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2-1-1981 Nova News, 1981 Nova University

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Nova University Febr ••", 19B1 NOVA NOW MORE THAN EVER A UNIVERSITY FOR ... Broward Cou nty The Nation Nova Conference To Focus Tenth Anniversary Planned During the summer of 1982, Nova ceived a graduate education which they On Broward's Future University wi ll celebrate ten years 01 pro couiL! !lot hdve t,htaincd through the-Imdi As part of its continuing commitment virling high quality graduate education tional educational systems. tion, and lend their extensive inter­ through iL<; national field-based programs. to serve the community, N ov a Universi­ governmental national and international This has been a decade of leadership During this decade. many persons have re- t)"£ Center for the Study of Admini,tra­ expertise to the solution of local and The university's proJ ~r(l m .s now oJX'rate in lion is sponsoring, as a public service. an regional problems. nineteen states, and thl' graduat...s assume grea.ter rcspon'iibilit iC'!\ in their profes­ all-day conference to help Broward Coun­ The conference. titled' ' Broward Focus Tech Management sional roles. Tht, programs have ~crved as ty resolve some of the pressing issues and 2000," will take place Friday, February models for other institutions ~('king to ex­ probJems which county officials see facing 20, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hilton In­ it in the future. Sevtral members of the On The Move pand their S(.'rvict· to working profes­ verrary Conference Center, Lauderhill, sionals. Center's National Advisory Board, many Florida. Local and state leaders and de­ The Bachelor of Science in T echnologi­ of whom are members of the prestigious cision-makers from the public and the cal Management Program has been earn­ The Center for Higher Education for National Academy of Public Administra­ private sectors will attend. ing such raves from industry and in­ examrlc. UIlC of ten centers in the Uni­ tion, have volunteered to serve as advisors dividual students alike over the past YE'ar versity. originated as a program for com· and consultants to the county administra· (Continued on Page 5) that inquiries are now coming in from all munity college faculty. It has since ex­ over the state from people and companies panded its programs [0 include all of 'Nova/Coral Springs' Week Set eager to have a cluster begun in their com­ higher education. Vocational, Technical - munities. reports Marion Wolfson, Program and Occupational Education programs. The Board of Trustees of Nova Univer- center, 3501 University Drive,. Coral Coordinator. and n:centlv. Leadership in Adult Educa­ sity and the Board of Governors of Nova Springs, during "Nova University at Here's the score card on clusters op­ tion. Tht' C~'nter has also changed in order University at Coral Springs have pro- Coral Springs Week. " Featured will be erating and planned: to accommodate the increasing number of enrolling participants working not only in claimed ·27 "Nova Univer- the university's present underraduate pro- On-campus - five operatin,g; a sixth sity at Coral Springs in honor of grams in Human Sciences and Business. traditional educational institutions nUl Week" due to stan soon. the recent purchase of a permanent site fof" the Nova University Clinic, the Broward also in lihraries, busint'ss. industrv . hos- Panama - two operating. a third start- the university's center in Coral Springs. County School Board's GED high £chool pitals and !'ocial agl'ncil's. . 109 soon. The site is located in the community serv- completion program at Nova/Coral (Continued all Page 4) Jamaica - one presently operating. ice complex on N. W. 29th Street across Springs, and the many cultural offerings of one or more on the horizon. trom Mullins Park. Local municipalities the university'S learning center. Sun CO,Jst Learnmg Center, Clear Nova To Co-Sponsor dnd civic organizations will join in the (Continued all Page 2) water-Tarpon Springs - two starting celebration. shortl~. International Programs According to Jerry Sha,l1es, general man­ {("}ntinL",:d on Poge 4) ager of the Burroughs Corporation and 'Job Ciub' Starting Nov

Hugh Downs Pat Conroy

TV personali ty H ugh Downs and " The Water is Wide' I (made into the film I novelist Pat Conroy will be guest speakers "Conrack" starring Jon Voight). I at a Book and Author Festival sponsored Sponsors of the Book and Author I in part by Nova University at Coral Festival are the Coral Springs Cultural I Springs, Saturday, March 14, at the Coral Society (of which Nova University is a I Springs Mall and the Holiday Inn. member) and the Council for Florida I An all-da y book fair with many local Libraries. Dr. Pat Distasio, Director of I 6175 S.w. 4S ST. PH. 583·2637 I authors as well as Downs and Conroy Nova University at Coral Springs, is one I I making autographing appearances will of the chairmen, take place in the Mall. That evening. For furthe r information , call ------i Downs and Conroy will speak at a book 753-3300. and author program at the Holiday Inn at FOR SALE ------5 MIN. FROM NOVA UNIVERSITY 8:15 , 'followed by a reception and auto­ Springs Week from Page 1 graphing party. Downs will discuss his book, "The NovalCoral Springs " Alternative Best Years Book : How To Plan For Ful­ Classroom" program will also be high- fillment, Security and Happiness in the lighted. Retirement Years", co-authored by I Information will also be available on Richard Roll and published by Delacorte. two new programs at Nova/Coral Springs. Downs, onc of the nation's most respected The Corporate Division of Nova College television personalities. has become a under the direction of Dr, Anna Mae Burke spokesman for senior citizens and fe-re­ has recently started classes in electronic tired people through his daily Emmy win­ engineering technology and mathematics. ning talk sho\v , " Over Easy. " As a grand finale to " Nova University Conroy will discuss hi s newest book, at Coral Springs Week, '.' a reception " The Lords of Discipline" published by honoring Nova Chancellor Alexander Houghton-Miffiin. Conroy is also the Schure and Mrs. Schure, and Nova Presi­ author of "The Great Santini" (made in ­ dent Abraham Fischler and Mrs. Fischler to the film starring Robert Duvall) and will be held in the auditorium of Nova/­ Coral Springs on Friday, , from 4 to 6 p.m. LETTERS The Nova/Coral Springs celebration Dr. Patrick Distasio, Director of Nova Uni­ will continue with a month-long Winter versity at Coral Springs, is chairman of the Festival (February 21 -March 21 ). BEAT THE RENT SQUEEZE HYear of the Arts" Festival of the Coral Among the events will be two concerts Springs Cultural Society of which Naval­ presented by the Coral Springs Society for 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH, COMPLETELY FURNISHED VILLA ON ARROWHEAD Coral Springs is a member. He recently re­ Performing Arts. The first is a duo--piano GOLF COURSE , WITH POOL, TENNIS, and GOLF AVAILABLE. PRICED IN ceived the following letter from George concert featuring David Layden and THE $40'5. CHECK WITH ME ON FINANCING Firestone, Secretary of State: Beverly Nortoo, at the new Omni Audi­ Diane M. Klein - Realtor / Associate Dear Pat: torium of Broward Community C9Uege Word of the activities of the Coral North on February 21. Proceeds of this 563·3363 OR 564·7865 Springs' Cultural Society has reached me, concen will benefit Nova University at and I just wanted to get in touch with you Coral Springs. The second concert on to say - ' 'Bravo!" March 7, features Velia Vedra, pianist, Clearly, government efforts can only and Bogdan Cruszes, violinist, at the augment and enhance private sector initia­ NovalCoral Springs Auditorium. ti ve - so it's especially good to knuw that Another event in the Winter Festival the Arts are alive, well and flourishing in will be the Coral Springs Book and Coral Springs. Author Festival at the Coral Springs Mall Please convey to the members of your and the local Holiday Inn on Saturday, group my every good wish fo r a successful March 14. and exciting " Year of the Arts" - and, if The Winter Festival will conclude with Stud ents are the most lucrafive we may provide any assistance. I hope a Fifth Anniversary Open House, a gala c ash-buYlllg segment 01 the American economy I That's w hy businessmen are you' ll allow us that opportunity. reception and the second Annual Auction eag er to g ive on-the-spot c ash Again, congratulations! of Fine Art (March 19-21 ). AFifth An­ d iscounts to members of the STUDENT With warm regards, ni versary Reception will take place in the DISCOU NT CLUB presenting currerdly Sincerely, Coral Springs Holiday Inn Saturday, va lid mem bership c ard s George Firestone, Secretary March 21 , followed by a fine art auction. ,----CASH DISCOUNTS ON of State, Department This event is being presented as a benefit Stereos . fnlertalnmeni • Resturonts of State, Florida for Nova University at Coral Springs by Candle ShOps . Records . Jeon Shops Art America. Hair Stylists . Au to Ports . Sporting Goods E: ve n15 _ School Supplle!> _ & Much. Muc i~ N o vo New'> I'> 0 pub l icatio n at by ond l o r During the Winter Festival, Nova/­ More !o Come the N o vo co,n m Ufnl y a nd li s many Irlend$. II Coral Springs_will also present its Second you ve done sorn e l h"'g espeCiol ly not'e­ worthy IOlely go!ten 0 promOflOl' . p.ub · Annual Hall of Fame Award to a local Your '4 Yearly Membership Includes; I , ~h ed ° paper or a bo ok . completed 011 un· resident who has made an outstanding • 1 YOOIS memberhlp In the StIJ dent DlsCOtJn l Club p Ol tont prOlect lece lv ed o n honor or oword • Persona illed plo ~tlc membersh ip COld contribution to the arts and culture ... The • M ini n'reclON listing partICipating bustnesses plea se !loldy the N ews so that eve ryone first Han of Fame Award, presented in & it'.{'11 d iscounts can sho re your proud o ccolnp,l l!> hlT,! enl 1980, bonored Edith Nathan, nati ~nall y • PeroolC up· daled Mrnl-OlleclOlles Pl e o~e 'H) tdy the N ew !> 015.0 d you chonge • HOI'\O SOn'lt."! membership corel & M ini Directory you r oddre ':> ,> remembering to Inclu d ~ the prominent sculptress. WOile!. 11 1S cocket or p urse .: Cent e r o r Progloll) yo u are or hove bee n 055 0c loted with .' ¢------Equ ipment Donated Enclosed is my' c hec k 0 money order 0 for :4 ). N'ovo N e w5 I'> published 10 h m es 0 yeor Please enroll me for a 1 year membership ;n the (double Is'>ue.., Oec Jon ond J unl' J u ly). Modcomp and Burroughs Corporations STU DENT DISCOUNT CLUB. I om a currently ac tive 1...1r\,:UI .!L iull 1\' '.OOU , have generously donated equipment to the student 0 Nova News Nova College Corporate Division for use Nova University in the electronics laboratory now being de­ Comp lete this NAME a pp lication & mail todayl CoileQe A venue veloped. T he equipment consists of oscil­ ADDRESS Fo rt Louderd~l e , Fl o rido 33314 lascopes, meters, power supplies, mul­ -- MAlL TO --­ CI TY STATE ZIP ___ _ A L'.: XANDER SC HURE , Chofl~ellor timeters, computer chips, computer STUDENT DISCOUNT CLUB ABRAHAM FI ?CH LE R, Pre'> lden l boards, regulators and other devices. The Box 8504 TELEPHONE AGE _ _ _ 9373 West Sample RoOd Shirley Green, Editorial laboratory will be used by students in the Coral Springs. FL 33065 GRADE _ _ _ Betty lewerentz, Advertising Sales Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineer­ (305) 752-8520 3-6 weeks lor Dennis Dannacher I Advertising layout ing Program. , Page 3 Law Institute Has Busy Agenda Nova Sponsors Essay Contest Herb Hewitt, Vice-President Public Interest Law Society Nova University is sponsoring an essay For entry blanks, call Betty Leverentz Nova University Law C('J1 ter contest on the subject " Broward, 2000 at 475-7438. A.D.: An' Ideal Community" in coniunc- • ___,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ___ • The Public Law Institute was founded bers are reviewing the code on a chapter tion with the Davie Orange Blossom Fes- , , at Nova University Law Center during the by chapter basis, locating all law and rele­ tival. The winner, to be announced at th·e 1979-80 academic year with the appoint­ vant secondary materials for inclusion in Davie Birthday Celebration March 8, will SoCoAoM~Po J ment of law professor Cheryl Eisen as di­ the handbook. The anticipated completion receive a $250 prize. rector. T he purpose of the organization is date is July, 198J. SKILLS FOR CHILD and ADOLESCENT to foc us on current socio- legal problems Legislative Drafting Project The contest is open to everyone who MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS and to seek opportunities to engage in lives in Broward. Essays may not exceed scholarly research, consultation, litigation In 1979, the Institute received a $350 1000 words , must be typed and double The S.C.A.M.P. I'Togram of Nova University and education to promote responsible, grant from the American Bar Associa­ spaced, and mus t address themselves to offers Parenls and Teachers New Skills in: tion/Law Student Division to es tablish a the theme. In additi on, entrants must in­ ethical and fair publ ic sectof behavior in oDecreasing Troublesome Behaviors Legislative Drafting Service here at Nova. cl ude a short biography of themselves, and the face of changing public needs. Re­ oStrenglhening "Good" Behaviors T he Nova Law Center Student Bar Asso­ make certain their essays are received no search for legislative reform is also a major oAdding New Behaviors concern of the Institute. ciation matched those funels. later than . T he first project underta ken was the To further the ends of the Institute a For Further Information Attend Judges fo r the contest are: Doug Delp student organization, the Public Interest drafting of a county ordinance for civilian of the Miami Herald; John De G root of Law Society was for med. Since then, the review of police conduct. This project was Our OPEN HOUSE the Fort La uderdale News Sun-Sentinel; Institute has embarked on numerous pro­ completed in October, 1980 and has been Victorial Wagner, author; Lee Burba nk, DATE: March 2nd jects. submitted to Broward County authorities for evaluation. English teacher at the University School: TIME: 8:00 P.M_ 475-7588 THE PROJECTS T he project currently bei ng worked on and Stephen Mendonca. PLACE: Mailman Bldg., Main Campus Juvenile Justice Handbook Project by Institute members is an evaluation This project was ini tiated in the Fall of from a Florida perspective of the Uniform 1979. Under Law School Assistant Dean Land Transfers Act at the request of the Johnny Bu rris' supervision, Institute mem­ Act's drafters. bers are compiling a handbook for use by Additional drafting projects are an­ -, ..,. the bench and bar incorporating the cur­ ticipa ted. I • ] I =i j I ~ [I] rent statutory and case law, as we ll as • court rules. dealing specifically with . ,:1' T he Public Law Institute has several a short-term solution juvenile offemlers. Dean Burris anticipates other items on its agenda: ~0 completion of the Handbook early in the to a long-term problem 1) It will assist the Law Sc hool' 5 Asso­ Spring, 1981 semester. T he handbock ciate Dean Marianna Smith in planning and will then be submitted to various organiza­ hosting the Florida Bar's Academic Con­ "Most people on fad diets regain their original tions fo r consideration for publication and clave to be held at the Law Sc hool weight back within one year" distribution. May 8, 1981. Faculty, administrators and Criminal Handbook Project "Permanent weight control is best achieved through law students from Florida's fi ve law sc hools T his project was initiated under the will convene with distinguished members habit change" superv ision of Jeffrey D. Swartz, an Assis­ of Florida's bench and bar [Q consider the "Changing the dieter, not the diet is the most sensi­ ta nt State Attorney with the Dade County needs of Florida law students from the ble approach to permanent weight change" State A ttorney's Offic e. Mr. swartz, academic and practical points of view. formerly an Ohio prosecutor, discovered 2) Tne Institute will sponsor the [hat there is no ready guide to current case Public Interest Practice Seminar. to PERMANENT WEIGHT CONTROL law relating to Florida's criminal code and . be held June 4 and 5 in conjunction with asked the Institute to heJp. Institute meru- PROGRAM (Con tinued on Pa~e 4) at Nova Library Receives Rare Books NOVA UNIVERSITY MARTIN E. LERNER, Ph.D. The Nova University Library has re­ For fu rther information ca ll Robert DIRECTOR - ceived a gift of the 12-volume se t of T he Bogorf! at 475-7496. Codex Atlanticus of Leonardo Da Vinci. For information regarding day and evemng Kick The Habit T he books were donated to Nova bv A program to assist people who want to workshops call 475-7588 Ar nold Fuchs, a member of the Board ';1 stop or reduce their smoking habit wiil be Guv(;'rnurs 01 the University Schonl. offered at Nova this Spring. T his 2 week program) whic h will employ the techni­ The set is part of a li mited, numbered ques of hypnosis and suggestion. will be CENTER for INTERNATIONAL SlUDY edition, handbollnd in leather. with gold conducted by Dr. t rank De Piano, clinical stamping on the spines. The volumes psychologist and facult y memocr in tht, & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Inco measure 18" by 24", each containing psycholo,gy department . 360 pages in true-color facsimile, in­ The procetlu res llsed have oc'en suc -1981 - cluding 2.1 36 plates. Le~s fu l in the past in hetping individuals give lip sm·)king. The pro,gram requires NATIONAL PROGRAMS Codex Atlanticus contai ns Da Vinci 's careful self assessment of smokin,U habits, most important work on machines; tech­ at-home assignments, and attendance 01 TRAN SPORTATIO N: Air & G ro u nd Semina r. 3 Days, Apr il 22-24, Fo rt nical apparatus and devices; and civiL four spaced se'>si()I1s during a 2w('(.'k military and hydraulic projects. It richly period. Lauderda le , Hot el TBA . documents his contributions to the A $25 deposit (refu ndable upon BANKIN G -FINANCIAL: Se m ina r o n Recenl Legal & Ad m inislrolive sciences of astronomy, geometry and completion of the program) will be ft.'" Regula l ion; "Forecasting " Ihe New Admi nistralion; In­ chemistry, with designs for automotive ve­ quired. No fee wi ll be charged. d e plh A nalysis to Support Funding; 2 Days, April 30 and hicles, stu dies of ships able to nav igate be­ For add iti onal informati on, contact neath the sea, concepts of mechanical May 1, Omni Hotel , Miami, Florida . Charlotte Vanook, 475-7559. wings to pe rmit men to fly , and architec­ TAX FRAUD - INVESTIGATIONS & PROSECUTIONS: The Second tural plans for buildings and entire towns. Annual Seminar; Rated "Finest in Content & Qualily" by Tox It also has the artist's preliminary drafts of Eating Disorders Clinic Accountanls & Attorneys, 1 Day, May 15, Fori Lauderdale. the " Portrait of Beatrice d'Este," and studies for the " Adoration of the Magi" Opens AtCoral Springs and the · ·Leda." Nova University 's popular Eating Dis­ INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS orders Clinic, which trains people to A Meaningful Ending modify their behav ior rather than diet to PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: Marilime & Sea Mining, 17 Days, control their weight, will now be offering A new elective HS-542 Contemporary classes and workshops at the Nova Uni­ Departure October 17, Qualifies for CLE Credits. Issues In Human Services will begin in versity at Coral Springs learning center. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: Business Adminislralion & Develop­ February as part of the curriculum in the 3501 University Drive. Master of Science in Human Services. ing Markels, Fall , 1981 , Qualifies for Academic or CEU The first offering will be: Con­ Dr. Marlin Lerner, Director of the Clinic. Credils. will hos t an Open House at Nova/Coral temporary Issues - Human Services: PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: Chiropraclic Medicine Seminar, 23 Death, Dying. and Meaning In Life. The Springs, Wednesday, , at R Days, Fall, 1981. Qualifies for CEU Credils. class will meet from 6:00 p_m.- 1O:00 p.m. p.m., February 10, 11 , and 12, in the For further information, call Dr. Lerner OXFORD, ENGLAND: Oxford , England, THIRD Annual Seminar on Mailman Building Auditorium, and will at 475·75R7. Comparalive Study of Syslems; 12 Days, Departure AuguSI be one (1) semester credit. 15; Qualifies for CEU & CLE Credits. Michael Murphy , M .D., Medical Director CARIBBEAN: FIFTH Annual Seminar on Comparalive Syslems 10 of 5t. Peter's Hospice, wi ll be the instruc­ Call on us for all your editorial needs. tor. Along with an impressive list of pro­ Enhance Trade & Commerce; Oclober, 1981; Localion TBA . fessional qualifications, Dr. Murphy is also Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Albany Medical College and was formerl y For INFORMATION , REGISTRATION MATERIALS: Senior Instructor in Cli nical Psychiatry at 1\~'J~i7lk Roland C. Graff, Director (305) 475-7424 '--" '::~~/~~ST O AK LAND PARI( Bl VD Tufts Universitv. SUITE 103 Post Office Box 4693 Ft. Lauderdale 33338 FORT lAu DERD~lE Fl 33306 For further informatton, call Helme • (305) 5€-,-t.':2 1 Walter at 475-7 555. Page 4 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL NEWS WHO'S WHO? US! This month's "Who's Who" includes Homecoming Magic ploration, Individualized Reading, Typing GRADE 3 - Won a Middle School, both veterans and newcomers. The veter­ and Journalism; and sixth graders are Upper Division Presidential Election Spirit is high at the University School ans are those members of the Nova com­ Upper House, with student enrollment in­ studying Biography and Autobiography, Poster contest. The prize was a make­ munity (faculty, staff, students, and alum­ English II, and Band. Lisa Montelone (8), your-own sundae feast. The class wishes creasing and student involvement intensi­ ni) who have been listed in one or more Cassandra Frank (7), Colleen Hussey (8) helped fying. Excitement is at an all·time high everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, and a "Who's Who" in the past. Newcomers now as everyone prepares for the first Uni­ edge the girls basketball team to a 6 and 8 bright, sunny, warm Spring. record. Class officers are working on are the 40 Nova students whose names versity School Homecoming Week, Feb­ GRADES 4 AND 4 EAST - Wel­ have just been approved for inclusion in skating parties planned for later this ruary 9· 13. The theme, correlating with comes Carolyn Pannu to the teaching this year's "Who's Who Among Stu­ this year's yearbook theme, is "Magic." month. The Junior High basketball and staff. The children are also pleased as golf teams have had a busy schedule. And dents in American Universities and Col­ Throughout the week, everyone will have punch at being famous TV stars. Channel leges. ' , an opportunity to experience the" Magic Theater Arts groups in grades 6-8 , under 7 did a segment on the class project in of Music," the ··Magic of Superstition," the direction of Charles SI. Clair, have just which the children pretended they were If you have ever been listed in any and the " Magic of School." Thursday completed fine performances. It's been a the Iranian hostages and wrote letters Who's Who, or know of someone in the Nova community who has been, send the night's grand finale features the tradi­ busy 1981! home to their families. Jill Blaustein was tional bonfire, a basketball game against asked to re-read her letter at a information to the News Office, Nova The Melting Pot University, College Ave .• Fort Lauder­ Lutheran High School, the crowning of "Remember the Hostages" Day spon· "America, The Melting Pot" is the dale, FL, 33314, for publication in a the king and queen at half-time, and final· theme throughout the first through fifth sored by the Jewish War Veterans in ly the victory dance in the gym. The Sunrise. Channel 7 returned to do another future issue of Nova News. grades at the University School, and Jerry L Vaugllan .. . in the Sou th and Homecoming committee includes the everyone is involved in projects and ac­ segment on the class symbolically" releas-. presidents and vice-presidents of all four Southwest, 1978-8l. tivities that help the children understand ing" (cutting down) the ·52 cardboard classes and the Student Government, with figures the children had made of each Phil Woolf ... in the South and South­ Activities Director Ron Brennan, Tona Kirk and appreciate their heritage. GRADES 1 west, 1980-8l. AND 2 WEST parents have been coming hostage. "We all laughed, cried, and join' and Sandy Lucz acting as staff advisors. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver ... of American to class to share their varied backgrounds ed the country in welcoming home the 52 ex-hostages," reports their teacher. Women, 1977-82; ... in the South and Grades 6-8 Are with the children. GRADES 1 AND 2 Southwest, 1979-81; World Who's Who Doing Great Things ANNEX made a giant graph plotting the GRADES 4 AND 5 WEST - Created of Women, 1979-8l. birthplaces of their parents. and canned their own outrageous pro­ Margaret Shearon ... in the South and Along with the regular Middle School ducts, and designed colorful labels describ· curriculum, eighth gradt:rs at the Uni­ Southwest. GRADE 3 has been exchanging letters ing their contents. versity School are learning Journalism and John M. Kutch, Jr, ... in the South and and packages with Dr. Leonard Toma­ Southwest, 1980-8l. Problem solving; seventh graders are in­ sello 's third grade class in New Canaan, volved in Independent Social Studies Ex· Institute from Poge 3 Delia Wells Black ... of American Conn. One package from the nonh con­ Woman. r--EXECUTIVE COUNCItrr. FORUM the Florida Bar at the Law Center. The OF NOVA UNIVERSITY tained fall leaves and acorns. In return, the theme this year will be .. the Year of the Albert S. Daddario ... American Men of University School class sent oranges, Older Floridian. ' , Science, 1974 ..::.~ coconuts, and "one very large palmetto PRESENTS 3) The Institute Student Employment Sheila B. Beyer ... World's Who's Who of bug!" THE THIRD GRADERS have Breakfast with Women, 1981. been collec ting photographs and memora­ Fund: A fund has been established Nova students listed in this year's bilia from their families and discussing to supplement the Law School's student Ste!"arl L. Udall . Who's Who Among Students in Amer· their roots. They have made a bulletin research assistants program. The fund will ican Universities and Colleges: Wed., .Mar. l1 , 10d, board to display the pictures and stories. help pay students working on Ins1itute re­ search projects as well as students doing Jon Aaron, James Barritt, Michael Bernstein, Secretary of the Interior under Other interesting projects the children research for law professors. This will Robert Bray, Mindy Cohen, Richard Cohen, Carl Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, Stewart L. are involved in include: GRADES 1 AND significantly expand the opportunities for Cooper, Peter De Palo, Mary Ann Duggan, Udall brought the concept of "ecology" to the 2 WEST - New Year's' resol utions. paying jobs for students at the Law School. Douglas G. Elkins, Vera Flight, Dan Franco, John forefront of pohtical issues. As Interior Secretary. Among the promises were 1' 1 will read Udall had total responsibility for the nalural re­ Initial financing for the fund will be de· George, Robert Gerardi, Robert B. Gilbert, more books. " " I will keep myself healthy of America. ri ved from tl)e proceeds of the 1981 Richard Hamilton, Julius Hein, Joseph Huss, and skinny," and " I will help my dad For Registration Information Orange Bowl Marathon pledge drive .. Robert Kelley, Julie Koenig, Ellen Kraco!f, bu ild a treehouse." (teacher's comment: Students, alumni, faculty and friends Joseph Lakovitch, David Leonard, Karen Kantner Call: 475·7425. " Good luck, Dad. ") pledged hundreds of dollars for ' the Mann, Robert Marvin, Melanie May, Joan mileage of Law School runners who ran in McDermott, Richard McMonagle, Richard the Orange Bowl Marathon on Saturday, Norman , Denise Pollock, Victor Rebman, Joan AIRLINES January 17, in Miami. Renzetli, Stephen Riley, Margaret Shearon, 4) Sroward County Consumer Affairs Clayton Simmons, Michael Steiner, Bruce Wagar, Peter Weintraub, Jane . Whitney, Deborah Project: This project was just initiated at Wolford. Maior airlines are now accepting applications for the following the beginning of the Spring, 1981 school opportunities: term . Law students will be working a Administration from Page 1 minimum of fourteen hours per week as a For further information on any of the ., consumer complaint analyst/mediators" - -FLIGHT ATTENDANTS -TICKET AGENTS Doctor of Business Administration or at the Broward County Consumer Affairs Doctor of Public Administration pro­ - RAMP & BAGGAGE PERSONNEL - RESERV A TlONS AGENTS Division. Participating students will grams in the state of Florida and through­ recei ve academic credit. A student analyst -CLERICAL POSITIONS -CUSTOMER SERVICE out the country, call Nancy Varner at (305) will determine whether a disgruntled con­ 4 75-7304. -FOOD SERVICE -AIRCRAFT CLEANING -BOPKKEEPtNG sumer has a legitimate complaint of unfair or deceptive trade practice. If so, the The Master of Science in Criminal -AIRCRAFT MAtNTENANCE analys t will seek to resolve the dispute be­ Justice Program is beginning its second tween the consumer and the business per­ Virginia Beach Cluster in Virginia. A son or entity in question. In the unusual Registration meeting is scheduled for mid­ Individuals interested in applying with these airline companies must be event the complaint is not successfully February with classes starting on February career oriented, have a public relations personality, be willing to travel if mediated, the law student will prepare the 20. The local Cluster Coordinator in required , and be in good health. Major airlines will pTovide training for case for presentation to the Broward Virginia is Merlin Waldron at (804) many of the positions listed above. For further information on how to im­ County Consumer Protection Board. It is 420-143l. mediately apply directly with these major airlines companies, write to: expected that participation in this project The Consolidated Masters (Master of will give students considerable back­ Business Administration, Master of Pub­ ground in substantive consumer law, val­ lic Administration and Master of Science TRAVELEX, INC. uable insight into the operation of in Human Resource Management) is cur­ administrative agencies and useful exper­ rently accepting applications for the ATTEN.: AtRLlNES APPLICATION INFORMATION ience in the lawyerly art of mediation. Miami Beach area, the Tampa/St. Peters­ burg area and Orlando. These dusters are 3B6S SOUTH WASATCH BLVD. SUtTE 101 The Institute will continue to solicit and evaluate project ideas, to recruit facul­ projected to begin in Spring 1981 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH B4109 ty, students, the bench and bar, other pro­ The Cedar Rapids, Iowa Master of fessionals and laymen to make the projects .Business Administration cluster has re­ work , and to seek public and private fund­ cently completed course work and is now ing for projects requiring significant finan­ in the Master's Project phase of the Pro­ Please indicate briefly your background, what airlines position(s) you are '. cial support. gram. Plans are underway to begin Cedar interested in applying for and enclose a stamped, self-addressed, letter Anyone seeking further information Rapids II Cluster. THe local Cluster Coor· size, envelope so that you may receive further information as to what steps about the Public Law Institute should con­ dinator is Michael Drapac at (319) to take so that possible interviews might be arranged by these airlines. All tact Administrative Assistant Debbie Hole 393-6825. major airline companies are EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERS . at the Law Center, 522' 2300, extension For further information on any of the 145 Master of Business ' Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master BTM from Page 1 of Science in Human Resource Manage­ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Venice - orientation meetings are be­ ment or Master of Science in Criminal e e ing held, and a cluster is expected to begin Justice programs offered locally and = 2S . HUNGRY? 2S =soo n. nationwide, call Pat Jagiel at (305) This Coupon Entitles You To Jacksonville - an orientation meeting 4 75·7305. = =is being held , and a cluster will be starting Annive=r::s:":a::r=y::----- feem Poge 1 • 25' OFF Your Choice Of • soon, probably within the next few Participants and graduates are in vited • Natural Menu Selections at • months. to share in ti-t is celebrati on by bringing to The BT M Program is designed to give the attention of the staff any major re­ =. REAL EARTH HEALTH BAR =peop le with A .S. degrees from accredi ted organization or changes in you r work • 4136 S.W. 64 Ave. (Davie Rd.) • institu tions an opportun ity to study for a place that have come about through im­ bachelor's degree in management, with­ plementation of your prac ticum(s) or Ma­ • Davie. FL • 584·0278 . • out havi ng to gi ve up their jobs or fo rfeit jor A pplied Research Project. Such docu­ e any of their prev iously earned credir. mented results would greatly assist the • e "Ready To Go Orders" • Classes are held one ni ght a week and oc­ university and the Center in demonstrat­ • 2S 2S casional Saturdays. For ~n fo rm at i on . ca ll ing to the public the viabil ity, vitality and .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' . M s. Wolfson at 4 75·7330. significance of field-based programs . PEOPLE IN THE NEWS i Page 5.

December 8-12, Dr. Shenn-Yu Chao of the Roberl B. Marvin, CSA S. Florida VIII Dr. Anna Mae Walsh Burke has signed a Oceanographic Center attended the an­ Cluster, wrote an article titled "The Emo­ contract with Prentice-Hall Publishers for nual meeting of the American Geophysi­ tional Side of Hospital Financing" which a new book, "What Do You Want To Be Advertise in ••• . cal Union in . He presented appeared in the December, 1980 issue of Now That You're All Grown Up?", ••• The a paper entitled "The Dynamics of Bara­ Hospital Medical Staff Adyocate which will be released -in both hard cover clinic Jets over Shallow Topography. ' , Elizabelh Beardmore (Miami Alpha Clus­ and paperback early next year. The book NOVA NEWS Circulation 33,000 On January 21 , Dr. Julian McCreary of the ter, CHE) participated on a three member covers the emotional as well as the practi­ Oceanographic Center, will attend the pa.oel on human sexuality at Florida Inter­ cal side of seeking a career, rather than Call: 475-7438 61st Annual Meeting of the American national University in August. In Septem­ just a job. It will advise people on Meteorological Society in San Diego. At ber she served as a facilitator for a work­ everything £rom preparing a good resume the meeting Dr. McCreary will be pre­ shop on skin care at the Miami Veterans to dealing with the way a new career or a sented the Editor's Award for "providing Administration Medical Center, and in change in careers will affect the person's observative, constructive, and thought­ July presented her research practicum life and those of his/her family members. provoking reviews on numerous manu­ • 'The Effect of Time of Administration on Another book by Dr. Burke, "Computers scripts submitted to the Journal of Vitamin C Tissue Level of the Spinal Cord Can Be Kid Stuff'·' , which is being pub­ NOVA ROUND-UP Physical Oceanography " This award is a Injured Individual" to the Southern Nurs­ lished by Hayden Books. is due out this Students -Staff - Grads distinction reserved for very few physical ing Research Symposium at the Universi­ summer. This book '" ' oriented to kids oceanographers. Dr. McCreary will attend ty of Alabama School of Nursing in Birm­ 9 -90" offers a not-too-technical, non­ Feb. 6 - 8:00 P.M. a PEQUOD (Pacific Equatorial Ocean ingham. threatening explanation of computers for "JUSTINS" Dynamics) investigators meeting Febru­ John R. Correiro (Bristol Cluster CHE) home, business and pleasure. Dr. Burke's Oakland Pk. ary 8-9 on Molokai, Hawaii. The meeting has been elected superintendent of schools recently published book, ., Are You 00 is being arranged through the JIMAR Of­ in Fall River, Massachusetts. Ready? A Survival Manual For Women At University Dr. '5 Returning to School" has been printed, in fice of the University of Hawaii, which is Louis Bender, National Lecturer in the directetl by Dr. Dennis Moore, former direc­ Politics, Economics and Law of Higher excerpt form, in the February issue of New Woman magazine. tor of the Oceanographic Center. Education (CHE) and Nanett. Rodgers (Or- . Robert B. Marvin, DPA candidate and ad­ lando Alpha Cluster, 1980) presented ministrator of the Hamilton County papers at the Florida Association of Com­ Memorial Hospital, Jasper, Fla. , wrote an munity Colleges convention in Orlando. NOVA UNIVERSITY AT CORAL SPRINGS article titled "Hamilton County Their topic was" Applying Futures Con­ Memorial Hospital, a Rural Experiment" cepts to Technical and Academic Post­ which was published by the American Secondary Education. ' , WINTER FESTIVAL Hospital Assn. in its book, "Productivity Eugene E. DuBois (CHE) has recently FEBRUARY 21 - MARCH 21 Improvements in Small or Rural completed a study titled "Towards the Hospitals." A second article, "The Emo­ Development of a Comprehensive Man­ tional Side of Hospital Financing," was agement Information System" for Rox­ DATE published in the December issue of the bury (Massachusetts) Community Col­ EVENT Hospital Medical Staff AdYocate published lege. The study was funded by a Title III -Open House ...... · Feb. 21 -27 by the American Medical Assn. Project grant for Strengthening Develop­ SaUy E. Grace, DBA candidate from ing Institutions by the U .S. Office of Ed­ eDuo Piano Concert ...... With David Layden Chicago who attends the program in Ft. ucation. He continues to serve as a consul­ ··~ :t. 21 and Beverly Norton Lauderdale, had two papers accepted for tant to the college. Professor DuBois has publication by the Southern Management also revised his chapter for the third edi­ eln-Concert - Featuring ...... March 7 Assn. in conjunction with the Allied tion of Materjals and Methods jn Con­ Delio Vedra - Pianist Southern Business Assn. meeting in new tjnuing Edllcation under the title Bogdon Cruszes - Violinist Orleans Nov. 19-22. The papers are titled "Human Resources Development: An -Book and Author Festival ...... , . . . . • , ...... , ...... Marc h 14 "Controlled ' Patterns in a Coercive Or­ Expanding Role of Professional Practice With Hugh Downs and ganiz.ation: The Case of a Maximum Se­ for the Adult Educator." Pot Conroy curity Prison," and " The Relationship Ross E. Morelon, (Director of CHE) and -Fine Arts Exhibition ...... March 19-21 Between Employee Perceived Needs Satis­ Malcolm S. Knowles were in St. · Louis, Featuring Notionally faction and Perceived Control Needs.!! Missouri for the annual meeting of the Prominent Artists Both papers were initia lly written for Adult Education Association, U.S.A. Dr. -2nd Annual Auction of · . March 21 DBA course work and modified for sub­ Moreton also attended the annual meeting Fine Art mission for publication. Ms. Grace also of the Florida Association of Community has several additional articles awaiting ac­ Colleges in Orlando. and the American -Film Festival " ...... Thursday Evenings ceptance for publication. Vocational Association in New Orleans, Louisiana. FOR INFORMATION .... _ ...... CALL 753-3300 Jess J. Boylen, DPA candidate and Chief Louis Birdman and Scott lietler, students at of Police of North Lauderdale, was recent- the University School, were accepted for Iy elected president of the Broward Coun- Early Admission to Nova College Full· . . ty Chiefs of Police Assn. Time Day Division. . ~ ~, .. ,. - Conference from Poge 1 ~~ <> '. . ~ . At each of five panels, scheduled to written reports, will 'te given to the take place concurrently from 9 a.m. to 3 county administration. 587 ..3200 p.m., Bro~.ard County o~i~ial~ will pre- The panels are: c-~oq~~(). ~~ sent a poSitl?n paper out1tn.J1~g Issues and • Toward a livable Community - reports problems WIth county offICIals, a~d at- on transportation, education. water tempt to help develop workable solutions. and waste, ecological factors. housing, --\~ ~~ Frol"!l 3-5 p.m. , the conferees will cultural opportunities, health al1.d safe- DISCOUNT gather for a reporting session. The chair- ty, public-private responsibility, and/or man of each panel will present the panel's law enforcement...... ~ ON ALL EYEWARE findi?gs to the grc.>up. for q~estions ~nd dis- • Broward's Economy - reports on public- cUSSlon. These flOdmgs, ID the term of private cooperation, community par- . ~~"r Nova-BGe from Page 1 tieipation, industrial growth. tourism, held at BCC on November 14 1980 was construction, employment, and/or the EYE EXAMINATION attended by more than 100 officers, great- airport. IN(;LUClES: ly exceeding the most optimistic projec- • leaders~ip - reports on growth, higher ~ '$ 0 0 COMPLETETEST FOR UAM GLAUCOMA tions of program planners. educatIon, the elderly, refugees, the 15 CATARACTS On December 12 1980 another serni- county charter, barriers, opportunities. COMPUTERIZED nar, entitled " Police Pr~rnotional Ex- ·Toward a More Responsive Bureaucracy - EYE EXAM ams" was held and the expected attend- reports on how the county can become ance of 35-40 s~el1ed to 75 because of the more responsive to people's needs, how unexpected interest in the subject. Plans ~o improv~ com.munication wi~h vary- BAUSCH & LOMB SOFT 00 are now on the drawing board to expand mg ~onstltuenCles ~ the meaning and $55 this and other joint seminars because of functIOn of bureaucracy. CO NTACT LENSES the burgeoning interest of the local en· • CharIer Revisited ~ looking down the forcement agencies. road toward modIfIcatIOn of the County PENINSULAR BLVD. Future one-day seminars include: Charter. changes mdlcated, fme tunmg. 4431 SW 64 AVE DAVIF. 587·3200 Affirmative Action in Law Enforce- For further mformatlan call Dr . John M. t • •-"" ment, February 6, 1981;' Clarke, Director of the Center for the Study PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Police Budgets, April 3, 1981; of Administration, at 4 75-7689 or - Police Promoti onal Exams, June 12. 1475-7684. W 1981. 305/475-8809 Bus- 563-3363 The seminars will be held in the Eves. 564-1865 Criminal Justice Institute at BCC and are free to all Braward County law enforce­ HUGH ANDERSON REAL EST ATE, INC. ment officers. JEFFREY J. AUERBACH, D.D.S. It is anticipated that the rel ationship DIANE M. KLEIN REAL TORS ASSOCIATE between Nova and BCe will continue and GENERAL DENTISTRY expand as more joi nt police training ven- -... 2631 E. OAkland Park Blvd. ! It j "M Ft Lauderdale. FL 33339 tures are developed, and as the need fo r UNIVERSITY SOUAAE SHOPPING CENTr::n additional specializ.ed cou rses becomes OFFICE ~OURS 42t4 SOUTH UNIVERSI TV OAIVE more dramatic. BY APPOINTMENT OAYIE. FLORIDA 3332a For further info rmation, call Dr. David Weekdays, evenings & Saturday Britt at 475-7302. J. Page 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Retired Professonals Student Council Program Growing President Named $2 MOVIES at NOVA $2 The Insti tu te for Retired Professionals Nova University' s new full-time Day COMING ATTRACTIONS is experiencing an exciting and satisfying Division is moving forward on all fronts year with new faces, new ideas, and added - including instituting a Student Coun ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• involvement in its expanding program­ cil. ming, reports Marion Bell, Director of IRP. The Council's first president, Lenny The numbers alone tell the story: mem­ Wolfson, came to Nova as an Early Ad­ bership has grown from 83 last October to mission student from his Junior year at 140 in mid-January, and by every indica­ Piper High School because .. high school , 6, and 8 tion, IRP has nowhere to go but up. just wasn't offering me any challenge." Course offerings include History, He is thoroughly satisfied with what Nova's Day Division offers. "The school Karosawa's&ade!!!yAulrd-Wing Mute. ~ Music, Art, Philosophy, Literature, Cur­ t itself is small and intimate," he says, ·An_partnliloI ...... dnotu ... Tha.picsimplicity l! rent Events and Debates - all stemming be­ 01 this film is ....lIhing IhIt only the ouIIIIHI genius cauId _...... directlv from the desires of the members " and there is an excellent relationship oehi ...... mllll not be misoed Iry anyano_ WIllIts tAI_ wh o p-Ian and participate actively in the tween faculty and studems ..• w1mfdm ... datluolnot __If Sh....,.... cauldda." programming. There are peer talk pro­ Lenny, who plans to be an astro­ - NE .... SWEEK w.G.U1HE physicist, has ambitious plans for the Stu­ Aogorc:om...Presents'UZJlI.1l grams as well as professionally-taught courses. And, on weekends and during dent Council. These plans include produc­ the summers, there are trips to local places ing a yearbook " to commemorate our 'D~E'HUI'(!EIt of interest like Tampa, and distant horizon first year of existence tl.!:a a college", ar­ like Egypt, Africa, and possibly China, ranging several ex tra-curricular activities Spatn or Portugal this summer. " Never a such as a cruise to the Bahamas later th is dull moment," says Ms. Bell. month, and participating actively .i n the For membe rship information, call Ms. school's academic life. "I want to make Ben at 475-7336. sure that Nova maintains its high stan­ dards of education for its students,' I he asserts. " It is these high academic stan­ Welcome To Nova darcls that make Nova a great institution of learning. ' , Former Congressman Edward Stack has been appointed by Pres. Fischler as Visit­ Other studoot counc il office rs are: ing Professor of Public Administration Shawn Donahue, vIce president; Carmen Can­ with the Center for the Study of Adminis­ tisano, secretary; and Don Ostberg, treasurer. tration. Prof. Stack will be teaching graduate students in the Doctorate of Allin The Family Public Administration Program, and will Nova University is a famil y affair with be preparing selective materials on the , 13, and 15 the Tworogers - husband, wife and legislative process and the drafting of mother. public law. To begin with, Tom Tworoger, his wife, Leslie and his mother, Lou ise are all Education Nova graduates - Tom and Leslie from the MBA program, and Louise with a BS Loses Leader and MS in Guidance and Counseling. All three are now teaching at Nova The National Ed.D. Program for le1i~;;&ll~ College. Tom, owner of Kenworth Trucks Educational Leaders is grieved to an­ .of South Florida, is teaching Small Busi­ nounce the untimely passing of one of ness Management; Leslie, active in civic , 20, and 22 the most va lued members of its Advis­ and cultural affairs, is teaching Consumer ory Board, Robert W. Blanchard of Behavior; and Louise, a psychological Portland, Oregon. counselor, is teaching Society and Aging Dr. Gerald Sroufe, Director of the Pro­ at Coral Springs. gram, said, " Bob was a member of our That's the thing about higher educa­ A dvisory Board from the outset, and ti on. It's all relati ve., . provided direction and support through a nu mbe r of thorny problems. He took a personal interest in the progress of Program Makes the Program, and in the well-being of the administrative staff. He will be Terminal 'Smart' sorely missed." All users of Radio Shack's T RS-80 Dr. Blanchard was former Portland Model II can now access Nova' s s~perint en d ent of schools. The Blan­ DECSYSTEM -20 using DECTREM. chard familv has established a Robert This in-house developed program permits " Blanchard Memorial Scholarship Fund the Model II to act as a "smart" te rm ina l. • clo the Portland Public Schools, 501 Command mode permits you to exit to North Dixon Street, Portland, OR CPIM, send a file from diskette to the 97227. DJ;:C, recei ve a fi le from DEC and save it

"- ..I . _. . ~ .~MI N T SODA". "'"' .. DIANE KURYS on diskette, or return to terminal mode. IpGI --...0"" _ ELEONOR E ItLARWfJN I DO lLE MICHEL _"" " FILMS DE l 'ALMA ·" GAUMONT ' NEW YORI(ER FILMS RelEA SE $au ''''.l •• Instru ctions are contained in a "Help" Singers Set file. For addi tional information contact Or. George La wniczak at the Computing Center, Spring Series 475-7634. T he Nova Uni versity Community ,27, and MARCH 1 Singers' Spring Concert series will include POETRY CORNER folk music of many lands, selections from Carousel. inspirational songs. and pieces SAND PATTERNS by Aaron Copland. . The sea crochets "A PURE PERFECT The first concert will be Tuesday, April"\ a hem of lace MOVIE EXPERIENCE." 21, at 8:15 p.m. at Temple Beth EI, 135 J.J, along the shore - leo Lerman, Vogue MagaZine South 14 Ave., Hollywood. The second repeating the pattern concert, Friday, April 24, will be at Bailey endlessly - Concert Hall at 8: 15 p.m.; the third, Fri­ ISABELLE HUPPERT Passages of time and day, April 26, at Hollywood Hills United tide bedeck the Methodist Church, 400 North 35 A ve­ smooth washed sand nue, at 8: 15 p.m. The first and third con­ 7le :J;;CUlinitf certs are free. The second is a benefit and with jewels bestowed A CLAUDE GORETTA FILM begrudgingly. " G.WIoIONT 'l>A:.l'lONINEW Y~ F'1L>'S RfU.AlIf tickets are $5. For tickets, call Bailey Hall at 475-6875. Matty Kauffma n, I. R. P. member CLASS IFIED

PROFESSIONAL TYPING - Reports. briefs. manu­ CAR POOL TO NOVA CAMPUS - If you live scripts. etc. on Electric IBM Correcting Selec­ near Sunrise and 1-95 and would like to tric II. Highly experienced. Fast Service. share in a car pool (days), call Tammy at •••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••• • •• • • ••• ••••••••••••••• ••••• •••• Perfect work . 47 2-5644 . 522-7003 (days) or 781-0194 (after 5). NOVAUNIVE RSITY FILM SOCIETY NEED SOME TYP ING OONE! M anuscripts, dis­ AI RLINE JOBS - For information write Air­ sertations, theses, reports. Caroline Hall. line Publish'ng Co., 1516 E. Tropicana Mailman Building Auditorium 981-2410. 7A-llO, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. In­ On The Da,ie Campus Coral Springs Center BEAT THE RE NT SQUE EZE - For sale: 2 bed­ clude a selkddressed, stamped envelope. FRIDAYS AT 7:30 P,M. and (Unlvelslty Drive & Sarnole Road) room, 2 bath, completely furnished vi lla SUNDAYS AT 2:30 P,M, THURSDAYS AT 7:30 P.M, on ArrO\'\·head Golf Course, with pool, ROOMMATE FINDERS INC. Cur yuur ~ xpen s l' s in tennis, golf available. Priced in the $40s. halt. Find Y{lur compatahle r O()nlmtl{ l'. Sllllt h Check with me on the fina ncing. Diane FloriJa's largest and fa stest. F(lr in formation. .475-7438 M. Klein Realtor Associate. 563- 3363 or call Bnm",m.l (Tues .. Thurs .. SaL) ')(l'>-M,67: • 564-7865. Dull" ( ~lun . Sat. ) 44 R 5299 . Page 7 Chairmen Named At Pre-D.erb,Y Lu ~ ~cheon

At a luncheon meeting of the 1981 men; Or. and Mrs. Hugo Waldheim, (JoAnn) Florida Derby Ball committee held a rew public ity; Or. and Mrs. George E. Burch weeks ago at the Marriott Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Ja mes W. Ric e (Sherry), general chair­ (Alice) and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Jones men, introduced the other chairmen. (Bonnie) Dade Coumv chairmen; Mr. and They arc: Mrs. Robert A. Steele (Millicent). Mrs. J. Gi lbert Cooper (Patrice) and Mr. and perennial chairman (and president ot Mrs. George R. Frederick (Dottie), Palm Nova's Gold Circle): Mr. and Mrs. R. Basil Beach county chairmen. Ru tter (Claudine). general c(I-chairmen: Mrs. Marty KonG, hostess chairman; Mr. and T he Florida Derbv Ball, which wi ll be Mrs. Russe ll M. Ga rdner (Joyce) music: Mr. held on March 4 at the Fort Lauderdale and Mrs. Carl Lee Mayhue (Fe rn) wine: Mr. and Marrioll Hotel and Marina, benefit<; Nova Mrs. Michael J. Dell aporta, Jr. (Mary) and Or. Univ(·rsity. Dr. Abraham Fischler, president an d Mrs. Carm en A. Paolucci (Kathleen). dec· '«\~ of'Nova. was at the luncheon to greet the orations: Mrs. Donna Casto, addressing in­ gue5ts and olltline future plans for the uni­ vitations; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ledbetter (Mary)'. T he BalL sponsoretl by the Order reservations: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Cla rk 01 the Orchid, is one of the social high­ (Early) menu; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Levinson • lights ( )f the: season, anti amon~ the most ITe rry) program; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Holland colorful of the week -long Flurida Derby (Pat) and Or. and Mrs. Stan ley Silver blatt Festival. (Max ine) advertising; Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Huizenga (Marti) and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. t) Among special guests at the luncheon ,/4' Qualmann (Donna), Broward County chair- were Mr . • nd Mrs. Elli ott Service (Pam). ILelt to right) Claudine Rutter, Millicent Steele, Sherry Rice, chairmen of the Fl oritla Derbv Festival of Gul fst ream Park . Mrs. Francis i. (Mary) Mc­ Cah ill, chairman of the Boa rd of Nova; Mrs. Douglas Donn (Alice). wite of tht, president of G ulfstream Park: Mrs. Joe Fowler of Boca Ralon, the former Ma. ~ A nna Donn, whose' late husband. Janm Donn, J r., was presidellt 01 Gulfstf('H !1l.

Guest'\ from the G r~arer Miami area in­ cluded Mrs. Joe Edd Burch (Ada Margaret); Mrs. George E. Burch (Ali ce). Mrs. Starr Horlon (Charlotle); Mrs. Harrison Eiteljorg (Sonja); Mrs. Fred A. Gunion and Mrs. St.nley Silverblall (Maxi ne),

Approximately RO committe(, memlx'fs attended the luncheon. The Derby Ball at­ traCts residt'nts and visi tors from Dade, Browan.l and Paln) Bl;ac h Counties. T he ( , M ars ha ll Grant orchestra agai n will pro­ vide mllsic at the ha ll. For further info rmation r('garding the l ba ll , ca ll Rose Ann Schaefer at '\7')-742'). \

Luncheon guests included: Ileft to right) Mary Anna Fowler, Toni Paoli, Or. Abraham Fischler, Alice Oonn, and Bobbi Schlesinger.


-». Patrice Cooper Ilelt), Dollie Frederick. '--' J' \iffJ,., ~., , ;'~; '.' ·~ ... _,:JI,T' > ,- ; "",.;;:­ "



...:i? j.1 , D"",,,"/ ILelt to right) Donna Casto, Joyce Gardner ILelt to right) Maxine Silverblatt, Bill and Pat Holland. Page 8 NOVA MAKING NEWS

Saturday. TIec. 6, 1980"/ The Miami Herald 7BR - Nova to Build New Learning Cente TllIfEs./)J OVa Offer By GERALDINE BAUM Coral Springs library. The library uate program," he said. "We're H~rQld Staff WrIJer and the university now h¥ave an ar­ more geared for adults. The average Nova University announced plans rangement in which books and age of OUT. students is 33," r this w'eek to move its Coral Springs other materials the university Distasio said Nova hopes to make center to 3.6 acres the university re­ chases are stored in the I~ Coral Springs center the cently bought at half price f!Om "The idea of using com ~:.'!!! Ui'JnE~acil.ity in North Coral Ridge Prope!!ies Inc. dlities instead of duplictaing 1..,,:~ c50t. lf F.IA -...... :...c.enter also The university paid $200,000 for at the college level symbolizes ~ 1. ;.. 11'1.),ll( '. a $400.000 oarcel on the north side we're trying to do at Nova," As Part of its continUing effort to Fort lauderdale. . News and ' Sun~Sentinel, Sunday, .Jan . .18, >rk toward the improvement of --'PUblic administration thrOugh the {PrOVisinn of edUcational 0ppor_ for practitioners, Nova University's Center for th, _ '~Administration is offerir..­ xperts: SCholarship for it.• n...' • . Whether it's yacht or creativity, there's som Nova who knows the

By Heattie. Lajewski The experts - ' those men and women who c ...'?J~'" special skill or knowledge in a particular rfS· authority figures many look to for answers. They are ~\)~~'1 word. 6~'t' ~$ oeS West Broward has its experts, too. Nova Unive'" ~.. ~ southwest Fort Lauderdale boasts having 68 of ~\)e'" names appear on the Nova Univ~rsity Experts List, . oA ",c,,\\~ ":, ..~ \' from the university's pubhc relations department. , ~ \ ~ ~. '0" ~o ~ " 'O~\ \: ~0~\'\\90 ,,\\. Fields of expertise range from abused e. ~ e~' - 0'" adults to yacht donations, with 163 • , \" .~o"• ",,,0 ,," \",.. «~.. " '" SOme of the university's employees are o «(o~ ~~ .... ",.. 'i. e( "»e \,.;,,"~ / one subject. Others are said to have a~ many as \ .."" ( ..,,, ,,~ei- 0''';' expertbt!. c ,,"'\ . \,\O~ - ,,\"), co~ (-a:\'\\...... ; 't, \,~\ She h;..s her own. aeunItl0V {"'Ie ,,\),I.>),e~\ {"'\"(\. ~-a:\,e . \,'=' OT ,S'" Y . \,tl} .. An expert is a persoV \ 0-'" {oud~b s\s au\' ~ \~ \tl:?>"=' {"'I where to look \,S ?J.~ s\,?> \0 '3-Y necessarily "('3-:' .' ~s '3-:\: 'b\.,o.... e . s\''3- '.,i\o, 'Oe e \ \.0" \.~e .' just know~ ~o\).""Q,--~o~e"i' ~?J.«'-S r:,eeQ. "(\e~ '9,,0 ~

t-l \l ,,,eTS\t)' DT . ,,"U' - J\l:: \ ... ,I ,.a ...",d ~ nap.t. d~C r'~"'"'sc"\e ~\.,) ~TeetS neWS'~ ~~.,.,.-- tle"'s, rsa~ ft.SSOCI . .)9-(\ .~T tla\iO~a~es\ &\lSi~es ... V ' ~ , f\O(\49- -::A (\J 4 (49-\8. 8 O.A\.9-\l ,\j\~~ ,- • j\&~- fI",O(\8-~~C.e~ ~'" d r rI, a -,,, 5\\0 ~9J~t\:''l\I..,4 '" ~ e !,.,.JT:/t~~~~:U~ ,,'...... ~ WATERVILLE, MAt/E I'll '" .0»" ..".~. ":"'" """'''''e or " , SENTI NEl ....' ...... ""'" p~~ "",,,' ••"'"''':''''' •• ~'! !e~\e'" c.o~'" 0-.\ ,e."~"C~"~ .,,.Oe'i seFven_Y!atuden"tsto talk t co~ . Per~yd- .. ' .... \eD •• ' ce'/ . L r-ol at 0 a 109 ",0 ~o.'" o~eS ~~," '0" s"C /j Ifear ee B d la a Ii bUn to ...." ,"" " .~ " ," " ... "" .,. .'" ",..."''' reaching Rea-..... _ • «\\0' \>,o~~ O,c,." , .., " .., \>'~, ",o,e -"0'O'i '~i Dr. sStrang~ Dr. ~a defen~ol. "W-, . ,o#',.,~ •." #' , ..'" n" "" By JOY STILLEY reading problems...... ' ,... V' " ...... ~.. 00 I "" "";'... ,.. ',," - .. "'''' NEW YORK (AP) - Because rea.ding skUls are so im­ "There used to be a II • .';'" " ••. ""';:.._ \ey,9-._-of"...... " f "erest . ~,. deve ,'!: boos. who ~"i;.e "Ie ~ Or 25!'" cOlllIn,.~ .".and rtant throughout life, children should discover as early meddle with teaching at ...a..... Ive months Pe led aIm' J1Jg Of yea g possible that learning to read is both feasible and fun, several factors have served _,__ " Ther< I andrso nal,,'Ii med Ical ost Slngl TOrts" rs re_ :ter K. Shreck believes. "Pregtams lUte 'Sesame o Soseven_t;urYa -malpr e-han' they ''If parents can teach their children to speak at home, school education; the average ~ ••~u,' pro . WiN Igure Wards actiCe dedl lich is a more complex process, then they can teach and these older parents are tI . ,hreck'lI tlon m,nent a sele range ~to th and em to read," says Shreck, who has a master's degree in tion ; and problems with readln\li!!!i books rt al1yIf _ both ct1 lIst Of e'lJ spe eak Six - school are escalating." .. calJv peri mental psychology and has worked extenSively Vlrgi arold :lrst X at/orn . th teaching machines and other educational aids. Shreck tested loach book at the University School of Neel n,f' Ch' r,ce "'end and eys Wit.h this conviction in mind, the 43·year-old father of Nova Universilfi' Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "I'd go to school ' Ifarr ey , prOd lef J Fahr, "'ent nax _ o has developed a series of books to help pllrents teach and read It to e children and continue to redo it until it West PhIl UetI, LJstlc nger n,e . eir children to read. The "Acorn Magic Readers" use worked," he recalls, adding that he had to go back and ._ WaFY ab}" e ,~ rightly pictures of animals and bird; to introduce .ompletely rewrite the first book "because the children lmoorta:1 agOlu and 'P Ort I 1 Illes RICh est wh er' al rn .auderd sPe clalard >rds, which are added to the child's reading vocabulary didn't understand what a word was." Yar Bea ale' 1St gentle repetition. . "The first step," he explains, "is to bring children to e they ch's S /lay Shreck, who at one time developed remediation the point where they know what a word is and are able to al1 Ward alerials to deal with problems already encountered in recognize words as distinjUished from other words. It's a cond- and third-graders, decided to shift toward em­ matter of repeating until they comprehend that one word asizing the fundamentals and thus. to forestall such is different from :mother - vou can almm:.t "pop it h::mnpn