Form-1 Environmental Clearance & Sri A.Demudu
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FORM-1 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE & TECHNICAL DETAILS OF QUARRY OPERATION FOR SRI A.DEMUDU BABU Extent: 0.492 Ha Sy.No. 15 Gandigundam Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh State STANDARD TEMPLATE & FORM-I FOR SRI A.DEMUDU BABU Extent: 0.492 Ha Sy.No. 15 Gandigundam Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh State STANDARD TEMPLATE FOR EVALUATION ALL PROJECS/ACTIVITIES: S.No Information Required Information to be furnished by the Project 1 Name of the project or activity Sri A.Demudu Babu 0.492 Ha of Building Stone 2 Name of the Organization/owner Sri A.Demudu Babu 3 Address for communication Sri A.Demudu Babu, S/o. Ganga Raju, Ramavaram Village, Gandigundam Post, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, A.P. 531173 4 Telephone numbers 9441225738 5 Email ID of the organization or contact [email protected] person 6 Location of the Proposed project or Sy.No.15, activity gandigundam Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, A.P., Geo-Coordinates: B.P.No LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 17°50'38.73012"N 83°15'08.48940"E 2 17°50'39.85267"N 83°15'11.02222"E 3 17°50'38.03875"N 83°15'11.77244"E 4 17°50'36.91627"N 83°15'9.23973"E 7 Appraisal Category (B2 or B1) B2 8 Nearest Habitation and distance from the The nearest village Gandigundem is situated project or activity 0.5 km due SE of the quarry lease area. 9 Installed capacity/Production Capacities Average in five years plan period :5490 Cum.mtrs/year of Building Stone 10 Specify the Fuel Approximately 20 liters/day of diesel will be (Coal/CNG/Biomass/Others) and used for the machinery. quantity required 11 Details of Land Use/Land Cover The proposed 0.492 Ha of lease land will be used for quarrying of building stone. No other activity will be takes place. 12 Occupancy, ownership of the land in Government Land which the activity is proposed: (Government land / Private land / Forest land /Revenue land /Temple land/ leased land/ land belongs to other Department) 13 If it is a forest land the following details No shall be furnished: (Whether it is a reserved forest/ protected forest/ demarcated forest/ national parks/ sanctuaries/ any land in possession of forest department). (The village map with Sy.No. indicating nearest forest boundary line from the site shall be enclosed). 14 Total investment o the project/activity. 10 Lakhs a.Funds allocated for EMP 2 Lakhs (capital cost and recurring cost per Recurring : 1 Lakh annum) 15 Brief description of the project with The building stone in the quarry lease will be special reference to specific pollution and mined by open cast, semi mechanized, manual its control measures. method by developing the bench of 3 to 6m bench width with shallow drilling and blasting. The development of benches I the sheet rock will be maintained @60 degree safety slopes. The excavated material will be loaded in the trucks/lorries and transported to the crushing units. The crushed material will be transported to the destination as per the demand. Due to loading and unloading of material and vehicular movement the dust will be raised and the dust suppression will be done using sprinklers. The people who involve in the work will use the dust masks to take care of themselves from the dust pollution. Noise is due to vehicles and the vibration and noise are in limits only. Noise levels cannot be reduced as they are inherent to the machine. The SPM, RSPM, SO& CO quantity is negligible when dilution factor is taken into consideration. However a combined effect has to be studied for cluster situation after survey. This study is beyond scope at present. 16 Compliance report on the following: This is new mine applying for fresh EC. i) Status of compliance of the conditions and environment safeguard stipulated in the earlier clearance letters. ii)Details of the court cases, if any, pending in any court of Law against the project as well as any directions passed by the Court relating to the project directly or indirectly. ii)Details of notices, if any, given to the project under section 5 of the environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and Section 18 of the air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)Act, 1981. 17 Whether the project attracts the No provisions laid under the OM DT. 16.11.2010 issued by the MoE&F , GOI w.r.t. violation of EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendments there of ? (Yes/No) Present stage and status of the Project Yet to start the work after obtaining clearance. 18 Name of the consultant: -- FORM-IM (I) Basic Information S.No ITEM DETAILS 1 Name of the Project/s Sri A.Demudu Babu 2 Sy.No in the schedule Item-1(a)(Mining Minerals) Sy.No.75 3 Project capacity/area/length/tonnage to Proposed to product an average of 5490 Cum be handled/command area/lease area/ Mtrs/year of Building Stone in 0.492 Ha number of wells to be drilled 4 New/Expansion/Modernization New mine applying for EC 5 Existing Capacity/Area etc Nil 6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ B 7 Appraisal Category (B2 or B1) B2 8 Nearest Habitation and distance from The nearest village Gandigundem is situated the project or activity 0.5 km due SE of the quarry lease area. 9 Location Geo-Coordinates: B.P.No LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 17°50'38.73012"N 83°15'08.48940"E 2 17°50'39.85267"N 83°15'11.02222"E 3 17°50'38.03875"N 83°15'11.77244"E 4 17°50'36.91627"N 83°15'9.23973"E Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Village Sy.No.15, Tehsil Gandigundem Village, Anandapuram Mandal, District Visakhapatnam District, State Andhra Pradesh State. 10 Nearest railway station/airport along Pendurthi Railway Station is 7.0 km from the with Distance in kms. lease area. 11 Nearest Town, city, District Visakhapatnam is the nearest town which is at Headquarters along with distance in a distance of 15.0 kms from the quarry lease kms. area and Anandapuram at 13.5 kms from quarry lease area. 12 Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Sy.No.15, Municipal Corporation, Local body Gandigundem Village, Anandapuram Mandal, (complete postal Address with Visakhapatnam District, telephone nos. to be given) Andhra Pradesh State 9441225738 13 Name of the applicant Sri A.Demudu Babu 14 Registered Address Sy.No.15, Gandigundem Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh State 15 Name Sri A.Demudu Babu, Address or correspondence: S/o. Ganga Raju, Ramavaram Village, Gandigundam Post, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam District. 531173 Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Lessee E-Mail Address Telephone [email protected] 9441225738 16 Details of Alternative Sites examined, if There are no alternative sites. any. Location of these sites should be shown on a topo sheet. 17 Interlinked Projects None 18 Whether separate application of None interlinked project has been submitted? 19 If yes, date of submission Not applicable 20 If no, reason There are no alternative sites for this proposed project. 21 Whether the proposal involves approval \ / clearance under: if yes, Details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Nil Act,1980? Nil (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? 22 Whether there is any Government The mine plan approved vide No. 1431/MP- Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the VSP/2019 Dated. 03.06.2019 site? 23 Forest land involved (hectares) None 24 Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and or/land in which the project is proposed to be set up? Nil (a) Name of the Court Nil (b) Case No. Nil (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Details thereof (with approximate Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) S.No. with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land Yes This specified 0.492 Ha of Lad used for use, land cover or topography including quarrying of building stone. This quarry increase in intensity of land use (with located on a hill raised western and respect to local land use plan) Southern flank area base level as 90m to 94m and little higher, maximum 135m above the ground level MSL within the quarry lease. After removal of mineral there will be temporary change formed in this land. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and No There is no existing vegetation and buildings? building in this lease area. So there is no need to clear the existing land. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes This land is waste land till now. Here the mining work will be carried out once the license issued. It will create employment and development of surroundings. 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore No No need of pre-construction houses, soil testing? investigation. The reserve already proved by surrounding quarries. 1.5 Construction works? No The workers will come from nearby villages and they will return back to their home after completion of their daily work. There is no need to build any facilities. Temporary shelters will be arranged for their basic requirements. 1.6 Demolition works? No No need of demolition works for this quarry lease area. 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction No The workers will come from nearby works or housing of construction workers? villages and they will return back to their home after completion of their daily work.