Destiny Newsletter



“Study to show THE PROMISES OF GOD yourself approved there were those who fell into error, sickness or death. They are in effect to God, a workman particularly concerning the saying that the resurrection is passed that needs not to be resurrection. They said that the already and the post-resurrection ashamed, rightly resurrection was passed already. conditions apply to us today. They

March 2009 dividing the word of Can we learn something from this for are overthrowing the faith of some. truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). our time? Are there those within the We should beware of a second error Christian cause who also say that the that comes from this untimely view of One of the important pieces promised resurrection has already the resurrection. Following the of knowledge for the Christian is to happened, it is passed already? resurrection, the additionally have a proper understanding of the says that we, the saints, shall live and order of things. Much mischief has To answer this, let us consider reign with Christ (Rev. 20:4). We been wrought by teachers who what happens on the occasion of the will be imbued with kingdom produce in the minds of people a resurrection. Paul is referring, of authority when we live in our hopeless jumble as to an understanding course, to what is called in Scripture, glorified bodies. With this in mind, of the Word of God. Many believers, “The first resurrection.” The first let us note regretfully that there is a therefore, have a general sense that resurrection consists of a number of strong “kingdom now” theology they are Christians, but are nearly stages, one of which we call “the running in the Church of our time. It devoid of specific knowledge as to Rapture of the Church.” On that promises kingdom authority to those the way of salvation, the developing occasion, Paul says, “the dead in who are Christians. They are then Christian life and the promises of God Christ shall rise first” (1 Thess. promised that they can heal the sick, for the future. Some, in both the 4:16). There are a number of things raise the dead, and cure any disease. pulpit and the pew, therefore reflect that will happen in connection with this How sad that this theology, alleging the warning of the Apostle Paul who resurrection. One is that we will that the resurrection has passed said, “Who concerning the truth receive a glorified body. Speaking of already, should be believed by so have erred, saying that the Christ, the Scripture says, many undiscerning Christians. There resurrection is past already; and “Who shall change our vile body, is a third error that grows out of this overthrow the faith of some” (2 that it may be fashioned like to His as well. Tim. 2:18). He was speaking, of glorious body” (Phil. 3:21). About course, about false teachers and this, Paul says, “We shall all be Following the first vulnerable saints. changed” (1 Cor. 15:51). resurrection will also come to pass on earth a condition in which the Paul gave us this description The resurrection, therefore, Devil is bound and prevented from of some immediately after he had means that we will be in a model of doing his dreadful work in the world said, “Study to show yourself existence, a glorified body that is no (Rev. 20:2). Until then, Satan will be approved to God, a workman that longer subject to pain, disease, most active. However, even in our needs not to be ashamed, rightly sickness or death. What a wonderful time there are those who say that dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. condition that will be! However, out they can bind Satan with their 2:15). Paul even expanded on this by of this promise goes one of the errors prayers and render his activity saying, “But shun profane and vain in our churches today. virtually nonexistent. With this babblings: for they will increase to We have in our world those groundless presumption, they forget more ungodliness” (2 Tim. 2:16). who say that the Christian even now to “be sober, be vigilant; because As a result of this spiritual confusion, should never be subject to pain, your adversary the devil, as a P A 1 G E DESTINY NEWSLETTER roaring lion, walks about, seeking In these days before the redemption of Wherefore take unto you the whole whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). the body, we must, therefore, walk by armor of God, that you may be able to To think that satanic activity can be faith and not by sight. There is, withstand in the evil day, and having neutralized with our present “authority” however, coming a glorious day, the done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:10-13). is grossly presumptuous. The capabilities day of the adoption, the resurrection of of the kingdom are not yet. God’s great the body. In the light of that day, we The Christian therefore has the gift to us is not kingdom authority, it is a can live these days with bright responsibility and the opportunity of lovely provision called, “sufficient grace” anticipation. being involved in THE GREAT (2 Cor. 12:9). BATTLE--indeed he is called to this BE A GOOD SOLDIER mission in life. The call of God is not What is the problem in all of FOR CHRIST without His abundant provision for this? The problem is the failure to protection, victory and spiritual conquest. distinguish between salvation of the soul The Word of God clearly We see the provision well presented: and salvation of the body. The soul is teaches that the battle for the world is “Stand therefore, having your loins saved the instant I believe in the Gospel one in which Jesus Christ is the great girt about with truth, and having on of Christ. In a soulish sense, I become Captain! He calls each of us to be the breastplate of righteousness; And a new creature and old things are good soldiers. The Scripture says, your feet shod with the preparation of passed away. “You therefore endure hardness, as the gospel of peace: Above all, taking a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No the shield of faith, wherewith you This is not, however, true about man that goes to war entangles shall be able to quench all the fiery the body. Paul says, “The creature himself with the affairs of this life; darts of the wicked. And take the helmet itself also shall be delivered from the that he may please him who has of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, bondage of corruption into the chosen him to be a soldier” (2 Tim. which is the word of God” (Eph. 6:14-17). glorious liberty of the children of 2:3-4). This position as a warrior in God. For we know that the whole the great spiritual battle is expanded on We live in a day in which the creation groans and travails in pain by Paul when he says, “Finally, my soldierly calling of the Christian life is together until now. . . waiting for the brethren, be strong in the Lord, and unfortunately emphasized but little. adoption, that is, the redemption of in the power of His might. Put on Many programs which are a part of our body” (Rom. 8:21-23). the whole armor of God, that you current Christian activity are lessons in may be able to stand against THE fulfillment, realization, happiness, tourism, So, we see that we Christians WILES OF THE DEVIL. For we weight loss and many other things that are waiting for the adoption, we are wrestle not against flesh and blood, may well be an incidental part of the anticipating the coming resurrection. but against principalities, against Christian life. The ultimate dedication of Because this has not yet taken place, powers, against the rulers of the the Christian, however, must be to the we are saved by hope, by patience, by darkness of this world, against battle. anticipation in these constricting days. spiritual wickedness in high places. From the writings of Dave Breese

HEAVEN God’s Answers For Your Every Need by Randy Alcorn In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it--a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence and wondrous natural beauty.

And the next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to imagine what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.” 216-page Softcover Book 4" x 6" Suggested Contribution: $10 P A 2 G E DESTINY NEWSLETTER THE TIDE OF OUR TIMES Vladimir Putin...intends to press his with carbon dioxide levels, at least country’s powerful energy advantage to not as a cause and effect mechanism. build Russia once more into a Super There is more evidence to suggest Power among world nations... warming causes increases in carbon Most of the industrialized nations dioxide than there is to suggest the of the world view oil as a reverse.” JosephFarah, commodity upon which to The Washington Times build their strengths, both economically and ECONOMIC militarily... TRUTHS It is time now to “1. You cannot bring about Book Cover move forward as rapidly prosperity by discouraging by as possible to develop our thrift. Michael Benson 2. You cannot strengthen own oil resources.” the weak by weakening the over 425 birthday Marilyn M. Brannan strong. celebrations have been planned Monetary & Economic Review 3. You cannot help the poor worldwide this year in honor of the man by destroying the rich. 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s “THE ENVIRONMENTAL 4. You cannot further the birth. As the author of the book The PROTECTION brotherhood of man by inciting class authorized by the Clean Air Act to hatred. Origin of Species, written exactly 150 5. You cannot build character and courage years ago, Darwin has the dubious regulate certain pollutants. It is not by taking away man’s initiative and distinction of being one of the Seven technically authorized to do anything independence. Men Who Rule The World From The about carbon dioxide because...CO2 is 6. You cannot help small men by tearing Grave. You can read more about him not a pollutant. It is, instead, a naturally down big men. and the 6 others in Dr. Dave Breese’ occurring gas prevalent in our atmosphere 7. You cannot lift the wage earner by without which all life would cease to pulling down the wage payer. book of the same title. (See order 8. You cannot keep out of trouble by form.) exist... spending more than your income. For the first time in history, a 9. You cannot establish security on “an Increasingly militant naturally occurring and widely common borrowed money. Russia is moving rapidly ahead with gas in our atmosphere will be declared a 10. You cannot help men permanently by its expansionist plans, supported by pollutant by the federal government... doing for them what they will not do for increasing revenues from the sale of its Warming and cooling of the themselves.”R e v. W i l l i a m J . H . B o e t c k e , 1 9 1 6 plentiful oil and gas resources. planet is cyclical...It has nothing to do Summit Journal YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Q: I know the Scriptures Q: I’m anxious about the God. And the peace of God, teach that Jesus was sinless, but future, what shall I do? which passes all understanding, could he have sinned if he had A: You are speaking about a shall keep your hearts and minds chosen to do so? common problem of our time about through Christ Jesus” (Phil. A: “Seeing then that we have which we need to think. A person who 4:6,7). For the Christian then, the a great high priest, that is passed is not a Christian has great cause for solution to anxiety is earnest prayer into the heavens, Jesus the Son of anxiety as he or she should be that is followed by thanksgiving for God, let us hold fast our profession. desperately afraid of the future. The divine deliverence. This, to the For we have not an high priest Scripture says that “God is angry committed Christian, will produce which cannot be touched with the with the wicked every day” (Psalm “the peace of God” and this is feeling of our infirmities; but was 7:11). The proper attitude for a sinner wonderful beyond description. It in all points tempted like as we are, is anxiety, and this will continue until he is a mistake to try to solve any yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:14- or she believes the Gospel and comes problem without God. It is the 15). Jesus was tempted, but he did to Christ. beginning of wisdom to trust God not sin. Could He have sinned? I find One who is a Christian, however, and look for His guidance into a it difficult to believe that Jesus would is told, “Be anxious for nothing; but solution for you. understand the problem of our sin if in every thing by prayer and “He that follows Me shall not He could not have sinned. Yes, I supplication with thanksgiving let walk in darkness, but shall have the believe He could have sinned. your requests be made known to light of life” (John 8:12). P A 3 G E DESTINY NEWSLETTER VIDEO-VHS CLOSE-OUT Limited Offer-- Includes Shipping Includes U.S. Shipping Suggested Item Code Qty. Amount Contribution VCS132 _____ Can America Survive the Prophetic Wars?...... $6 ______VCS136 _____ The Tribulation Trilogy...... $6 ______VCS139 _____ Keeping the Faith in the End Time...... $6 ______VCS148 _____ Daniel: Time-Keeper of Prophecy...... $6 ______VCS155 _____ Rapture and Return...... $6 ______VCS159 _____ The Marks of a Cult...... $6 ______VCS167 _____ Getting Through It! 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March 2009 IN THIS ISSUE ★ THE DEVELOPING CHRISTIAN LIFE and THE PROMISES OF GOD ★ The Late Great United States--New Book ★ Heaven--God’s Answers For Your Every Need ★ The Bible at a Glance--Full-color Bible Study Handbook ★ The New Answers Book 2 ★ Daniel’s Prophecies Made Easy ★ Video-VHS Close-Out Specials ★ Armageddon--Where It All Ends FOR CHILDREN ★ Dinosaurs--Stars of the Show ★ The Answers Book For Kids--2-Volume Set ★ 101 Favorite Stories From The Bible

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