CHINA DAILY USA Friday-Sunday, February 10-12, 2017 ACROSS AMERICA 15 People AN ECONOMIC REALIST Eswar Prasad of ers his insights into China’s reform and development past, present and future By CHEN WEIHUA in Washington BIO
[email protected] Eswar Prasad does not agree ESWAR PRASAD with US President Donald Trump’s charge that China is Born: 1965 manipulating its currency, but he believes it is tempting for Tolani Senior Professor Trump to say that. of Trade Policy, Cornell From the start of his presi- University dential campaign in June 2015, Trump has accused countries Senior Fellow, Brookings like China, Japan and Germany Institution of manipulating their curren- cies. His claim against China Work: was dismissed by many econo- • Senior Fellow and New mists who argued that China Century Chair, Brookings actually has been propping up Institution, 2008-present its currency, the renminbi, also • Tolani Senior Professor known as yuan, from devalu- of Trade Policy, Cornell ation, thereby helping the US University, 2007-present economic competitiveness. • Division Chief, Financial Studies Division, Research Department, IMF, 2005- 2006 • Division Chief, China Division, Asia and Pacifi c ... The People’s Department, IMF, 2002- 2004 Bank of China has • Economist (1990-2000), Senior Economist (1998- been intervening in 2000), • Assistant to the Director currency markets (2000- 2002), IMF ... to prevent the Education: • University of Madras (B.A, renminbi’s value Economics, Mathematics, from falling too and Statistics, 1985) • Brown University (M.A, sharply against the Economics, 1986) Eswar Prasad’s latest book examines the • University of Chicago dollar.” progress of China’s currency.