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·00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 207 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1986 Has nfus. Leaders Fast And Pray For Peace Contras Were To Handle Supply Flights By SAMUEL KOO Assoclated Press Wrlter rlcan beads -- agaInst the By ROBERT PARRY church's facade of pInk and Assoclated Press Wrlter carryIng weapons for the U S - ASSISI, Italy -- UnIted In a beIge stones backed rebels was shot down quest for peace, Pope John Paul As thousands of onlookers MANAGUA, Nlcaragua -- Contra over southern NIcaragua on II and leaders of 11 major non applauded, the pontIff arrlved rebels were supposed to handle Oct 5 He IS beIng trIed be ChrIstIan rellglons, from AfrI In a motorcade from nearby thelr own supply fllghts, but fore a speCIal court, and could can anImIsts to Japanese ShIn Perugla and shook hands WIth Amerlcans took over because be sentenced for up to 30 years tOISts, fasted and prayed to the heads of more than 60 dele the Contras dldn't do the Job for hIS role In SupplYIng the gether today gatIons representIng the spec properly, Amerlcan Eugene Has rebels In a gesture of solIdarIty trum of faIths enfus says "In other words, here, we and support, several of the The fIrst to greet the pope "The operatlon was supposed take these aIrcraft down to world's warrIng governments and was the Dalal Lama, the eXIled to be sold to the Contras," Aguacate (a US-bUIlt aIrfIeld Insurgent groups promIsed to BuddhIst god-kIng of TIbet sald Hasenfus, who was captured In Honduras) Here are these observe the pope's appeal for a John Pretty-on-Top, a Crow after hlS rebel supply plane aIrcraft Here's how you fly 24-hour truce IndIan from Crow Agency, Mon them Here's what you do wIth The hIstorIC gatherIng took tana, wore trIbal regalIa In them They're yours (but) It place under threatenIng skIes cludIng a feathered headdress Israel Fire Sends never materIalIzed," Hasenfus at the central door of the Ba The pope, wearIng a whIte saId Saturday In an InterVIew SIlIca of Santa MalIa degll ~coat over hIS whIte robes, of Hundreds Fleeing WIth The AssocIated Press Angell, bUIlt where St FranCIS fered both hands to EIIO Toaff, By ALLYN FISHER The InterVIew, one of a se of ASSISI dIed chIef rabbI of Rome The two Assoclated Press Wrlter rIes Hasenfus has had wIth Moslems, Buddblsts, Jews, men had met last sprIng durIng AmerIcan reporters, was held In HIndus, ZoroastrIans, SIkhs, John Paul's hIstorIC VISIt to JERUSALEM -- A flre broke a small offIce In a prIson out Jalns, Bahals, AmerIcan IndIans, Rome's maIn synagogue out today at the Klng Davld SIde Managua Three Sandlnlsta as well as Protestants and oth Then as the chOIr sang In Hotel, sendlng hundreds of offICIals were present and one er non-Roman CatholIC ChrIS Greek the 148th Psalm, "Every guests, lnclud1ng a U S con of them taped the InterVIew tIans took part Creatures, PraIse The Lord," gressman dressed only ln two Hasenfus, a former MarIne The JOInt appeal, accordIng they entered the baSIlIca bath towels, fleelng lnto the from MarInette, Wis , saId about to the VatIcan, could reach John Paul saId he chose street 14 AmerIcans worked on the Con some 3 5 bIllIon belIevers Assisi because St FrancIs, who Pollce sald there were no tra support flIghts out of EI around the world, or about lIved and dIed In the hIlltown, lnJurles Salvador's Ilopango mIlItary 70 percent of the earth's popu is "known and revered by so Rep James H Scheuer, aIrport latl0n many throughout the world as D-N Y , was taklng a shower He saId the operatIon had It was a stunnIng array of a symbol of peace, reconcIlI when the flre began, and had fIve planes that were loaded colors -- robes of crImson, atIon and brotherhood " no tlme to dress Mlnutes later WIth supplIes at Ilopango and black, red, blue whIte and Then, after a brIef medIta he spoke to reporters ln the then flown to Contra base camps yellow, golden crucIfIxes, tIon, the chOIr sang and the lobby, draped ln the two towe~ In Honduras and to rebel unIts feathered headresses of AmerI partICIpants headed for dIffer The 66-year-old congressman operatIng InSIde NIcaragua can IndIans and ceremonIal Af- ent places In ASSISI for prayer sald hlS room was on the thlrd floor Just above the blaze "I Gorbachev smelled some smoke and Just grabbed a couple of towels and ran to the elevator," he sald u.s. Makes 'Gross Misrepresentation' Of Summit A hotel spokeswoman, Fl0na By ANDREW ROSENTHAL Semberg, sald the flre appeared Assoclated Press Wrlter HIS comments came In a state table the text of lnter-llnked to have been caused by an elec ment Issued through the Tass proposals" on arms control, trlcal short Clrcult Pollce MOSCOW -- SOVIet leader MIk news agency that was addressed Gorbachev saId spokesman Rafl Levy saId the haIl S Gorbachev today crItI to the organIzers of a wrIters' The maIn pOInts In the So posslblilty of arson was under CIzed what he called "gross meetIng In SofIa, BulgarIa VIet proposals made In Iceland, InvestIgatIon mIsrepresentatIon" by WashIngton The CommunIst Party general he saId, were an InItIal 50 per Semberg saId about 300 of the ReykjaVIk summIt and re- secretary saId arms control was cent cut In strategIc nuclear guests were reglstered at the ·peated that weapons In space the maIn prIorIty of KremlIn weapons, elImInatIon of all hotel, many of them Amerlcan, must be lInked WIth other nu foreIgn POlICY, CItIng hIS medIum-range mISSIles In Europe, but some were out when the clear arms Issues government's 14~-month-old mor a ban on testlng of sp&ce weap flre began at 4 15 p m However, Gorbachev sald there atorlum on nuclear weapons ons and a nuclear test ban DespIte the smell of acrId was room for negotIatIon on arms tests "If the Amerlcan SIde had smoke, many guests seemed more control, despIte the breakdown "At the recent meetIng WIth accepted the package, a real amused than frIghtened by the of hIS talks In Iceland WIth the U S presIdent In ReykJavIk, process of the ellmlnatl0n of fIre PresIdent Reagan the SOVIet SIde put on the nuclear weapons would have got under way," he c;ald Nancy To Ron After the Oct 1J-12 summIt, Commander Wants ~ Missiles On Trains both sldes sald Gorbachev and NEW YORK (AP) -- The head and that IS to hold the SOVIet "Our Love Is Here To Stay" Reagan agreed In prInCIple on of the StrategIc AIr Command target base at rIsk If I can WASHINGTON (AP) -- FIrst a 50 percent strategIc weapons wants 50 more long-range MX do that, I can then be able to lady Nancy Reagan serenaded cut and on remOVIng medlum mISSIles to be bUIlt and put contInue to deter," ChaIn saId PresIdent Reagan \Vlth "Our Love range mISSIles from Europe But on traIns that could travel The general saId the SOVIet Is Here to Stay" durIng a week they saId the talks broke down around the country durIng tImes UnIon has two new long-range end WhIte House trIbute to the over the future of the U S of tenslon, The New York Tlmes mlsslles that are moblle the song's composer, George Ger "star wars" space-based mISSIle reported today SS-24, whIch travels by raIl, c;hwln defense program, and each SIde Gen John T ChaIn, Jr , and the SS-25, whIch moves by The presIdent and Mrs Rea blamed the other for the fall saId In an InterVIew at SAC road gan hosted the fIrst In thIS ure to achleve an agreement headquarters ln Omaha, Neb "To me, that makes emInent year's serIes of "In Perfor The Unlted States wants to that the mISSIles could not be sense, for us to be ln a rall mance at The WhIte House" tele have the rlght to test space detected from space or the mobIle mode," he sald "It VISIon speCIals The show, weapons components, whIle Gor ground whIle In motIon, the won't be very expenSIve com called "A TrIbute to AmerIcan bachev wanted Reagan to agree TImes reported He added that pared WIth other optIons " MJSIC," was taped In the East to lImIt space weapons testIng they could be fIred accurately However, he dId not provIde Room on Sunday and IS scheduled and research "to the labora and deployed mostly on eXIst the TImes WIth cost estImates for broadcast on the PublIC tory" for 10 years Ing tralns and tracks ChaIn sald he had talked to BroadcastIng SerVIce on Nov 19 Sovlet offlclals Slnce have ChaIn's personal VIew had offICIals at UnIon PaCIfIc The presIdent beamed as com IndIcated Gorbachev's posltlon not been conveyed to the De Rallroad, whIch has a large op poser MarVIn Hamllsch handed would allow some fleld tests, partment of Defense or the Rea eratIng dIVISIon In Omaha, and the fIrst lady a mIcrophone at as long as they were not con gan admInIstratIon for approval, they saId such a program IS the end of the show Reagan ducted ln space he told the newspaper posslble JOIned her on the small stage "The sltuatlon after the The funds for 50 MX mIS The program could be oper and rewarded her WIth a kISS to ReykJavlk meetIng, In spIte of SIles, called Peacemakers by ated by haVIng perhaps two the forehead after she fInIshed the well known provocatlve ac the Reagan admInIstratIon, have mISSIles to each traIn, WhICh her song tlons of the U S admlnIstra been approved by Congress and would be kept on mIlItary Mrs Reagan was accompanIed tlon and the gross mIsrepresen they are In refurbIshed mIS bases by a cast that Included SInger tatIon of what came to pass at SIle s110s "At tImes of Increase ten- Sarah Vau2hav, the group Man the Iceland meetlng, stIll of "I do need more mISSIles to SIon, I can taXI my traIn hattdn Transfer, and opera SIng fers opportunltles for a search do what I've been asked to do, out," he