AVBUOB OAILZ GntCXCATlOII far Ik# Moatk at Jnaa ltS4 TBtD w K A 'n m i '

WovaeaBl at 0. 8. Weather flnWan, Hartford .

Meetly olaady and waimei te- 5,428 Meoaber at the Aedit alght and Wedneaday; probably lo- cal thunder showers Wedneaday BarcM at tXiaiilalloaa. afternoon.

VOL. U II., NO. 250. (Uneataed Adverttalng on Page id.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

Where Crimson Trail Ended






Senator from Idaho Likens Drought A r^ s Are Being Dost Covered Hearse Con- be NEW U.S. ATTORNEY Monopolies to ""Economic Disappointed in Love Slaughtered as Strike of veys BoUet Riddled Re-

Hitlers'" and Says Farm- Stock Handlers Stops Woman Kills Herself Succeeds George H. Cohen mains of Slam Outlaw to

ers Can Never Hope to Efficient Feeding and in Hartford Office; Dana Bridgeport, July 24— (AP) — ^Icnt death once before, when in 1929, MoorsviUe Home of Father Win Out Erokenhearted In the belief she had I her husband, Oliver Beardslee, was

bten jilted by a prominent Bridge- killed by a bullet during a quarrel in her to Quit Federal Joh. port man, Mrs. Gladys Maude Fos- for Funeral Services Late their Stratford home. She insisted ter Beardslee, 34, ended her life In St. Anthony, Idaho, July 24. — the killing was accidental and the Chicago, July 24.— (A P )—Weak- Ler apartment here today. Gas was coroner’s finding absolved her of any Hartford, July 24.—(AP)—Rob- (A P )—Senator William E. Borah flowing from four open burners of Hiis Afternoon. criminal responsibility. ened anlmalf had to be shot at the ert P. Butler of West Hartford called for the destruction of monoply the range and notes In which she glutted Union Stock yards today aa The woman lay on a couch scanti- Democrat today succeeded George today, denouncing It as "the most bad set dc.wn some of the despair ly clad. Medical Examiner H. R. a strike stopped efficient feeding and that drove her to suicide littered the Chicago, July 24.—(AP)— John H. Cohen, Republican aa United insidious and most successful enemy L'eiucca, called after the body was watering in a blistering tempera- room. DUllnger, Sr., looked upon hls son States district attorney for Connec- of the New Deal.” Flinging down Mrs. Beardslee had figured In vlo- (Continued OB Page Two) today for the first time since the des- ture. ticut. Mr.. Cohen who was appoint- the gauntlet to "defenders of monop- perado was shot down. The live stock commission men’s ed to that office by Judges Edwin oly,” the Idaho Senator told, an an-

union, Local 519, joined a walk out St. Thomas and Carroll Hlnks after nual pioneer day audience; "They While a crowd of from 500 to 800 •

of stock handlers at the Chicago the Senate rejected Frank S. Ber- will have to fight In the open.” persons milled about outside the 70-

Union Stock yards today, bringing gln, resigned at 10 a. m. today. "Economic Hitlers’* ARTIFICIAL SILK year old Indian farmer nad hls other the total on strike to 1500, as the Judge Thomas accepted the resig- SUIT REOPENS temperature hovered around the 100 nation and Immediately named Mr. His address bristled with epi- son. Hubert, were left alone with the mark. Butler as his. successor. The new grams—"Monopolies are Economic desperado’s body.

The commission men had helped appointee w ^ sworn in at once and Hitlers”—"The effect of monopoly ta MILL SHUTS DOWN TODD MYSTERY With tears glistening in hls aging la now In charge of the office. to decrease. If not to destroy, pur- eyes, the elder DUllnger gazed for a handle the animals and when they Mr. Cohen, who after serving chasing power”-"The farmer can few momenu at the bullet torn face quit only a handful of workers re- mained to feed and water the 75,- about thirteen years as an assistant HlB blood-streaked face as hard and merciless In death as in life, John hcver win out bn that ^basis’’— of hls son. United States attorney and was ele- DUllnger here lies deal In the "cooler” of the Cook county morgue la ‘ Monopoly has no more right to ex- 000 bead of stock. President Says Recent Strike Son Charges Man Found It was planned to start the long A police cordon was haatllly vated to the attorneyship on June Chicago, his lurid career ended by Federal agents' bullets. No contor- ist than any other form of deprada- tlon.” trip to the farm of the elder Dlllln- thrown about the yards. Wires were 29, was appointed as assistant by tion of pain or fear marks his features, on which a plastic surgeon ha-J ger at hlooreaville, Ind., Immediate- dit-patebed to all shipping points to Mr. Butler and he, too, took the used his art cleverly to erase a tell-tele scar. Policemen and coroner’s He accused, monopoly of blocking Damaged Materials and Dead April 23 Was Slain ly. Outside the funer^ home waa oath of office today. It was not aides are viewing the body. the national recovery efforts, so that ho'd shipments. Farmers were forc- the worn hearse In which DUllnger, stated whether Mr. Cohen would re- the purchasing power of the farmer Sr., had made the trip to Chicago ed to take their truck loads of cat- Equipment of Plant. and Robbed. tle home. main in that post long, for, it was and laborer "have been but little In- yesterday and In which he waa u reported Mr. Butler might reorgan creased, If at all.” Yards Paralyzed take hls boy’s body to Its final rest- The paralysis of the yards began Ize bis office and,' eventually select "W’hen 1 discuss the question of ing place. two Democrats as his assistants. Hopewell, Va.. July 24.— (A P )— New Haven, July 24— (A P) — A at midnight. The first to leave were monopoly,” he said, "I am accused It was said that the pace of the Danaher to Resign. FIVE HELD AS HOSTAGES ol attacking the New Deal” by cri- ’The Tublze Chatillon Corporation charge that Arthur J. Todd o f this live stock handlers totaling 750 hearse would require about five workers. The action of the 760 com- John A. Danaher, secretary of tics who are "unwllllnK or unable to today announced It had decided to city whose body was found April state and an active Republican lead- hours for the trip to MooresvlUe. mission men was taken after the .meet the question presented.” stop manufacturing artificial silk er, is expected • to go out of office 23 In Long Island sound near bis There ^at the farm home it was plan- echeduied time for the opening of IN KANSAS BANK THEFT Monopoly and New Deal yarn at iU Hopewell, Va., yarn Bell Island estate was slain and ned to prepare the body for burial. after serving as an assistant for al the market. The funeral was expected to be most a dozen years. He is expect “Do these people contend that plant. robbed of 15,000 was made today In Aa a consequence of the strike, when a person attacks monopoly he The announcement was made In a held tomorrow at the home of the ed to go on the Republican state a suit filed In Superior Ckiurt. there was no market to start the ticket again this fall. attacks the New Deal?” he asked. communication from J. E. BassllI, The suit is brought by Kenneth slain bandit's sister, Mrs. Audrey day but officials believed ohe would of New York, president, to Miss Hancock, at Maywood, a suburb of Thq new United States attorney Cashier and One of Thieves 1,200 SOCIALISTS "Is monopoly and the New Deal Stanley Todd of this city, son of the be-establlshcd around noon. one and the same thing? Anna Welnstock, United States La- Indianapolis not far from the Dil- actually Alls a vacancy caused by viedm, against the Employers linger homestead. In the midst of emergency efforts the resignation of Mr. Coben. It "One of the announced purposes bor Department commissioner of Liability Assurance (Company

to prevent suffering In the jammed was said th* procedure was agreed Shot in Cnn Battle With j ARRESTED IN PLOT of the New Deal, In fact the basic conciliation. Limited, of London, England, as Body Released. rattle pens— the yards were choked Strike the Ctiuse upon In advance, Mr. Ck)hen and purpose, was to increase purchas- executor for hls father's estate. The body was released from the with nearly three times the normal ing power. The effect of monopoly is President BassllI said the decision Todd seeks $7,500. Judge Thomas cooperating with the Vigilantes; Third Time county morgue just before noon. supply due to heavy shipments from plan of Democratic leaders to take to decrease. If not destroy, purchas- was made bcrausc the strike which The action was served yesterday the drought areas—officials of the While DUllnger, Sr., was on hls possession of the office. Attorney ;ng power among the people. began June 29 has so heavily dam^ on Howard P. Dunham, state com- way to get a needed permit from Union stock yards and transit com- Bank Was Robbed. Generar Homer--S. Cummings, who AUeged to Have Planned ’"The most Insidious and most aged materials and equipment, and missioner of Insurance, by John J. the coroner, C. W. Llbal, hearse driv- pany prepared to appeal to Federal because technological developments Sulllvein, lone counsel for the elder originally sent Into the United successful enemy of the New Deal, er, waited to take possession of the Judge PbUip L,. SuUlvan for aid. according to its announced purposes, and business conditions are unfa- Todd. It was made returnable at body. Finally he exclaimed: To Consult Federal Judge Overthrow of DoHfuss vorable to Lie continuance of the the September terra of court. In it, (Continoed on Page Six) Oxford, Kas„ July 24.—(API— j is this poVer of vast combinations "I can’t wait around here all this President O. T. Heokle of the to fix prices and to rake off all the nitrocellulose process In the Hope- the court is to judicially determine Four niaebine gunners robbed the ' well plant. time. I'm going to drive off.” company said its attorneys would gains which may come to the farm- whether Todd's death was accident- Oxford bank here at 8:30 o’clock j Government in . "In reviewing the situation which al, homicidal or suicidal. "You do that," sale Deputy Cor- consult with the Federal judge later ers, the producers or the laborers. today. The stock handlers bad been this morning of an unascertained confronts us with respect to the No New Evidence oner Jacob Schewel, "and I'U just Must Fight In Opcm dump the body out in the sun. It’s working under wage and hours set BISHOP’S SLAYERS amount of money and fled with live manufacture of nitrocellulose varn, O roner John J. Phelan of Fair- , July 24— (AP) — Twelve "The defenders of monopoly will and taking Into consideration the field county, who Investigated the your body and you’ll wait for it.” by the judge after arbitration last hostages after shooting up the November. hundred Socialists were arrested to- not be permitted to hide behind the manner In which this plant was Todd death, closed the case condi- Coroner David Walsh then tele- town. tionally with a finding that he was phoned permission to move the Henkle claimed that the yard TO DIE IN CHAIR day In connection with an alleged closed, the ixpense of reopening It, Homer Jester, cashier of the bank, (Continued on Page SU) the time involved before a satisfac- unable to determine on the evidence body. superintendents with their assist- plot to overthrow the Dollfusa gov- ants and with "aome seasoned help” and one of the bandits Were wound- tory quality production can be Just how Todd met hls' death. In the coroner’s office he had ed by Vigilantes' shotgun fire as the ernment. It was the biggest round- reached, the .' tock of yarn on hand, "There is no new evidence,” said turned over to the father the would be able to feed and water the up of political prisoners since the stock. Commission houses sent robbers climbed Into their car. Jes- present low selling prices and the clothes and money found on tho Two Armenians Who KUIed ter suffered a flesh wound In the bloody February civil war. (Continoed on Page Two) clerks and their own handlers Into ILDUCE DELAYS relatively high cost of production desperado's body. There were the arm and the bandit, shot in the Political police were picking up brought about largely by inc.-eased gray trousers, white shirt, brown the pens to aid. About 400 pickets, threads of evidence which they said Archbishop Tourain Are cheek, was believed to have been labor and raw materials costs, we necktie, underwear and shoes, $7.'70 carrying signs calling the yards more severely wounded. He wa,s Indicated Socialists, Compiunlats company unfair, sat peacefully on have reluctantly concluded that our in cash, a watch and chain and bleeding profusely, witnesses said, and Nazis had merged Into a com- HIS NAYAL PLANS stockholders' interests would not knife. As far as known. It was tho mon front for a huge campaign of PRESIDENT LANDS Given Death Penalty. as the car sped out of town. permit the '•eopenlng of the plant estate of the man whose bank raids (OonUnoed on Page Six) Harold Uttrell, 18, was shot in terror against the Fascist govern- netted more than $300,000. ment. for the manufacture of yarn,” the the abdomen by the bandits as they letter said. Hubert DUllnger was' cautioned raked the street with a machine Prisoners were herded Into a Mussolini Not to Discuss 1,850 On Payroll , ON HAWAIIAN ISLE New York, July 24—(AP) —Two former coach building plant. ' by Coroner Walsh not to spend tho of nine Armenians convicted of the gun In their flight. The letter ceferred to the strike $7.70. .j CONCERN GROWS All the hostages except Ted Don- Police were uncommunicative but OB a “force out" of plant employees slaying of Archbishop Leon Tour- a government spokviman explained "There are plenty of morbid or lan were sentenced today to die In ley, assistant cashier, had been re- Italy’s Need for Warships "resulting from a raid sponsored by curious persons who would pay for leased a short time after the rob- most of the arrests were merely union sympathizers.” The contro- the electric chair. The other seven "preventative,” pending a search of Crowds Greet Him in Early that money and these other Items,” men were given sentences of ten to bery. The bandits fled seven miles versy started when the plant re- the coroner said. REGARDING BYRD south and then turned westward. suspects*’ homes for .explosives and Until Late in FaH. twenty years imprisonment by Gen- incriminating documents. fused to re-employ discharged The elder DUllnger demanded bis The robbers seized Jester and workmen, whom union representa- Morning; Awaits Arrival eral Sessions Judge Joseph E. Cor- Those whose connection with a son’s ruby ring, and was told It was rigan. Daisy Bay, assistant cashier, aa they tives say were fired because of In the keeping of Melvin PurvU, plot cannot be established "will be Archbishop Tourian was stabbed Went to tie bank and waited for the London, July 24.— (A P )—Pre- union affiliation. The plant man- head of the Chicago office of the Bu- Tractor Party Seeking Lead* released within a few days,” fie mier Benito Mussolini of Italy has of Gov. Pomdexter. to death last December 24 at the time lock to open the safe. Donley said. agement contended It did not know reau of Investigation. Holy Cross Armerian church. The was made a prisoner In front of the decided to put off until autumn bis whether the men were members of Louis McCready, brother of the bank. Bodlcals Unite formal • explanation to the British er Toms Back After Bat- nine defendants were found guilty This spokesman asserted "lines the union or not. undertaker. Ray McCready, ex- July 14 by a jury which deliberated Vigilantes Oather. and other powers of Italy's •alleged When the strike occurred the Aboard Cruiser New Orleans with plained the atop at the establish- 13 hours. Meanwhile, word spread around need for two 35,000-ton battleships. plant payroll . numbered approxi- President Roosevelt In Kailua Bay, ment town that the robbery was In pro; (Continued on Page Six) The Anglo-Itallan naval conver- Hawaii, July 24. — (A P) — The tling Blizzard Conditions. .Mateos Leylegian, 39, a grocer, mately 1,850, Potential employ- "They took some death masks last and Nishan Sarkisian, 38, also a gress. Vigilantes armed themselves sations have been delayed until Oc- ment of the plant In full operation cruiser Houston nosed Into Kailua night, and that pushed hls face out tober at his request, although they Bay at daybreak today bringing grocer, were sentenced to die dur- and called upon Winfield and Well- was 2,500. Mr. BassllI said "with of shape and left traces of the mask ing the week beginning September ington for additional aid. had been scheduled for early In Au- respect to the operation of our knit- President Roosevelt to Hawaii is- on the countenance,” he said. "It Little America, Antartlca, July gust. land, largest of the Hawaiian group. 24—(AP) -:-Rear Admiral Richard 3. They had been convicted of first Chief of Police W. C. Tucker of ANOTHER YICTIM ting, dyeing and finishing plant, we will take us about an hour or more degree murder. The other defend- Winfield and Sheriff J. L. Harris of The semi-official journal of the are prepared to give serious consid- A brilliant sun of the eastern to repair the damage. We'II have to E. Byrd's skill and sagacity were ail Italian air ministry. Issued yester- horizon outlined the cruisers Hous- ants had been found guilty of first Sumner county responded but arrlv^^' eration to a resumption of activi- do Some more work before the body that he counted on today In some of day In Rome, attacked the Italian ton' and New Orleans to the early the Antarctic’s moat bitter weatber. degree manslaughter. ed five minutes after the raiders ties In these departments as soon la sent to Maywood.'*

About 200 Armenians jammed had left, IN BUS TRAGEDY battleship building plans aa unnec- as business conditions permit.” The morning crowds waiting on the An attempt to puah a tractor essary In view of the development shore of the cone crested island to party through to his aoliWry the courtroom for the sentencing. J. E. Campbell, patron of the bank knitting, dyeing and finishing plant Chicago, July 24.— (A P )—This of Italian aviation. Since Musso- greet the first President to visit this weather observation outpost was a Thirty policemen and a dozen de- armed himself with a shotgun but Is said to employ about 250. was homecoming day for John Dll- tectives were on hand to guard lini himself is minister of air, cer- American possession. failure and be was without radio was overpowered as he approached Today's announcement followed a linger. Body Is Recovered from tain circles here said they believed conference In New York yesterday Roosevelt reserved hls plans for Hls career as a desperado closed facilities. After battling near bliz the day until a visit from Governor zard conditions since Friday, the (OmUnaed on Page Six) (Ponthmed on Pago Six) the criticism must have been made between Miss Welnstock, Mr. Bas- by bullets.^tlie man' whose exploits with his knowledge. Consequently, sill, and Raymond S. Burrows, Joseph Poindexter who came from made a nation gasp was ready for itractor pafty turned back yester- Hudson River; Gov. Leh- Honolulu to extend a formal wel- Itey. It bad reached only* half way It was suggested that II Duce may Hopewell plant manager. Previous- a return to fils native Indiana. It be hunting for a compromise on his come. ^ Byrd’s camp, 123 miles to the ly the management asked for time was to be no triumphal procession. . south. man Demands Inquiry. building program which would be to survey the costs involved In re- Await Landing A dingy, dust covered hearse was Another expedition presumably satisfactory to the other powers opening the plant. A full moon made the island ytb- to be the vehicle for his final ride. Heart of the Metropolis Ible to the President far at be- will be sent for Admiral Byrd when and his own' nation as well. aei Under a blistering sun the cor- weatber conditions improve, France’s Position TOT FALLS FROM PORCH fore he retired last night. The vil- tege was to make its way over the Ossining. N. Y., July 24— (AP) Francois Pletri, navy minister of lage of Napoopoo, scattered among - l i a s A B a d A r m Aids Invalid To Health —Another name was added today roads which John DUllnger not so No word has been heard from the France, when here recently with Torrington, July 24.— (A P )— the cocoonut trees under the long ago speeded tn high powered to the list of dead in Sunday's Foreign Minister Louis Barthou, Hawaiian cliffs, awaited the possible expedition leader for several days. Secor hill bus accident, the body of Joan Deldo, 3 was probably fatally automobiles on hls expeditions , of His moin 'radio set has been out of flatly told the delegates' of other hurt when she fell from a two- landing of the PresidenL — ^-*-P)“ *ffcous«wlvea, working to the music of the eighteenth victim being recov- The spot was reported to have depredation. and death—over the order and In his most recent mes- powers that France wlU not sub- story veranda today. She was taken roads o n . which less than stx The heart of the |nty, too often j their radios or with one ear policing ered from the Hudson rivei at the good fishing and boats will be ready sage, relayed on a set which he aavna**va _ __ _ . .<• 51 ... scribe to any naval treaty in 1935 to Charlotte Hungerford hospital months ago he roared westward libelled, beats warm and true oa a child’s piano practice, aAw the tent foot of the hin at 7:30 this mom- for parties to try their luck later In cranked by hand he reported he had unless Italy changes her construc- with a fractured skull. after hls • history-making escape Lincoln Place. and wondered. Som eb^y made In- Ing. tion plans. the day. Ships crews will land for '" a bad arm.” fie did not Indicate Mfsr Margaret Berger lies lU un- from Crown Point, Ind., jail. his condition otherwise. quiry. Twenty-one other persons were The two projected battleships the Lauau native festival near Na- der a tent In the yard of the Brook- The word spread that under the still confined to hospitals with poopoo monument Captain James Contrast In Crowds Dr. Thomas C. Poulter, In charge would make Italy the strongest na- In contraist to the thousands who 13m Women's hospital. She might little tent lay a, woman near death, bums suffered when the bus, loaded val power In the Mediterranean. Cook, early English explorer, was of the tractor party which was to have died, but for the heart of the milled around the county morgue leave two observers at the advance whose only hope of life lay In quiet with 40 members of a Brooklyn Recognizing the gravity of a killed here by natives In 1779. city. end fresh air. Democratic Young People's League, BAND The Coast Guard cutter carrying for a look at the body of the bank base and return with Admiral Byrd, change in the naval situation in robber, orHy a few dozen persons Mrs. Berger immediately after The heart of the city heat in sym- went out of control and hurtled Governor Poindexter brought the reported by radio yesterday. It had that area, the British, through dip- gatbered at the undertaking estab- decided to turn back. becoming the mother of a IQ-pound pathy. Radios and pianos were bush- over a 30-foot embankment at the lomatic channels, urged Mussolini first mail to the President since be lishment where John DUllnger, S r, Most of the flags marking the girl. May 29, was found to be suf- ed- Children no longer screamed and New York Central railroad .tracks to change his plans. CONCERT left Panama. Planes from the New 70-year-old Hoosler farmer, waited trail are burled In drifts he advised fering from a serious kidney ail- shouted at play,, and when their In the heart of town. Officially, however, Italy has Orleans put off to get the- latest nient. necessitating an operation, The body recovered today was from Honolulu. to claim the body of hls eon. and a blizzard appeared to be set- cries began they were ended quick- steadfastly refused to halt her The trip to the farm home of the ting in. file failed to rally as doctors had ly by the admonition: "Remember thought to be that of William Mur- building plans but now there are re- Tonight hoped, and her strength wsmed. ray, Sr., of 15 Ckiraella strest TREASURY BAlutNCE elder DUllnger at MooresvlUe, ,Ind, OrifU Hide TraU the poor sick lady In the tent." newed hopes that Mussolini may was to be made In the same hearse The party was expected to have Fresh sir was an essential If she For ten days now there has been Brooklyn. His son, William Murray, scrap his big navy ideas. It is un- CENTER PARK V'ere to survive; fresh air and quiet. Jr., said he had seen him last cling- Washington, July 24.— (A P )—The In which the mild spoken father great difficulty In returning to camp CO party in either apartment build- derstood, however, that Italy will was driven to Chicago yesterday by as snowdrifts apparently have all She,was too U1 to be moved dally to ing. No radio baa beeii turned on, no ing to a dock stringplece right aft- do considerable scouting before it 8 O’clock position of the Treasury July 21 the hospital porch. er the crash. was: E. F. Harvey, MooreavUle under- but obliterated the trail. Dangerous piano touched. These apartment saya "yes" or "no” on tho subject taker. The services were to be held crevasses lie along the route. Someone suggested a tent be pitch- house dwellers don’t know Margaret Crazed Wltli Pain of battleships or even decides defi- Receipts, $5,822,542.45; expendi- It was thought that Murray. Uke SALVATION ARMY at the home of Mrs. Audrey Han- The group encountered some of ed in the back yard, and it was done. Berger, yet each day they send nitely on her policies for the 1935 tures, $14,658,042.12; balance, $2,- cock, the slain man’s sister, at the coldest weather of the year Carefully she was placed there. Of flowers, and constantly they ask; several others, leaped Into the riv- conference. 512,761,516.75; customs receipts for er, crazed with pain. In an effort to BAND Maywood, an Indianapolis suburb, _w1th the mercury dropping to 71 course, there would be noise— chil- • How Is the lady In the tent today?” To Make Survey the month, $13,506,810.07. several miles away. quench his burning • clothing and "degrees below zero at one time. dren pla)1ng and pianos and me- The lady is much better. Within a As one Indicatior of this scouting Under Auspices of the Receipts for the fiscal year (since Funeral Late Today Men were obliged to go ahead on chanical music machines pouring save bis life. The river has been Is that fact that C^pt. Rainer! Dis- July 1) $167,989,370.90; expendi- v/cek or two she will be able to leave searched since the accident and Are Manchester Chamber of The exact time at which the body aicils to guard against crevasses. brassy tunes from open windows. her tent and go home, well on the cla Is arriving in London shortly to Commerce. tures, $380,650,119.18 (including would be released from ^ e morgue Distance^ were more than doubled, y et. It was the only hope. Which followed. make a survey of the ground and $183,961,584.43 of emergency expen- way to recovery. Tlw heart of the Finding o f Murray's body led was not made public, but It was ex- by the zig-zag course necessary to Two six-story apartment buildings city, too often Ubelliis that the pointment to tbs Americans, how- was observed. the Read Paper Company and at f( rmaUoD received here waa maager were drowned at Tarnow and two Judge Raymond Johnson conclud- noon, a large tobacco shed near the clctbM' 'anil tii2 artificial corsage Hose and Ladder Company No. 1 ever time the picnic is over. .said to be active on Rum Row. and Alfred Clough- will present a rsIsKetearlBg phase would receive ever! who bad been keyed to a "do "IncidenUlly, DUlinger was al- one time was vice-president and t-nd did not give the na-mriTof the died St Lodz. ed the evldefice prc*cntcd today was Wllllfim Clark place, where Mr. OLD FASHIONED ^ bouquets and flower’ capes she Wears of the South Manchester fire de- It is possible that, with the large trombone trio "Come Where My special attention. The commission or die’’ pitch and an extra day of ways accompanied by at least one general managei a f the American dead. ” In Warsaw the water from the Flowers and Gardens of not sufficient to enable him defin- Daly and fam ily now reside, burned uy night and had- them treated wJR) partment was sailed an a still alarm expected attendance that the after- Love Lies Dreaming” by Foster. flbCs not use the word, but it was reat should do Crawford no harm wssnan, and sometlmea by two. Tleeue Mills of Ithaca. He waa gen- One of the dendjefia reported as Vistula receded further, despite itely to determine the nmoviht which to the ground. '' A special :#rrangemont of the old the perfume of the’ fiowers the.v last night at 9 o’clock for a woods after his exhausting four sets of noon events will be eliminated and kowwi Ubat tbs . Department of eral manager of the Oakland paper the Rev. CbarlesTSeyenau, a Catho- heavy showers. A fresh inpouring Nigrelll Is able to pay hia wife, and There was a short meeting of the hymn, "F or You I am Praying” will SCENTS THE RAGE represent. fire at the Intersection' of Middle doubles yesterday. CaU Federal Men Property. only the evening's program, will be AKrlcUltJirp bkd offered gyldcBcc mill when a resident o'f Manchester. l;c priest oL^arleston. ■was expected, however, from the consequently ordered the case con- membership of the Congregational I be presented by the bond in imito- Aiiotbei bangs sachets from her turnpike, west, and Broad street. Shields had promised Wood that "B y using two taxicabs be shook put on. This will start at 6 o'clock. ANNOUNCE COSTUME jliirportin^j; tjj Jha^ ganggter* He waa a member of the Loyal Le-, The touCk was driven by a negr 8an river. tinued for one month. Meanwhile, Branch of the Federated church. I tion of a church orgaii. Bandmaster dress-bangers so her frocks are The fire had started In the woods If the latter defeated Crawford he us o ff Saturday night, but when we (tondltions along the upper Vis- Several new events will be added to were operating iq the induatry, gton and othqr fraternal orders. who^wfis not seriously hurt. Plainfield, N. J., July 24.-^(AP) Probation, Officer Edward C. Elliott, called at the close of .the church | David Addy welcomes suggestions saturated with the scent of hallo- from burning rubbish In what is be- would “ take’’ young McGrath In drove back past the theater we saw this year’s program. One of the Tfic SaifTalf db|en'gp‘erpyyfgdozen gperpy in .{few Funeral eervices 'were* heTd at his tula were, improved, although the —A U. S. Navy free observation Jr., will conduct an invcstlgaUcn to service last Sunday morning to see! regarding future progrrams. The trope, and another sprays -tbs inside ing made an automobile dump at the final to send the United dutes that a new film would be shown ^ L e a v in g the road on a curve, the events Is the return meet against DAY FOR AUGUST 8 Perfumes of Flowers in Engird wjh’^5 beaqed home In Ithaca, this aftetnoon at- river Is. stUI nearly five miles near balloon with a crew of five officers find out U)e amount of NigrclH's about fixing over the room where j program; ot her luggage 'so her traveling - °S to that point. (Chemicals were used to Sunday, and we guessed that Dlliin- "truck plunged sixty feet down the the Pope Park swimming team of beauty parlor earnings. sor Paul p. Cony^sCi tem(H>rariIy into the challenge round againet 3:30. Burial vdH be In F o re a td ^ Santomin. made an easy landing today in the beginners-class meets, but it' M arch ; Pressing Onward. Smith; wardrobe la permeated with the per- aatingui.sh the fire. England for the cup. ger would come again. We therefore embankment and came to rest up- Hartford who defeated the locals on Nigrelll said his business has been attadh’ed to t6e'”c6mnits'Bloh from cemetery tomorrow at 8 p. po; The government continued back yard on the ou t^lrts of this was thought best to call a meeting \ March, Bravest of the Brave, Hub- Grandma’s Garden Popu fume of Ja.Hmlne. got in touch with the Federal .stile down. Sunday and the local team la bound poor in recent months. He promis- the University "of lllfnois’,'iind A. H. Wood did not disappoint, playing Mr. Read Is survived by'hls wife, strenuous efforts to avoid epidemics city. The only damage done was to for next Friday evening nt the i bard; Comet duet. Hosanna, Scoto Along with the vogue for flower agents of Melvin Purvis’ staff and Adcldpnt Reportod . to even matters. Another Playground Event ed to pay more to his w ife when Tackett, o f tlje Triide Commission. the brilliant game he la capable of Vera Perkins'Read, three brothers. through a lack of good drinking the flowerbeds and gardens of the church to look into the matter more ney. Bandsmen Hudson and Robert • perfumc.H, face ana hand maks-np U e trap was laid. A motorist whose namg was not water. 'Typhoid scrums are being In conjunction with the evening’s thlrfgs pick up a little. Prosecutor Converse fs ih 'charge of We econo- OBAPPQINTED IN W YE to hold the whip hand over the big A. 3. Read. Boston, Maas.; F. A. property. fully. Lyons; March, Freedom From Sin, Itr This Summer. has taken on a more . subtle tons. "As expected DUlinger strolled up learned reported the accident at the dispatched to all villages, while the program an underwater swim will William J. Shea brought out that mic phase and Tackett the' l^gal Australian most of the day. Craw- Bead. Albion, N . Y.j M. W. Read, 'The balloon, one of three sent out The condition of Alfred B. Willson Jakewny: March, Faith Triumph- Krul sun-tan in a deep sun-baked to the theater With a woman. A sec- Caesar’s Head hotel a mile away and public was forbidden to drink water be held with this event open to any- Scheduled; To Be Held at Nigrolli omplo.VA four opefators and end o f the investigation. ford was unsteady at the etart but JuftB, Pprto Rjeo; hia children. last night from the U. S. Navy air of South Windsor, who was qerlous-' ant. Fristnip; Trombone trio. Coma hue la “ out." "B olge"— a soft ond woman entered about the same guests from the hotel and residents from the Vistula. one In'Manchester. .The swimmer that the $10 a week he has given The next area to be InvesUgated W O iU N KILLS HERSELF then settled down to play bis usual Gordon M., Franklin B „ and J. station at Lakehurst on training ly injured in a fall from the hay loft Where My Ixive Lies Dreaming. By AB B LA IU B KEBB criam-in-the-cofTee Huo--^ls the thlnr time, but We could not be sure of the village rushed to the scene. Excessive felling of forest trees who emerges from the farlhe.st hia wife hardly Waa enough to meet proBKhlSr vSJPbc CHic’agoT'wKere an- all-round game. It, .wasn't good Louir, also three daughters, Mrs. cruises to study air currents, came West Side. of WUl.son Brothers dairy bnrfi re- Foster, Bandsmen William Hanna, Parlg—.iAP) T-Perfumes of the whether or not she was with Dll- Dan Beattie, an employe of a by peasants was believed to have point away from the raft will be rent, light, gas and other expenses. this year. Many women use it with other staff Will be employed. The enough today against a player who Harold E. wflcox, Charlotte S. down by design, members of its cently was reported to be about Russell Clough and Alfred Clough; l? grandmoth- (Continued '-otn Page One) llnger. rtore at Caesar's Head, was one o f been an Important contributory declared the town champion. The The Nigrellla were married in carefully blended color on the coramissljm outlined the scope of has been hailed by many experts oa Read, and Jessie M. Read, and one crew said, because the air currents the same, nt the Hartford hospital. March, Long Long Ago, Broughton; er's garden "arc '’all the rag'e" this cheeks giving a rljicned peach 'ef- the inquiry as follows: having the finest command of "When he left the theater, -two th-e first at the scene. cause to the floods. present title holder. Eddie Llthwln- Added to the special playground 1928 and became separated May 8, found this morning and found notes grandson. were carrying it away from its home He has been given a,blood trans- SelecUpn, In A Fighting Army, summer.'■' " - UiOt. " ( A ) SuBplg and domand « f milk strokes in the world when he wants women were again near him. One of "Tho truck was upsldg down and Scores of homes in Bydgoszcz ski is expected to have considerable days event.s here under Recreation 1934. Since they came to a parting fusion. Mountain: March, Army of Im- Bverywbaia about the room. the women seeing the officers, port, and being a free balloon, it Leo J, Kwash competition In retaining his laurels. of the ways the hUFband Is alleged Fashionable, who seem to be more hjew Qflld For Kye« and milk producta; (B ) cost of pro- to use them. He outserved the big gome ot the boys wer? qnder It," were evacuated last night as the Centers sponsorship will be "Cos- manuel, Gullidge; Selection, For The notes found in the room lay seized DUlinger by the shirt and Charle* G. Tryon waters threatened a new section in could not be steered. The tentative program tor to- to have contributed an average of perfume conscious than they have Lips afe still brilliant, but the ducing, processing and distributing Ausele and mathhed Crawford’s fine he sa(d. "Some people from the hotel grand knight. The other officers tume Day” which will be held on "You 1 am Praying. Scotney; Torch beside tha body, oa the floor and on cried: Stricken with a heart attack, western Poland. The bag, with a capacity of 35,- morrow affterhoon and evening Is as less than $10 a week to his wife. SOIX)NS_ SF.F.K QUOIU'M ^ n la .many years, float by on a season's chol£t Is a light bright milk and milk products; (c ) prices backhand with one that was Just as Charles G. Tryon of 573 Wopdhridge and some negroes got there about 000 cubic feet of nitrogen, was com- were: Deputy grand knight, Edwin Wednesday, Augu.st 8, a t 6 o’clock March, Torchbearers, BaU, various articles ef furaiture. A good. "Oh, John— thdM men." follows: breeae of Jasmine, lilac; ramation. color, shading a touch more to the o f milk to the producer and prices street at Manchester Green, died the time I did and wp got a big manded by Lieut. M. M. Bradley. He Murphy: chancellor, W alter An- at the West Side playground. It Is lavender, verbenta or hcljotrope. So- of flqld milk gnd ergam to the cun- Whisky bottle stood empty oa a A crowd of 2.000 frequently " C a u g h ^ ff his guard this last Afternoon expected that Mae Wests, Indian.^, Bismarck, N, D., July 24— (A P ) atgpgc tbgn the ltji|>llt> tint, and draascr and gloascs beside It. suddenly at 11 o'clock this morning ♦Imbqr and pried the truck up and reported the landing to CapL F. W. derson; Recording secretory, John called "sopbisUcated sccntal’ have, suHier: (d ) the spread betweecn bfokc into cheers at the bzilllance time, DilMnger leaped back, reach- then got the boys out. There were Girls 10-12, 25 yard blindfold Cowboys, Amoses and Andy.s, Char- —North Dakota's legislators today more youthful and becoming than Qnly Ccrdncr John J. Phelan .may at his home. A native of Bolton, he Relgholberfer, acting executive offi- Dwyer; financial ' secretory, John toe thniaomsat at least, been left in prices and consumer prices, of th§ play, especially Ip the long ing for his gun. A t that moment race. lie Chaplins, Wallace Bcerys and WARPING sought a sufficient majority to tlif darks.r colof. make public the notes, said Medical lived here for twenty-five years, .'our or five undgr ll, 1 guess." REPUBLICANS MAY cer at the air station, and a truck McCluskey; warden, Bernard' the bsckgr9und. " (E ) Acquisitions, consolidations rallies • whicl) Crawfgrd llkgs but th« woman, or women, disappeared Beattie said >ia talked with the Boys 10-12, 25 yard dog race. numerous other outstanding char- function as an impeaching body, Kyc-shadu'Ws are still much In Examiner Delucca although admit- And a moment later DUlinger feli which he spent as a salesman for was dispatched hare to bring the Fogarty; Inside guard, Walter Shea; I Girls 12-15, egg race. Besides 'the porfumad touch be- and mergers by companies engaged which maqy tlineg today ended vyltil the White and Bagley Refining com- negro driver and was tpUJ Father deflated balloon back to Lakehurst. outside guard, Felix Mozzer; trus-j acters o f the present day and of Miss Aleura Allen, a missionary All hopes of a quorum in the Senate r^oTleUeve vogue. There 'Is a new gold which ting that (panj 0( thgm named a dying as he had seen many men dle. Boys 12-15, tube race. the past will again jitrut their stuff hind the ear and the scent sprayed In the milk lnd\istry; (f ) concentra- his slender adversary putting-- over pany. He waa 64'years of age’and a Devengu wgs riding on thp sitot be- Ballast is Dropped tee, John Hutchinson, for a three ■ , to South America, has been a r^ apparently have been abandoned by gives a glamorous touch to the eyes prominent Brldgepn^J m^g. re- at his hand—only this time It was a MEET IN HARTFORD Evening on this occasion. la the hems of skuU or Into the tion of control of piarktU and the finishing shot. ' member of Manchester L6dge of a!(lc the dflvgp. When the decision was made to year term, Francis Coleman, for a{ I cent visitor at the home of her the solons although they voted to by night, while blues', silver'greens, fused tq disejose Ihcjr cuntepta It human mad dog the bullets hit. Watermelon race, 25 yards. Itching Skins fasbloaabie women are using prices b'y corporations or by groups Mgsons. He was the son of Ben- "He (Father Pevenau) got excit- land, the balloon’s 26 bags of bal- one year term; treasurer, Paul Already boys and girls are secret- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert meet once more today. and brown.s are much used by day. waq Ipa'rned howeverr that gne pf "And at any time In the past 10 250 yard free style. and fjawer odors In a doaen new and of producers or distributors. jamin Tryon, well known re^dsnt of ed and grabbed arm and caused last were dropped, and its crew, Moriarty; advocate, John Tynan, ly planning their make-ups and Im- E. Dibble of Pleasant Valley. Strengthened by an opinion by ^Brilliant rc4 poBsh is less seen them conYaincTl # ^ fq g 'p f wjll jjjd days we could have token John my Banana race, 25 yard race. ' « subtle ways. "(O ) Trade practices which may the Green. He was not married. the wreck," Beattie quoted the sought to bring it down In a vacant Following the Installation of offi- personations and It Is expected that Miss Sarah Edith Adams, daugh- Attorney General P. O. Sathre that on fashionable ggilq tltgej days, an Itemized llqt of ligr property. BODY OF M U IN G ER ’ Hamilton and George (Baby Faced) G. 0. P. Convention Expected 100 yard back stroke. Unsightly Sub Tan la <‘Out’i aipuuiit tg ugfgU q^h oda of som- In recent days after learning that He leaves a brother, Frank Tryon negro os telUng, field on the edge of. town. A sud- cers a roast beef supper was served. there will he a large number of en- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hous- the House could convene as an im- ^om et^es It is re^.laced by coral or l'*'4»tlon or whjeh may ffstrain Nelson. But we realized that If we Blindfold race, 26 yards. One chic Parisian has sent out the the man ahe cared for was to be of Flower street, and a sister, Mrs. den down current of air, however, A committee conaiating of Felix tries on this night. Prizes will be ton Adams of Goshen, was married peaching body only, the determin- ro'se, som'elimes by hd v'arnish'al all. trade or lend (o create’a monopoly arrested these men, DUlinger would 60 yard breast stroke. ramrle'd, it wa's learned. Mrs. ON HOMEWARD TRAIL Eva Whits of Main street. Funeral swept the beg toward the back yard M on er, Joseph Chlodine, Philip Ma- awarded for the^ various class win- to William David Clark, son of Mr. ed representatives left the State Compjexions Some'women are -"giving their nails in pitrebasiag, assembling, proces- escape." to Take Place After Dem- Tube raoe, 25 yards. Beardslee had used liquor freely arrangsraenta are Incomplete. of the home ot William Ward Van- honey, W alter Shea, Michael Mur- ners with the classifications to be and Mrs. Joslah Clark of Ridgewood House yesterday Intent on bringing a rest." have gotten oirt the buffers sing, saie and dlauibution nf mHk 100 yard free style. and several occasions had telephon- HEAD OF RRST NATIONAL derhoof, 1817 Astor Place. The rip phy, Michael Sheridan and Arthur announced at a near date. Road, West Hartford, last Saturday back enough members to establish tchiuh lay lung nsglscted in dreeglNg and mj]k productif.’’ Soda drinking contest. (Continued from ®age One) ocrats Get Together. cord was puUed, releasing the bal- Keating was named for the annual afternoon at four o'clock, In the a quorum and the right to vote on ed tleolineiaHons of the man she ac- 150 yard medley race. mtlq ifawsr^ ttBd ac« p„uttlrig a loon’s gas, and firemen, police and outing of the council which will be Broadway Tabernacle In New York. resolutions today. cused Bf Jilting her to nuwspapers. 200 yard relay. ESCAPE.S ASSASSINS. SOOTHES natural Millyli pn thelf nails. funeral services to be hfl


4 TliLLE HEIGHTENS GLAMOR OF SUMMER EVENING GOWNS M anchester E V E N IN G herald, mano hester, rrlally AMY’ It Is amazing' In this day and ags Editor, Journal at the American office. And curb relentlessly that how many people are complete- Campbell Council To Hold JACKSON that ahe can make a .Medical AssociaUon, and of Hygelat fimlnlne Instinct Ip want to run DIZZY DEAN PITCHES CARDS aoooesa of her life.. .Amy baa been , ly helpless in case of water acci- DECIDE, AFTER DISPUTE, the Health Magazine everything! That, according tc Irene dents. - Most children swim some- htt beat friend until HOYVARU L. Blunt, mother of twins ana hold- Track Meet Here August 4; JACKSON broke tbe engaKemeiit | One of the most annoytng dis- where. nowadays. How different ^ DIN GSI eases of the skin U caUed psoriasis. er of the kind of executive jobs that from twenty years ago when most YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Jane had forced npon him and mar- i few of her sex ever attain, Is what tied .Amy. In this condition the skin peels youngsters were afraid to wet TO VICTORY OVER CHAMPIONS Nartheaatem League TO PLAY TWO SEPARATE ariy woman has to do If she Is ts their toes. In New Y'ork Jane obtain a po- away in large amounts In the form Joe McCluskey To Compete (No games scheduled). Cl silvery-llke scales. These scales make a success of a family and a Children learn rules for first aid National League. . ^ aitloa In a real eatate office and ! business simultaneously. these days In school and camp, but aoon la making a large Income. She! develop on top of the chlronlc In- How *Gan§ett Park Was Created St. Louis 6. New York 6., f.immatlon of the skin. As secretary bf the recently form- comparatively few adults are in- Campbell (!>>uneil. Knights ot. The members were i^ ir e d that Chlcagt) 8. Brooklyn 8, ROUND ROBIN TOURNEYS baa an affair d ith ROGER THORPE < formed of the processes of getting TWIRLS HIS TENTH married, but tlrea of him. When he 1 Treatment of this condition has ed National Federation of Textiles, Columbus, went on reoord last night Jos would enter into - the project Philadelphia 3 .'Plttshursh 2. been almost the despair of skhi Inc., Mrs. Blunt's day's work jumps water out of logged lunge, or en- as favoring the SBonsorlng of a with much favor and would be sure Cincinnati 4, B(>ston 2. offera to licar the expense of their 1 couraging respiration after a near- : Methodists and Baldwins repairing child ahc contemptuoualy diamlaaea | Bpeclallate for years. AH aorta of from preparing plans for economic track meet to bs held at tha West to have the presedicc of eome of the Amerlran l,eague I to the Green's cluohouse, the others icmedles arc constantly being tried. production to discussing the artistic drowning accident. It is time to ' STRAIGHT VICTORY, Hide playground on Saturday, Aug. beat hnowti men now traveling the Managers Agree to Disagree him. Amy takiH, the baby, named Icam at least the rudiments of the New York 5, St. Louis 2. j temaining at the Rec. N.ANCY", promlalng never fu reveal These, frequently produce a clearing line of a design with an artist. One 4. at which time Jos McCluskey cinder paUiA. Washington 11. Chicago 6. Furm East Hide Loop o? the condition, but seldom a com- nioment she may be deep in a con- procedure as there is no time to will return to Manchester and w ill: The assurance has also been given Itt parentage. ' run for a book when such an ' petroU 7. BnHlon 2. Over Original Plan; Make \ At the Community Oub team's When .America entera the W orld , plete cure. ference on the best way to make use be acen in a one mile race. He by the Recreation committee that rhllRilelphla 11. Cleveland 9. event occurs. 18TH OF CAMPAIGN will aleo bring along with him from rheadquarters a league to be knosvn War Howard decldea to enllat In 1 Because It la associated with the of an addressograph in the office, the West Side grounds will be at 1 as the East Side League, and con- general reactions of the body as a If a child is fished out of a JX.. New York eeveral nationally known' the service of tne Knights of Col -1 No Bones as to Respective the aviation corps. Ann, heiirtsIcK and the next absorbedly formulating creek or pool, to all appearance THE STANDINGS : sisting of the Green. Methodists and whole, psoraisis'frequently changes a method of co-operative activity jtfifg i»... A BIT fls a»AM. A weeeaTWA fitSTanT mia amo a cew wi viim track start and this with the asmir- umbus on that day. It Is planned j over thl.V lfn|>eiidlng uparatlon, Is I dead, the first thing to take for ance already given that there willl Nnrthmstem League .'Laid wins, was formed. After adop- cbllgevl to play hostess to (s)in- .13 character with changes In tho that will strike a happy medium be- to charge on admission fee of about I u I granted Is that he is no such thing. Red Birds Trip Giants 6-5, be entries from several oiit of stata' W. L. Merits of Team (In Own li’in of suitable regulations It was mencement dinner party. | met, with freedom from worry, with tween what a group of industrialists 26 cents which will help to defray | Shout your lungs out for someone and Connsctlcut athletes w ill' the expenees of (he meet. |Manchester ...... 14 5 ; determined that each team would Howard leaves' for p training ’ the Incidence of some other disease, Ole anxious to do and what's prac- to ' get the nearest doctor, but act piay each other team three games, or with almost any condition affect- tical and legal for them to do. assure a good gttrsMtlon on that! The committee that was named Watertown ...... 1.1 7 camp In Texas. Amy and his mother 1 while you call. Pick up the child for 7th Win in Row; Cubs I afternoon. | Opinion); Play 1st Games ! *.' the end of which series the team go to the station to see him off. i ing the body as a whole. last night tn arrange for the meet Hartford ...... 12 7 . Worked Her Way I'p Irene L. Blunt (if he is small enough to handle Tha program hat not as yet been | l<'Well ...... la 9 with the highest percentage being When the white scales are forcl- this , way) by his feet and shake consists of Wllbrod Messier, John Just for variety, she now and then completed as the matter was not | McCluskey, Willikin Cotter, John Vtorce.ster ...... 10 9 This Coming Sunday. j declared the League Champion, and .NOW GO ON WITH THE SlOltV blj removed, there are tiny bleeding has the job of arranging dinners and him to let the water run out-of his Cling to 2nd Place; Yan- r>oints just beneath each of them. ilaughter never develops any social taken up until, the msstlng of Hutchinson, J. J. Sweeney, John .New Uvttlnrit ...... 7 If) , I miBlIfied to represent the ICast Side 'HAPTEH X.XI.X I luncheons for groups of from ten to lungs. Then' lay him on the Lesgue. In play for the town title. With many patlehu the areas of In- poi.>,e of her own." > Campbell Council last night when Shea, Thomas Dannaher, Raymond Pprlngfielrt ...... 6 13 , It was .Mrs. L..V who l. !k u-har;; : p thousand. And that, she says Is ground, on his stomach, with his JUNEan...tUTtim THt WAaHA.8CTNeHASCMAWgtD AHbtVtZYTmW Wttfym fffftr It was favored by the large mem- The schedule of games to be played flammation disappear cither wholly Another of Mrs. Blunt's rules kees, Tigers Victors. Fogarty, Paul Morlarty, Samuel V/bj’Innd ...... 2 J6 Representatives of the six poten- of the situ.aUnn Pry tending anxiety ' hardest of all--thinking up food head turned, to one side and his berehip which had gathered at the! oy the East aide League appears be- or partially during the summer and at out the family Is that she shall jaws open. Somethiqg soft and Turcotte, James Tierney, Charles P* Nallnnal I,eiiKue over Mrs. J.'-“k.son a a^gngc. .she that will satisfy men' who've had si Oeano cottage in Bolton for the an- j Ryan, John Dwyer, William P. Quish tial contenders for' the hasehail low. Apparently. Manche.ster is In- sot her and Amy both I., making tn- return in the cold weather. bnve a complete vacation from them flat may be put under his head. W. L. many conferences and convention every- year. The boys are now at By EDWARD J. NEIL nual installation and get together. |and R. E. Carney. championship of Manche-stcr. met at lot a fued In baseball that will rival qulMcs. Then she fi.ok them back The disease usually appears first Better so. Then take his elbows New York ...... 57 3.1 I dinners in their time that they howl camp and she has taken an apart- (A. P. 8uorts Writer) CMcago ...... 55 the West Side Rec last evening, and tho long-standing argument between to Amy homo t dkim- all tho whllo ' o:- the outer or extensor sides of the in your two hands and press them at sight of roast chicken on any ment alone In the city and Is having El. Louis after a discussion of considerabie the North and flouth Ends as to -trlvlahtio. . . ! aims and legs, especially around menu. against his ribs, then raising his .63 35 .602 tun going about doing things alone. arms above his head. Repeat the J. (Dizzy) Dean, a yoving man PlttsborKh ...... 41 44 .482 length, and some heat, aerecd to f; rtball supremacy In town, and per- Once there, Amy had to be busy '• tbe elbows and knees, it may, how- haps It is best t'l settle the queiUon ever, occur on any part of the In addition to being secretary of She says a-vacation alone Is a good movement regularly to stimulate who can see so far ahead that he la Boston ...... 43 48 .473 I'.ls’igrce. The meeting as a whole er.Q Mary Jackson put .in an apron I already asking 618.600 for next sea- ,n such a manner, for the three anr; holpod, • It,' ni 'c to • m a body, but moat rarely on hands and he Federation of Textiles, Mrs. way of reviving your confidence in breathing. This artificial breath- AAU AQUATIC MEET SET Brooklyn ...... 39 51 .431 endeti tn this wise, developing Into Blunt is also secretary of the Code yourself. sons work. Is strutting around the trams comprising the East Bide kitchen .ag.aln," .-ho .,lu -i vv.a,s ' feet. ing must be done evenly, smooth- JWI 15"...«((fWTt 6UOOUmi WWni R M 5- WS»Tb THt MMwiwa V WMf Philadelphia ...... 38 52 .422 twi, separate conflabo Indulged In by Authority for tho Silk Textile In- metropolis today looking for an league, belong almost to a man on - fltin-; .*lrk'.‘f l*.-.i.liii,; hou . . .and I P.Horlasis occurs most frequently Her twins, Tom and Dick, are as ly and not too fast. About twenty Cmcihnatl ...... 29 67 .337 the West Sides, Catholic Club and dustry of the NRA, and, so far as I argument on tbe subject. He won’t the East Side, and the other three IctP.Is. I m.ay tic picpy awkw.n I | in the second and third decade of unlike as day and night. One Is roly- times to the minute. Keep It up Ainerlcan l,eagiio Pliicflclds as one group, and the get It from any of tho Cardinals teams regard the West Side Play- at first. A’oii weif very y d to let ^ life, but no age Is exempt. It is un- know, the only woman secretary of poly, one tall and thin. One likes to and do not get discouraged. The FOR GLOBE ON AUGUST 5 W. L. PC. Baldwin A. C., Manchester Green a code authority. That election was best position for the worker is who play ball with him. grounds as their home lot, making A.e come. A m y' ucual for a first attack to appear lead ahd the other likes to be read -te' Detroit . . .., Community Cllib. snd Methodist, after 45 years of age. in recognition of the fact that she Ic. One la always stage-imanagsr, the straddling the patient with both The young right hander who never New York .. (flub aa another. Ihe division geographically as well “I’m thankPal yoi; could come," knees on the ground, facing the as baseball, correct. Amy told her. "I couldnT shut up knows more about textiles than al- ether is helper and audience. got hie nickname on tbe ball field, Cleveland ... ,\ Startling Admission! The disease apparently is not most anybody in the country. She head. Don't let people crowd HERE'S LATEST VOTE tin house and stay with .Mother an^ contagious or directly transmitted “They are so different and yet did a lot of highly Important things Recreation Centers Spon* Boston ...... The meeting originally scheduled In a statement last night, Mana- *»ught to, for after she camo out ot they Have been treated exactly around who are not needed to lather. They* love ni- trio much. from parents to chlldren, but heredif for tbe St. Louis Rad Birds yester- VV a s b l n g t o n . opened as planned with representa- gei Hublard said bla decision to high school, she got her first job alike,’’ Mrs. Blunt pohders. “That's help. Tight clothes or bands day. He pitched the Cards to a 6 *o St. Louis ... tives of all six teams present. It withdraw was based largely upon T.ney’re so clo.-e t . me it kill.s them y seems to plsy a part in some* Jowe ggef ,..(T tmaVK) teex tug yg'o just what pit raTosi- ON GRIDIRON GREATS with the Silk Association of Ameri- Why I wonder whether Conditioning, should be loosened or cut. but do 6 victory over the world champion scon ttextn sor State Event Here Philadelphia . very shortly became apparent that hie Inability to see the fairness ot to see me unhappy. A'oii love How- cases. The definite cause of the dls- not lose time fumbling, or talking. ard moat. I won't feel your hrei^- ca predecessor of the National Fed- as the psychologists call It, makes Giants, for one thing, his . tenth Cnleago...... three of the teams were agreed upon ehmjnatlng any team by any action asc has not been estab’ished, how- eration of Textiles as switchbqar’J as much difference as they think, Everything must count. His Ufa one point at least, to wit, the Blue- ing your heart about me a l l^ e ever. is hanging on what you do. . •tralgbt, bis 18th of tbe National Next Month; Program In- except a game of ball. "Joe" further time. I’m sure they'ro ••eltovod I'm perator, and she's been there ever but though my boy^ are so different, League campaign and the seventh All-Star Eleven of College Sen- TODAY'S GAMES l.elds. West Sides and Catholic Club, stated that the developments were In early stages of this condition, since, steadily moving upward. when either needs defending, they If the child is older and too big ’.mblushlngly pleading guilty to be- staynng here. A'ou underatainl. It'v P. modification of the diet with elimi- to be picked up by his heels to straight for the Frankie Frisch out- iora to Meet Chicago Beara Northeastern League entirely to hla liking, since no team ytuj much .vtrain o'n ah of ((*.“ She has had a" lot of other honors are two against the word, twins fit that suddenly has decided to go on August 31. cludes Races for Both Hartford at Watertowm. ing the three best teams in town, in town will be tn a position to claim nation of meats sometimes Is effec- then, if never any. other time." drain his lungs, use the method "M y dear." .said Mary Jackson. "1 - she’e president now of the Trade practiced with adults. Lay him plaoss. Springflelfi at New Bedford. ar.d were thoroughly convinced that discrimination when the Manchester son soon after hei arrival and the tive. The .skin usually is treated In her spare moments, the gray- uuderatand very well, i/n-c Is much yes. and quite lieiiutlful, dark and bit. When she comes bimk to Mar- ivlth mild ointments.’ A.s.sociation Executives of New stomach down on the ground, his The Uubs, balding grimly to sec- Worcester at Waylgnd. the Baldwins and tha Methodiata by Green Cksmmunlty a u b team play* eyed, rosy-cheeked M's. Blunt en- ond place, two games back, and Men and Women; No Fee virtue ot their inferiority, ehould at harder to endure than hate, and two women liked one another well BO a l i v e ! " burg now’ she's rather gorgeous, In chronic cases the ointments \ ork, for instauce, and she holds one face sideways, his arm.s outstretch- Cbteago, July J4.-—(A P )-r The Lowell at Mancbeater. for tha town title thla faU. i^ lla joys nothing so much as making her beaten off recently In hand to hand once withdraw from the proposed v-hat your parents feel for you I enough to promi le their slight kln- Mary Jackson went on: "Rosa grand clothes and talking about the most frequenUv used contain a sub- of the first two diplomas granted by ed and fold a coat under his chest saavn ...tws tttaim r«» 'it ail it cuaa. m m weai. aetm it wmiare sew latest vote on gridiron stars who National League iidl fully subscribing to Manager feel for Howard. If you knew whut told me all about the crush Jane big deals she's put through, you the National Institute for Commer- ovTi and the boys' clothes, with oc- and abdomen to allow the water conflict with the Giants, beat down were seniors on 1933 college teams, Charged. competition leaving the Green to Hublard’e proclamation regar^ng rhip by bliMid into a familiar cou.sln- Etniice called chrysnrobln, whlcn taslonal time out for crocheting. Chicago at Brooklyn. It has co.st me to leave him free and had on Howard Amy, dear. I’m not -know. Captain of industry atulT cial and Trade Executives. Also to run out of his mouth. If there the Dodgers 8 to 3 as Charlie Grimm to sleet a equad to oppoas tha Cbl- Cincinnati at Boston. serve as “ buffer” for the "Three the Green playing for tbe town slup. .Since Mias Ko.sa's house wa.s . ' • 1 IT > ' worth for love or money. But Jones, Indiana, 21,068. the meet may be obtained frdm Mr. cquaLdhanct to qualify, and even the I'm Bcin.sh about llowaid 1 feel...... so J'uw. luiw clever she is, and how at-I .M.iry. Ah they went down she add- and I believe they would for other hands. Club, Mt. Nebo, 3 p. m. tei k oiirselve.S -so .seriously. Ml.ss Obvioiialy these methods of tVeat- vomcn. 1 religiously refused to distribute won his tenth victory of the season, Centers—Bernard, Michigan, 86,- Busch at the Reoraatlon Centers. Iritorventlon of Bill Brennan, popu- outraged and -and violent about hi.t I t.'ai live and all that .she'.s dolnc eo: "Rosa .says Jane will be coming mrnt must be administered bv a Rotten Manneh, T r a v B ir “ /5r. Friday; Aug. 3rd.—Manohsster Ro.sa m.il Jane were nice to Howard propaganda in the United Stat<•.^ Then quickly throw yourself 5 to 2 from the Browns with the aid 294; Gorman, Notre Dame, .83,783. The meet will Include evento for da, umpire, with a well-thought out Oieen Community CTiib vs. Metho- po,ng Into this war. Kveii when 1 j and she mii.st be rather cxtiaonh- I’gain in the fall for s few day.s. I’m j doctor. "Klr.st of all, I delegate authon- In the first place, I thought it w culd back. Count a second or so and LDADERS when he tlr.st came. Of course he of Loughrldge’s 7th homer and Quarterbacks—Laws, Iowa, 40,- both men and women and will be plan to qualify by actual games t.link that tht're are himiheds and i\my, for 1 take (t Rosa'., far from Somewhat ciirlou.s to see her” | i.v (uid let it stay delegated. 1 hire a (liy Aseuelated Press) d ats. Jarvis Grove. 6 p. m. didn’t know anyone here, ami he w;is be futile, and. in the second, ootec- repeat the gesture. About fifteen er other by Frank Crosett. But It and Myer Still Play L ikelS .® .:'. 338; Pardbnner, Purdue, 29,892; featured by a five-mile marathon p.ayad, failed to register sufficient thon.sMds of mother.-, who are .av-j temg a doting aunt, under auv dr- ’’Well," said Am.v. “Jane’s al- ' competent housekeeper for my home tionable. times to the minute. It, must be (Including yeatorday's gi es). Tuesday, Aug. 7th.—Manchester In In mid out of the house a lot and end children, and when I am con- gains the New Yorkers nothing as* Griffith, Southern California, 19,- race In which the winners of first, support to carry. Green Community Cflub vs. Baldwin their Huns, it doesn't change my cuinslaia es. Vmi knew her very V.ays exciting and iiilorcHting to see Ivy Lee, New York pre.ss agent. done rhythmically and regularly Washington has averaged four NATIONAL L E ^ P E .Tiiie wa.s rathi'i crazy about him. INDIVIDUALISM DIES vinced of her competency, I give her the Tigers clung to a one game lead 519; Montgomery, Columbia, 13.424. second and third places will be Finally It w'ag proposed to provide A. C., J.;rvls Grove, 6 p. m. feeling, 'fhtire 1 no com.olalion m vvi 11, didn't you? ", ciol to he.ir. too. She'.s the Only per- ! without interruption. When you Champions; the Outlook. runs a game, and pitching must be awarded loving cupa aa priiaa. Batting- P. Waner/Plrates, .368; h it i.sn't painful io me now a free hand. I nevei order as much by hammering down the Red Sox 7 Halfbacks— Liikats, Notre Dame, a pair of hats, one head-piece to con- ' i s\my vva.M thos .mg Nancy, ,1 le.sh i.si’ii I i’ver knew who who made I I had Ihteiided to divorce'my first are tired have someone ready on potty when a club, as strong de- The list of events: Senior men's Terry, Giants, ,361 Friday, Aug. IQth.—Methodists 1 I've sort of forgotten Jane, 1 to 2. 36,721; Feathers. Tenneesea, 32,487; tain the names .of the self-styled C'ub vs. Baldwin A. C., Mt. Nebo, 6 I hat s exactly what I've been : mid sweet from hei aUeraotm naii j lu i own world and livcil in it I IN UNDERWORLD, TOO as a dinner, and niy seven-year-old W’ifc, but it sli;iped my mind. the instant to take youri place fensively aa ours, with that kind of Everhardus, Michigan, 29.025; Cra- contssU—100 yards free style, 50 Runs—MedwiriL Cardinals, 77; (on I think-of her 'olten hot 11 did iHiys underrtanc that the house- Tha sluggers hau a field day in ‘ Three Best", the other to hold the I . m. saying to my elf, but I didn’t dare i i i.iling the ends of the . hilir-: hair j without any iqiecial attention to | —Malcolm Hurd, New Yorn ireak w ithout lost motion. Keep your By JOE CRONIN an offensiva record, loses as fre- mer, Ohio State, 14,048. yards back stroke, SO yards breast V.iughan, PJrdtes, 75. say It out loud. I’m ili-tiirlv me at the time. I was fond keeper is the last word on any ques- Cleveland and Chicago. Jimmy names of the remaining three, two glad .you .^aid i i ver her linger in the w iv ihe liked I reality. Not tdiat.Tm sure .she’s hap. i show barker, held on a c'larg- of head. Grimly determine that you Manager Washington Senators quently aa we have. Fullbacks— Sauer, Nebraska, stroke, diving (five required dives Runs hafled In -Ott, Glan^B, 99; Friday. Aug. I7th.—Manchester it. And I wished, I o| .lane and then, I was .so terrlblv Charles Francis Coe’s “ Ran- tion of dlseiphne. If J interfered Koxx's pair of homers, for a total of names to bo drawn at a time, one can’t tell yi'ii ' b- ‘’' c Ihem. "Oh yen' she .said i'. ; piei fur it " ' bigamy. are going to save that life If It (.Yh told to Harry Grayson) No player In baieball has tried 46,839; Mikulak, Oregon, 36,763. and five optional dives). Berger^ravc.s, 77. Green vs. Methodists Club, Jarvis I'ow much I wished .m l hopyd tm,t in love with How.ard " ' ' ct ce, I, feel that It would undermine takes hours. It may take' one, S2, helped tbe Athletics defeat the from each hat, and the teams so Grove. 6 p. m. I.ist, “we Here Ultimate friends, She paused and continued more “She does Hound interesting ami? som” Tells How Crime and Indians 11 to B and Joe Cronin's harder this season than Buddy Senior women's svents—100 yards Allen, Phillies, and Berger, h d bo rejei ted 1 mean iiy the Jii.ne and 1 .She in awfully clever, oM’itIng!" the whole system. I'm willing to be the Presidents two or three. Even four hours. Myer. Cecil Travis, with his bat- aves, 128. drewn to meet. Vote on this motion Sunday, A^g 19th.—Baldwin A. ipiit'kly “.Inrie’s changed a giioil • - ( riminals Have Changed. homer double and single bulked Washington, July 24—I admit the free style, 50 yards back stroke, dlv* resulted in a tie, and ae (Jhalrman phyalcal examiners. 1 hope stlli that ; “ Ye.s," rejiiied sVmy, settling "Next, ’When r go home evenings. wife when I join him, but I d like to By the time the doctor gets ting mark of .364, Has been out of Ing (flvs required dives, and f( ” Doubles n. — Allen, Phillies, 28; C vs. Manchester Green, Jarvla large In Waabington's 11 to 5 trounc- outlook is pretty bleak for the Dwyer Is identified with one of the ho won’t be able to pas.s the air Jane's child beside tier on the piano I try to forget the office, as men do. get away from that while on this there the child will have had the the finds of the year. LEGION NINE TO FACE optignal dives). Prizes are be Vaughan, Pirates, and F, Herman, Grove, 8 p. m. book revieyv ing of the lowly White Sox. Washington club at this time, but warring factions, as coach for tho tests, Ground work l.sn't as danger- b-iich. “Jane’s all of that. Now come Women are t’X) inclined . to carry holiday. needed start to recovery. You can Heinie Manush Is another who awarded to the winners/; Bartell, Phillies, 12. fisnkly admitting themselves to be G.-een vs. Methodist CTub, Jarvis c.amp on him any more than you wright. of pressure. The weight must be race an open one. J E W BRITAIN FRIDAY by far the best drawing card, as dian't know why she should choose there Is a regimentation strict "Another thlqg I don't try to take Joey Rosia and Al Pinkham missed the batting championship by at 6:16. The Legion will be out Pitchers—J. Dean, cardinalu, 18-8; Grove. 6 p. m. do. But it was awful to keep ;iUll. on is the chore of being a companion on the hands and at the right In the last few years It has a single point With a mark of .378 for their eecond win and are confi- v eil ns the best of the "Best Three. " that moment, hut suddenly she enough to satisfy the most ardent place. A squeezing but firm and Are Rated as Topnotchers in Frankhouse, Brsvee. and Schumach- The reprrsentatiyea of the West And now- this empty liou.se- an.i of collectivists. to my children. You hear a lot about It may be possible that we are been our fortune to consistently In 1928. He led the league In hits dent that they will be at the loj^ Accept Dwyer's Plan wanted to tell Howard’s mother her slightly forward pressure that acts trim the New York squad and er, Olante, 14-5. bides, Blueflelds and Catholic Club be won t bo coming liack. tonight, parents making pals of their boys all to become another ancient Their Cla.ss. when we won our championship last end of the score at the end olAne To Select AII-6Ur Team from Not to be outdone In outspoken v.oated very little time In arranging [f • ncr tomorrow—" own great piece of news. Perhaps You get a picture of this c>.ange as a pump. Be careful, however, keep the other first division out- year. .‘-lie wanted to exercise the restless In Charles Francis Coe’s new novel, hr,d girls—too much, I think. For Athena, or another ancient Rome, game. Soft Ball League to Meet opinion. Chairman Dwyer relinquish- their series after It woa decided “But he'll be coming oack sonu-. but I for one venture to doubt IL that the weight of a heavy adult Another group of amateur box- fits In the hunt, but this year Earlier In the season. Rogers A.MERIUAN LEAGUE ed the chair, and taking the floor de- sclrJt of Jane, evoked- by the talk "Ransom." people can’t be real companions Batting—Manush Senators, .399; s| lit the six teams In two groups. m Ume. There’s that to think about, —Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, does not descend too suddenly on ing bouts are to be etaged at the we just don't seem to be able Hornsby remarked that the rally- Hardware City YMCA. Cisrtd that up to. the moment, the about her. For what .she had to tell Mr. Coe -tells about a young who are os widely separated In years a delicate frame. No use curing G'hrtnger, Tigerc, .387. Li>I Brennan was quickly elected s.tid Mary J'uckr.on steadily. And | president of Columbia Unlver- Sandy Beach arena at Crystal Lake to get the breaks. As it has ing of tbe Washington club bahind proceedings were hardly in accord would banish Jane still farthei from crook who, back before the war. ,as a parent and a child. Neverthc- one thing only (o cause other R ubs— Oehringer, Tigers, 89; c'uairman and Clarence Qustafsoa uimethlng in her voice remlnde'i i slty. this evening, being the fourth event turned out, we haven’t needed poor pitching was admirable. It with the Green's idea of sportsman- her, and build higher the wall of planned to make himself rich by Ie.>.s I like to go on expeditions with trouble. rtem. Insofar as the Yankees Last Nights Fights A team from tbs Rso-Lsgloa Werber, Red Sox, 85. ruelved the appointment of secre- Amy^ that Mary Jtvekson*.- husban i of Its kind this season. * really has been. ship, ana moved for a division of tho separation between th?m. “Nancy's a carefully devised kidnaping. niy children and .we have some With close to 8!50 present last making a runaway race out of Softbsll Lesgus will be selected for Runs batted In—Gehrig, Yanks, tary. l ad died when he was not much pleasant times together. Except one or two fighters who six teams, the West Sides, Blueflelds p -mg to have a little brother to sing He stole the baby daughter of Tuesday evening, indications are It is concerned. Joe McCarthy’s Next: Charley Grimm, Cubs. Associated Press a game with the Naw Britain Y. M. '05; Cronin, Senators. 85. Decide BUglblllty elder than Howard. It orought her a rich banker and hid hsr In a Running the Family kept their money most of them are t nd Catholic Club to form a league, duets with along about next March, ” of such low mentality that th*>y that there will be 1,000 on hand to- aggregation has enough head- (Jhlcagb—Everett (Young) Right- C. A. team next Friday night. Two Hits— Manush, Senators, 143; The first question to come up be- out of her depth of self-commlsera- way that was absolutely beyond de- “But I’ve seen tragedy result from rolt*!l27. Bloux (?lty. la., outpolnt- players will be eelected from each and tbe Green, Methodist and Bald- tion with a sharp Jerk and she gave she said "There’s some real Interest don't know money when they see night. aches without us picking on It. Oehringer, Tigers, 132. fore the House was that of eligibili- and excitement for vou.” tection, Then *.e figured he wov'd mothers making pals of their daugh- G lorifying Matchmaker George Grosch has If our luck wbutd turn as good Jackle Sharkey, 127, Minnea- of the eight teams in the league, Doubles -Greenberg, Tigers, 37. w ns .to do likewise, the two leagues ty It waa decided that any player Mary Jackson a fervent, penitential wait two years, to let the hue and ters. Either the mother gets to be HIGHLAND PARK OPENS polis, (8); Acquotte Elverrlllo, each team manager reporting to to play Individual series, and tbe Iv bug. "I won’t make anolher moan, —Supreme Court Justice Peter been busy booking good boxers for as It has been bad, the Senators Manush, Senators, and Oehringer, who had played with a team on or (To Be (Vnitiniied) cry die down, before going out to kittenish and dreadful, or the the past week and has promised an might have an opportunity to step 140Lx. Chicago, outpointed Tommy Earl Wright, supervisor, of his se- winners to meet for the town title. previous to July 16 was eligible to not even a small one,", .^ihe said. *If collect the ransom. Schmuck of New York. Tigers, 34. _Y ourself all star card for tonight, One of the out. and be In the thick of the ACTIVE WEEK TQNHtT (jorbett, 18BH, Omaha (8); Joe lections. In this manner each loam Triples —Qhapman, Yanks, 11; Manager Angelo immediately voiced lartlclpate. The Catholic Club waa 1 do I give you leave-to beat m e.’ It was a good Idea—but while scramble In a jiffy. The flag chase O'Slgnac, 148, Benton Harbor, will have equal representation and cb lection, stating that the Catholic Her strength began to flow back to star attractions, if not tho big at- Manush, Ser.ator.s, 10. given pormlsaion to play catcher h .\rd on hoboes he was, waiting he wand ired Into traction, will be the match between Is such now that a single week of Mich., stopped Nestor Bruggeman, tha complete team of 16 playeib Club would not play the winner ot Bonadles In the series. It was also her like u turn in a grave nines v Canada, got picked up on an old Ikf ^ By Alicia Hart Home run-S' Foxx. Athletics. 32; Joey Rosia of East Hampton and Al good or bad play might change the Makes Sevei^^ Changes In 146, Chicago, (8); Dave 'Barry, will travel to New Britain for’ the Johnson, Athletics, 28. the other league. It w.ss thereupon a,)t>eed that any player who playcl bbe st'ipped thinking that Howard , S a m im e>tj r l m i y Chicago.—The home of the hobo swindling charge, and was sent entire- complexion of things. 124H, Springfield, III., outpointed game with tha Y. U. O. A. which brought out that there was a faint was away, Init imlv that he w i-, RiEMUNCMTirON Pinkham, of Hartford. Pinkham is Lineup in^Attenipt to Halt Stolen basca-W erber, Red Sox, with any team In the other series Is going to smash. to prison for 20 years. reignsrSETSESvCTitjc------the state bantamweight champion The American League champions Joey Bosak, 126, Chicago (6). will start at 7:45 p. m., in Walnut pcsslbiltty that Manager Angelo's coming !: ..;k He got out In 19.13 and hurried By Helen 'Welihimrr 2; Fox, Tigers, 19. would not be permitted to play. The Fifty thousand old freight cars, for (Connecticut. still can repeat. You may rest as- Lo8ing'"Streak; Meet Fire- Loutevllle — Phil Zwick, 127, Hill Park. tram, might not be called upon to ttoma wnl play each other three Tne Slimmer lieg-in to weave a Cbitlnjed irv, a. L tosik w’hich have* sheltered America's back to pick up the threads of jyjY feel uill never stray again, dear Cod, Pitchers—Gomez, Yanks, 15-8; It is not so much what prepara- Other topnotch amateur boxers sured that the Nationals will be In m Cleveland, outpointed Moon Mullins, AH team managers are requested defend any laurels in a town series times, making a total of nine games dehmce pattern. Alter Commence* traveling tramps, are being scrap- his ransom plot. And he Instantly Sol ever, though Ihe moon be over brrghl tions you buy but how you use them 126. Indiana (10). Marberry; Tigers, 11-3. ViOAKna Qi jnoiAfe^, appearing on this card are Mike there trying until counted out by tt report their selected players to this year. After a bit more discus- and the team on top of the ladder nent Marburg usually fell Into h ped. ^ found that the whole crime picture Aciv!« Ihe counlcriMine, and I sliatl hear that counts in the beauty game. Sioux Qty, la.—Dick Demeray, - IaeJ CU>u Murphy, Eddie McGraw*, Eddie Ban- mathematical certainty. Supervisor Earl Wright before to- sion this , motion was amended to p acid mertis stirring only for And who new cars won’t have ar.v had changed. The day of the lone Him I have loved IpM'-cailing in Ihe nighL There is, for Instance, a woman "" Highland Park baseball team will 146, Tappen, N. D., knocked out v.ins the series. Money matters were ning, Bib Collins, Rid McGuire, I doUbt If a ball club ever had^fT open a busy week tonight at their morrow night. It Is expected that riake the meeting for the town title easily decided, every manager agrea- t mail B.-., lal events, but. it was not ‘^ehjR i t Tods for the hobo traveler to ride.' worker was over. who can afford to buy — and does run of Injuries like the o n e /t h e Vernon “Battling” Nelson, 147, Bel- 'pHIS.is my place, and I sfiall never go Charlie Aldino, Ray Landry, Tom- home grounds, playing Hose Co. a large following of the league will MICKEY WALKER MEETS (ifpendent upon the two teams quali- irg to spilt 60-49 after expenses, ■ this yi.ir. So many .Marburg ^ o i < e jir ecuUjLii ,0 So our crook had to seek an al- — the best powders, creams and my Kid BroulUard, Steve Pinkham, Senators have experienced t ^ rea- grade. Neb., (5 ): Jack Sharves, 167, To seek the -spring that ( have known with him. No. 4. A few changes will ba made go to flew Britain Friday night to fying, agreeing to play each other. wdth a 10 psreent cut going Into tbe , 0.0 - hpd gone to the war that there liance with the local gang chiefs; I have a row of tasks YouVe gi\en me. lotions, on the market today. Her Billy Duffy, Freddy Belesano and son. Luke Sewell, /B e r g , Al Topeka, Kas„ outpointed Lee cheer the playeijs on to their first •-vas -onstaiit .:hange—women tak- t'HII.E EXr.X.VUS L.YND SCHEME and what happens to his careful in the Highland lineup. In an at- T he amended motion seemed to meet ' Kitty" for the winning team. It wss Kind, gentle tasks, not any of them grim. drcs.slng table looks like a display Billy/Satryb. Thomas, Stewart, Trivis, Myer, Savoldl, 166, S t Paul (6). out-of-town game. CORBEn ON AUGUST 14 with favor, and the meeting broke ing pver- men’s Jobs, meetings, ral- COAc a. cii rvcu Cd ^Io Iv, plot thereafter--how It becomes the In an expensive beauty shop. On tempt to halt a loosing streak. ;Ogreed that no team entered In this Ten all-star-bouts are to be pre- Russell, Joe Kuhyl; "Schulte. Dave Houston, Tex.—Tracy Cox, 188, Transportation, always a ques- ut, to permit each faction to go In- bti. entertainments to riUse money, SanUago, Chile.— (A p )—The min- plaything of high pressure gang- ^0\\ I shall lake Ihs kisses from my tips. seeing it. one naturally would say Jim Nichols, who has just return- Indianapolis, knocked out Lou OLrid 'tLotAXejd b e l t Istry x3f land! and colonisation has lented this evening with Indications Harris and Johh'no Stone went out tion in out if towm games, is- the to an Individual huddle. The Green, families of soldiers to be looked sters and politicians, with its origi- Nor seek his smile and reach to touch liis hand. to herself, “Here’s a woman who that It will be one pf the best cards In turn. ed from (California will be In the Avery, 137, Tulsa (8). (ContiiiuFd on Page Ten) CDie A m on i d eib JU *.. set aside funds for three more j most important consideration for Middleweight Title at'Stake in alter. Amy and. Mary Jackson did nal sponsor getting double.-crossed I U close my ears to three amalL singing words. . , can't help looking charming and presented at this arena at Sandy NaturyHy, the ankle Injuries of backstop poi/tion, Jim Adains, re- West Springfield, Masi.-r- Vernon ranche.i to be devoted to the achenje So sw-eet they were! Dear God, pleaSe understand! covering from Injuries sustained the game Friday night. All mem- Bout at San Francisco Next V hat they could, and Amy rcaliied and frozen out—makes an exciting well groomed." Yet sadly enough, Beach. KuheL And Stone hurt most. They Cromler, 127H, Worcester, out- bers of the teams having cars and wherol>>’ .men without capital are and illuminating Story. earlier In tbe seaeoji, will cover the Month. her plan of a music class and took I shall plot the day vulli tasks Vou gi\c, , such 18 not the case. That woman • ------—.— ------staunch regulars, and may be pointed Abe Wiwsermsn, 127t». any others planning to attend are set up as farmers on money borrove- ] Published by Llpplncott. the novel has .dingj’ skin and dul{ hair. Initial sack, B. Dougan will be' at tte organist post, which meant ed from the govi’mment. I I it w'alk ^our path nor e^ep-luni opart. New York, 8; Honey Mellody, 187)i, Piquesfed to notify any toam man- working twice dp Sundays, and re- sells for 12. ” I promise You my feet will never stray— Then there is anothei girl ^-ho the keystone position, Eagleson at Boston, outpointed Pete Mascia, San Francisco, July 24.— (A P) — EMANUEL CHURCH MEN , “ ' short and Cush Dougan at third, a,_cr of their willingneas to trans- hearalng the choir besides. She was Dut please, dear C^, be pultenl with my heart! Is on a limited budget. She owns Kuhel suffered his break at a 140’ *, Brooklyn, 8. port players to New Britain. Mickey Walker will meet Young very busy, but her life vvas.actuqllv a minimum of beauty preparations time when we were_ traveling at a R. Bentley "t left with Paul Kiss- (Jo'rbett of Fresno, with his claim man, the Highlanders leading fly AMATEUR BOXING lived in the lettcrr .ihe wri'te to and the Jars and bottles on her FORM HORSESHOE CLUB better than .700 clip and when I to the middleweight title at stake,: Howard snd bis letiera to her. She dressing table arc few and far be- would have bet my last sou that we chaser. In center and a new pros- In a '10-round match In the Seals': 10 Star Bouts vvalted for tbe postman feverishly. ^tdt-ema. 2 .8 0 tween, Y’et she is one of the love- shortly would overhaul the Tigers pect in right. C. Tedford with his Stadium here August 14, the San ' liest creatures that a person ever The flr.-it of a series of horse-shoe and Yankees. quick delivery and Al Gunther, Francisco Press Club, sponsoring And Howard Wrote falthfuUv Best Lipstick Manners games by the newly formed shoe Sturgeon Defeats Lyons Featuring even though most of his letters laid eyes on. Her shin is clear Stone pulled tendons and severe- mighty speed ball artist, will do the the tout, announced today. The rO R 11. sleaderlzlng line, yeull *o far to find the equal of (h. and her hair Is shiny. The answer -tossers of the Emanuel Lutheran ly wrenched his ankle In Cleveland pitching. contract for the fight is to be were by necessity very briel, H ChurolKwas held Saturday after- was well, he said, In spite of heat •I frock shown here. Net, hntlalc, or lollr wtih or.«nrti. By ANN HARDING to the-contrasting picture l.s that early on the western trip when we The Hlghlanoers are looking for signed today officials of the Press, traat are Ihe m aterials suggestod. D.Mlgiu’ d tor sue* M ^ o '° 0 and the second woman knows how to noon under the blistering sun at were battling to overcome the loss one more outfielder and any local Without Loss of a Game Club announced. * JOEY ROSIA and hard work. He had pas.sed his Johnson's courts, Henderson Road. One of the make good use of , her cosmetics of Kuhel. Thp young out/ielder. who toy who la willing to play for the Walker surrendered the middle- East Hampton tests triumphanUy. He was training c^Vt?a«; ''' f* " " ” mu. a-fy^rd" things J w-ant most o f. Sometimes certain costumes require- Twelve players enrolled; others port only will ba given a tryout. all la for every girl to learn and that, cleanliness is her mo.«t came to tis In axchange for Gtose weight title he won froha Tiger Vs# for the air now. He hoped to get >rv airl to learn the a change of lipstick just as they do have .signified their intention to join Candidates will report to the man- Robert “ Bingo” Sturgeon, runner- leave for a few days when he had To so-ure a I’.VrTERX and ST-Er-UY'-STKI* K.'iiivr- iv truth about lip.stlck! important con.sidoration. Goalln last winter, had just struck • court, toth matches being elated Flower.s. to campaign in the light .STRKTIOX.S, fill out the coupon below, b.finz ,V re to MFN'Vlfiv o.. -HI. t • “ ‘’h“ ogo of accessories. If vou are She uses cotton paths Instead of the club but were unable to attend his real stride at bat. ager at the ball field tonight at up to Walter Holland In the town , f o r 6 o ' c l o c k . won hU wings. He wished he could Saturday's gRme. heavyweight and heavyweight TH E .NAME OK 1H IS XEW .SIMPER. «0 .'‘ lEN TlO X PlvfiL « 'i"'hat colors, choo.se a lip- a soiled powder puff to apply pow- Our reserves have done very well. 6;15 o'clock. Local fans are invit- i Tomorrow night. P. Mahoney will fly back and land In their garden ^ylng It ,o ,hat it gives the most stick which Is more vivid than the tennis tourney last year, opened hit ranks. The question of recogSz-J der and she make.s sure that hcr^ The club intends to hold weekly Red Kress has filled In for Kiihel at ed to attend. j meet Fred Belbeh on the south ing him as the middleweight titled AL PINKHAM "I dream about you In the garden," practices and to terminate the sea- campaign for this year’s champion- state Bantam Champ “ you wear ™ tr ,hades finger tip.s are scrupulously cicarf first base acceptably, find we patch- I court and Howard Clarke and Mll- holder is before the California A th -' he wrote. "And I think, of you eveiy- JULIA BOYD, lOJ PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK very neee.ssary to every woman, lohe the Unstick down Mcordineio J. son by holding an elimination tour^ ship last night by blasting out a t before she starts to blend "her ed up our other holes as they de- GREEN PLAYS TONIGHT ton Nelson will clash on the north letic Commission. j minute. You are , altyaya with mo Enclosed I. 16 cent. In coin for rouge. The powder puff in her nament to decide the much disputed veloped. straight set triumph over Robert ' courts. The times of other matches championship of Its members. The Tbe National Boxing Association I even when Tm working ' hardest.' Pattern No...... SUe...... / compact is washed at least twlc* Therefore, much o f our trouble This evening, at 6 p. m. South Lyons without tho loss of a single , this week are aa follows; recognizes Vince Dundee aa cham- j He aent her a photograph In his next practice of the club will be game. Sturgeon gained the 6-0, SANDY BEACH ARENA Name ...... Addre.|*i . , a week. She brushe.*'her hair v.’.t'i can be traced to pitching. 'With all Windsor will appear at Jarvis Grove, Thursday, July 26. 6:00-8:00: Bill plon and so does the New York Box- uniform, but she did not like It. He fti >’k°r shade of lip- ural line of your particular mouth U a clean brush arfd she cleans h held Friday, July 27,' at 6 o’clock, our 111 fortune, I believe we’d be HS opponenU for the Manchester 6-0 triumph with Impressive ease. Blnnamon va. John O'Leary, north at Center Springs Courts. Any one, ing Commission with which the Cal-! Crystal Lake, Rockville , looked rather older and alien toi her City...... State skin with soap and water as wcil out in front now bad Alvin Crowder Ciieen Community Club. This.will oe In the other match slated, courU; Carl Johnson va. Sherwood ifomla body has a working agree and abe put It out of right/ who wishes to join the club. Is and Walter Stewart been efficient. Rosario Sapienza nosed out Still- Blasell, south courts. Name of this newspaper...... as cleansing cream. Then .she re- urged to do so at that time. the last encounter with an out-of- ment. Mim Rom eam« to see u f i y Jack* 1 E'lSH" - •“ moves the cream with clean ti.s- Each of these fine pitchers bad town team for the Green, before man Keith in a close, hard fought Friday, July 27, e.’00-8:00: Lebro TONIGHT /All I The outstanding feature of Sat- match by scores of 8-6 and 6-3. Two sycf instead of using a towfl over good reason for losing his form. commencement of the East Side Urbanettl va. T. Johnston, south urday’;! game was a spectacular matches are scheduled tonight. CONCOKDIA-BALDWINS ADMISSION: 25-40 Cent*. I IZM, h. MIA Sen ke, Iik, All reponl mh J wns nzhU WKneJ.. and over again. Her example Is Mra. Crowder waa seriously 111, and League games, thg first of which courts; Arthur Krob vs. Sherwood a fine one to follow. match between August Carlson and Stewart suffered from Infected Russell Johnson will meet Frank Anderson, north courts. Few Choice Regerved Seat»-^5 Oifflta. Tax Indoded. Carl Anderson. After a hard fought will occur on next 1 unday, when the Vlttner on the north high school Baldwins "A. C. and .the (?on- teeth. .. Saturday, July 27. 0:00-8:00: John coFdia Lutheran church nine will battle Anderson finally won the tilt. Green Uckles the Baldwin A. C. at court and Austin Brimley will op- The year 1934 will be a valuable M t Nebo. Gorman vs. Howard BroWn; Curly clash at Mt. Nebo this evening at Boxing At This Arena ‘ gway Night. pose Harman Yulyes on tha south Gustafson va. Wilbur Brown. 6:18 o'clock. |'>A Q IT E If MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, iuL T 24,1984. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TITESDAT, JU t’r *4, 1984. P A G N e r , 0 V | ^ The Toonerville Trolley That Meeta All Traiim By Fontaine Fok OUR BOA1eII)1N6 HOUSE and NONSENSE By iSeiia Aherh THE 5KlPPEfl nENTS THE CAR ON ^ DRIVE-iT-’YOORSiEkF TO y oa* T« * Oat > Correct This Benteiias: “Tea, ws SOME OORN FOOi. CITV FEU-ERS. , ...» Ad yau lit rtsUag thera, la sweet quarrel a t times," said the wife, and- aootMng oleeif, ' but never about anything as sordid NO\N, USTEN TO ME.VOO I study your fine art of slumber ax money." RDVERTHE <*'> ealm and sweet. UPMOLSTTETIV TU PTLE/j Awake yqu are alert aad walk with Wtfs-^Refore 4VS were n>$rried It x f WMATS THIS I HEAT^ slealtby tread; you used to call me your treasure. l x o f HP-HUVA'^HERE, Perchance a mouse you spy, that Husband—Yes, and now I'm aorry \> ^ A-BOUT VPU TELUNG the AAATiAM.IS A CHECK WE BUT LINCOU4 HEAD pennies. mouse Is gdod as dead. 1 dug you. up. rtf' rie WORKERS AT STOCK RESULTS OF ITALIAN Vour gentle, peaceful face, and pret- po ■Bays that \o u x>o not Will pay up to 12.00 each If ever PKBRETT A GUENNEY ING loau CiUl GOVERNMENT MAt>E OUT TO \O u 9 OR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, also The Tragic Anniversaries ty-jr shell-plnk uuw,nose, i Some Men Like Their Women To t pr o v e of me pu n n in g ten years old. Indian head pennies uid long distance moving. Dally ex room tenement, with all Im- A » worth up to $51.00 each. Send ^ FIELD DAY EVENTS Convey as notning else a lesson th > Be Clinging Vines, But a Little 7l ^7000 express to Hartford. Ovemlgnt provements. Inquire at 147 East YARDS ON STRIKE JULY 24, 1914 _ I Clinging Coes a Long Ways these A ■&OAPCDIN6> HdUExE?' for Buying Catalog, Continental eervlce to and from New York. TeL Center street. I SOLD IWeOLD lAlNE Coin Co., Box 1722, Chicago. Russia “Partially Mobilizes” — In Secret^' UNFAIR AT TRIM ^leep on, O gentle cat, your life u Hot Days. 3063, 8860 or 8864; Mrmed indeed; ANSWER lAE ,-Din ‘ ^ 4 IN COLORADO/^ FOR RENT—42 Woodbrldge Street, British Fleet Is “Held Concentrated” Sports Program Held at Kee- four rooms, upstairs, small garden, ney Street Clubhouse Sun- The l^sa^n that you teach, Is ons Americanism: Being horrified NOU TELL THEIV\ THAT V that al^nalght heed. When Jspan invades Manchuria; get- automobiles PUBLIC PASSENGER rent $12 . Phone 4466. John F. 75,000 Head of Cattle Jam day Afternoon. FOR SAL*!: Sheehan, 11 Knighton street. Attorneys for ADeged Mad ting out of the Philippines so Japan SERVICE 20A Smile Into the^face of the world, can grab them, too. \ ou FOR RENT—4 RO oU s on first the Facilities at Chicago and a smile comes ^bgck—render 1934 DODGE 1-2 TON panel, low IN ADDITION ro Silver Lane Bus Results of the sports events held Swindlers Smn Up Three good service to others and gopd serv- PLEASE,I WOULD. floor, all improvements, steam heat, in connection with the first annual .'At that we doubt whether pink mileage, like new, 1933' Plymouth Line. Oe Luxe Bus for lodge party ice. is returned to you—shoxv a coach, 1933 WUlys sedan, 1932 Ford at 168 Oak street, rent reasonable. Pens. field day of the local Sons of Italy, tooth brush is M bad as red finger LIKE A POT OF or team trips, we also offer 7 pas- Inquire Maples Hospital. Tel. 8241. We e k s o f Evi de nc e . spirit of helpfulness and that sprfiu nails. ■0 coupe,' 1930 Oldsmoblle coupe. Cole eenger sedan ‘ livery. Phone 3063. at the clubhouse on Keeney street will surely send back aid to you ol TEA AND A M otors—6463. Sunday afternoon, with an attend- 8860, 8864. 0 R005I TENEMENT with all Im- like kind'—think good thougbtii and Jlan Wants But Little Here Be- provements. ano garage, 589 Cen- Chicago, July 24—(AP) — With ance of close to 1500 persons, were PEW TA*^Sf 1 FO R SA LE— 1933 W ILLYS sedan announced today. New York, July 24.^—(AP)—At- the same good thoughts will be of low. Provided His Neighbor Has ter street. Inquire 591 Center the unprecedented number of 75,- you. Less. . with radio, $325. No trade. 192.3 The 2.000 feet nmnlng race from torneys defending James C. McKay, HELP WANTED— street. Telephone 6861. 000 head of cattle jamming the Chevrolet coupe. Griswold street Keeney street to the clubhouse, for William J. Graham and John Egles- o MALE OR FEMALE .37 Bookkeeper—How shall I book the The only thing on earth mors de- Garage. 8 Griswold street. facllitiei of the Chicago stockyarda, young people from 16 to 25 years of trn against niall bunco charges, im- account with which the cashier ab- ceiving than man is a cantaloupe. approximately 800 handlers went 8g^ was won by "Sully" SquatritJ. puted unfairness by the govemmensj WANTED-BOYS AND GIRLS to BUSINESS LOCATIONS .X sconded? sell flavoring extracts after school; on strike early today. who came In first by a small mar- today aa they summed up> three FOR RENT 64 weeks of evidence for the Jury. Manager—Put it down as 'Run- © send for free sample. VVakelleld The strike was called by the Live gin. Anthony Diana was a close sec- emg Expenses.’ . Plxtrnct Co., Sanbcrnvllle, N. H. r o RBINT—O FFIC ES at 866 Mom Stock Handlers' Union,, Local 517, ond. The race was directed by Joseph McKay and Graham, gambling DI D YOU KNOW T H A T - Manchester who charged the nnlon stockyarda Sllvestre. and dance hall sportsmen of Reno, street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed- For awhile there were plenty of Evening Herald w ard J. Holl. Tel 4642 and 8025. and transit company bad failed to The 800 foot running race for old- Ncv., are accused aa the backers of Africa Is not the only Hon . coun- live up to ah agreement of June 1. an International ring of swindlers barrels to go over Niagara Falls in, SITUATIONS WANTED— er people was won by Leonard Glg- but the orewenes are using them all try in the world; a few still remain CLASSIFIED Pickets with signboards were at Uo and Joseph Reymander placed which centered its activitlea in the In India. ' FEMALE 33 •very gate to turn the men away, now and there is a shortage. HOUSES FOB KENT 6.n sfcond. Giglio wop the race by a divorce colony. Egleston waa alleged About 7,500,o 60 tons of salt is ADVERTISEMENTS and 60 uniformed police, augument- to have been one of i^any “feelers" preduced each year In th? United FOR RENT— SINGLE 6 ROOM wide margin. The Rocce 48"waa cap- Local Man—Just see what a won- Count* RU wurOR to o IlM. PRACTICAL NUFiSE would like ed by three squads of plain clothes tor the gang. States, 30 per cent being obtained lalttAli. oumbort and abbrovlatloHR bungalow, with all conveniences, 1 tured by Antonio Agoatinelll, and derful full moon that Is! work, Inquire 228 Oak street. detectives, were, stationed nearby Moe Polakoff, counsel for Egles- from evaporation of brines, either •acb count or r /ord nod •onnpoand car garage, 43 ila th e r street. to prevent possible violence. SOLDIERS OF CZARIST RUSSIA ON THE MARCH Julio D'Ubaldo waa In charge. The Stranger—Aw, , that Isn’t any- SMELLINS wordR OR two words Mlntmam rori Ui t'jg of war went to the team headed ton, pointed out that only three wit- natural or artiflcial. piiCR of tbrsR itncs Situation Acute thing! Do you call that "full"? You Brines from the Great Salt Lake SA\TS TOR ro KENT— SEVERAL Ueslrahie by Ugo Pagani. Pierro Guerino di- tiesses mentioned his client—Mrs. Just ought to see the full moons we Lins ratRR ps? da? ter tranatawl ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 While the situation generally waa The Beeond instilment of a Cabinet, and the Cabinet decides to Mary Calahan,' Mrs. Mayme Stale./ in Utah contain, as a rule, some- OV ftda five, six and seven room houses regarded aa acute, O. T. Henkle, day-by-day record of fateful rected this event Louis Annello waa have out our way. Mister. H E R / KffRctlTR Maiwb 17, i n f "hdld the fleet concentrated." most successful In climbing the and Noble John Moore. v/hat more than 20 per cent solids, FOR SA LE—OIL BARREL.S, 55 single and double; also heateo general manager of the stockyards and of this about three-fourths Is Caab CbarffR apartment. Apply Edward J. Hou. events immediately pn,ceding the “It waa under the impression ’nn and John Taafe, F6AT«ER UALLBY tual nuroboi of tlrnsR tb# d appoar- FOR SALE- 2 FLOOR, Model oTec^ fine garden. Your winter snpply. the yards for two days and demand- V ere in charge. The sack race was where the prevailing weather is vsry Dancing-saloon cars are part of * e o»H iy A N O Tk x ... A HaSty w m i i m COLD W A r m t s o o n t f * c a m p h b u z x i h * w i n *A»n.y OK STICK a r o u n d St, ‘etersburg. Morning.—Rus-; The British foreign office seeks arguing for McKay and Graham, ac- CAR AND n e R B ' e )■ more ibaa oas ttrea era. Good mechanical condition. Federal Relief Surplus Corporation. possible and would dlsorganlM a 8L Peteraburg. NIghL—Sazonov in their second bowl of goldfish.... Mussolini today received Harry L, general mobilization, if required look upon. Music was furnished by tails of these bunco transactloae tm- Flapper Fanny Says: Th# loadvsrtRDt omioaiva oi laoor* Montgomery Ward A Co. Many of the cattle were shipped conceals the mobilization order The girl who elopes generally wak- SCO U. a SAT. OfF, root publlcatloa ol advortlaiag will IM Hopkins, United States relief ad- later. Pietro Glannantoneo and not by the til it put witnesses on the stand ens up to find that she has let her here from Kansas City, Minneapolis, from Russia's ally, France, by tell- here. We are three thousand mllee roottflol only by oancsllaMoa of tbo ministrator In a cordial audience Nevertheless, the (Council of Min- ing the French ambassador, Paleo- Speranza orchestra as previously amotions run away with her... .Any' •bargR mads for tbs ortvIor roadsrod. which lasted 15 minutes. Hopkins, Omaha, and other cities where their away from home," Taafe said. All advoruoRciiRnta musi oonform HOI iSEHOIJJ GOODS 5) own stockyards are overcrowded. isters authorizes a'partial mobiliza- logue, that Russia has taken "no stated. A concert was enjoyed In' the party wlH be a fizzle if there Is more la atylR, copy and typography with who came to Rome following a Eu- tion, I. e., mobilization of troops In military measure." He does tell sftemoon, with dancing In the eve- than one celebrity present... .The ropean visit of Inspection of the re- W ant Back I*ay rarulatfrms ooforetd by th# pubMoh- WOULD YOU BE interested In n After the walkout last November. four districts, Kiev, Odessa, Mos- Paleologue that the ministers have ning. girl in the modern bathing suit ors aad Choy rsssrvR tbs right ta lief admint.strations of the different cow, and Kazan; and mobilization adit. TRviaR OI iRjRot aay oopy eoa* real Inuersprlng mattress at $12.50, Federal Judge Philip L. Sullivan, decided to withdraw secretly 80 The Junior Sons of Italy' drill HOSPI TAL NOTES shows about everything but good i regularly $20.00, or a ,;,>od lijyer governments, disrus.ied Italian relief of Russia’s two fleets, In the Baltic million Russian roubles on deposit Uam, under the captaincy of Fran- Judgment----- The lawyer with the | •Sdorsd ob^RononabU methods with II Ducc. Later Pope acting as mediator, banded down a GLOBING HOURS—Claaatftod ads la felt m attress at $12.5.0 valued at decision June 1 th at a 10 per cent and Black Seas. In Germ an banks. ce Della Fera, presented a spectaej- best list of technicalltios is the one I bo pubtlsbsd aam« day nust bo re- Plus gave an audience to both ilr. Salvatore Scudierl of 128 Autumn $20.00? We have very fine cotton wage Increase should be granted Lendon,—Sir Edward Grey, Brit- lar exhibition that brought tremen- to hire.,. .If we don't discipline our- i 0 i»$4 T*« A F. AJI fktgau iUMr«*4 t. / •alfsd by IS o'elock nooai fiatnrdara and Mrs. Hopkins. ish Foreign Minister, reads the street was admitted and Raymond IdrM a la mattresses at $7.98 usually priced and that men should receive back TOMORROW: Sertiia mobilizes dous applause from the audience. Magnuson of Wapping. Joseph selves the world wUl do it fo r u s ___ I a t $9.95. A ninety-nine coll spring, pay at the rate of 10 per cent of the Austrian ultimatum to the British . . "Also doch!” 1 he general committee consisted of W.^SHINIiTON TUBBS TELEPHONE YOUR Grimason of 13 West street, and And for our part we do not envy 1 Bylrane OUT Ol'B WAY $7.98. Benson Furniture Exchange, CXM>L CUSTOM ER.S weekly salary each week for 13 John Garaventa, chairman; N. Gar- Miss Leona Fortin of 149 Summit the rich. We only look at them and fAn, MR. boar dmakj, youR \ IT IS A \ humph! i-riSN ^ e 'r Bv vvilliam.’^ WANT ADS. ' Jo h n so n Block. weeks. rone, assistant chairman; F. Scu- wonder how they got that w ay.... V IS IT IS i n d e e d A N p l e a s u r e ,) a d a r n GU OH, v e s vou Hand. S. Kennedy, Patton, James street were discharged yesterday. Ada ara accepted over ths telephome New Castle, Pa. - The heat wave Thomas Devero, buatneaa agent of EVEN FLY SWATTERS d:era, secretary? M. Della Fera, A son was bom today to Mr. and The Vfu'n" a fellow has at 20 uau^y SIR . J n u i s a n c e . KIN— IF YOU’LL • t the CHARGE HATE glvsa above FOR 8ALE--WIUTE enamel gas the union, and John Gorman presi- Foley, coach, P. DesLaurls, Mgr. treasurer. The Judges for sports Is a pain in the neck at 50. ... JEST BE READY aa a oonvsnlen • to Rdvortlssrs. bat doesn't mean much to workmen NOW HAVE NRA CODE Mrs. Harvey Barrette of 104 Rus- range, with oven regulator, also dent. asacrtcl that the men had rc- Catholic Club—Gudok, Sendrow- were A. Pagani and E. Salimene. ■' harge it " ha:, ruined more men W H E N h e 's O O t N ' ths CASH RATES will b« aoespied as grey enamel gas heater Inquire 29 moving a pile of limc.stoho from a sell street. FULL PATMENT If paid at th* buol- celve The first games of the series Will codes since July 10 have merged his eyes and smirked—and both o f: allv iiithiilaiircd. Main street; with shades and since the American champion lost' with exi.stlng group.-i. For exam- X / WON'T YOU HAVE ) HUMPH » 7 p ' H E H , HEH. / Y A H -W H A T D ID y o U T H IN K , ) I D ID N 'T COM^N AutomobllRR for Rai* ...« •••• d now Ik > iHirchused way' lielim sta rt next Sunday, July '29th a t the (hem answered: "Sure thing!'' ' I A CHAIR, SIR ? / t h e c h a i r 's n o Automobllet foi Kichangs | .‘cretNOj^ all Improveiiu-nt.s. newly value ami repliieenH-iit enst. the Wimbledon final in England, the I pie the fly swatter and hog nose DROLL, ISN ’T \ S IR , OF TH E WA*? W E I H E W I D T E L L Aute AccRSRurUs-^TIrtR ...• • • • I We.st Side I’la.vgroiinds at 10:30 a tennis experts have decided that ------B E TTE R n v o u r renovOTed Telephone 5409. The owner lives In another r.i All mansgei-s were unanim ous l.i j ring businesses were placed un- H E ? ALWAYS / H A N D L E D TH E LA D R O NI / W H AT I TH IN K , Aul© UrpRlrlng—Painting #•••• t whatever was lacking the day Dor- CKSARS, I’ L l - JO K IN O . ------_ a f f a i r ? I CAME TO FNO OUT Auto School* ...... state and has decided to imi their selection of um pires w ith Bill • der the fabricated base; the silo othy Round beat her has magically FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser STAND.'' ------jr------^ ------^ s o m e t h i n g - Autot—Shir by Truck ...... I9UR KENT-TWO, THREE and his priee low eiioiigli so Ihut I rennan. Larry .Maloney and Ralph ‘ industries went under the farm Autoa—ro i tllr* ...... I returned. equipment code. / \ WHO'S CAPTAIN four room furnished i>r unfurmshen H you have ever thought oi Kussell recelvlni: the Jobs Bert Mc- T' E A S Y ? OaragRs—Sorvlee--Riorags ...... i# apartments. Manehrster Construe owning a home you will miss Miss Jacobs opened her battle MotorcycUs—Uleyclo* ...... 11 CJtikey was appointed publicity for the Scabright singles bowl yes- W HY DID HE HE ROB MY TRAPS Wanird Auto* -Moti»rcyelrR . .. It I tion Co Telephone 4131 or 43.59. I a real o|)|Mirtimlty ol uei|iilr- sgent and official scorer for the terday with a 6-1, 6-0 victory over TH R E A TE N US, AND TA K E THE PELTS H E (DUCHTA B E f/ 7' Bealaco* an# ProreRalneal forvlrra liig a retil honest hargiiln ll series. BuRlncM Service* OfTirod ...... IILEAL Ul'-TO-DATE 6 room tene- .you do not Investigate this Theodosia Smith, of Los Angele.x. C H A R L IE ... FOR HIMSELF...THIS A R R E STE D , BUT ^ Housahold Rarvio** tifTared ...... 1I A I Eligibility IJsl and her game was so perfect that a HUGE POPLAR TREE nient, conveniently' located.. Inquire ' otter. It will eost nothing to D o Y o u MAN IS B A TE E S E ... WE'RE MILES FROM ,IluUding>-CoDtracttng ...... u The managers of the three teams continuance of such all but guar- Flortflts—Nura*,'!** II' 216 Oak street. Inquire If Interested. HE’S b a d !.' A S H E R IF F S Funsrai DIractora ...... II submitted the following list of play- antees her the title. FELLED FOR SAFETY K N O W ? i Haating — Piumhlng-~Rooftng IT eOK RENT- rWO AND THREE er." eligible to play In the series: Wllmer Allison, upheld his No. 1 . O F F IC E a !M|g John Hedluml. .Mlck*^- Khtkeveck, e ! she calmly said, "well, goodness “Now, I’m the boss of all the MUCH. Privat. Inatruriion ...... t.FOR RENT—3 ROOM' apartnl^^ ' this morning by Harry Sweet and Dancing ...... **a Kovls, W. Ncnbaner, W. 'Jones, W. GROUNDED LINER REFLO.ATED; his.crew of E^A workers. The knows, those fluffy bits of candy shooting. I will give all the com- SAl.ESMAN SAIM Musical'-Dra.-natic ...... i$ and four room fl.it on 38 Ma™e mands. lt*8 Barely Posniblel HV SrII Wanted—InairucMon |f ----- ! rings of the ifee counted by Tree shouldn't do a bit of harm. street In good condition Tel 6517 Thorshavn. Faroe Islands, Ju ly 24. j Warden Hoface F. Murphey, deslg- "Hey, Coppy, get the ramrod, THEftE.% A ROW OVER IN NEVER MIND TH' QUEV-L ^ Nou SAID YABSOLUTELY, '•'Floaaclat “However, I suppose they'll scare now, and I wHIl quickly show you A P/sfUCH o ' ^ A N ' TH E R E'S S O M E TH IN ' T H A r U L R AISE A LUMP — (AFV—’Fhe German liner Monte natedUife 108 foot tree to' be 65 e w o F v e o s c S iN 's b e e r / « t u f f , c h i e f M'u l 3u s t p u t Bonds—Kt^iCka—Murtgagas , ll 1 OR RENT—FOim ROOM flat, al the Meany Men. That will be rare. how to load our trusty cannon. BEER < DON'TCHA kNOlO anlrs In the United .States, ' refloated today after on earlier at-! lowed. Sweet doing the aerial work, shot? If, In the cannon, what a SHERIFF tempt had failed. cutting the large limbs off close to Back of the cannon you must stay. ME, FRECKLES ...BUILD LAWRENCE, Salatmaa Wanted ... .*...... A years.* '"**'* Jl'ldenda esoh year for over 20 lot of noise It's going to make. I I’d hate to see a piece of candy plop f I otiTice. I ^ 3 ^ 1-1 O o H#lp vVanied- .Mai* or Fomaia.. it Divers began an examination of the body of the tree about 90 feet ON HIGH R O C K ..... down by Aganj Wanted . . think I’ll run away from here.” right into you. ITS VoukKC(b«4^CRN PRCSINK Before Insuring your new ear or renewing vour automobile the extent of the damage to the ves- above the groimd. A Cheerful Chap said, "Aw. don't PINYON, 6SE JjtuRtiona Waniad-ramalR || For Sale sel before It proceeded to Iceland on I Tree Warden Horace Murphey es- "I know that you would all turn ■^PRACTICALLY W E 'L L ^ hoita"^ 8}tuallofl$ Wanted Male ...... tf t?on’^w"hii^h‘‘’'‘'^'''H‘ir'J:l* '''r‘’‘’"" '' Inform a- fret. No shock, miss, are you going white, and then you’d be an awful 8 LAN^Is T out of. j OONE SIGNAL I ARRCsT Empioymt-ni Agonctaa 4| an excursion tour. j tlmated that there would be three to get. The carinow works with one U»» *<•»•.— (liasoline Station tion rjourT«.ri ‘ -"y “•’'"f*- The ship struck the rock last and one-half cords of wood from the sight. We'll have' no trouble. If B E D R O LL.' ALR EADY 'e n .' DROP |M ! Dog* -Birda—-Pet* 41 big spring. There's not a thing to you do Just as I say to do." OUR. Cops Live fitoek—Vahtclea ...... I , 4J Doing a good bu.ilneas, on State Our show window exhibit this week la dedicated to the night during a heavy fog. An effort, entire tree. The tree was removed fear." to free her this morning, with local due to dangerous overhanging dead Then Coppy grabbed the ramrod ARE Poultry and Auppllaa ...... 41 Road. Owner muat sell on no- fnf .Automobile Insurance. Be nure to see and exclaimed, "Come on, somebody Wsntad - Pat* —Poultrr—^toeh 44 count of poor health. ' Price; salvage vessels aiding, failed but the limbs spreading across Charter Oak cLuoey buv amom>) n i" " Circular telling how to The Tinles, in the meantime, had hand me sev'rnl nice marshmallows. F E.LLA S Par Rale— MlaeallaaeeMa buy automublle Insurance at a aaxlng to you. Monte Rosa w-as cleared when high street. piled candy high. "Gee, I’ll be Aruciaa fo» i^aU ...... 4| tide came. She la owned by the I will pack them in real tight." Boats and AcceaaoHss 4a When the tree was felled, the glad when we are set to start our In Just ajxiut a minute he was $2,500 ROBERT J. S.MITH, Inc. Hamburg-South American line. giant 80-foot trunk fell, across a BuHdlni Uatarlai...... Phone,: 8150^5746 96.8 Main Street fun,!’ said Coppy, with a grin. as busy as could be. A Cheer- Dlamondi'-Watchas—Jewalry ,, as two foot limb laid crosswise on the "I know that It will be a lark. KlRCtrlcal Appltancee—Radio .. KCSI Estate — Insuranee — Steanwhin Tickets The M ennonltes al-e m em bers ful Chap looked on and said, ruRl and Peed ...... 2-Acre Farm Next door to C. E. House A Son. Inc. f.° V Shall we start now, or wait till "You're doing It Just right." . 41- of a religious sect founded by Hmb, 10 inches into the hard ground.! dark? Come on. you little C!heer- Gardar - Parhi—Dairy F^daoU 3-Room Cottage Menno Simmons, a Dutch reli- UouRRhold. Oowds . tl The crash could be heard for several i ful Chapa, tell us when to begin.” (Windy takes an unexperted MaebinRry and Ttol* .$ ...1 1 1 ^ II gtoua reformer born In 1492. blocks. I "Don’t ^ impatientr Take your iftntAmMKAtm. T.itataaaeiiT.arr, • >lr»airun)#r*t li Garage'and Chicken flop. In the next story.)' piricR and filer* Equipnant 14 GAS BlKiGlFS fipRclale at the Stores .....m ... It ('oop Lifers Little Ltssong By Prank Bei-k Wsartng Apparel—Furs it Two miles from (.'enter. Price- ALLEY OOP Wanted—To Buyi- ...... n Dinny’s A Big Help! NOW VDU KNOW HOW By HAMLIN r ~ .V YBEOWf COME A CHILD FEELS WHEN ■ eewe BeariS*—Hofale^lltaaerte there Va RE, OlNNV.' .O N TO LUNCH.. VOUR mother C E T« Rrateereets EVERVlM\N(i NOW VOU jUJODENLY INTERBUPTl QUEER NOTIONS AT TIMES $1,750 HOW’S THAT FOR A ' ITCHY C O O . . WHAT IT'S DOING TO — I, AU. ^ a iM E O .OPf'.Ilf) st a r t er on u u. I K N O W Tb O'R E BARBARA____ BUT SHE ^ . r d . n W .ot-d ...... O R / TICKLE-TICKLE HAVE IT DO DOES HIT THB ^untr. Board—Raaoru it Insure Your .\utomobile In ^Din n e r , huh? T E L L I N G - h i m 'i b u H AYS C'MON. OlNNV. f QUICK.. SNAP aOVISTHING ELSE NAIL ON the 5?t***Tt*"**"'*®** •••.— II The Lumbermen’s .Mutual WE’RE GOlN’ V A P R IS O N E R , B U T yVHAT 17/mats without giving HEAD. Wutad—Room.—Board ...... ,| A R E 'rt>U G O N N A D o INTO IT ... mwu x ai.t* r . r iiM i Casualty Company FISHIN’ f J T H E I D E A WARNING OR mammas Apa^tBU. riau. Tanamasu.. «| about XT’? JL d v i P IN ’ making an, FUNNY.. And Save 21'’^ of the 'Cost: MIEV/. A T A G U Y BoalBaar LoeBtioBB Ibi Rbbi ... «« EXPLANATION. Houias for Ram ...... 7 l i k e HA'MA •aburbu) for Raat .« Represented - Sold ~kr T H A T f MA'IM ¥ HA- Waetsd U Root ...... •• ■Ml ■star. P.t .Bis 7i Apt^aBtBBIIdlBc tor Bb Ib tl BbsIbsbb ^partv for 8b 1b . . . « Tt ■ r ' " rudas aad Lud tor ■ol. ij STUART J. •fcg»"u7or'fai5“ — * *******•*•••*• * ------■■•• lai; RBjBri ProMrto for flals 74 fiB bor^ for iai* ...... li WASLEY Atewl Estate and Insurance I atate Theater Building TeL fl«4S or 7146 tegs P-2 V k: a*>y.v«fOv«a isju TUESDAT, JULY *4,19S4T aitr^gH ter C iiM tt»t0 lj[n ra li

Kdwtn H. Orenon o f Uncoln RECOKD FOR SMALL street, who has been undergoing fl*st woman to win, the two prevl- will ba. drawn next Monday night ‘ ATTACHMENT HERE out winner! being naen. o f realdanta from Hartford, Eaat tbe caae with acme people during treatment at Manchester Memorial There are hundreds of coupons in WOMAN WINNER Hartford, all parta of Glastonbury, the paat week. When the coupona hospital for several weeks, baa so. The grand prize, the Chevrolet, the big drum that bear the names The smallest attachment ever ' Wapping, Roclcvina, AndovCT and were ‘tranaferred to the drum last ' M m I mc t Clarkson of tiM Chest- far improved tjiat be is expected to Bolton. placed against a piece of proper- i night aeveral acore were noted that amt tiodge h u returaed ftote a va- be discharged within a few days. ty in Manchester was filed yes- ; OF REFRIGERATOR The Judgea want to tadie thla »«*««■ spent la Hamilton,- Ont had been deposited without tearing terday afternoon In the town : opportunity to remind pMple that off the atuba. ’Thla procedure leavea Manchester Tent No. 3, Knights clerk’s office. ■ they abould be careful to depoalt the peraons who dep^lted theae cou- M s . Kdsrard J. Horen of I t was for a bill of $4.50 and only the atub of their coupona and of the Maccabees, will hold Its reg- pona without proof In case they KooseTcIt street baa been confine property of William Grady was j Mrs. Kate Adams, 92 West not the whole coupon as has been to her home with lUness. ' 4lar meeting In the Balch and should win. rpwn hall tomorrow evening at 8 - attached in the amount of (10.00 o'clbck. The ousineas. « i l l Include Attorney Harold Garrlty acting . M . and Ura Hubert Hemingway for Clarence Barlow. ; Street Gets Tri-Store •Doctors’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded— c t Cambridge street have returned the ohUgatlon o f candidates ahd Crem an enjoyable motor tour of good ^tendance is desired. A Ntw York State <^rtng which they smoker a^d cards will follow the CheTTfdet Days Prize. business. . Mrs. Joseph Prentice of Lske visited Niagara FWla and points of street and Mrs. Herbert Curran of Interest in the Adlrondacks. VOien Mra. Kate Adame o f 92 Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Kobln- Foster street left yesterday for a short stay In Watertown, N; Y. W’est street was notified that ahe W e d n esd ay A* M. Sp ecials . Charles Server, for more than 30 son of Middle Turnpike West are was Uie winner of the Norge Elec- spending their vacation at Warren, Mrs. Eunice Robinsofi, grandmother; SOUTH MANCHCSTE f? C O/V/V years chauffeur for Colonel and Mrs. of Mrs, Prentice, who has been vis- tric Refrigerator, the third prize In (Store Closed At Twelve O’Clock Sharp) m Me. William C. Cheney, has given up his iting her and other relatives In the Trl-Store Chevrolet Days pro- position. town, return to her home in Water- gram, she was so pleased and ex- The Emblem club will give a. pub- town with them. cited that ahe could hardly talk. Daisy T H E " E A R L Y B IR D S " W IL L BE Miss Henrietta C. Devon of Main lic card party tomorrow afternoon Mra. Adams said that this was the North American Trade street is at the Wlllimantlc camp- a t 3:30 at the E3ka home In Rock- finest award ahe has ever won. She O U T E A R L Y F O R T H E S E grounds for the season. ville. Mlsa Marjorie and Mlsa Dorothy was exceedingly surprised at her H AM Cheney of Hartford Road have Join- good fortune. E G GS ed their sister,. .Mrs. H. B, Learned, ’The drawing was held at 9 p. m. 27c lb. who la spending aevcral weeka lii at the State theater as usual and 23^ W e d n esclay A. M . Specials Keene Valley In the Adlrondacka. the -winning number held bv Mra. Good quality,, small daisy Adama waa C-4392. Incidentally hhms. Hustle In Wednrs- Wedneoday momlnc ape- day for one! ______(Store aoses At Twelve O’Gock Sharp) I • Mlsa Cecilia Dion of Ridgewood Mrs. Adams has been using ' ice clal! refrigeration and said that ahe had j street and Miss Margaret Hassett of Center street are spending the always wanted to have an electric Our Second Shipment Just Unpacked! refrigerator. Mra. Adams is the Grot« a Welgfers week at Hampton Beach, N. H. , Our First Order Went Like “Hot Cakes”'


The monthly chest clinic will be Frankfurters ib. 21e held tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock i For the "dog roaat” ! Made from beat quality Ingredients. " C a n n o n Turkish " at the Health Center on Haynes j N O TICE

street, and the well.-chlldccn's con-1 THE’ . Tom orrow...... ference tomorrow afternoon at the Carnation Y..M . C. A. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS WILL BE CLOSED T O W E L S WEDNESDAYS AT 1 P. M. Milk

AUTUMN VIEW THE YEAR AROUND > Brown Thomson's Campfire HOME Please bring work W’edne.s- fc (6 fo r $1.00)

185 Autumn St., Manchester day morning.s. 19

A private nursing home for B C t t v s lu n a llo w s box 22® I size, 18x36 Inches! Manche.ster Shoe old people, convalescents and In- valids. Rates Reasonable. Rebuilders Association. ► Heavy, thick, absorbent! Fresh Green W ED N ESD AY Good Ripe three days a t our Anniversary Sale. W e String Heans Cantaloupes ordered more, .here they are for WEDNESDAY M ORNING shoppers. They’re the best towel value you’ll find anywhere today at 19c! First quality, nappy, thirsty to-wels that 2 qts. 9® 2 l^ c for eat up water. White with color-fast borders. ^ Tender green beans. AISLE The Large,.fancy, pink meat! At HALE'S Domestics—Main Floor, left. Manchester PubKc Market

Fancy Summer Fresh Closing-Out!

FOR WEDNESDAY Squash ...... ea. 2c Beets .... 2 bun. 5c Misses’ $1.00

SPECIALS Fancy Native

A 25c SALE Cottons Every O n e A H an d Picke d Bargain! TOMATOES Ib. 7c WORTH WHILE SAVINGS!

69c Co t t o n Fancy Rib Veal Chops — Best Shoulder I^mh Chops Baibn'ggan Pajamas Regular (1.00 sellers! Fresh Tender Pork Chops— YOUR CHOICE, 25c lb. Owing to the f.act

Nice Ijinib for Stewing — Veal for Stewing Dust Mops that there are only H A LES In one and two-piece models, pastel shades gf I x C Freshly Ground Hamburg— YOUR CHOICE, 2 lbs. 25c. stze.s 14 to 20 > ft ,

"n iy ...... we’ re closing them

out at 69c W EDNES- AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT H E A L T H M A R K E T 50c D A Y ! Sun-backs and Home Made Klueherry Pies from Native Berries, 25c ea. Here’s a B A R G A IN — and street models. Cool

M en's W ash Slacks Home Made Bluelierr.V Cupeakes...... ,25c do<. we mean a bargain! Good sheers that are tub quality, largo size dust mops and sun-fast Don't

AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT at 50c! Colored cotton yaia pass up thla value if $1.95 and $2.o0 white washable tlannels, ^7 with matching colored han- you wear a small 3 H our Specials and santorizod slacks ...... srl*#y Nice Hard lUpe Native Tomatoe.s...... 31bs. 25c dle. On wire frame. size. Fancy Fresh Picked Golden Bantam Sweet Corn. 25c d~«. Basement. Nice Juicy Iwtiions . . . , ...... 2.5c doz. Second Floor. Sh o u lder Native Yellow Onions ...... Ihs. 2."k A ll For 19c

Our Fabric Section W ill Sure N e w W hit e Handbags (ireen Apples for Pies, good s iz e ...... 6 lbs. 25c Vz Lb. Liver Be A Busy Place Tomorrow.’ ST E A K Nice Breakfast M elons...... ,*j f o r 2.5c All new bags, with inside purse, Vi Lb. Bacon 25c and 29c silk lined ...... • Siinkist Oranges for Ju ice...... ,25c doz. Thia la nlwuva a popiil.ir 15c lb.

rnnihlniition Bale, so shop Com? To the Store or Phone— Dial 5111. ewt from best quality, .V, Nts early: W ash G oo ds 1 prime beef— the BEST! Lace D in n er Clo ths

3 yards 50c Pi

Filet lace, in beautiful designs, sizes 72x90 ~r r\ What bargains In cool sheer fabrics Regular fl.oO ...... J X . ' M r for late summer frocks. Printed batistes! Printed voiles! Cord- t ettes! All guaranteed tub and sun-fast. They’re a BIG value at

Come see why 3 yards for 50c. HUSTLE IN W o m e n's Chiffo n Hose bright and early for the best sclec- <

tions. Irregulars, in all wanted shades, A t H A L E ’S Fabrics—

full fashioned ...... Main Floor, left.

Our Best Salesmen are the Users

•f the NEW

PINEHURSt -D ial 4 151

Yes sir—people w h o go t the 302 Main Just'North of Arotor,-. new G -3 A l l-W ea t h er before

It was advertised an d have “ I?* zttractlhv .proUlii In every depart- ►HomeV^

driven t h is m arvelo us tire to m a n y t h o usa n ds of m iles, are »Stores '

si ngi ng its praises louder t h a n * O f f i c e s Meat Department o ur advertisi ng does! Par »c VALI ES: t icu la r ly do t h ey insist t h at •Factories Vellow Onloiii, |-v

bu. ( 1.10. 2 lbs.i7C the new G -3 gives better t h a n Sliced Bacon Selected Voung ’ G a r a g e s ...... lb. 27c barometer still .Summer Squaah, r \ the “ 439I1 more n o n-sk id m ile

Tender Individual 2 fo r ...... y C age” we a dvert ise! AH we ask Native Cucum- is, before yo u b uy tires give Cube Steaks .. .each lie Iwirs, 2 for ...... 5 / C Protect Your Property and Improve Its us a ch a n ce to sh ow yo u why Beets or Carrots, g \ Appearance With . . . Fresh Ground Beef • • • • . l b . 2, ’ > c 2 iHinrhea ...... y C G -3 u s e r s b o o s t i t e v e n V

tireen Peppers, stro nger t h a n we d o! McGILL PAINT It U two works sifice wr- have ad> 2 f o r ...... y C 100% PURE OUTSIDE PA IN T ^rtlsrd our fn^ehly i^round Lajnb Vellow Com. ga

Pattiea-^and our customers are c&ll-- SSe doz. 3 earr y C $ 2.55 per_ gallon ii>i; for in 5-gallon cans Large Ripe A S T O N IS H I N G Plums, 17o dos. | 0 » « milts— Big V a lu e—Low Price! “Nothing But The Best In Painto"

Lamb Patties . .4 for 25c 8 fo r ...... #/ U,,,tnot Made By Manchester’s Own Paint Manufacturer. 9c Ipltnty o! trzctlon. G O O DYEAR Good «He— wrapped with bacon. _Iowa ' 1 noo-*’^^ .itnoat amoo*'*’ NEW " ( 5 * 3 SPEED W A Y THOS. McGILL, JR. BROHL will bring tu Plnmp, Tender 4notG-»-»'® ,We have some beautiful, Built with Super- P.4INTER AND DECOB.VTOB Broileri to »ell at 62c each. Pot twitt Cord . . . Cen- 126 Cedar Street phone 6887 ripe Yellow E I b e r t a BoaaU sold better yeaterday than on I’eaches to sell, n n G O O D Y E A R |Ap~prozlm attly J3.000 ter traction; tough Saturday. Lean cuta of Lamb for t quarts ...... «5«5C thick tread; full stewing. OTcrtlze. Fine for Shortrake or A U - W E A T H ER • '••r- - W . Vn. Peaphes and Cream. Every Sunawyet LookJj^t No Extra Cost . . . 43% Goodyear ' More Miles of real non-skid safety We K now This GASOUNE PRUNE J n C E . o C Ututlly wear out tirts In Tire Is Priced . . Flatter Wider Tread . .. More i*r ...... Z5C MELONS Right. F u I I , Traction (16% more non- 15,SM mllaa. No appreci- Locality and 4 for 95c. Extra Ivge family size A tla n tic W h ite F lash Plus ^ I d blocks) . . . Heavier Tougher able wear on front Value for Your Cantaloupes. littia on rear, after 12,879 Money. W hat T ires It Tread (average of 2 lbs. more T e x aco F ire C h ief Assorted Rolls - Donuts - Bran mllee. —Georgia 16c ea., 2 f o r 29c rubber) . . . Supertwist Cord Body Pr^cx Msbitci •• cKanc* MoctM. and Corn Muffins • Cakes. Sioiff $miet i«x, if »ny, Q i f Quaker State — Kendall — Pennzoil (supports heavier tread safely) I Takes

Medtum Slie—Bjpe on different cars, to Red Raspberries . Blueberries. btand up and give the P h ilco Batteries Honey Dews . .37c ea. best service. W e’ll

NEW POTATOES, Schaller Motor recommend the type F iresto n e T ires

Ipeck ...... Extra Large of Goodyear your 25c driving requires to Watermelons . .59c ea. Matt Merz

Shelled Pecans...... 7-ei. basket >Se 33c. give you at least cost MORIARTY RROS. Sales, Inc. SUI-SIS Center Street—comer Broad the service you want. 634 Center Street 141 North Main Street Manchester Manchester ^ Green Beans - Wax Beans - Sweet PoUtoes. Come in, talk it o v e r - Open 24 Hours Free Road Service

no obligation. Phone 3873
