Coolamon NSW VCA Plant Communities

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Coolamon NSW VCA Plant Communities Office of Environment & Heritage Native Vegetation Map Coolamon ADS-40 Edition 1 NSW VCA Plant Communities 1:100,000 (8328) NSW VCA ID NSW VCA Name Total Area - Landform pattern / main soil types Characteristic species in each stratum. Note that floristics are relevant to NSW VCA this map community over its entire distribution, and may not accurately reflect community make-up (ha) within this mapsheet Grassy Woodlands Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands 266 White Box grassy woodland in the upper slopes sub-region of the 796 Hills, Low hills / Black earth, Chocolate Eucalyptus albens / Acacia decora - Acacia implexa - Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga / 501000 502000 503000 504000 505000 506000 507000 508000 509000 510000 511000 512000 513000 514000 515000 516000 517000 518000 519000 520000 521000 522000 523000 524000 525000 526000 527000 528000 529000 530000 531000 532000 533000 534000 535000 536000 537000 538000 539000 540000 541000 542000 543000 544000 545000 NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion soil, Red podzolic soil, Red-brown earth Themeda australis - Poa sieberiana - Wurmbea dioica - Cymbonotus lawsonianus d a o d Ke a R llow s Roa o s d 6182000 M R 6182000 e g I n R r n 267 White Box - White Cypress Pine - Inland Grey Box shrub/grass/forb 1,269 Low hills, Rises / Brown earth, Red clay, Eucalyptus albens - Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia decora - u a R b L O d Be OL n R a c ya tric y l ns R Hal woodland in the NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion Red earth Acacia hakeoides - Dodonaea viscosa . cuneata - Maireana microphylla oad o l Ro subsp / ad d G R 6181000 a 6181000 o c i r R Austrostipa densiflora - Austrodanthonia caespitosa - Chrysocephalum apiculatum - t c d s r e a e B o b Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea R n m o s 6180000 a 6180000 e m h g a l C n d o a a o 276 Yellow Box grassy tall woodland on alluvium or parna loams and 930 Alluvial plain, Low hills / Alluvial soil, Eucalyptus melliodora / Acacia decora - Maireana microphylla / Bothriochloa macra - L Ingalba Nature Reserve o C R a d 6179000 Altus s 6179000 clays on flats in NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion Brown clay, Brown earth, Calcareous red Austrostipa bigeniculata - Austrodanthonia setacea - Vittadinea cuneata Ro a ad o o m R i earth s M n k d o c a s a o p 6178000 B 6178000 e R J 277 Blakely's Red Gum - Yellow Box grassy tall woodland of the NSW 1,347 Hills / Brown clay, Brown earth, Grey- Eucalyptus blakelyi - Eucalyptus melliodora - Eucalyptus bridgesiana / Acacia dealbata / s s i n n South-western Slopes Bioregion brown podzolic soil, Solodized solenetz Themeda australis - Poa sieberiana - Bothriochloa macra - Aristida ramosa sens. lat. e 6177000 D 6177000 Bou ndary R oad 6176000 6176000 d Bectri a c Road o G R N Floodplain Transition Woodlands l O u E L I h t A B Avalon e 70 White Cypress Pine woodland on sandy loams in central NSW 998 Peneplain, Plain / Red earth, Red-brown Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia deanei subsp. deanei - Dodonaea viscosa sens lat. - d 6175000 G 6175000 B a ! M I A o R R T d W wheatbelt earth Maireana enchylaenoides - Geijera parviflora / Einadia nutans subsp. nutans - a e O M c im o i os a C f St a R f tion Road Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - Austrodanthonia eriantha - Sida corrugata L O o 6174000 U 6174000 H t o ET s n M r o a P d Mimosa M a ! a 76 Inland Grey Box tall grassy woodland on alluvial loam and clay soils 628 Alluvial plain, Flood plain / Grey clay, Red Eucalyptus microcarpa / Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata - Acacia buxifolia subsp. s o o R 6173000 m 6173000 i s g in the NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina Bioregions clay, Red-brown earth buxifolia / Austrodanthonia caespitosa - Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata - Chloris M n o Ea Currajong State Forest L st West truncata - Sida corrugata Road 6172000 6172000 80 Inland Grey Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland on loam soil 4,058 Alluvial plain, Stagnant alluvial plain / Grey-Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris glaucophylla - Allocasuarina luehmannii / Maireana d a o By R rnes Ro on alluvial plains of NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina brown podzolic soil, Red-brown earth microphylla - Acacia deanei subsp. deanei / Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - ad 6171000 h 6171000 a i r O A Bioregions Austrodanthonia setacea - Calotis cuneifolia l d Manoora ! W a KY g 6170000 MO g 6170000 S a 82 Inland Grey Box - Poplar Box - White Cypress Pine tall woodland 15 Peneplain, Plain, Rises, Terrace (alluvial) / Eucalyptus microcarpa - Eucalyptus populnea - Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia deanei S o u on red loams mainly of the eastern Cobar Peneplain Bioregion Red earth, Red-brown earth subsp. paucijuga - Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata - Pimelea microcephala subsp. t h R d a R d a a n o 6169000 o o 6169000 n microcephala - Eremophila mitchellii / Monachather paradoxus - Calotis cuneifolia - a R R o d n c s o k g m a n l d Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra - Einadia nutans subsp. nutans R o o o a o L C o a R d 6168000 6168000 E Go s l e RS ders Ro 237 Riverine Inland Grey Box grassy woodland of the semi-arid (warm) 12 Flood plain / Grey clay, Grey earth Eucalyptus microcarpa - Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Acacia O ad g H d D A o E H climate zone acinacea - Maireana enchylaenoides / Paspalidium jubiflorum - Austrodanthonia D 6167000 6167000 caespitosa - Juncus flavidus - Atriplex semibaccata A rd 6166000 le A 6166000 t h S a n O R M Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests o I a M d 6165000 6165000 54 Buloke - White Cypress Pine woodland in the NSW South-western 68 Peneplain, Plain / Grey earth, Red-brown Allocasuarina luehmannii - Callitris glaucophylla - Eucalyptus sideroxylon - Eucalyptus d Roa ood ngw Slopes Bioregion earth microcarpa / Acacia doratoxylon - Ozthamnus diosmifolius - Leptospermum divaricatum / Spri 6164000 6164000 Aristida ramosa - Gonocarpus elatus - Xerochrysum viscosum - Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi 6163000 6163000 110 Inland Grey Box - White Cypress Pine shrubby woodland on stony 4 Hills, Low hills / Red clay, Red earth Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris endlicheri / Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia - Acacia footslopes in the NSW South-western Slopes and Riverina deanei subsp. deanei - Acacia paradoxa / Austrodanthonia eriantha - Cheilanthes sieberi 6162000 6162000 Bioregions subsp. sieberi Coffin Rock R oad 217 Mugga Ironbark - Inland Grey Box - Cypress Pine tall woodland on 3,539 Low hills, Rises / Red clay, Red podzolic Eucalyptus sideroxylon - Eucalyptus microcarpa - Callitris endlicheri / Acacia deanei 6161000 6161000 d a 373 m Murrulebale Hill o # footslopes of low hills in the NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion soil subsp. deanei - Acacia hakeoides - Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata - Lissanthe R k r strigosa subsp. strigosa / Austrodanthonia setacea - Austrostipa densiflora - Stypandra a 6160000 P 6160000 e l s glauca - Cheilanthes sieberi . sieberi subsp i l r a C d d d a 6159000 a a 6159000 o 346 White Box - Blakely's Red Gum - White Cypress Pine shrubby 658 Hills / Red clay, Red podzolic soil Eucalyptus albens - Eucalyptus blakelyi - Callitris glaucophylla - Eucalyptus microcarpa / o o S R T R R R p A n h H i m l a woodland on metamorphic hills in the Wagga Wagga region of the Dillwynia sericea - Acacia pycnantha - Acacia decora - Acacia verniciflua / Gonocarpus l v a u e R D 6158000 D 6158000 NSW SWS Bioregion elatus - Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi - Austrostipa densiflora - Xerochrysum viscosum 6157000 A 6157000 s h b r id K g e N BA d Forested Wetlands R Ganmain State Forest D a E o 6156000 o R 6156000 a R d h t r o N Inland Riverine Forests d d a 6155000 o 6155000 o o R w 5 River Red Gum herbaceous-grassy very tall open forest on inner 52 Bank (streambank), Flood-out, Levee / Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Acacia dealbata / Poa labillardierei h e l s a u r d floodplains in the lower slopes subregion of the NSW South- Grey clay, Grey earth, Red-brown earth var. labillardierei - Carex tereticaulis - Lachnagrostis filiformis - Hemarthria uncinata var. B O e k i 6154000 ld 6154000 P J u western Slopes & Riverina Bioregions uncinata n e e R o a 6153000 d 6153000 9 River Red Gum - Wallaby grass tall woodland on the outer River 5 Covered plain, Flood plain / Brown clay, Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis / Austrodanthonia caespitosa - Juncus Red Gum zone Grey clay, Grey earth flavidus - Carex inversa DRA IN 6152000 K 6152000 d a o R 6151000 6151000 d h t a Semi-arid Woodlands Jun r o e Kindra State Forest o e Ro R a N d r o a o r t r i a b Ganmain 6150000 i 6150000 ! M k B Riverine Plain Woodlands c O o GG John K Y s ons Hill Road 26 Weeping Myall open woodland of the Riverina and NSW South- 8 Plain, Rises, Stagnant alluvial plain / Acacia pendula - Casuarina cristata / Rhagodia spinescens - Maireana decalvans - 317 m # 6149000 6149000 d western Slopes Bioregions Brown clay, Grey clay, Red-brown earth Chenopodium nitrariaceum; Amyema quandang var. quandang / Austrodanthonia a Brushwood o R ! R a n caespitosa - Atriplex semibaccata - Einadia nutans subsp. nutans - Rhodanthe e d l s o T Ju Me P n a ee ru 6148000 R le 6148000 n oa ba corymbiflora g d k le R n d o i R ad a p o o o a Jun R e R d Coolamon e R o ad e d l l ! 6147000 o 6147000 O P g d Riverine Sandhill Woodlands n i oa p R o y rr Marrar Co 75 Yellow Box - White Cypress Pine grassy woodland on deep sandy- 1,851 Flood plain, Plain / Earthy sand Eucalyptus melliodora - Callitris glaucophylla / Acacia deanei subsp.
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    Supporting Information Mao et al. 10.1073/pnas.1114319109 SI Text BEAST Analyses. In addition to a BEAST analysis that used uniform Selection of Fossil Taxa and Their Phylogenetic Positions. The in- prior distributions for all calibrations (run 1; 144-taxon dataset, tegration of fossil calibrations is the most critical step in molecular calibrations as in Table S4), we performed eight additional dating (1, 2). We only used the fossil taxa with ovulate cones that analyses to explore factors affecting estimates of divergence could be assigned unambiguously to the extant groups (Table S4). time (Fig. S3). The exact phylogenetic position of fossils used to calibrate the First, to test the effect of calibration point P, which is close to molecular clocks was determined using the total-evidence analy- the root node and is the only functional hard maximum constraint ses (following refs. 3−5). Cordaixylon iowensis was not included in in BEAST runs using uniform priors, we carried out three runs the analyses because its assignment to the crown Acrogymno- with calibrations A through O (Table S4), and calibration P set to spermae already is supported by previous cladistic analyses (also [306.2, 351.7] (run 2), [306.2, 336.5] (run 3), and [306.2, 321.4] using the total-evidence approach) (6). Two data matrices were (run 4). The age estimates obtained in runs 2, 3, and 4 largely compiled. Matrix A comprised Ginkgo biloba, 12 living repre- overlapped with those from run 1 (Fig. S3). Second, we carried out two runs with different subsets of sentatives from each conifer family, and three fossils taxa related fi to Pinaceae and Araucariaceae (16 taxa in total; Fig.
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