Transportation Development Act Triennial Performance Audits
TTAC STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Transportation Development Act Triennial Performance Audits MEETING DATE: December 1, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: 5 STAFF CONTACT: Andrew Orfila, Peter Imhof RECOMMENDATION: Review and recommend that the Board approve the draft Triennial Performance Audits for FYs 2012/13-2014/15 for Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD), Santa Maria Area Transit (SMAT), City of Lompoc Transit (COLT), Santa Ynez Valley Transit (SYVT), City of Guadalupe Transit, Santa Barbara County Transit (Cuyama and Los Alamos), Easy Lift, the Santa Maria Organization of Transportation Helpers (SMOOTH), and SBCAG. SUMMARY: California Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 99246 requires regional transportation planning agencies (RTPAs) such as SBCAG to conduct performance audits every three years of its activities as well as the activities of the transit operators to which it allocates Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds. SBCAG allocates TDA funds to the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD), Santa Maria Area Transit (SMAT), City of Lompoc Transit (COLT), Santa Ynez Valley Transit (SYVT), City of Guadalupe Transit, Santa Barbara County Transit (Cuyama and, until June 2013, Los Alamos Shuttle), Easy Lift, and the Santa Maria Organization of Transportation Helpers (SMOOTH). SBCAG contracted with Michael Baker International to conduct the TDA triennial performance audits for FYs 2012/13 through 2014/15. Michael Baker International reviewed compliance, implementation of prior audit recommendations, and agency functions, and made findings and recommendations for SBCAG and each of the transit operators. The findings and recommendations from the final draft audits of SBCAG and the transit operators are attached. TTAC is asked to review and recommend that the Board approve the triennial performance audits.
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