Leaving Village Hall behind, turn left at the church, continue through the village until the road goes right, go straight on, down the Roman Road, following the well marked path to the Road. Turn left and walk into the village, going westward past the Bluebell, after 400 yards seek a farm track which goes north near the farm and cottage towards Wood Farm. Passing the farm, over the stile and on to the field gate, walk across the pasture with hedge on the left, over the gate and across the field. At the stile/gate look slightly left and pick out a copse, about 1000 yds away. This is your target. Walk out into the cropped field, over the brow and down to the sign post; head straight across, towards the copse. Over the farm bridge by the pond, across cropped field to right edge of copse, carry on over the stream to the A153 with hedge on your left.

At the road turn right for 150 yards. Cross over and into cropped field, hedge to your right. At the hedge corner go straight across the field to the left hand corner of the woods, across stream, again keeping the same line, aim for a pond to your front, reaching the Road. Turn right and walk to a white railed bridge, turn left with the stream on your left, following the signs through , to head north to the Road. Here turn left over the and continue to walk down this pleasant lane for ½ mile, turning right at the field gate, crossing parkland between large chestnut trees, passing the Hall on your left. Through the gates in the woodland and across the field, walk along the field boundary and pick up a farm track, with woods now on your left. Out across the cropped field at a half right angle, through a gate across a meadow and pick up the bridges across the Bain.

Continue across the field picking up a track over the disused railway. Continue to follow the marked footpath into Donnington, passing a small nursery; turn right to come out in front of the Black Horse. Turn left, passing church and post office on your right, heading north from Donnington-on-Bain, past the Old Mill House, following the River Bain on your left – cross to the small church at Biscathorpe. Cross the bridge across the grass field heading for the trees, down the track across the road. The sign post points the way towards Burgh-on-Bain, through the farm onto a track which turns right and proceed up to the church. Turn left at the A157 then right and walk down the pleasant lane for Girsby Top.

Turn right (Viking Way) and follow the VW sign for 2 miles before it turns hard right, turn left to . Turn left at the road, turn right, and walk directly towards the farm house, bear off left through the gate, cross the field to the bottom right hand corner, turn right following the stream, keep on when stream goes off. Cut across field where way-marked, at the hedge turn left with trees and depression on your left, follow the field boundary heading south, leave copse on your right. At the bottom of the slope turn left into the paddock, cross over to arrive in the lovely village of Welton-le-Wold. Walk through the village with a pleasant stream to your right, as the road turns off to the left, we turn right at the small A.S.W pumping station then immediate left to follow the stream on your left.

At the wood cross the bridge to your right but bear left to keep the same direction, follow the path through the woodland, until a large track is reached, turn right and continue along the track near passing near derelict sheds, turning left, where the track. turns sharp right, walk straight on, over the gate through the pasture to gate and stream angle right to the stile, cross over the A631 and head up to Cow Pasture Wood. Keep the same line through the wood, and into the pasture, passing two farms on your left.

Coming into Louth by the Leighton school, turn left and take the right fork, crossing the River Lud before turning right into Westgate Fields and on to Hubbards Hills toilets and café continuing through this beautiful valley, cross the road and follow the River Bud on your right. Through the trees, across the disused railway, signed into cropped fields hedge on your right, carry on walking onto the Raithby Road turn right walk down the road before turning left at tile white bridge, cross and angle across the fields to the A153. Turn right along the road at the top of the hill where the road turns right, walk straight on in cropped field 200 yards, then angle left dropping down to field corner, to cross the bridge, walk on with the hedge on your left. Head for the farm buildings, pass through the yard, cross the road and walk round the splendid pond on your left. At the bottom bear left, up the steps to Church, or walk straight on, to the farm road to your right, proceed up the hill to the farm (Chaplin’s Yard)

LOOK for bridleway sign at edge of fields, cross the cropped land as per map, heading generally south to Maidenwell through the farm and along the farm road, turn right then left, you are now heading for turn left on reaching the church, down the track to the valley bottom, turn left before the stream, follow the headland to arrive at the Olde Rectory at Buckland. On the road turn right, down a steep hill, at the bottom turn left along the farm road to Worlaby. Go round the farm cross to a beautiful green valley; bear left to the . Turn right, then left. down a farm road, after 200 yards go right through the hedge and cutting the field corner, observe some tall trees, aim for the left edge keep the same line as you go down the hill, look for a grass paddock and Soay Sheep, the path comes out alongside a cottage, turn right then left follow the lane coming out by Tetford Church.

This Walk is dedicated to Bob Buxton who died tragically while out mapping the circuit