LES McCANN: Comment. Les McCann, Glade Song: Ducks; six more.) Atco SD vocals and keyboards; William Fisher, 33 -313, $4.98. Tape: ® 8313, $6.95; arr.; Selwart Clarke, cond. (Baby, Baby; MN 5313, $6.95. What I Call Soul; Yours Is My Heart Alone; four more.) Atlantic SD 1547, I decided to review the new Delaney and $4.98. Tape: I® 81547, $6.95; 10111 Bonnie record before I listened to it. 51547, $6.95. Their first ("Accept No Substitute" on Elektra) was superb and their stage What a pleasure to see pianist 'singer Les act even better. They are among the few McCann finally come into his own. His whites who have ever successfully cap- last album ( "" with Ed- tured the essence of blues: Delaney is a die Harris) soared up the charts and fine rhythm guitarist, they are both ex- stayed -not just the and soul charts. cellent vocalists. and the addition of Eric folks. but also the pop charts. where Clapton couldn't hurt. it counts. Unfortunately, the album is a disap- the Always a fine singer. McCann has pointment -which isn't really surprising finally become a comfortable one. This because the album was recorded live and time Atlantic has featured him in an live are almost never as durable lighter expensively produced all -vocal album as studio jobs. In the studio a musician with orchestra. Valerie Simpson's beau- can rework his material until he gets it tiful vocal chorus. and much more. just the way he wants it. No such oppor- side McCann is a tireless detective for in- tunity is granted the stage performer. And teresting new material. Over half the a performance that is tremendously excit- songs here were written by two sisters ing on stage often turns out to he pretty he discovered someg here, Helen and Kay ordinary when subjected to the scrutiny Many Broken Wings: Cant reviewed by Lewis -/line of audio without visual. In the case of We Be .Strangers Again: What I Call D and B and Friends. live recording does MORGAN AMES Soul: Raby. Baby. The songs are full - not give a fair picture. They are a much blown, and they could ask for no better better band than this album would indi- FRED BINKLEY singer to introduce them than McCann, cate and I urge you to get the earlier al- who is aided by , a R. D. DARRELL often bum. or wait for their next studio release, stunning singer in her oven right. which is bound to be a knockout. JOHN GARREE There has always been a loving touch I have read that Clapton is modestly of the preacher in Les McCann. His taking a hack seat in the group. From JOHN S. WILSON best albums have an air of celebration the evidence on this album and on the about them. and are usually recorded show I saw with the group, Clapton is among a flock of friends. All that comes making a very fair evaluation of his con- through here in the title tune. Comment, tribution. by Charles Wright and Yusuf Rahman. l'm not sure what Insect Trust will set- Its a five- and -a -half minute track. part tle down to. but for now they mix rock, vocal, part testifying. made with a loose jazz. and good -timey musk in about equal and happy choir of friends including quantities. Lead -singer Nancy Jeffries has I warm singer Gene McDaniels. offer a very unaffected style that works espe- thanks for McCann's sweet reading of cially well on the good -timey stuff. The Unless ll'.c You. w ritten by Johnny Man- band has apparently listened carefully del and myself. The album closes with a symbol denotes both to traditional jazz and to avant- * singularly heartfelt version of Franz gardists like Roswell Rudd (at one point an exceptional recording Lehár's Yours Is ;11y /leur: Alone. Trevor Koehler plays his baritone like One can be successful in the arts with- King Curtis). Apparently the hand has honesty always cuts out being honest. but neither a drummer nor a bass player through in a special way. Few artists (several studio musicians including Elvin warmly than express that quality more are added for the album). which M.A. Jones Les McCann. probably means that they don't play out- side the studio. Too bad -a hand as good and as original as this should be heard STILLS, NASH AND YOUNG: CROSBY, as widely as possible. Recommended. J.G. Deja vu. Rock quartet, vocals and in- strumentals; Dallas Taylor, percussion and drums; Greg Reeves, bass. For a FIDDLING FROM . Björn feature review of this recording, see FOLK Stabi and Ole Hjorth, violin. (Skull - page 70. braddleken; Vals; Polska; Systerpolska; eleven more). Nonesuch H 72033, DELANEY AND BONNIE AND FRIENDS: $2.98. On Tour. Delaney and Bonnie Bramlett, fiddlers and vocals; Eric Clapton, guitar; rhythm ac- Attention, Nashville country what really companiment (Things Get Better; Corn- fans! If you want to know completely uncommercialized, tradi- ing Home; I Don't Want to Discuss It; old. lend That's What My Man Is For; four more). tional fiddle music can sound like, from Ateo SD 33-326, $4.98. Tape: A 326, an ear to these two youngsters are virtuoso yet authentic 33/4 cps, $5.95; ® 4326, $5.95; 111 Sweden. Here from the 8326, $6.95; Il® 5326, $6.95. demonstrations of folk tunes played in the im- THE INSECT TRUST: Hoboken Saturday province of Delarna, Swedish Night. Insect Trust, jazz -rock quintet; provisational styles of famous The rhythm accompaniment. (Be a Hobo; fiddlers from an earlier generation. the tunes and Somedays; Reciprocity; Trip on Me; present players learned both

