Winter/Spring 2009 Edition # 18 AALLUUMMNNII OOMMNNIIAA


I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas season filled with laughter, family, friends, best wishes and good health. This year the challenges we face are as difficult as they have ever been. Late last year one of our founding members, our Secretary Carol Midgley, was forced to resign from her position due to health reasons. I know you all join me in wishing her a most speedy recovery. Our Vice President, Cindy Kennedy, also resigned after the Annual General Meeting due to personal reasons and strain on her time. This leaves us with two very big gaps in our executive team. The Past President and I have been working very hard to fill these gaps but the fact of the matter is your executive needs help. We must maintain a certain level of volunteers in order to make the association run effectively.

With this in mind, I appeal to the membership to step forward and help. We desperately need a Secretary who can take minutes and distribute them at meetings. At the end of this year we will possibly need a new Treasurer as well. We could use someone to assist with the maintenance of our website and also someone who could assist at events. Your executive team is committed to the success of this association but the reality is that we cannot do this alone. I know full well how everyone’s busy lives leaves little spare time, however, please consider joining the executive team for one meeting per month and some extra work during peak times such as when events are scheduled. I would appreciate hearing from anyone willing to help. Please email me at [email protected] Sharon Mattiuz Class of 1975 WherearetheynowDougFrench

I am proud to say that I have lived in Hamilton my entire life. (60+ years) All of my formal education was in this city attending elementary school at Ballard, high school at Delta, then teachers college and university at McMaster.

I graduated from Grade 13 in the days when one year at I NSIDE T HIS I S S U E teachers college put me in a classroom at a Hamilton elementary school. After I obtained my B.A. from McMaster, I moved on to teaching mathematics at various secondary schools. Later in my 1 President’s Voice & Where are they career, I had the unique opportunity to teach adults, whose math Now? skills were rusty, to prepare for university courses at McMaster.

2 Christmas Concert & Good News. My lifelong passion has been with Scouting. As an 3 adult, I served in numerous roles as a leader, commissioner and Fundraising Ideas & Upcoming Events. weekend factor at Camp Nemo for more than 40 years. In 4 2008 Wall of Excellence Dinner. addition to my local activity, I have done provincial level leader training and worked on several national jamborees across 5 Blast from the Past & 2009 Inductees. Canada.

7 Alumni Information. During much of the 1980s, my wife Jackie and I and 9 another couple, owned and operated a trailer park. That 2009 Wall of Excellence Dinner Form. demanding experience held many positive and negative 10 Alumni Membership Form. challenges and made me feel like the mayor, police constable and chief judge of a small city.

PAGE 1 When I retired after 35 years of teaching, I prepared for a new challenge as a financial planner, which I enjoyed for 7 more years. That role allowed me to teach people how they could use their financial resources wisely.

My recent years have been devoted to more pleasurable hobbies such as curling, ice skating and rollerblading. As well as continuing my Scouting activities, I serve in several roles at my church including singing in the choir. Today most of my time is spent with my loving family consisting of my wife Jackie, three daughters, one son and ten delightful grandchildren. Doug French Class of 1960


Our craft show proved to be successful, despite the constant downpour of rain for the entire day. We had a very happy winner of our door prize, which was $100 worth of scratch and win lottery tickets, and we have decided to make that the standard door prize for this event. The vendors were a happy bunch despite the slow attendance and several of them have already booked for our spring craft Show. Please help us continue this success story by attending our next craft show (see events section).

2nd AnnualChristmasConcert–December6,2008

John Bonk, recent inductee into the CFL Hall of Fame and Delta alumnus, was our MC for the evening. John’s superior people skills kept the show running smoothly. The audience was entertained by the performances of the Delta Concert Band and many other entertainers and one very special lady in the audience received a scarf from none other than Elvis himself! Also thrilling us, and new to the concert this year, was the dance team of Ramona & Don, who danced the merange and the cha cha. Our silent auction in the lobby was also well received. At the end, Santa paid a visit and everyone received candy canes.

We had a profit again this year with the show and I would like to personally thank all of the executive members and our associate member, Laura Erickson, who kept the performers in place and on their mark as the stage manager. I also want to thank Rick Freitas, our sound man, who provided excellent sound coverage and the students from the Communications Department who gave us excellent lighting for the performance. There was a video shot of the evening and it is currently on sale from the executive committee for the price of $10. Please email me at [email protected] or call 905-547-3354. Sharon Mattiuz Class of 1975

Goodews We received a very appreciative letter from one of our members dated January 27, 2009 that we would like to share with everyone. It states verbatim:

Sharon, Happy New Year About a week ago, I talked to Beth Scales-Lowes, Girls PE Head. She showed me the sweaters that the Alumni Association purchased for the Girls’ Hockey Team. They are super in appearance and quality. Thanks for supporting them – they are so excited about the new sweaters! Al Duncan

This was another one of the projects your alumni association has supported! PAGE 2 Fundraisingfortheewsletter

We all know the economic problems we are facing. The alumni association is constantly looking for ways to trim costs so that our money is used most effectively in supporting the students of the school. We were approached awhile ago about selling advertisements in our newsletters and your executive has agreed to try this. Putting out 3 newsletters per year costs almost $1,000. Selling advertisement on the back page (double sided) would almost completely offset this cost. If you are interested, anyone wanting to advertise within our newsletter must send the executive a business card with a valid telephone number and/or email address on it, plus a cheque for $50 (payable to Delta Alumni Association). This will purchase your advertisement for the entire year. You will see, with this newsletter, samples of business card advertisement. Please tell your friends and business associates.


The alumni association has been approached by this company to participate in a fundraising campaign that would net a percentage of the funds from the purchase of any participant using the code word “DELTA” back to the alumni association.

Multi Menu is a Canadian company servicing Canadian pet owners since 1996. There are more than 160 franchises across Canada. They have 14 dog blends and 4 cat blends and have more than 11,000 products for every pet. The produce is made in Canada with Canadian ingredients and there are no by-products used and Multi Menu will deliver your pet food free to your door! Visit them online at . Call Jason today at 905-928-3980 for your free pet food sample. 10% of all purchases will be donated to the Delta Alumni Association. Please see the brochure and consider getting your sample and possibly ordering your pet food from Multi Menu. This program is open not only to Alumni but anyone using the code word “DELTA” when they order!


SpringCraftShow Saturday,April25,2009Cafeteria10am3pm

Our Craft Shows have become popular and very well attended. Lottery tree draw, bake sale, and lots more. There are still some spots open for crafters at this show, so if you know anyone that is a crafter, please refer them to Sharon Mattiuz, 905-312-0277.

75YearClub–TeachersStaffRoom(acrossfromthecafeteria) WednesdayMay27,20091:30pm

Anyone who attended Delta 75 or more years ago qualifies for our 75 year club and is recognized as a honourary member of the Delta Alumni Association. This year we are recognizing anyone who attended Delta in 1934 or anyone we may have missed inadvertently in the last two years. If you know anyone who attended Delta during these years, please contact Jeanette Cooke at 905-560-8675 or email our website webmaster at [email protected].

We are hoping that all of our inductees from the last two years will be able to join us again for an afternoon of reminiscing. All alumni members are invited to the social to welcome our honourary members.

PAGE 3 SecondAnnualWallofExcellenceInductionDinner–ovember7,2008

On November 7, 2008, the second annual Wall of Excellence Induction Dinner was held in the school cafeteria. Earlier in the afternoon, the student assembly listened attentively to the talks given by three recipients of the award as well as heartfelt memories of the late Bill Sturrup, a media and community legend in Hamilton for over 50 years. The response of the students and teachers was genuine and may prove to be helpful in providing role models for the career aspirations of those who attended the assembly.

Alumni gathered in the cafeteria later in the evening for a lively cocktail hour with many going to the Alumni Room to view the interesting array of pictures, artifacts and assorted memorabilia going back to the 1920’s when Delta began its illustrious career as a proud institution of learning and fun. Many of the alumni remarked that their strongest and most poignant memories were bound up in their Delta experiences and returning to the school only heightened those feelings. In fact, a survey conducted during the evening indicated that having the event in the school was much more rewarding than holding it off site in a commercial venue.

Glenn Mallory, Barry Lord and Maryka Omatsu each provided a lively and personal recounting of their Delta days, how the school shaped their own careers and how the associations formed during those days still are an important part of their lives. The buffet style presentation also seemed to be preferred by attendees. For the 2009 event, the Wall of Excellence committee will be guided by the survey results as well as valuable suggestions from both those who attended and members of the Wall of Excellence committee.

We will also be contacting those who attended previous events and will be asking you to contact other Delta folk who might enjoy this rewarding experience. Max Weissengruber, Chairperson Class of 1957


We are pleased to report that, after a lengthy and tedious process, the new alumni website is completely finished and available on the internet at . The website has all the information that you need from the wall of excellence nomination and membership forms to a video of the archives room. We would like to thank Brad Mousseau and Tristan Coysh for their expertise in hosting and designing websites and also alumni member Terry Westlake for all of his hard work and effort over the past three years to create a stand alone website that we can truly be proud to call our own. We hope that you enjoy our new website and we would like to hear any comments/suggestions that you may have. You can send your comments via email to [email protected] . SeventhAnnualGeneralMembershipMeeting–ovember3,2008

The annual membership meeting was held that evening and provided those in attendance with an opportunity to hear reports from the various committees on what they have accomplished over the past year. Elections for positions on the board were also held that night with the exception of the president and vice-president, who still have one more year to serve in their terms. If you are interested in attending a future membership meeting, they are usually held in the first week of November. The upcoming events section in the fall edition will provide the date and time of this meeting.

“It does not matter what year you attended this school – always remember and be proud that you are part of the Delta family as a whole and never forget where you came from.” Quote from Barry Lord’s speech at the Wall of Excellence dinner last November.

PAGE 4 BlastfromthePast

This photo was recently sent in to the alumni association by David Stinson, son of the late Robert Stinson. This photo was from a school performance in the late 1930s and Robert is wearing a white toga in the second row, third one to the right of the eagle standard. Do you recognize anyone else in this picture? If you do, tell us about it by using any of the contact information near the back of this newsletter. 2009WallofExcellenceInductees

The third annual Wall of Excellence Ceremony is scheduled for mid to late October 2009. The committee has benefited from the addition of four new members; Linda Brown, Terry Morgan, Al Duncan and Rick Ludkin. On Monday March 2, 2009, the committee met to select four new inductees from a list that included a considerable number of worthy individuals. The committee is pleased to introduce the following individuals selected as this year’s inductees.

RussellDonnelly:Physicist(194247) Russell received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from McMaster and M.S. and Ph.D degrees from Yale University launching a brilliant career in the field of low temperature physics. His 45 year career as a researcher has focused on the flow behaviour of super-fluid helium at temperatures just above absolute zero. Lowering the temperature of atoms and molecules allows researchers to slow down and even stop the motion of atoms and molecules as he says “allows us to observe and study the fundamental laws of nature.”

In 1966, after ten years as a professor at the University of Chicago, he joined the physics faculty at the University of Oregon receiving a $5 million grant to develop a prototype “cryostat”, a device that allows physicists to explore previously immeasurable aspects of turbulence and convection at low temperatures. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and six books as well as being a consultant to General Motors, the DuPont Corporation and serving on committees for NASA, the National Science Foundation and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His awards are too numerous to mention and he also finds time to pursue his love of music having played the violin in orchestras at Delta and

PAGE 5 McMaster University. Although retired as Emeritus Professor, Russell Donnelly still is incredibly active as a researcher and an inspiration to his students and colleagues.

AlfredScales:Pharmacist/IndustryLeader(194246) While a student at Delta, Alfred Scales worked at a number of jobs but his 2 year apprenticeship at Sutherland’s Drug Store led him to study Pharmacy at the University of Toronto. After graduation, Alfred returned to Hamilton eventually purchasing two locations, one in Hamilton and one in Stoney Creek. These were eventually sold in order to allow him to open up his dream dispensing store in the Medical Arts Building on Mountain Avenue in Stoney Creek. It was designed by Alfred and his doctor friends to better serve the Stoney Creek community and became the first computerized pharmacy in and all first year pharmacy students toured this innovative store.

Big V drug stores offered to buy his stores retaining him as owner/manager and he promoted pharmacy by becoming President of the Ontario Pharmacist’s Association and then President of the Canadian Pharmacists Association. In supporting his commitment to health initiatives on a global level as President of the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association, he traveled to many countries seeking to improve health care especially in third world countries where his own safety was at risk as he sought to improve the lives of others. At home, he was very active in his community and church helping to start a hospice in Hamilton with Dr. Bob Kemp, after whom the hospice was named. He learned to fly and would pilot his small Cessna to his cottage and teach his grandchildren how to swim, play cribbage and canoe.

In 2007, the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association named Alfred Scales as one of the top 100 Pharmacists of all time, a fitting tribute to his life long career of helping others.

GlenSonmor:Athlete,Coach,Teacher(194248) Growing up in the East End of Hamilton, Glen Sonmor was a consummate athlete playing hockey, basketball, baseball and football with a competitive spirit and always playing a leadership role. At Delta he was an excellent student, excelling on both the football and basketball teams during the 1940’s. However, hockey became his major passion and after playing on junior teams in Ontario and with Cleveland and St. Louis in the AHL, he made it to the NHL playing two seasons with the . He lost the sight of one eye that ended his playing career but went on to enroll at the graduating with a degree in Physical Education intending to become a high school teacher and coach. Instead, he accepted a coaching job with the Springfield Indians, Don Cherry being one of his players.

Once his daughter became of age, Glen returned to Hamilton and taught high school at Westdale and Southmount and coaching whenever he could and forging a lifetime friendship with fellow teacher , noted hockey coach, broadcaster and former head of physical education at Delta. Sonmor returned to Minneapolis as coach of the University of Minnesota hockey team and then moved to become General Manager of the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. Always known as a players coach, Glen coached the Birmingham Bulls for one year before becoming coach of the . His team went to the finals of the Stanley Cup losing to the NY Islanders who were beginning a long reign as the dominant team in the NHL. But few people knew that Glen was battling alcoholism, the same demon that had ruined his father’s life. As he has admitted “Drinking forced me out of coaching.” After several attempts at rehabilitation, it was the intervention of his boss who stood by Glen who was able to conquer that demon.

Glen has achieved success as a player, coach and teacher and is a recipient of The Lester Patrick Award honouring recipients for outstanding service to hockey in the United States. However, he feels that his greatest contribution has been to help others who face the same addiction problems. In his own words he believes that “A big part of my life now is helping people who still have that problem. I’m grateful for the people who stood by me and showed me the way out.” Giving back to others is the hallmark of Glen Sonmor’s life and career.

ShirleyElford(Sinclair)Artist,MentalHealthAdvocate(195762) Shirley Elford has combined her talents as an outstanding glass artist with a deep and abiding commitment to supporting mental health awareness, understanding and treatment. She is a celebrated Canadian artist and glass blower who has gained an international reputation for her exquisite hand-crafted glass sculptures. After leaving Delta, she attended Dundas Valley School of Art before studying glass-making at the Ontario College of Art and Sheridan College.

Known for creating corporate recognition and one-of-a-kind pieces, she has produced unique glassworks for many local events including the Hamilton Citizen of the Year, Red Trillium and Tourism Hamilton Awards. She also received national acclaim for her new design of the Juno - Canada’s most prestigious music award for the Canadian Academy of PAGE 6 Recording Arts and Sciences. Visitors to Hamilton such as singer Elton John, actor and advocate Christopher Reeve and US President Bill Clinton have received glassworks by Shirley Elford. Shirley continues to work as an artist and businesswoman but is equally engaged in her tireless advocacy for support of mental health issues.

In the spring of 2006, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation announced the launch of the “Shirley M. Elford Fund” honouring her efforts to create awareness of a disease that affects the lives of 1 in 5 Canadians. The fund will assist St. Joseph’s to achieve its mandate of making advances in the understanding, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals living with mental illness. As Shirley has stated, “If one in five people suffer from mental illness, how can we not be involved.” By her own commitment, Shirley has answered her own question. She is and will continue to be involved.


MEMBERSHIP: JEANETTE COOKE WEBSITE/EWSLETTER: TERRY WESTLAKE ARCHIVES: TED HAMMOND EVETS: VACANT (SHARON MATTIUZ – TEMPORARY) WALLOFEXCELLECE: MAX WEISSENGRUBER MARKETIG: VACANT (MAX WEISSENGRUBER – TEMPORARY) SCHOOLREP: MICHELLE VISCA (PRINCIPAL) 40’SDECADEREP: JOHN MAYCOCK 50’SDECADEREP: HELEN FORBES 60’SDECADEREP: JANET FOLEY 80’SDECADEREP: VACANT 90’S00’SDECADEREP: VACANT FACULTYREP: VACANT If you are interested in writing an article for the newsletter or inquiring about anything concerning the alumni association, please use the following information below to contact us. We will try to answer your request as soon as we can.

Regular Mail Website Delta School’s Phone Number Delta Alumni Association 905-549-3031 Attention: Membership (Leave a message) 1284 Main Street East Email Address Hamilton, Ontario [email protected] L8K 1B2


We would like to thank the following businesses for advertising in our newsletter:



TheThirdAnnualWallofExcellenceInductionDinnerandCeremonywillbeheldon FridayOctober30,2009honouringthisyear’sinducteesDr.RussellDonnelly(194247), AlfredScales(194246),GlenSonmor(194248)andShirleyElford(Sinclair)(195762). Therewillbeacocktailhourbetween56pminthecafeteriaandattendeescanalsovisit theAlumniRoom. Buffetdinnerwillbeginat6:00pmfeaturingasuitableselectionoffoodincludinga vegetarianentrée.TicketPricewillbe$35dollars. TOORDERTICKETS ame:______ MailingAddress:______ ______ E–MailAddress(Optional)______ umberofTickets______@$35PERTICKET=Total$______ PLEASEMAKECHEQUEPAYABLETODELTAALUMIASSOCIATIO MAILTO:DeltaAlumniAssociation WallofExcellence 1284MainSt.E. Hamilton,O L8K1B2


Delta Alumni Association Membership Form (Please Print) 1284 Main Street East Hamilton, Ontario L8K 1B2

Date: ______Renewal or New Member: ______

1. General Information Surname: Maiden Name: First:

Home Address: City and Province: Country:

Postal Code: Home Area/Phone Number: E-Mail Address:

2. Category of Membership ( ) ALUMNI (Former Student) Annual fee of $10.00 renewable Years of Attendance at School: yearly in December. From ______to ______( ) STAFF (Former Teachers/Support Members) Annual fee Years Worked at School: of $10.00 renewable yearly in December. From ______to ______

( ) HONOURARY MEMBER Annual fee is waived. Years of Attendance at School: From ______to ______( ) ASSOCIATE MEMBER Annual fee of $10.00 renewable Referred by Alumni Member yearly in December. ______

3. Volunteering. (Please check off the area(s) that you would like to help out with)

Craft Shows Wall of Excellence Honourary Social

Ottawa Streetfest Newsletter/Website Archives

Other Events Suggest an Event: ______

Please make cheque payable to Delta Alumni Association and mail to “Delta Alumni Membership Committee” at the above address along with your application.

I enclose $______for my membership fee. The total of my enclosed cheque is $______.