Cesar Cuenca Last Updated: May 11, 2021 Citizenship: Peru E-Mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: 1 Oxford St

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Cesar Cuenca Last Updated: May 11, 2021 Citizenship: Peru E-Mail: Cesar.A.Cuenk@Gmail.Com Mailing Address: 1 Oxford St Cesar Cuenca Last updated: May 11, 2021 Citizenship: Peru E-mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: 1 Oxford St. Homepage: www.math.mit.edu/~cuenca Math Dept. Science Center 237 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Research Interests Asymptotic representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, random matrix theory. Employment Harvard University Cambridge, MA Benjamin Peirce Fellow 2020 { present California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA Olga Taussky & John Todd Instructor 2019 { 2020 Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Ph.D. in Mathematics. Advisor: Alexei Borodin 2014 { 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA B.Sc. in Mathematics with Computer Science 2010 { 2014 Awards Johnson Prize for best research paper by a grad student, MIT Dept. of Mathematics, 2019. Member of Phi Beta Kappa honor society, 2014. Putnam Math Competition, Honorable mention (top 50) 2011. International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), Silver medals 2008, 2009. Several gold medals at the international math contests including two top scores at the South American Olympiads 2007, 2008. Research articles Published, or accepted, articles (in reverse chronological order): 10. (with V. Gorin and G. Olshanski) The elliptic tail kernel. International Mathematics Research Notices, DOI https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnaa038 (2020); arXiv:1907.11841. 9. (with V. Gorin) q-Deformed character theory for infinite-dimensional symplectic and orthogonal groups. Selecta Math, vol. 26, no. 3 (2020), pp. 1-55; arXiv:1812.06523. 8. (with G. Olshanski) Elements of the q-Askey scheme in the algebra of symmetric functions. Moscow Math Journal, to appear; arXiv:1808.06179. 7. Universal behavior of the corners of orbital beta processes. International Mathematics Research Notices, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnz226 (2019); arXiv:1807.06134. 6. Interpolation Macdonald operators at infinity. Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 101 (2018), pp. 15-59; arXiv:1712.08014. 5. Pieri integral formula and asymptotics of Jack characters. Selecta Mathematica, New Series, vol. 24, no. 3 (2018), pp. 2737-2789; arXiv:1704.02430. 4. Asymptotic formulas for Macdonald polynomials and the boundary of the (q; t)-Gelfand-Tsetlin graph. SIGMA, vol. 14 (2018), 001; arXiv:1704.02429. 3. BC type z-measures and determinantal point processes. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 334 (2018), pp. 1-80; arXiv:1701.07060. 2. Markov processes on the duals to infinite-dimensional classical Lie groups. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare: Probabilites et Statistiques, vol. 54, no. 3 (2018), pp. 1359-1407; arXiv:1608.02281. 1. (with J. Alman and J. Huang) Laurent phenomenon sequences. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 43, no. 3 (2016), pp. 1-45; arXiv:1309.0751. Preprints (in reverse chronological order): 2. (with F. Benaych-Georges and V. Gorin) Matrix addition and the Dunkl transform at high temperature; arXiv:2105.03795. 1. (with G. Olshanski) Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields and Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions; arXiv:2102.01947. Research Presentations 2021: Integrable Probability seminar (MIT); Probabilistic Operator Algebra Seminar (UC Berkeley); 2020: Conference: Central and invariant measures and applications (Euler Intl. Math. Inst, Saint Petersburg, Russia); Seminar on representation theory and dynamical systems (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Saint Petersburg, Russia); Probability Seminar (UC Irvine). 2019: AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting: \Random Matrices and Related Structures" (UC, Riverside); Combinatorics Seminar (UCLA); Combinatorics Seminar (USC); Combinatorics Seminar (Brandeis); Conference: Representation theory, Probability, and Symmetric functions (MIT); Integrable Probability Summer School (University of Virginia); Geometry, Combinatorics and Integrable Systems (Ohio State University). 2018: Probability Seminar (USC); Combinatorics Seminar (UCSD); NYC Integrable Probability Seminar (Columbia University); Integrable Probability Seminar (MIT); Discrete Mathematics Seminar (Brown University); Probability Seminar (University of Virginia). 2017: Integrable Probability Seminar (MIT). 2016: Integrable Probability Seminar (MIT); Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria (Universidad de Antioquia and Universidad Nacional sede Medellin). 2013: Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar (San Francisco State University). Teaching and Mentoring Teaching Fellow at Harvard 2020 | present Math 222 (Lie groups and Lie algebras) Fall 2021 Math 271 (Free probability, random matrices and random partitions) Spring 2021 Math 154 (Probability theory) Spring 2021 Math 21a (Multivariate calculus) Fall 2020 Instructor at Caltech 2019 | 2020 Math 111a (Topics in Analysis: Determinantal point processes) Fall 2019 Math 145c (Topics in Representation Theory: Rep. theory of compact Lie groups) Spring 2020 Teaching Assistant at MIT 2016 | 2018 18.600 (Probability and Random Variables) MIT MathROOTS Summer 2015, 2016 I was a mentor in the first two years of an outreach program teaching math problem solving skills to underrepresented minority students. RSI (Research Summer Institute) Summer 2015 Mentored a high-school research project; my student (Wilbur Li) was a Siemens Semifinalist. MIT UROP+ (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) Summer 2014 Mentored an undergraduate research project..
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