Q u a r t e r l y B u s i n e s s Newsletter Issue No. 14, Oct-Dec, 2017

Soy beans harvesting in Mato Grosso is the 's largest producer of soy – The state of Mato Grosso is the largest producer of soy in Brazil with an average output of 15 million tons per year INTRODUCTION This is a quarterly publication by the Embassy of Brazil in Nairobi which aims to create awareness of existing trade and investment opportunities between Brazil and Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Somalia and Burundi. This fourth quarter edition for 2017 sheds light on the Investment Partnership Programme and provides an introduction to the state of Mato Grosso. In addition, there is a write up on some highlights about Brazil, with insights on developments in the country.

BRAZIL'S TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION SYSTEM The Department of Trade and Investment Promotion (DPR) is the unit of the Ministry of External Relations (MRE) responsible for developing and implementing Brazilian exports, foreign investment promotion policies and dissemination of national tourism products. In working with other organizations of the Federal Public Administration, DPR is responsible for matching up Brazilian exports to external demand and stimulating foreign investments. DPR also participates in the discussion and development of proposals for government policies to facilitate the entry and operations of Brazilian companies in external markets, with a view to transforming business opportunities into effective benets for the country.

Through the extensive knowledge and experience of its staff in the eld of international trade diplomacy, the department also organizes events to create awareness and promote technological capacities abroad. To this end, it works in close partnership with representative entities of the private sector and companies engaged in the external market. The DPR operates ve specialized units in Brasilia: Investment Division (DINV), Trade Intelligence Division (DIC), Trade Promotion Operations Division (DOC), Trade Promotion Programs Division (DPG), and Information Technology and Communication Centre (CTIC). DPR is responsible for over 100 Trade Promotion Sections (SECOMs) in over 78 countries operating in strategic posts in ve continents located in 102 embassies and consulates around the world. SECOMs provide assistance to companies wishing to invest in Brazil or import Brazilian products and services. They are also responsible for gathering and disseminating information about local business and investment opportunities for Brazilian companies.

2 BRAZIL'S TRADE PORTAL: INVEST EXPORT BRAZIL The Invest & Export Brazil (/www.investexportbrasil.gov.br) website is a unique initiative of the Federal Government of Brazil, which brings together, on a single platform, information from various Brazilian agencies dedicated to trade promotion and investment attraction.

Invest & Export Brazil is an efcient, coordinated government website highlighting Brazil's business and investment opportunities, promoting foreign trade and attracting international investors to the country's dynamic domestic economy. This informative website is a joint effort of Brazil's Ministries of External Relations (MRE), Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX-Brasil).

The platform brings together information on investment and business opportunities, presenting, in a structured and thematic manner, Brazil's major industries and the institutions supporting them. The Trade and Investment Guide follows the international trend towards cooperating organizations sharing products and services in a single, standardized electronic environment. The innovative web interface enhances the user experience, optimizing access to information, quickly answering key questions and offering services that simplify import, export and investment activities.

Brazil’s Economic Statistics Population, total: 208,015,060 (2017) (IBGE Data) Exports Values (IBGE Data) Jan-August 2017: USD 146 billion Population growth (Annual %): 0.80 (2016-World (17% growth from same period in 2016) Bank) Imports Values (IBGE Data) Surface area (sq. km): 8,515,770 (IBGE) Jan-August 2017: USD 91 billion 2 Population density 24.20/km of land (2016) (10% growth from same period in 2016) Urban population growth (annual %): 1.15 (2016- World Bank)

GDP (2016 in US$): 2.025 trillion

Ination, (IPCA) IBGE Data Aug, 2017 Aug, 2017 0.19% Last 12 months cumulative 2.46%

Sectoral growth – (First quarter 2017) Agriculture: 11.5% Industry: 0.7% Services: 0.2%

3 INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (PPI) The Brazilian economy is on a recovery from an economic slump. The government has employed strategies aimed at enhancing the growth and development of the Brazilian economy by creating the PPI project. This project aims at a growth model whereby the Federal Government expands and strengthens its relationship with the private sector through investments in infrastructure and privatization projects. The main tools are concessionary agreements with the private sector; this will strengthen legal security of the project, regulatory stability and modernize governance on existing projects, further stimulating growth.

The objectives of the PPI are: Ÿ Expand investment and employment opportunities and stimulate technological and industrial development, in harmony with the country's social and economic development goals; Ÿ Ensure the expansion of public infrastructure quality, with adequate tariffs for users; Ÿ Promote fair competition in the celebration of partnerships and the provision of services; Ÿ Ensure the stability and legal security of contracts, with the guarantee of minimal intervention in business and investment; Ÿ Strengthen the regulatory role of the State and the autonomy of state regulatory entities.

The PPI projects include public infrastructure projects implemented through partnership agreements between the public administration and the private sector. Also included in this list are the projects of the National Privatization Program. The sectors covered include railways, highways, airports, ports, hydroelectric power plants, electricity and mining.

Financing of the projects is done through the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES). This is a nancial institution that supports the PPI; its actions involve analysis of the nancial structure of projects included in the Program, offering nancing lines, once the required credit requirements have been met, managing the National Privatization Fund (FND) and conducting company privatization processes approved by the PPI Board. Another important arm that provides nancing on economic lines is the Caixa Econômica Federal which is a government owned bank and provides lending to national projects.

PPI Projects- Energy, Railways and Sanitation Energy Currently there are over 91 projects, including 23 on electric power, 6 on oil and gas, 25 on Port terminals, 18 on airports, 8 on highways, 8 on railways, 4 under mining and other sectors.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy announced the reorganization and further privatization of ; the state owned Power Company, as one of the 23 projects on electric power under the PPI. This reorganization is expected to enhance competitiveness and agility for the company in the management of its operations. 4 Concessions currently being studied include the Amazonas Power Distribution Company, Boa Vista Power Distribution Company, Eletro Acre Power Company, Piaui Power Company, Alagoas Power Company and Rondônia Power Plant.

The effects of this move have so far been felt in the stock markets. According to Economatica, Eletrobras' nancial information provider, the company's shares suffered heavy losses in recent years. This has been turned around by the privatization announcement. The market value of Eletrobras was estimated at R$ 19.5 billion (USD 6.24 billion) considering the closing of the shares on 18th August, 2017. From the announcement, the company saw its market value increase R$ 9.13 billion (USD 2.92 billion) in a single day from R$ 20.17 (USD 6.45) billion to R$ 29.30 (USD 9.38) billion. The value of Eletrobras' ordinary shares rose 49.3% to R$ 21.20 (USD 6.78) The value of preference shares also rose 32.08%, to R $ 23.55 (USD 7.53)

Railways Plans are currently underway by the Government to authorize ve railway projects. These projects cover a stretch of 12.6 thousand kilometers and a cargo carriage of about 457 million tons and include the Carajás Railroad (Pará and Maranhão), the Vitória-Minas Railroad, the FCA (Mid-West and Southeast), the ALL-Malha Paulista and the MRS, which runs through Minas Gerais, through Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The investment is planned to cover USD 8 billion in the next ve years.

Sanitation Plans are underway to privatize water distribution and sewage collection and treatment systems in almost 1,786 municipalities of 14 states. These states include Acre, Amapá, Santa Catarina, Alagoas, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Bahia, Piauí, Tocantins and Amazonas. Studies are still being contracted to dene which concession model will be adopted in each state.

5 MATO GROSSO Mato Grosso is Brazil's third largest state by area. By comparison it is larger in area than the areas of the east African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi combined. Located in the western part of the country, Mato Grosso is surrounded by the states of Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul. It is the border state between Brazil and Bolivia. It was originally larger but, during the 1980's, was split into Mato Grosso (the northern part) and Mato Grosso do Sul (in the south).

Mato Grosso has one of the lowest population densities among the Brazilian states. According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Statistics), by the beginning of 2017, 3.3 million people resided in the state. Its capital is Cuiabá and it has an economy that is mainly dominated by the agricultural sector, accounting for about 40.8% of the state's GDP. Other economic activities include tourism, agroforestry and mining.

There are great investment opportunities in the state's agricultural industry. According to the state government's statistics, agribusiness is the main contributor in the state's income. It is the largest producer of soybeans in Brazil, with an output of 15 million tons per year. The state alone accounts for 83% of the total soybean exports of the country. Mato Grosso also produces huge volumes of cotton, with an annual average of 1.1 million tons per year. It is the second largest rice producer, with 1.7 million tons per year; the fth largest producer of sugarcane and seventh largest producer of corn in Brazil.

Although grain production is massive, land use only covers approximately 8% of Mato Grosso's territory. With the introduction of new technologies in the eld, such as new equipment and improved irrigation systems, producers expect the state to increase productivity in agriculture and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Mato Grosso is a super power state in livestock farming. According to IBGE, in the second quarter 2017, the state had the highest number of cattle slaughtered in the country, slaughtering about 1.1 million heads of cattle. In the same period, the number of pigs and chicken slaughtered in the state ran to 600 thousand and 55 thousand respectively. Mato Grosso's cattle ranching follows international standards on sanitation in order to guarantee quality in the produce that is exported to countries such as , Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many more. Swine and poultry farming activities are growing in Mato Grosso, mainly due to the availability of grain in the state. Mining is also very strong in Mato Grosso. According to the national department of mineral production (DNPM), Mato Grosso is the largest diamond producer with 88% of total Brazilian production (2015). In addition to the diamonds, the availability of gold deposits makes the state a potential market for the manufacture of jewels and semi-jewels from precious stones. The state is also known for colored stones such as amethyst, pink quartz, agate and tourmaline.

Tourism under the service industry is the second largest contributor to Mato Grosso's economy. The topography and beautiful landscapes offer major tourist attractions. The terrain is rippled by a handful of small mountain 6 ranges, including cliffs, canyons, waterfalls, swamps and forests as well as cattle ranches, riverine villages and Indian reservations. With this, a trip across the state will be an experience of a lifetime for the adventurous traveller. Mato Grosso is also home to three of the world's richest ecosystems, the renowned Pantanal swamp; the Cerrado and the Amazon. These are some of the best places in Brazil to see wildlife, with a wide variety of tourism options including eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and sports tourism.

The Pantanal is the state's major tourist attraction site. It is the world's largest wetland, renowned for its wildlife. It has possibly the densest population of alligators in the world. The region is also known for its array of birdlife, with over 464 identied species and its enormous supply of sh; almost 325 species, including the great piranha. The city of Cuiabá, the capital of Mato Grosso, is the entry point to the Pantanal. Cuiabá is two and a half hours' journey by air from São Paulo and tourists from various countries frequent the city as they pay visits to the natural attractions offered by the state.

Chapada dos Guimarães: A major tourist attraction in Mato Grosso. The mountain ranges in the state pull massive domestic and international tourist lows

7 RECENT HIGHLIGHTS - BRAZIL August Ination falls to lowest level in 18 years August 2017 marked the lowest ination in Brazil since 1999. August ination went lower to 0.19% from July's 0.24% record. This is in comparison to the same period in 2016, when ination was at 0.44%. The performance went against analysts' forecasts of a more pronounced 0.31% rise. The deceleration came on the back of falling prices of food and beverages, thanks to a plentiful harvest this year. However, prices for transportation rose, chiey due to a recent tax hike on fuel. Lower ination will make it easy for the Central Bank to continue with its easing cycle to support economic recovery and should help support household spending.

Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil) reduces the Bank Rate (Selic) by one percentage point The Monetary Committee of the Brazilian Central Bank (Copom) reduced the Central Bank Rate (Selic) by one percentage point in September to 8.25%pa. This reects optimism in the economic performance and is set to ease monetary pressures, taking into account an ination target of 4.4%

Exports of Brazilian agribusiness increased 18.5% in August Export revenues from Brazilian agribusiness increased by 18.5% in August this year compared to the same month in 2016, reaching US$ 9 billion. This is according to data from the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex/Mdic) compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture. With the results, agribusiness accounted for 46.4% of all foreign sales made by Brazil in the same month. Soybean and meat accounted for almost half of the agribusiness sector's shipments.

Mato Grosso surpasses São Paulo to become the largest meat exporter in August According to the Weekly Market report released by the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) on the 18th September 2017, Mato Grosso exported 29.5 thousand tons of beef, generating a revenue of 125.6 million dollars (R$ 394.3 million) in August, surpassing the quantity produced in São Paulo by 1.4% and becoming the largest exporter of meat of the country in August. The export volume is the second largest in the state's history.

WEG named the best company in Brazil Alongside being selected for the fourth consecutive time at the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), the Electric , Power and Automation Company, WEG Industries, was the winner of the "Companies Plus" award offered by the newspaper Estadão. In addition to this, the company won the title of the company that most positively impacted the Brazilian market; this is according to research conducted by Austin Rating, Foundation Institute of Administration (FIA) and Estadão. The ranking takes into account economic performance and best management practices, based on criteria pre-determined by the technical evaluation team.

Researchers discover 381 new species of animals and plants in the Amazon region. A report for a research conducted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Brazil's Mamiraua Institute for Sustainable Development released in August indicates that there are over 381 new animal and plant species identied in the Amazon, key among them, 216 previously unknown plants, 93 sh, 32 amphibians, 20 mammals, 19 reptiles and one bird. 8 TRADE FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN BRAZIL (JULY-SEPTEMBER, 2017) FUTURECOM 19th Exhibition and Congress of the Telecommunications, IT and Internet Industry in Brazil and Latin America October 2-5, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: networks, mobile virtual network operator (mvno), digital tv and big data. Approximately 300 exhibitors, open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Promoted by: Informa Exhibitions Venue: Transamerica Expo Center – São Paulo – SP http://www.futurecom.com.br Contact: [email protected]

TUBOTECH 9th International Fair of Pipes, Fittings and Components October 3-5, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: pipes, machinery, equipment, services, projects, equipment, industrial accessories, ttings, valves and raw materials. With approximately 550 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: Cipa Fiera Milano Publicações e Eventos Ltda. Venue: São Paulo Expo Exhibiton & Convention Center – São Paulo – SP https://www.facebook.com/tubotechfeira/ Contact: info@eramilano.com.br

WIRE SOUTH AMERICA 3rd Wire South America – International Fair of Cables and Wires October 3-5, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: manufacturers of wires/cables, technology and control. 550 exhibitors, open only to industry business representatives from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: Cipa Fiera Milano Publicações e Eventos Ltda. Venue: São Paulo Expo Exhibiton & Convention Center – São Paulo – SP http://wiresa.com.br/16/ Contact: info@eramilano.com.br

FEMICC NORDESTE 3rd Fair of Equipment and Machinery for the Leather and Footwear Industry October 3-6, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: leather nishes, , soles and fabric. With approximately 150 exhibitors, open to the public from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Febratex Group Venue: Centro de Eventos do Ceará – Fortaleza – CE http://www.femiccnordeste.com.br

9 Contact: [email protected] MAQUINTEX 6th Fair of Machinery, Services and Chemistry for the Textile Industry October 3-6, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: sewing and cutting machines, threads, stamp shops, ironing, dyeing and stamping. With approximately 150 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Febratex Group Venue: Centro de Eventos do Ceará – Fortaleza – CE http://www.maquintex.com.br Contact: [email protected]

MERCOPAR 26th Industrial Subcontracting and Innovation Fair October 3-6, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: industry sectors, environment, metalworking, handling, storage, plastic materials and industrial services. With approximately 500 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Hannover Fairs Sulamérica Venue: Centro de Feiras e Eventos Festa da Uva – Caxias do Sul – RS http://www.mercopar.com.br Contact: [email protected]

SIGNS NORDESTE 4th Fair of Equipment, Art Design, Signaling and Screen Printing Industry October 3-6, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: machinery, screen printing, visual communication, manufacturers of pointers and poles. 150 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Febratex Group Venue: Centro de Eventos do Ceará – Fortaleza – CE http://www.signsnordeste.com.br Contact: [email protected]

FEIRA DO BEBÊ E GESTANTE ESPÍRITO SANTO 14th Fair of Baby, Maternity, Child and Adolescent Fashion October 3-8, 2017 Fair / National / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: furniture, childcare, crib kit and maternity. Approximately 100 exhibitors, open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: MG Marketing de Negócios Ltda. Venue: Pavilhão de Carapina – Serra – ES http://www.feirabebeegestantevitoria.com.br Contact: [email protected]

10 BIONAT EXPO 9th BioNat Expo October 6-8, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: organic products and natural and sustainable certicates. With approximately 60 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Marsicano Feiras e Eventos Ltda. Venue: Ainda não denido – Porto Alegre – RS http://www.bionatexpo.com.br Contact: [email protected]

EXPONUTRITION 9th Sports Nutrition Fair October 6-8, 2017 Fair / State / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: vitamin, mineral and protein supplements, sports drinks, tness and competitions. With approximately 100 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Promoted by: Savaget Promoções, Congressos e Eventos Ltda. Venue: Expo Center Norte – São Paulo – SP http://www.exponutrition.com.br/pt Contact: [email protected]

BIENAL INTERNACIONAL DO LIVRO DE PERNAMBUCO 11th International Book Biennial of Pernambuco October 6-15, 2017 Fair / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: books, lectures, workshops and recitals. 150 exhibitors, open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Companhia de Eventos Venue: Empetur – Olinda – PE http://www.bienaldepernambuco.com Contact: [email protected]

EXPOSIÇÃO NACIONAL DE HÍBRIDOS DE ORQUÍDEAS 8th National Exhibition of Orchid Hybrids October 13-15, 2017 Exhibition / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: owering orchids, seedlings, vases, substrates, nutrients and products related to the cultivation of orchids. With approximately 70 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: ACI Venue: Pavilhão das Orquídeas no Parque de Feiras e Exposições Wanderley Agostinho Burmann – Ijuí – RS http://www.expoijuifenadi.com.br Contact: [email protected]

11 EXPOIJUÍ/FENADI 27th Industrial and Trade Exhibition and Fair of Ijuí/National Fair of Diversied Cultures October 11-22, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: furniture, decoration, services, accessories, cattle, small animals, dance presentations, gastronomy and leisure. With approximately 450 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: ACI Venue: Parque de Feiras e Exposições Wanderley Agostinho Burmann – Ijuí – RS http://www.expoijuifenadi.com.br Contact: [email protected]

FENILACT 8th National Fair of Dairy Product October 16-22, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: milk processing equipment, exhibition of dairy cattle, awards, auctions and cow milking contest. With approximately 40 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: ACI Venue: Parque de Feiras e Exposições Wanderley Agostinho Burmann – Ijuí – RS http://www.expoijuifenadi.com.br Contact: [email protected]

EXPOCIGRAFIEMG 5th ExpoCigra-Fiemg October 18-21, 2017 Fair / Regional / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: industry, trade and services. With approximately 106 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Centro das Indústrias do Vale do Rio Grande – CIGRA Venue: Salão Multiuso do Parque Fernando Costa – Uberaba – MG http://expocigra.com.br Contact: [email protected]

FESTIVAL JPA 7th Tourism Festival of João Pessoa October 20-21, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: hospitality, tourism, fairs and events. With approximately 200 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Festival do Turismo de João Pessoa Venue: Centro de Convenções de JPA – João Pessoa – PB http://www.festivaljpa.com.br Contact: [email protected]

12 SUPERMINAS 31st Supermarket and Bakery Congress and Fair October 24-26, 2017 Fair / State / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: supermarkets, bakeries, business, products and services. With approximately 430 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Associação Mineira de Supermercados – AMIS Venue: Expominas – Belo Horizonte – MG http://www.amis.org.br Contact: [email protected]

RIO PARTS 5th Fair of the Auto Part and Auto Repair Industry October 26-28, 2017 Fair / National / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: auto parts, accessories, light and heavy lines, additives, equipment. With approximately 400 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Diretriz Feiras e Eventos Venue: SulAmérica – Rio de Janeiro – RJ http://www.feirarioparts.com.br Contact: [email protected]

FESTIVAL DO CAFÉ 3rd Coffee Festival October 28, 2017 Fair / Regional / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: coffee, crafts, food products, cosmetics and entertainment. With approximately 20 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: GSC Eventos Especiais Ltda. Venue: Espaço Cultural da Urca – Poços de Caldas – MG http://www.cafesespeciaispocosdecaldas.com Contact: [email protected]

SLOW BREW BRASIL 4th International Craft Beer Festival November 2-4, 2017 Exhibition / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: craft beer. With approximately 70 exhibitors, open to the public from noon to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Slow Brew Brasil – Festival Internacional de Cervejas Artesanais Venue: Convenction Center – Campos do Jordão – SP http://www.slowbrew.com.br Contact: [email protected] 13 BEAUTY NORDESTE 2nd Beauty Nordeste – Salvador November 5-7, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: beauty, aesthetics, welfare, cosmetics, hair and health. With approximately 95 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Relance Feiras e Eventos Ltda. Venue: Shopping Bela Vista – Salvador – BA http://www.beautynordeste.com.br Contact: [email protected]

PRONEGÓCIO 4th Winter Preview November 6-10, 2017 Trade Show / National / Quarterly Product and/or Service Lines: apparel, textile, clothing, household linen and similar business. With approximately 200 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: AMPE Venue: Centro de Eventos Maria Celina Imhof – Pavilhão Fenarreco – Brusque – SC http://www.ampebrusque.com.br Contact: [email protected]

BIJOIAS 79th International Fair of Costume Jewelry, Accessories, Silver and Steel Jewelry, Plated Jewelry and Semi-Precious Jewelry of Brazil November 7-8, 2017 Fair / International / Quarterly Product and/or Service Lines: costume jewelry, accessories, design and signature jewelry. With approximately 180 exhibitors, open only to industry business representatives from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: B8 Eventos Empreendimentos Promocionais Ltda. Venue: Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca – São Paulo – SP http://www.bijoias.com.br Contact: [email protected]

SC TRADE SHOW 25th SC Trade Show Business Round November 7-9, 2017 Fair / National / Semi-annual Product and/or Service Lines: footwear, bags and accessories.120 exhibitors, open only to industry business representatives from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Promoted by: Sindicato das Indústrias de Calçados de São João Batista Venue: Innity Blue Resort – Balneário Camboriú – SC http://www.sincasjb.com.br Contact: [email protected] 14 FEIRA DO BEBÊ E GESTANTE – BH 62nd Fair of Baby, Maternity, Child and Adolescent Fashion November 7-12, 2017 Fair / National / Quarterly Product and/or Service Lines: furniture, decoration, layette set, maternities, laboratories and services. With approximately 100 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: MG Marketing de Negócios Ltda. Venue: Minascentro – Belo Horizonte – MG http://www.feirabebeegestante.com.br Contact: [email protected]

ABF FRANCHISING EXPO NORDESTE 6th International Franchising Business Fair November 8-10, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: food, suppliers, personal accessories, footwear and stationery stores. With approximately 200 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: BTS Informa Venue: Centro de Convenções de Pernambuco – Olinda – PE http://www.abfexponordeste.com.br Contact: [email protected]

CONDOMÍNIO SHOW 6th Fair of Novelties for the Home and Leisure November 9-11, 2017 Fair / State / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: exhibition of manufacturers, distributors, and lectures. With approximately 64 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Portal dos Condomínios Brasil Venue: Centro de Eventos Ribeirão Shopping – Ribeirão Preto – SP http://www.portaldoscondominiosbrasil.com/ Contact: [email protected]

FESTURIS 29th Festuris Gramado – International Fair of Tourism November 9-12, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: carriers, travel managers, airlines, cruise companies, and similar technologies. With approximately 2500 exhibitors, it will open only to industry business representatives from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Promoted by: Rossi Zorzanello Feiras e Empreendimentos Venue: Serra Parque – Gramado – RS http://www.festurisgramado.com.br Contact: [email protected] 15 FRANCHISING FAIR 29th National Fair of Franchising – Southeast November 10-12, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: Franchising, new businesses, investors and entrepreneurs. With approximately 150 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoted by: Relance Feiras e Eventos Ltda. Venue: Expominas Pavilhão 01 – Belo Horizonte – MG http://www.franchisingfair.com.br Contact: [email protected]

SALÃO DUAS RODAS 14th Hall Two Wheels November 15-19, 2017 Trade Show / International / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: electric bicycles, scooters and specialized services. With approximately 400 exhibitors, open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado Venue: São Paulo Expo – São Paulo – SP http://www.salaoduasrodas.com.br Contact: [email protected]

FENALESTE 5th Business Fair of the East Coastline November 16-18, 2017 Fair / State / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: business, trade, industry, services and agribusiness. With approximately 40 exhibitors, open to the public from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Promoted by: Sebrae/CE Venue: Colégio Marista de Aracati – Aracati – CE http://www.ce.sebrae.com.br Contact: [email protected]

PET FAIR 5th Pet Fair – Pet Innovation Fair November 17-19, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: pets, exhibition, products and services. With approximately 80 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Promoted by: CIA. Brasileira de Eventos Venue: Pavilhão Gaivotas – São José dos Campos – SP http://www.petfair.net.br Contact: [email protected]

16 FENACAM 14th National Fair of Shrimp November 20-23, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: Aquafarming, equipment, products and services. With approximately 100 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Camarão – ABCC Venue: Centro de Eventos do Ceará – Fortaleza – CE http://www.fenacam.com.br Contact: [email protected]

NANO TRADESHOW 3rd Nano Tradeshow November 21-23, 2017 Fair / International / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: business, nanotechnology, innovation, international conference on nanotechnology, innovation awards. With approximately 60 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Promoted by: Hewe Eventos Venue: Centro de Eventos Pro Magno – São Paulo – SP http://www.nanotradeshow.com.br/ Contact: [email protected]

FEIRA BRASIL PETRÓLEO E GÁS 10th Brazil Petroleum, Gas and Biofuel Fair November 21-24, 2017 Exhibition / National / Biennial Product and/or Service Lines: valves, pressure gauges, pipes, automation, electric, technology, boiler making, machining, iron and steel for the oil and gas industry. With approximately 300 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: Feiras Delm Marketing e Congressos Ltda. Venue: Universo – Salvador – BA http://www.feirabrasilpetroleogas.com.br Contact: delm@grupodelm.com.br

FENAIUC 18th Fashion Fair of Goiás and Brazil December 15-24, 2017 Fair / National / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: women's fashion, men's fashion, tness fashion, costume jewelry and semi-precious jewelry. With approximately 355 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Promoted by: M7 Marketing Venue: Centro de Convenções de Goiânia – Goiânia – GO http://www.fenaiuc.com.br Contact: [email protected]

17 FENECRAT 27th Business Fair of the Area of Cratéus December 18-20, 2017 Fair / Regional / Annual Product and/or Service Lines: general apparel, crafts, footwear, leather accessories, furniture and food. With approximately 50 exhibitors, it will open to the public from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Promoted by: Sebrae/CE Venue: Praça Gentil Cardoso – Crateús – CE http://www.ce.sebrae.com.br Contact: [email protected]

18 An Aerial view of the Pantanal, a major tourist attraction site in Brazil

A publication of the Trade Promotion and Commercial Section, Embassy of Brazil. United Nations Crescent, No. 121, Gigiri. P.O. Box 30754-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: +254 (0) 20 712 5765/6 Fax: +254 (0) 20 7125767 Cellphone: +254 733 606460 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nairobi.itamaraty.gov.br