La Mancha Survey Nov 2017

RECENT PLANT TYPE FAMILY SPECIES SYNONYMS COMMON NAMES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION annual herbs / Amaranth fam. pigweed, carelessweed, Palmer's forbs (Amaranthaceae) Amaranthus palmeri amaranth fl & fr Aug 23 annual herbs / Amaranth fam. was in fam. forbs (Amaranthaceae) Chenopodium sp. Chenopodiaceae goosefoot species annual herbs / Amaranth fam. Bassia scoparia, kochia, summer cypress, mock forbs (Amaranthaceae) Kochia scoparia B. sieversiana cypress not showy - invasive - introduced from Eurasia annual herbs / Amaranth fam. was in fam. good forage when younger - invasive - introduced from forbs (Amaranthaceae) Salsola tragus Chenopodiaceae tumbleweed, Russian thistle Eurasia annual herbs / Buckwheat fam. forbs (Polygonaceae) Rumex crispus curly dock medicinal & potherb - native to Eurasia annual herbs / Caltrop fam. goats head, goatheads, puncture flowers yellow - obnoxious weed - prostrate - have forbs (Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris vine sharp projections annual herbs / Carpetweed fam. Sesuvium western sea-purslane, verrucose forbs (Aizoaceae) verrucosum seapurslane flowers purplish - & stems fleshy - native annual herbs / Carpetweed fam. Trianthema horse purslane, desert horse forbs (Aizoaceae) portulacastrum purslane fl Aug 23 annual herbs / Composite fam. forbs () Ambrosia sp. ragweed species allergenic - invasive - eliminate annual herbs / Composite fam. very small white ray flowers about 1 mm in many forbs (Asteraceae) Conyza canadensis mares tail, Canadian horseweed heads - erect annual herbs / Composite fam. Machaeranthera forbs (Asteraceae) Dietaria canescens canescens purple aster, hoary aster flowers purple - more often an upland plant - native annual herbs / Composite fam. forbs (Asteraceae) Lactuca serriola wild lettuce, prickly lettuce flowers pale yellow - weedy - native to Europe annual herbs / Composite fam. fl Aug 23 - annual - appears on sandy or gravelly soil after forbs (Asteraceae) Pectis papposa dissected chinchweed, lemonweed summer rains annual herbs / Composite fam. Pseudognaphalium flowers small yellow discoid - matted wooly hairs - weed in forbs (Asteraceae) stramineum slender cudweed, cottonbatting plant lawns - native annual herbs / Composite fam. forbs (Asteraceae) Psilactis asteroides New ray-aster flowers white - wetland indicator - native annual herbs / Composite fam. annual sow-thistle, common sow- forbs (Asteraceae) Sonchus oleraceus thistle fl & fr Aug 23 - annual - introduced - young leaves edible annual herbs / Composite fam. Stephanomeria forbs (Asteraceae) pauciflora wire-lettuce, desert straw flowers pink - native annual herbs / Composite fam. Xanthium forbs (Asteraceae) strumarium common cocklebur, rough cocklebur spiny burs - weed throughout the world - wetland indicator annual herbs / Evening Primrose fam. mollis, velvetweed, lizardtail, small-flowered forbs () curtiflora Gaura parviflora gaura flowers amall, scarlet to white & fading - native

Performed by John Freyermuth 1 La Mancha Plant Survey Nov 2017

annual herbs / Evening Primrose fam. forbs (Onagraceae) Oenothera pallida pale evening-primrose flowers white, large - not a wetland indicator - native Boerhavia annual herbs / Four-o'clock fam. Boerhavia couteri spicata var. forbs (Nyctaginaceae) var. palmeri palmeri Palmer's spiderling, mochis fl & fr Aug 23 - annual annual herbs / Gentian fam. flowers hot pink to rose - in moist soils including seeps - forbs (Gentianaceae) Zeltnera arizonica rosita, centaury native annual herbs / Legume fam. forbs (Fabaceae) Melilotus albus white sweet-clover white flowers - excellent honey plant - native to Eurasia annual herbs / MorningGlory fam. forbs (Convolvulaceae) Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed flowers white & pink - twining - invasive - native to Europe annual herbs / Purslane fam. flowers yellow - prostrate stems - edible succulent leaves & forbs (Portulacaceae) Portulaca oleracea common purslane, verdolaga stems annual herbs / Spurge fam. Chamaesyce small white flowers - prostrate with smooth pinkish stems - forbs (Euphorbiaceae) glyptosperma ribseed sandmat, ridgeseed sourge milky sap grasses Grass fam. () Agrostis sp. bentgrass species grows best on ditch banks - perennial - erosion control - grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Arundo donax giant reed native to Europe Bouteloua grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) aristidoides needle grama fl & fr Aug 23 - annual annual - native - small terrestrial grama - tufted - grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Bouteloua barbata sixweeks grama sometimes with stolons fl & fr Aug 23 - annual - native - common on roadsides in grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Chloris virgata feather fingergrass disturbed soil grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass soil binder - invasive - perennial - introduced Dactyloctenium annual - introduced fm Mediterranean - in NM found only in grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) aegyptium Egyptian fingergrass, crowfoot grass Doña Ana Cty native - perennial - found on dry slopes & plateaus - forage grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Disakisperma dubium Leptochloa dubia green sprangletop & hay for livestock grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Distichlis spicata saltgrass, inland saltgrass saline soils - perennial - rhizomatous junglegrass, jungle-rice, jungle wetland indicator - annual - cosmopolitan - probably grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Echinochloa colona ricegrass introduced to Americas grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Echinochloa crus-galli barnyard grass wetland indicator - annual fl Aug 23; annual - introduced from Eurasia - common yard grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Eleucine indica goose grass, Indian goosegrass weed Eragrostis introduced from Africa - often crowds out native grasses - grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) lehmanniana Lehmann's lovegrass perennial Eragrostis pectinacea annual - native - found in sandy soils by streams & in grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) var. pectinacea tufted lovegrass disturbed soils

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wetland indicator - native - perennial - dense nodding grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley spikes Leptochloa fusca ssp. grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) uninervia Mexican sprangletop wetland indicator Polypogon grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) monspeliensis annual rabbitsfoot grass wetland indicator - annual - native to Europe grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Setaria leucopila plains bristlegrass, ice-cream grass fl & fr Aug 23 grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass invasive non-native - perennial - tall - rhizomatous grows best on alkaline soils - perennial - good forage - grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) airoides alkali sacaton native Sporobolus grows in sandy soils - perennial - are food source - grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) contractus spike dropseed native Sporobolus grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) cryptandrus sand dropseed grows best in sandy soils - perennial - good forage - native Sporobolus Sporobolus grasses Grass fam. (Poaceae) pyramidatus coromandelianus whorled dropseed annual - sandy soil to clay flats - widespread perennial herbs / Composite fam. flowers yellow - perennial - non-native - taproot - forbs (Asteraceae) Taraxacum sp. dandelion widespread lawn weed perennial herbs / Globemallow fam. Sphaeralcea copper globemallow, narrow- flowers brickred - flourishes in sandy soil - food source - forbs (Malvaceae) angustifolia globemallow native perennial herbs / Heliotrope fam. Heliotropium flowers white - ground hugger - good forage - wetland forbs (Boraginaceae) curassavicum quail plant, alkali heliotrope indicator - native perennial herbs / Legume fam. forbs (Fabaceae) Sphaerophysa salsula Swainsonpea dull red flowers - wetland indicator - native to Asia perennial herbs / Lizard-tail fam. forbs (Saururaceae) Anemopsis californica yerba mansa flowers large, white - wetland indicator - medicinal - native Asclepias perennial herbs / Milkweed fam. Asclepias galioides / was in whorled milkweed, narrowleaf greenish-white flowers - butterfly pollinated - poisonous to forbs (Asclepiadaceae) subverticillata Apocynaceae milkweed livestock - native perennial herbs / Potato fam. Solanum silverleaf nightshade, white flowers violet to white - food source - troublesome weed - forbs () elaeagnifolum horsenettle native Cattail fam. spike interrupted - wetland indicator - several edible parts rushes & cattails (Typhaceae) Typha domingensis southern cattail - native Sedge fam. Bulboschoenus wetland indicator - perennial - triangular stem - tuber- rushes & cattails (Cyperaceae) maritimus cosmopolitan bulrush, alkali bulrush bearing Sedge fam. rushes & cattails (Cyperaceae) Cyperus esculentus yellow nutsedge wetland indicator - perennial Sedge fam. Schoenoplectus rushes & cattails (Cyperaceae) acutus hardstem bulrush wetland indicator - stem is round - native

Performed by John Freyermuth 3 La Mancha Plant Survey Nov 2017

Sedge fam. Schoenoplectus three-square bulrush, American rushes & cattails (Cyperaceae) americanus bulrush wetland indicator - stem is triangular - native Cashew fam. Rhus aromatica trees & shrubs (Anacardiaceae) Rhus trilobata var. trilobata skunkbush sumac, limitas greenish-white flowers - canyons to river bottoms - native Composite fam. dioecious (sexes on separate ) - wetland indicator - trees & shrubs (Asteraceae) Baccharis salicifolia seepwillow, mule-fat native Composite fam. flowers white - rhizomatous thus good for erosion control - trees & shrubs (Asteraceae) Chloracantha spinosa devilweed native Composite fam. trees & shrubs (Asteraceae) Chrysothamnus sp. rubber rabbitbrush species discoid flowers - shrub with many branches Legume fam. trees & shrubs (Fabaceae) var. torreyana honey mesquite pale yellow flowers - sandy to gypsum soils - native Legume fam. trees & shrubs (Fabaceae) Prosopis pubescens screwbean mesquite pale yellow flowers - wetland indicator - native Legume fam. Psorothamnus trees & shrubs (Fabaceae) scoparius broom dalea, purple sage purple flowers - sandy soil indicator - native Oleaster fam. Elaeagnus no petals - wetland indicator - native to Eurasia - trees & shrubs (Elaeagnaceae) angustifolia Russian olive introduced trees & shrubs Olive fam. () Forestiera pubescens neomexicana desert olive no petals - wetland indicator - branches opposite - native Potato fam. flowers pale lavender - seasonally wet to dry areas - native trees & shrubs (Solanaceae) torreyi Torrey's wolfberry - edible flowers white - oftne blossoms & fruits present together - trees & shrubs Rose fam. (Rosaceae) Fallugia paradoxa Apache plume in gravelly arroyos Vauquelinia trees & shrubs Rose fam. (Rosaceae) californica rosewood Not native to this habitat - introduced planting Tamarix fam. pink flowers - wetland indicator - native to Eurasia - trees & shrubs (Tamaricaceae) Tamarix chinensis salt cedar introduced Willow fam. Populus deltoides dioecious (sexes on separate plants) - wetland indicator - trees & shrubs (Salicaceae) subsp. wislizeni Populus fremontii Rio Grande cottonwood native Willow fam. dioecious (sexes on separate plants) - wetland indicator - trees & shrubs (Salicaceae) Salix exigua coyote willow, sandbar willow native Willow fam. dioecious (sexes on separate plants) - wetland indicator - trees & shrubs (Salicaceae) Salix gooddingii Goodding's black willow native Sometimes in Aquatic fern fam. fam. wetland indicator - perennial - forms floating mats in ponds water fern (Azollaceae) Azollia mexicana Salviniaceae Mexican mosquito fern & slow streams tribe: wetland indicator - perennial - free-floating aquatic herb water plant Arum fam. (Araceae) Lemna minuta Lemnoideae least duckweed with very small roots

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