sack so very early in the for Radio Station WKNB, New immortal Franky Frisch, who A. M.? Britain, Conn., entered the Ar:i;ny I Wiring Installation Appliances made baseball's Hall of Fame and Tragedies of the week, lower in February last year at Fort . Commercial Domestic later went on t o manage the Chi- animals division: Librarian Mar­ Devens, Mass. GENERAL CONTRACTOR cago Cubs. John plays baseball garet Camilla's -cat presented the He is a licensed First Class Neon Signs: Installed Repaired too, by the way, and is trying for Camillo clan with two cute little Radio Telephone Operator with a Carver Bulldin~ the post team. kittens on schedule for Easter; certificate from the Federal Com­ 1301 W. PICACHO P H. 289-R Phone 973 Las Cruc:n * * * but the old Tom, true to the an- munications Commission. A grad­ The rest of the Pvt's are Morde- cient laws of the wild, killed his uate of East Providence (R.l.) ·"-·rl'··········-·.-.·.·.•.•.·.vJ1.·.-.v.-.·.-.-.·.·.·.·.-.w.·.-.-.·.········v.•.-.-.•. cai Appleton, who lives in Las ofbpring before they were two High School, Castilo attended the Cruces with his wife and hails \ h o u r::; old. And Sam, Oscura Rhode Island School of Radio be- I from New York City; George Peak's pet coyote, is reporte d fore his entry into the Army. He Mount of Orriville, Ohio; Jim missing in action - probably later attended the Signal School, I Lowell of Redgefield, New Jer- shot by someone who mistook Fort Monmouth, N.J., for eight i sey, whose hobby is photography, him for one of his more untamed months prior to his arrival at 1 and Bob Dioguardi from Boston, brethren. White Sands Provin.t:: Gr oun d. ·who also has a photographic mind. * * Mustang Buick Specials The Army 's educational pro­ The Pfc. is Jack Hamilton of When "I'm not an RA" Kurt Lincoln, Illinois. He is a cook. The Hauschildt w ent to the PX the gr am is nothing new to Pv t. Cas­ LET YOUR TRADE-IN BE THE DOWN PAYMENT! two Cpls. are Vester Montgomery other day for a pair of slacks, tillo. H e successfully com pleted his General Ed ucational Develop­ of Martiansville, Ind., and John he tried them on in the ladies' ment test, college level, and p lans Lundy who is on an emergency room, with the clerk standin g to en ter •basic television courses Used Car Down Payments Set for Your Convenience! leave. The one Sgt. is Thomas watch to prevent what happene d anyway. The clerk's attention Goyette who hails from Brook­ Sgt.: "I ordered apple pie. This lyn, New York. was diverted and a female PX employe blithely entered the im­ looks like peach to me." • • • Waitress: "What does it taste Needless to say, there are now promptu fitting room , completely lik e?" plenty of men for details in the unaware of w ha t w as coming off Sgt.: "I'm not sure." 1951 Buick Super Riviera 4-Dr. 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-Dr. within, and there found K urt in Company and the floors are really Waitr ess: "Then what's the dif­ his skivvies - w e ha ven't .found Dynaflow, Radio, Heater. New Seat Covers, This may be the car you have been looking getting waxed. feren ce?" While Wall Tires, Tu-tone-We doubt that for-Come in and drive It-Paint like new, So far the gas chamber from out yet whose face was the red ­ Fort Bliss hasn't come down. This d er. you could find a cleaner car than this one. Heater, Seat Covers. doesn't cause any amount of grief R E NTALS DOWN PAYMENT - CASH OR TRADE-IN DOWN P AYMENT - CASH OR TRADE-IN in the Company, believe me. SEABORN P. COLLINS • • • AGENCY Pvt. Berlin Bull just came back 886 N. Main - Las Cruces $765.00 $625.00 from Camp Chaffee, Ark., where ~~~If~ Ph. 1626 Open uniil 6:00 he attended mechanics school. S gt. Baulat is also back. He was at­ tending supply school at Fort 2 and 3 bedroom houses, with Knox, K entucky. Welcome home, electric refrigerators, kitchen fellows. ranges, panel wall healers. The barracks here are getting venetian blinds, air condi· quite crowded with all the n ew tioner, car port, outside stor- ' 1950 Buick Special 4-Dr. age rooms, and automatic 1951 Ford Fordor V-8 m en . Opinions have been express­ washer connections. Make no mistake in this car. before you decide ed to the extent of making the Local car, one owner, has Fordomatic, Heater. training room back into a bar­ This car has been taken care of, and will pro­ to buy, come in and drive this special. Dyna­ r ack s. It might be a good thought vide thousands of miles for someone. flow. Radio and Heater. Good Rubber all if any more men come in. around. Drive Carefully. DOWN PAYMENT - CASH OR TRADE-IN DOWN PAYMENT -CASH OR TRADE-IN The End. THE BUDGET SHOP SOLDIERS KNOW COST -- of Las Cruces $425.00 OF THEIR EQUIP MENT S oldiers know the cost of the FEATURING A equipm ent they u se- whether it's a $225,000 cannon or a four-cent box of paper clips. Army supplies and equipment w ear price tags. Army r ecruits also are r equir­ 1950 Buick Special Sedanette ed to learn the cost of all cloth­ 1949Bu ick Super 4-Dr. ing and equipment they are This is a local car and we dare you to find a We believe this car is one of our best deals issued during their first week in cleaner ' 49 model. If you don't believe us. for the month. We have it priced right. Take the Army. come in and see and above all-drive U:. a look below at the low down payment. You T hese m easures are in line with can take it home for ••• the Army's effort to impress sol­ .DISCOUNT DOWN PAYMENT - CASH OR TRADE-IN diers with the cost of supplies DOWN PAYMENT - CASH OR TRADE-IN they use and to en-courage them ON OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED to save the taxpayer's money. $350.00 LADIES COATS LAUNDROMAT Our financing plan has absolutely no rank or r ating restrictions, whatsoever. 125 S. Church St. Ph. 938-R LAS CRUCES 7 A. M. 7 M. and SUITS! HOURS: io P. • ¥2 -Hour Laundry Service AT • Westinghouse Machines • Only Soft Waier Used For the convenience of our Mustang Buick Co. customers w e are open THE BUDGET SHOP CORNER NORTH MAIN and GREENING LAS CRUCES Friday Nights until 9 LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO PHONE 1610 4 WIND AND SAND ThuHday, April 9, 1853 ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I!: • AF Orders New Trainer SECOND-TIME LOSER ••• WASHINGTON (AFPS)-The SPOKANE, Wash., (AFPS), - News& Views U.S. Air Force has ordered quan- - William G. Crowley, Bonners tity production of its newest Ferry, Idaho, is serving a three­ Tai/­ training plane, the T-34A. The year sentence because he stole a Around the Post of the 137th 180-mph. trainer will be manu- truck to drive to a trial at which - factured in the U. S. and Canada. he was acquitted of c a r theft = Winds At the time of this reading, Slated to replace the T-6 "Tex- charges. With the 4119th = - an," the T-34A contains the latest =_ By Ruth A. Mabe E we will have put away a major in aerial improvements, making A careless person and a good - share of our first week of Unit DISPENSARY DOPE it suitable for training missions job are soon parted. -~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111?. By Pfc, R. W. Enegren Training. Like in everything else, By Sgt. Davenport under a wide variety of flight Det. # 3, 9393 TSU, has been there is always some bad one has A few changes have taken place conditions. Pay day has rolled around• in the limelight this past week, so to take along with the good. Since the last writing, your again, and the Company Area has in the Overhead lately. Pfc. Clar­ will devote this column to its Our old nemesis "PT" is once Post Dispensary has lost one man been dead. The Mess Hall line has ence Everly has moved from Over­ personnel and their activities... again sneaked in on us. Mr. to overseas shipment and gained been shorter too. The best time head to Security Pass Section. Burnett is assigned with the task one man from Dental Techni­ to eat in that Mess Hall is just Clarence wears a Class "A" uni­ Capt. William C. B. Wheeler cian's School, Fort Sam Houston • Sunday thru Thursday lo made headlines in Army Times. of getting rid of that "Techni­ hit tunes on the Juke Box. after pay day. form now- although he won't be cian's Profile" of ours which most Texas. ' able to check the swimming pool ... Of course you know that he Pfc. Alexis S. Karu has asked • Friday and Saturday to Ever since I arrived at WSPG, the C. 0. of Det. #3. of the company possesses. That when open, he does manage to for, and been granted, a transfer Modern Music by Glenn all I could hear individuals talk Pvt. Earl P . Moyer, a new man slim athletic physique is the Russell Trio. visit for a game of ping-pong oc­ to Europe. Karu left this post last about was Carlsbad Caverns. Fin­ assig.ned the detachment, is at­ main objective. Looking at Sir ally last weekend I took a trip to casionally. John, this should take some un­ week, and after some 30 days JAM SESSION tendmg Q-2 school at Holloman Sun. Afternoon 3 to 7 P .M. White City and took in the Cav­ Sgt. Delbert D. Gosch, who just dertaking. leave will sail the blue to his new AFB. Pvt. Moyer's home is in asssignment. erns. It was more than I expected. returned from TDY Fort Sam, Pennsylvania. * * * THE WESTERNER The only advice I can give to any­ The new face in the dispensary was transferred to the MP's from Pfc. Marion A. Cummings is That Mr. Burnett, our Supply Mesa Hwy. - 7 Miles West one is that if you haven't taken the Overhead. Sgt. Donald B. Mar­ enjoying a furlough in sunny Officer, also gifted us with full celongs to Pvt. John M. Ander­ in the picturesque Caverns, it tin is now assigned to the Over­ California... Too ·bad that he field equipment. With a little son. He is the new Dental Tech­ should be a must on your list. It's head while waiting for his trans­ read "Esquire" before his fur­ strain of the brain and recollec­ nician assigned here by the only around a four-hour drive, fer to come in for Infantry duty. lough came up... NOW, he will tion, we finally agreed where Fourth Army. Anderson calls and service-men are admitted free. never know the truth about all that paraphernalia goes and Pittsburgh, Pa., home and is a • • • graduate of Syracuse University. Finance Office is really taking TEXAS. the use for it. Methink we will be WHEN IN • one pack mule when one starts He holds a B. F. A. in Fine Arts a beating. They are losing just * and expects to design furniture --c••r·­ about all the present personnel. Sgt. Dexter Holland, the to tote one's heavy pack. Really "WeIL goodbye, see you EL PASO a nice fellow, that Mr. Burnett upon discharge from the Army next payday!" Cpl. Lee Aldrich and Pfc. Oscar "North Carolina Kid" who re­ The turned Det. # 3 Holloman from - - Yeah, really nice. in 1954. J. Linman were both discharged. * • • **** STOP AT THE Linman is going home to Roswell two months TDY Condron Field, has replaced the NCO Club with Cadillac ambulance d r iv er s THE MEETING PLACE and he really had a big celebration The brighter side of life will "The Beacon"... and, wants to soon see the company team sport­ figure in this week's news. Sgt. OF GOOD MUSIC LOVERS Book Shelf prior to his discharge. Aldrich replace bis 1951 Ford with a ing new blue and white jerseys. Earl Fenter is currently enjoying and his wife are going to drive to a five-day leave in Oklahoma. 'U SUBMARINO" ' 1 OASIS blonde" . . . Any help or sug­ Salt Lake, then settle in San We do hope the team does some 3 Bloclr:s from Santa Fa Bridge gestions will be appreciated. justice to them, game winning Cpl. Nicholas (Smitty) Schmidt Francisco. has reported back to duty after JUAREZ, MEXICO However, I fail to see the logic in wise, i. e. Robert L. Todd, who was dis­ a trade . . one is of little use with­ Cpl. Peterson is once again off his 30-day leave and appears to By Florence Kurahara charged from the 4119th about out t he other. Could be he to FECOM. His second trip over, be ready to work. Post Surgeon Capt. Saul Stern­ three months ago, just stopped in means "a blonde with... ?" as he once again volunteered his THE BEST CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS IN TOWN Several of the new books ex­ and said hello to the boys. He re­ Sfc. Bernard H. Sukowske services to that part of the world. berger Jr., and Detachment Com­ pected for April have received turned to Cruces and married a (Ski) and Cpl. J. C. Morris, Re­ Pfc. Thomassie still has his mander Captain William K. Pyle, favorable comments from review­ local gal he was dating while sta­ covery Section, WSPG, have been water skis handy. Just what he are now on emergency leaves. VICTOR'S CAFE ers and publishers. Two of the tionel here. Bob has settled in Las placed on DS with Det. # 3, Hol­ intends to do with them is any­ •••• Reasonable Prices - Excellent Mixed Drinks books which will interest the read­ Our congratulations go out to Cruces. loman AFB and on Air Force re­ one's guess. He must be looking 412 Juarez Ave. Cd. Juarez, Chih., Mexico ing public are "U.S. 40" by Stew­ covery missions. forward to the r a i n y season, Lt. and Mrs. Sterling J:l. Fly. This • • • past week, Mrs. Fly presented the art and ''The World and the West" Three EM reported in the 1st I have been trying to get some which never seems to come. Can't by Toynbee. good doctor with a seven-lb. fif­ of April with a Finance MOS. low-down on Pvt. Anthony T. blame a man for wishful think­ The latter is guaranteed a place Pvt. teen oz baby girl. The little lady Maury P. Kemp, Pfc. William A. Schwing, but he is a "clever kid." ing. in the best seller list.. It is a col­ has 1been named R1,1th Marguerite Henshall and Pfc. Ferris U. Fos­ ... Anyone as quiet as Schwing lection of radio talks he originally and was the reason for all the ter. That is one Section that has must be hiding something that delivered over the BBC network cigar-smoking Medics seen in the replacements before the discharg­ would be interesting to know... in 1952. He discusses the relation­ the SAFESIDE · · Dispensary. ed men can leave! • • • ship of the West with Russia, In­ Pvt. Alexander Marginsky got a Soon, we will lose another dia, the Near and Far East. • • • three-day pass to visit his wife. DON'T STICK YOUR NECK Medic to William Beaumont The author maintains that the Saturday the 28th March we After displaying a snapshot of OUT-INTO AN ACCIDENT. Army Hospital. Cpl. Thomas J. West has been the aggressor took our final fling out to the her, all of the eligi:bles of Det. # 3 Military personnel are involved Towey has been assigned to the against the rest of the world in rifle range. The low men fired are asking for three-day passes. in about one out of every 30 fatal hospital at Fort Bliss as an assist­ the past, but that now the situa­ over and the top ten fired again. . . . You guessed it. They, too, accidents in the United States. ant to a Pathologist. The Navy Sick. Bay Section of tion is reversed. Short and con­ Although the wind was blowing, would like to visit Mrs. Mar­ Yet servicemen and women do not troversial, it should be interest­ I couldn't see any excuse! The ginsky, who lives in Wichita, drive even one out of each 30 the Dispensary has a new man, ing. top ten refired and didn't top any Kansas. It is a good thing that miles driven in the nation. we are told. He is HM/ l William H. Slaughter, who hails from Las "U.S. 40" is the history of the previous scores. The top man that the Company C. O. is on Pvt. Automobile insurance companies Vegas, New Mexico. He was AL CAZAR RE STAURANT highway from Atlantic City to day was the Company Comman­ Marginsky's side.. . consider service personnel as poor BEST OF AMERICAN AND SPANISH FOODS der, Major Waterhouse. However, Cpl. James E. Ebersole replac­ risks, according to Armed Forces formerly stationed aboard an San Francisco. The author ex­ LST in the San Diego, California, plains on the way, the history of Sgt. Centera ended up being the ed Sgt. John G. Ellis as Com­ talk No. 426 on safety. (AFPS) harbor. the trails that preceded the high­ high man for the Company-and pany Clerk. Sgt. Ellis was dis­ the best shot in the 4119th with a charged from the Army last way and about the country ALL GUMMED UP .• • A word to the wise, economize. Lei us be your headquarters through which it passes. S<'ore of 185. week. Wednesday afternoon, 1st April, Cpl. Herbert E. Edlund was COLUMBUS, Ohio, (AFPS)­ for Building Supplies and • • • discharged from the Service Eas­ The hard-working burglar who Other books on the April list one civilian and 3 enlisted men took the afternoon off to see the ter Sunday. (Will give the fel­ went to a lot of trouble to break Repairing needs. Bring us arE:: Cubs and the Browns clash in El lows three months to re-enlist into a candy store here got one JOE'S Science-Fiction-Adventures in your building problenis and Paso. Mike Gambino, Dick Sav­ ior WSPG.... ) cent for his efforts, and that Dimension-Conklin. age and Oscar Casavantes were came the hard way - from a we will be glad to help you Wanderlust-Adventure - De gum ball machine. pulling for the Cubs. The 4th Advertising Doesn't Cost, It Pays! .. Meiss-Teuffen. ~ solve them. Search and Rescue at Sea­ member of the party Charles Pol­ ing, was pulling for the Browns SERVICE STATION Story of the Coast Guard- Flo­ INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF GIFTS ... Just goes to show you that 339 S. Main Ph. 1175 herty. four men think they know all University of New Mexico Publications No Stone Unturned-Mystery­ about baseball, and only one can New Mexico Gardl"ning, Art, Folklore, etc. PACO GET YOUR SPRING Hamilton. Fine Prints for Framing ER pick the winner. Looks like Sgt. 4 0 3 N. M A I N Ar11·s·9··;: .~~~:·MB Caravan to Xanadu-Based on TUNE-UP NOW! Poling knows his baseball in the HAND WOVEN SKIRT CENTER HEADQUARTERS > 60 I w AMADOD life of Marco Polo-Marshall. Use Your Credit al Joe's !FOR RAllCH[RS &-FARMERS LAS C ~UC ES· 11. M~X. Two Came by Sea-Tale of the Southwest. South Seas-Stone. Undersea Adventure-Deep sea Hugh A. Newman, Authorized Dealer di ving-Diole. FOR SALE -- CHEAP Rogue Valley-Western-Atha- 5-PIECE STEEL nas. DINETTE SET Western Auto Supply • • • (like new) ·· Rare Opportunity-Lifuited Offer-Act Fast! A book I have just read, entit­ We Carry led "Annapurna" by Maurice Her­ • zog, has been hailed as "Kon-tiki" SPEED-QUEEN A Complete Line of Accessories for Your Car of the mountains. The author nar­ WASHING MACHINE rates the day-to-day account of Plus Home Appliances and Utility Items how the Himalayan Expedition • We Give S&H Green Stamps made its climb to the highest Phone 0398-R4 mountain ever scaled by man. (after 6 p.m. or before 8 a.m.) 129 S. MAIN PHONE 121 Their courage and fortitude amid dangers and sufferings are admirable. This book is recom­ mended for everyone, but especial_ ly for you mountain climbers. It is breathtaking and absorbing. You cannot help but feel the triumph and victory when the men finally reach the summit of Annapurna, a feat which was con­ sidered impossible by great moun­ taineers Don't be self conscious, I "Cost Conscious." YOU WANT TO MOVE? at- 3 See Us Today! l- MOST MAKES AND SIZES Hoke Bros. TRANSFER 8z HAULING

Small Package Delivery Low Rates Phone 1423 * ALL DRIVEN LESS -THAN 500 MILES *ALL TRADED FROM BRAND·NEW CARS TOM BELL'S ALL YOURS ON EASY CREDIT TERMS ._) * G CAFE Home of ihe Western Dance SANDWICHES BEER - SETUPS Ph. 5-9933 - El Paso SHOOK TIRE CO. Hwy. 54 - Newman Road 717 NORTH MAIN LAS CRUCES PHONE 1111 Rockets Down Holloman J wice .. Keep Perfect Record Getting the Lowdown • • •

Scores of 10-6, 19-IS­ en base department by stealing Thursday, April 9, 1953 WIND & SAND six in six attempts. 5 As of the present the men left Run String to 3 Wins after the cutting routine were By ;E>fc. Ted Majser announced as follows: Coppola, Kurtz-second; Stress - short­ The White Sands Rockets made stop; third -- Perkins; Klee­ it three in a row for the season man - untility infield and out­ by soundly trouncing the Hollo­ field man; Staats, Huff and O'­ man Air Force team by the score Leary - outfi~ld; Sullivan - catcher; Sczcpanick, Metully and of 10 to 6 last Saturday at home Ernst - pitchers. and by the "football score" of Also, Swabby Simpson was an­ 19 to 15 at Holloman on Sunday. nounced as b e i n g second in Both games were still practice charge as coach and first base­ games, and the high scoring was man. due to the shuffling of players The Rockets will play Biggs by Mgr. Gearou to try and find Air Base this Saturday at Biggs By Hugh Baird, J03, USN ~mans, Karl Drews, Jim Konstanty the right position best suited for and Sunday at 2 p. m. at home. his players. The team still has six regular (AFPS Sporis Wriier) and Steve Ridzik, the Phils have a good mound staff. Smoky Bur­ Meiully Geis Win positions open with 12 men lock­ Last year the Brooklyn Dodgers ing horns for the jobs. Mgr. Gea­ won the National League pennant gess is an excellent receiver. The I Metully won his first assign­ infield is spotty with two top ment of the season but needed rou again this week will con­ because they were able to beat centrate on the team's hitting second division teams in 67 out of first basemen but no regular over a little help from southpaw Tom the .289 batting mark. Bill , as practice continues every week­ 88 games. Also, the fourth-place Shaw in the last two innings be­ "Swish" Nicholson is still around day afternoon. Phillies were only 91h games out fore the Rockets chalked up their to help outfielders Mel Clark, Del THE BOX SCORES: of first place while the fifth-place second in a row. Holloman scored Ennis and Richie Ashburn. one in the first, but the locals HOLLOMAN Cubs were 191h games behind. took the lead in the fourth with Player Pos. AB R H E This one-sidedness in Senior Cards Could Do Ii four runs. Rock 2nd 5 1 2 1 Circuit clubs does not appear like­ PITTSBURGH - The smoky Two soldiers from WSPG's Del. 2, 9393rd TSU, got the real lowdown on the St. Louis Browns' Holloman's strategy backfired Robertson cen 3 l 1 0 ly for the '53 season. Most of the city's future is still clouded. Since chances in this year's American League race in El Paso Wednesday, April 1. They got the "poop" when they walked Sullivan in­ McHall 3rd 5 0 2 2 teams, with the possible exception last September the Pirates have from ihe owner of ihe Brownies himself, genial Bill Veeck. Aft&r watching the Browns clip the tentionally to fill the bases to Hicks 1st 5 0 0 0 of Pi tt s b u r g h , have been lost five regulars to Uncle Sam. Chicago Cubs in an exhibition game, 10-8, Pfc. Bill Sullivan and Pvt. Jim Delaney met Veeck get to Metully, because Metully Seidel cc 5 1 0 3 strengthened during the off seas­ New manager Fred Haney (PCL) and one of his associates, Buddy Blattner, in an El Paso resiaurani. Veeck was in his usual good belted a single to center to drive Odom rf 5 1 0 1 on. Based on eary statistics, the can't be expected to produce humor, despite the AL'a recent refusal to allow the transfer of the Browns' franchise lo Baltimore, in two runs. Staats then laceer of the Browns' 4 to 1 lead. Kibick p 0 0 0 0 MILWAUKEE - C h a r 1 e y is very weak with the loss of star management staff. Holloman scored two in the Pearson 1 0 0 0 Grimm's "settled" Braves are in Dick Groat. Ralph Kiner, still fifth on McHall's with Totals 40 6 9 7 the midst of a rebuilding era and good for 40 homers, may get some the club. Team Captain Rodney .; two on. The Rockets got this Co-Captain Meredith are out­ can't expect much improvement help in the pasture from Carlos Jarratt will be expected to bit standing backstop artists, with one back when A r t O'Leary Player Detachment I Expects • Pos. AB R H E over last year's 7th-place crew. Bernier (.301 PCL). that long ball along with leftfield­ Donovan also ready to move in. blasted a past the 401- WSPG Ex-soldier J o h n n y Antonelli ST. LOUIS-This is the dark­ foot sign in left field. The fly er Walton, who is another one Very few opposing baserunners Staats rf 5 1 1 0 should help Warren Spahn, Max horse team that could go all the To FieldStro ng, Fast of those men with a dual purpose boys then scored one in the sixth Coppola will attempt that extra base with 2nd 4 0 1 3 Surkont, and Vern Bickford in way in '53. Eddie Stanky, a fiery in life. He can also pitch. any one of these three men behind and two in the seventh to take O'Leary lf 4 2 1 0 a 6-5 lead, but the Rockets roar­ the pitching department. The in­ manager, has a well-balanced club It is expected, however. that the plate. Perkins 3rd 5 2 2 1 with good rookie prospects. Stu League Softball Team ed back with five big runs in field is weak with only Ed Math­ the trio of Corbin, Mosbacher and Huff cen 4 1 0 0 ews a certainty. Former Dodgers Miller, Al Brazle, Wilmer Mizell, It is a well-rounded defensive the seventh to clinch the game. (Editor's note: The following Phillips can handle the chucking line-up representing Del 1, and Stress SS 3 0 0 1 Andy Pafko and Jim Pendleton Joe Presko, Ed Yuhas and Gerry is the first in a series of arti­ chores all by themselves. Along one capable of rivaling any other WSPG Slugs Ii Out Denmon 1st 3 0 1 0 should aid Sid Gordon, Joe Ad­ Staley are all first-line flingers. with Walton in the outfield will team on the post. Coppola, Perkins, Simpson and Simpson 1st l 1 1 0 cock and Sam J ethroe in the out­ l'jewcomer Jack Faszholtz won 15 cles concerning teams now Metully hit safely in the big sev­ Sullivan cc 1 0 0 0 field. playing in the WSPG Soft­ be Brady in right, and Cooper or (Series to be continued next for Rochester last year. Hard­ Ley in center field. Landers is the enth, enough to send the partisan Kurtz 3rd 1 0 0 1 ball League.) week.) BROOKLYN - Acquisition of hitting Ray Jablonski will add to fifth outfielder and can be callM fans home with an opening-day Maher SS 1 1 0 0 Russ Meyer strengthens the Dod­ a strong infield. The outfield is * • • victory. Hudak 2nd 0 0 0 0 upon in a utility role. ger hurling corps of Joe Black, tops with Peanuts Lowrey, Enos By Pfc. Tom Shaw Easter Sunday the team travel­ Metully p 4 1 2 0 Ralph Branca, Billy Loes and Slaughter, Stan Musial and Hal Rounding out the infield finds ed to Holloman to t a k e their Shaw p 0 0 0 0 Preacher Roe. Roy Campanella Rice. Despite the loss of quite a few Woods understudying at second For Sale third in a row ·by besting the Jones 0 1 0 0 expecting a better year and the • • • men to the hardball team, Man­ base and Flynt ready to replace Air Force in a slugging duel by Totals 36 10 9 6 Kwiatowski at first. Third base is SHUFFLEBOARD & infield is set with Pee Wee Reese, Three teams (Brooklyn, New ager David M. Hollingsworth felt ELECTRIC SCOREKEEPER a score of 19 to 15. The game HOLLOMAN 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 Jackie Robinson, Junior Gilliam as yet undecided with a close race was highlighted by the fine play­ York and St. Louis) will be in­ that Detachment 1 would field a being waged between Cahill and White Sands 0 0 0 4 1 0 5 -0 - and Gil Hodges. Carl Furillo and volved in the N.L. pennant race. 3-COMPARTMENT ing of outfielder Art O'Leary, Duke Snider pace a steady out­ better-than-average softball club Rawlings, who both are sharp de­ BAR SINK RB-Rock 1, O'Leary· 1, Simp­ The Dodgers appear the strongest who had five hits for six, one a field. Abundance of reserve play­ which opened play against the fensive men with a lot of exper­ •• double; three stolen •bases, one sonl, Metully 3, McHall 2, Staats but Leo Durocher is now sure of ience. 5 BOOTHS llt TABLES 2, Perkins 1; SB- Odom, Staats, ers gives the Dodgers an edge in his pitchers and Monte Irvin is 4119th, Monday, April 6th. home plate; scored four runs and the pennant race. Plenty of Calchera 35·CASE CAPACITY drove in four more runs for a Coppola, O'Leary; S--'Stress 1; stronger. We'll gamble on the With over 25 men still vieing D-McHall, Gavvin; HR-O'Lea­ Cubs, Reds Improve Giants for this one: NEW YORK, Last but not least is Sgt. Hol­ BEER COOLER & very fine afternoon. for starting berths, it has been COMPRESSOR Staats, Perkins, Asp, and La­ ry; WP-Metully; LP- Haus­ CHICAGO - Phil Cavaretta's Brooklyn, St. Louis, Philadelphia. difficult to select a starting nine, lingsworth's pride and joy, the thuras had two hits apiece to man; BOB- Kunkle, 1, Kibick 1, youth movement is beginning to Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee as the majority of the candidates catching department. Jones and ZENITH help O'Leary mark up the locals' Hausman 1, Metully 6; SO- Me­ pay dividends at Wrigley Field. and Pittsburgh. have shown abilities at more than ;::;====::;:===:::....:-:;._;::;::.:.- -:.:,­ RADIO-PHONOGRAPH 19 runs. Perkins had a to tully 4, Kun k 1 e 4, Kibick 1, Pitchers Warren Hacker, Joe Hat­ one position. Corbin can pitch and COMBINATION Hausman 2; LOB- Holloman 10, ten, Paul Minner and Bob Rush right to drive in two runs in the play the outfield; Kwiatowski, a FOR RENT ICEBOX second inning. Lathuras had the WSPG 5. can all win. A young infield of Fort Bliss Wresders ranging first baseman, can also only other extra-base hit for Tom Brown, Dee Fondy, Randy patrol the outer garden; while NEW APARTMENTS 100-LB. COUNTER SCALE the Rockets, a d o u b 1 e in the WSPG Jackson and Bob Ramazzotti will Baker, a diminutive left hander, fourth, but he was left stranded. Player Pos. AB R H E be bolstered by the return of Pres- Grab 4th Army Crown can play anywhere. wiih all new furniture, All ihe Above Items in Staats cen 6 3 2 O ton Ward. MVP Hank Sauer, completely modern. A-1 Condition Rosier Announced The Fort Bliss wrestling team Emphasis on Speed Huff cen 1 0 O O Frank Baumholtz and Gene Her- Any combination of one SEE AT White Sands scored in every The emphasis is on speed, with inning but the fourth and the Coppola 2nd 3 l 1 2 manski give the Cubs an able emerged with the championship lo four people accepted. Kurtz 2nd 1 1 0 0 group of fly chasers. following a two-day Fourth Ar­ the second base and shortstop Casa Manana ninth, but had at least one hit combination of Jarrett and Zullo No pets. Reasonable. O'Leary lf 6 4 5 0 CINCINNATI - Sportswriters my Tournament conducted rec­ in every inning. Lathuras pitched proving to be the fastest men on Liquor Store seven innings before being re­ Pelka lf l 1 1 0 watching the Reds this spring ently at Fort Sill, Okla. The Fort lieved by Sczcpanick in t h e Perkins 3rd 7 2 2 0 termed them "the most improved Sill team was the runner-up, ac­ 721 N Mesquite Si. eighth. Staats robbed McHall of Stress SS 2 0 0 1 team in the N. L. " The club has cording to information received Sharp tools and sharp wits add ~002 Solano - Ph. 1<140-B Lu Cruces. N. M. up to safety. an extra base hit in the third Hudak SS 1 1 1 0 able pitchers in Ken Raffensber- from Fort Bliss last week. Asp by making a sensational back­ 1st 3 1 2 0 ger, Bubba Church, Harry Per­ Byron Todd of Re

. oooooooooopoooooooopooooooooooopooooooooooooooo~ WIND AND SAND Thursday, April 9, 19~ Ohio, Pennsylvania Men Are Newcomers Post Raises (Continued from Page 1) ing evening classes at the Uni­ versity of Cincinnati and occupied as a shipping clerk for the Ameri­ 81 Per Cent can Radiator and Standard Sani­ tary Corp. before induction. Pvt. William G. Weisbarth ar­ rived from Fairview Park, Ohio. Of ARC Goal He won three letters in track, (Continued from Page 1) three letters in football and a let­ ter in basketball, from Fairview HEBERLEIN Field Director. Mr. Carney's Red PERMANENT Cross office is located in Building High. A graduate of Cleveland FINISHED ORGANDY T-1658. I Trade School, before induction he ;· ~ Detachment 2 Lead& worked as an apprentice carpenter Other members of the general for the Marquand Building Com­ committee were Ensign Leland F. pany of Fairview Park. Page, U. S. Navy; Lt. Louis M. Also from Ohio, Pvt. William CURTAINS Jiggitts Jr., Assistant Public In­ M. Wiese lived in Bedford, where he was a graduate of Cuvahaga formation Officer, and Miss Kate Single Bass, Civilian Personnel Office. Heights High. As a machinist, he A breakdown of the post's was employed for the Klaas Full Width $1,803.92 total by units showed Machinery & Manufacturing Co. that Det. 2, 9393rd TSU, led all in Cleveland. 80-inchea $ 99 others in total amount contributed Served in Korea with $239. Det. 1 of the 9393rd Sgt. Charles R. Dupes, Middle­ was second with $158.64, and the town, Pennsylvania, served 18 months with the 304th Signal Op­ • Systems Test Division was a close WORTH A STAIR - Virginia third with $151.26. erations Battalion in Korea. His Mayo, whose latest endeaver for The Wnite :::iands Signal Corps wife, Shirley, is living in Las Warner Bros. -"She's Back on Double Cruces. Agency was iourth highest with Broadway,"-has nothing lo do Full Width $lOU.47. Next were the 4ll9th From New Eagle, Pa., Pvt. John with stairs, shows how nicely A::il.l, $131.::::0, and the Logistics Bewick is a graduate of the Mo­ stair-climbing can be done. 172-inchea D1v1s10n, :jillll.10. Others were as nongahela High School. She's got µs stair crazy. 10ilOWS: Pvt. Charles E. Caldwell, Han­ U. ~. Naval Ordnance Missile lin Station, Pa., worked as steel­ Test lracwty, $114.91S; Post Engi­ worker for the Weirton Steel Many Desert Soldiers neers, $110.36; Flight Determma­ Company and graduated from the t10n Lab, $66.70; Technical Statf, Weir High School in Weirton, 7 V2-inch Picot Ruffling $ot:i.25; Electro-Mechanical Lab, West Virginia before induction. Sew On New Stripes ~o::::.:-:5; Headquarters, $50; 9f!.th Pvt. Glen K. Pore, Fayette City, (Continued from Page 1) Ord. Co., $411; Administrative Pa., graduated from the Perry The new Corporals are Arthur P. A lovely curtain ~u~table for any room in any home ... crisp ... sheer ... clear D1vlS10n, $48; Comptrollers $45.25. Township High School and was Bouchard, Louis B. Felder, Alex­ ... permanent f1n1sh cotton organdy. The permanent finish withstands all climatic occupied as a millworker for the T&T Avera£3 Highest ander A. Girior, Norman L. Han­ conditions and repeated launderings. The special Heberlein finishing assures this And Troops & Traming Divi­ American Steel and Wire Co. of sen, Harry B. '!McKee Jr., William permanence. Postel shades of maize, green rose blue and snow white. Extra full Donora, Pa. 1 sion, ~42.5U; 1st GM Brig. Det., A. Sears, Stanley A. Skowronski ruffling is finished 7 12 inches with picot ~dge.' Each' side is 40 inches wide ... Hailing originally from Kittan­ and Olaf R. Thomas. 80-inches overall. ~42.:lO; 137th Ord. Co., $34; 138th ning, Pa., Pvt. Paul W. Shaner, ( Ord. Co., $31.75; Air Weather Detachment 2, 9393 TSU, has a graduate of Kitanning High new Master Sergeant, Leon Kubic. •a:. .--L Det., $16; Intelligence & Security School, left a wife, Rhea, and D1vmon, $15.85; Civilian Person­ Eight men in the Detachment son, Paul II, in Freeport, Pa. 2 putting on their second rockers SALE PRICED CHENILLE nel Office, $9; Adjutant's Office, Philadelphia is the home of Pvt. $8.25; Facility Planning & Range are Sfcs. Arnold B. Chipman, Earl SPECIAL PURCHASE Samuel F. Wolk Jr., who is a Z. Cook, Robert S. Gardner, Jo­ Safety Division, $7.50; B. R. L., graduate of Northeast Catholic $5. ~eph V. Gottfried, Gilbert R. High. His wife, Mary, is living in Hawkins, Floyd K. Jones, James The "batting averages" of the his home town. W. Morris and Robert L. Zemkin. various units, figured on a basis Overseas for Year The Detachment's new first­ SALE of their percentage of the $2,200 After a year in Korea, Pfc. three-grader is Sgt. Bennie E. goal according to number of per­ Richard L. James, returned to his Dennison. CANNON sonnel, also were compiled by home in Westville, Illinois, before New Sfc. in Det. 3 Maj. Ewalt. coming to the Proving Ground. In Detachment 3, 9393 TSU, The Troops & Training Divi­ Pvt. Orvalyn J. Greene, East George A. Ellinger added his sec­ Bath sion, headed by Lt. CoL M. D. Alton, Illinois, won two letters in ond rocker to become an Sfc. Hendricks, led all others with a baseball and one letter in football The new Sfcs. in the 96th Ord­ whopping 250 per cent. Technical at the East Alton-Wood River nance Company are Robert L. Staff was second with 241 per Commercial High. He was occu­ Bradshaw, Alvin F. Lower, Walter Full TOWELS cent, and the Comptrollers third pied as a machinist for the West­ L. Pierce and Ford E. Webster. with 146 per cent. ern Cartridge Company before in­ Moving up from Corporal to Bed Size ZOx40 and 22x44-ln. County Goal $13.000 duction. His wife, Ruby, is living Sergeant in the 96th are Robert Other leaders included Admin­ in Las Cruces. E. Addis and Alton J. Deselle. Many cheni!!ing designs to choose from in all over solid istrative Division, 123 per cent; Chicago is the home of Pvt. In the 137th Ordnance Company, colors. Strong cotton muslin bock is completely covered 4119th ASU, 120 per cent; Head­ Michael J. Hudak, who attended former Sgt. William M. Barnak - with closely stitched ehenJlling. Assorted cdora. Full bed qaurters, 119 per cent; 96th Ord. Wilson Junior College and was Jr. became a Sergeant First Class, size. 2 For Co., 107 per cent; Det. 2, 103 per occupied as a mechanic for the and former Pfc. George R. John­ cent; Electro-Mechanical Lab, 100 M&E Service Station before the son sewed on his new Corporal per cent; Systems Test, 100 per call to the colors. stripes. NYLON cent; Post Engineers, 95 per cent; From Atlanta, Georgia. Pfc. The 138th gained a new Sfc., SALE Rayon Taff eta 137th Ord. Co., 92 per cent; Log­ Virlyn B. Wooten graduate! from Amil H. Struzik, and a new Sgt., Marquisette istics Division, 85 per cent; 138th West Fulton High School immed­ Robert A. Carter. Ord. Co., 81 per cent; Air iately before induction. The Corporals came by the doz­ Weather, 80 per cent; Det. 1, 75 Pvt. Raymond A. Ruckriegel of en in the 4119th ASU as Richard PANELS Comforters per cent, and the Naval Facility, Louisville, Kentucky, attended Armstrong, Edward M. Fisher, 71 per cent. the University of Louisville, and Robert W. Goodrich, John L. Other percentages ranged down gathered a total of five letters in Hansen, Eugene C. Heady, Thom­ to 22. swimming during his high school as May, Robert R. Munroe, James If Perfect Values to 98c The $2,200 goal was WSPG's and college career. He was occu: F. O'Callahan, Sammie R. Roclri­ $199 share in $13,000 quota for Dona pied as a draftsman for the Inter­ guez, James R. Shrane, Billy 0. Ana County. As Wind & Sand national Harvester Company prior Vaughn and Roy L. Wright added • went to press, reports indicated to induction. on their second stripes. First quality and slight im­ that more than half of the Dona Former Auto Mechanic Tubs easily and drie! qulckly Ana goal had been turned in, From Baltimore, Maryland, Iron it or stretch it. Wide hem perfects. Extra thick and with only half of the county ac­ where he graduated from the bottom. Ready to hong channel A brand new 50% woof and 50% cotton filled, rayon 'Missile Away' to Be top. 44x81. large . genuine Connon counted for. Reports from drive Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, taffeta covered comforter. All over quilting stitched pat­ workers in at least half of the Pvt. Elward F. Sawyer worked as tern. 72x84 inch. Full 3 V2 pound. Assorted colors. both t o w e I s. New wide county were still to be compiled, an auto mechanic before entering Presented April 22nd RAYON and it appeared likely that the the service. His wife is living in (Continued from Page 1) stripes, woven j o c quo rd s, Baltimore. county would come comfortably viding much time and assistance Marquisette plaids and solid colors. 20x close to the $13,000, if it did not Boston, Mass., is the home of toward the forthcoming produc­ CHENILLE BEDSPREADS go over the top. Pvt. James K. Shaheen and his tion. 40 inch and 22x44 inch wife, Ruth. A graduate of Boston A partial preview of the show PANELS SALE PRICED sizes. Buy them by the doz­ English High, he was occupied as was given for members of the a mechanic for the Boston Clock New Uniform Payment Las Cruces Lions Club last week en tomorrow. and Speedometer Co. before com­ and, judging from the audience ing to White Sands. reaction, "Missile Away" promises Regulations Approved Pvt. Lawrence J. Devenney, to provide a successful evening (Continued from Page 1) Clementon, New Jersey, attended of entertainment on April 22. Drexel Institute of Technology $ 99 for more than 90 days when two years elapse between such peri­ and was occupied as a block oper­ occupied as a tool designer for 88' ator for the Pennsylvania Railroad Eastman Kodak before induction. ods of active duty. This allowance Easily tubbed rayon marquisette is payable retroactively to those in Camden. His wife, Elizabeth, Pvt. Thomas J. Kilgannon of curtain panel. Wide hem bot­ officers who entered on active and daughter, Cheryl, are living in Far Rockaway, New York, was tom, channeled hem top. White. duty on or after June 25, 1950. Haddon Heights, New Jersey. graduated from the Far Rocka­ 44x81. Maintenance Allowance of an From Rochester, N.Y., Pvt. John way High School and attended amount not to exceed $50 for J. Cama attended the Rochester Brooklyn College prior to induc­ Full Bed Size each four years of satisfactory Institute of Technology and was tion. Solids and multicolors in closely stitched all over chenil!ed • service in a Reserve component which must include 28 days of bed spreads. Feathery soft cotton cheni!ling on strong a active duty training. Extended muslin bock. Assorted colors. periods of active duty for 90 days Announcing .... or more are not considered, in computing the four years for el­ SALE Cotton THROW RUGS Sale Cannon igibility. Effective date of this THE OPENING OF THE provision is July 9, 1952. Initial uniform allowance pay­ WASH CLOTHS ment is barred by the previous LAS CRUCES .$199 payment of an initial uniform allowance under any other law. This allowance is payable as a JANITOR SERVICE reimbursment for the purchase 339 S. Main Phone 1175 24 10 of uniforms under certain con­ x $ ditions. 42-in. For WE CLEAN: Choose from cut pile with loop border, all over frieze loop, eWALLS shag loop, cut pile and loop combination. Huge assort­ Scranton Lace ment of colors. 24x42. VENETIAN BLINDS LAWN MOWER e I eFLOORS If perfect quality would se!I SHARPENING PANELS for 25c to 35c each. Many eWINDOWS fine count 80 s q u a r • PARTS- REPAIRS Rich ecru color cot- patterns match above towels. ~~~!f.ceB~auu~i~u~ ~7i muslin pillow coses. Hand - They are thick and soft. JOHNSTON'S over lace pattern. embroidered. Bleached ~1175 Wide hem bottom, pure white. 42x36 inch Every imaginable color and WELDING SHOP )1JJ~ and we will do your $1 channeled top. 44 975 N. 2nd Ph. 839-W spring cleaning! x81. sixe woven pattern. D-<;;:y<;;:::,...~~<;;;>o~"Vo'°'V'~~~...-c;;::::~)'<;;:>'""V·~ ..s..------" •