Francis writes to the Christian communities of the Middle-East “Thank you for your perseverance!”

n the midst of hostility and conflicts, the communion which you experience in fraternity and simplicity is a sign of God’s Kingdom. “II am gratified by the good relations and cooperation which exist between the Patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches and those of the Orthodox Churches, and also between the faithful of the different Churches. The sufferings which Christians endure contribute im- 



mensely to the cause of unity. It is the ecu- more difficult the situation, the more in- menism of blood, which demands a trusting terreligious dialogue becomes necessary. abandonment to the working of the Holy Spir- There is no other way. Dialogue, grounded it. in an attitude of openness, in truth and love, is May you always bear witness to Jesus amid also the best antidote to the temptation to reli- your difficulties! Your very presence is pre- gious fundamentalism, which is a threat for cious for the Middle East. You are a small followers of every religion. At the same time, flock, but one with a great responsibility dialogue is a service to justice and a necessary in the land where Christianity was born condition for the peace which all so ardently and first spread. You are like leaven in the desire”. dough. Even more than the many contribu- Extract of the Letter of the Pope to the tions which the Church makes in the areas of Christian communities in the Middle East education, healthcare and social services, for Christmas 2014 which are esteemed by all, the greatest source of en- uring the audience of 12 January, during his New Year ad- richment in the region is Ddress to the members of the diplomatic corps accredited the presence of Christians to the , mentioned again the Christians themselves, your presence. in the Middle East. “A Middle East without Christians would Thank you for your per- be a marred and mutilated Middle East! In urging the interna- severance! tional community not to remain indifferent in the face of this Your efforts to cooperate situation, I expressed my hope that religious, political and in- with people of other reli- tellectual leaders, especially those of the Muslim community, gions, with Jews and Mus- will condemn all fundamentalist and extremist interpretations lims, are another sign of of religion which attempt to justify such acts of violence”. the Kingdom of God. The III N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

The Order in Union with the universal Church Dialogue, “substance” of the pontifical diplomacy in the Middle East

he communiqué of the Holy See after to be given the same civil rights granted to the Consistory which took place in the other citizens, especially in countries where TVatican on 20 October 2014 stated: religion is not currently separate from the “The importance of Jerusalem was highlight- State. It was repeated that “a Middle East ed, in its role as “capital of Faith” for the without Christians would be a grave loss for three great monotheistic religions, and the all”, as they have a fundamental role in need was emphasized for a solution to the maintaining equilibrium in the region, espe- Israeli-Palestine and Syrian conflicts”. To- cially through education for peace and a cul- gether with the Pope, the assembly included ture of dialogue. The Eastern Churches also many Cardinals, Patriarchs of the Middle asked the Churches of other countries to Eastern Churches and Officials of the Secre- show their solidarity in particular by organ- tariat of State. It was attended by the Latin ising pilgrimages. of Jerusalem, the Grand of A month after the Consistory on the Mid- the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. During this dle East, and to continue the reflection as re- Consistory, it was reiterated that no-one may gards communication, the head office of the kill in the name of God. Grand Magisterium of the Order hosted an The need was underlined for Christians important colloquium on 5 December which 

The speakers on the theme Digital Communication and Diplomacy, 5 December, at the headquarters of the Grand Magisterium of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. IV N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

was attended by many Ambassadors accred- dialogue that gives priority to time appeared ited to the Holy See, on the following theme: to be the true substance of pontifical diplo- “Untying knots: Digital information, dia- macy, with an intrinsic value since God him- logue between peoples and diplomacy, in a self became dialogue. Social networks such world full of conflicts”. as Twitter, by maintaining this ongoing dia- In collaboration with the Communication logue, allow the Church to enter into conver- Service of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, sation on current events and to maintain re- Andrea Tornielli, Director of the website ciprocal relationships that go well beyond Vatican Insider and of the Italian newspaper the immediacy, thus promoting understand- group La Stampa, had solicited several ing between cultures. In the case of the cri- speakers including Cardinal Piero Parolin, sis in the Middle East, by resisting pressures Secretary of State, Agostino Borromeo, Gov- created by diverging interests and manipula- ernor of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre tions of public opinion, it is necessary to and President of Circolo di Roma, an associ- keep building fraternal relationships and ation serving the diplomatic corps accredited bridges between believers of different reli- to the Holy See and Antonio Spadaro, Direc- gions, whilst remaining constantly in search tor of Civiltà Cattolica. of peace. More than just a means among others, a The Pope in Turkey: Peace and communion are built in action

hey had met a few months earlier in tians whom Pope Francis asked to meet. Jerusalem and already, at that time, The words of condemnation of funda- Tthey had signed a joint statement. For mentalism and terrorism that bathe the re- Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew, the gion in blood were very clear on the occa- time shared in Turkey during the papal visit sion of the meeting with the President of the on 28-30 November 2014 was an opportuni- Republic and with the Department for Reli- ty to reaffirm their com-  mon intentions and con- cerns. For Pope Francis the three intense days in Turkey were primarily for the purpose of encounter- ing and furthering the communion with the Or- thodox sister Churches, and also to call for a con- structive dialogue and common commitment to peace with the Muslim po- litical and religious author- ities as well showing sup- port for persecuted Chris- V N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

gious Affairs of Turkey. time of ecumenical prayer, Francis spoke of Pope Francis reiterated that peace must the relationship between Andrew and Peter, be “based on the respect of the fundamental blood brothers and brothers in faith, in char- rights and duties for the dignity and rights of ity and hope. Then, jumping 2000 years, the every person”. He continued: “It is funda- of Rome continued: “What a grace, mental that Muslim, Jewish and Christian Your Holiness, to be brothers in the hope of citizens may enjoy the same rights and share the Risen Lord! What a grace, and what a re- in the same duties, either by statutory provi- sponsibility, to walk together in this hope, sions or in their effective implementation”. sustained by the intercession of the holy However what probably most moved the Apostles and brothers, Andrew and Peter!” hearts of those who followed the journey of Pope Francis finished his address with a few the Holy Father were again his gestures, words to Patriarch Bartholomew: “I ask a deep, prophetic gestures which spoke for favour of you: to bless me and the Church of themselves and provoked comments. At the Rome”. Third Seminar of the Catholic-Muslim Forum

t is a tradition which begun in 2008 or to associate such acts with religion”. The when a group of Catholics and Muslims other points of the document underline the Imet in the Vatican at the invitation of importance of the education of young people Pope Benedict XVI to discuss the “Love of for the promotion of a well-rounded identity God and neighbour: human dignity and mu- which builds respect for others and of the tual respect”. Since then, the Catholic-Mus- culture of interreligious dialogue. In conclu- lim Forum has become a permanent estab- sion, “it was felt that dialogue should lead to lishment, and a third Seminar took place action, particularly among young people. from 11 to 13 November 2014 on the theme The participants encouraged Christians and of “Working Together to Serve Others”. The Muslims to multiply opportunities for en- Catholic delegation was headed by Cardinal counter and cooperation on joint projects for Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifi- the common good”. cal Council for interreligious dialogue, After the terrorist attacks in Paris on 7 whilst the Muslim delegation was headed by and 9 January 2015, the statements of Cardi- Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr from the nal Tauran to the Press echo what was dis- George Washington University. On Wednes- cussed in Rome during the Forum: “Religion day 12 November, His Holiness Pope Francis is not the source of these crimes, as in the gave an audience in which he greeted all the case of the various crises afflicting the Mid- participants, and encouraged them to perse- dle East. However religion cannot be exclud- vere on the path of dialogue. ed from the solution. Today’s world cannot In the final declaration, the first point be understood without taking into considera- states that: “The delegates unanimously con- tion the various religions”. The President of demned acts of terrorism, oppression, vio- the Pontifical Council for interreligious dia- lence against innocent persons, persecution, logue continued by underlining the impor- desecration of sacred places, and the de- tance of education and the role of the Media struction of cultural heritage. It is never ac- in building solutions for peace. ceptable to use religion to justify such acts VI N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

Father Lorenzo Lorusso is appointed to the Congregation for Oriental Churches

ope Francis has appointed a tute in Rome. He was also lecturer new Under Secretary to the at the Pontifical Urbaniana Univer- PCongregation for Oriental sity, the Pontifical University of Churches. Father Lorenzo Lorusso, Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) 47, is an Italian Dominican. Up to and judge at the Ecclesiastical Tri- now he was Rector of the Basilica bunal for the region of Puglia. of Saint Nicolas in Bari, which has an ecumenical vocation open to the Orient;1 he was also Director of (1) The Basilica of Bari hosts the the Institute of Ecumenical Patris- relics of Saint Nicolas, also known as tic Theology in Bari. Born in Bari Saint Nicolas of Myra, a city in Asia Mi- th in 1967, he is a member of the Order of Ital- nor of which he was Bishop in the IV century. Later, as Turkey was under the rule of the Seljukid Muslims, ian Preachers: he received the Dominican the people of Bari, who had a special devotion to habit in 1989 and took his final vows in 1993. Saint Nicolas, decided to shelter the bones of the He was ordained to the priesthood in 1995, co- saint: in 1087 sailors sailed to Myra to steal the holy incidentally, in the Basilica of Saint Nicolas. relics. In many countries, Saint Nicolas is celebrated After studying theology at the Angelicum and on 6 December, which would be the date of his death. in Toulouse, he obtained a doctorate in Orien- He is especially revered among the Orthodox, includ- tal Canon Law at the Pontifical Oriental Insti- ing the Russians…

The next public exposition of the Holy Shroud of Turin

he of Turin and the Bosco and the Salesians. Guides and recep- Mayor presented the program of tion areas will at the disposal of the public, Tevents which will ac- run by the diocesan pastoral company the public display health service. On the occa- of the Holy Shroud from 19 sion of the ceremonies, April to 24June 2015, in par- 3,500 volunteers will be allel with the 200th anniver- available around the cathe- sary of the birth of Don dral. Even though the visit Bosco. Pope Francis an- in Turin will be free, a reser- nounced his participation at vation, however, should be the two events. This third Ex- made to facilitate the man- position of the century will agement of the flow of pil- focus on young people and The Official logo of the grims. all those who are suffering, exhibition of the Holy Shroud Contact on the official subjects dear to Saint John in Turin in 2015. site: www.sindone.org VII N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

Proceedings of the Grand Magisterium The Order of the Holy Sepulchre is developing and plans to present an image of greater simplicity

Members of the Grand Magisterium of the Order of the Holy Sepul- chre met in the presence of the Grand Master on 21 and 22 Octo- ber, celebrating also on this occasion the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine at the Palazzo della Rovere, the seat of the Institution. The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Grand Prior of the Order, attended the meeting during which he spoke in particular on the tragic situation of the Middle East.

n his opening speech, Cardinal Edwin years. He added that the Order had been de- O’Brien, Grand Master, spoke particular- veloping recently in Latvia and the Czech Ily of the enthusiasm for the Holy Land Republic, and probably also in Malaysia in displayed by the Knights and Dames he vis- the near future. The charity collection for its regularly throughout the world on the oc- the Holy Land was better this year than in casion of various investiture ceremonies, 2013: in particular the special collection for from Norway to Canada… At the beginning Gaza enabled the Order to send an amount of October, in Honolulu, within the context exceeding half a million Euros to the Patriar- of the annual meeting of the Western and chate and the Pontifical Mission of Palestine. North Western Lieutenancies of the United Having presented the agenda of the session, States, he organized a special meeting with the Governor General handed over to the two Cardinals and seven , of Latin Patriarch. the Order in this region of the world, to hear from them and discuss various issues more The Church could not survive in the directly. A letter was sent to all the Lieu- Holy Land without the partnership of tenancies to encourage the organization of the Order such meetings between the Priors and the Grand Master, thereby giving more empha- Mgr Fouad Twal commented firstly on the sis to the place of Church leaders in their Pope’s journey to Bethlehem and Jerusalem, role as spiritual directors. In this context, the which aroused great hope, and secondly not- Cardinal asked the Grand Magisterium to ed the dramatic situation in Gaza after the consider the image of the Order in particular war last summer, calling for the end to the in relation to the title “Excellency” attributed blockade of this territory devoid of future to the Lieutenants, which seems inappropri- prospects from a human point of view, and ately conflicting with that of the bishops. declaring that only the recognition of two Speaking next, the Governor General Agosti- States on the basis of the pre-1967 borders no Borromeo said that no Grand Master be- will bring peace to the Holy Land. The Patri- fore Cardinal O’Brien had visited Lieutenan- arch also spoke of the Consistory of 20 Octo- cies as much as he had for the past two ber on the Middle East wished for by the  A kindergarten of the Patriarchate supported by the Order.

Pope, in which he took part with other Give priority to people and communi- Catholic Patriarchs concerned, noting, for cate better example, the measures taken by the King of Jordan to accommodate persecuted Chris- The meeting continued with the presenta- tians from Syria and Iraq. He also reiterated, tion of the report of the President of the before the Grand Magisterium, his call for Commission of the Grand Magisterium to the purchase of houses and buildings in the Holy Land: Professor Thomas McKier- Bethlehem where the Muslim presence in- nan reviewed the projects for 2014, indicat- tensifies, and similarly in Jerusalem as re- ing the importance of legacies in favour of gards the Jewish presence, to allow long- the Order, and introduced proposals for term housing of Christian families in these 2015, calling for more specific funding for two cities of prime importance to the one year, taking into account the psychologi- Church. cal and humanitarian needs of the people, The session continued with the interven- with particular regard to the suffering in tion of the General Administrator of the Pa- Gaza, giving “priority to people on the rub- triarchate, Father Imad Twal, who clearly ble,” according to an expression of Dr. Hein- stated that without the generous partnership rich Dickmann. The Governor General em- of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre - an aver- phasized that attention to people is attested age of 600,000 Euros per month sent to the in particular through monthly remittances to Patriarchate, excluding special projects - the the Patriarchate. These also, in effect, are could not survive in the used to cover the expenses of the education Holy Land. His report on the financial man- system to the extent that education helps to agement of the Patriarchate displayed a com- improve the level of cultural and vocational mitment to transparency and clarity as training, and also exalts the dignity of the shown by the involvement of an auditor, still human person. Vice Governor Patrick Pow- showing a deficit related to pension funds ers considered that the Order should com- for teachers, which is to be deplored but municate more about what is covered by the tends to progressively decrease. regular contributions in these areas, in addi- The financial accounts of the Grand Mag- tion to what is already done in the better isterium, presented by engineer Pier Carlo known and publicized annual projects. Visconti, highlighted the extent of the aid Communication within the Order was al- sent by the Order to the Holy Land, which so on the agenda, with several proposals already stands at nearly 8 million Euros and from the department in charge of these af- is expected to increase significantly by the fairs in the Grand Magisterium, to effect end of the year. better overall coordination: to this end, those The schools of the Patriarchate – in Israel, in charge of communication in each Lieu- Palestine and Jordan – received one third of tenancy will be contacted in an effort to im- the overall amount, explained Father Imad prove the flow of information and thereby Twal. highlight their various activities in the differ-  IX N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

ent Media supports – the Annales, the engaged in the 62 Lieutenancies or Magistral Newsletter and internet site – and share Delegations in 35 countries in total (28,291), their experiences in the field. noting that the number of new entries in Dr. Paul Bartley spoke at the end of the 2014 (1,184) corresponded to more than dou- session about the plan for a regional meeting ble the number of deceased members. of the five Lieutenancies of Australia, the After the concluding reflections of the Pa- Lieutenancies of the Philippines, Taiwan, triarch of Jerusalem, in connection with the and the Magistral Delegation of Southern Synod on the pastoral challenges of the fami- Africa, which will be held in October 2015 ly and the challenge it represents for the in the presence of local Priors. Expressing Knights and Dames – who could, for exam- his appreciation, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien ple, come to renew their marriage vows in announced that he was looking forward to Cana – the Grand Master opened new per- his visit to the Australian bishops with re- spectives by wishing that contributions may sponsibility within the Order, as he had al- be adjusted to suit young couples, renewing ready done in the United States. his commitment that the Order should pres- Before the end of the session, Chancellor ent an image of greater simplicity in line Ivan Rebernik gave precise figures on the ac- with the evangelical dynamics of the pontifi- tual number of Knights, Dames and Clerics cate of Francis.

a new Master of Ceremonies of the Order

he new Master of Cere- monies of the Order, Mgr TFortunato Frezza, was offi- cially presented at the headquarters of the Grand Magisterium on Tues- day 20 January 2015. Mgr Frezza was born in Rome in 1942 and was ordained a priest in 1966. In these years he has brilliantly succeeded in combining his academic and pas- toral activities. He obtained a de- gree in Theology and a Doctorate in Holy Scripture, and has taught at various Institutes. Chaplain to some religious associations or organizations, he currently holds several positions in the Vatican: Honorary of His Holiness as well as Canon of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican since 2013 and “Primo Sindaco” of the Chapter of the same Basilica since 2014. “I see a strong and beautiful link between my work in the service of a better under- standing of Holy Scripture and this work for the Holy Land. In this spirit I shall serve the spiritual life of the members of the Order with all my heart” declared Mgr Frezza, com- menting on his appointment. This position had been vacant since the end of Mgr Francis Kelly’s mandate. The Order is pleased to welcome the new Master of Ceremonies for a period of happy and spiritually fruitful service. X N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

The blessed virgin mary, Queen of Palestine celebrated from Deir Rafat to Rome

n 23 October 2014, at the conclusion and many friends of the Order. Every- of the meeting of the Grand - one received a booklet giving the history of Oterium, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien was this Feast also containing the prayer to the pleased to invite several guests to the Rovere Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine. Palace, seat of the representative offices of In addition to the different Lieutenancies the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, of the Order, the Feast of the Blessed Virgin to celebrate the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine is particularly cele- Mary, Queen of brated in the Holy Land Palestine. This cele- at Deir Rafat, where pil- bration is particu- grims from throughout larly dear to the the Patriarchal Diocese whole Order, and and the countryside at- this occasion tend in great numbers. brought together The knights and Dames representatives of who are in the Holy Land the , also attend with joy and civilians and mili- devotion. Carola and Hen- tary figures from rique Abreu, Order mem- bers, volunteers in the Holy Land since February The Blessed Virgin 2014 tell us about the Mary Queen of Feast in which they par- Palestine, honoured in Rome and Deir Rafat. ticipated with 2,000 other faithful. “Participating in the Feast in Deir Rafat has a special meaning, one encounters Knights there from other Lieu- tenancies, we exchange experiences, and we expe- rience great fraternity. This year, His Beatitude Patriarch Fouad Twal stressed particularly the Synod of the family and messages of the Holy Fa- ther. A unique moment for all members of the Order who celebrated the Eucharist together in this blessed place“. XI N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

The Grand Master represents the Order at major meetings

uring the last three months the op for the Military Services of the United Grand Master of the Order, Cardinal States from 1997 to 2007 and it was he who DEdwin O’Brien, visited many Lieu- wanted to buy and restore the centre that tenancies. In late October he was greeted by houses the offices and the pastoral centre the Magisterial Delegation of the Russian “Edwin O’Brien” of the AMS. Federation and a few weeks later he On 14 December, in remembrance of the presided at the first investiture ceremony in period when he was chaplain in Vietnam in Latvia. Regarding the Americas, in Novem- the years 1971 to 1972, and afterwards Arch- ber the Grand Master visited the United bishop for the Military Services, His Emi- States and Argentina. Shortly before Christ- nence celebrated Mass with US paratroopers mas, at the headquarters in the Palazzo della from the 173rd Brigade stationed in Vicenza. Rovere, the investiture of Mgr Charles Sci- In his address he stressed the importance of cluna, Auxiliary Bishop of Malta, was held. the military role and responsibility to fight In addition to many activities directly re- injustice. And we cannot forget the liturgical lated to the life of the Order, Cardinal celebration of 24 November at the Basilica O’Brien participated on 5 November at the of Our Lady of Grace and St. Maria Goretti ceremony and the blessing of the pastoral in Nettuno, on the occasion of the transla- centre, named after him, in the Washington tion of the relics of the Saint, and their expo- headquarters of the Archdiocese for Military sition in twelve archdioceses in the United Services (AMS). The cardinal was Archbish- States in 2015. XII N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

The Order and the Holy Land “The work of the Order in the Holy Land is huge”

n interview with Father Imad Twal, It means supervising and processing re- Athe new General Administrator of quests for assistance in response to the vital the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem needs of the faithful and of those who ask for the help of the Patriarchate. Based on the Father Imad Twal, what exactly does real needs and funds available to us, we your new position involve, which ar- bring humanitarian aid to those in need. For eas does it cover, and where do you example, the decrease in residential areas is find the inner peace to accomplish it? an acute problem in the Holy Land and the To be the General Administrator of the Patriarchate responds to it by supporting Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is a new ex- housing projects to stop the emigration of perience for me as a priest. It is such a vast young Christians. mission incorporating many duties and re- It is an important mission which has been sponsibilities. The general administration entrusted to me, and to find peace and has a major mission: that of managing the strength to accomplish it, I try to be con- material side of the life and the works of the stantly mindful of the invaluable objectives Latin Patriarchate. It involves receiving and which our humanitarian help and projects distributing donations from benefactors to can help our Christians to fulfil. the Patriarchate, primarily from the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Can you give us a more comprehen- 

Father Imad Twal, on the left, in deep conversation with the Patriarch Fouad Twad and Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, who recently visited the Holy Land. XIII N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

sive view of the work of the Order in restoration works of presbyteries, vicariates, the Holy Land, in terms of the institu- parishes, nurseries and schools, also the pro- tions of the Latin Patriarchate, the vision of centres for young people, for the seminaries, the schools, the social and disabled, for the poor and the refugees. health services...? Our members hear about the annual projects of the Or- The future is gloomy in the Holy der, but very little is known about the Land, as religious intolerance mostly assistance provided on a regular basis, penalizes the Christian community. whereas it is quite sizeable. Therefore In your opinion, are there any signs of we would like you to tell us about it, hope and unity? If so, can you give us from your knowledge of the area and some examples? the people. Religious intolerance is a heavy burden The work of the Order in the Holy Land for the Christians of the Holy Land who are is huge and is essential to the survival and now only a minority of the population (less life of the local Christian community. Firstly, than 2%), but fortunately the signs of hope the aid provided by the Order helps support are not lacking. We believe in the power of the Palestinian community and the existence education, our schools are true centres of of Christian life in the Holy Land. In prac- hope, we welcome children of all faiths tice, most of the aid attributed is used for without distinction, and there they learn to school development and the improvement of live together by being and playing together education in the schools of the Patriarchate. on a day to day basis. The various Feasts are We also support local Christians through also moments which rekindle our hope. Re- times of crises and the recent conflicts in cently for the Feast of Our Lady of Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, and we look after the Christians across the Holy Land gathered for increasing number of Christians in Jordan. a joyful and prayerful celebration, and to- The support of the Order also enables us gether we prayed for peace with a united to help the seminary and the programme for heart. Our strength is in knowing that our the formation of priests. Finally, aid is also hope is not in vain, that our God is Peace used to finance various projects of the Latin and Love and that our faith believes in salva- Patriarchate, the rehabilitation of the institu- tion and redemption for all men, not just for tions of the Church of the Holy Land, the us Christians. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the epicentre of religious tensions in the Holy Land

ecause of tensions following the at- after Mecca and Medina. tempted murder of Rabbi Yehuda During the last weeks, the different BGlick in Jerusalem, on 29 October Christian denominations were quick to show 2014, the Israeli authorities declared the clo- their concern for the people and condemned sure of the Haram al-Sharif or Temple Mount all terrorist attacks and any attempt to site, a decision rescinded shortly afterwards breach the Status Quo. The Patriarchs and to avoid disturbances in the place consid- Heads of Churches in Jerusalem issued on 6 ered to be the third most sacred site in Islam November a statement in which they claim:  XIV N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

A delegation of heads of the Christian Churches in Jerusalem and Muslim religious leaders of the Holy City, at the Temple Mount on 10 November.

“We condemn the threats to change the sta- shortly before the terrible attack that hit the tus of the Holy Places, whatever their ori- city of Paris, the Secretary General of the gins. Holy Sites require constant vigil and UN, Ban Ki-moon, has accepted the Palestin- protection so that reasonable access may be ian bid to join the International Criminal maintained as required by the Status Quo Court on 1 April. The first investigation by for the three monotheistic religions“. the Palestinians will probably be the investi- On 10 November 2014, a delegation visit- gation of the alleged crimes against humani- ed the Haram al-Sharif as a sign of solidarity ty committed in Gaza last summer. For his and peace. On this occasion, a joint state- part, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has ment was signed with the Council of the Is- said he will not stand by and “watch the lamic Waqf of Jerusalem, which ends: “Both lynching of his soldiers before the Interna- sides have committed to pray for an end to tional Court in The Hague” and he blocked injustice and for the restoration of security the transfer of about one hundred million and peace in this town that should be a Euros in customs duty which, according to model of coexistence and peace”. the Oslo Agreements, would return to Presi- On the legal side, on 7 January 2015, dent Abbas. XV N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

Two Arab and Palestinian saints soon

wo Religious Sisters, born in the Holy Ibillin in Galilee. She is the founder of the Land, will soon be canonised. During Carmel of Bethlehem. During her life she re- Tan audience in December 2014 with ceived the grace of the stigmata. A mystique, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Con- she also had many dreams in which she con- gregation for the cause of saints, Francis au- versed with Jesus. thorised the promulgation of the decrees Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas (1843- recognising the miracles attributed to the in- 1927) was born in Jerusalem. She is co- tercession of Mariam Bawardi and Marie- founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Alphonsine Ghattas. the Rosary originally dedicated to pastoral The canonisation of Blessed Mariam work, and later on to helping the elderly and Bawardi of Je- young children, sus Crucified, serving the and Blessed poor, and also Marie-Alphon- fighting against sine Ghattas, moral poverty. two religious We entrust to Sisters of the these two future Holy Land, Saints all proj- could take place ects of the Or- this year 2015. der of the Holy Mariam Sepulchre in the Bawardi (1846- service of the 1878) was born people of the in the village of Holy Land. The Virgin Mary in Jerusalem: a spiritual guide for every pilgrim

ur friend Father Artemio Vitores Church of St. Anne, her birth place and sign González, Franciscan monk, in his of her Immaculate Conception, fundamental Obook “The Virgin Mary in Jerusalem” to understanding the Virgin in her mission (original title in Spanish “La Virgen María in of Mother of Christ and of the Church. Then Jerusalén”), invites us to visit the Holy City he takes us into the Temple of Jerusalem, with the Mother of the Lord who guides us home of the Lord and “Heart of Mary”. This in the light of her earthly pilgrimage to her is, indeed, the place that unites and identi- heavenly destination. Her footsteps reveal fies the Virgin with her Son. The Presenta- the essential sacred places in the history tion of Mary in the Temple, in the arms of of Salvation in which she participates with her parents, inaugurates the life of this Jesus Christ. young person elected by God in total aban- Father Gonzales first leads us to the donment to the Lord, and is the basis of the  XVI N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

fiat that she delivers in Nazareth in response cession in the Basilica with the same hope to the announcement of the Angel. The Tem- and even joy of “She who believed” in her ple of Jerusalem also saw the Presentation of risen Son. On the day of Pentecost, the the Child Jesus and testifies to the prophecy Apostles rejoice with Her when they receive of Simeon in the heart of Mary, confirming the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room where to- her function of “co-redeemer” with her Son. day the Church of the Dormition of Mary re- Let us, therefore, follow Mary on the Via minds us of her transitus to another life. Matris Dolorosae, before the seven stations The journey of faith with the Daughter of that remind us of the seven sorrows, on a Sion ends before the empty tomb in the Val- journey of faith now identified as Jesus’ Way ley of Kidron, a sign of the Assumption of of the Cross, which ends in the Holy Sepul- her body to Heaven, place of the pilgrimage chre. At Calvary we find the Virgin, socia for Christians and Muslims. The gentle Passionis with her Son at the foot of the praise of St. Francis of Assisi salutes Her Cross. It is here that Jesus entrusts his moth- whom all generations call Blessed, projec- er to the disciple John and gives a Mother to tion of the heavenly Jerusalem where death all mankind. will be overcome and we shall enter into “She did not abandon Him in His suffer- Eternal Life: ing and will remain with all of us, her chil- Hail, the Robe of God! dren, especially when we have most need of Hail the Handmaid of God! her”, as the author reminds us. Hail the Mother of God! The signs of the earthly pilgrimage of And Hail, all holy Virtues, who, by grace Mary lead us to the Empty Tomb of Christ and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, are and the Chapel of the Apparition to the poured into the hearts of the faithful so that Most Blessed Virgin. This is where every af- from their faithless state, they may be made ternoon Franciscans begin and end the pro- faithful servants of God through you. XVII N° XXXVII - JANUARY 2015

The life of the Lieutenancies Contact: [email protected] A “night of the Holy Land”

n 15 November a night of the Holy separation wall, showing the disastrous con- Land took place in France, in the sequences of such a division. After the ODiocese of Vannes in Brittany, with movie, Mgr William Shomali, Patriarchal the participation of the Order of the Holy Vicar in Jerusalem, spoke to the meeting via Sepulchre. Our newsletter highlights this Skype to recall the challenges of the Christ- great initiative because it could inspire oth- ian community in the Holy Land: a demo- ers around the world, and why not every graphic challenge, an ecumenical challenge, year, especially on the occasion of the feast interreligious dialogue challenge and the of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Pales- challenge to peace. Returning to the local sit- tine? The money raised at this event was in- uation, he stressed that pilgrims are safe in tended for Gaza schools. Mgr Raymond Cen- Jerusalem and encouraged the young people tene, Bishop of the diocese of Vannes, first to come as volunteers to the Holy Land. A celebrated Mass at the Shrine of Sainte-Anne couple of , Ghada and d’Auray, in the presence of 1,500 people who Tewfic Habesch, had come specially to testi- came to pray for peace in the Holy Land. fy during the evening, before a night of ado- After a picnic meal, Father Frédéric ration available to all in the basilica. Other Fagot, president of the association of the prayer initiatives were held at the same time Veilleurs de la Paix presented the movie “The in the Holy Land, including one in the garden of Jad“, filmed in 2003 at the retire- Home of Our Lady of Sorrows, where a vigil ment Home of Our Lady of Sorrows in was held in the presence of some Knights Jerusalem - during the construction of the and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre. Towards a continental meeting in the Asia-Pacific region

fter the Consulta, the great assembly and has already invited Lieutenants from of the leaders of the Order, which Taiwan and the Philippines, and soon also Atook place from 10 to 12 September those in charge of sections of New Zealand 2013, the five Australian Lieutenants reflect- and North Queensland, the Magistral Dele- ed on and evaluated positively the idea of gate of Southern Africa (a region more vast meeting at regional level before the next than South Africa itself), and the Lieutenant Consulta. This meeting is scheduled in Ade- of Guam. The Grand Master wished to have laide, South Australia on 17 and 18 October the Priors of Lieutenancies, sections and 2015. The Grand Master and the Governor Magistral delegations among the partici- General will participate in the same way as pants. Following the regional meetings of they participated in the meetings of the the European and American Lieutenants, American and European Lieutenancies. the first step has been taken to create an op- Born as an Australian initiative, the meet- portunity for exchange and fellowship also ing has now assumed a regional character in the vast Asia-Pacific region.