Copyrighted Material
Index 10% Shift, 45 Big Box Swindle, 53 big business, 55–58 A Big Table Books, 113 Abe’s Market, 33 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 60 Abundance Slow Money Project, 151 Bissonnette Funding, 194 Accion International, 82–83 Black Star Co-op Pub & Brewery, Accion Texas-Louisiana, 82–83 159–161, 163, 175, 177 accredited investors, 22–23 Blossom Farms, LLC, 157 Ace Hardware, 166 Blue Sky laws, 20–21 agriculture, 150–151 Kansas, 20–21 Ahvenainen, Jouko, 140–141 Boehner, John, 4 alternative stock markets, 218–219 Bogle, John, 36 Alternative Trading Systems (ATS), 215 Bohne, Catherine, 109 American Booksellers Association, 108 booksellers, independent, 108–112 Andrews, Giles, 136 bookstores, 113 angel investors, 10, 86, 157 BP, 38 Angel, James J., 208 Bradley, Margaret Becker, 92 Annie’s Homegrown, 185 Bread-Stuy, 108 AOL, 35 Brett, Terry, 212–213 Apple, 7, 10 bridge loans, 121–122 Archer Daniel Midlands, 52 Broken Spoke, 99 The Archers, 117 Buffett, Warren, 36 Armstrong, Charles, 125–127, 142 Business Alliance for Local Living Arthur Andersen, 38 Economies (BALLE), 44, 61, 225 ATS. See Alternative Trading Systems businesses average hourly earnings, 29 community-funded, 114–116, 119–122 worker-owned, 171–172 B Buy Local movement, xxi, 33, 45 bailout, fi nancial, 7–8 BALLE. See Business Alliance for Local C Living Economies Cabot Creamery, 122 Banco Santander, 14, 203 California Federal Bank, 186 bank consolidation, 13, 68, 73, 88, 136 Calvert Foundation, 88–90, 178 Bank of NorthCOPYRIGHTED Dakota, 74–76 Cantor, MATERIAL Alan, 90–91 Banking Act of 1933, 22 capital formation, 15 Barofsky, Neil, 7 CARD Act.
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