A4 + PLUS >> UF’s Mr. Two Bits dies at 97, Sports/1B GATORS NASCAR Stokes leaving Goodbye to Florida hoops DIS in July See Page 1B See Page 1B WEEKEND EDITION FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 5 & 6, 2019 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM CCSO: Woman lied about abuse to Saturday get free SongFarmers The July gathering of Arby’s the SongFarmers of the Suwannee River Valley of By CARL MCKINNEY Florida will be Saturday,
[email protected] July 6, 7 to 9 p.m., at St. James Episcopal Church, Photos by CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City Reporter A shoplifting suspect with 2423 SW Bascom Norris $11 worth of stolen beer also Drive, Lake City, Florida lied about being a domestic 32025. Acoustic jam style violence victim to get a free format. Musicians, friends meal at Arby’s, and families welcome. A fine 4th deputies say. All ages and skill lev- Juanita els. No charge! For more Futch, 38, of information, contact Skip — then the Memphis, Johns at 386-344-2906 or Tennessee, visit the Suwannee Valley was arrested SongFarmers Facebook by Columbia Futch page at www.facebook. rains came County depu- com/songfarmersofthesu- ties Tuesday afternoon. wanneerivervalley/ The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a Cookout One minute, festival-goers Shell station on U.S. Highway Southside Baptist Church, were enjoying face-painting, 90 late Tuesday morning in 388 SE Baya Brive, will be family games, food trucks response to a reported case having a hamburger, hot dog, and flags. Then the rain of shoplifting, according to an peanut boil on Saturday at moved in on the county arrest report.