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i — ■ jE O l C T :-11»ti6wa bctrtM" M i b I M M a sM H litsi yhM S i jie r b t lm

G o o d m o m i rilnfr! It's Sunday;,Yf February 23. 1 9 7 5 s > ' '• 1-

r t m c Hero'S ' - Maff'ic VaUey\s HoiiieHi Neu'spapef O C c ’*** TWINFAUSIISJDAHO 72nd year .


■ D i s c l of s s i u r e o f t o4 t e x p e r i mlents t fu els J r e s e a r c hI d e b a t e

Q j ® l \ y WASHINGTON lUPI) —. - . TheT Dcparlmenl, of Health, ’ t)o unaoccplalile, unthinkalilc. tinn of Chl(?aho wtimen scckfngng c«conlroception cannot'and wlll Education and Wclfure has Jiistjust disclosedd it financed a ri'searth T in t m ay lw. But the NAS memeeting was callcd xs a result of, , not Iw allou-ed'to continue," said Dr. Hciiry\\^-Foster,, ihair- ! proJcct IS ye ars ago in whichilch s(spinal tap s w cre pe rform ed on public outrage alwul more recrecent and equally (|uc‘stloiiii1)1e m an of obslct rics and gy’necology3gy ato M ehorry Medical College of n e w ln rn Infants without th c consentconsc of llieir parents, Nashville, Tenn. Doclors conducting thc exporlixperimcnt justified Iheir [nilure to . pisclc^ure in 1972 of th c Tuskegeikcgee study. In which U.S, Puhiic ■. inlbrief HeninrScrvlce doclors ol^rvcdr \c 6 for more than :«) years the' obtain conscnt l)y saying th c pnrentsp; could not possitily un- derstand the nalure of thcc researchrest and therefore protialily effects of untreated syphilisI on rural Alabama black men. ^ T rains collide; lollI l c l l m b M , would r e lu i 'lo allow il. A n a lfjsis ) contributed largely to public: corconcern alwul human medical • Thc experiment wns disclosedrlosed last week l)y HEW Si'cretarj' experimentation, OSIX) i^Pi I - Two express■ss trains loaded wilh vacationing . meeling of the nations Academy of A worried Congress reacteded byb creating a nalionol com- skiers crashed head-on Salurdrday. trapping more than a dozen Caspar Weinlwrgcr al a mcetii Scicnccs, representing the nuliiin’.Knalior m osl pa'!>liKious sclcnlisls. "In this age of heightened cononsumcrnwarencs.s. occurrences mission to cxomlne the practicc:tlce of' using human-subjects for bodies beneath mangled cars atand sending survivors scompcring «?arcbprojecl wasporfornicd. sueh as thc Tuskegec syphilisills E x p erim e n t. Ihc injection of m cdical research ond to m ake! appropriateappi recommendations, . for safety In northern Norway’s■’s snowKioverod (andscope. H e did nol sa y uhe re lhcrc.sciirc): Such human vxperlmcntalioiiIllon today.t \Veinl)crgcr said, would • cancer cclls Into uninformed geriatricgc patients and lhe deccp- I Continuedlu edonp,?) c Norwc(;lan pollcc and re»»cuc authorities said they hud rccovercd 12 bodies but added1 Iihcyibcllcved lhe death loll would rise to 15 or IC. A crane w as shiih lp |:^ 'to 4 h c sile to te ar ap art thc crushcdcars. Twissters kkU14 A ppIaudN SIrlea ALTUS, Okla, lUPIi - Tomadimadoes and high Alius, said .11II tooktc his crcw about an hour tc • MORGANTON, N.C, lU P I) winds raged throligh severalral southwestcrTi rescue o 9-yeor-ir'cor-old girl w h ^ a rm s w ere plnnec — Former Sen. Sam J. Ervin lowns Salurday, killingIllng four persons, inthe wrcckoKC'kogcofamobllchomc. Jr., chalcman of lhe Senate Irijuring more tnSh 80 others> umund forcing sur- "Wcknewa4->/ a 4-monlh-old baby w as In there anc Watergate Commiltcc last vlvors from th e ir hom es Into sleetleet tond snow. ^ finally locatedkted It,'.;1< Lowell sold, " l ^ k l l y , it ho< year, says the nation owes A dlsastbr drill last fall InI AltiAltus.-onc of the been toppledied inio I a chair. When it left IL federal judge John Sirica ‘'U- hard hit towns, was a great aidlid in rcscue work. mother's armirm accidentally,s it luckily ended U| dcbt of gralilude" for,his work according to Jimmy Brooks,ks. assistant ad- cradlcd by’ thisthis soft, oversluffed choir and. lr InlheWfllergatecase. m inistralor' ot thc Jackson CouiCounly Memorial curred no njurlcs.'!Injurl . — " I think thc Am erlcah people Hospital. "We went into our disasterdisa plan and Hc said thcthe 9-ycar-old! girl Suffercd^an arr owe a deep debt of gratitude called in thc doctors and neces;Mcssary people to Injury, bulher her parenl^'w f jipt hurt, for what he's done to cnforcc • handle thc emcgencies and dlrcctrcct traffic.'!.I ' • lhe law and to sec lhal con­ . As thc stunned survivors slumt: stitutional government ------hoines.-lhc high wlndsi)altcredred lltherp with slccl X prevails in this countr}'." said ■V . and snow. E lcctric pow cr w ass oulout for m ore ih"an the rciircd lawmaker. seven hours at Altus. a e l m a y — , - Angela Daigle, 23. and her sonson Kenneth,V 6, died t at the U .Villllo m obile homeime park in Altui. ' • ^ 1 lV qke^^ertiiclasI8 h R ebecca L H and, 57. w os killedlied InI a fire Ignited '|/? T f l l I BO STON'lUPD - TttO cx|‘xperls on.nuclcar cncrgj' clashed ^'1by a tornado at Ouncon. authorjlhorldcs said. Tbe Saturday about wheiher th c U.S.U should continue nuclear power fourth JotaIlly_was.a-chlld-at-Ii-at-Mountain-Partt ------' I ' whose narhe w as not Im m ediatelyately released. • ONewYerk Timet Service - plant conslruclion. Ircctor Union ol Concerned Scien- ( • Authorities reported 30 Injuredurcd at Alius, 33 at BEIRUTr — haa reportedly tnfomv ''Duncan. II at Lindsay and1 twitwo ol Mountain vaslr Aralal, on should t)c hailed pending further rafal. chairman of the Palestij H 9 p ^ 9 H k :■ Pork. LiberationV Or{Organization, Uul an Israeli wll Daniel Ford, cxectillvc din J . J.C . Ixw ell, ow ner of l„owell:ll F uneraHi M m e a t - d raw al In Slnal iuui be expected in M arch, to I ismusscn of thc Massachusetts In- tisls: sahi-furlhorxDnslruction followed hyliy anai Isnw il pullback on. Uw GoIi ctor of the Atomic Encrg>' Com- : Heights. ’ i However, Dr. Norman Rasi•octor safety, disagreed. r ;i liar, Lebaoon's leading newspapc ‘ Is a thoui^tful rcscarch program ( stltulc of Technology, dirccl lhal such 0 message was senl Cro I safety problem s. There Is a lack of Nixon hori) n o r e d ! t mission's study of nuclear reo( Ismail Fahm)ahmy, Egypt’s foreign minister, audios have not Iwcn done," Ford I • "Whot we are looking for I I . PALM D ESERT, Calif. II UPI I ■- Rich and Arafal Ihrou’^rough Said Kamal, Uw depuly chief houlddo." I . thal can bring under co n tro ls I famous friends of Richard•d NNixon gathered the Palestlnlar[Inlans' political department, who w. ^ adequate research. Basic bU I Salurday to honor the formerner President at a inCalrolhlswjtis week, i „ said. "These aro things we sho I _ cclcbrlly-packcd p a rty a t a mllllmlllionolre's estate Fahmy'ss memessage rcporle^said lhal Egy Slnf{er.HUC8 I ' in this playground of the wealthy.Ithy. considers theUw \withdrawal In Slnal, Including ll LOS ANGELES (UPI) - I 11 w as Nixon’s tirst big a ffaair irs since he quit the Abu Rudcisels coilfield end Uw Mitla and Gl Singer Bol)by Gentry sued a I . p re sl^ n c y In disgrace. passes, a. "pu “purely military slep” wlUwul a Ncw Yoriibased.movle maga­ I Nixon and his wife. Pal. droveIrove Wednesday lo poUllcaJ conceoncesslonibyEg^. zine for $500,000 Friday I the desert hom e ot publisher• WalWalter Anncnberg, Palestiniannlan isources would not confirm o r de for portraying her a s pregnant I - former ambassador to Greoleol Britoln during lhal Arafalat hthad receivMi such a message. T by E lvis Presley. I Nixon's odministratlon. . reported coniccontents coincided wiU) e a rlie r • The Superior Court sull was Word of thc sentencing of tourourofhisformerlop o IntheCalropiiro press U ul Se c re tary of S late H er b & ^ on th c covcr of tho April — nREnGHTERSba5 battle general alarm blaze . aides in the Watergate scandalndal reached' Nlxbn A. Kissingerg e r vwould return U> Uw a re a in Max 9 , 197< Issue o f'M o v ie S ta rs,” above baU of flame« thatth bunt from Hyde Shoe F rid ay a s hc rcloxcd Iwhind thc gguarded w alls of w llh a p lain n torfor Israeli wiUidrawals, which she said carried a pic- H o t C om pany In Ca m bridge, rld # M aiu., Saturday. About thc estate. Hc did not issue a stolement.stole The posslbllssibility of such a move in Uw Sli ---lure_of _herj apporenlly - - 200 w orkers fled thee fln( i r e ^ U y ^ No Ihjuries were Among those ta rte d on the figuest list forthe' conllnuedloai1 U) arouse suspicion and conlroversy pregnant, alongside of pholo of reported bul trafficflc was\ sn^ed for houn. Spturday night party were FrarFrank Sinatra, Bob Arab circles,:les, particularly in Syria and amo p w * e h ~ , Presley holding-aa Infanl, (UPI) ___ .Hope, former Califomia Gov.ov. IRonold Reagon lhe Palesllniatllnlans, who are afraid Uut Egyp un der the legend “ Happy haby I___ _andhlswifc,llrcf0rtuncheirl/ceel the C arey Act requlrcm en \ J i J >''9 h o f ( ' h e y r e suf* p a rc els, woul •m tixii.ii,faU, (^ocks wiU be set back an hourtour iand Uw hour lost today will be i V k - p ' ferlngJ fromfro doylighf foraresidcnidence on cach filing or It each ICO aci sovJngg fimefim 7og ? * . _ parcel«ltlc<•Itled by a roylpe would hovc to havc“Z i ...... ■ M J IW DrtirirH, p. 18 ______I owndwellinglling to niect the requirements. - -.iffmsmmsmssmmti

Living, .19-25 Opinion, 4-5 . \ ^ V l e g i s l aa t o r H o r n '.\oh effo rt,'ts to cancec e l E R A Business, 18. V . ^ 3-14 . Sports, 26-32 floor lhe decision of his committeelltee lohold a bill. In.. recisionbilioibllioutotStateAtfalrs. ByBILLLAZAlj KZARUS - - pull the-rescreso;utkm-out of commlttec for a Ho Form, 33-34 aderihip and fellow ButU»olh«6 oUlcr 14 chairmen arid majority pa falley, 17 T l m e s - NWB ^ writer.wt vote, turn, majority poriy leader i Uw chairman In op- -leaders In Uvthe House voted to keep Uw bill Leglslallve, 13 BOISE - Rep. J. Vardird Chotbum,Ct R-/Mhion,, The opponpponents belfeve they have ihc volescs to committee heads aland by thc lloutofcommittcc. committee,e e. f tjis t y e ar fIve'ofUwse m en volet ap^ars lo be the kingpinpin fn the Equal Righls foiyethcme; measuro out of committee nnd passiitln it poslngefforlstopulltheblllout Vc Together, leadershipp anda committee repealU>eERleERA. • I.'. )werful ’16 vote block-' 'I h a f s UUie ie «crucial number. The effort lo ) >ther Sale’ ' - ^ d I te kingpin Is to mn betweenhelv h ll belief t h a t ; ' ’ - chairman represent a'poweri he power of the com* the bill oulul of commltteedied on a 3M0 vole v E ^ ought, to be repealedBled andi h is traditional which saves to enhance the p l»on of Buhl sold hli 1972 Ton rer of the p>mmittee otw abslenllbentkffl. A nve vote swing would pl '/» loyalties a» a commilleeichalrm chair an. Analysis - m llloc system , All pow er c ‘ A n o'• l with 0 Tlm,ti-Ntws C uaronl*td J ia lrm an m em bers of . Uw E R A. rep

i C o n radI Rcliii — Rot o b c r l A . Si<>v<‘r,s • j K a s b ^ ‘ ■ BURLEV - Conrad Rehrhn, 87. retired Burley • FILER: — — Robert A rthur Slcvers, Infanl sonc .0 1 ^ farm er, died F rid a y atIt Mlnldoko Memorial Mr. and Mrs.Mr Robert Slcvcrs Jr„ SpringfieU ■i V Hospilal. ---• ■ Orc.;jdledTfi1 Thursday nlghl In Eugene, ' • Hewas.bomJan.28.1888,B, ol Kolb, Russia, the , Hcwosboibom Feb. 16 In Eugene, , night ) son ot Conrad and Margarcrct Rehn. He came to In addltloiitlon to the parcnls, survivors Includ “ HONOLULU lUPlI - Hcldl I th e United Stales In 1902 and ai settled Ritzvlllc, lwo..brothcntiers; paternal grandparents. Mr. on : Biggs, the 14-year-old girl (rom < W ash. Mrs. Robcribcrt.. Sievers and maternal gronc Belleville, 111., terminally Dl i In O ctoter. 1910, he m airricd n Anna Bauer at parents, Mr.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoog, all TwiTwin with canccr and vacationing on 1 • Rllzvidc. They moved to IdahoId In 1913 and set- Falls; Tiflternal mal greal-grandparenls, an | k i : Walklkl Bcach. had a bad ; '. tied on a homcslead in ihcL> Raft Rlvcr area. In. . palernni ggreal-grandmotflcr, Mrs, ClarC lo ra r 1 I night, her stepfather. Randy r 1940, he purch.^sed a fa rmn on ' th e Rupcrt-Paul Sievers, IBelli c llc v u c ^ M Hlllmon, sold Saturday. i highway where th e couple livedli\ for many years. GravesideIde services will bc held at I p.m "She cxperienecd rolher t In 1970, h c and his wife mowjved lo Burley, where Monday Itat SunsetS Memorial Park, Twin Falls severe pains in hcr.back and ( theyK'ercllvin);iilthetlmcoof his dealh. by Rev. Roy'loy Watson. F irs t B apllsl Church. Filet •J M r Rehn wn.s a.m em lx!Iwr of Ihe Etwnezcr legs. She couldn't have gotten \ CongreRnlionnl Chureh, Pai’au). H e served a.s a . J more than six or seven hour’s I Sundoy school teacher a n dI wasv a trustee on Ihe f I sleep." f ehurchlwardwhenlhcchurclrchwa.sbullllnPaul. iin.siii» M. BciUon I Hcldl, Hillman and his wife ( Aside from fnrminK- M r. RchnalsocarrjedlhcR _.y,^ p., I planned a short tour on a 'ALLS - l-^isln g M. Benton, Ti. for \ m all far elRhl years from1 American Falls to ‘ I threewhccled bicycle- Falls resident, died Frid.iy nl Eugene, Yale, ond w orl^on jhe st.sta le highway In the I . r ^ d ^ w , 0 populor Walklkl ( .Rafl River area Jle'servedI ses v eral years on Iht I transport vehicle, ^ tilon, who w as living lii Springfield, i Yalcschool tward as a traslet I "We'll go for a lew miles so , . O re., ol theIC lime II of his dealii, was Inrn on Sepl. ( Survivors Include his wid I Hcldl can get a liltle fresh olr l.Toledo. Ohio. He m arried Iris P accal V ' I sons, William Rehn. Burley. I ond enjoy the scene,” Hillman >onNov.4,lM7. (, ' Rafl River; (U’e dau^ihlers, 1 I sold, "If she's feeling a lilllc an accounl.mt here ond operated the L. I Bollon. Burley, and Mrs. H I b e lter we m ay spend 9 few late 1 Co; HI health forced him lo relirelire in Ruperl; ihrcc brothers. Alexcx .nnd R cuk-n Rehn. ^ „ I afternoon hours sunning bulde .1 it that lime hc moved to Oregon. HeHo ( both Rltzville; Karl Rehn, T I the pool.”.. T„»ma.Wa5l,,i™ JSallcmm c; em herof Ihc Elks I ^ g e litt:! of Twin C sisters, Mrs. Henrietta BrSrietgham. Yakima, p„|ig I On Friday, Heidi rcccived a I W ash., and Mrs, Ik-rlha Url: I ' 'IS-fool greeting cord from the rbach OlisOKhard. survivors■s IncludcI. his wife, one daugJiler. ami Wosh.; 12grandchildren, l"t; I — students of W ashington In- , greal-grandchllda-n ,^on„^chlfchlWren. He w as preceded In death by t and grcat-f^al-granddauRl I Icrmedlalc School, and was 1 ■ hlsparcnts.s. , I He was preceded in d e alh li; - Iltlcdwllhanewwlg. by three childn-n. Scrvlces; willwil Iw conducted ot I p.m . Tuesdayes’ and <>nd 4 Allen,-left,. Cadett Tn Troop 511, dons a headdress J Friends may call at FayiieIC Mortuary Monday w-orld who gave donations. fuesday. ■' representing an Afrlor canrwry job In Illinois becausc considered Salurdoy a "secrel 1937 \^ n he bccamc a carpcpcnlcr, a profession (vlll'd «l ' isbrokenshalcandsllt. ' h c hod wled up his vacation tc I'doii K . W iliiaiiis plan” lo find four sunken rail ' he continued unlll l]is rclircm e .' 1 , 2II The damn Ihlngs could havevc be with Hcldl during the earlier TWIN FALL1LI.S - Gurden iRedi Ray Williams,ams, c a rs filled with deadly liciuidlid sunk oul of sight.” Transport stages of her Illness. Mr, Barrus came lo Twin FFalls In OclolKr of 60,TwinFaUs, lls, dlod Salurday at his hom e, chlorinc which may bc con­in- Spokesm on D es Allord soid. Hillman believes ll was a call 1974 from Idaho Falls where; Ihe h a ^ lived Irom M r. Willlomi om s-w as bom Dcc. 15. IJKW. In Tur-T ur. ------'J ------cealed by the shifting sands on] “If complctcly-submerged iinIn from Hawaii Gov. Georg* 1950 10 1974. ney. M o,and!nd has lived in Twin F a lls for thee lastlost 1 the ■ floor of Ihtf S lrail of! o f!, sand) they may Jw down there're ' ArlyoshI to his boss whlch'gol Hc was a memlwr of thee LDS Church and 'o u r years; I»riI»rior lo lhat. he lived in Jeromle e for Georgia. ' forever." • ' him th c lim e off. The Honoluli __ seh 'e d a shigh priest uroup loai■adcr In Idaho Falls. many yearss andar for 14 years In Sun Valley. Mc A transport departmenlnl The pressurized liquid'Id Star-B ullctln paid for his plane as a Rcneral laborer. official said the four-dayoy chlorinc Is polenllally lethal If ' Survlvlngbcsideshls.wlfcar, r e l l . e » „ . , Jam es' poses oily If fore from lls "good n?lghlxit scarch for Ihe tonk cars con-,, L B arrus. Moscow; J a y V. ^Ived by two brothers. E a rl W illiams,lams, in-,, .,the tanks rupture alxive ^ 270 fund,” Doclors said his orrlval I talnlng 340 tons,of chlorinc hasa s feel depth, occording lo.^ch- Calif.; M, G ark Barrus. RupIo e rt" a n a ' and John Williams. Plato, Mo,, and a ;h- _ definitely buoyed llcidl'i lOrles W nilam s, Twin Falls, [§C been unsuccessful and new;w vironmenl officlols, artd Milton Barrus. bolh Tw inSttehrom f er! '' health and spirits, will bc held Tuesday a t 2 p.m . al Twin com ino(j^it.y price Iinl methods would be em ployed to Br Harrison Barrus, Idaho. Falls; « grand. to Above lhat depth, the liquid>ld Heidi's vocation has In locate them. children and 24 itrcat-itrandchl wl. Concluding services wilt Iwwat at VlENNA^iUPh - OilO il c re a se in thepricc.of oil, would tum to gas, rise to ihche eluded loiirs. horseback rides, Sunset Memorinorlal Park. ministers of'lfie Organlrilionlion -T he cxlraordln'ary mecllni Since Thursday, thene surface-and form 0 deadlyHy gills; flow ers and nlghlclul: H c w as preceded In death b>by Iwo brothers and Friends may ma; call at Ihe chapel loday and specially equipped cn-n- cloud similar lo lhat used In and of Petroleum ExportingIng was called lo prepare the firs In show s— all free. ' t>»!0 sisters. ^ M onday unlil ’ liil y p.iii. a n d until se r\'lc e lime lim e Counlries mecling here-flext-lexl ■ confcrcncc of OPEC heads. 0jjj vironmenl ship Vector hasa s trench w arfare in World W ar I. he •• • y f\in c ra l scrviccs for Mr. 13;B a rru s will Iw at 2 'Tuesday, wcck will discuss an-Iranfiin-ifiin— s ta le In AlBlers,.’expeclcdI .1 trained lls sonar and metal-l a l- . Below 270 feet, the chlorinc p.m. Monday at Ihe Declo Waiard LDS Church by proposol to link oil prices to:o a_ sta r t M arch 4, The A lgler, ' delcclors on a scven-mlleIle will dissolve readily in walercr • N ew s lip s Bishop Leoi|urst. Burial wil■ill tw In the IVclo "basket of commodilies'^- .sum m it m eeting. In lum , wil,,| strelch of the strait SO milescs wilh lilllc damage cxccpl lo to 733-0931 Funeral Services --. north of Vancouver where thehc sea life In the Immediate Cem etery. - •____ produced by industrial n a tlojnsr--''-prcparo n sr the oll exporters ■ , rail c a rs went down In aboutlUt vicinity. F riends may call at W hile MiM ortuary today nnd TWIN FALlALI.S --Services for Harry Glen OPECsourccssaldSalurday.y. stand for the inlcmallona 600 feel of w aler when the I a tlh e church in Dcclopii Mond,iday from noon unlil Hubbcll Jr.... 45.4.' Tjvin F alls, who died in a truck several Ideaseas economic conference 01 iais hargc . carrying them over- I lime of scrviccs, accidcnl Wedi^'ednesday. will Iw conducted al Jl 11 the m in iste rs will consider• lo energ>- and raw material: t u n ^ . . • ; a.m. Mondayday al .\VhltC Mortuar>- Chapel.lapel s U’e oil ‘cartel ogalnM-Insl.- fvproposcd bj' Franco, But the shifting sands of the Mililary rites'Ics will be eondueled at Ihe graveside'cside •nnallon and the fall in'thethe I ,y]jj ocean may hove hidden the , , ' , at Twin Fallsills Cenjcter>- by Ihe Idaho Nalionallional dollar, the sourcesCCS The Ironlon plan'woul f.ii tank cars from Ihcdelcclors, r , i < - n i i C. w .einbrrj: - " Guard said. m a k e Ihe pricc of oil rise o r fo: They sa id they did nol expectx^cl alo n g wllh prices th e olj 0 The olficial soid the Vector .would be recoiled and assignedcd ' WENDEU.-ClcnnC.WcIielnlw rg, R8. Wendell. TWIN FALlALLS - .Services for Livora Mny M.iy the F eb. 25-26 m ecling al producing nalions pay for 20 1 toolhcrdutlcsSunday. died Saturday at a Wendoll rcrest hom e of natural Bautn. 74., whovho died Friday morning at her home.lomc. Vienna's OPEe-hcad(|uarterse rs 30 basic com m odities the. ‘■Other lypes of undcrwotcr causcs. will be al 2 p m, Monday al While Mortuaryluary recom m end another in- hove to Import. scanning devlccs may hove lo He w as bom on April 18. inIB86, a t Moore P ark , Chapel by Hishlishop Iwwis Arrington. B urial will.■illlw Iw bc used," hc said. “There is a Mich. He was a longtime iresid en l and m all In Sunsel Mentlemorlal Park, Friends may call .it - dcvlce something like an X-ray c a rrie r In the Wendell area. the mortuar)'Iir)' Sunday and unlil I p.m. Monday. B H * • • m ounted on another v c s k I andnd I Mm 2 nAD i l Services are pending a n d wiA'ill Ix; announcc'd by M rs. BaumII was« a memlwr of World \S'ari t ”! I , ' S e e i j„j, we may hove to bring that In.” Lecpcr Mortuary. Auxiliar>’No..’0 .501).5 John Archer feeling insuiled scorcs ., .Ryon Lane hclpinj Canadian Forccs destroyers wlten woman Ihinks he's 16IG his daddy work ... and the U,S. Novy also Were ^ COMPANIOIIION SPACES i years old .. .Terr)'Veisfamilj'..,ju ., . Tom Wilkins greeting Twii icj,] standing by, a s wos a Plsccscs excitedly moving inlo new Falls friends during clcctrico Siarflngir j g o f I lon submarine wiulppcd wilh a M a g iic t V alley Hoio s p i t a l s home : . .Gloria Harder convenlion ... Mrs. Uyloi a Select Q com panionlion lot %hlle you ore ■l(.g television cam era and Iighls. driving while students run lofo Worrcn retrieving groccrlc; together. We offerr a choicec of fldt marker, Q J. aJOTTBKimbcrly R o a d . . , Elvi;ivis considering a M afilr V alley:V M e m o r i a l • b 0 w 1 In g • a 11c y for ^ raised marker or pri\ .Sl. llenedlrl.H osc sccrct plan that may be very, prlvote above • groimd lesson . - .Linda Myrland Coin w e a rln f attrac tiv e ros< A dm ittedi . ■ Adm itted attending Boy Seoul, J, [ colorcd suil , , . Woody An(\n- very, signlflcanl." the official a( said. He said details of the plan Mrs. Dennis Frcdrlckskson, Mrs. John Mrs. How;oward Adkins. .Shoshone; llerlwrtrlwrt banquet , . .Carolyn Cornellip II derson, pom erelle, looking ai “ Twinn Fails Larrlbcau. Mona Marlin. Miilaudc Crancr, Mrs. Meyer. Mrs.i. IX'IbertI> Mobley, Coy Pilkcnton1 and griplrig abooH 7a%'ing lo corrccl tho oulside world Ihrough clghlghl . would nol be revcijicd Im- Elisha Harrison, Charles WaI'alhier and Richard I/cAnn DiHlioy,loy, all Jerume; Ty Justesen, Carey;'irey;‘ school papers.friend ae- feel high snowdrifts ... ancind medlolcly, Cemeterery Ass'n Leazcr, all T\v'ln Falls. Mrs. Giliwrt i jj.„ overheard, "Dayllghl saving!Igs The scorch has been rt Sherrill, Chico. Calif., and Mra.Mrs. cusing Sally Gulick of lixiking. A.W.-Bllr-Modhn\dland. Pres, and Mgr. • Mrs. Paul Wallers. KImlnljg-ly; Mrs. Fred M argaret Hendlendricks. Wendell. like O live Oil In strip,^.jj e d tim e Is for the birds - the Ihc narrowed to an area just ofl ______<35 Moln Awnui^anue E. TwIri Falls______Krchm cycr,‘T ju r a Ja g cis animd^DavId Malw. all D ism issed socks . . .Grace Gray IwingIhj, carlybirdsalthat,"' Texada Island,' a forming Buhl; Mrs, Lyle Durfee, Mallalla^.Samuel Hatch. Mrs. Josephfph Iwvlgnc, llerixT Meyer. MidiaeiL'hai'l c o n g ra tu la lc d . on bow linging Idaho Falls; Mrs. Jake AndeJerson, Rupi-rl; and Slevens, Jami*:imi“s Bartels, Mrs. Kdiui Culver.■. IkiI k'l • D arw in G ark, Wendell. • Iwc Sm ilh, StanleySla Frilrler. Mrs. Jam es Harris Dism issed) d . ‘ and son. Mrs.rs. Don Harris, Gayle 1,’egram. Mrs. . Get Away FlFrom This Coldl F ra n ce s Bowlin. MrS/ JiJ e r o ’ Olsen.- M rs. . Donald llennei;iner and Coy Pllkenlon, all'J(;ninie,S. V alley B riels Michael Tn-inlilay and soti, JMrs. Donald Black, Marlon I.ilthUUe. .Mrs, F ra n k C la u n c r and GIJiNNS FEHBY - The ' E lm e r Dcadrnimd . M elvin FPew, Arthur Gark. daughler, tilloil Wendell;' M rs. T erran c e Coslello , W orthwhile Cluli mei Friday ORIDA M rs. Edw ard Scholes, M rs. CQair Rindlesbaker. -and son, Diclrlch; Die ■ Mrs. James Staten-and ay V. W F U N EE I R A L I S ^ .' afternoon a t'G r e e r Hall in J a n is Biggs, Mrs. Vickl Borolyard. Mrs. Alvaro daiighter. Nev;Nevada; Kdgor Stubbs, Richlield; and • ■ Glenns Ferry for the Febru­ Espinosa and dnughlcr andI E d Woyolaan.1 and J e ss H ulelt. Jwlh Shoshone. F alls, ary meeting, Rulh Van Slykc, , r AN EXPEPERIENCE 1 , . : Mrs, Vcmoii StrollwrR, Hrilniusen; Mrs. David KImore Counly home cx-i % ° C A R i B B . . . Bremers an daughter andi Alfred Byrne, all (ahMla ' M em orial Icnsion ogcnt. gave tbe lessonon I O F VV / A L U E I on dish gardeas and terriaums Buhl; Timmy Reedy. 1Heyburn; Alberl A dm itted Mrs. Allwrt Elchhollz and Thomason, Mrs. Jack Packc:icr and Rollo Smith. Mrs Hartrt Koyle.h Mrs. Kenik'th Walker and 3 0 G R EE , A T D A Y S all Wendell; tilfany Wardrd. Murlaugh; S J. Mrs David H '‘1“'’“ Mrs. Ix'wis Carpenter wxtET” I Because it meetleets the important ■' tl Hurrus. all Burley; .Mrs. IWIwrt•iiwrt hostesses, Piper, Richfield; Mrs, Hugh1 fR eeves, Castleford. B air. Paul, andanc Qiaries Pickering. Rupeii. DJPARTIN(^GMARCH 11 and Edilh Wolverlon, Jeromle. e, H needs of the1 bereavedbe as they m D ism issed K IN G J H L L -T h e King MillIill Foaturlng-i'r. B irths Mrs, Cfpriajriano Moreno. Rosino Schnwder.ledcr. .Grange will meel al 8 p.m. confront thele crisiso of death, _ ^ B i ! A doubler was bom ti to M r. at»d Mrs. Sheila Daylcjylcy. Shirley Kcrlis. and Randallindall T uesday. T he public Is invlled « MniHMr^Tw ☆ b f i b a r t l L aw rence Child, Gooding, aand r sons lo Mr. and Wiggins, allill Burley; 1 Connie Korb. Heyburn;iiiir-n; lo attend slides and 0 talk to Iw the funeral1 isis; an'experience •Mrs, Sherman Henderson a « niil o« t a f s « a ' and Mr. and Mrs Mrs James.•s .\lalwy,; Oakley; Jen Ann Gun-, given by a rcprcscntatli-c ol •• «'M»]hWgrU ' o f V8value. tp e n n is Frcdrickson, all T w inn ;F alls. derio n . Dcclo.:lo. and Mrs, G inlon Brice, Uuperl.•rl. the'Fish and Game Com-. (JhStita) ‘ ’ t!r TcvCntnlSliln- B irths mis.sion from Jerom e. Mr. andnd tit C n b itk tb rM m iOtklSbln') GocMlIni; C oul u n l v Sons werec IxIximlo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huii. Mrs. A rthur G reer will Iw on B urjey; Mr. ai on « b M s-7 lip ) •. and Mrs. Dellwrrt Bair, Paul,, and the serving commillec. M V m ' A dm itted3 Mr. and M rsS; 1}Darell Funk. M urtaugh. ir Cnrmfartiis - Reynn o ld s ! Mrs. Monle Chrislophcrsoson. Devello Atwt> TWIN FA L!i - The Royal :nothy, Antonio U m ilia, E lvivin Cory and Ruby Neighbor Lodge will m eetS jCCall , Eileen Price a l X h d p e h ;W cnddI. all Gooding. .. . MMiHldoka l M em orial Monday ot a p.m. ol Ihe Odd F uneral Fellows Hall. D ism issedd A dm itted ' Mrs. Bob Jackson; Mrs. E Burt Bmlns, Mr^. Thelma Posl•’oslma, Pi'ggy Warren. Anlonionmion ♦ TWIN FALI.5 - The Silver Gary Sachmon and baby gir 2 2 2 2 E G 7 JAM ESC. &PAUI’AUL D. REYNOLDS llrl, M rs. Tom Por- .Bcrn.id and liOlaIxl; Sibbcll. all R uperl. and Gold Club memlwrs will .terficld and baby girl, oll Goodjding. ; .7 333-4900 3 -4 DluiUfised * im'cl ol 12:30 p.m. Monday for - Births Linda Cabanliardi. W aller ReynoId.s, A lejamnlm lm i 0 potluck dinner at the .Sun-in- 734-3212 m m S ; A son was Iwm. lo Mr.. ond Mrs. Monle Espinosaandlid lx)la Sibbcll, all R u p e rt; und Linda KAfiONAL FUNEHAlH DmiDIRICIORS ASIOCIATION inda nyvlcw Courts Rccreationon 1605 Addiion Av«.I. East Twin Folll' vChrist(^herson, Goocflng. ' Hagoniarm and'indd.;iughler, Burley, J la ll,

A ♦ - • ■: J :

' -'-J' . ' . I , Sunday. Fobfuaiy 23. ^75 TitTimoS'Nows.TwinFalls.Idaho 3 — A p p o i n t ^ i

WASHINGTONON l U P l l .— Rep. G eofge V. Ijm v f'SKcce Hanien has qipotnted^ former Twin ' Falls reskieotsHr.aodIlo d M n . O. A. «!us> K eik er to be W m (1^ i2($si'Kirs tndurfeotblsBoliB olM om ce. RCAitr tr Kelker. C3, Iss tbeUh fonner editor of Ute Tlmes- Ne«a. He retirededlintyear. li Hansen ul

H e a r i n g 5 s e t o h

S a w t o o th a r e a _ I ' • . KATHIE STAUFFUFFER, left, and Shawna ' BOISE (UPI) - The IdahoIho' ' Notional Pork Service, andmd F u ller. Twin F a lls J ib 'M : Junior Club members, Inspect Public U m d Resource Councilicil QaytonHurless of the Salmonion poster describingg tthe upcoming Dilettante will hold a one day meetingIng ' River Rural Electric muslcoJ, "How loI SucceedSu In Business WlUuul M arch 6 In the Boise Hotel to Cooperative who will discuss Really •n^lng." Qub;lub m em bers will again handle T i c k e t discuss lhe Sawlooth Nationalnal ' theSawioothquestion. ticket sa le s beginnln{ ning M onday a t ih e Boy Scout Recreation Area, the HeU’sll's I. In the afternoon. Jack [fin Service Cenier. Mrs.■lrs. Stauffer, chairman, said s a l e s b e g Canyon , question, and thelhe Hemlngwayra member of the tic k ets will be avallabillable from 9 lo S p.m . Monday central Idaho Primitive Area:va Idoho Fish and G am e Com-r ------ttuDugh Salurday.. RReservations may be made classification. misskin will discuss the SnakeIke - by calling 7M-8116.TI>. The show Is M orch 13,14, IS Council President VernonJon River as a free flowing river a n d 17. t tHIGH SCHOOLL DFDRAMATISTS Tim Driscoll _____ Ravenscroft said Sen. Ixn. B. andlherecrcationconccpt. and Jole Allred rehearse reh< a scene from “An ' . Jordan, retired, will be the the Hank Curtiss, genwal Evening with thee Moi odem T heatre," which will speaker at an evening lianqueluet manager of the NorthwestS ‘Evening'■ K be presented Mondaynday, Tuesday and Wednesday beginnlngat7;30p.m. 2 4 2 W O ] PuWlc Power Associalion, __ _ at 8 p.m. at the Twin Falls High School,drama m en partiii c i p a t e The m orning panel will In- In­ Vancouver. W ash., will discuss2 .slafotl room. SludCTts from drama II and III classcs clude E d Fournier of the U.S.LS. ihC: reservoir concept withIth are participating,g, uiu nder the direction of In- •Forcsl Service. Bob Luty of theIhe recreatlonuses. slnKtor Jim Langley.gley. i n b r e a sst exam eii l i n i c r TU’IN PAl.I^ - Of the'5,242.' two^ay'event, und^bur can-an< dividual Instruction fmm a C a i i s e in i ( o t k n o w n K-onien who parliclpalvd inI (Kie ifr/pers who se rv e d rofrc.sh-•sh- nurse of physician. Physicians :laiLs . TWIN F A L l ^ - A n autopsypsy of Twin Falls when his Inick cancer clinic Friday and ments. present checked any A i r p aissengers s n o t i f i e ^ d .11 ‘■•"y hns failed to determine •he the rolled into the canyon pnd fell'cll 1 S alurday ot MoKic 'V all'illcy Officials ot the Mounlainain suspicious condition for J ° ’‘ exact cause of death of a catlletile otwut 250 feet. The accident;nt SAN FRANCISCO lUPlT- the stale lo Daylight Saving Memorial Hospital, 15 States Regional program saidaid screening and determ ined if ing 'distdbuting more than 250,00 ^ *' feeder whose truck droppedP«1 was not discoverwl until laleule H ughes Alrwesl tw gan th e taskisk Time, warranted rcferrnl to ihiheir *he Twin Falls’ clinic w as thelhc > women should visit their public timetables effccllvi into Rick Creek Canyonyon Wednesday and the »»dy was■as . S aturday of notifying m ore>ro This means nearl>''ookcd«1 Hughes Alrwest weekly examination. • -farthisycar. - • - - examimilloius.- ...... - - si a later than scheduled, and Twin F alls will be an hour women - Jearn sell l»rea breast examinalinn methodsxls plans have t)ecn m ade l)v the Edwards said because a our would remove southern Idah iild T h e s c h e d u l e c h a n gge e later than scheduled, begin- examination, as. a cancifcr ‘■'nd cach was iticn given in- hospitarauxiliao’ memlwrs to positive causc of-death could ?ln- froni'standard time. j Ui resulted from the Wnhoho nlngSunday,' But iKglnnlng Sunday, lh detection. The' clinic w as f make follow-up contacts with D .‘a(llin .‘ not be dclermined, the deatli ac- legislature's iHhhourdecislonlon As 0 further complication,ion, e n tire state will Ijc on Dayligh •sponsored l)y MaRlc_Vall'illcy...... the 242 women who attendedled tto o ------______will be listed a s a farm ac- cFdeiit, • , , ...... to switch lhe southern part clcf the airline rcccntly completedled SavlnRTime, Memorial Hospilai throughIth t: c P u r s e dcternlinC“ in tiC “ W-omoTniirr: cooperation of the Mounta■tain _ _ continuing the' 'self[?rfrfor-|>lal«‘s— S tate s Regional Center nndiihc i: Stolon examinations, TwinFalls Counly Unit of tl TWIN F A I.I5 - A pur.se and • These—followup-conttfcts. American CnnccrSociclv. .. contents valued at a total ofjjf e ither Uy telephone or S: post- s*‘t F<‘i>. 28 ■ g . ^ o i i . Hospital otficlnls said t: alwut t w i n F A L l^ - I,icense Jia) was taken from a parked card, will be made in alwut .clinic Involved H hours cam s p la tes ending with the num eral • automobile In Twin- Falts six monlhs. Self exams . trainlnR - Including elR^‘Rht .p rld ay o flc m o o n . should be made once each “2" m ust hav e the 1976 red and hours on Friday and five ■q](J month. Those who were refer- white slickers displayed hy • 1 Oneida T hom as. E den, told Saturday. red lo physicians for furtherirther midnight Feb. 2fl. , city police she left her vehicle JVssistlng were reg ister ) he Counly Assessor Ronaldla id . H U in the alley behind 633 Second examination will also he ‘mine Taylor said motorists havelave T O f a n d p ractical nursc.s workii Ave. W. for a few m ln u t« and contacted later to determine _ as volunteers, 13 volunte only this week lo oblaln*and•and when she relumed her purseipjg th e o u tc o m e .^ . physicians fmm the hospit - . • display th e stickers If they ^ had l)oen taken from lhe flooroor .A sim ilar) clinic Is planned stuff, about .'iO workers fro have not-iolneady done so) by "I"’ of the front. She said she did for March 13.14 and 15 at tbc the hospllal auxiliary. I ‘'*® means of THe convenient new not lock the vehicle as she Cassia Memorial Hospilai for eluding^ thnse_ who directi \ u i '"“'I syslem or by callingi? at ‘^1” planned to be oway only a few intcrested.w om en in the Mlnl- ielephonc registrallon for 11 the lleensing offlcc omhe first m inutes. Cassla area. the children floor ofthe courthousc: A wondoHul worldJ 0ol opporol.for Inlonts . . . • 1 ^ ^rls and boys 3-6xt . . . and girls 6*U. Open- at th# Of-The-Stair ing Friday. M arch 7ll'7lh*. Top-Oi

m J o 31U0H mlA JOJ )adjesni|3i|3 ! M 8 iii lothers!y..cI are invited _ P U j j O i luMon apisdfl j joiD jSjjp] jnp UJDn-ini ||!M 8M to participate} iig the

A ■> UII — v s 1 ^ G r e»eii i IE S p r olUf" i K cCONTrisx: 2 ^ 'for' children,I agee 6 and under f m 7CC Mako10 oron inexpensive green sprout coslcoslum e lor your Illlio "green I p r i:^C '9S .sprout-.uf" ... ond let him (or hor) enterler thisll novel contesl. Use the' 1»iPrli*i 2SKAIlARis. Cr»M d a tii c o rto>on o n at left for on Idea. JudgingIng 'will bo mode eoch doy. Comp«: ay ond Soturdoy {Morch Tlh ond)n d i8 th] Irom noon ‘til 5:30. SitdPrli*! I SHAI » Cotnpc.ipctiy Slock . T h e r e wlwill be door prlzes for oil — and grand prizoj for"wlnners. M Prii*: I SHAIIAK. OrMt) Clont E n trieies s Vwill be {udged by the Junfof^lin ^ lu b of Twin Foils. Poloroid •. Cotnpe. - ■ Photos!0S V w ill b e g iv ^ n ^ to oil c h ild re n een- r I iih FHi«: 1 SHAIiAH,OrMnClanl . , ■ iComp*.p«ny Stack ^ te rlr>ig g c c c o n le s t by llse^,> A n g le a n d KohiK a hs ^ ^ j j r ~ M u ldlo o o o n n ,------— ------

C iU tu U Ribbon Mting l Ceremony / Friilay, Man MUSIC and FFURNITURE . n ' ' y ■ / ' at 9:30 a.m. _ O n ¥1rhe Mall / You or* Invited to tc ottend i'he Open- Ing of The ChildrIdren's Altlc. Ribbon / ! Cultlng>/HI b e monode by Idaho's 1974 Eeft«1^ol Poster• r G irl ‘‘T he Best CarpiJet B u ys InI n T p w n ’ ^ KASSIEHEIEMPLEMAN " r . • T» , r e ^ ~


; Ornih-il unhl'rn iiii'iis <»/ J iillrv ,r ■ . W illiam F. Howard. Publisher High. Managing Edilor Richard G . H ^ o m e o f n a st p ossibleB candida^t(^ t e s . J ' Sunday,’.Fobroary23,,1975 f atio n ’s bes I Mombc» el Audil fiureou ol Citculoiion end UPI. Ofliccol Clly and f ' . 10 Sociion 60'I09 Idoho Code. Thun. c or only thc candidates Die panics 1 dor It. ho'eby'dei'gno'od 01 lhe dor o' week on which legol,i WASHINGTON - Thee presidential p re cleclion andalmosl2lSI2I m onths iKforc lhe final voting, the people time lo Ihink alwualwut the i|iialitle.t choose lo putut lwk>rcIwi them ? At Icast. if thcy.hov( I nnti(ct' «v>ll br publiibcd I Publuhed daily ond Sundoy. e«toptIt cnmpal((n n( IU7G has alrcjcly.ready started -overa. . H therec IsIs any logic lo a campaign of Ihls lh reciulred In a president duringing thell last vears of loendureaii11 iK.mnnlh IB-r cam paign, should they nol j So'u'day a: 137 th>fd S"oiovi Wotl I»m follv. Idoho 833dl. byy - ■ ycnrJ»cftircthorir.slpriiii;ir>iniar>’ in New Ham pshire. k-nnlh, It isis lhU a t ll gives new- candldnlos llmlelo e'i the sevent less. look over lhe fieldfi and discus.s (he cilizens ol « WoQit VoUcr Npwipopen\ Inc Enlored ot tecond cloti moil T here Is lilUc cvUlcncc howevtr. hi lhat the presidentialll stature? stat , . . • mo(ip> Aprils 1918 ol ') • ^ B Supreme Court of ihe.n^iilcd,itcd .Stales such as There are[• others uthi In private life. llkcJCingm ar HB Potter Stewarl of Ohio andiid 'I■ Bynin W'liite of B rewster. Ihc f ■ t Sfaics including Idalaho whicji cjid not exempt the presidenl of Vale," iind Qeorgc ^ B Colorado, who.sc alillitlcs a rcc differentdifi hul do not Ball, Ihe formrmcrundersecrelaryofstale. er ' ' ! Uiemselves from the natlonaTTawn; governing time suffer lli com paristm lo lh e talentstaleii of many men After all., Ihe lhe hisloc^' of world politics Ihc’st — -• turned theirclocksfonv•ward an h o u rjast night, ^ B ‘ no"’ IJclnR m enlioncd for th e•presidency. p re s days Is oneofof surpri.se^i. sui A couple of y e a rs ago, ll ^ , This gives an extrsra hour of sunlight in the T here a rc ohviiULsly gixxlI reareasons lor saying would have■ Iwen Iwen il thousand lo one vtile agalnsl r j evening, hut lakes awaj lhal lhe presidency Is a ixiliticalical officec lhal should Helmut Schmlil:hmlill Iwlng chancellor of Wesl ay an hour in the morning. % ® s i | B )>c left lo polilicians, Imt il cai '-M. : I cannol lie entirely Gonnanv. V’aUery V’alli G lsc a rt d-Kslalng Iwlnjj • TfieT)]iljT)roblDnrtrtrthatTnostTjf-Southcnridahtr—^ __ sillv to liKik aruund fairlv simiii fi: Min lor Mime talenleil p r ^ i ^ n l 'f_P?raiicc. nf Krii and-Ihe-Torles-ln-B ritain ; ' Is in the wrong tim c zoione. Back when the original "outsiders." ’ p ullinga womanm ian at the head of Ihelr parly, 1 2ones were drawn. Soututhern Idaho was felt to be a |H T he poinl Iwing rais4.'d Is whelw heiher 11 Is In Ihe Tlie polilicalical pros p in W ashington say "H can’t j satellite of Utah and so0 it w as put in the sam e timc nalional inlcrc.sl lor the ,\iiiericiie rican pi-tiple tij. Imm an I wondfrr whal wh; we are supposed to do If son Saving Time, lels also g€?el into the right time zone. AvtTill H arriiiiaii. fur Instanee, Insta was there, e.scajwd N onvegian .scienlisl.I. Ih.Ihat the (kTiiians madcap lilllellle counlry c monulaclures or - moi ■ Then we should hav;ive only "single daylight det.’ichlnn hiinscll fnm i hislis yoiyounger eiillc»:iies. were piDhalily on to tlic feasiliiasiliilily ol an atom likely — steals,teals, a couple of atom Iwnihs. Cur h iin m ' In do lo Ilii’ ('I.V \tliallat theytlx really want Io ■'savingtime.” Iximh hased on heavy w aler.. Hillerhadtirdci'cdHit plain lojhehe i^’ciirily14 Counoil? Dcvjislale 11 do tolthe l’niled .Stales ol AAmerica, namely ISji a tripling of pnitluclion Iromin a plant in eenlral counlry w»h oi ‘ As a side benefit thffei WILUAM F. . llh our own niiclcur Iwinhs? C r, tic enlire stn te would l)e on the hiiiiiiliile lier. I do ItiOievelieve lhat il it were P.I « B | V Jsiuaiiiy'.which w as ttie tmlyily ,si-soiiiee nf heavy ler. how ire arc we w supjxis^ lo discover whclhi , same lime.-instcad-of-i ntlnrtcn-wntiltl tlisroU -— if (------iiLa.le.r__in... Kiirope-_1U he n i— NjulAMfl g a n such acouiiln-lnlryhasdeslgiis'nnthealom|x>mh? north-south split. - . -lho-Statue_of l.ik’rly, _ lo exexjxiM- Am erican ^fiUCKtEYrJRr scientist fjLshloiied p laslic explosives exp exactly there a wav,ly. Inexpensiveliv to huniiTn life, lo alw - sh:im e------■ Ahd (hose people who10 insist lhat their chickens — appropriate liVdesImy llie lalxir;alxiratorles in which such developmetopment? Itcnily u h a l we havelaikxl to I txl to take Illlo acciTuiit'’ " he had reccnlly workt; But a few monlhs later, thehe (Jermans(> had the form Ignoranctranee. If wc had known the misslU ■‘clock tim e” will l)c anliI hour closer to “ sun tim e.” defined lhan Ihey were. Clearlylearly we fouglit a war, William .1.. DonovanDoi Award Casc'y was chiel‘I 111i plant hack in operation. KiseiiCiseiihower sent I.m were on IhelrIhelr w.iy to Cuba, wc mighl ha\ " in lndix.'hina, Imt wo did iinlnnl cdcnm niiiale il as secret intelligering..'. (OChlcaRoDnllyNiillyNcws ■ iliiaranli'ess lj\ ljy VVasnuiglon and .Moscow wouli ^ - After years of effort•t Ijut no syccess, it appears WASHINCTON - The• ims>jHissihihly has heen involve Imlhlh sides.si Ihey said ll is Ihoughl likel; revived here lhal llii’ r.S T.S niighi plaee an Kissinger loui this session of the LegislatureU will approve a touched on llie niJiIter in ducussiiiii A nierican foixe in Ihe■ MidMiddle K asl as a . WilhSeeii elleclive onh ir r s w m ildgiulranleea so hum a s Ixit ( supporter.-changed;his In which thcIwoMi|>-IVral.-fsrael ccase-lire ■<> have pro|xi>o|xised III Kissinger a plan w hereliy lhlhe . .educatlon|rj)roccss. ' ' alli bul one representative aj^rccniont, Bul il.was regardi.‘gardw i a s p rem a tu re, I 'S miKhtit giiaranli-egi Israel's securily agaln> from Magic Valley opposed the bill.’ /O n ly ifnolunrealistic, af Ihclhimc.line. Aral) atlacHacks during lhe ' step'liy-ste Republican Ernest Hahlie ofB urley supported it. -. I'rc’sideni Ford cautiouslyslv hnhm aelu-d lhe idea o( nej^otiajiunsms The giiaranlir would lie linked Ilu . Fortunately, lhe Ma^agic Vajl6y delegation in the a U.S. mllitury pa'sL-ncc' in the th area diir«ig a Israeli pullliaillliacks fronv Ihe sinai terrilorj foifor- dliylheKgvplians , Senate probably will lelend mo're support, with four • nicclinn lasl wirk with a_gn)U|^of a_nn 'Ameneaii merlyheklliy Imsiness men who hod rx'eeiilly•eiill\"visiledIs‘nielaiHl"' '''h.il linniinn the gitaranUr In bniel would lakakc ------I t s ' of the five Valley lik e lyy :senators to vote yes. several Arahfounlries. has nol Uvn U vn revealed. Tlie dispalth ol an A system^f-voluDtaryry kin d erg arten s - where no A dm inislralion .soiirecs< said siiid Ihal any |H-ace- Am erican force (on prior to an over-all. |x.>ace sci .. school district* m ust offer 0 th e program , and no kecpint; use of I'.S irmipsips in th c .Middle K;lsI tlem ent woulikiiuld c re ale a pulilic fu ro r and ur parent is forced to sencnd his children to the public would k- in Ihe distant lulure.ure. ilII at all. and would diiiililedly generale gei widespread opixisition i kindergarten — shouldd be of real value to Idaho’s cinerne fn)iii the woi k of lhe Ccnc’vaC eimferenee Congress children. on lhe Middle Kast. in whichich theth r .S . and Hussia Only in thellie I'oiitexl of a Imal p eaee agreemnent ei '\/Z would t>e major parlies and aller' carefulear preparalioii. ol piihlie opink»l'"> It Is Bcncrall.'; acceptedi hhert ere th a l K issinger's here ci.ulilil,;in\ .m f S. adniinislraluin decide loI uj unilateral efforts in neuotlalgotlale a step-hy-slep - I'.S triMipsips ini even a |>eaee keeping nussloi \ - 1 sctllcmcnl l>clwmi' Israelcl antand It.s A rali nei^h aeeordinglns;Iii seasoni-d dipluniatie sourccs .. . — tmrsHnevilahly will leud lo^H-conferenix*1 of sunncsting KIssliiKCr w as; undeunderlaking a study of triKips »• a defense aHR'eniciil withh Isr; Israel.In eonJi»i.eI|on The luilionlion ol a mufiiiil .seculiry Irealy wilw ith^ willr furlher Israel withdraw h g p fulrawals in Ihe .Sinai Israel’ hasIS U-eiiI . ra'si'd here'm the 'pasl as de.sert melliixt ol md I PERSONt^L0 . ' I inducing Ihe.le»i^h state lo niakeU The K issint'er study, Ihehe offollieials said, would concessionsms mr \x‘ssary Io achieve a [KTinanci cenler on llicMiiles lhe lwowo su|)er}Kiwersmi might iK'aee ag a-ena n n e n t. Korm er Sen J . VV^'’ulhi'igliigiit.- ' - - leel compelled lo play at lhethe eiend of.a suece^^lul' chairman1 of .ihc Scnale Foreign Helalioi;ions •'— t O ( i€ s 2 « M r Geneva conference. AnyVny Joint or single Coinniiltw.oI'C. onee advwaleyr;9hl 1775 lo t A n g tlw T lM

, H eere i are sonm e ‘ s t o p plers’ t go o d f o r a n y p3 £ a r t y ______. "I Jusl hireilS pim Agnew lowe WASII1N(5T0N - I fs very 1hard al aji_^y lo ■•n iry jKissmger calls. Iell him Tin ix lowork forme." wwkend." tlel any attention. Nothiiu'.ing slishocks ixiijile any here." "(Jen. Bniwn s|xike al nur snyaunguo l;isl "My lirolher'Ither drives ii .schixil hus In Boston." nioa- and yuu ri'ally havec to hlw nn yiijir toes to - i piaU>d■ «1 solthall Wllh llolnTt V esin l.i;l.isI ''M iistersrs andaix Johiusoii iiski-d m e lo volunlei Ri'l MimetxKly lo listen lo you.-'u“ - wi-ck." ".My son has never sm oki“dclpot," pot foranlnlcreslli■resllngexperimenl." • .. 1. realized Ihls thc olherniKl•r nighl when.I was at "Karl Bulz:lulz lold me a hinny slory Ihe olliiIlier husliand has never• Itx)looked ill another "Ann lenderanders Jusl called me up and she wi dinner arxl someone Iurned'nod tto 1)011 ('ixik and' day." wom an," crying." i;ald. "VV’here arc vou noinnHoing a lle r you leave "WiKxlward and U cm slein-•in dnipjK-dt hy llie "TheCIAreiiAreiitedmyhou.se," Wushlnj!ton?" house Ihe oiher morning to ask me some ^•JohnDeani.tean used to Iw my lawyer." / ' "I/OS AnRek-s." h c repliedlied. 1This lauded tike a (|uesTiims " "My couslnisislnislJndal»velatX’'sdenllKl.’’ dul! thud Ulllll he added, "h■hylraln."', y In "Italkedloa manwhoiead.l.idJ. Kdgar Hoovit’s "I flew in11 froifrom Chicago wllh Krica Jo n g ." Kvcrylxxiy dropped lheirleir kknives and forks. r ART diary " ■‘BillyGrahiijra h a m Is In my BIhle class." e IX < and suddenly Cook w as Ihccm man anoflhehour'*--^ . " I'm going Io have a vaseclomrlomy." ; "My sislerNier iand her Ilance are going In I It {{ol m e to IhlnkinK ulmululxiul parly slop|x.Ts; ^ jI j BUCHWAIDI "1 sharetl a^axi Ihc olher.T d;i day Wllh lliiw aitl m arried liyyJudge Ju d Sirica." "Here's goo(J newiMS — rich people ire still buy- Ihings you can say whieh wwill ill nm ake pciiplc sit up 1 Hughes." ^ r "June Fend;Konda Joined our American I/>gli Ing very experjinslve cars-and high-priced- und lakenoliee. H ere a re aafewforslarlers tew ^ K fi 1 "I gave (ieiiy Kord a pirn*Lfe oli: chew ing gum W omen's Auxll;i\uxlliar>-." yachts!" " I slill think Nij^in Islnnoccnlloccnl." once, when lie w as House nilnorllnorllj lender." , "Tiw Secri'l^•ri'l Scrvicc wants ii llsl of m y Kucs "Theekflrlc company Jast rnolified m t' lhal It- ' i "liolihy F isch er hales iny n|K‘ningmn|K‘ii t)ve." Inadvuncv."L‘.'' ,.; waslowcrinumyrales." ‘• • . "IgeN.-.mil■.mi\esloIlVg;illon " . ".My daughter works in a nla.s.siil;i.s.siigepiirlor "• ‘’Ronald1 RciReagan gave nw a suliscrlpllon ■’Nelson nockefcller hasIS ;i.sk'askbd mirto write a "Anintdl.’alil.’alnierlmrniwed.m) <;iiller.” "T he Shah nf Iran ow es rn cjio'J l« ..-' ------KolllngSlone." line." . .Iwok.”^ "yillle.JeaiJean King aluay>>luu Iroiilile v;llh mym "Gloria Steineni Irons my Khlrt^shirty"' ■’Pally HearsIcarel is Kclllng awfully fat." !__ "I v:nIH VVllhiir MllUuiv wiirfi'ir." " ’M'condvrve.'rVe • ' '1 went duck hunling with■ith M; ( ’iilflA lasl .OLesAngefcsTlmcs ® Sundait, February23.1975 Timos-NCws, Tim Twm Falls, Idaho S

e n d r u g 5 t r a f f i cc k e r s f ai i l l O l l t *

% - (C)ChlcaeobaUyNeiews mobilized the druR iratraffic fnr Bul lhe;-Chiu~Ciiu~thow soon "Actually mostost ' of Ihem arc collateral tito bring theiVf^tn. 10,;iay pound.s poui ol opium, n2U ** alway^ ay^ h»d a 90-dny supply on , a . x; •. HONG K ^ G - UTicii eu druR ihe preseni," said Rur[tumlK'low, m iuK led’thcmu -fluL j u lj r o d a j- lhe_ • llljlcrale Chiuniu Chow who Now, o( (Iv(Ive m ajor drug im- poundss ofoi morjihlnn."' tiasc hand.'-d.'-Hul H whcrr'lhC . supply « • S iranifkcrs fall out. nar ircotlcs a v e teran otflearly 30JO yearsy on Chiu Chow syndica•ndicates employ worked themsclv(selves up through-- porters, tw<;wo arc In Jail, two i which1 is ireflnwl Into hefofril'' . lieganan to.to run low and no m ore • S " ■g oKcnts have a licId da>’. Uie Hong Koiir policelice force, o (cw Shnnghilanghal heroin theranks," have (led Uthe colony and the ' and 207!07 |pounds oChmiin , ' Gascons coming in. they panicked g :5: ■ Thut Is whal hns happci wnedln • much,o( thal time in speciol chcmlsls os a^ ^ atlcc, of ■ Onc Chiu Chow.Mw.locallykno\j:n o th e r Is Inaciactivcr'!' Measuredired in lerms of tho raw- andI stastarted llglitlng am ong . i^ p_ H our KotiR. which not onl mly has b ranch work, or Intel!itcll.iRcnce- necessity. ^ as the "Godt,jodfalhcr" nnd Rumbclowow said thal loday he product.:t. opliun, o| 1974 seizures • lhemscl\mselves Tliat's when we • , •S’ n major dniR prol)k‘tn ' ^ ot its gathering, which ha.sia.s prnved Bul Iho Shanghjanghal chemists - reputed lo' bee theth< No, I lra(- Is able lo0 Identify 80 lo 90 - -am ounttojIt to alm ost 9 4 Inns. ' movedved in lo exploit lhe g § o\Mi bul has for dccadc;Ics sup- Invaluable in IrackinR ling down arc getting oldId -- onc Is still. (Icker In Hongg KcKong, is Ng Slk i pcrccnl o( ;th the Chinese engaged BritishIsh odlclals readily situationlallon." ::ij g plied mosl of the hraliis,.money r thcdrugklngs, plying his tradeidc al n - and . Ho, 52.aone-tlmchimchcroinpeddlcr • In the drugg Itrad e iilHo'ng ^ n g acknowledikvledge lliey eould not Southouth Vietnam helped by , S| and-.cxpcrtisc lor the • One of RumlKlow’ow'.s firsl arc reluctant 10lo pakspa on th e ir - who is known lo f«(ellow Chinese Som e have'c Invested tholr loot have been bet so succes.stul seizing:ing two Thai trawlers ^ 5; • doJKlniftiC; . a c ts a fte r taking over ov the trade sccrcts.. So llI has l)ccn as"Llm py,"-bcca'wcausehelimps, in legilimaitime .Qnterprises - withoutit assistance as from loadedwtied with opium. "Two yean! - ?■ .Iljh^iid we couldi never narcotics division in.ti1.197.1 w as necessar> -lotrainnru in n ew ta lc n l. •■We've knownown forever who nslourants.ts. newspapers. narcotic:lc ajagents, whu work out ago,"I," s Siild one U.S. agenl. S - x InyTianas on the lilfj boy)ys. hut, to(orgclal)oullhedruBi •ugpushers' - a lol of nonsens)nsense has been ihc, big t»ysys ’were,'' satd Jewelryshoplops, an d real eslale. of Honglong Kong. Saigon. ‘•therelere ' were al leasl Iwyi nr :;j: wv have." says H. .t, . Rum- and opium dives,, "Tlial's • wriiten abouli the drug kings Rumtwlow, "bul"but. wv cnuld ijial yearar Hong Kong police' Jiangkok.;ok. Vientiane’ and olher threeee TlThai trawlers a mnnth :§ S below. hard-nose(t chli hief o( - roullnepolicehara.ssm(smcnt," he being memliersrs of of Hong Kong never accumcumulate the and custonoms agents made * key spols.»ts. They also give due leavingvlng lor Hong Kniig. Tw lay j'si Hoiik KonR S police iiar jrcolic's ••something toI Ik Ih‘ Icfl to hl^ soclelv."’ said said Rumiiclow, f' som e o( .Uiclholr richest hauls - crcdll to tholh stepped up efforts the.•. nurnumlier Is down to nnc division. the pollcc .conslnbkible. The o( Tliallancilland. Burma andSoulh every;ry sl:six weiiks." . lerestc'd in Ten Chinese dni^ syn Vietnamn n Inli stam ping mil the Oplim)pliim car-Vans coming csscs. I chicf.s. - one of ihih Z \ \ syi'dlcale twss iraffic, downA11 (r(nini iKirthorn B urm a In . c put some . ' respi'cled llo\’ Scout leni!nri - •" TTT^ Soulhea:theast Asia's “golden the; Tt Ttial iKirder u ^ 'd In , -ij ..... of them in J a i l ‘ lie said,sai "bul yfm is are in Jail on cons| V —IrFanj^o"lc" - where Burma. numiwrmlwr 500 or noo mules and ■?: 0 Inflltrale / \ :g chnrRcs, The "avallublli ------I j o s andand Thailand m eet — 400,), or 500 armed guards to _ i:'s 1 some of ^ S dniRs Is down and so I lh.. syndicales. II s eonlinuesuc slo 1 tie th e ch le Is< m ree fighthtoK olf hijackers, " •, Ihose svndicalc Ixisseisses knew V ilul' with Burmese planes -i (iunlit\-. P rices' a re iij . of supply>ply of opium. And not Hat < “P, whal we know, ulwutwut them. L ■aflng the caravans and I'.S,- g •;;; addicts are nocklnj; lo m'ucli cnn tw done nlHiiil lhat straflnp Ing their > pplied hellcopjcrs hovering "S' ■ nionfcchlciVin'unprecci i m lx?cauiese the t^ Rangiwn govern- suppllet ross tho liorderjn Thailand, ' . niinilters. mcnt’ss writwri does nol extend In across I ^ Inllltrating thf syndicates syi - l M l , th e fiercely (ion . Independent. Ihoopli? opium smugglers have had ^ DniR selzun's In th is British.1: was sorm-lhlng else thatliat a go I the situalltuallon. The reauij,,^as bulky.:ilky. Bul 10 pounds of opium . : oullvinR islands uncovcvercd a syndicates all thelhe nvia’ ^ N lhal Thai (Ishing trawlers.___ i__cqunls_iu.ils onc pound of morphine. ij: 1 hidden CHchc of autcIlomallc K'Hiarkaiile. w \ • tiiiihlch nonnormally transport raw whichIiich Is much ea'S cr lo weapons including Worl'rid W ar ^ Hack In t m whwhen the T:. ' J ' opiumI aruand morphine hase lo transpcansporl. 11.Japanese m achine Ruruns. The 'C om m unists tix>k;>k «)ver y J <• . H ongKKong, oni stoppwd coming, WWc'll c 'l never slop the. •ii weapons were traced to0 :i , drug m ainland China. S Shangliai *. / ■ I IV J (Irsl the syndicales traldc.aid e." sighed one L'.S. agenl. svndlcatc. heroin dealers tra trai iisre n e d • V r\ 'I U weren'trt worried." said "butDut w we can sure give them a - jij "We have llliTallyly > Ini-, Ihelr busincNs tu Honlong Kong . ' W Rumlwlowwlow. "Iwcaasc tji^' hardard 11 tim e," t; _ , i . , 1 IfPl • . • . n a r c co t i c s a g ^ e n t s h aw ^ e f i e l d d a y I A ij: ;-i :

G e t n ^ uvorh ertellJIs views Coal ph^larit has did o M g e r s ^ ^

Editor. TImcs-Ntws: have receiveded ver’ JUS the erosion ol our Incomes There Is o Rreat deal of coronlenlitin and con- due lo lh e inflal.flalionary spiral. Editor. Times-News: ------A cunipariwi arison o( deriving all present eleclrl tn)vcrs.\ those days conccrnining the prtjspi^dlve Wc recelvc-<;vc-d le tte rs back from th e threeZ L ei t t t e r s T hcro has Ivecn m any discussluas dist lately pow erw lfhh coa:coal o r with nuclear energy; gives lh satar>’ Increases (or sta le cm plijloyes. representative;ives. They slale lhal they werere In nnccming coal and nuclearr po'power plants und following figur(igures - deaths pcr year amon DurlnR the past three y e a rs, wwe sta te em ployes (avor o( grunlliinllng la rg e r percentage Increases« s lolo y Ihelrenvlniiimcntal impacts. m iners. Coal.sal. "I750. nuclear. 70; d e a lh s per year I have received two cost*c•of livlng raises lhc lower pay pa\ grades; one slated thal1 lhclhe ______/' Bccaasc I fell man,v people,le. mn vsclf Incliidi-d. lhe generalal pipulilfe coal, s,000- 100.0000. tmdc amounllnn" to 7.B per a -n t of.c• our 1972 salaries, employes shouhould get a flat across the Iward-.ln-•dJn' are misinformed alxiut nuclear.•ar eelectric power. 1 10:ifromairpolirpollutlonHbroederli. DurlnR this tim e the cost of lltlvlng hns gone up nt croasc. atlcndc'd a guest lecture tiyv Dr, Dr B, I., Cohen. Thermal1 poi pollution 1,5 tim es. i b reeder 1,2 leasl 28 pcr ccnt: One le ller stated sl "II Is hard to dlKcrcntialcitlalc /"I I phyalcsdepiirtincnlil'niverbllyoilly of Plllstiurg. Economics,s. co coal. 2,5 ccnts Kw-hr. nuclear 2 Now. some dishoiwst politiiiticinns havi* lx.*en l>etw'eeh cosl-tates.. allocations . .... '. -this would amouni to> an reprocessing, uranium ore*:■ millsm and Iran- suKurdioxldep(Ide poisoning, and radioactive radlui They a re (ond of polntinR uI flinger at employe a^Trngc-Jft-pc-pcf^m-iiM-rea'iP. w hlchjjhlnk Is -,v o — 5— —- sportation nl malerials. the risk ini te rm s o( loss ' ■elcased (rom burning w cslcn i coal.i i "A" who made «00 a monthlh. for Instance. In a p p n ip riate ." . I know lhe majorilyy of sc’rvld' slalFoiw strive • - - -oJ-life-expectoiicy for the avcraik-crage .\ j j ) c r i c a n j s _ sonic_of_thche ddangers of u'coal-(iri-d cleclrlc; "“January 1972 ond wtio Is nowA m aking $7«0 and 1 wonder whatwh kind cf • New Math" was used for qualjly workm anship■hip I(or tholr custnm ers. Imt equivalent to Ixojug O.otH ounces ounc overweight. ____ say "Sec? His salary is kecpi>plng p a ce w iih in- lo a rriv e a l th<; the 15 pcr cent Increase rigurc with- wun- 11 seem s you run inlo onelonelhnl doesn't really care. spcnding-4 m inutcs^r yearr in ia cilv, sm oking DENNISJIS PlPETTYGRON'E ' flaOon." out rc-allocati(ations? thank gotxlness. nol tooDO ofoften. —wl - 0.03 cigarcttes per’ycar lonee pupulf) or driving I Universily.rsily of Idaho Wlial they fall lo sla te . th«hough. Is that this Stale law specifiessp Ihaf^arles of slate cm- brimT J u s l.a s lo n g a s lh c yy ggel o that ulmighly dollar, mllcpcrycar. Moscowiw II be re-allocalcd itl-order lo hring employe rcccivcd twt> 3 perr cent meritorious ployes shall I: Iheheckwilhlhcqualilvclily of work! conformance, with the salaries of / Increases and a re-allocallonI iarnounllng lo a 10 them Inlo co ” I had Iho occasion1 to run inlo o n e 'o f thc-se ]o>)s In private business a n d nelgh- , per ccnl ralK, which sllualfon>n Is fac from lielng equivalent JoJ wlf^- scrvlce stations, 1 sloppcjppcd to get a tire changed ;es; the intent of some Icglslalors to lyplcal of the avcroRc sta te cmimployc. ■' Ixiring states; ors to and mounted and il cusl M,25. which I Ihoughl NSliai m otiyofour-stalesmnen" i fall to realize. prohibit re-all-allocations Is thus Illegal as wellell osas was ralher sleep. or, perhaps, they don't c are, is that merit raises l>elngunjusl.sl. I drove awoy from lhc station, d rove » l-ou^1c a re nol intended lo keep th e enemploye up wllh lhe There is aman ple cvidem.-c to show th a l wc■«arc .are o( blocks when 1 notlccdIced a so«mHvhlch I knew cost of living. »)ut a rc inlendcd^ t«) tw an lncentlve.j not paid as, wellwe os em ployes ol other sla le ssor o r of should't have liccn thcrc.icrc. I slopped and chci'ked bOWNHOIDME tn rew ard employes for .-lervlccce and de dication to p riv ale busineilncss. the rear wheel andlhclufjclugnulswvrcn’t tightened rv.r«PR ooooFeF BEIN G . — IT'S HAFHARD WHEN P E O P L E ^ ' thclrjobs., - We hope lhlha a l th e legislature will se e (ll lo0 give at ull. 1 wenl hack andid hahad Ihcm lightened a n d i ( W W E R ; . KEEPIAU.Ow.oHiNo ATMY oiary loyes lhe 7'j per wnt cosl-o(-llvlngliving didn'l even get an apology If all an employe c an lotlook forw ard lo Is s ta le employ« )logy! m — ^ r aoTXES,/>S.ANSTCaiNGK "slandlng still " paywlSe. he,c will nol have lhc .raisepjusre-ax^-allooallons.___ ' Howflboulthat?.. — t-vJones / Inccnllve He needs to w ork h a11^ n and get ahead. This Is a minimummil adjustment al Iwsi andid wJl 1 just wonder how manmany accidents are caused Several poy. raises plans haliavc liven proposed- not enable usu s loI keep obreosl o( Indotlon, hutu l.l/ls l/ii liy "don'l give a dam nn" "o ownon^jind \ attendants J ° _ V d a u ( for slale employes. o( whichI tlth e lalesi a rc 11) a preferableto to the ••slow starvation" plans IwingIwinf ROLXND HANKS flal 'J '- per. ccnl cobl-of-llvln;Ing Increase for 'all_ handled alwulK)ut l>>' polltlclans'allem pllon to m akeaki Twin P a ll' - employes wilh a 10 p c rc e n l nre allocation for air themselves-S 'lhc U .guardians o( the "Taxpayer!layers '-''MfSSSSSSi L J employes nol re-allocaled lustslyear. - Pursc"allhethe expense o( loyal state employes..'CS- • .. . ' ______^ 0 fiat fixed dollar omoutuni (or ull employes We hope th^ f I n I [No £ grade without re- the Interestssts of slale employes al heart wil rcg a ra ie si of Ihclr p a y Ri TZ Annve'ocidtiic- ^ 1 1 allocations and. i3) Governoror Andrus; prtip n ‘T - ' J ------— ^ild be Sp(^:lal Uianks to Uicic MMagic Vollojibuslncsfics. AccordinRly. several emplo,loyes wrote letters to proposedhy hy the Republican majority would h n e x t ' • Uial donated prizes (oror tlthe Solurday aflemoon - 'iT H E s u r Representallvcs HolllfleldId. Olmstead and thelaststrawraw (or many. Treasure Hunl. Brooks, and Senator YosI)sl, describing the _ MKI.LAILAHAWAV The'club also exprcssiresses apprcciolion to all financial pllRhl we find jjiursolvcs In and Shoshonelone Uioso who partlclpaledid In th e two doys of events f v ' H I C " detolllng • the cost-o(-livlnRlg adjustm enls we and helped make Fun DoysDay a succcss. o y*. s JOBWISECXVERR / Vice President T t e S i r P r a y e r if o r t o d a y

We'd like toX) know whal the future holds: Cod.d. WeV look lo astrtdogers and ‘ K . " i l m w U , i M mystics to givJve us a glimpse Into tbe unknown,n. tbut tbey can't really hdp. T h o u g ht ffor today • •• prob*t)Jywe’dd be m happler ir we knew the (ulure,e. aiUKiugha wt. think we would. W hat .we neeeed ts more faith In your unfailing goodioodne» - Uw realisation lh a t A UKWght for the day.: dav Hertwrt H twvcr. :H»I U.S. president, u i d ''L - 'l llierlyi Is a th in g o( the ypuwUlbewlttIlh in every step of tbe way. H& pusioblo be able to (eel your presence ^ irll -• to lie free lo0 woworship. Io Ihlnk. to hold ^ ■0 n e a r th a t. Inbv^ad of w a i ^ to know wbat liess ahead.al WtU be satlsfted to • opinions, and to spciikMik > wlUwul fear - Iriv lo ' wllh You. - U leJU Martin. Bu»Buhl. walkastepaM challenge wrenn'ilnd1 nppresskini>pi wilhjiun.'ty nf ■) . ^ . lustlcc." V , ,f ,

' ■ , T

G Tioics-NcwsAwin F.illsIs, IcJaM.j Sunday, Fehiuafy?3.19?5P5 • , . Lcjs$al d r t d ogg e }rs ignoiire doctcp r s ^ W airning i ^ still age 211 - ■ SACRAMENTO.TO.Csjif.'(UPI)-JnCallIonila. C ' . - yotfstniTnusttjeirj« j r y e a r s d d t b " ^ a dH nE T T be''" ByKlTARMSTHONGIG Association, have illi liecn lie< ‘■'11 stimjaklliiR Is danRorouRerouH. jjrfale ro n c." in the pasl. Now It's a whohole ’ He sircsscd lhat no one may state assembly’ decideddeci It w as loa dangerous to TiinesNev.'S w riler • • lry1rin-(o pul liiKelher com- cor T he acriSlR u re Ihc only sluntsslun' Harrell Wenl on m s.iy thal new^lhinR, Wc havf fnmi(mcd do a rhoi-eTlifficull muneiiver • lowerlhelegaldrinkdrinklngage. J-., thal pose any tJaiiRer, t for l*>on hc has prcvion,slji' lx;en SI'N VAI.I.KV Snn \'ale> IK'litions. . Ihe frooslvle orRiinualions> aro PFA-so lhat wo can look out ft • T h e ,assem blyily Thursday^T killed l e g a t i o n w ill i'(inliiiu(‘ (I) s|)iMiiinsor ■■Sun Valley Ii.i|H's Io s stn ta ll " In hoi doK. or frecslyliix-slyle, ' coitfUinlly (ryinn lo safeRuarduard ourselves. We KJivc acceplipled ' (luallfled.for, lowering the drln)drinking age (rom to J8 ^ ddi-d. skiinK compelilioas,thereL-re arcai uKalnsl injuries. * n|i il Hii.<;ciIto woni o n to .say lhat /iXH'slvk'skiiiinniiniK'lid.jion. ill ’ iiuain iio.\l yoar,^' he adde . th e risk and arc appronchinR a fte r a law m akeri))i*ri>hyslclan sjfld alcoholism was ’’ .splliMif Iht‘ >liiii(l liikcnyi^.U>iinsl ■■With Iho new .safely m easunsure.s. Ihrec events; hallel, whieh.'hieh Is' "U ist year we Imill three h n t in a professional inamier." because a man was paralysed ■ Ihenation'slhlrdwordworetkiller. il tasi vciir t).v 'ttu- lr' nccidenl al ViTil lasl yoar.‘-‘‘Y ' *ri>e ftssemblyrmilyman. Bob- McLennan, said verc niany of ihe Colorado resorts . Mwiinil AsMU'liilinii. inueh ehanco nl jietlinj’ hurliiri In n n d c n n l a i n s v at r r i i o o u u s Freestyle Chamjii.mshlps,, We "T h e lop compclilors wei lowering the drlnklnInking a g e would only, compound * Till’ Coltiradii Mcil■dieal <'1 froeslyle conles| as Ihere.TO Is . nianeiivers dl'.sl lo u> any downhill raco." • I freeslyle, somelimes eallecalled and .scratch ono nf Ihem. The Thi and hard trnlninR hniiiRl • A ssem blym ann JohnJof Briggs urged lawmakers tako .sudi a stand last yi-a•ar. III ’ Tho IMA iirjH-d skiei-s; andar . iinonul skiinj>. wJilch is down a |F s a peiiple have a panol lhat down hy invsponsilile .skieitiers aRain Ihis yenr.under slrinRcnl w ho w an t lo y IryliiRHR l.lI.: W here everyone who wanlec^ Id SleltinR, Hill M inor, Holwrl pciiliori IS planned (Ins >yc.ii' liol l*fs|j()iis(ir events leatunnirTnn anyone eould enler Ihee coni-'"con knoekdownall Ihcjunips. .compcle had lo show hhis VoliiiRand Htili Salerno, rev iv ed iH'caiiso tif il disnijilinii amiiniiii^' and hack Illj>s. pelitions. Tho.se whi> waiwanl "Wo have had sonu’ ae- pniflelcncy in Ihe eventsi Ihe StellinR. 2y. is Ihe Natinnalmial , CAnHONDALK. 111. d ’P li tlu’ iirj:ani/('r.s (il- liccsesiyle The roMiluli.in likenedI (he111 lo e n ler m ust (juallfy alill theth tridents. IhoiiRli 01 all Ihe Ihi wishcdio enter. •* MoRul Cham pion; .Minor,_‘i-l,2-1, - H‘h nol even sprinR, Inil ouiii|H'lilii>n. nol iHTaiiM-. i IS ri>k laei.jr lo thal in Hussiassian ' lH.’Kliminj;of llioycar.orl>elor•l>elore ovents. I'd like in see the tin "Hul Ihe nuniliers were. l( |,K» w as W orld MoruI Championpion Ihcy’re already sireakinR, fi'll IlHTi- IS c-.\a's>ivc daianuiT i{'owln luhave thrilluiR to watch, hut they llie\ K\’ery(uie involved lieeaiiame overall winner. Huscitio, ;hi. T hursday niRht. MA*CHI4,J5A1« •___ Fl'ii'Stvli' SkuTT \''l*c eonlosi you can'tloII do a Aniiand 1. Hinl, exeeuliviulivc "I siHMlie IFSA conipelllloil.ins .'lo w ilhdraw from 'coin|M 'titl.in.11.III. he ho|)cs stroakliiR willI I lieh. f*«htnrNnnil44<04ll thal lesser aerohatie ihnn Ihe .me i , , r.o. IOI ms MU un; FiXH’slvk’ AsMK'ialt'.' ' lI'KAi ‘I tliiriK lhat iMilhers m e Is tli;i .'.m ein direelor ol (ho IMA. said1 tli.^ lh.' as sort of an InlermediaHate He is comp^'IiiiR'aRain Ihis revived Ihis year, “ i r s Kound""”d ^^imDlittujMUKKMJJJ ( _ nnd W .irld M.il D.m .Ski Ihcse diielor-s have staled lli.ll Ih;i y.iur flij-hl plan, hnl nnl'«'■ •' Ass4K-latioii IS lllil tryiiiRR Into plateau whore those kids wtwho year, lo com e hack." hc s;ild. k'Rislale aRaiiisI ie,s|)oiisihksihle h av e lieon trained can ctnnpeipcio Dr, GoorRe Saviers ol Sun '' •freesty le -^k!1l1l^, FA." Valley snid he tools thal r It M M L .-4 f|E |^ IM) us p k tu piMM hd discouraR e spoiisnrshipI ol Tho major sponsor for I’F;>FA trained aerialisl.s, who have a aerial aeroliatie events and is.Mid.ns.MulItcrs, aecordinRiiR to . liackRround in Ryinnasl ic.s. can t» g w w poinl .iu( Ihc iiKimati'latc .iUiscillo. Memliers havave do stunt skiiiiR .salely, DanRcr:>Rer \j S u \ wM •M -upour pr.ililenisil injia'\ i.ssiislanied.ned. already Iwen iir eoni|K'lilitllinn Is involved when vounR kids'tryI — P # 9 l a I V i i V "It.iRus llasin has miilawc.lIWC.I (wiee this year, one a( Asik;|K’n lo em ulate them . i W ■'* I F ' aniati'iir h ' AccordinR In .liiiimyn n y D o r SkliiiR Chanipinnships s I In races. ' * .io i-K.mv.i ;!;i> Olli o tu w w j: c m . 'iv..i rn».sl.s ui:i:jMin;»£ I{ii.scii:o, ireeslO e skier Iromirom ( ’ervina. Italy, m April. Harrell said, "-Whal w e're Sun Valley, Hie Inp ilfi etini lookinR for here al Sun Valley |M.^litors 111 Ihe w.irld, liiiin tlu ■ ispnifossinnnlism.'^.> IFSA raliiiRs lasl year, havi luifilish hnikeii away Iroin IFSA and SPECIAL REDUCED!D A ADULT PRICES DURING MATINEE1NEES AT THE TWtN CINEMA formed Ihe I’rolessionalon.it . . 1— S U N D A Y , Frti'sly le .\^slK•l.•^Ies. ls luster f B j J r ' Juries Ihal have heen suslaiiiedlined D U N A W A Y I ? 1.0.\I)0N ‘ i l 'l 'l i - Tl vvallpajHT .IS iKt'h’iiR in II ^~+"ia|)jaek corridors .il imwer arul I I Ixiwlerlial and lirielcaso ha losl tiu'ir liLster, Hrilaii e a te r 1 Rovernmcnl workei ' disenveretl when Ihev liHik . ' introsiH'cliv.' hxik al Ilici “ (iow iis 61 selves WtnT;inR o n Her Majesl> I.n.M)ON 'I 'P h MaiJMark .Service can l>e a moiuitono IIP Mishon ate lil si\-iiielI nch ;iiid uiiRlaiii.irott>—Inisine; d ia n icler (l.ipjaeks in si-vci•i-vcn ace.irdjiiR Io Ihe Rovei mimiles and clainicimcd . nienl-sponstir«l ro|)ort "CiC ivil T J m a world reeorcl lor pancakiicakt' - Servanls and (’ha-iiRe calinR. ilcsjiid heen).iyedonl'• '“'I.' piilihshedlhlsw w ’k. tlie first a>. "Civil .servants feel Ihal th ■no Ul It n e a r ly dm iltled thi have Iteen mucked almul a provi.ius record ol .IJ tTi'diic in Ihe last liveor lOycar;;;’' tthe in Ihe (iinnniiss llmik^ n"I re|Mn( said, "So liiere is Hecords li> Mike Vc.silno ol'I hIr"' i aIino.s]ihero of sourness In p — AiiRclo^.' many parls nl Iho service a "I enjoyed Ihc iiist 2,'i.' we. havo l.miut il al eve Mishon sai.I all.-r liis recniiecni d levvl _ R.)l)lile, "Im l a ltfi lh.il -II Jiis)'*sl G ovenim eni oflices a re oil ramnii'd (hcni^l.iun I )usl al sl ale dral'. nvcrcr.iwded andI in- W ' - « t a M ^ f l ’1 . . everCihlnR I., cmild lay ni, etinveiiiciil, said Ihe report, 1 W \ haiulson " Rrievances over j)ay are t vlWli;ihi»lpH4Vi1 S lfii n il ^ J .Mishon oiillasU'd II .iiho I ___ _ .Ilher i,jj.j.t‘sl causcol d is o n le n l. e.inipcliliirs in the Shmvhrnve Tuesday 'pancake da\ compelilninal.i ifsl.mianl: ! r '

b d i i mssamTV VIIWIMO fOR «UilUMBAY, KBRUABYr aX a (Vt CAUlECM/.Nt,(; , hil> (-i-ii ■ | ' : a1Ii EO'.--NN£; - Canij'CL' _J______QHCHANt.C' '1

noo ACjmci'n,;olO'ic . BlKk»CIIkuciljPccpii' 9 ^ ' NDADjiH-ll.l'l in c o i K ' l i ll»u«iidiri.,ri 'KO V,'oii3Cru'T'^nh,(iT< Fn.sTKi{crrv.c;,iii I I- tlTcnn,! WcxWClutd Cluprti.ony' p Irn"i4 SuWHl'5 CtJSSpo[liSfA,'clJCui - iV rek Dicki'v's p.'iI txIxia - 100 NHlHKlcy • NHL HockHockvy . . WCo JciifPimm BjikclSiJii thnilieck'liecttri . t> Scu:5 ______W.ldKiril^OO'’! ■’(•olden. Slale Warrmr.s dol( u ihe “ IM StJWoild TQA , fU'jii, R.iw wo(iaoiD.i-.l, M b ------...... N u.t.i o u a 1- - U .1 K k e (1.1,., a II I __" tto W.ldKir.i;(3(yn lOA WCXKJAUVflAIWir • , - -ijo YooS'.VMtoMI Assoeialion, said th ' - - Mjr,T>lrrMocre-• ■ — IOO Koiik Ro'Tugnolij Tjf'li; KoiJkk ’ KO|J. &.U,ll,;n[Wll' Min sevon-fiwllxiadisaiHKMredOt•dOcI •■ n o • ?J. lie sau l he |.«iked hiRliill andan ■■ IM McCi0 li ' A8CNC-}Ne») m b e r of the Sun Valley Freestyle l« ■ tflf RuscllU). a mcmh sp'ake- asleep _ '030 tj>i-J A.iMlrxJIstiCliS Mo»iCC Fu'Funn, CBS CBSHc.5 SkllnRTcam.alElit E lkhom a l Sun Valley w here Ibe ittlCViJf lOWeForum Ck Fl.yin;»'I “ ' "Im aRine Ih.il, |hh(i1.- mit Onmcw Icam pracllccs. stlliiiR on tha( couch .ill ih UofflCrjnj aisketlull II ll'e _ 00- Hotic- fij'Up Boruri.M Trul Good OieKi-J'TJieUuK ______tim e, nol knoum i;, th.- .sn.ik.sri.iU- _ 11 JO ------O T - , ; jA;as ill Hua t- " , . Mov't •tncPctiijoiPjui.ne' In te lsa t ]I V m o o n l e t ----- * « « * " T V ViEWING-DAYTIMI« SCHEDULE MON. THT H R U F B I. . .. i ' •■•l.H. I i:.-.n::.M|: (( Mi.'.N-.f ■ : , d estro y eed over seii^ « - ______^______- . JAC JACKPOT, NEVADA ^ FjrmNt-.J CAPK CANAVKHa' i .. na- ' ol conunerelal eoi Vit*et/ie«t;f->&5CJI Sunr.ivSfmoy. ' I ’I’ l i' • A r s O ( III . liiiimcaiions ni.'xiiilol... was CBSNi: bsnc*i AMAmciiCJ . iminicatiims sau-llitc/llialal (ic l I’-''*' laken ils place al.iiiKsii ; MOTELS€LS & CASINOS Sto niilli.in'liil>tnUhva'a]i aniillier liilebal snne 2:’,:!' " Ht**- 7 ^ * m a (,;k IJ:> _ Sl NNY II tv ■* ' .. ' Toll, HOItlioltl (Uld<.-'da-.liE Cjpum jiink al Iho Ixitluni oii)f Ihe m iles aUivi- the Indian Ocean Jokci j V.'.ij l'l). IFcb. Ul titrii Mnr. 2 ^ IJ - TodJj Atlantic Ocoant.xlfiy The rem ains ol Ihc r.K'kw k el « *'*■*’• *■***’• “ - ■ s.:” '" New]‘Jcwl Gam!'.l An A ir Koroo salely oiiicei nl ;i'i(l salellite re|iorted!e d iy « . Io o jW j, pushed Ji doslruel' lull In I.m liinililed int.ithe Atlanlie son EnertJinefUmri'cnlWiin FiCunnoilbul There;Iherc's J Dociot m lheHi.i; ic . T hursday ni^jhl and lili'A> up i an lmle^ downran^o from II n the * ' l i ^ BeverclevciWj HHli.ll.«5 nonptt noomloom Hn3^nollOlJ VMIas (V nlaiir r.K'ket e airrMnn n u nddtm vtw : Elccirtc Co'T'M'i* the sovonth ' Inlolsalll IV |x>i'« north and easl off llIho • “ * ’ loicdliiC B.*a»(Ji*dyO.*nc'' lo.t'OlLilcc Hi)li,'fioodS«k JlaokCtek , -Sturtftlot lonor,Ionli^_con(:______Juhci jWiicn ■ Tho roekol liegan lo (m missinn was Ihe lirsl lor’; a . * — .BuitrjWjicn_ Bufici uildly out »( eonlrol iiC'5 — — - - - CcieWiJceWiifS-etplJljkts' 'EdfleoiNr^M;M AllU,ChiiahSchooi) Dtr^o'34rJoiOu.ii>es • -Cuid./'glicM;M * 110Cn)Pyiim«J im.off, n was onJ(dered ,.j,rti.ni mlo its linal'orilit Tl tf V Oociwi titefllure IJomor MiO'’! OocoloJocoiotr DigS*iO*4o^ destroyed for sjfe ly roawi: lasl lailure U ra iis e ol a ruck IK i-WIM World Anolhe»nolhetWo<« Pt.ce1jR.5M-;M' CencnlHojpiUl EltmttiUr J Piogilmmiog Mitch Ojrr« ' Allhnu)ih olfieials rnil" ‘'•'II.'- iiiohleniw .A inlW J I N iil: « OneLiIclOlrrt * ' ^ 'fi'fii.-HolFurluni- WnectMiectolFoiiunc l^ rrii'd a malfunell^in' in the . , Morvcri^e , « IriJiG.rl , M,XCX>n.)ii:X)o«oi« _ ■^. • AaiAtWoddTutni Vlll U ' - li'UHsil network c chni Mann-l» li 2 M nn li I th ro Miin lt. I f*r> ^ - - : : Cjtloo'u LilJ».YOft*»nijVou j>lii9«n'i1sUn<] EdgeolNnjM . . •cau.sc of the Iroulile j ^ n i - '" '.‘.'IV"-’ <'Ver•r llthe * • 1; I SpWliflhlFi.e « ^ »to fliiM»iSe>-______S5U>TiW U ^ 1.. D ^ ' ‘ BfWyBuncft -• - poinled. according; In 11.llenrv i ’.'i'ilicam Iori.'over Ihe Indi;aa::":.- * AtTheGolololo Bor BUS A BOM i Shine, pnijecl maruKi'ror III • ‘’"‘I Allas Cenlaiir. nelvvork isS.)'iOiiiillio(i « 24 Hour.7 I „ Slone-'.aidasiiarelnlel^yiii r,7 Day Rsservotlon \ •Il appears overylhlnR * . Service-! • tiormal to Ihe Jioosler cutf -salclllle wnuld pmlialily I — Phone: 733-5163 • ' ‘ n B jjH • ■ SHOHIIMESi Sloru- s;il(J n io n . " .w launched in .May il the prolilc MES; Tu«<.*Thuri. 8 4 11 * ^hln^;swon(w^on^:■' in Ihc IxKK'ler ll^•kel IS silvi-iliml ■ I Fri. 1 Sol. «. IOI* 12 12— Sun. 6:30, 8:30* lOiio ] .T h e ,satelllle. lasl in a .ses«Ties iiiiifffffijjB r. . ’ ‘

Sunday,Fobruary23.1975 Timos-Nows, Twin Falla. Idalio . ;

’ G a t e --related caiases still uiu n s e t t l e d

' WASH IN G T 0N (U P 1)- T h The major chapter,.!n_the_he— resol ved-ln-lhe-nation's~worst~irst— wondcr-irThcy*v/nrijc"om6iii sentencing of four, form e mer W atergate droma, hut-ul- political scandal.' the targets of onc fino ■ Nbcon, associates lasl wee ■cok prominent names remain xinfln So far, more lhan .W menion Watergategrandjury. may have written lhe la: last tho list ol casc» slill to bebe have been ph>secuted for The unsettled busines W alergalo-reiated, offenses.'es.' includes: ' More than two dozen haveive -Form er trcasur; received jail terms, and as Secretary John B, Connalb Ehrlichmnan plans m any others have been fined1 - w ho-gocs on trial In Apr(J o mostly for illegal campaignIgn charges he accepted a bribe I contributions. connection wllh conlrlhiiMon '^personalll p e n a iic e ’ The roll call of convictionsons to. th e Nixon cam paign hy pill conlaia^.thc names of 15 mennen producers. WASHINGTON (UPI) - • con do a "good deed for o bad”j(j- who eltlher worked for -Gordon Strachan. one Convicted Watergate coi:on- by using his expertise In land R ichard M.,Nixon in the WhileHile H aldem an's aide at the Whll ------splrator-JohnD.-Ehrilchmon o n - - u sc law to aid th e 6.000 IndiarLs.—,Ls------House or served hTi'ii over ■!he.._lhe Jlo u se , who was Indicled Hion will d o ’‘personal penance""by h Lowe said .In an' Interviewlew y e a rs In a private c a p a c ity .' ■ willi lhc four men sentence \ living on a remote IndiaJian that Ehrlichman hud hoped0^,^ H.R. Haldeman, John N. lasl Friday In the Walergai \ reservation In New Mexicxico S irica w-ouliLncccpt his offerrto to . MUchell and JoJin D. Ehrllch-Ich- - cover-up. Hiscasewasscvcre - even though federal Judpidgc senTe out fiis'sciilence on the m an, all scntehced 1-Ylday i»y hy from tho olhers Iwcausc i .John J, Sirica rejccled sueiuch reservation sinco Uic Ju d g e John J. Sirica to 2‘ j toBlo B legal lechnlcalllies. Unles allcnutcservlce to a jail ternriTi. "usefulni*ssof that would Ix; so years in prison, were the Ihoso technicalities proven! i Ira Lowe, an allornoney much Ijcllor lhan in a prison '•biggest fish" In the heloowillslandtrlal. Ehrlichman hired recenllyy to I ccll." Wnlcrgate scandal. BoIhtIiHTl -F o rm c rM o n lan a G o v .T ii i;- ■ . I . . . ; . , , \ ^ represent him In Fridaya y ’s . Mardinn. the lourth mann a n Bal)cock. who ha.s plead( - '^ W ^ K 7 senlenclng procedures for theth Sirica refused, and sen- scnlcnced Friday, gol n lermc rm guilty and Is aw aiting lie Walergate cover-up. coi;on-' Icnced Ehrlichman lo from 2':21,, of 10 m onlhs to three years. Icncing on charges he wi - ' ■ ■ i . f l l H .1..' firmed that Ehrlichman in- ii to e y e a rs In prison - the sam e Bul lhe W alergale Iwik isiliir far involved in an illegal co lends giving legal a ssistancerc toI scntcncc given lo covcr-upr-up Ironi closed, triliution. MEMBERSoftheAmce American Nati Party picket eight Pueblo tribes as outlineined conspirators H. R. Haldeman _ Some figures connocled with —Haldeman. Mitchel In front of White HoustHouse Saturday as strolling toS lrlca. ;ind John N. Milchcll ( foroj. . the scandal still awail trial.rial. Ehrlichman and Mardlan. j coiqde at left takes■M advanUgea£ of spring-like Living on a reservation "Is " conspiracy, olislruclion of . Some have pleaded gullly and of whom have said they w " C a p iital i con tra st!iE € k w eather in Woshlngtocington. 'Die temperatures no easy life." said l.owe. but bi justlcc and lying lo Watorgiilo^,,lp await senlenclng, Somo are appeal-perhaps as far as I ------cllmbedtonearadegreslegress.(UPl)------— E hrlichm an Is convlnccd: he^ lnve»ligutors. appealing scnlences. Others’hors’ Suprem e Court.

H i j a c k ce r k i l l e d tir e . . . 1to a unicquely a t B r a z z i l ’ p o r t traanquil sltyle of Iniving BRASILIA tUPIl -A mman 11 was nol immediately clea:loar arm ed wilh a pislol hijackcc;cd a whether the hijacker woundended B razilian ^ I n g TJ7 wilhh 80 the pilot before he was killeillcd p ersons aboard, forccd It lo himself or whether a stra;tray . land at lhe national capitalat of police bullet causcd thclnjur>iur>-. . Brasilia Saturday and heldId It Spokesmen at the airporp o rt , '■ ^ ' s for eight hours before mllilailary said 200 security men fron police rushed the aircraft aand police and a ir force rashedI Ihoihi killed him. ■plane. They had surrounder a placed pistols, and parachutclUtCS dem anded 11.3 million hinsiisom alward the planei-flrlng o on' n c ...... — plus freedom for pollll'lllcal shot each from two of themm toI prisoners, when the poiollce prove they were loaded. assault came. > o lic e sources said the shot Brazilian newsmen att lhe fired were the only ones In1 Iholh scene said lhe hlJackcr >was guns and lhat they were empl; ' shot oncc In the head andI oonce w^en placed alx>anl the air- aii In th e chest. Police Identiiilifled craft. .. the wounded crewman asIS the ' The-officials sald4hat tb . pilol, Jose Morla Barrrroso S1.3 million the hijacke . A ragao, who had been heicsid a t dem anded had been hroughlh i toI the point .of the hijacki;ker's the airport by the president c Bereta pistol since the epislisodc the airline. Vlacao Aerea SaoSa began. Paulo. Rocketts slam C a m h o)dia capita

PHNOM PENH (UPI)) — of food and munitionsI 10 l ; Rebel forces fired 17 rockckcls Phnom Penh. The rest ofr theth into Phnom Penh and Us} iair- convoy turned back lo Sout port Saturday, woundinglg 12 - Vietnam . - - persons.' m ilitary sources Sisaid. Government allcmpts . I in two other Cambodian cillilies, clear rebels' from the river rive police battled food rioters. banks have been unsuccessfu Tbe 40-pound rockets hillit in The 7lmlle slrctch betweepveen 4 ' three b arrages al dawTi. ncnoon. South Vletjiam. and th and late afternoon wilh1 the Cambodian capUal remainlalns . Q final six'rounds hilling aroiround moslly undor Communis • . --Pochentong airport tand control. causing all the casuoltles,5. lhe , s o u i ^ s a l d . The last food convoy arriveived . ^ Pochentong is lhe capIliltal's In Phnom P enh Ja n . 31, A U.S only link with lhe oulslde wcworld airlift with 22 flights a dayly c because of a three-week n:rebel CI30 and DCS cargo planes ha blockade of the Mekong Rivivor. been providing the capital wil Military sourccs saidI the' about4S0lons6f8mmunllion. Cambodian mililary is plplan- Food scarcity and high hig ning an .attempt to clearT the priccs sparked riots Fridayly ini M ekong of mines, slartinfng al ' Battambang cily. 156 mileniles '** the South Vietnamese bororder northeast of Phnom Ponh., andan and working upstream. Kompong Som,- 120 milen llcs t T he Mekong has been clo:losed southwest of llie capitallial. I n a m F or SSl a le - to all convoys sincc CCom- causing millions of dollars.rs. InI • O ^ n l y 8 C o n d o f n infiu l m s R e m munlst forccs Fehrfi sankk two damages, govcmmcnrofficlal ^ L o catiolion n The proximity to shopp>pping, restaurants, the aifiir- Complele All con:ondominiums have centraitral air-condition- ; b a rg e s and one lug In a toonvoy n said. port-, downtown do' Boise ... thei jjSpendid setting, seclude^led mg with controllecllled ventilation, electric radiantrad heat> deep - — a n d frofronting n on the valley's prepremiere view, combine to t piFe wall-to-wallII carpeting.andc< decoratoror styleds draperies, m a k ei ththis i Boise's num ber-one ad ■ c ' ' '

e Timcs-ML’A.S. 5 lOJhOj Sunday.Fcbfuflfy 23. J975 m m

l l m m • • An.evenl we have planned wii/vith our manufactuiiirers are interestested in buying" orr inot. We promise I for motillis, realizing re that our vst_Soloctlon of Color TV's Hj Curtis Mothes tone ligured & crushed v $3 9 94 ®! ' ' champagne velvet a n d E v ertry M o d o l R o d u c e d I ■I For Just . Reg. 5479.95 ...... W Reg. 5679.95...... ‘ . T O “ - ”Tu)ieilo sota elegant talti n o m rfMlilarsolalTovTse; ' Black and W hite Zenith Portoblos ^ Hulled velvel A t lBig Savings.'^ n 9 8 “" - velvet: avocado or cotlee Beg. $469.95 ...... W Reg, 5779.95 ...... Conlemporary sola livei) A f l f V Polynesian sofa solid rail;rattan frame, $ Q C | 5 Piece Set velvel olive or rusl lwo loned nylon cover Reg.$3M.95...... ' ...... 1 Eiectrophonic V Reg, 5319.95...'.... 'ZOi ® ' 5with P AM/FM rodlb, changer,-or Tradilional sola luxedo,1, darkxhestnut (A .ifll Early American Beckingng liLove seat * 4 ^ 1 „ J brovin vinyl deeply tiimi nylon cover, two cushionshions $ 1 D j I ^ - f r o m El DO Reg,S3B9.95...... 1^1 Big amplifier with " /3 1 8r lisg, 5249,95 ...... ' 6 track playor, W ' 2 big spoakors. Free Headpliones___m i t a t i o n HH loover " I U p lb K olstered l tREES n i - FR\i PANS. MILKJtsraoi I d a h o 't IFrigldaire dealer (by far With Frlgidoire's cooperation wo have som $ 9 « 8B R e g . outstond^ing Annniversary Spociols for yoi TR 0 (display models) Over 300 appllanc1COS in stock for this sale. ■ar). -$ j J 4 3 0 0 Reg. $19.95 $ 5 . 9 8 . . . . 1 2 c u .f t ! (good selection) ^ - Frigldaire Refrigerator. Reg. $69.96 . . . Reg. $299.95 ...i : : w I 15 CO. ft. |0 0 ------T T ir r m Fri£idaire Retrle»alor Coir f l l E ] Reg. $399.95 .. . . *328° !ji' W e boast Idalaho's fargest selectjction of chairs^ Be sure^^ to shop c u . ft. 1 0 0 i . -f'l them all.'TheI Big Chair DepartmFment on the SndI levelIc as well os Side by Side Coinbinatio I > jr ' ' all over themelain floor and lowerer level. Select fromom over 200. - - 'R eg. $529.95 ....“ J 4 4 8 ” - ^ French Proyinciai, hand oarv E High hack early Americanican wing hack t ^ n A l FrIgldalreDeluxe frame, apricol veivel. “ . ehafr, nylon velvel. Reg. 5159.95 ...... $^24® _ T - n m . ' Beg.-5259.95 ...... n88 ^ Reg. $359,95 .... m ___ Barrel hack swivel rxker, c Traditional style swivelel rocker,ro _ dark olive cnisbed veivel FrIgldalreDeluxe" button lalled oval hack, ' 30" with ceramic top. ' Beg. 5199.95 ...... - Beg. 5199.95 ...... -- R e g . $ 6 9 9 .9 5 .... -! -Highhacked swivel rocker, n . ' Becliner full size, : J 5 9 9 “ nylon velvet, adiiisbble heaasr sjjgMU vinyl covered, Frigldaire Deluxe Reg, 5209.95 ...... teg. 599.95 ...... Twin 30" double oven 1 Traditional swivel rocker, c Rocker recliner, Reg. $599:?5 : *468“ U- well, saddle arm, striped svi r $]0g95 herculon tweed cover. 24" 4 plote ------■ Beg. 5229.95 ...... 5 Reg._ 5179.95 ...... m . Apartment range. Bentwood rocker, cane seat Largest man-sized reclineidiner in t t e ' . Reg. $199.95 ... : : ^158“ a walnut frame. wotld, hy Kroebler. 0 0 Frigldaire ro-invor | I Reg.5189.95 ...... Reg. 5239.95 ...... Washer & dryer pair i 'Boudoir chairs, white wroui |A Ladies’ swivel rocker orloi ■ *'"'"""^00 N o w ,...... 5 ^ 8 - iron S velvet. IU olive, gold or melon, ...... $ 1 4 4 1 Reg. 531.95 ...... J e g . 5169.95 ...... Frlgldoire custom) -d e l u x e I Franklin pine rocker. Small swivel rocker. Front loading dishwashe 1 42" high back. ■ Herculon tweed. 5 cycles, super spr Big. 5179.95 ...... 5 Beg. 589.95 ...... Reg. $339.95 ■ • • J 2 W J 7 2 i&dglciaUe Sklnni ^ 2rWas}ier&Dryer(o( i u n b e a m C a st t iAluminum Reg. $499.95 ..., .H28“ ~ ~ Q HINA The abovo are e>examples. Similar savings1 0 o 0 S u i S e r vrfce h for 8 w ith mpny othor mode(els. 5 Year warranty pn a CRUSHER Frigldaire appllaninces plus 2 year froo sorvic s t a l nriless l flatware ^ COOlOKWARE from Cains. ICEC ( 9 p c . ) W e N(leed Trades. v ice $ 1 4 0 0 0 $ 1 '8 priu s are Nitti t qaalllied trade. Sgiii Dl tit i t m 1 4 ” R e g . $ 1 9M J S . ^ 8 * R e g . ^ $ 2 9 . 9 8 . . : . 0 10 Timos-M'ows.Twin FoltB. Studyy shows hig'^h-pricediD la n e Wlargincdljr mefuV ia,v D octors mj WASHINGTON (UPll;i - which stands for alrbohwh» Eagleton cfiargec that the th. Porce bought jinly Its minimal«l words nnd phrase8~sd hc,he, protect b|Uions of tJolIars' SeirT T hom as F . E agleloniini D- • warning and ^ n iro l systeml.il . II Pentagon haa shiftei;ed order of 15. That would be couldn'I release them "simply)ly •. w rth of fighter aircraft by halt practit i c c Ho., released por'llong[Ions . Is-essentially a'Doelng 707 r a tio n a le * f o r , th e p lame n t twice the-cost of thc con-jn- ' ' because they Indicate thehe ‘ actlngasthelreyeslnthesky.- LOSANOEl2LES (U P I) - Som e 8,000 SouthernI Salurday of a secret govern-ivem- equipped with sophislicaleditcd -b ec au se "AWACS Is an ;ip..m troversiql BI bom ber. AWACS Is not an effectiveivc . Hesaldthehlghcoslresullec mosl' • communications equipmentI lo parently Irralsllhle gadgeIget Eagleton Salurday released . Califomia ph]ihyslcians iiy they, may su sp ^I m ent sludy of the world's m osl « d . system ." .because research cosls wen , medical pr^rtlc« if U)ey h»e (heir malprocUce expensive military aircraft,craft, control fighter planes and^lth-i'llh- v * lc h h a s no real combat ha portionsof a sludy made by thche But the portions Eagletonlon high and very few of lhe plane: laim s lhe world's first radar that can utility." ' G w r a l Accounling .Officc, a in- needbebuUt.'‘U'8aS1.2blllior coverage cause of a ^ropceetl 100 per cent ^ contradicting Pentagon claims a released contained con­ md The Pentagon lasl weel Insurancepraiemiuma Increase. and suggesting the plane would#ould- scan the ground and eck congressional .watchdogog sldcrahlecritlclsm. . airplane If you buy only one 0 • dlsllnguishloW flying alrcrafirafl Indicated (hat AWACS i»ul(uld agency. Hc complained thal Dr. Sanford•d F. Rothenberg. presldenl of theI only bc marginally useful. ial 'Dtc'GAO sludy charged thattiat them." hesaid. I ' T he plane Is callcd AWACS,'ACS, from all ihe ground duller. cost « 7 0 m illion each If th e AllAir lhe':.Pentagon had classifiedicd A ir F o rc e tests of AWACS did counly medlCileal association^' aald Friday (he JJJ . The GAO sludy. according to nol simulate the real threat propo^lnnirurance locruaes may force doctors Eagleton. also said a NATO thal AWACS would face from not to renew/their i coverage when ll runs out . T study of. AWACS' had emmy fighters or electronic M ftith i. specifically called for a look ai Jamming used In war to blind Rothenberg.g, addressing an assembly select . urch flays < t e r i c s ’ altcmatlvcs to thc expensive C hu] i CIA ^hyst ____radarandconimunlcatlons. commlttce onn malpracllce here, said Travelers syslcm . And It said an In insurance hasas requested e ith er a 100 "cent • Rep. Jim U oyd.. D-Callf..Ilf., dependent panel told GAO lhal ® 1975 New Yoiic Timrimes es attacks on his commitlee. thatihat federal Inlclligcnce.opcralioi;ion Colby ond Colby told hcwsm en Tcase o r a ro lr ic tc d policy on w hat questioned Dr. Malcolm R.R- changes In the-ecjiiijyiienl or S e rv let , Church Joined wilh Williomlam Including thc worii of sucluch "tlwre have been'violations of dalmswillbececovered. ------Currie, the Pentagon’sn ’s . board AWACS to resist Jam WASHINGTON - T The h e Colby, director of the C.I.A.... InIn a g e n c ie s a s th e F c d c raral rights." He said that "for- He did nott say how many doctors may be resource director, aboul - chalrmanof thc Scnnic Sclectsclect deploring the .ilmosphcre■ of of Bureau of Invesllgallon am oul mlng should be considered. wUIingtopay^I- pie premiums or accqjlthe tille r snd tunatcly nothing earth AWACS In the House Armed Committee on Intelligenceesaid said 'hysteria thal Colby saidaid lhe Defbnse Intclllgenc*icc^ shaftering or significant has The GAO callcd the con pt^lcy, but.sauld that unless some >emergency .Services Committee Friday. Friday thal he Is conccmcd,ed liyhy Thursday ap^wared to prcvadeade Agency. iribution of AWACS to the ol arrangementsts a re m ade to help those who can 't taken placc. ^ bul il should Currie elicilcd a laugh Irom some suggestion In news Ihenatlon. Jn anolhcr statement issuejcd , serve as a'wamlng lo a free defense of Europe "marginal' afford It. thosese doctors would not be able lo give the commitlcc when hc rcpurl.s Ihfll his commlttc'etew is -• Cliurch Iwads a recentlyntly earlier Friday, Church‘saleBid people lo olwoys be on lhclr and questioned whether Ihi m^lcaloire.. challenged . thc GAO sludy out lo w reck thc agcncles inthein the coasliluted lii-partisan com-om- lhat if the Congressional In' in'- gu ard against a ny" type of saying. "I don'l wanl lo start^ ag plane was worth the money if I federal inlclligcnce com com­ - m ille e c h a rg c d w llh in- in- vcstigalion esluhHshed thahat secret agencies." . g j,, couldn’t perform .offcnsivi ^ w ar/n -o rd c r lo lesl AWACS jn munity. vcsligaling alligations thal the; c h arg es against C.I.A. h.itfi,ld Hc said hc w as encouraged —’— - missions— that is, hover nea a realistic cnvironmenr" ’ . In a statement issued Iiyly his C.I.A. conducted unauthorized *becn ex ag g erated , it wouleenIwen operations In vinlnlion of ils fidencc in the 'agency'!y's • Colby and noted, for insbncc,ce, spoke nol Just of ihc combatlhal Soviet lines. surprised In recenl days .itil lhe charger under the Nalional»'al operations. lhat it was the first lim ctolbyIhy threat, bul also of lhe dec-■Icc- Currie acknowl«|ged, Uu hysteria of Ihosc who:.. are SccurntyAcl. Meanwhile. Rep. Rolwrt N. N had briefed the enlirc 12- Ironic Jammingposslhllily. Air ^'orce sludSs jhowo fearful thnt this committeetee Is The committee is also‘Iso Giaimo, D-Conn.. emcrgeiged member Defense Ap-I p. Currie also said the record» rd AWACS w os vulnerable ?in clim bs tot 2,400 out lo w rcck Ihcse agcnclcs.•s. c h a rg c d w ilh m a k in g “ a Friday from a closcd houwuse • propriations Commlttce on high cost of the plane was offensive missions but sai . ••The com m illec is iwing iHjIiig sweeping evaiualion or '"‘J the subcommittee briefing willdth classified material. "Irrclcvcnl,” bccausc it would.3uld. th a t role w as " tertia ry ." ^ 1975N-Y. TImcsScrvlccc rcached thc lown of /Vsmara prejudged in lhal rcspcclcl Iby i y ______I - reporled al least XIU civilian ADDIS AIUHA. KlhioplM - *" those who apparently hojK'■JW tolo er.s -deiiiiths 10 days ago, wlnte a ■ Klhlopln's milltar.v nilcr ‘ . discredit it Iwforc il iHigins il'.-i hat . ftnijian Catholic priest in llu* ntiiu)iinL-cd cnsunltles at In Ihrw weeks ol linlilinn I '' Tliough Church menlionediniied K rllrea. the coiitiiry;s nuimr- m ore than 1,000, no specific press reports or llwi^miKt proviiici', piviTiTil- It is generally llioiiglil lhat comments in his slalement. he o n mc'iil soldiers .killed :l>I lhe cnijilwil strength of the S h o p S min d a y N o o i appeared to lw referringIi't, in tjuorrillas nnd >iullei-eeratlon front is several columnists, who-lmrr ;r eom lial deaths Ihemselves. alx)ul G.qoo. Tliere have In-en w arned recently that .an un- ^ Ibices Effectivelive Civilian deaths In Iheiwritxiwi reporls o(. many K rilreans ;,"r O C^ t a r s | tiridted exposure of thc Ccnlral-ntral . I I I . ]||n, f( (nlaled 124. Ihe unvernnienenl._fellinij Asmara and olher T iu 5 p .r 1^. Intelligence Agcncy and other I, Feliniary 25i!i . sa id In lls first oljicial uiiun- northern lowns lo Join the federal inlclligcnce agenciesncies ; nnuneenienl nf casualties fnr fo .scee.sslonlsts, ■ tfdhcr.'iidf. Tht‘ .ifMirtHHc’f/rifJil jwns.. c o u ld decpl.V w ound th e T ^‘ rcporl sakl lhat :!2'!24 meant to include casualties of nationnl sccurUy of United Ruerrillas hnd l)cen capliirw•c>d lhe clashcjLFrlilay niilside theJ. Stales. /. i by governnienl Jrwps. Oneine lowns of Asmara, Keren and(1 Church s ^ a ofhis com m ittee Kovcrnmcnl soldier wa:a s ’ Ma.ss;iha. Ethioplnii. foreign„ lh a l "ihe.-ie crilics wiir.s*H)ii ; reported m issing and IHH vkcn•re imd diplomalic snurccs said(j Ica m th a t this will Iw a J L i i l ' reported wounded during Ihthe lhat In ,.lhc fighliiig outside(. 'judicious and responsililesilile ^-Ca]i p a d■ ty J.seriesorhatllesslnccFcl). I. . Asmara thc government usedd body." ' " T hc nnnounccinent coincide:Ies Jet fif^iler-lxjmlwrs and ar^-^-n — Il w as In his concern over?rtlH- tlu- ~ , withaslcppcd-updrlvclobulklld mnrc*d pcrsonnel-carriers as ' thcpopulnrsiipporl fnr ils flghljht well a s arliltcr>'‘ and inlantry. • agalnsl Ihc secessionistsIs. These halllcgrounds were Irwhom It terms "t)andlts at- at r e p o rte d rc la liv c iy ' <|uietS $400,0000 K ei i n m o r e ’W asherss a n d DI l r y e r s ------r-lcmptinR-to scll Eritrcn-to th(h(T^Saturday;------— ; !A ra b s." While lhe govemmenl has ' • F oreign m illtarj' sources sn;fly announced ils repori onn in gold M h e figures on thc Riicrrillill'a casualties, il has nol as yet !•: caaunlllcs seem Inflated. Twiwo supplied lurthcrdclails on thc' H a n ndon lo ^ wil) Uikc ol Icost S3 billion1 of < apparent that ihc .present Toronto. X, U.S. aid over thc next thrt■rcc govcm m cnte would nol bc able . . T he coins w ere p a rl of a J;; y e a r s lo prevent thc Soui)uth lo survive without sul»lantiai , lOcarton shipment from . a .• Vlelnamese nnd Cambodljlian U.S. aid for the next two lo , Rand refinery hi Mar- B O T H 1 5 ; govem m cnls from collapsimIng. thrccycars."Thurmondsald. *_ sholltown. South Africa, lo the C S en. S trom Thurmond. R-S.C•C.. • Thurm ond said U.S, Am­ ,! Bank of Nova Scotio - in r said Saturday. bassador Graham Martin lold IZ T o ro n to ;. ;• Thurmond urged Prcsideilent them 11 would require '•ap- ,r Policc-said Saturday th the e I ' F o rd to Insist thal thc Soviivict proxim alely Sl billion annually ' shipmeni was flown from F O R i ] i Union and. the Peopleles for about three years lo put 3 9 8 ^“1 Johannesburg to J.ondonid o n ' R epublic of China sharply cut ci South Vietnam on lls feel and aboard a British Airwayskvays . J m ilita ry a id to North Vicinallam to dissuade North Vielnam Jetliner, held in I.ondon[idon }-Cycle W asbvr. .Malch your washkvaah lo a d req u ire m en ln . ' a n d Cam bodian insurgents as“sa from ils presenl belief thal a ■ “ ovcrnighl, then placed alwardloard ------wfvith ilh normal, flhort or ]>rc-soakk ryrvclen!'3 waah/rin»e : priccforcontinueddclentc. m ilitary viclory is ' * anolhcr British Airways Jcljtf for o r :cmjicraiure*. 2 water level*. .. i Thurmond made his conom- ochlevablc.” ------■'■Os icmji ...... ' 2 2 9 ; IhefllghttoCanada. » mcnls In a report lo Ihc Scnal‘Ole Thurmond said that mililarj’ The plane made a 60-minuteInute ^onom lcal Eh-clric Dryer. IVrmarrm anent press, normal, • A rm ed Services Com mittee•o” o old from Moscow and Pdcing slop in.Montreal where1 the < a Dec. 28-Jon. 10 Southca;:a?t _had made thc eurrenl North ini delicair cycle*. ‘‘.Mr only" feltingsci fluT^pUlows- ll’ conslgnment-in a sealed steelslccl \ ! • i A sla n to u r he m ade V ilh Sei Vietnamese offensive in Soulh ^ anm3 3 1blankets, drieit rainwear wiihoiilhoul heat...... * 1 6 9 .■-}gioo"-^rcmained on boardw ard \ r W illiam L. Scott, R-Va. Vietnam possible. * "In our visits to bolh Sout uiraer guard. . • ■ I I It

- — m ' ' 9-lnch Diagonal Measurere (Picture „ : T o p QQ uality TTw p-Ton* 9-lnch Diago X It'tf Pollirtable Color TV ^ ^ _ _ ! ■ Hi-Low SSculptured SCIICULPTURED ■ ( Mntf-ttati ckatlit dt- ^ I Measure CohColor TV------h I p ' ” ‘ B ® »l( SHHAG 1 / H I »**Mint |Tia« eonm ltflct. / ’ .$ 1 5 .9 0 R / l i l Set arand (oigtt vokiiDc con- J # 1 I . 100% miJ-u.1, >1 \ \ V trol. A ■ Chatiii with in-Iint ^ muo turt tubt. #4002.J 2 2 ? CUAUICE..... M If’.ir a « ptoalltyibiti-Soil ORT "JKITCHEN ■ SAVV E ^ 6 lAG CARPET I ■ Sears >24.99.99 Lightweight : N » 8 .8 0 Rl Kwik Sweeveep Vacuum ' = ^ 1 nuco E :: CLEAUUCE...... Sears •Pl — -Tale 1 0 0 % Soliil-State Console Col ™ family Size ConsoioCon Color TV------* Guarded ' RuRubbec-Back—=— — -r.— i Price . 1 8 ' ' ✓ M 1 1 1 Thit eoiof ttt efltftyc ! ■ KITCDHEN TWEEO ■ CiMns likt a fK vunn butbul il pcrtabi* liki a broom. y ''25-inch ^ dinoaal M atoraS / I I - ' Swhril ,nuil« iMi JTM jm cliM a wid* arta meci . ^ quiclily. *6311 CARRPET ICARPET ■ c*blntL#44S0 . J . «. I tmly tin . | ? 4 4 8 ' KEARNS ^ UUH I 7ers, Vacuums, Stereos aod TVi AlioJso Aval^eAlt Sears I -wtsTCA'lST6ATt.|t>IS{ SLADIFOOT. IDAHO r ^ | . n u o $C75 VOLCO 3935 W 4700! ______Appllanct Stows,. 5 78I0FniOFiirritfr RiTtttidt h m : m m ...... U ttEARAICE. CMNMR. UTAH ■' lOOtU.UTtH 10' , MIICWUil CITt, UTAHUT ' lOUNtlfUL UTAH M(MOUNTAIN HOME. IDAHO POCAItllCAItllO. lOAHO RCttUK. IDAHO , 2781 W 3SOOS0 W 7( N M iin SOS Mainn l7S2SUain 39SN2ndt MSSMSS.Maifi 20«V.IUSo<«t r ; T W I N r A U t i t i w . t M s■ 1390 Highland Av*. E. 303 N. O vsriand •I - Phon.7M-557l . L- 'SMn.MM SMfi-Ci_C «W »r.a . • SHOP AT SEARS ANCKND saV£^— fipQ rctr' n* SMn.TwinFalli \ou> O C d J . J ] l318W:tM«Sl. S34CWW M ^ U v d . UOIN.Y*RowihKi«»M 40SW.MalaSI. 1 . rii.Mt4IOO > rh.441>. 4 S f 4 it 1 . Hwy. rtl. » 1 4 7 »»0. 0 . Mi:7S>4>«Jl j hu m u m i . w ta u g AHO CO.o. \ ,

...... « — . . .. J * . • A '.• t :------

■ ■ •. i ------^------■ ------

I ; l ' '::.MW ' ■ ' '~ tli e f i u^ i W | j m k

. K ^ b iStt i r 1 y T o i h »o m "" I ^Outers '"J^UTTMYeOCOUPON Ohjlid Fashioned^ [' tiickory ! G O>LD I M e d a l " ! .MAXWELL HHOUSE 1 Peananuts g | B | j | lI nL:„- ' YeOlde ChHlS— Hickory i r ^ I I P a nitry t Paik I W I 'St;SiS‘- FLOUR i i i i C(MFFEE j - § - CamJdy Bars- i - n l s # » i I * S H w ^ I $ 0 5 9 I List I i 8 W ^ I ; EnrMSnoj BAI J j ■>«■ ■ P ric e $ |a i I I Osco Reg. I ■ ------Wllm H COUPON. U $9539 ■ $ 2 . 2 5 . . I $1.49 I I WITH COUI;ouppN. L Sl ■ Milky WWo/. Snltk.ri, I OSOsco Reg. $1.19 I 1 6 p i ; C a n ^ ^I 2 lb. Box L v 100% Pure j LwiTHOUr COUPOm ...... T ' J 'WITHOUT COUPON...... ; ; '2 “ | ^ C o u p o9 nn Expires 2-25-75 . . Coupon ExpiiExpires 2-25-75

b e l i p S J K ^ BUTTREYSX^y^campbells' ^ B ...... ■ IMITAT»TION \ V HILL HILl FARM \/ , g i W m f CHICKLN > J | H a n d y A n d tidy, ^ • fljm IT <•• I f / CHEIIS £ 7 COIJHAGE / NOODLE \ l ‘ Chore GIp'over >r I K l j SPRIEAD CNIHESE I SOUP I osco Reg. l e t ^ 10'/! oz. ■ / J , $ 1 . » . . ...O 9*. . II.® f « B S ^ :I Tins__ P l a y t e x -Riiblier-Gloves- - r ~ ^ j ■ ^•ncM ^lKjiV^ O C s c o i V H R og. I’$ 1 . 1 9 ...... ■ » y M * - J f S | No. 829 A A J ^ B U T T R EEYS V ; REGULAR % ' ’ f G MMM- It J2SshCan I I 51¥ ^ POUND ■ V J I Tote-All I G.E.. I p 4 ^ | I Baby Carrier I )C0 GRADE "fii" ' / osco Reg. I BSaby ( Dish II Seat I ^ ^ V A N DE K A M F - f i $599 I TURKEY FiSHIFIllET L ^ IIINIIDQUARTERS I ■ H ■ l b ...... 3 9 *® 12oz.Pkg... w gByUNDAYSs r a M j B ^ I EFIB;23-ZM5| ^ We wouli! like to amannounce-. ^ ... that we now carry Pa Panasonic ' j j fF T T R S IVOI WESTERN ^ ^HIUIHGT^J Stereos and ComponenIents. Come FAMILY^^^>/ (Jl ___ilowiiani;takejlooklokjtm r-.- H | | H b g j / ^ u a iIUID > 7 ' M G H m m good selection. 1 S D G f f i n f ^ w inbtduce Panasonicnic, we J I f f SOIlAP SAUCE MIX \ ^ willgive... H I \ I ■ t \ Familf K \ S i z e ...... ? n W * i J EflvelO(ies. | b 1 5 % OFF0 t M U Aayflt*r«pln O v r l f e r * !

I f ' " ~ ' ^ H I R f v T l^ HB u: S. NoMo. 1 1DAHO ^ ' ^ H I lotton Swabs I I I P r e l l ' . K f i j o S ■ IONA J I Concentratee I Stlampoo I■ >8° Osco Reg. I ■ 1 9 L E ^ y J il.'29 . ■ I ?.T $11’ | L I ^ L Z O ^ ______■ - _____ - | M ^^■ jfT norori— -r— ~40B~5wo^~^ H 7 oz. Tube-:: ||[||||^ jiE ^

■ i. .<.' Vv t •, " ■ ' t' f' « j-- ! ! • '

Klaiuv Sunday, Fcl)to.ifj'23.1975

' “ l FEBIRUARY FFABRIC!SALE 'S,rs 1 L — * ■ I ' S t i ■ ■ T.lliii'jttii' I il?jh ;* !..I t j ■■ : . - r m I '

■ * r ' | 4 E d — .US?I W . ^ 1 1 ,SAVVE ' : T ' ' "^ i j s a * ' ll > U P ^ .-. * ' I , TO C3 3 % ; ARQONNE NationalIonal Laboralory's Ex- ...... 1 I I "i''l - pcrlmcntil B reeder Rca

IDAHO KAI.I.S - TticIC tlicriiial I'lUTKy 'lica H A sleam liciitinK syslem nl Ihe in a dollar saving ol up- - , \ \ m A SAVE 23% ii;ili«inS onl> •'ii ol Illls 1'iicr^.v lias Ih'cii■11 tiuildinfisj II was ncccssarv■V III In p'roxiinalclv S.V.,ixx) p er year. Reg, 3.49 YD. littftri'i' ii'iiittir Is mil oiil\Iv iisi'il to ni'cicrali' rli'i'lni'ily lorir rcdncc Ixilh IhrnUtJi llu- use'C ol liased on ihc eiii rcnl pricc ol W \ I Hciu'iatiim I’li’cirii'ily. inii IS is use al llu- Idaho Nalnnialll an iiuxiliary sloam sssleinileiii luel (lit. T h e c tc c lrlc ily al KiiKim rrin^ I'.atHUalorv- Tlicle (le.>iinncd Iiy Ar«oniie engineer . .i1m> |)iiivi(lini; slc'.im lo lical nccr gencratw l hy KBH-11 saves \ :/ J \ Sportswear Fabric-ric byI Amerilex in :• Dll' K iut^v l{ f> cardi aiiitId- rcsl III Itic tical had ln-i-iin W illiam .' nu.scliinan Kxces-;cess anollier $-ll)(l,()()il a year. Thus,IS, \ / I ifvohjpiiicrll Atlmini!'! ral mii'.s'.s ■ disMpalHl l•V llirm i^ti. ttic use ol •OKiliiifj Imilinj: I'caclor cxpenrncnliiciil helping lo pay ils own way in 44 '45‘'W Topweigiveighi solids, fancies, l-'antilir.sjiil(lali;i' andd various siir])his piping and niillioriijollarscaclivear.' l.ii-ililv III llu' r s ffliHl lo10 the i-niiihiisis l>1 has made il prai'tical lo use•i' W^irk.on llie inslallalionn ulIII ' accoin|>listmicnl lor KBIt-tl.ll. z j S ^ \ R eg . 1.99 YD. ItimkT Hi'ador il.MKBIO ll11 Mime ol 1Ik‘ sU;arn neiiiTali-dd itic; svstcni vvas aci-onipli.shed^hed Hnln'rl V f.anoy. Argoime’s (:i-m'ra(cs ahoni H)())() l)V KIIIMI tor space hcaliiing d u rin g ,Uic nnrm at .-IT iiflaiui: ------ii|)i'l a|ing lim e was rc(|nu i-d'lir’-<1 III contrtliuted signilicanJl lo Itie ItH-'iiU-d. Because Uic silc is localcd onm ' coiiip|clelliitmil.ilblioii. ____ lcdinuluja-UL!->At‘i « l J l Arnonnv and its asMH ialcd•(I a'lliilc tiigh, vvmdsvvcpl plaU'auIU Because il is an cxiK-rinic-line- parlicularty titling ■(iial iiiis tacililti'S, liirliidum KHIt-tt::t:------lvh^tT-^vHlU‘r lein|H -raluies .nlol enlai;iaci1ilv. KHIMI ii|H'ialesales (aclllly should now k- iilili/ed .w ere Iransk-rri'd lo Uir ni‘«•vv 2(1 lo :m dcuriTs U-lou /em 'aiI Cc only ulxiiil ,">0 lu rji jn-r eenlIII ol even'iurllicr to help allevialelie ___ _ ' lU 'M -ii n ii a nid d mil unroiimimi, il w as Icll llialII llieti|iie 'riicslinldiiwii)M'rio(ls•iiKis our ii;ilioirseiiergv ^llllrlal;e " - IVvHoiniK'nl Adiiiiiiii«liatninun a si^iiitieanl conUilMilMin 1<| In a re Used lo rem ove and iiislaltslalt .lan 111 •^u•KllU•Uha^.M•l■\.■dI'd Inel eoiLscrvaliiiii eotiUt Ik-i*e cvp^nmenlal fuel snii--.nil- I------.------I ' a.s 'a iiia]cir i'X)H'rinu'iitalal ellirle«l asseinlihe.s in llie reaelor cure Jersey Prinls in anar acetate nylon (..cilllvlm Uu- l.Ml'lUt;u sleam j:encrale:ing prints tnil•florals animals------7 • • iJiinnj; lin> |H-riiKJ, I I , tiu>Us directly.lK-ciiUM'.il is niiiclj IIMIimi . tu n e , ll is c \|K rle d Ihal alKiiils 7 3 ^ 0 9 a r prodtK'i'd m i-xiThs

Broadclotti fabricc in many solid ,. colors, Wasfiablee Ipoly cotton, 45'’W /

SAVE 2 8% Rog. 1.17 YD. .9 9 '., i Sfieatti Uning off i I 00°o p o ly e s te r in / O ’ fkVM 'hS\w T 45 incfi widlfis MMachinej washable. / / ■ ' F ^ SAVE 3 3 % Reg. 1.39 YD. 9 9 ^0/ Wf ir in te r REMA N A N T S . / / [ S p e c ia iI i S a v in g s ! U P T <0 % 0 F F Costs of new hohonties are soaring. ' Choose from a big selection £)f. — Your present homtome value is increas- quahty remnanin'ts. All k in d s of fa b n c s ing also. Why waitiv.ait for building costs, tor all types o)f f: se w in g , ---- jjiaterials and labIab6r~wages to rise, ““Ty Remo^^l that kitekitchen, bath, famify- _ room, or add to3 yoyour hom e now. _l m iIVEIPLAM • 65% Fortrel1 PolyesterI • 35% Cotton-1i-Permanent Press

R og. | 3 9 1.79 — 45" Wll^ i d e ..... ■ YD,)• ^

~ \ \vWSfw\ r Kitchen Sp€jeciol. Cabinets — try the th new rustic look in )your home — built PASTEl1 CORDUROY —-— to yo^ spelecifications. l^ND w e caican SAVE you on ALLL apappliances — refrig- • 45" wide * V t y S w /W • 50% PolyesteIter, 50% Colton erators, disshw ashers, ronges, etc,, Sev^ing Chest hasa s 2 rem ov- -V" ☆ Got an extrtro corner? Add utility or a needed pantry. R e g . ^ | 8 9 able Irays. Assorledried colors. y | 2 2 ^ SAVE 15% Reg.fg.4.97 4 ^ £ ☆ Bath too srimall? Let us show you} howI" to stretch it, addidd eeded linen shelves. ______^ ☆ Need a rooom addition? Now is th^i^tim e. Building costsfs will,w continue to rise, L e fu s'h e lpIp you plan. We con savave you money, get the |ob done with no Polyester Threadid Zippers in 7-22" in black, while, s lengihs. Colors. ' waiting, onnd help you with your fin•inancing if needed. c o lo rs . •; I VALUE BUY P r e p a r e n o6w for the patio or deckk iin redwood, cedar, or Majority Leader Phil •CO M I^rA X n ^ ththe House which would give Batt; Ba R-Wll4^. called the h e a rin gS olcold botterle* for on* sLsta te em ployees a 3.S pcr cont abscnce ab: ot lhc Democratic n P A R A T I O N • - illv # r dollodollar. pay increase plus membership,^’an m< "extreme , ' P M tairaotM oInkjt^SL $: . BoHU^H l«i available at rcallocatlons, dis discourtesy."' He said the ; .r«.tafoUs.ftfoho , Democrats have been hold- dc D em ocrats w ere w d l aw are of JANET BOYD - E R A m a rn e u v e r s IIing oul for a 7.5 per ccnl in- the th< meeting and didn'l bother; ccrcase t and reallocations, toshow loi up. JEAN CARR TELEX which was rcconuncndcd by However, I Chairman il. Dean BOBLEAZER HEaI n SERVICE Gov. Cecil D. Andrus In his Summers, Su R-Bolse, did ask • h r w l M M H 39 Moln Avenue W. i n H o u s e s t u d i e d blbudget message to legislature, those the present If they would like > Falls, Idaho 733-0601 • W hen th e s ta te a ff a irs to to present any Information on ^ •UtaiMME^vlMci • Conllnued fix!rom p. t • , m e e tin g w a s a n n o u n c e d ^ lhc the pay raise question. He O Rep. Bulch Otter. R-Nampa andd a sponsor of the ERA repeal resolullon. plan lo attempt brlnglglng the bill out of commlllee T | P again corly next week. — - if this happens. "I'd \x Inclined totc cxcusc the olher commlllcc G B ] ^ T r -chairman from supporting me." Ch^ a tb u m says. EWOORS But lhat mlghl not Ik enough. R R< ep. R alph Olm slead, R-Twin , Falls, savs he will vote lhe wnvV Chatbum votqs. Olmstead, g ^ S e a r s ] I chalrm on o( thellouse Ways a n d M ean s Com m ittee, Is o p p o s^ i lo lhc ERA. bul soys he will rem SAV 'EMI0 » M main loyal lo the commitlec ^ syslem . IM Rep. Sieve r\ntonc, R-Rupcrt, sa;4>ys th a t in accord with 85 per ccnt of his mail on ER /\. he will votl}t£ to r c ^ a l.l f th e Issue comes 'N SOFAS ANIND SOFA SLE.EEPERS before the House. Bul Anlone.E, who chairs Revenue and 5 *5 to *15 I Taxation, has not decided'whcthcic r he would vote contrary to ■ V^/>SAVE»i LIMITED QUANTIIr i T I E S C hatbum ta pull the measure outt o< f S ta te Affairs. I js r >«af‘ S c a r s m(3-1.99 w C h ro m e - Look Acccntc c n t PI l a n t T a b i c ; Anlone voled lo repca^RA. Scars-iiV icar,'car,” “Vflllftjo” _• - Rep. Bill Roberts. R-Buhl. alscso says he has not decided " T o w'er e r W\ est" Sofas w hether he would vole to take th et resolutionr oul of committcc. Roberts, however, opposed ERA rcfcpeallastycar. 1 4 8 8 ■ Chatbum himself has nol yet dccl« id c d w hether lo vote to forcc the bill oul of his committcc. ^ Y O U R i • i'm sllll trying lo figure out how3w I could do il so 1 don;i io|c . the confidcnw of my committee,” hcsays.h( • ' H jH II Chalbum says he plans to rcleojase other chairman from the H C H O I C E obligation lo support keeping the billb in com m ittcc l>ecause-of. .• I H I I V**' -Vicar<»299 conl.conUmporery h»»do (ryt* the "harsh trcatmenl” Slate Affairsr s gav£>to the ERA resolullon. 5 4 “ ! ■ B l M la. -C»kt(*d in 0 durobli durol no-^kh qiilln_* _ __ I R y--£Irip«;_--_-l-_— Z The committee's 10-7 volo hold. Uwli meaeiu^Q.lndellnately e ( ------^ - QjUQM ■/!€?[•; -'B'" fectivcly blocks any com m ittcc reccconslderallon,!C hallium says, I I I V W*lfW *ir Itodlllonel ilyl* adding that a now unanimous icommitlce -vole u^uld t>e ■ ! y loot* pillow bock ondnd r«v«rnbl«f» t*ol cothloAt. -• — ------I - jj------OvmMBsKki impossible...... 38- ] / 'Voll«|o’ '$f)enlth itfUtyU tofdi wllh 0 bM olllul' >' All Magic Valley Rcpr^ntatlV'iytS-W hojirc not commillec y 3 te n t v«lv«l covtf. looii^.oei» pillow bock ttyling. chairman voled lo pull the resoiuticJon o u t of com m lllee' Friday, / Our <2f9.ff 'Vltot“ t>«mlt>«t«lS^o...... '. . . « 4 f Chairman Anlone, Chatbum. Olmjnstcad and Rotwrts voted lo i r Oor $31M » 'Voll#lo">"0«m 0«r l$ofa...... S2i9 H . Oor 'Towtr W*»|-W«»r’ D*mlSola...... « 3 » leave the resolution In com m illec. 19“ /-oK ajl Even if this measure stays d e a d1 in.theil State Affairs, however, ----- U 24“ - ^ ^ ■ 1 the Housawlll not be rldof lhe volatlitlle ERA issue. r = ^ ' A joinlTresolution" lo rescind ER:RA was introduced Salurday » S O F A S L EEEPERS I morning by the House Printing Comm m ltte e. 0 tAVI *ao t A V I ' M ■ The bill,should be^pl^ied and.Ijvady for.assignment to.a ___ U tnm M “Uxtk'' San.'47Ui‘« ta " . i K i n E ? committcc by the Speaker ol tbe HouscH Tuesday, according lo ” SUiMSKiflNpir k M M S H p r Rep. George Danielson. R-Cambrbridge and chairman of lhc prinllngcommlllec. This resolution would take twiwo-lhlrds majorily to pass, ‘ however. » 3 9 9 “ ; .,4a. T; Danielson, who opposes the ERA.V, iKlicvcs the measure stands "a fairchanceofpassogc." But Rep. Gordon HolliflcId se ess it M ^ iV 'a lle m p l to' shoot ' down" the effort lo repeal the ER/\lA. not believe ERA opponents could muslr a two-thirdsIs m a jo rity . A. O tter hopes to pull his resolution'out of State Aflkffairs iMjfore th e Housc con- Prices EBective!” ^ ^ " sidcrs this second measure. S u n d a y , F e b r a a t y 2 3 r d Tl Meanwhile, pressure continues toJ) huild on this Issue. Tuesday, February 25th Rep. John Brooks, R-Gooding.J, reports he.iust recclvcd severa] pelilions with about 200 sigm n atures from Gooding calling ‘ ““SALBE l S e a r j lie m a t tt r r e s s e s I for ER A repeal and more such p e titJtlo n s w ilh 56 signatures from Jerom e.. Letters; he sa>-8, conllnw lo flo odhlS'tlcsk, d ; Other represcnlallves say the main r continues lo pour In, Sears-0-Pedic "Ii"Im perial” Innerspr s p r i n g I Jjeavlly in support of repealing ERA. ft of Foam Beddingng In All Sizes

‘ Wake up ..feeling relaxed., P a n e l r e f r£freshe - Rep. Gary i up the measure In commllttce (full size) inners'pring-gives Ingram, R-Coeur d’Alene. iand Ingram moved that.he do th e firm su p p o rt y o u n e ^ . ' trl^ unsuccessfully today to iso. Chatbum pointed out lhat I I I I -9>t~4be House State Affairs ]several persons were missing Or try the 6'/a-ihchea3 tlth ic k I I - I ^ Committee to consider a bill Ifrom the meeting and asked' ■ ■ourll.U.BB Z polymeric foam. It conformi (m\A m T«ln Mullmu T thal would allow liqi^ by the 1Ingram to Walt until Monday your body movements for an c I f i driiiksalesonSundayi < when they return. - night's sleep. Both have ray ra o n ^ A ipfcsent, liquor can be sold Ingram still pressed for 'a covers. hyt|)edrlnkonStnd!>ysT)nlyAl

• • tillSpn. Our $579.98 King Size Cim binatlination ...... , . 4 5 9 « « - , | WHUESALEE CARPETS I 1^325 East M ainn, Twin Falls Sears-O-Pedic: Quilted-TopQl Bedding . JU ^ StUniKD V With Your Choic(oice of Innerspring orrFoam F ■ ’ 15 maD I 1< SMC T € f I S n m c ^ ' 'R est easy! And reallylily savet on a BIHE-. mattrcfla that givesI firmfirn posture f f. I 1 V . . f ^v M r . . 1 support, It’s built toodo do just that. I / I 7 2 0 ^ il (full size) innenim eraprii^^ M 6-in. tHidc polym eric fo with luxurious floralal print'100%pi M rajw n cover., I ' orFM nd*U M

' s a v n n L ■ i< > O u r i n S J O F u l l S iz e^ , HM attrew il or Poondstion ...... L, ......

OurimSSQueraSit^Gif^ Combhatlon— - ...... ! - J ______» \

-W11UVM iou«Tt muH-we _ Oor$38MflKin«81ieCot ______3 2 9 “ . . I. msT mvn.

. Sm t i .M m SMn-UiaboM* SiMm i n i -T. w la M b K l t a i l ' or r w.^>w » • a.^,|p e a rs| llUW .IM wtt. I - t wIIN.YtilowtteMHwy. u T 4UWm w .iM iti. - $11.85 S-tt-IIM H l MMIOO H i.4 w .m i r*Ptk«a3-07M - MUHk7M4«SI - ,

' . / »• ‘ 14 T.mes-Ncws, Twin fallli Id.ij.iho • Sunday. February 23,1975

P a n e l t o m i s s d ee a d l i n e ___— ).— -proparutlon-centcr - for—in—— Iwyciitted {hfrmoellnR and-the— absence of nn o.tllnR proprlallons Chalnnaii Hcpiihllcan made It Impossible Wlltlnm Holwrls, R-nuhl, InlcJ(J Tn complclc. Ihc work. i tcgclaiiuonimtoacl. ‘ (he House SaHirdjiy'thal hisIs -hnwever. tlio-Jolnl commlltec corom lttw will l)c unnt'lc to.0 ■ must have'direction from the; Democrats want a higher lirlUK nppmpriallntis tn tlio10 IcMislalure on th e size nf pay percenlane across thc Ixiard (Ipor tiy (ho slalii1nr>’- -irillih Increases to l)e. «iven sta te' pay increa.se . for the slate H H I H H I H f leglslallve dayr employes,hesald. ^ employes. ’ - •Kolifrts said tho JdIhI11 • *A Tesolulion lo uive them Klnaiico-ApproprlatiniisIS sdcclive salary rcallocallnnsi Hnlwrts said possll>ly the C h H | I h h COETERNA i Senate can act Monday and lhehe ' C oinm ltlw hail Imped In windid plus a 3'.. per cent IVMsl has ! coinniittee can finish its work up lls wnrk nti tho luidf’ijjL-iJ passed the Hoaso and is in the - nn .th e budnel then. Pns,sibly, Saturday altiTiionn and ha\^/ St'nale Slate Affairs Com- r he said, thv commiltcc can net thic slnfl wnrk up tho ticcfss;y.vK miltc'c, ll m ild nnl come nut nf I the bills to the lef-islatiire IiyIn S t a i n l e s s !S te e l C o o[w b are ffi l)llls oVtT the wctkond sn tlfoy'j- the cnminitteo Saturday fur a ; Ihe4fit1ulay. could lw pul mtn the hilllil v o le h o e au se D e m n c ra ts . PRICES & ITEMS;MS EFFEaiVE ■ £ 1ilegant. Canirefree. Coowkware I OSHA revampingifT ashed IN THESE. IDAHAHO TOWNS:. EBuild a complete collection,lOn. of smart booking EKCOECOETERNA C -o o k -'i'/C ^ a and jury and wholo Ihln^." manned in Industrial accidents ware a t'a greot savings.. E>Every piece combines outstiutstanding crafts* .f l ’ HOISK tt'i’li •- Altor a □ckfoot; ^ *ldaho • rccltation of ituJuslrial. amiid Hep. Noy H rackott. H-TvuiiI . ill Ihls country. manship.'^design and durqbi'pbility that will assure homelomemake'rs years « While-mosl major industries RovcrnniL’Mlal horror storios.s. Kalis, anreed. of reliable, economical andi d :s a v o ry cooK ing. T h e TRI-PLll-PLY CONSTRUC- . M 13 "It's law by ronulalimi." a re crc-dible and hnimrable, t, *MontpeHBr, th c Hniiso uppro\'od 4-VI3 TION has three layers of metalmet — two layers of stainleiinless steel,-inside f , h>iday a iiii'm orial askitinin llrackolt said, “lindor law by Weslerlx;rn- said. thiTo are carbon steel in*between..ThiiThis carbon steel Congrcss lo m ake the Oc-c- roniilalioii ynu're coiisidoicdI some loday that \vere il not for in Falls, and out with a layer of car rupatidiial Safety and lli'althth M'lilty unlil you prove yourM‘11 . -Os^iA who would ••rcverl biiok core 'distributes the heat uniformly, uni so food cooks. faifaster and more K AclworkaliliMirri'iKMl II, innncenl." In Iho very pracllccs lhat s Open Sunday evenly. Gleaming, dishwashasher*sofe stoinless steel deccleans beautifully . S i !{- J!ul Hep. Huss WcslcrlMTi:. eausi'dthistolx-comelaw." , Ili'p, Waytio TilOiitts, H- with just soap and water anand it won't tarnish or pit,it, ever!e All knobs jfc.j l-orcnzo. siiid inany aiTideiitsts n Soda Springs, countered that The lx“st w ay to Imprnve rich black sturdy phenolic for easyi handling. . ut OSHA was nnl desif>mtl tn OSHA, WoslerlxjrK said, is to and handles are mode of riel* an* caiis<.‘d hy cmplovL’s hut WAY STOtlS INCOirOIATtD person who has la .standid protect the enipli>yor hut In cslalilish a state Occiipaliniial ItR- KaJf of OSHA is Iho om-11- proiect theemplovo. - Safely nnd.HoalthAcMiul-we plover." Ilo s a id lii'.-l lo d w jil do nol .even havc it in tho I .TJie wav the net Is uTltten.n. statistics show lhat H.inxi molllti).' |xit o r on th e d rau iiiu JART ' , Tlhbllssaiil, "Ihey'relhpjudi-c jH-rsoas were kilk-d and ITT.ixxr l)<^ard." ' ie c e s lEPAN _ Election nvn e a s u re c j ^Pocatello, Blackf On ,^ ^ 0

p assed by 1H o u se Falls,— ^Rupert, 2 quart coveriIVERED ^ . SAUCEPAN - HOISK il'IM ) • Wllh su r­ voler w ould chwise only lor nne *Borley, *Twin ' prising ease. Hop. Perry candidnte when he had tho l^ci^ I opportunity lo’vote fnr two. Swisher, D-I'ocatello. stoeivd *These Stores O through Ihe liouse B-2ii Friday This practice increases llio- a bill nsiuirinK candidates fnr marnin of voles (or that cati- state^-^ r'OPENSKiaET . lhe House lo run aKain>l slatedI didale Jiy reducing-Miineoiio else in the field by one. (PCOPYIIOHI l»60 5AHWAYCa*»r af 2 O»ort Canrtd opixMieiits. fauctpan rd t T)ili l!«m. A'A QUART COVEREDERED Hep. M orjjan M utiner, H-Ola, news This lype nf lej!ishitl(iii has SAUCEPOT ' w as th c first to rise anainst Ihe • l)cen nffered al past sessions ol - - r . \ proposal. the lejjlslaluro and rtjectod on' . - "1 think ft would confuse the the Housi'floor. voler even mure," Manner Swisher said thc measureL -"" sa id .- A ll Pic ^.onimilleo would troat lhe problem of'f To Ihis Rep. Slevo Anlone. R- . .volcrs.slnulluk' out nne of thoc • Hupert, said'"it is vcry.coti- I cnfididales for the tw-o sc ats In^ fusingriiJitnow." N ow I ^ r o b c I each district and • '-sinnle0 "I don’t think people in immy slHKJtlnn-hlm" tji, assure hiss districts realize you are votinn BOISE ) UPI 1 - Sen. Arlhur»ir election. « for two positions," Anloiio WINDSOR Siurphy, D-.Mullan. ur^od Hit lhal Swisher meant Ihe'I' said. J T SAUCEPAN Idaho Senate Friday to uppuiniI r a /j; S al^:OVERED aV'blue rihlwn" commiltcc tc the ■ ^UCEPAN I II Ifetcrminc any conflict of in terest liy senaurrs renai\Jini;;i; l^ay bill i^ Ip jjro v ed Ih o - , ■, rio-fault Insurance hills Iwibri i ijie Senate. HOISK a 'P l i - T J i e p n c e of"f travel, 0110 I '• -1- i^Murphy- M id he was con>n- lobster .notwitli.slandlnK, thehe • > tiimed by lhe •'slrcnous op)|). MousoapproviHUH-IHFridaj a . In support of his earlierJla, position cvldcnced in movingny hill tn Increase ik t dietiitn proposiil AnderM.‘n had said thethe bills from cnmmltlee to ihilie allowances for traveiinn stale,l(,. price of meals on the road was Bborforavolc." employes. cnnslantly climbinn and asthe an f:t“ l am dl5turl)cd k-cause I Hep. Hudy Anderson. R.|{. exam ple cile)CKlnnlnK to suspect thallal Boise, who earlie r trleI- II-. ..I <1 rllconlains. Rep Patricia .McDcrniotl, >l.st\ ; 1 out for easy clean>up. Ir,111 |.a r ...... J'Rep. Perry Swisher. I)- I l)-Pocatello. said as a [iraclioal ' e,d,2.99j t-Q uart Sat f . p o c a l e l l o . sp o n so red the lh mailer the law is nol rnforeod ■proposal which prohibits tho tl- and the l>esl way to the [IMS rolficlals from evadinn cnniim- officials alteiilinn is to sulijecl COVERS AN D iwcapaf Fill Thli Item. rpetltlvc bidding miuiremeiv.'Ills them tocivil liability. ned rims ollow o vapor se „ T^nch Opi each 5 . 9 9 {^Ijy splllting wnrk projec: n ^ ‘Cts Swisher said too m any nf the ! heat is lowei-ed. Interior ( |«ndorpurchases. laws are clullorod wiihllii • liV. I J'i'l r n ...... ood in its own |ulces. f The measure, which rIOCS'(x ■ c r i n iijia 1 m i s d e m c a'n o r each 7 .4 9 3 SHOW lo lhe Senate, provides forft -penalties when they shmild t 2-t)uart Si f u civil penalty of up tn for fc conlain civil p^-nallies - cilinn COVERS, COOK-TOUCH T each offeiusc snme traffic olfenses as an IS 'JDLES i . Rep. Halph (lines. K-Namp.ipa. example S a u c e p a n pans for cabinet storage. I 4 y 2 - Q u a r 1 r.. each 9 .9 9 s w Wall hanging. All handlesles and . _ _ _ ^ lafe up to 375 degrees. - - ■ IF I - 1 TRIPLE W A IL CON W i n d s o r ipen S i Skillet each 4 . 4 9 H r..^i’ 9 S p re a d s h e a t e v e r ; YOUR ‘"I- A ' sides of the pai j DOCTOR ' '< jH steel inside and oi 3 -Q uart SSi aucepan covsr e a c h 8 . 9 9 |

; PRESCRIBES m V A PO R SEAL RIM! SELF-BASTING CO' IQ -Inch 0irt | Saucepot each 9 .9 9 ?. i A Specially designed 1 form when the h< design bastes food 2-Q uart D. iMxl .lill I..-.' »ii;:lil. h i L. ^ * Moico tMtlng •quiflrritni. Th«i Dial Non Axailobla « l«l ut 111 you to hit u>*cificololioni fiom'^33 ^ Tl. gn II r.-|.« .it llli. Iii*lil« Double B eiler^ 1 ol tha fin«tt quolily hMfingai .„ n ..^r„l .li.i ,.i..l cn>|>.''' I.u- I>1I.IHI l,< :.MI .l,i< f tlTOlVIMI-y. N 7> a u n n m n iH f f O t e d I .ii|>l>l. .ir MO,IHI fi.r .111 llin * . • , OK a(HH oyyicE , m.,i|iM Im i.hm 'kviu n i‘n.1. S a u c e p o t DiKi'. ik|M. i ; . ik.x IIIII. TB^MAICO h II.'.. rl. rillU. I .1. •m.II.l. II M. A bearing Aid CenterT ...... ir ...... II..IIL- ;* "THE HOUiUSE OF HEARING" ...... rU.inl .ir M...lrr ( li,ir(rI m H a . S p j e o U TW INFAUS^^^^^ . A ' , PuAxU


. f .

m il. I ......

^ { S Q i j|M vN ow .Tw |fv^s^^j pmyBaiTsifc< fjRiiiKftiia

★ f f i

S ■ Uno-Vac A L L W V IN T E R A/I\A E R C H A rN'4 m « L E F TT IN S T O RR E * I All slainless steel s ; Unbreakalile _ Insulateded G lo v es i Snomobile ■ Va c u u m Ski or s.nomoblle l l _ Coverallslls m ittin s J Boots n BOTTLES Childrens and mmoi e n 's $ 3 » J Mon's and childrens f l s iz e s . L V and vyomens ssize iz e s Gibson Prio C h ild re n s k S G lo v e s Y a o f f f l $ 1 4 8 8 . 9 9 ' Felt I \ Liners AAelamnine Dishes I I *2" f Texptwaro Tliermal . Wint 45-’pc. S

sJ B l i u i f i s I 7 ©»y T bson Price CLdSEOU Sleeping Ba Hami T railbjaze by W hite Bags-Si | t i ^ 6 6 y Q T - W S l '2'mantel propi Just the thing I Gibson compingt hunting,Stag ■ W >luo backgr 6 u n d * ng for - fS features, w arm lofty.i ght rod and yellow Price ng, fishing ‘ ■ ||/ d a ls o y . tdnter M axim um llgjht ex< fty Insulation / BR $ J 9 9 200 watt bulb 31b.-..,...

Motal lined ■ ibson Price . 4 i b . . r . . ’ . f ' I ^ 9 D a r k b l hamper i , ^9 with brig! c o m e s In $ 1 2 0 0 variety of >. " . 'T ’ m “ I I c o lo rs . -1 • . Vinyl f , . ; covered and Trallbblazer all vented :; ! Radiantit IHeater Heating capo(acity 5000btu's

t e a . Gibson Price...... » 1 5 “

1- ... ____^ ■ i B Wl Arvin Heateers 1 f e t y H e l m i rater has fan forcod automotiatic dual instant heat, TlT r a v e l e r v ^ ~ ] f S a f ( 40"inlongth Ideal for snowmobiles sno 8 speeds 1250-1500 wotlratts nets -ll Propane Fuel , • — • and minibikoikes. A fine Helmot mode3do of fiber- y ...... >^26” 1 Easy to store k ''1 g lo s s a n d lined lli with jT 5 O n ly S Easy to carry sponge r rub u b b e r f o r ------I H No. 49h20 H«c » 16.4 oz. • protection. ^ r ^ H e a tter t • . __ Gibsonin Price $ | 1 RS Gibson Price MI“J ’ * 1 1 n c H Gibson

■ H NO.37H25-01 O NT p 1320 w atts V “ Inline Eng GIbion P rlco^ RODUCTS = Prepare for NextXt Winter « SB> ' Heatersingina □ ( DUPO w a tts ^ - Wiiulsiiieid * Snal g m m ' Frost King I j U J I N T E R PR( Electric I De-Icer ^ Therm Wrap R*mov*i Ic*. ^ Pipe Insulation ^ Heat Tape o r d ( r . . t TfV ^ Engine 7 9 ‘ U Dipsticked Hot □ ck Heaters li R |f l Fait itorti for ileRit^ cold •nginct (filiS!!. > 2 ” f l e f « d s * t 1 W 89* U *aiy ~’SB3» V-. . • ' ;. / 1 : ^ r 677 Hler'Ave. ' ' H 1 ' 4 - ^ ' SIwIg.Fails, a l 9 liblio M , r * GasLine Open Dally 9 -9 H I l j RoofCabli m H ;al s 9-7 SB. 12-5 ' ■ ! • Piictsllfeclne B F h K«»pt th* red 'A H — trWfflr*** □ I IrM M upl ' Jell, ato26/ -M i *>1 Inftollotlenlt s s s j i s ^ C ■ Gibson! 33L_

H , . / .'t: ■■• '

■ i s ' Tim«a-New3. Twrn Falls. Ifln|^Ifl. Sunday. Fobfuary ?3.19?5 B B B I L * *'

W ■ PM

r ' « '' ’A swiISS STEAK SALAD S T( ^ cmINAMONJPARTS SAVEIS'^ cnn% ^ 0) 8 4 W SAVE 2!1' I B. This is a Great Jl III. A Bonus Buy!!! - - SAVE 26° fe LEnUCE- SUNDAYAY-MONDAY-LIBt.l- TUESDAY i i l 1 I 3 HEADS EEF A ^ - F O R -

SAVE 45' _ 8 T \ Fresh Regular ' Any Size Pkg. j £ L # ^^*?lASPBERfERRY BUHERFLAKE. H^LeanStew Beef ...... ^RADISHES OR GREEN:n ONIONS 3 » ^ SAVE 7 - ...... ■rmoufStof. " tM **- ' I I MIk Style Bologna^^iA vtJO 'ib...... le.uil flSfij p ROLLS ^CABBAGE ui! 100 Bakeri Pritis EKitt SAVE 1 5 '...... S ; SAVE 10' Meat[ Hot DogSKi«tM- ' -8 A.H. IIII 9 P.M. Di ^ CRISP CELERY !UHs ^ P O , X PolisIlh Sausagef;wT.v' f SAVE^ 1 5 '...... ; ...... 3 ' s 12 FOR... tChub. llO i. QQc jsWHELLOW Y ONIONS ir.;...... E A C H ^ ^ ^ ' S f mi For Beer;;n^vW • SAVE 2 1 '...... 7 ^ HolODllyllriisAVE S# 79 s-...... •?!47' 11““ # Frei;encli Bread !se WlliZ;^t;;“ '•: 1 , J « # D&OISH PLANTS C>ie85 ^ SAVE 4 5 '...... y ...... 3i r Try Our Fresh Hot-(it-Cross Buns!! Amerrican dieese?;-:.?;'”

P M v f iS i ■ ' I ANGE lUICE M r

^GALA MitmtXWELl HOUSE D E m N MING FLORIDA. L M O ^ I ^ ' 2 7 f TOWlELS (COFFEE s . J u m b o ' PEACHE! All Grinds. BUTTE!,11 29^0i., Half or Slice V eno Pizzas;;.-" ...... 89"' # | ] m DAIIRY ■■ n *g f c - 1 #1Cottage Ghees6SC Mb.m.ni.iib...99

#HICI lll. stva;^ ...5 8 l i O m :SEFreCTIVE SUHDAY IHRinilJ TUESDAY, FE B .:^. ; #Cherr] :--:..:....]9' " Fruitlrinks BONDED BLADE ©King I ■■■■82^“ .. ^ •y Pie Fillingss?T- #Mazoli ...... F , u J Oscar Sardines... IS , • ' I , la No-Stick

a j : ; . , / s m g a r I de c e t g r o• ^ w e r c o ni t r a c t i fa l k s s t ai l l e m a t e d ByCfUCKBTBm ORD. BothHolllfllllfleld and a sugar company officialsIclals’ ■' HomfleldMldhefellthethe uncertain, vaclllallng______ftW.iuIoetank8.Holllfleld8atf. su^oreompahyofiicl■ofriclalsanrreportlngbigprbllU— Iter'"-. - saia'-lhe coirSMnpany haahy of- TThe groOTrs feci the company shouldiild keepki the and looking forwardvard toi a capacity season, Iksjb«lween8upr ■ penaltyfee.8. ■ • - ficials w anM the clauscseodtoflhonewcontract, Ml . bartargaln. . _ Ernesl Blauer,uer, »i|>erlntendent 'of.the 1 ted S ugar Co. of- B ut the uncuncertainty of th e sugar m arket sincc. H ie guarantee w as Incluincludcd In th e co n tra cl a s SiSugar company officials w re not avaliiiVBliobictor A m algam ated planlplanl In-Paul, said Friday sugar te after a fifth ' the lapse of UieI S u ^ Act'li| giving the clauseja u se ' p a rt o f a jbargain m a d e in thi e la te eO'Q when tbc conam ment at the Buriey meeting. beet gTONVeVs InI MiniMinidoka and Cassia counties in Burley. - Increased Im;Importance. growers aided the compairtipany in, construction of AAl the same lime t^ks aro boggingtging dou-n, 1974 had their biggesIggest y e a r (or Incom e and profit officials reporl ______m argin In the hislory Istory of th e Industry, idler a significant ' .. Blauer said estimestimated total Inaww-ftom tbe >ason.--" ------...... ‘22,000~acrps plohtcdihted iri tK e\w counllc? for 1974 aid the company______^ ______could reach c e.Si.5.mlllian in l If.sugar prlce«.rcm aln— s. No addlUona] h ig ir ^ growers groups. ^ ^ ^ B And a spokesmman an: for the Twin Falls plant said Idlho. ^ ^ ^ B ~ '' Browers could rcceircccive a s much a s $60 a ton for th eir 1974 bed s. lin falls County - ^ ^ ^ B -Inl973,grov.-crewere w ere paid aboul *36 a ton. The Id sa lu rd ay . "We ^^^B <^rop resultsts anare not all In yel, but growers- r a d th lsy ea r,” : ^ ^ ^ ^ B ' already mccclved c lv partial paym enU of « 9 a growcre ol the ^ ^ ^ B ton Ior Ihelr beds,ets, UiHb com pany spokcsm on said, inglh he had ever . H -theblgif-tht - the sugar price stoys constant, growers m l^ tccam a m as much as 70 pcr ccnt moro , growers and lhc for Ihelr beetsi In 11974 than they ^Id the yeor raw concept beforo. rs w ant In th e 1975 With the priccrice ot su g a r at $40 p c r hun'- write drcdMiilght comparm parcd lo $16 a yeor ago, Blauer ^ A L !^ -C o n tra c t UllbOgden. Utah, lold ^ ^ ^ B said the 1974 crop:rop averages was the Iwst looome k-ers and A m algam aterhe company has. for local gro'A-crs«re In nearly 60 years of crop nded In a stalem atecmanded that lhe rccords on beds.ts. , lg meeting Friday InBtlog’ of the m arket ^^^^B Hcsakfsugorcocir content also w as high this year, meantime, companynation of the New with 15.C7 pcr cent sugar by wdght ol the Iwct., 'ower'proflls'and prrtl T bc croji averageQgc w as IB lonsol b e d s per aero. nbcet acreage this 6eaies su g a r i^lccs to ^ ^ ^ B Tbc Twin Falls^alls plant spokesm an said l>cct •ers represcntailve salman. T\VIN FALI.S - The IdalioIdalio Pow er Co. argue for hydro oc r ' P fti- ■ The 1974 contract says ir the n - - ...... I• prcsldent-lold-'Siakc -Ulver-ViilU-V iillov-E luetrical _ .’-1-am su re If Aie.w trlcd iQ obtain a p c rn illJ o r j__ ^ ^3undflyrFBt)ruary23.1973.1975------The-Wood-RtvciRtvcr-Rcsource-ATea-Coundhof— ^ su g ar sold Is "less than 78 ccntsl)C- a held from 7;30 lo 9:30 p.m. /Vssocialion mcmlwrs here SatunSaturday the dcc- nuclear planlI theyth» would oppose il Ior- safety y ul ihe |contractors increase COUStriJction.'ction." said Jam es attended Ihemeclmeeting,' G e m k i l l i i drcdwclRhl, the contract states. E. Hrucc. president ol Idiihn Pow>ower. er A w ards woreore givun following lhe Saturday Ile spoke during Saturday moniiinonilng sessions of luncheon lo IwoFwo Eleclrical Hall of F a m e w inners • Previous workln,Drklng planning sessions w ere h d d IheI 20lh annual conferonce ofriheSllVEAlnlhc lhe F and a spcclallal rrecognition lo A.H. "W hlley’' „ _ J InGflodlngandHoKi Holley In 1972. These workshops Blue I^ k e s Inn. ' Gales. Jerome,nc. whov Insllgutod the Hall of Fame■ n o t p lan ii[ 1 1 6 C 1 P*^"’arily.rlly. wjltf methods of satisfying e t Brucc said the elcclricul futureiture is unlimited. • program'. ' ^ watcrjtfiourceX nxrequirements In Ibe Wood River' _ j r lood draw ing Is scheduled Wed- In.Idalio. hesald, more peopleLf'arc arc tm oving in and Wlnnei-s U ereere i Nale Scotl. llagerm.in, veteranI ORANGEVILLE, Idaho lUPl) n these medliigB. allematlve providing flood protection in tbe V In the Amcrican legion hall at' demanding more electrical power,wer. Ijislyearthe. of tho electricalicai industry and now a part-timeI’ Stiles Police Chief Robert Gillcs mnT iw ™*!*«***o7provt ihonc area urfderwcnt ddqilcd }f which 42 will Iw replacem ents, residential use alone Increased•dalxiut alxii lOijerc-cnt. stale• inspector.tor. and C.V. Macaw. Kimlierly.• .never planned to kill Cloyd Dean Lyl icn will serve a moal to workers h e said . former districlId manager-for.Idaboi Power Co..• not sure If the three shots he flr^ U(Q)vC IlmlevorhltChc X prlm ao-ob]y objective of Ihls workshc^ is to' verlislng. sccurlnt; workers^nd T he speaker also sajd th e cml:cnilinrgo has hit TwinFalls.^ m an. hat will provide floodjirotedlon for many other areas of lhe nallonnn amand most people New officersTS o of SRVEA for 1975 indude Elvis^ “ I hod n e v er planned to kill Lytl iKShonoAGU. and the dramatic Increases In1 the y Open tiouseat Filer ••At this tim e.” he said, " our u r cleeleclrical priccs Other convennvenllon speakers included Dr.■ Foster If he had killed LyUe, GillcOlltelpc^Mrl j t)w ers school will Ix; held in th r e e / here in Idaho have Increased■d ververy liltle. For Charles D. Uinl/!in, Bolsa Slalc UnlVCl^y, K^ho- Ire local sponsorship .a n d Cost- ^wcck. ' think 1 did, but I never saw anylormybnllcWWt of n It w«il( FIL E K - Open house will Ix example, , the overage kllowulllowall h o u r for discussed wb'alI'al hhe called the "Idaho U g ” Inlhat w ould..;be desirable If local h im ." ^ ■ governmental bo Tuesday al lhc new vocational lya; at the Ponderosa Inn at Burley residential use in 1974 w as I.G919 ccnlscent contrasting Idaho has nol nol yet experienced some of the I bodies... Involved' in qion* Gillcsipe, who Is on trial forr lhcthe IlniWcgrro s<,rshlp were repn 5 H ig h School. Supl.' B ay B a k e rs;'dulcd slm ullancftusly Tuesday al ncmploymcnt and power shorlagcs n^irescnted at Ihe meeting since lo th e 1939 cost of 2.GG cents.' ldah(Idaho power rales shortages, uncm • m u rd er of Lytic, 46, spcnl m ost1 otof FridF ay on lh c ihcy - will tvenlua ( Invllbd. -< G range Hall in Wendell. h av e gone up only 17.5 ^ r ccnent t slsince 1*J.')2," he of olhor roles.es’. He said some of the current entually be-required to provide , stand. Defense testimony continuedJiid loday. _wrlUcn Indlcallon f Gordon Bennell. vo-a}; ln.sli\i>ly-. ily.. th e flood conlrolrol alternativesal arc available from nesday from a II a.m. to 3 p.m. waters ond powering scwogeage idisposal and of' Lalmr andmd Industrial Scrvlce spoke on IK . \ G lll« p lc said It w as a t this tlnicTic lhth a t he w w t to Gordon P ricei at at tbc RC&D ProJcci-Officc In Wendell, Thequolals7S pints, of treatment plonls. -,” OSHA" requireluirementslnthcclcdrlcolbusiness. * m an High School student will ’■*' the home of Councilman Howaioward'Aril ona Coodlrig or througlrough Ken Hoyl, US A rm y Corps of The Wesl Poini Grange womc Bruce' lomcnled the effortss of s som e to block ' L uncheon - speaker Sf was humorlsl G.R. illey FFA District In a national „ resigned, Idling Aril "If theiw council• secs Engineers, WallaValla W alla D istrict, Clty-Cotinty and lhc PEO Is handling advc .steps to meet clectrical needs. Masqucllcr, Weslinghouse We Electric Corp. He JJ. fil, 11 can rchlre me tomorim orrow .” > A irport. WallaB Walla,Wal W ash. 99362.. telephoncsollcllollon. "W e In th e company know’ lhalIhol cvldcncc will told the dclcgoiIcgoles only 18 per cent goes for prfze in a b i t t e n and oral cxoni - be presented In the tcchnica! hcarlthcorlngs which will lighting and appiappllonceuse; - — - lemljcrs. He wins an all-expense \ od^ualcly prove the needcd fofor. additional He wid thislis c contrasts lhe cry for conserving■H ' 3 NchoolM s l a l e d the national meet this sum m er, gcncratlng-capacity and wc! furtifurther Iwllcvc ll light and notot p purchasing additional clcctricolII • . TU'IN FAI.I-S - A Cereal gn)\t i e Upplanlo took sccond place In will Iw adequately shown a coal-fin>at-fired plant Is th e oppllances Inin ththe home. Culs to l« effccllvc. Magic Valley communities this v only visablc sourcc consideringIng Hrtime frame and musl be madede It|n heating, water heoling and olrlr ■ ' The first event w ill! « JHondoy»k I first Inlhe leam compelilion. cost faclors.” he lold lhe group.ip. coqdiiionlng.1. heho said. ond the sam e program is schedisrs in the public spcakingdlvislon theW oose HaU In Buhl and th e y,G Jerome; third, Mark Plcrrc, r . Subjccls lo bo covercd includ;r. F iler, and fifth Anna Williams, ; praclices. fertilizer rccommem P o l l u t i om r c o n c e r nn v o i c e d : dryland farming, weed conlrc < : sanilalion and a report oh the cut ByCHARLOrtEBEUBELL decision h a s l)eeil)cen mode on the cxocl locolion of f i n Sponsors ore lhe Idaho S late11 V - Idaho’s largest bicentennial Tlmes-Newswrllerriler the plant, University of Idaho’s cooperall\’ in Idaho Falls wilh the ground- JE R O M E — Concem wllh land ccondemnation- Major conccniccm was volccd by. persons ol- ; 'FccdGralnDealcrsandthcUtah' S2.S million science cxpcricncc and pollulion of undergroundI walewaler was volccd lending the hearhearing over the possibility of con- ■ j byI Jerome rcsldenLs at a publicjbllc Ihearing on a lamination of underground water, mainly S : H agerm an bo,v wln»: preparation for moro than two proposed sewage irealmenl plant.lanl. . residential wells. ^ HAGERMAN - A Hagcrm M ore than CO people ollended;d the Ihlrd he a rin g Also m cnflomCloned w as th e pbsslbll’lly of to e ' T hursday night conducted by CH2M Engineering lagoon needed fi ; represent the Wesl Mogic Valliler will Ix; on energ) . Thcrc will 1)0 cd for storage leaking and serfage .Firm , Boise. < contesl. r •is completed, filtering downTl intoInt the imderground ocqulfcra>^ Dave Myers, engineer, saidId the hearing was Formers requested rcqi the scwoge plont bc\ r Cox look th e high Individual p called liecausc of the great amoiamount of cillzen locoled below ll for agricultural coopcrallve me IW lhe wolcr users, closcr lo the conccm which has developedd ovciover tJic location Snake River, . paid trip loLansin^ Mich., for lh and type of wasle walcr trcalmecalment'planl pro- CH2Mhasado{adopted an cari Icr suggest lon by Ihc [ Cox and his tc ain m em ber Brl> i t a l i z e d posed for Jerom e. - farmers to pipe)ipc the trealcd waste wolet lo the ' th e Icam ratings. V Two separate pelilions havevc bebeen cireulntcd Snake River and eliminate sprinkler Irrlgollon of TwoTwIn Fallsstudcnlsplacc- by farm ers In the orea southwwest est oof Jerome p d the treotod affluaffluent which would ha\e required ( Other winners Included placers t a b b i n g - filed wilh CH2M,.the City Counclktuncll and lh c fen.- ’ 3G0 acrcs. contest, second, Shaun Maxey, vironmental Proleelion Agencyncy fprotesting the However, thelhe hearing,h farmers voiced conccm w been scl at $10,000. CasUcford; fourth. Sandy Yoder, proposed planl. over Ihc oossiblsslbllltv the.Djpc might brpak and T w inF alls. 0 W illiam Red Clolid, 40. Bccausc a negative declarationallon Ihas lieen filed contamlmitc: ththei e ir w a |e r wells and requested the a Malad: was arraigned Friday In th e form of lhc petitions by' lhc laIj rm ers. e v ery plan t be m oved'Cd toti tb e Snake R iver Canyon rtm. IF project begins and releo^ after pleading effort possible Is now being taaken k e n )by the council Glenn Rlchlcr,htcr, CH2M water wasle ireatmcnt gullly to being drunk In public, and CH2M to resolve the conlrovcilrovcrsy and come manager, saidlid Iheret was more danger In con- IDAHO FALLS. Idaho I UPJ t cr Interfering wllh officers and to a mutual ogrcemcnt. lam lnotlng underjyound und< .water If raw sewage project got under>*ay Friday 1: aggravated assault, ' If a m utual ogrccmcnl con nol Ube reached, th e w as piped from■om town lo a plant a t the rim of lhe breaking ceremonies for the i c- misdemeanor, Reid said, E PA will have to conduci an ImpaiImpact study w hich riv e r lhan If the treated waste water was piped . ccntcr. cf - Norton said Kilpatrick and could take up to six monlhsis and would delay fromasilenearlc a r louTi. The cenier has been under j Red Cloud began beating Davis conslructlonof a new plant. Followlng.thrf.three and one-half hours of debate yeare. ge 'shortly aller entering lhe The ‘conslruclion deloyr coicould m oan a on Ihc Issue, It ww; as dccidcd lo hold In abeyance a The Initial exhibit in Ihc centeiJo Sweetwater Saloon ot aboul e significant Increase in the coslosl of the plant and decision on the th( location of the planl unlil seven exhibits when lhe ccnlcrin i: p.m.Thursday. could put th e cily of Jerom e In Jeo|Jeopardy of being residents wlwK) wouldwi be .living In the area of the ■1. Davis alle^ypulled oul'a of cdm ing under heavily •(Ined,(Ined, by lhc EPA proposed silee couldco' lour several other plants In he knife and stabbed Kilpatrick bccause th e plant would not be'corbe'completed before Oregon and WaslA^ashington. cy three tim es In the sto m ad i and I thepcrmltfortheprcscntsitc'explc'explres. ' R lchlcr sugge«g gested th a t persons be taken a t thee . - Z ' LCWISrONBOWM/iWHANOksHugbntaiiaalm' ' M a n h o s plid grolit. R ^ Cloud rcccivcd1 T h e Cily Council has oblainedIned ana option on Sl expenseo(CH2^’H2M and the Jerom e City Council lo for practice M t at a t tbe i Idabo a«te. Atctery ’. mlnorcuts. acres ol land belonging to UoydIJoyd Overman one . the other j^ants, ints Mid let them soc for Ihem selves A r c h e i ^ . rtilplounuuDent&SatuRiay ^ ir^“*'^Ch*rBer-agafnsH(IIpatrtck—■ and'onc-‘halfT^cs^^wBrt;“ JrtFliBlwFHBif-mmnasnm;— howUw'pTant'w)U w ill look. If 11 produces odors and and today al (be NoUS^iUaaalOuiRrArmofy. About ~ th are pending until he Is well i n H a i l e y I adJa<^to.InterstalcBO. wrhatnelghborlniorlng reslfc n ls think aboul It. [k / SO aixtera (rom u-yiU-year

■ )r . / T . ‘ ■ IB Timos-Nowa. Twin Falls. Idaho ^Sunday, FobruBry 23.197S I d a h o 1 National o r t s r e p) ' o r t ri V a l l e y 1 1f e a t h e r BR e p o r t Temperatures 30,M ^ TTemperatdm e H igh' Low Hltf»LowPcp. ------Boisen ol; 41 21 ibuquerque 49 23 .32 Burley ‘ 29._ 11 Jichoragc ‘ 34 24 .08 Caldwell - '-17 / - 3 0 . 3 6 | ^ > d m ' “ •Uanta 65 44 .02 ' r e t a i l s; a l e s b o c -Emmetl-Emi —' 18 ^ MiN^iBj^ouy /1 Buffal:uffalo -41 31 , FairFairfield - -20 ^ harloUe i. _S7^33. ..!______. - . By BART QUESNELL . Gooding ... 23 - .1 — L - Volley ore conlrlhutli)ullno factors to the occupancy . hlcago------48^3B--:t7:------—:— ------Qrangcvllii:C ra ------^ Jf-1 5 : ______Tlm^CM lviiler— Incinnatl S5 39 .... SUN VAUJ:Y - Retail sales hci Hagerman — 6 ' lere are at an The two nighl scrscrvlces_^inlo Sun Valley also leveland 52 39 . Homcdalc - IB all-llmc high for Fttjraary. occordidin(> lo resort contend that reserve;rvatlons'ore steady or belter ~ If >allas 73 SO .02 fibop m anogcrs hcrC. In contrast wlA’lth the early th a n 1!>74 which wa aso s 0 good year. IdahoFalis 11 -14 BANFNANOItca u t^ eJENVBR -W. Klmtx-rly 31 18 >enver . 35 te . , partofthcskiscoson. Hol)crt Solles, markeUng mi director for Sun >es Moines 44 31 , The recent heavy snowfall is lirlnfnginK in sk ier v a lle y Keys, said1 the th first two months of this K una - 16 I!m ^ / McCall 30 -13 telroit 46 34 .. and m erchandise l>u>-ers‘a l an un|inprecedcntcd year ore holding otat leaslli steady.with last year's M r Iclena 26. 13 ra te , shop ow ners contcnd. Sun Voiolicy reoched ligures. MinMin. Home . ' — 20 j Uwl.^lon 42 25 / Ionolulu 81 64 , ■ Its highest sk ier doy Sundoy w ith 4.SI.W2 skiers on so llcs sold rescrvoirvolionsarcupovcrSOpercent P arm n — 20 • / 4 J Bndlanapolls l ' 55 37 Bold Mountain and an additional l.Oi.062 on D ollar for 1975 from 1974I with wi GO lo 65 per ccnt of thal Pocalcllo 28 <) 3 0 . lonsasC lty- 47 32 . M ountain. L traffic going into Sun5unValtey. Salm on Z.*; 0 JIS V egas 52 33 The hidhesl reported (l(;urc‘ on Bulluld Mountain January w«j.po( HiOHItT TIMItATUREi .poor monlh for Ixwkings Inlo SodaSprlng.s — -16 .os A n gdes 63 43 w as 6,000 skiers during li C hrlstmIOS o season In s im Valley,Sqjlcs solsold, becausc of the low snow ^ ^ / T M w S n iM M W. Yellowstone 10- -29 xulsvlllc ■ 61 37 . 1973. depth. Sun Volley’ wos wj getting worried as were y$o \hojoo^ licm phls 72 57 Shop owners, hotel operalors andid Sun Volley the airlines, Soltes s sisold, due to Ihc high numlwr r ^ — i i oiO E END f W n Millam lam l 82 75 .. ■Corp. U'crc worried tn Ja n u ar)' \when many of"noshoWs,” _ MllwaMilwaukee 40 33 . I Twin Falls sl(^)es In Kclchum and Sun Valley wereu bare of Soltes said the SajtSajt I.^ke branch of Sun Valley ' M■linncopolis in « ' 36 30 .05 snow. Key Airline wos gettlettlng m any no show s from the High Low 4cw O rlcans 71 64 1.31 However. Fd)njory l)rought snowV - the lotesl east and midwtstI sectionse of Ihe United Slates. Ycjilcrday VesI 31 18 ■Jew York 50 3^ .. a six Inch snowfall W ednesday. Accccording lo US soltes coullonod thalthat Ihc economic situation In ijs tY e a r 32 ■26‘ 2 s h o w e « s N f * o w 3klahom oClty 54 35 .42 Forest Scrvicc ranger Dutch Hnrp< E S 3 ' pcr only Iwo ihose sccllons of the country m ay conlrlt)utc lo A Avei verage 44 • 24 UriWtATHWFOtOCASt®r ® ------* OmatiDmaha 42 29 .02 years since 1960 have cxcccdcd thele snow depth more no shows butut FebruaryI so fpr Is running for F e b ru ary In 197S. sm oothly with few'cancellations. cai / T here a rc 7a Inches of snow on theuMnpofHold Soltes sold Sun1 ValleyV K ey/flew only 5,300 M ountain and 41 Inchcs on iho valleyy Ifloor. .p e rso n s in the firstrsl three ninths of 1973 but F a ili r w e a t h e rr s l a t e d f ojr i few dayiy s A Sun Valley shop owner saidlid Thursday is.OOO passengers wwci ere canned In th e flrstlh re e Fcb ru o ry hos t>ecn " v e o ' " HeIc said before m onths in 1974. / TvTwin Foils. Burley-Rupert Low er Wood R iver -valley: _ oover v Southern Idaho lodav VPPeiippcr level windflow ^ -Iw pcrati)craturcs are forecast to show _ C hristm as and early iifJTflijuiry saleses w ere stow. ^ H owever, much of 1 of the lncrea.s(^in passenger and northside areas: Fair ParPartly_cloudy..Fair. today; a n d _ p.producing.mo^y-falr.^lcs-ln— r gradiir a d u a lly c h an g in g Irom . a1 slows]ow-wanning.irend.ovithc ------— ^The store had a record t)a-okli)g da; lay Fel»: 9 h e - trav e l Is due to thew e w q iilsitio n o rS u n V.'illoy Air loday lo d wilh Increasing ...... tonitonight with Increasing clouds Jhihe region. Some moisture northlorthcrly lo southwesterly nexticxt several; days os the nor- said for the tim cof the year. In 1973 by Sun Vallejllicy Kcy.Alrilqes, Solles said, .citiu.cinudlnc.ss tonight. Cloudy Monday Mor wllh a chancc of a few Imbedded In In ttie northerly flow looday d a through Mondoy Ihcrlyhcrly flow aloft ends. ••All U takes Is snow.” I jino .sold. Air Idaho also dropf•opped out ot service early in ' MonMunday wltti a chancc of a few snow sno\ showers by afternoon, alofl al continues lA produce a resull•esulling In slowly Increasing Maximum Mu: temperatures. Vickl Graves, monager of Ihe Sun1 \Valley DniR . 1374. snow show ers or -rain by af- Lows Low lonlght win l>e 5 to -10 and few fe clouds-btil the flow is cloud:louds from this front lonlght Sundi>unday should bc mostly In Ihc Store, said Ihls “Is otisolutely the v(vory Iwst for A ir West airport1 manager n Paul Schoass said tenuMiiul/Ov^s tcni lonighl 10 lo 20 highs high loday in Ihc 2Q's and dccrciislng. dc The next threal lo andmd ^ Monday. mn id id3i 30's In south ccntral areas Fcbniary" the store has done in salescs. pa ssen g e r Ixmklngsgs have 1 Increased fm m ;i,000 and and highs ttxlay in the mid 30's Monday Mor 251635.— the th fair weatlier lies Irrr a A fewf showers are expected rising-ising lo Ihe upper SO's to lower She ollributed the snow and severa ral addilional persons per monthHln in 1973 to over 5.000 bookings andMon(l:iyiiithe40‘s, and; S3Synopsis: A ridge of high Pacific P^ front which is still welt lo0 spspread over Ihc area from 40'sWs Monday. , Lows will Ik accommodations added during 197-1M a s reasons p e r m onth In Januaryaryof Ihisycar. Comos ^ Prairie, Hailey,'—pressure pres continues to prevail ■ offof the coasl al this limerTHc Ihe'he' west Monday^ 'Tem- nostly mosti In the teens tonleht. for the influx of skiers and tourist Intololheresort, AtleastSOperccntentoflhistrafflcShoasssaldls F eb ru ary she soW hos l>ecn the Ikj«sl month l)y going lo Sun Volleyiley. Air West flie s'In seven far cxc/udfnR the Christmas season. spccial ski flights> eacheo Salurday. plus a large Betty Wilson. Sun Valley -r-re se rv a tio n c h a rte r flight cachI week,we • I . manager, said the Sun Valley Inn antnd IXKlgc a rc . F e b ru ary .nights,Is, he said, have pick«Kl up H e a v y hl o s s e s h i t s u g a r V a l l e y b e a n s V full. February Is t>ooked solid, shehcsald. nnd- consideroiily overer January. Several can- M arch looks the sam e. • G reat northerns: average 14.00; 13dct,3 de ale rs a t 14,00 ccllallons were recirecorded In Januar>', Khoass CourtesySlnclalr&Co. ( unciunchanged -with h a rd re d sold so ccnl higher al 3 '..i cenls p, The World Cup. Lange Cup and Wc Pinlos; overage 24.5(i: 1 dealer a l 2626.00; 11 dealers at 25,00; Vorld Cup all said, many of thoseosc were heading to other ski CHICAGO Cli - The world wintwinter ot March pflge and soft over. o\ Gulf basis 1 cent easier . . will bc held I rr m rc h . she said, whlcl t d e a le ra l 18.00. Ich will bring areas with plenty ofof snow.si . ■ sugar suga markel. lacking any redred 4 under. At the Gulf the according a< lo reporls al 12 ccnls additional people Into, the valley. SI Sm oll reds: averogc 20.77; 4 d e;olcn> a le r a i 22,00: 4 dealers a t . She said the March passengerer flightsI "will l>e one of Ihe olher olh< ncw incentives, whewheat basis is uncliangcd to 2 ovcrM o\ arch. additions of the Wlldnowcr condomin 21,00; 4 d ealcrs at 20.00; 1 dealer a t 18.0018.00, ^ inlunis, more largest we've hadd bnbi Ihe. Ixwks, Shoass said, responded rcspi lo Amslar's latest ccnlcents higher a t 32 ccnls over Friday's aptlon in soylwan ™ bed space al RIkhom and the Rai Ica ler at 22,00; 7 dealers at ■anch 111 Sun ••Fchruar>’lsjnm mmcd ct full." ____ . ______cc complex was very simlliar lo Idaho pinks: averogc 20.54: I dcalei 21.00; 4 dealers at 20.00:1 dealer a t IH.OO I that ^ In cbm In thal expected ^t.OC IH.OO. Comodity nows wirovirc roporls * commercial-hedging ct failed lo L. R. kidney: average20,50; 1 d eolcr o le ri 0120,50, C o u r fo s yfo o f ^ ' m alerialiie In volume a l the Quotollons represent offerings off repreporting dealers, courtcsy — E m p l o y e i s - e i t e d ^ B - M)-, Ix ______. ______01'Vof Wcslenf Bean Dealers /\ssoclolionan Ineen graduated luturned m oround wilhoul the ^ The NAHB believes the stock ■ . aid th e ailing housing lndustr>- legislation lc that woMldsui>sidlze Irom Iron the 82nd session of the proper prop support after mid- o tJ p e n s I o r unused permit^ Is being 3cneral Molors Corporation mor got support Friday from two mortgage m Interest rales for ' Cen moming and broke 10 to 12 depleted a n d until IHcre a re houslng-orlcnted groups. middle m Income families; takc-^ rhcvrolel Chc Molor Division ccnts ccnt from the top, ending the -i slgnlfloonl dents in the current M ax H. K arl, president ot the over mosl of a family's mor- ' Dealership Dei Management sesssession os m uch os 3 lo 7 cenls ^ overhang of i ^ l d homes, any 1110000^011 Mortgage Insurance Corn- t(: khool. lowt tgage payments for a lem- Schi lower in the Important near d V l o o r s ' I tum-arbund *ln building Is panics of America, jirid 'pi Han.scn Is cm ploycd by Ace monmonths. ^Losses ranged to 2 po raiy period if th e fam ily lost H; unlikely. • IM William Marshall Jr.." 2 pcr cenl of more of ils In- llan.scn Han Chevrolel Inc.. Twin cenl TWIN FAL1.S - A new steel ■ cents in deferrcds. T Under Ihc. circumstances, ' |||fl president oL.the Amcrican c( building corutructlon firm has B C o n com e. F-alls. Fall , - • CiCash wheat In Chicago Is bul Enzcl soys the group Is pushing - . ( ^ n e d fo r'b u sin e ss In Tw-ln B stall Its projections for the begin- |H Falls. B start ning of a substantial, lasting U jtt The firm, MId-Slatc Building B J a m - T upturn from early or mid- .Construction Co.. is a I ™ opilt spring to latc spring or early |B dealership for Allanlic ^ am c summer. Enzcl says NAHB. . BulBuilding Syslems, a Georgia- econ isn'l yet revising its estlmole based firm which manufae- » ;'.'J N£ of about 1.4 million starts for tu r ■:%] Hon- lures pre-cngineered steel the year but is likely lo do so H H buildings. if nexl month’s commerce [ | | Alvin Kusy. Twin Kails, Is St cons report Is bad. 1 | E - the owner of the Imsiness. F; K 822,0 ' NAHB Is traditionally ^H .which employs four offlcc of B The considered a bear on housing, people and will sutK onlract di B 0 ^ 1 but Enzcl said some of the —^ business wllh erection crews In of B group's members aro now the area. B Signi LEGALNOTICE telling us our projcctk)ns are ___ As a general contract, fr B over toooptlmistlc." notceofsaiT' " Kusy's firm will handle farm, w B , turn Nollc«is rwetry otven tr»t Jon 8, One group wllh more of a hoHoy«r,/< Bo i 3«7. Twin Falls. kUAo. Indu'strlol and commercial D B unlll reputation for optimism, the will Mil to IM highost bMkler ooe bulbuildings, inctuding groin bins.- ni Ur 1BS6 cnovroiet ro,»B-seo.oiB,7si. National Forest Products Bidsbms will M r»Miv»d until Febtuary potato cellars, shopping ci THOMAS STKEIi: En« Association, might also revise 23.23.1«7S, i( Thaadvoflisor (sservos Iho ccnlers and stores. a: . .. m‘H offii-tT I «Qhitorel«cl«ri/o»*llbld». Its starts esiimate - of 1.5 A native of Castleford. Kusy si ning PUBU&H:P«bruiry 11.12.13,14.18. million for the year — down- ' 1Mg.20,21t23.ti». ir.i( ______. graduated from the Collcgc of . in ward if next month’s statistics — Idaho a t Caldwell and recenlly B fc ank liires s f S NOTKXOFSAIE are bad, says NFPA economic Notice No IS h«reby given tiul Lorin was a vicc president for Nesco vi sum: Merle Conkln. H, HOJklns. 311 Art. E,, Twin Diversified Inc. in Detroit, Fills. Ituno will solt 10 the hlehesl . But for the nitrment.-Conkin Udder wddi one IMS Kond« 80 I, 0.- -Mich., where hc did feasibility new b officer of a soys the NFPA Is standing by ICfi>9IA-1«.1M, Bia* will b«- analyses for shopping ccnlers,- ct . lecelvwJ unlll lAiren 2. tSTS. The . TWIN FAI.1.S - T hom a! Its 1[” predictions, ; and ihinks the •tfvertlsof «}vei retenet irte ngnt 10 recreational projccls and I< Steele has joined the Twin building perm it ■statistic moy hoihouslngdevelopment. tl R jBLIS?!'; F o S iS ^B . 19.20,21,23. F a lls B ^ k & Trusl Co. a s trust be less significant than It * Kusy f said that conslruclion 0 N.25.2e,274r.lt73 officer osslgned to the Inisl „ In Detrbll w as " a t a sta n d still'’ ti ‘n l departmenl at the l»ank’s head . ^ beey we re buUt-b rW M rHLTnttidirDevelop: .-B n i ------w wo orkingonblds fortxilldings In investment counseling, port- ment. Twin Falls, whkb alsoao tsis 1building rental , the the area. Kusy said. Tfic firm B folio m anagem ent and In- ^ .^ ,1T W I N F A L LL S S C L I N I C F i l e r r<’en t a l s bousing In Jero m e. T be F ileTdevdopmeot r devi south ' offers off< 0 five to 15 per cent p vestment analysis. . of Highway 30 is knowii'asI Casa Qrande. Only ' - reduction red in steel costa, until d Hc received a BA degree In 733-370700 one bedroom unlU are still aviUalivailabteforrent. April Api 1, h e ^ ld , T business administration and - economics from the College of .f/ ^------■ n ------— r Idaho in 1963 and later Joined the First National Bonk of - ^ Oregon os a loan officcr trainee. According to John J . Wolfe, vice-president ond trust of­ ficer, Steele will be primarily , p concerned / wllh Investments “ made by the bank 'as trustee )l for trust accounts, pension t. plans, Keogh plans (HRRIO). . and Individual retiremenl „pllm a------. Slecle is married to Pamela 1 Ruhlcr, , formerly of Twin - I . Falls. The Steeles have three daughters and will reside In Twin Foils. ‘ 1 t, -

Sunday, Fobfuary 23,1975 Timoarim os-Nows,'W in Falls, Idaho 10 1 1 TF■ Easter Seal giiirl respDonds'

------tlEBAiJU)JONES ' ■ neverbeiS eanorm al c h i l d . ' ------— h nvel'vi'c evcrS^rifidence^'e will opcralcs opc; on donations and TlmefrNes-Newawriter MostctI cefeb ral palsied babies gainn sufficient suf equilibrium and many mai communjfy fund-roising : TW1NFAUL5\ULS - The Easier start oulDut naccid and floppy: bcable able lo straighten her legs p proi ro g ra m s hy scrvlcc, and civjc \ —■ Seal Centerer personnel are then stifitlffen. If movement Is . and1 ankles ant lo the'cxtcnl sho clubs ciul help keep il operating.-^ ' _proud._flL_Jlna- . .ttjirted.1. after,i thcy._8tlffcn. it . u-.-..wiUoncioncflay walk-normally. --.‘s ‘-‘Wo arc-;always short-bf-' - Lancaster. docsn‘ft'’do '( much good. Mrs. Irs, Mrs. Stoddard says one of money." moi Mrs, Stoddard said. VT.-aS&fl • ShelslhecurB current Twin F a lls S loddartirtsays. hcrgoalgoals is to gain cooperation ■‘Now -Ni WC' arc also short of c e n te r's Elosteia ste r Seal giii, but F or Tina,Tli the original bleak of doclors doct and hospilals In spacc spa and w-e arc hoplng«t6 ‘ shclsalsoashia shining example of outlook3k has brightened. • sendingiding p a re n ts with high r W som son eday expand th c old c c n le r' ’ - ilM BSm^a accompllshmctimcnt. Therapypy began Im m cdialcly babieslies to t thc ccnlcr for IhcrapJ- or rcpiacci ll wilh a ncw larger'' BjMlHHH Tina, tite« d;daughter of Mr. alter shesh( camc to the ccnlcr as i;arlyearly a s passllile. Inclllty.;^ in c ■ andMrs-Robeilobert Lancaster. throughJh suggestions o.f a Manyla n y people a rc Ixjglnntng In ii nddillim lo .children like -' - has bpen rccreceiving Ihcrapy friend..Shcwassllllpllablcand Sl to recognizereco( the Importance of T Tin ina, many wilh sim ple sp c cc h '' f c n . o t th e ccnlcrler sinccs Jusl before could be I stimulated inlo early-|y’ •stlmulnllon-s lo prevent or or hearing ditficullii*s arc', , ahcwasthrecrrec monlhs ot oge. coordinanatcd movement. probleniblems in molor. develop- — being boi helped at the ccnler. Thla '. Shc Is thethc tirst I child with Now.•. justj over a year laler. ment.nt. shc6 said, bul there arc . year yer Bemicc Iloeslcr. who has' ’ serious birthtirth damage thc she is; stills working hard nn still.1 loo loo m uny chiidrcn growing na degreed in education, w ill help c c n lc r hasi bccbeen able lo begin exercise!ses such as trying to ,up wll . “V wllh severe handicaps the Uic cenler conduct a' kin- ' " w orking with.’ith tal such a yqung rcacha acrawling poslllonu 20 children per day a rc of of chiidrcn like Tina how In •' . - T ina sulfcrcdS others al andd trainingtn do so, dnd lh(^ the thi stale to help parents totd the parcnls pare shc would the'ccnli:nler who work wilh Tina who10 cannot;ca rcccivc the carc ’ rccognizc rci problems and learn Easier Seal girl, Tirina Lancaster. r ' ■ Irrpr p g g a a r d l e s s .’ T h e c c n tc r corrccllvccxcrctscs. co; ......

y '■ 1 ^ ^ ^ ~ t '

B v '’ ' * v S ^ . .»n

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y • f ^ i t M i * Head balance exercl>rc/se fs performed Merle Stoddard, leell, fe o c h e s molher thero^ropy. by Tina and molher.er. Tina stands withoutJt Stiffenings legs.

TF s o fp h o m o r e g ( ir l e n jo»ys y F F A claa s s e s , p ica n s c a r e efr r in agricic u ltu r e ;

TWIN F A U S ^ Ttie oldId Williams, niemlwr of u cof- harvcsl. isheep, swine and even poultry, machine should know how-It1 ‘- to help inCj" the allraclivc so s sh e chosc FFA. Maylw la te rr -• |In lhe variou.s chapters, ^ conccpt . ol' lhe farmer’s‘s poratlon which operates aI “I will have lo rent the landnd They' arc Just os Interesting,". operates and l;« able to make! young blonde said, she s wilt take some home cc- 1Through this program money daughier whose future usuallyly 1.200-acrc farm ranch wilh1 and work out an arrangement:nt shs c say s. l _ .b a sic re p a irs.’ She is currently lhe chaplcr onomlcsclosses. o |Is m ade available lor Ixiys a n d ^ I Involved marrying anolher;r 1.000 head of Iwcf callle soulh1 to pay for use of the (armm Anna Is not only enthusiastic: As to how lhe other FFA> sweetheart In Twin Falls and girls nol able lo provide lheir" •~i farmer and helping him wilhh ot Twin Falls. Her .molher is5 equipmeni and hopefully >>e »« aboutllvestockandagrlculture.i members treat lhe girls in thc‘ In her first speech contest this FFA runs In the, Williamsi c o w n'pnjccl anim als. ; thechorcshaschanged.' CarletlaCox,T\^ln^•alls. ahlc^showaprofil." shesaid.Id. butI sh c Is sold on thc FFAI organization. Anna says - week placcd filth :^in thc family. f Ilcr older brother, Jeff, If 0 helfcrcalf is purchased ; . II b c rn a m c ls Anna Williams,s. She is especially inlerested1 In Ff^. Anna Is learning suchch program.| "gTM t." • d is l r ic l.. ' ''V was an FFA meml»cr while In1 i and given loo youlh for an FFA today’s rorm cr's daughter Is a in livestock pnxluclion1 Ihings as soil compalllon. seedcd - “We have an opportunity "They expecl us lo hold our "I wasn't disap^inled in school s and now- carries on anI i projecl, hc or shc keeps the member of the Future Far­r- Ixfcnuse she grew up In thisi sclcclion. weed control andnd throughi our organiution to3 own but 1 think they, enjoy fiflh place. This was my first activc a part in the family ianim al unlil It h a s produced ils mers of America and planningIg business. This summer. record keeping. __ 1handle our own programs5 having____ g irls____ ln_,l the: - compctition-and_l plan-U)-do_-.r--.•ranchlngopcration. •'firsl offspring. This animal is h er own c arce r In agricuilure•e however, she Is working ouI iin “, — •‘She has complciedjmumifer«cr wtih UicTielp o( our adviser,■. organization," shcsa>3. belter next year, l/:aming to then given back to the program orllvcstock production. agreement wllh her father forr of Iwef projects In 4-H In tbebe We competc.In Judging con-I- Although Anna hasn't[ speak in public is one of the Hc Is also a mem lxjr of Ihce l lo 1« donated lo anWher youlh Anns, a st^m ore al the10 rental of part of the fomlly'si p ast hul Ihls year has her ilrslrst tests, speaking contests anda decided whal cxact course sher Imporlanl things FFA tcaches FFAAIumnlAssoclallonwhlch I t\ c or sold lo (inancc purchase of • ' Twfn F a lls High School, is Inn t.200 acres In order lo do som eV FFAJxicfanlmal. other, events. We also atlendd ,will follow; shc |s pretty ccr- us.” she said, has 1 been formed here. AlumniII olherc projocl animals, h e r first y e ar ol FFA and plansIS crop farming. She plans to) "I selected beef projects:ls shop and mcchanical classcs,"‘ . lain h e r fulurc c arec r will lw inI Anna said she also likes In memlxjrs i help FFA txjys ondd to complcle all four years byly plant >)eans, w heat and1 becausc I havc always l»encn shesaid, ...... ' some (leld of agriculture. cook and sew, twt there girls I with projects andd li)ans arc also uvailublc to douliling up In h er Junior year. prohqbly hay and to handle Ihc1 around beef animals, but nowiw Anna believes everyone win0 "Everything I have learnedI not room on her schedule for - organizational< mOllers. iall mcmljcrs w ishing lo ixirrow She is thc daughter of Bill11 culllvoling. Irrigation and1 I'm learning alxiul dairy.7- opcralcs a car, truck or farmn and will leam In FFA Is going; both FF A and hom e economics There is a "chain program"" i money to financt projects.

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| | h | | I P o n d eers r J

p r o j e ccts l

• ■ VOUNG AnniAinno^Wf/lfoms. , *'• of h it, a mem o f Ih e W ' Twin Falls FF. “ • ^ s o p h o - . m o r * . ■/o o k j o > v e r b e e f ' ' . - htrdon fomilynily ronch. She • ^ ;k |||^ ig |[|^ ', pjoris a corta}r*er In ogrl* ^ cuffurs. fncoincourogemenf ^■ illjjjfljW Is of/*r*d AniA n n o b y h e r . eff. ol right. .fcVi-.jBSr ‘.jf . It a membernb e r o f Ih e FFA "AJumnI Aisocloocloflon orgoo* 'lied lo llsl FFA mem- bers with pro/ecfs; prob- ' fe rn s

W s l - - I ' ■

. 20 ■ TImos-News. i wm hail3. Idatio10 Sunday, Fobfuary23.1975 | O j H . Checksc p rese n ted ' v ;’ :;

- l O k O N E o f ihe diesol me­ chanics fnsfrocfors ol (ho m Srm W ^ 7 • . College al Soulhern Idaho. Abigail V an Buren .JiirJlm .^lund, leff. presenls fwo^»S2S0 scholarship ^ c k s lo Bon^.O neldo, D EAR AESBY; Ij it p o »sible il for a 13-ycar-old boy lo . falhcr n child? Our Jicighbiibor claims lhal Leroy, our \\ 0 confer, and Lee Helnzol- J 13-ycnr^)ld son. KOI Launc.!. lheir 15-year-old daughter. |Lrl I fy ,’’ / / m oon. Thoso schoforshlps r pregnant. B y ' ore r o modo available * I ^ y hns Dlwnys been big fofor his oge, bul hc never was o S' A if .X ’ (hrough-donoMons (ho P ?ver looked ol a girl. Ho has run-around, nnd he hardly ev. i v \ y UnUnited Oil Corporalion. J ■ never l>ecn in any kind of Irouluble. He's a good student and, ’ » ■ 5 (u on altar boy nt church, 5ludonls wore selected on " Leroy said he fooled oroutidid with Ijurie "some." bul he r - • bosbosfs of /o^b/ocllvo. sue- ^ wasn’P the only one. Laurie soyly? she is suri; Leroy Is th e one, c o s j (n* dl^el mechanics f N v but She ndniiltcd to having gigiven in lo three other boys, COIcoorso ond W ^of rosJ- ^ . * . Lilurie refuses to have an aoboriion bccausc il's agdinsl ^ 6 dordency. ^ •her religion, Shc is a very rcligigious girl nnd nlways soid she jwnnted to be a nun. ' We don’t knov< w here to titurn, Abby. If il's our son's ' I, baby, we want to do the nghtt Ithing, but if il iflTlVwe don’l ■sec why we shquld bc stu c k wit/ith the responsibility, expense !and so on. * Can you help us? MISSISSIPPI MESS I ■ ■ " - ^ 1 ■ X P e rnney MR. AND MRS.;. JONJC BARRON j M essy TF m iss, Bdi•drron OPEtNsmiuiIV12 TO5 : situation A' e x c h a n g e p SAVE 2 0 % ON N O -IR O N ^ iM prom ises SUNDAY i DEAR MESS 1 First, youjieiieed.Bome expert legal advice. 1TW IN F A I.L S ,- KathiTini' and ;,it( MlUl- Cill. iKilh i-'alr(ield, ' FLORAL S H E E T S - A NASES------: D ^ NEW LOW PRICE you can't afford a towyer. cconsult your local Legal Aid W«W okerslen and .Iim B arnm Kil Hari'iin, nephew o( thc SALE “ ROMilNCE" OESlGNiiGN ■Sodety. Then get some counstiseling from your clergyman, wcw ere mnrrk-d In a mipliiil m;iss l)i(lenri)(ini. t,j|j w as rlngl>eurer. [ERS ' -Family Service and/or Planmmed Parenthood office. It is al ju 2:30 p.m, Feh, H nl St. Jc( COORDIKATING POLYESTE Je(( Wokerslen. brother o( the Twin Flof and lifted ibbvlouB th a t both Leroy a n d LaLaurie need to know a lot more HeiBenedict's Priory. • - hri , hriili', ami Brian' Florence SPRIIIG FABRICS Refl. 4 .7 9 ...... « o „ r ■ |Bbout the birds ond the bees anind PEOPLE Ihnn they know. f F a th e r Cosm os While per- ' wiTccaiidlelighters, wc, ^^o t Uds don't know CANI 1hurt them. Full Hat and fitted (ormed the- doulilerliin , Mrs.^ Alec Broome. Victoria. 3 3 ’/3 0FF Reg. 5 . 7 9 . ; ...... cercerommiy. British iiri Cdlumliia. aunt ol the ...... n o „ 4 « . DEAR ADDY: Igolintoa teterrible ftght with o Uilephonc The bride Is the daiighler ot lin’degnKim. iini was’organist (or NOW 2 " y d , Queen Flof and fitted ■operator. I couldn’t g e l m y pailarly, so I dialed th^o operator i>_ Mr. and Mrs. Kenl Wokersien. theuk‘ ceremony.Mr. and Mrs, Reg. 9 .7 9 ...... in d asked her to holp me get;l the number. She wns very q, ...... Twin Falls, bnd Ihc cla Orlg. 3.99 yd. Cropo King F lat a n d (iH ed - a Jude, nnd said: "Why don'll't you leom how to speak Clay Mart;.. Mr, and Mrs, Dean bridegroom's parents are Mr. ivi stitch, llcrols, linon crash, jknglish?" I’eltinger. t.llih Wallace and Reg. 1 1.79...... No w 8 ^ [ and Mrs. Uoyd Barron. Xr; All solids to coordlnoto. ish, Abby. 1 was bom in Pine T raev Son.'iis '>i'< pluff, Arkansas, and lived thihere until eight monlhs ago, *'Falrtield. “ .. . , . . Fails, l-'al provided vocal music. *■ Reg. 4 .2 9 ...... 58 to 60" wido, 0| ...... >hen 1 moved lo Colifornio. The hride woro a govMi nl The -j ciiiiplu w as honored at a J When this operator insultedcd me I asked her whol her candtDll^ht polyester saIa|M-au reei'ptloii at St. Edward's Ihance w as becausc I w os so angngry 1 wanted to rcporl her to featuring lonf* Jullel*sk'i'i'i's I’an.sh |*j| Mall ' {ollowliig the _ jftcr suMrvisor. She snid she wiivnsn'l allowed ’to givo o u l her omond a high collar Thi- ilrcss ceremony '• ;nome,'and before I couldId soy onoihcr word, she w as i*u4WM)inpln‘-t( y k ' wilh Thc i thiLi.'. tiered wwldiiu’ 'JUisconnectcd me. colcDllon lace Irim on flic Uxlici' eake c-al was placed .over a * How con a person reportrl 0 -discourteous telephone aniu n d a tull A -linesklrl. louiilalii inu nt Iniruundy water ■' ?operator lf shc refusta to givt — Het— noor-len|‘lh-flini.nll;t—— nnd-wiw-siirroimdrd-b\“nm (i\f ------IN S U L TE D iN C A L IF . velveil (ornicd a train, It was hearl |i,.; shapwl cakes ,\nn' ‘ ,t>d|. 1‘dged wllh ni.;itchinn lace, Barron. |);i: Faye Wokersien and ^ I DEAR INSULTED: Aakththe telephone operator for her caic arried a jj’rcscent shajH-d Ikirothy |),| Uuntphrey cut and f'D u m b e r.” (Each o p e ra to r hass one.) If ahe refuses to give it Iwil«u(iucl ii( pink- eymliidiiini j*'M r - ' ^ T\TTtth'^nke. — ^ you and hangs up. call baciick and ask for the supervisor. onorchids, pink pixie carnalintK ' , Marilyn Stewart and .lanel CYou m ay not bc able lo identifyfy the operator againsl whom huburgundy slar (lowers anil Hiimphivy servixl pnneh and , Tyou h«ve the complaint, bulI it’s worth a try. |)uhurguiidy rihlwn. Ming Icni '"J coKw. The linilegroom's SUNDAY - M A waw as eiitwiiii>d wllh the (lowers. SUNDAY ■ 1 pumh was ser\-ed l>y I.ynanne • ' ;, DEAR ABBY: My doughihler is 17. Her father (from -n,T he orc-hids (ormi-d a J"' S A V E M % SAVE 1 20%' /O m . ■whom 1 am divorced) bought, herh a car of her own, nnd ever ^cireniovalitecnrsiine. • Cox ^'1 and Paula Baiiseher. I Deltble Uavis. l.ltTtfii ^ ^ in c c sh e 's had th a t c a r her grmrodes have gone down, and she. (iMoria Wokerslen, sister i>( • ' •il ON B E D ' IDNBDY’S G yJ / ' ;has gotten so disrespectful amnd indepcndenl I can't handle thc hride. was maid o( honor. Itountree and Dolilne Andrews • reccivcdTJiltS. Tiniim Wriglit - ■ ■ a ie r ;...... * ...... Bridesmaids ' were Boccie ‘ % PILLOWS IUNDERWEAR ' - r She drives off to school in U th e m om ing and som etim es I Ilf.Barnni, Boise, sisler of Ihe and “J* Becky Braey were in •don't s*e her unlil 10 P.M. 'When'V I asli her where she's bridegroom, Clnd_v Heath ami c hargc o( llle guest Uxik. S A L E Z f . ? ’ SALE 1.,1.2“ , ^ ■been, she says. "Oh, just gocoofing around." Bcl.sy Wokerslen.” sisler of the Out ( of town >;uesls attendw t ' { . HoW can 1 g 6 t her book in line?lii The car is hers so I con't , , to lit. to 2 ” . J ) , \ hride. Carolyn Wokerslen. ■ • (rom(rc Idaho Falls. I’ocalellii. c \ Reg. 3.50 eo. < rtak e it nw ay from her. HER M O T H ER sissislcr n( the liride. was tlower Grace, Gr Sterling. Boise. Rni- ^ Stondord sizo.' Reg, | 3/2.89 to 3/3.25.V: m'ett. Caldwell. Fairdeld. * 5^ 5^ Bold Docron red 100% cotton ond-U-V^ — J-DEARMOTHERrThekey-y to lheaUualion'nu the'cor. ' Kiri, -• ' m'l laboi® Polyostor cotton/polybstor ^A» long'aa your daughter Is li under legal age, you^are IIx'e Barron. Corral,-l)rolhcr GcxKiinn. Gn Jerom e. Kiinlicrly. ct Ihe 'hriitegi-oom. was licst Filer. Fil Hayward. Cald.. Ca.stn) pillows oro plump blends, lor comforl,y ■responsible for her. Ground herh« u nlil hei" grades com e'up. » ond koop thoir ;And YOU set lhe mien aboulul when she’s/opecled home. man. I'shci-s w ere l.yie V Vaaliev. Calll.. and N’lcloria, ondabsorboncy. i - ' f y : M(Mosler. Bol.se; G ary G arzoll..—ll.iB.C.- I I \ shopo. Buy 'om by C ul for oosy w oor th o poir. ■ DEAR ABBY; When a woroman complo^nod bccause her . Sizos 8-20. / ------. ' !husband wanted her offoclioniinnte alicniions at odd times, . »^ou iaid; "Shool lhe duck:ks when they are flying." j|. Since you cani go0 aioaround sayng v a ^ ^w onderful advice! tetourctothesdaitforvou"’ 7 £nj 5 M y wife is 62 ond so oni I, She is full of pep nnd slill \[i: . ■ works fulltime, ond she shool•ots the ducks white they ore •■flying. A nd if they o fc n 'l fly;iying.'she hunt.^ them out! , I i Sign mo...... THEHAPPIIMEST MAN IN THE WORLD ' ' • 3 i P .S . Tiu! only tim e sh e g e ts} anll g ry with m e is when I tic k le - OPEN APDAY’7 IL 9 f^ M fl Slhe bottom of her feet. S h e is a little overweight, so there ore 'plenty of other places to lickliiile her. I hope you d o n 'l think NEW LOW PRICE »we ore crazy. J- Simply and sporlily scn- sational* Shirl-lail jackol WOMEN’S KNIT TO PS ' * DEARHAPPY:lfyou’recrcraxy. whot this world needs is and lly lro n t panls In ' NEW LOW p r i c e ' m j|more crazy people.- toltorsall cnccks. - .* S A L E M ' Solo's by Counlfj Set Orlg. 5.50 l» $ 6. Comiortoble SAVE 2 5 % m crow nocks-iippor Iront^ MEN’S SPORT iW -K w • 'icf' satin ’ or short sloovod turtle- ^ A j P ' 1 i f r n 'strip e stilil. 2 ^ i f . Four gore tliifiv' n o c k s. 100% n y lo n / [SLACKS . ‘trrfBd o rblotk- polyostor. Goy colors, J l |3 mochino woshoblo o n d ^ ^^ ' -NOW *12 ■ or window pane tu m b lo dry: . ' ' Y j MBI iomblnorioni Sizos 34 to 40, t« n -y J r J V a l il e y ^ j ‘ : plaid slocks moslly w ovoo. in n o-iron 100% polyes'tor. Mon's sizos: All w a sh a ljle '' \ K y woven . I c a / e ri d a r I ^ .polycsier, ^ ~ '■ ALSO ,, , S FE B RRUARY24 ,. I ' B k ___ OcoA V E 2 6 % FEB RIRUARY 25 S i ■ f l ■ i JEANS WENDELL-Cereal■al school, ’ X M l m v WlWOMEN’S PANTYHOSE BUHI. - Cereal schoTool. I ; • S N O W ’S . •EDEN - Sewer Iwndndcleclion. . * f . ' IOW 57° a p a ir Orlg. 8.98. Blue BURIXY - Liveslo;lock Hall o/ F a m e dinner. | , d e n im je a n s ; ' •Pondcrosa Inn. J b ^ / H vaSk 3rl$.'77' o polr. Uliro s(retch ' ivqiloblo in 3 sizes. Nude duroble cotton/ FEBRIRUARY27 , I • I y i i w 'B s i 'A o'«SD a ovc \ hlettl; e t reinforced ponti qnd lo ly e s te r & co tto n - BURIJJY - Cassiaa Memorial Hospilal board | jI " ~ ' i ' ^ meets. '®*00 for longer wear. At this eons. Slightly flared -< ^ M \ r^.rW w lew prico they ore o bor< e g s (o r c o m fo rt. - » . KETCHUM-ChamImbcrofcommercemects, ‘ Z «Js\'vfl3 "®' FEBftUARY2127,28 and MARCH 1 | 3 jo in . R e in fo rc e d oToll p o in ts o ls t f o in . TWIN FALLS ^ A-:t\-2 baskelhall Ioum am cnl. U, • 1 -ff ; w CSI gym. 28to40wolH. . TWIN FALI.S - CJCSI dram a deportm ent § t I ^ F perform ance. 8: IS p,mm,,CSl audllorium.. • • ^ V I - . FEBRmuARYa Ss I I -FILER - Swine s sale. Twin Falls Counly ji | i f / ' ■ - ' ’ ■' CLEARANCE a Fairgrounds. — T H R U - - - - llMTlinitiiill...... ^ " i i r ~ 2 0 H L Y — .FEBRUARYRY28-MARCH1 '** I s • WEDHESDAy M T W m F A tJ.S - Idaho Id Alhlelie Cluh ot the |: -SPACE-SAVERS ' Dcafho^NWAADBaiasketball tournament, | ; BOV’S IHERMALj.-i;:

-UARiR C H M I i m e W E A R NOW i r ^^'omcn's Awareness'sW eek p Otig. (35. Wiilla or blue. ' o m y - n r iheT ves, 2 sets of cup-P- ' H X MARCH» t a n d 2 | long iImv* »hlri ’.f . i r ', ‘.I boords with sliding doors.s. ■ I TWIN F A L I5 - Mai!aglc Valley Gem sJtow. 4 T-'jiSjH sacT onkU clbb«j diow I - Poles to ■ reoch floor to I ' ■ I ' ' Marchland2.NatlonalCI Guar.'Armory, . « •r.»iiM$.M,L ■ trtl;;;: I eeiling. .• ' C IN THE LYNWOOD LYN § I f ' ■ '; i I.l I I a k ------V'-" - J.l \ . •1-'

• Sunday. Fobmory 23.1975 TirrTimos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho 2i I ^ e u le w I G o / d ruu sh p r ic e ss a lr n o s t r n e s e m b l eO o d a y 's ByRUTHBAIUffiR >lefiant_j?vcntnfi_bf_rtnm»>i;c___ I — sAVFKJwciasTTUprn^■ oTlHio^lscovery filtered cast, t. $10,000 each. One builder asedI t bar." a sign on the lunch si ------Twin Fini PuH IcU bm ^- music In Pairls when she H Shoppers wt» ‘ think priccss began buying up everything in I sudden w ealth lhal saw loo.ooo "Wo a n ' i» t Ihc BrotUp' n ■ brlckscosilngJleach, ceounlerread. . i n .dlscovert'd her underwear. . ■ — have-skyrocketed during lh<)i "sight that a prospector m l^t miners. , hunting g o m 'm ific « Compared to I9f75 prices. Mlncrsnftenhiidgnltl. Iiulin p sislers” remarks U-o Bouvler’<* about-Her ankles as she w:^ . ■ pasl year should have seenr need. I peak year of I8.y depleted lhe RadzlH’itl U'ilK epic utKlcr- some Items in San FranciscoI remoter areas were short nf a Ijcing Introduced lo Ihc Indian ■ • mcrdionls' signs rnorc lhan aa Wilhin n year.' Ihc rush \^as availahle goods rapldlv. IS werenU.too cxlrtfvagant. For• < cvcr>’thlng else. According lo stolemeiii In her Inlro- sinlussjidor. ■ c cntury ago In Calilornia Goldd on. and the biggest bonaika ^ instance.'a haircut and shave - • t - the M crcanlile T rust .Co.. o f.' •' „ A m eal In San FriinciMm ul . . ducllon lo_"Onc Specialll... - Jacklc.^who did the cartoon- ■ — R u sh c o u n tfy .. ------. - ...... ^.. . wofi In m erchandising...... : -- cost *1.S0. and fresh l»c{ wentI ■-California, there were ceHaln-: the jIme cost.$.-5. bul.lnlforcre Siiim ncr." line drawin{;s and lettered the ■ "Eggs, cach." was onee . In. reinolc camps qlong the j w-erc paid only $l an hour. ‘0 for 50 cen^ a pound. Interest1 digging.s c were prospectors paid The book Is a rccord ol Ihee text, conlribules a mildly H prlcc greeting ^rospcctors3 Sierra, eggs went as high as W . on Ijorrowed money rangedI 5800 J (or a t>arrel of flruir undI -Skilled m echanics got $2 to $20 first irlp she .aud her-sislerT amusing lonp poem and some ■ near Coloma. Calif., wherec ca^h and potalocs sold for SO' ^ IromBlolSpcrcent. • picks | shovels and gnld pans ua day. Init had to pav $12 to > ' Jacqueline inowOnassisi lookk witty vignettes to'Americans ■ gold wojf discovered nearT ccnls apiece. Farpjcr north at the ElI coslstOOcnch.' ( ‘ have their clolhe.s]^ndcred. " ' logelher lo Europe In' 1931'I abroad. I Sutler's Mill In the Amcricann "Mosl people lorgot what an. Ip; D orado Hotel In Hunglown. A gallon of rot-gui 'whlskv And all the gold ,1hal cgm e • • : ' when I they were 18 and 21!1 The Boiivlcr sisters may I RLveronJan.-24.1848. egg looked like." wrote one' 10 now Placervlllc. a menuI wem ' n.s high us Sioo. imd ihosi- «>out of the sla le In the cc;rturv respcilivcly v t ■ Before lhat, eggs were oflen■n historian. * have had a splendid Irlp ' showed grizzly Iw ar roa.st forr . who' ovcrdraitk and iii'wlwlI lollowing the. o re's disouyeo-'; “ II Was UTlUOn as a thank-youu abroad, bul surely their lamily ; V given away. -In Snn. Francisco, which •h 51: jnckrahbii whole. $1,50; medication i paid Sl apiece lor• intaled nlxmt $2 hiillnn. Hess ■presait for Ihelr pai-enls ^vho0 m em orabilia h a v e , little In- | ^ Srtnrt Californiau grew Almost overnight from a a two codfish lutlls fcr 73 ccnts> liver 1 pIllH. tthan the vnlite nl.’thc" musl I have been charmed tiyy teresl ond less llierarj- value. - businessmen, sensing a liny sclllcmcnflo a bustling lg ' and bdked lieans. $1. .Despite high prices, wages “agricultural oniptil of . the IhoURhi - and effort In­ cxccpt tffdcvotecs of W’omcii's possible gold rush as the new^ y oity. lots roso from SI2 each tolo '.'Gold scales al Ihe end ot the were ' low und the lure torr ^C n lilo rn l-in l‘J7't. volved. For the rest of us.i. W ear D aily and thok- super however. Ihcre is rather tcssa chic stotiis-consclous types enchantincnl. with a ravenous jippetUc Ior descrllies some fumiyy ' high socicly and its reflected monx'nts. fnr Insliinn’. Ihee Rlamor. ______V \ v\, V ’■ ; K'; m i ' '' H - \ iii-' -' /MRS. fRANK CHARLTON' . . . honored f e - ' ^ V / : . M ason s O r / 'O ' J m i 'v ! a .=• Jaroby honor \ \ ■ a gam e m ake \ V . \ Hondrs do noi ed u cator m t " i mond. West hopped up with thee NORTH 22 ° queelrxahd led a third clu'&. TWIN' FAI.LS - In ^ulh had lo rulf wilh his lasl I.. V 9 3 2 1 recognition of outstandingIl'B •• ■ \ ( / tru m p . He- cash e d the good M l y J l O J scrvicc. to public educallon In / ■ hearls, but had to give East the® Jdaho Mrs. Frank, IWar>-J.) bst two tricks. 'I" ■ \ HEST EASTlDl Chartton rccclved a ccrtlflcalca le •, South could have had both his \ ■ : V A , * 9 7 3 A 10 6 J ' or appreciation from Twinvin . . . \ ! honors and the game if he had ...... » 7 5 « * 1 0 8 6 used a liltle care. When he got,t Falls l^ g e No, 4ftiA;F,'and'ihd ■ '■ ' « Q 9 5 2 « A 8 7 , around to leading diamonds nee A.M..''0l their past master'sT 's • i\v\{ . 4.10 98 4.AQJ73^ should hive led Die king, sincee lianquel Wednesda\’. \ V... - s S I SOUTH East was marked wllh the acee Mrs. Charlton Is a memlwriwr ( A A K Q J 2 for his opening bid. East couldd of the guidance and counselingIng ' ., / V A K Q J not duck. T hat would give Southj* stalf of Twin F alls High School■ool ^ • - ♦ K S ^ his 10 trick. On the other hand. ! wherc she has scm-d since 1 / I t * 2 If E a s t took the Irick'he would ICC ■ ' ' ' t \ 1971. Bolh vulnerable have had the Hobson’s choice - • ' ' v A ; ' betw een leading a diam ond or Ja Presenting the certillcatea te < . \ A ; Weil Nortb Eatl Smib heart, o r laying down the ace of)f was former Twin Falls School ■ > ; i ' / A clubs and setting up dummy'ss Siipc^nlcndcntLEJii-HanlHiKl:— ______U ------2 * . ..• -k in g , ------. - Hocmphaslicdthc^mportanccncc Pajj 2NT Pasi 4 4 oi good counseling of youlhI iin n ______. Pasi Pa» Pan the high school and pointed ourom- - i /'A'-' Opening lead - 1 0 * Ux* need .lor counselors andand \ \ •••students lo eommunicale-ef­- c l- ...... - J m ' 14- The iJiddlng has been: 22 fectively imd relate well wllhath ',•• • \ >, By Oiw ald & Jam es Jacoby Icach olher. ' • It has be«n said. accUenisits Weil Nortb £;C* 1 ♦ department on Ihe large . cidents wllh autos. - L*____ JN.T. Pass :» ntimher of high schpolp o i ------V — ------We have not seen the latest:st Paw Pasi 2 * ^ 2 * sutiitics, but we would be IheIte 3V Dbl. Pass ? graduates each year who are \ \ - | last ones, to dispute the claim.n. You, South, hold; assisted In olil-aining. South had a hundred honors In «AQ76V2«KJS4AAQS22 scholarships to lilghcr in­I,[: : \ • ■. 1 I \ h - two suits. If he had forgotten allill Whal do you do now? , stitutions of learning. He was about them and raised hislis A - P a u . You are ready (or tsyDy especially impressed lhal r In . , \ \ - . \ ^ /! V ■ ' r - ' ' parlner to three nolrump,p, lead your partner make* and will*'• the 1U74 graduallrig class five • North would have romped homele probably K l tbli CMtraci at lean*• young men had received ap­ with Ihc rubber. Iwo Irichi. ^ i l l ■ iy> 1 However. Soulh wanled lhal pointments to Wcsl Polnl al------TODAVS QUESTION------;■ extra 100*polnis"and bid'four — ^^Mllilary—Acadcm y—an d -fo u r— .....' iI i -"Y I spadH: West's 10 of clubs heldIJ Inilead o( bidding one notrump. others had l>ecn appolnled to . . your partner has bid IWO diamond! ! the (irsl trick. He continued the the L’.S. Air Force A cadem y. \ ^ . over Welt's one hearl What do you I suit and South mired. Three l i ' “ d o n o i- ■ 1 leads drew_th# Irumps. . Movioq 10 a snuiicf tiocnt? Sell' 1 1 Aaiwer Monday I ' whereupon South led a low dia- Ihose JJitiT'tlcni* yoj no tonQCri f ______V . V ‘iI . 1 . ■ r ...... Wllh J Cia5».!.c0 Afl 7a-093i ______^ — w — — t H / ' k ■ I'',' ' \ v i l V " (Bdtse C afecad^ftomes ^ ^ A ' l \ ' ainnbunces r the appol.ntnittn en t of J ' l - -VA r ~ ^ TTERSON BROT•THERS 1 t e l m ' CONSTRUCTIO( ON Careyi Idaho 8332} 20 ■ i : , l i i A N . PH; 823-3411 ______: _____^ ^ •VNN\c l V ' AS AUTHORIZED DEM:a le r

: I ^ W ■J



[ - Loveely to live in . .^easy t

■ ' A t - i l

H - ^ : Yes, theh e M oyfolr has by for ththe largest and most outsutstanding collection of)f BiBridal Gowns H in th e9 EEntire' Magic Valleyt • Oar Experienced BridIridal C onsultants y ijLl_ assistai you in choosing tW. ■T'.-' ' ■■■ Ing the perfect gown anmd help you plan your weddingwe in every detoil. Mothers of the- , Your Boise Casca:ade Homes Dealer can showw you many floorplans W e invitivite you to see this beeBoutifui selection of BridaIdol. Bridesmaids dnd Mo artd exterior desigiigns available in 2, 3 and 4>bedredroom models, with or Bride andon Groom dresses tod)dayr' without garage an

(D b o Is o CCascade Homes - ~ / ^ I FlFriday lowntown on the Ma 733-63-6033 7 1 • Nlohts 'tl'til 9;00 Twin Foils

------" ■ . - i - ‘ « ■

22 Timcs-Ncws.. Twin'FjIls. (daho10 Sunday. Fciiruary 1975 H W e n d e l l M agic V alleyy FavoritesI

W eek's Ree/pele W in n e r R oast Pbr|faer/y Social group of Ihe Firsl - sset dafe' j BURGER BUNDLES IntoInlo five panics. On waxed f o r S u n d a yy p i n n e r I Metbodlat..Church will m c cta l 1 cup herb scasonbd stuffing papcipaper, pal each^nlo elx-lnch noon Wednesday for a regular * ' “I WENDEI.L - Ur. and Mrs,S w\%r ' Circlccircles. Pul one-fourlh cup Richard llanennan. Wendell. .jt mccling'pndflpolluckdmhcr. _ J"-* POIWROASTAIJVBOOURGUICNONNE ' I Ri< 1 ilO'j oz.l can cream of stufflstuffing Incenlerof each patty. announce the cnKaBemcrtl ot W mushroom soup ’ Draw meal over stuffing. Seal. • Piacc n pork ra is l scvimimwI willilh sail and pappcr in n heavy .■ TWIN FALI.S - The Magic theIheir dauijhier. Mary Um, l» ' V .b cup evaporated milk .- PlaceP lac c In one and one-half quart casiicroli'- Koakt uiii-uvi-ri'd In t>|L'ic ovciral -150 decrees for 20 In . ■ •Valley Mcmnrial Hospital , MichacI Ml' K. Koto, son of M r. ■ ) lih . ground IxicI cassccasserole. .30 nilmiles niilil (lie pork Is Il^lillIlly lii'imiied. Tticn n'diice the . H Auxlllai7 wlirscw Tuesday ' and Mrs, Krnesl Kom, Twin ffs Comfilhe remalnlnR. lovcii lo U2.S dejjrw s 2 teaspoons 'Worcestershire Co . Falls, I.j from 9 .a .m .lo 2 p.m. In the Ingredients. Pour over meal. Add one chnppcd oiiIdii. utu- c;irn•nil cul in pIcccs.'Tcw piecc.s.n/ H sauci ■ ■ |"e™ Miss llan^rman was Itl auxiliary room. All mcmlKrs llahlespooncalsup ' Bake “ake uncovered al ;150 degiws. cclcn,'. lMi\’ Icavfs.Hljyiiie iind rososcniary. Cover Ihe casscrolc ■ graduali-d fnim W’cndcll HlKh ■£. arc welcome. ' prPrepare stuffing according S Serv< erves five. % and pul 111 thi* oven for niiimli's■s more, liasie Ihe |xirk a few . H SSchoolc> ami from Ihc College of |L lo package d irectio n s., Com- -focTt lltTlM. . 1X)GAN. Utah - Two local' } |[ J focTMANYCbMrORTSVrHO Id.'Idaho al Caldwell. : She ls_ ■ bine nillk and m eal. Divide Soil oiKai household iioods wiiit Mell Iwo lulik>s|M)()nN ;ra.diuiliHl from Boise .Slalc Traweck. forest science major • uri . . . plans riles , HAS OPENINGINGS FOR ^ . CojicKC. Co, lie Is employed liy Ihc .__ from Burley, and Elolicrt F. Boise Interaneni'v Kia‘ Ceiiliu-. Speyer, sociolom' tludent from _ " ' ii part of Ibe nuie.iii ol l^uKi TwinFaUs:------MRS — C h e f'r AAarch~T IManagemenl, ^ B r ie f s Tlie eouple will Im.' m a rrie d T\VIN FAI.LS - The ninth EDEN - Tht' E.den A pply at Persorionnel D ept. March al • Uio United ...- annual D esert .Gokl.CowB.elle A ' m erican U g io n wtll have a , Specials Prest)vterian •Church in ,n, ■■ pancake supper from- 5 lo 9 dote set I’: dinner dance will Iw held I TUPPERW ARE,ne CiiMiliod Ads. m m; ade hy phonlnn 7;i:i-S*G‘J | A n E qual O p p o r fuf u n n i / f y Employer Chock Iho household flood# for |^. th(their dati^ihler. Shauna, lo Ct liefore Monday. . Boys * Slale delegates,' Roil nnd pul in Ihci’iisscnilcM ilhlhIlii-|)orkwlthanlassnfuhlle- MikcSuttcrfieldm i “ wine. I’ill liiick iil llicdVCM foi'unclie tidur m ore, until Ihe (liirk is S « utlerfield Is the son of Mr. g];ii-«l and Ihc polalot's iiro IcndiTIT To.scfve. Iransfer Ihe nwsi anand Mrs, II0 Sutlerfield. U) a plaller. Arraiitar'thi' polaloes<'S and venctaliles aroun^^d ____-TwIiiEallsT.V ______moisli-n llte |xirk wilh a lillle Jiiicnec .Sprinkle the |)ot:itoi.-s and IBolh,are graduati's of fwin yej!cliil)]i‘SMllh ;i lillli' parsU'v S<‘IxTve the reriiauunn sauce in a 'FallsIllKh.SelKxiI,F j ^ •aucelxial. . • The iiiuple plans a March 28 W e g i v e y o i w eddinn In Ihe Kirsl I'nileil r t * W | ( g i jv z e d cARROTS a : . Wl n v i t S ’T In a hi'avy skillil pul llic ciirrolols. itcn nuKlium stm ii eul In ' M'M ethodist Church,' slices. Iwo cups ol 1'Hicki'n sliK'k.'k. luo's|H)oris of hiiller. Iwo reatvaliies.inC blo)lorTV,and \.v talilespooas of su|>ar. s:ill and p:papiHT, Cover the sklllel and t S i - r sim m er over low heal, .shaking lliele skillet lo move llu* carrols in I V W C E ^ thclifjuid. Doh'I aw k loo /.i>I -liJfJd jnore.sloekJ if /lecdcd. I, O U f ■ In 30 m inules Ihe carrots shmiiiild In' lender and the ll(|tiid smvo ^ o u ld l>e lirowii. If llic stiKk has nonot rcdut'cd enough remove Ihe BUHL - Tho Cedar Draw ' e v e r '------carro ls to a p late and Ixiil thclKiuluid over hl«h heal lU'fore- — , , C om inunllyC lul) will meel at 2 MONEYAFFTER ■ p.m. Monday al Ihe Grange scrvlnj; roll ihc cnrnils in llu- pan111 lo eoal llieni wllh Ihe P’ h all. M rs. G ladys Hick.s and and sprinkle Ihem w iili fresh |iars1

TWIN FAI.LS - Mentor ■ sehedule'A /Aarch date "Ccraf) will meet at 1 pm.- - \sW ednesday for a lunehL-oii al i ...... [ I m:ni. - Mr. and Mrs. »Ihc Pancake House. HasUmds ! [ • I m W alter J. Ilarn a r. Huhl. an- will tie Invili-d quests. • iiouuix' th f ennanenient of Iheir daiijilitcr, .fiidy. lo Dave TWIN FA1.1.S - The Pliant. InInRrcdienl list for “HandSuuar Pliant is Ihe .son of Mr. and ,. C(Cookies” prlnti-d In the Times- M rs. H arvey I. Pllanl. lUihl.. N{ Feiiruary omlls ■ ^ C T C j l l • i ] u Miss Ilarnar is a junior at one ot cup sugar iJ R w ! iKihllllKluSeliixil. Piliinl Is .Isi'JT-l u railu ale 'o f Buhl Hiuli .Seho.ll and is si>r- odavsTONNY .. vliij; wlfh Ih'e I'.S. Navy..ai- \ T /A 'A T « ^ B |l ' Meriilian. Mo “ belUs 1 i i ’ I ^ I Thi’ eouple plans a March ft,. ' wedding’ al Ihe liiHnaetnaTe iNVENTIoN Coneeption Chureh. Huhl. WAS A I ^■ v sa > ^ © 5 \ an' on service I PIN6 -A-UN6 i s B r ie f s ^ P ill p TWIN KAI.LS •- T ^in Kalis | \ » S . - \ s )cSejs,______------_ Cll jpHa'Js’o _ ^ . J}rdiT_uLlhc_____ K asleni S tar, will meet in ■ J U Q Y HARNAR slalcd session al H p.m. Im-Mlay al ihe Twm -Kails' - . . . p /a n s rites Masonic Temple. I ■ . e r-\S “ra..e..B ^ ■z:EEr—r -J ^ ^ jr \ ^ — - —

^ ------3 fine furnilure styles

ModelC25'l2FPCMedijdiierranean. Casters. ' i□ 100% solid stale and moduliodular. Nearly 90% o( all color circuitry is on indivndivldual modules . ., _ which contain 8 IntegratedIted iCircuits. The .. e Miss Arlene Miss Bonnie ^ IL m ^iss Beckie modules are easily replaceca c e d if s e rv ic e is' • _ • ever needed.

f f □ Philcomatic''Hands-Ofl'au1 'automatic tuning T Wf □ Super-Black Matrix coloror picturepi tube

□ ..Philco Power-GuardSystenrstem protects ctiassis I ^ i i I ^ ...... components 2 ways • ;el" UHF selector f f l J □ 70^position"Channel-Sel"l • D i i r ' M o d el C2511FMA^—^C 2 ‘ N-=s^ l m M Beckie Brookm)ks Ar7ene Bonnie Rowe M o d elC 2 5 1 0 F W A ' ' H vhter J Early Ame\merican Caslers Contemporary. Casters.. VOUR CHOICE...... W w , (w wliiK i iJes o f M l - JUi > t d l l ' s ______— ------r^>hiico B O sS "'''' ...... ” ' ' " ' P h i i cicoPoSbleB/W ( TV '"' Philco Porta¥ler CCo o f c V T V I P o r t a b l e C o l o r TTV V .. . T h) e Trendsetter ! 100%IOC Solid s ta te 'le o f H a ir D'(’ ri s i g n M ! r Coll / ______19incti1 9 i dlBgonsI j 100%Solid 1 Slaie , 19 inch diagonal /J 100% • T h e n e w c o n to u re d [ I iK a\ SolidInstate sta I J ^ j B i | l IntrodiKictory Sppxiol ! 160% Solid State lo o k iji P o rta b le . I B m 9 I Modulor Chassis • U for lllf nulo iid io f F cliriiiirv I , < Color TV!100“^ ' I diag o n al i . solid Slate modular ■ V l i Philco aulomotic chassis Super 9V lj tu n in g ■ If PerniaiKenl Wave « Black Malrix color V — ^ Includ*. Molch Dicturetube Philco ^ S £ : ' . r ^ " | ' . I - STAND ; n illlI lldir Cm (unl ^ Model B350FWH . 'C i',.'"";• Only! | | | l > H I U » « l | j I I ■'Hands-Off ' auto- ’ 1 INCLUDED : ^ S l S ' c / malic tuning Look(k of lom orrow styling. Tilt-up carryfnrryfng ifrX X ^ ^^ .• Pedestal Sland handkdie. 70-posUion "Channel-Sef UHFJH F - ® j 1 2 “ “ C196PS (shown) select) tr fin ln r S 15.110______■ ' I ctor. Front coiitrols. Telescopic VVHF H F. 1\ ODfional. extra. loopU5 UHF antennas. Model B350FWH.W. i Model C1922FRW J Coll Wljj Bonoio. - ^ t ^ A A O c ’ ' PoloV) White. A lso available in Yellow, - ^ w . Mijj Af/enc / 1 jelB350FYL, Mod*LC1902EWA , or Miss Bookie [...... J l * 5 0 9 ’ w / t FiiuL nn LOW, LOW HAIR SPRAY $193 B o z ...... I COST IN-STORE Available ol Mr. Juans FINANCING—- W l i tf-B A I Collogo. Hoods &.rhroods br W m WE CARRY OURJR - A . ■ A]lPPL IA N C E «S T O R E S ENC. V ' j OWN _ _ _ - B U R L l ------^ACCOUNTS.— t w i n FALLS—JE]e r o m & ^ ------1 f t »UTv 5*ie«J / .E Y I F "Servinp the Magijq i c 1250Albioion Ave. 702 Maintl Ave.^ No. 1,577 W\ est M aiii ■ 382 733-61•6146 I 3 2 5 57 L Y N W O O D MlALL / ~ Valley Since 1931,35-1 . ■ W 8-23I 324.^1^ “ ^ : y r - '. ' 1 V ,

g • ^ 1 ••

' C h e m i c a lll fu rn ace' Sunday, Fet)ruary23.-\97a Timcs-Nowa. T.m Twin Falla. Idaho 23.. W endell pcodrsonagej m a k e s b epdy perspire

Dear Dr. 'Hxisteson: CnnI >you Rive me nny Inlromallon con-' F'. ~s^cmrerof~wwedding—''^ coniinu p ro fit* pt>rsplriiH»m'.’n? I pei'spire heavlt\' while viorkhiR. Rl.lSS - IX'Kdra .Debit- Snillh. j Sail Ukc City, were oxcrdsint;. I’lc. Tlio iwid:idllliHi is wiii-se annim i my face.- Audone K eener and Kolln A.I. allendanlsforlhccniipie,; ' , cspecinlly my forehead, - C.I:.F .c . P hillips Jr, w ere m arried in .1Sa. . The couple was honored at a,, ' ‘ ' T he skin is ;iii nrj:an of llic III iMuly uhiise main fuiiclinn Is li> p.m. ccremony Keh. 7 al lhee (dinner following lhe wedding ■ pmtprt Ihe foinpU's liluUiHliHical systeui-insldc— P a n of. its.._; ~ Ss'cndcll Methodist pai-Niii;igi'.____ al ; the 1 tollday Inn. Twin Falls. • pro tw llv e fiiiK’lloii Is lo kivp•p the Ix'tdy’s lem peralure wllhlii the I . Itcv, A'SldniW K arris ion-.K • The i>ride's parenl.s honon.'d • relallvcly narrow m argin <>lI ••heal iH'vimd which dealh Dcciirs'. dueled lhe ceroinony, ' ithe-ouiple al a reception Feb.' urnace” Is contlmially oxidizing Inslclc. a •cheintcal fut Tho hrido Is the daughter olll H al Ihelr home, A valentine [1 cai'lxihydniies, usually at n lem- mnierials such as (als and 'M r. and Mrs. Orville K,^ niollfi wiisused lordeeoralions, t's al Ihe skln'surfaee Ulienactivity peraliia-nf alwul W .fidcuiw Kccncr..Sall LikoCily, and thele 'T h e 'h rid i'g n x im is a l«-'>0 H'raluiv. and Ihe skin functions ;is a » Increasi's. so dot's lhe lenipei hrldcgnmn) Ls Ihe son of Mr.r. graduate’of Twin Falls High , I ihivughlheiHTspiralUm.. disslpalor ol Ihc csccss heal I and Mrs. RollnA. Phillips Sr,. School ■ The bride was y. with sweal glands iiiil>e. ‘ ' ,j,ji*^'som e people. Ihese uianmils Si'ein to k* moiv sensitive lhan others, wilh n*s»iJllnR oveninniKlucllon and cmharraisnii’nts. T h estp eo p le ollen ort^iervoi•ous lypes. even .shy, Ihose w ho lilysh l ' i l ? . , .easily- Not iniii-h can Ih* donam' tn holp them . The problem oflen dls;ippears vvith nialnrlly amndagain iiisell-confiilenco. * t e

NEW Tw/n Foils C ounjn fy 4-H Coune/I officers Include Mrs. Mar\arv/n Cox. Coslle- Your G ood ford, socrolory freos'urow» < C hris Fllnn. Tw/n I Foils, former presfdenf;I; Konnol/i Do^,, . Health C b u nicil c i officexs ^sfond(ngj:Honsen, nowlyvly © lecfod .presi. — d o n f; Rex Rood. Filer, vie/ieo presideni, all By Goorge C. Thosleson, irom \oil Thov wlll dfrecf:t council< oTuvlHes ^ M.O. . . . - /o r I97S

^ .^ •v c rc lw n llz e d swenlltij*.g. parllculnr>- in Iho arm pit area, can -som ellm es Ite.treated siirj;!'gically. either hy a synipathi'ctumy niiiifo oiuiibs iciilllTi[? of ncr\'c lnmk.s to lhelh glands i or.exclslon ol the gf.-iil«|s' Country clubcl n e a r s ______hv reinoyaj of p.ik'l)etijil skUi:lnwhere they are Iwated. , N eurosurgeons and plaslicicsuigi.'‘(m spcrinrm suchnpiTntinns,- - ______lilsuyK U ^Jy D ear D r. TTwstcson. I aam only M-years'Old and 1 have. emoclelTng KETCH,UM - TheT t Buhl Dance Club and the . somelhinR wrong wilh niy lejlegs. I Jiave lo vvcar pants most of Ihei ¥nd df rer - Golor ititgt^eni M agic S teppers will/111 host 0 dancc M orch 22 a t thc llhie because ol thc njvfnl coVol(irs.r» Tvi'IN FAI.I-S, - The W »hieho redwiH)d di'ek will provide Holiday Inn, Kctchu:hum. Color Monday, Marchch 17,1: green for a happy Thcytumpnrpleandi'i'd.I. 'Tliey generally a re ver>- cold Itclou ' Lakes Counlry Club will summer sealing direclly over'v e r A cockUiil h o u r liIs set for 6 p.m.; dinner ol 8 SI. Palrlck's Day. Join)in in'thein sharin' o' the green hurl mosl whenil'scold. the knees. My legs usually hi ■ cclehrale lhe coMipletiim olIII ilsiis the creek, p,m.anddanclngto. to sta r t a l9 p ,m , rcise Ihem Ior me lor a couple nl with Hallmark cards>'and and party sets. M\' molher has to exero rem odeling 'pi-ogram wilhlh a ,\s parl of Ihe renovationnon A-pnckogc de a lI wwill be ollcrcd to all members ml/tiifcs. , grand opening .\fareh fl ami:l!( p ro je c t. impr<)vcMm.'ii(-i- m in which In d u d cs brcaeakfast tho nexl momfng. Couldyou Icll m e whnl's IheIh< m ailer with me? - Clndy Thc d u h ’s l« a rd of dia-ctorsctors lighliiig. wiring, healing, air- The Sun Valleyy Orchc^ra will provide thc C A R D a n d Dccurs when thc legs a re exposed .lo - Thc m'ollllnij icolorlngi.oc “ ' recently reported lo meml)ei-siltei-s condilioning and plum bing and dancc music. P A R T Y S H O P cold, and ihis Is iisiially dueL'lo I spasm ol sm all capillaries't>I(X)d” thal liio.st p h ases of lh Ihe e .sewiiRo dis|)osal a re also Iteing-'»g Reservalions caicah bc obtained In Buhl by y o i t i O p * n M o n . o n d FrI. N Ig h li , .. — vcs«lii near lhe:snrluctj>_of.lhe.skin. This hap|wns ollcn In clu b h o u se reiio v a tliu i a arc-^ re m ade. contacting Mrs, E.B. E Hicks or Mrs. George young pt'rsons and Is nol seri(rious. ■ ■ ' nearing complelion aiiil'oiit-'tiiit:-^ outside, the club has in in- Atklns-and:;ln-'-Twin-Falls,-M rs.-Larry ...... W ant a fancy nam e you cai•an use on \ our Iriends when Ihcy ask door improvemenls are slallwl an aiilomalie-sprinklerkler Christensen or MrsIrs. Frank King. Reservations '**4' - -Dow ntow n, you alwul il? I f s cant'd culi;ilismarmorala. p w e e d in g as .scheduled. sysiem on the goll course, A ,\ m usl be m ade by MMl arch 15, P lay ll cool and keep yourlr legs warm . Among lhe changes arcI' lhe new nunilK.‘r th iv e hole has • • • ; Dear Dr. Thosteson: I havave lx?cn advised lo lr>- Ice packs yn“ ■- new firsl-fliMir Alpheiw Kooiii,loom, iK'en designi'd. also, ami someluiie - ...... lhe anas daily to reduce ,s\vAvelling ln n n hemorrlioids. W hal is>' which overlooks Alpheiis Creek.’reek carl storage buildings are •your advicc? 1 am constlpatiatcdjnd havo to tako a physic cver>>■ and Ls dc.slgnod to ac­ac- iK-'Ingeonslruclwl, o th e rd a y . - A,R. commodate diners or ovor-llow;'-lloW (ioss said work shmild Ih‘ Cold will reduce any swell:>lling to stAni' exlenl. hul it would U'*■' lounge Ruesls. • ■ an unnccei.sar>' diKconifoitt fnr \ou: The reduclion and relicI•< ■' Thc main dining ureaI has - coinpk'led by March ». wiih rincess SIW ' oulslde coiiipletloii set lor s Iall. , The Pr lette r'i would 1)0 only lcniporar\'. \VWhv mil do it in cnnilorl. hy silling inn lx.“on redecoralwl with iu'« ' a lub o( hot w ater I a sllz hathth)? Tills is Jusl a s effective, carpeling. drape.s. wallpaperpaper preslduil credited ■ - ! ' M ■ JeiTjV Shane, Huul Newton ami 11 miEhl he tim c to bbegin iliiTikiiig alwul having iIki'- and "other highllglils." lhe (jiiss Sterling Vaughn wilh the hemorrhoids removed surgigically lo gel nd of the'pinhloiu eii'!■ d u ll presidenl K. S, (ioss S aniHlihe Coatdress design and urganizal ion •' llrely. reiKirls, ij. A Ihealer-.suppor show'will You didn’l m ention v^hatI \\o u u-se a s a physic. W lialever lhatIt Thc mirrored lounge is iRi' ol highlight Ihe gran d oiieniiig is. you would iw iK'ller oll'gi■gelling m ore jHTiiianenl rcliel. Whyiv designed to take advantage ol in F ^lshion Favor nd a celohrallon. "'•* nollrj’morclmlkinyourdieilel. Oroiu'ol Ihosliiolsoltencrs. . lhe cit'ekside view_ and a

' ' ' ^ l i ' i V o i r a l . . .

Mi ______


\|\K J. IUK riiK-A(;Tivfr>FiriNi: AM) Sl MMEH kUN. l :' GOLFING. SAILING. TK-tVt!!,. . q iljl STUtING A liEAL'TIFlL SI-ECT.XTOR. KUKKT OF CAtIF(FORMA CREATES PERFECT :• COLOR COORDINA'iATED SPORTSftETll JLST FOR YOL. .\a iV E P,\NiNT SKIIlT.s. 7 • • / JACKETS AND PV:ANTS IN EASY CARE KNITS. niiiGHT HOLD Si:;IN COLORS, MADE MORE ' i I BEAliTIFbL IN 10iOll'S CEL.VNESE FORTKEL* I’OLVKI ESTEIl. • C * • ' 'V ' , KORET OF CALIEiIFORNIA RECUM'hENDS WASlllNU IN WOOLITE* EOIOft FINrFABUtC CAKE. • ‘ * • * 1 ^ - L */ ‘W r1 8 )K- E ^ T 0 F ( CAUFORNIA’ i iiT t / ~ T ' > . / • 1 - — “ . . . .V. ■ • • * V I \ c eIt] ' o pConlotii dot polyostor \ \ DuttonI IronIro n t V. sto p -in p rin ce ss m 4I • / . • ♦ \ ^ Ji \ * ■ IlnodrQS!dras». Shirt collor. culled. ' s lo o v o s, bo lto d . •• ■ f ,1 , , \ . \ , ■ - - $ 2 4 0 0 ' / « • • A 'l,* . WIN A TRIP FORIRTWOTOITALY H ViiAlajlijWVVutU Airlinet. I m • • r \ (right)It) PlPrint polyostor button Lnjoy l>>Cit'Ucp4ilmenl. i y * * / ’ * * • 1* '• .shirtcoilgr-Po'go- - . - r • ' ■ Sh/rf-/OCln bluluo. rod, H| S 2 6 “" sizo B-16 ...... *32 ■

P a n t... in bluoJO. rod. S lzo S -1 6I. » J l U ityeur RopiPAt'l Op^fen Charg* | l ■' o r y o uirlonkcardi. r Jl > ' w A 1 In Lynwocf o o d M l i ------— - J i t o u i inBankcards Welcono m e IOPtt*S-...iri IIOHTI I If .II'I from » ^ • BurltytRupiport * Buhl*Twin FoRi ^ ^ i - l ■ ■ ------— — 1 ------• I_____

yi ' . ' 'I , 24. Tiiiies-Nows TwinF,iills Id.ilui'Kl SvniJay.fi}|jf.,ary23.19^ •. D i r e c t o r Kliss dir€rects satires a( t C S I TWJNFA(.US-"Asatlrcon "A Company of W.iy\vard A m l n l o l u r e I h c a tr c ■ ■ Ihcm cr and aclors la a th iir- S Sai ainls" IK the lalCJil 'kU ss- .. -designed-des L yE ddlc Collins, will niing piece of insluhl ;md is -. directeddir Kalire and 'will Ik> aim airr toward tolal asc of lhc s e l e c t e d u p ro a rio u s ly lunitv w hen presented pi't liy the College of rooroom ns a stage, according to dlrccled by, Paul Kliss," ac- S So o u t h e r n I d a h o D ra m a ' Kli;Kliss. l/)cal collcgc playere, TWIN PA r.iy'- .cording lo one oliserver nt a D I>e epiirtinenl on Keti. 27.2». and sevseveral ol whom have rcccnUy 'lllllllinil will IK.T0II11- ai'llllfi rccentrehc.irsnj, . M: March I.and 2 in the Theatre received rec .slale recognition {or oxix-iil I Vl-rtii'iTlor of llll-Smilli; ' . , Room Ko l'lll Ilf the f in e Art.s Ihcir ihc elforls. make up lhc cast. wosl Id.’ilKi ('(iiitK-ij. ol CaMi|) ______H_HiiiIding. ii ___ tCurtain' limc la »:i.s on __ KllVdll ls.MlllVll l.i — GcorRc-Hcrmsnr“n"j'mmn'~‘Th■‘Thursday; Frrday. and — — ShrTTphcTs-naiuinnmi— H a w a i i a n p l a y w r i n h l . Saturday, Sal w ilh a 2:t.'i per­ \Oi.i lliis aimmiiu'j'd hi-r “"ATeaTOPS^! piililished Ihis work' as late as formance lot on Sunday's ri'stnnaliiHiI'lliTlivf Mardi jj. )yr>G. The .selthiK Is present matinee,' ma Tickets vHII he Mrs Wait has sinvcd as Club meets i”:day. lull lhe characlers siit-h as availahle avj al lhe door. General fxcciilivi- ilirtrlur siiur April.. Harlciiiiin,H: Scnpino and admission adt is K . sliidents SI, ,\s I, Ili7:l Mrs. iVail rcsiniHil . HANSKN - •■fklL- U> a Cali)ni- • . Panlnlone pj. are snatched Irom sea IwaiiM - slu- iMiioviiin til Biiist'. I’m quite fond as ItH' Ik-sI pllc;ili> Mrs t'iirnhii lUmnian .Mrs Hiiih <\iM- ii.is (imKiMin j S ^ p u la r Ss* diairnian She Kavi-,g.,imn;rani. COSVF.ST ST.VrHiN, N ,1 ’ [iri'parinK a ch.irt <(i ih,- "Ten . r i 'l l ' Willi IH-Kr.s iMKli and \Va>s to Kill VtJtir lliisliiiml ^ r Tins wns laken Irom a TV |>rti. moiu\\ inilit. IIIIIH' {Htiplf ail' cram ,;ivni li> Dr ,li>hii J imii. Ilu-ir iirii'ali'ii food from rt'>laiiraiils limiu' In 'II h ' s i I> . imillriliil ii\ , elitilesli-ml. -all. i-iiriii-, | ii|ikii', •'I diiii't liiink ll^ijiU' arc . , eii;,iri'IIe;.. leiiMnii, niij.lcf]j and na|!i:iii»; «en- Damttl .ii\ ttu- ten Klk'iiiU It to IlK'ir (lo^s lllllllllli." IR e l i e a r s e omtnl.iiliin; eaiiM-s in i-un.uiir\ sald iv iiT Keller. MiaiiaKcr ol j J allaeks I’lrM'iiI iIii-m' laclcii-N In ■ Hod'> IHltO's Haiii'h lliiiisi- "I j help >"iri I f lal and mi iiii>nnd and f | ' liiinlv lliere's moiIiui^ uron^ AMONG fhose porfici- whine, slim diiMii and 'ijc II •• KeJJi-r .s;»id »«■ ppuling in "A Company ol laleiifKie ■' Tins »a> MiiintK'r ol |K'rs4iiis askiiiK lor ■ VIWoyword So/nfs,” ore, lop die IhoiijJil at a r m ’iil ll«•ettll^! dot!i;ie tiai;> lias iiicicasi'd al lViiallie> lor gainers « rre lisls cil ppfcluro dockw/se from aliseiit nic'inlicrs tn rail ami sny lea.sl .> while loi inlii ii ri'staur.inl LlUckloy. Sieve Webb, tu o n Ollicers will Ih' elrejed in Gay Gad-Abouts! _ C /ow son. Jollndo Jo n s c n , -March .\ leller Hum lh<' lutmnal VH DDcloln Horn and Molly hea slaled riile> lur elecliiins cillin'i- itiiisl !-»■ \ ■ ClCurHs Showf> gf fefi ore sealeifin .\]int ...... - - -X. .--•■iiiiSa.' --'V.o/cf.o -V ond Sfovo Slate llecduniliDii f>,i\ Mill U- Wofab, Curloin lime lor the - .MayifiantMTalSandjvimi " If s a -- .Sm.ill\tTiit Ihv l«-sl |,,mt nl pm . Thursdoy. Frirfoy ond thenirk EASY-TO-CLEAN'^'’^ SafLirdoy. wflh a 2 . 15 />.m. lleniie.- Simtiii.iis »a- |)tn(;r.im . 1 ' ..a h IH ehairiti.in .She pu-M'nled a R _ pertprmoncc Sundoy in , irourain mi planiiuiu wi'll - ioo%.nyldn:.....:: T/iooIro ffoom 119 of fho lalaneisl inriiii> lur diclinti Stii- 'l.iln l lhal dieln> imM r<' ^ menii> Within Sevenen D ayX i^------aroundI lhc h.iM('iiiiIritic>ii,ilfiNi(|N

Sears — Jo y WEUMAKE HOUSE CALLS.LS. ' \ f h \ G o t oa (roc ostim ato on persona;o n o liz o d M V •dropoiporics, slipcovers and upholpholstory from - S e o rrs s Cusfom-Sbop I _____ n o o'bligpH b l i g on^____ %

H ighfim e _____^ Sear^Oilecorating Consuisultants Voiinn MK'ial htillerllu's l

S< |

DIANE BOWEN CARL BURTON TERRI THURMAN ■ ^ o n S ! r f u L , SHOES FOR W>(VOMEN Let Sears Deiecorator Service,:e.HeJp the spriing breescies anirediere!' h Feet Hurt? You Bring Yo^our Home to Life!ife!!~ ' At Soars wo hove a profooiossionol stall of docorotingJ oxpoVoxp is w h o so jo b il Is Sling along ther ccruise circuit, step lightly . : Try lo hotp you plan the docoDcof ol your homo. You'll rocoivo:oivo Iroo, no-obligotion ^ h e lp in ov o ry lh in g to picplanning youf color schomo} tofo choosingi now slip- •• through workdayay or playday in the cool ones)nes. covofs lor your fomily-roo ro o m sofa, Wafer-thin platfctforms to pamper your sole,i, youryc choice __ ' • cf h e e l. . the: rneatest sun bares around! - • Your DecorairalingleeS s’ Get Personallal Attention! J , . ; ‘SW W . • YouGetOualuality You Can Depeuii OnIn , Jm : hinrk. Ixfiir.'r'm l. tuivii. uhitc, onin^r.c . • Professionalnal Installation Available I 1.9") hlark. <*nuuiu'l. nnw. Ii, hlnc; • Sears Guarajrantees You'll be Satisfiedie d

Drop in and see> iUS t o d a y ; y o u ’ll b e' surpriseds u at the Hi^liliinc: h liM 'k . Iixhmu'. w hin-. 1 8 . 9 5 ‘quantity and qualiality of services we have ho tb offer — all with an em pha:lasis on the personal tout o u c h . - .SHOP AT .SKAH.S AND SAVEVE r r ------1 S'SEA8S - TWIN FAILS . ‘ ^ In Lynwiiw ood ^ .Sqtu/ofHon G u ^n n u td >p Mon., W*d., and Fil. 9:30 orrh,” ' tliu p.m, , , oTYBlIr m nry HaiP------_ -Sears. Yol>ur B ankcards. W elcoIcom e SLAIU. l o o v a AKD CO. Su

' ■ V - — ^ . — r ^ : • f-*

I I Sunday. Fotiroary 23.1975 Tlrjiosrirnos-NowSrrwin-Fnlls. Idaho 25

Six Tw in Fc■alls H igh sttudents i PTA, honors atln t h l e t e s - TWIN FALLS-VeraV eraC . O 'L eary Ju n io r H igh. School PTA will sponsorDnsor a recognitkm >u|^>er (or [ H b H to 1 attend SSyringa G irr l s S t a t e . th e e llhtb snd ..nintjj,ilnt^.^grade basketbaU .and w restling team s Mofidivtondoy at 6:30 p.m. In ihe. TWIN FAU-S - Six Juniors Important |i parts ol her li fe. She leam . spncls and 4-H. She Is ------gymna?ium.--All Intereaiterested p a re n ts and firiends------a l T ttln F alls High School will is i< active in Pep Club. Student active in her church w here she are asked lo bringg sandwldKs.san Othei' refresh- attend Syringo Girls State IxjaguC'SAE. i, German nnd Ski h as partiplpaled in plays, m e n ts will be provideiovided by the PTA. A PTA '' 9 . Ju n e 7-14 nt the Northwest Clul). c Hi-Y and wjis clccted speeches., conunlltees and m eeting will bc heldId in ihc auditorium after Ihe' Nazarene College at Nampa, i\Altnisa Girl of the Monlh. She __ darice tcslivals..______-_____ '___ _ m c a l,_ ■ T he glflR arc sponsored”!))'” |1Is aclive In Job s U aughicrs. ' Terri Sampe. daugliter of ,r“ the American Legion aand is presently s'Mcctheart Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sampe. Auxl1lar>-.PostNo7,, - oof the TF Chaplcr of Do- is spoivsored by Ihe Altnisa Those sclcctcd arc Janet.. NM olay. Cluh. She has served as Pep B u rk h a rt; Michelle Burrows, Brenda Cllcrsl>er«. daughter Cluh prcsidenl. president of the Lisa Gerber, Brenda Ol- oof Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O. sophomore unll ol Girls Sportswear terslwrg.- Terri Sampe andI cOUerslwrg. is sponsored hy tehindlhewheel. associated wllh llerreit's M r. and M rs. John B urkhart. Iss A S a c ra m en to R e g io n a l I Museum of Arts and Sciences sponsored hy the Soroplimistt Transit driver who told police■ a s a t(.>ctiirer and teacher. She •Cliib. She has Ixwn vcr>’ activef ih e w as reading a inis operation' Is acllvc In Drill Team . Choir. S' in -l-n. attending the ■)•>!I manual .and driving al ihc Uhe Madrlgalsi. H i-Y,'al' Congn'ss on full scholarshipJ same lune was arrested after^ teiuk-d Youlh U-gislatiire,as a: d a h l ( s )UEENJ Ff A S H I O N S a w a ite d Iiy the CowHoiles... his hus allegedly slnick and lohhyisl and is president of her \ y . 14 0 M o inn A^Ave. North. A winning top aw ards in -t-llI injured awom ;in j>edeslrlan. church youlh gnuip. ' demonstrations and a-ceivingil - The driver. -Charles .E. P h o>ne n e :733-6671 th e Idaho S late Key .AwardI. Gildersleeve. '27. «as charged Ja n e t Is active in Ili-Y. Drill1 -with felony hil-nm driving. ■ f t Team. Inlernaliotiiil Ciuii, ^ K ; ^ , M Inleracl andSludenl’sUague. Michelle Burrows, daiighler^ Hints _ , of Mrs. Carolyn.!. Burrows, is ioupon I spon.s(irc“d l>y iheT.'F. Businesss T ry a sn<)^^y lop for your next s i ^ ' 2jp o n entitles, you and Professional Women,I, apple pie. l’« lart and juicy rniipnii?? ■ ;t apples (nr your favonle n'clpc., _ COUPOIIS? ■ , 0 p u r c hlaseone a s e Big Mac. y - y Michelle Is a proficicnt pianist /or which she has recehMici Sprinkle pie with orange Juice° Mr I one 12 oz.!>z. soft drink and m 1 |. and hake w ith one crust W hen ■ 'i a w ard s, is aclive in deii'alc. Hi- '•1 M * one regularjIar bag of french # I - Y, . Youth legislature andd cooked, cover top wilh a II ull ■ fries. sludenl forum She hopes mri cninliinalion of sbredded ^. altend the College ol Idaho nr,rcw t- iin u t and powdered sugar. , . , 1 For S tanford and lu m ajor luU * ihonhrowneversoslightly. f- r. historyorpolysci. - ml ■ . K 9' ? ' / micDona^dis c I LisaGerl)cr.dauglilerolMr. ; fTYOUpTANTTT ^ I ‘Expires MaiMarch 15,1975 ■ If and M rs. H arald •GertnT. Is tHSOOjtll ■ spon-sorcd hy the Holary Cluli.[;■ O R f EED I T . . . Ituialle I Good onlyily iat McDonald's of JA N lr BURKHARTr BRENDA MICHELLE BURROWS She is active In 4-11 receivingIU I obe Seed Will Have Itl I awards in money-mimagenienl KctpM I Twin Falls-lls-305 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. ... Soropf/mlsfs OTTERSBERC ...T F BPW and an art prolecl. Arl and-Id c L O B f F n D M . ... - . . . Kiwanis.____ . .painting and dancine«are

• W '-' •

V330 FitiILERAVENUEE•I E A S T T W\Nm FALLS, id')AHO 34-6752 » SOLID 5TA1^ T E r _ 3piA%% K ~

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, FamoKZemtliqQaGiElyaiiddeiM iidabiritfl - C H R O Mk i A C O U M i n I ™ CIMUNDLER’S with unsurpasse(sed Zenith Qualtty I _ I L— • • Tn# STUAnT I YOUR -rwgw - ■ — ‘1 H jMi P>»«« b>mo«t» to ^ ^ 2an>m Oaco<«lo> ' ■ H I . *iV Compact Uylino' ■ ■ I Hli ' v I H H Oiainad Ajntrican ■ :OMPLETE J ^ H H H Walnul color ■ mm-, cc H I K cab>naL5*0Hi . 1 r ^ m w k SP«»k*''A>=C- I I ■ KTS-ilS;

' / , FAMOUS' ' TtM HUlARO'C nNOR f f H1 1 I Fuazenlth ' f l M ■ OHLY ' ' * DibotUorcompact c«bln

S p «> r t s h I o s t d ee i s i g n a t i ci o n f o r ^ ]j ? e g i i 0 n aa] t o uFrii

COEUR’ d'Al^NE - Collegeicge A r i z o n a S t . . ~ Thc victory gives CSI a 22-t rccordcord ond leaves T rottcr. DovIs, Wakefield Waki and Yoder doing the E l. PASO, Tcx^iUFMl - Texasas-EI Paso came up with chilch"^ I _^ th em only a win over T reasure Volleyolley at Ontario damage, wslpcrccntage With five minutesutcs 1loll In thc hall. CSI had rujT free Ihrow shooting In the final lwccaasc they playedd mom ore Its iw.st flurry c arried overver Intoli lhe sccond half-, t h e .,,, ------.• Thc Miners, ranked Hlh. werec leading, G5-R wllh 90 sccorils I _ u p lo now is 30-2. T hai w as the y e a r CSc s r absort>ed Cardinals gcttinghacigl)acklowiihln25-:i0, ■ led when H rcftster and Ponie iitiillernaled for four froo throws , B . lls Ihlrd loss of the ye ar in the naliomItional finals, in But lhen the EagleJaglcs gol their sccond windlanil’ c having thclr problems al thc '■ each while Ihc Sun Devils were Hutchinson, Kans. quickly moved awayaway. They held leads up ,tQ'.3(| line, Coach Grunt siiid no date has^yetyet I) lM.x-nset Ior poinlslicforceoaslinjaslingn. Poole had tied Iho game at G:G3-CI wilh a Jumper from Ihe I ' the regional bul il prohalily 1^; pluplaved in the . ! ' csiiCSIC4. NorWKMMM ' ...... conicr al the three niinnle martrt and Charles Draper put lhe I forepart of the week of M arch 3, In IJtJie Inlerests O ' 'JIfliip'ip ^ p' N.kkho lonpi.tp - Mltwrs uhend lo-May-wilh-lwo-H-fi-(>e-lhrowK, r.T>-«c:i-wllh-two------1 4?7to O,,*,, , ,)og «1 - of crow ds; th e regional does not wantpvani to com pete jur 1 j 0 ta jofwton.. . .ro-i minuleslcft. ■' wilhthe four stale tournameiiiss lhatlh will l>e Ttoim •4 o0 7 8 Cmiin ...... 1,1 q .J , H played lhal week. Wjiietitiil I 0 I FiokJl...... 8,6'Jt7 9 » 1 0 Seftmoi...... ■>0 0 >»' W y o m i n g ccndsfinap. I CSI has the Idaho No 1 dcslgnallon:i11onaii’oviverlheBoslonCcltlcs.- - J the ninner-up there hasn’t U-en decldiIccidedyel. No.inic»r«,- The victory was the Ihlrd in a row lor Golden Stale und ex- . , ' tended its Pocific' Ulvision leadad III fil. ganu-s over- st'cond ^ piacc Seattle. O r n I R o b oerls wins . B u h l aidvances c 5S p a s t TUUSA iTPl) - Omi RoliehsIs Universlly jjlpiggli'd through Bl the fli-st half. Ihcn explodc'd withh 12 piilnis al the opening of the I second period on the scoring.olul Anihony RoIk tIs to defeat *Km V irginia Tcch 93-C8 Saturday nlghlh i. n ' Rolwrts, a sophomore, earnedd game scoring honors wilh 22 i poinls, Virginia Ti-ch was Jed tijhy forw ard Rus.scll D avis who I W JR ^ i nito t A-2 f i n a l s ^ ' collecled 20 polnls and eiglil relx>u:tunds. I Tu-lcc In lhe firsl half ORU IralUlied by 11 points, but they cinscd jl kersioot liirned Retherford closingjsing m e gup lo one from lhe foul Ihc gap lu a 40-3B deficit at halfllmime. I j'erre llllls ond John Donkersl ther Filer score, Brucc Wore hil a ORU advanced lo 17-C for lhe seaeason and Virginia Techsllp|)«l ' j rcdhot in the seeond half Salurdaydov inlghl as the ""C- After anolhcr 1 rows wilh 14 seconds lelt. Bul then to 0 13-10 m ark. Buhl Indians swept past thele WoodV River pairof free Ihrows Wolverines C.S-4:! and into thc finalnal oof tho lourth , Silvester camee upup wilh' two ol his prcssiTrc.fjcc x - ' / di.slricl .-^-I’lwskcll).-)!! lournanjenl.,„I throws ond hethen Ihen established the final mafi^p W arriors nds S alurday as the Cowlwys • Kl upset Gooding Friday niglTl and the Tigers 19 of 20, broke a nine-game losing streakk lo Colorado Slale by handiijg— - . „ "WE'VE GOT rr.”SiSays M inlco's P au l Duncan coasted hom e with a 07-39 decision.(,n In the sccondid game,gai Jerome led only briefly. Ihc Rom s fl C5-CI W estern Athlclicic Conference loss, Cinch jumpI* and Twin Falls Grayjray^n Slanley durtng A-1 Je ro m e no^^• will take on WtxHlI Riv»R iver in a loser- theHe end ei of the firsl and sieco^ half and pulled louaG -li half- Wyoming dominated the first h action In Rupert Fridariday night. Twin Foils took oul battle at 8 p.m. Thursd;i>' alit thithe College of quarters. But inin oachci .case Wood R iv er’s , ’tim he second period. The Cowltoys tim e lead before going cold In lhe , •“ theopcncreo-M . Southern Idaho gymnasium. Thele wlwinner of that Martin put lhele WolverinesWr back ahead ul them hy U'lcher. in Ihc final 11 b a ll c a ll ' scored oiily eight polnls, four of lh one goes against Buhl F rid ay niglil needing lo ‘’uzzer. icr and fot-wardJack Adam s led m inutes of the scc£n<] Jialf U'Ichei win that one and another SaturdayJay rnighl lo lake I” third quarter.quai Jerome ran Into a suc- Wj'oming with IC poinls apiea-. IhelltlQ. cession of tumlovcrsundWoodRlverjumpedout oven • Thc Rams were paced by Tim:i IHall wilh IH. Como Ponlliana I Slill thursday night's winner will jassure it.self a s m u c h as ninepoiilepolnts, with li and Terry I-irrew wllh 1(10, The CowlHivs iHKbli'd lheir I ■ of at least a second chance lo get1 inlo slale. Thai BuN«, Bur VtooaftnirO record to 10-12 overall and 3-S) inI 11th e WAC. CSU fell lo 4-fi In the J ...... (oHp«.lp' B u r l e yf n i p s THF to c3-;w;.H3. Touii . ?r’i3S4erJri3 ...... « « > « » m ovemenl in th e..first h alf Imt salvaged a 79-73 W estern Athleticlc Conference win o\-er Brigham loser lo of that one winds uib Its seasoncason. The winner underneath mo\ Thc Indians by then were compliimplelely relaxed •cupiiilhelhirdBcriy 10I with wit Mmicn continually fiuro'iTg jodR i^iir j«omi3e tournameni will wind up al the J Thc first game was Jusl alwulnil o over Iwfore' it v»oT>« Ignpflp broke thc di-'Sdlock with iwu min.iniik*s to go and scored the nexl S s a tu rd ay night. • ° started. Filer couWn't find Ihe baskel and hunm 13\ 3 0 13 Oupmin . . r 4'J 14' ck fouls and spcnl much of the time four poinls to give him 19 lor lhlhe I'les -a.career high for the Burley held the only "big leads",‘ads" of the night, ^-up ihree quick fi . Je ro m eJu m p c d ah e ad 14-2. F ileler rii m anaged only 0’> 0 0 3 Q Fnng, .IDS' I' it six m lnules and ' on thcJ)en(3hr4*iiir4hit after opening Ihe (ju arter with < 0 4 9 V«nI>,Vo aOJ-.A, sophomore guard. goingB' up by eight in the ffirst six one field goal durtng the pcrtod•d undun fell Iwhind 4 *0 o 7 8 5.mp»on T-t J 3. came ng,wilh Iwy good ft'cd passes Utah, trailing 4H0 at hnlftinim e. gralitied a.SH-51 lead five going g up by elghl in'the'firstIt six minutes and a bucket, he can 24-8 e ariy In th c sccond q u a rte r. scoringsc< only on J • ppies. 3 1 3 r McMu-d.o 01 J ’l" m inutes inlo the sem nd half. KiilII the Cougars refusi-d to fold and then U advnacing ahead by fivec at thcti end of the for Bruin cripplc ■ frcelhrow-s, game was stolid in the firsl half as Toui...... tsn tiA , moved within two Iwliire Ihc UlIJles spurled out uVa 72-02 gap. Twin Falls’ biggest lead w was as 21-lB in th e T hc e nlire gaii ^ • Friday night Filer ousted•d sccond-sccdedsi ...... ”* d much penetration or much T hen BYU rollied again, lying itt iin the Iinal Ihree minules. &second period nnd the Bruins’’ last lead came at neither had i 0 Gooding 67-63 a s Steve T haetc selChostaiicroraSCI tl , meaningful offeroffense. The firsl period ended 10-10 'tJ J« » * 29-2«laleinthchalf.21 fourth-quorter rally wilh nine pointspoir ond Brian leadingonly4-2. • FU«»ir. tlKi5ite31l«l!!5vllli!, l wllh hol- JlIn the third period, Tuib Fialls cul g first loss on Jeromome 44.38. ;; echnlcal foul gave hy 16-12 and 18-1218-1 when Graydon Stanley gol a 3 5 3 11 no9«<> 1 »» 9- handed Wesley Cox 2 /p o in ls , lilitz c iS ^ ls a lW-79 bul 0 foul call and.cns-uing lechnli Gooding led at the first Ihrecec rest periods - or-.» 14 51 J 13 S.m.j 1 0 1 .2 crtpplc. HobI HeadIiei and Phil Kniep Immediately 8 i 3 II ncirwlivO 4 14 9 Saturday aflcmooh'tu'edgc clo^c ^ r to the M issouriW allcy Con- • __Burtey three points. _ 1^ bulnolbymuch.Thecliff-hahgingi. ^ingre ended startc'd hc Spartans who can^e back lo three Then early in thc fourth periodwrl'od Tw in F ulls. reput'd for lhe S| with four minutes left when Steve;ievc RethorflrtrEs .* ferenee championship and aver/nge one of ils lwoW«»«i;4hls Ig free throws all hy Intermission,Jon. which has had trouble hitting frt g th ree point ploy lied it for IhcScnaticnators. pIj ' 107 2 season, / dekopp cul the deficll to 22-21 w ith a RobinKin 0 0 2,0 yenr In closc games, missed fnurour outoi of seven — Br^-’nl Reddekt ., ■' Rocknc iJimmers untied it for Filer1 and Ihc toui«...... 712s Louisville, DOW 20-2 overall arand 10-2 In lhe confercncc. nver- J! basket as Ihe third period l>egan Iiut ..217S77P Toui..: ...... 77118*, the lasl couplc with a chancc loolnkc take Ihc lend. ' - luei;lliiil-acU.,isl team s bottled (o' a 59-59 dcadloiodlock with 1:16 _ powered the nurj-lcane wilh a b:balanced altack lh.it incliKled 16 ] started his binge, Paul Duncan did ...... H B 4r>* o Burtey responded well tolo .111al Ihc Unlln Bowyer lh™ sl.i ^ remaining. Thaere«nt Filer ahcoiahead by tw o wllh ; p o ln ^ apiece hv Junior Bri(|(;cmm an and Allen M urphy and 14 by scoring work for Minico. one two- ...... ; .10' 7S 48 ir challenges and Brent ikxlity. thehc Mte: m leader, hir mi»l ol the rai Phillip Bond. ’ nifty crossover move, bul Tw in Falls j , thc t key buckcts through thee Ihlrdthii and early poioleronanllli Is ahead by lOon a Bowyer buckcl. 7 Never headed aflcr tal^ig a (>fH lead, thc Cardinals rocketed fourth ( q u a r t e r th a t Kept Burteye,v ahead.a h finally wenl ahe; .*n nucluaUxl from seven lo 10 poinlsIs Inlo a S4-37 iidvanlakH*.-)!/he h;ilf. Twirt.Falls, starting Iwth halveslives slows ly, alm ost Minico Ihen ill vilh the siiire SMI. Redckopp cameie was oui of II earty as the liolicats:atsl)Ounced l>i nhead behind liul wilh aighl poinls. ^ s 2 6 I14-6 - taking six m inutes lo^do0 do ll. Jo n e s a n d ' w ith live slraiRh s lhen went into a sp read d c h y of-If-' Bodily cre ste d th e d h v e Iwfure^ TTim lm C risl. R andy Twin F a lls Ihi ^ \ • PULLMAN, Wash lUPh - TheT WashJiiKton St;ile Cougars, IBarlxHir andjjcnnls Bowyer gunmcunncd Twin Fnlls /ensoand.MimnIniTO chased It all over the hall court, A drivlofj doul)double-pump shot by Kyle Uscola ., seeking lo rebound ln)m a 2 9I season‘ l;^l year. Salurday an- I back to within'one. nounced lhe signing of -.’fihlgh sciich(K)l footliall players to nalional In the second period Gravdondon .Stanley,S Kelly <"■'""‘‘1' JesJesse Miller's inside points pulled llin .S.V.SI with 1:01 to play. Icllcrsol.intcnl.____ I • - • rNewton and liowyer shot Twintin FnllsF.' nhcnd lor Mlnicotowhtin.' Miller hil two free throws and Crtstst \ - Included were 12 frpnxlhe• stale; nl Washington. 13 from tth e first tim e bul Bodily pulled BuiHurley back into I'n 'I'll • Californlaandone^roln’^l(ml,^n: a tic. Then Gary Miller hll oneline freefr throw nnd lhe Sparbpart ans uul with four points. . Cougar Coach Jim Sweeney expressedes pleasure In signing six Stanley'• a follow shoi lo makeake itIt 21-18 - the 6u«,t47. T—«F»(I»5* • Surt«yIgnplio T«i.nF»IH ignplls linemen who sland G-fooH or Iwtterb and "should develop Inlo Bruins’ ' high w ater mark. 6 a ] 16 Nvanxi 1 0 i 8 ' hig players by anybody’s standarard s." Rolwrt Lynes and Jones n<'l1 BurleyBurh back on top i 0 < m U.ile> } < 3 10 and'the Dol)cais stayed aheaaduid bybj one lo th r e e ' o-'oo* '} I r 5 crt r 0 ] l< Bruce Draper opened Hurley’sey’s mn argin to 34-31 >01? OWUM' 1 0 D 7 D ave 1-ahti. a tackle from HaitiItloground. "and .Jamie Ha.ist‘. an O''ulon»r 2 0 0 4 . Burley free Ihrows. Bowjer gotnot TwinTv F a lls l)ack Tottft...... a n s H to w ithin one bul in final lwolwo m inules Bodily. n'-'«r >2 Jl » « O i e y n i c l isets » record Vaughn and Lyncs/hit for lhe Ihc Bolwnlsi while. Miller had the only Uroin reply. T«nfMI«K. MWC0S4 ly. igtiptip Mweo IP SEATTl-E,Wash lU Pll-GG i uard F rank Oleynick tos.sed in 30 Through the lourth ciuartcrcr II was lhe some i 1 1 I HMd i ‘2to points to l>eeomc the all-time c aree r scoring leader in the West thing. Crist hitting some timelymely long shots to N*wion . « , 4 » F » « ^ ® ! J 2 I » ? i : " Coast Alhlcllc conference'asss 1he led the Chiellains lo an 88-75 keep Twin Falls wilhin one, ThrcThre.c Gary'Miller J J M J ...... 0 4 1 01 0 upscl victory over the Univcrs•rsity of San Francisco'pons in a , fre'e throws earned a lie lorir Ihe Bruins hu t a Bo>y«t '. 7 5 ! tr Sfu« ’ ’ » * . 0 0 t 0 J 4 S 1 ' regionally televised game Salururday. j ' couplc missed free throws kepiI'pl theth Bruins from 0 « I 0 VOQI . 0 « » 1 Oleynick, b junior who turnsIS 20 on Sund;iy. has a c a r ir r total taking the lead. r . ’ ■ . / i H of 929 points, surpassing the 9199 m ark sel by W illiam "B ird" With 5:06 left. Bodily pushi-ded BurteyHu ahead for WoodUr»3 I 0 0 t » - • Averitt of Peppcrdlnc. the lasl time with a foul throw.irow. I.ynes bocKcd V UKOU 7 0 < « I ,I B . TM I...... M -. Seattle scored eight slrelf^tht points lo open up a 20-12 iead • lhat with a budket and Irom thenthen' on B uriey w as Tout*...... m idw ay In Ihc first,half ancT3~hcl4 a ;a-33 spri'ad al the In; three toone point ahead. TwinFMi .... 10 73 « « Icrmlsslon. Burley showed signs of wanllnj;intlnK a slow-dow-n a t umca . . . 10 11 » M

OWfWFoi,r*4 CcMQt CS»i;Noo« J. CMrtein«»4uM Wocentm IO. MoH>Ou(| Woodnt>wU,.Mn>n*U LomiviMIM.Tulurt AiiJ0fU».Nc»U«i<05« ■onUn.Ueoouil KifflMrir n. o*c>o s ik>M> outi DoilonC l7.Mol»CK»»rT K TeuiM.W<» Four. A-1 BnMnIII.Owln>umll Oi*ai«in,w .M«i>3i.n.ll T3. OoTiAao H>ghUn<) tt. FHxff C»m»:*m»iCownl,er.RKMi«ldt3 - OHMaM kUr.Skrl»u<; Wrom.ngO.CoKi>«)<3Si tl G>tng IMICITtifMM - Oalroo 79. M * < . „.*uunw.OTun OMtneirn^te/W Aarrvock St..McC«lnOann«llr U llO*«> OwwaTn»*fcA^ ’•N4«or>i»n,eMSUM NamlamOwniO.MKMyn O c«KM«u,c*mt>nir«a.M ■ DM M tar./M p l out of (his traublirouble w ben TVrtn P a lls ' G u y ■ip OMiftomi«,0.l.fv>m.SU(e»/ . Sod.kxUSo>inoiUAMr0*fA» .K.KuniU.PlrMttiO - MgrUvgn U,«4wiMn cull M iller w as ciU ed (o ri 'OtP«ui ri. NoittOontn ' ' Sn^kam.)i«n..«>u.'DMiUk*u.ioM>oui VVtnirucKk BkOnoKtllXI CuMioid 90. Higwiiw\^ilOM> out) -• I (or a (oul with th a t rig h t hand ’ _ iscomingup“ P . . -tiiil'astwllngtoreadireadiln. TwInFallswonG&M.;^'" .. ltl ‘ i tJ — . ' P ' HMia Sunday, Pobruary33.19751 I^rnoTimos-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho- 27

P ilo ts ni]ip V alley tUR TIRE PROBIBLEMS . . . three dutch (rce (hrou-s In thei Glenns F errj- a 50-47 lead over- JS h d b y ’s decisive foul loss. tlthan break even on’ the back- . Jonnwm'.. -k 4 1 4 n EJiumfvg .. 7 0 2 14 ■ In Ibe (irst game Wendellll liIw ards. ollhough Kim berly King...... OOI 0 L9U0(M*.l 2 S ft - d oaing 80 seconds S,ilurdiiy. the baltling Vikings. DWirum...} 00 4 nighl lo lill Glenns Fcrr\'s‘ • Chrlslofferson cul the dellcii to Itook (ire lale In th e secondd vwastallerovcrall. ■ ' nilcN* .. 0 15 I T«M»,..»10I]S0 Toltf*...,7172241 pilols past Volley's Viklncs SO-I one polnl' Just ot lhe (inal points in the flrst(]uarlcr. The thclirsl I ISminutes.Mostottheic Strickllng gol some Inside 5U-xJley. s .8 7 I 14 R0* i ■ — endeavor to get to stale. • ■ ■■Pilorifuck'clsfonuivealil’jiiia?- Ix»nnrd Isaacs then Ik^d it nt:it F rom then on It w as Jiusl a L«wi> ... 100 7 ■ 16 but FJtzpalrIck col Valley 10-16 and seconds latei-- John i Heir ... 4159 Thai prize now (alls lo pre- in m a tle ro fp la y in g u u t Ihedock. Andor»on .12 0 4 ^Joiirfley favored dlcniVs+'errv'I going and by'haKtinie Ibc. -• Gough gol inside lo shove,'C •-• - TTMiii U ll 2071 Touii tsi20 3( Vikings b a d dosed Io two- Wendell ahead IB-16, Tony which will sil hack unlil Friday - • • « H nou' ld awail a challenge IromI points. - Slanc lied It for Klml)crly bul“I w.~jelie. Klmt*n»v ^ COi'Clo ’ « 18 27 31 I F ro m then on il w as anyone's then Wendell reeled olf con­IV WtnMII tanpllp KtmtMdy Ig n pl Ip cillnir: Wcndcir or Volley. . Couoh e 3 1 19 SU-veia, . ? 0 S J' WcrMdiei. Sr«thon*S1 ^ TIRE HAS/AODEF>ERN METHODS Wendell burst uway (rom) gom e wilb tb e two entering the secutive liuckds by Isaacs. H | mcs : 0 5 4 0*"*t J 0 2 «I • ’ 1 W«nMII Ig II pl U) SMthen* Ignpltp 1 Ilnol period til'd up- Gough and (our poinls (romm • Sircklng 5 3 T «3 SUn« J 0 J < - ,Oouflrt S 7 4 12 KadOock 5 2«'I7 Kimberly In lhe late sccond .. XpgonMnm 1 0 & 7 CTufimoi 10 0 } i ^ V A I L A I ^0 ^ REPAIR EVEN LARGE LA HOLES, Glenns Fcro' Inched into a Doug Slrickliiig. Hy haldime. . ; liw s 0 2 3 7 Ande»on .13 0 5 ond early ihird quarters lo • - IWIrtli 4 0 4 1 Cucnj } t } t Slick(,nu 6 0 i 17 Witljm» 3 5 3 11 squ^h lhe second-seeded) ' four-point lead In the (inal lhanks loa50-(uoterjusl at lliele siiim5 1 4 11.K«lloy 7 3 0 7 SCRAPES, AND4D TEARS IN YOURUR IMPLEMENT • couple o( minutes but Valley buzzer. W enddl held a 2«-20)() ten ; OIOI FuMmci 301 ( ttllpiii 3 0 5 6 MMin 10 3 2 Bulldogs G2-37. K Pittn 1 0 S 1? Prcincll 0 2 7 7 lead. ' Scon . 1 7 0 4 Pliknuitt S't 3 10 Wendell meels Valley al H:30- re(uscd lo give up, Farreil ctitml 0 1 1 H Polmio’'? 1 1 15 KingtKXii 7 0 1 4 TIRES. BRING^ YOUR DAMAGE H* Tou)»,,,«107ru GED tIres:. in p.m . T hursday at lhe ShoshoneI , Newland cul the margin lo 47- The (Irsl three m inutes o( tbe . T01»I| .,..7; 8 27 B7 T0UII...1»tll4J1 Ihird p(.Tiinnaslmn wilh lhe loser, ^—tJS with 36 seconds Icd^uul nine WcrWi-II 17 n II 6? TODAY FOR A FREEI ESTIMATE. Wenddl as lhe Tnijans press Wendell. i ■ 1’ • M “ going.out, Tlial winner will1 seconds Inter Shrum re- SKoshoor tl* ?3 M 41 play Glenns Perrx' at H; IS p.m. “ Friday, leaving Salurday night AND, THE | tire stores; 1 elim inate!es G oodingtig S tate ann d e 3 ( 2 3 D i e t r i c l i In Twin Falls HaHave Fully Equippeded Service d ousts B lii s s i n A - 41 t o u r n e y Trucks To Handlidle Your Problems''is'"On-the-iob" .

R i c h f i e k I sf/igJe game If iieccs.vir\, a bring Rlfss b a d : lo uK hin 11 • H.II i o t p^cprr m x > 0MI3S. . UO 10 8 ? « not-noor, ? ?4 11 IncKiu ignptipBiiM : igiipiip < su d d e n d ca th playoff will tie Ironically, the third period~ No.,1 7 1 i » 48 < UI 1U610M 4 7 7 10 Lookec 3 0 5 6 Itfe’re yourr CCOMPLETE farm firetire Iteatfquarfers!! > played Salurday. w aslhennly one in which Rich-h- 5lio.i« ® i J ■'0"« _ J 7 1 6 IP'pc<| 1 0 7 7 AKuunj 7 1 1 5 GMDING - HfchHeJd T ires • riDlil P u ip ld t for G iB atir Ti • Although Kichdcld was II0U.K00 3 CS} I? Mcui 3 0 4 8 • NewTires (UsedTire lifTraclloii T Ig m 'sp u tlc re d past the Hllss (leld oul.senred the Bearji. ' U,)iiila> 3 0 3 6 Schfonli'i 0 0 3 0 B ears 48-35 ond the DlclrichI heavily favored over Ullss, the Tlie siTolid gam i' w as a IU»I K 10 0 ? ® ’, ' 4 2 3 10 ElrcK) . i 6 4 16 • Complele LocalRepairair FacililiesI to eel yoa bacii In Dielie fieidfi quickly!' IX, Town...:4i»7J»r Toui,...» n n u , B ears turned louse some gmxl m a tte r a( Dietrich iH'liig lou I (ij.rl 1 0 0 7 Oovi .1017 Blue'Ucvils dropped Gooding .. JbtUirjtuii ' ^ ^ ^ Statif 47-45 Salurday nighl In1 defense and hdd Ihe lead experienced (or the younglg Cj'TUlCounl, 16 34 4li I loser'brackLt ndlon of lhe t h r o u j m osl ol lhe Hrsl half, GMKlingState Ri'ds'kins. lUni.cia 1? ?1 t) . r - Totiir''".l7° 4 16 44 TOUII... H718J4 fouHH 'd is lr ld A-H ba.-;kcIl)nUI Itlchdeld kept lr>’ing to (urce C(XKilng Slale slaved w illlin,in , (out^amenl. ? the ball insido bui couldn'l get (uur in the (irsl (jiiarter Iml"I CwtiU. (MihcKJ 5^ 1 M iS The results end the season1 it done often, Dietrich strclclK-d uul In thhe e c*/»rc lg It pl IP fcoiitth Ignpltp ... Jl«,u ? 7 4 18 To«n» 6 0 11? 0-«li«:n87. Ooo«JingBUI«45 for Hliss and Gooding Slale1 B ut In Ihc third period the secomi [KTiod and Coach L u n y JI>|in> 7 4 0 9 SwcniO" J 3 2 13 Oitlnch igUpllp Od SI Igiipiip REIi T R E A D ING!! i wjijltf',R1ch(ield and U idrich T ig e rs sla d e d to dick u(- Messick starlcil ^;oing lu hislls (Uiloni < 6 3 14 (Jjiijtd 4 0 3 8 Townr ' i l l 3 G*«y 7 1.^ 6 - rfow '’aavance to a lose-oul1 (ensivdyand(iuickly ranaway iHrncli...... , * na^tatij t 3 2 14 SfKncrr 9 0 5 r 0 fq^TiRires i -(« I3 tibes g[QriREs g g a - showdown at 7 p.m ., Wed-?— ttimi«cg.-nmmwyTs?nrKf24—------Stilt'Cnodlng Jiinte pnindcd— i } . points during the eight minutes •the lop gun as hxis canned J4 Crri'ii < 10 1 7 3 0 3 6 H4n-.ci' 4 10 9 Mitha .4 0 3 8 o„oo 0 0 7 0 2 10 5 l.nc«1i-- 1 00 7 “ scfic£i~R>’niiiS5nim:— n n i i fi - wblte Bliss could manage only |M)inls. ^Ym.ipt, .5 J 3 1? SlwrnwnC 0 ? 0 ’* WITH!1 TWOOF THEEMOST f > (our. !kxjin*.ck 3 0 1 8 secopd game Wednesday, lhc BMI7#4 ToUII...,JUn«/ Pci(D-i , . 3 0 1 8 ••• Tbal proved enough. undefeated Corey Panlhers CwnuCounlftr. FteAttMO ToWi...J7»JM*7 Tep«».-..2i:U«5 LSYSTEMS rAILABLEl! 1 althougl) Sam Slroud hil nine D-e1i*Cfi 8 ?6 *4 6f 0.«44 f i n a l s ; ]M Thursday's loser semi-final 19-14 al Inlcrmisslon and thelhe 04M«r,,.,ignpiB)-ftR. tgnpiipu, Uon. IgRpluC tatrd Igiipiip ;l game will l« preceded by two Hornets pu.shed Uiati lo 3l-'20.20 Q*m«l1 ,8 I 3 V Min«cn .113 3 Homtn . .5 7 I t2 K»e>cn«> 10 5 2 Mc(b-do 4 0 1 8 Snc'aWn 10 7 ?; T*ll«I 614 13 HfiKlcI 8 0 3 12 Dl!HI- - The Oakley Hor­n jay vee battles. going Into the llnalquarler. »^ti,lol, 0 0 7 0 Pllngll . II 0 7 77J, . a-urwll 3 3 0 # Kcllof 7 6 1 20 7 ' Oaklcy-didn'l have a |)uint on g 1 5 7 7 MP.CCP 0 0 4 0 nets shouk off e (our polnl (Irsl In the (irst game. Casllelonlm l Sruip 7 I 1 U Micnuon .7 4 4 8 • • lhe 3 4 4 10 104 7.5 AixJet»«fi 001 0 T*«t0r 5 0 4 10 IDOVOUWANT^ quarter and roared (nini0 the scorelmard with (ive (ull was hdd lo a 12-12 tie In the Q- Kenr>r' 00 1 0 CP.oce 00 1 0 behind to l)cal Halt R iver 50-37II minutes gone againsl Kad . first piTlod but' then moved;ed Totiii.,.^n»is50 tow*-,..u $_i i jJ77 McF*iU~3 4 3 4 It I SAFE DRIVING - River. HuttheTm]aasweK-a To»l»...1tH 13« TotH»,..-.1t*tt*4 and advance to lhc (Inals o( lhe ahead and stayed Ihere (or a ' lol holler. Finally Dave llahliil (Klh d istrid A-4 baskcltiall lung while. The W olves.-withilii ' .‘“4 ?! «ii Mu.u„ot> -==r-17 U 3J V I LONGMILEAO r und Ramly Sharp gol Oakley C4»llotwd . 1?'74 U 44 lournamenl Saturday night. Keller' gelling 2U poinls. ^ going and ll trailed unly 10-4 at C*lll«lonJM, KI0«IWM ] LOW CO Earlier, Murlaugh came couldn'l iiuild up much o( a Cdllid Ignpllp Kgrmn tg.npJip IhCTCSt. 1'? HwrUuflXSJ, K»n»««49 frDn^;t)chind in.the linal (our lead bul wen.- constantly (ivi-ivi- Kipicnvf 7317 Tuiw JflJIO .[ Rad River then replied wilh hcfl.1 0 7 3 7 L.mmon .11133 M«rt»uon lonP*Ip M»n»«i igrtplip m f T T T W points ahead. 4 Hmsan 4 7 5 10 EkMiA 3 17 7 minutes to eliminatey a m eager (nur jKilnl second KsllO »0 9 10 jK kun 7 0 1 4 Tbc Wol\’cs opetu'd the d 3 7 3 1 FtOfCkIn 0 4 4 4 r R o(r R iver at 9 p.m . Thursday only six poinls. one ImckelKel C p.r.ce 0 3 1 3 Ulo .. lliee AIKM .0 8 4 8 Rult'ell OOSO ^ TRYtQUT „ rcaStm'Jhi(t River scoml'In' e a d i (n>ni K d le r and Tveixly.lv 1 0 7 7 Aitiioi 0 2 ? ^ Af«o-Mtn OIO I A CU'ke 1^410 a l the Buhl high school g.vni-^ diHiliIe (Igures. Pi'ltinglll 7 KtnnM. 0 2 3 7 Long 3 7 4 6 M urlaugh caught up alMiul (ourHir ® ^ ^ McF*rUnO 7 0 2 4 naslum w ith lhe loser going oul^ wound up thi' niglil wilh 2U ^ ORBITREAI ; minuti-s (rom Ihe end. nnichin( o( Touu... IS 20 71 SB ToUI»...ino7S«41 Toui* 18212IU ToUll...19t7>4«9 and lhe winner laking on polnt.s. gelting clghl In the (irsl lhal due to the couliiujally Oakley in lhe (irst possilile period and six In the fourth. ' OiJIIO'ixa 10 18 » 50 1? 31 44 53 I liuslle of o( McFarland, nndinu Hjgo'tTun 10 ?1 » 4444 M*nKt« 4 71 35 49 REfllEADS!»S! finar Friday night. Should T hat let Oakley niovi- ahead Oakley lose Fridav night, lhe one ahead sl'ayi*d there. ON SOUNDTIRE BODI3DIES tille- will >« decided In a rematch Saturday - c g 3 a e m b a r r aa s s e s N ^ W IN T E RI w iN N E R L-O-N-G MILEAAGE J 3 M o n t a n j Buy NOW^ aand SAVE on RUBBER > 7 - 3 6 r o m ] COMPOUND!DS *P I i l J i n 6 - (ootSlevc Maycsof IdaboStatcc Friday nlght_;3 jllL a come- 00 a n d M ontana's Ken McKenziee (rom-lichlnd ‘doutile overtime , 51 A IR - Mont. tU P Il tc - was as lopsided as the finalII o-crwlnovccJ^Qiiloan Stale. LOCAL ^1” D/DAY 9 / A ra o e ^ crowd o( nearly U.ooo1C scorc. McKenzie hit 19 poinl.ss The Bolxrols scored IhcJIrsT w iflffit Montano devastateic to only tN^-D for Hoyes andd '' 14 poinls and ncycT'trailed Id flD t'S ta lc 67-36 os thele outerboundcd hid opponent 8-4. . until the Bengals'' scven (oolI ^ O N D I TTIONING I J n McKcittle led all scorcs withh Steve Hays hil a (rcc throwrow .SERVICE!! G iltttta clinched at least a tie forT S w g sky conference liller2 Tom Peck adding H and l-arryy cariy In tbc sccond overtime. nd Smedley 10 (or the Grlrzlies, In all, the Bengals tossedn„ In 24,000'BTU'l Jumped pul lo a 6-2]. FronkKrabnlcdlSUwilhi:).. eight charitics In tbc sccond to Montana is lB-6 overall and ...... wwty In tbe game and tl overtime lo taK® Ibe victory. > O N L Y W he: ll-l intbcbigsky. ISU is 1.V8** The undcrdog-Bobcats jal ond 8-3. M odfiBS'led 21-12 w llh 4:43 to thoroughly domlnotcd the firsl» Moster Sh>heetM etal fioJfifarTlrsthalf. ond then the Idaho State kept its Hig Skyy -half, outrebounding the tallerHer 124 Blu* Lok., So. Phon* 733*5 u e G rW la * su n c d to keep Iholm- cham p io n sh ip hopes a liv ec Bengals- 29-15 and led on the scoreboard 30-14. , loAtC&temiission. I ■ I ^-^TIRE STIiT Q R L U ^ f lielwccn seven S ta te top s l | | ) n t a n a

ters 8 1 -7 1 •W- t ■ • • S t a l eonferenee win ogainsl eight ist losses, while Bolsc Suite's , B ^ M A N . Monl. lU P ll Uy - recorddroppcdtoG-5. Craig‘buchler. playing the laslie .Montana reded o(( eight home game of his varsll;ky • straight poinls In Ibe'jlnal 2'*( INK ca(«er. led tbe Montana Stonisc m lnules andbung'fln lor aG8-C7 B(teiils-to an SUI Big Sk} win over Boise Slate'Friday - ■‘C o K f ta c e vlctor>’ over Boislird nighl. *^ff^»turday night. on The Grizzlies apparently 3 ' LOCATIONS IN B ^ e r . a &-fool-fi (o ru an18 • were caught looking ahead to a n ^ M of only two seniors mepi tonighl's mcding with Idaho TWINFALLS thJ B cot roster, threw inIhc V Slate. Tbc Crizilies were p d f l f c i n d provided somiIbc.. sluggish and Boise Slate took InflH g leadership os th< odvanlogc by shooting 5C per b n ^ away in lhthe cent (rom the - floor whilelc ' [IRE STORES flJ B R lnutca. >nd 'M ontana wound up wllh 45 p c r 8BBS State, led hy thoul cent. ■ oow w w m nch o( P a t Hoke ar>tb e Tbe Broncos broke to a quick - - norm’s OK ■ : Bliielakes'OK Steve Connor, led Ihroughoial(. lead, bot Montana scorcd .Georg* phHll(i» ' muc^o( tbc (Irst bal( and 1tb 23 seven strolghl and the lead Jim, Floyd, Tomn V ~ G eorge ft Bud early ^^gcs o( tbe second halR. cbangcd hands numerc^s — — TwlnFalit— Twin Foils— ^ Hoke the gome withid 2 b tim es. I H H I B B h i polMs.whlleConnoraddcdlll. ~ i MBU recorded Its (oud . . •• • '

?8 Tlmo8-Nowi, Twin Falla. Idaho10 Sunday. Fobfuary 23,1975 ■ l . Fitzsimiim o n s Ibreaks c

LOS '/\NGEI£S (UPI)»------■nh, uhcad~on)6uglass“and Tom —over- ' the-tough, -wind-swept- .Desert Dos CTassIc iwowceks ago; ■or Ofc couree;;r(iprea i w arci'^’^ : Unheralded Pat Fitzsimon*. a Kite,k i Douglass shot a 7,028-yard coursc, a mile (ttim HeHc wound up In a tie (or ninth bccousc bcci this is such a tou^'.' i third-year pro (rom Salem, thrccovcr thi 74 Saturday while thcPacK icO cean. • inIn the Anoy W illiams Son course coui and the greens an: stf; ■ Ore,, looking (or his , (irst kKite,1 w ho played lii thc,saroe The bespectacled; FIlz- . DieDiego Open la sl w-cckcnd w llh smasmalL" .ni'~ tournament victoryf*broke the thithreesome wllh Fitzslmons. simons, a smallish 5-10,165- olaolaslroundee. . A;Asked i(h e would hc nervous Riviera CoualDL5ub_cpi|rse jh.ih o la 7 t. pounder, bogeyed the sccond "I've been playing real well ^■^^aitlng a ii (or the (inal roiin^’ ' record with a sizzling s e v e n .-■ Fitzslmons,| who Hcd.(or fillh hole, a p a r (our, 4G0-yorder, andand I have good momentum," Fitzslmons Fllz replied, "1 don'l * under p a r 64 Salurday to grab p),place in the Bob Hope Desert and had a nondescript one-over • hebe said. .’I Jusl realized I know. kno Bul I mlghl hay* a a commandinR lead a (te r th ree q□ a, sslc a t P a lm S p rin ^ , Calif.: round through his (Irst (Ive coucouldn't be afraid anymore. 1 couple cou| iKcrslonlgbt.” < > rounds of the $150,000 Glen fjpfinished th e day wilh a'34-h'olc holes, dondon'l have Ihal lx)Rey-lilrdlc Fitzslmons F shot a 14 under V i H ' • But hc suddenly camc to life syn w . . . R• n • - I cCam pbell I^ A n g e le sO p e n . total tol of 205, eight under. His syndrome anymore. parp a rS B a ttb e S a lc m C o K ClMh.. ' Fitzslm ons; 24. sha.tlered the previous rounds here were 70 •and ran off a string of four, "I was pretty relaxed oul last (all and said, "so l’m ,u^^, coursc rccord of 63. set by R o d ' ond 71. straight birdies for a 32 on the there the tpday. ll's a lot more lobcingundcrpar.” lob [■’[■' •' Funseth and Gay Brew er In the The fonner University o( par35tronlslde. - rchrelaxing when you’re playinR . JohnnyJ' Miller, winner'.oVy. 19?j U 's AiiRcles Open and qiOregon p lay er, who sta rted th e A fler his eagle on the 11th. wclwell, Vou're drained when you • three thn o( the (irsl six events or),' - -ey-Tara.Welskop(.lasl__—day-(our-shols-beblndjj, 3W)olc , the young pro from OrcRon's _sh(»la7B^. she ______^ c tour this year, .shot a^thrce.. year, '' leader Ic Dale Douglass, banged capital, birdled'the 12lh and' ' "1 heard people In the crowd under und par 68 to move ahe*d o(' ’ Filzsimoas. who once shul a ,in ,in a 70-(oot eagle pull on the then had four straight pare. He talltalking atw ut th e course record Jack Jac Nickbus in Iheir seconds • 49 (or nine holes in a U.S, Open, par p; (ive, 557-yard lUh*tiolrtJr sank a flvc-fool birdie piiit on - but 1 wasn't sure whal it was. head-to-head hea battle o( the ytari: finished the day six shols hlRhllRht hi h is spectacular round th e p a r five, 570-yard, 17th and • ' \ (Inished with a par on the 18th (or another 32 on the par 36 backside. [HZfeA&AAM ~ . U.S. miss lece a d s iri He hod birdie putts o( 13,30 and 20 (eel on the sixth, seventh and eighth holes, I p lS RSKCIAl ^1 respectively, ond camc out of a world\ speed;d s k a tin g tr a p on a 45-foot shot far his I ^ 1 0 .^.9 5 I /isSEN. The( Netherlands a'around championship in the blrdlc on the ninth hole. Ile 5 (PLUS PARPARTS) I I UPI) ~ Shelja Young, a Iclasl three years, is not com­ sank a six fool blrdlc pull on 24ycar-old studenl from P*peting anymore. thci2lh. - ^ oH«r good throuoF»b.28lh Fl - S Dclroll. led Ihe standings Skating in a powerful, ycl Fllzsimons won only $10,098 Saturday al thj.^ haKway mark tftechnically tieautlful slyle, and ranked I43rt In money won i A / W V W y v C i of the women's all-around M iss Young won the 500 m eters last year among the pros, speedsiiatinR \ world cham- -Pl.ppcning evcnl in 42.3 seconds m aking the cul In only (oiir Take o closer look ot jo^our u ignition system .' for a ncw track record at a , tournaments. That camc a(tcr • p io n s h ip ' I ■ It's your battery, points,ts, plugsp and conden- sunny artificial Ice track In a hc caplurcd $10,596 (or the Sheila, ^^ hu^ won speed- ratherstrongbrecze, 1 Ifilh position in money e ar­ ser that provide thee nine c e s s a r y " s p a r k ” skalinR's sprint wdrld’tttle.at Coty Priestncr was runner- nings in 197J. GolhenhurR In Sweden last which m akes your engin«igine run and if these wBSB cZ ^ ^ j S k up In 43.7 and Maklko NaRaya But he played stranRly in his weekend, came out on (op of o(Japan(ollowcdln44.2, last two tournaments, shooting components arenot ftjncfunctioning properly,-;' . . ^ three East European girls in a Easl Germany's Karin' a (inal round 6C In the B, U Cn..rl---| .tlin ;i» W here Compef/Mon Is AM ode... Not Mel i.: Atjc Keulen-Deelstra. a ^ who' finished'as runner-up in ' Uu4j, Aiiii TwinFaUs 733-872t,;'.; id s w o m b ’ss to u r n e y 3C-ycar-oId3. Dutch cattle far- ) 712 Main Ave. So. Twli A lcott lea last year's championship, was Dot, Irtstc tMMJ-JII - • Itiner’s wife wjio won the all- ___th_ j ird In 2:20,38. u>( H4 ;»J1II-Ji; ST, PE-rrKR-SHUIlG. Kin, •p;4rs Shelley Hamlin. Fresno,1, , . . I U PI) - FrecWi-d rookie Amy- Al the start of her round, Ihe (Calif., who was tied with Miss /Vicoll niarki-d her 19th hlr- gallery sanR “Mappy Hir- Aleotti at the end of-Friday's Ihday Satiinl;iy Iiy sluw lins her thday" lo h c r. iopcnlnR round, had a Tfi second- conscciitivc four- After hor 6H nave, her a Saturday ; and. dipix'd Into a . undcrpur f>B to move throf Ihrccstroke lead over sccond ifour-way tie for lOth. Kathy Whltworlh. Richardson. Tex.. p M ' slroktti iihuail of hor noarcsl place Sandra Post ol Boynton challcnK tT In th e $ar..000 IJeach, Fla,., wlio had the d a y ’s 'the defendlnR champion, shol a O range Hlnssnm Classic Rolf l>esl round, a slx-under-p.nr 6G TH Satunlay tn ro with F riday's loum am enl. to KO with Friday’s one-over- 71) and all bul dmpiml out of; B Seai M iss /M cott.of Satila Monica. p a r 73. Amy said; 'contention. Calif.. plnylnK in only Ihc Ihlnl •I can’t believe il. \VhalA,T Tle’ p ar Roll a n d not Bradenton, Fla., and Judy•’ »g«UY.OiHO w Ihe pin and converted twti of Ret (ancy. I tried to plhy the Kimball, Gonialez. Tex., were■re . ■ iNioiv'M*'*. - Ihc chips lo lilrdli's and two tu . .sholslknewlcmildhit.'' tied for sevenlh a t M2. wmOAtl. iOlM. IDAHO ■ U. - - 1 » l M>nk M iMl "If ^ SliEEl BEU t O % €m i omABO. onooM O n e sirtokke luirts |3erlr fo r m a n c e Uwill Still l«|um'Bumbrt c< M4 • ■ $52 - 36.404 0 $ 2 .4 4 dilfcrcna* Ijclwwn viclciry and;l seven |k t ccnl ln'foix' sniokinR . smnkinR one ciRari'lte. The M4 S55 38.50”5(r ' $2,58 - - |k.t ctiiI after.c r. Ill ~>rm»l ro4d hauMt,i»rd«, UC lJMn«4 L— — -----— J t W« »UI: At out option. tulU rit < M4 > $59 41.3030 $ 2 .7 4 (urd ln n to a \\i->t Germann ciRarellc. lAielissaid. twosnuiki‘s. l.ueliss;iul. '."iT iii'-'/s fsxEB co tiidy. Victory lineups at s»iinmm»: CommeiitlnR on his (iiidiiiRS, h«B nurmi wlUnc pnti I M 4 ______$ 6 2 ______4 3 .4.40 0 $2.94 ' ,'IUood pres-sure and |iul;-of conlcSts showed non simikei-s . Luetis s;iid, "F in e parllcli-s ------— 3-15______$ 6 0 ______4 2 ,00 0 $ 2 .8 6 sb,. (booi i etuM i i M i oni 10 ~— ....J rise mea^u^al>lya(ll'^ unty' outiiuinlicr smcikors foiirto- containc'd in the totiacco sm oke »Um |* U r*thi?wX.ii th* r?f'*rjfjS I B-15 $ 6 4 ______4 4.80,80 $ 3 .0 2 oiic cifjorelte." saul tlie aullmr he l .•Kkui n n | B n | M5 1 $71. 1 49.70~■70 I $ 3 .3 0 ~ | of Berlin's tnstiluU' forr p l.im l In lwn.i- as many events bronchial aslhm a. S a r » ; 7 u ‘T.“ ; ; ~>***■ s i iIX u m M Ti Medicineln.S(xirl.s. as nonsmokcrs. I .uelis said, •Tnder strain, a smoker's . a l "T he smoker lirmn-s liuiis*-llt In Ihe Wesl Gennaii.walkiiiR pulse' is itm siderably over- - artificfM ly In an ailitudi- off champlonsliips -If. snmkers i4« • worked.'. This senseless 2,lM) lo n.ooo nu'ters, llujs . JK.T cv'jl I ff iletl to n im ;ile tf tlie ov'envork of the heart leads loto roducln^ hi.s a(lile|it;.at)ilil\,’' ccairN-r Ol the :i" non sm oking - a reduction of maximum l.uel)s wnite ni Ihe .Mwlical 1 1 ^ ■ S h ^ ’S ' coniiH-litors nnly HT |X‘r cent capatiiiity. early tiredness andnd ■- KnEE^Hlk kiB i Pulilicalion IX-rKasseiuu lz. - Rave up. the necessity lo take loiiRer - In sludK.'^ made al a sIidoIuii: IM'ofi'tisional baski-lliall resi |x.Tiod.s,'' I.iiebs said.

— • ^ In d ia n a1 c lin c h e s Bij!ig 1 0 title 6231

whisT LXKAYtrrri-:, ind(1 s\VU - on two frtv throws at the :r7- IheNCAA tournament. • - titrto uuncuund. Braciiit, instnjctioni. IM ichlgan's C J. Kiipec scun-d“d and iJ-'se-cond m arks, tait theL- To win withoul him. the cMpacttallA la lit motl anywfitft. Stock ■ ■ $ A V E « 4 t , Mo.6231II 24 poinls and Northwesternrn ■ W ildcats still faik-d to Ret an>) Hoosiers had to survive Ihclr s . ■ b lg w to rtc clitin c eslo pull oul aa - iwiiits aflcr lirlnRinR th e UalL.IL sternest test o( the season. Then« ■ SeSrs ’28.95»36-M 3( onth High Voltagi ^ B a t l e r y Win lh'Ihe'final minutetc ^'.dowlTcouci:------^— ' — ^Rame-was tie d 80-80 ia th c J in a l__ l.88*M/fM Car Itadlo. Stx k Wo. 62653...... 5 9 . 9 9 ^ l u r d a y , givinK Michigan tu'a a ' Billy McKinney, w ho ledd minute of play, when GrechS: ------^ S e a r »i^2SJ95-BiititryJm ^ 2 ^A SMBBfgTenwm Wildcat scorcrs' wiih 17 points.s. sank a basket and then con-on- n^g7799" ■— - '. Tbe score wajnlted at 'rO-!£•’6 scon-d on a UVfuol Jum per wllhh ncctcd on the first of two freercc , ^ | \ . K a t t e r y lt(MRooA ter (lubloM [ ■ yuh - e:52 lo pluy wheheh |i! seeonds lelt lo m ake it (ZMM,9. throws to Rive Indiana an 83-60 36-Month tuttery hai plint]plinty of ■ ' , M ldiigan's StcveCrote 1^1 onI a ‘ i)uf Northwestern’s Tlm^n advanlaRc with 29 seconds left.„(• cold cianiiini powir lofr ttJittarlint a n d .ttitr rt capjcity (oi ae layup and convcrtc-d od a foul)ul . Teasley fouled Joe John.son to’10 Wayne Walls scorcd (or .act.. VOIJR j | r fl% J 12-fl. cablej tnjtfe i lutot after tbe bosket^iVu tlu lie end the Wildcats’chances. ' Puraucwilh21 scrandstoplay./a y ./ , - citoiC E ^gi y F # 6.tua|(. copper win Molverioes a »56 fead. TN ■he . The Wildcals are now n il in Indiana's Bob Wilkcrsonson V.W. BaBinr hat plinty ololp«»ei pt ]J/tf Ceppet'-plateif_coppcoppif- / 'mf l r 4 7 r ’ jWolverinef aAlcd lour^mor. ire the conference and .VI ovtTall.11- stepped out of bounds underdcr 'lorlfitceldttttfa/i, 14“ ^ • c u tM cUfflpi (ofillfl> r.ll|h t, ^ i n t s tn tb e next m inules lo u| £ up G nite scored IB and Hick Whitelc Ihe basket, bul Indiana's Kent trip. #7199 y- le«a (0 a 63-SC wilh 5:) ;?l added 12 lor the Wolverines,.s.. Bcason Inlercepled Purdue’s Sem2iKontliBatlbHiibHi s lUitt a t low at 19.95 Exchangege(6toup24C,22- /■ now lG-€ overall and SJ-5 In thew Inlwunds pass and threw it“J (6 fC)SMr»...HofWofttioftheDie-Hird» . . ‘y ^ S w d c a l s cioscd wllhlihln BlgTen. Quinn Buckner, who wasvas with S seconds lefl oion ■ ____- 0y , im m ediately lied up and hadJ toto 'Jam es Wallace’s Juyinperc r. ]ump agalnsl Walls with fivelive SHOP AT SEARS AND S/ C iM l ' SM n • :w th 4* eeconds lefi, Kupc seconds to play. Purdue con­ or W .Ho I Sears I — TwInfdiT — A r^|j|-callrf for traveling, bu trolled Ihc Jump, but Buckner n.U M )M ______-- W4«1T f t.in 4 m UAta. maix-s am C0. n>.ru«4ii' ,i„> ’ 'NocttawMtem couldn't scorc stole the lull and the HoosiersIcrs — Icl-lhc final ^ - o n d s run out. —— ------— ____,• ____ ._____ •_ ' ■

' ’ ( ' ■ ......

.ajndav.Februlfv2i,lS75 Timo.•|m ..N o«f«„F.II..,*,ho ¥ i i * g m l i a s t i i n s 6 5 - 6 2 I «■Iliini nip E Oliio Stntp ■ I charlottesviuj :. Va. h « n e . • ocooe-foul siUialion to stre tch Wally Walker was lhe. I lU P n ------Freshman guard Koesters bit Ihe first foul VIVirginia’s lead to U-62. Cavaliersl^guiYwlUilBwhile Ci I CHAMPAIGN. 111. I UPII - J DovlcOcoeslereUnk Oint foul shot with 15 seconds le n to pad • CaCarolina got Uie ball In play b'jl ' Dan D< Bonner and Andy Bonlti I OlhoO lh Tucker hit a 20-fooic'r ' &ho(8 ffl th e nnal IS seconds ot V irginia's ltbe lead as the first holT league standing.' Oklahoma cn4K- but an underhanded S tate dropped to 9-14 for the g la\|gp by Adams pul the y e ar and 4-7 In the eonferenee. 1d o w n s UJ C C L A ' . . j

SEAITli:. Wash. (UPI) - 01oulscorlng the Bruins 2G-1I4 I T h e W ashington Huskies^ using o\overaslx-mlnutespan. a UCLA-palcnted blltr In Uie T he Husky rout opened up al I Terps ch^aim title scsecond hoU.' handed 'the thUie start of Uie sccond hall as . s c sccond ranked Bruins Uwir wWashington, copying what, . Wlw orst Toss In nine ye ars wIUj a , m any a Bruin te am has done to »LLEGE PARK. Md. form ancc w as turned In by JO103-81 bombing In a P a c ific ^ ' i.It In th e post, oulscorcd U C b \ Conference game Saturday jg lUM) - Maryland's Indoor Keith W itherspoon on Virginia ^ 16-4 ln Uie opening live mlnutcjs ' I Iraft stars oulscorcd the ^en-' who did S2 feet, three-fifths of after halftime to lead 68-48. i T h e loss, U C U ’s Ihlrd ot lhc llngiposltion field Salurdoy lo an Inch In the. trlpje_Jum p The Huskies led 97-69 with season against 20 victories, capHire -the Atlojilic Coast compared to the previous ^ I**’" ?**I*I***'-**- ! was the most lopsided for u • 4:16 remaining. ' Conference tille wllh tut) new • . mark of 51 feet onequarljer Inch John Wooden leam since , Jackson, a highly-sought i mc^recordsbelligscl. by Andy Belmanlsof Maryland ,,, Illinois beat Uic Bruins 110-83 Junior jy collcge transfer In his I Tlie Terps amassed IM 1-3 last year. H In th e opening gam eof th e 19M- first season wllh lhc Huskies, I polhb to overwhelm second- Alter Maryland and North ^ who led all scorcrs wilh -27 ploff North Carolina which 65 season. ., . t a n a w ' Carolina, the team scorlni; ran poinls. Clarence Ramsey hadn points. The Husky win ended P< • A M O m m T North Carolina S tate 25 .1-3. y , added22forthcHuskles. - riSve W nu of Moryland sel a UCLA’s 25-gamc victory a' C O tita f U tS f O U ' -■ Virginlaa 20, Duke 16, Clemson s ^ti tr e a k over Washington, which The Bruins were led liy ' TWINfMU • • nc Waldrop In 1971. The Consider consolidating team accomplished. first half. Wa^lngton held a Huskies M a rc lG-7 overall andG-5 • ball but Twin Falls wonin 80-54.( oll^r record-selling per* if a debt and refinancing those 5252-44 bulRc nt the half a fte r in lhe conference." __ consolidationon farmandranch debts with i Sounds i>oui■nee Squires W e b e r d r o> p p .s I d a h o -lo a n ra Land Bank loan. You'll rilRPOLK lUPlp - For- Laver cajaptures 'MOSCOW, Idoho (UPli - and Walts' shootlng. picked up probably get better term s rem aining to make It 90-89, iiiil - • w wafti G eorge C arte r and guard C arter and Wlllloms then led a M W ciicr S tate c a m e ba ck from u in the septmd half. WalLvhlt 12 saves you -a lower ralo and more Ch9:l( ^Illiams M miiin^'fdr coiinter-rally ta preserve the - listless11: llrst hall to defeat of his 16 points ader lhe In­ . tim e.to repay, 60 glin ts Sa tu rd a y nighl to lead M emphis win. Idaho 71-C5 Friday night In a termission. and lhe Wildcats interest, < Money lor. tie b ic o n so li- first tounrney i,BlgSkyConlercnctiganie. . m oved ahead fo slay. th rtfe m p h ls Sounds lo a M-89 Williams, who ended lhe ^ d^lion available right The victory edged the are you ABA win over the Virginia game wllh2&polnU, hil on a ' Weiwr Stole was led by Kirt A now.Wcloanatthelowcsl 'Squires. ~ ’— BA NCl in lift f!n.STA Cilll L - . loi W ildcats tow ard th e .500 ni.irk. H ulw r w ith IB poinls. Sieve jumifcf-wfortrsecoiidi;’ ■ _ tour.'buljsiasn't rankl'd In his ff p o s s ib le c o s t, lo r lo’ng > Virginia charged Iiack from 'iUPlJ — Australian veteranI first fij toum am elit of 1975. Itleaving them 10-12 on lhe year Wclst and HerlKrt Harris interested? on lhe clock lo boost the lead lo terms, and for every a l2-pblnt dcflcll with 4:13 92-89 R'Rod Laver caplurcd his firsl ••Two »-ceks ago, I wos aand 5-6 in jjie Big S ky a s they contrllmlcd 13 each lo Idaho's to u rn am en t victory of th e y e a r unranked." ur Laver said. "Now hhead (or Gonzaga tonight. losingelfort. k worthwhile purpose. SlSalurday. taking only 49I rmallhet(^." ri Wclxrr S tate tra ile d 2»-26 at The loss leaves lhe Vandnis I So stop luggltng. and Ur P a c e r s e d gge St. Louis rrminutes In disposing ol> L aver, who earn ed *12.000 tlUie halloas th e V andals held a t 8-15 on the sea-snn and 2-9 in r slart (arming,.with credit . countrymanAllanSlone. 6-2,6- Jim m y W alls to fo u r points.'. INIMANAPOLIS. !nd. lU P tl a 21-polnt leadHri IhtrtmnTl “ ■ for his victory, broke Stone's J the Big Sky. Ircrm th e Land Bank. 2. and winning the « 0.000: serveZ in the first game of the Bul the pace ol the game, - Billy.- K eller cam c off the period after leading 67-53 at lhe mMichclob Pro Celchrtly tennis ^ r>- ^ “ ’ match. He defeated Roscoe bcnch and scorcd 12 poinls half. totournament. - Tanner of Lookout Mountain, during the final period However, the Spirits started F o r th e 36-ycar-old L aver. *' f Tenn.. while Slone beat Saturday nighl, rallying lhe gaining ground and moved to tctennis’only Iv^’o-timc winner of *' , Russia’s Alex Melrcveli to get Indiana P a c ers to a 125-llS wllhli. six points al 99-93 rarly ItUic G ra n d Slam u-ho som e say ” 5 to the finals. ABA W tlory o w r the Spirits ol m a y b e over the hill, il w as his to In the fourth quarter before - In a p a ir of sem ifinal douU es K a n s a s w^ i i n s 9 1 - 5 3 St. 1^)011 first triumph of the year after .K eller enlercd. He finished 5 malchcs. Raul Ramirez of The pa ce rs went ahead a t fi-S fa rin g poorly In an previous w lth lS fo rlh e ca m e . j* I Mexico and Brian Gottfried ^ to stay, building up as much os tctournament In Januar>- and ^T!aWRENCE. Kan. lUPI) - first half and 59-38 forthe lolo&sing lo Jimmy Connors In) defeated di Soulh Africa's Ray Defending q champion Kansas, gam e. - - tth t e ir $100,000 challenge m alch1 Moore'and M New Zeaaland's facing almost ccrtain KansJs oimicored the a t I J s Vegas. Nev.. Feb. 2. Andrew A Pattison. 6-1, 6-3, and V ols trim 1Vanderbiit »' . eliminalion (rom the Big Eighl Wildcals. tO-2. in the lirsl six I ^ v c r w as seeded llllh hci-e.. •' Tanner T and Charles P a sa re ll,,hoskclball racc. whipped minutes of the second half for a __ 1 downed Australia’s Ross Cose KNOXVllXE. Tenn. (UPIl - half bul camc back to ]oin tl;the third slop on Uie \yorld d< Kansas State on the back­ 50-25 lead, ending any Kansas - Freeman Bemord King. Doug Ashworth, ploying his CChampionship Tennis ••blue"• andGcoirMastCQ5.5-7,6-t.7o. oi ^ boards Saturday night and late comeback hopes. , .j MBIBLJIEL; i i — - who salW l Vu m inutes of the best offensive game of the humiliatedhi the W ildcals, 91-5.1. Behind Suttle, who hit 12 of 15 firsl half wllh an Injured leg, season with 18 poinls, to lead to goin a tie. for th e l e a p e lead (ield goal allcm pls. Norm Cook FEDERAL U N D BANK( A£ASSOCIATION DF: comc back to scorc 25 points to the Vol attack.'frflke Jackson e d g e s N M . before a sellout c ro w d u( 16.200. tallied 15 polnnts and ponnle Icod Tennessee lo a 7S-71 and Rodney Woods oddcd 10 A r iz o n a e Bolh te a m s . n o w have 8-3 Von Moore added 13. Chuckle . •QODIlie ,1' I^NrAUt . I Soulhcaslcm Confcrcncc win each for the Vols. confcrenccC( rccords., W illiams led Kansas .Slate wilh A. McCombs ‘ I David M eK lal^^^ over Vanderbilt Saturday Je ff Fosnes had 21 poinls (or ALBUQUERQUE. W.M. Pokorski Pi took th e Ix Ixk within The physlclally over­ 18 poinls and Doug Snider 1J»4»hA«.W. 934-4*21; I 1 u t )>d Am . I. 7»-a«77| night. Vandy, Tom ShulU had 18 and (UPI) - Thirtcenlh-ronkedI •■ two tv poinls at. 58-56 w ilh 34 whelming u Jayhm ks. wilh 6*10 scored 16. King rein]ured his righl leg Butch F eher 14. . ^Arizona, behind A! Fleming'si sccondssc lefl. ct I ------_• ______5a58-56 W estern Athletic Con- RRicky Willlamsitmissed a short game „ of the season, doubling — jum ^r—with-four—seconds— .i E r v i n g; i i i t s 5 1 fcrcncc wInSiilurdaynight:------Ju — thc■scorc^lt-30■15-w^th•4:a6lelt— Arizona moved a step closcr- rtremaining and Uk W ildcats ln Uie firsl'h a lf a n d again a t 38- u n i6 n d a i j :. n .y . lU P D - lhe Q 'sln San Diego on Febl'l4____-totc getting a posl-scason bid by.; controlledcf the lK>ard. MNUALI Julius Erving scorcd 51 poinls , 19 wilh 2:02 rem aining. Kansas - B O I S ^ The Nels lost thal game. • running n Its overoll record to) ... • , -I.led4n, R oto S R o n j SEE TlTHE LATEST N l tm cmtm m m t m r TIN—W ; Braves drr o p K n i c k s O B I ...... CT.W < I*, nt Ml b.aN - P O Wi/ER'BOATS E I • SAIL I YORK (UPI) - Bob •- Smith ran off sejyn straight-• Ao»4.i/rir ^ - L jSI'SSMms’i I ‘luiiiauiPK im iwiM iL B O A T S ^ McAdoo's game-high 27 (Mints Bultafa UJIcs In'ra Kconds ...... I o » P ^ H « (n * y BndSthlrd quarter shoothig to give the Braves their first - K 5r»;i.*svtj::srtr’* n i CA NCNOES • FISHING• BB( O A T S ^ streaks by Buffalo’L Jlm .• lead since midway ihrough . h McMlllian, who scored 20 IhefirBtperlod. " No. 545 IWU r o w n MW saEEnaxspEcui ' I ) J i ' S H L pJCATORS C • MARiNI po in b fo r the gam e, and giiard The Knicks had led 60^57 wllh sss:'.”... V 4 i l A 0 r « ^ MR , IN t RADIOS p . Ron4y Sm ith, gave lhe Braves 3-'.4 m lnutestoplay tn lh e Ihlrd Si's.-!*... o « ir ...... 7 a 92-85 win over Ihe New York q u a rte r when the Braves burst • tW jW M W aSMid •■ sokirietB iilB : { ( ■ A N D 'WATER SKi EQUIP,liP M E N T A ^Cnlcks Saturday nlghFih an ' opm~ a 21-6 's tre iK ru le n d ln g — d « ■ B l » Iv MW af Im. NBA'game. from the third to the fourth — m m m m t t r - ~ In; the third period, M^ sesslOTS, to' lake ff»12-polnl t tattentotr«^iaUi'km ’ACDXn«WM Pitt beatss'Penn state TKKBBtOSIRKWU 1 Salifiiay 10laj.-1Hji.iii.-Siifflay1( aj illJlVERSITV PARK. Pa. not contain Bruce, who led the r R .“. ; ...... 225* 1 y1flajiL -5pji! iUPt)-KlrkBn)cehltJor2l . Panthers loa 40^ lead at the ...... \ £ r , polnfe_i4 in th e first half, lo-I- Intermission. ' - S i-E S .,99"• K! ? , ...... ;8',U ,g -le a d Pitt to a 7M9 victory over - . K eith S ta rrh a d J? points for- --- [EIHI MO^FAIllCI crejffHSte rival Penn Stale toL v-Pltl and Tom B ldiords 16 as^ «- 79",.ii.;.-|-£ (fiROUNDS b o ^ ils record to IS«. the Lions made a run at the . 6 0 ISE, IDAHO PricM Qr» good for 1 1 ' - rnildomtnaledlhegameandI panthers nidway through the' ir 1 w ook or until supply lo»tt,»tt, whichovor It first. th^ only lie occurred al 2-1 second half lo d o se the gap to . "W e wvofif foo mm< o k o ’o little m on ^o ff lots \dinl»lon: Adulti— $1.0 9fsofpoopfo— ^ . Adn 1 .0 0 ^ ' • ; Frtinthal point l«. '6»«5, but that was the c k ^ lot a lot of fnoriey offllusf oI fow"fo< ' Chll:h lld ra h U n d a r 1'6 w ith A t Pitrbthe Nltlany U ons'^d iA d iiH -F r» * - : f • • 0 .

.1 ' '

' 30 T(mos-Nowa. Twin Fai^atls, Idaho ^ —^Garland ofol Roses romt n p s i n t o ttrts JBlak Helenen handicap> victory : : Sunday. Fobfuafy23.,l97S ^ HIALEAH, na, (UPD - challenged for the Jead, Thott seconds off tho track rccord. • Hobcau Farm's (irland of let Cordero set an cosy pace soJ Theturfwasratedlirm. Ros<» ran like Ihc heavyvy when the . slretch-runncrss G ulls Cry. w inner *of the favorlle shc was Salurday to challenged tn Ihc tum to thc! rcc cn t 525,000 C o lu m b ia n a,. C o n n o r s fifiains finals ^ .capllIrc th c '565.400 Blackck wire. Garland of Roses hadi finished fourlli. a nose behind . Helen Handicap by a Ironl-nl- plenty of spvi-d IcR lo holdJ E leven P leasures and Jockcy« ' BOCA llA T O N .ns i I T I I - victory and-move Into Sun­ , ninning lour lengths from 11 thcmoff. . Marco Castaneda reported^ Top-sci-dcrf Jim m y Contmrs''s' day’s' finals • against Jurgen challengers. " Garland o( Roses, a1 Culls C ryjust didn't pick It up ' . . d c fo n lc d K url M.clk-r itin Passlicndcr of West Germany. It w as a day of roses for Iwth)th gra.<>srunnlng specialist with 122 Ihc way shc did thc tast time.” slraiRhl scls Saliiixl;i.v to rnuve ^ Meiler-usedadropshotanda the longshot and heavyvy victories on tbe tur/, pnld $4,80. N orth Broadway, stablem ale o p ' inlo the lliial-s of (lie 725.000 '■ lop spin to hold off Connors al favorite wagerers at Hialeahah SJ.40 and $:!.40 a s th c favorite2 of G ulls Cry and a sentim ental Boca West liUpnnillori;il loiiiiis ' IhcstarlofJxith.scts, ,Park because Townsendnd ..In the field of 12 fillies andi choicc l>ecau.v shc .w as rijn- toum nnicnl. di-spilc .several Marlin's Gems and Rtisesws marefi. For the longshotI ’■ ning her last rac e before being cxch.-iniM's wlUi Uii> Westit With thc score 4-2 In Connors' dashed in second, a nose in ’.players.’ Gems and Roses paidi rclifcd lo the breeding farm. German. . ‘ lavor In thc .sccond set. .Mcller Ironl nf G, Itoliln's Kleven■en 512 ;>0 and 57.40. while Eleven1 finished eighth wilhout ______Thc Idtharidcd Connnni wasIS accused C6nnnrs of delaying . I ------P lea su rcs-rc tu rn cd _ S i2 a .-lor r- - . showing any sp^ . ______~ W c « l lo como Inmi Ti ihe malch andnh~A'iiu,Treiiii Jockey Angel Cordero saidUd tbini. G arland of Roses pickpd up a Ixith .■;els (o score ;i 6-t. f>-:t;t relorled angrily. Garland nl Hoses went right to Bccause. cned for the I 1-8 m ile raccICC nine furlongs in the-modernte; Drcyfass, owner of Hobcau ■ O n r r w l nIS ; pay raise over Ihbe lurl—and -m)~«no■no___tlm — u -of..l;4a.-lw u.and.a IHth1__— F o rm s...... NKW VOilK I UPII -- -rccclved, an Increase, toI -■ Allaiiln oiitfieldor Ralph GarrT SIU,.'ioo, TJie IJraves wea- w'itn Ills a rliilratio n ciiscc oUcringSHTi.OOO, ' ; attainsi thc Braves Saturday The arliltrator who made the n 5 s t a r t s and wllh it pay raise cl F illy w inins fourth in a ruling was Eric Schmerlz, *59.500, • ARCADIA, .Ciilil. lU P l) - 24th ninnlng of Ihe 539,45010 S kirts on Ihc tu rn for hom e and Garr. who won lhe Nationalll Garr, who .was the only . . Ral.se.Your Skirls raced lo herie r Santa Ynez Slakes for 3- le a g u e hattins champiotLihipp Atlanla player to go to ar- - 3- quickly drew awoy from the fourlli victory In live c aree.-er r yearold fillies at Santa Anita, la-sl year with a average;e liitratlon, owns lhe highest ’ field a s PosclnatlngG lrl closcd s ta rts Saturday In scoring an .lockey Bill .Mahorney moved which was K percentage point.s:.s • career liirtting avcrngc of any d strongly to finish sccond and e asy 1-2 lengths win In the:he ,. io tlu> front wllh Raise Your ' hljjher than, his neareslll aclive major league player ^ ir' Miss Francesco comc up for . thallerlj:er. earnwl'STM.OOO inn • with a ..W mark aller lour lull • th ird In Ihc field ofl3. l‘)74. lie asked Inr. anild .vears, Jh c -w ln n c r raped lhe .seven furlongs In thc good lim c of M a rq u ette;e d e fe a ts 1:22 2-5, a sccond from the G o p h e r s• •drop Iowa stakes rccord sc\ in 1573 by Tallahto, Thc crowd of more • .MINNKAI'ni.IS. Mtnn.I. ■ streak In lhe regionally thon 40,000 lel Roisc Your i l ’P Il - Minnesota, after■r televised HigTenganie. •• S o u th C artr o lin a Skirts gel awoy at.odds ol 5-1 Illowing a i:i-p8-67. on F lipp Frosl nnd Larry Moore ^ Bo Ellis hll for la points, Earl:irl Boswell and* N ate D avis 122 Fascinating Girl paid 58.G0 k HH Saur\ders' two Iriv throws withh comblncd'to bring the visilors> T atu m had ir> and nlnth rankL'dcd eacharidJackGllloonlO. and 55,00 while Miss Francesca■a tOsi'Cundsleft. from a 41-27 de(ieil,early in the Mnrquelte usiil an aggressive .MarfjijctJe had a 32-:» lead at11 retu rn e d 53,80, Sweet Old Girl ■ JUBILANT Dwlgjittt St« Stones acclaims cheers Saiiiiders Iree thmws. In-1- -second half lo a 00-r/J lead with (ull-court press to go nat tonally the bulf and the teams ex­ w as established the 5-2 favorite;! Adding ncii- W a fte r setting a new wo orid rid IndoorI record of 7 A et. Mired the viclory and snappedd 4;22ix‘inaining, _ televised game. changed baskets as thce bul never challenged. ______■ 5^4 Inch In the highJh jjump t Friday night at a thrce-^ame Minne.s{ Rote’s lather playifl his he ..' Tatum lhen hit two straight Thc filly is a Kentucky bredd llcial’s foulup’ mcasua'd the• sca.son al the seventh edition of)f M adison Square G arden crowd B irm ln ^a m , Mich., the son ofll college footliall a l Klee. Tlie pressure on South Carolina,ia, baskets to m ake It .'>0-18 and doughlcr of Elevation and Is'is ' b ar himself at 7 feet, 5 ' i inchc's> the U.S. Olympic Invilallonal:il of over 15.000 w ilh his {irat> aii'TWUiniuette was never-caught lorm er Detroit Lions (iiiar- younger Hole also played lighl ranked No. 20. wllh aii-M owned by the partnership of:i( waving und thcatrlcs among Lse again. ------Icrback Tobin Role. end and defensive end ihTring aggn-ssive m antu-nian delense J acquollnc Woolsey andd lh e official's, (ailed o t hlsjli;?,^ Others In thc quartet Includee his high school caree r. I le Is ii 4 Virginia Willis, wife of trainer attempt at 7-5^i ader clearing nose Kuard Frank D'Anieliii ofIf andw etghs2ir>. B om ie Willis, all (ive previous heights Rolse Your Skirls Iwgan Pro track reqr u ir es without 0 miss, ForSlones, thc Angels rui(iid Dodgers racing lost spring al Golden record Jump made up for an Bndfierii rlrip Spartans Gate, where shc capiured embarrassing defeat here two three straight races, includingIg 1 MADISON. Wis. (U P ll - ■ Koehler scoring '20 ot hts 28 n ew races,, g im m ick s weeka ogo when, be causeof his the Piedmont und Juvenilelc T hree Wiscotisin players hit forir poinls In thc (Inal ball andI ■ for new prir e sid e n t ow n confusion over th e runway more lhan 20 points apleec:c . M arcus .McCoy hitting fur I'J of' DInncrslokes. SALT UKE CITY lUPIl - the baton lo I^rry James, andid and "people vomlling aroun^ Shc then wos token out ol Mike O'Hara's Inlemallonaill Smith ran the final leg olso'lnIn th e h i ^ Jump pit" h c fajlcd to Salurday aftemoon to lead lheIC hls'22-point total, LOS^ANCKI.KS i^M i ^ lioiincenienl was made by training unlil the currentfll * ^ ra c k <\ssoclallon has Iwcomee 47,2 lo give them a 3;09.9-lwo,0 do better than 7-2 and was Big Ten's cellar-dwellingig Thc Spartans w ere in fnmt• Arthur "Hed'’ Patlersm, viA•Ii.'fe .Angel!) owner Gene Aulr>'. ^ m eeling and In her Orst sta rt alyt a "so whal else Is new" pro0 seconds undcrSclonHairsoIdId tw a ten by H a rv a rd 's M el . Badgers lo a loJ-90 >sin over;r only once.in lhe early minutes president of tbe l.«s Angeles,'k'S "I'v e never ajipii'L-d ([uilc to “ Santa Anila was'fpurth lo show needing new blood andd m ark, E m brcc, MIchiRanStnIe, - of lhe .st'ciind h a il lielore- Dtxlgers, Saturday was namedned this height. I am very happy lo Sarsar, who skipped the Sanlala new gimmicks to draw thee Strongman Brian Oldfield W isconsin-gradually pulle*!d Wisconsin to ' C rcii^liton cd ^p s Falcons Raise Your Skirts earnedMl the announced jnlcnlion ofif .'lirst threw the 16-pound ball basebtill figure, servt'd as litlle more punch. But thafs when hcclearcd7-5' j, de»JW ^ $23.4f)0 (orherow ncrs. breaking thc in d t^ i m a rk Inn onlo the sprinl track twice, ------i)MAHA;, Neb. lUPIl - director of publicist andin d thc last lim e yiiu'Il hear, m e to m e a s u rc th e b a rh im sc if tbfS period, Many of lhe- nation's topjp thc mile relay. Wc Iftbik bothh each lime Iwlluwing almost as r ' Cfcighton Jumped ofl to a L* promotions wilb the Dodgers,;rs, analyse the ball cluti iK.-causc -IJmc in order lo prevent a a - Bob Scrutchens tiipiied the handicap pcrlormers clashsh helped us draw a go«V crowdd loud as. the crash of his ball 22-pclnt halflimc lead and thc'c C reighton scoring wllh tnH H^had Uvn with the Nationalnal • Il’s H arry’s i general inanagcr recurrence of whal happened Sunday In the 11-« m ile 575.00000 h e re ,. ' ■ J against Ihc wood, Blue Ja>-3 buried Air Force.e. poinls. followed by Doug4 U 'ag iie d u ll since l'J34 andind Harry Dollonirtand Dicks In l-os Angeles a few w eeks flgc ** San Anlonio Stakes. Ihcir lastist "Now w e've keegp Then Oldfield, alter gaining 78-53, Saturday, IncreasingIg Brookins wilh 15 and Hick< previously s[)cnl elghl yearsars (manager Dick Wllllanisi. back^whcn-U io—ofllclalji ------maJorJesLpdoc.lolhC-J170.00Q.OQ_looking for-now tienlAind new-—— thc-attoniion-orthe“ io;ooo^ thelrwinnihBatrrnkloM:------— Apkcwlthio.--...... - — wit h thc New YorIc Yankees::------H------arry“an£l“nrck“raTe.In com- . mlsnieasured tho bar under S anta Anita Handicap M arch 9. • events." i_ - > ^ spectators, made II all worth • ------Creighton Couch Tom Apkele . ■ Greg Schneider, with 12 Patterstin takes over for , w hat would have Iwcn a wx)rlil ’ for plele charge of the team aiitl. Warren Edmonsim camee while wllh three of his six em ptied his 6ench five minutes»> polnls, was the onlv Falcon to1 Reynolds, who s^iid hq left thc y* record, ;; th c I'v e gol nolhing to do with lhat.It,'- ■ back from a straight arm lhat'It' throws carrying Iwyond 71 Into the second hall aller thcic hitindoubleliguixn'. Angels to spend more timo^m o^ I will nol Iw a secorid guessing knocked him oil lhe pace in tticic feet. "One world recocTa night/i J4ysied^U al the nulf and)d Crcigliton is now 18-1 on lhe.• with his family. /’/’ Pa'Sident," ' , “ Mont. St. (|uarlcr-inllc lo lead the sameIC The shaggy tilond. who setcl Slones Joyfully crowed to the h ^ d Ihc Falcons lo an 18-polnta t season, while Air Force is lU- Jrta Patterson’s salary was nol01 "Il’s a real challenge," saro three sprinters on the suc­ lhe professional shot put markrk admiring- ofdclals -oftci distance ' during thc secondid J2. Patlorson. alter the an- an- announccd-tnil Patterson said cessful record as.saull O'Haraa of 70-10' I here two ye ars ago.;o, d e o rin g the b ar for his (Irsi he agreed to take lhe same as“ wins NCAA hod billed. established a pro rccord of 71-'1- e v er viclory at the garden. I Dalton. ^ Edmonson, wbo w as push(,>dd 9- ••I'm the Iwst this year and:id Stones had asked olflclali I P atterson l>egan his baseball n I’m gelling better,’' IllsIs prior to the meet lo move tht i^ i <-r(()w ii out of the pack by Ix-e E vans in I c a re e r in ISHft-whui he Jomi'd lhe 400 run and finished lasl.I. krgest heave was the secpndid h ig h ju m p p lt lo o new localion I the Nalional U'ague Office BOZEMAN. Mont. (U PD - , ran the opening (luarter-mllele tw sl in thc world Indoors andid pul of tho way.of the runners I after Iwlng a baseball writer in Billy Shaw of Boise Stale wonon leg in the assaull on Setonin 5^'/ Inches short of Georgegc who.Tic complained wen I Ncw York, the slalom championshiplip ' H all’s 3 m inute. 11.9 seconIti d , _ Wtxids Indoor m ark. • . . . '-'walking around, huffing anc I Patterson plans lo spi-nd two Salurday, bul Montana Slalelie world Iwsl limc for standardd ' Thlrty-yeor-o«i4 —K civ> « 4 ^ puffing, ready to puke Ihcii I more days.with the Dodgers walked off wiih the team titletic size indoor tracks, Ben Jipcho continued hislls guts out" during the last mcc I before Joining the Angels on in an NCAA regional ski mccl.I. He handed off lo Evans, who10 success in thc ITA distancecc here. TheofllctalsobllKed. I Wednesday. Shaw had 0 com bined lim e of blazed around lhe 176-yardd evcnis. surprising the crowd'd Prior toSloncs’ historic leap 93.076 seconds lor two runsins oval in ft 47.2 second q u a rte r to:o * lth a double in the mile and 2- F ilb ert Dayi, the m ochlne-lik. over the coursc al Bridger:er, , give thc quartet-a shot al lh«ri,r mile. Jipcho's 4:00.8 mile wasos straight victory on the U.S D or 13 hot* groin p j Ivy sets re6 hot* groin drill, doubt* f l r ' ■ diK, tM dcr box. I«y«r liitiXw ji T finq loolh 3 i»ctlon (ImI horrow:w: 3 roWcomMoior 3 p.h,; 3 p.h, cullivolor: John DMr* 6 rowM b»qnbgj cu t f r: Ailil Cholmtr* 6' rortovolOf;>otof: 3 p.h. dlichor: dltc typ* i**d ^ diich(lMn«r. 3p.b. _ _ - i p B I Iowa St._totop^Buffs___ HAY^MUIPMim 701 bitm allonal 1 3 'iV>oth«r.i*r, wotort coolod •ngloo. dropof plotlorm, ' b i i I AMES.Iowad'I'li Guardrd Tony Uwrence, who led the■I'C P.T.O. bolir, n«w twin# itylo• hn-96BlgEighliht •- poinla-sevcral Hmes-ln-lhelhe— - b * r »ri>hon tub**: 3 o»bbriMbof ilrod wogoniu2j«hML>lecKJra)l; woodon f*«l*n. M Oklahoma agf.insT Coloradodo by Don Smith. Smith Is .now V earlier.', this season. Thehe Zaid AWul-Ailz and plays for d»WNER L ' I'o m blnal total of 215 alsl> set a iCANDUR, (d»1 I a the NBA Houslon Rockcts. ^ ri-cord w flhe mosl pointsits Art Johnson^ddcd 18 polnlsnls - . TERIERMS: CASH DAY OF SAISALE scoa-d“l)y'lx)Ih'leams In a and I^arry I/wls 15 for Iowa LVtE MASTERS 543-53-5227 CIERKERK: CAI HARPER K N EE TO .‘n iE CHCHIN Is ap^l^ by Iowa confercncc game. State. . . h h A State’s U n y Lootss lclo Colorado's J iy Sfprx1r,..-i.‘...... Iowa Slate ftcvcr trailed In in S B r ^ v J S t p r y .- ^ p p e d ; a G«RV OSBORNE 934>34=5350 543543-6673 or 543-5854 + Taking tlLilt? during Big Eight *0action SalunUi^,'' ’ W TO. r • '/K •ontfput th^gamc:''Tie:'-• flvcgofijK ^Safnftt^^*- knocked the ball swayray from LootrwlkriliC'W ''- . - •< out of rcach late In Ihc firsf hallall 'Cycloncs, now 9-U overall ond1 , SALEMANAiSEI; e d .by m asters AUCTIONal SERVICE punlshmIC f IIK trylng^forabasket. IowaIo« SUte’won (UPf -> - > hyexpandlngu3l-25lcadlnHi.a 3-8 In thc pig Eight. ColoradoiM "The flus/ness Thof tdephoto) 63-38 bulge, • — slumpcdtd|^nand?-8. ," Sun

GHENT, Belgium (UPI) ^ ''Yw don'Ttaiiraboul 11. but '~without turning the villagesI "v ery poalllvc.*' Full security will be ensured at>1 it is there," Rousscou told a and stadiums Into con-' Bul he sounded less satisfied ' th e 1976 Olympic gam es Inn new s conferencc In answ er to aI cenlralloni camps." f about a Eurovision's refusal lo M ontreal w ithout turning (hemn question on sccurily at the Rousseau, v.-tn arriv e d InI pay p the amount requested by, . Into a .conccntraUon camp.). ..games. — Belgium Friday (romI COJO C for dirccl transmission , Roger Rousseau, president of3( "W e have worked on it sincc! Lausanne, said his talks there! of o the gam es. the organizing committee« rig h t a (lc r Munich. We willI wllh the Inlernational Olympic: ' "The Americans are poying. . (COJO)saldSalurday. ■ lake all possible mcosurcs1 Committcc i IOCj had Iwen1 25 2 million dollars," Rousseau • ' ' said. s "The Europeans are willing lo pay S.7 million for 400 C lem so n rrips fourth-rj■ranked million > television viewers,* which Is half a ccnl a head (or GO hours o( television. "Television now Is. the- N o rth CarroHna State; * 9 2 - 7 0 < :window to the N^t>r)d o( .lhe O lympic gam es. They will be • CLEMSON. S.C. - region. II Is an inlematlonal Stale baskclball coach Nedc d said Wulk. T h ere's not o coach In thI’C e ..a((oir,"hesald. . . Wulk doesn't like the Westernm . But then there' oro tripsps WAC that has oSm ilted fxslnjr'’JT In Montreal "wc have laken GETTINQ READlEADY for a long season Pirate Athletic Conference’s’ s tt-orst then ASU's. T h ere 's thnc e In (avor'o( the Friday-y- a new direction -the self: h u rie r D ave GuIsUQulsU loosens iq) u n d e r th e eye scheduling method and hc hasas trip from Laromlc, Wyo., to to Saturday television setup,P> (inancing. 1( the games havt; to of coach Don OsboOsborne as pllchers and catch- ' a suggestion (or changing It. Colorado Stale, which wasas which the past few years hadBd continue, they had to bc based B a s e b a lll’s underw a • era started woricororicouts Satunlay. Looking on , Wulk says 1( a visiting teamim m ild this yeor. But In a normal al been a Thursdoy-Saturday°y on somclhing new." IsAmonHemandet.uidet. (UPI) failed lo show up (or a Satur­ir- winter that 50 miles or so cansn road Irip for the team thatml day afternoon gam e. It m lghl;hl be' rugged as lls lu-o-loncnc was playing on the road, Hc said the IOC was — provide Incentive for the WAC\C virtually all the way nndnd ' ' "I don't really c are hdw they^ "completely satisded" wllh -Council to rcarraAge Its there’s usually plenty of Ice'ce brcak.lt up,'’ said New McSTCo^ Montreal mayor Jean schedules. It mlghl nol evenen coach Norm Ellcnberger. "I“I Drapcau’s report on how the take lhat much of an Incentive __ Just would Ilke lo have a day's Olympic sladium wdl bc built, S m ith plians comebang F rid a y n l ^ t , luckily they go up L. Bro\ra when the' pllchcrh e r dlscussslon when th e WAC y lcldm ay wcllbcZOOmlllion. ba^k 'to'hormal before 1 slanirt field coach for the school'ss . said. "I talked to !-ee Evansvans the first black athelclcs whok'ho Frontier Airlines to hold u] notified Ihe pirates by letter:ter Council, which consists of. thetbe "At the start we had a SUI on sprinting form ,” said the » . foolball team . lasl summer about the pro spoke out against racism In th e ir (light until closo to 10:3 gSl thal bc would not arrive In _ eight WAC unlverslly athlctic circuit. He said hc was running’ining’ sporls and hc protested againstnst p.m., but Ihe regular fllgn rtIc plus on our bodgel,” he said r|ng campuntllMorchS. ' faculty i^resenlatlve^ and^ "Bul now that tho cosls havi • - —again and that hc washappy.,y. such Injustices with his black-ck- schedule has fllghls ieavlni -glovcd demonstration on the 9:30p.m. Reuss said Saturday he athletic directors, meets Sunay“ y doubled, we havo-« gap, o "I always v.jMpd.lo tryr"?™ pro vlclorystandlnMcxicoClly. "Maybe if we couldn't g gc e t would be In cam p by T hursdaylay through Wednesday In Scott­Qtt- about 200 million. C b ach d o>esn’t fill - track, but tho^& A ^ contracttract Smith spent three years in In there ll would corivlncinee orFrldaya|.lhelalest. sdale, Ariz. they offered tied mc down^n lo profootballu-lththeClncinnalllali . run -all Ihcir meets," Smilh;milh Bcngals Iwforo moving to added. "1 want to pick my Oberlln. . ^^^PENDAIIYITTTolsUNDAYnT^" 3ge told niects. 1 talked aboul il.wilh.with ..He iwlieves he can tw , SUN;, M O N ., TUIrU ES.vW ED____ 'them ogaln ihisycar, and they competitive enough to enjoy SAI^'lf LAKE CITY ( U P I )-- ^ The Utah Slars filed the suitlit said they th o u g h t'11 ut>uld'd he bc his rclum. No','ri\atter how good a coacich againsl the Lakers and Los3S all right il 1 could pick; my ••utencss is a slate of V I G i Bil^^arman is. what draw^ ___ Angeles__cpach_Sharmfln._ ------mind,-” 'he-saidr**I(->TJu think" fon^^a winning tcam.SiidI £a contending the Lakers Inducedid ' T he 6-fool 3-inch S m llh v^os It's loo lale. It’S too late. I don'tm 'l ^ ------r r co.i8i"'iian only Win seven oio r S h a rm an lo break a valid U lah»h regarded as-the sporfs "'ostmost Ihlnklfsloolate." e ljiil'a 'season, soys a Nationaml contract and Jump to the rivalal mm . I Dosketba]! Association conin- NBA. sulrant. S h a rm an had Just led Utah to m w t W Bddie Gottlieb, a legendar:iry the American Basketball W a lto n Oout l for yearr ^ ^ 1 ^ 7 name in coaching bcfon>rc A sso c ia tio n c h a m p io n s h ip taM ng h is consultant's positloiion whenhejumped In June, 1971. PORTLAND. Orc.(UPl)) -— . for the Trail Blazers said with the NBA. testified Frida;lay Stars' officials testified,d. Rookie Portland ccnter BillBill« < Saturday. LA fNOTE^^^^B In D istrict Court hero aas before resting their casesc Walton will likdy be oulJl of Walton, a former UCLA MAJOR SERVICE icd Friday afternoon, that Shar-ir- acUop fqr th e rem a in d e r ofifthe the sensation, has had recurring thC 'U a Angeles [.Jikers openc< HOURS V A R Y - a num's departure brougl thehe Basketball} a 11 problem s w ilh a bone spui* In thetr : defense against ; PLEASE CALL lal AwmU9 season becauscsc of his foot and missed 2S pm es Sl.lSmlltlon breach-of-contracact team's lickel sales lo a virtual FOR A N . I H suit. • holt, and hurt the leam . fodr^blem s. a spokesman>man thlsscoson. Blazer spokesman John)hn While said team physician Frank Smith placcd Walton’s le ft foot in a w alking cast. .YESTER GOBI 'Smith said the foot would be In th e c a st a m inim um of th ree StZET IIE8. J S w eeks. _ bllUCKWALLS The Trail Blazers have 22 B78k13 3I.8S \n 1 » W . OurO ur Keg. 19.88 A78xl3 games remaining. ••! think il’s sa fe to sa y he'U I C7BxU' 23.8S| be-out (or the rcst of the season," W hite said. E7a«U 24.88 I 2 ( . W alton played this w eekc In I Houston, but missed gamess in In F7B»14 25.88 I £1 NcwOrleansandBuffalo. Walton earlier this season C7a«U 27.88 I i l f ^ traveled to Los Angeles for 2 2 .8 8 — ■ i 1.76 F.ar, G7li15 W 88 I - • 2.60 7 # ^^^^ocupuncture treatment on hish is ____ }gin M O IM T B IF R E E M M ----- WHITEWALL! A i n i w P f u s ^ 2 was said to have been HRED 1 223i88 3 I I 2^ ^ ^ ^ Eji ■ alleviated slightly, but as the H tali'cenler resumed playing the m t recurring pain again (orccd - him oul. S

^ ^ With Wallon unable lo play, ' Wllkcns suggested he return to ^ Portland and see. Smith, the ^ doctor.who operated on the center’s knee lost,summer.ner. k S d atwiM wuwa S W allon h a d n 't seen him In f almost two monlhs. The' Blazeri, (rom whoht ^ f \ many baskeU^l fans expected k Air-CondltlonedCors. |H big things this season with the |1 $2 more. Torsion Bars |V arrival of the 6-foot ll Wallon.Iton, . finmntM dnloognn v H I I] ■ euro. Mott U.S. Cars ^ ^ ore fading (ast In th e ir bid fo^ora r a . .YMOMViMrCtrl playoff berth, and WUkens hhas a s • — Indicated he is readyJftiiwke^a ■ WHEEL B U IinE lot of changes next season.^ ------H E J O T D U n There Is ' speculation the U . m u f f l e r ~ M D M.l6llilEirT ■ ; B lazers m ay ev en be wUlIng to ■ 42-IIOinNTHBAT11RY O w rR eg. « deahUdM injury-prone Walton,K ^ltai.1«.M -4Iln’ b v r R ^ . 3 232.8S-1DofsOnlf . 1 3 but It is questionable how 0 ■J'' m V many other teams are willing - - 1 2 . 8 8 Dfllco* with im proved c I w 9.-: fiolonc* .2 -fa b n l-v ih w U . or> to pick up h is 9400,000 a yyear e a r ■ Doubt*wKipM.

* 32 TlmofcNews. Twin Falls. Idahaho Sunday,'Fobfuory23.-197S T ^ 1Kentucky sisu rp rises Arbitria to r d e ihie^ Rejeggie’s - S p « I P t S Tide, ties fofor le a d - J — rtUSCAIXX)SA.-Ala:-7 poJnts (n CTAKLAND lU PI) - RcR^li:' Simkln'snillng. Hclc'lt-forhi.s «spend two or three days'in licd.i. boseball. I; which Is bef|ltlng.o . I R oblnzlnc scored 28 points and boords was obvious. The Blue throwing ly the leams Into o lie coch ci half.- - I home In Chicago earlier in the Slill. it was a good week for thele tte am thol has won three t Jofksoti. the. World Champion i teamed with freshman ceoter - DcmonsplckedotOlrebounds , (c(or the Soulhcaslcm Con- Guyette and Ja ck Givens led volatile '/\’s owner in his at-t- sstraight world championships, I “ OakJand A’s supcrsliir oul- day. ' Dave Corzinc to control the agolnst 17 for Notre Dome In (crcncelead. t( Kentucky K wItM ? points each tempi lo fighl off,what someic Butt Oakland lost 25-game I 'llcld cr, was denied n siil)- Utilily-lnfit'lder Ted Kulilak I backboards Soturday, leading th c d rs t 20 mlnules. Alatioma led 40-35 at the end and ai Kevin Grevey, the (ourth slanlial pay increase by an and star outfielder Joe Riidl )c working on the i hcnrlngs durinu which owner earlierhodindtciitc'dlheywere 1 \ 16 wins for the Irish and broke than three points, Notre Dame rem n aining tied the s c ^ al lo lo a p le w . . balling average slipped jpsl5l scconds y e ar of a $100,000 a i C harlie Finley cam e out Ihe taking Ihelr salary dem ands lo 1 a five-game winning streak, last.led by three poinls at GR-65 ■6M -e 9, * Kentucky Coach Joe Hall I w inner In four of six c;iseS •arliltratlon. signed,durinu the ;year although he Improved inin j ycarconlract. p perhaps costing Notre Dame fl with 3:40 to pTay before After tho Iwo icoms iraded said. sf “The defense \^h ,lt‘(or wtH-'k. That means lhe.A's now ! several other cali|Kories, lioth;h • F i n l e y r e p o r t e d l y is t — Wllllnm SItnkin of Tncwin, tournament bid. DcPou! hiked ‘ ■ Roblnzlnc. scorcd Iwice and (our (< field goals cach, Guyellc us. u! We had to stop the will go to training cam p in-. h 1 a d ^ o u g h t - '$25,000 ralsc.s.s. cdickering wilh Juan MarlChat, | Ariz.. the nrliilralor who heard lls rccord lo 14-D wllh. Its Jim Boclnsky once to give the hit h a Io>’up to put Kentucky perim p eter shooting , of Jackson, of course, wasIS formerf star pitcher for the San s Jackson's case in I ^ s Anpeles Mesa, Arlz.. nexl week wilh all sccond win In the tost six Demons 0 threc-poinl leod ' ' ahead,a 75-73, then hll o free A A labam a. We did It," ■ on Friday, notlfiwl Ihi; A’s hands signed and accountcKl 1 looklngrora$ai,r>OOraise. Francisco { Giants, and plans lo ^gam es. whlcfi they- nursed and ex- throw U oHcr /Mobamo’s l-con Saturday he had turned do\\n for. •'Some of these‘players are•c lisign him within a few days, II w as a scc-sow contesl and. panded to the finish. E>ougtas*(ouled t him wilh 3:09 Hall said It w as "Incredible" KenRle's hid for a $IM.riOO___ Before leaving I.fls Angeles | glullons.” Finley said i>f lhele Finley E snid e arlie r In the w eek 1 In the first half, DcPaul was in N oire D om e's A drian left li In the gam e. lhal “ Kentucky claimed 61 conlrad for 1975j Saturday morning.'Finle.s'’, who ' demands. • he f is satisfied lljiiL^lAclchal's fronl ( seven times, oncc by nine Danlley, the nation’s sccond ■ With three games rebounds to 4S for Alabama. ____ _ Jackson^ ;i $i:i.'>,OUfl Unqueslionably. the A^ noww b.ick l problems hnvc licon p celebrated his .'i7th tiirthday. poinls, ond Notre Dame six Icodlng scorcr with on average rem r aining. t» lh team s have 13- "This Is a courageous group boast the highest payroll in i cured. • i ■ l*ontract’~ in art)itralion last said he was going home to I limes, once by seven points. of more thon 30 points. 2 2 eonferenee records and 20-3 o( c young men," Hall said. y e a r and wns offered a niodest $5,000 raise for 1975 lie dccllitcd the olfer. hut now m ust sign for $140,000 under baseball law. -ReK«le didn't seem loo upsel at the ar- ""TT"""" ■ bitrator'sruliny. ' •'T h a rs the way It nc>es."'he said. -T he $140,000 I will «et should keep the wolf aw;iy __ .from thedoor,’' F in ley ^ ' who won a nr- b llra tln n s Involving! third bnscnian Sal Handd, calehcr ‘R ay Kos-se and pitehcr Ken Hoilzman. wasn't iinniHliately i . availalile for eoinmL'iit_ o n ' Rozelle’s mAi aid Houglu II H□ on lickels MIAMI (111*11 - Four children of a Miami allorney d e n ied Koasoii (lek<‘ls lo Dolphin foolball nam es wrote, lo Nalional Footiiall lA'ague Comtnis-sioner IVte Rozelle “ '~ S a U iT d ;iy ,” Iipi«'.lIllVS-for h i s " old, Tlje four children of allorney E llis Riihin - M a r k . 17, Pen.. S i 16. Guy. M. and Kim, I'J - < asked Ruzelle lo "pleast" use your Influence" to nd ■ Dolphins' president Joe Ilotiliie to scll Ihcir falner scMson tick cts (o'r lhc team 's home in lhe O range Rowl. Tlie ' ' Idtcr.sald l>>e family bas had ' te aso n tlckcls sliico l'Jf>G. r i j H •The Dolphins refusciJ lo M occcpl lhe lickel applicaiion from Riiliin, who appeared before a Senate com m iltee tw o. H b iSMlMi years a^o in support of endlnn ' the television blackovit of .soldoul home (;ames of NFI. leam s, H e a v y D u ty E x p r eJSS s s '-'R seem s unfair lo nu' thjil r my hrolher, sisters and 1 650-16 6 Ply JTO - should lie unable to scr our ■ p n i p i [ n > Other sizes ^ 2 2 ' Icnm play liecajiso Mr. Rolilite i l l comparatively docs nol approve of im ^ 'Vi p riced .______-f fet & Exci-Exch. father's aclivilii's,’' said Mark Rubin. wh\w'rote the letter Special - slpcdbytheotherchildren. Size Price FET FET ■ T he leller said lhe. Riililn H r m i f children " a r e willmj; in work 1 670-15 SI 9.84 $2.3(12.36 -V ull year lu pav fur Iheni <(0k' M & W D u>ual-W i heels 700-15 25.88 2.772.T - tirici;lsJ If M r' Rolilile dwsn l J 4 Q 2 5 w anl my falh cr's money." E R 38G M &&W—strength,'*'^ V 650-16 22.70 2.52 2.5: . Altomcy Rubin alrvady has I pow er, fuelI sasavings, flotation, 700-16 • 25.90 . 22.81 . 8 8 ■ a p p c a li^ for aid from Hozelle and from Sen. John Paslore, fa ste r field spspeeds_^ + feI Ti S Freighl 750*16 34.24 ' 3.60 3.61 DR-1,. In seckinR a revcrsjil of Mouniod Free — All Pricos Exchartxhartge- V y H h ■ - the Dolphins’ decision. Paslon-, ^ -headed the Senale commiltee before which Huliln apiieared

H flTO II IlCluis

aiu 'u iia fl^lil 1 BOSTON I UI'II - Mock B.F.G.3. P o w e r G r i p Ny lcl o n m nl m gill I l^erron, lhe New England 13.6-38 4 Ply -30” I I A k Palflols’ bltc-sized nmnlnu.: 1' 'i back, managed to run pasl. FordrivIrive w heels on all tractor;ctors. JhniuRh and even under big linem en dUnrtg his reccint 6ctllnBl97't season. . Now the S.S dyilamu has •0 - ifolunteered lo lackle.. f Traction Plus 1 2 9S ^ E xch. us ~ jpmclhing he can't lieat aloneV —sickle cell anemia. • 650-16 6 Ply • H erron, who sel a NationalII Other sizes fo o tb a ll l/capue re a ird of 2.4« comparatively “2 5 ® ° FET & Exch. S tom blntd yardSi rcccntly wasa ‘ TWINN FALLS - 211 AddisonnA Av ve. ^ ' . priced. named honorarj- chairman of 733-6: Front FlotatkItion Package B.F. i I the Sickle Cell Anemia' ■6373 j. F.G. Multi-Ring Nylon Special . )^undallon and ResearchL ■■ • BUHLHL - Truck Cane - 543-432!4328 11L-15 TiresIres'& Tubes - 600-16 4 Ply Size Price FET I F u n d , T he group's aim is to •JEROI ■815-6 wheelsielsforthelow Forf ra is e money for research Intn lOME-229 E. Main- r Replacement Service on 670-15 $23.20' $2.71S ,lhc fata! blood disease that,1 ■ 342-4;-4389 priceice of- aall tractor front w h eels. 700-15 30.80I 3.11 ^ lm s9 0 per ccnt of Its victims“ • and in Vrom lhc black racc. . in B U R LEY -R U PER T- 650-16 25.90I „ 2.90 __' r-" T c n ye ars ogo. orw oul of,r PAUL)L-KETCHUM-GOODINIDING 700-16 30.80I 3.32 ^ c r y 100 black people inI" WENC 4.04 .^Amcrica had sickle ccll or its MDELL-HAILEY- 750-16 41.55, ■ % ^ & E x c h . . e s Exchange. .. .. J ta lls : In lhc last five years lhc HA2EI:e l t o n - p a r e y MoufTted F r e e ^ All Prices Ex flpmbcr has dropped to onc In ';nye." said Herron, “n's not a ^ntoglous disease tnjl anin -•Jnhcrenl one ond black peoplelc .should chcck wilh Ihelr doclorsrs Ao. see If Ihey.have It beforerc jth c y g?l m a rrie d ancJpass It • 7 »tfong to their children.'^ j;-Hcrroo. who was named?d ‘ Jfonorary cho,irman' b>;^ M assachusetts Senators Ed-'■I ■ W l■ R E E». ------i w a r t M. K ennedy and Edwardrd ;W . Brooke, is planning a $35-5- ■ ■ ' OFFER ;lalc dinner M orch 27 In ER GOOD THRU MAARCH8 . 'Braintree to raise money foror Jff • libe national campaign and for i- .- _J:iL?nobll testing m achinc fof-lhc. - . I M - i ■ ;• JttatpofM oM ochuM lls. ■ , f i ' t ' i i ■ { ■ - ...... - = ^ = ^ 1 - - S ' .„Synday.Fot)rijary 23,1973 , TlmiTlmo»-NBw#. Twin Ftiis. I ja h o ' '3 3 f ' I Cattllentan slapps price reeport I ■■DENVEB _yU E lj-^JV n- W o , '• 'e fiS k i. ' ' " ' B l 1— never-claimed oursun-e>Mi,-as——clllesr\'aifVllecirRald.'He'sard c bbelow prices dtarged one y e arp r American National Cat-■ anything other than what ll Is the'survey U was started to ,aago, • ------J ttemen's AUoclatlon ofricial I -a compllallon ol the actuol . providep consumers with in­ G round bce'f was down 3 « • aald Friday (he government's s cost of five representative Iwcf formation fi on bargains, eccnts at 75 cents a pound,£ C onsum er P rlc e.ln d ex w as no 3 cu ts." Thc association's latest roundri ' steak was to cents* help to shoppers looking for r ' The cosls of the live cuts of report; r Issued Thursday, sold hhig h er a t SI.41 a pound, s|rloin» b a ^ a ln m e a t price s because It I meat aro based on prices average e retail Iwef priccs on ■ . .rose p a nkkd.-t-hone was up 2 a — w as outdatad by-the41m e pf Its* charged thb second'Thursday ■ -f Feb; 13-wcre up 2 ccnts'per-^c release. of every month in three pound r Irom January, but centsq a pound higher than last? ^It' ■ ANCA bead Gorton' Van 1 supermarkets in cach ol the 19I tremained 34 ccnts a pound , f]month, the survey said. I VIeck said the govemment I report was Issued too late to h - benefit eonaiimers and ''' . average pricea cited often I . w ere not valid. ’ "The CPI shows thel meat; I a l l NEVw .v'7. and beef In particular are the . only items lower in pclce than I they were a year ago,"- said I Van Vleck. "Uhfortunatdy,i potato ;STORAGE BUILDINGB the six week lag-tlme for thec govemmenl report makes this inlorm atlon of (ittle use loI b y CucklE[ l E r ‘ ■. I consumers." > Van Vlcck said he disagreed m ' w ith c rilld sm his association's monthly averages of beef cuts In 19 major cities was useless bccause It was unscientific. I "As a matter of fact, simple survey such as ours ls probably -J l) lhe m6sl useful source of in­ .. / formation for Jh c average ! ' shopper." he said. "We havc / T f I f

DONALD KING, gencigeneral manager of Texas I N i i c l e a r Southwestern C attleI RaRals- ise rs A ssoclatlonjn F o rt' W brlh, uses painting} of cowcc lo show how belly of , cow was cut open andmd uiunborn calf removed.in' ‘blacklrm jr m utilations M . ju st one of several report:eports of m utilation o f catU e 1* \ ' - lnTexas.iUPI) S h o w n Rigid truss IromAni6 means you get a strongronger building., A w a r n e d l^bullding that koopiaeps Its trim new look longen g e r . A building of non Ing and siding mmaterial ai is 26 gouge color secseal. a even skunks and opossums,I. . make an autopsy olmostlost lhat $300 rew ard s w ere offered,d, poor nations, js growing at te But there havc l)ccn a fewV useless in establishing causeoof of Other reports havc comc fromm such a rapid pace lhal ma.ssive DA1.I.AS iL’P h - On a W hy PQY tho Mhigh i cott of ■forogo fro iltoii l %rflOII YOM ' sunny Salurday in Inielis ease s lh a U n n n o U « c la J is lllc il^____ dcalh------Iim’a.J^.insns-ninl^NetiraskaKa - famines m ay.hccnma.::a-yory- — can-fiavo^on^loraa m ttorago for-loto-«o»f1 ...... J a n u a rj’ Pc lc lJ n ^ drove lo hisiir lnt)i«rcascori.6nK'scowand d Also, so m n m in la tlo n s-a■are rc -- ‘ and sevcrai wi'i'Ks7rgfrai;Il7)alsils— reaiTRKsib11ily7------raiicti just north of Sulphur in two others, thc evidence w ass reported hul never lollowcd up. were lound in McckcrToiinty.y. "If this trend conllnucs," he1C ' ■ ' Springs lo look at his cous. ill clearly cre ate d by hum ans, One example was a bull loundund Minn,, dead and drained ol soid. "II Is possible third-world Ho had last seen lhe smallre The first conlirmed Texas s lasl Sunday in a pine grovee 1513 ihoirj)iood^ nations with starving ' herd on Thursday, bul therea case occurred in Novemlwr onn ' miles northwest of Palestine.inc. Meeker Counlj^Sherllt Johhhh populations could lum to the was one young cow, ck a a ranch iKar Justin, alxiul 200 The animal's rlghl eye. longue,iue, Rogers sald'fTc was "damnmi United S tales and tell ^ -WeI J I c k y m SlOUNTAIN HARV£STstore; INC. ! j \ rightearandteslicleshadl>ecn : J. registered DIack Angus a weekly miles norlh of Fort Worth. A wen confused" by the events andnd want what you've got'and ue STEEL building; division)N from calvlnp, ho particularly cow w as killed, rem oved and a two-foot widthidth last m onth T erry MitchclI,!ll, havc the m usclelo take it . '" wanlod lochecR. cr Thcsocond,ahull, wasfoundd of hide stripped oii. There are inventor and parttimenc Bledsoe said third-worldId P.0.Boiia7 ■2mWilllT»H Fills, Mih mm i \ ‘ PltOMTO4«T4_ji "1 drove up and saw herre jicar Dreckenridge. lOO miles■s pictures to prove ll i)ul th^. t h ^ , University of Minnesola lec-;c- ,nations could plant an atomiclie lying out there in tho pasturem west of Fort Worlh. during thec owner buried thc animalmal turer. went on NBC's'' s '-'bomh in the trunk of a parkedS —iiCLIP Cl AND MAIL i h and 1 knew shc was dead from f >w:< "Tomorrow" program with thehe car in Washington. D.C., and lhe way she was lying." he theory of spacemen who tlseIse give the U.S. 72 hours lo meet« •■NTUIIIIHtl ■ jW W W A T IO M Its food demands. said. animal blood for experiments I * ..vW bat I low when 1 gol (herom A sliri iff hliimi’i[I’S ihl’, imilihilionsIS orsuslenanee. The U.S, must begin sear- — ^ ^ ------_ wA d d f II ______was lhat thc cow had twen Hopkins Counly Sheriff Pauliul ' ching for ways to increase ilsIu I N.".. ------killed. Sho hnd Iwcn spill open«i nil (I ftroiii) caliilh’il Ih,’ ‘Vrril's R. Jonc?. whose deputies in- in­ ability to produce food,d. I Town ------_ z i p — :• P h o n * ■ vestigated l i n g 's cow. Ia>’s thchc Bledsoe said, on Ihc underside Irom alwut tmmmmmmmmmm six Inchcs back of lhe uddert Disri/,lrs.” Olh'hrr iin<’slif:(ilors mutilations to a group calleded righl through Ihc udder, uilh IS thc "Devils Disciples," Other two Ica ls on one side and twnte mclilion the ‘^Solis 'o f Siiliiir,”> Investigators mention the on thc olher, clean lo the J “Sons of Satan." bul-none of brisket between the froni I r pid . - hill nolhiii/! hccn removed riNAL.W iE K and tho womb taken out. Half ing through the country." the womb was removed and Jones said. "It's Just got to lw. hall pitched over the call. Thened lirst week of Januarj'. In Iwlhh Iwlore a veterinarian could see _ They've got to drink so much I walked ajvund andlioticcd1 eases the animals’ 'sexualll • it_ ■ , ■ blood. I've never seen nolhing Desplle these prolilems. the head was cul off and il I organs were mutilated, or like this Iwfore." there was no doubt in King's or ha v en 't seen any tracc ol il rem oved, ® But Jones says no individual .. anylKxly else's mind alwut thc sincc then." hs "The wounds on thc bull 'is under suspicion and Jones is ' Ju stin cow and .the Bull at !- C l »UT lie m odo it hard to reason thc obout thc only person who LOSE In^tho past three months E Oi Breckinridge, And Pete li n g 's from ' 40 to SO' reports o( calllced sam e w ay we have a ln u t som e seriously or publldy Iwlieves;S SPECIAL PPURCHASE OFF iA WAREHOUSJSE FULL OF , Angus was the tt’orst ol all. mutilations have been studiedal olher animals." said Don King, thc ihcon'. " it looked like she'd been by Texas Rangers, localhe TSCRA general monager. "On TSCRA Investigator Slim bled out dean, in fact there sheriffs o r investigalors for thcilc the cow. her bag was skinned Hulcn of Clarksville denies was 0 cul OQ her ncck where Texas Southwestern Catllcist • -out and a coyotc Just can'l skin anything of the sort, Texas^ “FM!OUS BRAND” 1WESTERN CtltOTHING theJugulor vein had Iwcn cut Raisers Association in at leastIS, a cow's bog." Rangers Uyd Johnson andind _ clean in two." Lopg said, "And 10 Texas counties -Hopkins,IS, King and his 32 inspectors Sid Merchant near Sulphurlur " they'd hied her Inlo som ething. FCFOR Hunt. Lamar, Stephens, agree that mosl oUtic eases of I 8- Springs and Breckinridge call ^ ■ they caughl It In something, Denton. Brown. Young. Jones,r<.**- calllc mutilation deaths were such reports m e re rum ors. T he WORIIK CLOTHES , bccausc thero was' no blood Anderson, and Smith, They arom due ^'lo norm al causes and Department ol Puhiic Safety MEN,V\WOMEN JJ, oround this cow." 011 rural and in the northerr by predators. Cattle .deaths "has no records on such groups.IS. Long and TSCRA reports WESTTERN DRESS balf of the state. cn ' normally incrcasc In thc King denies thc_cull theory, Ij indicate thc cow was killed al At\ND The phenomenon has Iwerns winter when the weather is but hc does ool' know who to • Pl or within o few led ol where reported In tho G reat Plainsas harsh and when feed is short blame for the three confirmedled (J. shc was found, about 15 feet WESTEIRN SPORTS and thc Midwest as well aito and expensive. Diseases like , mutilations -which meansi a . ------ijj from whero Ung had dumped ' CHIL[ILDREN ^ T exas. It has twcn attributed X-tc leptosis. blacklcg and JP” loss of $200 lo JSOO pe r cow too aa load of hay the Thursday animal predators, exa pneum onia can kill a cow a —ranchcrnomatterwhoorwhatia l before. Her meat had not been traterrestrial beings, lal a quicker when It Is weak, If- In; Texflis;'. animia al l touched and any footprints had"' religious cull using animalits Also, King said. It is not ^ mulnalion.ts a felony olfcnse. of been obllleratetf-br-thF hei<, blood and parts in it:in- unusual for thc tender p a rts of "We've hadthe problem wllhllh ' milling around thc dead cow. J ccrcrnonics or, a s one inne Q carcass to be removed byyy butchering, shooting down a There was no hint as to thc vcstigator put it. to "some predators. That Is where they thc cutting oul a quarter andind ^ Identify ofthe culprit. damngooncy." en attack first. But in mosl cases leaving the rest lo rot, but thishis Lost year Soulh D akota went In m ost eases th e re has liecron Investigated, the animals had W J . Is dlffcrenl. King said. "I jusi_1MI_ Ihrough a siege of about 50 cvldcncc lhat thc .mutilatlorliy decom posed enough by the ‘ " know sometimes. people do I reported mutilations and lire was or could havo t)ccn dono b> timc authorities orrivcd to U’clrcfthinas to animals." situation becamc so alarming'ning coyotes, wolves, wild dogs

m i C onvert your pickup truckCk intoit a heaw duty cargo \m ucK^ii vehicle and back again inn 30 seconds! Truck-Mate is e W o r l c a lightweight, ‘‘gooseneck"<" trailertn that handles like a D o e s i K c sports car, yet unhitchess wi\hwil 5th-wheel ease. Just I t r u c k drop the trailer and yourjr pickuppii is ready for other u s e s O f a B i g work. With Truck-Mate you don’t tie up expensive • Ciiiidren's's Pants fcSliiite • Ladles Blnise! F *■ fequipment and waste man-hilan-hours waiting to load or A T H A L I unload. Let Fordland custom-;tom-fit a Truck-Mate to-your • Men's Denenim & Double M il lean s' • ladies Westers t e m S n i t s ^ farm or ranch job requiremerem ents. You’ll b e tim e . . . STI and money., .ahead! • leaUier Goatsa t s " ^ T H E C O S • WestemDDress Stiirls • t6'to24’li2 4 ' U n g th s • Western DDeiiini Shirts ... ~ ...... "^-

I INTERNATIOt3 ^ L INC.I f k , C o l l ' ^ v i WA ION MARTIMi H ' ____ lertiiig.Jh„.lh e . a njlm a L ^ M f tL l U T IiH S AJ il .E 1 P C 0 . Moin St. Joromo 203 4lh Avenue> WWest Twin'Falls, Idoldalio

— rrr-y — — — - T - — 5 P . r * » ' * ' j ' ' 34 Times-News, Twin Falls,-ll,. W aho' Sunday. Fobfoaiy 23, IQ/'S 1/ official hhits '^ecomlomic nonsisense’ of ppolicy Grazing riii g h l s ______~ r .WASHINGTON (UPI)’ - lhusla.stlcolly embraced by’ the ' "the poor countries should pipul 6f the world if they followlow fiTdTa conconlralc first on on U.S. Tood sales would >w usc< penalty aslskcd Rolwrt ^f.j/cwis, secretaryiry of Ford admlnt.slralion. wilh top Ihelr first priority on eiex-, Anicrlca’s advice and hurryrry promoting modern, sclcntiflcIfic to financc puhllc works such a: . Ihc Nbtldnal Farmers'Union.llion. Slnle and Agricultureure pandlng-their manulacturinring th e ir farm lal)orer>o(( th e landand agriculture, , the NFU official--:ial- - water ond sewer systcms.Thi ’ . _____ ^W ASHINGTTON tUPl) — The Bureau of LandI told-.Congress this wi*ok thal Department officials agreeingeing .sectors rather lhan thciheir iwfore urban Jpbs are crcatedted added, vast now problems villwill NFU official said cxisllni Hariagemenrriw a proposed that livestock: encouraging needy n:itionsns tolo "Uiaflncrea.scilToiKl production:tlon agricullurc." The (act Is; 1; to employ them," ixwlssald.1. be created. national policies have j^w i V operators cononvlcted ot Violating federal.andI give top priorlly.to expandedindi;d .in hungry nalions is vllal to any Lewis contended, thshot Modern scientificI c Insleadofpressinglndioandmd out of a “fundamcnta stale conservevatlon laws lose grazing privllagesi food production is "ei.-onomiclomic hopes of prcvenlingIng technology already 1In -agricullurc can produccjce other counlries to concentrateale mlsconccption" lhat thi on-natlonal resesource lands. _tK)nsense."______^ ^ wldesnre.id slar\'alion abroadroad cxlst<»ncc can bt* used-toJccfeed __ enough to feed ihe world -bbut u t firsl on farm technology', l/:wA'is is w orld's ability to produee /ooi A spokesmnan i said ThiirsdajTthe proposal,7^ 'Hie policyi'pushed by lx)th a gcn'onillon Irom now. double the w orld's populatioItlon only If th e poor people of said American farmers shoulduid Is .being overtaken" b' published Inji.the Federal Register, would be! Democralic nnd Repulilicanilican U'wis, leslKying Iwfore the ‘ bylhecndoflhc20thccntur>-.r>'. developing nalldns areire be encouraged to produce forfor p<^uJaiion growlh. consistent wllfllh recently published regulationsI administrations, dales back‘•■kjo lo ., Senate A gricullurc C om m llleeittee "It Is simply appalling[• loi somehow, given the purch^lngIng on expanded Food for Pcaccic e '/ - r -..... - -• — ------. _ ------,. pertdinlng toto violations ot the Bald Eagle! ~ I h L ' e arly I’JOO's a n d ’was w as this week, called 11 "economicimic contemplate the fantast:islic power n^ed to slimulateate . • progrom including a "food forfor VALUESI OONT MISS 5EEIN( Protection,Actctprt^xjsedS ept. IB, 1974. • wrillen into Ibe Food fof Peace’eace jjonsense." d istre ss a n d disruption Ihal Ihi production, hesaid. work" plan. Under Ihls plan,an, ANY ol tnem,’ Road lotfty'i law in lOGfi. It has In-on" en- As a general rule, hc said,:iaid, will result in th c p o o rc ^ n triitries . If developing nations likelike he said, locol currency (romom


H a y f

NKW HOI.I.AM). Pa. — 'in January the cost olof Welnlander. Research bas . , F a WASHINGTON - Therhe Schcric Indicalcd he Is op-op- tax, refund to inc agrjcultur; \Vill> j-riiiti nnd .sijyht’iiians soylwan m eal was alNiut Si:ir> • shown lhat dairy cows which Agriculture Department'sil's llmistic a farm fuel,rebateiialc users. _ • • . M.'llit>n al rccord rales funitm- perton. Soyiwatlmoal 1?« perIHT a re ■ fed 'a d e ( |u a le diels ol t U ; newest "energy man" saidsaid program will Iw establishedib e d . ,(m quality hay arc loss prniieme lo irm ITS n r t takjiiK a closc lookk at ccnt prolclh which moans you F rid a y Ihol h c ond other USDA)DA . but said hc did riot know TRADING Urowinn mnre liay to f m l Ihcheir get alwut B80 pounds of proteincln .several disorders Ibal cosl • J officials will be "deeply-In--In- program specifications likelykoly R E D S POST livestock lii.stcad of u.-iliiK hl(ligli p e rto n . Divide that B8U poundsids farmers money in vctehiun'ianliH'ian ' __ . y ' volved" Incslabllshingvorlousious to pushed Jiy the Federal cosl grains and soyk-an meleal -into the $135 cost pcr-lon andind bills and lo.ss of valuable cows,'OWS, Ideas for voluntary agricultureture Energ>' Administration, whichhT°h WE BUY, prolein siipplomciils. you got a cost ot 15.3 cents per[K.'r Research at Penn Slale0 and e energy conservation since lliollic is putting- a rebate plan Al Jnniiary. 197f>. soyl)c;ican pound of protein,'' Welnlader;ler Unlvorsily of Wisconsin» >"in­ Llnil aid sought energy crisis will "Iw herere a;01 togelher. Ho said a nationalonal I SELL, TRADE m eal p ric e n m Um ol tiiialillity oxpluins. dicates that when cows arere fodlod long, lo n g tim e." rebate program might '' hay lesllnc al lli |)cr ce..•ent "Qdfillty hny tests alwul IHIH . ade<|uale h;iy ratjons Ibeyy are a re '.WA.SHlNfiTON vduben hay contains nlMut 3G0 poundsids abomasums whicb ollen:>(len o(corntohclpdriniblh-strickoiIckonsliwknicn. plans hinge upon the outcomeomo similar to one used in low.a.Dwa. . com pared l(i Iho prolein valiline of prolein. Based on currentout require surgery to correcl1 11 llowo w role llie se creiaryry IrIor assistance in gelling the cornl'n of energy legislation I Includingding Iowa farmers, hc explained, ' In a ton ol .sovlH.‘an meal, aac- soybean meal prices of I.').3.'‘) 3 ' Is iK'Heved the sliiniilationon ol .shippi'd to l.fMX) sKwkmenn in seven Utah counties declaix'dod a farm (uel rebate programimv, v, ...send their annual fuel Jilll coidinu lo Kcilh \^'inlaiide:ler. cents per pound, each lon of lonfr filwr hay tn Ihe ninienumen dlsa.ster a re as Iwcause of Iheh e l‘l74di'oiight,ll USDA Is definitely developingping receipts to Ihe sljtc treasurys priHiuct iniinat’e r for h:ihay hay Is w orth alwut ST>5 in termins s keeps Ihe mu.scles slrong,andand The stockmen have Iwent receivinj;rec corn iliipmeiits under thehe an energ>- offlcc. accordinglg to which then issue.s a farm fuel fuel - halers.It Sporry-Ncw Hollandlid. of protein co sts," he says, prevents the "(wisleds l e d d e p a rlm e n fs e norgency livestock live> fei'diijg program . Hul Ihcycy former C6ngrc.ssman Williamliam Welnlader says here's holow Bul th e protein v.iluc Is onlyIlly s ln n ia c h " d is o rd e r whicb■ hicb have lw cn lold ibe corn willI Iw replacedi by oa ts aixiul M arch 10.). Spheric, now an assistant tc'in one—o f—tlu!—advanlugta—J uL ll___ tu'f’an ljj_inMi‘asii--lin diiu'yJau-y -riH' problem with oatsj" ,------larnieivcaiUiKurc.uut prutc. sl“ Howe sa id ” is thal in conlaiiisns deputy administrator lor■or ^ 1 ^ i u i r J l value of theirhay. feeding , hay. according to herds when f.nnners Iwgan>egan noxious weed sec'ds an’d jniislinusi, by sljile law Iw processed by programs in USUA’sA -s I (ceding ie'siJiay. being cul wd, pelleted o r finelylelygroiind." > Agricultural Slabilizalion and The I'l.ih Dem iwral said:l Ibal lb; even alter pnwe.ssing Ihc oalsils .C onservation Sor%'lco Schorle are slill unpalatable lo callle calil and don'l provido as muchch will acl as nn enerR.v policy luilntionaseoi'n laison between USDA and & TRAILER AUCTION Pricess S t e a d y aI l t IF sale other agencies as wx-ll asTfolpS : TRUCKS &T In o th e r /VSCS program.s. Fr id a y ; Fe b r u akRY r y 28 BURIEY. JDAHO :iDAH') FAI.LS - AAp- bucks. .'i-H. and gixKl ^ewesies Beet prices Included:d e d : , - • If nothing else, the neweslwesl, PONDIII D I M O A I N N proxim ately 2,0:i(i head of ready tolam b, I.S-:t.Spcr.head1 , commercial cows Ij-jo l'J-20: Dair>' g'aiiiin .USDA energy efiom rill striveirivo 7 kenworth CONVE)NVENTI0NAL CABS — KEN- callle and &‘^0 head o( sheileep Hogs. 17-t sold. Included nnnn utility cows 18-1!); culler cows, to build a coordinated,•t'd. WORTH CAB OVERSRS -— PETERBILT — MACK — voluntary conservalion siold Ihls week at Iho Idallaho extrem e top nf $40; bulk 'JIu-220220 17-I7..W; cannors, II-H ; ta bulls. ils ‘w ip ed o uI t’ t’ ■ WHITE - G M C —- ININTERNATIONAL — FREIGHT* Livestock A ud lon Co. sale wl,vllh lbs„ 38.50-40; r>0-240 Ibs. 3H-3‘J;:i‘J; 20-24.50; g«Kl (ecder sU ti's, 2K- p ro g ra m lo holp re'solvo someiom o LINGERS — TRAILERiR T-p<^^ w ater-e x p ert ic ain_ Luhlxx pipe methods Stanley ,ad;ad- L e v e l si ri e p o r t e d ,Tex. ^ •- vocates bnl the acreagc*--Is. . | j r ~ “~ S t«nlpy said ho Ihinksks .ex.ex- t'li'i'irlc drivee [livolpi niaeliiru* In tiu* U.S. jly, tension 'ot sophist»cutci Ron Stanley admits Ihis growingby 9 pcr cent annually, . 1D;\H0F/\I.1.S-Arthurh ur 1.. given lo r M oran, 3W. 4 gi-0 irrigation could' raise lh ☆ Direct fa«'lor\ir_\ IO1 f a r m .e r s a le s . e l i n t i niates a t e dealer - m akes ‘ilijiii- ■^vlcwpolnl may iw cnlorored The overhead s-jstems arc ® •*1? Larson. Snake River walew ater- H enry's Fork Iwlow IsU ,1,^ —. Amcrlciiirfecd grain oulpul 5 i()0 to S-}.000 less titan otherher makes who deal thru a . somewhat hy selt-lntorosi. :lie made by around M componlw - master, has released IhcSnalSnako P a rk Darn. 310. 32!): Hci . pcr cent in a (ew years. "B, IS sells pipe and other irrl(;atlItion enormously In ?1). IB. 2.910, 3,2fi0; Shellev. 4,<4,440, tl o u i e r . th e mld-13K0's we could b •equipment forLH. Poster;• Co.( design. Somo arc set per- lid tw n e se rv o lr contents n re'g givi iv en 4.910; Ncclcy. 6,700, 5,2 the producing nine billion bushel •I nil olhrr roiiiptuiiro rmikr oiiUlU <1 Hti n ti |.Mrl>ro uUo miikr> ii 10 lou c r " R n lrii'irrlr” fo r soil* ll hIII ^shared. II not i( nol in quijuite lotesl and m ost popular Is theth e a y e a r," lo a y e a r ago for Ja ck so n. I^iko.I^ik 7.040, 9.2i0; M ilner S.S. Cai Horkor»|.Thtio«f loHrr hriglil nf a 10 liittrr pi>olDl isin nppnixiiniilrUi .'>600 (HitmiU, 'jsuch enthusiastic terms, l>>hy a ccnlcr pivol syslem which In Texas, he said, irrigalloigallon G22.200. C50.000; Island P Pa: a rk 57.0. llu- lohcrTfigliigill .of » M toMrr “iininrirrlr" i>.is 2(12000 jiotiniU. iilmiKit iiulf llinl 'numlwrofotherexperts resembles an enormous has succeeded dry farmingling se quadrupled In live I •om p a n n e r s in m any p a rts of lluIhe Falls reservoir. 1,053.70>3.700, lo dale, norm al for Februiruarv ______stalesTcxas. Ncw Mcxhxlco, $12,000 to m ore than$50,000 country will drill 500 to 80000 feefeet I.OCO.OOO; U k e W alcotl. .52.140..52.14 snow depths for I975'and.l and Bul Sl.'inlcy and Iho other ^ Colorado. Oklahoma a (or water but one drillingng cx-cx 52.000; C ras.sv L-ike. 10.900, 10.9C a re given in inches for .Moiloran, .K ansas-in 10 years by menore experts UPI asked all said })orl lold UPI ho would nottwi I*Iw 10,700. 1.7.5. 3.23, 2.28, M. 4 3 ;JslJsland ''' nuch overhead sprinkling was from ;sclcntillc irrigation, and mi surprised to sec wells drilleidrilled Stream (low amounts ir» P a rk , 3.57^ 4.85, 3.47. 63.3. 51: . - )ther 7S_to 90 per cent effective ir I could bc accomplished in oti - j" —4000 ft'cl deep to gel Irrlgatioiigation cubic feet pcr sccond w wl ith P a lisad e s, 1.49. 2.59, 1.59,W, 22. w.,-' ! states. feeding crops com pared liu3nl> walcrwilhinafewycars. c om parisons to a y o a r ago.w.a a r e 15, An irrigation expert: In SOLPcrccnWor dilch and lurriiwrow ; Denver told I'PI he lhou|lughi flooding: • • " m ' quadrupling the arable land j„ More Important lhan the rnountainous Colorado- was u method lised is Ihe queslion ol; O R D E R NO I E M R U S H !! ; somewhat far fetched l,ut I the quantity and qu;iUly ol NOW . . . BEFORE ; •'th e re 'is no doubt we coiK>uld water available. Stanley and bring a lot moro Colorado laland Iho other cxpi*rts told I'PI .into cultivation liy mcnore w a te r of good {]uality b IKWOOD4or66 ROW ™ ☆LOCRl - ' 7 : sophisticatc-d irrigation." available nearly everywhere ir ; O ther experts in Washlngti4ton, Unlled Slates, even ii m • ; In T exas and in the mlilwi^vcst sem i-deserts it .vou drill di>epl>3 POTA'[ATO PLANTERS:s i told UPI Stanley not only wu as enough and can pipe the watci ■■■.''J*-'' Buiu.toRnji■ IlDjseilness - Up to 900 Ibs. Hopiieiwer Capacity per row. , right in principle but sisub- reasonable distances altei slantial progress alreadyV is pum ping it. •" ; Iwing made along the line Stanley said the huge in ; suggests. ■ creases In-acrcagc and yield: IKWOOD M a rk i Ition P<-'r acre will justify the ~ cx ii LOCK' 70 - The magazine Irrlgati Journal said pn‘M.-ntly ihthere pen.se in an c ra when Ihe whoh . I arc' sy million acn-s ol la rnnsui u world Is depending on lh< FATOHARVESTE[ERS — ■(r Longer ^<*iirr atand nnnor life expecUanevev I hei'ause of lighter wlii'cl Ihe L’nited Sla(cs irrigatedd by Unlled Statc*s for tood. "WI e r POTA l o n d . old lasbumed ditches ;^nd talking at«ul getting mon This is v»tialII Ciil!Cl Edwards - " - Liir{>(‘Mi lircHH in llie indastr). 11.2x24I arare titaiidard wilh an op* of Hagermanm Says:Si lioiuiL(if‘l-}.9x:.9x24. All new traefion treadud - Nol Ketread. rk 76' is a gootd mochinh in e . V l Student aaid cut urgeiH i "This Mark ’ 9 -it Korwiird nndid rt've'rhi* al llie totieli of 11i btilloii for Niraiplilcr It's got larger larc capacity than a ai n y i f lll lo n IIK*111. other I'ved u;used and we worked ; VV/VSIIINCTONa-Ph-. The lund:. expires at Ihe end t ■it G.K. pivol lowtow er panel. fincKl in llu* iiidiinduKlrv, witli nine trouble IVS It February. 12 hours a day. 6 days I Ford administration say h a r d — 1 2 ■ ys ^ liphiK and. pivolivot m id |M>wer voliiiieler hiiiltiniU *ii>. I wlir ask Congre.ss to sliaI'arply Weinl>erger saul sltidenl.s !’! i week — wiwithout a breakdown. i t I cut federal subsidies lo healliihc health profes.sions shoullould ,, • * 6 S l i i " d ia tn oloier. K * 10 ^aii^e pipe lined on atli Hlandard 90* o r-IO .'S ' a n pulls easy,/, is easy to run.and it ru and medical studcnls l>cci>cause called, on lo pay a runs Clllf Edwards, Hpacing (14 amand rZlow er hjMeiiK). I Ihcir prospective incomescs are Increasing parl ot- the Ih e ir q u i e t . ” Hagerman, Idaho0 i.»r..m rr..rrrtll. t>l»-.lr|.rr...... kr, il r,,.j t.i M,„ry.iir \lrl>i<* lluinrlrrlr •«>lrni, Klnnnrlnj 1 hlRh. educational costs ritn Iir nrrnnfril lor )iiiriir. li,i.liriM- iir Ini.r 10 [ Secretary Caspar Wein* \S .Medicine. W cinl)erger s;il( twrgcr of Health. Educ;icalioii " is one ot the mosl lucrali\ .M aiiiifaelared and Soldo l d bv 1 and Welfaa* told. Co^^^!ngrc.vs professions Ihal Ihea- is" " wll , ☆ LOCKCKWOOD 2200 Pivot1 N n t I TTiursday legislation wouluid Ix; "sa la rie s .up to $40,000^ ai MEBCO I submitted shorlly to elimininate. MS.OOO." ’ '• subsrdles for undergradaduate "H doesnX_ccguice :: ll . IRRKIIGATION SYSTElEMS i nursing and pharmniacy It'dcral goveriinient with I ■ ' M EE ] L B R O Wm T C O . ! students and to phase dowwn tho subsidies to enoiurage othei Founded in 194646 • ; ’ amounts over the next tthree- golnloll” -- Year;ars AliearJ of Comiietilion!t dicinc. He said continued subsidii>‘dios • years for schools of medi " , , ' , Iduho KnlkldnliI.InlK. Min. Home. Itlnhu i osteopathy, dentistry. op- would crcale an ovcrsupply of - S^r>l1ri».('iimii In.mlUllun atu i: ( ^nlinulng n^nlution on Ihe low»slsoolni977. Sunday. Fobcuary 23.1975975 Times-Nows. Twlo P*ii^ Idaho l l ••••••••••••I OUR BEST TO YOU'U I ^ “ 1 i■ S H B T — ^ YE ARE THElELIOHTOFTHE LII 2>>NXI0USIlOUSLY EfM AOlO ' WOBLO tEldar u , |PiuiH.Ounn Pm. Harold a iiM ih itb o u l in*DOw«r guia«lln«tti H S S S S I • 1 •MmpI* ind in lin u tn d iM in a ia tio iMlp . . H * 1 Silntt lo b* unllwu^iiVdlnVnilM»iin, ol Ul to M inxlouily dnMttd. At ' todo lha lignum jncluiion, CMtr Ouon ollw i • I R • J M iningt io> «r>t n»rii mil Id n«Ip in* r««d«r aviitMt*. m • l^»V« M 4 ll»til Jind nil own«n dieOfOfftii. S*'*8AU4.96I ««.4.»S SALE3.2S B GIFT OF SELF • oOF f THE MASTER ...... J* Eld«M»rionD. Hanhi ugg«>llntwc !f miiSna*r«*nd*’ * Itrong lUituiim wno r)B«d t boltltringing ninVinn«i tenainq trua Cniiiiunityi«nity jgiinit l_

GAS chrammatograph, atof above, a machjne which separates thelhe. .y com ponents o( liquid Crowley Ph:'harmacy substances, waswaa donaled to the College ofI • 1 ON-THE-MALL, DODOWNTOWNT Southern Idaholaho b;by the A m algam ated S u g a r Co. - this week. John Fluegel and Dr. Albert L. * ^ E q u ipim ent donat< . Johnson, fromrom left, assistant professors of TWIN FALALLS chemistry at csr, and Dr. R. Cluff,: ■ : • - 733-9777 7 1 ' ' A m algam ated:ed researchrc! specialist, r i ^ t , d is c u s thenewequlpmerIpment.

F i n a l ^w o r d e x p ee c t e d o n

S V w a iiste disposim \ l i m i t

B y lfltA RRMSTRONG I ^ lo use; oi our plont to lhe capaclly lhatIt thcthe tax- ■nmcs-NcJews w riter p a y e rs■shave hi already paid for." S tew art1 added,oddt c KCTCIUM-ThcllmInal word on Iho Kctchum- E:dmuiTiundson reported lhal EPA Is now I In thc — SiinV'nIloy-uaKic dUpou)sal lim il should bc.in next___proccss.is s .o l e.valualint.lhcJn(QnTi«tif>n._siu(n._sludyln&_. ^ ______week. th e figurgu res and com paring Ihem w llh Initial data According lo KIdon Eb^dmund.son of thc Idaho colleclot!:ted iKfore the ncw limit was proposedposed, opcralintis.of (hc I'liitnted Slates Bnvironmcntal "I'llII (go over the documents withllh ,Gi .G eorge ' ^ Prok'ctive Ajjoncy lEP,;PAi. homeowners in this Wagucr.icr. who's wllh the environmentalal senser iccs area are wondcrlnt’ III theyt will have lo put in divisionion of HAW in Twin Falls, a n d w c'll i to scptlc(anks, m eet wilh.Kctchum wii and sewer districtict officialsoff ■ Thc cily ol Ki’lchiim,1, which owns Ihe scwajje next wccweek. There are signflcant commcnisnenls in the disposiil plunt. and ththe Kclchum-Sun Valley repori,1 , andi w e will try to conic up with a p W ater and Sewer Disl ritrIct. which ow ns hall of its lh a t tratlxjth can agree on." Kdmu dson said, capacily.wcrc-lhrowTi1 Into a qunndar>’ last "Thehe antl-dcgnidallon; policy allowsl-s for some m onthjilicB.'EPA propo:xised a limit that they fell leewav.ay. There is some question a alwu ln u l the w as Inntnwi* \V valldiiyiiy of lhe nunilwrs wx- pul in there, I)< th e y - Tlic llmll was pro|x»o>cl\wn^Sun Valle disciLsslhelsiiie,' E lk ho m that have tx>cn designated but n "A fter discussions co\tivcrinjj every facet of the sold, problem , wc w ere niven:‘n:iO days lo com e up wilh “ Wc!c Ifeel that thc averoge dally flow m ore'inform ation to sisubslanllate our claim." millionon gallons is not high enough (o0 covicover lhe Claytori Stewarl. mnruinnRcr of lhe water and evcntua(ual needs of (he area, <\lrcady this i scwcr dist rid.said, W e'vee hhad over 2 million gallons per daj ■■ ; Tlwi IJolsc firm ol J-U-B J EnfjInccrlnR Inc,, wllh memore snow 11 could have Iwcn worsiworse." which designed lhe prpresent K clchum .scw;me , w cnl on to say, Ircafmcnt lacilily. prt)rcpared the documents. "Iff wcw< havc lo go back to septic tanks,:anks. il'sa t A j r ■ accurdinc to Slewarl, ana ndlhey w ere presented to ste p in thc wrong direcdon." he concconcluded. - X EPA last week; " T h ere;re arc means and me(hods we can ' use lo "Thcdociimenl.scont,nItain the w aste flow fljjures. ?. k«?PI thc th woters.nf (he Wood Riverr cleaclean. By thc plant will havc to handlehi ond include ail our -filterint!■inganid chem icals— but m ostly hyliltcfingh y lil | f , compulations and rwxinDrds la c k in g up our rifihls — w e’ll’ ’11 do w hal we havc to,"

S n o w ] m o b i l e w iin i n ers toleId i l STW lN FALUS - WiiVinners ol B am es, Tw in Falls,li. third. MuIllns.aHTwlnFalls.ilBlls. third, v S the annual Furtin Day Children's winners were.ere Kris Marble race winnfl^.inds. adult . '*M snowmobile raciCQS at —Ollverr-flrst: NenaJ Wood,' division, wcro Fred1 SuhrSuhr. Twin 4 D ianiondlicldI Ja ck second, jnd Rrad Mumpimphrles. Falls, first; RradJ Cogswell. Co£ • .'.-.g snowmobile a r e a . werew< an- thlrd.allTv.lnFall.s. Twin Falls, sccond;>nd; U r r y < nounccd Friday by nieilemlwrsof Threc-man teom weinc:inerrace Maxson, Filer.r. Ihird. I ^9 the MnRle-Vallev Sno'wwmobllc winners Included Fred•ed Suhr. Children's winnersj werewen Kris a u b . - Mick Bom cs and Joe BBrcnnen, n Oliver. Brad Humphricnphrics and In thc adpll broomn and lull lirst; Rodney Schmldl,dl, Kevin'-; Nikki Humphries, In Uithat or- » event,-Rodney Schmimidl and HelnerandJohnHensch(icheid, all- • der., .. -r . . Kevin Heincr. bothfl Rupert, Rupert, sccond, ondid I^rry InUhe adult blindfolddfold event. placed (Irst and othehers were Maxson, Rondy Hcrrctl.ctl. Flier. attTirds went lo Uirry rry MMaxson Randy Herrelt. Filer.r. and Joe and Richard Burke,;e. Twin and Richart Burke,irke, ■ ■ ■ Brennen, Twin Falls,s, sccond; , Falls, third, Darla Johnson and T erry m O F tHEGOOD i D UFE I winners Johnson, holh Twin'w in Falls, i E T f l ^ Dan and Marilyn Molort. TVIn Children's division w Falls, (hird. were Kris Oliver. Cos]:asy Sch- second; Dan Mort and iCarole Children's divisionon hruom mid( and Nona Wood,od, first; Erke. Twin Falls, third,Ihird, Youlh and ball winners wcrere Nena Jimmy Murray. HazK azcllon; w inners w ere B radd arillariH Nikki FREEE: Wood, Twin Foils, iand Jim Brad and Nikki Hum)umphries, Humphries, firsl; MiaM larlanna Murphy, HazcUon,n, first; Twin FalU. second, andind Phillip S harp a n d K ris Oliver.iver, Ilicd for MocLanne S h am amin(| P a u la ond Donny Ulson amand Jeff sccond, OURBFr o c h u r e C oON THE HOUSIISE, Wood. Twin Falls, seeecond. an's Kris O llw and Cn: m idi. Twrn Falls, third J.------W inners ot the a PENTAPOS1ST & TREATING CO.r n ------1 ncrlubc evenl were RredSuhr,Ri TUHLE,E, IIDAHO 837-4437 . j FREE! Send us our copy of Boisetoise Cascade Homes' j Twin Falls, flrsl; DanUi Mort, J beautiful 8-page color brochure. Tw in Falls, seconC Mick S P I I I ■______• , . I lECIALS! ^ I similarar to to yours.The stories on our W e'rere givinggi aw ay the secrets of I riame SvrfoMd Utility i I spaciousious interiors describe Boise a finer home,me. With o ur colorful new News ------I Cascade'sade's great built-in kitchens, roon brochure.. NoNow yours, free for the asking! j " A ddrS s ® CORIRRAL LUMBER j storage...ge...and lhe livabllity of our J u s t so youou ccan sam ple the extra care i Undar.2x8S2x10 itile floorplans. Of R ^ tord - — and qualityty t)-lhat g o into every Boise I City S tate ------2 5 ------1 - ; There's even a full page fciy a LINCOLN d o wjj r v $ 9 0| ( 0 0 Cascade HonHome. I Rujh«w^iq^P.O,Bo»8358Bdj - b u i l der .? docum * enting our solid, qualily S^er1tr■BMICI p«r thouiend board Im I A hoTM hcKxiKlns lo>Hnytl>UKh. tl J Z L E lghtejtit exciting pages filled with I controllec•oiled construction, which a n add Richfield, h a d -lo .t* o n - t h e -ol ^ photographspl (no ^ggerated both y u r s and v alue to each home . ttftfr U was hll by a vehl 3-RAHIlirDOWELLED RAIL FENCING : sketches here):hen You see real houses, • by Harry Brent GInl ulld. .mllc»rMrt)iwn(orRic(ill 1 5 ’■L inside andd 01out. Ever! if you’re not hou^e- J '• SentSend lhe coupon oow for your Damage tothe vehkle s i T : $ 11 (MrltnMllMl hunting rightight now, you'll get dozens copy. Or call o r stop Iri your local -,i& Bhoul BOO. BccofdlnfInft (0 rcpoTt 'Ir > . freecopy, . 4 - oMecbratlngIting ideas. oflawotticm BoiseCase Cascade d ealer-he's In the Yelic MarrlBRc llcenici: Ronild PINE Pages,s , under“Hun om e B uilders: Tlie’IDi •y Reeder, JE FIREWOOD - 'r‘~ The“H

r • FORECAST rOlOR SUNDAY, _FEB. 23, )97S c . L. M. Boyd £ CENKRAL TIiNDENC'JdreSis^ome upsets early in the da] • occur in your desire to jshow1 yobtcapJbiJities but these couli I ' Far more patients survivesurv surgery in the lale after ------^ tun) to yoi/r aJvanfagc lal later in lljcdaK^You cm then flrid-ne* f l H i i J K jif------noon than surgery in ihce curearly morning. The myou wUl have lime for other aclivliie:liies when lempcralurcs ore up. hMedical statisticians long havi ' later. Avoid a ttoublemak'liter. DOONESBURY -1 . known thal considerably)ly nmore surgery patients die be . T .TAURUS (Apr. 20 Jo_:3 May 20) Attend the services of youi'o u r • — I |i=:0 ■ iwecn midnight and sunrise choice. Lafer lakc the:'tim e lo go over' important paper*)ef». ^ MfUXP.Um\ irise (han between noon and dusk p - , HmpPOMswAims. i pP I Schedule future activities:s wisely. HSY.UNcu mi.yeAH-YEAH- UNCIB . IS m H A D - ' rm puxs.m f£SSfmrMAH eOBACKVSiON^IHAMOm'F / XVVff/WP • I^ML M A T R IM O N IA L researchersresea say they’ve put logeth I GEMINI (MAY 21 loto June 21) One who is an expertt'in Ir • DUK£-m x jv srm TOO P0N7Y0U JmfSHBRB?!^ee?! ftsn6.xr>pfmBii6eT, B / i S ^ m SBHOUSNESS,% cr u composite of the average.manaver: who remarries afte r rinincial affairs can helpp improve .your posllion in life. Shouhnw I youmy!>. a u a y w J / MUCMMNS..MN£.. . -JViTue w . nmpiFisum>iPi,NOiJ'j s UNOB. m m a first divorce. He’s 33} yeayears 6 months old. His earlie courtcsy lo olhers. RelaxX tonight. m umm.Hx»auDisfvmMT? I tm ... WBYMYB : . • ' . TfmsiNsea'N5ER POUNFCR ■f marriage lasted seven years,'ears. And he went-to the alur To MOON CHILDREN (June (j 22 lo July 21) Plan tln ie foi ...... m 6CP. i> i m4 - ' 1 ' \ A c o m a • p c . t i ^ P t5 ~ - Ihe second lime two yearscars six monlhs afler he split u; improving^ your heallh. (Gain Ihe backing you need fromm ai 7VH8SPMS... WMt \\i m>!HMrsv€^ f /y^ ' ^^^omoN with his first wjfe.i < hijher.-up.'Later engage in favotile hobby. 'ST!. j « r ^ LEO (July 22 lo Aug.g. 21) A ttend Ihe social activities tha| CONSIDER Ihosc; ciii.citizens over age 65 who gel ai you etyoy, Later 'ialk ththe fulurc over w ith one w ho Is an rested. In fo u r o u t o f fiveve cca: a k s . bla m e dru n k en n e ss. expert and can give ^ou fl:fln««HrTCe. VIRGO (Aug. 22 10> Sepl. 22) A find day for getting I " RRULES l togelher with friends anind making long-range plans for-the / Was a time when itil w was customary Tor most of lh future. Show that you havavc wisdom. big Americanlcompanicscs lo 10 set u p g ro u n d rules to gover . LIBRA (Sept. 23 to 0Oi.1. 22) G o to places today lh a t will bring you the enjoymen:nl you wanl. Know your aims and ^11 the personal aclivities of employees.i Nol just prohib itiidy ways to becom e mo:lore successful. tions against dancing, drinkingdrir and promiscuity. Ever SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to0 Nov. 21) Y ou axe inspired to m |^ o ANDY CAPP now and then some lopp bossbo: dropped a weird edict. Fc ^ ^ some change that can lead li to greater advancement in the — r ------^ instance, one posted noiicc.3lice_lhat a n y o f th e help .w ho ai Jfuture. Jodojustthat.Be:e logical. ^1 ^ • (^llw ecct) sociatcd v.ith uciors was-i>fas-io be dismissed. And anoih( . 22 to Dec. 21) D on'l follow y o u r • SAGITTARIUS (Nov. V'T? - I T ' S 7 dccrccd lhal nobody onn the payroll was to be shaved in .Z intuitive hunches now, simince Ihey are nol accurate, but slick to r i ] /i've SEEN ASUfiSurea ) > «0T A -< ■ / n o , WE WON'T^ barber shop. This dicialorialorial guff started lo case up aboi (Proven ideas. D on't arguee w< ith mate. I'. _ 6 EWICOM SUITEj i t e i n A { l o v e l y f in « h ) the lim e o f th e C iv il W ar.a r , . . I • CAPRICORN (Dcc. 2:22 to Jan. 20) You have lo keep ' 5 ^ =■ L-p VwiLSOMS.ANDT,,iCft'.JUST ^ U K E T > < B promises you have madeic to an associate, if’ you want the » L WUAT IVEj AU A i w s y ^ ~ (6TA^PRIC^ l oiV v E e A) N D W A R a harmony you desire wilh1 lIhis person. Be wise. /T k TiO/ WANTED,SOUSORTOF rTCE? Our Love and Warar m man says it's the official polic ‘ AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to 1 Feb. IV) Make arrangements to ^ V ^ t o ^ m i N U T VEN] vENEt^ finTuP of Communist China's’s gigove rn m e n t to encourage th jdlKUSJ ■ projeci of mutuaual importance tvith'afl associate. Try young people there to postponeposii marriage'until the age < ■> to be of service to others t(today. . ' 27, S PISCES (Feb. 20 to MiMar. 20) Morning is ihe besl lime to I'make plans for the futur ure. Take the heallh treatments you YOI NG LADY, if itit’s s denim, the lengthwise lhrea< Jjnecd and fcfl/cvualizcd. arc colorcd, the widthwiscwise threads arc white. rememb< X IF YOUR CHILD IS DORN D TODAY ... he or she wUi be lh a l. Sone of those overly seiuitfilivc young persons who should be ' ^ liughi to be more objecliClive and less self-centered. M aturityity A MOLE in a tunnelinel i can go either direelion at ju ______gwill bring authority and tlthe chart is fine for public w ork. Be ALLEY OOP • 7 about the samc-speed withewithout turning around. Its fur h; » sure to give com plim ents foranyfc accomplishments. no grain. Lies forward1 as >easily as backward.. If there "The Stars impel, theyf do< not compel.” whal you make of n f fH lS IS LIKE USIN6 A PEA^ i SHO O T E R ^ - AGAINST AN ELEPHANT.' any other land animat lhat can romp along in reverse : C you life is largely up to YOOU! fast as in high gear straighi strai. ahead. I can'l name i P Carroll Rightet's Individ)idual Forecast for your sign for Marcli now ready. For your-c<-copy send your birthdate and Sl to C an you? ■ LCarroU Righter ForecjtM^name r of newspaper), F.O. Box 629,- p p ' NOW ihtscience boysDoys say ihose caffeinc tablets son CH ollywood,C alif. <90028. truck drivers swallow lo0 sl;Slay awake on the roadjend'i £ ((c) 1 9 7 5 .Mc>cNaught Syndicate, Inc.) make said users irritable.ile. a|aggressific and'qulck'lernpcrci ‘ Big rig p ilo ts in lh a i frame fram< of mind can be dangerou SfiLONDIE they aver. Imagine so. T I | . “ iijiu'— ' » -9 ^^. - BlX N W E.l CAI'J'T L j J W E L L ,t e r s S E E - Add.tlimoJiol.M.Berd.f.O.i.f.O . «o* 17076. fo'l VVoXh, IX 76107. Z J- Copfigkl I ■ jf St-EEP-WAKE UP ) I (- I WENT SMOPPING -BMiWii.w.aord >• S a n d TALK TO T■/ } 'v TODAY AT J BECTLEBAIl^ * * f— I -Answer to Provloui Puul* BEETLe'e AN \ p o .'.vou S'J^PO&B y eiThl£)tI ] ( WELL, ME s efiTTER n MOT ) The A u l d S oKl d rsroisRrei rm ■% tVlite. tA T 6 ThJE B ^ iO ^ E COiiiCr / TMAT OZ j V B£ 600PIH&1(5 OPP.'* y I rlwlA IB aIdIi lol T il ►JAVE COUAPffB:> i ■ - ' «"'»• impi™.menu AialS E |t ■ ■ ■ O S E S i 1 1nth republic 39 EupKM SIriih lutl 41 Taketoodfood ^ 3 9 Inth nickname 42 Tear 12 Ho>t» color 44 S«indtt IblTlo a g ** - 13 Prapoiition 46 SuiiapiMy}ili1y I I I 14 Cuckoo 49Hoaiing xrg-rM Sc-rg J bitckCird d«vtc«t»» 7CK NUridt. i:« \ I5agt»* igMoitvacuout 60BickUlk|clalk (cwi)11 CoT&r lighily , onet ^ ------THE-BOBH-LOSER— 21 MylhlctI Oirdt 61 Skcwgrer leCnomical 43Nuitanc»t ~ 73 Fartpoet)------IWN * CO'Tipou^d 45'Churn$ 24 Thut (Latin) 20K«en-0riC«nl45FMl.va1 «17T ’T BXJLEP '0 ^ 27 Wrtallart'pidt I Gretl lake 22C«ai8(J 47 Sae»*d .m, 29 Putcc witn • 2 Elociniiedilied 24 Cummerbund 46 Orwk porl I'- knle ptrlidat:iet JSThoughi 50 Kmd ol tid 32ldOlilM 3ShOi>eltUni 36 0ruiic „ 5.Qenutof't o t ' 28 Wild parly (print) 37 WalM grassMM 30 Bewildered 55 Roman 3BQirden 6 VolunteerIleer «3i Flr^«|t brenia 1 12 13 14 I 5 16 17 I 19 I f f l

SHORT RIBS 12 i13 r R llTSTlM t'OW HlPU^T l 1A O P C H IN E S E ' 15 16 ~ 17 : , ANOTHER &V1CM O F / H K 3S SUMS SW ISM MOSS, EL^I^.LIFE-^^^ 18 ■ «ICK O'SHAY ------'■ ------^ ■ 21 '2 22 2 I j j p JpP~ _ ■’■•' "'.jiV THEREBt*»A^^THEN t* I I HOlOFE HE WON'T ^ L l& H T / I AAINO IP I CrO IN IN T H EB I R E C K O N I WITH

l .apincwopsalxapoiop]: ...lOBAUOf/S OF ' l i m ; : : : OetjCF^.sTiNE.SOMEE WHITE ueH TA/m a/ . ------4 ^] | w r 46 n;LlANS£AS0NlN5ANt>... 146 147 '48 48 ■ ^ “ 50 s r s ! H i P; M “ M "55 56 ' “ 58 ^ WIZABD OF ID . r - 5 ^ - 59 ~

■ /WlPBOR, |i,\m \ T/tLLEST i J OUT OUR WAY O N t h e / / » I iL I MAJOR HOOPLE ^ \ &IKB y W l - I /T^KItySKEEPlPKAU6ISJ6 YllC f;C W -**JPTH £R E'S\ *r«ANK* TU«.YA5.TrtE FI4HT flAME ■ / ONETMW&ONT. TOP C F /^ * \ ALSO A SWEATER OF 1 iURE HATE Tr«AN» 07KER TILL rT'5'5AI.LVOU V>CXJR<.|kJTH*TPlLe" *- T<7 LKAVE. w r J M9tt ttT T»(E t 4 MERELY A 3H£MCA5E fOf V CM P O T P6sETlHEE ^ASjPi»s^EMm-/HOO<$ Th SfHi r CAN / ARM5UBMOIP- ^ AGE OF ^^^SS . -----^ V KA>JC. UP ------(SET BldiSER

{ I'O HAVE G I V E N W UAVt \OURCAR-CAR-tlERE A N D ^ B ^ H IXW’T EVBVER ORDErT^-YDU'BE OHE Of 1 >ttH; MOPE NOnCE I WE'LL TAKE MINIMINE / 1 (OUND A STEAK MEDIUM,M i THOSE KABC STEAK J <1 IHE Tmw I llKTh^XWixctpr I nwr REX rf 1 anewresmuk/AUKANT WHERE-■ ■ ■ lErALOHCHE W E I L ^ SNOBS'GUOl I ' ABOUI YOU 15TKE H-MORG.AlORGAH D ID N 'T ^ ^ I I I E Y SEKVE AA GlGRMT 5 I E A K > S » ^ t)ON£,IN/V • WAY YOU PUM OUR )- GIVEGIVE/M6 / HIS ■ SANDWICH IH rni /XWS\ tVENIHW^WOO^^ICKEITICKETS TO niE K ■ MINUTES FLAT > to o IHVDIVEO' HOCtEYGAME I C»?DER IT >M§^M£DIUMMltf 1 • [ w ® I i f f c \ E i B-JL 'M\\ 1 w i ■ 7 WW I/SHOW L___ J piz- ! ^ . FOK»CM THS i5 » u e . y ^ ...... ' ‘ r - r ^ ■ ^ 1 ,:

Sunday. Febfuaiy 23.1975-5 Timett-Nows. iirtn Falls. Idaho I •••'••••••I

i | F r a a E Y C S J R A\DTFDRT I WS0 a y ^

I : G U A RRA N TEEt) RI E S U L T dD R Y O U R 1 * r * i • ' M O N E Y R F E F U N D EED. l i ’ * D • B e P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 11

I !«••••••• ••••••••••••

07 MsofiilittslimtlFtiiuli I CLASSIFI1 E D I N D E X ' F«!»i H 07 M solliiM lblgtFei H's easy 10 >'>0 solution lo your wanl or ncod m Tno Nood part limo day holp. Red SleerJ*®' Intoieiling ar^ ehallMging oi ^ R TiinoS'Nows People RcRcachci Wam Ad columns L'sico No IB19 Easi AddiSon. Apply .n poraon , p«iuniiyfo«al)nghl. hardworkm Mlow IS ino Koy lo Magic Vjlluys mosl divcrsiliod ____ person m the small claims otlici M.itKoipiaco Bo jii'cc iio RcaO and Use itiesc coiumni • Food torvicpdiiocloi.inslilulional.anal. Applicant musi bo ahle lo wOi iciiuiatly — Vou II ptolilhim 11 sorrunyw.iys' Oul ot stale ' applicalionslions urwe* pressure; should have j welcotncd Personnel Ptacomenirrcni outgoing personality, goc H ANNOUNCEMEN=NTS MERCHANDISE Cenler. 537 Mam Avc E lolophono manner, and alxtily I Wanlod mghl clcik''Holcl Ouhl, doal Wlin me puiiiic The posjiic «-MiM<-ltiilcw^Fo- Sji» reined purson imo Take «.i>o olj requires 1 year ol ollics; v OJ-LO>i)l.'fouiHl 47-sno««iCiomm(i' lurnACQ ;ini3 liaih ’ Room lul-, pcnonee.’,includ.no Oiciapnon CARL BOYD, preslik•resident of the Twin Falls 03-AiMVXincc'"«''l» and minimum lypmg M words p ' M-'SoecnlNoKci «-*nl((|oc» nished S170 itionlh Inqunr- m C entral Labor Council,icU, presentspi checks of COO to oeiiOflHol'elQiihl Ouhl Idaho minulo Applicants nuiy apply i H - Psiso'viii T v isim o ’ ------eontaclmg Mr Donms Cl'asu H e^Ip studentsI Dee H- Pyle, Don Zink;ink aahd Gerald Honl, all CSI •&-Fyrn.1uio»C4>|H:l WANTED Lead guiUr player. l>ass 733-90M, Wo aie an eriuai c .students. SELECTED OFFEI player, diummcr. piano player porlunilyempipyot. FERS - .J lS S S L c .™ ™ ...... CounliyWeslernMutiC. 733-«46. 1 ' > i ___ _ .. LAWN. FARM & GARDEN MclO 10-Fci'U'cM.-iB _ 41-6ood tri.nailot Jl L a b o r c I'-SJtc»mr''0*54ifl»0^ 2 S.'-Pl4.iU Trr«H5ni.,i. GIRLS/; A N D B O Y S H e l p n e^ e d e d c o u n c i l ......

TWIN FALLS> - Volunteers arc needed lo 'S-tk.tiW»l0p0Oi!on.|, l»-Mor(-yloLck WjxIi'S In1 A ll A reas Fails Central Ijilnr Councl’ouncil awarded during the secoix>cond N edra Blankiruhl;hip, president of the Twin Falts U-raimlmpli;'ncnl> counly unll, 734-:4-3S99; M rs. R ichard Howard, n>i\. ?}—Oulol TwnHOum "Nearly everyy family has had or knows IJonZltik nnd Gerald Honl ’ N-RpaiEttaieVMxiKl njl5po>l.nuc£Sj* M oll D irect(Ct to T im es-N ew s . and «-F*rn.»AR*ncN!> 71-SkiingCoi;.p^c'it . som eone who hihas had cancer.” Derg said, P>le Is a vocational sUidenitudenl " '‘•J' scholarships , anc n-'ObtinMtPicMitl n —Snoa VcM.c >«« i k '1-s 73-Tr*v«tli*.lc. P .O . B o x<548, 5 T w inFalls "T h ere m usl be inm any persons w ho would like lo III aulo m echanics andI ZlnlZink 71-CamM'i sh a re in helping dobtain funds ^»1tleh a rc used for and Iloni are takingking ofthcunlonfamllies. n —VscJI'OnP'OM'lT o r Call0lr*cl73»-093l oll D »_M0l-lpM0m«» 7t-Tou'i»l* T>».itrPji»i research, educaiallon and servicc lo canccr refrigeration and air* con p stlen U ." • dlllonlnfj. RENTALS' ■ AUTOMOTIVE The scholarship ^ pi-opranillrm n He said In add!Uilion lo showing of films .and Ji-M0wjr» 77-AuloS«-.iC<;»-P*r!» dislribulion of ediducatlonal material on canccr w as ln.sUluled In lUG-i l)y Iht 37—Fu'ni»hrd*pll ADuiXr'pip.') A Accv>»0',0t d 11—UnluiniincjAuu aDuPDupieirt ra-AuloW4ni«J /warning signals,, lithe American Canccr Society is couni'll and represeiiis 12 loca W-Aijioi ItxRcm To Times-Nevyews <1-^ Hearing Aid K>-CTeip»lt5iippi.c» _ lassocij^wilhseseveral program s such a s Rcach unions. ______Circulation D« ... ------VlW wvcry forv■women w ho'havc h a d masicc-* ■ Funds - for 'lhTs' year’'; ------_ ----- Jt—CWU«*eu»-'»k*------U—Hciiv Eou.o'ncni > Deptr “ Jattery 3f_R» M-Ttuck, tomlesondlhebrereast self examination clinics. scholarship award came fi'on ----«-lmool-V<4'ilr<31uRcn1 ------• Y »l, irauldllk*toobtolnen th c following unions: C ar BJ—Jocp — < vmcel O'l^c* I woulc a>-Auio»ro.!>»i8 • ■ .aft*rnooiLXlrn«»-N«w«Piw* P o p t r Rout*. penters. 10.V1; IBKW. - 44'J $ i o o c a s h ; Sheel -Mclal. 2l;i; M aehinis iH - ■JBH. and G rain .MIIIci-s. l'H;!.: R E F U N D D e m o aa i d e r a p s (With Pfool of Two Specially ■F|«^ n M sotltM lblitFim Marked Packages) ^ - F losllFi = fr-™ ':.;;::;:;:...... y * o r * o lp 9 SOCIAL SECURITY COUPLE - T( Iloliekahs Hfc.FOUND mjIcblJCKIanpup Own oporaie soil sonrtce gas siaiion-^0 - My Phone No, ll ...... may Claim CJII7M.4710 - _— u ljry . homo and uMiiictV iu>-lu> jMy Addr#** it...... h o l t l m e o l lease nishod Reply Bo« K-13 c'o Timoi. J p e t t y p) o l i t i c s ’ ■ TELEX ^ JJS REV/ARti (o» relurn ol hnoTca‘I'onj Nows______AHEND.;...... School Ol Wllh all p4it)ci3. No QuOSIcO TWIN FAI.I.S - Primros.iini ose Hearing Aid • i»k«3. Papers .V>(J record* ,g BOOKKEEPER 10 nanaio lull SOI 0 .Anilnfh* ...... grod TWIN FAl.1^. - ,Slc■Ieve lenl. The oniy reawiii 1.1, Guv.Jdv. itclx'kah i ^ j j c No. 70 incllicl forlo Senfce^- k j ( \ •'nporlam lo clmic Returnr IF^M C^«oks Bondaiilo. Sond resumeime 10U Carter, chairinnn of ihe T\Twin E vans is Iwlti^ siihji'ctedi totc a n 'g u iar m eeting wilh. noiite nolit' TWMiinw- ■ 0 X Ernefgcncy Clmic. Slar'It-y. orSitoel It Bo«K-t4.cfoTimos-News. ) w ' Coreoraiion. 9is Snostiono Site Falls Deniocrntlc Ccnliitral Ihis is because la- Is- a j;rand Helen Breedlni i TfflBFtfs ■ Commiltfe. says - tthe Democral." presiding, Repuhlican dominjil■ le d C a rter .said lhe icKlslalurev ib s It wns decldi-d hy vole Uihclplci hci] • ^w 04 - ...... Specialllol Ihcir KILaDm-lBriq legislature Is playing pcX’tly not acting in th e lx.*sl lntcix“st?csts liie Odd Fellows wllh Ihci EXERDSE tno easy way. Ro political Ranies uilli Ihf slata le ’s ■ or lhe president pro leni|)oree ofol pnijeci of sending a .studentJem 10I Wallon. Bell Vihtalors. Spe« IMES-NIJEWS fuluri'," Ihc Senate who represi'ntit aii th e L'niled Nalions. McCUaTiitK-linM B |.t. Oi(tov shoui> a lilalanl di.sre(taFd lor loi -pnnidcd’ hy Ron Perc\', wil m m m - m t l I • • • rsM i • ■ H a z e l ...______:______f _ John Evans from chaia ir- y ie wishes of lhe pi-ople of this • ------WHMOBIC-liM ------1 HOKY CARPET SWEEPERS, j this hisveniril(y|iii.si.ict.^ ------_lh*-0iaild5t- j»«oeOflr_Ha:I-504S ...... -...... — mansiilp of .the State UiMind sla te .” N tlu ). 733-S826 or -63<-S( CLASSIFFIED Sclccllon CommltUf. Carlirle r snld. -John Evaiis.was eled.rti-H • Ca rte r also hlflstcd.lhC-\-ute; lieutenant (jovemor hy tthe of Reps. Ralph Olmslead anc people of Ihls state and shoilOuld T.W. S tivers In regard to tlu . ANONYMOUS WANT/ADS lie enlilled to exercisc Ithe Ekliial Ki(ihls Amcndmcnl. I CALL: 734-5502 rights of lhat offlcc ulth(houi Carter said tlcki’ts to ,ho Iht COM ING U P... I V I>clnj5 sui)Jectcd lo such ppci- Jeffcrsun Jackson Day dlnneim er Contoct th* TImn*N«wI'Naws Form Solas D»portm*nt Notices llncss. If lhe form er litlieu- al 8 p.m . M arch 1.S al lhe Itolst jjg for cocn^«f» adv#riIiTrirfTiTng covaraga of your form 115 , M w inlil im tenant covernor. a Rodew aj Imi a rc tuiw on sale, Repulilican. wus slill In off»ffkre. The featured speaker willI lx sot*, hand bills, n*nawspoptr covarog* (ovar Oof Sincere inanhs 10 oor Inent ^ ' R E ^ H12 2 ( OUT OF 3 MAGIC-VAllALLEY FAM ILIEsi I ).II1 7 0 ,0 0 0 r« a d « rs • In Magic Vollay) sola llstvd• r ' rteigntxMS anO relalives whos S(and . thc IcKlsJaturc wx)uld Ik pcon- Adlal Slcvonson III. D-Ill •(I cards, liowots and momotiais a In Ihli Form CoUndaror forfof 10 days balor* sola. t^ouQhl lood during lhe ioe< Mroavemeni ol our beloved or\n|r # uJse s < This Hqndy TimeT i e s - N e w s Mrs. Tony Laucinca. licnaV Ct>erylComplon ~ 1 0 . G 0 0 IID REASONS!! r » R Ut U A A R Y 2 4 MK. (IMMEI » SUR.SI PAUL = C L A\SSIFIED S ORDEFE R B L A N K moMt N bruarySI B t o Auctlec>««niW*H.E]l•H. QUrt I M«(i*nmlih i>23rd Adf moy b* concionc«l*d whan raiult* or* »*cur*d.rod. You or* chorgad only for I am leaving lot Las Vega me 2‘. fb* number off dodoy« lh« ad hoi b««n publlihtdih*d (Ad mdit run tom* doy r i l R Ul U A A R Y 2 6 >ot February, will uke »doli] Auctlon#»HrWfrt.•rt. BlBUr* a M M i«nm lth' hom*.- Good lood. p*erS « ' - I 3 WWORDS i OR UNDER MINI/INIM UM RATE surroundmgs. Pnone 733-M40 r iI B R i U A R Y 2 5 ■«LP' ------Ask foi . ■■ BUDKANOLERBUI LECITHIN! VINEGAR' 06'” Kl Now all lour in ono capJule A»' AdvartlMi•rtlMm*nti Ftbruory 33 V86*.0»«00rugs. Auction*. II lyt« M oil*n • Cery Otborn* Fluidoi Reduce eicess iluids with FiuiM cap- - — , , rI i B B R i U A R Y 2 7 -- Reduce wilh Do»-A-Oiei. PCF'-i I . . • ' _ JOEtREE t REATA VAN ZUYEN tutes & Redoose laNets. I nTwi»*Dfoo*. Adrartltw■•rtltMMAls F«bn>orv 3$ ------:------I Auc1lon»*ni>ni W«Wort, D Uft I MMMrtmllh CREATIVE PRAYER LINE 73440 U ptol3V tS-OOfon r i■ B B R R U A R Y 2 S CXAL-A-PftAYER. 733-244? ______ta.oofor: ■ WSSIIW SSIll UNDSTIOM ______l*l»W or AdvartlMt•rtlMm«nt; Fvbrvery M 1 FsnilB' s § 07. M s o l l a l t r t s t t b l i t F i t6.S0ror< Aud1or.*«rt:Corlordlylord Mtlllpi, Bill E«Im t Orvll S«or« M.50 for; ouie- i------i ALASKA Furniiure’ ' Koui 20-26 Wor PIBRII B R U A R Y 2 7 hovo waret 00|}l. Mgr^,Mutl >QCk. ho IB.00 (or( IDAHO HEtEFOIItEFORO RANCH, 0()liom*Rl: Fobrvory 2S sound m*rthondi»ing bocalory ‘ ,------‘ B 1 ^ ! ' Auetlen»«r»:lyi«l; lyi* Mo«l*n t Oery 0»borrt* ground. Starting tolaColl 27-33 Wor SIS.OOO ptui bonut Cl '$9.50 (or ( Mr. l7 J 0 t o f i for making Acee Priniing your commerciil r i st i i u u A i R Y 2 t 907-225-5101. A«k ler K ANDYS USEOJSEO TTRUCKS. BURUY Hoyet. ' p rin te r. Mmoflti F*brvory 2« 7 " SEND BILL ( Our CompetiHon Key* Well t Don Pettonon 1 7 n i PAYAkYMENT ENCLOSED ( ) 1. C HOMEWORKERS: You wnb*f. CounLMch ««i AudlenM ni Wort,W«rt, Elton I MMt«nm1lh to: I.A. Enl*rprit*t P-0. Bc tn *och sqwor*. Totol th* omov 5 . COur Cpmpetition 88. Clarktion. Uloh 84305.^^ Name.. ,:... of word* end dtccK lh* coal < th*rt9ht-lwndcolvmn.Addl2.< 6 . N O N I IJ JOAN ANDERSON — *«tre tf you il*»lr* vm ol Tbn* 7. jr Competition , ' '•M*HAARCHA 1 0 . Jo* OuH*V 3S CljpallfaHl|all:C la^!fc|it T W I N F A L L S Sol* Msnog»dig*d ByB] Blih t P*«gy GriHllh JOB OPENING!

NINU I A R C H 1 ^ ACE PPRINTING, INC. ■d M A ID S M JL.&lM MRS. t BEN PAXTON . MAClAGIC VALLEY TOLL FREE;e e W u M B E R r = ~ Magic Vnlleley's Commercial Printer .dl«*m*nti F*bruary 27 Auctlon*«ni CoyUrdrlord Phltllpk.BIIIPI b l * t « Or*l) S*or» \ - 543-4648...... Buhl, C aitleford , 2 5 0 MMflin Avenue North Call or tea . MN I Al R C H S Eorl Ho^horn 678-2552...:...... Burley, Rupojl >ert. DeckvPaul. Noitqnd P>hone h 733-8623 - . . ~ " ’ JOHM»OHN I Rtmi MOYER :S : 436-2535...... Wendell, G o ^ in Hagermon. Jerome, lv*rtli*>n*i>iiMer«ht - CACTUS PETE'S FREE PICICKUP A N D DELIVERY ' AudlonMrtts lytolyt* iM mton A Otbwn* HORSE-SHU CLUUB . 3 26-5375.^...,...... Filer. Hollister. .Ra Rogerson, Jackpot. Nev. ■ 733-5163 , • ' ■«) ■ V - r _ • ____ 38 TiniL’S-Ni'rtS TvMciF.ilts,Is, la .i^ SiJinJay. February 23.1B75 ■ I*

i ', ■ A g r e aIt t t i m e t o - WSM WEEM y,\' getaquairainted w ith . the resultu l t - p o w e r U l Yl^ear IL o n g _) ■ of Classifii i f i e d A d s ! r :, : ^ f s women 15 , Business Opportunity 07 Jobs ol ifllirest Mals I Feiit n i t M______I W ijlilHilp 11 .. SalKaen or Sileswoote^ initi a ■ Hums FirJa^^i Si 2 Homts H r Salt 22'. ' Umes For Salt 22 H m isF irS j n„i. Amiiiiioiia Adilicial Insommaior'0 ' BUILD A’ CAREER with MUTUA*Tua* SACRIFICE "t4 .mil motel, -?■' o.- •Stiarp, 3 bedroom. dout>i8 OKragc Wanlrd’ hfi'i'Ji'a U'Jf'iCJl nu nofriod 10 l.ikc ovor Al aio.i lor „„,,5 collenl income Aci Really, 733- •g®' 3^ bedroom riomo, carpoicd.-ed.- Home lor sale, t)y owner. Ali/aciivo I MV. C.HIU6SVI c.nllrc1 'O' OF OMAHA- Conlacl \M. Sq.ii'05 7’/4 per cont loan Aco Really, H3 luoplaco. air conditioned, double ri'piil.ihli; company fAusI h.iv.;■ive 232-4785. COlloCI. Equal Op- Oo- 5217' 5217. . • ble homo acioss Irom park, closo !'iS lo TOMORROW 'S DREAM ______0*f*UO. lull'b«9omehi, palio, andind school 2 Ixidrooms upsiairs. full' W.vilril «rM)Ori'.'l'l<- cau'i lu porhinilyCompanyMiF Con be yourt lodoy, EXCIU- rnifid.'t) CD-lilMo 100 u' Zm ‘ Po' Wio; Incomo propoMy. latgo:no 2 OMd noriheasi location, noaroar linishcd basumoni vrilh bedroom liccnnefl Ihroiigfi Iho sloli.' ol ld.ihoiho ______s; -1 schools. J3l,500. Assume S20.000 7 SIVE • BRAND NEW. Flrtt Time .ip.vlmoi'ICi*"'l>'<'i'r'niltto» M.J Sonif ro3un».' lo'Ooi K-l,c/o Times-ICS- Neod oiponcncod car t.ilusm.in.sm.in person or coudK- iVi.l': OOi K.77 c- wofy t'o'no wiii> livo leniaia: ■ 0 7 downstairs nico sludy den olc. ( ,) fil' c ortilortal'lc v»il ,1,^ a oTmies-New,-. sm^ll spatiiTkonl. 4 smgio roomoms porcftni loan. Call 734-6050 Ownor will consider carrying offered. Norlh Eott locolion. requires a good personaiily. a 3 lovely bedroomt wilh IKW^VITII'HI Icftirmi.;!'. and '(?) I ______person who is clean and ne.il in •tw o b«iti. ahower, kiictiei:tion ___ conlrnci Cail733-3367ovOnm([s c.ii(iy v,.lt. ,.iul me....'Imd __ appcarancc, ind oilers lols ol _ljU^iliOS. All ronlod- U2S po , privale both olf mottfrr' bed­ Oin,’. PC<.P(. Bo. CHEM CLASS o p ^ u n iiie s lor ma luluiu-‘’w°i! Wiin. BUSINESS—>-----7 mjnlh Income. Cl0si>-ln. 733-4027r =7======^ room. Coiy llreotdce'and ...... li Nood oroo monoger for ifiii‘ well cslibhshod aoo'cssive CrievyChevy - - • So,vice ond tupply doolort TRANSFERRED must sell large tpociout living room, torge . 0*00 in 0 . non'corrtpetliive ,H aitractivo 3 bodroom, 2 baih teporote dining area. :S«II- CAMPCfldllN:> MANAGEMENT » dealer. Conlacl Jerry Kniiey."„*! with producll monufoclured X ■ imp- r»poir g1o»* r-r»oiI Hon^el Molors. Ourley, IdJho 678. by Purolotor. Wolli. From. lirepiace. storage, carpeted, Quie 1 cleonlng oven • Olthwother ■ coiisiM ol kOA Ca" / #ticct, largo shop, garaoe, *36.900. Ditpotal Beoulilul tpariiling, r ... roplocc il. Avorogo eorntngjt ??2I Uniroyal. Charppion.- Boicfi (l.oi.na It' T«it' F-i"'- '‘’•'"tt f S300 lo'SSOO wookly. SmallI .III Wockonds733-81l8. ! ■ kitchen, teporale ulillly room' limi- ll" •i"‘> ■*'* — i l M M o l n ’ « • IIUI),Kill 0cl0l'<,1„„ it>vo>iii’cnl. Coll Mr. Brekken BV OWNER t12,000 on Presider m 'Off kiichon. Home lully „-.i cotlpci (213) J8J-3I8B. 12_ _ ttjJillits-ChililCaiiin Care ' I H corpolod. lull boiement, Miiil Ir 111 liiHXl ''•Mill' .l'l''”'' . Hsndto endutive ongmo oil Streel. small 2 t>cd exelleni locolion. Hoi ro- Do you wanl o challenging “ ruiisheO ls<5ei...ml -.-i vrrt v.iln.ii I. l' Two mnre open.nijs 3J9 O.iliu.'- home on o porl or full Umo '' '' ' neighborhood. App. S4 600^0 diont eleclrle heot. Iireploce. W.iii«- caroor where the rewaul*,, 734-7993 . lol J17.900 C.i'1 Vini.ii..! Eiii d:i<; M AGIC VALLEY c>- ore dire lo6 drop-ms rock roof .elect, S1B.500. oncoi. Thit It o quolily bultiulti le i Durham ...... 334-3001 0 welcome 733-0915 Company providot reorder Bo home overy night while _ . credil. i s s . .si::;;.";,; home rtear ihe colleae,oe, ,--br75'3-S580 you build your own fulure • slorM ,it!d ollici M, d.'Ci d If'y.n ll'): . 57 000 OOWN lokot Ihil 3 $54,500 lor oppointment to • LICENSE’o'BADYSiriiw da7.Iy .i"d ’ ' ■ Fle.llloi-. I islir.i; sr.- !«) t.i 5?0.iD wllh Iho acknowledged leod-;J-; nighl Phone 734-6387______Company ollori a comptole l.:C« 'bedroom home m KIMBERLYy teo coll Roy lewiQ. 733-3498. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ VfOBIlWHDEBS er in Iho quality lobricani PRE.. invoniory buybock .'in bolonce 01 8*., Porlly now '■ CHIIOREN'S VILLAGE PRE- coniiruciiort. S17.000. lield. Compiohen»lve co.m- SCHOOL AND DAY CARE CENTER. BUHLER REALTY k pony paid iraining' progrom ENTER^ Wrifo lodoy lor 0 poilibloJlo ------*------COUNIRY LIVING: Aitractivo J Kindergorien, programmed 507 W. Additon Ave, \ undor the direclion ol tkllled olliliolion ond more writtengn .- Counlry iiviinj. jiirJ llui.-i- m.it 5BEDR00M«i NWol lEBOME.^E, btick homo ort oboul l ’< , reoding, E«lenilon phon'.ct pro ir'irm alion. Include phone.-" Irom Twin F.ills N.-,.. i.,;.^ Il.n. Fomily room., oioctric heol01 ocrei. 3300 tquore le d on0" Reol nice 3 bed. on lorge i prolenlonoli, Compay bene. •. btdroorjio Uo t-.ilKs doiiH-c, , * .gram. Art. Mutlc, Field Irip*™ A- SyUemt, Inc.. 1650 S. in''” ^ 2 0 * 297 lot. main floor ond 1350 tquore''0 corner lol. fenced b'ock yord. lilt include lile ond hotpllol- 3-4-yeor* oldt, phonlct program , oarage Hifin wood l--"(.- .n> ( liotion iniuranco progromi. Ro.^ood Bd.. Solt loke Cily feel-in (inithocf baiorneni. Coiy. eoty lo heol. Only o n, m uiic. Held irlpi. Houn '* ocre with w.iler i.n.v,-, Ph,n 4 bedroomi.-2'r bothj lomiiy a No fronchlte feot. If you don I □Velor "oh 64 104, ‘’r SI 1.500. 7 0:m. — 6 p.m. All day tore lor ...... room, recreoiion Toom. 3 like work, don'l ontwer, Bul’ working molhers, Kingergorlen _ , 733-J633 Ip. Eilro nice 4 bed. 3 bolht, 733-0931 If you ore willing lo work, liroptacei. compleloly equip- n ow 'en ro llin g la r-fall term. JUST LISTED 3 iVdroam iki -h- . ' ped klicher\. eleciric hoot.„ fomily room, buill-in longe, ____ hove 0 cor, ond liave tolet Vinlcily High School. 733-70B0 ,1, relrlgeroior. oven, dith- er mechonicol experience, no'fl'o GUARANTEED b.ilhs. I.imily room 1 -i;0 'n' I ■>' i NEW REGAL HOMES:5 and air conditioning, double 733-9010. living sp.ice nni) ? yi.u'. i■111 ii ' SlSOdown goiogo. 16 * 35 h one born,,n woiher. Corpolod ihru-outl . thon ihit opporlunily it lor S3I.5O0 Belly Millon /ja -sCiO.’I*’ ice•’''?34^ ?34- - c h a n g e lor. th e b o lte r I'Ving, flinmg orca ^ei>c<-il y.vi 50 lorge lomiiy homo, irl level,1 10 acres teporoie. $110,000. t h e s t a t e immodiololy. Robert McEllreih. , . 734-3650 Mr. Al Burnt . 7799 Picasani rcsiduniiai aie.i. Wn , Helen DoVnoi...... 324-5609 4 bedroomt 3 bolht. lomiiy'V 30 Acrot real good bore land nmgsiflo School Can assume 7> ) lUBRICATION ENGINEERSS _ __ ■ ' ‘ lowell Willt ...... 733-6562 room, living room hot colhod- e*cepl lor born and well. you w ant to' P.O. Bo. 71 JB ...... NO COME ON loan Call734.7760 S3I.S00 50 roi ceilingi liroploco. ipo- . JSOOD' SHEPMEflD ' day 7 ca‘’'E __ George Cunnmghom733 0850 Soe lo opptecloie. Fori Worlh. Tenot 76111 3^ ciout moiler bedroom, lop- CENTER licensed Hoi luocni,-.cS , NO GIMMICKS1 , Live upstairs m i;e.vii.l ll newi;w 2 , FroncevHoiiolholl .-537-6636 0*1, 96 ocret. norlh tide. well, w o r k i n . Siilierviied pMy class work 733- bodroom home and ri.-Ceivi- mca’i:ome Boih Siroub...... 825 575555 orolo dinmg room, forced oir If you or^v^ot succcss-SS- Irom tiasement renial. or enjoy ll -heol ond oit conditioningig corrolt; chicken houte. 3 Colorado 573i j<)> Gory Koulnik. , 733-30H n- iroilor hook-upt. Alto Iroller PARTS COUNTERMAN ood'or'sotisfied. woVO spacious. 2100 sqjjtf lei' I ■' RUPERT OFFICE . . . : 436-64929} . covered paiio. eilro porking Toxos -hrt Ipoco' for compor or bool Enperionco -prelerrbd, Iniur- py txtdfoorr, ’ rain tni'iiiy nome *. BUHI OFFICE .. 543-4556- Goorglo '■ I t)J|iy3il in'nTy'homC Caft n3-7?48-7748 will reiunTyour moneyy . largo lonced -Tard. r.itpcrl. lorge londtcoped lol wllh once & retiremenl plan,,poidd •- ' Lfi 05 love voiir children ___ immodiaicly. subjocl lo Kentucky vocolion and exelleni work, lo slorago ti’jildmris I’eailii J c.i ■ ■ roam for gorden. bock yardI'd fll/Y-SEU-tl!r-RENr? MierMiOii workmo mothors ew'afr lirnK^ b o c k a g re>e- e - Deling, lolally eleclrif V, completely lenceu. Lorgo N. CofAlino mg conditiont. Apply In" yoor Children lo i lOlrii'U home willi Ch.lllenji- anyone lu Imd .i l i ll CALI OR DROP BY.., perton 10 John Fry, oiivrfflble 8*. loon very Kor\ios • O'cniy Ol play space, hol lonchesiChes m o n l. h'.iy ,11 th.s price 1235 S|)'>fe. ■ yood Noriheoit location jn 733.5395-734-8187 • Colifornia . BOB REESE MOIOR CO snacks 734-7730 , Canyon C rett Subdivmon. Howaii REPEAT , QY OWf^R 3 l-e(lr(H,iii niuf.-. ,11 mike gray realty[ ^ . 3369 filer Ave . $44,950. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ • ' Wojhingfon I JJO 400 Souin [ll lll,^rl Nl,-.', cjr[, ■ W A N T E C i ' 13 , Situations WanteiW mM O N and lirep'dti' n tenlli pamli d '• If you quality for lh* Army 7!3- V/E HAVE TWO NICE, well0" r p ^ marketing . . I Unii'ol'Cf'^ice Enlijimenln l BODY SHOP MAN CARpYt CLEVNiNClr'omi^'ihii NO GIMMICKSi , s r ...... located homet in Ji»iQtp^ ' Opiion' y'oi; nol only g»l |ilo 'Eiperience a muti. tieody, -- . old melhod with newmeihod 10 «ci Wo orr ditlrihuiing 0 nov.IOV. 1 a'cpe ir.iced 4 rcurt, n„,.-., bolh have 4 bedroomt ^^3 2 associates ‘ ■ pick whal ^eu II b« doing bubul worker only. bcsl resulls GUARDIAN' IN- lype com oporoied aomcme IMIh Closi'is l ,IM-ir'i,-,| r;- bolht. and fireplacei S37 000)00 ' Y ^ l o b e DUSTRIES 733;q403 , ____. wfierc yog II b« doing il. - Poid Vocolion ------tolled Tole Tonn,, liirnace ;..'iri.c ledioom .i'lclI k,kii, ond 53J 500. O H lce.. 7J4-4I7S • ^_i*REALTY TtiDl t oh lop of fr«« m»o>ol| ” l*®l''#nienl Plon WANTED Light hoosokuopmo.'« 2-4* 2-4 SHARP FAMIIY HOME >43 79S-t«tl houjing medical end d»nim loi' '' l'’*w'0''te Plon hours daily or one dJy a week //o provide AAA gradejdp I'll*-' nujvcr Wl I-III1,(IHT i ■'f EdH. B u m ... . 734-3443 EiponenCK} 734 S>?9 owner $1'. 000 9V9 Ho; i.rf„|.i g 5l ,' opproiimoiely 1700 tquore3'* MikoSimi 733-3349149 core. 30 doyi poid vocaticition " £>c*1lonl Working locoliont — Wi'l' guoronieed •j loet Includet 4 bedroomi 3 •very y#or. And o tlarli> • Condiiion, - minimum oormngv pi;i — loko in thouvondt per year beoulilul lovo rock firoploco , ,0 Mr. Wilbur Brown spring clcjmno «i|h us i yo-ir per 'motHino Sion BIG grow•0°^ if' 'you IIK£. WOOD - “ 3 bolh with lomlly room, one doductioni], m ilt 0 rait* III Coihedrol coilmg Only 6 kiichon buill-in. Only $31,500 more in juvt four moolti*. windows Gii.ird.an industries• ^33-7JJ- G10ANIIC. Were obtotuiely1, 1, w qu(D YQU_UKt—THIS''' THEISEN MOTORS.). 9403 — on o'n ovonued loi, ir in ' moniht old Owner hoi been Bolly Millan, 734-4602. O lo^ ,hi, trontferred. S39.500, LIVE IN 1 — ------C a ll A r m y ______701 Moin Ave. Eotl______------oni> lUtUluiionory D uim en a ptooioni porl of Twin ihi- Roally. 733-2633. — : ------Twin roii>------p,nQ will be like ihe gold ruvhyjh older woll-kepi 2 bdrm COUNTRY LIVING ol ill bell,,1,. RENT THE OTHER 2 Alio Vitio Drive, for the lorgi Eipcncnced al lO-kvy, lighl lypinQ. home loami wiih craltiman — ~ general oilico duhcs Call 536-2384i-2384 , doy». 'on lovely new 3 bedroom home n e .. lomiiy. 5 bedroomt, 3 both vtiip Foalur.ng luctt fmithm< live in Ihe 3 bedioom hom e.. O pportunitle; "ng on 2 ' t ocret. 10 minuiet fremO'" lull basemonl, CoH«i 3 lireplocet, eleciric heol 10 Female HHilpbI ______'rem em ber - 11 you 0-0 noinol toucf'vi 01 wood Irim oroun lolltliod compUioly wo will I'"” electric wilh Iireploce. II 'l ' • chor : homot. Good locolionon ' $44,000. Koy Snldefr-703 SECnEfAnvV/ANTEV m.isrhivi)lavij ailerino and rc.isonaiily"^"'y refund your money immoclloci Chino (lovol wllh indiroco"1 thr croit fenced, $43,500, e»pi'neric& ticccss.iry Call homo olto oflert o moilivi loon 01 pottible. All 3 homei An EquQ* Opporlunily Employi &345, ______sorri- o( Ihe l-csl hus.ncsses m for only $26,900. Iwln Follt Branch . ,733.363: ----- lown .ire wc domg yO'irs'’ G'lar- II you hove $2 900 ro'0 liroploco alto finithod “ 'In ii DOWNTOWN OFFICE Bruce Mechom, SURVEY c im s nccCod. j'o n■nly l7 di,lnlndii5lries 733-9J03 $250,000. pleote coM M. Bonono Wood ond o Igo iioi,0,. 117 Shothone Sl, No. Broker...... 733-3451 ■ — MaKo tJOOO a day I'.isy For ap- _____ Tcjylor 01 (6021 994 4500ttB* ogo orfo Bul woiii Iho',0, , Belh Wickhom...... 733-5476 • Art Ire lo n d ..,.:.,. 733-2341 DC- REMODELING RouQh tinishocniShDd furthef Informolion oi no □ PfiirRuobel...... 733-2100 w i i s "0 jutt upitairi Oownitofr JS IIAMLETT Koy Snidor...... 733-2S4( im work Cdtimels .md panelingD Free Free obligolion. or w nie tele»l« youll Imd an act comololo, 1, Vickl K uebel...... 733-2100 Joe Young...... 734-339; , r r — -MonoaytnruFr;aay733-W5A \'' csliii\alci For mlormjtion callalI 733- 733- Trrsnici^Corporaiion 4120 lo, RiioGroy...... 7330101 PESsONNEL prACEMENf 120 „ „h .n ifiolP All Ihit lo r v / Betty Millon...... 734-4601 CEN- , , ' , ...... ______---- 1183 No. 70ih Slreol Scomdole i,ve HoioldFraiier...... 733-2211 ?33- • Bookkeeper asiuijni Payai)i5i0iul ClOLtal Mlo , Arijono 05351. When wnlmgmg Ul o coll S knock on woOi Dick Irw m ...... 733-6804 Hos »nd rccci ...... 433 5149 Burley Branch...... 67 H IS ' TochniMi ciocutivc seafCh -All - mancnl nalc »405 per monthnth chiloren i;ooon.n,j ior OjrTamim.ii needed. PERSONNELnel Potilion. 15 yrt. eiperience Roy Sobolo 733 634',34Q JockCuppolt. ...7 3 4 4 3 1115 5 DAVE HAMIETT, BROKER Sawyo cipoiicncwj on ilcai,j„ , PLACEMENT 537 Mam Avenue in Carpet Drjpery-Wall poper-aper- Use me cquHy m >n..' non- InIII Loulhorion 733 229IJ9I . CorloiloCOK . . , . -.733-3080160 Contullont and »nol-gun ciy. llefl handc3cd §«1______' , , , 0, borrow up 10 ttO.OOO i.--„-.i-, ,u. A pprolter...... 733-407979 ' ___ Woven Woodt-Shodei-I''terior „ „ i prc(cired) Ciii coiicci «0?.M. Pan hmo Oll.ce. lypmg. loleptumo,me,- D ecoroiing,C onlrocl Of or prepayment penally Fm rudie 8RAND NEW S BEAUlIfU M. o» «fiio Bo> <1»i <11 somt'pftonC'SoliCilmo J or 3 hallnail .Cuttom Oo own meaturingir;nn if»lotmahon, call lil'O'l, ; c-.Vi 714714 3 or 4 bdrm. homo on 3 ocre McNaiy. An; 85930 Eqj»l .Oj ''■'’8 4700 plut 3 thorei W'waior i« Ob- days a week PERSONNEL CEN-:EN- .Commiiiion preferred. onnoOonno _ r! ______POflumly Employer . ■ TER, 733-556?______, firoplocoi hoa0i3 7— Bargain pncod ol S47.S00, E>p<.'iicncet) i7i(T ~7aT 7'”; • lalar, v/r,iv Bo. K-6 c<0 T,mei-N-i s I t Farm Wall WWanted nlt eusmoss needs t?5 000 to-"eT- coi'dilioncf, Sti' Joii» Kidlolloy, 0*5 pansion roquiremenis Secmrd , ^ T ODDAY I HjiiJOl Molors. Oullcy. IdaHo 6? ' Higt*o8liniero»laiio»«eaiiy ijw will John Crondpll 734 48 MANURE SPREADING Leol Jeonnie Barchas . 733-3513500 w:i.?c-' 326-4964 . Hcplioseonlidenlial Bo. K-I6catr,carr ImdoSii.ori . .733 09 COMI.'VrCiAV OtAri FIRM ,r. ^Ouf. comp.^1,. liiiHJi- !«in.(,l'., _____ ot Times-Nows AudroyHoward _ 733-57:IV,I 1 :0 0 till 5:00 P.M. will be yourt in thit beoullft Gordon.Greavoi . ...734.51' .. tplll-eniry, 4-bedroom horn 'Today,ay, Feb‘. 23rd ' tlluoled on 3% ocret. Specic nol nuci-iwr> t.,i i>.-ipi„| Go Messenger and LcwiS Call 324- Tiiflinn Anni S w ope...... 733-95' IB ilsfrlSlUbliuil po„.N ofjiger...... 733-22:2274 A lovely 3 bedroom tplil level leoluret of thit home Includ M j and Ir.riBi. t.^ .cM s'S r' rj,- 2245 level with I ', bolht. lomiiy room, polio , , hol.djy «1C.|I'UM 5.0 w y nv.iim T ; ^ • ' School - compleie nnme sfid- nice fenccd yord. ond locoH !'°' 0 Fronklin ttove, 0 fireploct ler.ijmc ,ticio«ci j'mv Hanure socadmg Liiiibndoc locoled in Morningiide ictiool ditlricl,. corpeiing throughoul. Beout Mij'y. fduC.iI'On. .II'CJ io l(iiin in5u,oi-Cc- ..'.libMe SrnO . Cuslom Farming Phone 733-8363 high sctiool coui-.es Ais< | - $31,000, Oo.K-4.C.oTm„,.r,N,.*, ' loQoi K M c'oTimei NC-A5 sccrennal SuBjecls,,W(iii. lut . ful newer hon>e wllh Sponlt «T;Titr»,_...... ■ tree brochure mai r-ini.uns touchet, ' Rel'dliii' t’J!Ji»i|lL-r m imi riomi,. lor frfnitihi Amencan School ol Ch.cj„j, Ox Doi ^ ' a NEW MAICO one t; moMh Old Ri.le.mcesi°; 1 S _ BiiiteOii|«rljiiilwumilj l318,S*!mon,ldaho8346? OlSISiaUtORSMIP prcli,-u,.-d 630 am i.-. 4 00 o-i. N O R T H WVEST.REALTY I *57,500 iSfJOWOPtN 733 «?1 YOU U r n $IM weOkly 'slV.lli«».a»M..ii{iM«i| . ■ 41} <4] )f01 Bcginii.r^o • AdvJ-iCwl CnMm I Bloir Onerhoui. Broker...... Al..ll« UsM.,-! (iMBlI . 4» 44] Duo 10 o»pondiag demond1,5, l< .Crrdn w'.inaoi-. Ini^c-diatilijle PO B()i6>5 [k-1'..e Id,H...... JJJIIJ T« n f,ir-> L.lflici Ap ______£3inii [Iljnl ,-_ij e.penenci J Secure jobt. H.gh Monmg'•''1 —^ $?000 S3000 in in.cniory willw ' ni:ci-i:j-> Ei[« tPi>icc prefL'irc'd ■ POOR HEALTH' poy. Shorl hou'v Advoncc- cnoble you ifl'bcrSmfra d.j. di - .WM..U.,.K.tJc'oT,m,.vNfW5s It forcing the tole ol thit mont. Preporoiory irn.nmgg at R.G. Mettertmilh 1 - ihriving reiiouroni. Hare i it to o long a t required E-noiiencr••ner ______ill irAuloi iri o rocoMiOn pro.roof Pnonc iUMVLV N teJ 3 li buiineij- ' loi li ii.pno'ii- MO'k Nl rare opportunity lo buy on nol olwoyt neceiiory A e tioblithed butinett (13(*3 Home Sludy School nnce Molco inviKt you lo v»clii» O' i - ho,i^V**.r'''^'mi*i"d!jtL"opt'ima^rrias yooit). loiol price it [Ij^, do- giving name, oddreit and DLUe I.AKU NORTHrM F .J ll divtribulort. ond o Ireree We need people whon olhertirt loiU. 733-4079 phorie 'to. lincoln“ 5orvice.-rice______. 733-9311------. . : ^ - , — »omp1» of ono ol our 50 p'O'rod donl. Coiit'o'ict ore olwoyt iy‘ ______Inc.. Depl. 12 F. 2211 Broodood / / o i r n v i t h l YO,v » (i lih’ to havo ii iii’iri r aanil- i hraatifni i rnslir» l ucu. Pleove comoci Johr» Gi'Gin in demond' Try telling Avon woy. Pekin. lllino:i615S4' ■oy. Mkl. Ms'.. Molco P>0'rod Coll 7337413 or wrile Mrt ESTATE SALE n 'lla r .'{ Iwtlrooind.n Frei- Frei fireplace, ond 3 cor u r oa ji je, t'tir f'ftruf'f. tiinlutl full haxvineni arv juslusl a frtr of ihr many w a n t e d ^pickuii. 423-4319 Priced S25 600 CoU lor o| ;. * ENGINEER 10 women to looch-rnoWe .up SHOE STORE poinlmcm to ihow. fviilurvs HvuUuhliiiblv. ('.all nou' f o r y o u r rirhoirr-of aitffllanvrK, , lechniquei Solei ondnd Been Irt Butinett 24 yeon,•®'*' „ - •* ' Civil (Kuciuiol e ip o iltn c t . vnrfivl, Form iat, > Tequirod Hoovy ftructurol■ ol • • e.ecuiive poniiont ovoiloblo tom e loeotion. Reodyy loto - 22 Hooks Forg rS $] alt •a, a m i linolvuni rolors. „ , Coll •733-0650 aller noon HorlvyMaiheit ...7 3 3 847 • uporjonce requited Per. retire. Ideal location. Write B«au1ir.l"Goid M.-Mil on -all ' on Mondoy. OvW lo* M'l* f , . RJ. Schwondimon,: 733 710 lonnol Plocompnl Cenler. 8o> 284. Burley. Idoho.loho. clcclrH; iri-level ; i..ln..im JUu. 1 GEM STAA lli REALTY 5 ^ Mom Ave. E Claylor*. 83318- , . or smeUfif o fX'- n; Jock Bishop...... 733 776 V 733-5336 ------^ 1 ------H f . ' . ' "i- ■Sur\day. Feiiruary23.1975' Titnos-itnos-Nows.Twin Falls, 1(»aho ' H i w ¥m HP 'v'' QS n* Q . I ' you'll find all size:es, kinds and stystyles in todays Classifi^C Ads. (Check NOW!. t e 22 Hones For Sale 25 fariK S R ii'ln s 32 .... 'Fm s I SlKlnss SIDE GUNCES by Gill Fo« 33 Uilinlslieillliits.tDuplties <040 ' Misctllmoiis For Sale e « ______• m m vt'sterw F?i‘' ^ c’T v owner, 3 KcfltoomV TRADE. 4 l)Cdrooin homo (on ?"» 1,1,190 ACRES appioiim.'tlc IOOO Zcniih sioieo with AM-FM sioico. •acres jjuts.de ol Twm Falltl as -ui-under Ctilfvat’On, All tpnnklui FoTTvnl2 bedioomapartmc-nl. wall_ -B' radiarrocondiltoned and giiaran--— hfKk.--#!' conanionmo. spnnWef . lowatl caipclmQ. buill-mfj.iMonoc radio [J and tec QIO piayci.376 54'31. J " sysiom. '* bjsom eni. neat pailial paymcnl on 120 lo 160 acto iirigalcd ,,| Lontl aiOAmt; SfJSon tccd toaoo.Cam s, 733-7111 ' laim in Twtn FaliB. Buhl, or Joiomo Andai piiccd to sell GLOBE and rolrineialor C.ir, liiin,iro hr.ii. HERRINGBONE HI liiilk alancnionr ■ coI16D?‘ ’ «JM 0- va (inancmo 19" Molotoia • TV Wllh. Sland. atea. Wr.io Boi K-5 c(o Times- REAITYr 733-2623 Bi.iCi- iiii ' 1 ^ 1 walci and samuiion luiiiisfn-d. .in Alsoai 9 or 10 lool Eveism.v> land . ** . po5*iWe 7_33-75M _____ . conditioning $165 p«,-i ninidii ■ piano n| 537-6610 ^reconditioned and quaraniccd Nows. Mcach.iin, 733 5457 Oi Joe Yo.inO' Phon.;733.?081 01 733 1449 ^ ! ^ 00 CAIN S. 733-7111 fi'cdiooin homo to i-c ii'ovcd Uilh ■;34-33')\ Movmo MIC Iruck nwioiV'dcliiie - J f Mtppiod ihtoi.i;no.ii W.M accepi "}T Cuiiis Malhes colot tv consolc. S55ACRES7irundcrc..::,.jlion »0 'PAf^'TIAifv FURNISHED mu- •. Steieo. ii.-cnidc.il'mi.'t. and I.ihle:., locondiiionod and guaranteed I ,di, lh;oi<(ih Fci'tiiAty J3 rVd jil hanfllines Somoodnclint-stdul in laundry l.tcili|.c% .ill ulildirr, (mkI VW V' 50(1,111. 73 VW Thmg No 53 __ \ ;.cl» M3-J970of3?6 53?fl Iho slalo ol Idaho, with one ot Ihr; Full ( woler, eifcellcnl locol^n, Clo.iniiKj flc|tf'%il rrili.Ilill A|.;n I PioneciTi.-iilriCouil P' 734.7119 GE Slereo tcel-io-rccl tecorder bosi and surest water supplies .nice improvemenli. Terrel. Itachuliir .iixi'tmcni III. fiiiUli, 11 nr ^m 9 ______WllWith spcavcis retiuiH $110 lirm Jujllijlcd. older 7 Kd'oom no'mo GLOBE REALTY, 733-26J3 Bmco ' 423-4521 I'l me* omci tocation. (jood con- Owner will corry, AAA IDA<10 • peli.Clean..i()0-,'l)«-..il Sr. i U3i-(VrNi(lilicv y III'W :'iia'le. $150 Two Meseham. 733-5457. Or Joo Yo.mii. '•REALTY, Eden. P25-5022. 407 AddisniUVr'.t „new iiOMi'io t’ld s, $?5 iMcn^ I diiiO'i.. •? car oaiane Harold 734-3393 I USED'oLIASa’r ' ioO*.. Solid Stair? ' I KcilMCy. 7M-:400. LAND OfFlC^ Misc.,-llan>tf)ii5 Olh.-- ilrmo Cal^ 25 console $34950 Oinersaslnw OFlOA/tO, 733-(l716 M ACRES ncaT Diotiich. Toimj' 7_34_fl055 \ ______J_ " 2S ocret ol land', oil In crops, as $99 50 MEl OUAlEv open _ Phonu 678-6371 days and 6?8efi9l CANOlES 'SHElVlNG i|nni etc Mondays Mt until9pm ovonm at. HOLCOMB REAL no Improvementt. lull water ’ ☆ NEW a ^1972 Dixlin.. 2 It'll liucv Comer ol __ ESTATE, 325 Wesl Main. Builoy. right, locoted neor Jerome, 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT COuO(n!..iiiclOjk ;33.8078 21 ?V - color TV daik cabmel. qood BARNES REALTV , I d a h o . ______priced ot S I600 perocre. $125 Per Monih , ^ condilion_$90_734-3jl0 _ Your f»foWli/t*d »«■ lor NECWFIX)1NT I.H-tr.II'Y ...... 240 ACRE ta'i'n»localvd noiTh ol EDGAR C. DRYDEN ‘ locoled In Filer t Jerome Four l-ikL' I iiii,% "i i«ril1f.'-l /SSS. BOISE CASCADE Joiomo. immediaiu. possotsion. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT pPll ,IM I.lll llll il|)l>.il"tltll "I 'ondiliun --OI Onu. U',1 'it l.iii.r, S225.000' 160 ACRES cast ol AGENCY SI40PerMonth -i, iS K l HOMES Jerome witn milk t»m.-milker, and • -1W4 VMl.,'ni (iiiili 1 ''1.1 Niiilh Seii'..iri|M>r-.*>‘" So I ' 726-3331 , 402 Sou'H Unto'" All Ulllltlcl Pold- iAv> E.i!,t ^ 1 2 |^ 733-6227 • iHjIk lank, sprinkler una.iicd, - Oiihwoiher. Ditpoiol. Re $160,000 Wo also have a 40 ncro PH, 324-S332 M r.toiv .'. W..V(lEfliuii..'il'$6 00,i . tr. laim lot lent with 30 acres frigeroior. Ronge, Corpeii. ''v.n k UANNER ruRNntlltE 7n W« FiriilintCiipil t043 Uuo lakttN orih Modern Corden Apon- “ iirii;kr, C ti-Al(iii;ir!i>'.tf)'; 1 ocre. loll ol room lor gordon $10,000 dowri Hoijschold goods lor sale. liT wilh woler ihore. berry 324-5645 .H.VK-.C.iI.itiiUiir H. M.i> HoAi-ll 0i)« clleluding washer, diyei, television, 120 Acies Ioi renl norihwcsl ol ■ • 2l?Filri.fia2U2i 3265141, st plonii 0"d Iruil iroM Out stoico, rtelmor, etc. Phono 543- Jerome. 324-6458 " ______565609______buildinoi. Jull outnde '• / \ - U r \ also Simmons hidc-a-ticd Phone l A f j U M M Oo«i«k. MEN'G DORMlTOnv' rvmY'roo'H fFORSALE Oiiolohuallhiearoiitl al See OUI od in Twin FoH> Hjfloiman Vailoy Bcaulilul viow— kitchen sh.utd >^J•.hlrM; IjciIiIh- j, alter 5 00 on weekdays, 733-KOl. lols ol t>0«S, S200,000.00 FEICTT- . have vaiious tools used loi a hiake ~ Open Houie Mogotine ol luinishi'd l,u 200 aero row crop Idim. Mamtmes "Toast {Iambiimbe' again?” • * 5 ^ MobilB Honies g Sola, Early-Amcrican. high tiack- rM l Mt«ta A and sprinMcr syaiem Bo.iutilul 3 678.726r— Theso mjy-fio seen al ' cdi»i$ion. veiy'(' sleps awninQ. sioiagc stieds 733- Walteis 734-3107 Clrnn SchiooQci hom oi. O w neii worti lo " ' 3 tsed'oom moiiile.home. mojily YOU ^ saved and si.ived lor wait to MNO [J SIZE BED. eitra liim. like I 734-6832 lANO OFFICE OF IDAHO aood296ocrolot 734-5054 1308- ______new. complolo with beddmg 733- exchonge into weU monoged luimshed. i 'i l>alh5, wjikmu wall y cjrpol Keep it new wilh Blue - 73^0716 i972 Sh.ilti 14 « 64 moDilo homo 2 dislancc to giadc school ano lood i 8761 commerciol properly. BEAUTrfUl^VALLEY VIEW bedroom. I'-; Dalhs an con­ Lusiiu. Renitlectiic shampooci stoic 326-4048 alter 5 00 Ktenqeis ^ ______~ ___' .BUILDING SITE Norlh ot B-ihl ditioning. mulAl Shed, skirtmo StoTcash Pick up Iree "Open Houie" 80 acros — 80 shares nl watoi, 60 320 ocrei ol Ilood irrigoledi Ycai round livestock water pl-js Back and tioiM metal steps, d'iipes " Waiei sollcnei loi i.ite hke new For Furnituf#-Appliance* . -BroehuiB.fl!.your,9roc*ri. acios aie iingaied. 6 miles Irom - - hay-ond-groiri lond-in-the, -,.- - luiLwatcranafcj. Tcms.ivaiiatjic - . -and ahao-caipiitmu, Rciii dean ,,. ______OHIce.i.Busliiess-S- J -734 609fljltctlip.m.______— __ 'townr Very niCC Iwfriicdioom ; ^3-5990 ______■ ■ $8 000 Eds Ma Ooi.A.re, No 4J ______BANN^FlJwSTURe____ “ 4 bedioom. 2 both, lynwood. home with bi« hiicheti t65.000 Monleviow oreo. one ol ihe HOSPITAL BED ComplJit-’tlWliiC. W e ill bell hoy producing9 iVj acres neai Jerome. 3 uedfoom- Phone 324.2J40 loi aoDomtmcni OiTc'irso.icc’ lor'TcnT W s iiiu r o ' 1272ndAy#,W«»t73i.1421 Brick, well londicoped, 2 cor Twm Falls Really S Ins . Inc . 733- leCl Vacjnl Maich I Call 734 6374 $700 01 rent $70 per monlh 733- _ ' gorog*. Reduced to J38.500, 3662 01 Jeriy Rol)t>u'3. 4J3-4436 oreoi 150 ocrei n preienllyt ■ brick home, pan basement, oiitfc t‘ClOio3pm endalli'rCnm 4231______^______tiQca'i______» ______• in hoy. bolonce ii open forr spacc, oaianc $45,900 HANDY KIMBERLY SWAP ANO.-SKOP | . 3 bedio'om. 2 bolh. iiieptoce, 1975. Termi ovoiloble. REALTY. 610 Soulh Lmcoln 112 acios Wllh 125 shaioi ol N o' THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL WARlhOUSt F0R“ h6NI ■ '3?0l Dishwasher. 24' stove, '« W l a t w .: loige ihop, S37.000. Jerome. 324-4339“ oi 324-*353 . s, jnachme. loJltng sheds Gold Mcdaii.on,3- sto«o30 , coii<;oi,ii‘ii-s woodand 'dilioned and guaranieed. $98.00 • HonkWoodoll...... 733.5831- bcdioom homo Sir5.000 Twm property on the Big lo il1 Lot m BEAUTIFUL HAGERMAN Phono 733-3615 - CAIN"*, 733-7111. V VALLEY. No* Sub-diviSion, Cily; NEW FLEETWOOD - coal hoaleis. spacc healot. _ Falts RCally A lr>s . Inc . 733-366? oi River oboul 5 milei below Waichouse sp.iCL- lur renl or It.Hi.' KeithRoDinson. 734-3693______Mockey. Thii pioperly il in-n- water Sco to appiccialo. MAGEL CUSTOM jcwciiy. coloiTV uackA vihiieTV. Aparimont > ii:e gas range, vcme. ,| REALTY, 733-1242 t)y mouth or ye.nV any .iinounl ol 423-4019 , lhe heorl of Idoho'l lineil U x 6 4 spaco, 200 tu 50.000 ,Call 734-5:£4- good condition. Will sell very . ^ 23 ' W ol fwn Houses*5 660 acies. Gooainl heal head, 330 tingaied. 200 acres row • least 100 ocrei ol lond.'• home, all set up wit" imdL-roioimd Excellent location lor the ; ^ '8 ,2 7 5 Would rent yo-jr wholo laim. m MiTfflERS intlallcd while you lull i price. 733-2386. O*rno(vi.tillinanc«334-4S7I. ' cioiJ. J275.000 Good 100 acrcs, • utilities Sopiic u rk .laiurai oas. wail. Complele mulller Scnnee • now land, now well aid pump, larm er Of dolrymon tholI' well, cicetiicity,’ phone coi’ir- Filer Twin Falls aica. Please call , Range SO'""^. avoc«>o.-r«o<^ .ricr6pm 543-5145 > including custom Ouatl tor car and - . ' COZY J I'Cdioom liome rock”' ' ’ waim woathcf aiea, raisc'ali ciops. mby woni to retire but not>1 Bcaulilul 1001 lor new home 700 p.CkupsABDOTTSAUTOSUPPLY. "dilioned ‘ and guaraniewl, S9B.OO. ______Hreniaco. Icncfd t'ack yard, nicu EasMand duve liontane l ’: m.lcs STORE BUILDING Dy Maich 1 To Cain-*.733-7111.______.. ., . . , South ol Moioi Vu Covci also ! I 305SnoshaneSI Soulh < Itjcaiion t y o«nt-l. piiCrTCdoccd.- - $350 il suiUblo. Releronces SWAP Relrigetaior. Hotpolnl.Tnic* ain. j('torT'r.‘V4Jiii?0______wost Ol' Jeromo, $72,000. tl acius For Furlher Inloimolion ‘ ' acic commciciai. one itcdioom SHOP. 328 Main Ave. N. Twm Falls. houSo 3-10 wido mot-ie h o rn et'4 HANDl-MAKE SHOPPE UniqueI clean.< recottdilioned and_ 2 bedroom homo. $24,000 Omci • Contoci------733-9929 - K,mt3«iry. 2 5? •CiO». la'OO u7- moi>le home hook-ups "653 S handmade gilts Thursday, Friday, .1.^w aniaad. $78,00. Cain'* 733- IOY0l,^pe»cenllwn, Aeo Really. good larm*. largo and small CARI DUTlER REALTY 120 East Ma.n. Locust Also new 1974 Kil l8 'l — 3-7. Saturday 10-7 733-7105 I -733-Ut^ REESE REALTY campor trailer lamjium a.Ic 1967 - WANTED -TO RENT • irTTgi^cd Automatic washer. Kenmote." Jeiome. 324-8166______n9EailMoin . pasture lor 30 pair ol caiiio 73J. NICE 3 BEDROOM, st edge ol lo«n, Thundcil'iid. new motor, older 5' FOR SALE: 2 used 7-foot poo< everyining on it. reconditioned and 120 acies noimwest oi Snosnonr;. Rexburg. Idaho 63440 lai mall tracior wilh cai> -Good aimy 8230 latiles. liko new Call 678^3833. ,^wranijod $>38 00. Cain’# 733- tull Uaiemont. Urgo livmg room.; heavy soil, QOOd impiovcmenis. g«riQ« #nd »to«#go thed. ciir# lol •truck hoiSI and boom Xmcoln ‘ immediate posossion Paul Phbne; 356-5431 or Welder portable compressor, tots W ^ d lik L 's'i^ a c T c T ^ i r,roundid FOR' SALE GE sid«-by-tidot * ’ , ,, (0» houte or garden Teims to?• , Mosoley, 324-4247. Glen eveningi 356-7027 Suitat-le lor conlraci l«ans Call CLOSE OUT: Two-Kenmore atilot. Queltlicd buyer. Haidlon. 82»-5«8 oliools, 734-2050. ill lelrigcialor. GE olccf»c tlovc. and ’ Schiocdcf. 734-6832. Stan V/alicfS Clini Paikinion, alicr 5 » 734-4211 dout'iibcd Call 734-4736 wathor* were $50. now $30. T. Mih ______WANTED Y d 'rent' 'so'^rlfiO Three loltioeraiota $4S to $65 AU ?4 Canyon nm propciiy With a leriiiic r acres Have oqu.pn.cni.i. iKjtcslhal will III any piCkup top work good SWAPSHOP.328M«in - homo touihMCtl oi Je'omc. Two bedroom caipciod nomo, $I25. 0 loadmg lypc In veiy oooC con- squ4ic led ol spacious livmg on 3 view. Soo this and. make oiler g Musi have rolcrcnce. 324-4873 reierenees and Imanccs C o ti.lO Ave..N..TwinFalls7334929. aciQSOl land Wllh a panoiamic view■w Glenn Schioodor. 734-6832 Harold ai insiMss Ptmitrtj 7 3 J - 3 4 0 8 _ T.mcs.News dihon 629-5176______^ WANTED Ronlors lor small 3 ^ r WHY BUY USEO? New Whirlpool ol MaQiC Valley, putcd 'iGhi alJl Keilhley. 733-2400 Slanley Wallers, — sta in l ess’ STEEL tanks. 300 fomlly tlied relrlgerolor. I year teo.ooo Alto niCO 3 Iwdioom homer'C - 734-3107, LANO OFFICE OF lOAHO -, waichouso Wllh irackage. locnicd g t>edroom house Wllh garden space ■Hi gallon capacity. 5'>312 deep. / Edno. . 543-5727 I | J■ -' Renting responsibility mcludihg worronty, $199. New Whirlpool lh BiiM, neai at a pdoal lo* small calves leedmgI RCA eotor TV. $249. Uted 40". a t OWNER IN GOOOlNG‘ Cusro^> makes a real good buy Soc il (:lud«J PrKie $60,000, Call ROyal-»*!• Furnished cottages lor rent. ^ tiouohs.$tOO • Wettinghoute ronae. $59. Coro- luill. lots lhan 6 moniht old 3I loday Glenn Schroedei. 734-6832- MeyOf, Rocky Mountam Really.ly. 2.28 A trei. 3 bedroomt. I Inquire at 141 Bluo Lakes Blvd. nodo wother ond dryer, ovocodo" l>cdroon'a. large lamily toom wiihI LANDOFFICE OF IDAHO. 733-0716 r33-1406 EvcnmQS, 733-6167. lull, two 'i baihi. Excellent South______’ « MIscellannFirSilillll Fast iep.ui on record players. color.'>199, Uted 20" upright tucplacc, livinn room, and formal (•OR SALE: Church txnidmc. 10.000300 vi.w. S39.900, piojcciors. lapo rccoidcrt Brmg' freeier, $150. Mony other Itemt dinmg room, i t4lh(ooms. lai(ic New 2 bedioom house, double cari t NEW CORRUGATED FIBERGLASS■S them now boloro the tush •.qiiaro loci ol spacc. 211 4m*m la th 'o o ia' 'from . DUTCH'S doulile oaiage Soo to appieoaic. HI panc'.ig, Vrtsicrn Garden Supply,I. CAMERACENTER ' SHOWKASE. 733-4090." Owner irantleiicd 5J9 500 9M- 2 0 6 ACRES Avo E. Call 733-1452. carpcled rooms. Availablei Maich.h. Filer .indPoik J 4 M . ______,o( the b e lt form land in — Call324.2647.Jer©itw. r Jerome county, jn o high Hole WE REBUILD Hydraul.c' laci^'ai’ST HELP FUEL BILLS - - — - PRICED FOn OUtCK SALE. New 3 e unit aportmeni fiooie. fur­ a VicalioiPnurtjIft? ------T ------0 -WUiiillalxiali ; of produclivlly. wllh full ‘ ABBOnS AUTO SUPPLY, 305« . 3 . 6'8 " oluminum tio;;.' “ bedroom r>wun .n KimWily. balh nished, In prime locolion. - LOW COST HOUSING Shoshono St South. , woiar rights, S25.000 worlh ' Geod Income locior PluiI Part acre, peilcci building site. dooti with regular glaii, |n- 13 to 25 looi poles lor aalo. 733- •nd Vt. lai O U L O •• I ol bucko corrolt. Includirtg . Wllh bcaulilul view ol Hagermaniri Poymentt low a i S7S.OO montli astumiUu • PC! cent Call extro good home on lome HOST diy cleans r^cw iiio mio anyr~ eludes hoidwore. toly lo In- 3743 . 102 Iree ttollt. Cood modern Valley and mountains. Phone 733- J iioll.. A reol borgoin for 423-44*5 evomngt tor appomlmenl properly. 14l8morningj. “• BIG W OOD carpci — shag, kiichon or indoor- NoreillWft "home ond pleniy of oul outdooi It's easy. Rent our HOSTST SI9,9S.>, C. Houiton lumber OE'OAffSHAKES'diieet'i^ mill. buildingt- Full price only _ REALTY machine. WilsorvBatcs, 702 Mamun C0..733.22I4J’ ‘ ««l264.55l9or2M-53B2, COMPLETELY REMO0ELEo“T3 ' JJ90.000. BARNES P j j 734-AS51 703-4983 North______^ Midroom nome. Eleclnc heal, neiro. ' i ^ M ih HiiiK —. BRUNSWICK, DEIMO and THEA ■“ 4-<8-C-O EXTERIOR anpli.mee»i "o’- cVPe"'’0- Handy Realty Co. IT PlYWOOO (iieolK#,H«cllon,i29-59» REALTY Pool UWes, Air hockoy. Fooiebail" <1 wmiil^ 610 s. Lincoln 1043 Blueloket Blvd. Norlh, 1975' 14 *ido two bedroom *800^ 32 Fn(sMJIpts.lDHliiiB it accessories. Sales antf aennco, - 3/e-— $3-69 $4.7V J e ro m e Olfice . . . : ...... 733B2277 down. All eleciiic. haciENO/^ 'Sj WANTED- New or uted Car, Tako® S/S'— $5.49 3 /4 '— $6.69 IN TWIN FALLS 2 bedtoom mobUeJT James Oark, 733-5601 'iller 4:00 In lep locotion Jerome, lofge Eldon Hondy. 324-4339 Connie Wylie...... 734-59466 HOMES. 733-7568, p.m. and week-ends - - over poyments, 733-8846 i% USS BY SUNK " tot. neofly naw 3 bedroom • Oick CreQorv. 324-4353 home lurnishod carpcled mce, 7 3/4" PIUOOEO* TOUCH 1972 BARRINGTON 14 » 64, 8' ea- e7- AdullS.423-St36,423-51B4. Closo-oul on snow removing Wanied to boy-mghl home. Thefmo windowt, alec-I home, 3J4.59B6 iU Heybuin Avenuo Wesi.734-*^**: SANDED...'...... »B.9S I n h pando livmg room. Iront kitchen. 2 chemical. Odorless, harmless, and - l/4-SANOEOSHOf . . $4,9S ^ trie heot. oH o Twin Falls 3-i)Cdroom home with shed. Air conditioning Gheliiy'sO-.Q, smokers. 423-5914, LOST OUR LEASE' EvcrythTng - i . 3/4" BlVoi SHOP ■ ; ; ’$ 17.9S ■ EDGAR C. DRYDEN 40-yoai steel S‘dmg; 2-car ,garage. goes by Mar. tsl. 1 guess nobody0? CASH FOR SCRAP MtlAt 1 10 «9.00n,J34-4436 AGENCY • oulxde shed and coiral; paved road OUI ads, causc wo can 1 tmd a Coppct. Brass. Aluminum. toad on two sides Call todayy I®lo -----1972 FLEETWOOD 14 a 64, goods ' • 33 IMnlslial Hills. t W rlies n building, yet. Nothing bul Itargams ftadialor, Ballcnes. Elc irixi's $l,20#o, 402 Soulh Uncoln see. $67,000 Twin Falls Realty'/ f& -----otlce lor Quick tale. 324-5740 — now at Iho SWAP SHOP, 328 Mam-»}P~- • AlsolBMCards 3 1 /2 -FIBERGLASS INSULA­ . -PH, 324-5232 Ins.. Inc.. 733-3662' or Koilh — Ouiot H*iellor> apaiiinoni. $60 poi0' Avo..N.,TwmFalls733-9929 Sceniaapound ®''^' 1963 Greal Lakes Mobile Homo. 10 monlh. unlurnished. 1 bodioom, TION ...... 9'/S'PERFT, ;nr • • . H,KOPPELCO ------X 60 with 2 t'pK>uis and new car. lor elderly smglo ot marned couplcle 20 bass Oolape accordion lor sale„ . _____ i52 2nQAjjn ^ g ) u l h ^ WAU PANEIINO ®- wiihsmallchild. 829-53^T______or trade lor good acoustical gmlar. a " F n s t M Robinson. 734-3693______w" ' ^S?30**'*^' ^ .. S3B-217SUPriso Routo 2, V^ndoll — 320 octet row crop lono, nn _ BLISS MANOR “ apartments 40 aciot Huth ol Buhl, lull wile - tprinkler Irrlgoled. 7 linet to - 3 industrial lots,.4th Ava, W., e»- (htjot. good tiiisuo ground, lay collcm locaiion Joc Young, ^ 734- SWrtiTglpTm^tjite nomes,'$1.50M NOW Uking appiicaiions lor lovely■*'1 ^ r s a l c T a galiw o"i«lr.e hotlr ■« ■„ : lARGE SEIECION .OF Itt wall. (44.000 Ooai Ukat Agenc)I/* the 40. Snoke tiver woler ' 3393 Globe Realty. 733-2623 per running looi. Financing”0 . land 2 bedroom aparimonl V/aicr, water heater, m years old, . -GRADE FROM $3,29 ANO UP loeoi toll ond cllmoie for posjiblo, HAOENDA HOMES, 733-33- ' sanitation, hoat. olbcliicily lur- d. SHOP NOW OPEN- lots o( lur- 543-6464. SCO OolDeit Aloiinde' ’ Ka^olion. 14 acres. 3 bedioom replaced by largor tank $65 734-*■ niluie Ne>l auction March 2nd. Ffink Hlavily, or Ralph Assendrup„n' potoioet. beett, ond beoni. nished. Fully caipclt-d. t-uill-m 2367 ______pnly J750 per ocre with low home, nowly romodclcd, good oul __ appliances, locatcd m sccmc Peggy's AntiQues, 513 Easi H, n o r t h w e s t butldinos, Joo Young. 734-3393. Jeromo 324-2461, For t«lo 0( lease 1M tcro ttairy,ry down poymenl. ^ On* 12 X 60 TAMARACK MOBILE'LE Bliss.'Idaho. Phone Mi. Bunn at Rool Cellars - Pump Houses - 22 , Glow Roally. 733-?62^.______kit-'' HOME. Already sel up In choicelee 362-4271 to 800 it you can qualily Gauge Sled 733-7422.______^ - PLYWOOD SALES .Ittm. Wondell, 536-2415.______480 ocres Irrlgoled Irom 3 ige. locaiion. 733-7446. — NOT WHOLESALERS JuSi uivZ . . 190 FSEIGHTWAYS STREET 2 acres clo#e m wilh modein-2 iiv BAR B OUE GRILL, 2 louveicd OP acres, lull Tw ' (Airporl Road) 733-2345 V" loioet. beont, groin, and )n. 6. driveway border light*. 825-5022. BEHIND UNITIO OH i Ihome. n2,500 Weti End Really.'y- corn. Total price $490,000—I .23"r»SS'3;'S: Falls. baths, complete buill-m kilchen. ’l»Bfoad*«yS..&4^4409. , >- Nadino Koepnick 733-7297. Eunice __ carpel and drapes ihroughoul __ ' RED BARN IW mUet N o tin g>n OPEN 9 o,m. lo 6 p.m. __ , 29% down. i ' Cooper.733J960.LANDOFFlC€OF— - ^AOM ORE 1975 model. 14 x 7015 2 Walking dislancc lo schoolsIts ■ WASHER AND DRYER, walnutlul Wathinglon. 0<»he». lurmtuio.0. ' OPEN 9 o.m. lo 6 p.m. 340 acrei cloto lo Ooodmg, 12(‘2 '• 1,041 ocret deeded, 930 733^18 bedrooms. 2 balhs.’rcai now All Undscapod Water and samUtionlOn drosimg table wilh bench andnd ptuTNtrvesJx/yendMii______MONDAY THRU SATUROA|^ acret deeded, 220 acres ol lencec ocres tprinkler irrigated w ith- electric. Lazy J. Unit 38 alirr' 6 (umlshed. Uundry lacililics. 734-34-' mirror, 733-2101 I BLM laa& Very nice 3 Mdioon ally. p m, QS Snoke Rlusr woler. Eicelleni' -?o-*cro»? ^bedroom homo with 2 W 7 . ______DlNEHE SETS 35 por cent oil. iih 5D UmSili ' -florfie, lot# ol good oul bu.id.ngs ? batti. Hagerman VaUey. Call lor an - r r Ranges & auto washers 50 pet W l ^ l l B l i i w i t e . '• An Ideal »tOCk ranch or could W ■ . toll for beelt. beoni. artd TIU? ' 3 Bedroom 14 w>do, repossessed9d Country Villa Apailmcnis. doluxo 2 T; M onday, RUMMAGEl and a t 'potoioet. leng g/owina seo- . appointmcni. Hsgorman Realty. , * cent. Losl our loase. 44,361 iiems"* NEW YAMAHA PIANOS USEO f uted lor purebred alflo or hortet '' 837-4463 ot 637-4883. ’ ■,t ol Immediale occupancy. All sot up.;p. bedioom, ciecinc heal, kitchen‘ yel 10 scll by Mar. Isl Ant.quos, •S household goods, G<>od kitcheti ‘ FirtI l*me llslod J78-000 will„lh ion. Price S660,000. 29% skirted. $545 down, HACIENDADA appliances, and ad*j collcciibles. Avon tiolllos. »lirco record pUyer*. WARNER ‘ .Wnis. IVERSON . ftEALn,rr. down. ' ----- . HOMFS 733-7W______eveiylhmg goes May havo to Ouaranteel- Sludio couch. Ooodmo. Idaho. g344354. *ub-Oivi*ion oil Eiaabcih. east ol ■r tencodyard Deposit required-JU' MUSlC131Sno»honeNorlh. davonp..rft.'2 ovetslulled ctuirs __ 704 ocret deeded- About SOO• ', Eastland, $3800,734-3580.______Fot aalo 24 x 60 mobile home in warehouse somo itom* until we ’ VUlaga Mobile Home Park inI" pet month. 733-456B- , Imd a building Old Chairs, chma TT (choap). Small appliance*, diahe*. ‘ 1M acres, nearly new 5 bodroor•om ocret ore preiently Irrlgoled • 5 Piece ael ol lodwig drumt wiih' pots and pan*, garden tools, hote. home, lust souttieast ol Biist A , Good 2 bedroom home on Vi acre”__ Kimberly. Gordon Diplomal • in 4„. calimuts. old organs, lovu seals All ond olU ould be v/lih ute ol0 industrial lono. by owner. $14,500. "? • Two bedroom unlurmshod apari- cases 73343654.______anS aJuminbm slep ladder. meUI spiinkler irrioaleiTwitn wheel an■''i’ tp rln k le rt,-704 Inches ol lalla.* '^eicelleni condition with pallo and2 menl, $215 por monlh. No potsQ,j , bul why bothcir, nobody reads our d 734-3577. _ J ______Ihts^ ckrport covers and .eaipeted. , , Bas,'H'sboonlun. Gibjon rcveib amotiliet. 10'0"* / /picnic table «ilh umbr^lal 2118 hand bnoi. Hagormin pcilly,'83i Snoke River woler, Solt It - L*urolPatkApts.734-4195 126 * tpcaKtf. like now. 40 wall. 543-43- Sherry Drive. 733-2212. '' 44«JorU7-4e&3, ;____ ^ _ IhtoughouL Phone 42a:4M3. . Soo you at the SWAP SHOP, 328 '.very tortdy. locoled od[oceni,1 fo r 2 acres for salo. now m allalla. * Main Art.. N.. Twin Falls 733-9929l_ 5078^______v_ — - to ..-Snake Jtiver.- PriceL. . partially lei>ced. wu, remodeled kitchen •dine with ' 2 bedroom. / all electric. «iih niik tiuCk. bige shop, new * THESE UNUSUAliy FINf ‘nice awnlngt and deck, setup in park, • FOR eMPUOYEO ADULTS. Oualir)‘I'ly $66.00, Duisl. M-600Pnolo cniaigeilei . —— — —— — r sT tt'-'sn bedioom homo, and lot* ol UUi FABMS CONTACT BOB BAY-., t>uilt-in range, garaye and oul wellmainiair>ed Prtvate eniiance.'Ct Wllh pdy-contrast. Iilluis and 50 - Usod Noimandy clanncl, ebony.ly. letnoon. evening. .42>M98. $31 ^ t t purchase cows, also J 1 l)u>ldmu* All lor $22,500. 'Nadine:E0F new carpeling, alorini wltxicNrt,**' HaseYerylhing.2277thNorth Call32W4|6. __ . 2«10, ^ -V - IfSS fVfN(NCS#37-<54J^' 'f -K oopnick, 733.7297, Eunice m anyouas 73J-2WI, ’ m%lens, $85 00 73:^;4649 C ooocj,733-4960,LANOOFFlCEOF ■ IDAHO, 733-0716 ...... V . ■' ao^^Times-Ncws.Tw-ii F.ills. ttlIJ.ilu> Sund.iy. Fcl'fuO»y?3,1975 - - wm i l l f i I B liiyacar^^ r i g M nn o w y t o dlay. i

■■■■ " y n ...... , “ tood IMnjs 10 [iill 5 i ------T jirE rtiirtJ e etd l 57 ------PelstSipplieriplier--SIDE-GLANGES ------by Gill Fox ■ - - BG------.Farm implemenlsnls be; — Farm Implementsents 75 “ HolxHOffl I ' SPUDS POn SAI C 7DMOR3xla»i 'n rollmn a' yO"'ir TROPICAL FlS H ~A n"' d 1968 4020 John Deere I'.icl'oi wilh1 Another ncw Massoy Ferguson-5'’ ' , 1988 WmncDago 18. loot m otor ' cn'riiriiji plac/- Al, Hiiskon. ^ 473-58800 AQUARIUMS So.e'al difti-'i.-nt ncw cab. eiccllent condilion One 1135 diesel iraclor with cab Call»ll , home, comploto overhaul'Collol evenings vjriulips See lo .ipoipci.ilc L_ 15" Sinner spud l ed liood shape• • 6 ^ 2873______■_ ■ eiuas S36-2373 Hnllyinne. 734.4015 &36-29S1 ;.EMMEN?; m ea t;; 1974 4430 John Deo'o. lull cab. air ' HAY’ToiIum'ai^ sold by llTe tliiCk n conditioner, till sleenng whoel and ». <)...llil, '.Iflh !C'i 'W lOJU Ciill 487.J445 PROFE'ssiONAL GROOMiNC. 5rll Ok p>?« HAY loaly, fucfllfnr <|i;alily. yoiir don Chi-r. M.lli-r Ki-i.Arl;.s - J John Deere Tractors, Pilcher,r ■' 4815^______to ' s e ll wide tadiarBH-60 «nji>' ps>,ri(l Of n-jo, lu'' ■ 4^3-5104 Sales, ttot So-Jih ICOO Wesi, 4 row boan planlor. 3 point hook,,1,. chrome tims. Fils Opels, 733-9684, k:. .Clly 733.???1 , Lewislon. Ut.-ih, 258-2530 . I ' • loc''!’' d c po.iDd flo.ijiri Mc'.ik!. up. 4 row bean culler liis Ford'1^ . t9S5 Chcvy 2 Ooor sedan'bod,'V Tractor. 1 sot ol markers 825-5022’ condition, askma{125 00.3-«i«CC •' 733 S?£0o< 733 JMO iuMP ANb~STOKE’fl‘COAL‘ '.ind1 Woo'iiy' moiiho/, ii'iiulu 'not .id- w 'fO R D 'tr’a'ctorIoCO' hTe livciioek t.iii Pnono eviriimdf.. vc'liM'd bi.-IC'C. v.itn l.i'<|i,- C.II)'. ncw 250 hours C.1II 734-4721 Irngaling piCk-up. IMS Ford, V.8.g transmission with now 3-spec( Wc:.Mii(pliy.a?9-«n $300 Mfl3ll‘C50ldlOlOyirl.|I.l.tl.lv m W3-S941______Hursi iMa&lorshilti. afking S7S0O •flMV MlLK FOn SALE SMK' »>• 3J4-5374 i ' i $ i^'CHeVROLfT'^ith.'^olafm ___ Call 733-4802______” spcclud Ji't5c» Hoiimtui ai>-l>- iri^irbaiil h.e829 ill? '• “ AKC'Ce'ni.inShO'ihai'5 B'lTidiTyr. 2245 % condition, (400 or will Irado for corn^ Two 14»7 slot aiummum magJ 'Fi -tli.ril r.l.:i T*.n F.illb SJ3-68W ■Jamoyeds. Enijbsn Pnmii!''. a t. small Gonoral Motors product 734 PE A STRAV/ rorr.,ik. C.iir4^3-5S55 planters m good condHion. 324- ,o ry 4 3 i7 JJ Noiwcuian Elhhonnds Also Sp'l.’ _ Powder Rivor iqueeie chute, 4859 r 5180 ______Geritijn Shepherds. Tijrncrs lid Foh SALE - ?0 111" Il'I’l ciili'fui * nSor new, Oliver iroctor*, 88, Four new lop grade GoodVea : ^RTs~Pr^r'~Wm/-l.i^.' T,ia ' lab'.iflor and Pointer Gro:S 77 and 66. 4 row John Deere .1,- luy 733 11fi't MACS KENNELS 536-2317 or 536- i w iiioaliOD i ..t.iiMinr tifici bell tadiais Hfi78 di i'CiOii:. (loidon dciicuvi^ wtiiU- I, - ./f( ' poloto plonier, 13 Doniih 'Ihcyl.iil Otf Oicfi.irfl 1 mill'n;iiin 6J3<) Ol Buhl Olt Cit'jt Ijk fi Oixid Cultivator, new. M Alice Wodet 250*ATC radar transpondeT '1 WAN J 10 huY OUI (>on- conj.l.i.-i' TROPICAL FISH, very I 'l f Cholmert crowler wilh ongle ^ Two - 8 55 ic 14 studded whiteAil ' ; Phunt 513-5093 oi 3?fi-5630 ^ly Cl'Sli.iwlo'I'lijtrbi'ui ‘■-n w‘>3 New Want U95 Call 733-3493 or snow tiros Phono 733-2??;. J SjI'i'diiv .Wlcr''r>n''r. soloction, o»olic impo'ir. 55? Tuto dorei. 324-5167, 733-5343 : - Avonuo East. ■■ 15 I0M5 (lood h.iy. niojiTy 3 (d — MSM Aulomoiivo. Compiei •nAWLETGH SMCES" '" ANCW cullmg Aic«vciu.ii,??5.irtip5.tifc0 ^ “ re g is te re d cnocouii'-' 2 - 3 iow~6pcl Beel Haru-sior's Pilots interesled m tormmo a“ , automatic transmission sorvic ______FLAVOHlNGS "0^ .}v.,iU: lc .-vTai.1 "OW >75 324-SJ57______t'l.ickl.llis 17liuld I'i.lUh.iitiP'O'i'. • Can be seen al Mesa Eampment1 Bonan» club wnlo to Bo> 888, Twin ' and all other general repair. Ute r.ids C.ill?33 ?69a _ Mounlam Home Falls ApD'oiimaicl)' ?0 ion nay lo' laia ' 3Con«dian National. 2 Annirciiii Q. and rebuill motors and irat ■■ O'-i-i nnrk )Oirin Mem (.used - ' 4(m ;37______Udl Nation.il Chnmpionr, Bi.-sl Ml '. 2 Now Holland 1048 hay stackers” In “ “ smissiins 24-hour service Co si.v.jHrnfii'd if'spodtd Dcii.orc'o • in the stalo 72&-3849 Sim V.in. , ISDIS 734-8007.SpcCia10iscouniwiththi Cuslomn,'iybiiiiNnij iS6-7iH good condition Call aller C p m" S ' Boats^ MarineHams ' .5flcp(itr,-.jp 3?.ie6393-'4.5lfS ' ii'i'.i i : 678-3216 or fi7H-??W______-- SAILBOATS and hardw are,re, ■ ".I ^ •FMESM TOTArOE’s'jlr.,'.iU, i,iri.i-il For 3.-ii<-~4T^'uiT«.T. -ilia/( JOO . FOfl SALE 600 Ford Traclor Phone II lonubjy 537.MJ5 AKC Bea((l.,' Diippii-s'e'Avck', uio canoos Lilojickois, anchors, ano slo'S.VC J3 00 pi-> IMp:)„'nl! C.iM __ tjeaulilul. JSO 366-2359 Gii-'i'i-, altor 5 00733-2914 ~ *______. , line, 73^6227. Sal Haus, 382 SouthS so Cycles S-S«ppll s3.-6-<77?U,i,orevon..i,; Ferry Aop'Oiim.itt'ly 170 loiKil'lalla hay POTATO STORAGE shop, larm1 Locust. Twm Fall^ , ‘ LM kErIe'EF’ Po'rk'i;,'cru7.ii:.1' Evcnnn3altc'5.4fl7.?S?; ^ For sale Biillai'y |)iip i'.'ili 10 atructuros ttapered wails or shed) Gel your order m early lor a pre- FOR SAlE: Staroall boal. HolidayTa7 1973 HONDA 750 6,000 miles fliaiti led ijipjr.imocO inspcctidor re.idy to nufil iii;il )t;ir Had I model,21V.-II 85hp Morcury motor.Itor. windshield, lohimg sissy bar. rol • Ijf-n I Iilcfieii.d Cdick piorciScnijIII l i r TONT iriVr.vira room to] Chrysler Bdots. Cht^slor " 6rVi.0T GOAin FEOGlErjOcTm a»d1oiTialo,S75 00 733-39-16 HaThniircr'sTi iou need IojHl^O. i Sloro Ihings tiesides 2 cars J2600 Molors. Storcroft Bools, For, sale or trade 1970 Mercuri • apojnd Cj II3?0109 nave c.ibic m'd hooK loader Call Call ?34-2323 B'-ngs Bonnell' Coulkins Troilors Cyclone Spoiljr, 429 4-ipteO BuildO'S ' — 4?3-5&34 se Animal Breedingteiline ^ _ JEROME IMPLEMENT CO.O headers, new tires eicdiii'n „ For Mie, 756 Intl-rrulionjl dieSCl- condition 82S-5566 'M FiraSei ,m| ARTIFICAL DfleEDiNQ -T“ aDS ^ 901 S. Lincoln, Joromo ' f 56 : Flriiodl atlla ES Farm & Rmli SnpplleIlles ».m CII. m.00 BO...I t . m Good ... . ; Ccdilied scud poUicK'S. .Lt'iti great pioven sire, r*iion a iMOhrsig __ condition 432-5364 ____ 1971 Yamaha 250 MX, Ported » o-'ih*Aii Djilmoiod Idano Cjjli» Dry •sta^o'lcd n.vdwood Pme lypo produclion 3ii«s Also <*" all ' Big rugged registered Horolorfl polished, corked, Good condiUott bfocdjotboeta.aiinijtc B int M3- OfO 50 Horsepower Berkeley Con.in- 1973 John Deere 4230 wilh a sound runs slrona. J450 733-7278 • • ’.•> .V83 (i.i.lwood OaveW.vO. 733-4J06 W3- tjuiis i.a,,y Lickicy Jeromo. 324-“ 4- inlugal irrigation pump 700 gallons itit 6102 Joromo 324.2652. Snoshonc.ane. ' O T S - ■ • ns gu'arocal) 4?3-5S47or423 S9J2 per mmute at 720 pound head. Likn fOC 1972 Montessa 250 dirt biko luiiy i 700 MCKS cl eefiitiod rusici sc<’d Usod liimDor, good lor lue^ood 886-7567 Duiloy, 678-9253 1«V Mj5re7^cTn“son~tcirwims 70'HuinBIS . »POt»ioe» 823-38U^ B u tuuO^ei.'tcr sciiiner 98 B904 , For salo. Renisicrefl angus bullsulls gallons }250 StamiuM jii-ei i Mioi nooo condition 438-2365______P m 536^247, • pof ceni HUo Blue T»(je Koniand''‘3 - — ■ ■ _ tfOMPLETE MOLSTElN'da.Vrhi,^ Sired by Pamarama ol Sunny Laneane tanks, ■mdorground Cill 733-tOfO n 17' 2 man kay»k, ideal lor duckduck ______• Clovot, 9 « 2 puro. oeim 99 per lor sale 829-5639 Call alter 6jui>_ II Al Haskell. 423-5650cvunmo3 ovcnmus RebiiiM New Holland 1046 hunimg ttoo or t*osl otlcr. 324. Lloyds and Realistic quad sioio ^ , eent fl J Bcckcr.537.«lO 57 Pets & Supplies Comriid’ 2 yelif old reanicrc^dcrcd ______^______.iuloiti.ilic jetl.propelled bale system Contains 4 spoalx'S an - Angus Qiiils tor sjli- 934-5047 alter - HAY, goo d 'a p o 'i auger. <]asIS j OE.S SPORTING GOODS Fishmg • S«o Idaho Sted Co.. Eoii 5o_m______qiiaranlocd Boy 01. Iradu lor tapes, JSSOor bestoiloi. Also 191 , ■ io(]isii;'i‘d Field ana snuv. No Saturday calls rJ4-47r? & di<-sel IfOni iiiOO New Holland,d and huntcf hoadquaritrs Litilei/Ari Harloy Sportster stock parts It • Idaho 51. In Poul. for^cleonlng FDR SALE loo-iso 'Holsiemii.;„ so'ingors or bed Hap or-^tydo m Store with b.g savings 76t Wesl ; and Ifcoting ipring g'ain. cn.^mpion alock Phone 733 0000 1051 Stack relrievcr J3495 Frankli.i salo,829-5258or829-5730 Heilers v.eiOhm(] Irotii 100O.1J00,J00 Hunnos. Buhl. W-5825 or 543-5969>9_ 100 gallon pickuo (]as tank inr 5jlo*ii' ____ Motoit-Nuw-Pl,moulh-Wai«3-}06.It----______Mai(uIwinfflllaJ33:6261______(Open Woiohouie) Foi sail- RoQiSHJicd D.icH5hii'>dd pounds o'liliand at all times Alsusu 3 Good sejcclion diary nciters andmd wilhpumu S150J33-2092 278-31170.208-276.3015 "TRtSPORT three wheeier'T lior's . . * Some ipiing groin leedI DInck ft lan pup[»0i Phw>o 734-|. outliis 10 l.iiance win £.njeinM(r 0*cellenl lor ranch work . lor tale. 436.3796. 4947 Hiighel.Jeron'c 324 2415 order Call lor appomtireni: 734-34- If'th e IiMC — 7« ^)rtin£ EDOds)DOQS trail rKjing 324.4157 evenings 2053 ! RiiQcr M.77 270 W(3 ■ i scope. ,1974 Yamaha, less lhan 700 mile rOR~~sTLE~”iCo75l".^ ■Au,,.ri WINTER SPECIALS' 250ilreolt>ike,543-6921. ■ Bulls UOOJ wk'Ction ycjrl.no I- RCBS dies, brass. t>ulleln, case, like new, «I8S H 4 R 22 revolver5 l v e r ______■ months and 2-yi.u.oldi w.in■‘1'' i 3 r ” F>RGUS0N I'rarlw «.1h.in lion,- 1971 B.illaco St>nrp.i T. 250cc, Inu f stretch m si/e H.ive : C4in raised wtih holster, enceilont condilion.' tCkiOer DULl.Sio' i.iU.'Ci Kill' .111 W 423-5889 _ mactime, encellent conditiiin Al: inir\e«ocks BrcOiAnqi.iRonch ln'-cds 543- ^ 4, WJ^934 WIHDROWIRS ------eicellent lor trail ridmg 733-4& Haicltcn.Idaho Phcj||5 _ _ _ „ _____ - — BUSINESS 1 t ___ __ On Farm /*rlili;ar Stora(;e Bm w ai "Harley Davidson Motorcycles .>p New Holland 90S 14 Fl. very good condition Sold new at ills w(SpCCi4l Linor. 24 Ton C.ip 9 95 JEROME IMPLEMENT CO’' HJ. Ullman Const Co 733-7120 Appor.imalely JSOO Only $269 95 i u a i m m i m K BANNER FUf^NlTURE Phone 733. 733- 901S, Uneoln. Jerome onIRECTORY •Rogisiercd polled Herelord t'.ills^52 oittck plastic baler tw.ne lor sale;ie lockwMdtOTKiktVlSTDiS 1421 • Unpsrrperod Ran<;e read, HS. t29 50etMle.324.5192 ____ SIFIED _ Aho Spvclal Dtalt ipool { i l i i i i y ^ fcLAS! • BRUNSWICK Dolmo and Thea pool CaltlcCo H«rotdH(,>ser 886-7752 ! or___ Special 3,303 Oushel Gram B.n -- • on 1975W1NDROWERS __ ___ »1.245 YOU Pick Up 733-7422 .tatiios, air hockoy, loojcbaii. ac- GOOD SIBY arvdpasiuro caKai ol r cessories Sales and Services HALE STOCK TRAILER, ll and HAY EQUIPMENT nind covered, like new, J1.250, K)7-«2] t I " ^ “ ” '^!^OSE_FtviC£S" I HEAT^M~re j wELOiHO \ u lo . All kmds. Ph6nc 324-4162 or ,»itib JamosClarn 733-5601 a'ter4 00and '324-4028 Joromc. '0/ FD^S.M E 67s'’;wiri” '«»'l^nd.»i'' Hagerman, ______| • 1 Bookkeeping anfl accountin^no J O E . H**; nimpa. Loweai pricea.ea. I Certilied weldmg manuiaclurmg - jr>d Jtuinimim siphon lul'OS m;in _ weekends. ; I ^ e lo« appcnimeni. 3?<-St38» I tree eallmale. CM Larry'a HealingIng I company, specialmng in porUUe’ ^ BARK. SAWDUST ana shavings__ lor . s.n-s 733-;23$ ------FOR SALE Utility trailer. gc( For sale- t modol 39 Smithlh At. condi1ion.825-577aaltor5JO ! • I *PPtl*NC€RE>Al^l'~ a AirCondittonlno.73M40i . welding, custom labrication olirr: all livestock bedding C.111 Larry Shath543- ______I Wesson pistol, douliie action Relflgeralofi. «»a»f»»», dryi?i*ra IjANITOWALSERVtCe (kind 82S-5768.B25-5701. ,5 ; . S43-6226 evenings ■______automatic, S to 9 mm. Also otheroin?,? Filth wheeler machiricry trailer,; i^KJANITOfllAL SERVICE. WiMow» i | ------^1 A CHAROLAIS BULL. 2yoarsold. 543-^ IRRIGATION ■ HESSTONI - ^ e i s ol Smith S Wesson pistols aiperienee. Call^SHUMvJA•*’ I ctear^ing. carpel atiampooirnj. • EQUIPMENT CENTER “hono 678-2934 APPLIANCES nSPAtfl RH ie? I I - ______EQUIPMENT ' icommercial - residential. Dougoug I K im borly R, Twifi Foilss IlK M onster ritie, 58Zouaveand IMM . Polled Herelord bulls M.KLend *■ CENTER PIVOT C Heii» Fiiilpn ,ieri: |0rmi.73«l8$. i a2S-S13S.Eden 7 3 4 :4 5 6 0 ..Lcessones.tiSO Call 733-1222. ERN'S A ______- ______* _ _ _ * WHEEL LINES . 1969 Ford d.esel t>ackhoo 1 REFRro'ERATOB's; 'F feen _ I ANJfWEfll^ SERVICE _ • I Registeredatiuiistn.ll-j loti(|2>r.it;.'P HANDLINES ■f old and yeaitinos Good 1'H;<;lJ''iii Irtminl loader. 3 buckols Heavy duty Ic • 1 w*»h«f». d w a . VER f feUnawep^wm answering seivice, _ ■ Tl ' Skiing Equlpmen' Boy,t8whcoler.lOwido 733^)71? ' i APf^lANCES REPAIR, 731-S4a I J4 houri Your phone ® Inlernalional 1 Ion Loadsi enrice I ______...... uis * STEEL MAINLINE with Miller t^indmgs. vcry good 1600 with 8< 18 metal llatbed. go^ , f BACKHOE"...... Free i MEf^ANT;5PpllCE____ W 673 OickHuv.jid 543-49'S ^ FARMERS . condition.Caii326-4416 j You Have . _ ^ » t received new carload oL*. condilton J3300 or will S< ' i BACKHOE and dump iiuck»er> I ...... Nigni watchman Mrvice ' — — separate 734-7873 cvoninga, B< I Olfl and Rock Moving I J k For sale registered S.m G'.rii,.Uis RAIN CAT-SALES Money Fergu*on 16S dieiel»l ' 1 Forho;« * “ ■ CUCTOM'lvACUATtON, Do I OTHER USED 1973 SCORPION snowmobile Superluper pump and hoisl JJM 734-4S86J i Baekhoe, dump truck. Too »oJ ' k 4i7c"uis7c7etri‘iac'k anuiiscoAr. i3 I P*^H A NG IN G ...... I grade angus co*s Cioic-i.p O' EQUIPMENT Stinger 440. Iiko now »00. 543- 5287 ' I ^ Crawlofd Pnone Type Of EQUIF’MENT 4815 -Ik U.I l-tH E FINEST in pamimg and I Wllh can l-y SIOV M.I>1 .-.Ii.jus", COMPANY One Iniemotionol 674 dietel.■I ______- FOR S A rt’TCnMiiwi ill I papemanging. 35 years ei- f Ranch 324-2947 ______FOX Iraek. oood running engmoigmo ton coil cham iir-'iK holsT. 364 Second Ave. W. lett ihon too hourt ^ono series Now, |usr aid around, r pUi J coi.plc lit dJIjIMl) *.-rk.j-.v f perience. Palch pUslecmc.. dry |_Business a 200 Head dairy calUe loi -.aii- ,,.j or Twin Fall* Twe Iniernoiionol 560, 1, with elociric slarl. S189 00. Phono >OuiU)» Oidi ' jO j^'.'l 'd A(1 I wallrepaii Rue A Grmaled. Pivjne I lakeovertoaso 5366221 , Douq, 73343395.324-4627______usod Pnce 12S0. Call alter 5 p- 733-5535' dieiel, 1 got “ .733-SM6 ; 734e ur ' Chc.rolel 5ih wheel iractor, Goc ' l974Rupp440Nilro . ,. »99 wamjc I estimates WcsSkmner 734-4419 ’ a iruckood Edw. C Eak.n S Sons, ' er tlocker. pull lype fOLEY'S • Home lmpro»em«I work ' = I v y condition, 427 engine/pow« _ 1974 Sno-Jel 440, Demo , . S1099 t Tirad ol wailing ano.p'O'niMi. i Jeromo 324-5466 “ , Steering, 5 and 2. air confl'l'Onmi One 190 Oehl leed bo* DONS TIRES CYCLES u«. Complete reinbdeimg W.nl7r"ipu.'f- 'i(J,..p.'..-l " T n . 733-9526______U_ ___ 3S04ihAve V/esi demand A lo/. Cc;M Jl3 dUioni, conaelt.work. c«fi I oJJe day old caivtTs'io mIi Bn'i aMi. T w i n 733-0818 t « " I Claiiilied *11 Kin<; j cj*-h t „,li ’ Canyon Livestock Boi. dauon OWATONNA Swathuij, parli Falls - llle. Ko lobt m rm iltlL .^1 <■ ...... J 1o«1ho»cilP'’;J>oi:iiolCi'u;i:r,i5c , sales and service, Motynoi For ialo“ 972 and 1974 Chapw'c’liflre'l O u ^ tM d and -'inan k ROM). 5^7503. Machinery. 733-7547 USED INDUSliS . . A availaUe.' Fieo esiiinaleakinds, I ...... -...... Tractor'S — - * snow mobiles with irailer. Or will king * .'AINTINO AND OECORATINO: Iradc lot economy cat 432-5584. EQUIPMENT-; ’ I ideat. 324-S374 Oul.ol town«Mvk -I Inlenor. eitetior. Specialiiing In - 1 FOR SALE 90 Stock CoA-. 'r .u , i„ For laio \%f. W ttilernjlion.il ; ■ collect.______«______irQick ' rool coating, acoustical ipray and ! calvo.25wiihlaiicai.o-, ,“.f-,iA, .}< yean eipermiGFieo I white colon Phone lor free I For sale 5 springer he.li-c, 7 jur ___ Phone 678-5585 • I F>e«Eatiffla{ea.n4.79M I estimate, 70-5715 and ask for Dick I '.ingnaw, j '^modeliW BOB HOUSTON; '• I m m p Tete ;...... Riggs, Murtaugh. 432-5SM 1975 PROWLER Solei RepreMniotlvcJ ; » NEWHOMES&REMOOELINGIJilions I SEVflNGMACMINES s e d COMPLETELY Home Phone 733-1490^ • k estimale* 376-S373 ™| Ui .old imaicj I MflNlNA — Ttw moil aOvancec SELF-CONTAINED sewing rr\achine on the marke ' f I BO ^ iwsei I I Conslruc'lion loday localed m Sew — C>eiyi l All types Ol horseT I'-J.rihl, « id 5 3 6 9 5 • f OflYWAl.lwofk1onoomadd.li Fabrics V I 13______. Tr * 4 -and remodeling free esimv I I 4 traded Good pack iii,i,;r, Hon Bring m thit od and gelH 0 t961 Chovrolcl piCkup. lookri : 1 PhooeTomal544-JJ®4 Home I SHRUBS I * I Haley 73J«55. ___ - Irrig - ■ I 0 \ diicount with o no Ifodvo d t runs oood, entras J675 Phonei 1 PARR S TRIMMING SERVICE Hee T iiTTciRCLE J TROOPCH tuy youin; (xi-nt r,.iO(]i'- I C i:uDic mch motor. 170 horscoffij ^ 1 Improvemenii, cuilom bu.k I horso and used Iwohui-.c lr,i.li.-r , , ■ addliiona. compleie remode » Wiit'cut down, trim your tiees, cut BROCKMAN'S' . With camper shell 243 Oumcv 1 I up your wood lor less . 03-4820. T roasonat;lo S23-4402C.iii.') a ■ home repaira. ilorage ih p ^ e n t - MOBILE HOMES;S 1967 ** ton CHEVROLET pick ■ ' enlrartce M yt and d«>0*. I ; Equi[ A For MlJ Palonii'io rr.j,e 'Cou«ii , Now tires, low miloago. ge • i Eibmaiei,S4-S3r4. cailcoiieI com- I KONCEK TREE SERVICE - N ^ NeaMo ThefienAto^ort.. deling, 'domg-Mechanical tree loppmg Sand I V Painting Y , ■ well trained. 9 yc.n-. 3?4.ti7>>; ,,>i,,£ * Cenler PiP iv o r ■it Solid Set / condition 423-4409. JtOSO. 1 DdCk I removing Atl limbs cut and ulely I 330 t9G6 CHEVROLET PICKUP, Jtl • I ■ ’ lowered hydraulically, iniuiedS 1 1 , f ' •m art wide bod, bomploloty ovorhauii 1 I Buii^ngi,' N ^ t . ~ amailtaping » ** Sluinp grinding 7J4-5777 or 45M ,'.'i Hond Lineses ■* Wheel lines 14 Camper] vcry good tires. e«coitenl ci » A meictaT. We do lemodc " I 61 . ~Swini d ^ n . J700. Call a'ter 5 00 . 3 ’Uster.' |^3M548. - Welt built slido-in carripcr tor sa ir .'. I cat)lnel*,„ lireplaeei, t w l f WEANERPTds'fOF^SALE 733 4'iM linum Main Lines ; I mMOnry.73»«48. _ vV Alumin S1SS.733-S156 r J n l * WHAT ARE YOU WaTtinG FOR?R7 ItI I • . . . oveninus' U E' :.---- 1~974 CHEVROLET «. (on pick] 1 . Sheet rock hanging, tai“ 1 you've been meai^ng lo sell you I business start now wiih t ' For fh ese ond all of3/ y o o r Irrigation Needs SeeJ e NEW t'AMPER SHELL IwVhorlbS'.n tx)! 3S0 4-tp«od. 20' Qooio peek trail . i brocade. ar>d ac«uii« PU r; i give US/ I PURE'bRED SWINC S A i^ ^ pickup, 324-8981. il Ao answer1324. 324. - 18,0001.324-2229. 1 ...... • ■ and atueco appltcabon. 5 I CiassiIiM Ad. Dial 7334931 7 ; I February 28, 1 00. p-n Fiii:, I ■ l« n a « l and iniured Call IDS'CurS; I ------.-'--'V . ' . Fairgro'inds SpoK-.uii-d 1., sr tni- LOCKWOC»0D GRADERS) ______1967 IHC Cd'-40M .''ichirir 1 . * Se20orX44»• J WIDE ' SELECTION ol Moove ------I Vacuums, rebuiii. new and used I 324 22t6 IDAHO trailer with !«;. bed Call 678-5- Waiker'a Cerant Masonry.------C * P«n»i bags and M(v«e for S'l a At is; OF-1 we PAV CASH - Blue Book K.-.r cv<'nin(|!t ______‘ t gutter, and vdewaik work.COulW i I make*. WCUUM CLEANERS G ------. HIVVAY 224 RUPERT for clean 8 Wido. 10 wide and ,t2 1974 F«d F-250, loaded uTooT0 ; 1 crate»orfcolaJlkindt.73M4Sg I, Um I IDAHO, corner ol Jnd Easl an< I 5 Poaltry & iUhhit wide mobile homos, travel baiters, alter 8 pm . 733-7461, | Murday | Blue Lakes. TS^IO??. ‘•Sj 733-0931 campers, and molor homes. Brock, . . ]: I ' 1 Fancy ahoV chic . {6 00 per man's Molwio Homes Phono 734. ’ pair U)-S94l — - - ' 734. 1970 Dodge 0-100 pickup Eicdl ------r f Wan and eeiling f«pii'. • » I . PH. 443^01: - J . f - condition, *1400 436-9162, ^ r • • aprayed. work guaranleed, 1 ------1^“ I 'f o r SALE: 0 V-Virsj-hcn'r 32fr ; 5974 ; ■ ■■

■ i .

-- SunOay,Foliruary?3,1076 Tlm...N.»..T».F.II..M,to Timo tr ffl ■ _ Incl® f*MILT CIBCU5______^ ili^ S6------W lo s T i r 'S a r ltC9 FOnO'. No 6. n^to 7}4-£eS66 r IS . ’ T^Aite TrSiy “ . . 1968 Buiek Qran spori JSO. powor • •-« . «iiiitrar~ Sleeting, ptv*.'t • .ives, air wn-' ' '1973 Meicury MttQtti* tiatton-• 1974 PINTO nUNAGOUf;* ' i? S “F0R0‘ RANofRTtfT ’.' lon “ Oitionino ‘-'•I?, wsQon Air cond>l>onina. powot[ . coodihorr dckiij(_Slill u*K)ff wattjrilf 390 V- aloenng Priced at low book. Call — st diial furl luiiks. ladol lues, an Suirihc ncwTear oil wViiTa’low^ Mlko Sims, 734-4875 daylimo, 733- .MUST SELL 1970 GTO, yiflrl'top ' coi). • auloiiijtic itan. . cost Classilicd Ad to sell Idle Items ?24^e»onlno» •uijtTMiiic, qdod condiiion Makes stticssio'i. po»c' #ii‘oimn and lofrrftdyc»5hT33093i ■ ------; OIIM 543-4 K5 C A L L TO ■ Wal^$45?5_W3-6IM5 DDAY!! «9??Cn<.-vioicMi-lO't 4.V.j?,55j 6i l(i<)«- lot h.rslorX 0< n.iy ?u- Merlin Askew . . W09 . • ■ ■ ■ ■ 536-2511 • ^ J \ f ffi^ S c o a? FicScticiijoti s In* Bob W atts ...... 734-6664 MMmi. 7iKt Avo S ut pnonc y W e e n di d e a v o r t o> d o t h e - 7» < a » Louie Sliman ...... 733-5 V98 ' - re ftti* 1909 Void F-IOO. Eicolleni $1800 360 V4. Ihico Speed 3J6- 51IB______■ ______Wiley Godby . .• •...734-4347 . MOSS- F ^ -ietU ),ll V-e, < $pccO m rni 2-spced icai ci>d. a>>6 waici Jack Jordlne . . . ,tlQfl.v.in Encollonl movo< Of larm 734-6841 use. SOC Manner S l. Tv»m Fain I9C4 CX30CE pickup. V-a, 3-spcofl •. IO*-nuI«. Ot.0 o*n«f. UOO Inrn r '• / ; . . ' ■- . JM|pl5i . Fo( salo t957 Inlvrnalional pickup Wuna oood. goo SO-594?.______^ / ' 1965 GMC 2 ton truck. ? speed n>lo.' 'a g rul)t>cr, eicccllerti (ncchanicAi eondriiw*. low miles. '7 fcrnovaWe tloekracK 3?4-4??<______For salo 1973 Ford Courier,-uH)ood corxJilion. low milcnoc, 324-«:5 evoninQS. w______“Ouch! Doddys don't momoke very good molhers." r i g h t thiiigievei tl ^ r y t i m e . 7? Ford 1 ■ ion 4 > 4 p>ckup. U.OOO S37-6737. ______^ .GMC dump Iriick. 095 40' Fr.icolli 1975 MEIlERCURY nailct 1969 sleepc ' cal>, vkIhIo. ^ ^ M'c keep ourir blb u s in e s s s im p le b c c a u s e w c lif.like to slcepat night — 1 3 ------5lock nailer or llai Wd. 1973 ------liport=Sp«rtrEJir rrnu.te lh,T,>'t n Int tn hn dnrn^ 1 lY PARK GMC pi(kup.U 4» 1965 Dodgc - COLONY il ^nglne, while side watP pickup. }4» 4969 No 40n In-V ■ 1974 0.ilsiin pickuo' C.OOO tinrcv Wrecked 1960 VW pickup wilh lairly;i7 ^ • can't bc done' ifif youri head is alw ays full of)f schemes to make tnrnahonal Iracior wilti reiiuill 318. lirand new Auloiii.ilic If.in- ~ l o r inooodcondirion J.75 » re$ . o io c tric clock, pow^o'r/er sseals, power windows, SmijSion. .ifTihe .iccui:;onos 3J4- and 15 spetd. all ne* rulil>cr, ncw ^ money. powor door lock*, traitorar towingt< package, power pami. U99S 1968 600 OodQv !' ; ?30 536-?671 Fot sale VW cjr.ij«..i v"„V" So. we run a ui toil-golo lock, powor itoerlnlerlng & brakes, olr condl- ton. long wnecllosc. S and ?. 361 liicloty roltiiictaior, tied, .vid wood a very simple business, l l ' c s■dl c i and service cars tioning. AM/FM radio with storeo tope player, enflino 19C4 DodQC 400. real mcc. - P.111CI C;illallcf6 00. 934-UU Aik•k and want very rr. *1495 1964 Mae Diesel. 10 wtieetcr. lor Oienl ■y m uch to suit you a car: if youo u n e e d on e . booutiiul yollow in color, luxuryluxui decor intorlor. •nSOQ. 1961 Mac. sleeper CJti. l«m» - MORE acrc*. S?950 733-0717______^^'•-'^romise to ppi le a s e y o u . T r y 't/s. ^ ^ Moro cor for yoor mon- IjK s V s .iw .iriV CilV543-4709» REGULAR PRIQE.iE ...... ‘7809*“ 1974 Cnorolcl lon. Iouq ;f(liecu>ase. lull hme 4 x 4,' oy. 1969 Ford Von, / aulomalic, dual i.mkr,. nc.iOcra, S799.9S. BlockVflAp. T974 7 pjtsondet VW liuD, 10(> spoke nui]s, under w.irtani» Like pliorico and Furniluro. shape. 18.000 milen. 6 000 .irtlc now 543-4061______w.Utaa^JoH H.OOO 3?4__867? / • NOW .. . . ^ 1974 Couner 0‘Ckup 13.000 mitci, _ LlMvinu ij.iho Muil iv«~1974 *6457 lavc over Ic.ioe C.1II 734.5388 allcr .. •Toyol.i Coroll.i cicelloH con- 500 S4 . Itnporl-Sporls Cars5 dihon Take over n.i>iiii-nii'$79« rnonlh plur. J40 .•tii^/786.?/58 ^ PS ^ 1973 ' CHEVROLET'“CHEvTn NE. » FORYalE 1969 Volini^jQiiJi'wi'lh shofl wheel luse Eicoiiotti .molot ovcrljjul, ncw Ironl lircs AUDI. 1972. l60 I j; Yes. we hove foctor^tory rebates on som e modejels ond local speciols Rear map wheels Ciill G7ti'795i Mjchelins, Green.- ptcelicni one condition «J1.«74 ’>-• on others — plus you3u con1 choose frorp 3 liness of cars and 4 wheel SHARP 197? dp.1l GT ' Classic '35 owner ? 5 m p n $3500 7?M839 __ • 1969 OODGE, VAN’^ slaiiic d 'T r mpo Will saciilice (or l>ook J?MO 1904 Triumph convorlilile, needsJl . drive vehicles ot onele 1 1975 MONT i7!O.Call713-7W7allc<5 00 «if condllioning No mckr. Of Chips S J e e p 197J GMC 10 wheeler. iw.Ti scrl.-w .o n il ASupurC.ir se.) al 530 3rd tor sale 537.6615. .iller 7 p m Avenue Wosl or C.ill 734-6993'ot 85 I e e H WIml L S V T o y o t a STATION VWAGON. 733.??9? m m ~974 CHEVROLET PlCKUP"760CI 1969 Chevrolel Dl.i;rr~6 .Tylmdet Slron red in color, small 351 V>8 e n g in e , o lr condi*', . miles. i?995 733 0?I7 O'mo’ yoiTf VV/'lroi'it k i lo i,i New aulomalic. lOv- mileage 734.63?? Honing, radio, bacl(*up lightilights, oil leather Interior, •Ono IOM Foid Dump Truck. F^iOO and used pans un<;ita. ov*.'r-h.ii,hn(i :-.NEW CARS USEDCARS ouiomotlc tronimlsjiof^, -power-po steeHng;^ power . 1963 Ford F-600 dump Uuck 1974 7 By me way. wc need sonu, „sed 236 Shoshone St. W. ion ulillly Irailer. 2J4 i96;, —— VV/Slo sell Comc and SIX i:s jome 1975 CHEVROLET 4«4, V-B. i h 254 4lh Avo. W. brokos and wall to woll corp(:arpeting. One of the (inest' limo Jim B„sl y s Enltipris.-s 733. . 4 tp«ed duol wheelt. new IU I 7 3 3 .2 8 9 1 on our lot. Save lodoy. 1963 GMC Won” Newmolor, t>as 18 3005 i-<„l,on. 336 W,l;,hM.t,lnn wiocker v>i'h PIO. S8.995. 7 3 3 -7 3 6 5 RydrauliC oauip'T'cnl lied wilh intiMoM.ivcriCk Sl,ilioi> 1 Front Rongo W»«Ko« Salev winch cm 734-8007 Colorodo Springv, Colo. VolktwaQcn n97I^upcr Dcclic .•303-471-8800. eitcltcnl condilion. P1375 543- ' h 974 OMC 3000 M ilts' 350 _ -4546 ______^______.SUPER CUSTOM ISO'O TODAY.-._? lONO WHEELBASE. POWER FOR SaCe 1068 Volk^iIi'oJrDTiIf- “ i Autos For Sale CjM^7_33.732;.ask lot J.icki.; __ STEWINO FULLY AUTOMATIC 1967^fn.->to 327, Holiy 7 ^ Wcijn'd DUAL TANKS. RAOIO BUC MUST SElf tOCV WV^ Quo oood manilold, ncw wide Irack hrcs "SCREEN. RADIAL TIRES. COnOihon c.cellem lor shiOeni quad sound iyslem, and mucn HEAVY HITCH fflONT AND CalUlle'Cn m 53«6747 mote 733-t4llal|er4 00 ____ r r a REAR. CLEAN‘ SAVE S1QOO. i^6?J>aisun noads^jgrTtiiTls good. 1965 Ponliac Lemans Wllh G9 350vT ISVyACENl ■ 1990 NINTH AVENUE EAST fl wim npproKimalely 50 OOO Ofomjlat B n H IVOIKSV 734.5047. • •OKcefrijiii. iTnrujuu 1800 or best oiler. CaN 7^ 7 5 5 miles 4.spood wiirt bucket scats *38-5566 ^ S C H E ' 'W - IruciisS 83~ Truckss B3 TrucksIJH ■ I ■Hi ' 1S75 MO j " a c e H A N SSEN IS PROUD TC•O BRING YOU 8-DAY!f S > f>ECIALS~ SPORT COUPEC i" AMERICA'S NNO. 1 SELLING SISMALL TRUCK OR • WE M U S T MOVE G ' $160,000 IN IEXCESS INVEN- AND ALSO >AMERICA'S FAVOORITE HEAVY TORYB'BY THE END O F FEESBRUARY. 1975 MOiONTEGO ; .TRUCK!! - TOWN;4 SEDAN • ipeclot trim throu^hoof • 351 v.8 « n g ln « • 175 BEETLE • daluxewoiflo.woll '• special wheel c o v e r^ ! lin carpeting • *• iolid state. Ignition : •oUtomotlrlronjtTviijlon ‘• specIoi.deluxe 4 e o t — .' . ii pow«r Iteerlng b e lts ■ ^ : ( C « • speclol point . . , ; ^ 31 PIE>IECE • power difc brokes * _ , : w o v E N WIWARE YOUR $ purcholoe of c ony newT W . car (while supsupply losls) CHOICE...... ^3788; • WE HAVE 35 TANIJDEM AND SINGLE AXLEi CCHEVROLET TRUCKS V a t u o . r AM# NOW RWDY tO p oO il PRICE X I K199 *59S- J699dowin nf poymtni (plut to i A Ik.) ^y’i. f/ijL . . 46 poymenis ol SS9.99 p*r monlh, flnonc* 'choro« S679.S2.2. 1rotot of poymtntt $2879.S3. WUonc^^crxlIt) ' "

1975 MA\ARQUIS COU>UPE OR 1975'ME\ERCURY W E.Atso HAVE 25i DIAMOND REO DIESEL TRITRUCKS OF ALL SIZES IS 4 DOOR READY TO ROLL!! :o o lw A R i* i MARQUIS - O R -. I • 400 V-8 engine < • olr conditioning C E SET O F CUTLERY( f ■ solid sloto ignition '• remote conlrol mirror ; ; • automatic transmission IfRI 1- WITH iH PURCHASEF OF ANY USED;d c a r I • steol bolted rodiol Dres i • deluxe wheel covers i• powor brakes i ([WHILE SUPPIPPLY LASTS) $59;9.95 VALUl • deluxe steering whool i• power steering 1 . 3 “ i U Y i iid i ¥ T -~ A N Dr ' m t • cut-pile corpotlng |H 1974 FORD TORINO ...... $3966 1972 FORD:D PICKUP>^...... $ 2 1 5 4 REGULAR H 1973 MERCURY MARQUISJIS.... . 53475 1972 MC^O^O'-'^.OSTER . \ -PRICE ...... » 6 1 6 3 ’ « 1973 VWBEETIE...... $1995' 1972 VW 41141 W A G O N ...... $ 1 8 9 5 DISCOUNT...... $ 1 2 0 0 . 0 0 1 9 7 3 P O R S C H E ..7 ...... $4895 1972IMPLALA4DOORHT...... $1999 ~ 1 9 7 3 AUDI F O X ...... '$3450 1971 KARMIMANN GHtA...... ! . $ 1 6 9 0 . YOUR $ A NOT TO MENTION 454 CHEVROLET PICKUPS OFOF'ALL KINDS READY^ 1973 TORINO SPORT...... $2788 1971 NOVA/A': ...... $1766 FOR DELIVERY AT PFPRICES • 1973VWCAMPMOBILE...!....^$4316 1971.PONTIITIAC GRAN PRIX . . . $2390 C H O IC E ... ^4 9 6 3 f STARTING AS LOWAS’ / ...... 53599«’ 1973 MERCURY C O M ET...... $2153 , 1,971X0011>I100LS.-...... $2 9 9 9 1973FORD TO RIN O ...... $2166 ^ 1979 FORD'DTORINO..'.,...... $ 1 2 8 9 , longes With The' Finest 01^ £AS~£cXrS A nd TRUCKsVy THED,EDAV” -’.'^ ible For As Long As You 1973 FORD COUNTRY SQU / . syy THE M ONTH , . . O R BY THE Y£A>EARir I ;QUIRE.$2899 1969MERCLCURYMARQUIS .'....$ 7 7 7 C D C C '~One " Oi These Beoutiful 1973 MONTE CA R LO ....7.,.. t.,..$3190 196801DS.S. DELTA 08 . . - ...... $ i3 8 T i i l l lo b iles. OPEN EVENINGS!------— *mAny *;ore to chooseE FROMi - ' : - Its A piei?aisure Doing Busioe}ess Af... Tlll8;00P.M. I SAtuioAYS ■ H S H T H E IS iN AAAOTORS I 96:00 P,M. ■ i V J B i i i i S i l The eos/esf placefo ce in the worjd ACEH/^NSENi CHE>EVROLET S C H ^ ■m SUNDAYS ~ B Q A foJbuyalyocor. —^ ; ^^654B lu^ak^ 00 P.M. 733-3033 - . NOON-8:00 PA<^. | ia-29M 701 Main Ave. EastIt ^^733-77{y ^ i'.

/ i —j- A2 Tiino3-News. iivdi F-i*'' ki.itu) S«nday.Fcl'f.M fy23.1975

DENNIS THE MENACE '86',- A n H ifuFor SSale !: -66...... ;-flyItiHo^al ii------— I - . "~\/1 -o w r------,fjC^CHnY!T:.Tn-Nr-WCOTtomr ;mr.'til H.r. criuM! Ipl coiv iTSUNAM N I ■■.,£' i i ' a S F 1-Ml) TOHGN/.(>0 CI. ^1-lc: V.1II1 • I f : r

p;,r 4. ia^rGTO 4m,X,i L:Ii L _ ■!______:_____W lREBATE I ! Cll sS>.nP m n flu..-. H.;.rfT,r‘ pD;|.f ic'.^ip ' ,1.1 .'.TI n'.i ..cllfl icjgr, CocMI. SI..... 3'«I VH TOENDALLL REBA -■1 The savings;s you pocket everfery day on the 39 mpg you get;^

'' c o ' m\E e S E e ' u s ' [ Our new Oatlatsun B-210 gels 39 mpgpg average Americann t car gets about 14 ' I , . Oil Oie higliwayjy, 27 in town (latest of-If- ■ litpg. 15,000 milesles at -:14 mpg costs ” ' ' ' ' ! W E ' RR E N E W ■ |ic)al governiiiEnent EPA tests). No carar $589. Datsun saves/es or “rebates" $331'“ I ANNOUNCING:iNG-THE OPENING OF ■ I '^ s o l d in Ameritrica gets better mileage,;e. per year, $1,324 inin 4 years - more N , I CHUCK F^ERKINS PERI REALTY AT I That's an avenirage of 32 mpg for halfaif tlian any cash rebate:]ates .now tieinroffered. le S y ■ I 953 Bluee lakesLo Blvd. North '-J I ' ■• /(/•;.s//)/;\77i n i( . >k I highway, half ' i city liriving. Briving thehe Anil as gas prices-tIS-keep rising, Datsun's ^(ItfYOUlOOKIH'fORR OIRT OR g o ld ? " ■ w. rinM s fi i( I I Datsun B-210 1!15,000 miles a year woulilJill savings keep growiiowing. Visit Hac Cliris. I ;.• /».s;v/;.s.s;>;s/»A 'o/Y .7r/ 1 ■ cost jWH at I55 cents per .gallpn. TlieTie Datsun this week. -

------—1 I -nHOTOOUlt^NUAtGASM INI^MI-COfiT^ND-COMPARE-MtE-WITROAi:SUII^----- — ti w T tarsr !s ‘Tiiifft^f w I ~ WE WELCO\lEN j ^ A tl NEW BUSINESS ■ . « l« OAYTON.-. STuDEH/.Kf•'f" iO/j' CONTifJfNTAI WAftK IV JNILIIILIS PIS OALLON tpwi •,■(.■> .yuLtsCLi i9nr..t(iri..i.."' '■ " ! DHARLES A.P1. PERKINS JR.-BROKER" I __ i i ? __ !10 i 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 343 4 36 38 . 39 'ftj.'.tt ■.lO-riri;, .1 1^. I .733-0480 officeice 733-1874 residentIt I 5.000 '27575 ‘229 ‘196 M72 ‘153 ‘130 ‘125125 ‘114 MIO ‘ 98 • 92 ‘ 86i ‘ 881 ‘ 7 6 ’ 7 3 ‘ 70 2M |“m ‘ ■ ■I 6.000 33030 275 236 206 183 165 150 138 127 118 110 103 9:97 92 87 85 7 .0 0 0 38595 321 275 241 214 193 175 161 148 138 128 120 11:113 107 101 98 40 367 3U 275 244 220 200 183.169 157 147 138 12'129 122 116 113 9 .0 0 0 -*’95 5 413 354 309 275 248 225 206 190 177 165 155 U146 138 130 127 10.000 S50SO 458 393 344 306 275 250 229 212 196 183 172 16162 153 145 141 E ------1 T O O O - -6 005-504-432-378 5 -336-303-275-275-252"233“ 2T6"202“ IB9”T7” T 7 0 ~ 1 f B“ T '59 ~ r5 S 1 2.0 0 0 6 660 0 550 471 413 367 330 300 275 254 236 220 206 19194 183 174 169 1 3.0 0 0 7 115 5 594 510 447 397 358 325 298 275 2551 238 223 210 21' 199 188 183 1 4.0 0 0 7 770 0 644 550 481 428 *385 350 321 296 275^257 241 ' 22722 214 202 197 )M.IP .© /> J REPORTS 15.000 8*2525 688 589 .515 458 413 375 344 317 295 275 258i8 2 4 3 2 2 9 2 1 7 212 . 20.0 0 0 00 919 787 688 iU 5 5 0 .5500 0 0 458 423 393. 367 344i 32323 306 289 282 25.000 <37575 1144 985 858 765 688125625 572 529 491 458 430I 40404 382 362 353 3 0 .0 0 0 I ^ 50 1375 1 179 1031 917 825 750 688 635 589 550 ST6, .48 .485' 458 434 423 _ IN’mniiciNGTHEl1975 ADOVI COSTS BASID ON>N OASOLINl< AT 55' PIR CALLALLON MA lCCHRIIts DA1TSUN M i l lIN 7th St. East OnC Main St, East " ^ - 734-66.11 1 ^ U N (IG F O R D C OOUNTRY.... . BURLEY S ^ = ? l s i a S p — — I ----- r*------I ■ FEB. DISCOJDHTSI


V 9 $ 9 ( ] I All New Elites and an Cougars in S to ck___ 1^ 0 DISCOUIff ■ n o» 0 Q - ’I ' IDELIVERED ANI^YWHERE IN IDAHOID All New LTD:

I 1 2TRUCCK LOADS ’2 0 ( 1 + 1 J^STIARRIVED - * 2 iTl®® : AilNewPinhnlos in Stock______IDISCOUNT FFACTORY REBAtE

1 *6 CYLINDER:r engine • AC ; • SYNCHROMI«ESH TRANSMISSION R F R $ 2 0 0 0 0 1 • BUYER PROOTECTIONPLflN BATE..... •, I • 4« MONTH IFINANCING ^350+•-^3(1 * 1 5 57 1 0 0 All New Mostao!Mgs in Stock______CDISCOUNT FFACTORY REBATI

DELIVERED ANIi n i w u i i i nIDAHO All New Super CaCab W mFACTORY REBA-g I • Pickups irStocfc JDlSCOyNr^^ (AMC: REBATE OOODD THRU FEBRlIRUARY 28) All Di!•iscounts Are Fromn OurC Posted, Deliveivered Price ; WVhich Include Servio?ice — G as — Undeiderseal. : ABBIE URUGUEN, I N C . ~ OFFER E { D i M U i l i I II FEB. 28, IMC iTRY m s ^ m I fflHI'llKCOMl’l'UriC/oV IS M im-:. . . y v< o r mIci l I l U COUNTI I . 712 MAIN '^•YOUI ne678-049I , M AVENUE SOUTH -TW IN FALLSLS 733-8721 " T h e ScSales Leoc^er In Cassia CounlyCdi I" Burley Phone ( Call: D#an1 TTaylor ~ Ed Pbwsll — TroffcoKord Bray — K«lth CoHoniini -— Lqrry McMurdie ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ l i f ' '• ' _____ h:. ■ *' '■ :'v ■ J-' . Sunday. Fobruary 2M975: Timoarimoa.Nowa.TwtnFal|a,l

Ailiis For Silele B b t i ; F i i r y a | K , . taltsFerye L -*iiosF<*~ WMEWATECASH FOR your elM tTj T IPteiBlglfc-COM I NICE 1987 Cadillac Coupe OeVille, ' hiStlop. pow«r siM'riftO. b(»k«s. ; js«d ear. Pud lor or not. Houte ol I I loaded Uorort«tiollei'734. 19S6 Fotd sedan delivery Lcal______1r974-,o6bcE,'. g « t. wrKKxNk. and door lo(ka. Harttops. flOr Jnd Avofluo'Soultj-T. -BSPFEBRUARY -I SERVERVICE SPECIALS! I Onomu. sluigni body 7J4-31M nmiioayu, u.ct;liif.<|, conOiiioi) power sloermi, powoi i-rakes f Caise ,tont>o(. Air condilioflini). 734.57W. I allor7pmj>. fPtionu 7J4-3M9 OoiGoodyear tires Craoet tnads. Call ' h t t whools and rsdiAl lites. 17,000 ^ . O f f e r G p o dI ThroughThr 2/28/75 S43-eUlallorfl:00. ’ «iS>«i miles. Luxmy at its linesi.. ■ isra PLYMOUTH OUSTER m I 1967 RAMBLER WACON, V-8,- 1971 15 Fitolwd >«m,’,l]ir ioo'vofv — <»5W altcf6______-• tMjckol seals, aulomaiic wltn . I ENGINEJE 1TUNE-UP Ql AulOtrwlicCili 733,S:S3 8 lo 5 Qi00odeo..0iiiOT 3?6-&?Wi ^ 19!1974 CAMARO LT, power twakes, ' consolo, oicodonl shape, low I pow^rtieerinQ.vinyltop.iikonew. * j|^ 4 OodQo Don Sport. 3ia V-a Wlin mileage. U4-57&3. ‘ I 1988 COUGAR. 30J V-8. ' ______"ii siwco savor,packigc. UcW Wuq. economical, usea-noOil GoodBuyl, vinyl lop. 350. 4-spocd power — ^ olKnil-COndilion. K900 L@ ' PARTSS SPECIALS m .. 196 ~ ^ n e y ra lg l Capriro, ;l C«ll423-Sa81 -- W O W !' S 1973 OODGE TRADESMAN vTn~ •• ' passonflor. Waoon. Rad«ls, air I S r r - !S. standard transmission, oitlom 1&3 Cn«voiie"(j'oi7.«V auiomiiie .xonoilioneo, cloan Reasonable. BI a *>l8hilr higher. ^TE N T IO N COLLECTORS: r a 7 Q - V 8 - O igsT S h o rp .- “ ^ -—psinnr«j-iniertomr->TiiTenJ5? p s ------Clastic 1957 Hudson Hornel. powet Mechanic's hen, 19U GTO Good .Qillon 2 i 3244S33 , l*nsmi»»ioo. power StcOJing- Tm -SSSS, evening}. M I Kn Regular 41.90 Engine Ti lop-condilion. Phono “ ' (Xhvci I'takcs WX. Only IS.OOO ine Tune-up Ports Speciol - S D aleoriAo and ^ower brakes, pei- 733.7719. • . condilion. Huns cucellem Will sell 1965 i9( Ouick Wildcat, oood condTToiv • ifies J34-3333 ...... ,..5u.9o uffln lotSWS,Csll?34-MeS. Ji714-7098 _ n M L a b o r ...... musl sell due lo injury, laking bids! — . lora Ford LTO, lo-l miloaoo, power f ...... 1. .$14.40 | H Ptvone 734-MtS lor inlofmali6n, or Slooring, power brakes, sk con- i I03CC , 0‘lionlr>g, Ut9S. or S^OO and lako ' I 8 H y o u r SPECIAL PRICI> R I C E . . $29.30 ^ 1 CASH ovorpiyn>ent».73<-aiM______|[h || * YOUR N A M E ______; for Your Cor 1971 Bulch. LeSabfo. power I ■teerJng. power brakes, laclory aif I[ffi BILLWORK^RKMAN FORD ' H j condllionlno. eicellertl condilion. I ■ 733-5110 p i W W in s USED CARS Also 19eS Buick LeSaExe,. power I WORKAM A N FCO ^ ; 7 3 3 -7 3 6 5 steering, air cor>dilioiiing, good . I condlllor>,733<311. | BILL HAS PURCHASED 16 1< LUXURY CARSi ☆i ☆ )USLY_OWNED I BY ECFORDMOTOR-COMI IM P A N Y ☆ (E W A N T T O P A S S TI- ☆ PREVIOl THESE SAVINGS ONDN p G MiC TRU(ICKSA KTS I WEYOU THE PEOPLE OlOFMAGICVAL^;y m . - 1974THVNDERB1RD3DOOR 1974 MERCURY MAROUIS'4 DR. , , TO > Silver blue wilh blue vinyl toof. tBlue In color wiih..h1ue vinyl ' _V-B. outomotic ironimitiion.- ' roof. V-8,' outomollc tronlml», R G E I i f , pcwer Iteering, oir condilion- i million, power iteeilng.. o ir. I'TAKIECHAI N ’7 5" 1974 UNCOIN CONTINENTAl lion, power tleering. sir condi, 4 OOOR TOWN CAR h. . In^. mt%»heel. moon rool todlol ‘ik)nlng. tilt wheel, ctulie con, condilioning. illi wheel, rodiol looded wilh atl Ihe fine luxur-n liret.No.P691, ttroL No. P890, Rodiol titei. 'I'litet. iplit ben^h teot. No. P893 iei you would expecl In o cor I M C H B like Ihit. copper in color wllh.. m o » f t l S ^ brown vinyl roof, oi«d rodl^m ' m I lirei. No. P892, J y ^ 1974 GRAND TORINO SOUIRE m WAGON, V-B. o4omolic troni- 1974GAIAXIE500 4DOOR 1974 ' GRAND TORINO 4 OOOR I- million, power tieeting, liti 'V,8. outomotic irontmlitlon, V-8. V- outomotic trontm ittion. ol wheel, deluxe luggoge rock. tpower Iteering. -oir condition, power' pc Iteering. oir condition­ ''WIU LDO" 1974 FORO ITD 4 DOOR w AM FM itereo. rodiol ilrei. *'ing, (lean. No. P901. Rodiol ing. >n' tilt wheel, rodlol tiret. Hordlop, green with green No. P688. ttirei. crulte ctl conlrol. No. P897. pating' in a specialal GM C S ales C amjmpqign | and we vinyl tool. V-8. oulomotic troni- iWe are particip mittion. power tteering. rodiol lite i. oir conditioning, low M 295 , ,. • M 9 9 5 iore ready to tal'ike charge in '75. mileage. No. P889. ■i -iaeJiiZ L iM ' 1974 FOROCOUNTRYSOUIRE' _ J 4 ^ 9 5 _ ^R STATION WAGON. V-8. oulo- 1974 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. 1974 FORD ITO 4 DOOR / I ' GMCTI■RUCK AND JODHN CHRIS MCAOTORS _molk __UQnimlylon,__power WAGON.-V,8. ’ oulomotic Iront- _HARPT0R. __H< __ Y.-6__ oulomotic "m iii.bn, power ileerlng', rodiol tr. 1974 GRAND TORINO 4 DOORa' poitengor. No, P895, Radiol nir«traIr-c6nail.onlng- ^ lO-poT —o “ oT ^"\ondi?lonl?iy^*cleVi?,*1 5w‘~ — PROUDtYI'PRESENT------V-6. oviomoiic trantm iiiion, litet, lenger. ‘ blue in color. No, P89S. mileage, m rodiol tirei. No, P898. power tleering.-oir condition-• — “ ingr”AM-fM“ ttoreo~fO(Jrol“ »4595 . _ J 4 7 9 5 - lirei. cruiie conlrol. No. PB99.■ ■ I " G E N T I L E M A N J lI i M ' The i mlage a c M aker M 695 ■ 'l97ftW!&tT0 4 000R . 1973 FORD GALAXIE SOO 1974 FORD ITD 4-OOOR SEDAN lc V-8. « m m o 1 lc/ra n im liilo n . 4 4 DOOR SEDAN. V,8, outomollc V-V-B, oulomolic tronimliilor*.. W e D are} anyone to try to equalet this one. Corrlo m e in — J, power lY ^ n g : air condilion- Ironimittion, I power iieetlng. p

l i i n iIlM A Pm l ■ 1 2 4 3 BLUE LAKES BLVD. NORTHNC ______733-5110 I -i

i i W il i o D p u C Pickup ] 1 - Pontiac Grand Prix ' — Solhhif! Madrifh Ih Eiftial r i i Itre Station Wagon j ^ ' i 1 • Pontioc Grand Villele BroughamB C oupe ^ :ALL G M C s th a t w eere in our Stock beforee DecemberI 31, 1 9 74i areq r on Sale for this 1 - '/j to n GMCmtura Coupe's__ _ ;Contest. Take advarsntoge of these Real Barei r g a i n s . i . 1 • Pontiac Astr 2 - Pontiac VenACTORY REBATE 01 VENTURA* 1 • T h ree 'A V Ton, Long Wheelel Base, Wide BoxIX FP ickups ON ASTRE AND VE '350 V-8, Turbo Transnrmission. Power steering, popower brakes. Radio, 2 ton(tone, speciol'Axle ratio, •Heovy Duly Reor Sprirings, Sierro Gronde, H 7 8 xxlS l l Belted Tires, Body side mouldings. Gauges, $200 FA tmtrrors, Folding seof b o c k , s t e p R e a r B u m p e r, Stoand White LIST PRICE . ...$ 5 3 9 6 .0 0 SALE ■ CAMPAIGN I ! EBICE ...... ^ ...... S l B W B vi ■ ifStock No. T-47,,Colclor M edium Lime and W hilete • Stock No. T*46. Color1396>lor I Light Blue and White

4 WHEELEL IDRIVES c p 1975 GMC--% Ton Pickup •. SIvrra Crondi. 3S0 V-8. ciounlliory lual 1onk, Haovy Duly 1 9 7 5 GMCV4Vi Ton Pickup “ Rodiaiof. Bouo#t. 750x166 6 ply ilrat. 4 tpaad..(>oAl ito- Folding Seat. Wail Cootttt MinMirrori, Haovy Duly Power m. blllttr bor. Watl Coatt MlnUrrort. folding laei, 2 tona point. - broket. 4 tpeed. lockingI hubi.hubi powar tteering, rodio, • rodlo, Haovy duty Roor Springt,Sp powar tiaaring. [Mwar chrome Ironi bumper. 750x1650x16 6 ply llrei. gouget, full 5 PONTIAC r ' -rT'-TW spc t . brokas. modlum Gold ondid Whila, SiockNo.OMCT 17, foom teot. 3 uniit lo choote)te fromlro< No, T 41 ■ No, T 43 one P O N T IA C Rad • one light Blue. PR IX C O U P E ■ LI§TPRICE . . . $5698.00 e pioyer. turbo Jtontm lttlon. power VENTURA:A ICpUPE__^_^;^_^ :. 1 - 1975.._lpndou lop,"door edge guordi. tilt 260 V-6 engine, iteal belted while wi U S T P R IC E . . . $6483.20$6 remote mitrort, bQdx-llde mouldingi = DISCOUNT .... $1052.00 utiom oir conditioner, floor moll front . ildingCsofi roy gloti, turbo hydro ? DISCOUNT ... $1175.20$1 GRANDPlumjMr gu^ di, from ond reor. while ■irontmlttion. todlfiJdtUKe wheelleel covVftTTOwerci steering, ciger I - ' SALE CAMPAIGN 60x40 SeoU. radio and tope j lighter, bumper protection group.up, Itlets Ihon ISOO mllet. gittger . btown. SALE CAMPAIGN tteering. power diic brokei._lI mouldingt. power windowi, td l toy s : PRICE ...... V....'*4646 tteering wheel, 6 woy teor,'cuti LIST . . . $ 4 3 4 3 .0 0 mt • PRICE ...... in 3,000 mllei. Persimmon vflth while ond reor. deck lid control, bun SAVE... $601.00 ^ 5 3 0 8 I woll tleel belled tadiol tirai. ro ror. Roily II wheelt, body tide n D E M O P R I C E ...... glott, occeni iiri^ i, leii than : ^ 3 6 6 2 ) ' 1 J ■ lop- : ^ 5 8 9 9 , ■ } i 17 UNITS TO ClCHOOSE FROM j LIST . . . J7 2 1 7 .0 0 . I : SAVE..-. $1310,00 a Yos, 17 GMC Trucks-At Specpecial Campoign Pricos Thot i 1-197575 GMC ' 1 D E M O PRICE 5 P O N T IA C »t W e ra In Stock B efora De«!q ^inbor31. b i 1974. . ' \ t ' '/ 2 TONJ P IC K U P I 11 M o ro B rand N ew G M C Trucks Tr, Just Arrived, Making | LE BROUGHAM sierro Clotiic Model. 3S0 V-B enainine, turbo tronimlitlon, power * I ! I 1 tteering. heovy duly power diicn ororoket. .air condiiloner, chrome * I Our Sefoclion One Of The Bes)est In Idaho. | leoli. rodio or]d lope pioyer. remote 1-1975I clock. p«wfr door lockt. crulte con- front bumper, toll toy gloit. belowlow eyee mirtort, folding teal bock, ' I -J vinyl inierior. heavy duty ipringi.|i. chromechr grill, froni tioblllter. AM ' GRAND VILLIile woll tteel ^dlol liret, body tide rodio, IR78«I5 rodiol liret Heel,el. ipeciolip two tone point, slldit^ * Hardlop Coupe. 60x40 tolll teeII. 6 woy power teol, tolt toy gloit. reor window, lill iteering wheel,1, ttetstep type reor.bumper. lets than ' mirror. Roily II wheelt. digitalnk-lld cl releoie, reor bumper guardt. 4,000 mllet. Dork Cold and While.lie. Irol. cuttom oir conditionet. flooeering. power dlic broket, le tt ihon LIST P R IC E ... $ 6 5 4 0 .3 0 rodiol tuned lutpeniion. while ; :1975GMCWWodel TC30903 SAVE. ^.$1225.30 • J)a[u«a C ^ p a r aoulpmant.It. 4S4 V-S, full mouldingi, Haovy 1975 GM C! %%. Ton Sierra mouldingt. lilt iteering wheel, - PutM pOY*ar dlK brokot, lurbo li irorttmiitlon. High Slarro Bo^y ilde mouldlt>gt. haovyOf dulydul] teor tprlngt, folding seol. heovy duly oir cleoner. trunk- D E M O S A L E ...... gouget. lurbo irontmiiiion. Wi ^ 5 3 1 5 ; lpmooi, compof mlrrori,ri, folding Sm i . gouoat. Soft Ray on. Wett Coott mirfori. 750il6 t«, A.M. Rodlo, oir concM^ditionad 950x19.6 fO ply iliat. 6 ply titet. chrome front bumper, bumpi power ileerlng. chrome 4.000 mllet, hub copt. two lona paint... AM Rodlo,,R 350 V-8 engine. Me- ^ 6 2 5 2 ^ . powar ttaarlng. iainl. lona Heovy pair Duty Compar Spatial, AM UST ... S7677.00 k No. GMCT 3, dium Cold ond While. -• liohl Blua ond Whila, Stock I SA V E... $1425,00 1 - 1975 PC LIST PRICE .... . $5597.00$ P O N T IA C : ■ l'LIST PRICE...... $7329.00 ' D E M O PRICE ...... 5 P O N T IA C ASTRERESJ : DISCOUNTG ...... $1435.00 DISCOUNT . . .,.$1030.00 . J ' URA COUPE “ Soforl Wogon, 140 3, borrel engin*ingine. lurbo tronimlitlon, rodiol SALES * > Irontmlttion. rerrtote control mirror, luned tutpention, iieel rodlol whilevhile wallt.i rodlo. rear teol speak- . SALES 1 -1 9 7tr, 5 chrome window moulding^/ rodio. '•■ e rr toft ray glott.. floor mott froniyti andon rear, wood groin poneling. ’ CAMPAIGN !p ullful Sterlir\g Silver color. 'performance olde, roily wheeli.>. luggogeIug( corrier, oir conditioner, . CAMPAIGN ' VENTL bumper guordi, le tt ihon 4,000I mlleimiles, Honduroi Maroon. ' ; PRICE...... • ‘ 260 V-6 engine, turbo hydro It LIST P R IC F .. . $ 4 9 0 3 .0 5 ; PRICE...... ^5894 M 5671 power tteerltig. cigar lighter, Sleel belled rodiol tiret. beouill •SA V E... $911.00 LIST PRICE ^ $ 4 1 8 9 ,0 0 » 3 5 3 5 D E M O P R I C E ...... ■ » 3 9 9 2 j SAVE... $654^0 I /DEMO PRICE ' lOHINCHiISIWT([ORS 1NCHRII S M O Tr o R S f 6b] .Main Avjfeb n u e E ast 4', Twin Falls 7 3 3 -1 ^ 2 3 _ s n u e E a s t Twin Falls , ; ; J o h------, „ i „ 601 Main Aven i- . ’ . « Timos-Nows. TwinFnilalls, laono • Sunday. Fobroary 23.1975')75-

S o u th i e r n s e i ilato a r forcesi s r e f o r m cers back tot o d r a w i n gg b o a r d I - • Allen did ll^c reforpi’ersie rs ini finfl no”’lnlenlioiT-dr Idling Ihi ____ WAS^mcTON inpi) - B Ihe . can be changed by mnjorjority up-the change for acllon andJld a He alsa lold Ihc Senatei; hc ' Pearion'5 motion could Be 8]S1 L ‘ “ ^n~James~AirehrD-’AlaTlS'■lS'n~'“ dcspltc-a-hlRhlyfavoral)lc-riil)lc-ru— iBKUo com tlD a vote. Alien tolj l.told^ vote. Not so. argued_the t vote on the rule Itself -iwtht»th -then would have choicc• huthul Into its two parts;, Yei Mr hig, amlahic southerner wllwllh ling from Vice Presiderjsldenl his collcaguc.s Ihey.couid retin'ctire tradillonallsts, The rulescai ^ F * w carif decided hy-mnJorltlcs.-Senatc•nate— to-caaTivotc-oinhf Pearson'rson- ■ RoiKefelleriuieff------B an uncanny eye for lhIhe Nelson Rockefeller and enoughenoug ■ to thclr offlccs. and m eet Ihcli Ihelr over, and debate -even orona Democrallc Leader Mike0 Ike mot loh without further dchalc.ale. Then Allen asked It the Ilh W leglslatlveloophole, votes, “ plancre.servallons. - ’ rules change -ca n be slopp>pfMW -Mansfleldobjecled In possession of ihe rulingIllng part, a procedural and not m ' As a result, ^ n a t e refocefor- In fact, he was so adroilIroll hch , At Issue was Ihc reform ers ncr.s' onlyliyatwo-thlKlsvoteT ' R ockefeller sdld hc u-ould•ould they w anied. the' reformners ers constllulional, motion,, ws B mers seeking to "changc lhIhc forcedRockefellertomakctwikctwo attempt to changc the rulelie sosi - Sen, Jn h ie s P earson, ■ % '- . i , 1 . R- not Involve himsell In Man-Man-, rolled'up a 5.‘>-42 margin,rgin, openlodeliate. n antiflllbusier rule have gongone quick nillngs thal deslroyeslroyed thal Ihrcellllhs, nol two- two Kan., touched otf the storni by sfleld's objection but advisedr'Ised brushed a sid e M ansfield's.‘Id's ‘'It is dehatahle.' - i - r = » - . m'• hack to the draw ing l>oardlard thu reformers, althoughil thevllic thirds, of Ihe .Sciiate can slop i 0 • tiling a two-part motion —o-on© the Senate lhat rcjocling:l}ng __ ol)jcciion?.apd^'crc_rcacl>'..lo.l> Jo._ -Rockcfcllcrsald..------‘•We've TjottorcRrouprKrpiitiHint— hopcto'ir>''agnimieKfwoei^'— rniiAister.------:•------•— - simply calling hiles • Manslield .‘.would lie” lan- change the niles. H debate was pcrm iltcd, tl: ' mildly." concedrd Sen. Wallc[illcr JiL sl'so everyone wouldluld l)ch T hey -s'ald lh a t 'a t the th< change, the other demandl nding tamounl lo calling the r'carsonirson Allen w asn't. He gol Ihe floor opponentscould"ialkthelssi 1 Moit-lnle.b-Mlnn. su re the hatlle w as over and hch Iwglnning of a Congress, aI rulenili Immediate voles on bringiiging mollon valid.- • ' A ' ^ M . ond osked Rockefeller whclhcr:lhcr lo death" - a miliusler fW tl: filibuster, - * f e ■ / " tP IN DAILY 10-I0> fllSUNDAY 1I-6 ^ S U N I i i p Djor Im o nnuar i Knjgle Seoul

ROBERT MYRLAND, SOTon of Mrs. Inga Myrland, TvTwin Fells, received his Eagle Sc;cout aw ard a t a court of honor• andc , banquet Friday night at; thei LDS First Ward where; he ------belongs to T n x ^ 59. He Is a J______nlnUi g rad er at O 'Leary Juninlor ______H l^”School and a memtwrcr of . thelcadershlp'corps, 131 2 Day)a y s O nly I IBl . ' A — News Of 1 /% ^ COLGATE 0 WRIGLEY’S * ! Servicem e / SHAVE I 17-STICK D • .CREAM ffi a u i n P W K I . ______WKM)KI.I. - Maritic i» T 1^^^^ ■ N y ' OURBgC. 77- ^ ______ntiiini' L. Illchiircls. son «t ^ inicf Afrs. /fiirry H. « id i;ir " m \ fi I h L BB2IlB2ZZnM and wife jxiiiLsc' is t diuiyhjor n( Mr. «iid Mi H oIktI ' a , F re n d i, ;ill' * 'U m i l '3 Three flavors. ■ WoMilcll. W.1S n critorloiij tlmil 4 »*«4}4. IIIS IjJ promnlwl lo his ri‘M.'nl ra 31)0m,r«b BB n / / » oooti upon Kriiduntloi' from I Marine Corjis Htyrult S;ir\.Dit‘Ho ' A moril(irlous promollon nwartlod to iiiillvlduals. uhf C U P P ^ R I of Ihclr normal promoll ULTRA I dale, (or oulslandInK p< BRIGHT ^ • I formancc of July. Uichar OURREG. n.*7 w ns conimcnded lor supcTi•’rm r m ^ Qchicvcmcnl «n. the Mari GIRLS __ Corps ph.vslcnrillncss test. 1 r s___ l l JEROME - Thc^son of S' Jerome, re.sldcnl has !»■ - ASSORTED I \ a ssigned to M arch AFH. Calliin .. ' T ------LAMP . . S A MILK - ^ STEP IN I V for duty with a unll of i SHADES B a 2 days only -r-. Slraleglc Air Command. Air Forcc S. Sgl. John I I m*' - - Connolly:gnp of-Mrs. Rulh 2 ^ 2 I l i Connolly.' is an aulomlatic ai 0 .switching ccntcr, techniciclan ■’ S o u i rec. 12-. W - w ith Ihe ;Urd CommunicalKi i J r-1" I I Mil n drink milani non V , • Womoromoni tlop in. In bono O Squadnm . ------King .all toblo. ^ ; \ (o’ dfy milk mokei 20 ■■ V, ond>d bl.bbtii. Vinyl oppor. IH ~ «»^0" Previously assigned. Quo'fj ond Icrtificd wiih ; tubborbbor tole in iito i i to Croughton RAF Statlo vilomnu A S 0 , England.hc is a IStC gradu;i ...... _ of Sanla Clara iCallf.i Hi 0^ 4 7. - 0 ^ 2 ^ Training Onler at Shuppa ' A«»orl9d coloft. TO |f i n \ for spi'cialiicd training 3 3 I \ BIG BOYS’ I Airman Glirk is a Hi 2 D a y s grad u a le ol Twm Kails lli j BLUE JEANS II Schtnil. Ills father is .Inhii ' 3White porcelain ffl ' Oo«a0w».^«c.»tna»,im ^ ■. B| I Click. enamel finish on M ^ ACCENT M 4.97^^2D«rt ■ > II TABLE ■■ ffl. heavy - gauge y Popular western steel, for-stews R j g / a n LAMPS i C tiarcs in heavy 10- « and soups. Save. U Stalertien X J OUR HEC. 34.aa M - collon dcmm. B B B H r e p la ces ■H ' PRESTOKE r y f I DOUBLE AHTl-FRSZE W li tra d itio n Gt*ol for any foom. H 1 (■ INSULATED j l I 7'/4’’SAW . ST{K'KII01.M 'I 'l - h ^ I t8"*?5’ ■ \Vllness«-s in .Swedish coiirlsIs no t------; A -iOiftOali • longer will have to sw ear Hi th e Billie. II ihe pro|»s;il wo gallon* lor 7 ^ . B U e » B B accepted hy Ihe gnvcrnuie the national l,ul‘ ran Chm S^THTAPE says. • ^ ^ . PLAYER According lo Ihe chunlCi \ M i old lra-iiio n will »Ki.re|)l.K.ifetl 1__ 1 _ S Overload safety -b>” a binding slalen'iei?! P clutch. Retract- «. M ’■honorandconscicnec ■' A S S < i^ORTED SWAGS H ing 'blade. Ca- 3 9 « » W OM EI • ‘T o many Christian, .'Ople • ' a p a c ity : 2 7.«" a t ;.,tlie use of the Bihle in sw< ■ 90M ’V,."al45°. Q t| Slldoilldacontroli.Savt. 2 sta le m e n ls in the court n*i 7 ” ' , ■ i54*;sp.^in.Pi.io.ti was a hone of conlenllon." ' COWflM • « « W »■ S WWSQE CompHir MEN'S^^^GE church>oid "They often> Ifell X ^ _ 2 2 2 that II was lo misuse the wiworti of God and felt that (h ,k<«.a.M ..., 4.H statements as nay and ) lypuld l» equally binding/’ /« : T h e T iim es-New s Suunddy M agazii z i n e , « d i » d » i M I

______^ _ T V Ischedule Feb. 23t 1through March 1

TT ^

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T r i u m ph v i l l a g e / Lif,ife in old Blaine miningmi site goes on»n (Storyr/Ta-s^ f ------

'.' ■ ■ •' ...... ’ • '. ’ ’ ; 11 t l’'. I.. ‘ 10'. •'. VI.: : - - ■

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V a l l e y G o m nnent: n Warr o v e r o i U ? ■■ Question; SholOuld the U nited\ SlStates go to war with tt the Arab staates i f . -----—continiurd higl'gh oil prices~threa,•eaten to throw thee USi into a depres’ssion?

Debbie Dingmanin , Tw in •DebliyDavls.CiiliM : Fa lls: "Dcrinltely not. 1 just "No. I d o n ’t tocl In don’l wanl any more wars. _jwnr, 1.Ihink wc cought to I ihjnk we can'handle our uncap so m e of oi own economic Situation at------wells here, bccauw .■ ho m e ." /ofsonhem."

;r, Tw in Jack E. Nipper, Marsha Lickley, Twin F a lls: FaUa; . “High oil prices . ‘■No. I d o n 't believe In put us In a dcprcssi' '.y w . I think, thafs the one thing they (thee w o rst possible w ay to solve have too much Invc In the problem. They've tried lhc US. They orcn' going It b efo re a n d II never to (Ight us and wc ■'J. w o rk ed ." going to rig h t them . ' w e . c a n .c o m e to a n agreement somele w h c r e alQng lhe lin t" c

Lee Stetson, Gooding: WBKBM ^ • • + & - ? + !& & ?& ? + !! And you can quote me. 1 don’t think the Unlled D eborah L ee. T w t States should go to war . ••I don 't think we ever again over anything. go to w ar. I think wc 1 ’ m ready lo be a second rate sto p sc n d in ((th c m U power . .. Obviously.. lb« the other things wc.-c supply^^^^^^^^H answer la td develop alternate sources of energy should find ouru r . . . A lot b f people seem In resources In Ihc I be gearing I?) lora w ar... h a v e lols of w ells.” but I don’t think, the )twth o( th is c o u n try w ould go (or It .*.. T hey're going to need onc hell of a believable Tonkin Gulf incident before anybody In Ihls country "^ ■ “ Nvould go to w a r ov e r oil."

^ ______r^-* 1 . *«

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Dean Hadfleld. Twin F a lls : John Presgravcs,». Twin ; - ; ^ "You don't think the F a lla : President ought to answer “No. I think it wA-ould be thal. huh? I fed lhat all a waste of money. 11II would possible negotiations be another deal Julu st like should be made before any Korea or Vietnam, military effort Is con­ you win. what ha\ sidered. I think If everyone got? Nothing. Somm cplace would live their lives the cisctosupport.” way the Saviour wanted us to there would’t be this trouble. I have strong religious' convictions that I. there wouldn't be depres- .sion of war if we lived Christlanllvcs." .

...... C 2 . - C M I P 2 Tim es-Nows, Twinin Falls. Idario S unday. >=el3fuary’23.>’23;i9re /

R e s o r lt ch ief getits in te rnl a a t i o n a l g cj o i i i ^ e t h l o n o r s

- SUN VA L1J:Y - N o Jol)I) Chainc des Rotisscurs, a ^ . told me ^-should-come to hhad learned tbe language Dining Hoom, El Torito, sp sp e cia l flavors, Trail'Creek Cobin, Dollar "W h en soiTtcone a sk s m e is too difficull for Sunn gourmet society started in ■ i VStinV Vdltcy. I d id n 't ^ a k w v ell. Cabin, North .Face Hut, to to prepare a ccrtain menu. , Valleys cxccullvc chcf. 1248 In P a rts fo r ro a s te rs of ■the language, hut 1 got thc______"I told Ed Piikerton. who C; 'T2*kour"U«rHoiii1dhouse ” li'snorverjraffirculir'Tw li'i t»elcrSchotl. - gccse. ThTs“ h o n o f'a iro w s Job as a cook In the'Ram wos \» ibe m anager then, if hc soys. "By lalking to people ...... Hc plans weddingg the Duchln Room to Dining.Room from Louise ■ ' wunicdw me to,stay he’d and Duchln 9000. so. Hc also oversees all the ond on reading books, I can reccpllons. lO-coUrsce becomc' a Chalne Sturthcmanager." •' h have to give nic o good I, preparailons. for special leam.Icj Sometimes people d in n e rs, hanqucls for 1,0000 restaurant. Job! "he loughs. P' . ''Cooking was ool ncw to parties and dinner^,' many have ha tbelr recipes with people, and lwo years' agoQ Schott has been "He said, 'Arca't you a PJ times preparing them them, Ihi in don't know whal hc prepared a J

NEW YORK - ••Thal'5'5^ rcccivcd more than two assistant treasurer Ed­ none of the public'ss thirds of Its Incomc from ward Leonard, linard business!" growledd ARi\MCO and from Mobil was' contactcd flcr NCC Warren Day. newly ap­>. Oil. By w ay o f g ratitu d e. T re a s u re r C arl T iller o f thc pointed executive director,r AMEU hals sent to ils Baptist Worid Allilaiicc explained that his I Cupei of news and Information forir m ailing lis t (40.000) a n 7 ~ ^ the National Council of)f offer of " fr e e su b sc rip llo n s —___ Uxasurcr's posl is '•largely ChurchcsiNCC).' to Aramco Wor'd," a honoriuy." tind referred What evoked this angr>’y ■'mogazlnc for which A.EU the-question-to Leonard.-— BEI: b Is m ain lain s .th e re is " n o . Leonard in lum referred > # with t h * ln*B «d' makes o u tb u rst from Day w a s this I the matter to a Roberta column's Inquiry as to0 belter sourcc of Middle Supporti b r t S y ste m . cxacUy how much moneyy Easl Information.” ____ Bcrringcr. who handles thc NCC is taking in. asa AMEU- has also cir- su c h leases. Bul afler repeated landlord for — of oil th in g^ s culalcd mass mailings to - p a r t b f tb e oil lobby. scrvice stations, truckers, inquiries, In which this lady wss not avallalfle for "SENSE! T h c W ashington P o s l h a d collcge professors and. Q U E £ ^NSIZE •c o m m en t, h e r office In- f- Just published two In­V university presidents, I S ta r Firm stallments of page oneIC bringtng to thclr attention -'formed us U^at they had 2 R.S.$37» * , “*'becn ordered w iifer any ------( A V I S su c h Inquiry to Inform allon Box^Spfings ^ . Inside: Religion- • dircclor Day. who provided & M attress...... !io o ..... ^ I , the information that "This »279 Is noc of thc. public's y. such information - as — PLUS 6 PIECE PI BEDDING PI A C K — ^ • fea tu res on th c oil loW)y. b u sin e ss!" Both of these extensivevc "Congrcss is under Zionist • Fitted Shciheet • Flat Sheet • IBlonlcet articles cilcd. anin ’control." This slalement is ad-, organization called;d ' AMEU’s cxccullvc miltedly something of an' ‘ • Mottr^tres$_Pdd_«_£Pillow^C o ses . .. '-'Americans For .Middleilc dircclor. Melhodlsl Improvement over the East Understanding, In-n- minister John Sutton, Is , public relations attitude of Twjrporatcd’' (AMEU), quite mattcr-of-fact aboul another Ncw Yorker, who A s th c a d d re ss of AtidEU,U. thc oily conlenl of almosl said, '‘The public be! S O F A A s e thc Post listed 473 River-T- . all of his organization's d a m n e d ." > side Drive In Manhattan,il, financing: "We think wc But then again, railroad 5 As” ...... wilhout mentioning the factict n e v er g e l eno u g h (Inancing m agnale w^WllIlamI SLEEPERS 1 9 9 that Ihls is tbe address olof from companies lhat do'- VandcrbiU was not lax th e In terc h u rc h C c n tc r, thehc business In thc Middle exempt, nor did any localI • .Herculon CoCover • Full Bed Sizee REG. <249 headquarters of thcl e ' E a s t. churches throughoui tbe N alionaj. Council of ol By striking contrast, nation su p p o rt him th ro u g h - Rev. Mr.Sultori. whose their eblloctlon nlntw; :iAL tS P E C iA ^ — Ttw Post did, however,:r, AMEU wos described by T a x exem ption alo n e, nol m r e s s _ B®x Sprl report a number of thing!g s th c P o s t o s a " ta x e x em p t, to mention its nalionalJ Box Spring & Matti irlngs S M attress a b o u t AM EU - whictich charilahle—or^izailon," ' solicitation of funds, makess Legs & Headboai» a rd LegsI I8 Headboard ~ X is not neoriy' so open the NCC's incomc thc rents spacc from thc NCC ® Medium Firm MMedium firm jr- regarding vrtiat he pays In — that it would not or g . 9 Yeor Guorant**» • S YY i e a r C u e r a n tM dinarify be regarded atas rent for officc spact to t h eI, , Moreover, the growing very ecclesiastical (undeiler NCC. nccdiqr tax revenue, plus whicti category the NCC i:is ^ F o r w h en a sk e d b y th isI the proliferation of (ax exempi): column Just bow much hisI organizations dalmlng tax > c X e m p t I n) n h a s !______^ In 1968, A M E U 's Ittcomcnc organization pays lo (be r ^ 9 9 1 1 9 to ta le d S89.7S7 - of w h ldch NCC. Rev. Sullon refusedI necessitated constant . 988,300 w as "c o n trib u te dd" ' lo reveal (his amount, vigilance on the^gari of the by the Arabian Americaiion execpltosay: Exempt Or^anfzallons' BUNKK BEDS — SLEEEP 2 OU Co. (ARAMCO), whlcJch " I t 's a lo t m o re th a n $200» Branch of IRS. which Is p ro d u ce s 90 p e r c e n t of oi ' ambnth." . now aware of the NCCs SaudlArabla'soll. • THis *200 fig u res w os th c! oily incom e. JX E BEDS Since 1968, AMEU hasas "rough estimate" of NCC: (c)Nat’I.Newq>.SyDd. L T o„ $ 1 P o tt P in e R o l l t ...... I 1 5 9 I rIt On Ralls ’ s b r o k e n l e g s e t ^ 3 1 F i rm E a g l e ’ h R . Inn«r«prlng Mm Mattr*u .., SANTA CRUZ, CalifIif. m onth by D r. J a m e s R oush has Joined a project with (UPD^Abald ea^etha» t - the first operation of its University of Califomia atI JM underwent a two*houiu r type. Santa Cruz' sludenis to operation for a broken iejleg But since Thunder's bree d r a r e b ird s of p r e y In ' is recovering —bul thibe treatment, Roush has been captivity and set them freee “ ^ I e v e r RTON docior who treated him itIs flooded with persons . In th ew ild s. WAMHOWH . be in g sw am ped w ith iriIri- bringing h im In ju red b ird s ' "W e m ight b e ab le lo d o a Qperb. * lurodblrdsofproy. ' su c h a s h a w k s, falcoos a n d little toward stabilizingI EASY SLEEP Thunder, a 3-year-oli)ld ' even an enormous goldenI their population with eagle, with,. a ' .slxrrooK)i e a g le th a t h a d been sh o t tn medical treatment, but I FINANCING CENYERi m v M i s , * wingspan, had Its leg selei ythefoot. b re e d in g In c a p tiv ity is th e I with a steel plate lasist-Jfc j n*e veterinarian saya be best answer," wTNS55rTiflnFill#:W8ho-3 ------„ . ;lf •, a C ,s . tai • ;

' ...... " ' ' M H o m l e g a r d e n

and blooms around Oirtstnstm asllm e. BytyGE»RGE ABRAHAM • peatm oss, ve rm icu lite,lite.orpcrllte. 01 plus somc nutrients, any B uds s ta r t to develop inn fallf a n d w illsiv e .v o u ash o w w a y STARTING SEEIEDS: It'll soon be tim e lo sta r t yourir ownO' They are sterile andind wweedfrce and you do not have any ilasUc sheet ilaui^rv bags) n'vi»r ------p la n ts frotn se ed .— nUlngsr-Thr-beauty-of-lhese-inrtant-a n t___— UD.lnto sp rin g . P iac c ji pla I bu d s inside It. — One reason whyf ihom e ^ r d e n e r s like to sta r t Ih eirT o'own mixes is lhat they areare 1 ligHt and seeds push up throughjg h plan t syringe the bi _ Did you know you conon start ncw gardenias without Is that they can bctw sure of the variely. There arc soisome them easily. 1. If much trouble? Toke a cla;la y o r pldslic O ow er pot i lo-lnch v a rie tie s th a t a rc hhi a rd to buy a s sta rte d plants, but scetl«ed Is Be sure to sow seedeed vivery lightly for hasklCT plants. If perlite, sand or mixture of sand available In many’ eases.c • you sow loo Ihiflc, you gel spindly plants. Plan to sowiow size) and fill wilh moist pi ' Also, ifs hord lot< believe but some growers or storeste obout 7 lo 10 small seedaseeds or -1 to 7 large seedSTwr Inch, of ‘ and peat moss_ :nlp off ony e x tra long shots (ihls operators will run1 out< of a certain variety and can solvesol . • , In .spring o r su m m er .■•nl the problem by luslist switching some labels. This happcppens pruning is good for the plp la n t) arid in se rt th e se into tlie often with hybrid1 tomatoes. Most successful operate rooting mcdlum.-Stems-fib6»MHild-J»4^r-4-lnches-longrWllh ------d on 't sw itch labels.s, fortunately. . , Greeisen Thum b twltom-leoves not touchingn g th e p e rlite. etc. If you've lx!cri halaving trouble getting a good ”calch”:h ” of Placc the pol inside a1 clean c plastic laundry bag and " seeds, step into ouri r greenhou.sc a n d w e'll go over ihe fofo u r . twist the top shut. KeepI nuloi of dircct sun. Add water by im p o rta n t fac to rs inIr gelling good germination: row, Using a nourrin[rTmcrrtshakc-n- vcr\-llgnt^^r but we can'l? What specialsped c a r e dews o u rsn ee d ? ” k e ep out of direct sun. during the day, bu^ut nl njght w hen y o u low er Ihe lem lei - T here a rc tw o kindsid s o(of g a rd e n ia g ro w e rs: thosi^ who can !;“|1 QUESTION OF THE takes alMut 1 hr. to do a 10 • . p e ro tu re y o u r s e ed d flal ; gijts c o ld er th a n th e room lt.selt. those? w ho c an ’t. A m a teu rs who have cit. If gel the bloom ^nd thost' ■ WEEK: D.F, of Twin^,|„ q t. pail, a n d th o i includes under fiSdeKrecslh(he seed is a p l lo rot inside the.'k.fdI coat.ctn success with gardenia.s.?nia.s. don'l go by th e iHKik they forgcl ,jjv the cracking, - i l ------SoRlvcalleostTOdcdegrees dny and ni^ t all atwut the plant'sH it's ldlo.syncraeles. Tin* an.swer Is . way to crack walnutsj'l’j; I’v e trie d crfi^king them - After seeds sproullul. you c an m ove th e m to a cool windt foliage wiil . reader; "The mosl,j,{ sc p c ra tin g th e m eals fmm J- ' sta rt seed. give th e p la n l plentyty oof fl humidity. es|x-cialiy nei-detl when practical and quickest wa\ Ihe shells. • — ' to d a y , we u se so:iolliess mixes for growing and slartii•rting huds are maturing. - to c ra c k n u ts is to po u r a Yo IC I look over o quart al a ‘ plants. Some of Ihcficse include Jiffy Mix. Pro-mix, UedI-Uei Gardenias like lor) Iw grown in wixxJen liilis, 111 lo 20^ 111'In- C|l. pall of nuts on theIk,. tim e, sp rea d in g them oul earth and others oron lh markci. Th«j(><4natcriais contamtain dies or so In diameterleler and alxiul a lool deep, IWsl soil c o n crete sidew alk of porch, on the tabic.- Pick out the ‘ m ixture consists of equalequa p a rts nf sa n d , pe a l and loam , a n d c ra c k th em w ith a posl .Set Ihe plan* outdoorsdoors In a sen»l-shadird spot diirlnc;thc the mail. I lay some Ixiarcb- - lin^'l'eartnndfrom I sipimer monlh.s andnd lirtiring indonrs Iwfoa* frost. Timele nf around' the nuis to keep ■f r« (l. w h ic h lc a v t* only t)loom ing v a rie s hulul usiusually .vou ean expect some budsHids th e m from ■ flying oul o k very few lo crack. the Ixiunds, 1 5 CO> m i c h o o k a p c o o d U ^ ., It only ta k es 10 o r IS Then I strate the , minutes to crock them. n i’i ^ VSS-KW ^risi3mi , e G e o t hl e e r m a l —___ _ .-.Then I shift out the dustjsti-i shell frapncnts. Last fall I l a t e r - n o g r i p e and small particles wllh' a gathered 45 bushels^ of ' i" w ire screen . T hen I put . w aln u ts a n d a flc r they had them on the kitchen table ' ByERMABOM]VIBECK m o v e f u rn itu re , p a been shelled, I had 15 and my wife and I remove For years I hatiave held woodwork nr take emplm pties p r o j e cc t t s t u d i e d bushels of nuts, ready for and sort the meats. II down two Jobs while w my J)acklolhe.slorc." _ ” shelling." hushand sat h.-i<>ack and "A reyouflnlshPd?'*" POCATKl. I.O0 — ’'ll suitable chemicallical / j ______l_was a "1 haven't even starl ___ _ watchcyLJike it. tartcd prtlimlnarv studies aimedalnit xainplcs - arc placcd Inin t Ikiwl, I don't cut imlibie gum ...... ro^ayOfthcDusti at di'velopinii a melhodIhod ior .shallow hok-s nndergniund[lund That ts alwut to change of hair, pack lunches, p w irir iJfge-seaie geolherm;lermal and allowed to remainI lorlor The Internationalal UiJK)r up cleaning, fix the elect • th' pn)specllngg . ana n d an_extended period of tim e, ; called on garane door, fertilize O rganization has c e.xpioralioti iwing Ihele ralrale- analj‘s|,s of the extentI of - f . h u sb a n d s to shoiloulder a grass. Iron, compri of slow chemical readioiactions reaction will show the r 1 T J of th e g a rb a g e, wa.sh the dog. b i g g e r . s h a r e “ !'• a re u n der w ay ;il Idaho Idal relative temiwratureol the n as one dishes, replace toilet tis household chorcs .State U niversilv. envlninnient ol the sam- le burden .spindles, or clean up allc woy to ca« the The sclKwl h a s; IwiIwen pics. corrled by marrie>y y l»Ihe "Placingsuchsamplcsin ______• • whoworit------| 1 U J j X-1' ------nniliii Nudear knerj:energy grids alxive^ smpeciwlI I t Commission for aiiothianother site of geolhermal activitylvity7'^^^H |A A U U year ar)d a hairof workvork con should, upon analysis, t theprojecl. Indicate th e locnMim off ththe c I A t W it’s End "This-** th e first .stepte p 111 a w arm e st spol in th e a re a, &.-wsw». long-range p n ig ra min ththal ••Preliminar>' data ol>- . . r - . "1 th in k , they ;are ab- "I don't lake Iclephcphone we hope will Iw fundedidl'd l)yi la ln ed from ti>st sample> solutely right.” »said my messages, mend broken bre the Energy Research•ch at and placo d n c a r c ra tc rs of the Ihi husband. -Womenen arc shoestrings, kiss a bloodybic D evelopm ent1 A d- M(wn National Monumcnl overworked try•ying-to knee, dust, water plants.pla ministration lEIlPA))A> o' r in d ic ate th a t thfs mclhoc i l l balance two jobs,. H uffing w ork w eekends, bolicolidays the U.S. Geologicalal SiSur- . docsi indcecf how promise A-I— and puffing, eyess-on the and on my birthday,loy. or vcy," said Dr. KennethinethT. for this purpose. clock, picking u|up kids. fiddle with checks.” • Faler. Hc and Dr.r. GaGayl Ironing al night, shopping s ■•That's perfectlyly all WIegand, both1 ISUIS '•However, the samplim ple ' for fo^ on their d a y off. rig h l.” Isrh iied . ■•Youfoil can associate profes,sors-and i find slort'by picking^up the chemistry, arc thee prlprin- Involved hur>ing sample some husband loI com< e in boys* bedroom .” ' cipal inv eslig alo rv for the lh of sucrose i table sugar and help a couplele days a An Kour and a Ifloler.half project. solution — has provcc•oved w eek." I pu sh e d Qoen tb e• ddoor. ‘'Wo'YC a sk ed ERDIDA A for' f su.sccptlble lo haclcria la ■ ! 1.1.11 1 1 ■■You d o n 't undiidersland. "How are you m moi oklng $165,000 .to conlinueIUC tthe action, which may cas J . > J ^ - Jr..” I said. -J’T hey’r e o u t? ” —' work- through 1978."B." Dr,i: doubl upon the long-lem talking obout you!” Faler said, results, and the method o ‘i don’l do fllfloors or-. ‘ '’Terrific!”, he■ said.s ^ Many factors conlribtnlribule analysis Is Inconvenient, ll'l I w indow s,” be sa id1 cquickly com icrbooks, bo lo locating usefjseful "We propose to conductiduct "Thai’s no prob*lcm. I P“> together 8 mile;liles of geolhermolsites. Dr.r. FaiFaler an extensive .searchI for fo assume you drive.” tra c k fo r m y c a r . . .I• It’s f : the said, Bul. he added,Ided, a ■ chemical systems Iwltew tter •■Yes. b u t I bbowl on IltUe re d one foundund my rapid. Inexpensive methodmcth suited lo geothermal lem - Tuesdays, watch 86 s hours noshlighl under thehe bed of making temperatu«rature pcralure measurementsicnts. o f sp o rts a w eek on3n TV and been looking for Iw-o su rv ey s w ould Iw ol con- cc In- Addition, wc hopew to t sle e p In.” years, ond haven’tI’t had siderable general use a determine Ihe proper depl]depth ■•We c an w ork so;something ' anyone bug me for ona n hI o u r prospecting lool, and spacing of samplesso on n d o u l." and a tiolf. You kno'tnow. J ‘•The<^lent of a the best melhod of d dat. a ta • . ■Tm not flnlsheted yel. 1 don’t know whotit you chemical reaction is ver>-vc a n a ly sis in o rd e r lo e s ta t ■don’t m en d , scrubjb, scour, w-omcn 'have to compimplain sensitive to changcsiges In lish a method of Inexperxpen- b a k e , p lu m b , oior dunk about." t e m p e r a t u r e . ”• Dr.D , sive, large-scole pro^wcl d ia p e rs up a n d dovjw n In th e C opyright 1975 F ield!ld En-. WIegand said In cxploiniplaining Ing for g ^erm al energ;w rgy ______Johns.Jdon!tdefrorost, wax, le^rises. Inc. _ the principle of the work,work. sites.” win Palls. I d a ^ Sunday. Februaryy 2:23.1975 ...... 4 nmos-N^rrVl r -1

P o l i t i c £ al la te ls cconf]iisingL g t o d a y r ■ f . WASHINGTON (UPI) — One of the problems in ' The yard^lck of attitudesides lowardI changc is useful > separating liberals andi conservatives in Ameriean loday. but It can be tricky. ForFor eiexample: ------W hen-Presidenl-N iK on-beiHY-began-feachlng-for-detente— __ ' politics is lllu stm te d by tHcre'Sincicnl v a u ae v ille bil in w m c h ^ — p o o l ------th e stra ig h t m o h osks “ Heflow's your wife?” and the first WiU) R ussia and im proved1 rrd d a llo n s wlUi C hina, a o - . banana replies “Comparedsllo.w*at?" tlons were counted os a dasslaBsslcally liberal movement for " m a j o r change In inlem atlohjatlohal affairs. But anoUKr The problem arises bbecause politics, decile the I cniergcncc of pancjpte mmakeup, rcmofns o contest of possible view was Uiat Nixonixon 'was'irying lo .assure the Ideas os w ell o s pcrsonalltlities. The public Justifiably wants dominant ^ tu s of three worldarid sisuperpowers, to know whflt ideologicalI colorsc lie bohind the campaign —The ouster of three Houseouse . H telorically. Uie te rm s I strumcnt of conservative, estahestablishment control over Uie i-i/lrer applied a bout three ce,x n tu r ie s a g o in the philosophical Individual wills of congressmen.>men. argument over the inhererent evil or goodness of human Thus, when Rep. John Jarma rm a: a n of O klahom a, a staunch . beings,andthepoliticalar)irgument about tbe right of kings conservative, quit the Democijmocratic party to become a braristocraeics lo Imposes tth e ir will on Uie m asses, Republican, tie said be did not vwanl to become a "rubber In tho^ days, a llteraral took the -position hian was ' stamp" of the Democratic: cauicaucus. Jorman said he was basically good and was. rc w o s o d o s s of people . DemocraUc Republicans (oughtought government interference • endow ed by God Or abilityy tto ru le Uie re st, WlU) c itiu n rig h ts an d opinions';ilAns'; ‘ So a t th e s ta rt, liberalsi vwere for chango: conservallves Today, it Is the conservativesliv e s in bolh m a jo r p a rtie s who (o r th e sta tlisq u o . m o sl often raise th e sta n d aird rd o(of Individual liberty against Kovemnient intervention. Thisnils egenerally takes the (orm o( R epublican opposition to Demo*)emocratic proposals (or direct eovcmment action lo serve:%'e Itthe people, regulate their activities or solve their problem■blems. C a t s e n■ a t e h In foreign pdlcy, Uie liberals)cral5 who were demanding an . active U.S. role In world a((aia((airs (our decodes ago now argue Uial U)c~Unlted StatesStates cannot be the world's f e v e r e ^x i s t s policeman. Conservatives, who formerly recited George Washington's warning against agair "entangling foreign AU TO M A TIC W ; alliances" now strongly supportpport Intemalionalism, rASHER . Q ueslion: A s children wek-e When o physician sees LAA-400 w ere alw ay s w arn ed of the1C swollen glands in a healthy Applying labels to Indivlduavidual politicians can confound « 3 vrothing oglioiioh tp««dt - ;h . child he's usually alerted to the mosl care(ul observer.r. SixSixty years ago. Sen. Robert « 2 ipin iDMd* danger of “cat scralch tl Cholc* o i 9 cyclM disease" from handlinglg ' ask about contact with M ' I-a Fdlette Sr.. o( WlscoiVisconsin was as "liberal" on « Chok* o< 3 w oth/dnM «vol»r t« cals. I have worried altoulul .cats. Sincc the incubation domestic problems as anyone,ybne. but he also was a leading it Choka of 3 w otar l»v*lr \ IhiB-WrTny 'ume grand-id- period ^znles from 10 to 30 isolationist and a conservativeJtiveonthat. < Knilltlar dau(;hlcr. I have heardrd days, the original scratch . It always was an Ironyany thatI the same Souihern nothing alw u l It In years,•s. m a y b e healed and long . Democrats who staunchlyy supsupported lilwral New Deal lls sin c e forgotten. • •» programs fought all civil rigi however, and wonder if this 1 rights Icglslatlon-wllh hdp a x c h o n g * w u s one ol those “ old wivescs - 'A skin tost.will,tell lhe______fro m m a n y N orthern R epublicaib lica n s w ho an n d ally c d e b ra tc tales" or If .such a thing;ig .Slory alw ut 96 p c r.c c n t of the birth o( Abraham Lin«Lincoln, thdr pjirty's Great re a lly hapiX-'iis. the time. A tiny amount of - , E m anclpaipr. Merrry Pet , ^

Answer: Cat-scratch . c a t-sc ra tc h antlKcn Is In- (ever exists, ll's nowiw Jcctcd inlo the skin and the recognized as a farrl>.Jv— -area w3tched-for-48Ho-?a— conVnion people dlsea.sesi hours, If cat-scrnlch fever which occurs all over lhche is the culprll, u raised, red l O O R ^ ^ world. I con’t plead thehe wheal alwut one -quarlcr- c a t's innoccnce a s a c arrierc r inch a cro ss and surrounded S H I O N S l V since his role In the transIS. byaredznncwilipopup. , < r ^ F A S h Uy The prognosis Is ml-sslon has been pretl) WALTANDEKEN LARRY SDVTTER w dl established. I can sa;«iy uniformly good. Enlarged , Cat is an Innoccnt middleUc. n o d e s r e g r e s s s p o n - mun who introduces UvIhe tarieously In onc to three . guilty v iru s to a hum an am,nd‘ • monUis and Uierc's no S H A D l gets crcdit for the resultiniIng particular treatmcnl In the i ... -People gel so ex*IX* carpets. Differences In (racAS. meantime. Sometimes , I cited over a littlele light ■ refraction from I, The real cause of catQl.*** antibiotics are used and ^ phenomenon we caltill tufts slated against the sc ra tc h fev e r IS a yeiret occasionally dralnoge of an , "shading" in our carpet>et n a tu ra l p ile d ire c tio n unidentified viruss. enlarged node by . Jargon, you’d Uilnk Utey«y produce the apporent probably of the psittacosis,1s! aspiration hastens Its m l^t stage an and-lii- color changc. lymj^ogranuloma "groupjp - -re d u ctio n . • A t prese n t th e re 's no w oy^ c a rp e t m a rc h dowTi m ainJin This change In color, T h e re m a y be som« ' stre et. AUTOAAATIC DRRYER •us to Idl if a cat's carrying th e however,. is really Just , relation Ijctween this viru: ; Aclually, their ex-!X- a p p a r e n t . Y o u c a n lAE 3J00 and that of felininc virus or nol.So, there ore , . A Cyct* i*l*ctor no control measures oUier,' cUement Is not JustKied.Id. remedy the condition by . * Tim#d drying — pneumonitis — they've go ( W hat Uiey see. o r Uiink m. . lhan avoiding cals. Mosl nk vacuuming the same i a few bud trails In com Q Uiey see. is one shade o( i « Slon iwltch fer people arc willing to of direction as the pile, or. in j mon.but cots that transfe: ^ carpet becoming another. ft lln»ter**n ow g a m b le a litUe on a d ise a s e cr. stubborn cases, by the agent to humans sl»v .. Here's wliat happens. ft Obof »wllch ^ as mi'd as Uils one. 1 cor­ ns. professional cleaning. no evidence of illness an f. Sometimes color changes;es Y ou a rc invited lo com e ing tainly couldn’t advise *1S9.9S*dch c don't react lo skin testini |. In certain spots are denying your grand- ire In and sec o«r large w ith th e an tig en . daughter Uie pleasure of,f notlceahle on plushsh sdectionof finecarpets. F A I R ’$ 3 8 8 “ Cat-scratch fever iyi’ Ife owning 0 cat on the off[f I • s d i o n g t always a fever, cither. It' jjn chance it will give her cat- su c h a m ild d ise a s e th a t Ol jjjg scralch fever! ^ «stimated-«nc-thlrd o(. th VWILCO people infected never shm M & Y E l ^ If you have a question IN(INC. LECTRIC ■ any symptoms. Other 0 1390Highlan(hland. Twin Fall. 441 MainlA i v c .E . h a v e a . he ad a ch e , low ^ aboul your pel, send il to n P h o nie7 e 7 3 3 3 -S 5 7 1 grade fever, malaise, aoujd The Mcn7 Pet column. In ______Twin Fg||»,», I d a h o , ______cafe'df IheTlrn^N dw i.' I swollen lymph nodes. i ' - - - • • SSunday, February 23.1975 Times •_ \ •I - r

______' ____ i

______I -M

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ri"pii y**"—**

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AVVISIT TO T H E R ECENTLY^f - O P E N E D SPERRY NKW HI IOI O L L A N D FA R M \ M[USEUM l resembtcs a nostalgic: trtri i p in to f a r m in g ’s |)a.st. A mor^e.'diibiLsurelift^ o r ^ c . sia*EC Hgxircsof a bladcsm ith, ihc ori{;>ri(^nal agrioiIitintlc'i]^iHiT:aCnaCulonixt pulltMff oru'U gg^sev^foot wocidcn nikcorlojraapohtcinnoncum slK'llcrbllcrbeltcdtoahonic- powM re re d tr e a d m H l. W e ll- k n o w n1 e da r ly N e w H o lla n d p n K lu cL%. li. susiu c h a s th e frirc /c - t)O f eiq p D e s > n d t h e o r ^ n a l 9elf-4*lf-iying autom atic huy bulen\ a r rc c aLw : o n d i : ^ l ^ hie m u » e u m —a im e d a t b d p t i ^5 tcto preserve farm intf s ridi4iail . . o JUy I dcaigned for farm linulicsI arana others with af^culiuralb1 imii!;^iw Lucntrd ffi ■di.IjKBH'lo the m odem Sperry New•lew H<^Iaixl punufocturinf;; ffatil a c u ltie s, w h k ii a r v | - U j t i nD open to vislarloun, the museuscum irin them nul nf thelterfork " g^ion i of the East C oast

E a ss t e r n m u s

. NEW HOLLANlND. P a . -« m a n u re a-s Ic rtlliic:r. r. C< rops focal poinUs a rc lilo-lilo-slzo gniH ilng o fourour-year figures illustratingling th e U u -fo rm (i[ ;i giant I’jiiim■annon N ew H olland rev e als'i- fl . M useum a t U n d ls V alley■y names200ycarsaago. cycle — com.'oats..s. wheat\ early colonlsl asiiprimI priman,- corn sHclkr Iwlled toa a hayh: slde-by-slde contrast of (i . w h e re th e com plete IKe-L*- ______, S o m e c a llc dd it the andhay, • sourcc of power ^Joo yVt e a rs . h o rse p o tie rt‘i are thc Gettyslwrg Bat­it­ Philadelphia lo the w orld's largr g c s t a week. Forerunnerunner of successful self-tyirtying Amish farmcm , tlefield, Valley Forge andid ^ Susquehanna RRiver of m anufacturercr of today's mode0 d c r n aulomatic hay baler.r. AllA Al)oul 10 m iles aw ayy is I the heart of lhe Bicen­n- southcaslom Pentnnsylvanla spccia U zed farm f agricullural enginehglneer. c()Uipmenl Is in operalirrating . _ . . tennial. Philadelphia. a s Ihc "d p riria n EEmpire." machinery, at at Its anolher figuree of of a condition.. B u t' by' ony Tianame, this headquarters in hcthe heart blacksmith works-s a att an • T h c m u.scum Is open Oc BiK -k I n t. rollInK, rich (anrmiand of ‘his area w w h e r e an v il sh a p in g m elai.al- . . 1 to Ju n e I from I2:.1o t<> iirochictiori. the Pcnnsylvonia'a Germans American agricultunturo had sw. w , COLLEGE STAT10^O N. H e predicU nb-shlfls in e' colonia] ltssl;irt. and its unique' Tex. fUPl) - No nonow acreage of major crops,^?s. ■ aRTicullural proroducllvity Farm familiese s a n d , f ^cropland will-Jw addedd I In c au sin g a n Incrcasc in': made as muchh a con- others in agribusb u sin e ss J y O t in tOlended H as a toiirisl T e x a s during 1975, .bul; 1].] ' planllngofsorghum.wheal;al • Irib u tio n to th e sisuccessor planning a biccntcm tennlal 1^. • miliion acres of formem c r ° n d c o m a nd.a d e c re a se In Ihc American RRevolution trip lo the Easternm bi irth atlractioiiion, th e m u seu m is reserve cropland will I I:k . cotton acreage. as- the neart)yr milllars' place of the nationlion c a n , . , P returned to productloiIon. He said pork productionbn c a m p a ig n s. ijncludc a stop a at t th e a e s i f i n eed a jirimarily for says Charles Bakeii e r! m a y be dovm 10-15 p e r centjnt syi van la rccenlly-operied Sj The Pcnns> for trom 197H levels and-n d ' ir C c n ie r f a r m e r s ( J marketing economist ft G e rm a n s dlscov 1 1 liming and.iae. ir ly .f c c d a m o to r lo u r of. tl ...... e Tiffies^bra.'Tw Fli(s‘. Ibahb' Sunday. fobruaV^^^ 23.1975 « - ■ ( ' ...... J

P e k i n g ; f o s s i l s

r e m a i n r l o ^ “

NEW YORK (UPI) - MoreM ttun 45 years ago, a man living on the outskirts of f: Peking directed archeologlsts to w a rd a lim estone hill andnd told th e m th e re w ere "d ra g o n bones” to tw found (here...... E^xcavatlon l>egan In t h ee )19203, a n d sc ien tists discovered fossils'bf a n ^ race of p ni*lstoric ^ man-ihe^eklngM an. Hc lived more than hshalf a mililon years ago, was scarcely taller than Si feet, had broad shoulders, protniding eyebrows, and1 ia w id e nose, a n d he a p p a re n tly , knew how to ts e fire. pigging continued untjff ihet beginning of World W ar II." . i ------a n d one rea so n so m u c h iss iknown about this early form of— man Is archcologists fourund not Just one, but obout 30 different skeleton^. . _ B ut U)e P eking fossilss disappeared —In iMl, when i Japanese troops movedI Into China. .They have been missing" since. Their'wheiicrc'aboulahave'b^rne-anln- “ tc m atlo n o l issue'bctwe<1) He said it Is no less tragiigic that the world is withoul the Peking Man. ••The Chinese look up(Ipon these fossils os precious PARKSYSTEM treasures. They have veryry strong feelings about them." JACKSON, Miss. (UPI) won't make any outright idenliflcalon,Ident but 1 will say It _ said Shapiro, director enemeritus of the department of — Mlss'lssippl's park DONTMISS anthopology at the.Americic an M useum of N atural H istory mlghl well be worth pursuing/’In g J’ sysyslem was established in in Ncw York. However, the woman fledled theti: Empire State Building 1336. is • HttACHON! The Chinese have chalorged that the United Slates - when sRc noticed a photographerapher taking her picturc. T oday, th e re a re 15 s ta te • Picture ' iube going i^ iritc d th e fossils bu t of thih e co u n tiy . Ja p a n denies th a t lls S h e h a s not be en h e a rd1 .'from.'fro: sincc. although a man porks pe and four histortcal . out? Call or come in Iroops confiscated them. TheT Notionalist Chinese say the claim ij^ to bc her Iswyefref hashj been negotiating Wilh sites sil covering some 15,000 ’'.and see us obout a • fossils belong to them. J a n d s ? t ^ la w y er sa y s the m yjy ste ry w o m a n w o n ts le tte rs a ac c re s. . Ipicture tube with o I A Chicago businessmanin who wants to see the bones from various governmentsits guaranteeinggu she won't be th r^ year worronty rccovcrcd. Chrlslophcr JJanus, has offered a . SSOO,000 prosecuted for having the bonesbones. — lifetime protection rew ard fo r th e ir rctu m .%^e « said a 'irayslcry woman" met Prominent anthropologistssts from(n several nations played plus guaranteed re- plocehnent discount. him four weeks ago alop> thet Empire State Building and a part In the excavation of theth Peking Man, including claimed she had the bones!s sla sh e d In a fooUocker. Franz Weldcnreich. a Germanrman. Weldcnreich was unable TWIN FALLS'. S he told J a n u s h e r la te hihu sb a n d w as a M a x ir^ sta tlo n e d to take any of the fossilss withwill him when hc deported . ELECTRONIC in C hina a t th e o u tb rea k ofol World War II and hc scooped China, biit he did take plasterler castsca of the bones, . up the bones as a watar souvenir. She produced o Today, the casts remainain lockcd^inI< a vault^ at the I ni^nSu I ' SERVICE P h en e 733*5863 o r photograph of some of th


Powered by o , Caterpiillar 3208- Diesel ON FARM IEngine, witb six Jncn pumpr Capacity ■ 1000-2000 GPM at 70 0 PSU M ounted on SERVICE a . two axle fuel trailer. ☆ FINAIMKINe * LEIEASilK

: G.T.NIlEWCOMB, INC. lOirlitaiiiier ^ • m a i b o w i TwinFaUs,!!, 7 ^ 4 2 2 1 - K e t c i n 72126-5641, ; wvpUei by • inyitay f l ' • rtM bat tbe botes of Um • ..fT , ■ BiadM 78^1435 P h o t o ffStariePtkloil« U m i . Is o lla tQ S I K tor (he priedess fonOs m , 587-7902 - RqiHl,,436-3«J, i •" Id Id IMl as Japaane MsntaiiHoiie BitBa.(UPI) TVJIRf^e^-^w in Falls, 1 ^ 7 ^ r « i ’ • ■■ ■ I n u mip h , foriiMier 9, '

p l a c e w ^ h e r e p e c^ople livensr s i i n p l y r ------H A ILEY — Som e p.people think ?f Triumph as a Mm*)m* •‘T h ere m ight be somme e ththat use marijuana, but we feel1. • . - - munc, There arc thososc who say it's a hippie establish-Ish- m o re and m ore ihey a re■c gctlge ttln g a w a y fro m that.." , ment. Into the drug seeccnc. S till o th e rs Ixjllevc it's a churchrch Mlllon Haar. a formerier mminister of the Church of God. retreat. Inhabited by rcUn glous (rcaks. hasllvcd^nTrlumph sinceince J19G2. He a n d h is wife. V ernclle. . T h e people w ho IKIlv(^ in Triumph, a fctrmer miningling came from Soulh Dakotauta wwith a small group of followers^ t i r 4 village 10 miles southh of Sun Valley out East Fork Road.lad. of the New Age Movemenement. an eclectic religion which ' cliilm It's noncot thesese...... ' incorporates beliefs in ununldcnllfied flying obJecLs andJ . ••This pliice Is sort1 of famous for rumors." Pam BelliJell r c ln ^ m a tlo n with unorthinorthodox Intcrprclallons of the laughs. "After the mlilines closcd a religious group IwughiIght Bible. the property, but thee Haars are the only onea lefl. Thenhen T h e H aa rs said the.v/ wwere en led to Triumph, and lhe New / they sold off th e propcpcrty and renl some trailers quI. ancianri A ge M ovem ent liouf^ht t 90 acrcs of land, including 17 _ * - ...... rium y of th e people wlwKb are fntcrosled in living heri: aart re home.s a n d various buildingilding-s. frbin Ih e T riiim p h M iiics for * ib n g h a lrs. Sf.0.000. "ll isn'l u conimimiHie — it's a p la cc w h ere people live fivn Conventions were held.ield. ' widi people vis«(iig fnini dif- simply, ^w inK theirlir own food, trying l>eeome mftaiftrc feren l s ta le s to sp e ak im UUK FO s, color, v lb ralio n s. h-SI'andJ solf-siirficlenl.Andthchcrentlschcap. other psychic plicnonien;iniena and rclated rcllgious ex- • ' "Year Iwfore lust vwe did have oik* la rg e g a rd e n wlt^A'lth . periences- , y o lh e r fam ilies, bu l everyone ev wanled to grow somelhinriing TJic rcsl of the group,ip me m oved a w a y , but lh c i la a rs andll . • ' difffreiil. ll works outJt Iwlter each having his own. V idor AldingcrslayedJ inTiinT rium ph, "Wc share rabbitss and chickens wilh the (wople nex'next T lie H aa rs s ta te lh aal l In d u rin g inedttalion. tl«-yy ' ■ dtxir. had contact with.a highehigher Inilng - Sl, (li-rniain. an ' "And." she adds.. " I w ouldn'l sjiy I h e re 's any nun<;unv ascended masler worklngd{Ingdircclly wilh North America. d n ij> h e re lh a n any wl "W e hav e a m issionI throithrough Sl. (JtTiiiain lo [KTform for "Tljert; are no smaila ck e rs h e re ." S h a ro n llo lsin g e r s;iy:i*;iys p la n et K arth. A higlierdie r re a lm is com ing. esix-ciarTT ' cinpbiillcally, "luibeiieavy narcotii'siiraddiels, Ihrough th e lti>cky MounMountain area which has higher ' ••You havo U) really!y h av e yo u r seem- Icgi-lher ti> HvimkiMKil , vibrations, making tl. casiieasier lo cnminunicate with alien I - ^ -''1'^--:^ '^ here, You have lo keewp your houst' logoihoc aiul your•car ca l)clngs." logelher. If you live tntr low n. you c an let th e se Ihings slidelide. ■ Tlie-Hants claim theyhey havell sigtitcd many UFOs and but mitoul here." spacecrad. " S e e ia s like a prell:Ily good bum 'll 'don'l boTolhcr u s mt>'. T hey k e e p p re tly well-“llto t seeing morc UFOs, ctinluiw n lu c lin g nlieij l>eing.-s. niedilaling'g - . ■...... / themselves. and achieving conlactt wllh ascended masters, UFOs ami.111. . "A lot of people sayjy they're hippies, but I say. 'W hatt lhelh spact“craft visitors arcrc> menliunt'dni( even In .Sanskrit, the hell Is a hippie?' Mo;lost of them work. Several are buyinlying earliest knpwnlanguage."ig e ," Ihey point out. ------VcNli^CN o f o ld mmining; day.s rem ain in viiln^oi «>l'Triumph their houses. They'r(rc differeni from Ihose of us who) ara rc TI^c I la a rs. who m cdilate d ita ti every nprnlng, say lhal manyly m em lw rs 6T tlie eslabablishtnent. but I'm slightly envious!'j s !" of the young people comecomi to Ihem for counseling andId "M any of our yoioung people here arc great souls,uls," medilatlon. allhough Ihey don'l scl Ihcmselves up as anyly people who live in Trlumj:mph. Bom in Sun Vulley, Ihey've bou.s(’> Mo'l ill Ibe (K.'oplc h e;re re aia re young —T g rtv tf ti :W ’ , . Millon Haar olwervi•ves. "They have comc here to find fir religioas group. "P-achch setseems lo !» on a differcnl Ihing." skied most of thetr lives.cs. Tliey Imth traveled with Sun a n d x'l Wllli v(;ry little m oney,lliey. and they'rc doing ll'a ’ themselves, but manany do not know how to exprtspress they add, V alley's Junior rac in g Icai>ain, and Bell was nn lhc Nalional litlle ;il .1 lime. Mine was donele oviover In siilvagetTold baTii Ih em selv e s Sx>caiisccc of th e g re a l confusion In lh c w orld,d, Pam and Robbie Belllell ai a re Ivoical of thi^ -10 o r W younglg Ski T eam . • WimkI". T hey h av e lived In T riuriumph for three years. Bell works ' Ms lli.lMiim'skitchen Is filled'llled with JDrs of dried lea ves s u m m e rs a s a e arp en lc r.. T h is w in ter h e is a ski p atrolm an a n d rcmlN Stn- h.is rose hips,s, hi| In vitam in m ini lor hun Valley. lcavt^. mtilli’M. which sh e ciSTiciaTms is good for cotds: "He studied physical «oducalion and English ul Welwr dandHiun riMiis. which she roasUoasis lo TirakraTbffee-ltke S t.ite Collcgc iij O gden, Ulah. U planning lo leach school." twvenilie; aiul chamomile, applilipplike buds wilh which she Mrs. Bell say.s. "But he ppi rc'k 'rs h a v in g th e se v a rie d Jotis. m akes Um uhich she says Is soollsoothing and com m ended - - H e 's ju s i so rt of cxpcrimnenting e and learning ih>w. Maylw forlwlili-swiiti«;«)regums. ~ later he will teach." Her hiirdcsi y e a r in T riu m pph h w,was when her pipes froze Mrs. Bell makes custoiitom made clolhes for a shop in and she tuid no w aler for thcV-holc1,-holc w in te r K etchum . , Ruix-rt House has lived In TiT riu m p h since 1W9. He I jisl year they boughl1 ana old fra m e h ouse on w hat u.sed started workiyn for the Triumphip h NM ines in 1936. continuing to beSupcrtntendenLs' Ro\tow during the mining days. •untllltieycloJj-dinlOM: M ost oif th e people In1 Triumph 1 use wood heating and "Ontvlhe largesi producerr of klead, silver and zinc ores cooking stoves, accordinling to Mrs. Bell. "Wc asc anI In SoiJllicni Idaho, they employ*ployed 150 men. It became Ashley stove for healingrtg — it's a ir-tlg h l. Wc p u t three econiimiiMlly unfeasible to r thenthem to conllnue when the ' rounds in and they la sl allill night.i prlcc n! silver wcnl down. :------llu' nim es closed House < puts a little soul Into lhe food."foi but. he .siiy.s ininlnft was In histils'blood. b "I started mining ) « Mrs. Bell poinls oul thatla t m a n y nf th e T riu m p h residents' when I was 17. and a flc r th re» e m(monlhs I wjls hooked!" he W f anv-yeg^hans. either forfo: religious o r hc a llh rea so n s, or lauRhs III- ;md Belty U v ccrty r ty of Ketchum formed a b e c a u se 'll's c h ea p er. "WiWc prefer lo eat wild meat if wc■ company, and in 1973 they m inedned ffo r sev en m onths, can ~ deer, fish and birdirds. when we can get them ," sheI "W e'd ti;i(l a lol of tim e forr hindsight,hin and a lol of con- adds. vcrsjitinii Wllli different people,Dple. W c rem e m b e re d whal . "-f. They grow peas, cam;rrots, lettuce, l>ects. caulifloucr. hnd tKTTniimud and w hal h a dI n 't 't .- . ------^— t brusscls sprouts, zucchinilini, spinach, asparagus, cabbage. "Wc (ini r. Ml Kood. We d rove/e alwa b u l 1.000 foot of drift and .strawlKrries and potatoes>es. • founil a ru-w vein ot o re in thhe e North N Star'portion of the " T h is y e a r w e'ro goinglg Ilo try so m e fm it Irc cs - som e ofr Triuiiipln;nni|)r the high mountain varielli-•lies like ap p les, ap rico ls, peachcsi "We III! (Ills vein nnd drovenve alwuti 9S feel on il. Bul a n d plum s. Y otueoU y havuive to w alch o v e r Ihcm l>ecauseofI winliT hll IIS, and alwut lh a l lim e oi u r m oney ra n out. . e a rly and la te frc>ezes," “ We ilinu^lii we had a goodood Ihlnj?.I t)Ut th e re w as no T he B ells a re expectingng Ihcir firsl baby soon, and it willI miincy inrilK'nniingln Ihe spring,ring. So I g a v e up and went lo b e Iw rn a t hom e. work liirli.nlcy, Ms. Holslnger lives inn 1her own home wilh her year oldi "Bl" i'ill kind bl optimisticIlc nownc .-B efore w hen wc got j j daughter. Summer. Sheic Iis on welfare, and supplements5 . any ; else. T h ere 's som elhlnfIhlng obout It that is fulfills u le rs ; a n d I w anl lo lie wilhilh m y bab y w hen sh e 's young, chatleiim' ll's very satisfyingng to be doing somelhing you ' “ \ " I haiJc m y ow n gardenlen. and th is y e a r I hope lo fence in1 like. m y p roperty a n d h av e shshi eep a n d ducks. I t's c h ea p lo buy' i;'mI is to have a n u mnbcr b e r of poople working here. livestock In the spring, arand a friend will butcher them forr It'sa ii tioiiesi w ay of m aking;a a Hvliving-m aking something m e .. out olnottmiu. It's Just amazingzing how many Hems require "Il's really neat living.Iig.hcre," she muses. "We tradeofff zinc.leadiirsilver. & I doing things for each otiother, sew for a couple of single------^‘Idalio now produces m oree silv e r th a n any oth e r sta te ." gu y s, a n d they help m e wiwith m y c a r. he ailds ; ■ Wc used lo b e secondind In le a d ." "■Like som eone will dk) o something : for you. then Jrtw fpl—•- Houm‘, who ha.s children tromfrom 40 lo 14. so y s his fam ily ■I ■ comcs your lum lo do sorromelhlngforthcm.youdoll!" ' . likes liviMR in Trium ph. "A lot of tb e houses havlave e x ten siv e r e m o v i n g , bu t notM t "My wife say s she'll liv e anypiin y p lo c e In lh e w ortd, a s long iPam Bell poors tem th e type th a t w ould mak

^ V ■ > ' ‘t w 'L '” * » y e a r s S c iien tiststd "" p r e d i c t q^ d k e s wd i t h i n t w o

ByROBERTSTRANDft . ^ ( SAN FRANCISC>G0 lU P IK —^In a race ag almi t - the ; - ikeeonslderedM ^ln torockXUUoi eventually, sclentiitlsts now say Ih ^ are only twiuK a w a y (rom tb e abUIlUlly to predict the disaster. T h e fam ed 1606I SanS Francisco quake and (Ire. which » V 100,000 hom eless,. had I a Rlchlcr scale reading of 8.: :•'< - - qu^ o( simlliarr magnitude is consider^ likely) to lo hit ' a g a in , possibly byy thet end of the ccntury. A nolher eo rthqujuokc ot that Inlensily m lghl be anmoych”' c . OjjW JM jM w o rs e d isa ste r. Tbughl to l>c .affecled by ch an g cs In conductivlly in th e rock;:k; ------, SciSihographs whichh rmcosure compression waves fromm d istan t u n rela te d quake:kes. T h e w aves w ere slow ed dow n ns they passed through lhthe Hollister area where the localal quake w as Im m lncnL .... After the Thanksglviiving event. It was discovered thala l still 0 fourth instrum*ment had lwcn giving Ihe samene mcs.sagc. T hese w ere la!la se r m e te rs who.se Iw am s preciselyly m e asu re 20-m ilc d lslaminces.across the faull Iwlween fixedL-d points, ’ ■■ These e v en ts le d K.ll. Vincent McKelvey to announcecc great ncw confidencece In Ihe future of predictioas.LS. McKelvey . Is d irec toor r of the geological survey In in . ______W ashinglon.______—At the National Centfnler for Knrthqunke Kescarch iii al Menlo Park. Calif., where wl Hollisler. dala Is analyzed,d , experts said Ihey hopioped lo make firm predictions in ~ ' ' I ■ .. tw o y e a rs alx)Ux)ul moderale and larger quakes lJ>lii_ -. thearcjstudlcd. f The next step wouldd Il>e lo set up inslnimcnt networksks along San FrancLsco., I.1.AS Angeles and olher portions of IhcGOO-mlle-long S an ArA ndreas faull. "Ifwewertjlowrilel,e Ihe script, an effort lo expand Ihchc netw orks would l>c m ad(Jde rig h l now ," J e rr y E ato n , chief of the seismology branch.!h .sa id . Eaton guesses it woulould cosl SM million a year lo buildild and operate. Rot)crt WaWallace, the chief scientist, foreseese s a n eventual ab ility to plipinpoint a quake w llhin hours l>eforc■rc It occurs. If they a rc c o rrc c l. shsim ilar netu-ork.s probably v^ouldbc'b e ­ Imllt In e arth q u ak e proirone areas such as Tokyo, the wests t coasl of South A m e ric;a a andHliei eastern Medlt^rrarwon.. ■ \ t The Japanese ondd the Soviets loty; have studieded prediction. T h e Sovic■viets- have rep o rte d success In forecasting q u a k es In in Kamchatka by monitoring thehe electrical conductivllyIly of rocks and In Tashkent by measuring radioactive'e g\ a s In well w alcr. Wllh accuratc predicl!clions, the dealhlollcouldboslashed.id. Reservoirs could bc draIralncd, people w arn ed to sta y hom>c, e, A F T E li'a 10-year' '"Upa f — in and disaster efforts motmobilized In advancc. drills, **Mi— ..gcbool <**>i*hiMrf»n11^ Iq Salinas, Bul the predictionsi mustit bc accurate. Already expertsrts Calif., in tbe HollisterIter iarea, have been _ a rc w orried ab o u t Icg^l!pl liablHly resu ltin g fro m m istakes:!s: l y drills ia SctenlWs Sc now say moss exoduses ^ficllizlizcns. conventions canceled, worka a cx)mfflissioi\ to stu d y thethe legal liability problem. Tf*nF^W *lw Sun^y.^Febfuwy:wy23.iB75'. L • » Y~\ ^Mbtie<-Dr|Aa )^atlon Amsterdam." S i i i l dla;fT iel^V 4^i f e i 6 r i SUvers . ,2?English; 1959) P eter 4b.7!«b.7sl.l3 Arabs and Israelis —Documentary nch and Eva Bartok star Sunday. Fd)niary 23. 2:00 . <1 Wildlife footage of Scott See slar In thls'adull lovc Isra Ihls suspense talc of a 11-CBSNews . On c h an n e ls fin and 11 a t 2^,7b-NHL Hockey wwil'd onlmals Is shown In slory. slo II" Ission to rescue a fortune . Bpirn.-M ovie: "AFistful , •4sl. -F a c c th c Nation 3:30- toon u . . (19641 ' 1^ R ich a rd W ldm ark f11 ° “- Thai Good Ole Nash- 6n-1 —News n» - B urs Bunny 2b - Olher .People. Other 7si 7, — To Be Announced and an Carol Baker act in this “ " 12:30 71)- J i m m y Doan v llle M usic P lac cs 7b-Movln’On 71 Iribule tri to the American 11:15 8-SpoUlte - , ^ ^ H -V lc w p o in l 3-ThlsistHct.lfc E v eln g Indian. Im II - FalthforTodoy-— - - 5 - USO Talen t Showcjwe------6:00------9:00 H 10:30 4:00 2sl-WlldKlngdom 2. 2b 2b — M annix l-il.Tb.n - M eet th c Pre ss ------•4sl-WorldalWar -4: 5 5- - F B I ' ■ • J h .l l - F a c c Ihc Nation 4:30 5.sl-HccHaw S: 9 : » ■ I!-Insight . - 2sl. - fxfsTravel 6 : » 4b.7sl.l3-FirlngLlne 4b, ^ As\ -U-rsFuccU 4 b .l3 - F e s tiv a l7 3 ' 2.sl-You7CkCdForlt 2 *• • 10:00 - F a c e to F ace 7 h .H -N U C New s 3 3 - K ojak 2sl.2b,3,4sl.5.7l).ll 2sl - News i l fill - Good New s 5:00 4b.l3 4 —Carra.scolcndas 6 6- — M ovie — C om edy H 11:00 2sl — J e r r y P im m : 7b 7 - W ild Kingdom "But. "C 1 Don't Want to Get ■ •.:sl-AGathcrttiBofOnc Basketball H H — McCloud Marrted!" Ml (1970) Herschcl ■ • 2l).;!.r.^NBABaskelUall 2b-Vou/\skedForlt 11 1 — Mary Tyicr Moore Bemardl Bc is a widower who ■ -lsl - B lackw cll's People 3 — Anim al W orld 7 : o r is isi chased by eager women, , (in - In Focus; Horizons 4sl —T h rlllse ek e rs 2sl.7b 2 - W orld of Disney ■ 10:15 ■ < 71) ~ Viewpoint 4 b - B o o k B eat 2b:-Chcr—Variety 2 •------2b-CBSNcws2b ■ 11 i WasWnKlon Dcliates 5 — D r. Seuss — C artoon 4sl.Cn.ll 4 - Six Million 4sl-ABCNews f ■ (or tlic '70s ' 6n — Movie — D ra m a Dr o lla rM an ------7b7b — {k!ovle - D rom o ■ 11 - V iews ••The Running , Man. " 4b,7sl.l3 4 - Thc "K "1 h a rto u rn ." ' (19(X) ' ■ 11:30 I English; 1%8) Uurence R I om agnolis’ T able------ClCharllon Heston plays in H ,lsl.(;ii.ll - Issues antiI Harvey portrays a pilot 5 5 - K o j a k ------ththis action packed story of i\iiswerK - ...... -■‘ who plana-u fuke-HCCidcnt------7:90-.------1 -- - -n n -RrltlBh general-wt^-is ------71) - LuckyJim ' y" his wife will get his in- • 3-All a In the Family sent sc lo deal.wl th a famitical H ; 12:00 surancc. 4b.7sl. 4 13 — Nova —Sciencc- A Al rab le ad e r. H :!hl.7l).K - W orld Cham- 7b — 1 Dream of Jeannle— 8:00 • 10:30 ■ pmnshlpTcnnls Com edy 2 si,7 b .-M c C lo u d 2.sl-Takc2 2s ■ 4sl.(in.ll-Superstars 8.11- W i l d K ingdom 2b i - K o j a k __ 21:2b— Dwayne Friend: Mr. ■ 1:30 5:15 3 : — M ovie — D ram a . .Gi Gospel G u ita r __ ■ • -.’i).:!.ri - CBS Sports* . 2b—M o v lc -D o c u m c n tary " P c tu iia ." (19C8) Ju ilc 3 3- - M ovie - Com edy ■ S|H.‘cta c u la r "Hunters of the Wild.’> Christie ( ond George C. "A"4 Funny Thing Happened H

D a y t iilge telev isision scheie d u l e s I

5:25 . — 2b.3,5-UveofLifc 4sl.6n.ll — General 4:30 H ■ ' -V Fjim»Ncu-s 4sl,6n — B ra d y Bunch - Hospital 2sl 2: 1 Dream of Jcannie _ H ------9 : » 9:55 1 : » 3 3 - G a m b i t ■ .'i - Sunrise Semester '^>.3.5-News 2sl,7b,B - How to S u rv lv e a 7sl 7 — E lc c tric C om pany ■ 6:00 10:00 M a rria g e r.,II-CBSNews 2sl,7b,8 — Ja c k p o t 2b.3.r> - M alch G am e 11 1 — A B C N cw s ■ 6:15 2b.3.5, - Y oung and th e 4Kl,Cn.ll — O ne Life to Live 5:00 ■ . 2sl — H ogan's H eroes H i!.sl — W estern Wny RcsUess '2:00 . - 2 6:2S 4sl.6n.ll — P a ssw o rd All 2sl, — NameThotTune 2b.3.11-CBSNcws 2 .■ - . 4sl — A B C N cw s ■ 4sl - Guidposls S tars 2b.3-TattleUlc3 — 4 6:30 4b.7sl.l3 — Sesame Street 7b,9 — Som erset 4b.7sl.l3 4 — Mister Rogers’ ■ lsl-Viewer'sDlRcsl - 10:30 4sl,6n,ll - SIO.OOO Neighborhood ^ ■ 6:45 2 s l.7 b ,8 — C e l e b r i t y Pyramid - 5 S —Dragnet ■ • . is l - New s 5sl-Movie 6n 6 — N ew s ■ ------7b;8— N BG N ew s------■ — ------^------etM ------2b ,3,5 — b c a r c h tOT ------r-M O ------? H — SpoUltc T om orrow 2sI-M crvGrlffln 5:15 ■ 7:00 4si.6n.n — Split Sccond 2b — M ike D ouglas ■• ,6n C — A B C N ew s ■ ls l,71),8- T o d a y 10:55 7b — D a v so f-e o rL iv c s ___ ■ 2sl.2b,3.7b,8.11-N ew s 21> ~ CBS New s 2sl, — B u y e r's G uide 3.4sl-Mike Douglas 2 r 4sl-Andy Griffith 'I ' ii.S.ii -CaptainKangarooo - 7b,8 —News 6n — B ullw inkle < 4b,13-Vllla Alegre . -lsl - H otel B alderdash 11:00 - 8 —NameThatTune 4 ■4-CBSNcws ^ 1 2-SPEED^ S 6:00 2sl,7b,8 — W inning Stre ak 11-AstheWorldTums '4 7sl — S e sa m e S tre et 2i).r.-Jokcr'sW lld 2b - G u i d in g L U g h t 3 :0 0 ' ■) A V hirlpoc>O i WASHER : 6n — New Zoo Revue 5:4S------prr------: i - N e w s ■ 4sl,6n.ll — All M y Children Gn - N ew s • f ' • Choice of 4 water levels fromn EEX. SMALL to LARGE ■ 11 - T oday 3 - Jack Lal.*nne4b.l3 - ,7b-A ndy Griffith t • 2 wash and spin .speedss •« S washing cycles ■ 8 — To Tell the Truth 6:30 . Elcctric Company • Choice of 5 wath/finse tamp:nps • Bleach ^ spenser .■ 11—Mon and W ed.-Our . 2 b.r> —Gambit 5 - N e w s • Super SURGILATOR* agitato■lor • Coma chaek out S OiangingCommunlly I ^ sl-N c w s 11:30 this terrific value. •ll> - Lilias. Yoga and YouJ 2sl.7b.8-Jeopardy T u es. a n d T hurs. — C am eo I 8:45 2b.3,5 — As thc World — R o se m a ry H aley I Frl.-Views I 4sl — Entertainment withllh T urns — H > ShcllyTbomas 4sl,6n.ll - Lefs Moke a 3:30 I 4sl,8 - G llligan’s Island i I • - - \ .8:50 \ Deal. \ .. . ■- - - -ai-Lossic 'I 4sl-JobsToday 4b —villa Alegre PAUt I 8 : a \ Afternoon ______7b —Green Acrcs I 4sl — T h e r e ’s a D octor Irin u ;0 0 ' 11-EdgeofNight I th c House 2sl,8— bays of Oinir Uves 3:S5 I lULBFUilSCH 1 5—SpotllghlFive I "sl — Figuring it Out 2b — N ew s 9:00 c ^ j.5 -G u id in g U g h t 4:00 : APPUMICEIUD 2sl — Fllntstoncs ~ IT 2sl.7b,8.11— High Rollers» 48l,6n.ll — Newlywed . • .mifiKW Rtiiniff(rO in iC lm rM ■ 1 2b,3-NowYouSeeIt • G am e ' 2b — B o n a io a i 4sl - Beverly Hillbillies 4b.7sl, 13 — M ister Rogers 3 -Jo k er’s Wild : P H O N E 326-4300 2 : ' 5 — R o m p erR o o m 7b — N am e T h a t Tune 4sl—Sesame Street 5 — Bonanza 6n — Ijjc y S h o w ' 12:30 9:10 _JsI.7b.8—Doctors ' 6n — S ta rT re k i TWIN FAUS ANP BUUHlTOa-fflEE- \ X 7sl — Electric Company 7sl—MaJjtogItCount_ .. ' 2b.3,5 —Magittine . M tlS d Hm -m tiw r- . 9:30 48l,6n.Il-GirllnM yUre ^ltyolP*priCo..N.V. s : Ask OperatarliirlEriHpriseSaE : >N ' 2sl.7b.8.11 —, Hollywoo.K)d , lUIO . 8 — Big Valley Stpiares • • ' . • • ■ • 2sl.7b.8- Another World •11 — Brady Bunch SunSiy^Fibnj^ir.l97fe'So"! "nmi*A*4*eJi?lV?nPWV.kJWio ------J M om ] d a y T ed l e v i s i o n S c h e d u l e George Segal. Ursula A ndress a d O rson W elU a c t ry24 ' u-Rookies, o th e re 4sl, 6n - S.W .A.T. - C rimme e 6 n - C o m b a l ^ Bteoday, February 7b. 8 — Smothers Brother -in this cxciting Jules Vem D ra m a j __ 10:30 O n c h a n n e ls 2al. 7b aand r 8 a t 6:90 Show / ta le, m o d e fo rT V in 1969. “But* 2b — Family Affair 11 — Litlle HoustL-pa-thiaa-tiw ------4 b r 7tJ r ~ 13 " = W eather.w r' 2sl. 7b, 8, 11 - Johnny , 8 p.m. — Movie: *• • 10:40 '■ m i s ------3 ^ T h o J ffffi>rsons------Mochine-Documcnlaryy • C orson J------le rf ltf i n r f F n y " 5- Ironside_ '______h e 1909 4sl - T ru th o r CcCon- '7 : 3 0 11 — Caribe - - Crimeme 3 —Movle_^Comcdy_._...... y adaptation from the ^ 11:00 irs Gol- seq u en c es 3,5 —Rhoda D ra m a •" ''All ■ My Darling ; -Broadway play stan g 4sl,7sl-Ncws 'a rd Al- . 4b . 13 —S tale h o u se Repoeport 4b. 13 — . Washingto;llngton 8:30 Daughters." Rolwrt Voung dJe Hawn and Edwai h 11:30 de of a 5 , 8 - U f s M ake a D eaT:al------SlralghlTalk 2b — Rhoda ' slars as a widower wllh . bert. A polgnon talc c 4sl-W ide Worid Mystery a n d & 7sl — Zoom 7sl — M a tte rs of FJoanccince 9:00 four daughters who dccide blind ypung man t c 11:40 (reespirltedyoungacBctrcss. 7B—Ncw Candid Cnmci'jicCa , . 8:00 2l>— M edical C entcr • lo get married al! ol Ihc . 5-BigValley E vening 7:00 2sl, 7b. 8 - Moviek-le -— 3.5 —Gunsmoke • so m e tim e . 4b, 13 — B lack Perspeclivcc 12:00 6:00 2sl — Smothers Brolh<3th c rs C om edy D ra m a 4sl,Gn-Caribe 2sl.7b — Tom orrow 2sl,3.4sl,5.8-Ncwsvs Show •‘Butterflies arc Freo.Freo." 11-S.W.A.T. on th e New s 7sl — Hislory of. Molionn '■ B —News 2b — Truth orr Con- 2b — G unsm oke 11972) T h is a d u lt lovce sto ryr 10:00 12:10 se qucnccs 3,5 — Maude slars Goldie Hawnn ana n d 2sl. 2b, 3, 5. 7b. H. 11 — P ic tu re s 10:35 8 - S p o tl ilc 4b. 13—'ElcclrlcCorrimpany 4sl,6n—Rookies Edward Albert. New s 2b — Movie — Advcnlurc 12:40 " *■ 6n —HlRhChaparralaj 4b —Cabbages and KingIngs 2b-Maude 4 s l- M o d Squad — 5 — News 7b -T o T e J I th e T m lJth. J - 7sl—l.cgisJators'Rep6rtx>rt 3.5-AfcdJcalCen(crr - 4b.7sl. 13-PrimeTimef "The Soulhem Star."

T u e; s s d a y T e llevision e Sc]c h e d u l e

u 2sl.2b,3,7b,8.1l-Nc^ “Riol" jl9«)) Jim Brown Tuesday. Februariry 25 11 —Hoppy Days A 1975 TV-m ovie stata rrin g 7sl — S y stem 's Viewpolnl and Geiie Hackman act In .On channcl 11 aal 6:30 6:» Marc Singer as aI blini)lind B:00 - 1 ; ■ . . 4sl-M od Squad 4b,13-Soundstagc - Ihis violent tole. p .m . — M ovie: "Y oulu L le S o ■ " 2 b — F a m ily A ffair student and his struggleggle Ilo 2b.3.5 — Bamaby Jones 11:30 ' Deep. My Love.” A ; 1975 3 - M-A-S-H gel inlo mcdical school,»l. 4b.7sl.l3 —America 6n — C om bat 3. 10: » 4 s l- W id e W orid M ystery ■ TV-movle concern!;nlng a -4sl Truth or Cons^ucncences 2b.5 —Good Times 1 1 - Marcus Welby. M.D. lady ot wealth who is trying 4b. 13 — Statchouiie Repoeport •4sl.cn-Happy Dayss 8:30 2sl,7b,8.1l - Johnnyly ■— 11:40 . lo sa v e h e r m arriagegcanda ‘ 5. 7b,8 - ' Hollywt(Twood - 3 — H aw aii Five-0 4b.7sl.l3 — A scenlof M anin ' C arson 5 - Big Volley man of the lown. hulusband. Squares 4b. 13 — E x ecu tiv e R eport 9:00 3 — Banocck 12:00 10:35 2sl,7b — Tomorrow — who is willing to kill111 to e n d 7sl — H u n lc r Safely 7sl — H o w T o ., . , 2sl.7b,8-PoliceSlow 2b -^- Bus -Connor:r: Discussion . —-...... - i t ------. 11— M o v ie — D ra m a1 - ...... -2b.5-Hawaii Five cJ , Evening ••You Lie So Deep.p. My 2 h ,5 -M -A -S -ll 3 — M anhunler Baskl'tball 8 — N ew s ^ «:00 L ove." A 1975 M ade fofor r' TV- 4sl.6n — M ovie — D ra:ama m a 4sl.Gn - Marcus Wclby.Iby. 10:40 12:10 2sl.3.4sl,5,8-Newss movie^Slarring Barbarbara "You Lie So Deep.:p. My N - M.D. '' 5—Ironside 8 - S p o U lle 12:40 2 b — T r u th oir r Con- Anderson and Don D Lovc.” This 1975-movi-movlc ii-OddCouple 11:00 5 - N c v r a sc quenccs Galloway. - slars Barbara Andcrsindcrson g:x 4sl — New s 4b,13 — E le clric C ojmpany n 7:00 a n d Don G allow ay. 4b,13-Woman 7sl-ABC News - 'J Cn — H ighC baparra:-al 2sl,7b,8-Movie —Drai)rama 4b.13 - Assignmcnmcnl 11 —Rhoda ll:0 |l 2b —Movie —Droma Tb-ToTcUthcTruluth "Journey from Darknc;incss.” America 10:00

I ' . . ■

W e d in e s d a y T ce l e v i s i o nI i S c h e d u l e

t' _ 4 ^ W ednesday, F e bruary26 r t 6n —HighChupurrul ll 7:00 7sl-nehiii(llhcl.lni-s On channds 4b,, :7sl. and 7b-ToTclllhcTruthith lsi.7l).H - I.lltic Hou.sclou.sc on ‘ 8:50 13 a t t> p.m . — Thih e a le r In 11—T h a i 's M y M amn a lh e P ra lric 41i.i:i-4-Ti-ll I America: “Cyrarano"^c ’ 6:30 2li — Tony Orlan d - 9:M . Itcrgcrac” Pclerr Xional 2b —InTouch D aw n •.isl.7l),H-Peln>cc‘lll gives an cxccUcilent por- 3 - GoodTlmes 3 - Cannon jJSH — Cannon Irayal of Cyrano10. 17lh- 4 sl . — T r u th or Con-‘ 4sl.6n - T h a i's M y M am a 4sl.(in - A dam s of Kaul< rama l jkc-- CrlmeDrama ______riMHiiry sol1 H i o r ■ sc. ------T tiro tn — ti f w it Olid sw ordplayjy are ns 5.7b.8 —Pricc is RJf*l;* l iliiiW) B ette D nvlsvis ;anti A m e ric a - D ram a I. *■ pro m in e n t us his nolose. 7sl;-Zoom E r r o l F l y n n in-in- tlthis "Cyrano' de Bcrgerac’ “ E v e n in gr , V. . 11 —Movie-Dramala • romantic Inlc Ihat'sulft'sulfers feeler Donat .stars inI Ihi 6:00 • '•Someone I Touchjchcd.” from pride and court:ourt in- excelleni portrayal of, th e 2sl.3.4sl,5.tt-News\-s •O o rls Ix u c h m a n . JJames i triguc. ' 17th eenlury sw ashbuckler 2b - T r u th o:or Con- .Olson and Glyyl y n i m 5 — M ovie — D rami;i a 11— G unsm oke see J . 2sl.2b.3.5.7l).B.ll - News- Cobb acl in Ihis tiile[lie of a n . 4 s l-M o d S q u a d BARB^ S Bus trips-[Si-- ArizonaShcriffsc^lto^II to Ncw ^>n - Com bal Yorktopickupaprisomrisoncr. 10:30 ByPIIILIlASISTORET BANGKOK tUPI) *> - Al -jj _ Spccialll of thc 2sl.7b.8.1l - Johiin The fellow who's's OD the ball least five companic:n ics a re C arson had belter have a vcry good now offering r rcj e g u l a r . 7.30 : ■3 - Public News Con- Cot sense of balance. scheduled services'CCS be-, ^ s i . 6n - M ovie - D)rama ram ; fcrcncc . -tween Bangkokik and "Someone I Toucheju c h e d " . 10:35 SbOW BS a BMB wbow bouts of Changhal dally In modernnv .cioris Leachmannn 3 a n d 2b — B anacck ' (be mott of evere ^ ih ln g and aircondl oned andid lava- J a m e s Olsen a c t inI th is Ita lc 10:40 \ we’ll tbow yoa as ■uiomtllc iory-equlpp(^. b i^XS. . The about three p<»nlc whow ho findf 5 — Iro n sid e ' record ptayer. ■ trip takes' aboutul nine out they 'hiiveV aQ j»cial ll:00 t hours. Fares runin from disease. 3 — H ec U am sc y !■ about $10 one way.’ay. and 7sl — Book Beat 4sl — News about SIS round Irip.p. . 8:00 " 11:: 2sl.7b,8 — Lucas Tannerinner 45I — Wide World Special 2b - M anhunler 7sl - ABC News 3 — M ovie - Com edydy 11:40 " T h e G re a t B ankik ItItoi)- 5 - B ig V a lle y After reading sastrological ' SAFETY HlNlINT l)cry ," ( 19ffl) Z eroI MMos ostel, 12:00 _ Blizzard crlpLslfi forecasts for tbe }year, we’ve DETROIT lUPUPll — Kim Novak ondd ClClint 2sl,7l) — Tomorrow. • dM lded to sk ip 197!175. ' ' L ocked c a r doorsors 'help W alker'star InNthlsthis fun Dlscusston CAROUNE5 INGALLS. Karen Grassie. insure passenger safetysa: in farce of a robbery Inin theth e old 8 - N e w s ------— — .------stnifigle* to nremove boots from Ulzzard ' . T be g ir b n r e iBotlced our the cvcnl of a sidesweswipc or west. vIcUm (guestit star Jadi Glng) In “UtUe *- secretary's enngtgement rlog collision. • 7sl — A raljs and Israrae elis lts ' 8 —Spollllc House on thee :Pr»lrte" colorcast of "Sur- f r « n tk e e llic e wo;loW, Three of n —TheWallons 12:40 vival" Wednesceaday, Feb. 26 on NBC-’TV. ’em bwi U prevlosi B:30 . 5 - N e w s r 12 T Jm es;N «w ,TTwinFalls, . IdahO' Sunday. Fobruaryjary 23.1975 ■ - - / / ' • I l ;— _ T h u r s di a y T e l e vv i i s i o n S ehl < e d n l e

•en. P e te r SeU ers - Thursday, Febni«ry 27 moving, hard hitting 2sl,3.4sl.S.8-New8 2s D Dra ram a * 3—Sports — S| Scene Lofw On channel 2sl at 8 p.m.1. western starring James 212b — Truth or Con- ""Ikl Ik ln i." (19S2) a b it­ 10:95 4sl - N e w s - .Movie: “Tbe Nakedd Stewart. Robert Ryan and asequences ' tersweet lers flick from J^paQ. 2b3 - Movie - Crtnw 6n-«- G o o d N e w s 8 M illard M ltchdl.______«4b. 13 - Electric Company 7b.8-DeanMart(rf 7b.8 ^ DramT am a 1:90 . three men on a manhunt loa '■ E vening “Tsr^nigfrcKHpHrrBi S =—-ll-'-AlHirThefatJiro ------“ ArBt — WWeWorldSpeclal------. collect Ihe reward. A fast;t - 6:00 , 717 h - T o TWI th e Tru th , — 9:90 C , (1970:1970) F a b ia n F o rte ta k e s ' 7sl - A B C N e w s . n - B a r n e y M iller 11-MASH H - / thepi» p a rt of C h a ries " P r e tty ll;4 0 • N -BigS-BigValley - 6 : 9 0 1 0 : 0 0 Boy"oy" noyd in this 5-B 2 b - F a m i l y A ffair 2sl.2b.3;5.7b.8.ir- 2sl.: News deprtepresslon era lale. U :00 3 - D r a g n e t 4sl.-M 4sl-- od Squad 10:40 2sl,7b,7b —Tomorrow 4sl - Trulh or Con- 6n 6n- —Com bat 5 — IiIronside -N ew s scquenc(& 10:90 ll:0 p 12:10 - 4b,13-Statchousc Report 2sl.7b,B,ll 2sl,' - Johnny 3—N- M o v i e - C o m e d y 8 —-Spotlite S 5.7b.8 - Hollywood Carson Car ' “TheThe - Millionairess." 12:40 Squares - - English; I960) Sophia 5->-N ew s 7sl-Qucry Man M seeks ‘ 11 — K aren 7:00 Nixon IV i school P” 2 s l.7 b .B - M ac Davis 2b-TheW altons .3-GEThcatre —Drama name change "InThlsHouseofBredc." HIAWATHA.h 1 loWa I U P ll - 4sl,6n — Barney Miller Aa membermi of the clergy in this 4b.l3~IdahoWlldllfc eastern casti Iowa town says he ^ 5—ThcWaltons ’’wanl‘ wants to sec the Richard' M. I 7sl-Civic Dialogue Nlxon NIxo Elementary School here I 11 — S t r e e t s of S o n renamed rcnn Abraham Lincoln ■ Francisco Elementary Eler School. \ ,■ ■ 7:30 • In In a letter to the Cedar , l i t t i 4^,6n — K aren Rapids R ap Community School "^lii* ^ || FUH S W T l M •4b.l3 —Consumer Survival Board, Boa the Rev. William ' Kit " Hamlsh H an said the name changc ^ .iea> hef< li«bordii|||l l l l l r M 8:0 0 . would wou! provide “a memorial In 2 ^ — Movie W estern honor hom of Abraham Lincoln, a •■The N nkcd S p u r" (19631 great 5,^1 President, and in tum . James Stewart. Robert remove rem the name of. a Jackpot, nJlevada Ryan and Millard Mitchcll Presi^nt Pre who resigned office s ta r in th is action filled to le Indlspace." in d l ------IN THEIE-..... - oftheoldwcst. 2b,5 - GE Thealre - Festival set D ram a GALAR iOOHk "In T h is HoUseof B redc” EDINBURGH(UPI) j — . FEB. 25 THRU MI A R C H , ? ^ 4sl.6n - Streets of San- The’ .j-j, Plays and Placcs ’ _ Francisco Festival p. ol. Scottish ■ 4b.7sl,13 - Bill Moyers’ -~ Theaters takes placc I Journal throughout Scotland next . I itriend , _ 7b.8-nipWllsoh : spring. so After a day’s ; I C h i c o ’s g i r i r 11 - H arry 0 ______!______—a}, al^tsedng, visitors—will— ^ —I 9:“ have ha the chancc to see I [R LFR IEN D — D iana Canovft- CH ICO 'S c m 3 — Tony Oriando pnd performances p, by I Printe are togetber again in andFreddiePi Dawn Scotland's Sc professional. I tray" segment cf NBC-TV’s “The GJveawa 4sl,6n-Harry 0 drama^ .companies at seven | le Man" cdorcast on Friday. “Chico and tbe 4b.7s1.l3 - Movie — theatcis. I F e b .ffl.

F r i d i s i o n S c h ee c d u l e ------J

4S1-NCWS _FYlday , Feb. 28 priceless Chinese vase and 3 .5 - M a n n ix I 6n —Movie —Adventure . 1 . On FhanScTs31Eiind.?sLpt717 the sccrct It holds, Joc Pon 4h. 7sl. >3 - Maslerpiecc ;— - ^ uru-Cru z /* H99i r Burt------j ■ p.m. - Movie: "Goldencn B aker. T heatre Loncaster and Gary Noodles." A suspense talcJc 4s].'6n-NightStallcer/ G n -O d d Coupic Li V- Cooper Star In th is W este rn j o( .T Chinese statue thallat 4b. 1 3 - AvlaHon W eather ■ ll-NlghtStaikcr C< adventure story. * pro m ises th e ou-ner healUiIth 7sl — Consum er Survival 9:30 ot 11:90 ' but also can dcliveic r Kit 4sl,6n-H ot I Hallimore 4si - M ovie — C rim e cloalh. Joc Don Baker;r. 11 — E m ci^ency! . 10:00 4s D ram a 7:90 2sl. 2b. 3. 5, 7b. 8. 11 - D KlIzalKth Aslcy. “Angels With Dirty 2sl. 7b. 8-^Chlco and Ihc -N - e w s *' * E vening Faccs.” (1938) James • M an 4sl-Mod Squad ^ 6:00 Cagney and Pat O’Brien as 4b. 13-Feedforward 4b.l3-Kup'sShow C; •2si.:i..Jsi.5.8-Ncws gofigster and priest who JIMH PHY »n- 7sl — B lack Perspecllve on 6n —Combal 8' 2b — T r u th o r C on grew up together on the . th c N ew s 7sl-Psychology 101 ff s« iu c n cc s streets, ,y 8:00 10:90 st 41). 13 — E le clric C o m p a n y 11:90 ROBE 2sl,7b. 8 — Rockford Flics _2sl. _ 7b. 8. 11 — Johnny Cn — High C h a p arral 4sl-M ovie-Thriller -C rim e Drama C arson ^ 7b -T o Tell the Truth ••Dracula." (1931) Bda Jim m y R o b erts Iss the popular ' Zb — Movie - Adventure 3-M ovie-Drama 11 —Sanford and Son ^Lugosi plays the vampire ••Golden Needles" Joe Don “Heldl.” (1937) Shirley jJ- singing partner ofjf Norma Sirti- . 6:90 ^ this fllm adapted from a Baker. Elizabeth Ashley Temple and Jean Hersholt ^ 2h-Fam ily Affair ^ ^ g e p l a y . mers of the Lawrenin c e W elk T ele- 4sl — M o v ie - D ra m a (day tbe leads in this ^ ? 3-MaryTVlerMoore 11:40 jn- .'••Quarantlned.V (1970) A • vision Show n..^1 sure to hear 4Hl — T r u th o r Con 5-M ovle —Drama private dlnlc is the setting . scquenccs “ R ansom !” (1956) G lcnn this warm m agnet\le te n o r v d ic e \ trt fortheactlonBtarrlngJohn 7sl — Frontiers of Science 4b. 13—Statchouse Report Ford^and D(xina Reed act ' • a DdinerandGaryColllns. • W:SS F backed by a trio ofo great musi- 5. 7b, 8 — Let’s Make i Inthitftory of the kidnaping 4b. 7sl. 13 - Washington 2b-Movie-'niriller H D eal oftheir son. Week in Review VBen" (1972). An a n n y o t ® ;ciaijs. ^ 7sl —Zoom 12:00, ll-ChicoandtheM an 6n - U l y - V a r i e t y , rals Invade Cos Angeles in 2sl. 7b, 8 - .Midnight ll-B aretta this thriller filmed on 2 C O M I N G ML1 A R C H 4 7:00 Special ■ U:«5W 2$i.7b.8-SanfordandSoi 1:90 iMallon. Lee Harcourt, S ion 4sl-M ovie-'niriller ^b. 7sl. « - Wall Street M ontgom ery CUft- ^ 2 b - K h a r i " “The Mummy." (1932). A •e W eek . - • 10:40- ; BERTS 3.5 - M ovie - A dventure Boris Karloff suspense 1 > A T R 0 ] 74) " »:00 -—5-Ironslde ‘ " "G olden N ee d le s." (1974 thriller • ^ a 28l . 7b ,8 -P o llc e W o m a n 11:00 ‘ A suspense late of. SurSunday, Februa/y 23.1975 Times*) s 4 ^ ( ^ .T w ln Failfl. idahq ’.IS .

i i i i I ' ■ .

i o n S c h e d u S a t u r d a y 7, T e l e v i s i o Feed machines 11:10 "ll:4 5 S a b n ^ , M arch± \ 2b, 3 - S p e e d Buggy 5 — C h er — V arie ty SAN JUAN. P.R. (UPI) jy ■- 5-Ironside i 2b — M om ing H eadlines Onchanrielllat7pp.m. _ 6n — Country Carnival 2sl, 7b. 8-Em ergency - r V isitors to P u ^ R ico ’s 12:10 Movie: ‘jWnlklngTai:all" Joe 7sl — Zee Cooking School» l 11 - M ovie - Crim hdp sh o re up "The Blue Max” Georgego ten year period. / M om ing Minor" Roy Millonf En­:n- 4sl — Rock Concert I 5:30 - 5 — Young Americans •3 —Carol Burnett tertainment 1 1 -S lg n O ff ' 5 ;^ S u n rlse S c m c sUc :r r On — P ro B o w lc rsT o u r 5-Lucille Ball Spieclal ' / «:00 7b — College Baskelballil Ch — M ovie — D ra m a - - 4sl, n-Y oK l’sGongIg O hio S lo e vs. Indiana ■ “Walking Tali:” -Jde'Doie ''D o n ...... 5 — M y F a v o rite M anirlla n 7sl — Psychology 101 Boker portrays Bufonluford 6:30 8 —Viewpoint Special Pusser. a Southern Sherifsheriff 4sl. 5 — Speed Buggyy 11 — W ater in Idoho who constontly foughi 7:00 1:15 crim e. 2b, 3 .5 — Jc a n n ie 11— To Be Announced 2sl. 7b. a — M ovie — Crlm(C rim c '■ 7sl —Sesame Sircct. .1:30 D ra m a 2sl, 77b, 8 — Em cr,crgency 5 -p GamerTed Armstronrong ••wi(o IS the Black P liis4 8 - Champlonshiihip Dahlia?" Efrem Zimbalislbalist, Jk 1 4sl, Cn. 11 — 4iongg Kong Wrcstilng Jr. and Lucie Amaz act Ir Phooey 4sl. n —Pro Bowlers Toui'our this tale of a Los Angclc: 7:30 2:00 d e tec tiv e Iry in g to solv« ITCHENS PLANNED 4sl. Gn. 11 — Nevew Ad- s-M ission; Impossiblele ■ liic gruesome murder of i ventures olGiniRanI - 2:S0 ' beautiful young woman, 7b. 2si, 8 — R un, Joe,L‘,Run 2sl-Sportsman’s Friendend 8:30 OR CONVENIENCE 2b. 3 . 5 - P a rtrid g e• FamF ily b — Lucky Jim Show 2b. 5 - Bob N ew hart 8:00 3:00 9:00 2 b .5 ,8 — SeoobyD oo00 , 2sl - Ja c k ie GleasonI G(Golf 2 b —Carol Burijett AMiND BEAUTY 7si-E lectric Compipony Cli^ssic 3 - K han 2sl. 7b — Land of the:elAsl 3 —Kal^mpson 4b rin — T h e A scent of)IM Mar un 4 si, Gn. .11 - D I e v lin 4sl. Gn. 11 — W ide W orldrid of 5—The Grammy Awords 8:30 S p o rts • 7sl - W orld P re ss 2b,3,5-rShu2am- 5 .7b, B —NCAA B oskelbictlmll _ 9:15 7sl-Z ee Cooking ScSchool N cw M exico a t U tah 11- K p J o k 2sl. 7b, 8 - Sigmuilund a n d 3;30 '•10:00 th e Se a M onster ' . 13 — Jim m y Dean 2sl. 2b. 3 .7b — News 4sl.6n, ll-lJissie ^ :0 0 ^ 4b. 13 —Movie-Drama 9:00 , 2sl — U ntam ed W orld •■ To the£nds of the Eorth 2sl. 7b. 8 . - P in k Pomm lher 2b - C elebrtly Bowlingig 8 —-Good Ole Nashvil 2b, 3. .5 - V alleyY of th e 3 — KID 30 M lnules M usic D inosaurs 7sl - C arrascolendas 10:15 , ------^—7sl=Corrascolcnda:lasr------4:30------2b-Movle=Drama— ; .' 4sl,Cn. 11 —Super FYlcnds . 2b. 2sl. 3 ,4sl - News "L ion in th e S tre e t" Ja n v 9:30 ' ' 4b, 13 — G re at D ecisions3ns Cagney. Barbarrtlole 2b, 3. 5 - T hc iHudson 7sl - F ie sta Lotino 4sl^Barctla j Brothers Show 11 — R eosoner R eportI 7 b - I t T a k e s a T h i e f 2sl,7b,.8-StarTrekck 5:00 11- N e w s 7si — Zoom 10:30 10:00 2 sl-F lip Wilson Specialclai 2sl — D ea n M a rtin R oast 2sl,7b.8-Jetsons 2^ — Friends of Mun i - N c v . ’s 4sl, 6n. 11 — These: iare thc 3 —Untamed World B — P o p C ou n try Music D ays 4 s s l - L u c y n - N e w s 2 b , 3 . 5 - H;H a r le m 4b. 13 — W orld P re ss 11:00 Globetrotters 5 - K h a n 8-R ock Conccrt 7sl — M lsterR o g e rs■s Cn — M o v ie - D r a m aI 11 — Good Olc NashvUashvllle t f 10:30 ••Twelve Angry MeiMen." Music 2b. 3 .5 - F a t A lbertrt . Henry i- onoa stars InIn I this 2sl,7b.8.11-Go ' tole of twelve jurorss w%> ho „ ‘ W ell de:designed kitchens are ao pleasure to :------jslr 7sl — S e sa m e S treetct- 2b —Animal Worid g o v e m m en t, 7b — A d d am sF a m>Wy ll • • —4sl —Odd Couple Anyone fired must i iling project and you \ S. 8 -N C A A Basket!ctbaU 7sl-Point of Youlh replaced within 30 days I will find our Ohio vs. Indiana 8 — PollceSurgeon someone earning atat lealeast ,1 1 - K o r g : 70,000 B.'3.C. Evening ^ as much money,e y . A pricesi oare i lower. We guaranintee our work 11:30 . e:oo governm ent labol a b o r - 2sl — Inquiring Ekil^[Ilor 21) _ w ild .' Wild WoMd and of management commillitim itiee yoorur ben»32^-«I61 ^ rhMi««7M34a 7b —Jcannie ^ 4&l.Gn-KungFu • trips around Westminsl - . 11— T o B c A n n o u nf»ccd c 4b, 7sl,.13 — S pecialI of thc Trafalgar Square a 12:30 • W eek , PiccadUly. ' 14 Tm>efrN*«s;TwiiwinftKs,Idaho, Sunday. February23,r23.J97i: I -w G

Q: I baveo’t beard most of his'lies wilh the Yortji.Y. Yo . Q : Wbj wotid a New to/m n a c * a pxMMooUng anything about Elaioe .grealAfrP empire that >A: No m arriage yet York Yorf prolwlonsi aocov t±o« t » bam't played for ai Meng(engers, Hollywood’s lop a j H What’i wtth berT - H.G;. himself Involved In a series going go steady. The rum or Is cou|ile coU| ot years and is a agentgent and hostess. But she a j M AtBtln.Tex. of financial 'disasters. th th a t P o itle r , h a v in g pt«yboy pUg to boot? I dkki't is I h happily m arried lo A: Jeannie Is now Things may be. looking up reached re; the age of SO, know kno soccer drew big screeueenwriter Jean Qaude ' |S | sinrring In the movie - now, however, for the 63- IlnaUypoppedthequestion. Hr crowds cm In the U.S. R D .. Tramramonl. (He wrote Liz a K •' ■'••Sheila Levine Is Dead and •ycaCiAldJet.sett^ and his only on lo have Joanna reply = Syracuse, Syr N.Y. T aaylor’s y l “Ash Wed- Living In New York." She fourth wife, Elaine Kay. 22. that th. she’d have tolhlnk il AA: Tbe owners of the nesdaesday.") • , LEE RADZIWILL has lllUe time for publicity a Florida hairdresser. over. ov Q: I ]ust flnlriwd thst Ll since she is lolally involved ••Huot" has wrtllen a book 1-DOLATRY PER­ wondFondetful novd “F e a r of ... excellent on handwriting analysis, SONIFIED: SC Why arc you Plylnlying" and would like to In her own acting school on understanding ^ — seeing the Shah of Iran.oll ...... '* ‘■ ' t i . a i '1 ' " ' t obowru o * Erica-Jong-is--- « over the placc? Well, not ; _ . -roarrlarried and how does she Just becausc he Is head of i d about being called tbe Mantitnbaltan townhouse, and an emerging oil-rich S'est of tbe new crop of theI IslandU in Maine. Each country bul also becausc «oen novelists? -y-Izl., - one.b. has-been trying lo-gct______lhe Shah spent $8,000,000 ■ Elaston,Md. ask friem:nds to. comc to court (repeat $S million!) last T r , A: L ast vk«dc our answer andt<1 testify on what a rotter year on personal publicity , H woulcn uld have been an upper. the.ot■other Is. ' alone. That's on himself. ^ ' thisnls week it's a downer. Rollobln Adams Sloan nothing to do w ilh -^ h al | | | E:rica rici has Just lefl her , welccIcomes questions from Iran spent promoting Itself psychlatrisl sy d husband and readaders. While Sloan asaco u n tix A}rse w e hear fame has canntanol provide Individual Q: IbeaidontheA B C TV GEORGE BEST . one to .her pretty head. answswcrs. questions ot G o ^ Show the other ... new medin Ms.Is. , Jong seems to. have gcneineral Interest will be night thal Princess Le« limed away from ol! of her ' usedkI in tbe column. Write "uptMInr? • ■ V. ■ K s H B a W Radxlwlll R neglecU her jyal old friends and wants ' • u> PRobin Adams Sloan, kids, leaving them In to0 beb< treated now as a carere ofhls newspaper -J E A N P A U L BELMONDO SEngland with h er ex w h ite.. NeNew York Cosmos In tbc supeiuperstar. ral • happened? - J i S .. U ttles Q: Now that “ Gypsy” payroU .iat.W.500 a year__.,„^Tiokelesa-or- shewing.------— ------RockrAifc------has-doaed,-'W ill- Angela — ibacco and snuff'for 1974 A: The lalcsl report Iss Lansbury leave the (j: You mentioned Lynn ^•!*= ) cDuntjy? I love her and 111 be 107 mlUkM) pounds, thal President Ford, who ^■3- Rad^ave recently, but I’d „ , rt'cenliy entertained ex- want to see more of her. — n Increase of seven per like to know her enl , over the 1973 total. Ik-alic George Harrison — S.T. Brooklyn. N.Y. lister Vanessa. Is she „ a (rlend ol his sonI . A: If playwright Arthur ChewlAg tobacco will married and a bousewife kely to ta l. 82 mlUlon Michael's - Is having as Laurents and Angela have •omewbe*«?-G.D..Enkl, ^ lawyer look into thes Ihelr way, you will see ounds. Its highest levd In Okla. - } years. Snuff o u ^ t for rnaltcr Unless olher. moreB more of the English slar. . A : 'V a n e s s a , a . . „ f prc.s,slnK m atters interfere,!. Arthur, who penned -West m Is estimated a l 2S housewife?hou Never! She's in ililton n. pounds. All bul less the President mlghl beE Side Story." “Gypsy." and SHELLEY WESW IN T E R S CaliCalifornia now using cx- Kctling out his pardoningg counlless other vehicles. IS u n one per cent of U.S. ... miffed in H o H a h d husihusband Tpny Richard- , pcnaK .iln. writing a special new play nuffs are taken In the son'sson' house. But. best for am e way as clng somewhere ih hisIS Greenville, S. C. M a n h a tta n with h e r known ki lo m iss a sdwduled moimoney, however, Vanessa mid-lhlrties. Bul Belmondoo A: Shelley is In Holland ^ m c enllrdy ralher lhan Is . whal they used to call - admits lo being in his earlyy doing a new fUm right now. moiher and going lo school ^ BULGARIAN HCCTS there. Their son. Anthony, Inlemjpt in one ot his rpany flighty. flig 5 forties. He has a 21-year-^ bul she's sure lo leave as SOFIA, Bulgaria (UPI) is completing his school amorous ai adventures. DDIVORCE OF THE Si old married daughter soon as possible. Years ago Q: Why w as the Andy WEEK: WE Expect fireworks -- J Bulgaria played host to P w4jen Shdley won an Oscar term In London as agreed :.2S0,49e fordgn visitors Q: I read that tbe A & P uponbyLeeand"Slash." Wartwl W Broadway musical when'Dr. whi Lee Salk, the 3^ m - for "The Diary of Anno luring the first nine food chain Is dosing down Q; Is tbe new Warren sudi si a flop? 1 couldn’t famous fan diild psychiatrist dut Id Frank” she promised to nonths of m i an Increase some tupefmaikets and BeaUy movie; wbere he b bi diev e ray eyes. - C.Y.. ancand brother of Jonas Salk, moi 8. give it to the Amsterdam if 431,320 over the sam e having flnaodal troubles. plays a hairdresser, based Rhrerdale.N.Y. R n»m eets his wife In the of How will that-affect tbete Museum which was built to A: "M an In the Moon." clivorce div court late this perleriod In 1973, the Com- lr commemorate the young on tbe life of Barbra nlttee of Recreation aitd fortunes of grocery bdr Streisand!* .beau,. Jon wriiten w by John (Mamas month. mo Both want to keep nUt Huntington Hartford? — Jewish victim of the Nazis. and Papas) PhUlips for his the ty«> chUdrea. the To^rourism announced.. Sincc she was In Holland Peters? — P.P.. Las a D.F..Abll«e, Texas Vegas, Nev. lalpnted tj wife. Genevieve , lg ri>e thought this would be A: Very liltle. The aging AiNo.Warrcnconcelvcd Waite, V was a typical.. I ut an opportunity lo make playboy has long since cut the idea long before Jon product P ot the Warhol I good ber promise. Mud) lo • Pactoiy..mentality. Andy 1 M is s Winters' e m ­ Pelers made his mark on ' ^ the Hollywood scene. The a a n d director Poul " J barrassment the Museum Morrissey bdieve lhat the 1 officials, miffed that the Beatty film. "Shampoo.” is ^ set lif 1968. more amateurish a thing I gcdden statue hadn’t been Is. the better ll is. They, • ddlvered sooner, refused' * fiven put on thi musical \ (he gift. Shelley inststcfl N E V E A ^ a iB D : Why is fi I David Susskind mad at"- vwithout the services of a andflnaUyllwasacceptcd. Hollywood’s Joyce Haber? choregrapher. c , Oh. only »3*ausc gossip Q: I saw tbe blonde columnist^ Joycc was woman ^ agent for tbe s ta rs ! If the Dutch wanl more sdteduled to appear on a1 being I Interviewed on American film business V rccent TV special con- . . tdevlslan. I Can you teO m e J . they'd better mind tbelr' . ceived by Susskind ahd on1 ber I name again? Alao It P. manners. , thedayofUpingshefaUedi dkln’tt say anything about' [O N G SIDNEY POITDER Q: -I aeem to have lostv, lo show, saying she wasi ber 1 private life. U rite isn’t trad t. DW Sidney PoJUer m arried maybe Bfae'd lUte ... fame turnss hI e r h e a d ... pops the questijsr , ..s l c k - » . .« ^ .. « v - ••• ' f ever many his loofrtime ■ Slk glrUrtenl, actrtM-Joanna »"_ • • RIB:-.• ■ _ ! • 4 ' • ♦ i •V i I ' . '

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