LAW SOCIETY Gazette€3.75 May 2008 GOODGOOD SPORTS?SPORTS? HowHow thethe GAA’sGAA’s DisputesDisputes ResolutionResolution AuthorityAuthority worksworks INSIDE: DNA DATABASE CONCERNS • MEDIATION VICTORY • FOCUS ON OVERTIME • ANNUAL CONFERENCE REPORT LAW SOCIETY GAZETTE MAY 2008 CONTENTS On the cover LAW SOCIETY Recent on-pitch events may ultimately lead to referrals to the GAA’s sports disputes resolution body. But what is the Disputes Resolution Authority and how Gazette does it work? PIC: GETTY IMAGES May 2008 Volume 102, number 4 Subscriptions: €57 REGULARS 5 President’s message 7 News Comment 12 12 Viewpoint: investigation into the death of Brian Rossiter Analysis 14 14 News feature: annual conference report 16 Human rights watch: the right to an expeditious trial 16 One to watch: Income Tax (Relevant Contracts) 14 (Amendment) Regulations 2008 45 People and places 53 Student spotlight 54 Obituary Book review 55 Defamed! Famous Irish Libel Trials 56 Tech trends Briefing 58 58 Council report 59 Practice note 46 60 Legislation update: 11 March – 15 April 2008 62 FirstLaw update 64 Eurlegal: recent developments in European law 67 Professional notices 71 Recruitment advertising Editor: Mark McDermott. Deputy editor: Dr Garrett O’Boyle. Designer: Nuala Redmond. Editorial secretaries: Catherine Kearney, Valerie Farrell. For professional notice rates (lost land certificates, wills, title deeds, employment, miscellaneous), see page 67. Commercial advertising: Seán Ó hOisín, 10 Arran Road, Dublin 9; tel: 01 837 5018, fax: 01 884 4626, mobile: 086 811 7116, email:
[email protected]. Printing: Turner’s Printing Company Ltd, Longford. Editorial board: Stuart Gilhooly (chairman), Mark McDermott (secretary), Paula Fallon, Michael Kealey, Mary Keane, Aisling Kelly, Patrick J McGonagle, Ken Murphy, 50 Philip Nolan.