THE TWEED Seniors Volume 3 #27 NSW WEEK Thursday, March 17, 2011 Advertising and news enquiries: LIFT-OUT Phone: (02) 6672 2280 SPECIAL!
[email protected] [email protected] PAGE 13 LOCAL & INDEPENDENT Village sewerage hits funding snag Murray Simpson But Cr Polglase said the letter did not amount to much. Tweed villages of Mooball and Burr- ‘Mr Costa won’t be around in two ingbar will be carrying the can for a weeks [aft er the state election],’ he said. while yet aft er Tweed Shire Council Mr Oxenham warned a deferral deferred a start to their long-awaited might lead to a cost blow-out in the sewerage scheme for four months. scheme. In a heated debate at Tuesday’s Th e council fi rst approved the sew- council meeting, the deferral was op- erage scheme in February last year but, posed by councillors Warren Polglase more than a year later, not a sod has and Phil Youngblutt who demanded been turned. an immediate start, saying villagers Further delays had waited ten years for the scheme and overfl owing septics were causing Tenders have been received and as- environmental damage and endanger- sessed but cannot be awarded till the ing the local platypus population. council gives the fi nal go-ahead. The hitch has been in a funding Mr Oxenham said further delays grant from the NSW Offi ce of Water would be badly received in the com- under the country towns water supply munity; contractors may have to in- Local musician Jessie Vintila is hoping to start a gospel choir in the Tweed.