Development and project management: Ph.D of Philology, associate prof. Shamil Sadig

Consulting: Vagif Bahmanli

Publishing: Mushfig KHAN

Translation: Konul Nasibova

Editor of Azerbaijani version: Nargiz Jabbarli

Editor of English version: Jahid Huseynov

Coordination: Rovshan Yerfi, Jalala Aliyeva

Design and graphics: Teymur Farzi

Art: Vasif Saftarov

These publications were printed by “KHAN” publishing house in the framework of “Introducing Our Writers to the World” project of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of on the occasion of "European Games 2015". The reference is necessary in case of extraction and replacement in e-resources. The translated literary pieces of writers were extracted from “Modern Azerbaijani Prose” and “Azerbaijani Prose Anthology” publications.

ISBN: 9 7 8 - 9 9 5 2 - 4 0 5 - 8 8 - 0

© The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan / 2015 © “KHAN” PUBLISHING HOUSE / 2015 Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh irza Fatali Akhundzadeh, the great Mwriter, materialist philosopher, public figure, the founder of realist Azerbaijani literature was born in Nukha (present Shaki) in 1812. His father Mirza Muhammadtaghi was a merchant who moved to Shaki from South Azerbaijan. In 1814 he moved to Hamna settlement near with his son Fatali and wife Nane khanum. Fatali lived in different regions of South Azerbaijan with his family until he was 13. In 1825 he returned to Shaki with Nane khanum.

 3 Haji Alaskar, his mother’s uncle took care of Fatali. Akhund wanted him to become a clergyman and therefore took Fatali to Ganja in 1832. Here young Fatali studied the sciences of logic and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), as well as the art of calligraphy from Mirza Shafi Vazeh, the prominent Azerbaijani poet and philosopher. However, Mirza Shafi’s impact on Fatali’s education is not restricted with it. He had a strong influence on the life and creativity of Mirza Fatali, in general, on his formation as a thinker.

 4 The monument of M.F.Akhundov in Baku

 5 Fatali became interested in modern sciences of his time, he entered the Russan school in Shaki in 1833 and studied here a year. In 1834 Akhund Haji Alaskar took him to Tiflis and achieved him to be appointed translator of Oriental languages on civic affairs at the head chancellery of Caucasus viceroy. Thus, Fatali worked in this position till the end of his life. In 1873 he was conferred the military rank of colonel.

 6 One of the monuments in the facade of the National Literature Museum of Azerbaijan is Akhundzadeh’s.

In 1851 having been elected a member of the Caucasus division of Russian Geographic Society, Akhundzadeh was later involved in the researches of Caucasian Archeological Commission. He attached great importance to the publishment of Ekinchi (“Ploughman”) and had his articles published in its pages under the signature of “Unknown Deputy”.

 7 A fragment from the movie “The Messenger of Dawn” shot about Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh

 8 Akhundzadeh launched his creative activity with poem by the pseudonym of Sabuhi. He is considered the great representative of freethinking in Azerbaijani literature. Mirza Fatali moved forward the importance of implementation of radical reforms in social and political areas of Islamic world.

The NationalMirza Library Fatali of AkhundzadehAzerbaijan named after

 9 The plaque of Azerbaijan Culture Museum named after M.F Axundzadeh

 10 In 19th century, Akhundzadeh’s creativity opened a new page in the history of literary concept. Being the founder of national dramaturgy and realist literary prose, he is the first writer to use “remark (stage direction), monologue and dialogue” terminology in Azerbaijani literature. He has epic, lyric and dramatic writings and he is the first to use western character in Azerbaijani drama. Although he started with poem, he acquired fame as a playwright.

Akhundzadeh’s worktable

 11 The tombstone monument of Akhundzadeh in Tiflis

 12 Akhundzadeh’s belongings preserved in his home-museum

In 1850-1855 Akhundzadeh wrote his famous six comedies and laid the foundation of dramaturgy not only in Azerbaijan, but also in whole Turkish-Muslim world from Balkans to India. The great master introduced the first sample of drama in the East with these comedies. Everybody accepts that the dramaturgy in Turkish-Muslim world developed on the traditions of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh.

 13 Akhundzadeh carpet, medals and orders in the home-museum of Akhundzadeh

The exterior of Akhundzadeh’s home-museum

 14 A view from Akhundzadeh’s home-museum

Akhundzadeh’s first comedy is Hekayati - Molla Ibrahimkhalil Kimyager (“The Story of Chemist Ibrahimkhalil”). In one hand the illiteracy and ignorance, from other hand the fraud are criticized in the comedy. The theme of Hekayati - Khirs Guldurbasan comedy (“The Story of Robbers”) was pulled from village life. In Hekayati-Vaziri-Khani- Lankaran (“The Story of Vizier of Khan of Lankaran”) the basic focus of laugh is khan of Lankaran and his vizier. The theme of the play of khanate period is based on the plot of family life. Hekayati-Mardi Khasis (“The Story of Skinflint”) or “Haji Gara” comedy holds an important place in the creative activity of  15 Akhundzadeh. The comedy was written in the theme of avidity – widely spread theme in the world. But Akhundzadeh wrote the traditional theme in the new style. Murafia Vekillerinin Hekayati (“The Story of Court Lawyers”) drama is about life in South Azerbaijan. Hekayati – Musyo Jordan Hekimi- Nebatat ve Dervish Mesteli Shah Jadukuni- Meshur comedy (“The Story of Monsieur Jordan and Dervish Mastali”) is the most famous play by Akhundzadeh to embody enlightenment ideas. Thus, play is quite distinguished among other comedies of the writer in terms of depiction of life truth and vivid embodiment of characters. The major idea of the comedy is to criticize ignorance and witchcraft. The conflict is set between the writer’s enlightenment ideal and the adherents of ignorance and illiteracy.

The photo collage from the movie “Dervish explodes Paris” shot on the motives of “The Story of Monsieur Jordan and Dervish Mastali” by Akhundzadeh

 16 The monument of M.F.Akhundzadeh in Moscow.

 17 The Azerbaijani theatre was founded on immortal comedies of Akhundzadeh. In 1873 Hasan bey Zerdabi and Najaf Bey Vazirov laid the foundation of theatre movement in Azerbaijan and in whole Turkish-Muslim world by performing “Haji Gara” play in one of the schools of Baku. The first stage character of Eastern woman representing Azerbaijani women was created in the comedies of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh. To demonstrate the woman’s joyful conversation with men in the 19th century stage required courage. The great task was implemented by Azerbaijani enlighteners by performing Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh’s plays.

The Turkish press participated in the opening ceremony of “2012 is the year of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh” .

 18 The monument of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh in the National Library of Azerbaijan.

The creative works by M.F.Akhundzadeh drew the attention of European theorists of literature and theatre quite fast. In August, 1852 the German magazine Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes (Foreign Literature Magazine) wrote: “All believed that the Muslim population of Trans-Caucasus will have been alien to such novelties (theatre) for a long time because of Islamic spirit, but suddenly a dramatic genius appeared among them – the Tatar Moliere, whose name deserves attention even beyond the boundaries of his country. He is Mirza Fatali Akhundov.”

 19 In 1837, at the age of 25, M.F.Akhundzadeh wrote «Oriental Poem» lamenting the death of Pushkin and immediately had it published in the magazine of Moskovskiy nablyudatel («The Observer of Moscow»). By this action, he carried out the civic duty of Russian writers by enabling the Russian poets to get rid of shame for keeping silence as the czar was involved in the tragic death of .

 20 The dressings belonging to Akhundzadeh family preserved in Akundzadeh’s home-museum.

In 1857 M.F.Akhundzadeh wrote the first sample of realist Azerbaijani prose – Aldanmish Kevakib (“The Deceived Stars”) story. His creativity had a strong impact on the development of literature and socio- philosophical mind not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the Near East. The literary legacy of M.F.Akhundzadeh had been translated into Russian, Persian, English, French, German, Georgian and etc. beginning from the middle of 19th century.

 21 Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh died in 1878 in Tiflis and was buried in Muslim cemetery in the garden of botany, Tiflis. His works were filmed five different times. Two feature films (“Sabuhi”, “The Ambassador of Sunrise”) and five documentaries were shot. The monuments of him were built up in Baku and Tiflis.

Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh carpet

 22 Appreciative statements about Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh:

“We feel great sense of pride while turning the historical pages characterizing the path of creativity of M.F.Akhundov, because our people brought up such an outstanding personality during the hard times and in the period of ignorance and religious superstition, who wrote perfect literary pieces passing ahead of his time...” H.A.Aliyev, Nationwide leader

Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh worked tirelessly all his life for the prosperity of his motherland and people and opened a brilliant page in the history of development of Azerbaijani culture with his creativity expressing interactive attitude towards the scientific, cultural and political issues of new epoch and inviting to benefit by the advanced ideas of the time. Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan Repiblic

The author of “Veziri-Khani-Lankaran” comedy is M.F.Akhundov. His comedies were translated into foreign languages. Sometimes he drew the attention of Russian writers. Apollon Grigoryev, well-versed in literature and talented critic compared him with Moliere. I should confess, absurd laugh and meaningless word that we unfortunately come across in our plays don’t exist in this comedy.

A.Sereteli, Georgian poet

 23 Photos from the movie “The Messenger of Dawn” shot about Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh

 24 “M.F.Akhundov is the personality of great merits. But he was appreciated worthily only in our times. Being philosopher, playwright and public figure, M.F.Akhundov is an example of live relationship between the culture of his country and of .” Louis Aragon, French writer

“The perfect and progressive legacy such as the one of enlightening democrats, the founder of which is Mirza Fatali Akhundov, the prominent writer and materialist philosopher, is the component of traditions of Azerbaijani Soviet literature.” A.Fadeyev, Russian writer

“If the performance of Mirza Fatali Akhundov’s comedies on the Turkish stage is a great history, two events caused it: the first is that Mirza’s comedies are very valuable works in general. The second is, in Mirza Fatali’s comedies the Eastern woman first time went on the stage, spoke, laughed, wept there and she was among men without veil. J.Mammadguluzadeh, Writer, public figure

 25  On the Death of A.S. Pushkin  (An Oriental Poem)

I spoke at night, my eyes not tasting sleep: O heart, you treasure pearls of mysteries deep! Why has your nightingale now ceased to sing? Why does your voice of eloquence silence keep? What bars the flight of your poetic word? Why halts your day-dream on the pathway sleep? Behold the spring: like maidens' beauteous charm We sing the praise of nature's verdant sweep. By meadow streams the violets, clustering blow, And flaming buds from rose-trees bravely peep; The vale is decorated like a bride, The flowers on the hills their jewels heap. A tree all crowned with blossoms like a king, Stands in the garden with majestic air, The lily and the lilac drink its health In dewy wine from cups of tulip fair. Narcissus' eyes from ecstasy grown dim, The lilac's brilliant radiance cannot bear. The Nightingale extends to passers by The petal of a rose, with friendly care. The clouds will sprinkle dew on flower-beds, A breeze takes back on high a fragrance rare. The morning songsters sing their roundelays: - O verdure, pierce the pall of bleak decay!- All have their gift who tread upon the earth And talent has its market-price, I say. Some sing their love with captivating charm, Others lament it in a mournful way. Yet all have bid farewell to grief pain Delighting in a life pleasure gay. All, all around, yet you alone are mute, Not joining in the rapture, you, my Heart! You relish not the dreams of poesy,

 26 And from the joys of glory you depart. Aren't you the heart that in a sea of thoughts As bright as pearl, would try the poet's art And with those pearls the brow of speech adorn That to young maidens beauty do impart? Now I know not from whence your sorrow comes, Why you despair, and play a mourner's part? My heart replied: Friend of my solitude, Depart, I beg you leave me all alone. Had I not known that in the wake of spring The stormy autumn winds ascend their throne Then for the glorious fight a sword of words For Poesy I'd forge, in whirlwind's moan. But I have learnt the treachery of fate, My end foredoomed by her, perfidious grown. The bird that sees the net is surely mad To seek the grain mid dangers, fully known. The cries of glory loud now echo faint ' Neath turning sky, in yawning distance thrown. Speak not of day-dreams, for I know the prize That fate will give the dreamer for his own. O have you yet not then, ignorant of the world, Of Pushkin- greatest of the poets heard? Of that same Pushkin who was glorified Throughout the world for wondrous verse and word? Whose pen in touching paper, a desire To lose its whiteness in that paper stirred? Bright as the movements of a peacock fine His Muse a thousand vivid flowers girt. Great Lomonosov decked the muses' fane, But Pushkin's vision made it his domain. Derzhavin won the literary realm, But Pushkin was appointed there to reign. By Karamzin the cup was filled with lore, Yet Pushkin was the one that cup to drain. The glory of his genius ruled the West

 27 As kingly power reign o'er land and main. His wisdom clear shone brightly in the North As shine the eastern moon, with stars in train. The seven heavens and the elements four To bear a son so fine would try in vain. Now listen with amazement to the way These parents dealt their son a deadly blow: They sped as fatal arrow at the bard, And cruelly stopped his life's poetic flow. One hail-stone smashed the fruit on his life's tree, And this was done by order of his foe. The cruel wind of death put out his lamp, And plunged his body in the dark of woe. With ruthless knife the gardener pruned his shoots As a tree not destined more to grow. His head that held the treasure of the mind Became a nest of thorns with snakes below. The heart where nightingales his genius sang Is covered now with naughty but thorny sloe. His soul has left his body like a bird, To sorrow binding both the young and old. The Russian land in grief and sorrow cries; - Now death has caught its victim stark and cold!- O bard, your talisman could save you not, The witch's grip has not relaxed its hold. You leave the earth, but may your Maker's love Your soul in mercy heavenly enfold! Bakhchisarai sends you the fragrance sweet Of your two roses, wondrous to behold.

 28  The Stars Were Deceived 

hen the Safawid dynasty came Wto power in 1501 Kazvin was the capital of . The events described herein took place in the seventh year of the reign of Shah Abbas I. At three o'clock in the afternoon on the third day following the New Year, which falls in the spring, Shah Abbas was talking to his favourite wife Salmi- Khatun when Khoja Mubarek, the chief eunuch, entered. He bowed low and said: "The chief astrologer wishes to be received by Your Highness in connection with a very important matter." Shah Abbas told his wife to return to the harem and ordered the eunuch to usher in the astrologer. The latter entered, bowed low,

 29 then clasped his hands in the ritual manner and said a prayer for the glory of his ruler. "Well, what is it?" "Almighty God preserve the life of the ruler of the Universe! The movements of the heavenly bodies indicate that fifteen days after the New Year the planet Mars will pass the constellation known as the Scorpion. As a result, in the Eastern lands and, namely, in Iran, a terrible blow lies in store for the supreme ruler. That is why, being a devoted slave to Your Highness, I felt it my duty to warn you of the impending catastrophe." The Shah was only twenty-two at the time, an age at which life is sweet and dear to every mortal, and especially to one who stood on the top rung of well- being, enthroned as a shah. That was why the young shah became so distraught at the astrologer's words. He became as pale as a ghost and seemed more like a corpse than a living being. A moment later he raised his head and dismissed the astrologer, who bowed low and exited. When Shah Abbas was alone again he mused in silence for half an hour, then called to the eunuch and said: "Send the guards to summon the grand vizier, the commander of the troops, the treasurer and the chief mullah!" They all appeared shortly after. "I have summoned you to discuss an important matter and hear your opinions. You may all be seated," he said. When the assembly learned of the astrologer's warning, they were astonished and confused. After a moment's silence the grand vizier spoke: "Everyone knows of your humble servant's devotion to Your Highness. Our great king of kings may recall that the Treasury was in a terrible state in former times, when the Shah's noble ancestors, being of inestimable kindness, appointed as viziers men who

 30 were extremely near-sighted and limited. As soon as your humble servant learned that the Treasury was empty, I tried to find some means of replenishing it and devised the following method for doing so. Whenever a courtier received a new appointment, or was endowed with new power, lie was to bestow a gift upon the Treasury commensurate with his appointment or rank. Besides, whenever any of the above were graced with Your Highness' personal attention or a visit to his home, he was to repay this grace by offering a certain sum of money and lining his doorstep with precious gems and carpets, which then became the property of Your Highness. In this manner, though a full seven years have not yet passed since the great king of kings has ascended the throne, the Treasury is brimming over, praise be to Allah! Your humble servant has always helped the state in every possible way and has never yet been amiss, but I must confess that I am at a loss as to how to influence the movements of the stars." The general spoke next. "The beard of your faithful servant has turned grey in the service of our great country. Thus, ten years ago a Turkish force consisting of seventy thousand soldiers invaded Iran. Our revered Shah's great father then put me in charge of all Iranian forces. Although they were not inferior to the Turkish forces, I was afraid our noble warriors might be defeated by the infidels and so ordered the entire area along the Turkish border, which is Azerbaijan, to be turned into rubble, with the crops destroyed, the cattle driven off, the roads ploughed up and the bridges demolished. Thus, when the Turks crossed our border they met no opposition. However, the roads were so bad that their heavy artillery was immobilised, and only after great hardship was the infantry and cavalry force able to reach Tabriz. Then the Turkish raiders dispatched troops to the countryside to find provisions

 31 for their army. Not a single ear of grain, not a single cow or bull did they find. The hungry, exhausted Turks fled from Tabriz on the third day, having become the laughing-stock of all the world. Thus was the Iranian nation saved from foreign invasion. Moreover, ruining the roads and bridges had been such a wise move that our government found it preferable to leave them thus as a guarantee that no invaders would ever dare cross our border again. In this way our victorious armies were out of danger and well-cared for throughout the campaign, and not even a single drop of blood was shed. In any similar situation this old watchdog of Your Highness' Court is always able to act with wile, but ... my mind is incapable of inventing any thing to stop the movements of the planets." Fear gripped the Shah's heart more strongly than before when the general finished speaking. Now it was the treasurer's turn. "Your insignificant servant, who is a kinsman of the grand vizier and has been brought up by him and given his present post through his intercession, has always been most faithful and honest. The lower ranks and warriors are paid from the Treasury in accordance with an order which it has been my duty to sign. When it became apparent that the Treasury was empty, as the grand vizier has already mentioned, I was. distraught. Though I continued signing all the orders for paying the soldiers, these orders were sent to the various districts only to sustain the authority of the Shah. Besides, I always sent the district rulers special orders which informed them that on no condition were they to pay out any money despite what the first orders I had signed said. Instead, they were to await further orders.

 32 Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh

Tubukhanum – Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh ‘s wife

 33 Nisa khanum – Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh ‘s daughter

Rashid bey – Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh ‘s son

 34 The photos from Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh ‘s home-museum in Shaki.

 35 The bust of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh in front of Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh ‘s home- museum in Shaki.

One of the books of selected literary pieces by M.F.Akhundzadeh

 36