MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, I960 • a il t^AOE S16HTEEM AYoracc Daily Net PreoB Rmi . ‘tta 'W iotktrv'> lEorning IfMalb . roe OHi week maed : of o . a, o fm m . Deo. IM# Manchaster Lodge of Masons Clear, MMar « M le win meet tomorrow at T:80 Shopping Day» House Filled 1 3 ,3 1 8 ■ere «o M lMow.:aiiiieM^, About Town for an annual nieetlng and election Wadbeaiaiy, Meeaqalitt ~ of'officers. There will be a social TUI Christmas r n ttm A rn m farea High anoMlMfe SUxa Quipman ^oy Circle of hour and refreshments. For‘Messiah’ COME FOR CHRISTMAS . of ObMilattoB North MeUiodlat Church wUI have Your M anchesisrr-^ CUy o f ViUage Charm a luncheon meetlnir Wednesday at Rockville Emblem Club, will hold Store By JOHN OB17BKB 12:30 p.m. at the church. Mrs. Os­ a Christmas party Wednesday at of (OaieifM AdvertMag «i Pag* It) good Imnnett will give a Christmas 6:80 p.m. For reservations, call A near capacity crowd waa on y 6 U LXXX, NO. 62 (EIGHIREN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS^ 1960 PRICE P I ^ C m H k band last evening for the eighth reading. Mrs. Leonard Friedrich, 28 Pros­ Village CFLGEN pect St, Rockville. annual production of Handel’s “Messiah’’ at the high School audi­ Charm H O U S l HALE S T A M P S ^ DaTighters of liberty. No. 126, will meet tomorrow at Army pvt. Charles J. Olode Jr., torium. In general. It was a very S pjn. at Orange Hall for a Christ­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. sympathetic performance of the mas party. Members will exchange Glode, 1693 Tolland Tpke., Man­ well known oratorio, and one which grab Dag gifts. Mrs. Frank Duncan chester, recently completed a five- reflected credit on G. Albert Pearr win be in charge of refreshments week financial management and eon, who directed the presentation. and a aodsl period. accounting course at the Finance Soloists werO Helen Merritt, School. Ft. Benjamin Harrison, soprano; Constance Crosby, altp; Blizzard Death Count in East Nears 18 Ifanchester Jaycees wiU meet to- Ind. Glode is a 1960 graduate of Roger Loucke, tenor; and E. Fred nl|^t a t 8 o’clock at the Imperial Manchester High School, who en­ Morris, baritone. WELCOME Steak House In Bolton. tered the Army in July, and' re­ They were vSfy evenly balanced, ceived basic training at Ft. Ben- resulting in a smoother sound than ning, Ga. has sometimes been the case with Past Chief Daughters, Daugh- this annual event. Dorothy Qaard. tem of Scotia, will meet tomorrow HALF MILUON FOR TALE of the Emanuel Lutheran McNamara Seen Kennedy’s Choice for Defense Secretary at T:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A Thooght for Today Church, provided accompaniment Anthony Uibanettl, 54 Butternut New Haven, Dec. 12 fJPt — An SponsorMl by tbs Ms Rd. Members are reminded to bring anonymous donor has given Yale to-the soloists and Joined the or­ CHRISTMAS chestra in the choral accompani­ grab bag gifts. University half a million dollars for Council of Cbnrcban cancer research by its school of ment. medicine. The day we recognize as the The orchestra, by the way, was compri.sed of members of the Hart­ StateNews Yale Hresident A. Whitney Gris­ birthday of Jesus, the Christ will Zero Temperatures soon be here. Who is this person ford Symphony, but Included one with the most unique Ford Chief to Confer SUPPUES FOR wold said the benefactor put no high school student, Carolyn strings on the gift. Tt may be used about whom the angels sang, and ALL YOUR PETS about whom we sing? Mather, the same as last year. In­ for any phase of the cancer re­ strumental portions of the work AT search programs being carried on The prophet Isaiah recorded of by the school’s departments, he Him: "For unto us a child is born, were in better balance, too, than I Christmas doormats With President-elect Slated fo r MANCHESTER PET have sometimes heard them. CENTER said. unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his Mrs. Gaard seemed sensitive to M 6 MAIN ST.--M1 9-4278 the fact that the recitatives were May, BRiley shoulder: and his name shall be originally accompanied by harpei- Washington, Dec. 13 (By ’niE ASSOdATEU PRESS) called Wonderful, Counsellor, The cl)or’ , and provided light regis­ anyone has ever seen! not a can()idate fOr the farm cabi- B a ck Plans< Zero temperatures today followeci the TWO MILLION Mighty God, The everlasting Fath­ Robert S. McNamara, presi­ Northeast’s worst tration on the organ i^ ich was n et jo b . er, Tlie Prince of Peace.’’ (Isaiah dent of Ford Motor Co., was lationed about poasibilitles for pre-winter blizzard and blocked efforts to get traffic rblUnjr PRESCRIPTIONS more suitable than has some­ Q w s On Research normally. i 0:6). times been the case; her choice of reported in Washington today the post, Cooley reeled off a siz­ SAFELY CXIMPOUNDED The angel who visited Mary able Ust of names. The death toll pounted to near 180 from heart attsdes stops was aUso well calculated to , . . and and likely to see President­ Hartford, Dec. 13 (/P)— said: "The Holy Ghost shall come reinforce tha orchestra without elect John F. Kennedy. There He named Fred V. Henkel, presi­ caused by overexertion in show shoveling or attempts to push ' LECLERC ARTHUR DRUG upon thee, and the power of the dent of the Missouri Farmers As- GOP State Chairman Edwin FUNERAL HOME * obscuring it. are strong indications he may stalled automobiles, from skidding vehicles and from ex­ HlgHest shall overshadow thee: Helen Merritt, in the soprano so­ H. May Jr. said today that he therefore also that holy thing be nan)^ secretary of de­ (Oontlnned on Pagf Ten) posure to cold. los, demonstrated a beautifully and Democratic State Chair­ The temperature dropped to 28 degrees below zero hi- FUNERAL which shall be born of thee shall clear voice which was produced Y O U can see them fense. Jef­ be called the Son of God." (Luke man John M. Bailey have ferson county in nortliwest Pennsylvania and to 14 below in with little effort. It is not a large Keniudya ’ pr««i aocrotary, reached agreement on the ad­ SERVICE 1:35). voice but it was gracefully em­ Plena Salinger, aald he under- Wyoming county near Buffalo, N. Y. The religious leaders who de­ etood McNamara had arrived In Yule Shoppers dition of a research staff to WALTER N. ATLANTIC ployed with excellent diction and * buy for your own home. . .or as a Mercury readings were at a new low for the date in many f .Fi .FRG, livered Jesus to Pilate said: "We phrasing. ONLY at HOUSE & HALE Waahington. aid members of the 1961 po­ FURNACE OIL have a law, and by our law he gift areaS'—one below in Pittsburgh, Pa., 8 above in Philaddphill , Director Automatle Delivery Constance Crosby, alto, repeat­ Salinger alio told a news con­ Get Warnings litically divided General As­ and 7.4 above in New York City. ought to die, because he made ed her success of last year, dem­ * both styles of impcTrted, durable, ference "There le a chance, yee.’’ sembly. L. T. WOOD CO . himself the Song of God.” (John onstrating the same easy famili­ of a c^lnet announcement thle In New York, where commuters were lucky to get to wmk Call Ml 9-5869 Phone Ml 8-1129 19:7). This accusation was en­ He said the plan calls for the arity with the music she has pre­ handwoven natural sisal afternoon . Hartford, Dec. 13 (J’) — Christ­ assignment of resesrch assistants at all yesterday, they straggled in on trains and buses U iat 23 Main Street, Manchester tirely correct, for Jesus did say viously shown. Once again, she And he said It was a poesibUUy mas shoppers were cautioned to­ to the' Republican controlled ran behind schedules. many times and in many ways was heard to best advantage in • measure 24"xl6" that McNamara would call on day to give careful examination to House and the' Democratic dom­ Railroad problems were caused that He was God's Son, and that the air, "He Shall Feed His Flock.” Kennedy today. inated state Senate. by Icing of equipment and the load­ • quantity is limited so hurry! •X ' -.c some "once-«-year-ltems'’ which He came from heaven. Once He Roger Loucks was featured tn Kennedy has announced all hit In addition, May explained re­ ing of an abnormal number of pas­ said: "For the bread of God is the tenor sections of the work. He State Toll • the CHRISTMAS HOLLY MAT cabinet eelectlone so far with the sometimes have short weight and search aides will be provided four sengers—many Of whom ordin­ HE which oometh down from possesses a voice which is well men he hw picked beside him. deceptive packaging. key legisUtive committees: Ap­ arily drive their automobiles to heaven and givelh life unto the adapted to oratorio. It is sympa­ (above) . . . bordered with luxuriant The prem secretary said there Commissioner Attilio R. Frss- propriations, finance, general law w ork. world. I am the bread of life: he thetic and was heard to best ad­ evergreens of weather pi.oof plastic would be no announeemMts of sinelll oi the State Department of and judiciary. Buses were hampered by drifts, For Storm HOW TO HAVE A that cometh to Me shall never vantage in the recitative. "Com­ any eort before 8 p.m . Consumer Protection requested “TTirough the upgrading of the ruts in plowed out stratches of hunger." (Johni 8:33, 35). fort Ye My People," where the with 8 weatherproofed Christmas Salinger’s spotlighting of Mc­ purchasers who feel they have calibre of tho Le^slative person­ road, and overloads of passengers. HAPPIER CHRISTMAS No other living person should timbre waa really comforting Namara came while Kennedy him been duped on certain Items to nel, we are hopeful that the 196J A bright sun shone down on the rather than hortatory. lights to light up at night for dare make such a claim. But ■elf was whirling through a round contact his department which is session will do the moet efficient frigdd scenes in moat of the hard­ Reaches 9 Yo»: Just cpn’t be completely happy unless you Christians see in Jesus C?hrist a Credits Chorua, Pearson cheery greetings! reg. 15.00 9.99 of conferences' clearly concerned conducting a cleanup drive. Job in history,’’ May explained. est hit area, from 'Virginia, to also enjoy good health, De^cember's changeable greater one than Solomon, or The bass role was assigned to R. The telephone number is JA 7 Republicans will have control of Canada, but snow was reported ' N Fred Morris. He is not flexible in • the CRAZY DAISY MAT (right) . . . with aelecting secretaries of New Haven, Dec. 13 (fiPi— Tha weather, or overeertton -from too much prepara­ Mo.scs. The names of all other ob­ culture and labor.*, . 6341. Complaints on candy and the majority of the patronage still falling in Ontario, where it toll of dead stood at eight todag tion can lower your resistance to colds or Infec­ jects of worship and prayer are changing from chest to head tones, bordered with two rows of "grow­ had reached a depth, of 25 inches. and his upcr register sometimes Among his callers were George food items should go to Ext. 466, posts in the House while the Dem­ aa Connecticut began to emerga tions. Hurried, incomplete meals can affeqt your unworthy to be compared to Him. ing" daisy plants . . . all weather­ Meany, preeident of the AFL-dO, and drug complaints to Ext. 2456. ocrats will fill most of the posts A 17-year-old deer hunter, Thom­ from toe paunlyzing effects of m proper vitamin intake. .suffers in consequence; but his as Mroezkowskt of Perth Amboy, MaJ. R. Walter Lamie, breath control in the long colora­ and several farm leaders. He said that while hts inspectors in the senate. worst snow storm in four yaan. proofed plastic in white with yellow was missing In snowboimd High Phone 118 now, if you wish us to send you a The Salvation Army. tura phrases which Handel wrote, One waa Rep. Harold Oooley, D- are giving special attention to cer- The transportation crush eased, bottle of your favorite vitamins, or drop in to in­ was something to be proud of, In and green, reg. 12.00 7.99 N. C., chairraah of the House Ag- 3 Degrees at 9 a.m, Point State Park in New Jersey’s and many big cities re-opened iteulture Committee. Cooley told (Coatinned on Page Ihlrteen) Sussex Ooimty. A helicopter and their schools. Workers began the spect our complete stock of dependable quality, this day when singers are alto­ Windsor Locks, Dec. 13 ((F) — fairly priced vitamins of every needed potency. gether too prone to breathe wher­ main floor Christmas shop groimd searchers sought the youth, rharch back to the atate offices ever they run out of breath, rather The temperature dropped to a rec­ missing since yesterday. and businesses that were closed AUTO than when the musical phruie ord low of 3 degrees for the date The depth of the snow and drifts yesterday by howling snow up to makes It possible. at Bradley Field at about 9 a.m. was reflected by the plight of a 16 inches deep. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONK US when you GLLIE’S^ BODY As usual, the chorus numbered KEEP Orders, Pro-Reds today. woman In Edison, N.J. She report­ And toe Weather Bureau fore­ about 175 and reflected credit both King 'Ithe U S. Wsather bureau said ed her small foreign car stolen. Po­ ca st; ★ WELDING on themselves and on the careful the previous record for the date lice found It—just where she had All Connecticut sonss fixeent without extra charge, A great many people en­ ★ AUTf^BODY and rehearsals they had under Mr. was 7 degrees on Dec. IS in 1917 parked It near her home, but bur­ southern—mostly sunny, win^ trust us with their prescriptions May we com- Pearson. We grow accustomed to CHRISTAUS and 1958. ied under a nowdrift. and continued veur cold this aftiMS potmd yours? Dissolve Laos Regime FENDER REPAIRS the excellence of Us diction, but it The drifts, which reached the noon, the h l^ temperature HTtia"' ★ COMPLETE CAR is still worthy of note, and not ' V. _. .«ri. True Golf Addict height of 10 feet In New Jersey, 16. Clear and bitter cold agata something to be. taken for granted; FOREVER! Vientiane, lAot, D(M. If ((F)—forces with tlxlise of the PSUiet Hartford, Dec. 13 U P l-^X W e it formed again behind snow plows tonight, toe low zero to 10 briosr. PAINTING neither are their tonal qualities and King Savang Vsitthana today step­ Lao yestenjay. has indicated he Hartford, aporting gpode store re- Muey are ooui c . i dow, but Gregory Nolin. and Mark Kravpntka, had a lot of fun today play- bucking their way down main Generally fair Wednesday wlto LACI4UKR and ENAMEL precision. ped Into ths civil war torturing hla will ignore any decilsons taken by cai^d a callsail in ththe middle of- yee- lug king, of the a f w '0 9 A pile of enow In A St. parking lot. Mark, J 8, of 26)^ Maple rfiads. In many cases, side streett^ moderating temperatures, the hitli TEL Ml 9-5026 The audience thoroughly enjoyed teraay’e anowatozm fo r! a dozen S t is doSer to the tne moment .Gregory, 8, 18 from 72 Cottage St. (Herald photo by around SO. I Uie presentation and accorded jungle kingdom and ordered the king “under duress.’ which were left imtouched became with a Qulnim Pholsena to dissolvo his Quinlm’s government and bis golt'haila, to be . delivered Inune- O fla ra ). plajrgrounds for children and their Northwesterly winds 12 to 10 W fjM cm i 281 ADAMS ST. I sololsta, chonis and director hearty dU A. m.pJi. this afternoon, 6 to 12 tO- and generous applause at the close. infant piro4Joitununist regime, military leaders charged that reb­ ately. sleds. Savannakl^t Radio roMrtsd el forces backed by four weatem Albert Pennington of the Ailing In toe New York area, many H5L t. LIVING-GREEN 'powers were about to storm Rubber Ounpany said the caller (Ooatlnaed «n Page Ted) J Quinlin, who charged that Amer­ suburban schools remained closed, A icans are among wsatem troops Vientiane. ■iflced to. have them delivered to a RuA Experted 2 M orc N ati6ns Q uit railroads operated with substantial awaiting to storm this csipital, They appealed to the weetem West Hartford address. delays, and buses crawled along You’ll get ■ thrill, too, beefed iq> Ills defenses w ith air­ diplomatic corps and the UN. Weather being what it was, Pen­ To Bar Nikita’s' ^ snowy streets on curtailed sched­ when you see the heels, lifted amna supplied by the Soviet commissioner' there to prevent nington declined. ules. Airports struggled to clear VINYL bloodshed. If be couldn’t have the golf belle without naile, put on with U nion. runways and maintain them BiiUetins Vientiane in affect waa under Hiey else flireat^ed to tuifn immedtateiy, the unknown custom­ Summit Rush Congo Peace Force ■gainst the ever-drifting snow, and our New AUTO-SOLER. Military control of the pro-Com- their guns on foreign tr o ^ who, er apparently didn’t want them at draa^cally cut the number of from the AP Wircff ■n. He thanked Pennington any- Renew your heels T O ­ munlst Pathet lao and Leftist they claimed, had Joined Zmoumi’s flights planned. w ^ and hung up. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER TREE paratroop Capt Kong Le. fbrcee outside Vientiane. In New York City, public and D A Y . VVr'.i C-rrranteed. Ihe Iring ordered govsnansnt Kong Le isnied a flwy state­ What would 3you do with a dozen Washington, Dec. 18 W —The new United NaUons. N. T., Dec. 18b Both nations accused the U.N. RIOTING IN BONE . golf balls In a snowstorm ? of falling to carry out toe mission parochial schools opened, but ex­ Mwers turned over to an antl- ment claiming American, Hiai, secretary of. state for the Kennedy (/P) — The fu tu re o f the U .N . cused those pupils who depend on Parte, D ec. IS (Jffi—F raM li f e ­ adminiauatlon, Dean Rusk, la ex­ with which it has been entrusted HALrS Coramunlst regime headed by South Ifletnaraese and National­ Cong;o command hung in the bal­ buses to get to class. lloe fired OR a European molt tai Prince Boun Oum and Oen. Phouml ist Chinese troops have Joined Merger Opposed pected to expose the ruah to a sum­ in toe chaotic African state. ance today as two mora nations Ceylon made last-minute efforts The great majority of motorists, Bone, fiJgerla, today Idlltag aavr SERVICE Noesivan In Savanhakhet, the ra­ Phouml. Waterbuary, Dec. 13 UT)— A n o f­ mit conference advocated by Soviet ding about w lw to win Esst-West support for who prudently left their cars at A WARDS dio broadcast said. No htdapendent evidence is avail­ ficial of the CkamecUcut State Premier Nikita Khrushchev and mrved notice they are quitting toe demonstrated In the streets r/ I J r, T ( , M r/i I M V . ; A M I 1 6 ft. I2»99 favored by British Prime Minister peace force. com pr^ise Congo pesce plan be­ home during tha storm, faced the DEPARTMENT Boun Oum was named premier able here that Fbounfi’s foroee are League of Sportsmen’s Clubs today Job of shoveling their autos free fore the errlval bf Preatdeat attacked a proposal to merge the Hfirold Macmillan. Announcement by Guinea and fore the council attempts to wind and Phouml mlnlater of defenae, supported by any f ordgn forces of mountainous drifts. de Gaulle. A short white later. "Quality Workinnnshlp!’’ or that they are about to attack. land acquisition section of the Morocco that they are pulling out up the question tonight. deputy premier and minister of Ihe Sl-year-old self-made diplo­ An appeal by Ceylon’s Sir With scores already dead of poUoe fired on a Mootem dHs- 824-828 MAIN STREET fiitl, rich branches RuMrian arm s — Including how - State F lu and Game Department mat favors more traditional and their troops brouitot to four the GREEN STAMPS OAK ST. ENTRANCE peace, the Izroadcast said. Claude Cores won a stay of action heart attacks suffered while shovel- onstration in Bone, bUllBg at Manchester Ml 8-4 ItS H ie announcement waa expected Itaers and mortaia—flown in from within a new agency In the State cautious forma of negotiation. His nations withdrawing from The least two. The two duBOiwtna- Department of Agriculture, Con­ views on the subject Were ^ n ed Congo operation andd cut its man­ complete with self­ to have little Immediate effect on Hanoi aiye being rushed to the (OoBtlnned on Page Tfilrtoea) (OoBtfaned on Paga Tot) ttons took place Just before the TUESDAY'S stand Quinlm’s regime in the bealeged ^city’s pertnieter. Troops set up servation and Natural Reeourcea. out earlier this year In a lectuza power by almost one' third. The 70-yeer-old French Presldwrt' administrative capltel. In telegrams to membera of the deliyered at the Council cn Foreign [Tnited Nations has nearly 20,000 took off from the Booe atipM i i4i Qulnim, who Integrated his (OobIBhi^ Page Bevea) council setting policy for the con Relations tn New York. men in the Congo, but lem than to return to Fmace after nto J • comes in easy-to- servation dMartment, Donald J. And he made clear there that hi 17,000 are actual troop contin­ Kennedy's Margin 114,859 five-day Algerian tour. TERRIFIC BUYS store carton IVagler of this city d^d the pro- thinks the President’s peraona) gents. poaalpossl would be a “step backward"______diplomacy should be reserved The'mov# by Morocco, whose 8 TOTS DIE IN PTBE BOYS* 90 KiUed^ Hundreds Hurt in Flah and Game Department ac­ very rare and special uses. 3,100 soldiers constitute the big­ Madison, W. Va„ Dec. IS (P i- * everlasting and tivities. gest single, unit in The Congo, and Three small children were bnm- completely durable 4 Tragler is chairman of' . the (Contlaned en Page Tlilrteen) GOP in Texas, Illinois League’ll,'Conservation Oommittee Guinea which had 749 men In the ed to death eariy today vriaiai and a former inesidenL field, brings toe withdrawala to fire deetroyed their small tlnude FLANNEL SHIRTS CONFUSED? • washable French Troops Brace more, than 5,500. The United Arab home near DenvUte, Booaa Republic announced earlier it waa County. The viottms Were Btfip • a joy to trim 75,000 AUen* pulling out 519 men and Indo­ Lose in Vote Contests Ray Hager, 5, and hla sis Was, SIxM 4 to 18 H artford, D ec. IS (fin— ^RepUee to Tidbits nesia said she waa withdrawing Patricia Hager, 8, and Nannie 1,160. Arlene Hager, 3. Mrs. Jaasse • other vinyl trees For New Algiers Strife the federal government’s annual By THE ABSOCfiATED PRE 88 i “We cannot aaure that election Bluo, Ton, Rod UNDECIDED? January count of aliens 'to Cbn Colled from AP Wfree The pullout waa eeen aa a aeri- Hager, the mother, said ebe wee to 39.95 Reputflieana have lost court teats (of Byrd) alone.7 the first to be awakened by the neeUCUt are expected to number oua blow to the U.N. command In their attempts to overturn Unless the Sooth acta now, the Sonforiiod Algiara, Dee. IS (S)—Moalema inaiema Some of the dead, the Gov- m bre tlum 76,O0O. which haa been under bitter at­ flames. She aroused heir: ha»> President-elect John F. Kennedy’s statement continued, “then we Both datoed outside late * also available . . . thla zlot-tora dQ? began burying emment said, w en pro-French. Last January, the count for the Carrying- handbook on the - vast tack from the Soviet and Aifian- winning nuurgtos In niln^ and state was 75,^ . This should bo must prepare, to accept New the sero temperatnre,. BCrz. H ^. REG. $1.98 silvery aluminum their dead today, raising fean of Buses wen running this morn­ Commerce. Department and wear­ African blocs during the present Texas. At the same time official re­ Orieans, Little Rock, school new emotlMial outbursts after ing; stores opened and sU was topped b y 1,000 or more next ing his Usual white eariiation. Gov, Congo debatn In. the security coun­ ger carrying a 2-m onth-om . turns from all but three states cut Integratioo, Judicial despotism, baby and the hosbaad a 7-year-' trees, 4'/2' 4.88 four days of bloody violence In quiet In Algiers’ European MCtion. Luther H. HOdgbs of North Caro-, cil. still further Kennedy’s popular vote (Oeatlaued oa Page Bevea) lina vlaits’ Seeretafy of Commerce and, finally, federal dictation and old SOB. which officials said 90 persons In Oran, Algeria’s second largest Both' Guinea and Morocco cou­ edge over Vice Presment Richard tjrraimy.’* ;; 6' 8.88 died and hundreds wen injured. city when sU persons were killed, Frederick H. Mueller for Intensive pled tnflr announcements with M . N ixon. give a Gov. Rods Barnett, who spear- CLAIM US nr ALGERU rrenefa troops familiar with calm also prevailed. briefing seeslon... Soviet trade charges • pteneo are bebig need to phe4b>' ORDER NOW! bah. nationallem end of desperate, un prenfier arreeted t^ the'lfirqm 'w That gava Kennedy a nationvrld^ * 100% Rayon ported In satiefactory condition To tha east, Vnach President compromiaing European agitation -ApnY Col. Joaejto Mobutu. ' popular vote" masgln oyer Nixon of graph the pootramo of AlgeriM From Crashed B52 ■Iter undergotag-Burgeiy efe Hplly- Nixon Fears rebel forceo and UA. laeie- just use this handy mail coupon and your order will be filled immediately, C!harleS‘’> da Gaulle pnparad to to keep Algeria French. 114,859 out of mcM than' 88 m illion PHo 1 lOUSE &. H ALE wnod’a Cedars'of Lebinbn Hospital. yohM. < ^ - ’Phe margin has not hombo an being aaed ta kfil.<; wind up a. visit to Algeria that In the countryside, the relentless please send me . . . CHRISTMAS HOLLY MATS at 9.99 each Plattsburgh, N.Y., Dec. 18 ((F)—» Norway’s first Socialist Premlef, Searchers Find 5 been thab test rtM utainy In the them, the obaige was made by* • SIzt 27x48 ■et off rlotiag liy Europeans who six-year-old Moslem rebellion for Christopher Homsrud, dlea at the vote oounring^rnfatemion night. Kennedy Plan Soviet D eputo ib ie lg a M lalsti ai-' ADDRESS a n savagely opposed to hie policy independence continued. The Air Force said it waa dis­ CRAZY DAISY MATS at 7.99 each patching ground and air searchers of 101... Bethlehem Steel Co. Only Illinois, Massachusetts and Valerian A. Zioria beforo tha G«m< of self-determlnatkm for the coun­ The agonising Algerian dilemma ts down another open hearth M is sin g C h ild re n Rhode Island have not yet reported era) Assembly’s SS-aatten REG. $7.50 6 FT. VINYL TREES at 12.99 each CITY ...... STATE try’s niaa mlUlcm Moslems. remained intact — aggravated by In full force today to look for the tninaoe, sendiiw area ateel prodiic- last .of eight airmen missing since r official vote counts. As they stand Weakens GOP oal committee. The eommii ,He cut'his trip short by one open warfan ■ between the two tion dow n to 34.5 per cent of considering Asten-fiffrlcaa c liv g e . checks or money order enclosed c.o.d Friday night, when they para­ caayton, N, C.. -Dec. 18 OP) — now, the popular vote totals are GIFT day, giving no nason, and le due groups whose futun in thU coun­ pacity... liabor unionists through­ Kennedy 84.220,864 and Nixon 84,- mands for a U.N. role in ( Five missing children who spent By JACK BBU. to return td Paris early this eve­ try depends on mutual cooners' chuted from 'fihelr disabled Jet out Jtpan strike In asaaal year- the future of the strlke-tem No bomber into toe Adirondack Moun­ toe night in woods during suh- 105,606. Kennedy atUI is credited Washington, Qec. 13 (fi)—Vice CANNON • enjoy the benefits of easy, charge Christ- ning. Tlien w en reports that he tion. end oampalgn fw higher wages aafi with 800 ele cto rsl v otes, how ever, African tarrltoiy. tains. freezlng weather were found cold Preaident Ricbard M. Nixon fears would make a radio address but French troops, who for years boansee and somei half nilllon par­ 31 m ore than, the 269 blnlm um mas shopping Seven were found alive over toe and shivering but unharmed at President-elect John F. Kennedy no confirmation could be ob­ have been trying to win the heart ticipated in waikouU and parades. they huddled together under a big needed to frin, is robbing Republicans of some of RACOaCTfSER TAKES T O T tained. of the Moslem masses, again ap weekend. Thela B52 Jet bomber Air Force scientists sakl that e be first to bear of special sale events crashed near Barre, Vt., about 100 tree early today. In another development, un­ their thunder by veering to toe Waobtagtoa. Dec. I t (fi5 BATH TOWELS CERTIFICATE Of the 90 dead hen Oran, peared as enemies. Enraged by In­ Discoverer XVlJU satellite’s nose I^e SUte Highway Petrol said pledged eVMtors from Mlaaiislppl Frank (Bfiaky) CHARGE! miles east, of toe search area. middle, of the political ro^ . M wen Moelems and offlclals sults and the flags of the rebel- cone was subjected to far toes rfl- • mail this completed form in today . . . be Eight hellcoptore were to take two; searcher a caipe upon the chil­ and Alabama met In Jackson, Nixon bases this view on ap­ vokod the Fifth feared their funermla might touch Ikm waved by the crowd, thd gM len than was that of .Discover­ able to charge tomorrow! off after dawn in. sero weather dren about 8:80 a-m. They were Mlsa, and said they.would yote for pointments to the cabinet and day. ntmOsg te off new violence as the city troops fired on the Moelems. er XVn; during a simUar flight atolls grotmd . crews were combing reported tn good cdaditlon but were fien. Harry F. Bjnrd, D-Va„ for other posts Ms successful presi­ qaeotloas pot te him fey SfiM Inched hack toward normalcy. At this stiage no one seemed to through space.. Algeria side of a large Negro elementary knows hoavyaroigkt_ 2rx42" ADDRESS ...... HOW L O N G ...... FORMER ADDRESS...... HOW L O N G ...... believed to be Staff Sgt Pierre school tn Atlanta and damaged a An . estimetad 1,600 personsi ing to throw the election into the In the apeeutetive stage. 2 for $ comes in a gaily decorated Christmas card adien 25,000 Fretjeh troops with and France. House of Represejitatlves. It Is It te no aeeret that Nixon feeto S^najr.Usiaa. MahCux’ was sighted. dozen homes In the city’s north­ aided by lights fr()m helicopters, OCCUPATION ...... WIFE OR HUSBAND’S EMPLOYER . , tanks and armoi^ . can stood . Rumors spread by Moslem na- R E G .fS e form (enclosed in a Christmas envelope) . Haheux, 37, Auburn, Maine, was west section. trooped th n ^ h 80 square mltea of (Bonsldered very unlikely that tola if Kennedy namea Douglas Dll-' ready to smash any vlolenea. ' tloiiahft agitators throughout Al­ :deserlbed as mi experienced wOods- American Farm Bureau Feder­ virooda most of ths night. will hap^n. Ion, now uDdmaeoratory of state, Bright.fa end can be used by the recipient at easily at REFERENCES ...... OTHER CHARGE ACOUNTS . A govammmt spokesman said giers spoke of Red Chinese arms fimh. .The -Air Force sgld lit was ation Convention atrlkea at what T)vo searchers, Kenneth John­ In an 840-wofd statement, the ■a secretary of the Tteasiuy and t«^ A ,o4 -OengtHh'.' Kelanyor,. D-T cash! many of the Moslem dead- ware and Tolunteiolunteers arrivltag to help the optimistic of finding him today. It calls amiaagaltellp imatlaM of son end Jafik Raines, arid the chil* .electors called upon the governors, DUlon accepts, the aethm will not kilted by rifle fln from troopa. rebel Front o r National -Liberation A state tro^r at toe Port ofgmnlgad labor and erttldsee dren were' huddled hensatb a big congressmen, public offlclals, else- make It more dlfflcult to build Re­ tfee,Beanti cashier's desk, second floor At least 18 wan stabbed to (FLN) "very; soon’.’’ A number of Henry Stota AUce eubniUtlOn, gwves of some unions to oygantos in a thick patob of briars tors and the people of toe other publican oppoattlon to the^new OPEN EVERY NIGHT YOUR SIGNATURE death, he said, and 7 dted of slaah- Moslems, recently considered eight mites jiorthsait of the Trout fiatmers, . . . Wave of boodriugs whtdh apparently helped protect southern states to Join the Inove- Dentoeratto admlnlatratkm. .7 ; ad throats: Investigation did ahow moderates, vowed resletanee This would put a RapuMioan of th e P maU to CREDIT DEPT., House and Male Pond ares, said a, man “Could stay enemlee of Prime Mthister them from the bitter cold weethsr m ent. - EXCEPT SAT. TO 9 P.M. 89 died of bullet wotmds, he said. ■gainst France; indefinitely*’ in the woods “if h* ildel Ctestro sffaafii from Havasas which dropped as low aa 15 de- “TbbMiltlmate victory must q6» moderate-eMwa at helm of a de- - This supports the Pranch con- European eettlefs, who started doaaa’ t p s ^ and buUda hittaelf « [grees. pend upon the odlotal leadership partmoat oonoaraed with mm- 'tM tlaa. fea said, that many ed ths and the eteetora o f the other pouttir 4066 figh a^ other Mes- (C 'e0«BM and Ravaua. a fata lataa) •pm th e a ta tim en t said. lb*. - V \ \ , . 1 ■’-^ ■ k' ' 5 ■:;;: / '' 1 f

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, I960 mNciaE«?teR EVEm(S HERALD; M A J^ ^ CONN., TUESDAY; DECEMBER 18,1960 « k C l * ^ (i .lihvi/isMji I iii i Paimna Jennings, AprU HoUdng- HutcUna, ehatnaad of tha Rapab- addiag: "We (eel any ivl-. t v Fair,” arranged by Luyaaa; and nngpays SHoilld come from Mrs. ' Andbmr three French Hoels. "Once tlpon ton, Cluirlotte Yale,,Susan Hoh- Columbia licaa Town Ctommlttae, Friday HockiUte-Vertion PliMeiErash ' Mrs. Kennedy WARNINlumbla Congre­ won with the queen of hearts and Fire District and the City of Rock­ ^ e constabulary, formerly a town The story receiving the Second 3 1/2 ounces, emita a warninff tone festivities. view bids for furniture and equip­ last night, was postponed due to Millar and Rhodea are currently jubilantly cashed the ace, nine and the suit would block. West couldn't ville. The three yolks take up the highest number of first-place votes Famous American Designer C/jg Hotel ASTOR Hotel MANHATTAN OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.H. TO CHRISTMAS gational Church, the is now con­ overtake the ten of hearts without fimetion, almost wholly serves the and flashes a small light In the ment to be used in the Mary the storm. Trial Justice Court was touring the New England atates fined to her home, but enjoys vis­ the low heart. This was enough to whole interior of the shell. —eight—was that of the November presence' of a gamma radiation Cassini of New York, is designing 4 4 lli Ie 4SMi St. et Ireadw ay, N.Y. 446i le 45Hi St. o< SNi Avo, N.Vj defeat the game contract setting up South's Jack; and if fire dUtrict. Cheney Library addition. canceled last night, due to the for the purpose of creating great­ itors. Inside that shell there Is conflict, Taxpayen of the city, which has Sections, which ranked third In the field. the gown she will wear Jan. 19 to The meeting orighudly schedul­ ReekM frem $9.00 RenM from %7M storm. er Interest In competitive canoe­ How to Tell West failed to overtake, declarer disagreement, cross purpose, and final tally. the Inaugural Gala, an evening of She has one son, Stanley Field, would take the rest of the tricks. Its own police department, until Scientists here yesterday said ed for yesterday was postponed The excitemeat of TIbms Square . . . the theatres, the n i^ te t^ RHAM High School was closed ing. and three daughters, twins, MM* In one case South tried to de­ even dislike, living side by aide in An oddity of the aUrvey was entertainment preceding the in­ fend his bad play. ^'Who could Daily Question a sort of peaceful coexistence. Oct. 10 pMd more to miUntain the its greatest value would be the because of the storm. 2,200 larte rooms with bath, all fully air-conditioned with radio again today due to the storm. Millar said "The reason for the Harie Field and Mrs. Helen H«n- Dealer, at your right, opens with Vernon constabulary service than that the ‘Ten Biggest Stories” immediate warning it would give auguration of her hudiand. The meeting waa ra-icheduled poor showing of the U.S. Olympic teU?” he asked. ”If East had K- At present, there ie a move actually consisted of 11. there be­ For the inaugural ball, Mrs. and TV at no additional charge. Your choice of several of Ntw nequin, also Mrs. ' Joseph Rur- 10-9 of hearts, it .would be right one spade. You hold: Spade—K 7; afoot to consolidate the three did fire district taxpayers. On Oct In a radiatiqn luxildent. for 8 p.m. at Mary Oieney Libra­ York’s most famous restaurants and cocktail lounm right in your Manobeater Evening Herald An­ canoe team in the 1060 games was clnik. She hae also seven grand­ Heart—A Q 9 7 4: Diamond—8 2: 10, cijy voters, in effect, said they ing a tie for last place on the list. Kennedy will weaj a gown created ry by Mlsa Aima C, French, head the lack of Interest by young for me to cover with the jack.” yolks Into one. Here are the selected stories, The device was developed by hotel. Won't you visit us at Hotel Astor or NewYork’a newert, dover ’ conespondent, Cindy PfaM- children apd 10 great grandchil­ This was quite true, but South Club—7 6 6 2. What do you say? no longer wished to pay for some­ R. H. Dllworth and~C. J. Borkow- for her by Bergdoif Goodman, librarian, andd Harry Howroyd, stlehl, telephone Pilgrim 2-6856. people In the sport.” dren, all of whom live In Oblum- There is also a dispute brewing with the number of points^for New York specialty shop. No de­ chairman of the building commit Hotd Manhattan, home o f the famous Playbill Restaurant. should have known that BUust did Answer Pass. The first require­ over how much, If anything, the thing not benefittlng them and each shown in parentheses; ski of the Oak Ridge NationeU The two men plan a return trip bla. not have K-lO-9 of hearts. West's ment for an overcall is a strong suggested that the fire district pay Laboratory's Instrumentation and tails of any of the gowns were tee. For reservations write or phone Hotel Astor or to Columbia in the near future town (big yolk) should pay for 1. Eastern Air Lines crash in given out here. Sunday's party, given by Miss opening lead, the seven of hearts, suit. Your hearts are far too weak highway maintenance in the yolk the freight from then on. Boston harbor, killing 62 people Controls Division. Before the Joint meeting takes Hotel Manhattan, or see your local travel agent. brhen arrangements wdll be made Field, with whom she lives, and was clearly his fourth-best, which for a bid at the level of two. That this situation should stir A Bergdorf (toodman spokes­ place, the building committee will for them to meet and talk with (Copyright 1960, General FeatnrM that is the city. " (882). man In New York also declined Prenli W . Kridel. becutlve Vke-Prstidtnl end General Menegw Mrs. Kurcinlk, was attended by means that he held three cards In (uldition to this, the fire dis­ up such controversy as it has may 2. Van Rle murder trial in Bos gather for an organizational meet­ tO Y IA N D representatives of Columbia Re­ Mr. and Mrs. Field, Mr. and Mrs. higher than the seven. Those three Corp.) be hard to imagine from a cold­ *Nelly Bly* Pen Name to describe the inauguration gown. ing. creation Council and the Scout trict Is requesting qn emergency ton (257). Lucien Hennequin, Mr. and Mrs. appropriation to maintain the blooded view. 3. The November elections Your Headquarters for quality toys groups. In an effort to create, or Kurcinlk, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond It will be the attempt here to New York — Jlelly Bly, the girl renew’. Interest in canoeing on Co­ 8 p.m. "Christmas at Honie and Vernon constabulary, which was (241). reporter who went around the lumbia Lake. Goodale, Leon Stockwell and Mr. Abroad;” Coventry Grange 8 p.m., Crude Beginning formerly supported through the tie together, in a general way, this 4. Hurricane Donna (239) and Mrs. Richard F. Jensen and Grange Notes E uid other events, which, although world In 72 days in 1889, wrote at unbeatable low PRICES! Party Scheduled “Christmas Bells;” Marlborough town budget. 6. Riots, at Newport, R.I., jaxz under a name created by Joseph two children. Grange, Richmond Memorial Li­ For Oil Refinery The three aepEirate actions are they apparently occur from day to festival (141). la s llr «>** The annual Chriatnoas party for tied together. day as separate uid unrelated in­ Pulitzer of The New York World. at t children of St. Columba'a Parish A highlight of the aftemotm was Pleasa don't throw away (rid brary Hall, 8 p.m.,_, Christmas 6. March blizzard which killed Her real name was EHlzabeth vsrtea (fom a visit from her newest great- Spectacles, or gold or silver They are also tied to other cidents, create the motlvea for and a score (133). ssar-whMl to will be held Saturday from 2 un­ Psrty. Pittsburgh—The first oil refinery events which have cropped up in against the consolidation move­ Cochrane Seaman. Later, after her CNRISTMAS TMEES | Iroat-wheel til 4 p.m. in the church hall.. It Is grandson. Jeffrey Scott Biseon, scrape! Mrs. Laura V. Sperling at Dec. 16 — Glastonbury Grange. in the United States was opened in 7. T e d Williams’ retirement marriage, die Introduced the mass bom at Hartford Hoapital Dec. 5, Monroe, special deputy for the the paat and may come to life ment. from bEumball (126). intended for preschool children Masonic Hall, 8 p.m., public card Pittsburgh In the early 1850’j by 'again; for instance, the battle There have been other attempts ptuduction of steel barrels to the through those in slkth grade. and his mother were enroute to State Orange Home Economica party. 8. Mayor O’Connor of Spring- United States. 5Tu“fJ.S Committee says, "We will send Samuel M. Kier. over tax inequities, the establish­ at consolidation, the most recent field defeats Gov. Furcolo for Jeff KeUh SAVE % to ^ Mrs. Walter Deptula Is chair­ their home from the hoepltal and He constructed a one-barrel atUl ment e l two taxing districts, the ending in resounding defeat five 20 50 stopped off to offer their con­ them to ‘New Eyes for the Needy’." after a chemist told him thkt dis­ Massachusetts senatorial nomina­ " WILL BE AT HIS PLANTATION Set your holiday table with $72.00 man of the committee in charge, Mrs. Sperling explains that sim­ poeelble discrepancy- between as- and a half months ago. tion (123). gratulations. tilled petroleum might provide a sesamenta and-revenues collected, which Includes Mrs. Martin Sauer She received a corsage, numer­ ple asUgmattc glasses are sent to The reasona advanced against 9. Violence - marked Oeneral of Andover and Mrs. Clarence medical miaaiona all over the Open Forum suitable illuminant for lamps. De­ and others. consolidation, at that time fell In­ Electric strike (101. Grant. The committee' aidu that ous gifts and flowers, including a mand for Kier's excellent lamp Popolattoa dumps 19 LEWIS STREET w loilol taassg bouquet from the Ladies Aid So­ world. Good plastic frames are re­ to two general categories: The 10. Tie Involving: Troubles of f ia over aver^ loilot all mothers send gifts for their used and all metal or gold and A Hope oil later encouraged the search for Growing by leaps and bounds, charter imder which the con industrialist Bernard Goldflne and children, marked with their names. ciety — and had two birthday silver scraps go to a xefincry. Dia- To the Bldtor, petroleum that resulted- in the the town’s population has jumped F « a D AUTO STORE! bewL StardUy coa* cakes. soUdated town would operate was acquittal of second defendant In Starting Saturday, Dec* 17 2 LOVELY STERLING ftrseted. Saoily ciMosd. 'There will be games and refreah- trlbutl(m of new prescription Your reporting of the visit of Drake oil well in Tltusvlllfe, Pa,; In nearly 70 per cent In 10 years, fitrni a bad one, and/or consolidation Vermont "vlgllajite” trial (72). menta besides a visit from Santa, glssses is arranged through hospi­ the Archbishop of Canterbury to 1859. 10,115 In 1950 to lfi,984 in 1960. In 856 MAIN STREET—MI 3-7080 | Maachaator Evaalag Herald would mean an toimedlate rise in "FRESH CUT TREES—BEST FOR SAFETY" S51.00 and carol singing under the direc­ tals and welfare agencies who are the Pope at Rome, coupled with the the same period, the city has grown taxes. tion of Mrs. Andrew Gasper, or­ Ooinmbia eeireapeadeat, Mrs. Dea- given funds for this purpoae. election of Roman Catholics to from S,01fi to 9,506, while the fire JEFF GROWS niESE NORWAY SPRUCE RIGHT HERE aM B. Itittle, Mephoae ACadeesy It is enough to say at this time WELDON iRUfi 00. ganist. She suggests that sutxM-dinate every single office in our land in­ district has jumped from 2,099 to that the first reason had some Skelton Re8ting IN TOWN. YOUR TREE IS GUARANTEED FRESH OOP Womea to Orgaalee 8-8485. horns economics chsirmen suitably cluding the highest, moves me to £ H S T U JO O D 7,519. As of June, there were -230 merit. The second one bad none. BECAUSE IT IS NOT CUT UNTIL THE DAY YOU Aalhsflaed Dealer About 15 women met at the dscorsts a. box and keep it in the express the hope that there should m V A IS V t f t . 1 » I .^^ «... $ M li., ■ T , new houses going up and 350 house After Operation WANT IT. STOP AND PICKUP YOUB TBEE Ml MAIN ar—an a-ani home of Atty. Elisabeth Dennis Grange hall so that membera may finally be laid to rest the deroga­ lots mspped for future conetruc- OR CALL MI 9.9I25 leave any of these items at any tory charge that most Protestants FBRE DtNNEBWABE OB 8TAHf- tlort. Poet Omar Noted time. ‘‘Ask your neighbors,” says are blgot^. LEES STEEL TO LADIES As little as five years ago, the Army Launches Holl)rwd. Dec. 13 m«diEm Red Skelton Is 9 K a DOUBLE WORLD These events would seem to In­ B««aas Brant Pat Beoaa resting comfortably alter a three- YOU CAN As Mathematician way that the Grange can be of dicate beyond doubt that if bigotry J«aa Faataiac la or oonstabulaiy, service was about Pershing Missile serrice. Is present in discuaeions on church $3,500. Last yeiur the same budget hour operation to correct a rup­ BiriMay Celebrated "A tured diaphragm. ’ DO ITI Tehran -— Omar Khayyam and state iasvies it is not a charac­ "MARDI Same to about $47,000. Cape Canaveral, Fla., Dec. 13 (M GREEN STAMPS The 10th anniversary of the teristic of the bulk of Protestant CERTAIN A similar, but not as sudden, Skelton, who underwent surgery Your own remodeling and FOR EXPERT (1040-1123), knovm In the West organisation of the IFW Club was GRAS" —^The Army has s(X>red a second yesterday, was reported in good thinking. SMILE" growth esn be seen In the town straight launch success with a two- building. Our planning WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING as the poet of the Rubaiyat, made ceTabrated on Sunday with a sur­ Again my ccmipUments on the la Color highway budgets over the years. condition at Cedars of Lebanon 'aervice makes it easy. West famous by translator Edward prise birthday party for Ira F. la Color stage model of its Pershing tacti­ Hospital. RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORINQ high level and broad and discern­ 1:3S.«;SS-1S:10 S;tS-8;W This state of affairs does not cal missile. Coast lumber makes it WEDNESDAY FitzGerald, is admired in the East WilcoK, past state master, at the ing comments on your editorial eaean that the constabulary is The diaphragm Is a thin mem­ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE mainly as a mathematician. Home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold The 34-foot solid-fuel rocket brane separating the stomach from beautifull MANCHESTER STORE WED. ONLY SPECIAL! page. Sincerely yours. B>d., "Sniiriio At Camrobello” spenting gold plated revolvers and roared away front this test center SEE His analytical geometry antici­ Young of Wallingford. The mem-: John R. Neubert mink underwear, or that the rural the upper chest. pated the work (ff Deacartes and hers, all past deputies under lYU- yesterday and propeled a simulated Doctors said the 47-year-old cox reported on the progress of the ioada are paved with silver and warhead about 140 miles down he prepared a calendar aaid to be washed dally wKh soap and water. rdnge. Brig. (3en. Richard M, comedian may have rupturqd his more accurate than the Gregorian funds for.building a sUrtf house on diaphragm as a result of his many the grounds of the Grange Camp It simply meana that the de­ Hurst, commander of the Army CLAWE MOTOR SALES calendar we now use. The Gregor­ mands of the times are greater Ballistic Missile Agency, termed pratfalls during performances. c iG iu u a ian leads to an error of one day In at Winchester. Eads Toalght—"Breath of Soandal” and “Night Flghtors” -kthan formerly; that there are more 301 BROAD STREET—MI :^-2Q12 Deputies Meet Last Show Tonight At 7:05 P.M, the flight a complete succese. DO 8 WRECK FOUND ^■ER « SU99LY CA 3300 years, Omar’s to a onenlay^ State and Juvanlle Grange depu­ roads to maintain and a greater The Army u d the Martin Co. CHICKEN error In only 5,000 years. ties held a meeting recently in the heceseity to maintain them; that are developing the missiles as a Sydney, Australia, Dec. 13 (A>)— Route 6 and 44A The scattered wreckage of a 1X3 3 Shelton Grange HaTl, Shelton. A re­ there ie a demand for a bigger and mobile field weapon with a nucleeu' At The Notch, Bolton port on the National Grange ses­ hetter equipped police service.' range of SO to 700 miles. Scheduled airliner missing since yesterday sion V^as given by State Master STATE There have been no strenuous ob­ to become operatidaware State Grange You may also eelect from the pat­ Regular 25c pfcg. session in Georgetown, Del., a terns of Towle, Reed and Barton, meeting of the National Planning Gorham, Wallace, Heirloom, Kirk, Association In Montreal, Canada, COLOR by RIDE EASIER! Lunt and othera. a meeting of the Board of Direc­ OB LUXB Our Christmas Gift To You! tors of the Farmem A Traders Life Don’t forget your Chrlstmks gift for all music lovers. A series Insurance Co. in Syracase, N. Y. ticket to the new opera series'fai Jan, and Feb. Only $4.50. Six and finally in New York City, a great o|>eras in all. meeting of the Board of Governors of the National Highway Users INTERNATIONAL Conference. THE MOST Assistant to the National Master St e r l in g . ...loveliesttbjidesifft- Roy Battles recently spoke at a OLF farm dinner in Ithaca, N. Y., •WONDERFUL attended a meeting of the "Big SAVI ON lASiC SETS.. .Just the euenlials. . . place Four” fqrm organizations and a SPECIAL seHingi for 4 , 1 er 12 people at Mibitonlial MNings 8-day Orange deputy conference over gradual open stock purchosetl Floee lelting in- STORY In Seattle, Waah. dudes tedipeoe; ploee f M , piece knife,' salad fork. The Grange will be represented BeMtIfu! book which opens at the White House Conference on $1 .00 Aging in Washington by Mrs. to pressnt the Nttivity Alta Peck of Litchfield, .National MObw . OTe lasie Sat leak Set $c«n6 and text. Grangt Home Economics chair­ 1 FATmW fyr % flAVI for • UVI far II ttV I man; Edward F. Holter, National -■* ONLY lecturer; and Mr. Alvin Hanson, an ANMUtM 1 NM $IAM $102.00 IteOfi 828240 HMfi axecutiva of the Farmers and iNAMMT 1M.00 IM t 20040 aajifi MMO g g jl 4M F t Of Gift EibbM Traders life Insurance Co. F IS H F R Y . WNelHWLffiSB MDM fluaMH^a 10040 ttJ lt 200.00 SkOfi 20800 n j f i 4 . The Connecticut Youth Talent Group who went to the National (ALL YOU CAN EAT) leie lOOIlO 11.0fi 200.00 XtOfi IMikO UM $1.00 Convention to compete with otiw' Res- S7.95 talent groups were third place win- FrMFish LtmenWtdqo FWRWI..- ! *4J0« lOOfi 102.00 tfi.N .n*4o RM8 1- nera WMOfiOM OkOO lOAt 172.00 18.08 HIM) WM t Liggett Drug f'empany bought out thr mtire factory iii order to Tlvo Orange couples from Min­ Froncli FtImI Fotafo«s Cokniaw MWieMY , 94fi0 lAOfi 100J» 20240 UM give tiMtr customers this beautiful gift at the lowest prir« pot- nesota and Iowa the state masters FrMMy lakod Rolls cmd RuHiM’ • and their wives, will go to India MOCAM |4jOO 1A08 172M 1I.0R 242J)0 UM 1 this m

f-’l •nm

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TU^^DAY, DECEMBER 13, 1960 &■?; V * y \ '* ' I ' . .X' MANCaaERTER ^BVENINO HERALD. MANCHB»TO CX)N^TUE8DAY, DECEMBER 1960 m Vernon Accidents R^ult R aye^ M Towdr ^Prolecl’ England |i«{ Dump by Gty Draws In 3 Injoiies TV-R«di«Tonight WINDOW DRESSING OPEN THURSDAY SRd FRIDAT nree prewtorm aeddsnta in LimfiM <— Lanfion hM Buny You can still dress your windows for the Holi­ 91 UsIiuihaiUe' ever the weekend re­ vBitetteB of bMB, from tho pou- days with the remarkable, decorative Krsch TILL Manchester Restarts’ sulted'te'tefea.penMos being In­ cAiig In St. Jamoo's Pwk to tbe Vertical-Slat Blinds. They’re made right here summer nightiagstes that alng In jured, aifwts. 'in Manchester, so give us a call today . . . MI la ''ssmdfig' aboard the^'IMt 4:00 (la RaffanVa Park. But ameng the 8-4865. We*U demonstrate right in your home! A fMT m a il Xnjttred were OUffbrd Heritage, 9:10 i moat hlatorle.ara tba ravona at lsnlsa»tBgflwwrtMPdat»Ui^- landing USS Fort MarfOR, g pregreH) u n it« Anifhiblous 8<[uadron J^ve, 81, of 343 Schobl S t, Bunta M., 47, Newt' u _ . . 10, M l tho T o w n of London. IB oarUar ahwisr aSldals eenosmiar tbs OM Tmvsl , daya ravtng and kttaa did a nae- operating with Uw Seventh ^ e e t und Diapne id. both of 123 prav • r te* Tfsnrlw fw town tfump for In the western Pacific. Ttm Fort Baldwin Rd. Ifehe were hurt se­ fu l Job by eloaatng up waste .evej febUlietaJliep ttown into tho atro^ Naw the FINDELL MFG. CO. nA iw front RocltvUlo. Marlon Is scheduled to visit . J|] riously and all proceeded home nid Bin H____Hidiok. 9i00 ' . wlHtlMr or not tlw ertUcian wUl Korea, the Phllii/ > News, Sports A Weather wuy ravona are tho atx that make 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE.. MANCHESTER „ —ttwiw Is unknown, but RookvUlc wiUiout seeking medical attention. ^ Ilte JacoVe Club House up tha offlelal eomplamant at the 0 Taiwan and Hong Kong. Heritage complained of a sore TherBig “Picture w amA Vomon authoritlM srs s^ed* Oommunfty Carol ffing Set Bgi. Pretton Tower. Venetian Blinds, Repairs, Repair Parts yUMt to discuss the RocKviUS dump ri^ t shoulder stemming from a 4:44 HusUez-Brlnkleir 10. S , They are looked after by an ot- About 160 members of Rockville coUlaion between his car and one Doug Edwards—New* iSitS ftSar*lRri*** i probltm In s meettaf tpdsy at school and church choirs will par­ John Daly Garry Moore Show flclal known aa tha “ravan maa- g tlM Rockville .Ares caismber of ticipate in a Christmas carol sing being driven by Mrs. Delia L. Win­ 7:00 Dengerou* Robin O'Conner's Ocean 1 ter” and provided for by tho Mln- chester of 36 Uliy St, at W. Mid­ Million Dollar Movie Alcoa Presents E Oeenmsrce Tuesday, Deo. 30, at 9 p.m. on the Berry Barents—New* 10:» y.S Marshal letry of W etki. Ttaero to an old Z, James C .Sana, exeeutlve secre- front strat of Union Cmgregation- dle Tpke., and Broad S t, at 13:80 Death Valley Days Doug Fairbanks legend that when the laat raven 3 taqr of thd Ohaadter, offered last al Church in RockvUie. Saturday afternoon. Damage was Movlf n{ the Week Juns Allyson Show leevee the Tower, England will light. Expedition... 11:00 News, Sports A Weathsr <* week to maef. wRk officials of Ver- Hie carol sing, sponsored, by the 7:U W BlgtaUght* World's Best Movies fall. In 1941 the eituation be­ noB’s thresr govsmments to help Rockville-Vemon Adult Evening hfre. Platt and her daughter re­ 11:14 Stsrilsht Movie - Sport* Camera , came critical; tha ravona w« work out a solution. School Chorus and Rockville Area ceived a sore back and bumped John___ DalyD Jack Paar Show (C) 10 down to one. ; Mrs Helen Pltspatrlck, a former forehead, respectively, at 9:30 7;S0 Laramlo n. Premiere Men, Shop For Her Now Chamber of Commerce, win be What In The World Feature Forty _ . ICandtMter .Town Blreetor, Is eicmdueted 1^ Lenzy Wallace, di­ Sunday morning when their car B un Buninr i. 11 Jack Paar Show (C) ... antanff those khp have brought the rector of music at Sykes Junior came into collision vrith one being Buneet Strip 13;40:90 News A Weather . V dump prcMem to the attention of School m Rockville. driven by Lorraine K. Butler of 4:00 nFather Know* Beat 1:00 Late News ____ Monastery Needed We G ift W fop Free offielala. She said residents near Wallace, a graduate of Hartt 110 Strickland St., at Main S t and SEE aATUBdmak’B XT fOR OOBIPLETB U8IXNO H the towh ' dnmp are bothered by School of Music, Hartford, is also Sterling PI, Light damage re­ Staff of 80,000 SGUECT FROM 1 RodcvUle tniclw dumping trash. music director of the evenbi) sulted. She also sug^aolo^ addi* school chorus and the Hartfon At 8:80 Saturday afternoon, KMT SUITS - SKIRTS - RORES • SUOKS Electric light Co. chorus. Radio Phnom Panh, Cambodia — An i) tkmal loads from Rockville are flll- cars being driven 6y Charles F. ancient Buddhist monastery in :? Ing up the Olcott S t disposal area Townspeople are Invited to Join Riemitls, 86, of 71 Barry Rd„ and (Tkla Battag Inehidaa only tbaae aewa broadeasta «f M or ^ DRESSES - BLOUSES - PUAIUS in singing the carols. Cambodia, Ta Prohm, onco re­ that much faster. Mrs. Tilly Mature of 120 Bolton length. OoBie etatloaa eany other ehort aeweeasle). quired a staff of nearly 80,000 V In the 18 weeks that RockvlUe Ralph Mhumey, president of the St., were slightly damaged when WBBU—tSM WIJtF—1388 UNRERIE - COATS - SWEATERS % has had the use of the dump. S82 Adult Evening School Chorus, and 0:00 Nsws 8:00 gmsDeUl News l^opla James Salta of the Rockville-Ver- they collided at Broad St. and A:1U Art Johnon Show 8:06 atowesso aad News According to an inaerlptlon at w leads of rubbish have been dump* Green . Manor Blvd. 8:04 Raynor Shines 7;uy lUlton Lewis Jr. ROWIM - ACCESSORIES ed there at an average cost of |3 non Chamber of Commerce, are in 11:06 ipotIlrt>t on Sports 7:16 Bventna DewMloaa tho monastery site, 13,840 were in charge of arrangements. 7:30 Showcase and News residence at Ta Prohm and 60,638 « a load. 13:04 lUjiior Bhtnes 7:58 The Army Hour Shf^ Where Exchanges Are Easy COAT 1:04 Sign on , men and women supplied food and 7 Manchester General Manager In ease of bad wegther, tbe sing WRAk-eie 8:06 Tbs World ’May will bo postponed until 'Ihursday Ritty Sold Rights C:00 Big Show 8;S0 Sbowease and News . other services. There were 18 high 2 Richard Martin, however, has 11:00 Uuno Beyond tha Stars aad News priests and 3,740 ordinary priests S notlfled Mayor Leo B. V%harty Jr. at the same time and place. The PW 13:06 World News Rotoidtip Holiday Hours T that the arrangement will be stop* entire chorus will rehearse tomor To First Register 7:00 Edward P. Morgan 13:14 SiiRUiff to pteaido at ceremonies. Open Wed. and Fri. Nights This Week row at 7 p.m. at the Rockville High 7:U Big Show t. pad tai January, unless Rockville School auditorium. 11:80 jhibne Affanrs Open Every Night Till 9 P.M. Next Week i: wUbas to continue imder a more Washington — The world's first 13:03 Sign Off. Closed Christmas Eve At 5 P.M. permanent arrangement. ' Hospital Rotes WTiO-l88a Admitted Friday: Monica cash register, which resembles a Martin said today trucks from 8:00 News Chmnowski, 108 High St; Mary big wail clock, is now on dlsplsy 8;3U Weathsr and Sports SAVE UP TO $150.00 * Rsekvllla would have to be weigh* Eitelman, 137 High St.; Josepephepl 8:80 Album^f the Day t ad, and a more businesslike schedule in the Smithsonian Institution. 6:48 Three Extra WOILO FAMOUS QUAllTY-tUIlT EVENT Munson, 1 Esther Ave.; Timothyth; 7:00 Convereatlon Piece ef fees would have to be arranged. Ketcham,' West Stafford; Irene It was invented In 1879 by 7:80 News The Coventry Shoppe ^ naharty said the city definitely James Rltty of Dayton, Ohio; who 7:45 Radio Moicow Schordtmann, Broad Brook. 8:06 Pops Concert COVENTRY * wants to continue use of the Man* Admitted Saturday: August sold the rights to his so-called 9:04 What’s Tour Opinion e e r o T r o a d ^ ^ 7 4 9 4 Chester disposal area. Hoppe, Rockville Hotel; Timothy "thief-catching” machine for |1,- 10:06 NIghtbeat Sines th e Rockville city dump In D zia^l, 17 Tolland Ave.; Judith 000. He got the Idea from watch­ 11:00 News ^ S S d b a .C rural Vernon was closed by health Sauer, Maple St, Ellington; Jac­ ing a device used to count the 11;^ Bersnads etfidals In July, the city has devel* queline PetronI, Kingsbury Ave. revolutions of a ship’s propeller. w rap—1418 6:00 Today In Hartford 4-TRANSISrOR ped the arrangement with Man- Admitted Sunday: Jennie Schup- Ownership of the patent changed 8:14 Conn Ballroom C hester. Rubblah is collected about ka, Falrview Ave.; Mary Diugos, hands three, times during the first 7:00 Bob Scott 143 Orchard St. 8:00 Ray Somsrs HEARING AID YOU’VE twice weekly in the dty and sent five years after the register was tl;(iu News V to Manchester. Garbage 1s collect* Admitted today: Alice Kin^on, Invented. t|;10 Ray Somers _ \( ( uiir luri'.ii'f T|irli.n:,.| ■ 46 Hale St; Ehnil Turgeon, Park O n ly A ed weekly and taken to Bottleello'a 13'00 Del Rayeee Shew 38 ^"*^^*^* the I'’-:-. chinc^''^!U, choi« Big farm in Manchester under a Hotel; Earl Annear, 73 Union St; from Abigail Murphy, Tunnel Rd. Cortez Mill a Resort 50e DOWN-lsOe WEEKLY m m te agreement I rte* « Mayor Flaherty said at the an* Birth Friday; A daughter to ~ Bual city meeting Dee. 6 that costs Mr. and M rs.. Leland Sawyer, CuemavacA, Mexico — Her­ HALL FOR RENT See Onr Crystal Lake. nando Cortes Introduced augkr to For parties, showers, recra* ^ ef dumping Junk at the Bast Hart Discharged Friday: Caroline Pharmatest For tote . ford Incinerator are too high to Mexico in the 16th century. He Uons, meetliigs. Complete kitw - DaiBoastratton establish a working agreement Dset, 66 village Bt.; Mrs. Janet built a large sugar mill, knowp en facilities. lArgs enclosed Miller and son, 32 Thompson S t today u VlsU Hermosa (Beauti­ parkiBg lot. BEEN with edBdals there. wW eSfst* Discharged Saturday: Louis ful View), 16 miles south of ALL TYPES OF Meanwhile, he said, it Is urgent Hall, Warehouse Point; Jane Ols- BATTERIES e 1 YEAR GUARANTEE o to find a dump site for the dty. Cuernavaca. 'Die place is now a In^irt UHNianion Hall oUMONt chafski, 31 Laurel St.; Steven Ho added, however, that because resort, whsrs tourists swim In a CMJLWAY STREET Bruckner, Warren Ave., Vernon; pool under the mill’s ancient R E X A L L there is no room In the dty to set Kenneth Kreyssig, Broad Brook; TEL. Ml 9-8166 AT Parkade up a disposal area, the solution arches and dine in a vast store­ LIGGETT DRUG James Misalko, 43 Grant S(.; room. Ml 9-8860 After 9 PM . will have to be worked out in con­ Mrs. Joan Devney and daughter, ilKSr WiIH rHE>r flNL;')! if-.’ i.ii . junction with neighboring commu­ Wapping; Mrs. Rachel Spaulding ^ 9 0 ' r fta e nities. Slid daughter, Melrose. The logloal plaoo, he said. Is in Disohargsd Sunday: Edward WAITING raral Vemoo, If oWelals of the Rick, 91 West St; Mrs. Gertrude NEW 23 Im ll* 'rOTAL VIEW TELEVISION town and the Vernon Fire District Shippeb and daughter, 36 Windsor . are In accord. Ave. Today's meetiBff .at the Cham­ CtotetraM Sapper Planned wUi advanced WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL ber < ^ce will be an Impor­ The Golden Rule Club of tant step toward solution, the the Talcottvllle Congregational mayor Indicated. Church will hold Its annual Christ­ X6. Under a ruling by Town Coun­ mas party Wednesday in the sel Robert F. Kahan in Septem­ church vestry at 6 p.m. ber, the town of Vernon cannot le­ A puppet show is planned as en­ gally maintain a dump. There­ tertainment. fore, much of the solqUcn will be In the hands of fire district offl- Fir$t Bondsman GOT A . dais. If a site In the fire district Is selected. Probation, as we imderstand it On Fadfle Duty today, began in 1841, when a BoS' John B. Ambroal, radlamaa sea­ ton cobbler, John Augustus, posted man, U8N, son of Mr. and Mra ball for a man convicted of habitual KNOTTY Bruno B. Ambrosl of 149 Grove drunkenness. «


* Gifts of UiWHi Ireie, P«wtsr, Wood ftNieiMaa* „ V TOWN % COUNTRY it tht is she is she wuhvip u ig q m i i oh rnnch rmlMtel CoMet* • pvmiMRVfvG WWW I # n w i v i In CtnulB* Ch*rry fruit- n * Chrislmds Gr— ting C onds C hhcHw SHORT? AVEkAGE? TALL? * te tK id C oHm Hm 0f SmoH G ifts 80c to $2.00 V FLATS * Gifts for Rag Mohors and ThoirFrioiids Television’s meet biillignt picture..-.most dependtble G a OnwOMf ^9WOTdlVGf------^TwIIIOTi perfoanaoce. . . in exquisite custom crafted furniture * Hoadhooliod Choir Pods and Comtsrs on Ordor cabinets of certified genuine hardwoOda Your cboice of the ultimate in casual comfort We hove HER SIZE, Authentic Provincial, Tradidonal, Early American and Contemporary Stylet. "W h ip p e t" a fatMva PafawTkaat Ml* yaa aa]oy laMaaf pMwa aad $ 9 . 9 9 taaad wNfcoat Saatwalag we have HER LENGTH • Tranifanaw-Fawarad Ctuntl* far kng-llfa ralaWRty • frbiga lack CaatrtI far daar, aliarp pldarM avm la waatk ilgnat ar*a« ''See-Saw" Comfort? . , . If your problom concerns money, • High ndaBty tevad—BNrtiMd axMndad roaga apaakat*; ag its care or hanjdiing (or tho lack fraal far WwOk* tavad $ 8 . 9 9 now you've put your of it) you're quit# apt to find tho • ligarat* laa* aad TiaUt Cnairab —far f«l aabciloa af aiMra Mgk la law laaal vahM* foot in it . . . 'cause these happiest solution at Manchastar's 'sa-oviralldiiienal |Tr*d*m4rk loest financial institution. wonderful wolk 'n wear • PASSBOOK LOANS flats ore soft os o hug, ““ l \ and just os snug; they • MORTGAGE LOANS "give" like a glove, ond • IMPROVEMENT LOANS AOraaMi vnrtlt(i Ctrtlilae itailt* yjisiL. O r perhaps you'd like to sot up a Rsafiffik systomatie savings program. Do When you open i 1961 Chrlstm u iwsaJK saa®” it hero with insured safety and Club here. Useful Register Book tarn a tidy 3 '/a % (current an­ for listinfiT birthdays, anniversaries nual dividend.) ^ and .those to whom you should send Christmas cards.

s .

■ f t f t f t r Cwitwapihiy Oaelik SWad laakay I* eanula* oilad Troditiiatl fontild b i ■41 vS A V IN G S Walnut or Blond Makoianr. ■lao Makopay. LOAN \SS()i l \ I lt> v

r 8 Imm^ P u k U * . MUdIo TarnpHto W. nnd ■ AIIOMHTiB*d Ql.eidT riWdliCIRt miTITIITfll llMehsBtcr^OpeB noadsy, Tnisdsy, 10 A.M. to A il. to f f jy ELEOTROMOS y id ^ ^ lE S m BROim ST.^;itJUICHBSI«^'> ' r » t tod w m itKiJtum m iaJnBasia m i. ■ irjfc>-ji.-^ULiTOMaAT e to HOOM "*"*'^^""** . - - \

' A -4 -J,

MANCHESTER EVIjNTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., ^TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1*, 1M» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CUNN« TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1960 earth wlU taka on aetr ataanlaf in tlM Unitdd NaUtnu, w« «i^ go­ to work, pushing hta distinguished' Maple and Union Sts. at 7 k.m., ■table of candidate^. A Thdlight for TodfiF for you if you will take the Umc to SHEAliSON, itEr ing to have to rely upon our pow­ look up these verse! ia the Bible. today. ^ S to tC JS^BtVS ^tlled. Hundreds Hurt He always had one comfort.^ That ■ponsorad Om MafdMaCss CoitnttyCluh ers of persuasion, and thoae, in Connecticut was in his love and practice of the MaJ. K. Walter Lamle, HAMMILLICOx lOng Orders Pre-Reds Monday evening at 7:86, Rojr A. I ^tiEnitts ^rralb turn, tain have to be baaed upon science of politics—the practical Oooaell ai. lUherelwa The Salvatien Army Oebhardt, 28. of 107. Grove St. and •Vt* pm that mtairek buiW Robert Beerworth, 29, of 27 Burk* * fUM.lWHIltU Mir our own relation of policy to prin­ polltica of getting things done. His asuir ■aid the icri^ To Exercise PIUNTINQ CO. IMO. Yankee scope and mastery on the intricate Oregon takes its pamo from an M M mm Yxis Mxrt bouxes • rmmt isoi Rd., .were involved in an accident Roundup French Troops Brace SO'MI ciple, even if, on occaaions, prin­ tures; for in them ye thliflt ye have Algonqubi Indian wdrd msaniiig at xinion and" West Sts. KMicItMier Cmui> By A. H. O. political keyboard broadened and Dissolve Laos Regime ciple does, not directly serve our eternal life: iWd they are they 'iMMUtifiil water." '.Hr jr '.HfARSON Beerworth was arrested and profesaionallzed itself over the which testify of M E." (John BiM). Lease Option oivn nations! interest. Mr. Steven­ years. Somewhere along the route, lAIF',! -ARCH RtPORT barged with failure to yield the (CMtiBiMd tron Page Osw) riilM muirt If, a i bM now bsen generally Listed below are »ome Old Testa­ (OeaHaiMd tram One) 9 right of way and <3ebha^dt was For Hew Algiers Strife fMtXle4^r>b«r 1. IMI son's vanity need concerned. he discovered that It was Just as ment references for you to read for The Manchester Country Club proclainixd, DsmoerstUe S t a t e much fun and just as much an ex­ MMCmTU SfFICE g^ven a written warning against monUi, Jqtm P. Ryan, district di­ His post is indeed as important as yourself.' These are all prophecies mortnni at the airport, post of­ -toante t6 rent for two more year* rector Of the Immigration and ^ PubUiMO Kt«I7 Bveniii* Chairman John Bailagr ia to be ercise In technique to promote a which Were fulfilled In Jesus Christ FOR RINT »13 MAIN srKter LocalStocks driving too fast f6r road condi­ (CoBttaMd from Page On'> ^Bunrltya wd Hohoxy* ttptxrjd xl tnx any. reform as it would be to defeat it, S aad IS ama Motto Projoaton fice, power atation and othe|r t)»e town-owned golf cOurse prop- Naturalization Service, said yes­ flaunted rabel flags and shouted to WcM Odlox «t UXBChextrr Conn, xx elected Democratic National Chair­ at His first coming: MW mM M571 » Mitchell 34215 otdy it leaaes off S..Main St, tions. Police said Beerxvorth made J ^ d ^ x x x Mxll Mxttxr______As for the 'Preaident-el^'s cabi-i and some of his finest political —eonad or eileat, alws S5 naa a left tuni In front of Oebhardt’s terday. the trouble by rioting against De foreign newsmen, "Thls,ie our ref­ man next month, that will be. the Isaiah 7 :14—Born of a Virgin. • atrntoifie’ polnta. quotattoas P«nda|ied by ' • Club President Leon W. Terry Almost all non-clUzens of the net making, we should say that so mastery was devotOd -to such sMo projeetof*. ^ I Gaulle's Algerian -tour and his erendum." first i:eal frosting ir Bailey’s Micah 5:2—At Bethlehem. SUBSCRIPTION RATifiS strange ends as minor court re­ iimswiiwiiiwiriEwi,weec,6iMFJtwiimYi Qulnim threatened to aheil Thai Oebvni.o fHdiUebriiok. lac. said the club Will ererclse it* op­ United States are required by law * Pxyxbix IB Adrxncx far he has built only .with strength, career, the first opportunity he will Jeremiah 3l: 15—Slaughter of chil­ ' BaAli'Sloeks. tion to extend the lease for two Monday afternoon. Georg* H. promise of self-determlnaU'on, Just before curfew closed down form and county government re­ W iLDON DRUO CO« territory acroaa the Mekong River to register with the government on the tense capital last night, 3 >bx Jxxr ...... & leaving no opening, ao far, for even ever have had to take hit bow in dren under Herod. Bid Asksd mort years after Zfarch U 1961, 'Edmonds, 18, of 72 Grand Ave., re­ each January. Allens with diplo­ were stunned by the menace and *fl|X MBtitBx j • • the public apotllght in a position form. There are some politicians, Hosea 11 ;1—Called out of Cgypt. MI Maia tt . M . Ml S-SMl if Phouml attacked. ported that his car, which was attitude demonstrated by the Mos­ antl-De Gaulle tracts, apparently Tiiret Mod till .xx*****...... partisan criticism. inde^, who classify as downright Advertise in The Herald—It Pays Conn. Bank and Trust at an annual rental of $18,000. Hia matic status, members of the Unit­ Month xx*x*x**#*B*xxxxx**xxxx t-g' of prestige equal to that of come Isaiah 11:2 also 61:1 - Anointed (Developmenta in the Strategic stuck In the show on W. Main St., lems. from the right-wing Europeans of unsctupuIouB some of the methods Co...... 44'/4 47 letter reached General Manag^er ed Nations and other international VOOfetR XXXMB********************** *9 of the many careers in which he with the Spirit. Southeast' Aaia kingdom were Hartford National Richard Martin yesterday. had been hit. Police found that organizations, and those engaged , Grin-faced European crowds Algeria, were distributed in letter .fihlKlt Copy ...... <* has played his formative role.' he used in his destruction of an­ Zechariah •:»—Entry into Jerusa­ watched 'with interest in capitals another driver, Emery Berry Jr„ roaming streets paralyzed by a boxes snd parked cars. cient patronage prese-ves. Bank and Trust o. 41 44 The aeven-year lease went Into in temporary work aa farm labor­ M KM BtiR Uf No Unity Of Tanks No one could make a RIbteoff, lem on Palm Sunday. throughout the world. Fire lasaraace CompaalM effect March 1, 1959, for annual 42, of 88 W, Main St., had left a ers are exempted. general strike spoke of continued The tracts accused De Gaulle of THB ASSOQiRTkD FRICtfS ^ but one cotild conceive of Ribicoff We caught him in a mirror once, Psalm 41-9—Betrayed by Judas. (In Washington, the United Aetna Fire ...... 83 86 rentals of $16,000 the first two note on Edmond’s car stating he resistance and trouble " ‘if not "collusion" with the rebel FLN, Tao 4Moetato- ledxSTPiVxx lx xXoli^Txly It Is one of thOM minor little -States, France and Britain called Registration forms are provided ot re^bllcxUon ^ running for public office and one himself looking a little amused and Zechariah 11:12—Sold for Thirty ’-’nrtford Fire ...... 54 57 years, $18,000 the. Second two, and (Berry) had hacked from his now, then later.” and called for a committee of civil .aBMtlad to the oxx of r^hllcallon surprised at the tln.y little wings a top-level talk on what Is widely by post offices. 'The national total , all aewx diipxtchsx ersdltsd to h difficulties whiph Bometlmes re­ could persuade him to it. and then pieces of silver. National F ir e ...... 115 125 $20,000 for the last three.- driveway across the street and of aliens reporting It expected to Authorities believed the strike and military leaders to keep Al­ : not oihM ^x. ersdltsd- te this mDXWCt i flect the Involvement of major do the hard organize, .ional back­ he was sprouting. But if he ever Zechariah 11:1S — Potter’s fisld regarded there aa Soviet military Phoenix Fire ...... 78 H 81H The’ lease was signed by town would end when De Gaulle left for geria unde{- the French flag. . xjid xlxo Uix local BX AH rights cTr^M loatlon e t xp^clxi principle which tells tu. In the bought with money. Life and Indenuilty lira Cos. juid club-official* in 1959 after-the Edmonds told police the car be­ Paris. They said the army must take • dispatches tixrsln arx-alxo rexerreo profitably with the handsome, can­ needs turn only to his good friends Isaiah 80:6—Spit on and scourged. (In Red China, newspapers call­ During his five-day trip he was news, that the members of NATO Aetna Casualty - 94 club changed from a private to a came stuck at 11:30 a.m. and he power In Prance within 24 hours. did image. One could have aome- the Republicans. To . them he will Psalm M:20—Not a.1»one broken ed for immediate world action to .Aetna Life 89% public organization in order to re­ . Accident Totals jeered by Europeans and ac­ run sxrn^s dIxM of N a a Serr Jf W fild - lUVf (SMIINf returned about 4:30 p.m. to dis­ I- sre just shout giving up the idea thlng to do with bringing both always be some kin of epitome during crucifixion. halt what they called "United tain U4e of the golf couree property Hartford, Dec. 13 (JF)—The claimed by Moslems who shouted, . lee. Inc of.political villainy, an unspeak­ State intervention and aggrea- Conn. 0^traT'--->*-B9B '407 lodge it. , iKiWIeherx RttrsssntxUTex: T h* of designing and building one Chester Bowles and Thomaa Dodd, Psalm 69:21 — Given gall and Hftd. Steam Boder . . 89 . . 94 which ..the town acquired in 1965 State Motor Vehicle Department’s "Algerian Algeria," a slogan which ‘Cure’ Spreads Dieease .Julius Msthetrs Spxclol. AatTicy - New ably able menace, beyond the pale. hlon” in Laos.) Hropltai Notes ■unified" tank for use of the disparate ambitions if there ever vinegar-. . . Traveterg . V...... •T 90 as part of the Globe Hollow pur­ daily r^ord of automobile ac­ De Gaulle himself Invented. The . York Chicago DstfftK _ _ were any, alternately and even, in But If the position and status Psalm 22:16— H ^ds and feet Col. Sinkapo Couhlamany, mili­ chase from Cheney Bros. - Admitted Monday: William Hart­ cidents as of . last midnight and French president avoided major Seoul—In rural areas of Korea • H E M B ^ AOlSrr BUREAU O f NATO ground forces. the end, simultaneously into the. tary commander of the Pathet. ' CIRCOtATKWtB and prestige of being the national pierced. Conn. LtgW; A . Power 25 37 ' ------——— I mann, 6 Quarry St. the totals on the same date last cities 'With large concentration* of it is traditional to treat measles The trouble is ^ a t the Oermans toga of high public office, and still head of his party comes to him, Psalm 22:18—Cast lotS^ for'His gar­ Lao, , charged Phouml ha* ordered Hftd. Blec. Light . -. .01% «4%. Admitt^ .today: Mrs. Mary year: Europeans. in children by giving' them the ; The Herstd iblMMg O o m ^ T . Im - remain, so far as one's' own pres­ his troop* to storm Vientigne. and the French think that the we, for one observer, will consid­ ments. Hartford Ghs Co. . . . 48% 61% JanickI, 4 Vernon Ave. 1959 1960 De Gaulle has scheduled a na­ juice of raw crayfish. Doctors have . assuatex no (iDxneiBJ fssponaltmlty lot tige was concerned:^ the shrewd er It amply deserved, and merl Isaiah 83—Too numerous to list, But Phoiuni told a reporter in Rockville-V ernon Discharged Monday; Jacqueline tionwide referendum' in January to learned,,however, that the "cure” • typoSapblcal errors a p p e a ls In ad American tank suggested is hsavy manipulator of Ute anterooms and showing poverty, patience, suf­ Savannakhet he wanted no blood So. New Bkiglaod Accidents ..80,782 33,508 (Est.) • Tertfietnenta and other reading matta toriously won. and we shall be Telephone 4..,.. -46 . 48 Petronl, Kliigsbury 'Ave.; Mrs. Killed ..... 229 257 See if his policy of self-determina­ is ineffective measles. In­ • In The Manchecter Ersntng Herald . and much too tall, presenting too the corridors. fering and death. spilled o'ver; Vientiane and was pleased to see those who queS' MkBitfaetoito'g OatiiiMcd Fahlola LaDieu, Ellington.' Injured ....19,096 19,007 (Est.) tion for Algeria has {>opular ap­ stead, the juice often contains the much of a target, and that the One could-^ven become a regu tioned the Importance of his role The coming of Christ to this seeking a peaceful takeover of the proval. I Otsplay adrerUslag eiojrtni hours: Arrow,'Hart, Heg.-... 85'. 58 Work Crews parasite of the Oriental lung-fiuko • for Monday—1 p.m. British tank suggested is too lar traveling companion of a fu­ in the Kennedy campaign con­ city. Vernon and Talcottville.Bews Is Screaming Moslems in Algiers disease. ture Rfesident of the United founded, and to notice some of U.S. embassy sources Here 'said Associated Sp ring'...’33% 14 • fpr TUeaday—1 p m HondM. heavy. The Germans and the Bristol'HraM ...... 8% 9> handled by T he Herald’e Rock­ • Tjt Wedneaday—I o m Tuesday. Statee, and there were still those Bailey’s human ambitions being they cannot intercede wlth.Phou- ville. Bureau, S. W Mata St., tele­ • For Thurxday—: o m Wwlneaday French do not agree either, al who questioned whether this meant mt since they have no diplomatic Dunham Bush .i.... 8% 4> Start Sanding Public Records • For Friday—1 pm.p ~ Thurtday. fulfilled. We rather hope that, to Em-Hajrt ...... i .. 59% 62J phone TRemont 5-8188. • For“or Saturoay—1 p m. Friday. thoiigh the French do go for a type that he was contributing anything satisfy our personal vanity for FREE DELIVERY contact with him. CIciBiiiiiear iiIIIkI deidllne:aemaiin«f. •■.asa W* to or playing any vital role In the him, inaugural protocol will insist Fafnir Bearing ..... 48 - 46 Rockville and. rural Vernon to­ ' day eJ puhllcatlon mtcenl Saturday— of tank body which is acceptable S A.M. to 10 PJ«. Landers Frary lltork 10% 12’ WarraBtee Deeds . • a.m. ___ campaigning of that candidate. that he put on top hat sind' tails day are well on their way to dig­ Wpiam Albert and Elizabeth to the Germans, being low and We have been too friendly and N. B. Machine 17 19 ging out from under a record early Searchers ' Find 5 Thomas Trace to Joan M. Higgins, Tueitdsy. T>eoember 13 relatively light. If the ''French too .candid with John Bailey over f ARTHUR DRUO Air Force Pushes North and iudd .. 14 -16 season snow fall, which blew into property at 31 Judith Dr. would take the kind of engine the the years to engage in any silly Stanley Worka ..... 18% 15) town on a knife-llke wind as the Missing ChUdren Robert W. Purvis Jr. and Isis pretense in print, now, that he was Jobs Were Fewer Hunt for 8th Flier Terry Steani ...... 33 36 mercury dropped near zero. Waterman Purvis of Coventry to Germans Insist mugi he In the tank not human enough to hr full of Veeder Root 46% 49L I The Trio For Stnte of tomorrow, they might get to­ vMtockvUle Public 'Work* Depart (Continued from Page One) Laurier F. DeMars of Coventry, ambition, and of that kind of am­ In Good Old Days From Crashed B 52 The ahove quotations are not to iinnt personnel b ^ an salting and pro{>erty at 48 Lodge Dr. ; Reading the aomewhat dlstln- gether and manufacture one tank bition In which power alone could ee constnied as actual marketa Building Permits sanding city streets this morning "It’s all a well-clothed man can ; gulshed and versatile career of for themaerves. In any case,' how­ never be a full subatitute for title, Washington — Want the horse and by mld-mornlng had begun re­ Andrew Ansaldi, for erection of prestige, position, status. Sure, all (OoBtfaned from Page One) to do to survive out here tonight,” Cofflo in ond. ; Dean Rusk, now desig-nated a: ever, NATO appears destined to and buggy bark? Here’s some­ Coventry moving snow in the center of the horn* at 14 Dartmouth Rd., $16,000. the time, he had a few dreams of Deputy Sheriff E. W. Creech of Burnham Elstatee Inc., for erec­ got our LOW, • President-elect Kennedy's appoint function with at leaal three tank his own. And there were times, thing to think about: Are—^but K depende on the Indi­ city. Johnston county remarked during Employment in- the manufacture vidual.’’ ■'ITie' Veh»on Public IVorks De­ tion of home at B Little St., $8,000. LOW PRICES! • ment to be Secretary’ of State, we models, perhaps four. In disap­ too. when the glamorous front men partment In the rural area gave Us the hunt. Paul R. Mart*, for erection of he had Helped push out front suc­ of wagons and harnesses and in State . Police theorized that Road Crews Work The site Is a 600-acre woodland i ( Select your own tleepiot . began to wonder how to square pointment to those policy makers blacksmithlng and wheelwrightlng Maheux had hiked deep into the crews a break at daylight, but home at 176 Vernon St., $18,000. cumbed to the prima donna com­ planned to call them back again to 17 miles southeast of Raleigh. warmth! 1 such an appointntent with Indlca- who thought it would be a nice plex and treated his unsuspected around 1905, the peak for the In- woods after unbuckling hia para­ Around the Clock The search began late last night tlors that Kennedy Intends, really, thing for such a fine alliance to du.stry, was about 225,000. chute. begin sanding on the rural area’s Original Purpose p- Famous General Piectria sensltlvitie.x a little roughly. Bailey /■ after the three ^ rls and two boys 5feep-GiMrerintendent, said 19 men wards of the Davidson County Shop now yesterday that they returned to were at work on the city’s 25 miles WE CARRY ALL '' to build stature and reputation and incidence of equipment breakdown. Welfare Department; and ’ Tula rendering national prerogatives to. of streets. Ho said five trucks THE TOP LINES ‘ dven possibly policy positions, in their truck at dusk Sunday to find It wasn’t until midafternoon yes­ Fay Tester. 12, Nina C. Walker, 6. J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. It Is assumed that there will he Davis in their vehicle, trying to terday that either the town or plowed snow until late yeeterday, and Dennis Walker, 11, wards of MARLoWlS . his own right. a United Rtatea army, and a warm himself by th* heater. state seemed to be making aatia- when sanding o|>eration.a began. the Caldwell County Welfare De­ ARTHUR DRUG 31 MSSELL ST. PHONE Ml 9-7322 MAIN 8T„ BIANCHESTEB Window Shades Eight trucks, four owned by the One assumes that the policy posi­ French army, and a British army, BIRTHSTONE Da'vls said he finally found -his factory headway in the blustery partment. pay laterl way out after coming to a place storm. city and four hired trucks, were The Walker children and the tions he has held in the past, and and a German army, long after Modi to Order where Christmas trees had been Traffic was tied up all over the due to be in use today hauling Tester girl are brother and sisters. -which will now be subject to sll there has ceased to be a NATO TRla yaar, buy batter with an MFC Shoppers’ Loan. WHh cut. town during the day, mostly be­ snow from the streets. Their mother, Mrs. Manila Walk­ kinds of Investigation and anal.vsis, army, and that each of these na­ cash from HFC, you may shop at any store you wish, ALSO TTie seven airmen, from West- cause -drivers failed to put on Joslin say* the snow plow crew* er, froze to death at Boone last have not been very far In spirit snd tional armies will have its own in­ and buy exactly what you like for everyone. You'll like over Air Force Base, Mass., re­ chains before attempting to drive made the most headway between Feb. 18 during a heavy snow­ VENETIAN ILINDS RINGS say mained at the Plattsburgh Air direction from the policy positions doing business with HFC, the Instalment cash loan through the dry snow. 3:30 and 8 p.m. yesterday after storm. dividual theories of war and its Bring your old rollers In Force Base hospital with various A chemical plant worker said company established in 1878. Drop in or phone. Borrow Car after car was towed from the the snow stopped falling. The Mr. Kennedy himself hopes to seek OM'n ideas of what equipment is and cave S5c per thada. injuries suffered in landing. Six highways on order of the police moat trouble, he said, came from he had seen three girls alongside out and establish. One note from heat for its kind of war. It is also up to $600 and take up to 20 months to repay. were rejxirted in good condition. because of road obstruction. This the wind, which blew drifts back Southern Railway tracks at the the Rusk past, to the effect that reaHstlc posSihlllly that thesp ar­ One. Airman Ic Charles E, Morris, prevented the garages from giving into the freshly plowed roadway. intersection of North Carolina 42 U h iaseieaw at are# rale Is evaHsUe ira aR Im m MERRY 82. Clearwater, Fla., remained in v.hen he was In the State Depart­ their usual service to regqilar cus­ The Fox Hill area in central and U.S. 70. The man said he ask­ mies now allied with one another serious condition today with a tomers. . ed the girls if they were from the One YELLOW PAGES ad ment previously. In 19.M), he was . Cmtk MONTHlY rAY*lINT SCIUDULI section of the city and the Burke might aome day come to fight one fractured peMs. Clearing of the roads today is Rd. area to the west were the orphanage, but they tqld him they the one who fought the losing bat­ another. In which case it would 20 I t 12 6 CHRISTMAS Meanvfhile, more than 250 Air still being seriously hampered be­ lived In a nearby home. you get more p s y m h t t r m i , P o p m it P o y m h Force personnel, stat* troopers, main trouble s{>ote due to the tle against having the, tlnited Na­ be embarrassing indeed to have cause of parked or stalled cars on wind, while the snow.^ still fell, Searchers rushed to the scene, $ 6.72 $ 7.27 $10,05 $18.46 Forest Rangers and .volunteers the roads. At; noon, the anow was but the children had disappeared. led to $30,000 tions In Korea move for the con­ two armies trying to (iefFet each 13.07 14.18 19.74 .36.55 Joined in the search for Mitoeux. Joslin said. In some instances, he than money still drifting badly. Private de­ said, less than minutes had {>a8sed They said they found footprints quest ot North Korea and up to the other with both \ising exactly the 19.25 20.91 29.27 .54.48 Anticipating that Maheux could velopment roads are being given leading into the woods. Chinese border, establishes his same type of tank. 30.83 .33.61 47.55 89.47 stumble out of the woods at any the best possible service consider­ from the time a snow plow went Taking part in the search were |9f rightness and Intelligence In one from HFC 36.41 39.74 .56.48 106.80 time. State Police maintained ing complications, town officials through until the drifts were plied 350 National Guardsmen, . local Tlie world does have to come up again. worth of Tk$ Mk04mh 0kem is 9m prompt mmmtkiy patrols on back roads at night. said. and state law enforcement offi­ moment of tlte past. 'Pie sltema- to the point where it has only one mmUomdtmtlmdtsrooti. RommkeU’i €kor§» The hard enow on streets this tlve policy was favored by General I/t, Local schools, closed yesterday cers, firemen and volunteers. brand of lank, and when Individual I of ikr Morno ‘Glacier’ Planted because of the storm, remained morning apparently slowed travel — says Joseph Sausora, Sanfora Mason Contractors, Milford miH.w IIM orndmotim M ^ UO0, 0 m4 MaeArthur and President Truman, nations won't have too much'diffi­ r momtk om tkoi t tfm Ulinm closed today because of the haz­ as school buses ran behind the nor­ 1.100 to 0000. mal schedules. It was not imme­ and we are still living with Its dis­ culty agreeing upon what It Karachi—Men in the high, dry ardous road conditions. Pakistani regions of GU^t and diately evident how school attend­ astrous consequent es. should be because none of them PRE-CHIUSTMAS Baltistan believe that a piece of BANTU HOUSING BUILT ance fared, although the elemen­ " N o wonder we set aside our biggest advertising appropriation for the That mueh. froyi the Rusk past, will be privileged to own It or to' lOUSEHOLD FINANCE a glacier, planted with secret Johannesburg—A huge Govern­ tary schools seemed to have fair is high rerommen'datlon. although operate It or to command It. That E. A. JONNSON herbs, will "root” and grow to sup­ ment housing development outside student turnouts. Yellow Pages — they bring us 60 % of our business! W e average et least it may also prove « rhief point of day. however, will come only when ply the area with water. One such Johanneehurg will house 350.000 'Three accidents were re{>orted criticism, when the .Uennie turns MANCHIfTIR fH O rniM MARKAM project recently Involved 100 men Bantu residents from the city’s in Rockville 8ue in part to the 20 calls a month from our advertising in the Yellow Pages. One call from It Is t,he lank to he dealgned'for the PAINT CO. and cost $300, Pakistan authorities slums by 1965, according to South roSd 'conditions. SALE! its kindly attention to him 382 Tumpik* W«st United .Nations, the one alliance report. African Government reports. Two cars collided lightly at an engineering firm placed more than $30,000 worth of business wiA u$.“ ON But the hope. In anv 2738 72.1 MAIN ST. be that he and Kennedy ran work ing security for anybody, the only Hran; II le i Mea., Tees., Iben.—II ti I WiV., Fii.—I;3I !• Hew Eft. PHONE MI 9-4501 • JALOUSIES tojrether to rrestp n ne\t’ spirit snd alliance which In the ^1ture, . . . Take it from a satisfied Yellow Pages advertiser! If .you want the most • STORM DOORS new technique in Anierunn for-j should have the siilhorily to bear from your advertising dollars, ^on’t neglect your Yellow Pages program. eign policy, and that it will he«d, I b c it is . • STORM WINDOWS as 'Kennedy hlmseir Indlcsted In | • ROLL-UP Tell your COMPLETE sales story by using ALL business headings and snnounclng the sfipolntment, in the j a w n in g s direction of hnving us he nuu-e | Uikht On The Gripes, Too ALL directories that reach your market. Our salaried specialists will be of our potentially vibrant snd, Timmshout Connecticut yester- ORDER NOW glad to help you plah this important advertising. N o charge for this meaningful s'’lves instead of mere- | ,)ny motorists who should have had For Free Estimates Call ly a force reacting almost auto- ^ tliclr heads examined for being out WE'RE CELEBRATING advisory service — just call the telephone company business oflEice. mstlcally to moves made by the i |n the first place were rendering BILL TURSKY Communists ja verdict that town and city plow- Ml 9-9005 This purpose has also long lieen log was alow; and inefficient. To- OUR a theory, at l<*asl, with f'hester day. as they reexsmine the altua- Bo-.vles. former governor of Con-j lion, they are likely to be more nerticul, and highly .successful am-j charitable and realize that the .. .W horo praotioally OYorsTone finds bassador to India. . and voice of thU nation at the But enough, say we, of griping and-handleunit of this Toro United Natiims, Adlai 8tevenxon in any direction. tVe all wanted a nobert J. ■ASY PAYMINTS INVITIO •hould hi aomeUilng ot a star, He white Chriatmai, didn't we? Now Here’s the perfect Christmas gift! 18 ounoee per shoe. Bonne.v, crepe soles, steel shank support. ^ Power Handle Snow Plow ia held in immense rexper t abroad. all we have to do la to hofie for a •Syadtelie ixmxteeex to*0 Resist dirt, repels water. Brnahlng cleans, res to re. leather. Sizes and wMths to fit most any- and ybu’’ve got the power He himaeif has always said be {ire- favoi'Ahle oontinuance of near tern unit for your choice of 10 ferred to function with some re­ weather, and we’ve got it made. other Toro Power Handle spect for the Intelligence of nian- Expert Fitting In Our Shoe Department—Main Floor, Rear . . . kind. And the daye ahead at the IL ESTATEr S m it h yard machines. See it today! ANCE INCORPORATBD AMPLE FREE PURNELL PARKING United Nxtiona are likely to .he INSURANCE JEWELtnS - SnVERSMIT H #' , Whatever You Need—> day* quito different from those in TouH Alwsye Find It At , which Hitury Cabot Lndge, aa-the • FREE PEUVERV • I MAIN inr„ GROUND nASOR—TEL Ml §4241 958 Main St., Manchester vigoroua Leader of ar absolute and "INaURANRNims KINCR leU" M I 3-2741 meUable nujprity, could mouni a S UODETT DRUD S The KNOWN NAME, THE KNOWN QUAin^ SINCE 1900 MmmroUeg he felt the need ,• AtAxMlMDI • MARLOW^MAIN 8 T ,—M I 84«21 5TRCET. MANCHtSTER PU m Ml 9^1221 e Frao Paniel) Farktag a..

IWiW WBIK W IK 1 -A V I ■-it '.S';- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. ‘ CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 ’ 19^0 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, I960 Sion d o in I960) and sign up new party membsrs, and attsnd sem- >m or jm utan Hoffa, Bridges inaia oonduotad ttarsa ttflus a year You Should K n o w .. ; by the secretary of state’s office on changes in the voting laws. INVITATION Declare Wai4 4s Wants Yearly Canvass F ir s t R oa d Fredench Edward P^k Peck says he isn’t familiar A warn WBleoma awaita any iav«(or enough with the Job yet to’ say On Labor Law whether it should be full-time, as Manchester was the gainer 12 to our new office. Drop in» won’t ym/t «v By HENRY BRAD8HER olabor. The Bhutanese do not some officials think. But he does Oakland, Calif., Dec. IS (B -T w o y e a n ago when PVederiek Ed­ think shifting town elections to PhunchhoUng, Bhutan (P) — lt ’8 want to import labor into their Open nursday evenings 6:00 to 9:00p.m. a BH-day mule tide from this closed society. powerful. naerfui independent...... labor leaders ward Peck gave up the idea of a the odd-numbered years would be brand new Bhutanese town on the Overtones of the ancient system --James—James Hoffa ofvthe Teamsters cidaerataea. a help. and Harry Bridg^ of the West and Satufdoy unfit noon. edge of fhe Indian plains to Paro, o f forced labor for the ''government For in Peck, the town haa a. The, Republican Town Commit­ exist in the arrangement for road Coast loogahoremen—declared war obmmunity-mihded cltiaen who tee has endorsed such a change the main center o f mountainoua last night on what they called gov­ weatem Bhutan. workers. Each family or unit of has headed ]^ io benefita and on grounds that national and six persons la ordered to provide ernment attempts to plague organ­ Easter Egg hunts and who has an state issues distract voters from But by next May, If all goea ised labor. PUTNAM & CO. well, it will be an eight-hour jeep one worker for 2S days on the inside line to Santa Claus. local Issues in the even-numbered Members New York Slock exchange road. I f no replacement shows up, They trained their verbal guns The town also baa in Peck its years. Taking a different view­ Are The fide. > on the Londrum-Orlffin labor law he ke^w working another 23 days. And Bhutan, after centuriea of prospective Republican registrar point, Peck says the shift would m iii "How can they refuse to work?” and the U.8. Senate rackets com­ ■ “ r eight years^ work require a canvass of voters every n lAiT cvm> fr. • MANCtann • ms su m voluntary laolation in the eaatem mittee ,at a joint meeting of of votera After _ Himalayan, will never be the aame a Bhutanese go-'emment official as deputy registrar, he will step year rather than every two, and James T. Blair • Robert H. Slarkel asked. "They are working for their their unions’ membership in civic once Ita Smt road ia completed. auditorium. into the top post Sunday when make the registrars’ records more own government.” Donald Hemingway resigns for accurate. A lot of landalldea, leech bltea The road workers live in tem­ Hoffa, who addressed the crowd and aw eat lie on the 120 mllea be­ unity and action,’-’ B r id ^ de­ health reasons. Peck’s energy in political and porary bamboo huts they build And Peck’s decision was Man­ tween Phunchho^ing and Paro be­ c la r e . "W e can’t worry about the ci'ric affairs ia matched in his themselves. The government pays chester’s gain and the Merchant church activity. He ia a steward fore'the road ia flnlahed. But the them two rupees (42) cents a day McClellans, Kennedys, politicians Marine’s loss in other respects. Bhutanese are determined that it and employers. We’ve got to fight.’ ’ He ia an active Jaycee (a charter at South Methodist (Jhurch and a while actually on the job and sells Hoffo, who ^dressed the crowd will be built. India ia helping. them- food at subsidlaed rates. member), a Mason (paat grand member of ita Men’s Club. The deeiaion to build the road of about 4,9(W by telephone from He lives at 14 Strong St. with The road is engineered smd su­ Washington, D. C., declared. tall cedar and present projects came as an abrupt about-face from chairman), an impreasario of his wife, the former Marion Spil- pervised by experts from India, "We’re in for the fight ot our Bhutan’s paat policy of keeping the which made a grant of 150,000,000 youth and children’s activities, lane of Manchester. Daughter world out and refuaing to have lives. If we don’t prbgresss at the Judy is 17, Patricia, 13, Jeffrey, 6, rupees (|3i,5(>0,000) to Bhutan for bargaining table, if our demands and former official scorer of the anything better than mule trails. it. The Principal Engineering Of' Church Softball League. and Jonathan, 3. In the late 18th and 19th Cen­ for an increased share in the stand­ ficer, Om Prakash Mathur, who ard of living are not met, we’ll Insoriuice AdJnster . Republican Town Committee and turies the British in India wanted has built other tough Himalhyan Strike;’’ By profession, Peek, 35, has to trade with ’Tibet through Paro. held tt)e post o f deputy GOP reg­ roads, has about 40 Indians under Hoffa, under .subpoena to appear been an insurance adjuster with istrar, which pays 31.50 an hour. The Bhutanese, content to earn him. . ■ before the rackets committee in the General Adjustment Bureau what little profit there was on The job of the Republican reglS' W ork began Jan. l3_with about Wadyn^rion, haa. asked cancella­ in Hartford for nine years. trar and his Democratic counter, Notice aporadlc through trade,, wanted 3,000 laborers. Ttfey had built 13(4 tion'of tomorrow’s hearing to en­ A Manchester native, he enter­ Come to Beoeficiars Open House for none of a British road. part (Edward F. Moriarty, 64 N. miles of road by the end of May able him to fly here for the joint ed the Merchant Marine after School St.), keeping track of WE HAVE DAILY Since 1947 independent India when'they went home to reap their meeting. A postponement to Jan. graduating from Manchester High Manchester’s more than 22,000 haa urged Bhutan to permit roads. winter wheat and plant summer 10 was ordered but too late for School in 1943 and traveled as voters, is one of mountainous de­ DELIVERY TO THE In February 1959, Bhutan put off rice. Work will resume in October. Hoffa to make the trip across the widely as that Santa Claus with HOLIDAY MONEY whom he has been in close touch tail. With a card file, a biennial Get holiday expenses wrapped up la st— soon as another such suggestion. ’The next The road will be only 12 feet continent. canvass in the spring, amd infor­ ap­ month the Chinese Communists wide and graveled at first. Widen­ Of the rackets committee. for the past five years at the Rec­ proved, get Holiday Money at Benepicial’8 Open" crushed the ’Tibetan uprising and Bridges shouted, ”We’ve gone from reation Department’s Santa’s mation passed on by some voters ing to 18 feet and hard-surfacing themselves, the registrars keep up BOLTON House. Just phone! Get cash for shopping, paying billa, the Bhutanese had second wili come sometime later. Two ma­ McCarthy’s guilt by association to Workshop in Center Springs Park. thoughts. guilt by accusation.” He referred He left the service with the rank to date on voters’ names, address­ you-name-it “You’re the boss" at Beneficial! jor. bridges probably will be buIR es, and party affiliation. This, is The easiest route from Paro to of logs until steel ones .can be to the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy, of lleutentant of navigation in Lmim u s te ssos—LMiw im-imurae at isw cMt India had been westward across erected. R-Wis. i946 after seeing action in E»i- made difficult. Peck says, because AREA the Chumbi Valley of southern The main objective now ia to Bridges is head o f the Inter- ropean waters and duty in the every two years up to a third of IN MAIN ST., 2nd H., Over Woolworth's, MANCHESTER ’Tibet to roads in Sikkim, an In­ open up the country in a huiry. nanational Longshoremen’s a n d Pacific and Persian Gulf. Circling the votera w'ill change their status Mltehsll S-4U6 • Ask tar tbs Y U MANsgsr dian protectorate. The Chinese Bhutan will not be wide open, Warehousemen’s Union. the globe and crossing the equator, on the registrars’ records by mov­ Open Thursday Evening Until 8 P.M. • Saturday Until Noon ing. marrying, changing parties, PINE LENOX began Interfering with Bhutanese however. The king says the tradi­ In his broadside at the Landrum he went through Neptune’s initia­ tMM eade H retldt«N H ad imrefe»e| government messengers. Rather tional ban on all foreigners will be Griffin law. Bridges declared: tion ceremonies. or other steps, and most of them A leea el tlM seen Itf.ll vbee ptema*h repeN )• than accept worthless Chinese pa­ relaxed only slightly even though ’"They can’t stop us from working Coming home. Peck worked at don’t let the registrars know. PHARMACY II imwnNei awMMf iM*elt»eaii af fll.lS seek. who give of their time, abiiity and money per money and expose her people the decline of mule travel might our ships.” Pratt ft Whitney Aircraft for a The registrars must also pre­ to Communist indoctrination, Bhu­ lure more people to this beautiful He continued: "TTie laws of this year and studied "business admin­ pare voting lists for primaries, 299 E. CENTER ST. tan halted her Tibetan trade. mountaii. land. country end at its borders, and if istration at Hillyer College, Uni­ elections, and refcrendiims; hire Better communications with we get into trouble here and need TEL. Ml 9-0896 BENEFICIAL versity of Hartford, before ship­ personnel to man polling places; India became a necessity. With more strength, we have a few ping out again in 1948. He spent sit in on every voter-making ses- FINANCE CO. the Druk Gyalpo (King) Jigme pals overseas.” He did not elabor­ Free-Port Status a month in India after having visit­ toward the advancement of iManchester Dorjl Wankchuk personally behind ate. it, the Tsongdu or National As­ Hoffa said the Landrum-Griffin ed Asia, Africa and Austrialla be­ fore. But, giving up his fhoiio’ht.s sembly decided in October 1959 to Planned for Rio law “has made strike-breakers of If your firm is not listed— It should be— and it can be, that is if accept Indian offers to help build American organized labor.” about staying at sea, he came These ere the members lover 400) of the Manchester Chamber a road. Rio de Janeiro — Plans to home in 1949 to a variety of jobs. of Commerce who are a part of a growing movement, a movement you have an interest in the objectives of the Chamber which are to ’The predominately farm popu­ make Rio a free port have been He sold gas station equipment, jromote the Economic, Industrial, Professional, Cultural and Civic lation hopes a road will permit announced by the state goyem- Deaths Last ?iight then potato chips, was a patrol­ marked by daily successes in the realization of opportunities for us ment. If they mature, foreign goods man in the Manchester Police De­ When It Comes to Christmas Decorations Welfare of the' Greater Manchester area. economic transportation of its surplus grain to Indian markets. could be stored tax-free in Rio un- By THE ASSOCIA’rED PRESS partment for a year, and then a The few Imports needed by Bhu­ tii their final destination was de­ Princeton, N.J.—'Vice Adm. worker in the silk sizing and finish­ clared. tan’s primitive and almost self- William Mack Angas (retired), ing department at Cheney Bros. sufficient economy, such as match­ A development company is also In 1950, he joined the General Ad­ planned to take up th« economic 68, commander of Seabee opera­ For Information Call The Chamber of Commerce Ml 3-1113 es and soap, will cost leas. tions for the Seventh Fleet in justment Bureau and has been with The people seem unconcerned slackil created when the federal gov­ that organiation since, except for ''DO IT YOURSELF" ernment moved to Brasilia. World War II, died Monday. He about possible social effects of had been serving as chairman of a one-year period with the Nation­ cheap transportation. For in­ the Princeton University Depart­ al Fire Insurance Co. Along the MANCHESTER POLKH DEPARTMENT CONN. MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. *)^1E FAIR stance, imported machine-made Bridge Is Luminous way, he attended the Hartford Col Amusement and Entertainment Professional FAIRWAY STORE ment of Civil Engrineering. MANCHESTER STENO. and CALC. PAUL CORRENTT cloth might disrupt the system of lege of Insurance. IS OLD FASHIONED SERVICE ROBERT ALESBURY, M.D. T. J. CROCKETT ■ FAULOT-S STUDIO home weaving that provides all Minneapolis— A bridge that car­ Work of Registrar s t a t e t h e a t r e Variant Peck’s elevation to the part MORTTOCK DRIVING SCHOOL RUSSELL ALICZI FIRST NATIONAL STORES Bhutan’s clothes and vital income ries traffic on Highway 36 over MANCHESTER DRIVE-IN RAYMOND DELLA FERA for many farm wives. the Minnesota River near Minne­ time, 34,147 registrar’s job tops PARXADE BOWUNQ LANES ABRAHAM L. OSTRINSKY HOWARD BALDWIN, M.D. R. F. DIMOCK FISK TIRE SERVICES What does concern the people is apolis has been coated with fluor­ All legal systems in the United a long, active role in Manchester ...MOST SMART PEOPLE PURNELL PARKING STATION JOHN F. BARRY, D.M.D. DUPRE INSURANCE AGENCY GARDNER’S PACKAGE STORE providing labor for the road. Bhu­ escent paint. It’s easily visible at States are based on English com­ politics. DR. EDWARD BESSER GLAZIER CORSET SHOP tan is a prosperous country in night since the paint reflects the mon law except in Louisiana, He headed the EiMuhower for- Automotive RAYMOND REID, AUCHTONEER CECIL W. ENGLAND INSURANCE 8APORITT MEMORIAL COMPANY DR. LOUIS BLOCK GLENNEY’S MEN’S SHOP which almost everyone owns his headlights o f approaching cars and where civil law is based on the President Club here'in 1952 and,, RAYMOND GORMAN INS. AGENCY / land. There is no pool o f surplus glows brilliantly. Napoleonic Code. since then, has belonged to the OOOK’B SERVICTB STATION SULLIVAN A COMPANY HOWARD BOYD, M.D. EDWARD J, HOLL W.G. GLENNEY COMPANY HARTFORD ROAD ENTERPRISES EDWARD 'TOMKIEL, TOWN CLERK DR. ROBERT K. BUTTERFIELD HOMEFINDERS REALYTT COMPANY GONDBSl TV SALES and SERVICES LET MILIKOWSKI DO IT! BOB HAYES’ ESSO SERVICHCENTER WELCOME WAGON. INC D. M. CALDWELL SR.. M.D. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS DAVID M. CALDWELL JR., M.D. WARREN HOWLAND GRAND u n i o n COMPANY MANCHESTER AUTO WASH, INC. Finance CAREY & RHODES, CPA J. D. REALTY COMPANY W. T. GRANT STORE—MAm ST. MORIARTY BROTHERS CRESTTIELD CONVALESCENT HOSP. J ft W REALTY COMPANY W. T. GRANT STORE—PARKADE BECAUSE: MORRISON’S ATTANTIC BBRVICH AMERICA FINANCE CORP. RICHARD M. DEMKO, M.D. ALEXANDER JAR’ CO. GREAT A « P STORES NURMI AUTO BODY WORKS BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. DR. MORRIS C. FANCHER KELLY ft RICE U .RANCE GUSTAFSON SHOE STORE f, .5a. 1. You're assured of artistic work and quality materials. OAKLAND SERVICE (HNTER CONN. BANK and TRUST COMPANY , ATTORNEY (Eugene N. Kelly) HARMAC’S MEN’S SHOP FEDERAL CREDIT BUREAU OLLIE’S AUTO BODY SHOP LOUIS FOLEY, D.D.S. ARTTTUR A. KNOFLA HARRISON CARDS and GIFTS FIRST MANCHE.STER OFFICE OF 2. You can CHARGE IT. PAOTALEO S USED AUTO PARTS DR. AMOS E. FRIEND LABONNE-SILVERSTEIN ASSOCIATES HERM’S CAMERA SHOP RUFINI’S FLYING A SERVICE HARTFORD NATL BANK and THUST CO. HAROLD W. GARRITY, ATTORNEY JOHN H. LAPPBN HIGHLAND PARK MARKET 3. You can have it DELIVERED. SCHIEBEL BROTHERS HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. GREEN LODGE HOME CHARLES LESPERANCE HOXCE MAID BAKERY ^ TONY’S ESSO SERVICEN’iER 0 . 4. All things^ considered IT DOESN’T C O sY YOU ANY MORE. MANCHESTER SAVINGS A LOAN PAUL B. GROOBERT, ATTORNEY MANCHESTER PROPERTTES, INC. HOME SPECKALITES CO. ’TURCXJTTE'S SERVICE STATION ASSOCIATION CHARLES R. HAMILTON, M.D. McK in n e y b r o t h e r s , me. HOUSE ft HALE DON WILLIS OARAGE PUTNAM A COMPANY DR. TTIOMAS HEALY METROPOLITAN LIFE m S . CO. JOHNSON PAINT CO. WINKLER AUTO PARTY! RETAIL CREDIT and COLLECTION HOLMES FUNERAL HOME HOWARD MORSE KEITH’S FURNITURE CO. BUREAU FRANK H. HORTON, M.D. ALDO PAGANIAGENCY KEITH’S VARIETY STORE SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER Contractors and Construction DR. CHARLES JACOBSON PHILBRICK AGENCY KELLER’S MEN’S WEAR BHEARSON, HAMMILL A CO. ROBERT KARNS, M.D. A-P EQUIPMENT COMPANY KELLY ft RICE mSURANCE BERNARD KOFSKY SHOE STORE DR. ROBERT R. KEENEY JR. (Burton Rice) ACETO A SYLVESTER LAND O’ FASHION EUGENE T. KELLEY, ATTORNEY LEONARD RIVARD AGENCY ADMIRAL FLOOR SERVICE Fuel Dealers LANOER’S FLOOR COVERmO DR. ALAN KEMP, DENTIST THOMAS P. AITKIN EARLE 8. ROHAN LARSEN’S HARDWARD STORE BANTLY OIL COMPANY JOHN D. LaBELL, ATTORNEY ANNXRLI CONSTRUCmON CO. BRUCE G. RONSON LEONARD’S SHOES, m C . FOGARTY BROTHERS ARNOLD LAWRENCE ANDREW ANSALDI COMPANY FRANK SHELDON MANCHES’TER B(X)K8HOP _____ W. G. GLENNEY CO. GEORGE C. LESSNER, ATTORNEY BERUBE WOODWORKING CO. ROBERT J. SMITH, m C . MANCHESTEH CARPET CENTER HOWARD OIL CO. H. JOHN MALONE, M.D. BIDWELL HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. MANCHESTER PET CENTER M. A M. OIL SERVICE MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL P R CARON ASSOCIATES Restaurants and Cafes MANCHESTER PIPE and SUPPLY McCANN'S SERVICfi STATION MARTE ft SHEA, ATTORNEYS CHOMAN HOUSE WRECKING CO. MANCHESTER PLUMBmO and MORIAR'TY BROTHERS CARL A. MIKOLOWSKY, D.D.S. CAVEY’S RESTAURANT COLLA CONSTRUCTION CO. NEW ENGLAND TANK LINING CO. SUPPLY GERARD R. MILLER, M.D. DECI’S DRIVE-m DO YOU PREFER LAWRENCE CONVERSE JR. MANCHESTER SALES and HUGO PEARSON DR. DONAI® MORRISON FIANO’S RESTAtm AN y CONYERS CONSTRUCTION CO. WHITING CORPORATION WINFIELD MOYER, M.D. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CO, APPLIANCES E. V. COUGHLIN WILLIAMS OIL Se r v ic e JOHN MROSEK, ATTORNEY MANCHESTER TOBACCO and PERMANENT FRANK DAMATA A SONS HOB-NOB RESTAURANT L. T. WOOD CO. SEYMOUR NELEBER, D.D.S. CANDY CO. THOMAS DAWKINS IMPERIAL STEAK HOUSE mC. FRANK WYMAN FUEL OIL SERVICE EDWARD J. PLATE,'M.D. MARI-MADS DECO HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. MAN(?HESTER FOODS. mC. LEON PODROVE, ATTORNETY MARLOW’S TYPE WILI.ARD B. DICKENSON PAGANI’S CATERERS, mC. Manufacturers and Processors WM. P. QUISH FUNERAL HOME MEDICAL PHARMACTY ALFRED A. DION, INC. SHADY GLEN ICE CREAM BAR ALFRED REINHARDT, A.I.A. < MICHAEL^ ’THE JEWELER DZEN CONSTRUCTION CO. ALDON SPINNING MILLS DONALD P. RICHTER, ATTORNEY MODERN HOME mSTTTUTB DECORATIONS? ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. ARGO FABRICATORS, INC. Services DOUGLAS J. ROBERTS JR.,- M.D. MONTGOMERY W ARD CO. W. H. ENGLAND LUMBER CO. BARNES BOAT COMPANY, INC. ROTSCHILD, ARONSON ft BAJLEY ACE ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR MUNSON’S CANDY KITCHEN FILLORAMO CONSTRUCTION CO. C. R. BURR A c o m p a n y DR. MERRILL B. RUBINOW BERUBE’S TYPEWRITER SERVICE MUSIC SHOP C. GAMBOLATT A SON CARLYLE-JOHNSON MACHINE CO. FISHER DRY CLEANSERS, mC. THOM McAN SHOES GENERAL LANDSCAPING CO. WALTER SCHARDT, M.D. » GENERAL SERVICES, mC. CASE BROTHERS, INC. NASSIFF ARMS Fay the way with our practical W. G. GLENNEY CO. SCUDIERI and MANKEY, ARCHTTECTa GLOBE TRAVEL AGENCY CENTRAL CONN. CO-OP. FARMERS NKHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE CO. HAYDEN L GRISWOLD SR. ASSOCIATION BERNARD SHERIDAN, D.M.D. GORDON’S CLEANERS and D'YERS HONEY WAGON SEPTIC TANK 8ERV. NORMAN'S HALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Co l o n i a l BOARD c o m p a n y , HERBERT L. SNYDER, M.D. (A Few Pieces Photographed From Stock) LUCKY LADY LAUNDRY NORTH END PACKAGE STORIS Protected Ckillege Expense !Flan CARL O. HICKING. A SON DISPLAYCRAFT WILLIAM .STEOUD, M.D. MANCHESTER BUREIAU PHILIP E. SUMNER. M.D. NtmtEG CORP. JOSEPH HUBLARD THE DONWELL COMPANY m a n . COAT, AKION and TOWEL SUP, ALFRED B. SUNQtnST, M.D. MANCHESTER LAUNDROMAT PARIS CURTAm SHOP This sanaible plan hdips you meet the in- pany’s X*rotocted College Expenm Flail JACK R. HUNTRR, INC. EASTERN BOILER, INC. WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE SPRAYS from $3.50 JARVIS CONSTRUCTION CO. EMPIRE ’TOOL and MFG. COMPANY MERZ BARBER SHOP i PAUL’S PAINT STORE OMsed eoBtfl o f fiving your dbildren the may be used to cover coets of tuition, board DOOR JOHN C. WRIGHT, M.D, MODERN FLOOR POLISHmO CO. JOHNSON BROTHHR8, INC. ENGINEERED MSTTAL. IN'd. HERMAN YULES, ATTY. PENTLAND, THE FLORIST"' adTantageB o f a college education. It’s a and room, books, fees and other ezpenaee— White Flocked Balsam and Blus Spruce NEBV MODEL LAUNDRY PERO ORCHARDS FREDERICK KNOFLA FEMMIA NEON SERVICE EDMUND ZAGUO, M.D, SCHUL’TZ BEAITTY SALON plm tailozed to you and your famUys in- End it may also be used to cover ezpenaeB MANCHESTER LUMBER CO^ANY FINDELL MANUFACTimiNG CO. PENEHURST GROCERY STORE - . THE KIND PLANTLAND diYidual, special needs. Most important to of private lecondary ediooLeducation, or MANCHESTER BAND A GRAVEL CO. FULLER BRUSH CO. Publishers and Printers Transportation you: You need only borrow for each year’s o f graduate work. Stop in' soon at your W R EA TH S from $3*00 j . A. M cCa r t h y , i n c . ^ GUNVER MANUFACTURING CO. POTTERTON’S APPLIANCE STORE YOU CAN PUT a l l i e d G. McNa l l y a s o n s , i n c . JOHN J. HADDEN PRmTTNG SERVICES MANCHESTER M OVmG and QUrnKTS DRUG STORE eapeoaeB as they occur. You do not have to nearest Connecticut B a ^ and Trust Com­ Holly gpd Balsam w . COMMUNITY PRESS . THOMAS C. MONAHAN IONA MANUFACTURINO CO.. TRUCKmO CO. REED’S, m e . bonow for the whole four yeazs in one pany office. Ask one o f our loan offioen KAGE COMPANY HERALD PRINTING CO. AWAY FOR THE CARROLL NELSON THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. REGAL MEN'S SHOP THE NUSSDORF BAND A STONE KAKLAR CLOTH TOY CO. MERCURY OFFSET SERVICES hoop sum. there to ahow you what this Flan can do CO., INC. KURTZ BROS., iNC. PRINT-MART CO. ^ ROYAL ICE CREAM OO. The Cmmecticat Banknnd TVoat Com­ for yon. NEXT YEAR? W M PECK LUMBER CO.. INC. LYDALL-FOULD8 PAPER COMPANY TRIO COLOR PRINTERS, m C Utilities GREEN STAMPS CENTERPIECES from 33.00 PERSONALIZED FLOORS MANCHESTER DEVELOPMENT SEALTBST FOODS ’Then you’ll be pleased to ERNEST A. RITCHIE COMMISSION HARTFORD ELECTRIC UORT CO. know we have a wonderful Stylized, Original Natural Greens MANCHESTER MODES, INC. Radio SEARS, H o EBUCK and CO. 8HAWMUT EQUIPMENT COMPANY HARTFORD GAS COMPANY collection of this type deco­ SQUILLACOTE BUILDERS, INC. MANCHESTER SHEET METAL WORKS SHBliWIN-WILUAMS CO. The ConneeKeut Bank MANCHESTER BROADCASTTNG CO. SO. N. E. t e l e p h o n e CO. ration. STAVENB BROTHERS MANCHESTER WATER COMPANY SHOOR JkWELERS WILLIAM STEELE A SON NELCO TOOL COMPANY, INC. STANEK ELECTRONIC Candlei of All Dascriptioni SUPERIOR PAVING COMPANY NORFOULD, INC. Retail Division AND TRUrr COMPANY WREATHS THE TILE SHOP PRESSURE BLAST MFG. COMPANY Real Estate and Insurance LABORATORIES U. A R.. CONSTRUCTION CO. PURDY-FERR18 ALU9TATE mSURANCB COMPANY ALLmO RUBBER COXtPANY TOP NOTCH MARKETS, mC. CENTERPIECES RUDOLPH WANDELL QUINT MACHINE SHOP , (Willtain Flticerald) ARTHUR DRUG TOTS ’n TEENS ' Flaaae amd me ftdl infflnnatkm on your Froteeted College Expenee Ffta. NEW CHRISTMAS POHERY PIECES STUART R. WOLCOTT ROGERS CORPORATION ALLSTATE msURANCE COMPANIES BARLOW’S TV SALES and SERVICE TWEEDS SPRAYS FRANK R. WOOD U. 8. GLASS FIBER CO. (James G. Zuccardy) BUSH HARDWARE STORE JOHN F. ZEPPA WBTSTONB TOBACCO CORP. CLARENCE H. ANDERSON BURTON’S VnTNER'S GARDEN. CENTER Brotacted C cU ^ EjpeoM Flan WILCO MACHINE TOOL O0„ INC. M. MORRIS ANDREWS BURTON’S SHOE STORE WATKmS BROTHERS, mC. Made of arUflctal HoUy, ANTHONY INVESTMENTS, mC. CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO. WELDON DRUG OO. Tbe €!enneeticat Bank PolnsetUas, Pine, Berries, Diversified Et«. Last from year to year. Motels and Apartments BAKER msURANCE AGENCY CLARK’S MARKET J. A. WHITB GLASS CO and Tknet CcoqienyL Addnaiu. J. A. BERGREN DAIRT WUUAM E. BELSTORE COLONIAL PACKAGE STORE WILZmiN'S GIFT SHOP BOLTON DaS iT CONNECnCUT MOTEL BRAE-BURN REAIOT CO. CORET CASUALS lUFeffidStmet From 96 Flower Fashions COVENTRY DAT SCHOOL WILLIAM A. KN OFLA RUSSELL F. BRODERICK, BROKER DAVIS BAKERY L. T. WOOD LOCKER PLANT MANCHESTER ANSWERmO SERVICE OAK LODGE, mC. . CLARKE mSimANCE AGENCY DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. WOODLAND GARDENS Bartfbcd 15, Conn. City- By Milikowski TT MANCHESTER MEMORUL CO. PARK CHESTNUT APARTMENTS OONNECnCl:UT GENERAL mS. F ft D AUTO STORE I YOUR YARN SHOP •v: 695 MAIN ST. Ml 9-5269 fei- • i F A tU B T E M MANCHESiks E v e n i n g h e r a l d . M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n . T u e s d a y . D e c e m b e r i s , i9 6 0 ■ A N CH Egim EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, DECEdlBER lS, i960 — “ - 7. »’ RockvUle-Vernon puted when Inveatioiis sure leased Two More Days > Kennedy’s Margin 114^9 WEAR to otiter ccneenis, and price main- New Orleans les U im that llconalng agreements Lost at Barnard verO made by lockheed with manu­ Blizzard Death Filed Aeainst facturers in O em any, Japan, Aa a result of Monday's' Teacher Salary Base in TexaSf Illinois SchoolBattle w ; u T r Panada, Belgium aad tn« Nether­ ■torm, Barnard Junior High lands. must make up two more Still Raging Aircraft Firm Hia suit said that, uadsr toe plan, Toll Nears 180 •chool days. Of $4,300 Approved he Is.enUtlod to SO per cent of toe George Bradlau, Barnard's Losk in Vote Contests tint 1100,000 in roraties, 10 per principal, says he believes the New Orleans. D«c, IS (P) —- The Los Angrios, ftec. IS OS-NaUum cant of the-next |4()0,0f',000 and 5 per For Food? (CMtlfined from Page One) lost days will eitherliave to be; C. Price, who dstaiz he invested cent of any suma In exceae of $800,- The Vemon Board of Educationf1002-63 and lMS-64 sckool yaars. i (p 8Stttaaa tn m Pago Om ) New Orleans school integration It nmy b* s woddioc, a bsaqnet or im t sa iafonBai made up during the spring Uam O. Stratton, has tluentened the aircraft Jet engine, has sued 0 0 0 . haa approved a IS-step teacher sal­ He predicted that, if the scale hassle seemed no cloier to solution big mow or pushing cars, a vacation or at the end of the to withhold cerUSeation of Ken-| Lockheed Aircraft Oorp. for royal- gst-toiirothtr of s sbdciy, lodge or som*frtiBd|y group. ary schedule which would add $53,- were followed, tt would mean over­ 'kaMhd ' Mtaaiaaippra unpledged •pokesman for the American Obituary school year. 084 to the school budget for the all salary increases of $50,820 4n nedy’s 27 electors should vote fraud today despite U.S. Supreme (3ourt ties. alObtbrS in oV ^ tot, haa aaid all The engineer ooDteoded in his T u r k i R s t i r s T o p B r a s s WR A M P R iP A IliD TO S illV R YOU Heart Aasoclatlon iwued this Recently, teachers at Bar. 1961-62 fiscal year. the first of those years and $59,- charges be substantiated. action in qnaahing the state’s legal But time la running out. ^ e na­ AFTER DARK complaint, fUed yesterday in su­ Charles t. McCarthy nard voted to make up two The proposed schedule, which 305 In the following year. Tlie ^ isjong, Itjtot, tha'sJate’a eight elec- barriers to integration. Ankara—Turkey’s Defense NQn TO YOUR COMPLITE SATISFACTION warning: other lost school days the Fri­ haa also received the approval of tional electoral college will go perior court, that L ocU i^ instl- Charles J. McCarthy. 4.*>. of amounts included Increases arty platform. years. He was formerly em­ using days set aside for bad The salary scale, If approved by Bolton The white boycott held finp. at Hetisinger of West Germany today Some aun.shine was expected dur­ winter weather. A total of $7,310 In 15 yearly steps. This ) T h e ’Statement aaid the electors was' named chairman of the PHONfS Ml 3-7344 ployed by the l.’ nitcd Aircraft the teachers, will bring fivt . per 1 would not seek to block the elec- Frantz and McDonogh No. 19, toe ing the day. with diminishing three school days are yet to be year’s schedule goes from $4,200 Watebdog .Permanent Military Ml 3.R3S3 winds and siightly moderating Corp. in Fast Hartford. He wa.s to $7,000 in 13 steps. cent yearly increases based on the tton of, Vico President-elect Lyn- two schools integrated Nqv. 14. a fourth degree member of Camp­ made up by Barnard students. starting salary. Beginning at 34,- School offlclmls said they doubted CbmmittM of too North Atlantic temperatures. No real relief was in ■ don,. Johnson because it would do lano Students Treaty Orgaaizatioi) (NATO). bell Council, Knights of Columbus, Approval o f the salary scale 300, a teacher could expect a,five -no if more than eight pupils wotild sight until Wednesday, when the came at the end of last night’s ) good under the Cenatitution. He replaces Gen. B.R.P.F. Haa- mercury was expected to climb in­ in Manchester. Conn., and was ac­ per cent raise to $4,516 the seMnd 'niere -was -v np immediate com­ attend -Frantz in the near future. m aelmann of The. Netherlands. tive in the building committee of meeting in which the board: year, a 10 per cent raise to $4,730 to the 30a in the afternoon, bring­ (1) Approved the renovation of ment from B y^ who supported Hold Recital One Negro girl is in toe first Tha permanent military commit- the new Knights of Columbus State Toll the third year and* so on. ing some thawing and help to the a basement room st the Talcott- .neither presidential candidate in grade at Srantz. Three Negro i^ls toe is composed of delegates named Home here. I The board also approved raises The;-campaign. in toe first grade remain the only You ahoveiers. vUIe School for use as a classroom; Seven piano students o f Mrs. by each chief of aW f of NATO The violence of the storm He moved to Manchester. N. H„ ] (2) Approved a special subcom­ to ' the school’s non-professlohi|I . The eight unpledged electors pupils attending McDonogh. military powers. The chiefa-of- about a year and a half ago. and i Edith Petersen performed in WTOUght varied disasters and For Storm mittee’s proposal regaitling charg­ personnel, the increases ranglnig 'from Mississippi ahd the six from Although the boycott' continued staff themselves sit as the full was the owner and operator of a ' from $100 to $250 annually. Aiabuna bayo hc^ .been counted study recital at her home on Rt to. work at the two schools, ex­ military committee but normally troubles up and down the coast large fllling station there. ing rental fees to town, organiza­ Monday. tions for use of school buildings; School rental policies, which plther .way iii detennlnnlg Ken- 44A on Sunday. ternal evidences of It continued to meet oiUy once each year. True Here, Too He is survived by his wife. Mrs. have been discussed at length at .jiedy'a electoral vote total of 300. decline. Only a handful of women In Virginia, sieet weighted down (3.) Agreed to continue the Pupils who participated were Their delegates on the perma­ Hucille O'Connor McCarthy; a son, Reaches 9 other meetings, were settled last - In Texas, which, has 24 electoral huddled In a yard across from the electrical lines and cut off power adult evening school through next Cathy Darwin, Shirley Hilliard, nent committee provide continual Charles F. McCarthy: two sisters. night on the basis that groups us­ . votes. Federal Court Judge Ben C. school to watch U.S. deputy mar­ If you've lust moved to town, from 1.000 persons in a large rural semester although a transfer of Marianne Skinner, Judy Naachke, military guidance to the western Miss Dorothy McCarthy of Man­ (Contlnaed from Page One) ing school buildings will not ba Oonnajly ruled that his court had shals escort the eight white and alliance. area south of Fredericksburg. chester, N. H., and Mrs. Esther about $800 to that account will be Sharon Rowley, Judy Jackson, and you probably recognized Off the Maryland coast, a 42-foot charged rent if the groups them-, no Jutiadtotlon to rule on the Re- one Negro students to Frantz. The chiefs of staff group is now Noseck of Keene, N. H,; three night and Wednesday, except near necessary (the board felt the eve­ Louis Dimock. This was the same number as Knight and Shield symbol im- fishing boat sank in high seas. TV-o selves do not charge admission o r‘ puUJcan. challenge o f tho election The group alao diacuasod various meeting in their annual review in brothers, John B, McCarthy of j calm around da.ybreak. ning school is popular enough had attended Friday, but waa con­ Paris. This review Is preparatory men were lost. East Hartford. Edward ,T, McCar­ take collections for their activi­ result. He also said there had musical forma and how to memo­ madiately. Members of the Southern Connecticut — Mostly with about 1,400 participants to ties. , been no proof .that anyone’s rights siderably below the 23 who went the annual top-level political About 40 miles south of there, a thy of Hartford, and Frank G. Mr-1 continue the classes although def­ rize. DOUBLE Order, after all, are found sunny, windy and continued very last Tuesday before segregation­ meeting which starts Friday. freighter went aground with 11 However, if the organizations ".were idolatcd when thousands of Baptized Carthy of Manchester, Conn.; and cold thi.a afternoon, the high in Snow Lends Touch to Display icit spending will be necessary); Now chief of West Germany’s persons aboard. They were not in a grandchild. charge admission and can be con­ Texas ballots were voided for ists stepped up their behind-the- TRIPLE-S BLUE throughout the country, and all the teens. Clear and bitter cold Yesterday's snowstorm provided a real seasonal effect for this holiday display at 680 Center St. (4) Approved the formation of sidered profit-making orgahlea- . teehmeal reasons. Helen Toomey, ^ugbter of Mr. scenes prgisufc campaign. Army, Heuslnger was a Nazi com Immediate danger, however. and Mrs. John ToOmey o f Bolton have the same policy: Service The 'uneral will be held Thurs­ again tonight, the low near zero Lit up at night, the scene undoubtedly looks more effective. We think the third caroler is the a rifle club at Rockville High tions, they will he asked to pay ths Within two hours after the rul­ mander In western Russia during Off NanUicket, Maas., a small day morning at the Joseph M. Branch Rd., Coventry, was bap­ Supt. James F. Redmond said he except higher along the shore. smartest of the quartet.. She wore her earmuflfs. (Herald photo by Oflara). .School; full building rental fee. ing, the State Board of CanvaiwerB World War n. He now is a regu Measured not by GOLD, but by CkMSt Guard vessel was stove in McDonough Funeral Home, 22.’) tized at S t Maiurlce Church on did not expect an attendance in­ Generally fair Wedneaday with (5) Approved the course of met in Austin and, formally certi­ lar target of Communist propa while Its crew was rescuing six Hanover St., Manchester, N.H., Groups and organisations wlUch Stmday, crease at Frantz in the near fu­ tha GOLDEN RULE. men from a grounded fishing vessel. moderating temperatures, the high study taken by Theodore Ventura, use the school buildings for chari­ fied, the election of 24 Democratic ture. “There are about as many ganda The Soviet Union has ac­ followed by a .solemn high Mass of around 30. a science teacher at the high Bulletin Board cused him of ordering mass execu­ All Involved swam ashore safely. requiem at St. Anne's Cliiirch, No Ice Skating, table purposeee or in sponsoring "eleejoni pledged to Kennedy, This white students In William Frantz In Maine, the 106-mile Maine Northwesterly winds 12 to 20 school, for his sixth year profes­ recreational or children's activi­ move Appieared to praclude any Tbe Community Hall is closed tions of Russians In 1943 and de­ Manchester, N.H., at 9 o'clock. Snow Upset Routines, school as we’r« going to see in manded he he tried as a "war Turnpike closed for more than 12 m.p.h. this afternoon, 6 to 12 to­ sional diploma; ties, but which charge admission, . furtber legal .action by Texas Re- this week to have necessary re­ there for a while," he said. Interment will be in St. Joseph's night and Wedne.sday. except near But Sledding Good pairs completed. criminal.” hours betwen Kittery and Augusta. Cemetery, Manchester, N.H. (6) Urged board members to will be required to pay half the puhlicana under state 1((W. The embattled five-man school STAMPS calm around daybreak. Tbe annual Christmas dinner of The standing NATO Group— It didn't reopen tinlll early today. attend a Thursday night meeting rental fee. Hardy Hollers of Austin, a law- board, meanwhile, elected Louis G. Friends may call at the funeral Two of the eight deaths were No skating at any of the St. Maurice Council of Oathollc composed of military representa­ In Washington, almost ail fed- home tonight from 7 to 10 o'clock Caused Little Damage town supervised Ice skating at East Windsor High School con­ All groups will havs to pay the I yer Wha repjrOsented the Republl- Rlecke Sr. as president for the oral offices closed. attributed to ml.acellaneous causes, cerning proposed school legisla­ * csji party at the hearing, said the 'Women scheduled for last evening tives of Britain, France and the and tomorrow from 2 to H and 7 the others to heart attacks. Areas is the report from the Janitor fees which are $7 for the was canceled due to the atorin. The next year. Rlecke pledged to fol­ United States— is the executive EVERY WEDNESDAY In Trenton, N.'I.. an ambulance to 10 p m. Town Park Department. tion. first three houra and $2 an hour , sta^^boiu4’s action "virtually cuts low the moderato policies of hip James Scordo, 68, of Greenwich For all Us harshness, the snow8>Memorial Hospital yesterday Council ■will nert' meet until the agent of the" NATO miUtsoy com­ MAIN SItRT carrying a woman in labor bogged However, coasting ia good The proposed salary scale was thereafter. School rentals are $75 off jsny fiuUier action under state predecessor, Lloyd J. Rtttiner. died yesterday of carbon monox­ storm frofh Texas did little dam­ usual date In January. mittee. This is the committee that mancmbtiaconn. down In the snow. She was taken Mrs. Uerahl Risley afternoon after he blacked out to excellent at Center Springs projected by School Superintend­ for the high school and $50 for the ' law.” H e' indlpated that all the In- Washington, too nine su­ ide poisoning as he sat in his car age in Manchester. Members of St Maurice Church tu:tually gives orders to the varied to the Stale Capitol, by. while trying to shovel snow away Park, behind the Municipal ent Raymond E. Ramsdell Into the elementary schools. Republicans oan do now is to press interested In participating in the preme court Judges ruled unan­ Vemon ’ Mrs. Gerald Risley, 6.^, while the engine warmed up. The Mostly, it tied up traffic, kept from hi.s truck. top NATO commanders. whore the baby wtei bom in the Building. for a bl-partlsan revision o f the spring minstrel should report to­ imously against Louisiana’s ap­ of Tunnel Rd,, mother of George E. auto's exhaust pipe apparently people indoors, curtailed meetings, The hospital reported all else West Germany la nOt a mem­ deserted building. Risley, first selectman of Vernon, Because of the snow on thin atato election code when the leg- night at 7:30 o’clock at the church peal for a stay of z toioe-court was btiried in the snow, authori­ and forced some persons in essen­ waa proceeding quietly. ber of the standing group, al­ Some commuters walked for died suddenly this morning at Man­ ties said. Ice at Center Springs Pond, .ISlattve convenes In January. hall. federal court decision Nov. 30 miles from their New Jersey tial posts to lose a lot of sleep. It Miss Eva Johnson, assi.stant The Republicans said more than though there have been reports chester Memorial Hospital. .John .Shea, 13, of Waterbury also closed schools yesterday and no ice skating is expected for The adult Instruction group of that struck doym the state’s anti that It may bo granted member, homes to the mouth of the Ljn- Sl^ waa born in Hartford Oct. was found frozen to death in a administrator, said some of the at least ■ two weeks. Once all Ford Chief to Confer 100,000 paper bidlots were tossed St Maurice Church 'will hold its again today. night nurses stayed on until 10 integration legal arsenal and re ship as A result of gix)'wing con­ ooln Tunnel, hoping to find buses 31, Ikk."), daughter of the late .Jen­ snowbank near his home. The boy streets and sidewalks are out by election Judges because meeting at 8 o'clock tonight at the fused to suspend Integration. there to take them to their Man­ Plows began working between 2 a.m. yesterday until the day nurses voters failed to mark out the co­ tributions to NATO. A well in­ nie Hotchkiss and George E. Net- was an epileptic. plowed, park department per­ Rectory. Although the court ruling was formed source said it was imlike hattan offices. They didn t They tleton. Roy S. Mason, about 60, of and 3 a.m. Monday, according to arrived. Most of the rest of the sonnel will clear the skating lumns fbr>the Constitution party Ibe Rhythmic C3ioir of the Con­ trudged through the nearly 1 'i Chester Langtry, deputy director staff made it to work, she said. find Prohibition party when they not directly on the three-judge ly at present that West Germany .She was a mejnber of the First Bloomfield collapsed and died in area.s at Center Springs Annex gregational Church will rehearse would be named to the standing miles of the tunnel, arriving at Congregational Church, Vernon, of public works. High winds and a drop in the W ith President-elect voted for the Republicans or Demo­ toiUght at 7 o'clock at the church. court’s actions, it In effect af­ West Hartford as he walked from and Charter Oak Park. firmed them. group, which sits In Washington their offices exhausted and hours and on the hoard of deaconesses of a store to his car. Each of the 21 trucks worked mercury combined to lower the crats. The Board of Religious Educa­ late. I the church She was a member of on a section of the town. Several temperature In the hospital today, (, 'Connally said tha Republican rd* tion of the CongregaUimal Church Specifically^, the Judges blasted Stephen Fhich.s, about 60, col­ American Red Cross reported no (Continued from Page One) Two lanes of the tunnel were Temple Chapter, Order of Eaatern lapsed and dieeal Fred W. GarUck m , Miami, Bla, dressed to toe Supreme Court, and the date included 4 above m Dr of the church. fell. Ban Still On walks. turesque, albeit lumpy, expanse. eral counsel of the Steelworkers ury and agriculture positions, cabi- Kli)cxynsld’a ruUngn to h i^ e r was discharged from the Army it was even presumptuous lor the troit, 7 In Charleston, W.V'a , R in New Haven, Walerbur.v and The ban is still in effect, ac­ Odtgoing mail was dispatched Union and special counsel to the net jobs atill to b« filled are attor­ state courts. Monday. He had filed a ci'vil suit in court to pass on it.” Harrisburg, iPa , 11 in Philadelphia Howard I., Miller Hartford derided to re-open their cording to James Reardon, chief to Hartford by truck at the usual AFL-CTO. ney general, secretary of labor, Judge Klucgynskl upheld con U.S. District Court seeking his re­ and 12 in Washington, D C. liimmrd D. Miller, 72, of 6R0 public schools. Hartford scheduled of police, until further notice. He 9:30 time. Rochville-V ernon Meany would not say anything at and postmaster general. ^toiitlons o f la s e r s for the canvass lease from the service. Dismissal In the Far West, temperatiire.s Forbes St , East Hartford, father the return at 10 a.m., after the qualified this by adding that park­ No backlog developed at the all about his conference withI Ken- Kennedy returned to the capital •.bemds that he lacked the power -to of the suit will be asked as soon as HERE’S HOW of Arthur I. Miller of Manchester,, early morning rush hour, to ease post office because of the storm, nedy. shortly alter midnight alter spend­ .change Election results already the discharge becomes final. ware mostly around normal levels, ing will be permitted on .streets ing the weekend with hie family at in the 40-.'i0 degree range. died Sunday at Manchester Me­ the burden on I he city's buses and which have been completely with very little mailing done yes­ 'While it wa.s taken for giranted eertlfled and forwarded to the state Garlick claimed toe Army did morial Hospital, Palm Beach, Fla. Some early morning reports: streets. cleared of enow. terday. Goods Worth that the two men touched on the electoral board. The rbsulta were not live up to ita pledge to train He was a tool and diemaker at Labor Department appointmeiit In After conferences with the two ^«ertUted tw o weMcs ago. f r o m ^ Kew York 9 partly cloudy; Chi­ Bridgeport and New Britain kept Most plowmen were home Postal officials reported that him as a missileman upon his en­ YOU CAN HAVE Colt Patent Firearms, Co, in Hart­ schools closed, as did a large luim- a conference that lasted an hour, farm specialists he had a meeting Rmwblioans plan to bring their listment under the High School cago 17 clear; Washington 12 around 11 o'clock last night, said the volume of business began to scheduled with Sen. ' Joseph S. ford until his rellrerhenl in 1953. her of the smaller commiinitiea pickup by late this mofnlng. $100 Taken at Uie stocky union leader stalked • e h n r ^ o f voting fraud and Ir- Enlistment Act, but instead sent Clear; Boeton 9 partly cloudy; At­ He had also conducted hla own Langtry. Two men kept going for Clark, D-Pa. The purpose of that lanta 26 clear: Miami 54 partly around these population centers Yesterday work almost came to off through the' snow declining to sogulufties'in-Cook County be him to a weather training schooL electrical business. Mr. Miller was several hours more. tell newsmen anything about the session was not announced in ad­ fore tbe State Electoral Board in cloudy; Doulsville 14 clear: De- and in the rural areas. Around 40 men in all were used. a standstill. Carriers started out GarUck, who is in his 20s, has a 2B-year member of Orient I>idge On city streets anil highways, Welles Store nature of his call. He said any vance. . Springlleld tomorrow. served most of his service time but troit 4 partly cloudy; St. I»uis 14 of Masons, scoutmaster, of Troop Two persons wer* injured in on their routes, making the tra­ Clark recently challenged the Genuine Crystal clear; Mlnneapolia 8 clear; Kaj>- work crews btirrowed through the ditional post office department ef­ comment would have to come from The chairman of the state board filed the suit “as a matter of 5."1, a former constable in East night to clear car-wlndow-hjgh four storm-associated accidents Kennedy. right of Sen. Hairy F. Byrd, D-Va., ‘ defeated Incumbent GOPoGov. Wll- principal.” Cas City 10 clear; Denver 15 clea/; Hartford, and had been active in ^sterday afternoon and evening. fort to get the mall through, but Burglars ransacked the Welles to continue to serve as chairman of drifts shaped by stiff winds. found the elements too much in Meany was an unscheduled caller slim Dallaa 35 partly cloudy; Phoenix. the Republican party. He was a TTiereere we:were no arrests Farm Wagon grocery store on Rt. the Senate Finance Committee. 48 clear. Seattle 46 cloudy; San Some dela.vs were expected to Michael S. Mitchell, 21, of 65 opposition. After two hours with —that is, he wasn’t on the official­ member of St. John's Episcopal continue during the dav on the New 83 last night and walked off with Clark did so on the ground that Francisco 46 clear; I»s Angeles Delmont St., and Nancy Adams of lltUc progress, the carriers were ly announced Kennedy schedule. Glassware, or Omreh. East Hartford. Haven Railroad. The line's Boston Byrd had not su|q)prted Kennedy 66 clear; Anchorage 29 cloudy; 19 Seaman Circle were both taken called back. an estimated $100 worth of gro­ Shortly after Meany departed,' Survlvora also include another to New York trains ran aa much Kennedy was visited for the sec­ (or the presidency, and does not Honolulu 72 partly rioudy. to Manchester Memorial Hospital ceries, cigarettes, and Christmgs go along with some of the programs son in East Hartford and three as two and three hours late yester- The Town Fire Department ex­ ond time in three days by . Paul u u a IT A BRUNSWICK NIARING AIDS* grandchild ren day. where they were treated for head tinguished two fires during the packages. endorsed in the Democratic plat­ I Funeral services w'il) be held to- injuries and discharged. Manship, New York sculptor, who form. i^tate Civil Defense authorities storm. One wss a blaze in a light Franklin G. Welles, owner, said Is preparing a likeness of Kennedy BIFT FOR CHRISTMAS I’lltn C !TAS(JN Imported China II • morrow at 1 p.m, st the Newkirk Mitchell's car became involved fixture at radio station WINF at Also on the ■ President-elect's called off a state-wide training the break was discovered this for the inaugural medal. Manship tv»n;6ilin l* .|)«wll,rlliM Hr a ■ Whitney Funeral Home. -.318 exercise scheduled in Hartford last in a collision with a car being the Parkade around. 12:20 this calendar for today waa a meeting a* tewlarl fM- Burnside Ave., East Hartford. driven by Thomas A. Fulton, 23 of morning when the store was first called on Kennedy last Fri­ • M M •CtMtOriM •mW M < Sett of 6 genuine crystal 9 glasses '® are available in tha night. morning. The other was a furnace opened. with David E. Bell, chosen to head u'lfUteMr Burial will be in Hillside Ceme- Long Hill Rd.. Andover, at 10 p.m,, motor fire on Scljiool St. at 3 a.m. day- Many other meetings were can­ The lock had been ripped off Bradley of the Illinois Farmers the budget bureau; Theodore iced tea, water tumbler, old fashioned, or juito glass Manchfsler WATER has canceled ] *^""1 Hartford. celed, but 125 Yale students battled on E. Middle Tpke., in front of Monday. Dinnerware the door, he said, and the maraud­ Union arrived at the Kennedy home Sorensen, who will he Kennedy's R B MMQNSIRARQIII fiza. Same Eternal Harvest pattern. Ita meeting tonight i Friends may call at the funeral the elements to get to a meeting Shady Glen, Both cars received The Eighth District Fire Depart­ heavy damage and had to be ers broke open boxes of goods smd saying he might have some sug­ special counsel; and Myer Feld­ ; home tonight from 7 to 9. Orient they deemed \ito griod to pass up. ment had no emergencies. man, assistant to Sorensen. 181 ■ Daughters of Iji>erty No 12.'), ' Masons will conduct a They heard a lecture on domes­ towed away. The staff of the Southern New spilled items over the floor. gestions on a secretary of agricul­ Heavy damage alao resulted to Another group of scheduled call­ LOU, has canceled its meeting in i memorls] service at 8 o'clork to tic and Impnrterl wines, and the England Telephone Co. had to A number of bushel baskets ture If the President-elect was In­ for your own cherished Orange Hall tonight. night at the funeral home. cars driven by the Rev H, Osgood containing sweet potatoes and clined to bring the subject 'up with ers was likely to- discuss prospec­ speaker rewarded their thirst for double up yesterday mondng until tive job sppointees and party poli­ Quian’s Phaimaey learning, by uncorking 36 bottles of Bennett, 45, of 70 Henry St., and onions, Welles said, had been him. And he also said that while he Robert W. Kllp^rick, 22, of East the middle of the afternoon to tics with the President-elect. ih e,C h an tp S)n s(iyi 8t, -Margarets Circle, Daughters Mrs, Annie Taggart wine at ttie conclusion of the ses­ handle a heavy volume of calls. dumped out, and canned goods, has sought and received no com­ Hartford. Their cats collided at mitment he would be honored to They are John Bailey, Connecticut •73 MAIN s r . o4 Isahells. has postponeil its Mrs. Annie Taggart. 82, of 16 sion. Lloyd Hobron, manager, said the meats and other grocery iteihs possession or for Chrisfmss party and meeting to­ Hatch 'SI. Mvslir, and formerly Ice cut nff much of the water Summit and Wadsworth Sts. at had been put In the baskets and serve Kennedy in some capacity if Democratic chairman slated to become national chairmam; Law­ night at the K of C Home until fur- nf Manchester, died Sunday after­ supply In .Stamford early today, 9:.50. The Kilpatrick car had to be '** taken away. asked to do so. > 9 m N io m m i 3-4134 towed away were filled by borrowing girls from PARKADE .ther notice. noon at her home after a long hut the flow was expeelcd to he A quantity of Christmas pack­ Asked whether he had in mind rence F. O'Brien, the party’s chief Other accidents Involved an An- the service representative and of orgahlzatlon activities; and R, 9m Christinas lllnel'^ She was the sister of Mrs. restored to normal by late morn­ clerical staffs. ages—boxes of hors d'oeuvres, some position on the gub-cabinet There will'be no meeting tonight Ilannllon .lon'es. 17 Rralnard Pi.. saldl Co. payloader being operated level, B r ile y said that would de­ Sargent Shriver. Kennedy’s broth­ CBtXinCATES LANES ing. hy Joseph P. LeBlond, 34, of A few customers wandered in to cheeses, and candy—were taken aa er-in-law. Shrlver has been active Of the old group of the Set ond Con Manctiester. and the widow nf Ofllrt.ils said sitr face lee well. No money was taken be­ pend on who would be secretary of ViOR ALL BOWLERS’ Crystal I.*ke Rd., Rockville, and a paj' bilLs during the storm, he said. iri sounding out men being con­ MI s-isojr lT«gatlDnal Churrh Women s Fel Wllllani Taggart, formed In wells at the North cause, the owner added, there was agriculture, since he would want MEEDS Open a new account now with $25 lowship. station wagon being driven by Jo­ Tills morning the volume of calls sidered for administration Jobs. Other survivors* arc two sons .Stamford reservoir during the no money there. The cash register to be sure there was no divergence seph J. Bablneau, 34, of 29 Lynch was again heavy, much of them be­ of views. Salinger said others may call and two daughters of Norwich an«l night In the low demand period.* was left open, a standard pro­ or more, or odd $25 or more to The meeting of the executive St.; and a town highway depart­ ing parents caUlng the schools. But he said he was assured Ken­ during the day at the Kennedy .Mystic, two grandsons, six greal- When the flow picked up early ment pickup truck being driven All Manchester schools, includ­ cedure. ‘ j board of the Manchester branch. grandchi|f1r<-n, and aeveral nlerea today, the srrrface Ice \vii4( broken nedy was standing by ^campaign home. He indicated these could in­ American Cancer Society, sched­ by Highway Superintendent Ernest ing public, Rt. James’ and Howell The break is the third reported your exisfing account ond become and iicpliews. and was then dragged Inlp the In­ promisea and the Democratic plht- clude the next appointee to the Front End uled for tonight at 8 o'clock at the Tureck,' 44 of 150 W. Center St., Cheney Technical School, were In a commercial establishment in form with regard to farm policy, cabinet, and added there would be F'lmeral services will be hchl at take strairrer screens, shutting off and a smaA foreign car being driv­ rural Vernon. Last week the A and Chamber of Ck>mmerce conference closed yesterday. and therefore felt that any secre­ no advance annouricement because the proud owner of exquisite Fine room, has been postponed until her resldf-nce tomorrow at 2 p rn. the flow of vvater. en by Charles J, Miller, 2}^ of Hart­ Today, the public schools and R Restaurant at Vernoir Circle The Rev Kenneth Bunker of ,Mva­ was entered and about a dollar In tary who was appointed would be Kennedy .wants to keep the man’s ^Soeeial after Christmas. ford. These accidents occurred at St. James' were again closed. Satisfactory. tic ('ongregiilional Churrh will o f­ Broad St, opposite th* A * P park­ change and some cigarettes were kwntlty a secret until he Is ready REO. f i j a Chino at only $^-5S for each 4» While there are four days al­ During the - campaign, Kennedy to disclose the selection. Town rer-reatiqn 'tenters will be ficiate, aneen given before the Town rcnovallon project. would carry a broader line of gro­ this commitmeint. The town ■will open contractors’ per-baCked. Cnatom ean Club, scheduled for tomorrow Planning and Zoning Commission pushes were "too many to handle." But. the appointment of a Mid- Ebat and stand,d, vao«vagatabla dish, 4 cereal m w Is, coffee Reque,Sts for tows are "still more Many of the children spent ceries and produce than at pre.sent. bids Dec. 19 on building a storm work . . . Alao ^aaa ALLFOUa ONLY Right, has been canceled. last night but canceled because yesterday either shoveling walks The present s^all store may be westerner, he said, is not the main drain that would take runoff fypm pot and cover, 4 salad plates, 4 fruit dishes. Your savings m m Currant Annusi Dhidssti F iin e r a lt of the storm, has been reset tenta­ than we can handle” with a wreck­ consideration—that is raising farm famitnre tops and er and four or five service trucks. to make money or sledding in the torn down, he said. the proposed garden apartments A Swedish language < lass, tively for next Monday night, Ed­ streets. They vwill be able to go incomes at a time when com tub enclosorea. We ward Rybcr.yk. town planning en­ Dillon's reported receiving be­ project for the elderly off W. Cen­ •rheduled for tonight at ^he Ma­ John A. Andenuin sledding tonight at Center Springs JAIL RIOT QDELLED brings 60 cents a bushel and trac­ ter St. sonic Temple, has been ca'hceled. gineer Said tndav. tween 75 and 100 calls yesterday tors cost $6,000. inatalL 24 years ex* Funeral seiviceK ffir John A, and this morning. Park, according to Horace Mur- Montm*!,' Tues4biy, Dec. IS Town Engineer Walter Fuis saM Anderson, 184 Highland Rl.. were The Comprehensive Planning phey, superintendent of parks. The Illinois Farm leader said parience. Santa's Workshop In (’enter ifltudy, being conducted'hy the Bos­ Don Willis Garage reported re- (85 -T- A hcMVlIy armed force of that his conference with Kennedy the drain will extehd about 1,050 held yesterrlay afternoon at relving about 75 calls this morn­ There will be no skating. city and provincial police forced feet on the north side of W. Cen­ Springs Park remains closed to- Holmes Funeral Hume, 400 .Main ton firm (or $31,000, of which 118,- waa arranged In order- to discusa ■000 Is federal funds, began on Sept. ing alone. The garage's two wreck­ Many persons called Moriarty their way Into a rIot-tom Bodeaii ter St. from near O'Leary Dr. to , SBEVICV ON ALL « y aiMj this evening. SI. The Re^•. (Clifford O. Simp­ Bros., anfl Bantly Fuel for oil national farm policy rather than ers, two service trucks and one Jail early today and quelled a for the offering of any direct reC' Hop Brook, at pipe sites from 15 OOMTEMTiONAL MAKES son of Center Congregational pickup truck were kept on the run. delivery for their furnaces. Fogar­ riot by about 180 prlsonera. At up to 30 inches. The Pnrfessional 'Women's Club Church ofTIciated. Burial was In A master plan survey concern­ ommendatlon on a secretary of ing Manchester's future needs, the State Police at the Stafford ty Bros, reported two emergency least two prisoners were injured, General Manager Richard Mar­ kM postponed from tonight until East Cemetery. calls for residents without heat, agriculture. tomorrow at 8 p.m. Its meeting at study involves Investigation into Springs Troop reported at least 100 one seriously)). A force of 40 city Before Meany's unannounced apr tin will open the construction bkU cars were towed from roads In that but no calls for regular oil delive­ MORIMTY home of Mrs. Myrtle WillUms, TI'BKR HHUT PAPERS land requirements, population and 18 provincial policemen pearance it had been thought Ken­ at 11 a.m. Dec. 19 in his office. The t growth, a study of roads and traffic area. There were ho accidents re­ ry, since their ' customers are 1«8I Tolland Tpke. Ankara, Turkey, Dae. It OP)— took part In the .charge that nedy waa concentrating today on sUte will furnish the pipe. Fuss patterns, Industrial and business ported to them. The same was served on a degree-day basis.. broke up the demonetratton. conferences dealing with the sec­ said SLS W. qenter St. Is a aUte Turkey’s military government locations, coning and an overall true of the Colchester Troop. One of the Servicemen at Bantly iSSwssT MieiaSTWwiw • BROTHERS • Wo Manchaater Rotary Club's Other policetolio aad Jail guarda ring­ retary o f agriculture post in his highway. today shut down two Ankara analyla of needs with recom One man, Norman Broileur, 61, Oil had only two houra of sleep, Sn

. . . r i f " ; ':


^ * ( MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TtJESDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1980 MANCHESTER E\^NING HERALD, "MAN CH telM ^ CONN^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18,1980 ed that all eeraptiooks and Christ­ N ixon F e a rs Coventry mas gifts for tiM MansBeld S t*^ Soi^thWi BUGGS BUNNY Oim BQIUtDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2 l(ore Nations Quit Hospital Notes lyaining School shii MosjHtal, n btought to the meetinf. - VlsMtot houra atre 6 to 9 p.m. Kennedy Plait iBuilding Code Gift SnggesHon Gnipld^ \LUfi6EP lor nil nresMs nnnnpt mnternMgr Hunting and fishing licenses, as •THAT Awnviwir to I t ix \ \ VOU fM H ONE AUr A RMN whom thogr nr* t to 4:66 nng 6:66 auggestsd Christmas gifts, ar4 ) THINS ,OH,VBAH?J 6 \UNDER1HrcOLLAR/0OrFM Songstress (longo Peace Forces to p.m.; mad privnta rooma where how available at the T cr^ Clerk’e 6 Weakens (JOP Parley Slated eONUION,•SAKS'TMl so*Mi-)\VER'iNFa»^oN,rM ...... [ ' I"'"' ■' thejr ni« 16 skin. to p.m. elBce. The office la open Monday, A«NM«lUftAftA ‘ THIFUS A gsm___ vo f S0NU6 Oil; TIL STOCK ACBOM ISboot Tuesday, Thursday and Friday i rvoAcnckJL-^ 4Showew ito Today Me (OmttmMd tra n Paga Om ) . A Christmaa trss sals i PAn»K*T vJAmHd PAIOOFPAN'PUTMSiN (OentMined trom Pngn

■ . T' |®5- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. GONNi, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1960 PAQI& piafijranoE N HANCaESTES EVENING HEBALD, ItANCHESTEB, CONN, TOESDAY^'DECEUBES IS, ISW W ut0d»R«gl RfitM 77 Buildliig-Cbiitnctliif^ 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY RRd s h o r t e n SI Tm cneiitb MANCHBSTSR-Baautfful 6 rooih ARE Y^U conudering seltlag your The^MadshinDoodV BID WELL HOME tmprovfment TAXDB OVER PATMENTt ranch, full baaamant with recrea­ home? If yoir'We, we win pur ^8 and A Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ - FROM OUR BANK ' tion room, fireplace, hot wgter

0*110.01019 ' IN FEB. 1961 condition throughout, garaga. vara o f the South?” e m m y o h o m t n M T ik iV 'm f I % i ) o r i u 3-8090. U8TING8 WANTED-CaU thle M- By DAVE LANOASMIRB . on kerotena biatead of coal — A —Capt. Jamaa Jack, who rode 84009. 8 ROOMS FURNITURE Priced tor quick e i^ . Owner By O. K. BODBNFIELD transferred. Charies Larparance, flee for pereonaiUed service. Your and the fourth Is eannlbaliaed for horseback te Philadelphia to car­ f comifisnt — LOte IM tt$$a X ADVERTISING 19.86 MONTHLY NEAR MAIN 8T. — 8 Ainddied Tehran, Iran (F)—Every Friday fiung open the bus dddf iriBl ecA O T iyr Uvljig Room, Dinette, robma and t>ath. beat and hot MI 9-7620. Inquiry Invited. Alice Oampet, apare parts. ry the Mecklenburg Declaration AP Edoeattea Writer ------1- Realtor. Ml 9-4848. an antics locomotive whteaes Cheery "gdod mdriUfig, ItidiiMi-? RoofHif—fl^dtnf 16 R u m , Lampa^'Tables water, no cMldren. M l 9-48W. The line is owned almost out­ to tha Continental CCngresa. Washington (/P—la a school bus 8% ACRES, large brook. 1% room and whistles out Of Tehran, tow­ And caught a f?oxen sfiswliall CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 7G 8288.78 WISH SOMEONE to handle your ing a trainload of religious pil­ right by Joseph Ooomene, an el­ rids a leering experience ? sv- COUGHLIN BOOFnirO Co, AU THREE ROOM fumlBhed apart- house, 2-csr garage, $10,900; Carl­ derly Belgian lawyer who report­ right on tha klassr. 8 ;I5 AJML tp 4:30 PM. types of roofs and roof repairing, ton w. Hutemns T n 9-8182. real estate? Call me at MI 9-0830 grims. Q—In mythology what are the Now Xthere’a a question that Statement — The mdttitdqra art 8 ROOMS ment with parking space, Toung desperately needed—at least edly cornea down from Brulaela names of the Three Fates who specialising in Twenty Tear Bend­ married couple. M ao two furagea for prompt and courteous service. It’s "La Chemln da Far at Tram­ begs for an answer, and maybe one democratically chosen by th9^>0* ■ ed Roofs, tiall Ml 8-7707. 810.16 MONTRLT 8 bedroom apartment. House 'being BAST HARTFORD — 5H room Joeeph Barth, Broker. ways Ihi Iran,” 'affectionately for an oeoaeionil ride. Coomans rule the Uvea of men? of the big foundations could spon­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. WesUngfaouse Retrigergtor, Living for rent. C ^ between 94, MI dren from among their psara ciR sold. Must vacate by Dec. 16. Five ranch, 5 ^ % mortgage may be known as the "MaasWn Doodl" haa managed to resist afforta to A — Clotho, spinner of the sor some nationwide research. Un­ HOMDAT Tim FBIDAT 10:M AAL—SATUBDAT 0 AJM. Room, Bedroom, Dinett^ Ruga, 8-6441. children. WUl pay up to $100 a the bus. RAT’S ROOFINO OO., Shingle joid assumed. $14,500, Phifbrick Agen­ ARE YOU considering selling- yeyour (fimoking Machine), running on modernise the emoking machine. thread; Lachesis measures its til then, we’U have 'co go along Lamps, Tables month. Call M l S-4S83. home? CaU us for nersonalixpersonalised "For him, it is a eentlmental Comment —« The dameeratte built up roofs, gutter and conduc­ ROCKVDLUB—4, 8, 3 room apart­ cy, MI 9-8464. the oldest railway In the Middle length; Atropos cuts the thread with about 100 school superintend­ way tp do it is for tha driver to tor work; roof chimney repairs. EVERYTOfafO 8397.84 service. Joseph RossettO, broker. thing,” said an acquaintance. PLEASE READ YOUR AD ments completely furnished, auto­ East. ^ (of life). ents who batted the question pick out the biggest bully on tha R ty Hagenow, Ml 9-8214; Ray $18,900—LARGE 8 room ranch, Phone MI 9-0308. "And besides, the buses seem to around at an education convention or. n va a t Ada” are taken over the phone as a con- 8 ROOMS FURNITURE matic washer, garage, two sepa­ H o o s m t o r Sale Hugs funnel belching smoxe and busr and threaten to make hita Xbe adverttaer ahoold read hie ad the FIRST OAT IT Jackson. Ml 8-8820. rate private entrances, TR 6-7903, fireplace, aluminum otorma, at­ ha putting it out o f butiness.” earlier this-year. 814.74 MONTHLY tached garage. $3,900 aasumea tram-like carriagaa rattling furi­ Q—Which prasidantial election walk home if he doesn't keep tha AJPPBABS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Ineer- Washing Machine, Weatinghoum TR 6-9992. • PRINCETON ST.—7 roonf colonial ously at 15 miles an hour. No. 883 was. officially decided four months They agreed, emphatically, that other little monsters quiet. Xbe HetaM la reaponalble for only ONE Incorrect or omitted with 4 bsdrooma, 1% baths, large 4% % mM’MMfe, $N.S6 monthly. a school bus ride is a learning ex­ Roofing ami ChimiMT* *fr«A Rafrigerator, Bedroom. Living Carlton W. Hutchina. Ml 9-6183. coaxes ocreama of delight from after the election? Statement — The bus ride’glvaa tnnillnii for any adverthwinent and m ai only to the extent of a ATTRACnVE 4 room garden llviiig room with fireplace, hot perience. Room, Dinette, Diahea, Ruga, i^artment, heat, hot water, atova, children and inquisitive stares A^Hayea-Tilden in 1876. Con' the children an opportunity to talk **inake (ood” Inaertlon. Errors which do not leaaen the value of ROOFING Specialising repairing Lamps, Tablea, Blanketa water heat, ona-car garage. By ANDOVER—8 room stucco home in The from passing ««nols—whose an­ About Town "It’s a basic extension of the to each other, and they learn the rMrigarator, parking, |U5. MI ap)polntmentQtment only, $38,000. Phll- gresa decided for Hayes at 4 the adverUaement will not be corrected by *^ake good" Inserllon. roofs of all kinds, New roofs, gut­ EVERy THINO 8898.23 good solid condition. 3-car garage, cestors carried m train into Per­ o’clock in the morning, March Z school program," they said. "It de­ art of conversation. ter woyk. chim n^s cleaned, re­ 8-1809. fek ^ency, MI 9-8464 home aits very high on hill. In sia on their backs. Andanon fihea Auxiliary, VFW. 1877. velops the democratic processes. Comment — A mere babble aC paired. ' Aluminum siding. 80 Price Includea Delivery Setup, eludes 130 acres of high land, Doctor Says Children learn certain arts on a TOEB COOPERATION WILL nSeuI AAI ^ -9 7 1 1 THREE ROOM fumltiied heated MANCHESTER - New 7 room q^e little train runs on wobbly, will hold a Christmas dinner and words, of which 49 per cent are years' experience. Free estl- Service. Guarantee Immediate de- apartment. Apply alter 6 p.m. T. brook, and 4 acre pond. 3300 ft, social tonight at 8:30 at the post school bus, Uke the art of conver­ BE APPRECIATED P f l t I I matee. Cal] Howley, Ml 8-6881, MI ranch, 3 fireplaces, a full baths, narrow-gauge tracks froth Tehran Q—How many bones are there in "fabulous” and 51 per cent are UVbry or Free Storage until needed. Mottow, 20 Birch St., hC 9-2286. a-esr garage, large Utchan with frontage. Eveniitaa Mr. »Hayeg MI to Rey, site of the Shahabdolasim home. the foot? sation." "Fabian.” 3-0768. 3-0637. WaiiTen £ Howland, Real­ Aelftahnesa and Self-Pity Phone for appointment built-in oven and range, formal Shrine where most of its passen­ A —The foot haa 36 bones. To one bemused observer on the Statement — In some echoola, SAMUEL ALBERT; Hartford FOUR ROOM, five room apart­ dining room. Lot lOOxBM. $30,900. tor, MP 8-1108. Cliarmeteriu the Aleehello Members of the W BA Guard sidelines, the discussion didn’t the teachers develop units o f train- Lost and Found Auto OrlvlnE School 7*A CH 7-0868 ments. Private home. Excellent lo­ gers are headed. Heating aiMI PlumMng 17 Philbrtek Agency, AQ 0-8464. Through patches of desert and Club will hold a Christmas party Q—Who gave Gefi. Thomas seem realistic. As the educators ing with the children, rele-playing See It Day Or Night cation. Garage. Utilltiea, Adults. $12,600—BEAUTIFUL 8 bedroom By HAROLD T. HYMAN» M.D. at Millar’s Restaurant Thursday PREPARE FOR driver’s test, clusters of adobe houses, the six- Jackson the unforgettable name themselves might put it, their Judg­ such as getting off and on tee bus, LOST—Friendly 8 month old fe­ PLUMBING AND heating - re­ MI 8-2880, 66 ELWOOD ROAD—Colonial, large ranch baoaboard heat, fireplace, Written for Newspi^r Enterprise at 6:30 p.m. Members are to bring male cat, black fur over yellow i^ es 16 to 60. Driving and class If you have no means of trans­ large kitchen, ceUar. Carlton W . mile run is non-stop, except When "Stonewall” ? ments were not based on a life ex­ monitoring it, etc. room. Three instructors. No wait­ modeling Installations, repairs. living room, fireplace, formal din­ grab bag gifts. perience within their peer group. Comment — And there are such tiger stripe, yellow patch on face All work guaranteed 30 years ex­ portation, r il aend my auto for HEBRON—4 or 6. rooms ing room oablnet kitchen with Butchias, l a 9-6ir. a stray camel or donkSy blocks A —Gen. Bernard E. Bee. who at and half of noee. vicinity High ing Manchester Driving Acade­ you. No Obligation. ^ tumlahed. Call MI 8-0946 I have finally come acroea a re­ the rails. Passengers leap on and Trouble la. these folks never un-taught roles to be played ea perience. SF-bour service. Call dishwasher, 8 bedrooms. 1% hatha, The Mothers Club of Center the first Battle of Bull Run rallied Ridge West. Reward. MI 9-1918. my. PI 2-7249. p-m. , port on alcoholics and aleoholiam off at full speed, and the spry ones his troopa by shouting, "Look at drove a school bus. I did, for three ponytail pulling, "tantrum throw­ Earl VanCamp, MI 0-4749. landsouiad lot SOxaoo. Marion B. Lots Inr Ssia 73 Congregational Church will meet never - to - be - forgotten weeks. Bnstness Opportunities 32 Help Wanted—Hale 36 BniWlBK Matcriah 47 A—L—B—E—R—T—’S Robert^, Broker. Ml 8-6988. with which I find riiyself in com­ can outrun the locomotive. Jackson, he’s standing like a stone ing, paper bag bursting, chrwing POtiND—Black and tan hound, 48-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD plete sympathy. Friends and rela­ tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. in the Rob Against the nightmarish back­ gum in the hair o f the kid M ead Garages— Service— Storage 10 THREE FURNISHED rooms. MI THREE B ZONE lots with City The Smoking Machine’s sched­ bins Room of the church. There wall.” ' Y male, wearing name plate A. Wil- Radlo-TV Repair Open Nlghta TUI 8, Sat. 6 p.m. MANCHESTER — Colonial, 8 spa­ tives of tha alcoholic, aaya a book­ ule is a once-in-a-whlle affair, but ground, here are some statments of you putting, and notebook hurl­ liama, JA 7-9953. Call Lee Frac- HERSHEY CANDY TOOL MAKERS YOUR BEST BUY IS AT 9-8882 after .6. water. Union St. Maneheater. will be a potluok, followed by eX' made during the discussion, and ing. Services 18 cious rooms, large living room let issued by the Genesee County business booms with pilgrims on Q->-How old was Edward Weston chia. Dog Warden, MI 3-8694. WAREHOUSE space 1600 sq. ft., ROUTE MACHINISTS NATIONAL $3,600 each. MI e-ltes. change of grab bag ^fts. Mem some balancing comment from one ground level, excellent access, 'VERNON, Route 83, 8 room apart­ with fireplace, family s iu tile Medical Society of Flint, Mich., Friday, the Moslem Sabbath. when he made his famous cross­ Statement — Riding a schoel RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make - Moslcal iRstnmiMita 58 kitchen porch, one-car garage, can either delay' or advance the bers are to bring gifts for the who knows: bus is a seminar in human rela­ FOUND — Black mongrel puppy, central, reasonable. Call MI 3-8753 Spare or Full Time Various Grades CeUlng Tile • 9Hc Sq. Ft. ment with furniture, central, hot A ride coata three cents U.S., Mansfield State G aining School country hike? cars, amplifiers, phonographs and water heat, clean and pleasant, on large lot 88X 280 818,900. PhUlwlck Wanted— Real Estate 77 alcoholic’s dirogreas toward (so but for a few extra dollars' the A —In 1910, at the age of 71, Statment — Children learn re­ tions. white cheat, four white paws, after 6. Plenty of Work No, 1 Common Oak USED jSPlNET piano, like new, and Hospital, spect for adults in their dealings male. CWl Lee Fracchia, Dog changers. Over 47 years total ex­ Good Income but line. 385 monthly. TR 6-3800, Agency, Ml 9 -8 4 6 4 . briety).’’ line will hook up the carriage once Weston hiked from Los Ang(6!is to Comment — None of the kids on Flooring 8186 Per M’ 8395; Hammond chord organ, 8695. with the bus driver. Warden, MI 8-8594. perience. 00 days g;uarantee on all TR 8-6678. Ttiay delay his progress by baby­ reserved for the board of direc­ New York In 77 days. The distance my bus had any human relations. work. Potterton’s. Ml 9-4537. No Selling or Soliciting Open Saturday morning Flush Doora From 83.85 Ea. Used Wurlltsar organs, M98-8695. MANCHESTER — 6 room ranch ARE YOU CONSIDERING A Christmas party for members Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 for intetyiewa. Disappearing Stalrway« 831.96 Ea. ing him, protecting him and other­ tors, a regal-looking coach with was listed then as 3,483 miles. Manchester TV, 618 Center St., THREE LARGE rooms, private aeven years old. Three bedrooms, SELLING YOUR of St. Mary’s Epiaeopal Church CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, Responsible persona to own end Metal Bridging 4c Per Pc. s p 9-1046. Open daUy 10 a.m.-9 dining room, living room with fire- wise making him the center of at­ shabby brocade seats and brass Annoanccments CUSHMAN, 1960, Highlander scqot- bath and entrance, fumiahed, tention. They arouse his resent': Guild will be held 'Thuraday at 1 pati, an organization of officers available all hours. Satisfaction operate new Herahey dispenser THE NEWTON COMPANY Ping-Pon Table Tops 811.95 Ea. p.m, lace, modern kitchen, entrance PROPERTY? lamp brackets. p.m. at Cavey’a Reataurant. Mem' Q—In displaying the American China, who established ahert- er, 8 h.p., still In crate, must sell. 1x10” Pine Sheathing 888 Per M’ heated, and hot water. $76 par ment, heighten his feelings of guilt flag vertically from a window or who served In the Continental lived missions in Tibet in the early MI 9-3023, after 5:15. guaranteed. Call Ml 0-1815. business in this area. Limited dis­ 56 ELM ST. month. Call after 4 p.m. PI 2-7648. all. Bowers School, $17,900, Phil- Hidden in a workshop is a coach bers are to bring grab bag gifts. RUGS AND bedspreads expertly tributorships available. We supply 8d Common NaUs 89.25 Per Keg ACCORDION 130'baaa with caae, brick Agency, Ml 94464. We will estimate value of your and fear, and increase his desire specially built for the Shah—who wall, what procedure should be Army during the Revolutionary 17th century. dyed. Choose from 70 decorator MANCHESTER g property without obligation. Wo ilnd need to drink if they nag, all locations. 6 hours spare time. Knotty Pine Paneling, all 8’ like new, Italian made. Call MI TWO FURNISHED front rooms, has ridden in it only once in 74 There will be a special rehearsal followed ? War. colors. Lucky Lady Laundry. 43 MORTENSEN TV Specialized RCA Cars and minimum Investment of 12c Sq. Ft. 9-4769 after 8:30 p.m. 4 CAROL DRIVE — Rockville, $18,- also buy property for cash. scold, threaten, hide his liquor aup' Business {Services Offered 13 WANTED — Diahwaaher Monday kitchen set, bedroom set. refrig­ Member Multiple Listing. years ------a remnant of the rail­ for the Salvation Army Band to A—The union of the flag ta on Q—What are the nation’s lead­ Purnell Place. MI 9-2003. television, service. Ml 9-4641. 8796 required. Write giving resume, CASH 'N CARRY . 650.'* 5 room ranch, large living ply and lecture him on how he is ing gold-producing states? through Saturday. Apply in person HOLIDAY PIANO tuning. Douglas erator, gas stove. Low rent. Apply making others suffer for his weak' way’s illustrious early days as a night at 7:30 at the church. top, to your left as you face It. Q—What are the three small­ COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ references and phone number to Willie’s Steak House, 444 Center We stock all types of PREFIN­ 10 Depot Square, Apartment 4. room, cabinet kitchen, 8 bed­ pilgrim carrier. est counties in continental U.S. 7 A—South Dakota, Utah, Alaska ALL MAKES of TV radio and ISHED WALL PANELING from as Denham. Guild member. Call CH rooms, 1%% mortgage can be STANLEY BRAY. Realtor ness. pairs all makes refrigerators, General Manager, Box W, Herald. Street, or call MI 9-8061. The line was established by A meeting of the new parish Q—'What was Woodrow Wilson’s A—Newport County and Bristol and California, accounting for 73 P ersonals freezers, washing machines, dry­ home electronic equipment, ex­ low da 84.60 per.< sheet. Visit our 2-8492, JA S-OIOS.' FOUR ROOM newly fumiahed assumed. Marion E. Robertson BRAE-BURN REALTY They hasten his progress toward pertly repaired with a 90-day display room. Broker, MI 3-5953, Russians and Belgians in 1886, committee of St. John’s Polish Na­ first elective offlCe? County, Rhode Island; and Arling­ per cent of domestic production. ers ranges, oil and gas burners. JUNIOR executive wanted—Nation, apartment. Ideal for newly weds Ml 3-6273 sobriety when they treat him like and the roiling stock and equip­ A—Governor of New Jersey. ton County, Virginia. VACUUM CLEANERS repaired In MI >9-0883. All work guaranteed. guarantee. Cali Mr. Britney at the tional Catholic Church, postponed Help Wanted— Female 35 wide organization haa opanlnM or working couple. Call MI 9-0641, an adult., let him know that he ment were carried by camel from from last night, will be held tomor' Q—'What importance is attached my own home shop. Forty years Manchester TV. Ml 0-1046, this area for men, preferably col­ WOOD TRUiSSES PROM AS LOW WeartnK AppartI—Fu n 57 FIVE ROOM ranch, full basement, must come to realize for himself a seaport on the Caspian. The row at 7 p.m. at the church. Q—What element, Sometimes to Mt. Annapurna? factory experience. All makes, WANTED—Woman for shirt finish­ lege trained, who are intel^ent, AS 88.50 EACH COMPLETELY redecorated apart­ hot water oil heat, 2 fireplaces, USTINGS WANTED. Feat, rallsbla that drinking isn’t worth its costs, Q—What li the inscription on low rates, free estimates, free PAINTINO, paperhanging, floor IMPERIAL ELECTRONICS—Mo­ ing. Steady work, five-day week. MIGHTY MAC all-weather coat, ment, 8 rooms and bath, heat and full insulation, plj^ered wails, service. M. E. Charbonneau, brok­ Belgian Ibcombtlvea were hauled the placard over the grave of found in drinking water, seems to A—Scaling of Annapurna in torola sales and service. Person­ ambitious and personable, ^ c e l- and that no price is too great to pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, sanding. Call Ml 9-0736, Apply in person. New System lent training program for those NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. size 30, 812. Dark gray car coat, hot water private entrance, large tile bath, all city utilities. Price er, MI 3-0683 or Ml •-4398. tfirough the mountains by mules The Board of Deacons of Cen­ Henry Clay? prevent tooth decay? 1950 was the first ascent cd a alized service all makes radio 881 STATE STREET only $17,500. Charleii Lesperance, pay for release from the need of JA 8-5409 lAUndry, 44 Harrison St. selected. Send data on age, mari­ size 40, 88. Lady’s black suit, size closets. MI 3-6306 after 4:80 or drink. and army gun carriages. ter Congregational Church will A—A quotation from one of his A —Fluorine. mountain over 26,000 feet. COMPLETE REPAIRS — By Stu­ and TV. 621 Shut Middle Turn­ NORTH HAVEN, CONN. 12, 810. Ail like new. Phone MI weekends. Ml 9-7820. The workshop was once the hold an open meeting tonight at speeches: "I know no North — no ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, art B- Wolcott on automatic tal status, employment record, like all other experienced physi­ pike. MI 3-7638 or PI 2-8148. OFFICE general clerical, typing, education, references. Box U, CHeatnut 8-2147 9-1043. most modern in Iran, and still 7:46 in the Federation Room to South — no East — no West.” Q—Who were the earliest known Q—How many people Hro ea bonded representative, Alfred washers dryers and electric credit experience preferred but NEW MODERN 6 room apartment, $12,600—SIX room cape, full base­ cians, my dealings with alcoholics boasts proudly that it' has never discuss a new order of worship Tristan da Cunha? AmeU, 800 Henry St. Tel. MI Herald. ment, combination windows and Europeans to cross the entire ranges. Ml 9-6678. PHILCO RECOMMENDED serv­ not necessai^. Person who likes built-in oven and range, $126, first for the most part, have been dis­ used on a trial basis since Sep­ A—The South Atlantic island 8-0400. ice, on hi-fi’s, radios, televisions. Diamonda— Wateai doors, amesite drive, shade trees, had to import a part for the four Q— For whom was the city of Himalayan barrier? working with people will find posi­ Wamed—Tft Boy 58 floor. MI 3-2573. Retirement: couraging, frustrating and waste­ has an estimated populatieo « t CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Also, guaranteed service on all 30 days occupancy. Marion E. ful. I have never felt free to sub- locomotives. Three of the wlldweit tember. Ail interested church (Cincinnati, Ohio, named? A—Groups of Jesuit and Ca­ tion Interesting. ,40 hour week, Help Wanted-* J ew elry 48 looking engines ore still operating members are invited. A—The Society of the Clncln- puchin priesta from India and '290. Reasonable rates. Call PI 3-7568 other makes. Shop our special do- paid vacations, many fringe bene­ WE BUY, SELL or trade antique FTIRNISHED 8 room heated apart­ Robertson, Broker. MI S-S958. erlbe to the views of apologists for Aatomobllea for Sale 4 between 1:30-4:30 or any time it-yourself department featuring Male or Female 37 LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler—re- ment. Large closets. Private en­ Happy Times the alcoholic who excuse him on fits. Call MI 8-1589 for appoint­ and used furniture, china, ctai EIGHT ROOM COLONIAL — Two Saturday or Sunday. discount prices. Open evenings ment for interview. alrs, adjusts watches expertly. ellver. picture framea and old trances. Parking. Adults. No peta. the ground that he is sick, lonely, 1958 QLDSMOBILE 2-door hardtop. KITCHEN help wanted nights and Apply 399 Autumn 1-7 ;80 p.m. fireplaces, hot water oU heat, full BY MARIE DAERR SAM’S UPHOLSTERING will re- and Saturdays. Satellite Electron­ leasonable prices. O ] ^ Tuesdi odna, old doUa and guns, hobby rejected and the like. There are al­ Power steering and power brakes, ics Service. 166 School St., Man­ weekends, Vic’g Soda Shop, 153 thru Saturday, Thursday ei insulation, plastered walla, 114 upholster a sofa, two chairs. 8*7 g coUectlans, attlo eontenta or whole together too many sober persons 8895. MI 9-0308. chester. MI 9-1786 O r JA 8-1669 W. Middle Tpke. ninga. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4887. FOUR ROOM flat, third floor, tile baths, built-in oven and atove, plus fabric. CH 2-2378. estates. Furniture Repair Service, Don’t Be a SlttlBf Pigeon in the ranks of the sick, lonely and front and back porches enclosed, dishwasher, garbage disposal, rejected to give this excuse valid­ 1954 FORD Victoria, hardtop, Talcottvllla. Ocon.. TaL MI 8-7448. For Home Repair Iteiriiet Maple St. MI 3-8871. porch breezeway, 2-car garage, ity. L] Fordomatlc, green and white, Millinery Dreasmaicing 19 Dog»—-Birds—Pets 4i i>1iel and F eed 49>A amesite drive, large lot with trees, In a Midwest city motions for a SNOW PLOWING, reasMiable. Ml THREE ROOM hilly fumiahed With vary rare exception, the radio, heater, defroster, A-1 con­ Rooms Withonl Board 69 city utilities. Charles Lesperance, new trial have been filed for two dition, $495. Also.1954 Ford, stand, 3-2864. KNITTED dresses Shortened, hem­ KEESHOUND and whlt« standard DRY OAK WOOD cut fireplace apartment, second floor, central­ MI 9-7620. alcoholics Tve known over .the LIBRARY >n, aged 33 and 35, members ard shift. 6 cylinder, blue, radio, ming alterations done. Call MI poodle puppies. Little ft McKinney, and stove lengths, $10 per load de- LARGE FURNISHED room, one ly located, modem furalshinn, years have been spoiled, aelf-ln- 9-1004. llvered. PI 2-7886. heat included, $90 per month. MANCHESTER — New 8 (twin­ dulgent, selfish and inconsiderate heater, 8296. MI 9-3310. Honsehoid Services IS Woodbridge St., DejMt Square. minute from Main St. Light house, an Interstate home repair racket Unusual opportunity in MI 3-8020. MI 9-6808. sized) - bedroom ramch. Plastered who were convicted of larceny by people who’ve exploited their weak­ 1954 CHEVROLET half-ton panel. Offered 13-A HEMMING and alteration work. SEASONED hardwood cut for fur­ keeping. MI 9-7969. BUSIEST library of a well known walls, hot water heat, fireplace, trick. ness to gain unmerited attention Just the thing for that part-time Call Mrs. William Abraitls, 10 AKC MINIATURE toy poodle — nace or fireplace, $10 a load and ceramic bath. Full basement, ga­ (like the bedwetting infant), or HAROLD k SONS, Rubbish remov­ local company for an FURNISHED rooms, complete light During their trial, a procession business. Needs a little work but Robin Rd., any time. seven weeks old. Coal-black — $20 a cord delivered. Ml S-6183. housekeeping faculties. Oentrdly BtislneaB Loegnons rage. Builder MI S-4860. to drag to their own low level those is priced to sell at 8195. Carter al, cellars, and attics cleaned. alert, capable high school sweet Slid perky. MI 9-6202. of women. Including an 84-year-oId A ^es, papers, all rubbish. Harold located. ChUdren accepted—Umit- f<>r R en t 54 who foolishly continue to waste Chevrolet, 1229 Main St., MI graduate. General clerical WINDHAM WOOD YARD —Hard­ SIX ROOM Cape, fireplace, 8 bed­ retired school teacher in a wheel their worldly goods and love on Hoar. MI 9-4034. DRESSMAKING and alteratlona. DACHSUNDS, black and tan,., fe­ wood and alabs for fireplace, fur­ ed. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., chair, told of having faulty home “PARTY LINES" 9-5238. « duties plus typing. Five- Manchester. STORE SUITABLE for office or rooms, baths, enclosed porch, them. Call MI 9-0383 any time. male, pups, 14 weeks old, wormed nace, atove. kindling. Call days g a r^ c, lot 75x150, assumable repairs made by the two m en- 1954 BUICK, 4-door sedan, power WEAVING of Bums moth nolea day week. Full benefits. and fully inoculated. Will hold for 9-4, evenings 7-9. Tel. HA 3-0403. any business. 190 West Middle blg prices. I believe the signal auccessea and tom clothing, hosiery runs, EXPERT TAILORING on ladlea’ ROOM FOR rent, bath, heated, Turnpike. Call MI 0-6206, 3 to 9 lVi% mortgage Immediate occu­ steering, automatic transmisalon Write Box V, Herald, giv­ Christmas. PI 24706. pancy. Marion E. Robertson, brek- The stories of these women of Alcoholics .Anonymous arc pri­ handbags repaired, zipper re­ and gentlemen’s clothing. 189 kitchen privUtfes, free parking. p.m. or MI 8-6803. marily attributable to the re­ excellent condition, one owner. ing age, education, and 128 Birch St. 'ftl. MI 8-4461. er, MI 3-5953. should be a warning to all home- IN TO W N - Must sell due .to a death. Thomp- placements, umbrellas repaired, Woodland St. Call any time. Ml FOR SALE!—Boston Terrier, blue Garden—'Farm— Dairy ownera, particularly elderly people, formed drinker who, having been men’s shirt collars reversed and 3-2264. experience. STORE FOR rent on Spruce fit. sonville Rlverview 9-9222 after 6 ribbon winner three years old. MI Pi'odusts 50 PLEASANT, large heated room, MANCHESTER—Pre-holiday spe­ the logical prey of aiich unacrupu' through the mill, is privy to all p-m. replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ 9-2534. free parking, on bus line, 146 Cen­ Reasonable and parking in the cials. Older home — new plumb­ the ruses and dodges to which the ing Shop. rear. CaU MI 8-8019, 210 Spruoe lous operators. GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoea, ter St.' MI 3-8002. ing and heating, $9,500. 2-family Widowed Mrs. G, the former sot resorts. 1956 OLDSMOBILE 88, stick shift, Moving—Truddng— POODLES, miniature, AKC regis­ good and mealy. Pasquallnl Farm. St. ARE OUR DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com- 8-6, centrally located $18,500. 4 school teacher, told of paying the Like the b^wetter, the alco­ 4 door green sedan, private owner, S tora g e 20 tered, pedigreed, six weeks old, 246 Avery St., Wapping. Ml 4-0604. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room peuiy doors and windows, custom bedroom ranch, garage, $14,900. two men more than $6,000 for re­ holic will' continue to lush ss long 8695. Runs and looks good. Very black and silver. Just right for • ‘ ‘ for gentleman, private entrance, OFFICE FOR RENT. Ideal for den­ Many more from $4,500 up. CaU as his Imbibing gains him tha at­ dependable. Call MI 9-0568. Owner work guaranteed. Call collect Wil- MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ Christmas delivery. MI 9-6767. tist or insurance. 186 West Middle pairing her chimney and roof gut kitchen privllegea, parking. In­ the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, ters and waterproofing her base tention he craves but does not desires a smaller car. llmantlc. HA 3-1196. ing Company. Local and long dis­ Honsehoid Goods 51 quire at 167 Maple St. Tpke. Call MI 9-6309, 2-9 p.m. or tance moving, packing and stor­ DALMATIANS, the perfect Christ- Realtors, MI 3-6930, MI 9-6524, ment. merit. And, at risk of oversimpli­ CLASSIFIED GOOD OPENINGS KQ S-6803. TV SERVICE - Potterton’s all age. Regular service throughout mlia gift, AKC registered, 3 RUGS, NEVER used, 9x12, beige, "The men had come to my home fication, he’ll begin to have second makes. Highest quality guaranteed ROOMS FOR rent also two large TONGREN’S WEEKLY thoughts when he discovers that Auto Driving School 7-A New England States and Florida. AVAILABLE NOW . . . months old, from $26. Call 'Wini- $30; 9x15, $35; antique gold rugs, cottages, afficlencles, completuy LARGE ONE-room alr-coodltloned and told me the dilmney might fall work and parts, over 47 years eX' Ml 3-6563. piantlc HA 3-2728. vacuum $i20. BU 9-8965. down at any momott,’’ Mrs. G said lying in a wet bed is uncomfortable perionce. Famous for service furnished, free parking. Call hQ office. 100% Mito S t location. SPECIAL and will no longer command the LARSON’S OonnecUcut’s first li For High School graduates who 9-0836, between 6-7 p.m. Scranton Marlow’s 867 Main S t So I hired them to repair it. ADS! since 1931, Phone MI 9-4637 for MANCHESI^ER Package D ellve^ TORO SNOW Hound power handle Immediate presence, the tender censed driving school trained — are seeking poaitlona in pleasant Motel, 160 Tdland Tpke. Manchester — 6 room Cape, ga.- "They instated on going ahead best service. Light trucking and package deliv­ surroundings at good salaries. Poultry and Supplies 43 at new low price. Self-propelled with gutter repairs and with care, the unimplemente^ rebukes Certified and approved is now of- model. Marlow’s, Inc., 867 Main, MAIN STREET—Building tor oaa< rage and breezeway in Manches­ (ering classroom and behind ery. Refrigerators, washers and CLEAN, heated room for a retired waterproofing her basement. er the feeble paddling of lovedenea. FLAT FINISH Holland window stove moving specialty. Folding BROAD-BREASTED Turkeys fresh MI 9-5221. merclai bualneas or office use. ter’s finest area. Beautiful grounds wheel InstrucUon for teenagers. ahadea n^ade to measure. AU CLERK TYPIST gentleman. Reasonable. Call MI WiU aubdlvlde. Ml 9-6329. 94. on oversize lot. "The men had come to my home MI 9-6075. chairs for rent. MI 9-0752. or frozen. Rea<^ any time. Also, 9-0641. metal Venetian blinds at a new STENOGRAPHER fancy pigeons. Six room house for and told me the chomney might fall M OAK STREET — Newly re­ We have other listings down at any moment,” Mrs. G said, low price. Keya made while you TYPIST rent. Schaub’a Turkey Farm, 188 USED FURNITURE. MI 8-7449. ROOM FOR rent for genUeman or MORTLOCK’B Manchestaria lead­ wait. Marlow’a. UGHT TRUCKINO and moving modeled store foi; rent. Reason­ "So I hired them to repair it. ing driving school. Three aktlled MATH CLERK HiUatown Rd., Manchester. lady. Quiet, near Cheney’s. 234 able, heat included. Ample park­ "Anything in Real Estate.” evenings and weekends. MI 0-6868. Charter Oak. Ml'S-8868, CH 6-4738, "They insisted on going ahead courteous Instructors. Class room ing. Call MI 9-1690. with gutter repairs and with Instructions for 16, 17 year olds. Building-Contracting 14 See Us now for details. Personnel MI 3-6321 AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- Department, The Connecticut Articles For Sale 45 VISIT OUR SALESROOM ROCKVILLE— 24 Grove. Single waterproofing the basement. I told< Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, siding, movlng, packing, storage. Low of Driver Education. MI 9-7398. Mutual Life Insurance Company, light housekeeping room, $10 880 TOLLAND Turnpike—Real good them not to do the basement, but painting, Carpentry. Alteratlona rate on long distance moves to SNOW BLOWERS. Ariena, Reoi Quality Furniture and small ap­ 140 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. pliances, baby cribs, strollers, car ' weekly. Cau'TR 5^94. TOWN-GF MANCHES'TER 8 room Cape. Fireplace. Large lot. they went-ahead, anyway," and additions. Ceilings. Workman 48 states. Personalized service. MI Toro powerhandle and Bolens 18 After the basement work was 3-6187, CH 7-1423. riages, playpens. Jumpers, etc. Price $13,900. Madeline Smith, ship guaranteed. 290 Autumn St to 32 Inches. Parts and service. JUST REDECORATED large neat CONNECTICUT Realtor, MI 9-1642. "finished,” one of the men brought MI 8-4860. STENOGRAPHER 20% cash discount. Open 10-0 room in private home, walk-in \yell Fitting Lingerie Capitol Equipment Co.. 88 Main dal^, 7:30-9 evenings. the aged woman ja dooen roses and St. Ml 8-7958. closet, ' private entrance. MI ANNOUNCES MANCHESTER—3 bedroom home, a used television set and took her Painting—Papering 21 Personnel Department has an Chamber’s Furniture Sales 9-4966. nice condition on large lot. Alum­ to dinner at a fancy restaurant Playful Pets! opening for an experienced stenog­ HOME MADE ravioli, freah or COMPETITIVE inum combinations, full basement, "Then I was given a bill for |6, EXTERIOR AND Interior painting frozen, 30d doz. H. Pasqualini, 346 603 E. Middle Tpke. ana paperhanging. Wallpaper rapher. Shorthand''' and' typing are PLEASANT large heated room for near bus, school and shCppIng 200," she testified. "I paid it. Pre essential, as well as good judg­ Avery Street, Wapping. gentleman, $7 weekly. Central lo­ center. Priced fOr quick sale. Call books. Guaranteed workmanship. MI 8-8187 cation, private entrance, free EXAMINATIONS viously, I had given them $815 for Reasonable rates. Fully Insured. ment and ability to meet people. owner. MI 9-9770. Modern office, good wages, excel­ 22.CUBIC foot upright freezer for parking. MI 3-8914. - Ctok Stenographer the chimney work.” Fast and courteous service. Leo sale, like new, sacrifice, $300, Call After the first heavy rain, the ..J. PelleUer. Ml 9-6826. lent benefit program. Write P.O. FORMER salesman has waterless $2,912.00 — $3;640.00 MANCHESTER — 7 robm Cape, Box 1812, Hartford, stating busi­ MI 9-8878, alter 6:30. stainless steel cookware in orl^n- BROOKFIELD ST.—Large twin family room, modem kitchen, 3 widow discovered that both tha ness experience, education, and al cartons. Reg. $149.80, $89010. bedroom, TV. next to shower, Senior Clerk Stenographer bedrooms, rec room, garage. Good chimney and the basement leaked. Ov«n cooking INTERIOR PAINTING, decorating, TOOL AND equipment - rentals. She could not contact the two man. ceilings, floors, paperhanging. salary requirements. BU 9-6958. private home, gentlemen. MI $3,421.60 — $4,240.60 lot with trees. One block to Salea and service. AP Equipment, 9-6801 after 5. Thirty-five hour week, 9:00 onq of whom was serving a federal it ooty today... Steaming off waUpaper. Oean Center St., MI 9-3062. Open schools, shopping and bus, $16,900. workmanship. Free estimates No Three Rooms of Furniture A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; paid holidays, Philbriek Agency, MI 94464. sentence for counterfeiting. BILLS! BILLS! BILLS. If things evenings. paid sick leave and vacations, pen­ "I didn’t use the television sat,’’ Job too small. John Verfallle,* MI look bad now, they may be worse Apartment»—Fteto— 3-2521. PROHi MOPEL HOME sion and social security benefits. m a n c h e s t e r -v e r n o n " the woman testified. "I don’t Ilka after Christmas. Housewives can LOAM—SAND—Stone — Gravel — Tenemetitii 58 Fill and Ameaite. For prompt de­ For application. Job description television.” , PAINTING AND paperhanging. help meet this pressing problenl Another woman, aged 77, told of by selling Avon Cosmetics and livery call Ml 8-8608. Walter P. Cost Over $700 TWO ROOM apartment, heat hot and information apply to General LINE Good clean workmanwiip at rea­ Miller. Trucking. Manager’s Office, Municipal Build­ i paying $600 to the men for faulty sonable rates. 80 years in Man- Gift Sets in a territory close to NEVER BEEN USED water. Apply Marlow’a, 867 Main repairs on chimney and gutters home. Only 2-8 hours a day can St. ing, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Near Parkway. Only $1,100 as­ chesler. Raymond Flske. Ml BATHROOM SINK, 760-20 truck Sale Price $ 3 ^ Connecticut, or the Connecticut her home. The woman, a retired of' 9-9237. earn you $20 to $30 a week. Cali sumes the present mortgage on this today for appointment In your tires, 12-ton hydraulic Jack, truck FIVE ROOM apartment^ second State Employment Office, 806 6 room ranch. Built-ins, attached fiee worker, walked into the court canvaa, also clothesline poles. MI Main Strqpt, Manchester, Connecti­ room with the aid of a cane. EiXTERIORiiXrERIOR and interior painting. home at your convenience. Call Pay Oniy $4 Week floor, heat and hot water, chil­ garage, large tree shaded lot, CH 7-4137. 0-1868. dren accepted, $110 monthly. Call cut. Another prosecution witness, Ceilings roflnlshed. Paparnanging, Bacrlflciu complete bedroom, ameaite drive, 12 INCHES Ml '8-0763. Applications must be in this •6 mother of three, told how tha two Wallpaper books. Estimates given FOR SALE — Zenith Hi FideUty complete living room and kitchen "repairmen" collected $1,100 for Fully covered by insurance. Cedi RELIABLE mature woman to care Manager's office by 6:00 P.M., for one child days. Must be exper­ Console 4 speaker system, ma­ decorator tumlturaJrom model dlB- FIVE ROQM apartment, second Tuesday, December 20, 1060, seven hours work. Tlia $1,100 was Edward R. Price. Ml 9-1008. hogany. Call Ml 9-3440. LAWRENCE F. FIANO ienced tn child care. Cali ML 3-1801 play home. We wiu give you fraa floor, oU ‘tioat, hot water, central part of an ^dowment for bar ehtl' evenings. ^ dellvary and free stongs up to one location. Ml 8-4761. REALTOR MLS dren. RUG MAKERS’ Christmas ape- year. Eifictrieal Services 22 cials: Rug pattema $1.60 to $4.50, MI 8-3766 ' In their defenM, the two men said they ware merely employes of 5o*s homo hooting hooka 48e, braided rug books $1, • SEPTIC TANKS Paul P. Flano MI 8-0488 FREE E8TIMATBS-r-Prompt serv­ Help wantiM— Male 35 NORMAN'S, a firm which had no huainaos: ad' braid folders $1. Strip cutters $lft 44$ HARTFORD ROAD CLEANED sad INSTALLED Ed Crawford " MI 9-4410 ice on all typea of electrical wir­ rug frames $10.38. All wool rem­ Invitation to Bid dress and uaM an answering serv­ our w o v i Before you buy fumltura any­ ing Licenaed and insured. Wllaon MACHINISTS WANTED nants 60c up. Colonial Remnant Sealed bids 'vrill be received at Ma n c h e s t e r — 6 room ranch, ice to get calls. Electrical Co.. Manchester, Ml Shoppe, 115 Center St. where—shop-at Norman'a. the Office of the General Manager, • SEWERS TTieir operations, unfqrtiihately, .ran gat pramiua qnalltp 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 8-7876. A tf around machInisUi and MACHINE CLEANED modem kitchen, 8 bedrooms, lar(e 41 Center Street, Manchester, Con-, living room with fireplace, dining aren’t isolated instaiices. The beat Uabahrot withKT-96. . . tha Bridgeport operators. Must be HAND MADE atolea and crocheted A tL KINDS sterillxed uaed furni­ able to Mt up own work and ture, in excellent condition. Ap­ necticut until December 19,1960 at room, rear porch, garage, $14,900. place to stop such practices la at OMot ooaptetely affaetiva foal arUclaa. Call MI 0-4061, 89 Haynes 11:00 A.M. for Storm Sewer— • INSTALLATION Philbriek Agency, MI 9-8484. the door of the home at which these ofl additiva in use today. And Bonds—-StockH Mortiages,. 31 operate to Aircraft tolerances St. pliances qmrkllng clean. New and quality. Apply 678 Tolland bronu/brass dmettes, chrome West Center Street. SPECIALin unscrupulous people knock. you got prsminm sarviea. Ad- Bid forms and specifications are CUSTOM BUILT 1968 6 room MOR’TOAGBS^Wa era In a poal- St., Bast Hartford, between 7 BOY’S h o c k e y ikatea. sice 7; kitchen sets, mattralaaa, racHner Any reputable repairman will tOBatic deiivarias . . . a ,bal- Uon to finance second mortgages a.m, and 8:30 p.m. chairs, other Items. 80-40% off. available at the Controller’s Office, home, 3 baths, fireplace, breeze supply referencea, which may DimMeTi lowytr, nwreliaRt $Hkl HomciiMkBr . . . BvtiyoiM, BVBrywli«rB within girl’s figure akatM, aize 87 ^ MI 66 Center Street, Mandiester, Con­ way double garage, 2% acrei aaead poymant plan sad maar in any amounts. Terms to' suit 9-6360. Kaal old aap buckets from Ver­ T o w n aRil Ctoatry checked. If he says, “ I’ve been do­ ;-our needs. J. D. Realty. 470 necticut. tiUaole, outaklrts. Carlton W. etear axtras darigaed to make PART-TIME short order cook mont, $1.36, LeBlanc Furniture ing work on your street,” ask him booM hasting ratff aosf. tb* nuifB of BUT EEwsiMiMr RiMi HwTE't E lot off rval borfain IMW5 in ou|i Ck»^ Main 6t.. Ml 8.8129. wanted. Evening hours. Apflly at IRONRITE mangier, like new, ma­ Hoepital, 198 South St., Rockville, 'TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Draiaagt Oo. Hutchins, Ml 94132. for the names and his customers. 605 Main, 9-9. CONNECTICUT hogany buffet style top. Call MI TK 6-31T4. Open 9-8, Saturdaya till SrQHT ROOM modified ranch, 8 Also, use your Better Buoineea iMM Alltl Prom iniMIc omiouiicnnMntt . . . bnyiiki. snNinf. fwopbbm . . ABUNDANCE OF F W D S requires 8-8134 between 8-8 p.m. RICHARD MARTIN, 86-93 7 INCHES that we lend at low, low cost and Ml 9^143 hatha, 4 bedrooms, family room, Bureau for a check on his opera' M o b i l h s o t ■Ttefi AMBITIOUS married man with GENERAL MANAGER -tlons. It bxlats to protect; you from A smoothly fitting slip, in a wide easy repayment terms. Add up car to service 4,000-6,000 Fuller MEN’S NORTHLAND skis and wall-wall carpet, $21,900. Man; UMd doHiInf, mod eon, heuMs oimI o wiilt veutnty off other merehmidlM. . • Playful and amusing pets for the extraa, Carlton W. Hutchens, being cheated. alxe range, cut on simple princess youngsters 16 loVe! Make them your debts and call us to lump Brush cuatomera. East Hartford- bindihff, good condition, $18. Call WRINGER TYPE washer, good IS! them under a mortgage plan de­ Mancheatar area. $100 guaranteed 94182. ' 1 ^ . lines that insure a perfect fit. Pan- from gay leftover fabrics. MI 8-6896. ccaditlon, $30. PI 3-8806. M M MIM 1 Q—My mother-in-law waa wid­ to o •voniffy of "woiin"—dl of thesn hcepYhe "Hnee'' hummlnf with oetlvl- tiaa included. Pattern No, 6576 has tissue pat-' signed to cut your monthly pay­ to start plus fringe benefits. MI ments in half. Connecticut Mort­ UPHOLSTER^ chair $10, soft PORTER STREET area, 8 room owed In 1933. She has never work' No. 1380 with Photo-Guide is in tern for turtle and duck; material 9-0090 for interview appointment ffy Olid totults. Rood ^ lun the elossHiedtl luyen md sellen meet in this gage Exchange, 16 LewiaSt., Hart­ Balidlng Materials 47 $26, office desk and chair $16, * For beet wiebCe for a SErnC TANKS colonial, 3 baths, wall-wall carpet, ed. Can she gat social security sixes 36, 38, 40, 42. 44, 46,. 48, 60, requirements; sewing and flnlah- AUTO MECHANIC-We have im AND garage, private yard, trees, based on her late husband’s aarii- WE GIVE 03. Bust 38 to 64. Size 38, 40 bust, ford, CH 6-8897, Frank Burke or chests of drawers $8 -,|14, com­ Merry Cfiirietnias, give in ^ directions. Mrs. Carter. ~ opening for one experienced man CLEAN, USED lumber for sale, as­ modes $7.60, bookcases teJK) - $16, $17,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml ings? GKKN STAMPS nowtpopir < the eommwilffy't bltgeiff meibetplaee. sltph 6 6/3. yards o f 36-iiich; pan- 'o order, aend 26c in coina to:— — ...... I —a. to work part-Uma aveninga in oui an averlastfng gift eC 9-6182. A—Ito , beoauae of the fact that ttaa,l3/8yards. sorted sixes, hardwood flooring, drm^eat kltchto table $8.80, drop- liUMED SEWERS Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ Sarvlca Department. Apply in per window Boah and doors complete bar husband died before tha social TP order, aend 36c in coins to:— leaf oak dining table $16, round PAINTINO er. PAPER* FOUR BEDROOM Ootonlal. T ning Herald, 1130 AVE. OF Btudneha Opportonltlaa 32 son to Stan Oxllnak, Service Mana- windows, plumbing and . beating oak dining talfie $18, laige oak Nm U m n te iM l aoeuri^ law want into affeet. Bus Burnett, The Manchester Eve- AMBRIOAg, NEW YORK 33, N. INOi or BANDOro yew rooms, 8 down, 4 up, a Am home, ar at Moriar$y Bros., 816 Canter ■uppllas, assorted pipes and soil buffet with mirror $5, lady’e desk Saptte Taako, Diy WaOs, Easns nlng H e r n ld , 113# a v e . o f Y. SMALL DINER, growing business St., Manchester. oantrally located, only $U,$W.‘ R—What exactly is PaiMasen’s MOKMRTY with a good volume, short hours, pipes, (qpen daily siM till dark, $30. MI 8-7449. Mia. Call Ltosa ttwtened—OeDta Water- Carlton W. R u t^ n a, 80 94113. m n O A M , NEW FORK 38, N ,F. For lat-class mailing add lOo for Saturday 8-4. Choman diseasa? , For Isf-class mailing add lOe fo e aacb pattern. Print Name, Ad- •3,000 tAea it. B. V, Agency. JA MATURE MARRIED man two- prsoEug Do m . 8-3838, Wrecking, yard at 8ee Vientiane. < Liggett Special the end." Wallingford, Dec. 14 (fl—Demo­ The story of a Communiat • heat .Resistant pearl- Arab women shrilled their wild cratic National Committeeman drive into the chpital ahd New Engianii’s Most “Tou-you-you" cry from rooftops John M. Golden says he will sup­ a ized bu'ttons and balconies, urging their men on port Mayor Richard C. Lee of New counter-attack by pro-western Medern Automatie . In the ancient and &aditional war Haven for the U.S. senatorial nom­ forces reached Washington in • box pleat for extra- cry of the Moslem world. ination in 1962. fragmentary dispatches filed Car W ash Other Moslems told Borowiec Belgium’s King Baudoiiln escorts his bride-to-be, Donna Fablola Golden was here last night to ease address a dinner meeting of the by American correspondents and Mason that troops "killed and de Mora y Aragon of Spain, Into the royal palace banquet hall in through U.S. State Depart^ * Simonizing and wounded many” .during dis­ Brussels for the ball celebrating th'elr for;|hcommg marriage Wallingford Democratic Town In Gift Whiskey.•• • single needle fine tai- turbances during the night. French Thursday. ,(AP Photofax via radio from London), Committee. ( ment channels to the Voice of Golden, who comes from New Firemen were still pouring water on the ruins of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. HurlbuL Mid­ Guaranteed Motor Gleaning lorin'g official* said shot* were fired but America. Normal Communica­ To Glv( Vou that there were no deaths. Haven and i* a close associate of dlebury, this morning. Two bodies were found In the ruins. (A P Photofax). A ’ Very Mayor Lee, told the Meriden Rec­ ------<>------' ' ' - ' ...... ■■■■...... ■ tions were out. FLEISCHMANN’S It waa one of the wildeat dem- There were Indication* th* Enjoyable * Interior Shampoos • ALSO fine combed ongtratlon* ever to rock th4 Caa- ord in a pre-dinner interview that Smoke Lee "has always been Interested In Southeast Asia Treaty Organixn- cotton button-down bah. It centered around the Jew­ KingSf Queens Ot Ball tlon, aligning the United State* is the BIG buy! Ends OF A NATIONALLY * Foreign Cars ish synagogue which waa looted the gubernatorial or senatorial Blaze KUls 2 oxford style nombmtlon.” Accused Slayer Kills with pro-western countrie* of ADVERTISED CIGAR Monday. Some Moslem* began loot­ Southeast Asia, might be brought WHICH SELLS FOR lOe ing store* and.the crowds swayed Personally,” Golden added, "I Washed Expertly think he favors the U-S. Senate." into play. Reg. $4.75. • automatically W A SH back and forth In emotional ahan- ForFubiolUf Ban^ouin n Middlebury In Tokyo, Prerident Mohammad . don. Lee to sizes 5 to II. black, brown, green, or having “wilfully misrepresented" murder was in progress In Super­ tures. All of the victims were re­ KEEPS THE HEAT IN diamond necklace and a fishing News Tidbits Dick Donovan, WilUe Taafay aad white rubber, black and green corduroy, trawler to a bar of chocolate and it* tax standing. The company de­ ior Court. moved. two jars of jam. nied the accusation. Culled from AP Wires According to Sheriff Burlant, Dale Long among the 88-oiea black nylon. Hamden Township Fire Chief picked to&y from other Ameri­ ALL W INTER Following the civil ceremony in The charge was made by Ed­ DeSalvo was watched by guards Charles J. Shank Jr. said the Kennedy, Hodges Select the palace. King Baudouin and his ward F. Becker, an attorney from while he took his daily ration and can League team*. The new Lea bride will go to the seven-centu Killingworth. He said the com­ the prisoner’s stomach was rapped (Contfained on Page Twenty) Angeles teom picked Ted Bill boosting Michigan’s sales Kluszewsld, Bob Cerv, Ned ries-old Collegiat Church of Saints pany had paid less than the re­ tax from three to four per cent Insulating pockets In soft cotton Michel and Gudule. It will be the quired 4 per cent-annual state Garver, Eddie Yoet and Ken signed Into la w ... Albert L. Aspromonte. Each of the two MEN’S AND BOYS’ fabric retain body heat in widest Commerce Dept. Aides first time the wedding of a reign gross tax on eariiings in 1959. (Abble) Story, owner of southern ing Belgian king has been cele new dufas In the 10-teom lengoo weerther. Launder garments readily Missouri cotton plantation, added $125 Million More for Bud^fet picked the required 28 p la y m brated in the church. (Conttnned on Pnge Five) to list of persons reportedly under 4 BUOCLE BOOTS by machine. Superior Roschel fab­ Dec. H(JP) — Pres-^complete his cabinet within the at $75,(X)0 each for a total of W nsl)M tgn. consideration for Secretary of 82.100.000. Eadi of the "eUT ric provides extra long wear. Idsnt-elsctJohn F. Kennedy and next few days. Agriculture in Kennedy Admin N ob was there any clue in the teams lost seven player* for Merth Carolina Gov. Luther H. istration. State Needs Tax Boost, 8525.000. men's sizes 6 to 13 5.99 WASH * r WIAR TEE SHIRTS schedule he announced ' for today Baritone John Charles Thomas Hundreds ^ of weary searchers Hedges, t **® will'* be secretary of as to which post he. will fill next. plod through icy Adirondack wood WASN IT WIAR ATRlinC SHIRTS S6ft pTMutwni quolily coHo* waart Most of hia other appointments MAN SAVED FROM WELL lengar aad lavniiara aatiar. lABCO- •Qtnmeroe fat the new'adminlstrs- lands In dwindling h o^ of finding Holly Springs, Ml**., Deo. 14 hoys' sizes 11 to 6 fDEAL FOR THE 8*8, hnwImN pmali« «*Hm *iat l« SHRUNK far gvaranitad parmanant tlon today discussed selection of were with Congressmen, with s Dies of Cancer in California nllve the lone Air Force man etill Economic Planners Say on — Daring rescue woikers, 4.99 . VMdiit. tAM04WUNK fw St. NCVCR-SninCH -COHAR. Sliat Bodges’ staff. wide variety o f interests.' missing after a parachute jump after a long night o f •crnmMIng OUTDOOR MAN fverwileed panMMiit Ct. Stm 34 S, M, U XL ^ Hodges faiet with Kennedy for Among OtOB. scheduled to see five nights a g o .. .Japan discloses ’ in treaoheroua sand, got n ro p e ; •• 44. nbout 30 minutes at the President­ Kennedy were: Reps. James W Apple Valley, Calif., Dec. 14'^pearance Women admired his plans to ease oorbe on trade with Hartford, Dec. 13 OP)— The&'executive of the Southern New around Harry Miller today aM - OTHER CHILDREN'S P U U O N ROOTS ROXOFI elect’s Georgetown home. The Gov­ Trimble of'Arkansas, Frank M. (iP)—Death caused by cancer has broad shoulders and athletic Communist China. Governor’s “Blue-Ribbon” panel on England Telephone Co., recom­ pulled him to safety. T te .44- MXOFI 5.30 ernor was the first of several call­ Clark of Pennsylvania, Lester R. silenced the deep, rich voice of build. Hia powerful voice, aided by U.S; Consul General Robinson economic planning says the 1961 mended standardized local proper: yenr-old Negro tenant fanner 1.99 to 4.S0 4.10 ers on Kennedy's calendar for to- baritone John Charlea ’^om aa, one dramatic delivery perfected in Mcnvalne report* from Leopold- General Assembly will need an ad­ ty tax assessments throughout the had spent nearly 24 honre at the I W E O l V E red, white or brown R*lt tharmel in e'd seve |wll*v*r. . day. (Continued on Page Eighteen) of America’s most beloved-singers. years of operatic performances, -vllle. The Congo, that he was held ditional 8125-145 million in tax state at 65 per cent of' fair market bottom of n 20-fobt deep datem. SIi m : m w II (I4-8*){ medhiiN (88- Hodges pictured Kennedy as The barrel-chested star of held audiences rapt for two hours for two honre by rebel troops in revenue for the ne^ state budget. value. trapped In wet red saM np to' 40); lo n e (42-44)1 extra-loraq (44- ‘’pleasant as always, and on the opera, concert stage and radio or more as he worked through Stanlejn^lUe after rumor spread In it* report to Governor Abra^ Because of the wide variance in his 'chin. liOUer’* ordeal bronght ball as always." his hotne yesterday. Ill for repertoire ranging from operatic thai Belgian paratroopers were ham Rlblcoff, the Committee on assessment procedures, the com­ out nearly «fvy mmi for uOee 4«)- $3.95 He added that he and Kennedy Kennedy Vote months with^ intestinal cancer, the arias to Negro spirituals. landing in Oriental province Economic Planning and Develop­ mittee said, local property taxes around—wtiito and Negio hi n ment said the money should be are "unduly burdeiuome on some tense rescue 'opernnoa .that} Rail ihermol Scondolt. AnkMcnolk talker over several men Hodges 68-year-old singer had spent his Thomas made his first profes Ship’s pilot blamed for accident has tai mind for undersecretary of last days in a coma. which spilled 8,000 barrels of crude rallied by an across-the-board tax segments of Industry." dragged through 22-degree eold,. 4i«w *n, tliMi tmell (804S)i me­ commeree, and for positions Iq the Edge 113,5»54 (Conttaoed on Page Two) 6u Into Santiago Bay, Cuba today Increase. It did not, however, The principal function of the Although ■ still widely sought for 86 TURKISH MINEBSTRAPCEO dium (S4-8«)i lerae (Sfi*40)i extre field o f Interiiational trade. concert appearance, Thomas re­ from Soviet tanker Vasslllekl after recommend any specific increase committee is to seek ways of en­ nor did it suggest a state Income couraging industrial expansion in ZonguMbUc. Turkey, Dee. 14; ierge (42-44). $3.95 ’The Opvernor said no conclusions Washington, Dec. 14 (/P) — Pres­ tired from the circuit in 1953. Since it struck pier while docking. were reached regarding prospec­ 1954 he and his w l^, Dorothy, had Technical trouble.forces at least tax. Connecticut. (/P>—Twelve miners' were dssff- ident-elect John F. Kennedy’s Gregory Ratoff, 63, The committee said In.the report, and 55 trapped far belesr grnnna' ■MEN’S R«t* riiennel theri-deeve puMevef. tive appointees, and added Uiat popular vote margin over Vice lived In this desert community one-day postponement of attempt The committee expressed the none will be for some time. northeast of Los Angeles. to launch American spacecraft at belief, however, that for the next details of which were released to­ by n 'gas' explosion la a eeol, SlMt: m m II (84-84)1 medium (88- President Richard M. Nixon has day by the governor’s office, that mine this Blnok Sen eeast) There was a- possibility of Ken­ been pared a little more by the of­ His big, booming voice became Dies; Film Director Cape Canaveral, Fla., toward in­ five to seven yeafs "It is possi­ 40)1 lert* (4^44); extre-)eii> (44* nedy’s announcing another ap- tended orbit about the moon. ble to raise the necessary revenue the local property tax load is city today. Emergency aid wnn> Hi-Automatic Boot ficial vote count from Massachu­ familiar to millions between 1942 "often disproportionate and inequit­ $3.50 jminthient to his cabinet during the setts. and 1947 ’when he sang regularly Solothurn, Switzerland, Dec. 14 Shattering explosion rocks U.S by Increasing the rq^tes and per­ rudied from n euh y eentoMnd- .day, but Hodges said In response —- American actor-director haps inctcaalng the coverage of a b le " ties in Turkey’s coal belt' The Massachusetts canvass, re­ over the National Broadcasting Co. Navy Missile Test Station on Ban It also suggested reduction in 5.99 WASH *N* WEAR KNIT IRIVS to a question that the President­ ported yesterday, gave Nixon 1,256 Ra'dio Network. He habitually sign­ Gregory Ratofi! died In the Solo­ Clemente Island. Calif., killing one the taxes currently in effect.” assessments <• laaat lAICO-SNRUNK. Hta< ratiitant .go. cast^ln the nation. I t waa a coin that decided and her husband, Anthony Arm justed book valUq the first yw , His fifth aelecUon, announced April 20, 1897, In Petrograd, now strong-Jonas, who are in Brussels the tax since the coverage of the Itself oat Weffesaday gemeU. Otlppir *r b«mr ityWt. SitM alaUk gaaraataad far Wa af geriMat. Two more sUtes — Illinois and him on • musical career. The son Connecticut tax is substantially then reductions of 8 per cent ■ FREE PARKING Raar of Store late yesterday, was that of Rob­ Leningrad, in Russia, when he to represent Queen BUnabeth n at went aataina storm 28 «• .44. Slita 28 (a 44. Rhode Island — have yet to turn o f a Welsh Methodist minister, the began tals sta g s carsar a ftsr finish' narrower than In moat state* using year to an evnntunl 60 per cent. ert ■. McNamara to bo his secre­ in offlcisi cotmta. A* it stands how Rev, Milsdn 'niomas, 'Ihomas sang the King's wedding . IRep. No other tax benefits for indus­ tory. As H dU se, a tary o f defense. MeNamafa, 44, is Ing oommsrclal ooUegs. He went the sale* tax," it said. hit New Btonlee and the popular vote Is Kennedy 34,- as a boy at camp meetings. 1^11# to New York in 1982 to nppsar oa Richard C. Noyea of Farmington Also, the committee eaid, "an try am .reoommmded in th* re­ M X t f l M x o r $ preeldeot of the Ford Motor Co. 220,498 and Nixon 34,106,942, with studying for medicine in Baltimore, a Republican, files bHl for next port. neraaa ttss Ssuthwsef. HOUSE R HAtE 5.30 5.30 Kennedy is acnctuiclng no time- Broadway. Increase in the corporation busi­ of stona-relatod fftpHt 491,910 votes listed for minor he won a rhuslca! scholarship ii) In mors recent years he pro­ General Aeeembly proposing ness tax would have leas deter­ In view of the fiscal outlook of ...Y ou r Store of'Village Charm ... tahls for hli choices. AU he would 2M, aad Oa Jem. , HOUSE &. H A LE party candidates. 1910 and tsised a coin to decids duced and directed the etnge hit school transportation grants be rent effect on industry than any the state and the need for rafah tell reporters, camping outside his Illinois Republicans today pre- which field na would follow. Music '"All About live" and eeveral films, Inerinued by f l A mllUon, to equal other business tax." ing other taxes, the .committee hea neas and In the * x p w t o < 1 uuu!HlauOi!u:i»;uuiiU:li:i:u:uu^ Oeorgetown dooratsp in bitter cold won. lie reimbursement of small and In another area, the committee mnoval ran liffe' list gight, was thf t he expsets to , .(OaaMnnedksa Tagn Twn) His volcn matchsd his tlrll* ap- .(OMtIaasd *• P H * Sen) large towns. gpgdeg EUig a Maxey. an (Oeattaaed ea F a in Iw i0 a^ W e B ). doOnrs. ■ I i ■ - t