Wilkesboro’S Wilkes Community College
2 • MerleFest • Wilkes Journal-Patriot • April, 2018 Expect diversity, surprises, quality at MerleFest Year after year for three found and Internet access. decades, MerleFest has delivered Mayes Pit in Thompson Hall a four-day experience best sum- and the Dance Stage both fea- marized in two words: uniqueness ture workshops and dance and excellence. instructions. Fans have every reason to The Pickin’ Place provides expect this year’s 31st edition of musicians of all levels and genres MerleFest to live up to its lofty opportunities to meet old friends reputation, along with special and make new ones while sing- onstage surprises. ing and playing favorite tunes “The programming this year is together. incredibly diverse in both musi- Beginners and yogis alike are cal styling, origin, culture and welcome to start their day with gender,” said Steve Johnson, Mer- a little Downward Facing Dog; leFest artist relations manager. a yoga class is offered on Friday “We have artists/bands from at 9:30 a.m. on the Dance Stage. Australia, Canada, France, Ger- Ken Crouse leads nature walks many, United Kingdom, Sweden, through the gardens and forest Ireland, Cuba and the United on the WCC campus on Friday, States on our 2018 lineup…. We Saturday and Sunday. couldn’t be more excited to show- Other activities include back- case that talent on our 13 stages” stage tours and a new interactive spread across the campus of display in the MerleFest Museum. Wilkesboro’s Wilkes Community College. For children MerleFest’s family atmosphere Krugers to Kristofferson and the lack of alcohol and drugs Thursday kicks off with the are important aspects of the Kruger Brothers and follows event’s reputation.
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