The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean*
INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK INTEGRATION AND REGIONAL PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT RESEARCH DEPARTMENT THE EMERGENCE OF CHINA: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN* * Preliminary draft for discussion at the Conference “The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean”, October 1, 2004, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Washington D.C. This study cannot to be quoted or cited without the permission of the coordinators. The opinions expressed here are those of the IDB China Task Force and not necessarily those of the Bank. CHINA TASK FORCE TEAM The Integration and Regional Programs Department (INT), under the direction of Nohra Rey de Marulanda, and the Research Department (RES), under the direction of Guillermo Calvo, were responsible for the preparation of this Report. COORDINATORS The China Task Force was coordinated by: . Robert Devlin, Deputy Manager, INT . Antoni Estevadeordal, Principal Economist, Integration, Trade and Hemispheric Issues Division, INT . Andrés Rodríguez, Consultant, RES TEAM MEMBERS Other members of the Task Force were: Manuel Agosín (RE1), Andrew Crawley (INT), Jaime Granados (INT), Ernesto López Córdova, (INT), Eduardo Lora (RES), Mauricio Mesquita Moreira (INT), Alejandro Micco (RES), Marcelo Paiva Abreu (INT), Matthew Shearer (INT), Ernesto Stein (RES), and Kati Suominen (INT). Research assistants were Paula Auerbach (RES), Carolina Mandalaoui (RES), Danielken Molina (RES) Alexandra Olmedo (INT), Ricardo Vera (INT), and Christopher Vignoles (INT). María de la Paz Covarrubias (INT) provided additional editorial and formatting support. OUTSIDE AUTHORS OF BACKGROUND PAPERS . Rogelio Arellano, Bank of Mexico . Shahid Javed Burki, Woodrow Wilson Center and Former EMP Financial Advisors . Sebastián Claro, Department of Economics, Catholic University, Chile .
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