N. 180705b

Thursday 05.07.2018

Resignations and Appointments

Resignation of auxiliary of Montpellier, France, and appointment of successor

Appointment of eparchial bishop of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Slovakians, Canada

Appointment of prefect of the for Communication

Resignation of auxiliary of Montpellier, France, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Montpellier, France, presented by H.E. Msgr. Claude Azéma.

Appointment of eparchial bishop of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Slovakians, Canada

The Holy Father has appointed as eparchial bishop of the eparchy of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Slovakians, Canada, the Rev. Fr. Marián Andrej Pacák, C.SS.R., currently chaplain of the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity of the Redemptoristine Sisters of Vranov nad Topl’ou-Lomnica, Slovakia.

Rev. Fr. Marián Andrej Pacák, C.SS.R.

The Rev. Fr. Marián Andrej Pacák, C.SS.R., was born on 24 April 1973 in Levoča, Slovakia. On 16 August 1991 he entered the Congregation of the Redemptorist Fathers.

On 12 July 1998 he was ordained a priest and was subsequently appointed as parish vicar in Stará L’ubovňa. 2 In 2003 he received a in moral theology from the Alphonsian Academy, , and following his return to Slovakia he was appointed as bursar of the Redemptorist vice-province.

In 2016 he attended various courses in canon law in Lublin, Poland, and currently holds the office of chaplain of the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity of the Redemptoristine Sisters of Vranov nad Topl’ou-Lomnica, Slovakia.

Appointment of prefect of the Dicastery for Communication

The Holy Father Francis has appointed as prefect of the Dicastery for Communication the Most Distinguished Dr. Paolo Ruffini, currently director of the television network of the Italian Episcopal Conference (Tv2000).

Dr. Paolo Ruffini

Dr. Paolo Ruffini was born in Palermo, on 4 October 1956. He graduated in jurisprudence from “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He has exercised the profession of journalist since 1979. In 1986 he married Ms. Maria Argenti.

He has worked in the press: Il Mattino of Naples (1979-1986) and Il Messaggero of Rome (1986-1996), the radio: Giornale Radio Rai (1996-2002), Canale Gr Parliamento (1998-2002), Radio 1 (1999-2002), Inblu Radio (2014-2018), and the television sector: Rai3 (2002-2011), La7 (2011-2014) and Tv2000 (2014-2018).

He has received various journalism awards and has taken part in numerous study conventions on the role of Christians in information ,ethics of communication and the new media.