Here's Ration Relief! Finely, and Use for Rolling Chops Or
finely, and use for rolling chops or croquettes. W’heaties make a deli- cious crusty topping, too, for many different casserole dishes. Here’s Ration Relief! ? ? ? By BETTY CROCKER EARLY A. M. BACKER-UPPER! Lady of jn I tfflT.' First Food When your folks roll out, morn- T are having to cut down on cerenl* finnl value* tee nee cl (another B Vitamin), and iron. ings, they’ve been fasting for yOIcert ain foods you’ve boon serv- et'ery tingle tiny, in the diet. Good protein*, 100. Infact,the pro- around twelve hours or more. ing? There’ll a bright side to the ? * ? teins in a bowl of Wheatie* and milk Good Idea to break that fast with picture, however. Not all foods are # CONSIDER MEAT’S FOOD are as valuable as an etjual amount a nourishing whole wheat break- scarce. And you’re clever. You can VALUE. Some of moat’s nutrients of meat proteins! A bowl of Wheaties fast. Big cheery bowls of Wheat- figure out good substitutions. are provided by W heaties those with milkor cream isfinefor lunch or ies, with milkand fruit. Try this ? ? ? crisp toasted whole wheat flakes. supper, occasionally. It's satisfying, tomorrow: # CEREALS FOR INSTANCE. (A “whole grain” cereal that quali- ir * ? ('.hilled Orange Juice (ZerealHare plentiful. Ihey 'jenoi fies under Government's Nutrition #MEAT-EXTENDER,TOO. Add Wheaties with Milk or Cream rot inneil. Ami there* « valuable Food Rules.) Wheaties provide Wheaties to hamburger, or ground Toasted Cinnamon Rolls mntrish men t in whole grain Thiamine (Vitamin 13,), Niacin round steak.
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