Society of Toxicologic Pathology- (STP-I)



21 - 23 October 2016 The Westin , Pune ence

Dear Fellow Scientists,

It is a pleasure to invite you to attend

Sixth Conference of the Society of Sixth STP-I Confer Toxicologic Pathology - India on 21-23 October, 2016 at The Westin Pune Koregaon Park, Pune.

The theme of the conference is Continuing Education Program on Toxicologic Pathology of Nervous and Musculoskeletal Systems.

Topics encompass an overview of neuroanatomy, physiology, pathology and toxicology in reference to toxicologic evaluation of drugs and/or chemicals for the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

The conference organizers are providing exhibit space for companies offering products and services related to the field of toxicology and toxicologic pathology.

Dr. Venkatesha Udupa M.V.Sc, M.Sc (Tox), DABT, DIBTP Organizing Secretary, STP-I

1 ence DAY-1 Friday, 21 October, 2016

8 am: Breakfast and Registration 9 - 9.40am: Inauguration

Time/ Lecture Lecture Title Speaker Duration No.

Sixth STP-I Confer Plenary session

09.45 - Global Regulatory Guidelines and STP Recommendations for Adult 1 Dr. Brad Bolon 10.30 am and Developmental Neurotoxicity Studies

10.30 - Techniques used in evaluation of neurotoxic potential of test 2 Dr. SK Vijayasarathi 11.15 am compound/article in preclinical toxicity studies

11.15 - Coffee/Tea Break 11.30 am

Session 1: Neuropathology Evaluation - Introduction

Chair: Dr. Narendra Deshmukh, Director, INTOX Co-chair: Dr. Sanjay Bokan, Associate Director, Lupin Ltd.

11.30 am- Neuropathology assessments in toxicology studies: Challenges and 3 Dr. Deepa Rao 12 noon principles

12 noon - Brain and Peripheral nervous system processing, staining, common 4 Dr. Ingrid Pardo 12.45 pm artifacts and unusual normal structures

12.45 - Lunch Break 01.45 pm

01.45 - Basic neuroanatomy, physiology and chemistry for 5 Dr. Deepa Rao 02.30 pm neuropathologists

Session 2: Basic Neuropathology Evaluation

Chair: Dr. SK Vijayasarathi, Head Pathology, Advinus Therapeutics Ltd. Co-chair: Dr. Kamala Kannan, Advinus Therapeutics Ltd.

02.30 - Overview of spontaneous and drug induced non-neoplastic lesions 6 Dr. Klaus Weber 03.15 pm of the nervous system

03.15 - 7 Examples of Toxic Neurono- and Glio-pathies Dr. Alok Sharma 04.00 pm

04.00 - Coffee/Tea Break 04.15 pm

04.15 - 8 Brain tumours encountered in rodent bioassays Dr. Chirukandath Gopinath 05.00 pm

Session 3: Advanced Neuropathology Evaluation

Chair: Dr. Shekar Chelur, Research Director, Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd. Co-chair: Dr. Satish Panchal, Head Toxicology Operations, SPARC

05.00 - 9 Spinal Cord, Sensory and Autonomic Nervous System Evaluations Dr. Brad Bolon 05.45 pm

2 DA Co-chair: Dr Co-chair: Dr Chair: Dr Chair: Dr 06.00 pm 05.15 - 05.15 pm 04.30 - 04.30 pm 03.45 - 03.45 pm 03.30 - Session 5: 02.45 pm 02.15 - 01.30 pm 12.30 - pm - 12.30 1 1 1 1 10.15 - Session 4: 10.00 am 09.15 - 09.15 am 08.30 - 03.30 pm 02.45 - 02.15 pm 01.30 - 10.15 am 10.00 - Duration 1.45 am 1.45 am 1.00 - 1.00 am T ime/ Y . V . Sankaranarayanan,President,V -2 Cof Lunch Break&Posterevaluation Cof Lecture yas MadhavraoShingatgeri,V . JomyJose,HeadPathology . V No. MusculoskeletalEvaluationandPathology 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 fee/T fee/T

Animal modelsanddiagnosticpathologyinbonedisorders 1 enkatesha Udupa,SeniorGeneralManager Saturday ea Break ea Break Human Imaging, histomorphometryandbiomechanicsofbonedisorders Animal modelsofosteoarthritis Animal modelsforosteoporosisandrheumatoidarthritis Y Induced lesionsofthemusculoskeletalsystem musculoskeletal system Rare spontaneouslesionsanddruginducedofthe Biology ofbonebiomarkers Assessment ofbonetissueinpreclinicalstudies Immunohistochemistry End-points toconsiderfordedicatedneuropathologyevaluation: Developmental Neuropathology Functional observationbatteryandElectrophysiology oung Scientist TNF , 22October T ransgenic MouseModelofSpontaneous A ward Presentations , Electronmicroscopy , V ice President,SunPharmaceuticalIndustriesLtd. ivo Bio imta Ltd. Lecture T , 2016 T ech Ltd. itle , GlenmarkPharmaceuticalsLtd. , Biomarkers,

Arthritis Chattopadhyay Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Participants Dr Dr Dr . . IngridPardo . W . KrishnaBhagavatula . . KathrynGropp . Naibedya . V . PaulGermann . KathrynGropp Aurore V Aurore V asanthi Mowat olfgang Kaufmann Speaker arela arela

3 Sixth STP-I Conference 4 Sixth STP-I Conference DA Sciences inJanssenResearch&Development onwards 01.30 pm 01.30 pm 12.30 - 12.30 pm 1 1 10.45 - Session 7: 10.45 am 10.30 - 10.00 am 09.00 - 9.00 am 08.00 - Session 6: Co-chair: Dr Chair: Dr Musculoskeletal panelmoderator:Dr Neuropathology panelmoderator:Dr Duration 1.30 am- 1.30 am T ime/ Y . -3 Alok Sharma, Lunch Cof Lecture . PrahaladaSrinivasa,V


Discovery pathologyandemergingtechniquesintoxicological Case presentation 25 24 23 22 21 fee/T Sunday 23 October2016 Ceremony will ea Break The Awards take placeon (IA development inthecontextofdrugdiscovery and Using Recommended ("Best")PracticesforDetermining,Communicating, Application ofV Emerging discussion Case Presentationonmusculoskeletalpathologyfollowedby Case Presentationonneuropathologyfollowedbydiscussion TP Associate Director sponsored) , 23October T Adverse Ef echnologies: MRIimagingintoxicologicpathology eterinary Pathologyfortranslationalresearchand ice President,SyngeneInternationalLimited

. DeepaRao,ReviewerCDER,FDA . BhanuSingh,ScientificDirector fect DatafromNon-clinicalStudies , CovanceLabsInc Lecture T , 2016 itle between 12.30to1.30pmon22October2016 between 6.15to7.00pmon 21October2016 The Society’ The PosterEvaluationprocesswillbeheld GENERAL BODYMEETING POSTER EVALUATION , PathologyatDrugDiscovery s BusinessMeetingwillbe held Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr . KathrynEGropp . KlausW . . BradBolon . BhanuSingh . . PaulGermann . KlausW . V Alok Sharma Abraham Nyska asanthi Mowat Speaker eber eber number [email protected]) S attachment maximum should should results include The abstractoforalpresentationabout250wordsshould 12 minuteswithquestionandanswersessionfor3minutes. participate All Certificate T T a Former Gurgaon, Safety is Professor pathology have residency individual toxicologic pathology or The provides government students numerous biomedical worldwide spanning mentor mailed Charles STP-I Academy IA The toxicologic classic and The be Suggested ? ? ? A oxicologic oxicology n safety Developing field Establishing adverse Research e TP instituted d on her c W member

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5 Sixth STP-I Conference 6 Sixth STP-I Conference Dr Dr Dr approach neuropathology Food neuropathology interests co-edited T and Pathologists pathology after as Pathology”), subsequently oxicologic . DeepaRao . S.K.V . BradBolon Regulatory regulatory carcinogenicity animal involved assessment was an 201 and which associate also SPEAKERS 1) Drug for models. three of firm and in Pathology he consultant neuropathology working (ACVP authorities ijayasarathi Authorities. study genetically founded Flagship is of Administration, . returned books, into Preferred professor a NCEs. studies. He Fellow , designing, the anatomic there Dr areas veterinary 1992. while received Sciences University as serves serving Dr of and obtainedaPh.D.(1993)fromDukeUniversitywhilecompletingpostdoctoraltrainingatthe Chemical Associates (Frederick, Research 1996-1997) responsible Dr (IA is an and Biosciences . of . pathologist He . Missouri, safety a the TP; Dr pathology served Department. Deepa Brad to Postgraduate Major graduate research several Pathology awards Brad of study engineered experimental contact In from several at serving . joined She of Longmont, the is evaluation 2007). V author addition as The as neurotoxicology pathology; and ijayasarathi earned regularly conducting served evaluation her 2004 Academy supervisor Center director (Jef a then of degree Rao Industry a for MD; in research International “enjoyed” Ohio as information:(720) regulatory for as continues countries, pathologist Wisconsin . projects. students. as and PhD ferson,

He his of for (2015 He various a to Head pursued evaluating is he B.S. 1993-1994) a senior as nearly 201 During mouse courses State in scientific CO (2000). has first a at pathology India several teaching invited from has 1991) in an routine of board Institute Covance of and to (1983), 1 (B.V paper of AR; for an written T to He joined in Pharmaceutical to experimental He reviewer scientist. new date). including oxicological capacities and Pathology peer University – the an four for southwestern and as re-launch .Sc., anatomic implement histopathological 29 this and to 1994-1996) School pathology has leading She engineered was certified GLP MS achievements. toxicology assistant also at the Mysore drugs. associate speak and D.V consulting Master's reviewed neuropathology hundred University or of

American Laboratories, 209-1 Dr National nearly period M.V at

the has National co-authored .M. life certified for . later T FDA the of Brad oxicology at, to College .Sc., and pathology principal at toxicologist

105 GEMpath member Sciences the (1986) V also Dr her V pathologist College award in Advinus eterinary

80 (especially as eterinary studies before national & rodents he safety and . director Utah several is V Sciences and Center practice [email protected] Rao Board expertise Ph.D) of superannuated EP staf T scientific eterinary a completed laboratories oxicology Presently was Agricultural of Diplomate and evaluation A Doctoral Inc of and international f of nearly investigator

. has (1989-1993). moving of (U.S.A), (Rao V evaluation pathologist residency (A Therapeutics Dr (2015 and of has

many and Medicine. eterinary studies. of in M.S. for V B.V and College, TS; involved later .Rao at (GEMpath, eterinary T played toxicology the in oxicology from in Anatomy publications Drug et the Amgen .Sc/M.V 200 over international 201 the veterinary Program he (1986) to scientific students Longmont, al, her to Molecular is embryos of European of ef which Sciences, W is 1) These articles areas from the 201 (1986-1989) date) both Evaluation ficacy Medicine 45 a University study the in for at Her yeth-A the residency conferences. in and Medicine, key .Sc (Thousand . degrees Ltd. 1; the

pharmaceutical (ABT; 2004 years University for several

toxicological Bangalore He the President teaching She work at of were 2014). organizations. and also reports and of and pathologist role reports and to National “Genetically Bangalore, yerst neurotoxicology and NIEHS/NIH. and CO. American and meetings was novel Bangalore continued his 1996, (Columbus, as of work experience the Ph.D Advisor book in and of actively in in federal Oklahoma Immunopathology at Japanese Research Dr experience credit fetuses) implementing Head Agricultural six are Oaks, employed International biopharmaceuticals. veterinary including of of the He of . where Research Center re-certified Bolon part-time chapters, degrees. Society years potential submitted Oklahoma Undergraduate with College on is University India safety for and and graduate Engineered involved Simultaneously India, CA; of

recipient Dr his she OH; includes worked State and expertise for (Plainsboro, more Health at , . the has private in pathology more in Rao 1997 of by twin the pathology assessment, (CDER), Sciences, at T received has

of in 2007. in 201 He Academy 2001, oxicological T the a toxicologic presented Pathology to oxicologic University V Pathology the 1969 of University variety than work – in currently modified for research eterinary of edited – 1-2015), than was to Division various serving Florida, funded field Health Mouse Indian safety in many

digital a 2004) 2006, He and time 150 and and and her US the the

NJ; 25 he He of at of in is or of Dr Dr Dr Dr Pathology Ingrid European includes system at examination committees spring International IA founded Currently toxicologic . ChirukandathGopinath . IngridD.Pardo . . VP client Alok K.Sharma Klaus W

and has 2013 SPEAKERS sites INHAND by the , Dr Society group MRC-SOT served the pathology onwards and . phylogenetic and of Dictionary Ingrid end the (2006-2010) working histotechnique group, of eber in is tissues T of several . that oxicologic a Dr Dr Dr Bogota, USA. working anatomic received 25 Anatomic Sharma 1991-201 career research laboratory she neuroscientists, Laboratories well manuscript immunohistochemistry andforthestudieswithnervoussystem asafocus.Dr marrow Group, active chaired authored ten publications. Hefoundedin2004 in He Dr UK qualifications veterinary Research he board and topics published 2012 member . . . of dif non-human . years Alok Klaus covers groups Ingrid

Chirukandath had is independent currently analysis . T ferent as He participated oxicologic currently of He a in leader international of and and of CE dif Sharma Colombia, in held oncogenicity joined new is of toxicologic chimpanzees examiners 1 a W on over Pathology of Pathology D pathology including toxicological took ferentiation laboratories species with centre, a head parts including several professional pathology PhD chair courses eber on is the Pardo diplomate a of Inc., positions company co-chairs in a were 20 sampling 32 working. primate model Eli his STP canine coauthor of is of toxicologists, Pathology the was of in pathologists. Gopinath technicians publications Huntingdon, where including in Lilly an a the pathology papers the obtained veterinary all Experimental initiatives;

at in pathology (ESTP). Master from peripheral by STP Society training . several born Associate and studies specialities. of world. V international in international He of of distemper and the pathology in INHAND for eterinary At STP experience and East mesial ACVP

he of President, Annual the Switzerland various Pfizer was in in American diagnostic is and in fish Co. the

currently her peer East processing of at at special an university all Science PWGs German degree pathologists with in she including UK neuropathy

After director RCC/Harlan STP and and Director T , best as MU temporal independent subjects Schering Doctor pathology . she group oxicologic Symposium AnaPath GmbHinSwitzerland,aholdingcoveringnowadays T virus other reviewed Germany for He oxicologic was a conferences subcommittee specialties ABT in invertebrates.

nervous BSTP and College termination provides practices T interest several and leads human also from called oxicologic and at and and topics. at of . cofounder of of (Pathology) peer-reviewed of He on Kerala Purdue lobe Plough , the SAGs pathology working also, Liverpool, V have , archiving Missouri the and IFSTP journals pituitary Pathology and a Royal completed the Laboratories. eterinary AnaPath of years. system consultant and group Pathology Committee, advice group Society His group nervous epilepsy in V field for the and became conducted V eterinary Pathology of solving University and of animal

His neuropathology eterinary work college and and group, several

State histology the his and During in has of at pars of sampling on and purposes. directing UK area Medicine then Services of toxicologic Covance (STP) neuropathology his European first pathologists . articles resulted STP system neuropathology in contract been authored from In a pathology T where the intermedia pathology University chief Dr of T Pathologists PNS residency oxicologic of years veterinarian moved oxicological his president . 2007, fellow College,

educational . pathology (201 work nervous Klaus

Neuropathology laboratory an Purdue She best career the and scientific GmbH, working in from in Dr Laboratories he 1-2013). in invited with director , pathology covers Cynomolgus a Dr to numerous and . collection, . human inhalation was W practice book also Ingrid's and in few

. in issues. Pfizer Dr dysfunction the Pathology India. eber system in of , Sharma Harlan Columbia, University Anatomic conducted London. in . and pathology functionally and toxicological . in presenter books Klaus the group, boarded seminars serves worked of National short 2006. She chapters. of laboratory has pathology ficer in a His recommendations. including Latin previous serves IA Dr presentations section Groton . Sharmahasco- Inc., preservation biologist. Laboratories, pathology has W TP and experience Special joined and rodent monkeys, She He as at (STP) post . Gopinath Pathology eber MO

as , in working Comparative in

his University at Madison chairman on long Huntingdon published has In an chapters active He horses. on started lecturer . ACT V pathology animals CT of (MU), With necropsy graduate was Covance graduate research topics 2004 eterinary SME nervous and chaired the Interest has He several term , , where , bone is from STP from from in over new has was and and and and WI, her the co- Dr Dr for he an as all of in in in to in a . , .

7 Sixth STP-I Conference 8 Sixth STP-I Conference Dr Dr Dr Dr 3rd Clinical congresses. patents; neuropathology . . W . PaulGermann . KathrynEGropp edition Aurore V olfgang Kaufmann Chemistry SPEAKERS 99 of Full the Papers/Books/CD-ROMs; and Handbook arela of gave the Thirty yearssuccessfulmanagementexperienceinhealthcare industrywith14yearsextensive leadership (Max external Industry in variousuniversities(Zürich,Berlin,Heidelberg,Hannover Reutlingensince1984)asExempt Professor Pathology); compounds International Dr Reproductive of Musculoskeletal papers musculoskeletal andmetabolictoxicologyimaging.Shehasco-authoredseveralresearch designing study with Dr various discovery He Fellow Dr toxicologic Development contributions nomenclature 1 she Pathology Mineral Scientific V Musculoskeletal 1 eterinary American . T . . years Aurore lectures oxicology is Kathryn W developed of more Planck) a design olfgang T in of innovation. oxicologic Society with national areas at peer-reviewed and for , than is and the Program experience Pathology Procter the at Board Association neuropathology to Academy scientific a . E V and and in at international development. T Scientific of International Kaufmann eterinary of executing market , oxicology Gropp American 14 a Pfizer and the Research board System, the specialty conduct toxicologic Fraunhofer Pathology certification years & 70 Broad area the Planning Gamble nervous advisory (2015), Abstracts Inc of developing DVM (Pantoprazole, certified Director International of scientific Pathology T of served at studies, of Society in oxicological scientific holds Clinical conferences in and experience in Groton, Academy Merck toxicology/ PhD (2013). musculoskeletal where pathology Pharmaceuticals

as bone system. Committee for presented functions Bone veterinary & of as a journals well 79 DACVP of T and Chemistry multinational Nonclinical network oxicopathology in a (Habilitation).Dipl. position pathology Connecticut, he Society Bone Lectures; Pathology co-editor Germany as Pathologists of interpreting Fingomilod, He in on , toxicologic in chaired toxicology to T at and preclinical

regular oxicologic pathologist important for is is and within several the , as of author a and . contributed research Biomedical for Scientific the Bone . in She . Mineral Research teams 2014 She director He USA. a Norwich the terms. the co-authored , data special upcoming (FIA pathology/ MSc Elidel, is start-up evaluation imaging, has Morphometry is or translational european Pathology Spring organ ECVP (FT a also of

TP). Prior and co-author Research, Co-organizer relevant member Appl. and more to Imaging A scientists. New Fellow issue Gleevec,

a chapters Path) toxicology

companies/ to Meeting Contributed (European Diplomate working bone Global 2017 the neuropathology/ T than her Y healthtech, . of oxicology on ork to

hubs. of . and in of bone at One agrochemicals She 10 the bone biomarkers, musculoskeletal and 28 the Charles STP in Drug

various Daxas). 12 Head years Broad of , Diplomate group several International is and T years and of of Society the Cincinnati and international College eaching

, universities serving decisively Symposium the DVM; his pharma Safety at plays joint Division of network River joint papers of Pfizer of American

scientific books 6 Pathology developmental biomechanics, of chapter experience as Fellow the of and pathology ECVP International a Research and in and Ohio T chair , in key V oxicologic Bone she research, Montreal, of and related to eterinary like scientific lecturing INHAND bringing biotech in Animal on

role profile where Board foci of and in spent of book LDC drug and and the the the the for to in in is is & Dr Dr Dr reviews He Dr Dalbergia field research In the Development funded running In by outstanding Chemistry He Fellow Biosolutions. Dr pathology background Sensipar). qualifications molecule . V . NaibedyaChattopadhyay . . 2006, American 2003, . KrishnaBhagavatula Chattopadhyay American has completed Bhagavatula of asanthi Mowat with project. bone and written SPEAKERS independent Dr Dr done sissoo) agonist with from . In Cleveland . Chattopadhyay research has Heart findings Chattopadhyay 2003, Physiological A He health respectively Dr in his ward From numerous Cleveland an . CSIR-CDRI, worked also for C. of Association". Masters is h-index he from promoting Gopinath. out 2002-2004, in the research was at Clinic, Dr Histology experience joined member Pathologists specialist Master Surgeons moving edited worked Dr Drug and Dr receptor hypothyroid He Boston, various contribution the Dr Biosciences Indiaoperationsbyprovidingrequiredsupport andleadershipforthegrowth development also Global strategies Prior 4 on divisions significant international . of . . receptor V the as . years presented .Krishna Naibedya Naibedya State book asanthi did She Editorial of Society Innovative joined which developing in Ohio, Research Envigo providing a Quality American was ’ to 53. s to Dr book his Microbiology program as , organs fracture degree joining was SME's of USA as variant University chapters and interest He Necropsy . the he at promoted Chattopadhyay as CSIR-Central post-doctoral in USA. . Mowat one which Program experience Country-Business and rat the Agilent Bhagavatula Advisory on was also in won awarded Chattopadhyay did India.

in subsequently UK Control- a meetings of on Research April brain required T Calcium-sensing several Institute, in and toxicological Federation has healing. has in form aconic, his INHAND studying T business has New critical in in. V aconic. the was is and , creating, eterinary with and 2006 doctoral 1989 Pathology in made Director regions been She from to Manager written expression Board the Investigator pharmacology Microbiology the edited marketed of conferences distributors. the scientific Major Dr and (AcSIR, Lucknow studies to Drug and developing He the FRCPath she graduated is . Osmania marketed has several process Cardiovascular for the for Bhagavatula the faculty of (in several studies Pathology is of Country conferences. pathologist developing was works role 2 in Aging Research Development passed Biochemical a four Royal and -Bioresearch Pathology relation Research understanding books. Molecular Chief receptor at expertise New in by appointed of A and presentations of patents Brigham Special human he in ward in scientific towards in Manager Research University Amgen calcium-sensing recently collaborations, College as of Medicine Manager-T Delhi). 1994 Scientist 2004. India, the , Professor to was He completing worked Institute, a and parathyroid . from neurogenesis)”. and at and statutory Medicine. to vet

has Pharmacology fetal and and working Pathology In closely Huntingdon Manager as She USA in not and clients & publications has of (“Union”, with the implementing and 2014 in of in Director and 2003 Academia authored Head Pathologists licensed at the with cerebral only on aconic

has of W the and Lucknow Bangalore, American worked the the Research Boehringer her omen's title associated Biological cardiovascular and exams Doctoral marketing she Agilent He Division Group published for calcium-sensing developing Canada receptor and of function Harvard Services thesis of a of Life distributors. is India. three the Molecular co-authored cortex more in standardized his at Pathology and Sr regular and as Hospital, of leading Physiological T Sciences, . CROs to of treatment echnologies thesis Career T of Degree on India, Scientist. Head Sciences, the and American aconic technologies in gain activities of Ingelheim, In than Medical with and Endocrinology Genomics Units. and the hepatopathies T bone calcium-sensing in Royal his aconic rated pathology was in journals. the of Diagnostics presented where scientific the He Enhancement 160 in developing Society Harvard in Britain an role, Endocrinology scientific where She February receptor anabolism MRCVS of extract

also “Ontogenic School as by development His Clinical Journal Academy College research atlas business Society in hypercalcemia USA "T working she has divisions. he India to work works op , and she conferences. of Medical which industries in on

of . heads from in over where and 10 also and and 2008. euthyroid of with CSIR-Central Bio-analytical , His for of manages T was poultry France. toxicological induced New through oxicological of papers Physiology closely A discoveries receptor in study with V more MRCPath ward she . Research leaves 25 gained Scientific business research eterinary India From Ocimum of focused He She School, T he Faculty aconic global years’ . has in small of After from than (Rx: She was with NIH and and and has is His the the but his T3 of in a a a .

9 Sixth STP-I Conference 10 Sixth STP-I Conference Dr Dr University Laboratory (NIEHS). (USA), residency Dr Chair and of V reports He Pathology eterinary . . BhanuSingh . T oxicologic has Abraham Nyska

pathology Singh for Armed ForceInstituteofPathology(W and authored SPEAKERS IFSTP-IA After , (the training, Pathologist . liver delivered completed He pathology Netherlands). like toxicity finishing received over TP co-chair he

webinar more , (DACVP) did twenty Dr in role, design therapeutic studies. DuPont scientific spent his development (IA residency . Janssen his Bhanu internships than TP). Europe, 2005, an chapters. devices IA Sciences ResearchinEssex,England. Dr pathology Dr for TP veterinary more . committee peer . and expert Abraham Haskell Singh Prior STP . Dr 70 and interest Singh he

. He Research conduct presentations than Singh targets reviewed India

and he education American to has of He supports in has and residency joining Global animal worked is training toxicologic 3 is Nyska stem also and and currently is in years been a externships of and/or actively V drug chair & the publications, served toxicology isiting Johnson ashington DC)andNationalInstituteofEnvironmentalHealthSciences Centers cells models board drug course Development earned at in involved at US. training in for discovery NTP/NIEHS the working understanding various G pathology involved for discovery Full as of Dog B of position committee, for & at his T 38 a Pant Professor experiments oxicology human Johnson at in consultant Bern Health INHAND five DVM years scientific as pre-clinical The in (oncology LLC University Scientific and at professional book of University (R diseases, in the and Royal and Senior Pharmaceuticals TP (Johnson development Associate potential (DABT). of Bologna, committee. HeisadiplomateoftheECVP meetings. chapters, to Pathology , National that Environmental has NC) pharmaceutical Director risk V and (Pantnagar Research eterinary focus (Switzerland), and authored He as activities mode assessment & Italy editor Cardiovascular T chemical He Johnson is 80+ visiting oxicology , at on by Pathology also and T is characterization of providing el Pathologist. R&D regulatory College, for , a more Sciences for A a India) diplomate action did viv Drug Fellow fellow companies carcinogenesis. Pharmaceuticals, various in University of his Program University than early at chemicals, and and scientific London for training Drug of metabolism), and (Newark, in International Dr of Societies 420 2012, toxicity a Chemical T Dr . American Discovery Master's research and for andafellowofthe Singh . and of and articles Dave in (UK). leadership California he 18 CROs drugs, tox safety DE), has in worked of years. has USA). path Malarkey's pre-clinical During toxicology at College oxicology pathology molecular Academy served and where Sciences in a of medical Utrecht strong Israel, at Davis Since at novel In in book Life the the his his he as of , « « « « « « and Fitness W From hotspots from Situated estin™ 5 minfromtheOsho 10 minfromCityCentreShopping 30 minfromHinjewadi Park 20 minfromMagarpattaCity&KharadiEON 25 minfromRailwayStation 10 minfrom services the signature Studio, in of HOTEL airport to the that fully beautiful Airport the treatments and inspire equipped hotel in and Koregaon D E T Ashram of you h close v re e INFORMA e D fers r at a y V to m E W e the Ù world-class st be estin proximity i I s i n x The W n it i s p Heavenly a at p Park, e t s a i i r r o your i i WORKOUT® e n W n . n g M estin Pune ce just h best. to e e facilities re m Spa 5 the o Kms r i e by s IT

TION THE WESTIN In India,call:0008006501407 Phone: (91)(20)67210000 State,41 Mundhwa Road,Ghorpadi,Pune, 36/3-B KoregaonPark ü ü ü ü ü ü 000 8006501407 For moreinformation,pleasecontact Inclusions: (Exclusive ofCurrenttaxes) Deluxe room:6250/=INR/night T Buf Refreshment centre(Mini-bar) Complimentary mineralbottleofwater Standard Wifiintheguestroom amenities Heavenly bedalongwithheavenlybath Access toW ea /cof fet breakfastatdesignatedvenue T La ariff: u fee makerintheroomalongwith n g i n estin W g E M x

p ee e t r i n i ork out e g s &C n 1001, India. ce Annexe, o n f D e i re n i n n g E ce s x p e r i e R n e ce f re s h i n g 11 Sixth STP-I Conference 12 Sixth STP-I Conference (020- 4141 Nagar Mahindra Society 261 (+91-20-26122933 / 294 KoregaonPark, Lane OfHotel'O', +91-20-26059999 Railway Station +91-20-41054105 Koregaon Park Near BundGardenSignal, Suites Park CentralComfortE- Noarth MainRoad, Hotel ExecutiveResidency (+91 931393) Koregaon Park) Lane No.6,NorthMainRd. Oyo Hotel Adjacent to 88, PuneNagarRoad, Hyatt Pune 7, Hotel ShreePanchratna V 915/A, KoregaonParkRd, St LaurnHotel (020 40011000) Koregaon Park North mainroad, Hotel 'O' (+91-20-40008000) asani Nagar T adiwala Road,NearPune 19097) . Hotels nearbySTPIConferenceV 1234) Aga KhanPalace, Hotel , KoregaonPark , Kalyani Adjacent STPI Con. W 2.3 km 2.2 km 1.3 km 4.1 km 2.5 km V (Hotel 2 km 2 km enue estin) Distance from 3.8 km 6.2 km 6.4 km Airport Pune 7 km 8 km 7 km 7 km enue (TheW Railway Station 2.3 km 0.5 km 4.4 km 2.3 km 3.8 km Pune 6 km 4 km estin Pune) Rs.5000-7000+T 5500 + Single Occupancy- 3500 + Single Occupancy- 2900 + Single Occupancy- 2500+ Double occupancy- 2200+ Single Occupancy- Rs. 2000-2500 Rs. 4000-5000 6000 + Double occupancy- 4000 + Double occupancy- 3200 + Double occupancy- Approximate StayCharges T T T T T T T T axes (T axes (T axes axes axes axes axes axes per night otal=2968) otal=2610) axes Phone: 907/4, payable V At t Pathology Online Students STP-I Nonmember STP-I member Registration fee Date: ______Draft/cheque No.:______STP-I membership#:______Amount:______Phone /Fax:______E-mail:______Address: ______Designation: ______Name: ______r [email protected] a REGISTRA par n s f SIXTH CONFERENCEANDCONTINUEDEDUCATIONPROGRAMON cheque/draft e GIDC, “ +91 r transfer The W at

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13 Sixth STP-I Conference LOCAL companies". evolving the H where conditions Quality cities professionals East, and of automobiles grow economic Since Pune isconsideredtheculturalcapitalofMaharashtra. memorial Cave preserved grand ministers) Maharashtra, P ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ u y Shreemant DagdushethHalwaiSarvajanikGanpati Darshan Museum ISKCON NVCC Sri BalajiMandir Malshej Ghats Bhimashankar Fort Ganpati National Defence Raja DinkarKelkarMuseum Chaturshrungi Pu LaDeshpandeGarden Phoenix MarketCity Aga KhanPalace W Rajgad Fort Jain and manymore... information d n e e estern Ghats . world training, r , T and The

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STP-I Executive Committee: Conference Organizing Committee:

President Dr. S.K. Vijayasarathi, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. DIBTP Dr. S.K. Vijayasarathi, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. DIBTP Advinus Therapeutics Ltd., Bangalore Advinus Therapeutics Ltd., Bangalore Dr. Venkatesha Udupa, M.V.Sc, M.Sc (Tox),

Sixth STP-I Confer Vice President DABT, DIBTP Dr. Shekar Chelur, M.V.Sc, DABT, DIBTP Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Navi Mumbai Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd., Bangalore Dr. Shekar Chelur, M.V.Sc, DABT, DIBTP Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd., General Secretary Bangalore Dr. Venkatesha Udupa, M.V.Sc, M.Sc (Tox), DABT, DIBTP Dr. Madhav Marathe, M.V.Sc, DIBTP, FIBA Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Navi Mumbai (UK), cGLP (USA) Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. Ltd., Joint Secretary Vadodara Dr. Yogesh Murkunde, M.V.Sc., Ph.D, DIBTP Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai Dr. Narendra Deshmukh, M.V.Sc, DABT, DIBTP Treasurer INTOX Pvt. Ltd., Pune Dr. Satish Panchal, M.V.Sc., DIBTP Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. Ltd., Dr. Kamala Kannan, M.V.Sc, DIBTP Vadodara Advinus Therapeutics Ltd., Bangalore

Members Dr. Jomy Jose, M.V.Sc., DIBTP Vimta Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad Dr. P Kalaiselvan, M.V.Sc, DICVP, DABT, DIBTP Dr. Satish Panchal, M.V.Sc., DIBTP Syngene International Ltd., Bangalore Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. Ltd., Vadodara Dr. Uday Kapurkar, M.V.Sc. Jai Research Foundation, Vapi Dr. P Kalaiselvan, B.V.Sc, M.V.Sc, DICVP, DABT, Dr. Jaiprakash Bhelonde, M.V.Sc, DABT, Syngene International Ltd., India DICVP Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Gurgaon Dr. Deepa Rao, Regulatory reviewer, CDER, US FDA Dr. Kotrappa Mathur, M.V.Sc. DICVP Liveon Biolabs Ltd., Bangalore Dr. Sanjay Bokan M.V.Sc, DABT, DIBTP Lupin Ltd., Pune Special Advisor Dr. S. J Seshadri, M.V.Sc., FIAVP Dr. Gururaj Vishwase M.V.Sc, DIBTP Bangalore Lupin Ltd., Pune

Dr. Jaiprakash Bhelonde M.V.Sc, DABT, DICVP Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Gurgaon

16 Society of Toxicologic Pathology - India (STP-I) 29, 1st cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560 003, Karnataka, India e-mail: [email protected] Website:, +91 09845812503 , www echnologies LLP T ittarthaa Designed & Printed by: V