THE fUKTLASUJ IIA1LÏ FllESS, MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. Thanksgiving. Muscular Men. Putilshed every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE PBES8. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., THURSDAY MORNING, NOT. 2δ. BY ADAM NEWBEtilN. Soma Kimom Feata of Strength At 109 ΕΖΟΗΛΒΟΒ St., l*OHTLAjn>. Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail anbecrlb- TUMBLE GRAND do not read et> Seven Dollars a Tear, if paid in advanoe. We Anonymous letters and communi- It would be interesting to know when our cations. Τ lie name and address of the writer are In Hartford ro»t.) New first on iti THE MÀIÎŒ~~STÀTE PRESS BOOTS. all cases Englanl holiday put present indispensable, not necessarily for publica- Among the Greeks the successful atlilet# au annual β BOOTS. tion bat as a of character of at the ο kiting assemblage published every Thursday Μ at $ 2 60 a ! guaranty good fikitb. was crowned with laurels and loaded down if year, paid in advance at $2.00 a year. eent a lit ■Λ e cannot homestead. It was too like the by Mail, postage prepaid, perfect guaran- undertake to return or preserve com- Christmas with wealth Jand honors. When in teed or refunded. FROM FORMER PRICES ! Egnetus, your mouey that will fit your Bunions and laat which was an or Come, Ingrowing munications are not used. holiday gathering, abomination Rates Advertising : One inch of space, the Nails. the ninety-second {Olympiad, triumphant in of column, constitutes a "square." in their eyes, to have been the Pil- length adopted by games, entered his native home, 91.50 per square, daily first week; 76 cen*s per Agrigentum, Kvkky attaché of the Press or the early Puritans. Neither Parson week after ; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- regular is furnished grims he was attended l>y an escort of three hundred ng every other day after first week, 60 cents. with a Card certitloate Smith nor Deane of it as a of BOOTS signed by Stanley Pullen, speak day jolli- chariots, each drawn two white horses and Half square, three insertions or less, 75 hy cents; Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel while they rofer to an ordination one week, $1.00: 60 cents per week after. that will fit your Difficult and Troublesome Feet manager* ty, generally followed hy the populace, cheering and wav- Special one-third BOOTS will confer a favor upon us Notices, additional. by demanding credentials in that manner. ing banners. Milo six times won the palm at Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Gassimere Suit Reduced to of every person claiming to represent our both tho and the that will fit your Long, Slim, Narrow Feet. $10.00 Fancy Striped $5.00. journal. 1765—Jan. J. Mr. Foxcroft was ordained at Olympian Pythian games. He 8ales," $2.00 per per three inser- square week; is said to have run a mile with a four tions or less, $1.50. New Gloucester. Mr. Longfellow was alert year old us ox his shoulder, and afterward killed Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State LADIES' STATE CONVENTION and kept merry. A jolly ordination. We upon Press" (which has a large circulation in lost of decorum. the animal with one blow of his fist, and ate every part a sight of the Side Lace Boots — State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, Specialty. op — the entire carcass in one day. So great was and 60 Commenting on this, Willis cents per square for each subsequent inser- says: his muscular that he would bind a cord tion. power In those days, when a rigid restuve was round his head and break it the Address all communications to Reform OluTbs. by swelling Jersey Congress and Balmorals, AA, A, B. C, and SUIT maintained in exterior deportmeut, and a stitT $16.00 CASSIMERE SACK REDUCED TO $10.00. pressure of the veins. An ordinary meal for PORTLAND PUBLISHING GO. The Semi-Annual Convention of the Reform Clubs dignity kept up in the general intercourse LADIES' Milo was twenty pounds of meat, as much of the State of Maine, will hold its session at of society, every season was Cloth fitting improved, bread, and fifteen of wine. Top, Button, SS, S, M and F, Single or not only in the clerical, but other professions, pints Double Sole. Polydamus of Thessalia, was of colossal BRUNSWICK, DECEMBER 1st AND to throw off the conventional and to ENTERTAINMENTS. mask, height and and it is said, give free play to their social feelings. When prodigious strength, 2d, 1880. alone and without weapons, killed an enor- ilVJIESlXFS they did relax their grave and formal atti- Union Cassimere mous enraged lion. One day, it is recorded, $1.50 Pant, Every Club should make extra exertion lo be rep tudes, they were apt to go over to the other lie seized a bull his hind and ani- New Portland Cloth Top Congress. Men's Cloth Top Button, A, as it is by feet, the Theatre. resented, evident that the interest in our extreme, carrying their indulgence farther B, C and P. work of moral suasion is mal ouly escaped by leaving the hoof in the FRANK CURTIS .LESSEE AND MANAGER. llagging, and we than those were accustomed to do who must take some measures prac- of the athlete. to wake up our brothers. tised less restraint in their conversation grasp LADIES' all lined. Reduced to $1.00. have been made with the Railroads daily „.The Koinan .Maximus was TKIimPBANT SUCCEW8 with the world, Emperor upward as follows: Grand Trunk, oue fare for the round of eight feet in height, and like Milo of Cro- of the with Low Box Maine one fare it is popular Artists, Walking Boots, Vamp, Toe, Quarter trip; Central, for the round trip; Many years not mentioned. The first tona, conld squeeze to powder the hardest over A. C and 1). Portland & one fare for the Vamp, AA, B, Ogdensburg, round record his and break the of a Johii and trip. is in 1725, Oct. 28, "General Thanksgiv- atone with lingers, leg Murray Grace Cartland, horee a kick. His wife's bracelet served G. H. LEFAVOK, President. ing." This indicates that it was an ann ual by MEN'S Ε. H. him as a and his was the ring, every day repast supported by _ 1TOKK, Secretary. occurrence but called for no special notice. sixty pounds of meat and amphora of wine. Dramatic The next of is in 13: a in Shelby Company. Hand Sewed, Custom Made, Morocco Leg, Calf spoken 1743, Oct. While prisoner Germany, Richard I. au invitation to a match with DAN'L SHELBY and Boots, A. B, C and P. Thanksgiving. Public Thanksgiving on account of the vic- accepted boxing Proprietor Manager. the sou of the He received the first Iu the times tory gained by His Majesty on the Maine. jailer. CHRISTMAS old people were couteut with blow which made him but With eighteen hundred he fought the French stagger, recovering, THANKSGIVING the with with a blow of his fist be killed his DAY, Thanksgiving proclamation made by the twenty-eight hundred, which gives a sur- antagonist THDBMDAI, NOT. 23, 1**0, Governor of the State. in- prising tarn to the affairs of Europe. on the spot. Tophan, also an Englishman, Nowadays they in was of HVIiEHXPJS This was born 1710, possessed astonishing sist a the battle of Dettingen. Iti 1745 2 Grand Performances 2 upon Presidential proclamation, and strength. His armpits, hollow in the case of Bevel there was one July 18th on account of the vic- made to Congress Boots, Single Soled, Edge, A, B, C, look to their for a ordinary men, were with him full of muscles natiner at 2 P. HI. Evening at 8 o'clock. order. Send your Slippers by Mail, giving Ρ and E. Men's All Wool Pants Reduced to papers Thursday morning the width aud size, and bave them perfectly made $2.50. tory at Cape Breton. In 1749, August 24th, on and tendons. He would take a bar of iron, Last time of homily on the observance οΐ the feast. The the great success and returned postage prepaid. account of rain. 1752, Nov. 16, annual. 17D3, with its two ends held in his hands, place the official utterances are at the head of our middle of the bar behind his neck, and bend Nov. annual. Oct. of and 1, 1759, 25, capture Que- the extremities mam force until met For $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $0.00, $10.00 $12,00 columns, and the proper thing has been by they Constable Hoot or Folk Lore. bec. 1760, Oct. 9, capture of Montreal. 1764, together and bend back the iron straight said so times and in so many many ways Nov. 9; 1767, Dec. 1770, Dec. Nov. agaiu. One night, seeing] a watchman asleep Tickets uow on sale at theatre Box Office. We Display an Immense Assortment ol' 3; 6; 1773, that is at in his box, he carriod both man and ehell to a ingenuity fault; so the Press, 25; are all simply noticed as Thanksgivings. distance and them on the wall of a Tomorrow evening. the Beautiful all to great put (Friday,) wishing happiness its readers and 1774, Dec. 15; 1775, Nov. 23; 1776,Dec. V: 1777, to domestic troubles he Mytho'ogKil Comedy, Pycmiufioa »nl Oulu- THE SHOE DEALER. churchyard. Owing follows te«i, iuaa Murray's Oreat .t>i»ecUUty, Tlie Lum BROWN, friends, the example of him who Dec. 18; 1779, Dec 9; 1780, Dec. 7; 17 ..Dec. committed suicide in the prime of life. Mine. nov25d3t MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS. The famous of of the Gold 421 Street. pinned the written prayer on his 13; 1782, Nov. 12; 1783, Dec. 11; and IT ,~i, Dec. Scanderberg, king Albania, n Sign Boot, Congress bed.post, who was born in was a man of stat- ara all ηπ ^ 1414, great and toits files If» Cflf rlΛητη oimnln .·!«««*»! THANKSOSViNC BALL pointing repeats, "O Sub- ure, and his feats of sword exercise have never Leaders we Have Followers scribers, them's our sentiments!" Thanksgivings. lu 1773 it must have been "WU VMUUUVU VU UUO υνν,ΛΟΙKJU 11CJ 3UUUA Li 13 — AT — lone, Many. quite cheerless here, as the town had been de- antagonist such a blow with the scimitar, that VXLKIKKT'M I>AIV€I.\aturday Evenings 7.4-3 10.30. offered the fighting like tree, Thanksgiving by Admission -Day locts. 25 cts. Pack- that are positively Equal if Hot Superior to anything best house in He cleared a cord oxtended fourteen feet from Evening by Mr. Reed, a good law backed belongs to the old home; and oat among the age Tickets of 5, $1.00. Skate checks 10 cts. AT the trade. Those who persuade themselves that our goods are inferior practice, by the ground with one bound, crushed with his Juvenile Sessions the Now where the first snow Saturday Afternoons,—Admission because the prices seein so LOW, do themselves injustice in reputation of six years' useful service in England hills, foot a bladder suspended at a height of sixteen 10 cts, skate checks 5 cts. All clothii-g checked not at least us a visit of examination for the the Ilousa, is worth a deal fringes the fields, and the first ice is shining feet; and on another occasion lightly cleared a free. Evening prices will be charged for the open- paying great more than of on large wagon covered with an awning. ing Thanksgiving afternoon. purpose comparison. Senatorial which cjld and bard the brook, there is a weather- nov24u3t EUGENE any possibilities require Colonel Ironside, who lived in India early in LALIME, Manager. beaten farmhouse, with a thin column of blue bargaining and bartering, worrying and this century, relates that he met in his travels smoke going straight up from each an old white-haired inau, with oue THE INDEPENDENT FOUR fussing, to be turned into certainties. chimney, who, leap, and a roaring hard-wood tire In the sitting- sprang over the back of an enormous elephant — WILL GIVE A — Hanked by six camels of the largest breed. A NEVER TOO LATE TOlËND ! Mb.-Cokthell's on the room tireplace, aud thither come children paper SOCIAL DAMCE employ- curious French work, published in Paris, in ment of a and grandchildren from their city homes entitled "The Tracts Towards the Histo- — — of which was 17:», AT W. L. Wilson & Go's teachers, synopsis to the New of Wonders Performed at Fairs," mentions ABMY AND NAVY published in our issue of contains spend England festival. ry BALL, yesterday, an who, at the fair of St. Ger- ON Grandma has got a cooking stove Euglishman, many suggestions which deserve careful main in 17J4, leaped over forty people without now. but Papa tells the children how he re- THANKSGIVING NIGHT, Nov. 20th. consideration by our legislators. Nothing, touching one of them. In our own day we SLIPPERS SLIPPERS members when the kitchen was are familiar with remarkable no?24 d2t great fireplace many exposi- it would seem, could be more evide'it than open and how he used to sit in the corner when tions of strength aud endurance. l>r. Win- that the who are for the with the aid of lifted a of perso'is responsible he was a little aud watch the ship, scraps, weight CITY HALL, boy kettle boil- ItnlHl anil wit.ll t.tm tilu'rr tif the work of teachers should a have controlling on ing the smoke-blackened crane, and he stip- right hand could raise his body α considerable ancl & TOILET SLIPPERS voice in their selection. When the Nov. 29th, 30th Dec. 1st 2d, experi- ulates that Grandma shall bake the pumpkiu distance Iroui the grouud. ment was tried several will be presented under the auspices of Corner Made to measure neatly and Warranted to tit. years ago of placing nies in the nld oven so that thev mav «α and Federal Sts. The Spheric Terror. Exchange the of the teachers in the hands used to do when was a employment he Buswunm tost,λο.s,v. a.k. nov23 eodtf they rosy-cheeked of the committee, the greatest difficulty ex- school-boy, poor, and coarsely clad, bnt with a the thrilling and exciting Military Allegory and I give this timely notice that all may avoid the rnsh previous to the holidays. An Alarming Discovery on the Streets of Dram* entitled perienced arose from the fact that in glorious appetite. So the old oven is opened, many San Francisco. and the dust of the DRUMMER BOY. towns the committee were teachers them- gathering year swept ont, selves. were to their while Grandpa, Father and the boys all go Naturally they partial [Siui Francisco Evening Post.] Beautifui Fine oat to cut Appropriate Scenery, Tableaux, own and to select up branches and make fagots of \ocal Music. Ε. T. qualifications proceeded The other morning two gentlemen were lightwood to heat it up. And such a glorious MERRILL, themselves for all the most desirable out of the window of a house on Mar- a* looking GEO W. HEATH, (the original) blaze it makes in there, and how the chimney Harry Wallingford schools. The selections were uot always ket street, when they observed a cabbage roll ALICE CABLE α» Way Wullingford Mo. 179 Middle roars; and when the blaze is down, the curi- Street, the most desirable a that was In- bh Pete and often gave great dis- off market wagon passing. TOM BIKBEK ous children peep in at the red, glowing coals W. E. BUCKNA9I an Col. DeLoruie satisfaction. If committees over a dozen well dressed and ! are to have the and stantly appar- L-A-D-I-E-S NEAR THE POST OFFICE. wonder if they look like the wolf's eyes in CHANDLER'S FULL ORCHESTRA. selection of teachers not to be saue persons began yelling after the novll eodtf they ought the cave when Putnam went down to shoot him. ently wagon as though the vegetable had been a gold This ie the Original Play of the Drummer B#y teachers themselves, or if are, they they But the pies do taste better than those cooked or bill. The driver about that drew euch immense audiences in City Hall in We liave received a from the Manufacturers of watch $1,000 stopped Special Consignment not to be allowed to decide on a at the 1870 and 1872, and the larger part of the cnarac- ought their in stove, and when Grandma, with the rake, half a square off, looked cabbage, ters will be sustained the same The and drove on. by persons. own qualifications. pulls out some saucers with a little mince pie yawned, Post will spare no labor or expense to make this "What an absurd fuss people in the street for each of the and all presentation of the Drummer Boy the best ever children, they gjther make over trivial occurrences," said one of the in this Congressman of is not given city. SEVENTY-FIVE Gillette, Iowa, around the kitchen table and taste them, with "Now, I'll bet a silk hat that I Tickets 25 cents; Reserved seats 35 cents. For PROF. EDISON'S gentlemen. ca.31 uowu. rie iias could α crowd of 500 around that sale at Stockbridge's, 156 Exchange street, for the Care for the Dead. uueriy puonsneu a let- one accord Papa's taâte is justified. Then such get persons at cabbage inside of 30 minutes, and yet not leave floor, aud .J. E. Sturgis & Co.'s, junction Concrets ter in which he says : "We have fought a fun the children have pulling the latchstriug and Free Streets, for the gallery. no22dtd this room." good fight, but raonby, corruption and rum to lift the wooden latch that opens to the t°I take the bet," said his friend, pulling out POLYFORM. hare been too much for us. We meet next steep garret stairs, and climbing up there to his watch. "Are you ready?" GILBERT'S DANCING ACADEMY. CHILDREN'S KILT S. S. KICH & SON, "Yes; give the word." After much persuasion, Prof. Edison has been for in the find the ears of rice corn for or in SUITS, Wednesday reorganization Court- parching, now 11.30. Go." well known Undertakers and Manufacturers, "It is prevailed upon to give to the world Lis truly wonder- the dark collar for the barrel of whose in this line of business ex- house, and the next in the exploring The proposer of the wager led his friend to Class is Plain and Fancy dancing, commences Ί1ΙΙΕ experience ul for For campaign begins In from 2 1-2 to β years, which we shall offer to our customers a over a of would discovery alleviating pain. years he suffer- threw the and a Nov. 23d. Ages tends long period years, respectfully smoke of the last rosy-cheeked apples. the window, up sash, taking TUESDAY EVENING, the to the recent en- fight. Our enemies may η vite tlie attention of public ed from neuralgic pains, unable to find any remedy itself is cane pointed earnestly at the mud-covered Term» for twelve lessons, Gents 36.00, Ladies a and of their warerooms at for a but their Thanksgiving equally delightful. rgment improvement among the hundreds which he tried that would give triumph day, early overthrow cabbage with a territied expression. Presently 93.00. There is no candy to he hunted out of him ease. he became con is as sure to come as huug-up a hack driver noticed the action and began to Assemblies THURSDAY EVENING. No. 138 Exchange Street, permanent Finally zinced day follows night. Let every in the as at stare at the from the novlît dtf that he must become his own and stockings early morning, Christmas, vegetable curbstone; found a assortment of physician seek, no man his for we shall now where may be splendid hang head, bat out a store of then a bootblack stopped; then a bill-poster, a $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4. of the most approved by experiments, for the desired relief. He had Grandpa brings hickory Coffins, Caskets, &c., styles soon see the salvation of the Lord. The old messenger boy and a merchant. and workmanship of their own manufacture, which taken all the well known which nuts which ho has for this occasion. There is not a single Suit in this lot but cost double the sedatives, gave only kept "What's the matter?" a German, nearly pr'ce will be furnished promptly at the lowest prices. issues gone, the new ones now come to the inquired we ask. The goods arc consigned to us with instructions to tempory relief, and produced nervousness, loss of Part of the family ride to the distant church to approaching the innocent base of hi: national WM. M. simply front." MARKS, sell at some price, as the owners are overloaded. METALLIC CASKETS appetite, &c. He now sought for a combination of attend the morning exercises, while Grandma dish. "Don't touch it! Look out there! Stand of improved patterns, both as to preservation prop such remedies as would, by outward application, and the remain to cook the dinner, aud The girls shouted the at the window. erties an-l elegance of form and richness of finish cure him of his distress and at the same time not be Vicksburg (Miss.) Herald wishes back!" gentleman on hand. the younger children to watch the operation At his horror-stricken tones the crowd fell and Μ constantly injurious to his system. that Garfield would give a in his cabi- Book, Printer, Orders and attended to place and formed a dense circle Card, promptly faithfully day and be sure that the is not back FOR INSPECTION Trials and followed this stuffing forgotten· precipitately Printers' and nighc. experiments determina- net to Juti^o H. F. Simrall, chief of the innocent Hundreds XJ.^oliairyje, justice The household was astir at an hour in the around cabbage. tion until he at last produced a compound which early Residence β 163 ©a» 186 Pearl Street. the Supreme Court of that State after came running up and the excitement increased just for is an riser, aud the We have Iliade a special display in our upper window and de- by application, entirely subdued all pain and al- morning, Grandpa early rapidly. Hi Exchange Si., Portland, Me. large Glass or Draped Hearses, or white the war, and interested in to to the and Carriages, lowed his system to recuperate, and throw off the greatly improv- children wanted to see the colt and the ".Look out there!" frantically screamed the sire call parents' particular attention Styles Prices. Hear e tor Children, Burial Lots and Graves Furn- the of the river. his cane, "lake that ished. In shoit, everything in the undertaking line disease. ing navigation Mississippi bossies fed; so the dinner is served soon after better, waving dog at the most reasonable charges. oc!9eod3m To his discovery Prof. Edisou gave the name Judge Simrall is indorsed as in the and carves the away, quick!" Fine JTob Pi->tiui( u t*^ecialty. believing midday, Grandpa big turkey, Several stones were thrown at the cur that We Guarantee the Prices to toe 50 cent new per South and willing to work for the good while the duck and chickens are placed before was sniffing around the cabbage. Orders by mail or in j >ι· jrnptly attended to. of the whole country. the sons; and tbe children all have white "Take care!" said a car-driver to a police- W. H. PEilELL & who was his toclow the Lowest. CO., POLYFORM. meat with stuffing. When the pumpkin pies man, shouldering way through Tiie Boston Herald of the the mass. "It's au infernal machine, nitro- —ENGINEERS OF— Gratified with the result he speaking gu- are a solemn is and the Particular attention to Book and upon himself, tested reached, inquest held, paid bernatorial glycerine—or something." his others who suffered from nerv- question in tbis State says: old-time oven is was Pamphlet Printing. discovery upon pronoonced victor over the Meanwhile the sidewalk blocked, the ous in case was Tne of women JvlO TuTbStf pain, and every the relief perfect. Republicans Maine are to be con- modern cooking stove. Then all gather street became impassible, screamed The cures his of be- and rushed into shops, and a store-keener un- performed by gifts Polyfotm gratulated that have had the around the open fire and talk of old C. D. B. FISK & they honesty times, derneath to tie a bucket on the end ot a came so celebrated and the demand ^n his time began CO., up to rise to the while the children out the superior petty tricks which get checkor-board, with which to pour water on this and Dealers in and attention so great, Prof Edison finally yielded long pole have and the old which or Mamma devilish invention. The crowd by this time GHADBOURN k KENDALL to the solicitation of those who knew the merits of might helped them, and make up their playthings Papa Under Preble osod, and which have found numbering over 1,000 the two gentlemen Street. Water Fix- his and allowed a to minds to conform to the of the court's they up attic, have just received a House, Congress Steam, Gas, Pipe preparation company be formed spirit moved away from the window and sat down. no20 dtf to amuse themselves. Even the old for the manufacture and sale of Polyform under his decisions, though they lose by it the govern- two-year In a few moment! there was a hurried lap at tures, &c. is moved the of the door, and there a man who had LARGE ASSORTME Τ supervision. orship of the next two years. baby by spirit Thanksgiving, appeared about been sent as a delegate from the mass meeting NOS. 17 A: 19 II\ION STREET. The number of remarkable cures, and the suffer and toddles singing "Oh, happy day!" — — outside. OF It that one of the Such is ing Polyform has saved, attest the wisdom and appears Republican Thanksgiving whore it grew,-and "I should like to know, he said, We are to furnish and set up in the best gentlemen," prepared pliilantrophy of this course. electors in Indiana has been defeated a even in town it its characteristics. the facts are?" manner and at short notice all kinds of by preserves "what PORTLAND FURNITURE appliances " No could be adduced than the What faeu?" CO., fur Heat·»;; by Mienni or Hot Water. higher testimony stupid blunder which left liis name off the Here the young folks are likely to go a skat- some to which we ask c,ι: —_ _ i- _ .τ. ν what there is about that We have ppecialties would of "Why, peculiar GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR The tickets circulated in four counties. Luck- ing instead to church, but the same spirit of the attention of all interested. oat there." \os, 44 Ai 46 St. Dunniug lication of the : cabbage AND — 40, 42, Kxchangc Moguziue Boiler f r steam, aud the Hitch· following the New past broods over tho ily this makes no difference in the gen- England day, "Nothing in the world," was the soft reply, Magazine Boiler for hot water, are in- MENLO PARK, N. J. ii»g«' I and in each household children and children's "except that it seems to be surrounded by troduced by us this year and commend themselves CERTIFY THAT THK PREPARATION eral result, but it is among the possibilities about a thousand of the fools in town. H osier to all who understand the neede of our winter clim- KNOWN AS EDISON'S POLYFORM IS MADE children to the hearth and re- biggest that Gen. Garfield have been gather family for v, ate. ion or » ot water in connec- ACCORDING TO FORMULA DEVISED AND might defeated Do auy thing else you?" C"rnbiuai heating, new with a full stock of <""·· !>..♦ "«i* liontinrr ivhi/ih Iioq πι*ιma/1 or\ uiin_ USED BY MYSELF. the "long, long thoughts" of you'll. man a by this error. May The reflected moment, said he NEW FIRM ! NEW STOCK ! Ci'Srftu in this State du»iug the pabt five ) ears, will THOMAS A. EDISON. it never leave New England. While Thanks- "guessed not," and retired. Before he hauded For still rec ive our careful attention. All work of this many otlier complaints beside Neuralgia, Goods. is cherished \?e shall know that the in his report, however, Capt. Short's watch Furnishing kind anteed to perfect satis action. such as KheuniatiMiu, Il«-ndnchrM. ÛciatiCH, orjsAKiau υι iur. iteeus wunarawal trom giving eep27 d2ni gua give had dispersed the mob and clubbed 211 sepa- Wo are prepa- ed to undertake all kinds <»out, fain in Back or 8i

The Ice—Nearly Drowned—Cows-Dances Λ London bookseller who tried to imitate Ε. F. Personal—Smelts-Phi Rho course. RIPLEY, Dr. on Portland and Line. Tanner lived five weeks filtered water YOUNG MEN AND INVESTORS READ I V Worcester and then "kicked the eterinarv Surgeon Eastern Railroad, bucket."—Minneapolis V4LL Schedule. Still continues to treat all the diseases our domestic PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. and WINTER Wednesday, Nov. 42. Spectator. BETTER animals are beir to, upon the most approved and THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS. scientific left Smelt fishing brisk off Arrowsio bridge. An old who has several principles. All orders at N. Wilson's WINTER ARRANGEAIENT. COMMENCING OCT. 17th, 1880. lady unmarried 200 will stable, Federal St., be promptly attended On and after Oct. Two boys broke through Mill Pond ice yes- feeds them on fish to. _ Monday, 18, daughters diet, beeause it THE sepll eod3m* 1S80, Passenger Trains will leave were drowned. Gentle terday aud nearly 's rich in is the essential in at 7 30 a. m., and phosphorns thing gt^-'-^ilPortland" The Woolwich shore is fringed with boating making making matches. JTOST & MORTON, 1.25 jp. m , arriving at Worcester at 2.15 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Returning leave ice. The and New Meadows bay (salt water) FRESCO PAINTERS, Union Depot, Worcester, at 7.80 a. m. and 11.16 a. are frozen over. Labor Saving. Women MAL LIFE mmm m., arriving at Portland at 1.10 p. m. and 6.10 p. 14 MaiUet Square, Portland. ID. will demand of the COMPANY, The bark Crapo be towed the The people for an easier For by Price- reasonable and satisfaction Clinton, Ayer June·, Fitchburg, method of ha« induced Who want glossy, luxuriant OF guaranteed. Nanti ua. Train· Leave Portland Knickerbocker to New York Frid ay where preparing ICiduey-Wort WEW YORK. Je2 Lowell, Windham, and Ep- the proprietors, the well-known wholesale and tresses of dly ping at 7.'JO a. m. and l.'J5 p. na. 4 a. m. Express from Bangor) for ahe will load for Australia or Frisco. wavy abundant, Dally (ISignt Druggists, Wells, Bichardson & Co., of Bur- ORGANIZED IN 184!!. For Ulnnchester, Concord and pointe Morth, at Saco, Biddeford. Portsmouth, Newburyport. Sa- beautiful Hair must nso m. A tug had to help the Sa a. ose t through the lington,Vt., to prepare it fer sale in form 1.35 p. lem, Lynn and Ronton. A special Pullman Sleep- liquid HERBERT G. For Wat- Car will for In Portland ice this This noon the as well as in LYON'S BRICCS, Roclae«ter, Npringrnlf, Alfred, ing be ready occupancy gut morning. Samoset dry foim. It saves all the labor of KATHAIRON. This at made an MIMETV erboro and Kaco Kiver.7.'iO a. ni., 1.45 at 9 p. m. (Week days), and extra trip to the bridge to clear a preparing, and as it is it is ASSETS: MILLION DOLLARS. at Law anil Patent equally efficient, elegant, article Attorney Solicitor, p. m., and (mixed) at 11.45 p. m. Returning 11 p. m. and will be attached passage for her afternoon to cheap always Sundays, trip Bootlibay. prefe-red by many persons. Kidney-'dtf o«X8 Ht1 Railroad machine shop rather disturbing the It is a boon and blessing to sufferers from CHARLES meditations of the workmen sleeplessness, restless sleepers, and nervous- GRIMMER, withiu. The Paid to Teacher of and other Inetr amenta, BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD. nimrod killed six pigeons and left with the ness. $150,000,000 Policy-Holders STEAM KK S. new NO. ISO ITIIDRLE trophies iu his hand. How about that It imparts tone to the liver, stomach SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION. MTBEET. FALL . sep25 dtf ordiuauce ruling lie firing of guns? and bowels. By its regulative action it al- Ultme) «inu-iiiiKii wagtor «le α s h claims and On and after Oct. The Star down a fords relief from headache, neuralgia, consti- matured endow- Monday, brought large quantity of Wei De ment. to wit: Train·. poultry this from pation and languor. Meyer's $ 55.871,434 50 IS, 18SO, Paimenger morning Boston. TWO-THIBOM wan returned (in to wits LEAVE PORTLAND The dividends, Ac.)» § 94,131,5^0 57 £Ûj§a^£3willmja fanners' teauix are at 8.45 a. BOSTON besieged by buying DRIMOJIU & DKIMOND "-FOR BOSTON m., folks tor The question i* often nuked, "Where can 9 invest from one hundred to fire Thtnksgiviug dinners Miss Sawyer's Salve foi 25 is hundred 3.30 p. in., arriving at Boston at l.J to-day. cents the dollar* year with absolute and α fair return of 1.00, δ, 5.30, Mr. A1 Cornell has per security intereMt V* m. Boston at 7.30 a. to (remain all night in best. Con 8.00 p. Returning, leave ni., his jKHato car to the nsellors-at-Law, 12.3(5, 3.30 p. in., arriving at Portland at 12.( 5, keep vegetables from The freezing. following policies illustrating the value of insurance in this Company, full ν an 6.00, 8.00. t. m. Portland for Scarborough .-Esthetic iwer this CENTENNIAL BLOCK, Messrs. Elliot aud bridegroom (scrutinizing a "six- question. Reach. Pine Point, Old Orchard Reach, Henry Marshal'Merrill Biddcford and at 8.45 yesterday killed their mark" him his "It is 93 Saco, Kennebuuk, norkers. Elliot's tea-potshown by wife): Excliange St. 5.30 m. For North CatarrH to a, in., l.OO, 3.30, p. Well», A 15 year iseued ADINA B. Ko weighed 4fti pounds. The Marshal Endowment, Apr 1, 15th, IS03, 1IALL, tou. JOS IAH a. Greoi Do· concluded Amount of DKDMMOND. JOSIAH Π. DBUMMOND. JB. Rervtick, Salmon Fallu, Fall», not to his. One is A Policy $10,0110.00 no25 Steamers. weigh "It is, indeed! let as live OuHE. package generally sufficient. atf Ser»-ic« Oh, Algernon, up Dividend A· diii*»ns 5,171 24 at 10.30 at the Winter St. real cure of Catarrh for Lawrence, Andorer and Lowell, at 8.45 a. Church to it!"—Punch. (1.60. Total paid at maturity The favorite Steamers Forent and John to-morrow. octl2 815,171.24 ra., 3.30 p. m. For Koch eater and Farm- City TuTh&Sdly making nearly 5 per et· Compound Interest realized. 1.00, Brooke will le*ve FRANKLIN WHARF ing ton, N. 11., at 8.45 a. m.k 1.00, 3.30 p. in. alternately at 7 o'clock and INULA WHARF, Slaves to Opium· TO LET. For Alton Bay at 8.45 a. m., 3.30 p. m. For Portland, p. m., Life We have on our books records of the most Policy issued to CITRUS W. FIELD, of New York. Rlauclieater and Concord (via Lawrence,) at Boston, at 5o'clock p. m. dailv. (Sundays excepted). M Amount of Policy this line are reminded that se- wonderful cures of opium eating ever heard of, $10,000.00 8.45 a. ua.; (via New Market Junction) at 3.30 p.m. Passengers by they Dividend Additions cure a comfortable rest and avoid the the daily dose of reduced from $ 14,5»5 *00 To L.et. Morning Train leaves Kennebank for Port- night's expense morphine being and inconvenience of in Bosto» late at night ^>0/ to TU? ITU ΟΓ withrmt. hnanl t.wn ami ara rnnmo nn lanil at 7.25. arriving Λ^°φ. thirty grains one-quarter grain in three Amount of and Additions Tickets and Staterooms for sale at D. H. Policy $24,595.00 ▼ ▼ one at 147 FRANKLIN OT"The 1.00 p. m. train from Portland connects HP" day's time by the use of "Wyomoke Tea." It flight, St. 272 Middle Street. Annual Premium Reference» with Sound Line H tea mer*. The 3.30 p. ra, YOUNG'S, an increased to as $198· Cash Dividend, 1880, $335.ΙΟ. exchanged. nov20dlw imparts vigor the muscles, train connects with ΛII Rail Linen for New Through Tickets to New York, via the various The last Cawh Dividend is over and low well as to the intellect, with an indescribable 169 per cent of the annual Premium. York and Month and M e*t. Rail Sound Lines for sale at very rates. of without The To Let. Freight taken as usual. wWvVv», feeling satisfaction, being followed Cash Dividends for whole time average over 98 per cent. SUN DAY r Κ AINSI Leave Portland for H. Jr General bv of or Price No. l Fore Eastern BoMton at 1.00 m. Bouton for Portland at J. (;OYLK, Agent, any feeling languor depression. St., Promenade, p. itf 50 cents. See advertisement. HOUSEpleasant location, gas and Sebago, and all 6.00 p.m. aprb The following are policies issued to Portland Men: modern improvements. For further information, apply at the premises. on Amount of Policy S novlOdtf Trains Boston & Maine road connect with all Maine $ ,000.00. eteamerg between Steamship Company. He was saying, as he scratched a lucifer on Dividend Additions 10,840.00. riming Portland and Bangor, Rockland, Mt. Desert, Machias, Eastport, Calais, St. the side of a house, "I like these houses with To Let. Semi-Weekly Line to New York. '*■' Present Value John and Halifax. Also connect witti Grand Trunk THE CURATITE CUP. $18,840.00. trains at Grand Trunk sanded paint; nice when you want to strike a pleasant front room in Congress Square. Station, and Maine Central Crowned with foam la the goblet, but 'tis not cham Annual premium, $217.50; Ca«h dividend· 18SO, $280.46, being 135 per cent of the GOG St. novôdtf and Portland & trains at Transfer Sta- Franconia know." "Is that so?" A Inquire at Congress Ogdensburg Steamers Eleanora and match, you she asked, pagne, annual premium, the cash dividends averaging 85 per cent for the whole time. tion. Will uutll further notice leave Franklin Wharf. Source of headaches "I wish I lived in a house with and heartaches, and gastric TO LET. All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for refresh- Portland, every MONDAY and at β demurely. Amount of THTRSDAY, saud and then she distress; Po'icy $3,500 OO. ments. First class Dining Rooms at Portland, P. and leave Pier East River, New York, %. terable. If he had asked "What for?" she Furnaces in cellar. Stable for one tene- every THURSDAY, And a for evils Gas, cure the produced by excess. TWO THROUGH TICKETS to all points West and These steamers are fitted up with tine accommoda- would have hated him. But he he It tempers the blood, the Present Value ment. Apply to W. H. SIMON TON, 304 Com- South ""'·*ί>· didn't; clogged system relieves, $9.214 OO. may be had of TO. L. William», Ticket tions for passengers, making this a very convenient <& took the hint, and the match was the mercial St. oct27dtf *-<&. struck then Corrects foul stomach, the lirer controls Agent, Boston & Μ ν and at Union and comfortable route for traveler* between New Annual premium, Ca«h 1*80, $170 13. 173 cent of the Depot, and there. New life from the $98.35; dividend, being per Ticket 40 λ draught every organ achieves, annual aud 96 cent for the whole Office, hange St. York and Maine. During the summer months these Λ And a premium averaging per time. cloud from the mind of the invalid %t rolls. To Let. JAS. T. FURBER. Gen. Supt. steamers will touch at Vineyard Haven on their nas- Such are of the effects Tar ham's Efferves- Amount of S. H. STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland. eage to and from New York. Policy $10,000.00. and Chestnut streets. Passage, including <&*« cent Seltzer Aperient, the portable represen- Dividend additions corner Congress oclO dtf State Room, 93, meals extra. Goods destined beyona '&& EDUCATIONAL of famous 16>336.00. Has been for the 12 tative the Seltzer Spring, and the most STORE occupied past years by Portland or New York forwarded to destination at as an store. This is * agreeable and efficient of alteratives. Total Samuel Rolfe, Esq. apothecary once. For further information apply to Policy and Additions $26,336.00. for a or SOLD BY ALL DKCGGISTS, an excellent location Fancy Grocery Pro- 0Nlï TO HENRY FOX, General Agent, Portland. nov20 S,Tu&T2w Annual premium. $380.00; Cash dividend, 1880, $513.13, being 135 per cent of the vision store. J. F. AMES, Ag't, Pier 38, P. R. New York. PORTLAND and after ACADEMY, annual premium, aud averaging 86 per cent for the whole time. Α so. to be let on Nov. 1st, 1880, the Tickets and State Rooms can be obtained at 22 No premiums hnve bevn paid oh tbi« Pol»cy "ince 18 3. it bring kept in force by the Boarding house corner Fore and India streets. This $5.50 Exchange Street. dec6dtf In Motley Blocls.. dividend··. It will be seen that ALL THESE POLICIES ABE MORE THAN is one ot the best locations in the city for a lodging Has been Fall Term begins Aug. 30tb, 1880. SELF-SUSTAINING. and victualing house. occupied by the Norfolk, Baltimore & λ, Pupils if* tenant for the 15 Washington °+ THDof both sexes received at any time during the present past years. Full the above can be ob- NEW term. Special attention given to fitting pupile tor No other has ever shown such results. particulars regarding YORK, «TEADIRHIP UNE, Company tained to the subscriber. the High School. Private received as usual. by applying Tit pupils B. i\wXv5K For further to the JOHN CURTIS, Firm OIhm particulars appiy Principal. oc21 dtf Corner Fore and Deer Sts. Klfaauklf*. ΒΙΤΑ A. VILE8, No Tontine's Issued this aul4 eodtf No. by Company. Portland & o^6y^o. 43 Baowu Street. Worcester Line JOHN HOPKi S. WM. CRANE. PERMANENTLY CURES — AND — ,·ΐ\ 4>fo* TOCNfi ME!* WILL DO WELL TO ENQUIRE, AND INNUHE WITH THIS CO. To be Let. WM. LAWRENCE, D. H. MI1JJKR. PROFESSOR M. KIDNEY Prom Bo-ton direct every W Β D.I ENDAV SAUCIER, DISEASES, On and after Oct. 1, 1880, the and Pianist and Organist. j Other Policies giving: jnst as favorable results will be shown on application, Norwich Line Steamers. SATURDAY at» P. .71. tp-^v' or to premises now occupied by F. O. Train forwarded from Norfolk to the "Conservatoire of Paris," LIVER COMPLAINTS, personally by letter, Express leaves Portland at 1.25 p. m., Freight Washington and recently I & No.'s 3a & 37 Ex· at Mew London tame with the Alexandria steamer of the Lake and FROMfrom Montreal, Till take a few to teach Bailey Co., connecting evening by Lady *·· pupil» fast steamers rates Piano, by the method followed the Conservatoire I Constipation and Piles. clianse St. Apply to of the Norwich Line, arriving at through given. "'. \<&,°'ï%&" by of Paris. New York next morning at β o'clock. Freight forwarded to Petersburg, Richmond and all DR. IL Π. CLARK, South HENRY VEERING, 'PrtltitH Qfillth ami acted like ο charm. It haecurci Agent, m ν 27 dtf To all North many of anil South Carolina and be- Protest |saucier will accept engagements to TCiy OrFICE 31 EXCHANGE Depots. points play bad eases of and has never failed to STREET, PORTLAND, HiWE. J. W. Gen. Ticket Aeent. yond via Atlantic Coast Line. WaMo A. '■. "Plan Solo" at Concerts, and will take of PILES, | PETEHS, Pearce, charge GEO. P. WESCOTT. No. 229 Street. an organ at any place. nevH4dlw* set eiScIentl y.*· To Let. Supt. ocllidtf Agent, Washington 'fe> And to all in the West Baltimore Λ Ohio <î* NELSON of St. I points by FAZRCRILD, Albans, VL, AGENTS with whom terms will on or two rooms suitable for ladies or R. M. W. * ** WANTED, advantageous be made applica· pleasant R., Davison, Agent, 219 Washington x^' MAINE WESLEYAN say a, it is of priceless value. After sixteen tion to the General ONEgentlemen. Enquire at 4 PROSPECT ST. ■>#·%<> | Agent. SEMINARY, years oi great suiTcr'irjp from Piles and dtf Λ* Cos-1 no22 dtf myl9 Ship via Seaboard Air Line to Raleigh, Charlotte, AND FEMALE COLLEGE. I tlTcnesM it completely cured me." Spartansburg, Greenville, , the Carolina* C. 5. HOG AIÎON, oflîerLnblre, says, '"one | FALL & WINTER ARBANOKIHENT. and Georgia Points. A. H. Torrlcelli, Agent, 290 Kent's St. bills of the M? mil, Me. package haa done wonder:» for mo In com- REAL ESTATE. Washington Through lading given by Commencing October 4th, I KM· above named f&i II. P. D. pletely curias ο severe Liver and agents. ΤΘΒ8ΕΥ, Président Kidney '· Λ D., LL.D., | Pa»*age to Norfolk and Bui ci mort· Including Complaint·" Until further notice passenger trains Berth and M 1st 2d The Winter term of this institution I vais, Class, *tt. Class, $7. '4. wil' commence will run as follows: or Mondav. Dec. (ith and nnntinne thirtaun η«<.ι·ο For freight passage to Norfolk. Baltimore, Wash- IT HAS Houses For Sale. ington, or other information to F. A. ROBINSON, Secretary. VJUVO LEAVING PORTLAND apply It. W. SOULE, Steward. E. SAMPSON, Agent, jWONDERFUL ; 8.9ft η. in.—For all stations to noSdt.f Central Wharf. Β<>ρτοη. Kent's Hill, Nov. 17, 1880. no22d2w If""* 111 ' ! running through 8 wanton « with all POWER. of the best on Emery Street, with all mod- Vt., connecting White Mountain and at St. with ern impmovement?. Frescoed and Resorts, Johnsbury BECAUSE IT ACTS ON ONE throughout on R. R. for CLYDE'S THEl heated steam. Also one on flrst- Day Express Passump&ic New- EATON FAMILY by Spruce Street, and Montreal. SCHOOL, Ι υνΕΠ>τ:ΐ£ noms axd class. Will be sold ac a port kid-| bargain by 3.00 m.—For and & New V* FOB keys λ τ the W. H. WALDRON, Real Estate p. Fabyan'i intermediate Philadelphia "XET-WOIiT Ιβ α dry vegetable ram>| thoroughly repaired Portl&iid. Oct. 2. 188 oe2 dtf BOSTON TO THE dation. A chance for a sa" e investment. For SOUTH, Heirs 5000 $0.43 789-1000 89 pound and can be Mat by mall prepaid. good Deering $21 Instruction in and Class- further enqu re of E. E. UPHAM, No. Heiui-Weeldjr Line, Quick finie. I*sw 5757 25 21 English particulars, Onepachaço uIII makntslxqta of medicine. 5 Exchange St. oc28dlm* GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF Bate», Freqncnr Departure». Israel P. Butler ... .0Ι«Ό 2G 72 I | ical Studies. received and tor warded to FALL Deeriug Heirs 50(54 22 lrt 1H"F X«27 3STOW Freight daily : CANADA. RIVER, there connecting with the Clyde Ntrain- Preble iieirs 5000 2189 Given to For Sale. " 44 private pupils by the subscriber. Buy It at the em. WELNDSDAY and 5fl25 25 95 Drvexlita. Price, Φ1.00. Mailing rvrr) SATUR- 44 " at a Prices from On and after Oct. DAY to 5000 21 89 E1CHA2330S is HOUSES, bargain. ranging Monday, 18th, Philadelphia direct, connecting at 44 ·' WELLS, C6., Propriety, to to W. W. with Clvde Steam Lines to 5141 22 52 S $800 $6,000. Apply CARR, passenger trains will leave Por- Philadelphia Charles- ! 3 Borlliictou, Vt. 197 Newbury Street. octlJdtf |1880, ton, N. Washington, D. Cieoree- Deeriug, Heirs 60· 0 21 89 J. W. Jlllllli1 as follows: C., C., COLCORD, and, town, D. C., and all Kai Johu M. l· ifl-ld., 4480 19 C2 Alexandria, Va., and Water Lines. Deeriug Heirs 5<>00 21 89 To Auburn and Lewiston, Y.IO a. m., 19.33 44 44 Houses and House Lots for Sale Kates named and Bills of iven 5000 21 89 143 Pearl Street. and 5.1ft p. m. Through Lading 14 from in New to hi Bl >00 21 89 To Montreal and Quebec, · .30 p. m. any point England Philadelj jau24 dtf For rstesof and other to James P. Baxter.... 15387 07 3Η IN I >EERING. To Lewiston Junction, mixed, 4.00 p. m. Freight, Information, apply D. D. Preble Heirs 50U0 To So. Paris and S.4ft a. C. MINK, Agent, 2189 MISS Apply to CIIABLK* RICH, Norway, Gorham, m., 196 41 44 5000 21 89 BROWNT. 1.30 and ft.lft ρ m· Washington Street, Boston, Mass ool6tf 16 Portland Me. Win. P. A General Exchange St., ARRIVALS. Clyde Co., Managers. Mrllca Hi. Hewer, (extension.) Liquidto tho of No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. Teacher of In response urgent requests great From So. £ Beginning »t, and connecting with the sewer in numbers of peoplo who prefer to purohaso a Gorham, Paris, Norway, 8.30 a. m. feb« Melien street at the of deflection to the Real Estate Agency. and 19.30 p. m. poiut past- KidneyWort already prepared, the pro- one hundred and feet desiring to sell Houses or Real Estate From Lewiston and Auburn, S.30 a. m., IΚΊΈΒ3ATIOXAL STEAMSHIP ure, seventy-three (173) French and prietors of this celebrated remedy no., pre- CO. •out' orlv from the southerly side line of Portland German, of description, can have the same regis- 3.1ft p. m., β.ΟΟ p. m. it in form as well as It is DEANE PARTIESany pare liquid dry. BR0S.1& From Montreal & street; thence northerly through the centre of Me'- Will receive at SANBORN, tered at this oifice. No *ale No Commission. Chicago, Quebec, 14.30 p.m. fianiport, .Tie.· Calaia, Mc., Yarmouth, Pupils is in bottles, From Lewiston len street and serosa Portland street, two hundred very ooncentrated, put up large The Largest and Best Stock of Desirab e lots of Land for sale. Responsible parties Junction, mixed, 9.30 a. m. ■χ.». Wt. John, Λ. i»., Halifax, and six (20«) feet, to man-hole m Portland street 643 and is equally efficient as that put up dry In buying lots proposing to build houses, can have Ν. N., Char lotte town, P. Β. I. sewer Congress Street. tin cans. It saves tho necessity of preparing, advances to buy lumber, taking mortgage payable PASSENGER* OFFICES The sewer is 18 inch cement pipe, 9 feet deep at octll dtf is always ready, and is more easily taken by FINE, MEDIUM and COMMOM in installments, 'lhe public will tind it to their FALL ARRANGEMENT | 166 beginning and 7 Va feet at termiuus. most people. Price, 91 per bottle. advantage to patronize this agency. Office Fore .street, Portland. 74 EXCHANGE STREET Area assessed 14,500 sq. feet. AND SB? SOLD BY DBTOGISTS. TWO TRIPS"PER WEEK. " LIQUID octl6eod3m JOHN W. HUNGER. Ka e of assessment 80c per luu Sum ·· 44 $116.00. KNOW THYSELF. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop're, DEPOT AT FOOT OF On snd after Monday. Nov 8th., INDIA ST. the Name. Area. Rate. Amount. [ A Bnrlbierton, Vt. I FURNITURE steamers Falmouth. Capt. D. Deering Heirs ....4750 $0.80 $38 ου COPARTNERSHIP. S. Hall, and New Brunswick, Preble Heirs 4750 38 00 Tickets Sold at Reduced Bates ! Capt. J. Ihompson, wi'l leave L» «.Viunou may auu vvueu. Railroad Wharf. fool of State street Preble Heirs 60t »0 40 00 Those who To Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Iflilv. ,every Monday doubt this assertion in aakee, and at G for and should to be found the at that com- Cincinnati, St, Louie. Omaha. Thursday, p. m., Eastpon Merrill St. Sewer. purchase the new medical State, prices defy Sag- St. John, with connections for work inaw, St. Panl, Salt Lake City, Calais, Robbinston, at a in the centre of Merrill published by the PEA- Dissolution of Sr. Andrews, Beginning point St.; BODY MEDICAL petition. Co-partnership. Denver, San Franciaco, Pembroke, Houlton, Woodstock, 29 f ·ι from east lino of Melbourne etreet INSTITUTE, Grand M en easterly Boston, entitled and all an, Digby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, thenoe centre of Merrill a THE 8CI- points In the Alone Newcastle. easterly through etreet, IKNCE WOLFE'S Windsor, Halifax, ton, Amherst, distance of 147 feet to west lino of OF LIFE: or, Char- Quebec street; •SELF Northwest, West and Southwest. Pictou, Shediac, Batburst, Dalbousie, thence on a carve to left a di tance of 32 feet to PRESERVATION Nos. 183 and 185 Middle St. is that the lottetown, Fort tairfield. Grand Falls, and other nervous and hereby given co-partnership JOSEPH General sewer in street. Total 4 79 feet. Sewer is physical debility, oct3G heretofore between the at HICKSON, Manager. stations on the New Brunswick and Canada, Inter- Quebec or the errors of (12mo NOTICE existing undersigned "W. J. of 10 inch cement feet at vitality impaired by youth or too under the SPICER, Superintendent, and W estern Coun- built pipe laid 6.9 deep close to Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, colonial, Windsor, Annapolis, application business may be restored and ocl8dtf and Prince Edward poLitof regiuning. 8.2 ft. hn B. Brown ... .2300 12 67 without this valuable Direct Line. book. The author is a noble Iromatic Schnauns it. sunerior to everv Most Central Station in Steamship Edward P. Chase .2340 12 89 benefactor." ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Philadelphia Psrtlaad Ht. Newer. An illustrated sent to âc sample all on receipt of β other alcoholic preparation. Λ publie on the European Plan, Philadelphia Heading: R. R. Leaves each Tort Every Wednesday and to State Street. cents for postage. Srom Grove, trial of over 80 duration in ALBERT H. HUMES NINTH AND GREEN Saturday. The author refers, by permission, to Hon. years every Proprietor βΤΒΕΕΤβ, Beginning at and connecting with Qrove St. sew- P. A. M. BISSELL, president, of the National section of our of Wolfe's Temple Street, Portland, Me. AJNAJ lilliiU AJNJJ JJJSKÛ.S »TS. er, at a poin*, in œntre of Grovo street on the south- Medical Association. country Ddolpho So Wharfage. side line of Cortland St. thence on a curve east- Formerly part of the old Adams House. erly Address Dr. W. H. PAK- ΠΓ its unsolicited endorsement From Long Wharl, Boston, 8 p. f ■. < A Τ Schnapps, by erly forty (40) to the asterly side liueof Grove St., Κ ΕΚ, No. 4 Bulfinch Street HI!iAJu This House will be open all hours of the night. m. From Pine Street Wharf, in centre of Portland St: thence the medical and a sale Double Stone Ballast easterly through Boston, Mass. The author faculty unequaled Night office up one flight. Express Trains, Track, Philadelphia, at 10 a. m. centre "f Por land St. eleven hundred a M ΓΓΙΙΙΓϋΓΤΓ Feventy- may be consulted on all dis- AUX ία Xi AiX other alcoholic distillation Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms to let, with or Be aurc to buy ticket· (at any railroad or eteam- > 1 nsurance one-half the rate of ft. to a of eurvo ft. by any have boat In etghr (1178) point fifty (50) eases requiring skill and experience. without board. mayl9dly office New England) ria 'sailing vessel. woe erly from the westerly eld* line of State St., insured for it the of for the de8 M.Th&wly reputation salubrity Freight West by the Pcnn. R.R.,and South produced to centre oi Portland St. From this point BOUND BROOK. ROUTE. by coniecting lines, forwarded free of commission. to north >\ard claimed for it. For sale all ■ TTNTN ■ ITT*! j-sa the sewer curves j asking through Pub- by Druggists Papaye Eiahl Doll an*. Ronnd Trip «15, lic Groun s where no atoessment i- laid. and Grocers. Meals and Room included. The sewer is of 24 inches in diameter from brick, A NERVE TONIC JTAlKJBAJmo For Freight or Passage apply to point ot beginning to crntre of Mellen St., a dis- FARE, JE. B. MAItlPNOIV, Alf·!, of si * ηundred ft: tbence tance sixty-eight (668) New York and Philadelphia de3'tf ΙΟ I. on Κ Whnrf K^ton. 24x^3 inches to point of curve and is 8 ft. deep at The Great APPETIZER and SURE CURE {'^oS begioi.uig, » it. deep at easterly line or lirt. 7 Vs ft. deep at Mellen St., aud 9 ft. deep at point of For COtGHS, COLDS, «ROIVOHITI8. A^THItll, CONHIimPTION, and allDin XKV ENCLAND AC1KKOV, terminal curve. eu«fM uf the THKO lT AND LI NIiN. TOURISTS' STEAMBOAT LINE Tuie sewer forme a the out-fall of ROOK 219 Street part of the Mill In this new combination we have b end d together by distillation (which cannot be effectually done Washington Boston. ·· Pood s>s.em of se erage and is au s in and tllM, abittinjJ soothing, healing nourishing properties, in al aying any irritation of the throat, '*hest and lungs. Tolu will leave the Ea.*t side of Cus- Grove and -eimn >ts. to u it; 80 cts. per 10 » sqr Rock and is a diffusive a and ROCK and Kye the The RYE. tom House stimulant,creating healthy appetHe toning up system for Mid that the he held in generally. Wharf, Peak·» ft., severxllassessments emi ent chemist Prof. G. A. M uriner of Chicago has analyzed and cheerfully recommends its use. The pu- >11 ml Long, Ei«ttie and Great abeyance until time of entry thereto of the used makes it a nt, healthful tonic and COCA LEAF COMPOUND. rity ingredients pleas appetizing beverage fur all. A sure cure for Coughs, Cold!», Asthma, Consump- Maine Central 'i'liebeaguo lnlttod»: Aiea 94 800 R 45 A. M. sqr ft. Tl>e best Nerve Tonic known, produces α certain Extract from Report uf ihr Cooaiuiteioni-r of Infernal Revenue: tion. aud all diseases of the throat and lungs. The Rate of assessment 80cts. 100 ft. 11.1Γ» for Peaks per sqr. aod in many cases marvelous effect on the exhausted Treasury Department, ofeice oe Internal ) most acceptable preparation in the market. By ad- only. Sum of arscssmeiits Revenue, 2.30 P. M. $758.40 and over-worked Nervous It D. 1880. ding to the cordial a little Lemor or Lime Juice you System. imparts Washington, C., January 2G, J Return after each Names. Area. Rate. Amount ln/ii*AaiQr1 Hrrnr In fhotlrar) a Messrs. LAWRENCE & 111 Madison 111. have an excellent appetizer and tonic for RAILROAD. immediately trip. MARTIN, St., Cbioag·, general ocl8 Gentlemen: This in the of this w nld have a and family use. dtf Deeri g, Heirs 5000 $0.80 $40 00 ble remedy for ,\eural«la and Nervous Headache, compound, opinion office, sufficient quantity of the BALSAM of TOUT to it all the ascribed to this a Preble Heirs 8500 68 00 Dyspepsia, Congestive Chills and Cholera Morbus. j give advantages tide in pectoral complaints, while the ON AND AFTER OCT. 18, 1880, and the constitute an emulsion it an all Deering Heirs.... 5000 40 00 Its action is rapid in Vomiting, Griping and Oolic whisky syrup rendering agreeaHe remedy to the patient. Compound- Sold by druggists. ed according to tbe formula, i* may properly be classed as a medicina1 under the Portland, & Machias Deering Heirs 5 -00 40 Ou Pains. Contributes to mental cheerfulness and preparation pto- PaMWiucr Train» lea re Portion J for Baa- Bangor 5000 visione of U. S. Revised Statutes, and wuen so stamped, may be sold by aud other Preble Heirs 40 00 activity. Its equal Is not known In dissipating Druggists, Apothecaries Dexter, Belfast and Waierrille nt STEAMBOAT CO. Preble Heire 5000 40 oo persons without r-npeking \ hem liablk to pay special tax as liqit r dkali rs. for,2.30. and 11.16 P. M. — — the habits of Opium Eating, Strong Drink, or Yours GREEN R. 12.40, run Dee ing Heirs 5000 40 00 respectfully, (Signed) RAUM, Commissioner. Fer ekewhegaa at 12 30,12.40 and 11.15 Tobacco Chewing. Bend for Pamphlet. I â t VT DON'T BE DECEIVED bv dealers who to off p.m. HT. ]*ee>ing Η ire 5000 40 00 \ TTrp unprincipled trv palm upon Fer t-nrdinrr ami ROCHLAND, DFMERT, .Till.· \J Ά U X common Rock and in & Aagama, Ilnllowell, KKIIM.t: I JLVJ.L1 of our as Fisher nod you place TOLU ROCK and RYE, MAI 11 AM· Preble Heirs 5000 40 00 Liquid Wyoaoke in Bottles, at 91.00, $1.50 and $3.00. Rye BrnnNwick at 7.00 a. m., 12.40, 5.15. and ours is the only MED CATED preparation, the GENUINE has the name of LAWRFNCE & MAR IN on Fairbanks, Preble licirs 5000 40 00 SOLE PROPRIETORS. 11.15 p. m. Fall Arrangement, ISSO. Plasters for and Sbeu- the Government Revenue Stamp 011 ca< h bottle. Put in size Bottles for General and Fa·» ilv use. Deering Heirs F·000 40 Oo Wyoaoke Liver, Lung, Sidney up Quart oc2 TT&S3iu Fer Recklaad and all stations on Knox & Lin- Sold Grocers and Dealers w tie re. If not tou· d or Grocer's Two Trip» per %Veeli umil further notice Preble Heirs 5000 40 00 natic Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. by Druggists, general every at your Druggist's coln K. R., and for Lewiaton and we w«l send a bottle to tue nearest office to Price or six bottles for Farmington Deer Heirs 5000 40 00 prepaid express you. $1.00 So.00. via at 7.00 a. m. and 12.40 m. ng FOB β ΑΧ Κ BY ALL DBCGGIBTS. Brunswick, p. Preble Heir* 6000 40 0< » Fer Bath at 7.00 a. m» and 12.40 and 5.15 p. m. LAWRENCE & MARTIN » New York. The Steamer CITY OP Dee ring Heire oOOO 40 00 ^KANci™'χα o'îiAltCLA.Y ST., Portland to London ! Fer in 45 Farmington, luenmoath, Winthrop, RICHMOND, W. £. Dcu- l Heirs 6000 40 00 SHAITSON k MAEWIOK, Hold Portland by all l>ruiggi«t«. nov2eod&weowly Rend West Capt. eering Proprietor», CUKES field, Watertille and Waier- nlson, will leave Kailroad Wharf, Prebie Heirs 50o0 40 00 rille via Lewis ton at 12.30 m. IUbtvobd, Const., U. 8.b? p. Portlaud, every Tuenday, and Fritaay ore- Preble Heir* 6300 50 40 Neuralgia, Fer 7.00 a. m. Bheumatiem, Diptberia, Waierrille, nincN, at II.IAo clock, or on arrival of Pull* Pneumonia, Sore Inflamma- The Pullman run WM. A. GOODWIN, noil Throat, night trains each way. every manexpres· traiu from for Roc kin dTh&M&wl-w tion of the l Lame In- Boston, ad, City Civ. Eng.'r. Supt. of «ewers. ung*, Back, S. S. CO VI night Sundays included. Deer Mo. We»t the Back NO, Cantine, Inle, Nedgwick. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the flammation of Ki ney>« ami Bar 1 CITY OF PORTLAND. Acne, IBnnaonN, Burn· Kliirborn, (Mt. >e«ert,) Jlilibridge, Noticesubscriber has been duly appoiuted and taken Pile», CAPTAIN COATE8, For Lewiston and Auburn. J one-pot t, and or ScMlde, and all Inflam- lVlachia»port. upon herself the trust cf Administratrix of the es- w'll leave ITIon- Board LIEBIG Train· leave at 12.30 and 5.05 m. Returning, .\iachiasport every In of Mayor and Aldermen, ) tate of matory Diiteaerj. COMPANY'S Pamenger p. uad ns money tity of Apples, Butter, Cheese, U„ with *>an torn S. S. Co., for Belfast, Bangor and Clerk notice of such assessments estate are called to make t to 50c. ιια gl.OO bottlr. MEAT the Ε. & N. A. Railway, and for Hi. John aa«l City give leg*1 upon paym< per OF Meats, &c. For rates apply to River Landings, ever> returnable at the Al lergen's Room iu Build- MARTHA WINSLOW, Administratrix. TrUl bottles 25 cents. Sold all Klalifax, lloulton, Woodstock, Ht. An- Saturday Moiollig. City by druggists. J. Comi g West Monday, receives rassengers and >u Mou sixth f novl thirds of the cost of said DAVIS, WE will pay the above reward for case of " in increased tenfold in ten MADE DISHES & SAUCES. and all intermediate stations at 12.45 and 12.50 any Consumption England years." THEunder ttrm name of Nuihegan Lumber Compa- sewers and we deem them and reasonable. in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and given Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Indi- CAUTION Genuine OHLY with p. m. The afternoon trains from Augusta, Bath, just Headache, To be had of all Storekeepers, Grocers and Ch?inists. ny, and have purchased the entire property and FOR Head and passed. bonds as the law directs. All persons having de- gestion. Consiipation or Costiveness we cannot cure and Lewiston at 5.45 p. m. The Night Pullman CALIFORNIA, for United States fac-similé of Baron business of A. & E. Perkins, assuming in the pur- Attest: H. I. Clerk. mands upon the estate of said deceased, are re- with West's Vegetable Liver when the oi- Sole Agents the (wholesale only), Liebig's Signa- Express train at 1.50 a. m. ROBINSON, Pills, ture in Blue chase, the collecting and paying of all demands of A true quired to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted rections are strictly complied with. They are C. iJLyiu & Co.. 43. Mark Ιαπρ. T.mulon. ΚητΙπηΊ. Ink across label PAYSON TUCKER, JAPAN, cory. said tirm, and will continue the lumbering bnsiness Sup'! CHINA, Attest: H. I. to enid estate are called upon to make pay- purely Vegetable, and never fail to satisfac- Portland, Oct, 17.1880 ROBINSON, City Clerk. give at their mills in Bloomtteld Vt. Customers of late ment to tion. Coated. 30 dlawTh58t octl3 Sandwich New Sugar Large boxes, containing ilrm of A. & E. will address, NUL, Inland·*. Zealaud and JOHN W. of No. Adm'r. 25 cents. For sale all Perkins, please CITY OF PORTLAND. DAVIS, Yarmouth, pills, by druggists. Beware LUMBER Ν. H. AuMtraiin. Nov. 3d. 1880. dlaw3wTh* »f counterfeit» and imitations. The IIEC.AN CO., Coos, The new Portland, genuine manu- ENOCH PERKINS an spienou) steamers sail from New factured bv Λ0Η.Ν C. WEST & "The Pill Rumford Falls & Hue κ field York on the City Clerk's I only CO., What They Buy of Bold Fiul Tobacco. EVERGREEN J. H. DANKOUTH ICth, 20th and 3utb of each month Office, viakers," 181 & 183 W. Madison CEMETERY. November 9, 1880. Assignment. St., Chicago. CHAS. C. TEBBtXTS. •jarrylng passengers and freight for San Francisco J Free trial sent mail on Β-ΑΙ3ϋιΗ·ΟΑΧ). λρ below. package by prepaid receipt Boktom, April 17,1880. SrPF.HINTENDEBT'S OFFICE, Nov. 13,1880. Oct. nov!2d3w Notice is given that a hearing will be h'd is hereby given of my a» *f a 3 cent have been Broomfleld, Vt., 25,1880. hereby appointment stamp. sep6deow&«eowly P. J. Faton, Dear Sir,—We ud- of lots in Cemetery and par fee S.S. Dec. 30 ι the officers of Portland, upon the sub- of J. FRANK of in Esq. having For Portland, leave Canton 4.20 Acapulco S S. Clyde... Dec. 20 by Municipal XOTICEassignee HILL, Portland, the Hold Fast l'ob aec< for three month», and Iota in wt*o onie of Lng OW3SEKS charge desire specixf tame nd 9 a. rt. rt. Crescent for Isthmus of Panama ject matter of the above asset-sment.*, «t the the of Cumberland, State of a W 30 m.; BucfcHeld, 5.15 and City only, county .Maine, doing have found it to be «β tine quality aa any tobacco fur the season of 1881 should notify the anted —Situation. Dee. 10. Aldermen's Ho >m In City Building, on MONDAY, business under the name of Hill & pobtbaits of any It has Superin- 10.08 a. m. Company. we have ever «old at the invariably tendent or Trustees ni onto, as h special care of a man who Is anxious to obtain a situa- thesxtb day of December nexc, A. D. at 7 And tbree months from till» the te of this Beautiful»1ZIS made from oommon photographs or any price. young For Cauton and leave For or rates and the fullest 1880, Va day, the most satisfaction to ocr customers lots rhould include vrhlnh must be tion BackHeld, freight passage Infor kind of amall We will aend full de given perfect dressing, placed BY atoflice work or as assistant book-keeper. Portland l..>0 1.57 m. »\ M., when and whore person diseatis- assignment to me, are allowed for creditors to b·- other pictures. Tours p. m.; Lewiston, p. ination, apply to the General Eastern Agents, ç*«toofc any respectfully, upon such lots before covered wiih snow. A progressive situation more wf an than sal- Q«4 with the sa mo may appear and object theroto. oomu thereto. scriptiôn, price, etc., to any reliable man who will objeot Stage connections for West Sumner, Dixfield, C.L. HARTI.GTT & C ptrilee Per order of Trustees. ary. Can turnlsh beet of references. Will some O., Per order. Dated at Portland, November! β, 1880. act as our agent. THE AUBURN COPYING CO., ESTABROOK & EATON. Byron, Rangley Lake*, &c. 115 State Street, cor· Broad flMtou. PATRICK DUFFEY, business man me a Address Press It., H. 1. Clerk. WILLI ΑΛΙ M. 85 and 87 Genesee Street, Auburn, New York. Nov. 222 and 224 Washington st., Boston. Superintendent, give chance. "D'\ I. WASHBURN, Jr., President. or to W. D. LITTLE ROBINSON, City PAYSON, Assignee. nolo dtf Office. nov23d3t* & OU., οϋΠ) dlaw4tTh nov!7 d3w nov23 d8t ap21 dtf Portland Oct. 18.1880. oc20tf je38dtf 81 Exchange St.. Portland.