Monday Morning Lectures Return Using Zoom

Villasur Expedition ------(October 12 ------Dr. Chris Steinke - UNK No Monday Morning Lecture) Thursday, September 24 – 3:00 pm (This presentation is shared with The Museum Fort Kearny: So Many Questions, Lots of Answers of Nebraska Art) Gene Hunt – Superintendent of Fort Kearny Monday, October 19 - 9:30 am In August 1720, Spanish Lieutenant-General Pedro de Villasur led a Spanish army into eastern Nebraska to Fort Kearny. So many questions. Who started Fort find out what the French were doing. They Kearny and why? How long was it standing? What was encountered Oto and Pawnee Indians on the Loup Dobytown? Is the Recreation site different than the Fort? River near Columbus. A huge force of Indian warriors What happens at each site? So much to learn! attacked the camp, killing Villasur and 35 soldiers. An Join the Park Superintendent on Zoom to find out more unknown artist recorded the battle scene on several and have many of your questions answered. large buffalo hides (the oldest known paintings of a Nebraska scene) replicas of which are displayed at the Behind the Light Switch - Nebraska’s Energy Nebraska State Historical Museum. This is their story. Future Gary Thompson - NPPD Board of Directors A Conversation with Jon on Film and Monday, October 26 - 9:30 am Television Jon Bokenkamp A longtime resident of Beatrice, Mr. Thompson is a Monday, September 28 - 9:30 am graduate of UNL Law College. Gary has been a member of the NPPD Board of Directors since 1993. His Jon Bokenkamp created and serves as an executive presentation will focus on the structure and benefits of producer for NBC’s drama . A Kearney public power in Nebraska, the complexities involved in native and graduate of USC School of Cinematic Arts, providing power to the people of the State, and the he recently received an Honorary Doctorate of Fine challenges confronting Nebraska Public Power District Arts from UNK. Jon’s feature film work includes the addressing climate change as it moves into a sustainable, thriller The Call and Perfect Stranger for Halle Berry, carbon-free future. Bruce Willis and Columbia Pictures. Jon is the founder and creative director of The World Theatre in Kearney. The Story of the Pawnee Corn Nebraska: Is It for Everyone? Stories of Ronnie O’Brien Immigration to the Central Plains Monday, November 2 - 9:30 am Dr. Michelle Warren UNK Monday, October 5 - 9:30 am Ronnie O’Brien has been heavily involved with the Pawnee Seed Preservation Project (PSPP) for almost 20 Michelle is Associate Professor of Spanish at UNK and years. She has grown corn and studied the traditional Chair of the Master’s Program in Spanish Education. history of Pawnee corn varieties for 16 growing seasons Her research focuses on human rights and identity, and has come to love the Pawnee and their spiritual including the intersections of ethnic, national, gender, connection to their sacred corn varieties. In 2018, she and racial identities. She is currently involved with a was honored to become the first female in history to be collaborative project in oral histories dealing with adopted into the Pawnee Nation. Come join us for this Latinx immigration to the Central Plains of Nebraska. special program for Native American Heritage Month. Dr. Warren is the primary investigator in the Coming to the Plains project and is responsible for community connections and recruitment of storytellers.