St. Edmund’s St. Mary’s Fenny Bentley Tissington

OCTOBER 2019 50p

St. Michael & All Angel’s


St. Peter’s St. Leonard’s

Parwich Thorpe

NEWTON HOUSE HOTEL BASSETTWOOD & TEAROOMS in Tissington Luxury Afternoon Teas is a family friendly B&B and Weds - Sun, 10.30am - 5pm Tearoom with seasonal gardens. Functions Catered For Tel Lynn on 07952 432096 Fully Licenced Bar for opening times. We have a Now open for Sunday Lunch Caravan and Motorhome Club 01335 310391 certified location site in a beautiful quiet location.

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The clocks go back this month. The nights draw in. The garden goes to sleep. Many animals hibernate, or slow down, and some birds fly south for the colder winter months. After we have our ‘flu’ jabs and consider our winter diets; making sure there is enough vitamin D, vitamin C, and carbohydrates (but not sugar!) to keep us warm, we might be planning to avoid slipping on any ice, keeping the car defrosted, and helping the birds to have access to water.

Are you tempted to hibernate? It might be an alternative idea to come to life, to explore new ideas, take up a new hobby, read different books, make time to catch up with or meet neighbours, as we stay closer to home. Focusing on things close to home could be the start of an Advent Challenge? With more time in front of, I hope, a warm fire, or wrapped in a blanket, with muffler slippers, we could spend time with our Bible too. There are some helpful Bible reading notes available, which take, maybe, 15 – 20 minutes to read.

I went to a Christian Meditation day recently, and have committed to spend time in meditation, as well as morning prayer. I pray that people might notice a change in me as I benefit from time, quiet time, with God. That, along with my Advent retreat, will form the shape of my Autumn and Winter.

Of course, there are still many of us who need to rush for the morning school run, walking dogs, shopping, cooking, volunteering, and of course, earning a living. My challenge for myself is to find, at the same time each day, 10 minutes to invest in my Spiritual health, in the same way I work on my physical health. Physical and mental health comes into for example, getting in the garden when the winter sun is shining, keeping my feet dry on a rainy dog walk, chatting with friends and acquaintances, checking on neighbours, sending Christmas cards (can you find some with a Christian message?) and keeping warm at night. Thinking about Spring and Summer trips helps too – it brings us ‘hope’ of the next season. Looking after ourselves in the present, and attending to our Souls, or Spiritual Life for the next life, is an aspect of Christian discipleship we might be tempted to forget. It is the Hope Christians hold, bought dearly for us by Jesus. I hope these ideas help you, as they help me, to remember and hold in balance, enjoyment of this life, and care for the everlasting.

Rev Carollyn

Bible Study Bible Sunday Luke 4:16-24

16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” 20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 22 All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” they asked. 23 Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ And you will tell me, ‘Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.’” 24 “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.”

Please read the passage through, spending time on each phrase; is there something that you notice?

Finding our way around the Bible isn’t always easy. We might have learned some hints and tips – the order of the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Or the first few epistles (letters) A,E,I,O,U – GAlatians, Ephesians, PhIlippians, COlossians, U= the two Thessalonians! It is always ok to look the Book up (there are 66 of them!) in the index and find it by page number. Once you have the book, you can find the next number – the chapter, and finally the verses. That’s just the beginning, then comes the exploring of Scripture. Jesus knew the Bible by heart. He knew just where to turn, he’d been studying since he was a boy, all Israelites did, and still do. He knew that there are messages for each of us there, words of instruction, encouragement, hope and comfort waiting to be read, reflected upon and prayed over. Jesus sent us a message in this passage, and this is what I believe it says. Here is Jesus’ commissioning, his vocation, his anointing. And at the end of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus asked us, told us, to follow on, to carry on that work. It doesn’t matter where we come from, where we live, we each have a part in this work, as Christians. If you want to explore with someone else what your part might be, give me a call, and we’ll chat over a cuppa.

Rev Carollyn

Reflections on stained glass windows - Harvest

Continuing our tour of our churches in the Benefice, I invite you to visit St Peter’s Parwich. In the side chapel are some treasures, two windows recording all the children aged 14 and under in the village in 2000, and a memorial window with the following quotation

O all ye birds of the air bless ye the Lord

These two windows, for me, reflect thanksgiving for two aspects of Harvest – both the harvest of children, a legacy of Parwich, a present and a future for the people, and the birds that show God’s beautiful creation so clearly. Each bird designed and made to live and benefit from different wild conditions; birds hunting insects in trees and in the sky, birds which eat grain and seed, birds who clear carrion or eat little mammals, birds of all colours and shapes, fitting into God’s ecology so well.

As we remember the harvest in each village community, we can make the links from Creation to the present day, from the early grass seeds to the cultivated cereal crops we enjoy, from fruit, vegetable and seed crops to high yielding varieties tended and harvested today, from original breeds of domesticated animals to the specialist breeds for dairy, beef and leather, lamb and wool that have benefited commerce through the generations. Awareness of nature alongside this work in field and orchard has been more public recently, but I expect that farmers have always known and understood the effects on the birds, bees and little creatures living in hedge, field edge and trees. It is due to the efforts of farmers that the English countryside looks the way it does, such a draw for tourists, walkers, holiday makers and drivers though our county.

I can and do spend many minutes each time I am in St Peter’s for morning prayer, studying that window, identifying the birds, and wondering how all the children are now, what their lives have blossomed into, their personalities, skills and gifts emerging, the possible troubles, illnesses and trials they already have faced, and the harvests they will bring in, in whatever roles they play in life, in Parwich and the many far flung places they might now live. The current ‘crop’ of under 14s in the village of Parwich are very special too. It’s good to see them being nurtured and cherished, coached and encouraged, consulted and included in the life of the village, in all its many activities.

Why not share your own reflections after your visits to the churches in our Benefice – they are all open every day, and we’ll be interested to hear what your impressions are of the unique history represented there.

Rev Carollyn

Climate Change – an update on initiatives

General Synod 22 February 2019 recognised 'the escalating threat to God’s creation from global warming and climate change, and the suffering caused, particularly to the poor;'

23rd September 2019 UN Climate Action Summit September Extinction Rebellion demonstrations led by school children

The Environment Committee is a group of Christian volunteers from across Derbyshire and has representation from Christian denominations. It is currently facilitated by Stella Collishaw in the Mission and Ministry Team ( Diocese) in the absence of a Diocesan Environment Officer. It has existed as a group for more than 20 years. They report - Climate emergency has been declared in:

North East Derbyshire District Council Derbyshire Dales District Council Matlock Town Council Wirksworth Town Council Hayfield Parish Council Belper Town Council

Meanwhile, Derbyshire County Council has published a Derbyshire Climate and Carbon Reduction Manifesto with the aim of becoming carbon neutral.

“As the climate warms due to human made green house gases, the permafrost in the arctic regions begins to thaw. Huge amounts of carbon are stored here and as thawing takes place carbon dioxide and methane are released to the atmosphere. Warming arctic seas may also release methane. Methane is at least twenty times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide (Co2) which warms the planet.

The UN says at some point within the next 12 years stopping human made green houses gases will no longer stop this positive feedback; huge quantities of methane and carbon dioxide will be released from the tundra year on year and there will be nothing we will be able to do about it.

Fires in a drier climate add to this effect. We saw a big increase in fires last summer. We even have large moorland fires in February. Today, climate change is killing farmers in West Africa due to drought and is contributing to two hundred species a day being lost. Ash die back is now killing trees in Dove Dale. Where could this end? Steven Hawking said we risk the planet becoming like Venus with day time temperatures at 200 degrees centigrade, and night time temperatures minus 200 degrees centigrade with acid rain falling. Nothing is more important than stopping this and there is still time. We need your help. Many of you are, no doubt, doing these things already. However maybe you could consider the following: ✓ Regularly mentioning this issue in your intercessions ✓ Encourage and support campaigning and lobbying with for example Derbyshire Climate Coalition and Christian Climate Action ✓ Use the Green Christian 'Joy in Enough' confession [see below] ✓ Use the Eco Church scheme from A Rocha to galvanise communities and congregations ✓ Cutting your own carbon use and that of your church

Life on our / God's beautiful planet is under threat. Let the church be the spearhead of the change we need to protect our children's future

Yours faithfully, Derbyshire Environmental Committee

Joy in Enough Confession

Our climate is changing, and we are changing it. We confess our carbon footprints, our failure to consider the consequences of our actions, our slowness to react. We are sorry for all the times we knew the right thing to do, but chose convenience. Your earth is exploited, and we are complicit in its exploitation. Species are lost, soil erodes, fish stocks decline, resources dwindle. We confess that many of us have taken too much, and not considered the needs of future generations. We have become consumers. We have turned a blind eye to greed. We confess our hunger for more, and our failure to appreciate what we already have. We live in a time of unparalleled luxury, and we are sorry that we have not been more grateful. The poor are left behind, even in this age of plenty. Human rights are pushed aside for profit. Wealth accumulates for the rich while the poorest still do not have what they need. We confess our apathy to injustice, and our haste in judging others. This is not who you made us to be. We have not been good caretakers of your garden Earth. We have not loved our neighbours. Forgive us, creator God. Forgive us. Renew us. Inspire us. And in your strength, God, we declare:

• Enough climate change: help us to take responsibility. Give us the wisdom to live appropriately, the urgency to act, and the courage to make changes. Give us the voice to call for change from our leaders, and the perseverance to keep asking. • Enough consumerism: give us what we need, God our provider. Then help us to find satisfaction and contentment. Help us to be grateful and generous. • Enough inequality: nobody should be left behind. You care for the poor, and we want to follow your example. Make your church a living example of equity and inclusion, and a powerful advocate for justice and sharing. We thank you for your kindness and your mercy. We look to your promise of restoration, and we move forward. Give us the strength to speak and to act - not out of guilt or duty, for we are forgiven and we are loved. Instead, we speak and act out of joy:

• joy in the living hope of knowing you • joy in serving each other • joy in the beauty and diversity of creation, your gift to us • joy in your provision and your care – joy in enough.

In your name we pray, Amen

I hope this summary of national and local initiatives, with the ongoing prayer we can say together in church and in our homes, gives you information, initiative to do what we can where we are, and encouragement.

Rev Carollyn


Spirituality Day Every Year Derby Diocese sets aside a special day to explore Spirituality. The day is named after the now closed retreat centre at Morley, as a legacy to the memory of a place where many people spent time, in fellowship and in study, silence and laughter, indoors and outside in the gardens. This year Bishop Libby is hosting; ‘Give us this bread always’; based on John 6:34

Thursday 10th October 9.30 – 3.00pm St Thomas’ Brampton, Chesterfield

Free, please book on Eventbrite or phone Carollyn 664132 If you would like to share transport let her know.

Harvest Festival Bakewell Market Sunday 27th October 2.30 pm With Rev Alan Griggs and Speaker Mark Betson, the ’s National Rural Officer. If you’d like a lift, speak to Carollyn 664132

Carsington Deanery Confirmation Service St Giles Matlock 6.30 pm Please pray for Johnnie Robinson (Tissington) being confirmed. Our November family service on 3rd November will be Holy Communion as his first communion ‘at home.’

Daleian Choir - Concert for Careline 26th October 7 – 9.30pm

St Oswald’s Church Ashbourne

Admission £8 including refreshments. Tickets on the door or Careline 01335 210353.









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Group Community Fire Safety – October 2019

Electrical Safety

It is always sad to report to you a death due to fire. Recently an elderly lady died when a ‘4 Socket multi adapter’ caught fire in her home. The Fire Investigation carried out by the Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service showed beyond doubt that the fire originated in this extension socket. The electrical wiring within the property was not to current safety standards and did not have any safety cut out trips or RCDs, (Residual Current Device). The appliances connected to this multi socket were drawing two much power and caused it to overheat.

• If you are concerned about the wiring in your home I recommend you contact your local ‘Certified Electrician’ to have a ‘Survey and Test’ carried out.

Below is some guidance regarding electrical safety.

This little formula is very useful. Wattage divided by Voltage = Amps Example a normal domestic Kettle takes 3,000 Watts of Power. Divide this by our voltage system in the UK of 240 Volts and it will tell you that it uses12 Amps of power. The nearest Fuse to this is 13 Amps so this should be the one in the Plug.

Washing Machines and Dryers all are 3000 Watts so should all have a 13Amp Fuse Fitted.

If you use appliances with a lower wattage. This has to be displayed on the rear or side of the appliance, ie. TV’s, Recorders, Sky Boxes, Computers, Monitors, Computer Consoles, etc; then please ensure you check it and carry out the simple formula: (Wattage divided by Voltage = Amps)

• Always check that you use the right fuse and don’t overload Plug Sockets.

• Make sure your Electrical Appliance has either a British or European safety mark when you buy it. • Certain appliances, such as washing machines, should have a single plug socket to themselves as the use a lot of power. 13 Amps. • Try to keep to ‘one plug per socket outlet’. • Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of dangerous or loose wiring such as scorch marks, hot plugs, worn cables and sockets, fuses that keep blowing or circuit breakers that keep tripping out for no obvious reasons, or flickering lights. • Check and replace any old cables and leads, especially if they are hidden from view behind furniture. • Never run cables under carpets and mats. If they get squashed they will overheat. • Unplugging appliances not in use helps to reduce the risk of fire • Unplug appliances when you’re not using them or when you go to bed. An overloaded adapter can easily cause a fire.

Tumble Drier Recall.

‘Whirlpool accepts need for recall following government intervention’.

You might have seen in the news that from 2004-2015 over 5 million tumble dryers were sold in the UK with a potential fault that could make them catch fire. In 2016 a scheme was introduced offering a free inspection and repair. However, less than half of the affected appliances have been checked and modified by engineers. Whirlpool has launched a national repair scheme to fix the faulty tumble dryers. If the tumble dryer is faulty, Whirlpool will send an engineer to visit to repair the faulty tumble dryer for free - or you can choose to have a replacement or an upgrade from £59.

If your tumble dryer was made before September 2015, please can you take a moment to see if yours is on this list of brands?

Hotpoint, Indesit, Proline, Swan, or Creda,

If you have one of these brands of Tumble Dryer, please phone 0800 151 0905 to check if your model is on the recall list.

‘Free’ Home Fire Safety Checks.

The Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service are available to carry out Home Fire Safety Inspections, on appointment or if you require further advice on any of the items covered in this article please call the Fire & Rescue Service on 01773 305305

If anyone is affected by anything they have read in this article or wish to receive further information or guidance on any Fire Safety issues you can contact the Fire & Rescue Service on the above number. Please don’t forget, to test those Smoke Alarms. If you have, or suspect you have a fire in your property’ Get Out, -- Stay Out, -- Call 999.

Regards to all and keep safe.

Tony Higton QFSM GIFireE



Altar Flowers

October: Caroline Gordon

A seasonal poem ......

Autumn 1964 by John Betjeman (with slight editing by CG)

Red apples hang like globes of light Against this pale October haze, And now, although the mist is white, In half an hour a day of days Will climb into its golden height And Sunday bells will ring its praise.

The sparkling flint, the darling yew, The red brick, less intensely red Than hawthorn berries bright with dew Or leaves of creeper still unshed, The watery sky washed clean and new Are all rejoicing with the dead.

The yellowing ash shows yet some green, The mellowing bells exultant sound: Never have light and colour been So prodigally thrown around; And in the bells the promise tells Of greater light where Love is found.

Any more contributions to our magazine slot welcome, literary or otherwise.


Volunteers Needed… Saturday 2nd November Help to erect the tent. Please meet at Thorpe Pastures at 2.30pm.

Sunday 3rd November To help with the signing in of runners, traffic/car park stewards and marshals. Please help if you can. Any Queries - Beverly Bock 01335 350665 Fenny Bentley

Church cleaning rota

October – Karina Woodroffe & Wendy Carter

Church flowers

October 5th – Donated by Eric Coates October 26th – Chris Dawson


Green Tomato Chutney (Makes approx 5x 400g (14oz) jars)

A great way to use up any tomatoes which won't ripen

1.5kg (3 ½ lb) green tomatoes 2 cooking apples 450g (1 lb) onions 2 cloves garlic 2 tbsp pickling spices 500 ml (17 fl oz) white malt vinegar 1 tbsp salt 400g (14 oz) sugar

1. Chop tomatoes, peel & chop apples, onions & garlic. Put pickling spices in a small muslin bag. 2. Put all ingredients except sugar into a preserving pan. Simmer gently for an hour until everything is tender & thoroughly combined. 3. Add sugar & stir over a very low heat until dissolved. 4. Bring back to a simmer & cook for 45 minutes, or until mixture is thick. Remove the muslin bag & put in the prepared jars.

Plum Chutney (Makes approx 5x 400g (14 oz) jars A delicious , rich chutney, great served with cold meats or cheese

1.5kg (3 ½ lb) plums 750g (1 lb 10 oz) onions 4 cloves garlic 150g (5 oz) raisins 1 orange 2 sticks cinnamon 1 tsp salt 1 tsp fresh chopped rosemary 1 litre (1 ¾ pts) red wine vinegar 750g (1 lb 10 oz) soft dark brown sugar

1. Halve & stone plums & put into a preserving pan with finely chopped onions & garlic, raisins & vinegar. Bring to a simmer & cook for 30 minutes. 2. Add sugar & stir over a low heat to dissolve. Add orange juice & grated zest, cinnamon, rosemary & salt. Stir well. Simme very gently for an hour or more, until the chutney is thick. 3. Remove cinnamon sticks & put in the prepared jars.


We have welcomed 10 new children into our school at the start of term, 7 of these children have come into the reception class and the remaining 3 have joined the junior class. We have also welcomed 2 new members of staff, Mrs Crellen and Miss Bostock and we have also said our final farewell to Ms Miller.

We are very pleased that we have once again been accredited with the GOLD School Games Award, we try to make sure our children take part in a wide variety of sporting activities during school time and also during after school clubs, this term our children are having tennis lessons from Ashbourne Tennis Club.

A number of our children will be taking part in the Harvest Festival Service in Fenny Bentley Church on Sunday 6 October at 3.30 pm, this will be followed by the Auction, an event which is greatly enjoyed by all!

If you would like any more information about any of the events mentioned then please get in touch, tel. 01335 350362 or more information about school can be found on our website: Parwich

October Parwich Film Show


His music inspires you, his life will surprise you, 'Rocketman' is a one-of-a- kind musical celebration set to Elton John's most beloved songs. Discover how a shy boy growing up in the suburbs of London becomes one of the most iconic figures in rock and roll. Featuring an all-star cast, this truly spectacular and utterly electrifying ride is filled with show-stopping musical performances and is unlike anything you've ever seen. Starring Taron Egerton & Jamie Bell

Certificate 15

The Telegraph***** “The Elton John movie is a heart-racing, toe-tapping, deliriously entertaining triumph”

FRIDAY 18TH OCTOBER 7.45PM Free Entrance. Refreshments. Raffle Parwich Memorial Hall

• Silent projection • Hi Fi Sound • Special hi-fi headphones for those with hearing difficulties, please ask.


Monday 7 October 12.45 in the Memorial Hall

Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding. Bakewell Tart & Custard All the main dishes are served with Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables

Only £5 - please phone Val on 390 458 to let her know if you are coming, and for any special dietary requirements

Churches Together for Derbyshire Annual Gathering Churches Together for Derbyshire will hold its annual gathering at Matlock Methodist / URC Church on Saturday, 5 October 2019 from 10 am - 3 pm. The main speaker will be Revd Ruth Gee, Methodist National Ecumenical Officer and former President of Conference. The gathering also serves as an opportunity for Our Diocese churches from around the county to share their varied and exciting stories of working together. October 2019 Please contact Revd Peter Barham on 01332 551404 for more information and to book. | @DioceseofDerby Regular updates from your diocese direct to your inbox The Very Revd Dr writes...

The has a fortnightly eNews that contains the latest news, announcements from Bishop As announced, I am In the , we have opened Libby, events, information and much more. It can be viewed on both PCs and tablets/mobiles and is a really leaving the Diocese of School, launched The Sanctuary at Derby easy read with options to click for more info on items of interest to you. Derby to take on the Cathedral, received a substantial grant from Don’t miss out - sign up now at: role of National Lead for the Church Commissioners to ensure the future Evangelism and Witness sustainability of the Cathedral, and made some for the Church of England. significant new staff appointments, for all of which thanks be to God. Order church supplies from The Sanctuary at Derby Cathedral This is a full-time Located in the Derby’s Cathedral Quarter, The Sanctuary at Derby Cathedral is a great place to buy Christian post based at Church In my new role I will be working in the areas of books and a wide range of gifts, and to relax and enjoy freshly made food, teas and coffees. House Westminster evangelism, discipleship, and church growth, which with responsibility for the Church’s goals around have been particular hallmarks of Archbishop The Sanctuary at Derby Cathedral is your #1 option for ALL church supplies including candles, communion evangelism - to motivate the million Anglican Justin’s time in office. This is an exciting time to be wafers and wine, incense, baptism cards, marriage and burial registers etc. Receive a discount of 10% on all church-goers to share their faith, to equip a involved in this work, with a renewed commitment orders over £30.00. Most items are in stock and available for immediate purchase. thousand new evangelists, and to enable clergy to from the Church at all levels to enable evangelism Order your church supplies: The Sanctuary at Derby Cathedral, Iron Gate (opposite Derby Cathedral), lead evangelistic churches. that is motivated not by institutional anxiety about Telephone - 01332 227660 or Email - [email protected] diminishing numbers gathering on a Sunday, but It has been a privilege to be here for the last about a longing for every person in our society to two years, and while I am moving on sooner than know the love of God for themselves. I am glad that I had expected, I am grateful for all that we have this work will bring me back to the Diocese of Derby accomplished together. from time to time.

Among other things, I am glad to have been able Please pray for me as I will continue to pray for you. to play a part in welcoming Bishop Libby to Derby, as a member of the Vacancy-in-See committee, The Very Revd Dr Stephen Hance Chair of the Statement of Needs Drafting Group, (until 29 September 2019) a member of the Crown Nominations Commission, and then with the Cathedral’s role in electing and installing our new Bishop to her See.

Revd Dr Elizabeth Thomson named Acting Dean Bishop Libby is pleased to announce that the Revd Canon Dr Elizabeth Thomson will be Acting Dean of Derby from 30 September 2019. Canon Elizabeth has been at Derby Cathedral since 2014 as Canon Missioner, and was appointed sub-dean by the outgoing dean, the Very Revd Dr Stephen Hance. On making the announcement, Bishop Libby said: “We are very thankful that Elizabeth is willing to take on this crucial role during the vacancy. Elizabeth has a proven track record of leadership and creative ministry in the cathedral. I am confident she will not only love and support the cathedral through this timeof transition, but bring her gifts and experience to enabling the Cathedral to flourish and grow during this time.” From our Deaneries Mercia Derby City October Highlights - Don’t miss out! Mercia Deanery Day - Festival of Life - Planting New Congregations Saturday, 19 October 2019 Saturday, 12 October 2019 Sat, 5 October at St Barnabas Centre, Danesmoor The Mercia Deanery Day will be held on Breathing Space and Derby City Deanery’s Leading Intercessions Saturday, 19 October 2019 from 10 am - 3 pm at “Festival of Life” is on Saturday, 12 October 2019 Tue, 8 October at Church House, Derby Emmanuel Church Hall in Swadlincote. from 10 am - 6 pm at St Peter’s, Chellaston. NEW Autumn courses and dates There will be a variety of exciting workshops and Exploring Your Calling A deanery quilt is in preparation and all parishes now added. stalls available. Please bring lunch with you, hot Wed, 16 October at All Saints, Mickleover are invited to participate and think how their square drinks will be available. will be decorated. 1,000 angels are in production Working with Secondary Schools Reserve your place and view all Thu, 17 October at St Oswald’s Church Centre, Ashbourne For more details, contact Debbie Patrick, for yard-bombing, and there will be a Deanery/ other courses - Mercia Deanery Administrator, by email: Breathing Space tent at which you can advertise Sharing the Good News [email protected]. your parish’s activities. Tue, 22 October at Church House, Derby Becoming a More Inclusive Church If you can help with a Fair-Trade stall, children’s Wed, 23 October at St Helen, Darley Dale actvities, cake and other baking and helping in the kitchen (Food Safety Certificates required), Talking Faith for Ordinary People South East leading a Prayer Walk (routes planned), joining in Wed, 23 October at St Barnabas Centre, Danesmoor street drama, being part of a clear-up team, or to Deanery Resource Day - be generally helpful throughout - please contact Planting New Congregations Saturday, 9 November 2019 Revd BJ Facey - [email protected] and Revd Sarah Watson - [email protected]. Saturday, 5 October 2019 The next resource day will focus on “Reaching Out” 10 am - 4 pm and will provide userful ideas for engaging with Full details of the Festival of Life are St Barnabas Centre, Danesmoor those with additional needs in congregations: available in the September 2019 issue • Being dementia friendly of Derby City Deanery News, or contact Throughout church history, one of the most effective ways for the church to grow has been through • How people hear in your church? Jo Simister, Deanery Administrator, via email: planting - creating new churches and congregations from existing ones. • Vintage Messy Church [email protected]. This day-long workshop, hosted by Revd Jason Kennedy, Diocesan Missioner, helps churches to • How do we care for carers? prayerfully consider, without assuming any knowledge or experience, their own way forward with God in It will take place at All Saints’, Marlpool from 10am this exciting way of growing His Kingdom. - 1pm including a closing worship. Please contact Book your free place now at Angela Clayton, Deanery Administrator, to reserve your place - [email protected]. The Art of Spiritual Accompaniment Learn more about your deanery and view deanery newsletters at: • Does you heart long for a little time and space to pray and reflect on what God might be saying to you? • Do you find people open up to you and want to share something of their faith journey with you? Spirituality Day with Bishop Libby • Would you like to learn more about spiritual accompaniment or feel that God might be calling you The Diocesan Spirituality Group is holding a Spirituality Day on Thursday, 10 October 2019 at to a ministry of spiritual direction? St Thomas, Brampton, from 10 am - 3 pm. Breakfast and registration from 9.30 am. If the answer to any of those questions is YES then the Diocesan Spirituality group are running a ‘Give us this bread always’ – John 6:34 12-session course over 6 months beginning in January 2020 that might be of interest to you. The course Bishop Libby is leading the day exploring the idea of us being fed as we pray, learn, tell and serve will introduce you to different ways of prayer and various spiritual traditions as well as enabling you to considering how this might become a framework for a rhythm of life. This is a free event, open to everyone. grow in self-awareness and develop your listening skills. We will also look at how to discern God’s voice There will be a marketplace of stalls, light refreshments and plenty of opportunity to network over lunch and calling in your own life and the lives of others. (please bring your own - lunch not provided). For more info and an application form, contact Revd Nicky Fenton - [email protected]. Book your free place now at More details are available on the Spirituality Page of the Diocesan website. | @DioceseofDerby | @DioceseofDerby Welcome to the Community Diary from the Parwich Blog for Alsop-en-le-Dale, Ballidon, Parwich & Pikehall

For any events that you would like adding to the diary, please email [email protected]. For up to date details go to

October 2019 Date Time Event Location Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 1st 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617

Tue 1st 7pm Weekly Bingo Legion Green bin, Blue bin and food caddy Wed 2nd … Parwich collection 4.30pm to Fish & Chip Van Wed 2nd The Green 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 2nd 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 3rd Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 3rd 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Spanish Night Sat 4th must book table with Kirsty tel 01335 Sycamore Inn 390212 Sun 6th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 7th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 7th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Village Lunch Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding Mon 7th 12.45pm Memorial Hall Bakewell Tart & Custard contact Val K tel. 390458 dept. Over 60s Trip meet Tue 8th 9am Nottingham The Green Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 8th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617

Tue 8th 7pm Weekly Bingo Legion Wed 9th … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich 4.30pm to Fish & Chip Van Wed 9th The Green 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Parwich & District Local History Society Wed 9th 6.45pm Archeology Evening Memorial Hall excavations, finds and planned project 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 10th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 10th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Disco Night with DJ Funky Gibbon Sat 12th tbc Memorial Hall Pie, Peas & Disco, with bar Sun 13th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 14th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 14th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 15th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617

Tue 15th 7pm Weekly Bingo Legion Green bin, Blue bin and food caddy Wed 16th … Parwich collection 4.30pm to Fish & Chip Van Wed 16th The Green 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 16th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Wed 16th 7.30pm Parwich Parish Council Meeting Memorial Hall 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 17th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 17th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class 3.15 to

Fri 18th Mobile Library The Green 3.45pm Fri 18th 7.45pm Parwich Film Memorial Hall Parwich & District Horticultural Society Sat 19th 7.30pm Legion Bob Matthews Quiz Sun 20th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft Parwich Parish Council Sun 20th 10am Village Clean Up Day to be confirmed details to follow 9am to

Mon 21st Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 21st 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 22nd 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617

Tue 22nd 7pm Weekly Bingo Legion Wed 23rd … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich Parwich Ladies Group Wed 23rd Trip to new Wirksworth Museum & Tea (Details from Sue tel. 724) 4.30pm to Fish & Chip Van Wed 23rd The Green 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 23rd 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 24th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 24th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Fri 25th Children break up for half term Parwich School Sun 27th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft Mon 28th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 29th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617

Tue 29th 7pm Weekly Bingo Legion Green bin, Blue bin and food caddy Wed 30th … Parwich collection 4.30pm to Fish & Chip Van Wed 30th The Green 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 30th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 31st Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 31st 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class

November 2019 Date Time Event Location Sun 3rd 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft Mon 4th Children back at School Parwich School 9am to

Mon 4th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 4th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Village Lunch Sausage & Mash Mon 4th 12.45pm Memorial Hall Apple Sponge & Custard contact Val K tel. 390458 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 5th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Carnival & Recreation Committee Tue 5th 7pm Village Bonfire Parsons Croft Chip Van in attendance Wed 6th … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 6th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 6th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 7th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 7th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Sun 10th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 11th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am e o m a n s QUALITY platform hire & tree surgeons

DECORATORS All aspects of tree & hedge work: felling, pruning, shaping, thinning, High Quality Painting & Decorating hedge cutting & removal etc. For all your high access requirements such for your home & business as filming & photos, lighting, roofing, guttering, CCTV, painting etc. Mobile: 07813 014935 01335 390122 / 07968 590938



We had a pleasant time at our last Coffee Morning which took place on September 18th. Unfortunately, a few people were unable to come along for various reasons, so not many of us were present. However, a total of £56.00 was donated, some of it by people who were not actually present, which was most generous. The charity to which the donation has been sent is The Farming Community Network which is a voluntary organisation and charity that supports farmers and families with the farming community through difficult times.

A card showing a Hearing Dog has been received from Vicky Ryan, the Community Fundraising Manager for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, to thank us for our last month’s donation to the charity and for our continuing support.

Future Dates: October 16th and November 20th both Wednesdays in the Village Hall at the usual time between 10.30 am and 12 noon. The charity to benefit from any donations on October 16th will be Readycall Macmillan which continues to provide people in the Derbyshire Dales who are affected by cancer or other life-limiting conditions. In November, Clare Sales will come along and bring a variety of Traidcraft items such as food, Christmas cards and gifts for us to buy. Please do come along. Everyone is most welcome. Ros Hunt


The residents of Thorpe packed into the Village Hall on 23 September to celebrate the Harvest. The grace was said by the Reverend Carollyn McDonald and we were served the now traditional pie and peas followed by trifle. The auctioneering of the harvest produce was undertaken by Matthew Round and Chris Wainwright in their perfect “Ant and Dec” style. Donations of produce was generous and bidding likewise. The highest bids were for the cheese selection, a flower display and Sloe gin.

A challenge for the auctioneers to eat a chilli was made with a further donation! A total of £1048.70 was raised which includes 2 private donations after the evening. The proceeds are being split equally between the Padley Centre in Derby and Aqua Box based in Wirksworth.

Our thanks to Will and Sue and all the helpers that made the evening such a success. The event definitely showed the village hall being fully utilised and enjoyed, giving impetus to the proposed refurbishment works.

Andrew Bock

Unapproved Minutes Minutes of Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 7.30pm in Thorpe Village Hall

Present: Councillor A. Bock (in the Chair) Councillors C. Garrett, L. Frith 6 Parishioners

Public Participation


1108. Apologies

Councillor D. Belton and J Bailey.

1109. Election of Officers

David Morgan resigned on 16th May 2019. This is due to a conflict of interest with his role on the Derbyshire Constabulary and Crime Commission. The vacancy for a 5th councillor will be advertised on the notice boards.

1110. Declaration of Members Interests

No matters raised.

1111. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2019 were approved.

1112. Ongoing Matters

● Village website – Nothing to report.

● Closure of public toilets – No news at present. Councillor Fitzherbert who attended the meeting confirmed that there is no news from Derbyshire Dales District Council with regards to the sale of the toilets.

● Telephone Box refurbishment – The works have not been undertaken to date. So far we have been unable to get a quote from a decorator. There is a possibility of volunteers undertaking the work.

● Potholes/road maintenance – We are very pleased to report that Digmire, Hall Lane and part of Church Lane have been resurfaced by the County Council approximately 2 months ago. This has been done to a high standard and all villagers are happy that this work has been undertaken. Our gratitude was conveyed to John Bailey who was instrumental in persuading the County Council to undertake the works. A letter of thanks will be sent to Councillor Simon Spencer who is responsible for highways and ensured the works were undertaken.

● Flooding of Digmire Lane/Hall Lane – As the roads have been resurfaced and are at a higher level, hopefully this issue no longer exists.

● Public Liability on Parish maintained land – It was agreed to accept the quote of £140 for a tree survey on the Wellingtonia tree at the bottom of Hall Lane.

● Grounds Maintenance – The village green has now been mowed. The Chairman thanked Cyril Challinor for his hard work and in particular for the strimming of Peveril Hill.

● Peveril Hill BT works/Broadband – Villagers are encouraged to fill in the on-line request for Fibre. Whilst we have Fibre in a cabinet within the village, it needs to be distributed to all the houses.

● Defibrillator – A new battery and pads have been installed.

● Notice Board – It is still the intention to move the second notice board from Spend Lane to the village hall as the second notice board is in much better condition.

● Thorpe Village Hall - The new village hall committee chaired by Jane Morgan is seeking funds for the works. To date the rear toilets have been re-roofed. Internally the ceilings in the toilets have been re-plastered and new lights fitted. However, there is a considerable amount of work needed to the toilet areas. Whilst a figure has not been given it is envisaged it will be in excess of £20,000. The village hall is seeking funds from a number of sources including the Dove Dale Dash, grants from the local authority and fund-raising events. They are also seeking funds from Thorpe Parish Council. This is either a donation from surplus funds or from the increase of the precept for 1 or 2 years. After a discussion it was decided that this matter should go to a vote to all villagers for their thoughts.

1113. Finances

Cheques issued:

Cyril Challinor £ 96.00 Andrew Bock/refund for Deliberator batteries and pads £ 82.50 Derbyshire Dales District Council - election expenses £ 105.36

Monies received: None.

Balance sheet up to 3rd September 2019: Current account - £4,585.08 Deposit account - £1,054

1114. Planning Application

A planning application for the conversion of a barn to a single bedroomed holiday accommodation at Ash Cottage, Thorpe has been submitted. No objections from Councillors. This is to be confirmed to Peak Park. A notice has been displayed on the notice board informing villagers of this application.

1115. Correspondence

All general correspondence has been circulated to the Councillors.

1116. The date of next meeting is Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

1117. Other Matters

There is an invitation by the Reverend Carollyn McDonald to a Peak Five Away Day on 28th September at St Oswald’s Church Hall.

Councillor Fitzherbert has confirmed that he still has funds available for good projects from Derbyshire Dales District Council (he has a budget of £900).

The footpath signpost on the track to Coldwall Bridge has fallen down. Derbyshire County Council to be informed.

Can the Peveril of the Peak be signposted with a brown sign as there are a considerable number of requests for directions?

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.


Would you like to do an activity with friends? Sign up for a free taster to try out Nordic Walking.

Nordic Walking poles are planted behind you to propel you forward. The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs. This means you work harder than usual (burn 30% more calories) yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier!

Dates: Wednesday 9th October at 10am. Meet at the National Trust Visitor Centre, DE6 2AZ Low Impact taster: Thursday 17th October at 1.15pm Meet at the Old Dog car park, Thorpe DE6 2AT

Please wear walking boots & dress according to the weather. Nordic Walking Poles provided for all tasters. For details contact: Janneke Gorzeman 07469895267 [email protected] or book now:

DOVEDALE DASH SUNDAY 3RD NOVEMBER 2019 Sign on from 9AM Race starts at 11AM McMurtry & Harding Veterinary Surgeons • Consultations by appointment • Massage - Deep Tissue/Swedish/ • 24 Hour emergency service Pre-Blended Aromatherapy/Hot Stone • OAP discounts on weekday afernoons • Facials • Pet behavioural clinics • Manicures & Pedicures. Jessica Nails • Free ‘Well Pet’ check-ups • Waxing Lunches & After Caring for animals for over 35 years • noon Tea Packages 34 Market Place, Ashbourne 01335 342227 07748 187 330 (Calton) 8 St John St., Wirksworth 01629 823034

TO PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS, Modern Indian Cuisine Take Away Service to Local Villages. PLEASE CONTACT For further details please contact Parul Weston either on 07944 016266 VAL KIRKHAM or [email protected]. See samples on Facebook @veganspiceco 01335 390458 or Instagram @theveganspiceco Leatherbritches Nursery Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire Enquiries: Bill on 07713 743295 or 01335 390571 Open 10am - 5pm (times vary during bad weather) English Plants for English Gardens Herbaceous, Perennial, Alpine, Shrubs, Bedding Plants, Hanging Baskets, Vegetables

Goldstraw Interiors * Kitchens * Bedrooms * Studies For Derbyshire Dales and Uttoxeter * Furniture It’s good to chat. The Workshop, Stanton, Nr Ashbourne Let our free telephone befriending Tel: 01335 324648 service brighten your day. Email: [email protected] Call 01335 210353 Tissington


Local Projects Fund 2019/20 I am pleased to report that Thorpe Village Hall have been the first recipient in this year’s round of my District Councillor Local Projects Fund. There is still £600 in the pot and I await all applications that assist and effect local groups and local communities. Please email: [email protected]

Tissington Hall on BBC East Midlands Inside Out

In October Tissington will feature on the BBC1 show Inside Out in a feature about slavery. Part of the Show was filmed in the Library at Tissington where Sue Brown interviewed myself a bout an ancestor of mine who defended a slave in a court case around 1785. Watch the Show on a Monday night in October. The actual transmission date is to be determined.

Christmas at : 22nd November - 8th December 2019

‘Star of Wonder’ is already under construction by David Walker for our Christmas Opening. There are 8 Ghost Story evenings. Please contact the Office for details.

Sir Richard 250919

Last Year’s Christmas Extravaganza at Tissington Hall ...Christmas in Neverland

Altar Flowers

Oct 6 & 13 Diana Houghton Oct 20 & 27 Carole Unwin

Tissington Village Rally

I would like to thank each and every one who took part in our vintage rally on Sunday 11th August 2019. Despite inclement weather the afternoon was a great success raising £800 for air ambulance funds. Special thanks go to John and Sue Etches for the use of their field on Chapel Lane, Philip Wilton and family and everyone who helped out on the field on the day.

Once again, MANY, MANY thanks from Don Keyworth


Tissington Stargazing Night

Sunday 06 October 2019

19h to 22h - Village Hall Tissington DE6 1RA

Watch the Moon, Jupiter, (with Moons) Saturn, Uranus, International Space Station (ISS) and maybe some Draconids meteors

Free entrance + Free coffee, tea, and snacks + Free delegate handouts Telescope available for stargazing if clear Scope clinic - help and guidance to those to use their own telescope No bookings or reservations - just turn up Raffle to win your own telescope or binocular (if enough attendance)

Kindly sponsored by the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS). Donations very much appreciated and in benefit of Scopes4SEN - donating telescopes to schools, hospitals, organisations with special educational need children and vulnerable people. See Connect via [email protected] or tel. 077 09703854

Jupiter visible from 18.8h -21.1h, 20h15.0m Shadow begin Europe Moon, sets 21h07.9m Saturn visible from 19.2h -22.9h, sets 22h58.5m Uranus visible from 20.9h - 5.7h Draconids best from 19.8h - 6.0h ISS appears 20h05m00s Moon sets 23h55.6m, phase 60.9% CONTACT DETAILS



Rev’d Carollyn McDonald 01335 664132 [email protected]


Rev’d Alan Griggs 01332 361534 [email protected]

Weddings Administrator

Ros Hunt 01335 350221 [email protected]


Miss Ros Hunt 01335 350221 [email protected]


St. Michael’s, Alsop Mrs Caroline Gordon 390651 Mr William Bunting 390329

St. Edmund’s, Fenny Bentley Mr Dennis Stone 350187 Eileen Sims 350255

St. Peter’s, Parwich Mr Martin Compton 390529 Ruth Collie 390684

St. Leonard’s, Thorpe Mr Clarke Lomas 350265 Miss Ros Hunt 350221

St. Mary’s, Tissington Miss Ann Unwin 350732 Diana Houghton 350814

Copy Deadline for November Magazine: 25th October 2019 Articles can be submitted via email to Diana Houghton - [email protected]

To place advertisements, please contact Val Kirkham on 01335 390458 Services for October to beginning of November

October 6th – 16th Sunday after Trinity Alsop no service Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Harvest Festival Service Revd C McDonald Parwich 2.30 pm Holy Communion United S. Revd T Morris Thorpe 9.30 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Tissington 11.00 am Harvest Festival Service Revd C McDonald

October 13th – 17th Sunday after Trinity Alsop 11.15 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Fenny Bentley no service Parwich 9.30 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Thorpe 11.00 am Morning Prayer Mr K Stone Tissington 9.30 am Morning Prayer Mr K Stone

October 20th – 18th Sunday after Trinity Alsop 11.15 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Baptism Service Revd C McDonald Parwich 10.00 am United Service Mr R Sales Thorpe 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Revd C McDonald Tissington 8.00 am Holy Communion (said) Revd C McDonald Tissington Chapel 10.30 am Holy Communion Revd T Morris

October 27th – Last Sunday after Trinity Alsop 11.15 am Morning Prayer Mr K Stone Fenny Bentley no service Parwich 9.30 am Mattins Revd C McDonald Thorpe 11.15 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Tissington no service At St. Giles church in Matlock there will be a Confirmation Service at 6.30 pm

November 3rd – 4th Sunday before Advent Alsop no service Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Evening Prayer Mr & Mrs Collie Parwich 2.30 pm Baptism Service Revd C McDonald Thorpe 6.30 pm Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Tissington 11.00 am Family Service Revd C McDonald

November 10th – 3rd Sunday before Advent

Remembrance Sunday Services at: Alsop 10.45 am Revd C McDonald Fenny Bentley no service Parwich 10.00 am United Service Revd C McDonald Thorpe 10.45 am Miss R Hunt Tissington 9.30 am Mr K Stone