Vol. XXIV. ANNANDALE.ON.HUDSON, N. Y., JUNE 1, 1918. No. 12

FRANK VAUGHAN ANDERS, of Thur­ mont, Md. WHO'S WHO IN 1918 Entered 1914. strapping six Prepared at Surrey and Donaldson footer, weighing 180 Schools. pounds. Brown eyes; Member of the Kappa Gamma Chi Fra­ Only Four Men Graduate Out of One of The Largest Grecian nose; smiling ternity. lips; luxurious hair Secretary of the Freshman Class. Entering Classes. slightly thinned out; Vice-President of the Sophomore Class. always in good health Vice-President of the Junior Class. but having a weakness Treasurer of the Senior Class. for medicines. Vice-President and Treasurer of Convo­ may well ask "Where, 0 Where Are The Grave Old Seniors," when cation, 1918. we find the class "mighty in battle," which once numbered eighteen men, Chairman of the Publicity Committee, ?:raduating but four. · The cause of her depleted numbers, however, is one 1918. of which 1918 can well proud, for she has some seven or eight men in Member of the Dragon Club. Intends to enter the Ministry, and will pursue his theological studies the Service-infantry, cavalry and hospital work, both here and abroad. next year at the General Theological Seminary. Of the four men who are graduating, three expect to enter immediately HAROLD BEACH ADAMS, of Burling­ upon their seminary work and one plans to go into training with the Na­ ton, Vermont. tional Army this summer. Entered 1914. Prepared at Hoosac School. 1918 has been an influential class throughout its four years' existence. Member of the Kappa Gamma Chi Fra­ As Sophomores, they were the largest and strongest class on the campus. ternity. Every member has taken an active part in the life here at St. Stephen's Treasurer of the Class, 1914-15. and leaves the college a better and stronger place, and us undergradu- Reporter on "Messenger," 1915. ates an example to emulate. Manager of Baseball, 1917. Vice-President and Treasurer of Athle­ In detail, the graduates are: tic Association, 1917. Associate Editor of the "Messenger," LEONARD WALLACE STEELE, of 1917-18. Jewett, N. Y. Member of Student Council, 1918. Intends to enter the Ministry, and has Entered 1914. been engaged as instructor in History at Prepared at Windham High School. the Seabury Divinity School, where he will Member of the Eulexian Fraternity. I pursue his theological studies. Treasurer of the Sophomore Class. Prize-winner in Elementary Greek, 1916. I W ALTER RAYMOND WHITMORE, of

Prize-winner in Mathematics, un G. 'I' Webster, Mass. Treasurer of the Junior Class. Entered 1913. Business Manager of the "Messenger" Prepared at Webster High School. 1917-18. Member of the Eulexian Fraternity. Prize-winner in Latin 1917. Secretary of Freshman Class. Prize-winner in Greek 1917. Secretary of Sophomore Class. Prize-winner in Science 1917. Prize-winner in History 1916. President of the Senior Class. Prize-winner in Philosophy 1917. Secretary of Convocation. Vice-President of Senior Class. Member of the Student Council. Treasurer of Convocation 1917. Member of the Dragon Club. Member-at-large of Finance Committee, 1917. Prize-winner in Hellenistic Greek 1918. Associate Editor of the "Messeng'," Prize-winner in Philosophy 1918. 1917-18. Intends to enter the Ministry and has been engaged as instructor in Pre­ President of Convocation 1918. p2ratory English at the Seabury Divinity School, where he will pursue his Intends to enter the Ministry, and expects to enter National Army dur­ theological studies. ing the Summer.

I Commencement I Monday afternoon, June 3rd, is set I apart for the usual Class Day exer- S. A. . Fraternity Dance i Dr. Robertson to Remain I cises. These exercises will be fol­ Retained by Board of Trustees as FESTIVITIES TO BE OF A SIM. ! lowed by the Dragon Club Dance to MUSIC, SNAPPY­ Hoffman Professor of Greek. PLE CHARACTER ON AC· i be held in Ludlow and Willink Hall, EVENING IDEAL­ Amid cheers and applause, the COUNT OF WAR. I the proceeds to be donated to the GIRLS Pre~dent of Convocation announced Commencement this year will be Red Cross. The long-looked for evening of to the students at dinner on Thurs-

held from June 2nd to June 5th. 'I At 6 :30 p. m. on Tuesday, June May 17th has come and gone and is day evening, May 23rd, that Dr. Rob­ There will be a celebration of the 4th, there will be a Memorial service now nothing but a memory. On that ertson was to be retained as Hoffman Holy Communion at 8 'clock a. m. l in the Chapel in honor of the late evening the members of the New Professor of the Greek Language and on June 2nd and at 10:45 a. m. there I Reverend George B. Hopson, D. D., York Sigma Phi Chapter of Sigma Literature. This decision was reach­ will be a choral Eucharist and ser- \ ~md Tuesday evening will be given Alpha Epsilon were hosts at the ed by the Board of Trustees at their mon preached by the Rev. L. T. Cole, . over to the respective fraternity re­ Spring dance. The affair was held in May meeting on the 21st, after care­ D. D., Rector of Trinity School, New : unions. Ludlow and Willink Hall, an ideal ful consideration of the points made YOl'k. At 5 p. m. on that same day I The Commencement exercises will place for such a function. The Trus- by the students and faculty in their there will be a choral evensong with i take place after the service at 11 tees' Room was beautifully decorated interviews with the Trustees in April. the Baccalaureate sermon preached I o'clock a. m. on Wednesday, June with lilacs; the large fraternity ban- We all welcome this final decision by the Rev. Dickinson S. Miller, Ph. 5th, followed by luncheon in the Pres­ ner hung overe the chaperones' aI- of the Trustees and feel that the re­

D., Professor of Christian Apologe- i ton Hall at 1 :00 p. m. Alumni, For­ cove; lights were shaded with the pur- taining of Dr. Robertson as head of ties at the General Theological sem- I' mer Students and friends of Saint pIe and gold; at on.e end o.f the room the Greek department means the con­ inary. At this service the College I Stephen's College are cordially invit­ a large S. A. E. pm was Illuminated , tinuing' of our splendid record for choir will render Gounod's "Gallia." I ed to be present. ( Continued on page 2) : honor Greek.students. 2 THE MESSENGER

THE MESSENGER I s. A. E. FRATERNITY DANCE. GLEE CLUB AT KINGSTON times and to that end, we are willing to fight with the spirit shown by our

II (Continued from page 1) Concert and Dance a Complete fathers in 1776. To gain this end, Editor-in-Chief Success we must get behind the boys 'over and set in a background of flowers., there' and support them faithfully. ALEXANDER N. KEEDWELL, '19 I The other rooms held banners of the On Tuesday evening, May 14th, an I We must, to use the popular phrase, ! college and college organizations. (un) dress rehearsal of the St. Steph- 'give until it hurts.' " i The evening was ideal and the I 's College Glee Club was held in After the very stirring address, the Assistant Editors I music of the very best. It was soon Holy Cross Parish House, Kingston. audience arose and sang "The Star

'I' after eight thirty that the first one- The rehearsal had been advertised HARRY J. STRETCH, '19 Spangled Banner" p.nd the college step was on full blast and the rooms "weather and police permitting," and DONNON E. STRONG, '20 m en gave a "long St. Stephen's" for I were filled with the college men and it is a pleasure for the Messenger to WILLIAM A. M. PARKER, '21 the Red Cross. ! their beautifully gowned guests. The report that not only was the sun shin­ The district of Annandale was ap­ I guests were as follows: Miss Rowan, ing, but also that the "copse," in true portioned $1000.00 and plr.ced in I of Pelham, with Gresham; Miss mythical fashion, listened, enchanted, chnr of Mrs. Upton. The students' Exchange Editor Dewey, of Bennington, Vt., with Hall; as the club piped out a Medley of c;:mtributions aggreg:1tecl about $62. JOSHUA C. FRASER, '18 Miss Arthur, of Smithton, L. 1., with College Songs, and "Mynheer Van­ Strong; the Misses Grace and Bessie dunck," the first number on the pro­ DR. AND MRS. RODGERS Delaney, of Hudson, with Lounsbury gr2.m. After prolonged applause, ENTERTAIN. Business Manager and Castleman, respectively; Miss which overwhelmed the more inferior Haen and Miss Rowe, of Rhinebeck, voices, the Quartette took upon it­ OTIS L. MASON, '10 On Wednesday evening, May 22nd, with Stretch and Dickerson, Miss self to ward off a repetition of the Dr. and Mrs. Rodgers entertained in Schick, Misses Louise and Helen outburst by rendering "Honey, I honor of the Cbs:; of 1918. Those Thomas, of Kingston, with Fraser, wants yer now," (Collin Coe). Next, Auistant Business Manager present in addition to the Seniors Moore and Mason, Miss Trevitt, of Mr. Mattle gave an impersonation, were the members of the faculty, HOLLIS W. COLWELL, '21 Gloversville, with Pfaffko; the Misses entitled "The Wop's Revenge." Then Mrs. Upton, the Rev. and Mrs. A. S. GORDON L. KIDD, '21 Kerr, O'Malley and Russell, of Al- followed "The Pope," by the club. Hale, and Miss Adams. The evening ERIC L. MAC EWAN, '21 bany, with Steele, Anders and Aitkins "Frestidigitatorial Stunt" by Mason, was enjoyably spent at cards. Miss Judge, of New York, with Whit- "Alexander," (Brewer), by the club, more; the Misses Burns and Minnick, "Aloha," (Brackett), by the Quar- * * * * of Skidmore, with MacEwan and Par- tette, Piano Duet, "Overture to Zam- " * * * * * * Reporters ~ The Messenger is in urgent * sons, Miss Manning, of Jamaica, L. I., pa," (Herold), by Mason and Mr. need of an Asso=iate Editor in * ARTHUR G. W. PF AFFKO, '20 with Colwell; Miss MacFarren, of Sy- Fowler, "Medley from the South," * the form of a typewriter. This * ELVIN R. NEWTON, '21 racuse, with MattIe, Miss Adams, of (Pike), by the club. After the "AI- * officer is a most vital factor in * GEORGE AMES, Sp. Red Hook, with Dr. Robb, and Miss ma Mater," which followed the "Star * the life of the B:>ard. Will some * Fowler, of New York, with Mr. Fow- Spanglelil Banner," the curtain was * kind alumnus please send a cap- * ler. There were also among the drawn. able applicant to the Editor-in- The Messenger is published twice guests Armstrong, '14, Wilson, '14, The whole entertainment was very * Chief? * a month during the time College is Childs, Sp., of N. Y., with the Miss€s successful. Quite a large audience "" * * * * in session. Hawthorne, W cLeod and Sparling, of was sung to, and all expressed their * * * * * * * Subscriptions and other business New York; Wilson frqm St. Lawrence I pleasure at having the "boys" over, communications should be addressed University, Canton, with Miss Grill, I and the hope of having them over LIBRARY HOURS. to the Business Manager. of Poughkeepsie; and Miss Curtis, of soon again. Red Hook. As' it was impossible to go hack to All subscriptions overdue will be The patrons and patronesses were Annandale that same evening, many Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and discontinued. Dr. and Mrs. Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. of the fellows were entertained most Thursday, 7 to 9 p. m. Friday, 4 to 6 p. m. Price of subscription, in advance, Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Saulpaugh, Mr. hospitably by private families, and Saturday, 9 to 11 a. m. $1.00 a year. Single copies 10 cts. and Mrs. Curtis, of Red Hook, and , arrived on the campus for ten o'clock Entered at the Post Office at An­ Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth, of Tivoli. The class the following morning. nandale-an-Hudson, N. Y., as second­ chaperones were Mrs. Rowan, of Pel­ class mail matter. ham, Mrs. Castleman of Philadelphia, I Mrs. Delaney of Hudson, Mrs. Fow- I NASUOT AU HOUSE THE RED CROSS DRIVE. NASHOTAH, WIS. leI' of N ew York, Mrs. Hale of Phila- \ June is again here, and with it delphia, and Mrs. Klyce of Kingston. A Three Years Course in Theology. comes the fifty-eighth Commence­ One of the features of the evening Enthusiastic Meeting in Preston RaIl. Term opens at Michaelmas, Septem- ment of St. Stephen's Colleg·e. The was the display of purple and gold After the noble response to the ber 29. For catalogue, address fifty-eighth is one more than the fifty­ caps by the hosts, the singing of fra- Third Liberty Loan Drive, a short Rev. EDWARD A. LARRABEE, D.D. seventh-yet, last June, some thought ternity songs and the playing of sev- time ago, the nation has again been Dean. that St. Stephen's had gradua~ed her eral special numbers of S. A. E. music called upon to take part in another last class. This year, doubtless, for some of the dances. drive which shall aid in winning the there are even a greater number who All good times must come to an war-The Red Cross Drive. On think that fifty-eight completes the end, however, and soon the hands of Thursday evening, May 23rd, the col- THE TONSORIAL SHOP number of graduations set down for the clock pointed to two and the lege dining-hall was filled with col- St. Stephen's in the Book of Destiny. guests reluctantly departed. The lege people and those from the sur­ But when those same individuals read dance was over but that night will rounding country to take part in a next year, of St. Stephen's fifty-ninth long be remembered for one of the r:1lly, planned to stimulate interest in Conroy's Commencement, and the year after best dances at St. Stephen's. the wonderful work of the Red Cross RED HOOK, N. Y. that, of St. Stephen's sixtieth Com­ and its needs at the present time. mencement, they will come to realize FRATERNITY REUNIONS. After the singing of "America" Razors Honed 25 Cents that she is not down, that she will and several selections by the Glee never close her doors-that she is Eulexian. Club, Mrs. Hale of Philadelphia, sang alive, kicking and growing, and mak­ The Reunion Banquet of the Eulex­ several beautiful solos. Thereupon D W E ing boys into men, and doing every­ ian Fraternity will be held on Tues­ the speaker of the evening, Dr. r. · · Traver thing she can for the advancement of day Evening, June 4th, on the Cam­ Brown, of Poughkeepsie, was intro­ the nation, and of the Church. pus. Only a small number of alumni duced by Dr. Rodgers. GRADUATE DENTAL So, let there be no pessimism this are expected. Dr. Brown spoke very forcefully of SURGEON year about St. Stephen's future. Let K. G. X. t he work and needs of the Red Cross OFFICE AT RED HOOK us bid the outgoing class good-bye, This year is the Fiftieth Anniver- in the present war. He told of the and good luck, and let us come back sary of Kappa Gamma Chi and the vastly different actions of the Ger­ Over Aucock's Grocery Store in September bearing a suitable wel­ Reunion Banquet will be held on man Red Cross as compared with the come for the new men we shall find Tuesday evening, .Tune 4th, at The British, French, Italian and Ameri- in our midst. Beekman Arms, Rhinebeck. About can; of how the Red Cross was the Telephone 20-F22 thirty alumni members are expected. second line of defense. The "vile, Babcock-Adams. S. A. E. despicable gang" in Germany was THE TIVOLI TIMES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Babcock The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraterni- bitterly denounced for its brutal, in­ announce the engagement of their ty will hold its Annual Reunion Ban- human methods of gaining its own MADALIN, NEW YORK daughter, Hildred C to Mr. Harold quet as usual this year on the even- ends. "We are not in this war for Particular Printina Beach Adams, '18. The wedding will ing of .June 4th. Present war con- , any special love for England, France --e

take place some time during the Sum- ditions will prevent a great number ,I ar italy," said Dr. Brown but because mer. of alumni being present. autocracy must be crushed for all . G. LUCAS, Prop'r THE MESSENGER 3

ST. STEPHEN'S STUDENTS IN Sp.-Lieut. B. Bruce Lamond, ANNUAL MEETING OF CONVO­ Cox Sons &: Vining ARMS. Camp Oglethorpe, Georgia. CATION. Sp.-H. Bruce Macquire, Camp 72 Madison Avenue Alumni, Former Students and Under­ Wadsworth, Spartanburg, N. C. NEW YORK graduates who are serving their Sp.-Lieut. Walter F. Perram, R. At the Annual Meeting of Convo- Country at Home and Abroad. F. C., B. E. F., France. cation, held Monday evening, May Caps and Gowns 20th, the following officers were elect­ Sp.-Arthur H. Parks, Co. L., ed for the year, 1918-19: Hoods for all Degrees ALUMNI. 107th U. S. Infantry, Camp Wads­ Church Vestments '75-Rev. Albert E. George, Pub­ worth, Spartanburg, N. C. President and Marshal-Mason '19. licity Agent, War Dept., of the North­ Sp.-Rev. David C. Mayers, Y. M. Vice-President-Moore '19. east, No. 25 Huntington Avenue, C. A., France. Secretary-Castleman '19. Boston, Mass. Treasurer-Stretch '19. Sp.-Rev. John G. Martin, Y. M. C. CAPITAL $150,000 '86-Captain Clarence W. Mur­ A., A. E. F. London, Eng. Student Council. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $128,000 phey, Quartermaster's Reserve Corps Sp.-Lieut. Wm. E. Severe, Co. A, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. 1 G8th Infantry, Rainbow Division, A. Castleman '19. '94-Lieut. Robert W. Bowman, Co. THE NATIONAL BANK, E. F., France. Moore '19. C., 107th Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, Stretch '19. Sp.-Joseph Goostray, U. S. Nav­ RED HOOK, N. Y. Spartanburg, N. C. Strong '20. '98 Rev. Frank J. Knapp, Chaplain, al Reserve, New London, Conn. 3 % Interest paid on Certificates of Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, N.C. Sp.-Ensign William H. Wilsen, Member at large of Finance Deposit. We solicit your patronage. '01 Rev. Arthur C. Saunders, Annapolis Naval Academy, Annapolis Committee. Royal School of Infantry, Esquimalt, Maryland. MattIe, Sp. B. C. Sp.-Capt. Chas. E. Dubell, 110th '10-Rev. George St. J. Rathbun, Field Artillery, Anniston, Ala. American Ambulance Corps, France, IRVING P. FAVOR Sp.--Rev. Herbert S. Smith, Chap­ DR. RODGER'S LEAVE OF AB· (on leave.) lain, 3d Infantry, Sacketts Harbor, SENCE. THE STOCKHOLM CHINA STORE '13-John W. Day, Y. M. C. A., N. Y. Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. 306 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y Colonel Henry T. Ferguson, 37th Plans are not yet formulated per­ '14-Merwin M. Bennett, Boats­ Infantry, Ft. McIntosh, Texas. manently for Dr. Rodger's leave of FINE CHINA, CUT GLASS, LAMPS wain's Mate, 2nd Class U. S. S. Calu­ Sp.-Harold E. Stone. absence. ETC. WEDDING AND ANNI· met, U. S.-N. Sp.-Douglas Gott, 677th Aero Dr. Rodgers expects to remain here VERSARY GIFTS '14-Edwin W. Ely, 41 Rue Squadron, Morrison, Va. in Annandale where he will conduct Provence, Paris. IX. UNDERGRADUATES the services in the College Chapel on '15-Paul Hartzell, American Am­ Sundays, until August. He will be bulance Corps, Allentown, Pa. Albinson, Sergt. Major J. Warren, Camp Monmouth, Little Silver, N. J. here at the reopening of the College '15-Lee L. Rose, Base Hospital in September. Ee MILLER No.1, A. E. F., France. Beach, Lieut. W. J., Officers' Re­ serve Camp, Madison Barracks, New Dr. and Mrs. Rogers expect to Livery and T earning '16-William A. Alexander, Bat­ spend the winter in Florida. tery F, 303 Field Artillery, Camp York. AUTOMOBILE - FOR - RENT Devens, Mass. Bierck, Lieut. W. Hubert, Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J. ALUMNI NOTES. Horses To Let at All Hours '16-Sergeant Everett N. Whit­ comb, Base Hospital No.1, A. E. F., Davie, H. Lee G., Base Hospital, 41 I ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON France. Camp Sevier, Greenville, N. C. The Rev. Elroy Jeffrey Jennings, '12, assistant at the Church of the NEW YORK Ex. '16-Clyde Brown, American Dorwart, George M., Co. 8, 60th Ascension, Pittsburgh, has been ac­ Ambulance Corps, France. U. S. Infantry, Camp Greene, Char­ cepted for Y. M. C. work in France '17-Lieut. Lloyd S. Charters, lotte, N. C. and is now in camp, expecting to Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J. Foulke, Harold B., Royal Flying Encourage Home Trade leave for the front by the end of May '17-Lieut. Joseph A. Lowery, Corps, Toronto, Canada. The Rev. Henry Glaeser, '14, has Aviation Section, U. S. Signal Corps, Hoffman, Sergti Walter F., A. E. BUY IT AT. accepted a call as assistant at the Park Aviation Field, Memphis, Tenn. F., France. Church of the Incarnation, New York '17---George E. Spitzli, Camp Hunt, Asst. Surgeon Cassius H., and will have charge of the Chapel of 'iVadsworth, Spartanburg, N. C. Base Hospital No.1, A. E. F., France. the Incarnation during the absence AUCOCK'S '17-William E. Burger, Camp Kearn, Lieutenant Lester W., A. E. of the Rev. E. M. H. Knapp. RED HOOK, N. Y. Wadsworth, Spartanburg, N. C. F., France. Ex. '18.-Leonard 1. Kitts, Camp Keen, Jas. G., Detention Co. 1, 15 Batalion, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Ogle­ Rugs, Curtains, Leavenworth, Texas. DRAGON CLUB DANCE Ex-'18-Sergt. Major Drury L. thorpe, Ga. Couch Covers Patchell, 112th Infantry, Anniston, Koch, Arthur E., Naval Officers' Informal Subscription Affair in Lud­ Alabama. Training School, Harvard University, low and Willink. Ex-'19-M. Benton Prout, Ameri- Cambridge, Mass. The Dragon Club has decided to Lew, Raymond, Camp Upton, N. Y. hold its Annual Informal Dance on KODAKS DtVttOPA,~NGO ~NAOR6iNGP~. HTING ~~nC~mbulance Corps, Camp Greene, Mac Liesh, Corporal George A., the evening of June 3rd, in Ludlow w un_ Ex-'19-George Arnold, on Board 94th Co., 7th Regiment, U. S. Ma­ and Willink Hall. The faculty, PICTURES AND PICTURE U. S. S., "Oregon." rines, Santiago, Cuba. alumni Dragons and all classmen FRAMING Mignogna, Edmond, Medical Corps have been invited to attend. West Point, N. Y. This year the proceeds resulting Reining, Robert Royce, Naval Avia­ from the subscription fees are to be RAYMOND'S ART SHOP Society Brand Clothes tion Service, Mass. Inst. of Techolo­ given to the American Red Cross. 318 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES OF­ gy, Cambridge, Mass. Sinsabaugh, Corporal G. Dexter, FER MANY STYLES THAT ARE CAMPUS NOTES. APPROPRIATE FOR ALL OCCA. 1st Army Headquarters, Company C., SIONS. A. E. F., France. When in Red Hook stop at Rev. F. G. Knapp, '98, who is in Smith, Lieut. Hollis S., Camp Dix, DRESSED IN ONE OF THESE charge of Y. M. C. A. work at Spar­ Wrightstown, N. J. SPLENDID SUITS, YOU NEED tanburg, S. C., visited the College on c. M. PATRIE'S Willcox, Roy N., A. E. F., France. NOT FEAR FOR THE FITNESS OF May 16th. Wilson, Charles A., Supply Co., For Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fur­ YOUR ATTIRE. Rev. A. J. M. Wilson, '14, Rev. C. 77th F. A., Cump Greene, Charlotte, nishing Goods S. Armstrong, '14 and Rev. Judson N. C. Child, Sp., visited the College to at­ RED HOOK, N. Y. $25 to $45 ·Wilson, J. Gresham, Telegraph tend the Spring Dance, May 17th. EVERY ACCESSORY NEEDED Bureau, Signal Corps, U. S. R., IN FURNISHINGS, HATS, ETC. France. Wood, Alonzo L., 1st Philadelphia CHAPEL NOTES. SMOKE FORTY-FOUR 5c CIGAR Troop, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, For Sale at W m. S. Bedell, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. The Rev. E. S. Hale, '09, of Mana- THE COLLEGE STORE 303·305 MAIN ST., Wood, Daniel S., 11th U. S. Cav- yunk, Pa., preached the sermon on aIry, Camp Oglethorpe, Georgia. the morning of the 12th. Distributed by Hoffman & Company POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. The Editor would be grateful £(lr Mrs. Hale rendered Veni Creator RED HOOK, N. Y. "Style Headquarters"-The Store any additions or corrections to the Spiritus as a soprano solo during the That Sells Society Brand Clothes. above list. offertory on May 19th. 4 THE MESSENGER

FORSYTH & DAVIS, Inc., I WHO'S WHO IN ST. STEPHEN'S Books and Magazines, Crane's Sta- i tionery, Eastman Kodaks and Sup­ plies, Tennis Rackets and Balls, Pic­ Annandale~on-Hudson, New York Convocation of Undergraduates ture Frames made to Order, Office Walter R. Whitmore, President. and School Supplies, Flags, Flag Dec­ Leonard W. Steele, Secretary. Incorporated 1860. A Church College which gives a sound educa­ orations, Flag Pole l and Brackets, Frank V. Anders, Treasurer. tion in Liberal Arts, and in healthfu 1, moral and physical surroundings, Complete Line Photo Supplies, De­ prepares young men for their life work. A broad Curriculum is ar­ veloping and Printing, 24 hour Ser­ ranged to meet modern conditions and requirements. The watchword vice. Student Council. is "Thoroughness." 307 WALL ST., KINGSTON, N. Y. Walter R. Whitmore, '18, Ch. Leonard W. Steele, '18. FACULTY Harold B. Adams, 18. The Rev. WILLIAM C. RODGERS, M.A. Cantab., D.D., President Alexander N. Keedwell, '19. George S. Gresham, Sp. Collingwood Opera House JOHN C. ROBERTSON, M. A., Uni­ IRVILLE F. DAVIDSON, B. A., versity of Virginia, Ph. D., Johns Harvard; M. A., Litt. D., St. Step­ POUGHKltPSlf, N. Y. Hopkins. Hoffman Professor of hen's; M. A., University of Chica­ Senior Class. See Poughkeepsie Papers For the Greek Language and Litera­ go. Professor of the Latin Lan­ Leonard W. Steele, President. ture. guage and Literature. Joshua C. Fraser, Secretary. Engpgements Frank V. Anders, Treasurer. EDWIN CARLETON UPTON, B. S .• The REV. JOHN M. S. McDONALD, University of Maine; M. A. Col­ B. A., Harvard.~Professor of Phil- umbia; Litt. D., St. Stephen's. osophy. Finance Committee. J. A. CURTIS Professor of the English Language The REV. CUTHBERT FOWLER, Frank V. Anders, '18, Ch. and Literature. Leonard W. Steele, '18. Plumbing and Heating B.A., St. Stephen's. Director, Dept ROBERT GILCHRIST ROBB B. S., : of Music and Instructor in Latin. Harold B. Adams, '18. Alexander N. Keedwell, '19. Metal and Slate Roofing M. A., University of Virginia; Se. D., St. Stephen's. Professor of The REV. PETER F. LANGE, M.D., Harry J. Stretch, '19. HARDWARE, STOVE.S and RANGES Mathematics and Science. (Univ. of Copenhagen), Instructor in History. Publicity Committee. Red Hook, N. Y. GEORGE ECKERT SPITZLI, B. A., (St. Stephen's) Instructor in G. W. KELLAR, B. A., (Harvard) Frank V. Anders, '18, Ch. Mathematics, History and German. Instructor in French. Otis L. Mason, '19. The Horne of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Charles A. Moore, '19. The charges for Tuition, Furnishe d Room, Board, Heat, Light, com­ Clothes for Men-Full Dress, Tuxedo mencing 1915", for new Students, will be $425.00 a year. The College is Suits, Manhattan Shirts, Columbia Marshal. easily reached from the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Station at Barrytown. Shirts, Mark Cross Gloves, Banis­ Joshua C. Fraser, '18. For further information address. ter Shoes, Regal Shoes, Stetson The REV. W. C. RODGERS, D. D., President's House, Hats. I Assistants. St. Stephen's College, Full Dress Accessories. Frank V. Anders, '18. A.NNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. Harold V. O. Lounsbury, '18. S. COHEN'S SONS, Leonard W. Steele, '18. 331 Wall St. Kingston, N. Y. :.:...... _ ...... _ •••• n ...... :.; , : A(t)las(t) A(t)las(t) + THE WEEK'S BEST LAUGH t People are taking an interest in the Athletic Association. T i WHY GO HUNGRY WHEN Messenger BOARD, perhaps that is a Alexander N. Keedwell, '19, Pres. I The Conv:cation t sign that after awhile they may con­ Charles A. Moore, '19, Vice-Pres. f M . t, sider the paper. Otis L. Mason, '19, Secretary. The College Store i eebng. f Harold B. Adams, '18, Treasurer. I :.~..... '...... '...... ~ ... Answers your beck and call? = ...... :.: Prep.-Why, again, did you say The Dragon Club. F. V. ANDERS, Prop. elections are like an artist painting Otl·S L. Mason, '19, Pres. "I say, Briggs, dine with me at my a picture? house tonight, will you?" Alexander N. Keedwell,'19 Vice Pres. '19.-0h! Because it takes a Charles A. Moore, '19, Secretary. "With pleasure, old chap-but will great deal of canvas (ing). your wife expect me?" "N 0, that's the beauty of it. We The Glee Club. LOST-A small herd of goats. had a quarrel this morning, and I Conductor. ,"vant to make her mad." Rev. Cuthbert Fowler, '01. -Boston Transcript. His Photograph. He thought he'd surely made a hit Directors. When for his photograph she pray- Alexander N. Keedwell, '19. "Muriel feared the other girls in ed- ';', Asst. Conductor. the Gaiety chorus wouldn't notice her "Out when this calls," she wrote on it Otis L. Mason, '19. ring." And gave it to her maid. Harry J. Stretch, '19. "Did they?" -Boston Transcript. Go to "Did they? Four of them recog­ ni;"ed it at once."-London Opinion. A young Irishman recently applied WILL YOU PLEASE MENTION for a job as life-saver at the munici­ The Notion Shop pal baths. Business Before Religion. As he was about six feet six inches The Messenger Red Hook, N. Y. tall and well built, the chief life-sav­ WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR For High Grade Stationery, St. Steph- "Can't you and your husband dwell er gave him an application blank to en's Pennants, Place Cards, Tal- together in unity?" inquired the po- fill out. FURNISHINGS FROM THE ly Cards, Park & Tilford and lice judge. "By the way," said the chief life­ Belle Meade Sweet Candies. "Listen, Judge!" exclaimed Aunt saver, "can you swim?" Hanner; "I brung dis no-count man "No," replied the applicant, "but I "Luckey, fden's befo' you to talk business not reli­ wade like blazes!" When you see a merchant's Ad in gion."-Washington Star. -Philadelphia Ledger. THE MESSENGER, it means that he Shop i. a man of honest goods and meaa- Sloggs-I'm proud of my father, I A Bit Clumsy.-Edith-"How does ure. Patronize him and by so doing am. He has a hickory leg. Fred make love?" On the Corner," help youraelf and THE MESSENGER Do~m's-Aw, that's nothing. My Marie-"Well, I should define it as , sister has a cedar chest. unskilled labor."--Boston Transcript. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.