++ Differences and Concepts

Modern Binary Exploitation CSCI 4968 - Spring 2015 Branden Clark

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 1 Overview

• C++ Differences • Class layout • VTables – Definition – Exploitation

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 2 C++ Differences

• Standard • Memory management • Exceptions • Classes

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 3 Standard library

• std::cout << “Hello world!” << std::endl; – printf(“Hello world!\n”); • std::cin >> string_buf; – scanf(“%s”, char_buf);

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 4 Standard library

• std::cout << “Hello world!” << std::endl; – printf(“Hello world!\n”); • std::cin >> string_buf; – scanf(“%s”, char_buf);

Use of C++ std::string removes a lot of potential memory corruption introduced by C-style strings :(

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 5 Standard library

• Makes for good obfuscation ;) – std::cout << msg << std::endl


MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 6 Standard library

• Makes for good obfuscation ;) – std::cout << msg << std::endl

C++ name mangling

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 7 Memory Management

• char *buf = new char[10]; – char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);

• delete [] buf; – free(buf);

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 8 Memory Management

• char *buf = new char[10]; – char *buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);

• delete [] buf; – free(buf); need ‘[]’ for arrays

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 9 Exceptions

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 10 Exceptions

• On Windows: SEH – Structured – It’s pwnable – For the curious

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 11 Classes

• Structs group elements in C • Classes are (usually) used in C++

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 12 Classes

• “this” pointer – Pointer to the calling object – The first argument to a member function

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 13 Class layout

• Basic classes look like structs

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 14 Class layout

• Inheritance

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 15 Class layout

• Inheritance introduces (non-standard) complexity • Ordering of VTables and variables can change via , system, etc.

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 16 VTables

• Virtual (function|method) table • A pointer to an array of function pointers – Usually first (4|8) bytes of the class – Pointers to virtual functions only

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 17 VTables

• Virtual (function|method) table • A pointer to an array of function pointers – Usually first (4|8) bytes of the class – Pointers to virtual functions only

VTables enable polymorphism

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 18 VTables

• List of most-derived functions to a class – closest one going up the hierarchy



Rect set_vals width height

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 19 VTables

• List of most-derived functions to a class – closest one going up the hierarchy



Rectangle Rhombus set_vals


MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 20 Exercise 1

• What is the vtable for each of the objects? • cpp_lec01 – Guess, or use gdb

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 21 VTables - Exploitation

• Instance replacement – What if we change which VTable is used?

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 22 VTables - Exploitation

• Function pointers are memory, too – What if we overwrite them? – Modify the VTable

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 23 Exercise 2

• Try triggering the other calls (or get a shell) • cpp_lec02 – Need a pointer to the final address

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 24 Additional Reading

• https://defuse.ca/exploiting-cpp-vtables.htm • http://imchris.org/projects/overflows/cpp- vptrs.html

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 25 Labs

• There will be lab as usual next class

MBE - 04/24/2015 C++ Differences and Concepts 26